See Phenacetin
STP838-EB/May 1984 Index Bayer, G., 107 Barrall,E.M.,l A (see Anthracene) Beidellite, 134 Accuracy, 6, 13, 22-23, 31-38, 40, Benzamide, 52, 55-56, 59-60, 142 47-49,141-142 Benzene, 25, 90-105, 142 Acetone, 41 Bell Laboratories, 1 Acetonitrile, 25 Benzoic acid, 6-7 Acetophenetidin {see Phenacetin) Bias {see Accuracy) Activity, 92 Biotite, 131 Adiabatic calorimetry {see Calorime- Bismuth, 76-77 try, adiabatic) Blaine, Roger L., editor, 1, 17, 21, 29, Admixtures, 123 141 Alloys, 76-80, 86, 142 Boric anhyride, 76 Aluminum, 130, 133 Brennan, William, P., 2, 5, 21, Aluminum oxide, 76, 122, 125 141-142 American Cyanamid, 21 Brick clay {see Ceramic clay) American Society for Testing and Mate Bridge, Mueller, 96 rials, 1-2,16,19,21,24,29,31, 141, 143 Aminobenzoic acid {see Para-amino- benzoic acid) Calciostrontiaite series, 133 Ammonia, 76-77 Calcite, 124-125, 128-129 Ankerite, 130-131 Calcium, 128 Annealing, 76 Calcium carbonate, 125 Antimony, 76-77 Calorimetry, adiabatic, 90, 92-95, 97, Anthracene, 61, 63-70, 142 99-100,142 Aragonites, 130 Carbon dioxide, 123 Arsenates, 136 Carbonates, 122-124, 143 Arsenic, 76-77 Ceramic clay, 124-125, 143 Assay, 26 Cerussites, 130 ASTM {see American Society for Test Chalcocite, 128-129 ing and Materials) Chalcogenides, 136 Azeotrope, 96 Chlorites, 122, 134-135, 143 Azobenzene, 112-117, 119 Chloroform, 41 Cholestane, 42 Chromatography {see Gas chromatog B raphy. Liquid chromatography. Barium, 124, 130 Thin layer chromatography) 145 Copyright 1984 by AS FM International 146 INDEX Chromium, 82, 131, 135, 143 Dolomite, 123, 128-130 Circuitry, 96 Dopant, 52-53, 56 Clay {see Ceramic clay.
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