SPOT A PROBLEM? seic pt systems THE QUICK AND DIRTY 101 Proper treatment of is vital for the health and safety of yourself, your family and your neighbors. Your septic system is designed to treat only household wastewater. It depends on natural bacteria to digest the waste Contaminated water seeping out of a drainfield is a sign of a material in the tank. It’s a busy little ecosystem right outside fault in a septic system. The spot is also a potential health hazard. your house, but it’s very sensitive. Be familiar with the operation of your system and watch for indica- tions of problems. Check out the “Rate Your Risk” and “System C ontaminants listed in this guide can clog the tank or kill Inspection Basics” panels inside this flyer for useful guidance. the beneficial bacteria, upsetting the natural equilibrium.T his can lead to system failure, exposure to health hazards and expensive repairs. WE CAN HELP

THE GOOD NEWS If you suspect there’s something wrong with any part follow this guide to optimize performance. Post the septic of your system, you’re probably right. Correcting a problem system do’s and don’ts on your refrigerator as a reminder for your early can protect your family’s health—and save you money. entire family. If you have questions or concerns about your system, study The “Flush Responsibly” panel on the inside of this flyer contact the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Public Works De- to review the care and feeding of your septic system. partment right away. You can also talk with a local engineer or a qualified service provider.

pyum our TANK more information is available from these sources Regular inspections and Ketchikan Gateway Borough pumping are the best and least expensive ways to keep Public Works Department 228-6670 your septic system in good working order. Your needs to be pumped at Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation least every THREE years to Your guide remove accumulated and floating scum. (DEC) Juneau 907-465-5180 The Ketchikan Gateway Borough’s sludge-pumping program is to the ins and outs designed to make tank pumping as simple as possible: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of your septic system  there are no additional costs to you. SepticSmart Website  You will be notified by mail when your tank is scheduled to be pumped. Ketchikan Gateway Borough Public Works  all you must do is sign and return the authorization form. Ketchikan, Alaska v. 01/2014 flshesu r ponsibly! EXTEND THE LIFE OF Not okay to flush your septic SYSTEM Not okay for the drain F ats, greases and cooking oils no Inspect your system regularly and mind the signs. See the panel at left for signs of problems. “Out of sight, out of mind” can cost Food waste, citrus and coffee grindsno you money—thousands of dollars in cases of system failure—and Cat litter, cigarette butts and condoms no can expose you, your family Chemical additives no Drainfield and your neighbors to health “Flushable” wipes and diapers no hazards. Household garbage no Don’t drive, park or build over Soil Feminine hygiene items no the septic tank and drainfield. Hair, string, dental floss and cotton swabsno Groundwater Don’t allow vegetation or trees Ss Y TEM to grow on or next to your sep- Hazardous chemicals, paints and solvents no tic tank and drainfield.T heir Prescription and over-the-counter medications no inspectIon basics roots can damage and clog Paper towels, napkins and tissues no the tank and underground T wo common septic tanks in Ketchikan Follow this guide to inspect and bowl freshener hanging tabs no disposal pipes. jet rectangular concrete tank with concrete riser sections. An maintain your septic system. aerator feeds oxygen to beneficial bacteria in the tank. Maintain grass over the drain- donse ’t u & field to disperse and soak up Whitewater black cylindrical fiberglass tank with a green cover. precipitation. This helps the drainfield work more efficiently. An air compressor is separate from the tank, inside your house. sinks as garbage cans! Divert rainwater and roof drains away from the tank and drain- Know your septic tank field. Grade the surface for efficient drainage. a Ok y to flush L ocation of tank don’t drive or park on the tank; keep the area Use water wisely and fix leaking faucets and toilets to prevent Liquid and solid yes clear of vegetation and garbage, and accessible for inspection. Sounds of operation run the aerator or air compressor 24 / 7 overloading your system, which leads to under-treated wastewater. Toilet paper yes for best results. Know the sounds of proper operation. EPA has water conservation tips at Odors mild odors from the tank are common even in proper Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Additional food nutrients operation, but strong odors probably indicate a problem. divert the beneficial bacteria from processing the . RATE YOUR SYSTEM’S the lids covers must be secure to prevent accidental entry. RATE YOUR RISK RISK OF FAILING Use bleach and household cleaners in moderation. To clear clogged T wo common disposal methods pipes, try mechanical methods before choosing liquid drain clean- H ow old is your septic system? ers. These chemicals are toxic to your septic system. Drainfield A buried network of perforated pipes provides for a A) 5 years or less B) 6 to 20 years C) Older than 20 years controlled release of treated wastewater into the ground. Don’t use antibacterial soaps. These soaps can kill the beneficial How many years go by before your septic tank is pumped? Marine where ocean access is convenient, treated bacteria inside the septic tank. A) 3 to 5 years B) More than 5 years C) Never done / unsure wastewater is released into marine waters below minus 4 feet. How often do you pour oil, paint, grease, etc. down the drain? Use dryer sheets rather than liquid fabric softeners; again, it’s A) Never b) Occasionally c) Often Know your wastewater disposal system about minimizing the chemicals that are toxic to the beneficial bacteria. Do your sinks, tub or shower drain slowly? stay clear of buried piping don’t drive or park on the drain- A) Never b) 2 or 3 times a year C) 3+ times a year field:C rushed pipes and compacted soils can cause blockages. Use phosphate-free detergents. Phosphates encourage the growth Grass is good over the drainfield, but not other vegetation. Do vehicles or heavy equipment drive over the drainfield? of algae and have a detrimental effect on water bodies. A) Never b) Occasionally c) Often Water table conditions abnormal standing surface water or saturated ground may indicate broken or clogged pipes, or a Don’t use chemical additives marketed for septic systems. Natural Do wet spots in your yard remain saturated during dry spells? failing drainfield. bacteria inside your system generate their own enzymes to digest A) Never b) Very rarely c) Often nutrients. Our cool temperatures render most “performance en- Odors The drainfield should be odor-free. hancers” useless; these products may even harm your system and If you answer “C” for three or more, your system Outfall alignment unsecured pipes can shift, especially during the environment. Regular pumping of your tank is a more reliable, needs a checkup! severe storms. Inspect the outfall regularly for open joints and cost-effective solution. broken pipes.