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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02524-0 - American Poetry After Modernism: The Power of the Word Albert Gelpi Index More information Index “3 in 1” (Creeley), 218 Ashbery, John, works of: A Wave, 7 9 ; “ A W a v e , ” “6/21” (Rich), 157 – 159 75 , 76 , 81 , 87 , 88 – 90 ; Flow Chart, 8 5 , 12 from r h y m m s (Grenier), 242 87 , 90 – 94 ; “Th e New Spirit,” 87 ; Th e 16 from r h y m m s (Grenier), 242 Prelude, 8 7 ; “ Th e Recital,” 87 ; Selected Poems, 82 , 88 ; Self-Portrait in a Convex Abstract Expressionism, 75 Mirror, 73 – 74 , 75 , 85 ; “Self-Portrait in a “Achilles’ Song” (Duncan), 196 Convex Mirror,” 74 , 75 – 79 , 81 , 87 , 94 ; Acker, Kathy, 9 “ Th e System,” 76 , 81 – 86 , 87 , 88 ; Th ree Acts of the Apostles, Th e (Strauss), 9 , 202 Poems, 76 , 81 , 86 – 87 ; “Tradition and Adler, Ed, 117 Talent,” 141 “Advent 1966” (Levertov), 188 , 193 Ash-Wednesday (Eliot), 14 “After the Surprising Conversions” “As If” (Creeley), 220 , 222 (Lowell), 19 “At a Bach Concert” (Rich), 140 “Age of Lowell, Th e” (Ehrenpreis), 35 Atherton, Rev. Hope, 250 Ahmad, Aijiz, 163 Atlas of the Diffi cult World, An (Rich), 138 , 154 “Air Without Incense” (Rich), 156 “Atlas of the Diffi cult World, An” (Rich), 154 , Allen, Donald, 224 ; Th e New American 155 , 157 , 159 Poetry, 224 “At the Fishhouses” (Bishop), 69 , 72 Altieri, Charles, 4 , 5 , 84 , 86 , 153 ; Painterly “At the Loom” (Levertov), 185 Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry: Auden, W.
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