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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS July 30, 1979 21348 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 30, 1979 By Mr. VENTO : H .R. 1677: Mr. DoWNEY, Mr. FLORIO, Mr. H.R. 4034 H.J. Res. 385. Joint resolution 500th LEE, Mr. PETRI, Mr. PRITCHARD, Mr. SABO, Mr. By Mrs. FENWICK: SOLOMON, and Mr. STANTON. Anniversary Celebration Commemorating -Page 27, add the following after line 24 H .R . 2040: Mr. TREEN. Christopher Columbus' First Voyage to the and redesignate the subsequent subsection Americas; to the Committee on Post Office H.R. 2501: Mr. RICHMOND. accordingly: A.nd Civil Service. H.R. 2759: Mr. EVANS of the Virgin Islands and Mr. HUGHES. "(k) COUNTRmS SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL By Mr. APPLEGATE (for himself, Mr. TERRORISM.-The Secretary and the Secretary KOGOVSEK, Mr. McDADE , Mr. CARTER , H.R. 2812 : Mr. COUGHLIN. H.R. 3181 : Mr. BAILEY and Mr. BETHUNE. of State shall notify the Committee on For­ Mr. STAGGERS, Mr. FRENZEL, Mr. eign Affairs of the House of Representatives WHITTAKER, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. H.R. 3612 : Mr. HEFTEL. H.R. 3958: Mr. CLAUSEN. and the Committee on Foreign Relations of MILLER Of Ohio, Mr. GOODLING , a.nd the Senate before any license is approved for Mr. CLEVELAND ) : H.R. 4055: Mr. TREEN and Mr. EDWARDS of Oklahoma. the export of goods or technology valued at H. Res. 392. Resolution to express the more than $7,000,000 to any country concern­ sense of the House of Representatives tha.t H.R. 4265: Mr. MCCORMACK, Mr. YATRON, Mr. SIMON, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. PATTERSON, ing which the Secretary of State has made the United States of America should estab­ the following determinations: lish and actively and immediately pursue a Mr. PATTEN, Mr. TREEN, Mr. BAILEY, Mr. national energy plan that emphasirzes and KOSTMAYER, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. SANTINI, Mr. "(1) Such country has repeatedly provided dexnands the use of domestic coal as a means MARLENEE, and Mr. CLEVELAND . support for acts of international terrorism. of displacing current foreign energy imports, H.R. 4279: Mr. GEPHARDT, Mr. EvANS Of "(2) Such exports would xnake a significant and for other purposes; jointly to the Com­ Delaware, Mr. MARRIOTT, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. contribution to the m111tary potential of such MONTGOMERY, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. DANNEMEYER, mittees on Interior and Insular Affairs, and country, including its m111tary logistics capa­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. BURGENER, Mrs. HOLT, Mr. WHITLEY, Mr. bility, or would enhance the ab111ty of such BEDELL, and Mr. DORNAN. country to support acts of international H .R. 4598: Mr. WEISS, Mr. WoN PAT, Mr. terrorism." BOLAND, Mr. VENTO, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. FLOOD, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. YATRON, Mr. SABO, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private DASCHLE, Mr. STOKES, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. H.R. 4040 bills and resolutions were introduced and OTTINGER, Mr. STAGGERS, Mr. LOWRY, Mr. By Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of severally referred as follows: McCORMACK, Mr. PRITCHARD, Mr. PATTERSON, California: Mr. CARTER, Ms. FERRARO, Mr. COUGHLIN, Mr. By Mr. JOHNSON of California: -Page 2, llne 14, strike out "$7,816,190,000" JENRETTE, and Mr. MAGUIRE. and insert in lieu thereof "$7,384,290,000". H.R. 5016. A b111 for title relief of David H.R. 4986 : Mr. CONYERS, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. Page 4, strike out lines 5 through 11 and Roland Weaver; to the Committee on the TRAXLER, Mr. HEFTEL, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. insert in lieu thereof the following: Judiciary. KILDEE, Mr. WEAVER, Mr. DIXON, Mr. BROWN By Mr. SOLARZ: of Ohio, Mr. GAYDOS, Mr. NEAL, Mr. KoGOVSEK, SEc. 103. The Secretary of Defense shall H .R . 5017. A b111 for the relief of Simon Mr. TRIBLE, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. provide to the Congress at the earliest prac­ Stroh; to the Committee on the Judiciary. SHELBY, Mr. GRAY, Mr. YATRON, Mr. BALDUS, ticable date, and not later than the end of Mr. FAZIO, Mr. BONIOR Of Michigan, Mr. the 120-day period beginning on the date of BRODHEAD, Mr. WOLPE, Mrs. SCHROEDER, Mr. the enactment of this Act, a report on­ ADDITIONAL SPONSORS DAVIS of Michigan, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. --strike section 810, title VIII of H.R. 4040. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors PRITCHARD, Mr. WIRTH, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. DE'L­ LUMS, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mrs. HECKLER, and Mr. H.R. 4930 were added to public bills and resolutions AMBRO. as follows: H .J. Res. 53: Mr. WINN. By Mr. LAGOMARSINO: H.R. 473: Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama, and Mr. H .J. Res. 161: Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. PRIT­ - Page 35, line 2, strike "1$699,377,000," and SHUMWAY. CHARD, and Mr. DICKS. insert in lieu thereof "$701,377,000". H .R. 545 : :Mr. PATTERSON, Mr. BADHAM , llr. !H.J. Res. 202: Mr. DORNAN, Mr. GRASS­ LEVITAS, Mr. CARR, Mr. GINN, Mr. BUCHANAN, LEY, and Mr. McDoNALD. 1030 Mr. MOTTL, Mr. ROBERT W. DANIEL, JR., Mr. H. Res. 36 : Mr. TREEN. s. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. By Mr. MOORHEAD of California: GREEN, Mr. PATTEN, Mr. STOKES, Mr. MIKVA, -Page 43, after llne 11, insert the following Mr. PRICE, Mr. BI,ANCHARD, Mr. GEPHARDT, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. new subsection: EVANS of Georgia, Mr. YATRON , Mr. HAGEDORN, "(f) CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW OF STANDBY Mr. WYATT, Mr. DAN DANIEL, Mr. DORNAN, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, PLAN.-(1) After promulgation of a standby HALL of Texas, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. JACOBS, 183. The SPEAKER presented a petition of Federal emergency conservation plan, the Mr. WALKER, Mr. ANDREWS Of Nort h Dakota, the city council, Miami, Fla., relative to the Secretary shall transmit such plan to the Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. HAMILTON , proposed Condominium Act of 1979; which Congress, together with his findings in sup­ Mr. DEVINE, Mr. WINN, Mr. RUNNELS, Mr. was referred to the Committee on Banking, LAGOMARSINO, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. McDON­ Finance and Urban Affairs. port of such plan, in accordance with section ALD, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. ZEFERETTI, Mr. KRAMER, 551(b) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Mr. EDWARDS Of Oklahoma, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. Act. Such plan may become effective only if LoTT, Mr. RosE, Mr. LEE, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. AMENDMENTS either House of the Congress has not dis­ BURGENER, and Mr. APPLEGATE. approved (or both Houses of Congress have H .R. 809: Mr. SABO. Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ approved) such plan in accordance with the H .R . 8ll: Mr. CLAUSEN, Mr. CORCORAN, and posed amendments were submitted as procedures specified in section 551 of such Mr.Lu.JAN. follows: Act." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WE STILL NEED TO RESOLVE THE will all be called upon to reconsider our Last week, the House ignored Administra­ CLINCH RIVER BREEDER REAC­ positions if a resolution is ever to be tion objections and voted to authorize the TOR CONFLICT reached. controversial project, which involves· con­ The Los Angeles Times carried an edi­ struction of an experimental breeder reactor that would be designed to produce more nu­ torial in today's edition which sums up clear fuel than it consumes. HON. GEORGE E. BROWN, JR. the situation. I urge my colleagues in the OF CALIFORNIA r For three years President Carter has been House and the Senate to review this trying to kill the $2.6 billion project, and for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES item and the issue itself. three years the House has refused to sign Monday, July 30, 1979 The editorial follows: the death warrant. This is a case where the [From the Los Angeles Times, July 30, 1979] President is clearly ;right. • Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speak­ The attraction of breeder reactors is that er, the vote last week against the Fuqua­ A BREEDING OF NUCLEAR FUEL-AND TROUBLE If the House of Representatives had dis­ they would use fuel processed from spent Brown compromise on the Clinch River played the same vigor in dealing with truly fuel rods taken from conventional nuclear breeder reactor project will not be the needed energy legislation that it has shown power plants. In the process, they would last vote this body will have on this issue. in keeping alive the dangerous, costly and breed still more fuel. Thus they hold the While I do not intend to rehash the unnecessary Clinch River nuclear project in promise of stretching out world uranium issues here, I would like to state that we Tennessee, the country would be better off. supplies. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. July 30, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REW..ARKS 21349 The Administration, however, looks on the into our hearts and ask ourselves what Government Service S&L Assn., project as a costly and dangerous boondoggle better way there is to comfort these poor, - Acct. No. 01-112091-0_______ 4, 161. 22 for the nuclear industry, and properly so. starving, homeless, and jobless former Securities, stocks, and bonds: Even by optimistic estimates, power produc­ U.S. Government Bonds, Series E_ 1, 094. 16 tion from breeders won't be economically Cabinet members than to suspend the Real Property: feasible until well into the 1990s, if then. ethics law for their sake so they might Residential: And there is even less sure knowledge about find gainful employment. The sooner we 939 Ardmore Drive, Louisville, the environmental safety of breeders than get them off the breadlines and on to the Ky., assessed value____________ 28, 250. 00 there is about that of conventionally de­ lobbying lines the less chance there is Less: Mortgage, Portland Federal signed .reactors. that they will be spending their idle time S&L ------------------------- 10,139.55 The Administration points out that the $2 bad mouthing Hamilton Jordan. For Net value ______________________ 18,110.45 billion that would be required to complete those of you who are not so compassion­ the project could be much better spent on 1030 Anderson Street, Alexandria, other modes of energy production.
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