Oxfam GB Time for a Tobin Tax? Some practical and political arguments May 1999 This paper was written for Oxfam (Great Britain) by Heinz Stecher with contributions from Michael Bailey. Comments from readers are welcome. For further information or feedback, please contact Jenny Kimmis, Oxfam GB Policy Department (+44 1865 312212 or
[email protected]). Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International. Time for a Tobin Tax? Some practical and political arguments Summary This paper is intended to further discussion on ‘Tobin taxes’. It provides information on the currency aspect of international financial instability, looks at the arguments around a global currency transaction tax and its potential value, explores the possibility of the proposal’s further political advance, and concludes with comments on prospects for advocacy. Why a currency transaction tax? James Tobin, an American economist, made his proposal for a levy on international currency transactions in 1978. The tax was designed to deter the speculation that causes sharp exchange rate fluctuations and serious damage to economies. In the 1990s, two additional facts have sharpened interest in Tobin’s proposal and its variants. The first is the huge growth in foreign exchange trading to about $1.8 trillion per day and the corresponding increase in currency instability and related financial crises. Second, since the tax could generate substantial sums, the idea has attracted the attention of those concerned with financing development – a concern accentuated by the fiscal challenges faced by the state as well as by the growing need for international co-operation on problems of poverty, the environment and security.