Open-Source Software Specified Resolution (300 Dpi Is Adequate)

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Open-Source Software Specified Resolution (300 Dpi Is Adequate) Software Used • Graphic Image Manipulation Program Recreate or Modify (GIMP): an open-source graphics package ava il­ able for GNU/Linux, PCB Layouts with MacOS X, and Windows. If a PDF is the source of the layout, GIMP can import the PDF page at a Open-Source Software specified resolution (300 dpi is adequate). Other graphic file formats Follow this step-by-step process for a cost-efficient way can be opened with GIMP. It is available at to duplicate a physical or published printed circuit board. • pcb-rnd. allows an image to be displayed Dr. Erich S. Heinzle, VKSHSE under the PCB layout A frequently encountered challenge is the duplication of an existing printed circuit being designed. It is board (PCB) layout - one that was published or sold commercially but is no available as a standard longer available, or an existing design needing replacement or updating with new package in GNU/Linux components. As shown in Figure 1, this is easily done with free, open-source distributions such as Ubuntu and Debian, as software (see the sidebar, "Software Used;' for details on the required programs). well as being available as source code, which can be downloaded and com­ piled locally. pcb-rnd can save in other PCB layout formats such as gEDA PCB, Protel Autotrax, KiCad, and FidoCadJ. This tool also enjoys para­ metric footprint support, padstacks, slotted pads, polygonal copper fea ­ tures, and arbitrary text in subcircuits (i.e. footprints). The layout editor supports .png, .eps, and postscript export for home PCB fabricators, and Gerber output format for commer­ cial board manufacture. Of note, pcb-rnd can be made to run on MacOS X, and a dedicated internet relay chat (lRC) channel Figure 1 - The original board on the left, and the exists if help is needed duplicated/updated board on the right. with installation and use. Users of older operating system versions may To follow this process, you will also need a computer running an open-source prefer to build and install operating system. As the requirements for the PCB layout software are minimal, the latest tools from source code. It is avail­ even a Pentium 4 with 5 12 MB of RAM and a monitor with as little as 800 x 600 able at resolution will work. For lower-end hardware, lubuntu (, a light­ pcb-rnd. weight version of the Ubuntu GNU/Linux operating system, or the related Debian ( operating system with a lightweight window manager/desktop • gerbv. a viewer for Gerber-formatted files, environment such as XFCE or LXDE, are ideal. These are easily installed from a available at gerbv. boot CD or bootable USB drive containing a freely downloadable boot image from On the internet. Alternatively, the FreeBSD operating systems and Apple's OS X Ubuntu- and Debian­ operating systems can also be used. based systems, gerbv can be installed from the package sudo apt-get 30 August 2019 '>ST install gerbv. 7 8 The Process Input an image of the PCB layout's copper layer to 1your computer. For physical printed circuit boards, a flatbed scanner or a smartphone camera will work. Save the image as a JPEG, PNG, BMP, or TIFF file. For lay­ outs published in portable document format (PDF), r'B! -iJ _____. import the PDF into a graphic design program, or take OM pttge s~lecte.d and save a screenshot. selectAll J sel«trange: ~I1 _0 ______~ Crop the image and correct any distortion with the open pag~ a1 [ ~s 2Graphic Image Manipulation Program (GIMP, see Figure 2), an open-source graphics package available for W-idth {pl~els): 2550 GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. After loading the H elght~l:/l:els): 3300 image, crop the PCB region within the image (see Figure Resolution: ~000__! Ir»~Jn : f 3). Rotation of the board image may be necessary for board scans (see Figure 4). Following cropping, correct any distortion with the box transform tool to make each I X car.eel , l Import corner a right angle. The overall dimensions and aspect ratio of the image are not important, as the PCB layout Figure 2 - FM bug layout by Colin Mitchell imported into GIMP from PDF. software will scale the image to match the specified layout size (see Figure 5). file ~ it Sdect J!iew Jm•ge L.•ver i:olofS Iools Filter$ ltJljndows l:ldP ~ - - ---- - ')Save the image as either a JPEG or PNG !!l . ti:io , . 1 • , • , • !<I , , . i • 1 • , , ttsp , " 1 • 1 , , • ISO!> 1 , · ~ Vtormat. The preferred PCB layout software is the open­ 4source pcb-rnd. It is available as a standard package in GNU/Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Debian, and as source code that can be downloaded and compiled locally. In Ubuntu- or Debian-based distributions, the command for installing from a package is sudo apt-get install pcb-rnd. Launch pcb-mdwith the PCB image displayed in the background of the editor. Assuming the PCB layout image is saved as MYLAYOUT.PNG, this can be done in a terminal window with pcb-rnd -bg-lmage MYLAYOUT.PNG (see Figure 6). Figure 3 - Cropped layout image in GIMP. As the image will stretch to suit the 5layout size, it can be adjusted in the PREFERENCES dialogue (see Figure 7). If 11 ••• PM • •• 1!1! .. e . .. l!p, I ll!'!· I I , !l!flD, t ! t the PCB size is known, specify this as the layout size. If the PCB size is unknown, determine the required dimen­ sions and scaling by identifying a known mounting pad type with readily deter­ mined dimensions on the board. An inte­ grated circuit with 0.1-inch pin spacing would be ideal. Figure 4 - Rotation of the image. QS August 2019 31 1n pcb-rnd, footprints - the 6mounting pads for components on PCBs - are called subcircuits. pcb-md supports multiple footprint formats and footprint library types, including gEDA PCB, Protel Autotrax, Eagle binary, Eagle XML, and KiCad, or it can use existing PCB layout files in those formats as footprint libraries. pcb-md also sup­ ports real-time internet-based footprint browsing and retrieval from sites such as Invoke the foot­ print library window with the wand 1 key commands. Having identified a known footprint type, place a matching footprint Figure 5 - Cage transformation of the PCB photograph. into the layout editor over the feature on the background image. file Edit View Settings Select Buffer t;()r,nects Plugin~ lnlo Window r _._; 000.00 mil ...,Carefully manipulate the board size phi_._; 5000.-00 I in the layout preferences to match ~~~~ ~ IL Ji ~ [i]li)[j] =-·--~ placed footprints with the scaled foot­ prints in the background image. An initial E D top;nask .:...... guess at the board size and some ;~ ~· Mid::.:"' 'f:,91:~·: ' ~~ · simple calculations to determine the .8 • top"9nd needed scaling of features can speed ~ • fnt'Slg1 this process. Once the board size has been determined, draw a set of lines [Route Styles I ~ Signal around the perimeter of the board on the 0 Powel outline layer to define the board outline 0 Fat . ... !;iew•componm 51rl!l=2s;oomll llne=10.00{.J) when exporting files for manufacture 0 Slg-{lght !Y11,,78.7 3 1.SO d 11nnce «Z0.'00 texb>IOO"' bvf'fel'>'#I (see Figure 8). Figure 6 - The layout editor with the background image. • User-Pov Boenls.lzlt ll«>«ol !iil Htigk Window ~ width ( .sooooom~ T•1'tS.COIAi lneft:m.e'C lll>rory ~" Dodfn ..... Cho clilft9 l&)ltfS I12.00mll !iUMi nimum <op.,., q,.<lng colors .. CooflgPrN 110.oomll [J Minimum <opper..tdtll 19.oomll f:I Ml nlm"'1 touching copper ouert.>p 11.oomll [I Mlnlmwn sllk>Mdlh • botto!Mi19 • bottom-god l1s.oomll [I Minimum drl:l d!Om«., o [] boctOf'b.oa\i.Sk 110.oomll Mlrim'"11 omubrrlng !fl • botlolMUk [)• • SUbdrtul<s I • 5'lb<.part.........."' 1 .• ,Pll'6/P ~ds ~ ~ ~~.,. ~'!:'"~~tla l ~11>pr0Jeclcc111Jglf Sawtofllt.. I ~ C R• ts ~S:~":,.~" LS.~iou~~t ortefMINVdtftubl .. ~ ... M'N:s<>ld<r Qrid=O. m"mm 111>o.0.2S~Ul Figure 7 - PCB layout size preferences. ' Slirtf~ n..2.00DO G..8001 dnnna.O.S080 b:llt•lootl. lluffrrJ I Figure 8 - Add the outline to the board. 32 August 2019 '>ST Q Now place additional individual footprints on each of ~r=l ru .9 [] top-post• ..------......, Othe background image footprint features. On the silk­ .9 • top·s!I< screen of a PCB, the reference designator (or refdes) is j [) lop-mask the information that refers the component to the sche­ ~ • lop-slg matic. If the refdes is known for a component, it can be .8 • top-gid i: • lnt-s191 specified. Select the footprint and invoke the edit proper­ ii . Int-<~ ties window with e and p keys to alter the refdes. The silk­ ~ • outlloe screen refdes is an optional subcircuit attribute in pcb-md :§ • llott-..!9 _& • bottom-gnd and can be deleted if not needed. .& 0 bottom-mask _g • ifflll§iftiiM 0 gComponents on the layout can now be modified if [] bottom·pute necessary. In Figure 9, the original variable capacitor • SObdrcul:s • Subc. part s footprint in the discontinued Dick Smith Electronics • Pstk. nwrks (DSE) FM bug has been modified to accommodate a • Pl'1S}l'ads "'•.a D FMVlusldt more available two-pin type. Simple boards designed in 5 III R.> t< the days of tape and transparencies may be duplicated ~·~ with padstacks (pads that interconnect the top side • SlgNIp.,..., Fat traces to bottom side traces; also called untented vias) vlow-'SoWor grld~ l9 mil l.
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