2303CrossingTheRubiconD2JW-EW 30/7/07 6:02 pm Page i Crossing the Rubicon Coalition Politics Welsh Style John Osmond 2303CrossingTheRubiconD2JW-EW 30/7/07 6:02 pm Page ii Published in Wales by the Institute of Welsh Affairs The Institute of Welsh Affairs exists to promote quality research and informed debate affecting the cultural, social, political and economic well- being of Wales. IWA is an independent organisation owing no allegiance to any political or economic interest group. Our only interest is in seeing Wales flourish as a country in which to work and live. We are funded by a range of organisations and individuals. For more information about the Institute, its publications, and how to join, either as an individual or corporate supporter, contact: IWA – Institute of Welsh Affairs 1–3 Museum Place Cardiff CF10 3BD Telephone 029 2066 6606 Facsimile 029 2022 1482 E-mail
[email protected] www.iwa.org.uk First Impression August 2007 ISBN 978 1 904773 26 9 © Institute of Welsh Affairs / John Osmond All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers. 2303CrossingTheRubiconD2JW-EW 30/7/07 6:02 pm Page iii 2303CrossingTheRubiconD2JW-EW 30/7/07 6:02 pm Page iv Ynof mae Cymru’un.Y modd nis gwn Chwiliais drwy gyntedd maith fy mod, a chael Deunydd cymodogaeth … In me is Wales one. How, I do not know All the fore-courts of my being I’ve searched, and found The stuff of neighbourhood … Waldo Williams, Cymru’n Un / Wales One, the line that inspired One Wales, the title of the Red-Green Alliance between Labour and Plaid Cymru.* We recognise that, on May 3rd, the people of Wales sought a government of progressive consensus.