Glee Club to Sing at Town Hall This Evening in Ninth
Coach Kelleher Glee Club Sings Interviewed at Town Hall Page 2 Tonight Vol. 13 New York, N. Y., March 10, 1932 No. 18 West Virginia Beaten Bernard O'Connell At Fordnam Debater* GLEE CLUB TO SING AT TOWN HALL THIS Continue Undefeated Wins Fint Prize in EVENING IN NINTH ANNUAL PRESENTATION Oratorial Contest Coman, Dates and Martin in Brilliant Forensic Win Crowley and Tracey Tie for Over Southerners Second Place in Annual Affair Held March 2 The Vanity Debating Team, repre- senting the Council of Debate of Ford- The Annual Oratorical Contest wan ham University and composed of Jobn held In Collins' Auditorium on Wednes- B, coman, '31; Ralph O. Dates, '31, lay evening, March 2, at 8:15 p. m. and Edward A. Martin, 'J4, success- Nine Interesting speakers, skilled in fully defended the negative of the the art of rhetoric and strongly con- proposition, "Resolred: That Capital- vincing in their argumentation, to- ism as a form of economic organisa- gether with the fine music rendered tion Is unsound In principle," In their by the Fordham University Orchestra, debate with a team representing the furnished an appreciative audience Delta Sigma Rho Forensic Society of with a thoroughly enjoyable evening. West Virginia University, at Collins The outcome of the oratorical contest Auditorium, on Thursday evening, was the selection ol Bernard J. O'Con- March 3. nell '32, as the premier speaker ot the The representatives of the Southern evening, second place, ex aequo, be- Institution, John Havener, '33; Charles ing awarded to Patrick J. Crowley '32, Wise, 'S3, and David Glnsburg, '«», and Martin J.
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