M a g a z i n e o f t h e W o r l d P a r r o t T r u s t PsittaScene

I n t h i s I s s u e w w w . p s i t t a s c e n e . o r g Yellow-shouldered Amazons, Susan Friedman, PhD, Lover’s Cruise February 2013

Volume 25 Number 1 Psitta

Scene fromthedirector World Parrot Trust Glanmor House, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4HB, UK. www..org or decades, the Trust has been helping parrots in many different ways, both in our homes and around the world. Our progress and successes Fcome in many different flavours. Sometimes it’s the recovery of a critically threatened like the Echo Parakeet. Sometimes it’s a reader contents inspired by an article in PsittaScene, FlockTalk or on Parrots.org to improve 2 From the Director their parrot’s care. Jamie Gilardi This past month, we heard of an entirely different kind of success, one 4 Stretching our Wings which was as unexpected as it was gratifying. Many of you have followed Yellow-shouldered Amazon release our Hugo Boss campaign supporting conservation in Central and 8 Welcome Cristiana Senni . We’ve been quietly working on a project at a Mayan ruins WPT Trade Specialist called Copan in Houduras. We’ll tell that story more completely in a future PsittaScene issue. For now, suffice it to say that we’ve worked with a number PsittaNews 9 of great partners there to help restore their local population Parrot News and Events by releasing confiscated and captive bred . 10 Thanks! WPT donors: Feb 2012- Jan 2013 After years of FlyFree reintroductions and dozens of success stories, we’ve told a lot of inspiring stories of parrots once again thriving in the 12 Parrot Hero wild, so what’s different about Copan? Well, it’s a tourist destination for Susan Friedman, PhD hundreds of thousands of visitors, mostly international. In working with 16 Just Imagine... park staff, we knew the were doing well. What we didn’t know is Parrot Lover’s Cruise that the tour guides are now starting their tours earlier in the day because of 19 PsittaScene Annual Index them. Apparently word got out that the macaws like to fly around the park WPT Contacts entrance early in the morning. Tourists began asking to see and photograph them before visiting the ruins! 20 Parrots in the Wild Great Green Macaws With the birds thriving and breeding well, the staff getting excited about them, the tour guides seeing their evident value, and the tourists seeking them out - it’s about as great a success as we can hope for, and it bodes well for the future of these resplendent birds in their magical home in Copan.

Jamie Gilardi Director Editor: Joanna Eckles [email protected] Production: Karen Whitley The World Parrot Trust does not necessarily onourcovers endorse any views or statements made by contributors to PsittaScene. FRONT A wild Yellow-shouldered Amazon (Amazona barbadensis) is It will of course consider articles or letters from any contributors on their merits. stunning against the morning sky on the Caribbean island of Bonaire. Go to parrots.org/publications for Guidelines. Local efforts to save and protect this species include research, population Anyone wishing to reprint PsittaScene articles in full or in part needs permission from the author/ monitoring, conservation management and outreach. © Sam Williams photographer and must state that it was copied from PsittaScene. BACK Two Great Green Macaws ( ambiguus), raised by the Ara Project in All contents © World Parrot Trust Printed by Brewers - part of the Martin Luck Group , enjoy their freedom after being the very first of their kind ever to Tel: 01326 563424 be released to the wild in 2012. © Steve Milpacher

2 PsittaScene February 2013 After investing so much time and energy “

caring for them it seemed crazy to just Martin © Rowan let them out into the big wide world. “Stretching Our Wings, page 4


February 2013 PsittaScene 3 annual parrot roost count and 865 birds were counted - add to article?

Parrots confiscated from poachers on the island of Bonaire, are taken to Echo, a WPT FlyFree partner, for emergency care, rehabilitation and eventual release. “Sid” a feisty Yellow-shouldered Amazon (above and right) was among those released. He was less than 10 days old when authorities stepped in and rescued him.

Stretching our wings Article and Photos by Sam Williams

he day begins at Echo’s conservation the “wild” parrots here were also stolen A team of wonderfully dedicated people Tcentre with wild parrots calling from from their families. Some even did time worked tirelessly over many months to huge old Mango trees. Other birds behind bars. Now they are free! rehabilitate these birds and prepare them also chime out their chorus in the cool for release. (Caribbean) winter morning air (24°C / The sad reality is that parrot chicks are 75°F!). By the time the sunlight creeps still being illegally poached on Bonaire. It was with incredible good fortune over the eastern hills, the 30 or so Taken from their nests before they have that at the same time we had the resident parrots have already stretched reached fledgling age, the parrots are opportunity to move our project, Echo, their wings and flown circles around the then sold as pets. This may be for trade to “Dos Pos” (meaning two wells). valley. Thrill seeking parakeets race down on Bonaire, or the parrots are shipped to Dos Pos is a farm with water and fruit the hillsides, tearing through the air. In the neighbouring islands of Curaçao and trees. It is a parrot hotspot recognised the release aviary a group Aruba where they may enter as a Birdlife Important Area. of rescued parrots call into the global pet trade. This new kunuku (farm) provided a out, eager to join perfect location to release inexperienced Back in July 2011 them. After young birds. We immediately got busy we were called in all, most building facilities including: a 15-meter- by law enforcement of long and 4-meter high (50 x 13 feet) in time to rescue release aviary, a separate rehabilitation a single shipment aviary and a hospital shelter for injured including 16 Yellow- birds. Although the house didn’t have shouldered Amazon doors, shutters or even doorframes it Parrots (Amazona represented a significant upgrade on our barbadensis), 94 endemic first kunuku where the rescue began. Brown-throated Conures (Aratinga pertinax) and two Cockatiels (Nymphicus We moved the birds in and they hollandicus) – see PsittaScene 23.3 Aug appeared to approve as it was an upgrade 2011. Most of the 112 birds were young for them too. In the aviaries, we provided chicks. One parrot, Sid, was less than 10 fresh branches of many different species days old. All were in terrible condition. to help the birds learn the local foods Working to end the wild bird trade and return parrots back to the wild

to eat in the wild after release. We still was going on when the bowls were put do this twice a week, every week! Over in the “wrong” place. The excitement many weeks and months, they developed and nerves among the parrots and the flight and foraging skills and before we people were tangible. knew it, it was time to let them go. We had mixed feelings when we did the first Slowly the cord was pulled and the release. After investing so much time and release hatch opened. At first the parrots energy caring for them it seemed crazy looked on quizzically. Then slowly one to just let them out into the big wide plucked up the courage and stepped out world. They were hardly what you’d call towards the food bowl. The releases are streetwise but of course this was what initially very calm events, which often we had been working towards, almost surprises people. Soon another parrot from the moment we opened those sad joined the first on the platform and then filthy boxes a year earlier. a third. By now, we found ourselves urging them on: “Go on… jump!” After e were confident that by releasing the longest few minutes ever, one parrot Wsome but not all the birds at the jumped. It was only to the feeding same time, those first ones would stay table but it was progress. Soon another close by while learning to forage on followed. More birds emerged onto the wild foods. On the morning of the first platform and then… release a group of volunteers peered over bushes near the aviary. Food bowls One bird flew away from the food were put out on the platform next to and into the wild. His rapid flapping the release hatch at the top of the aviary. seemed to express his confusion. He We also put food bowls on a table a few had never flown in a world without meters from the platform. The aviary boundaries. He circled above the aviary, had been partitioned and eight parrots calling out in sheer joy. The birds in were in the section with the release the aviary and even those in the open hatch. This first group knew something section darted from side to side with February 2013 PsittaScene 5 Adopt Sally screams of excitement. Those on the of these birds (including three who table looked up and quickly joined. It arrived with broken wings, one with was a marvelous moment, an honour to a broken leg and another who had witness. After so many months of hard been shot) have been rehabilitated work it was incredibly emotional too. and released back into the wild. Eight more were confiscated as (older) The flyers got more and more illegal pets and they too have been confident, mastering take off and released. (more difficult) landing and learning the area. Others joined and those Even now the aviaries are far from still to be released seemed to offer empty. A small group of broken encouragement. Over the following parrots who are not suitable for weeks as more birds were released, release remain. We call them The the flock became progressively more Ambassadors and they are great adventurous. They roamed further for outreach with local children. on their foraging trip and to areas There’s also Sally. We call her “Fat Have your support doubled! beyond Echo’s feeding stations. It was a Sally” as she is a formerly (very) fat Parrot-keeper Cornell (Connecticut, monumental success. parrot who is now on a strict training USA) has pledged to match the first regime in the hope that one day she $2,000 raised for Sally ll 16 Yellow-shouldered Amazon will fly like a parrot should. If we can www.adoptaparrot.org AParrots from the 2011 rescue get her flying we’re hoping that we survived. We were able to save 87 of the might even get her out into the wild too. 94 Brown-throated Conures. Most were some point Forest has also had his leg suitable for release and are now thriving. In 2012 four young parrots were broken and sadly it is too late for us to Demonstrating that we could care for brought to us in various states of do anything about it now. They were rescued parrots helped Echo establish disrepair. The worst, by far, were Forest incredibly malnourished and desperately our position on Bonaire. Since the 2011 and Bubba. We were told they were underweight. We gave them some rescue, 15 more confiscated and injured five months old and that made sense intensive care to which they responded parrots have been brought to us. Seven for the time of year, but neither of very well. Both improved dramatically them had the physical development and very soon they were looking like of even a two month old fledging. At porcupines with all their new .

6 PsittaScene February 2013 Working to end the wild bird trade and return parrots back to the wild

(far left)Bubba was one of four Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrots brought to Echo last year for rehabilitation. Extremely malnourished and underweight upon arrival, he was slowly nursed back to health (left).

Rehabilitation and release are part of Echo’s work on Bonaire. Research and population monitoring programs are on-going. Outreach efforts get local children (below) and adults out to see parrots and their habitat - allowing them to experience and understand the native treasures on the island.

they also free up space in the Through our conservation government holding aviary, management we are actively making further confiscations addressing the degradation possible. Enforcing their of habitat locally. We’ve protected status helps established a native plant protect Bonaire’s wild parrots. nursery and we are currently However, this program is only one creating a one hectare component of Echo’s work. fenced area. We hope this area will be the first in he Echo team works in a network of herbivore Tthree core areas: research exclusion areas. This first and monitoring, conservation area is on the Dos Pos management, and outreach. Our parrot trail, and will allow research efforts are going well visitors to experience a and we have now completed restored dry forest patch. The time of their arrival coincided seven years of population perfectly with the development of an monitoring. Our most recent Lastly, we think that investing adoption program long in our plans. population estimate is 865 in the local youth is extremely So if you’d like to help give “Fat Sally” birds. In 2013 we will be important for conservation a chance to fly, or to help ensure the exploring the parrot’s success. We’ve already made future of Bubba and Forest please visit habitat requirements, full use of the parrot rescue to us online. Olivia is also up for adoption home range sizes and daily educate local children about and she’s wild! Find out more about movements through radio parrots. The kunuku and these charismatic individuals, read their and GPS tracking. Habitat particularly the parrot trail are blogs and much more on the website (all degradation is a key both great ways to simply get links are on psittascene.org). factor limiting the parrot kids outdoors in nature! population on Bonaire. Echo’s rescue, rehabilitation and release We are working to Sam Williams has been working on the programs are funded by Disney’s learn more about the Caribbean Island of Bonaire since 2003. He Worldwide Conservation Fund. These parrot’s needs and founded Echo in 2010 to protect the island’s programs help individual parrots but problems. unique Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrots.

February 2013 PsittaScene 7 WPT Online

Cristiana Senni joins World Parrot Trust

Introducing the World Parrot Trust’s new Bird Trade Specialist / Social Media Coordinator parrots.org ... • Launched July 1, 2007 See more • 1.5 million visitors from 222 countries / territories • 6,552 pages of content • 8.9 million page views • 3,465 images in gallery

http://www.facebook.com/ WorldParrotTrust • 11,662 likes • WPT facebook pages for: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Like • Comment • Share 115 Promote • Thursday at 10:56 am Italy, Sweden (Scandinavia), and United Kingdom Born and raised in Rome, Italy, Cristiana spent 8 years in New York after art school before moving back to Italy. Cristiana always loved and started keeping parrots - four male Amazons, and a female Grey parrot - about 15 years ago. When she first joined the Trust in 1997, Cristiana volunteered as a translator for PsittaScene. Over time she took on more responsibilities and became our representative in Italy. In 2000, Cristiana became a WPT Trustee.

In recent years, the majority of Cristiana’s work with us has focused on the wild- caught bird trade including representing WPT at bird-trade related meetings http://twitter.com/ParrotTrust with the EU Commission, DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and CITES. • 2,291 followers

In her new role at the Trust, Cristiana will help to facilitate all aspects of our efforts to end ALL international trade in wild-caught parrots. While she will continue to engage in CITES-related activities, research, and communications, she will also be very actively engaged in on-the-ground solutions – working closely with our Fly Free partners to get them emergency guidance, equipment, and veterinary support.

In addition, Cristiana will also be using her talents to manage WPT’s social http://www.youtube.com/ networks - Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. parrotsdotorg Please join us in welcoming Cristiana to the World Parrot Trust staff! • 1,444 subscribers • 1.9 million views Jamie Gilardi We’ve been thrilled to have your help as our Trade Czar (Czarina?) and Trustee for many years, now we’re thrilled to have you join our staff - welcome aboard Cristiana! Thursday at 11:18 am • Like

Steve Milpacher Great News! Looking forward to it! Thursday at 12:22 pm • Like Other WPT websites: Karen Whitley Its an honour to have you with us Cristiana - www.parrots.org/flyfree wishing you every success! www.parrots.org/wpt3 Thursday at 3:48 pm • Like www.parrots.org/bossorange Michelle Kooistra So great to have you as the voice of WPT on www.savelories.org our social networks, Cristiana! See you on Facebook! :) Friday at 07:20 am • Like

Alison Hales Benvenuta Cristiana, great to have even more of your time working to end the wild bird trade – and look forward to many more posts and tweets! Friday at 1:30 pm • Like

Joanna Eckles So glad to have you on our side! http://www.parrots.org/flocktalk Today at 8:30 am • Like • WPT monthly eNewsletter Glenn Reynolds Welcome Cristiana! 2 minutes ago • Like • Launched September 2007 • 11,891 subscribers (current)

8 PsittaScene February 2013 Psitta News Photo: © ? parrotnews Puerto Rican Parrots dispersing Lead Poisoning in Keas Pictures with Santa At least three captive raised Puerto Recent research suggests that the For five years now Dave and Tammy Rican Parrots (Amazona vittata) insatiable curiosity of the Kea (Nestor Kramer of DJ Feathers Aviary in reintroduced in the Rio Abajo Forest notabilis) is causing widespread lead Virginia (usa) have held “Parrot Pictures flew east and are co-mingling with a poisoning and endangering the with Santa” sessions and collected WPT flock of about 150 Orange-winged birds wherever they live near human memberships from parrot lovers in the Amazons (Amazona amazonica) at a new habitation. Northern Virginia area, all in support of site, away from the release area. The the World Parrot Trust. discovery was made when a bird was Visitors to New Zealand’s Southern spotted with a wire around its neck. Alps often find gangs of Kea “eating” Dave says, “We have more fun with this Turns out, the wire was the antenna of their rental cars. They use their beaks event every year. We’ve had several of a radio transmitter. Biologists also found like a Swiss army knife to strip out wiper the same people come back each year, at least two other Puerto Rican Parrots blades and window seals, and to snap too - kids we’ve watched grow from with the flock. off radio antennas. Any tourist silly infant to kindergarten.” This generous enough to leave a window open may and creative pair has covered the costs of This remarkable discovery adds a whole find seats and dashboard dismantled too. Santa, props, advertising, photography, new dimension to management of the printing and developing every year to Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Program. Their distinctive curiosity and bring in funds for WPT’s conservation The plan is to capture the birds and intelligence gives Keas the behavioural programs, with this years’ collection install new radio transmitters before flexibility to exploit new sources of totalling $1,000. Our sincere thanks go releasing them into the habitat that they food. But such a pervasive presence of to Dave and Tammy and DJ Feathers selected and monitor their movement, lead may be impairing their best coping Aviary - your gift is truly appreciated! habitat use and breeding behaviour. strategy - their intelligence. parrotevents Source: www.fws.gov (read more online) Source: news.yahoo.com (read more online) Think Parrots 2013 moreonline Woking Leisure Centre - Surrey The second “Think Parrots” meeting Read more online with easy links to is taking place in the UK May 19th, related information including: 2013. The World Parrot Trust will have a stand with parrot-related merchandise ¡ Links to Yellow-shouldered like t-shirts, dvds, bags and arpilleras. Amazon project sites, interviews, Eb Cravens and WPT Trustee David adoption information and articles Woolcock are both leading workshops. ¡ Parrot Behaviour and Training links 8 www.thinkparrots.co.uk ¡ Parrot Lover’s Cruise 2013 ¡ Links to all the websites in our Paradise Park Parrot Pampering articles, news and events 27th & 28th July 2013

www.psittascene.org Come together to celebrate parrots, enjoy the amazing birds of Paradise Park Cornwall UK, follow the quiz trail and make Languages available: Dutch, a remarkable array of enrichment toys. German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish 8 and Swedish www.paradisepark.org.uk

February 2013 PsittaScene 9 Our sincerest gratitude to the many generous supporters of Over the course of 76 days you raised an extraordinary this year’s WPT3 campaign. With matching donations provided US $120,011 (£77,227). These gifts will directly support by Natural Encounters Conservation Fund, Mr. Jack Devine and conservation activities to save the Blue-throated Macaw in two anonymous donors, more than 600 parrot enthusiasts from Bolivia, the Yellow-crested Cockatoo in Indonesia and the Thanksaround the globe answered our call. Great Green Macaw in Costa Rica and . Special Thanks WPT3 Donors (as of January 31, 2013) for major contributions Anastasia Semczuk A. Garrett Becca Teers D. Logue I. Hedberg Karen Leah Petronis Berl Oakley A. Bernstein Belle Chu D. Lowe I. Mercer Karin Schwab Carol Cipriano A. Eaton Ben Dickson D. Meggitt Ilaria Strazzulla Karl Stein A. Elling Beth & Bill Clark D. Neave Inger Hedberg Karla Nelson Christine Whalen A. Hyland Bettina Bowers D. Wilkes, Jr. J. Bamford Katherine Patrick D. Eskelund A. Lurie & Susanne Schwan Dalys Castro J. Braverman Kathryn Waddell Dolores Howell Shrader Beverley Farrow Haymes J. Heath Kathy Downie E. Loewen A. Merkel Billie Gardner Daniel Griggs J. Hunt Kelly Bauer Ellen Gale & Bill A. Mikhaylov BJ Wallace Daniel Webb J. Reijmerink Kelly McClay A. Orford Bottoni Giorgio Danielle Catanzaro J. Rupp Ken Heising Larson A. Reuter Bradley Weiss Danny Chen Jacqueline Ken Yeh Ellen Selden A. Stewart Brenton Head David Mizener Warburton Kevin Clement Florida West Coast A. Tozman Brett Schug Dawn Case James DeSotel Kim Johan Avian Society A. Yew & Bjorn Brian Aronowitz Dawn Hough James Hibbard Andersson F. Vogel Sandstede Brittany Jones Deanna Larson James Shelton Kristopher John Abel Jose Murillo C. Benetti Debbie Herrington Jamie Rickerson L. Cockinis Hagen Avicultural Mora C. Berry Debbie Russell Jane Doyle L. Durrington Research Institute Adina Floyd C. Froes Deborah Lacombe Jane Moore L. Foss (HARI) Agnes Burczyk C. Landrum Deborah Matousek Janet Delaney L. Lepp J. Macpherson Agnieszka Burczyk C. Marsh Diana Gross Janet Hilton L. Reissner James Philip Alain Breyer C. McNamee Diane Pohl Janice Lang L. Roter Alana Thrower C. Tooley Diane Wilson Jason Garretson L. Williams Armstrong Alessio Fabbri Calgary Parrot Club Dondi Visser Jason Prudom Lana Israel John M. Alex Vassallo Candice Basham Douglas Krok Jean Beyer Larry Mack & Family K. Shaw Alexander Danik Carol Frank Eileen Bosch Jeanette Gunther Lars Persson Kurt Engfehr Alexandra Hardie Caroline Davenport Eli Schwartz Jeanie Murray Laura Yates Leah Matejka PEAC Alice Weinberger Caroline Stott Elizabeth Leckey Jean-Pierre Abello Lauraine Schmuck Aline Pessoa Carolyn Pradun Ellen Fabrikant Jeffrey Beaty Lee Chi Yuen Paignton Zoo Alyssa Silverman Catherine Bourne Emily Robinson Jenna Morris Lena Carlsson Environmental Park Amber Rosintoski Catherine Nelson Evan Kidd Jennifer Quinonez Leslee Morris R. Zimmerman Amber Wright CC Ferreiro Eveline Mutsaerts Jennifer Thurmer Leslye Erickson Roberta Browne Amy Hammett Charles Holloway F. Goupil Jennifer White Leticia Matias Sharon Madere Anders Bengtsson Cheryl Lee Carlson F. Jones Jethro Busch Linda Gilbert Andrea Dailey Cheryl Rutherford F. Shaw Jinean Schofield Linda Hunter Susan Friedman’s LLP Andrea Polden Chris Rasmussen Fiona Clements Joanna Eckles Linda Rolfson Course Participants Andrea Rimondi Chris Shank Francisco Acedo Joanna Miller Lisa Anderson Twila Frieders Andrew Kolker Christina Zdenek Dominique Joel Friedman Lise Winer Angela Martell Christine McMahon Frank & Carol Veith John Hayman Lori Buch Anja Metz Christopher Ford G. Cristalli John Pavela Lori Rielly Ann Takamoto Cinde Silverman G. Kraciuk Jolynn Chappell Louise Caldicott Anne Cindy Tate G. Phillips Jonathan Katz Lynn Deuschle O’Shaughnessy Clara Applegate Gasparo Marsala Joseph Ivers Lynn Pfeffer Annette Cartwright Clint Smeltzer Gemma Dehnbostel Joseph Paglini M & R Kooistra Annette Pipes Coll Kretz Genevieve Launay Joseph Sciortino M Lugthart-Bergers Aprille Harris Corey Raffel George Butel Josette Maury M. Cronin Arthur Kettelhut Corrie Alexander George Goulding Juan Carlos Areces M. Lanoix B. Beldon Cotswold Wildlife Glynis Newton Judith Bergfield M. Lynch B. Borisch Park Grainne Matthews Judith Genensky M. Maton B. Fass-Holmes Cristina Brown Gregory Meissner Judith Gertler M. Muck B. Wenborn Cynthia Bergen Gregory Nishihira Juli Lohnes M. Pominchuk Baerbel Schumacher D & L Leathard Grisellle Tomcsik Julia Kittelson M. Wolfset Barbara Fern D & R McClellan H. Dent Julie Bartlett M.M. Bayegan Greenberg D. Carver H. Horton Julie Kapito Madeleine Lenke Barbara Kellam D. Hicks Heidi Fleiss K. Bruno Maggie Rosenthal Barbara Novak D. Hopkins Heinz Remold K. Ward Marc Hess Barbara Vasquenz D. Klinebriel & Helen Jones K. Yelinek Margaret Murphy Bard Ermentout Family Hideki Yamanishi Karen Blatch Margaret Steinhoff

10 PsittaScene February 2013 Beyond the WPT3 We would also like to acknowledge the support of the following individuals and organisations for their outstanding gifts in 2012 to a variety of other WPT programmes. Thank you for your support. WPT3 Donors (as of January 31, 2013) Individuals Marguerite Floyd Pamela Boremski Sarah Schachter Åke Strandberg Fran Vogel Maria Pope Pamela Cook Scott Hamilton Annemarie & Richard J. Worely Marika Vitali Pamela Price Sharon Hall Marjorie Wexler Pat Bennett Sherrill Meeker Zimmerman J.A. Manthorpe-Eberle Mary Brush Pat Julien Sherry Leybovich B. Evans Jack Devine Mary Chandler Patricia Lane Sheryl & Scot Berg Bill & Terry C. Pelster John “Jeff ” MacPherson Mary Kesner Patricia Stein Sheryl Robinson Bill Goodman Jonna & Jeffery Mazet Mary McCombie Patricia Wainright Shirley Gallagher Brian Freer Karen Marts Mary Williams Paul Gonthier Sophia Dunn Marylynn Loepki Pauline Cameron Sue Wydell Bruce & Pam King Karen Shaw Masaru Muro Paulo Beraldi Summer Devlin Carol Cipriano Kathryne Thorpe & Maxine Alvarez Peggy Fahrenkamp Susan Clayton Claire Cronmiller Family Mayumi Okamoto Perry Nelson Susan Markowitz Cornell Bialicki Linda Cockinis Megan Kiedrowski Peter Russell Susan Rich Cyndi Miller Lynn Hall Megan Rutherford Preben Schøpzinsky Susan Seymour Megumi Takatsu R. Harper Susan Zaar D. F. Clarke Malinda Chouinard Melissa Harding R. Keats Susanne Graves David & Sherri Perrigo Marina Cronin Michael & JoAnn R.E. & H.M. Suzanne Corrington David Eskelund Matthew & Debra Hamm Richardson T. Bright Dr. Donald Hedges Metzger Michael Paul Rachel Baden T. Marshall Ellen Gale & Bill Larson Patricia Stein Michael Pogany Rachel Cassidy T. Spear & John Michele Drake Randall Collins Rush Ernst & Ann Von Peter Molesworth Michelle Yarber Reagan Jones Taylor Callicrate Kugelgen Ricardo Charles Mike Onyskiw Rebecca Wells Teresa Faris Evet Loewen Richard Frisius Miriam Gordon Renae McKeon Teresa Ramirez Miriam Walling Rene Pina Teresa Van Der Organizations ML Carter Ricardo Charles Burg Blackpool Zoo Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Richard Chiger Terry Moore Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund Comber Richard Longo Thea Bennett DJ Feathers Aviary Mrs. JM Hible Robert Bivens Tiffanie Pearse Muraari Vasudevan Robert Calvert Timothee Graze Downtown Aquarium (Houston) Muriel Barnes Robert Friedman, Timothy England Eleanor Lloyd Dees Foundation Myra Anders MD Tina Arntsen Folke Peterson Foundation N. Cole Robert Kleist Tina Close Friends of Banham Zoo N. Frank Roberta McCulloch Tom Siddoway Illinois Bird Fanciers N. Graham Ron Landskroner Tomoko Kuroda N. Groves Rose-Marie Tony S. International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators N. Lesperance Johansson Tonya Anderson Isdell Family Foundation Nancy Brice Rosslyn Paterson Tracey Hooper Kaytee Avian Foundation Nancy Camorati Ruta Vaiciunaite Tuesday Halloway Keith Ewart Charitable Trust Nancy LIghtfoot Ruth Finch Ute Cordova Lynne Heim Connecticut Parrot Society Naomi Henzan Ruth Sosis V. Branson Natalie Baker S & D Milpacher V. Thomas Naples Zoo Nathalie Picard S. Carpenter V. Timofeenko Natural Encounters Conservation Funds NE Davies S. Froelich & Vicki Sheffer New Mexico Bio Park Society Neil Ian & Mrs Deborah Eberle Victoria Bull Oklahoma Avicultural Society Annmarie Grace S. Hanson Victoria Hougen Paignton Zoo Environmental Park Nicholas Cobb S. Persson W. Taylor Nilah MacDonald S. Reynolds Wendy ivanusec Paradise Park Nina Dioletis S. Riley Wendy Kiska Peninsula Caged Bird Society Nora Presutti S. T. E. Sherratt Werner Bergman Raleigh-Durham Caged Bird Society P Zijlmans S. Yule & Michael William Batkay San Francisco Zoological Society P. Bracken Miller William Goodman Shared Earth Foundation P. Fryer S.M. Phillips Winston White P. Jorgensen Sabine Roehr Y. Oslick Smoky Mountain Cage Bird Society Murphy Budgerigars © Steve P. Lewis Sannamari Yukiko Kameyama Vogelpark Avifauna P. Solomita Hautaniemi William Haddon Charitable Trust

February 2013 PsittaScene 11 Parrot Hero Susan Friedman >>

Susan Friedman Ph.D., is a psychology professor at Utah State University. She is one of the few college professors with this professional background in human behavoir combined with a deep interest in the behavior and training of birds and other animals. Susan has helped pioneer efforts to apply to animals the scientifically sound teaching technology and ethical standard of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Susan teaches two on-line courses, I first learned about the school of taught with positive reinforcement to one for veterinarians and other psychology that views the study of autonomously step onto an offered professionals, and another behavior change as a natural science. hand has a more positive experience This science is called behavior analysis, and a higher degree of empowerment. for pet owners; and she presents from which emerged the teaching An empowered animal, with a lifestyle cross-species seminars around the technology called applied behavior of positive experiences, has a better world. Her articles appear on the analysis. quality of life. Detractors sometimes Internet in 10 languages. argue that empowered parrots means Working with children, the standard birdy bedlam; but this is not an either/ of humane and effective treatment We applaud Susan’s undying or situation. With knowledge and skill is of course very high. I hoped to about how behavior works, we can passion for the health and dignity bring this standard to our work with have empowered and well-behaved of all animals and her tremendous parrots and other captive animals. This companion parrots. Force and coercion support of the World Parrot Trust. standard is embodied by the “least cannot produce such wonderful results. intrusive” guideline. That is, given a choice between different, effective While studying and seeking solutions Tell us about your work with children behavior change interventions, we are to behavioral challenges in both and how that prepared you for ethically bound to use the intervention humans and parrots, what parallels working with companion animals that is most positive and provides the do you see? This is one of the truly and their caregivers. Early in my learner with the greatest degree of exciting things about Earth: All the career I worked with two populations empowerment. By empowerment I planet’s animals learn according to the of children with special learning needs mean the freedom to control one’s own same basic principles. Although what that were extreme enough to warrant outcomes. we do and our motivation for doing it living at our residential treatment center. can be very different across species and One group was adolescents referred to For example, many birds comply with individuals, there is no doubt that we all as emotionally disturbed and behavior their caregiver prying the bird’s toes behave for a reason. That is, behavior disordered, and the other group was off the perch to get them to step is an evolved tool to operate on the children with autism. It was there that up. However, the bird that has been environment for meaningful outcomes.

12 PsittaScene August 2012 “I think of behavior like a stone tossed into calm waters.”

All animals experience the face. One of the main obstacles is a by behaving in that way. The dominance consequences of behaving. People prevailing belief that animals behave label doesn’t tell us whether the bird is often think of consequences too largely from an innate, involuntary lunging, biting, flying off, chasing, or narrowly. Consequences are essential repertoire rather than their learning grabbing the perch tightly with its feet. feedback about the benefits and costs history. In fact, for parrots as for It doesn’t tell us the conditions in which of behaving in that way, under those people, learning accounts for the largest the behavior arises, e.g., on the cage top, conditions. In short, behavior that part of their behavioral repertoires or at night, when a hand is offered, or works is repeated; behavior that doesn’t in the wild and in captivity. This is with a particular person or bird. And, work is suppressed or revised. This good news because learned problem the dominance label doesn’t tell us the performance-feedback-revision loop is behaviors can be replaced with positive consequence the behavior produces that the source of animals’ flexibility, which behaviors, if one knows how to teach gives the behavior value for the bird, e.g., is needed to meet the demands of an new behaviors well. withdrawal of a hand, or access to food ever-changing environment. With this or a favorite perch. This behavior unit – contemporary understanding, it is no Another general problem is the over- antecedent, behavior, consequence – the longer sensible to engage in the nature reliance on labels to describe behavior. ABCs, is the minimum information we vs. nurture debate. Learning, defined as People are unaware that the names need in order to teach the bird to behave behavior change due to experience, is they call their birds are vague and differently, more successfully, living our nature. uninformative from a teaching point among people. of view. For example, we can call a bird What are some of the recurring “dominant” but that doesn’t tell us the At the specific level, people commonly issues you encounter while working three most important things we need report that their birds refuse to come out with parrot caregivers? At the general to know to change behavior: 1) what of their cages, bite offered hands, and level, there is so much misinformation the bird is actually doing in observable scream loudly for long durations. With about how behavior works that I have terms; 2) the antecedent conditions a careful ABC assessment, we can retire borrowed the term “cultural fog” to that signal to the bird do x now; and, vague labels (e.g., hormonal, abused, describe the obstacles to the scientific 3) the consequence that gives the phobic) and set well operationalized analysis of behavior that many people behavior function, the purpose served, behavior targets to teach parrots positive,

Throughout her career, Susan has worked with an amazing variety of species and people - from macaws to potbelly pigs; pet owners to professional trainers. All photos © Steve Martin and NEI All photos © Steve

August 2012 PsittaScene 13 Behavior & Training Resources

Susan’s website | www.behaviorworks.org >> also includes information about on-line and in-person courses / events.

Steve Martin | www.naturalencounters.com

Barbara Heidenreich | www.goodbirdinc.com

WPT Experts | www.parrots.org

Cambridge Center | www.behavior.org

>> All sites linked from www.psittascene.org

alternative behaviors. Behavior change working with parrots. One of my early in which essential information is programs can be simple but they’re not mentors, Ogden Lindsley, taught me exchanged with the learner. Rather always easy; they require the careful that if you want to really understand than teaching things to animals, the application of learning principles and a particular behavior then study the sensitive caregiver teaches things consistent implementation. Still, with a extremes. The learning needs of those with animals. No matter how much sound teaching plan, change will occur. children were extreme. By comparison, experience a caregiver brings to a To change behavior, change conditions, except for a few noteworthy instances, training session, the learner always adds including what you do. both my children’s and parrots’ behavior critical information to complete the were less complicated to guide, for process. This is the art of teaching – the For example, when teaching a bird to which I was continually amazed and knowledgeable application of learning step on your hand, first offer your hand grateful. principles and the sensitivity to lead the about 6 inches away from the bird. learner while being led yourself. Allow the bird to show you with its Having the privilege to help teach body language that it is ready to step up, individuals from many species, the What guidance can you offer then steadily move your hand toward widespread applicability of best caregivers of older birds or birds that your bird in the step-up position. When teaching practices always rings clear. have been through many homes, to the bird steps up, be sure to reinforce Where some people see punishment help them get off on the right foot? that behavior immediately with a food opportunities (i.e., stopping behavior), I think of behavior like a stone tossed treat or other consequence the bird a skilled teacher sees teaching into calm waters. When behavior is values. Finally, allow the bird to step opportunities and arranges the tossed into the environment, concentric right back down. The freedom to environment to make the right behavior circles result. The first circle closest to choose to step down also reinforces the easier and more rewarding for the the behavior’s entry point represents previous choice to step up. Resist the learner. People often expect too much the current conditions. It is current temptation to dash off with the bird to too soon from children and parrots. conditions that are the strongest and the living room until the bird performs Behaviors are best taught by shaping, longest lasting influencers of future this step without hesitation. Then move i.e., small reinforced steps, called behavior. to the next step, walking with the bird approximations, towards the desired perched on your hand. goal. In this way, the opportunity This is great news for caregivers of for positive practice and the rate of “seasoned” birds because we can’t Have your experiences working with reinforcement is high – two necessary change an animal’s history but we can parrots provided any insights and conditions for learning success and change the current conditions right solutions helpful in raising your own emotional wellbeing. now. It all starts with answering the daughters? It was my work with special single most important question any needs children and adolescents that best Great teaching is a dynamic process, caregiver can ask: What behavior do I prepared me for both motherhood and not a dogmatic process. It is a dialogue want this bird to do? Clearly describe

14 PsittaScene February 2013 Susan’s passion is unmistakable; her goal: to provide the essential tools people need to empower and enrich the lives of the animals in their care. All photos © Steve Martin and NEI All photos © Steve

the desired behavior in observable terms with whom they interact. Everything A lot has changed in aviculture and and make your positive reinforcement, on the website is available for free parrot-keeping in the last 15-20 shaping plan. Waste no time on what you download and distribution. There are years. Do you think caregivers are want the animal not to do. The problem some great graphics for T-shirts and increasingly well-informed, or is there behavior will naturally decrease when fun videos I call Pocketsize Behavior still a long way to go? Of course our the bird has a well-reinforced alternative Science to share with other caregivers. work to improve the quality of life for behavior in its repertoire. Behavior all learners is never done. However, it follows where positive reinforcement Steve Martin has a gift for translating is inspiring to see people’s awareness leads. scientific information into practical of humane, effective training practices application and decades of experience growing steadily. The current trends in We encourage all our readers to training animals humanely; he has animal behavior research and practice take your courses! Meanwhile what excellent articles on his website. represent a new awakening. We see now resources might serve as an initial Barbara Heidenreich’s contribution the learning potential of animals, as step in that direction? Recently, Steve to companion parrot caregivers has never before. Martin and I were discussing a shared been substantial. Sid Price, Chris insight: It’s very important that people Shanks, Cassie Malina, Chris Jenkins, At the same time, I try to stay mindful ask self-proclaimed experts where they and many of the contributors to the of the need to extend compassion for learned about learning and behavior. WPT’s Expert Corner are on my list of one another. It’s a lot to ask people We can all buy a guitar but we don’t resources, as well. to take the leap out of the cultural all make beautiful music. Sometimes fog, away from practices they believe people think that training is all too There are also superb resources in the to be effective, toward new ways of easy and they launch off to change an larger world of learning and behavior understanding, predicting and changing animal’s behavior with little more than worth mentioning. For example, Susan their world. I can’t imagine a more a dinner conversation. So, I am glad to Schneider, a renowned behavior analyst, amazing planet than this one, where encourage parrot caregivers to dedicate has written a fabulous new book called animal life is at once so different and themselves to the study of learning and The Science of Consequences that I know yet so similar. It is the similarities to arrange hands-on experiences where your readers would find enlightening; that intrigue me most, and learning they can improve their training skills. Paul Chance’s Learning and Behavior principles are one great unifying feature I can promise that in doing so your text is an eye opener. Murray Sidman’s across species. relationships with your own species will groundbreaking book, Coercion and Its improve too! Fallout, is a life-changing read, and the Thank you for the opportunity to share Cambridge Center website is worth my thoughts. It would be a great honor if people perusing to get an idea for the far found the information on my website reaching relevance of our science of Thank you Susan for your work and helpful to their work with all the learner’s behavior change. your passion for all learners.

February 2013 PsittaScene 15 Just Imagine...

Sea turtles at Xcaret (Mexico) and wild Grand Cayman Amazons were among countless 2012 cruise highlights.

ust imagine for a moment; waking we boarded the Carnival Conquest, its to presentations from Phoebe Green- up to a beautiful sunrise over the vast size and opulent decoration were far Linden, Dr. Scott Echols and Pat Jocean, eating breakfast whilst beyond my expectations. Glass elevators Anderson, all true experts in their fields flying fish and dolphins entertain and stunning staircases gave access to all and without exception, inspirational you, spending the morning observing fourteen decks of this most magnificent people. beautiful parrots in the wild, a barbecue of vessels. The cabins, or staterooms lunch on a tropical beach, palm trees as they are known, were exceptionally As we awoke the following morning gently swaying in the warm sea breeze, well equipped, spacious and luxurious. we could see the coast of Jamaica. taking a leisurely swim in the afternoon, As a first time cruiser I confess I was a By 9am we had docked and were in before joining friends for a sumptuous little apprehensive about making such a Montego Bay. This day we were free meal in a five star restaurant as the trip, but once onboard all my fears and to do whatever we pleased. We could sun gently sets. Then it’s off to see a apprehension melted away as I rapidly remain onboard the Conquest and show! If only you could be helping settled into the cruising lifestyle. simply soak up the Caribbean sun or we to conserve parrots at the same time could partake in any one of a number of your life would be perfect – but it can! The first evening onboard, the parrot excursions laid on by the cruise line. Just join us for the 2013 Parrot Lover’s lover’s all got together for an icebreaker Cruise. that enabled us to get to know each The next day was the first of the special other and to renew old friendships. This Parrot Lover’s excursions arranged by If the above all sounds like an idyllic was the fourth Parrot Lover’s Cruise for Carol Cipriano, the inspiration behind holiday then just remember, that is some! the Parrot Lover’s Cruise back in 2009. only one day – on the Parrot Lover’s To this day Carol runs each and every Cruise you will have seven such days to The next two days were what the cruise one with skill, efficiency and great remember and treasure forever. line calls “Fun Days at Sea”, and in attention to detail. I had been eagerly truth they were just that. As we sailed anticipating this excursion for the Allow me to tell you more about the the ocean between New Orleans and chance to see Grand Cayman Parrots 2012 Parrot Lover’s Cruise as it might our first port of call, Montego Bay, we in the wild. By 7am we had arrived just encourage you to dig out your passport, were free to enjoy all of the facilities that offshore and were swiftly transferred dust off your camera and make plans to the ship afforded us; everything from by small boat to the island itself. Grand join the 2013 cruise. pools, bars, restaurants, sundecks and a Cayman is only about eighteen miles in gymnasium, to shops, a beauty spa and length but what it lacks in size it more The cruise departed from the beautiful even a casino. During the afternoons than makes up for in natural beauty. and vibrant port of New Orleans. As of these first two days we were treated Two coaches then took us on the short

16 PsittaScene February 2013 by David Woolcock Photos by David & Vicki Woolcock

The Carnival Conquest Parrot Lover’s Cruise

drive to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic ongoing on the islands. One of which is Gardens. Excitement was growing as a highly successful project to protect and we neared the entrance to the gardens, conserve the endemic Blue Iguana. The Yellow-headed Amazon on we were all anxious to see the Grand centre for this large and exhibit at Xcaret (Mexico) Cayman Parrot in the wild but realistic very impressive reptile is situated within enough to realise that there were no the Botanic Gardens and the animals guarantees. We should not have worried. themselves can often be encountered as caverns you can do it all here and plenty As we got out of the coaches we were you walk through the gardens. more besides. What we came to see met in the car park by Stuart Mailer, a were the macaws! Xcaret is famous for field officer of the National Trust for On leaving the Botanic Gardens we its free flying macaws and the breeding the Cayman Islands. Stuart pointed us in made our way, for a late lunch, to Seven and release programme for Scarlets. the direction of a tree near the entrance Mile Beach where a sumptuous barbecue to the Botanic Gardens where three of awaited us. Seven Mile Beach is truly Our guide, Fernando Mendoza, very these most beautiful of Amazon Parrots a Caribbean Paradise. A palm fringed, kindly gave us a behind the scenes tour observed us as we arrived! The day was white sand beach, on the edge of the of their facility. We saw the breeding off to a cracking start! Stuart showed beautiful Caribbean sea, what more could aviaries for the Scarlet and Military us around the Botanic Gardens and you want? We even had time for a swim Macaws and an enormous pre-release told us of the ongoing work to protect after lunch before returning to the ship. enclosure that contained fifty Scarlet the Grand Cayman Parrot and its close The day we spent on Grand Cayman will Macaws that were soon to be released relative the Cayman Brac Parrot which always be a treasured memory for me, into the wild. Everyone was then given lives on the neighbouring, smaller island and, I know, many others. the opportunity to work with one of Cayman Brac. The gardens were truly of the free flying macaws in a large stunning, boasting some of the rarest Overnight the ship steamed on to training aviary. By now the whole party orchids on the planet and some of the Mexico. By morning we had arrived at were carrying beaming smiles, but it was most beautiful trees and plants that you the Island of Cozumel. The excursion to get even better. Fernando offered can imagine. Birds were everywhere that Carol had arranged for the Parrot everyone the chance to carry a macaw and Stuart was expert at identifying Lover’s meant that we were to take a to a special release point within the them and pointing them out to us. small ferry from Cozumel back to the park. With macaw on hand, everyone Woodpeckers, Mockingbirds, Bananquits Yucutan Peninsula of Mexico – our made their way to the dais. On the and even the endemic Vitelline Warbler destination was Mexico’s largest theme blow of a whistle all the macaws took made an appearance. We were lucky park Xcaret. flight en mass, as part of the 12 noon enough to see several more Grand “Free Flight of Macaws” show. It was Cayman Parrots as we toured the Xcaret has something for everyone. It a breathtaking spectacle only surpassed gardens. Stuart then introduced Paul was created to promote love and respect by the ecstatic smiles on the faces of Watler, The Environmental Programmes for nature and Mexico’s cultural heritage. the group. Manager of the National Trust for If you want to learn about Mayan history the Cayman Islands who told us about and culture, see traditional Mexican After that our tour wasn’t even over! We the conservation programmes that are horsemanship or swim in underground then met Gabriela who specialised in

February 2013 PsittaScene 17 Cruise participants got a chance to work with macaws from the release program at Xcaret in Mexico.

the hand rearing of the birds at Xcaret. cruisers during the afternoon, and they When we debarked at New Orleans it She gave us a tour of the hand rearing graciously listened. Following on from was the end of a marvellous journey, facility and introduced us to some my talk was a silent auction where all upon which we had made many new young Scarlet and Military Macaws that manner of, often unique, parrot related friends, found inspiration, and she was raising. “Oohs!” and “aahs!” items were offered. I was amazed and above all helped the parrots. abounded during that part of the tour! humbled by the kindness and generosity Xcaret had bred more than a hundred shown to the World Parrot Trust by the David Woolcock is Curator at Paradise Park, Hayle, Scarlet Macaws during 2012. After cruise goers; particularly as I know just Cornwall, UK. He was one such an exciting morning, and much how much we can achieve as a result of of the founders of the World Parrot Trust in 1989 discussion over lunch, we were then free their support. and remains a valued to roam Xcaret to discover more of its Trustee to this day. delights. Their turtle breeding facility was truly impressive and a personal highlight for me. You could see the tiny turtle hatchlings in the first of a series of crystal clear pools. Walking on, you could see their progression with older turtles in each successive pool. Finally you were awed by the massive full grown adults. It would be very easy to spend several days at Xcaret enjoying everything that it has to offer, but sadly our time was limited.

Our final full day was another “Fun Day at Sea” whilst the ship sailed back to New Orleans. It was on this day that I gave a presentation to the Back on board, the silent auction is full of enticing parrot-related items.

Parrot 5th annual trip of a lifetime Before you even embark, start with a shore excursion to see critically Lover’s endangered Puerto Rican Amazons and learn from the scientists working to save them.

Cruise Then hop aboard the ship for departure from San Juan, Puerto Rico. You’ll October 26 - be visiting St. Croix, St. Kitts, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Thomas. November 2

2013 Speakers include World Parrot Trust Director Jamie Gilardi, parrot enrichment expert Robin Shewokis and more speakers to be announced. Sailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico 8 http://parrotloverscruise.com 8 [email protected]

18 PsittaScene February 2013 2012 Index Main: www.parrots.org Change your Address: www.parrots.org/addressupdate

Main - UK & World Karen Whitley, (Admin) PsittaScene Glanmor House, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4HB UK. Tel: (44) 01736 751026 Fax: (44) 01736 751028 [email protected] USA Glenn Reynolds, (weekdays eastern standard time) PO Box 935, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA. Tel/Fax: (1) 863 956 4347 [email protected] 24.1 24.2 Africa February May Dr. Steve Boyes, PO Box 149, Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province 5721, South Africa. Tel/Fax (27) 45 962 1378 • From the Director: Jamie Gilardi • From the Director: Jamie Gilardi [email protected] • Disease Sampling: • True Colours: Australia Lear’s Macaw Eclectus Parrot Nicholas Bishop, • A Grande Sight: Scarlet Macaws - colour mysteries Tel: (61) 408 011 443 • Aiding African Greys: Congo [email protected] • Profiles in Conservation:Steve and Cameroon Benelux Ruud Vonk, Tel (31) 16 847 2715 Martin - NEI, NECF • Long Live the Parrot: Longevity [email protected] Destructive Behaviour: in captive parrots Netherlands Finding Solutions (Part 2) • Parrot Lover’s Cruise 2011 Ria Vonk, (Mem) Steenpad 4,4797SG Willemstad, • In Memory of Cathy Toft • Parrots in the Wild: Double- The Netherlands. eyed Fig Parrot Tel (31) 16 847 2715, • Donor Recognition [email protected] • Parrots in the Wild: Major Belgium Mitchell’s Cockatoos Ronald Coens, (Mem) Tel (32) 3 314 44 83 [email protected] Brazil André Saidenberg, [email protected] Canada Michelle Kooistra, 4377 Gordon Drive, Kelowna, BC, V1W 1S7, Canada. Tel/Fax: (1) 250 766 9363 [email protected] 24.3 24.4 India Avin Deen, August November [email protected] Italy Cristiana Senni, Via di Vigna Murata 350, • From the Director: Jamie Gilardi • From the Chairman: Alison Hales 00143 Roma, Italy. • 10 Years: Blue-throated Macaw • Free to Be - Vinaceous Amazon [email protected] conservation releases Japan TSUBASA, • Few and Far Between: Yellow- • Trees of Life: Saving the Cape 2-2-22 Nakano, Niiza-city, crested Cockatoo Parrot Satiama, 3520005 Japan. [email protected] • Profiles in Conservation:Stewart • Three Black 'toos: Baudin's, Metz - Indonesian Parrot Project Carnaby's and the Forest-Red- Spain/ Rosa Elena Zegarra, • A Tale of Two Psittacines: BFDV - tailed Black Cockatoo [email protected] Mauritius and New Zealand • Sprouting for Parrots: How to Sweden • Parrots in the Wild: Red-crowned sprout seeds for your bird Lars Persson, Parakeet • Parrots in the Wild: Cape Parrot Allmogevägen 13, SE-74022 Bälinge, Sweden. Tel: (46) 1835 5832 [email protected] contacts wpt

February 2013 PsittaScene 19 Parrots in the Wild