The Value of TOU Tariffs in Great Britain: Insights for Decision-makers Volume I: Final Report PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY The Brattle Group Ryan Hledik Will Gorman Nicole Irwin University College London (UCL) Michael Fell Moira Nicolson Gesche Huebner July 2017 This report was prepared for Citizens Advice by The Brattle Group and University College London (UCL). All results and any errors are the responsibility of The Brattle Group and UCL and do not represent the opinion of their clients. Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the valuable project management and conceptual contributions of Simon Moore, Clare Silcock, and Morgan Wild of Citizens Advice. We are also grateful to several industry stakeholders for generously taking the time to speak with us about this important issue. Finally, we are highly appreciative of Brattle colleague Serena Hesmondhalgh for her critical contributions to the power systems modeling described in this report, and to Ahmad Faruqui and Neil Lessem for peer review. Please direct inquiries to: Citizens Advice: Morgan Wild,
[email protected] The Brattle Group: Ryan Hledik,
[email protected] UCL: Mike Fell,
[email protected] Table of Contents Glossary of Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ i Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. ii Introduction ................................................................................................................................