Looking for a Restful "Piece"
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1 __ I• At. 4 ,,, ....t ;;. ; A 4,..,¥,. lli,II;;;;..."'.. __ UPdated DolM ~midOSolJe RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO· WEDNESDAY,' MAR. 4, 20.09 • OUR 62,ND YEAR, No. 87 • 75 CENtS INSIDE Looking for a restful "piece" '., DIANNE STALLINGS Lawn Cemetery with other dstallinp@n,idosonnus.fom Village councilors make certain of Ruidoso's communities, including the t• responsibilities for, a new cemetery city of Hobbs, Greenmount efore they move ahead Cemeteryin Durango, CQlo., on development of a: Councilor Ron Hard decide ifyou want perpetual also can be revisited by the and Gauje Pines Cemetery Bnew municipal ceme eman added his voice, care or not," he said. "It cemetery board, the attorney in Los Alamos. All were tery on Ski Run Road, "Whaes legally entailedwith means perpetual care and said. reviewed and worked on by Ruidoso councilors want to perpetualcare?" we will be expending money The village's ForestLawn members ofthe village ceme know the different levels of Village Attorney Dan forever." Cemetery is close to being tery board that includes responsibility for various Bryantsaidhe's performed a "We do anyway," Nunley out of space. The proposed Dewayne Goar and former cemetery classifications. great deal ofworkforclients said. "But it will mean dedi Ski Run site sits at the parks director Rafael "Rifle" MayorL.RayNunleytold in thecemeterybusinessand catingstaffto that site." northernedgeofthe village Salas. new Village Parks and he knows there are signifi Bryant said village offi Almager presented a 'The site at Monjeau is Recreation ~tor Debboo cant differences in rules to cials should carefully weigh draft of proposed regula recommended," Almager Jo Almager, Tuesday, ''My which a cemetery is subject the choice and consult tions, a proposed layout of said, adding that soil sam onlyconcern is the reference depending on the selected Danny Sissons with plotsfor Monjeau Cemetery ples and some on-site dig- to perpetual care cemetery. category. LaGrone Funeral Chapel as and a fee comparison of the Do wewant that?" :'CounciJors really needto a valuableadvisor. The issue village's existing Forest See CEMETERY. page 3A SIGN OF SPRINC .., 18 SPORTS ii f;",. ,.,.i.: 7... I11 ~;~h~> ," Hondo girls, 'Zow boys win district 6A EDUCATION Ordom:a named nabonal finalist 4A OPINION lal,in£: b:,.:j\; " with BOt COURn;SY DAVID TREMBLEY A thorn branch provides astriking perch lor aWhite Crowned Sparrow atJllree Rivers on the west side of the Sacramento Mountains south of Carrizozo. During the first two resuUs or Ihree months of its lile. the young male learns the basics of the song itwill sing as an adult, aseries of clear whistles followed by buzzes or trills on different pitches. Four of the five subspecies are migratory. Song dialects frequently form in the groups Ihat don't travel far and males on Ihe edge of two dialects may be bilinguat and able to sing both dialects 7A LINCOLN Salary and pay concern council Planners demand more COUNTY DIANNE STALLINGS come from Louisiana. He brought the control over changes ~ r r p , ' r 1·:P; dJf'lllings(4)mtdoJOf!t'ws.wm package to the council and the board C <I YJ.tL.\', x(~ approved it. DIANNE STAWNGS Merit pay and delegationofsomesalary "But there would be no oversight if he dsraiJingJ(J',tllldoJ01Il·U'J. com on tOt: decisionsdrew debate from Ruidoso village negotiated outside the range," Councilor Ruidoso planning commissioners want morejurisdic Awin for the councilors Thursday as they reviewed pro Ron Hardeman said of a manager. tion overchanges ofcommercial uses. posed personnel policy changes. "Except the manager is held account They said Tuesdsy they previously reviewed all Grizzly team at Councilor Angel Shaw said she was able in the budget: Cory emphasized. amended site plans to ensure that a change of use in a hung up on recruitment of executive level "But that's after the fact," Shaw replied. C2, community commercial district. did not negatively Tore positions. because the village manager "Our oversight is our evaluation of the impact a neighborhood and met all requirements for "may" negotiate salary packages outside manager and the budget review: Cory landscaping, screeningand other conditions that may be an established range and can offer incen continued. "I don't have the expertise." He needed for compatibility. INDEX tives such as moving expenses. wants a manager to hold responsible for Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Glen C~Uieds 7B "I have a problem paying travel expens decisions and delegation. Barrow sparked the discussion last month by asking I es." she said. 'There may be times when wecan't hire Planning Director BobDecker why the commission no Comics . ,. .. ,. ,. 6B Interim Village Manager Bill Morris withinapreapproved range," Morris said. longer sees the applications for changes in use. He , .. said sometimes that benefit is the extra "Ultimately,the manager has tocomeback repeated Tuesday, "Whydid we do it for 10to 12 years. Community Page " 2A carrot neededto bring the proper person to to you." ' see every amended site plan? We should get anything ; ( Crossword.....• ',' 6B RUidoso. Shaw said more money for an adminis that pertains to an amended site plan." A car lot on ! "My concern is we paid so much for a tration official might translate to fewer : Mechem Drive is an example. he said. "For years, we Education 6A salary survey and then if we authorize an police officers on the street and councilors I looked at amended site plans to address things like extra $20.000" to move. the pay structure would have to explain that to citizens, I that. You say now it never was in the law. Was it ille- Lett~ 4A is altered, she said. Councilors don't see the budget until after i gal?" :We're talking about the chiefexecutive the fact. she said. Commissioner Don Dutton agreed. "Even If there IS Uncoln County "iB I doing what he thinks is necessary." Williams noted the session last week I no structural change.ifsomethingis different there with Oblluaries 5B CouncilorGreg Corycountered. "Ourover wasjust II workshopand even ifapproved. i cars parked and for sale signs.' commissioners should sight is the budget. If he exceeds that, we the. council isn't "bound forever" to a policy , set' plans. OphUon 4A get an explanation. I'm comfortable with that can be changed by resolution. DOO<er said new wording could be added to say 80)' . the lanlluage." Next Shaw brought up merit raises fur changeofuse comes before the planningcommission. Real Estate 6B Councilor Don Williams said White employees and asked if councilors wanted Businessowner Jennie Dorgan. a frequent attendee Spans 18 Sands Missile Runge found it diffit'U1t to to retain them. at planning commission meetings. said the ability to attruct professtonnla to New Mexico when "We didn't do any this past war." review amendedsite plans exists under a sectiondeahng TV . ,.. <\~ Seen on TV he worked there. Hejoked that to impress Nunley said. with zonmg compliance ",VI,'W. but pllU\l\Ing staffseems . them. Job candidates were bruugllt Mums said no ment rmses wen' glWtl . reluctant to Illlt· It. Weather JA straight tu Cloudcrol\. an attructi"" moun- for several yenrs. Instead, cost-of-hvmg "It IS m th~ ordinance," !\h,. said, '~lWnIlg new !lite tain Vlllllg\\ closeto Alamtll:urdo mcreuse'" were awarded. d,'wlupment and ch!\IIb'" of 11.so "It·, !\Irea<\y there. Just Couneilor James Studdllrd sasd, "I "I tluok that's fmr." NunI"y :i1.ud.: use tt.'" guess th~'re III no way to wnW common I\IT\' ask~'ti 11' meru raISe!< lire l\ll\.>r Dt't1ler called the dL...."""IUI\, "1m "l"mmgshot on g\'t· sense intu \ht.'S<!.' enc...-d ;n the personnel poIi~)' and I.N com ling it 1\'StlI\'t>d• Ma"vur L. &\¥ Nwwy SllId th,' V111ttgl, ~ud $1:1.000 11\ l\lOm~ ellpe",",'" fur thr· ....v PlAIOl£RS. ~'ll-'\' '\A o o nler ,~llugt., llU\D\~",r. tlnn .0. t1i/ll.,,\n.<· t~ ....v PAY .'IIt'· '\ . \ ' ..."-"" I I _,:-.;:r;~-;~:z,"·- ~-:!·rr~e oN; .... ",· ~~"' ..";....;..l......:'=:~~;"'!~·~~~:.''r!--'-~,.~:~~~,T~~~-~;~::Z='''~;BA:':::,"!:. ''''{''::::'='i~_..:::-~:::a~0••••••••,lt \ . , WEDNESDAY, MAR. 4, 2009 ---------THE COMMUNl1Y PAGE • .....;;.;;;;.;.;;;.;.;;;.-.....0..-- " . , ,,, , r ' PHOTO COURTESY OF HEAL COU,RTESY In Santa Fe during Ihe current legislative seSSIOn, Ralph Nix, Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish and Allred Romero, store manager of Lawrence Brothers IGA, right, recently presenled acheck for $1 ,319 HEAL board member Debbie Haines-NIx 10 Freddy Martinez, Disasler Services Manager ollhe Red Cross, as aresull of Ihe slore's "Holiday Cash" promotion during the Christmas season, HEAL sivestrides taken as a com 257-9444 munity tohelp alleviatethe Comprehensive Plan imp meeting at 11 a.m., March of community support for 257-2038 Help End Abuse for Life impact ofdomestic violence lementation recommenda 9. Students in the choir, years. This is a once-a-year tHEAL) board member on New Mexico families. tions to the countycommis under the direction of treat for youand it teaches Debbie Haines-Nix and LCPC sion and proposed Wild Waynta Wirth, have girls to earn their way. It husband Ralph "Skip" Nix land Urban Interface ordi- recently returned from the also gives them opportuni recently' met - with The Lincoln County, nanceinput are li~tlld._ New Mexico choral compe ties they may never have Lieutenant (;overnor Planning Commission win tition. Visitors and 'guestS hadbefore. • piNKPANrt1ER Diane Denish in Santa 10'" meet at 1 p.m. today in the Republicans meet are welcome to attend the Delivery of Girl Scout FA! s.MON-THur~ 450-856 during the 2009 legislative county commission cham meeting, held at 116 S. cookies to customers has SAT & SUN 1;> 4~,.,~ eo.e"" UNINVITED session. bers at the County The Republican Party of Evergreen. begun, and the sale will MQN·THun 655 FR! SAl s ~)VN 25U&655 The Lt.