Oliver, a Sophomore Golf, Covery I
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THE SUNDAY OREGOmAff, POBTLAOT, DECEMBER 27, 1903. 21 iopio At Hldgefleld, "Wash., to enjoy the f which made them man and wife. At the Church, and will consist of a concert of mis- we have intimated, older than the Sermon holiday feast. conclusion of the ceremony and tendering cellaneous luslc One number will bo unac- on the Mount and nowhere quite absent Miss 'Cornwall spent Thursday night of congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gettlns companied. from human relations. He gave to It a with friends at Piedmont. and the guests repaired to an elaborate MADAME PATTI TO SING IN PORTLAND . kind of authority It did not before possess. Dr. Anna M. Barr, accompanied by Miss wedding luncheon. Famous Prima Donna, Supported by Company of Artists, to Appear at theArmory. With the services concluding tonight, all He established It In a realm from which Cora Lemon, left on Thursday to spend The bride was attired in white crepe de the church choirs will take a rest after the practically It had been excluded. He Christmas Kith friends at Salem. Paris, over taffeta, and trimmed with strenuous work, incident to singing Christmas crowned it as the supreme truth, which, cluny. She carried bouquet of white music As usual, the hardest-worke- d singers a ME. ADELINE PATTI, under the Episcopalian the broadest investigation sustained and carnations. Her two bridesmaids. Addle have been those In Catholic and under- Just a Few Days More. direction of Robert Grau and the church choirs. the acutest skepticism could not acry and Wiletha Keed, and maid of M management of Marcus Mayer.will mine. He showed it to be the conclusion The dolls will be given away Kew honor, Emma Sehlbrede, sister of the be In this city at the Armory. Janu- of the ripest Intelligence, the very test of Tear's eve. Do your buying now, a chance bride, were also attired in white and beard as suggestion 14, the direction of Calvin S. EOCKEPELLER'S GOLF BIG. sound sense as well the of "with every dollar purchase. Shirtwaists carried bouquets of white carnations. ary under the purest spiritual aspiration. Much of at big reductions. Beck's, 272 "Wash. st. Charles T. Curry acted as best man. Helllg. his doctrinal philosophy is already dis- Misses Leone Coshow and Dorothea Abra- In the supporting company are Mile. Game Has Made Oil Magnate Not puted. The naturalists and the metaphy- Just This Nothing More. ham acted as flower girls, and Miss Thel-m- a Roza Zamels, a favorite pupil of the Bel Only Healthy, but Jovial. sicians are ruthlessly gnawing at his dem- Alley and Master Nelson Sweltzer as Mar Our sale begins tomorrow. Special re- ring gian violin king, Tsaye; Mile. Vera onstrations. This achievement will stand, ductions on white underwear, rare bar- bearers. Miss Mabel Van Buren ren London pianist; Anton World. and on the roll of benefactors of the race dered weddlnc march Men- - gols, a favorite New York convince the from widely-know-n entitles him to an honorable place. gains to be had. A visit will dolssohn. Hegner. the great and 'eel- - Golf Is giving to John D. Rockefeller it you. Beck's, 272 "Washington street. Misses Veil Barker, Gertie Rast and Katie assisted In receiving list; Vlllard Urlgo, a new tenor who has the new stomach he once said he would Fullerton pay $1,000,000 once de- tne guests. The Interior of the residence London by storm; Claude Cunning- for. In fact the H. B. Clearance Sale. taken crepit old man has become vigorous and THE 0EEG0K COUNTRY. LItt was very prettily decorated with carna- ham, the favdrite baritone of the Carl coats tions, wild ferns, mistletoe Oregon almost useful solely through plalng the The celebrated Stratton's suits and and "Rosa forces, and Mme. Gabrlella Aounda, game. He who was seven years at- And Ls Claims Upon Congress &re Included in this sale. grape. for for the first contralto from the opera In Flor- tenuated almost to a shadow, who could Recognition. Full dress suits to rent lion Clothing Salem. ence. eat nothing heartier than crackers and Co., 16S Third street. The musical director will be the cele- milk, now weighs 185 poundsv and can Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crawford enter- eat almost any food that the normal, Seattle tained brated "maestro," Romualdo Saplc. who Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, in hlg ar- a number of their friends last healthy, strong man takes. gument on OREGON. Wednesday evening. Is well known In America, and has been golf given Thursday for liberal appropri- Not only has youth and ations In Lewis Ex- News has been received here mar- with Mme. Pattl on several of her previous to Rocke- aid of the and Clark v of the health and' strength John D. position Portland, brought ono Oregon City. riage of Miss Ethel Knight formerly of tours. feller, but It has glvon him high spirits at out city, to striking point, which was that since tho The marriage of Miss Elma Albright this Mr. Thomas O. Bonner, of The results of her recent appearances In as well. For years the richest man In Oregon country was acquired the people to Mr. James "Wheeler Church, both of Portlond, Me. The weddlHg took place England tend to show that this marvelous the world had the reputation of being living In section In Portland, Me., December 21. this have paid Into the Oregon City, was celebrated at the The bride Is In full possession of all grumpy and crabbed; and he looked it Federal Treasury $37,000,000 more money is a niece of Mr. R. B. Fleming, of this voice still the wears First Congregational Church at Falls Its richness charm, while Now, however, his face a genial than has ever been expended by the Fed- 8 De- city, and during her residence here made wonderful and expression golf City at o'clock Wednesday evening, perfection as when bound for the links eral Government within their borders. cember 23. Rev. S. Bopllnger, the a wide circle of warm friends. The such wonderful technical has he looks almost Jovial and ho appears The Oregon country. E. groom is business man Including Oregon, Congregational clergyman, officiated at a of Portland, Me., always been hers can never be lost like a man who finds life well worth the Washington, Idaho and tho Western por- where Mr. and Mra Bonner will reside. ca- the ceremony. In which was employed the Mme. Patti began her wonderful living; tion of the State of Montana, ws ac- ring service. Three hundred friends and Miss Eva Stanton, a special student at reer In country November 24, 1S59, at It Is not alone in his physique and Im- quired by the United States by original Willamette University, was this relatives witnessed the wedding. Aa Mrs. united In mar- the old Academy of Music, in New York, proved spirits that Mr. Rockefeller shows dlscov cry and occupancy. The original dis- X.. played Mendelssohn's wed- riage to Mr. G. Oscar Oliver, a sophomore golf, covery I. Porter and is but fitting being still pos- the benefits of but aso In his dres3 was by private American citizens ding march, bridal party entered the In the College of Liberal Arts, at the home it that general formerly unaided by oc- the powers, she and demeanor. Where the Government, and the church auditorium. Miss Frances Fuller, of the bride, at high noon. Bishop H. L. sessed of all her artistic he slouched around in an old rusty black cupancy was by other unaided American of Portland, and Miss Bessie Albright, Barkley officiating. The event was made should. come to America again In the suit and congress gaiters, and any kind citizens, some of whom, and the de- "of Oregon City, cousin and sister, respec- a class affair, the members of the 06 class maturity of her art which she of shabby hat, he has now taken to bear- scendants of practically all of whom, nowr tively, of the bride, preceded the party being the guests of honor, and all the now commands. ing clotljasof a decidedly sporty appear- reside within the limits of the territory as flower girla Following came decorations were In the class colors so acquired. the of Out-of-to- accompanied ance, with a cut and style that a suc- The Government's contribu- Holland, green ceremony orders by bridesmaids,, Miss Constance of and white. After the the money prompt atten- cessful bookmaker would not be ashamed tion of effort toward making this title Salem, and Miss Sheppard, of Barlow. class greeted their "new member" with orders will receive was the sending of Lewis tion. of on Broadway. the and Clark The maid of honor was Miss Ethelwin tho class yell. As soon as congratulations In no way Is the change that golf has expedition, the money cost of which was Albright, a sister of the bride. The bride, had been extended the party, about 60 in made In the great oil magnate more no- insignificant even at that time. costumed In a beautiful gown of white number, retired to the dining-roo- where MALEK'S SOCIAL SIDE. ticeable than In the manner of his dally Yet the settlers who made this magnl- -' silk organdie over white silk taffeta, with a bountiful wedding breakfast was served. visits to his private links at this resort ficent contribution to the National domain a veil to match, and carrying a shower Mr. and Mrs. Oliver left for the North "There's More Than One Girl," Says When Mr.