Of the American Mathematical Society ISSN 0002-9920
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Notices of the American Mathematical Society ISSN 0002-9920 of the American Mathematical Society January 2009 Volume 56, Number 1 Mathematical Models in Science and Engineering page 10 Is the Sky Still Falling? page 20 Volume 55, Number 1, Pages 1–200, January 2009 Urbana Meeting page 92 Raleigh Meeting page 95 Mains’l and spinnaker (see page 88) Trim: 8.25" x 10.75" 200 pages on 40 lb Cougar Opaque • Spine: 5/16" • Print Cover on 9pt Carolina ,!4%8 ,!4%8 ,!4%8 New and Forthcoming Integration and Journal Special Issue Elliptic Equations: Modern Analysis Transformation Groups An Introductory Course John J. Benedetto; Wojciech Czaja, both Dedicated to Bertram Kostant on Michel Chipot, University of Zürich, University of Maryland, College Park, USA the Occasion of his 80th Birthday Switzerland This textbook begins with the fundamen- The aim of this book is to introduce the tals of classical real variables and leads to Contributors: reader to elliptic partial differential equations Lebesgue’s defi nition of the integral, the W. Baldoni, M. Brion, J. B. Carrell, by avoiding technicalities and refi nements. theory of integration and the structure of C. De Concini, P. Etingof, V. Ginzburg, Apart from the basic theory of equations in measures in a measure theoretical format. V. Guillemin, T. S. Holm, R. Howe, divergence form, it includes topics such as The core chapters are followed by chapters A. Joseph, R. Joshua, V. G. Kac, K. Kaveh, singular perturbation problems, homogeni- of a topical nature, which illuminate the D. Kazhdan, A. Knutson, Y. Kosmann- zation, computations, asymptotic behaviour authors’ intellectual vision of modern real Schwarzbach, S. Kumar, C. Laurent- of problems in cylinders, elliptic systems, analysis. These topics include weak conver- Gengoux, S. Loktev, G. Lusztig, nonlinear problems, regularity theory, gence, the Riesz representation theorem, A. Oblomkov, I. Penkov, V. L. Popov, Navier-Stokes system, p-Laplace equation. the Lebesgue differential theorem, and self- C. Procesi, K. Rietsch, L. Rybnikov, A minimal portion on Sobolev spaces is similar sets and fractals. Historical remarks, R. Sjamaar, E.-C. Tan, M. Vergne, presented, while work or integration on illuminating problems and examples, and M. Wakimoto, Z. Wang, A. Weinstein, the boundary has been carefully avoided. appendices on functional analysis and Fou- J. F. Willenbring, L. Williams, S.-W. Yang, Numerous results presented are original and rier analysis provide insight into the theory A. Zelevinsky, G. Zuckerman have not been published elsewhere. and its applications. For a full table of contents please visit 2009. APPROX. 300 P. HARDCOVER 2009. APPROX. 565 P. 21 ILLUS. HARDCOVER www.SpringerLink.com ISBN 978-3-7643-9981-8 $69.95 ISBN 978-0-8176-4306-5 CA. $79.95 VOLUME 13, NUMBERS 3-4, DECEMBER 2008 BIRKHÄUSER ADVANCED TEXTS BIRKHÄUSER ADVANCED TEXTS ISSN 1083-4362 (PRINT) 1531-586X (ONLINE) Dynamical Systems with Explorations in Basic Algebra & Applications using MAPLE Harmonic Analysis Advanced Algebra Second Edition with Applications to Complex Anthony W. Knapp, State University of New Stephen Lynch, Manchester Metropolitan Function Theory and the York, Stony Brook, NY, USA University, UK Heisenberg Group “Finally, the author‘s notorious masterly “The book will be useful for all kinds of style of writing, which stands out by its Steven G. Krantz, Washington University, dynamical systems courses…. [It] shows high degree of clarity, elegance, refi nement, St. Louis, MO, USA the power of using a computer algebra and accuracy, also rules over this newest program to study dynamical systems, This text on modern harmonic analysis textbook of his, which is very likely to and, by giving so many worked examples, provides an introduction to the subject in become one of the great standard texts in provides ample opportunity for experiments. the context in which it is actually applied, algebra for generations.” … [It] is well written and a pleasure to read, in particular, through complex function —Zentralblatt Math which is helped by its attention to historical theory and partial differential equations. Basic Algebra background.“ The exposition begins with the fundamen- —Mathematical Reviews tals of Fourier analysis, complex function 2006. XXII, 717 P. 42 ILLUS. HARDCOVER (Review of First Edition) theory, and integral operators and further ISBN 978-0-8176-3248-9 $69.95 introduces students to cutting edge ideas This new edition has been thoroughly about the Heisenberg group. Advanced Algebra updated and expanded to include more This self-contained text serves as an applications, examples, and exercises, introduction to analysis on the Heisenberg 2008. XXIV, 730 P. 10 ILLUS. HARDCOVER all with solutions; two new chapters on group. It is an ideal text for advanced un- ISBN 978-0-8176-4522-9 $69.95 neural networks and Maplets have also dergraduate and graduate students and will been added. A supplementary e-book aid them in forging new paths of research. Basic Algebra and with interactive exercises, examples, and solutions will also be published. 2009. APPROX. 350 P. HARDCOVER Advanced Algebra (SET) ISBN 978-0-8176-4668-4 $69.95 2009. 2ND ED. APPROX. 500 P. 350 ILLUS. ISBN 978-0-8176-4533-5 $89.95 SOFTCOVER APPLIED AND NUMERICAL HARMONIC CORNERSTONES ANALYSIS ISBN 978-0-8176-4389-8 CA. $59.95 #!,, s&!8 s% -!),ORDERS BIRKHAUSERCOMsWWWBIRKHAUSERCOM Please mention promotion #014005x_184x248_1c when ordering. Prices are valid in the Americas only and are subject to change without notice. For price and ordering information outside the Americas, please contact Birkhäuser Verlag AG by E-mail: [email protected] 014005x_184x248_1c Notices 27 10 of the American Mathematical Society January 2009 Communications 34 WHAT IS...the Schwarzian Derivative? 31 Valentin Ovsienko and Sergei Tabachnikov 38 Hans Grauert: Mathematiker Pur Alan Huckleberry 42 A Celebration of Women in Mathematics at MIT Margaret A. M. Murray 48 John Ewing Retires from the AMS Features Allyn Jackson 10 Mathematical Models in Science and 52 What Is New in ? I. Breaking Free Engineering G. Grätzer Alfio Quarteroni Commentary Mathematical models, along with scientific theory and practical experiments, are a crucial part of modern 7 Opinion: Preserving Our engineering and science. The author takes a look at the History role mathematical models play in topics ranging from Michael Doob vascular simulation to weather forecasting to designing 8 Letters to the Editor America’s Cup sailboats. 27 Pythagorean Crimes—A 20 Is the Sky Still Falling? Book Review David M. Bressoud Reviewed by Alex Kasman Over the past decade mathematicians have been 31 The Cat in Numberland—A Book Review increasingly concerned about the number of under- Reviewed by James Propp graduate students studying mathematics and the consequences thereof, an important one being a possible decreasing need for mathematics faculties to teach them. The author reviews current data, finding cause for both optimism, in increasing numbers, and pessimism, in declining percentages. Notices Departments of the American Mathematical Society About the Cover. 88 EDITOR: Andy Magid Mathematics People . 56 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Daniel Biss, Susanne C. Brenner, Bill Casselman Venkatesh Awarded 2008 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize, Hansen Awarded (Graphics Editor), Robert J. Daverman, Susan 2008 CME/MSRI Prize, Faltings Receives von Staudt Prize, Burban Friedlander, Robion Kirby, Steven G. Krantz, Lisette de Pillis, Peter Sarnak, Mark Saul, John and Opperman Receive ICRA Awards, NDSEG Fellowships Awarded, Swallow, Lisa Traynor Masayoshi Nagata (1927–2008). SENIOR WRITER and DEPUTY EDITOR: Mathematics Opportunities. 59 Allyn Jackson MANAGING EDITOR: Sandra Frost Proposal Due Dates at the DMS, AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Elaine Kehoe Fellowships, DARPA Mathematical Challenges, NDSEG Fellowships, National Academies Research Associateship Programs, Noether Lecture PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Muriel Toupin at ICM 2010, 2009 Fermat Prize for Mathematics Research, Plus PRODUCTION: Kyle Antonevich, Stephen Moye, Erin Murphy, Lori Nero, Karen Ouellette, Donna Salter, Magazine New Writers Award, Departments Again Coordinate Job Offer Deborah Smith, Peter Sykes, Patricia Zinni Deadlines, News from the Fields Institute, Clay Mathematics Institute ADVERTISING SALES: Anne Newcomb 2009 Summer School, News from the Mathematical Biosciences Institute. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Subscription prices for Volume 56 (2009) are US$488 list; US$390 insti- Inside the AMS. 63 tutional member; US$293 individual member. (The AMS Current Events Bulletin, Erdo˝s Memorial Lecture, From the AMS subscription price for members is included in the annual dues.) A late charge of 10% of the subscrip- Public Awareness Office, AMS Hosts Congressional Briefing: Can tion price will be imposed upon orders received from Mathematics Cure Leukemia?, Deaths of AMS Members. nonmembers after January 1 of the subscription year. Add for postage: Surface delivery outside the United States and India—US$27; in India—US$40; expedited Reference and Book List. 65 delivery to destinations in North America—US$35; elsewhere—US$88. Subscriptions and orders for AMS Mathematics Calendar . 70 publications should be addressed to the American Mathematical Society, P.O. Box 845904, Boston, MA 02284-5904 USA. All orders must be prepaid. New Publications Offered by the AMS. 75 ADVERTISING: Notices publishes situations wanted Classified Advertisements. 82 and classified advertising, and display advertising for publishers