VOLUME 120, No. 12 THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2020 35 CENTS MGH Chelsea Council approves respiratory clinic nurse funds aimed for chosen by Celtics as ‘Hero Small Business

Among Us’ By Seth Daniel to that and asked that the administration fee be kept By Seth Daniel The Chelsea City Coun- to $150,000. That left $1 cil has taken another step million for loans. Half of A former Boston Celt- in helping the City recover that will be reserved for the ics dancer, who works as from COVID-19 by approv- Restaurant Recovery Pro- a nurse practitioner in the ing more than $1 million gram and the other half will MGH Chelsea respiratory to help small businesses be for a Small Business Re- clinic, was chosen by the recover from the extended lief Program. Celtics as a ‘Hero Among closures and crippling busi- “This is the third finan- Us’ recipient for her work ness losses. cial step the City and City in treating patients with City Manager Tom Am- Council has taken to relieve COVID-19 in one of the brosino proposed the ex- the impact of COVID-19 in worst-hit communities in penditure after it was rec- our community,” he said. the state. ommended by a Council “Obviously, the food relief Nurse Caroline Sellmer, Task Force that had been was first and then we moved who moved to Boston from appointed by Council Pres- to shelter with our rental as- California for schooling, ident Roy Avellaneda in sistance lottery and now we was honored by the Celt- April. want to concentrate on small ics this month for her work “We’ll start working on business. I want businesses with the the program now in the next to understand we had to fo- “Sellmer, who happens to couple of weeks,” said Am- cus on other things first, but be a Celtics Dancer Alum, brosino. I want them to understand spent the last several weeks Avellaneda said the we care about them. serving the most vulnera- Council did make an “We want to fill in the ble populations in Massa- amendment, as it was sug- gaps with this for business- chusetts,” read a statement gested there would be a es that didn’t get the federal from the Celtics. “Being $250,000 administrative loans or didn’t qualify for reassigned to a respirato- portion, leaving $900,000 them,” he continued. ry clinic in Chelsea, she’s left for loans. However, the Council didn’t agree See BUSINESS Page 3 been an integral part of the Chelsea High Senior Leslie Carretto shows off the Senior Sign delivered to her last week recovery process using her as part of the Senior Week activities that took place leading up to what would have been bi-lingual skill set to con- graduation ceremonies this month. With an in-person graduation now not possible, school nect with patients and help and City officials celebrate seniors with a number of tributes and gifts. A virtual gradua- City Manager, Supt. and Police nurse them back to health.” tion will take place in July, and an individual walk-in graduation will take place in August. Interestingly enough, See Page 6 for more photos. Chief address national unrest in Sellmer was also a Celtics dancer from 2009 to 2011 reaction to death of George Floyd prior to pursuing her edu- cation. Wakefield company vying to replace Mystic By Seth Daniel have seen what happened, Sellmer moved to Bos- and also called for peaceful ton from California to at- Generation Station with wind power “highway” Though Chelsea hasn’t protest if it was to occur. tend Boston College for her experienced the rioting, “This horrific tragedy violence or peaceful pro- has laid bare the inequities By Seth Daniel closer than ever as the An- of an RFP process last De- See HERO Page 3 baric company has put in a cember, but one that could testing that has occurred in and injustices long-endured proposal to ISO New En- transform the region’s Boston and throughout the by those who have suffered from the racism and bias, For decades, environ- gland – the regions power power source to clean and nation in response to the both conscious and uncon- mental activists and hope- grid manager – to go ahead renewable – and according murder of George Floyd at scious, that pervades our ful residents have opined with the planned closure of to Anbaric – in a respon- the hands of some Minne- society,” read the letter. for the day that clean wind the Mystic Station, and re- sible way that could leave apolis police officer, City “The anger and frustration power could replace the place it with a major power Chelsea’s air cleaner and officials addressed the mat- is real and justified. And, gas-powered Mystic Sta- line tied to off-shore wind its waterfront accessible. ter in a letter on Tuesday, protests against a history tion powerplant on Ev- power that is now being “Massachusetts resi- June 2. of violence, intimidation erett’s waterfront – just a built. dents recognize the vital In a joint statement from and oppression have a right stone’s throw from Chel- The Mystic Reliability importance and potential City Manager Tom Am- to be loud and uncomfort- sea’s residential neighbor- Wind Link is one of sev- of renewable energy,” said brosino, Police Chief Brian hoods. eral projects proposed to Kyes and Supt. Almi Abey- MGH Chelsea Nurse Caro- ta, the trio addressed the Now, that day could be ISO New England as part See WIND Page 3 See UNREST Page 5 line Sellmer – who has been frustrations by those who working in the respiratory clinic there for several weeks – was honored by COVID-19 Milestone: City Hall Re-Opens its doors for limited operations the Boston Celtics as a ‘Hero Among Us’ this month. She is also a former Celtics By Seth Daniel DPW, who had the pleasure dancer for two seasons. of opening the door to resi- Were anyone to assert dents for the first time since last February that City Hall mid-March. “We want it being open for business was to become normal because A TIMELESS a milestone worthy of the people need to get back. CONTRIBUTOR shedding of a few tears, it We know there will need to would have been more than be time to adapt, but we’re D. Bruce Mauch is puzzling – if not laughable. here to help and happy this celebrating 47 years But the cruel tool to fate city is coming back.” of employment at the has made it just that, as City Fidel Maltez, DPW di- world-famous Chelsea officials opened City Hall rector, said he and his staff Clock Company and for limited operations on and members of the admin- five decades of - com Monday and it was an emo- istration worked to figure munity service in Chel- tional, and happy, milestone out the best way to re-open sea. Please see page 8. for a City that has suffered the seat of City business. tremendously with massive They have limited walk-ins levels of COVID-19 infec- to the City Clerk’s office INDEPENDENT tions and long lines of hun- and the Treasurer’s Of- gry residents no longer able fice to pay bills – and staff Newspaper Group to provide food for their members are outside to families. help residents figure out if www.chelsearecord.com So, City Hall opening they have all they need so Mike Sandoval of the Department of Public Works opens up the Washington Avenue was a semblance of order they don’t congregate in- entry door to City Hall on Monday, opening up the Hall for the first time to the public and return to what might be side needlessly. since March due to COVID-19 restrictions. As the City went through – and continues to better times. Other departments can be – go through high infection rates and large amounts of people without food, many City “We’re excited,” said access with appointments workers transitioned to essential food distribution work. Now, many are back at City Hall Mike Sandoval of the mostly performing their pre-COVID jobs. Most offices were only open by appointment, but See CITY HALL Page 14 the City Clerk and Treasurer were open to walk-ins.

For the latest news in Chelsea that you need to know, check chelsearecord.com Page 2 THE CHELSEA RECORD Thursday, June 4, 2020

ChelseaRecord PRESIDENT: Stephen Quigley EDITOR IN CHIEF: Cary Shuman


Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. -- The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

The vast majority of Americans have been sickened by the horrific video of a white Minneapolis police officer slowly and agonizingly choking to death a 46 year-old Af- rican-American man, George Floyd. Mr. Floyd had not committed any act of violence prior to being arrested and was lying prone on his stomach, with his hands handcuffed behind his back, as the officer ap- plied pressure with his knee and the full force of his body weight to Mr. Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 53 sec- onds. The murder of Mr. Floyd while in police custody was the culmination of a series of high-profile, race-related in- cidents in recent weeks that have highlighted the racism that is inherent in our society and that have spurred the pro- tests for the past week in major cities across the country. What has been striking about the protest movement is that the protesters in every city have been representative of all races and nationalities, similar to the peaceful protest marches and the Freedom Rider movement in the 1960s Guest Op-Ed that were led by Dr. Martin Luther King and other leaders of the Civil Rights movement at that time. Unfortunately, there always are a few people who will We can’t be silent seek to profit from any situation. Those who have been vandalizing property and who have been ransacking high- end retailers, as occurred Sunday night along Newbury St. By Leo Robinson for some darker days, re- This is very important ity as fathers, husbands, and in downtown Boston, are professional criminals with gardless of status or in- time in our history and im- and leaders of young men lengthy records who have jumped on the protest bandwag- This has been happening come. There is an inherent ages of this incident, as well to stand up and speak for on, so to speak, solely in order to take advantage of the di- for too long. I look back to awareness from Black men as, countless others become those who no longer have version of the police created by the peaceful and legitimate 1968, the presidential con- when dealing with law en- a lasting image forever in a voice. protesters. vention, the uprising where forcement. our minds. During times like these, four students were killed at Our hearts are filled with This is not the first time we have to work through However, the criminal behavior by a small minority of Kent State, the MLK as- sadness, disgust, and over- that we have had to stand our pain and work together professional criminals amidst the protesters should not be sassination on my birthday, all frustration as we contin- together in an attempt to to find a solution. Let’s all a basis, either for average Americans or for our political Robert Kennedy killed the ue to process the tragic and impact change but this do our part. leaders, to fail to acknowledge two important aspects of day before my graduation, senseless acts of violence could be the first time we Leo Robinson is a coun- the current protest movement: Vietnam War—Just a lot of towards yet another indi- actually do create change cillor-at-large for the City First, that every American has a right of free assembly unrest. vidual of the African-Amer- for all humanity. of Chelsea and a lifelong and second, that our nation must address the rampant rac- It seems like we are in ican community. We have a responsibil- Chelsea resident. ism that exists at every level of society. Our government leaders who negatively are politiciz- ing the current situation are no different than the criminals Guest Op-Ed who are ransacking the high-end stores. Both are seeking to hijack the legitimate methods and goals of the protest movement for their own ends. However, we must not allow either the criminal element Tough conversations or unscrupulous politicians to distract us from attaining the goal so eloquently expressed By Damali Vidot day we witnessed the killing meeting in the center to say, and inject equity, dignity, by Dr. King in his “I Have a Dream” speech before of George Floyd. His death, ‘we are better than this.’ and justice for all. 250,000 persons at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963: “I have In recent months, our along with the murder of While many of us feel At a time when even a dream that my four little children will one day live in a lives have changed signifi- Ahmaud Arbery, who was stuck on how to address breathing can feel like a gift nation where they will not be judged by the color of their cantly. Canceled events, simply jogging, or Breonna what COVID has magni- - whether it’s because of skin, but by the content of their character.” learning/teaching and Taylor, who was sleeping fied, we often feel numb or the contagions in our air or Fifty seven years later, America still is a long way from working from home, lay- in her bed, are three of the paralyzed. These feelings the injustice our vulnerable realizing Dr. King’s dream of racial equality. Hopefully, offs, masks covering the many other Black lives lost are normal and though I communities face - I urge the sad and tragic events of the past few weeks will rekin- warm smiles that once that have literally shaken too am scared, I am also in- us all to take a deep breath, greeted us and the fear of this nation to its core. spired. I am inspired by the in memory of and in soli- dle in every American the need to achieve the goal of a just illness or loss have lingered As a mother, aunt and potential we have to make darity with those that are society for all Americans. on our minds since March. mentor to Black and Brown changes in our district. We struggling to breathe. Then More often than not, we youth, I share the fear of are called to improve pub- let us begin again to hold have found ourselves in other parents about the lic health, clean up the en- the tough conversations these unprecedented times safety and future of our vironment, create housing, and make immediate poli- feeling lost or confused. children. And our kids are reform our criminal justice cy changes that will uphold SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Many times, what’s brought scared too. The truth is, we system, support our local the true tenets of justice, Chelsea Record is published every Thursday by the Revere us back to center has been are all affected by the cal- economy, and make new equality, and prosperity for -based Independent Newspaper Group. Periodical postage lous way in which George jobs. The common thread the future we can build to- rates paid at Boston, MA. Subscription rates are $30 per taking a deep breath and re- year in Chelsea, and $60 per year outside the city. The assuring ourselves that we Floyd was killed. People of racial injustice weaves gether. Chelsea Record assumes no financial responsibility for will eventually be okay. of all ages, races, religions, through all these concerns Damali Vidot, typographical errors in advertisements, but will reprint that As if the pandemic and cultures - even elected and is exacerbated by the At-Large Chelsea part of the advertisement in which the error occurs. Adver- weren’t enough, last Mon- officials and many police COVID-19 pandemic. We Councilor tisers will please notify the management immediately of officers themselves - are must reimagine our systems any errors that may occur. Chelsea Record, 101-680, at 385 Broadway, the Citizens Bank Building, Suite 105, Revere, MA 02151, is a weekly publication. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA 02110. POSTMASTER: Send address LETTERS to the Editor changes to Independent Newspaper Group, 385 Broadway, Suite 105, Revere, MA 02151. Subscription price in-town is $26 and out of town is $50. USPS NO. 101-680 EMBARRASSMENT necessary job of protecting ging in Georgia - as well culture that contribute to the public safety. I support as many others. We are tragedies like George Floyd TO THE MOVEMENT them completely and, if saddened and angry about and so many others. But, To the Editor, needed, I will use federal these events that once again we know that as a commu- Loud, even disruptive, charges to make that point. laid bare the ugly racism nity, at the very least we protests honor the mem- I commend the Boston that still exists in this coun- must recognize, discuss ory of George Floyd and Police and the hundreds of try with particularly dead- and grieve the heinous in- Record increase the pressure for CEhelseastablished 1890 other local, state and fed- ly consequences for Black cidences of the past month. swift, transparent account- [email protected] eral officers on the streets boys and men (not that At a time like this, and ability for those who killed last night, for their brav- Black women are exempt). the many others that will Advertising Legal Advertising him. I commend those ery, professionalism and While we are horrified, come, we must reaffirm and Marketing Ellen Bertino who protested loudly, yet restraint. You reminded us we are unfortunately not the importance of our mis- peacefully. But stealing that 99% of law enforce- surprised. These are not iso- sion of “improving the suits, robbing a jewelry ment officers are true pub- lated incidents but a chron- health and well-being of Editorial store, and rounding out Reporters, lic servants, putting them- ic pattern of racial hate the diverse communities Director of Marketing the night by vandalizing selves in harm’s way for the crimes that have persisted we serve.” CCHI strives to Debra DiGregorio Regular Contributors Seth Daniel businesses in Back Bay, at- [email protected] ([email protected]) rest of us. for hundreds of years. In model what it means to val- Cary Shuman tacking police and torching ([email protected]) United States Attorney this difficult time in which ue all lives. For those dis- cruisers? That’s crime, and Andrew E. Lelling communities of color are proportionately affected by Copy Editing, Layout nothing more. disproportionately affected this pandemic and in mem- Assistant Marketing Scott Yates Directors Let me be clear: the vi- WE FEEL by the devastating health, ory of those that have lost Maureen DiBella olence and destruction in social and economic conse- their lives, we rededicate Boston was an embarrass- FRUSTRATED AND quences of COVID-19, this ourselves to partner with ment to the movement for EVEN HELPLESS seems too much for these others to root out racism Senior Sales Associates Business Accounts police reform and account- communities – and all of and journey towards equity. Peter Sacco Executive To the Editor, Judy Russi ability. The Boston Police, us – to bear. Joan Quinlan Kathleen Bright Today, we reflect on Printer supported by State Police, We feel frustrated and Vice President for GateHouse Media Transit Police, federal law the tragic death of George Floyd, the racist incident in even helpless as we strug- Community Health enforcement and the Na- gle with what to do to fun- Leslie Aldrich tional Guard, was doing Central Park, the shooting 781-485-0588 • www.chelsearecord.com of a Black man while jog- damentally change the rac- Executive Director, its job – the dangerous, ist systems, structures and CCHI Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 3

Hero/Continued from Page 1 Boston area musicians are ‘All In For Chelsea’ All In For Chelsea, a established to help fami- borhood Developers, and Master of Science in Nurs- of MGH Chelsea - she has riences. live-streaming concert fea- lies and individuals pay for United Way. ing and Pediatrics (2011- also worked as a Women’s Since its establishment turing close to a dozen lo- rent, food, and medicine. “We’ve all been affected 2013). She went on to re- Health Nurse Practitioner in 1997 by the Boston Celt- cal musicians, will raise “Low income commu- by the coronavirus. Howev- ceive a Master of Science for the Los Angeles County ics, The Heroes Among Us much-needed money for the nities such as Chelsea have er, it is no secret that some in Women’s Health Nurs- Department of Health Ser- program has recognized One Chelsea Fund on Tues- been disproportionately areas of the city and certain ing, too (2017-2018). She vices (Oct. 2018 - present), outstanding individuals day, June 9 at 8:00 p.m. Mu- impacted by this virus; populations have suffered received her BA in Ameri- as a Pediatric Nurse Prac- who have made exception- sicians Will Dailey, Chad- emotionally, physically, more than others,” said Will can Studies and Spanish at titioner at Long Beach Pe- al and lasting contributions wick Stokes, Oompa, Cliff and mentally. Residents Dailey. “As a communi- the University of Southern diatric and Women’s Clinic to their communities. The Notez, and are now facing eviction, ty, we need to rally around California (2004-2008). (May 2018 - Oct 2018), and award is usually presented more are joining together unemployment, and food Chelsea and do what we She currently works as as a Pediatric Nurse Practi- at every Celtics home game to raise funds for the United insecurity,” Kelly Garcia, can to help. I’m proud to be a Nurse Practitioner at the tioner at Boston’s Children and pays tribute to the he- Way’s One Chelsea Fund, Vice Chairwoman, Chelsea part of this event and am in- respiratory illness clinic Hospital (Oct 2014 - May roic achievements of these supporting COVID-19 re- School Committee. “The credibly appreciative of all run by MGH, operating out 2018), among other expe- outstanding citizens. lief efforts in Chelsea, MA, sad and harsh reality of all the musicians and partners one of the hardest-hit re- of this is that this pandemic who have volunteered their Wind /Continued from Page 1 gions in the country. The has exacerbated the ineq- time and talents to make an concert will stream on uities that our students and impact.” the Calling All Crows Face- families have faced for de- All In For Chelsea is a book page and over a dozen cades.” partnership between Dai- Theodore Paradise, Senior spread out only between for generations. other social media sites. Additional perform- ley and Calling All Crows, Vice President for Trans- eastern Massachusetts con- “The thing that changed Over the past three ers include: Dwight and a nonprofit social activist mission Strategy at Anbar- sumers and will create quite since Cape Wind was months, Chelsea has seen Nicole, Adam Ezra, Alisa organization founded by ic. “The retirement of Mys- a cost pinch. where off-shore wind farms infection rates more than Amador, Aubrey Hadd- Stokes and his partner Syb- tic is once-in-a-generation It was with that back- are built,” Paradise said. 10 times the state average, ard and other special guests. il Gallagher to bring their opportunity to tap into our ground that ISO New En- “The real problem with leading to dire impacts, The concert will also fea- commitment to hands-on growing offshore wind re- gland put out the RFP to Cape Wind was you could both economically and so- ture an up close look at service and activism on the source, reduce air pollution explore what could respon- see it. The technology has cially for many Chelsea the impact of Covid-19 on road. and avoid often-delayed sibly replace the Mystic changed now. These farms individuals and families. Chelsea with interviews All In For Chelsea takes overland transmission. Our Station if it was to com- are now built far out – 24 or As thousands fight the vi- from first responders and place Tuesday, June 9 at Mystic Reliability Wind pletely be retired and, like- 25 miles out – beyond the rus, food and personal care essential workers from 8 PM at the Calling All Link proposal will strength- ly, redeveloped. Of all the horizon line. No one can items are running low. The Green Roots, The Chelsea Crows facebook page. en reliability and help set proposals, Anbaric’s is one see it and they’re out in the One Chelsea Fund has been Collaborative, The Neigh- the stage for the next gener- that proposes 1,200 MW – federal waters. When I’m ation of clean energy in the and eventually 2,400 MW around…the Mystic River region.” – of power to be shipped area, you are right there on Business /Continued from Page 1 Paradise added the on a buried wind-power a very nice waterfront, but Mystic Station is a great “highway” from Plymouth the people have very little pollutant in Everett and to Everett. access to the waterfront be- Two City Councillors ers cannot afford to take up He said the federal Pay- Chelsea. He said that since Using power that would cause it is taken up by the have been tapped to join any more debt with strings check Protection Program 2009 it has emitted more be generated by off-shore power plant and industrial City departments on the attached,” she continued. (PPP) required restaurants than 27 million tons of cli- windfarms now in the be- uses. This would open that evaluation committee, and The goal is to offer grant to spend 75 percent on pay- mate-changing CO2, more ginning stages of develop- waterfront up to develop- they include Councillor Ju- money that business owners roll, but that was impossible than 3,000 tons of NOx and ment 25 miles off the coast ment and likely restore ac- dith Garcia and Councillor do not have to worry about without customers. And af- more than 4,000 tons of of southeastern Massa- cess too.” Naomi Zabot. paying back, she said. ter opening in Phase 2, they SO2, both of which he said chusetts, those wind farms Paradis said they could Garcia said she was ex- “I am personally ad- can only be at 25 percent are linked to adverse respi- would be tied into the old be ready to begin on June cited to participate in the vocating for an easy and capacity. ratory and cardiovascular Pilgrim Nuclear plant in 1, 2024. evaluation team and on the streamlined application “The most important part health impacts. Plymouth. Anbaric’s proj- He said that is one rea- Council Task Force earlier process that comes with no of this program must in- Anbaric said they are ect would run an electrical son they really hope to get in the process, particularly strings attached aside from clude rent negotiation with one of several companies wire link for 45 miles up the community supporting because she represents most seeing our businesses thrive landlords much the same as that have responded to that the coast six feet under the their project, and to have of the downtown area. and remain here,” she said. we did with the rent assis- RFP from last December, ocean floor. Once they get ISO New England choose “Small businesses have Councillor Todd Taylor, tance program,” he said. “In and they hope to become off the coast of Revere, they them or another green been vital in our economic a business owner himself, order to try to avoid eco- one of four semi-finalists would tunnel under Revere project to advance to the growth as a city and this was one of the first Coun- nomic disaster, we not only announced in July or Au- Beach and onto Rt. 16. The next stage of evaluation is pandemic should not put cil voices to begin talking have to have programs like gust. The RFP is all about link would then be taken because it is plausible, en- them out of business,” she about how small businesses this in Chelsea, we must retiring the Mystic Station, through Revere, Chelsea vironmentally-friendly and said. “This program will be in Chelsea were going to be put pressure on our feder- which was announced last and Everett in one lane of different. a lifeline for many. I heard able to weather this storm. al representatives to have year suddenly by its parent Rt. 16. It would end in a “We’re hopeful they from a local barbershop He was on the Task Force additional monies directed company, Exelon. There switch yard on a five-acre don’t say they will just owner that he has spent his appointed by Avellaneda toward our hospitality busi- are three units that were piece of property owned open up the streets of Bos- life savings these past three and helped to design some nesses who have largely announced by Exelon to be by the Berberian Family ton again and run more months as he was forced of the program. been left out of relief ef- retired. ISO New England on the banks of the Malden wires under them,” he said. to remain closed due to “This program is just as forts. People have dedicat- said it would allow Unit #7 River in the Everett. “We hope ISO thinks about Covid-19. Another business important as our food or ed their whole lives to their to be retired, but required The final leg would renewable uses and what owner informed me her rent rent assistance program,” businesses and having been Exelon to keep Unit 8 and be from that switch yard can be built quicker. We ex- increased by $200 as of last he said. “The businesses in forcibly shut down by the 9 open so there would be down to the Eversource pect to hear in July or Au- month. That’s why I have Chelsea, especially the ones state, I think the state has enough power produced substation in Charlestown gust which direction they been very involved in this in the hospitality sector, are the responsibility to help for the region. That, how- across Alford Street from want to go. We’re hoping process of offering up to having a hard time surviv- these businesses get back to ever, meant a $300 mil- the Encore Boston Harbor our project is one of them. $20,000 in grants to local ing because they have been normal as soon as possible.” lion subsidy that had to be casino. More than that, it I hope they really don’t businesses. I want to abstain closed for months while The program is being paid to Exelon to keep the would result in a clearing consider the same old thing from referring to this mon- they still have rent and in- paid out of the City’s Free units open until 2024. That of the waterfront from the because it’s what they’re etary assistance as a loan surance bills to pay. And Cash funds, and more infor- was spread out across New industrial use of the power- used to. It can be hard to because our goal is for this our restaurants are especial- mation will be coming soon England, so while it was plant on numerous acres – a get people away from what program to pick up where ly vulnerable because the about applications and how costly, it wasn’t crippling to power plant that thousands has been perceived to work the CARES Act failed. Federal programs are not it will work. consumers. That said, after of Chelsea residents have again and again.” “Our small business own- designed for them.” 2024, that subsidy will be looked at and breathed in SIMPLY FREE CHECKING MAKES LIFE SIMPLE


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Special to The Record cupied the entire screen during their individual re- The Mass. Trial Court, marks as opposed to having the City of Chelsea, and multiple faces on screen at the Chelsea Collaborative once as in some of the pre- hosted a virtual town meet- vious forums. The new for- ing to address concerns the mat seemed to work well. Chelsea community has re- Workforce Development garding access to the courts Manager Sylvia Ramirez and to resources during the represented the Chelsea COVID-19 pandemic. Collaborative, welcoming Mass. Trial Court Chief residents to the forum, in- Justice Paula Carey, First troducing Justice Carey as Justice Matthew Machera, the opening speaker, and Chelsea District Court, thanking each official for City Manager Thomas Ambrosino. Trial Court Justice Paula Carey. Chief Probation Officer participating in the forum. Carmen Gomez, and Depu- The Chelsea Kiwanis Club, ty Court Administrator Lin- over which Ramirez pre- da Medonis, each delivered sides, is making monthly remarks at the forum. $1,000 donations to Chel- Chelsea City Manager sea during the pandemic. Thomas Ambrosino spoke Following is a summa- about city resources and ry of the remarks made by its ongoing efforts to assist Mass. Trial Court Chief residents in need during the Justice Paula Carey: pandemic. Dr. Dean Xerras “I’m really honored to be of MGH Chelsea and the here today with all of you, Chelsea Board of Health although I wish it were un- updated the community on der better circumstances. COVID-19 statistics and I think we’ve all been af- affirmed the continuing im- fected by the reality of the portance of following so- coronavirus, but no com- First Justice Matthew Machera, Chelsea District Court. Dr. Dean Xerras, MGH Chelsea Director of Health. cial distance guidelines. munity has suffered more Chelsea Police Officer than the community of Sammy Mojica highlight- Chelsea, which is one of the ed the Police Department’s reasons we decided that we efforts in reaching out to needed to reach out to you the community during the to let you know what kind COVID-19 crisis. of resources we have avail- Marta Soto, staff Spanish able to you and that we’re interpreter at the Office of here to help. Court Interpreter Services I wanted to make sure in the Mass. Court Sys- that everyone understood tem, did an excellent job that while a courthouse of translating the remarks building may be closed, our into Spanish. Soto has been court is not closed. a consistent and valuable We know that your lives source of assistance at the are not on hold as a result of virtual forums. It is not an the coronavirus crisis. We easy assignment on a live are here in the court system Chelsea Police Officer Sammy Mojica. Interpreter Martha Soto. broadcast to instantly con- to help you. vert a speaker’s remarks We are thankful to for to a second language, but the community members of Chelsea, worked in our er. We are always happy “I want to thank you for here to help and hopefully Soto has mastered that art whose strong support in court community so we’re to work with the Chelsea your attention and we want and gained the appreciation the community that we you will leave us today with grateful for his effort. An- Police Department which to make sure that you un- of Chelsea residents for her have. This, of course, starts other bright light is the is incredible and we work derstand that we are avail- further information about expertise. with the City Manager, Chelsea Collaborative, who hand in hand to help insure able from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 In an interesting change Tom Ambrosino, who be- how to access the services has fundamental in pulling that everyone understands p.m. every day at the Chel- in format, the speakers oc- fore working for the City this whole initiative togeth- the services available. sea District Court. We are of the court.”

Hospital transforms back to normal routines, less COVID-19

By Seth Daniel a day the director level of mix,” she said. Now it surgeries – maybe they can Likewise, CHA Everett ularly helped the immune staff…in order to figure out seems like it’s a more even be done later, but need to has rolled out over the last response in the lungs, and Over the past several how to get patients where mixture of patients.” be done. It’s also colonos- week a new program called now CHA Everett is going weeks, the Emergency De- they should be for care and One clear example of copies and mammography. MobileHome in associa- to be moving that treatment partment – and much of the transfers. As of Monday, that was a patient who These are important and it’s tion with Cataldo Ambu- to a clinical trial to see if it CHA Everett hospital - has we decided we can now came in last weekend with been three months without lance. That is a program is an effective treatment for seemed like a facility de- take our foot off the gas pneumonia – a nearly 100 doing them now. These are they have dreamed of and the virus. voted entirely to the incred- pedal and not meet two percent sign of COVID-19 having a very slow start- worked on for a long time, They will be going to tri- ibly stressing task of treat- time a day. Now we’ll meet over the past two months. up.” she said. With the pandem- al with Clintrials.gov. ing COVID-19 patients, but one time a day and see that Lai-Becker said they did Likewise, the respiratory ic, they were able to roll it “We’re happy that CHA- over the last two weeks the that goes. It’s big for us and all the testing and were clinic has been full-speed out fast. That program al- wide our respiratory clinic hospital has slowly trans- a turning point in terms of perplexed as to why there for so long now, but they lows EMTs at Cataldo to do is starting to prescribe it formed in many ways back how we’ve now configured was no COVID showing are beginning to add outpa- more advanced visits while in the same manner as the to its pre-virus flows. our work flows.” up. After some further test- tient hours. in connection online with Emergency Department For Dr. Melisa Lai-Beck- The story of CHA Ev- ing, they realized it was just At the same time, they a physician. They can do has,” she said. “We will er, chief of the Emergency erett looking back is one standard pneumonia and are planning on how to re- more than a visiting nurse embark on the randomized Department at CHA Ever- of getting ready for the not related to COVID. turn some of the clinical de- and can gauge whether a trial of patients and then ett, and her staff in the ER, pandemic – wondering if “We were like, ‘Wow, it’s partments. That comes with patient needs to be brought share the results. It seem that has been measured in it would be as bad as ex- just regular pneumonia,’” a lot of planning, she said, into the hospital or not. Us- to help…It would be great the number of conference pected, treating what was she said. “So welcome back about how to handle such ing tele-medicine check- because it is off-patent, calls per day focused on a horrendous surge of sick to just plain old communi- visits with providers and ups, and then MobileHome, doesn’t cost much and has finding space and beds for people who struggled to get ty-acquired pneumonia.” how to handle the waiting many unnecessary trips to been around more than 50 those who are sick. At the better or died, a flattening The hospital has closed rooms. the hospital can be avoided years…It’s not very sexy height, that was a confer- of the curve of sickness, down some of the specialty “It’s now a slow unwind- to make patients more com- for that reason, but if it ence call that happened and now a return to some spaces created on the fly for ing of these processes to fortable and medical deliv- works, great.” three times a day as the normal patterns while also COVID-19 over the past see if any outpatient sites ery more efficient. The crux She said they would health system tried to find still treating COVID-19 pa- several weeks, and they are can re-open and how does has always been about who need three months at a min- places to take care of the tients. looking at returning to elec- it change the setup,” she was going to pay for it and imum, but likely six months surging patient loads. “Everything put into tive, but necessary, surger- said. “It’s similar to what how would they pay for it, to get enough treatment in- On Monday, that transi- place in March and early ies. They are also bringing dental offices in the - Com Lai Becker said. formation. Already, they tioned to a once-a-day call April, it is nice to see as all back routine tests like colo- monwealth are facing. Ev- That year’s-long battle have some information in – which Lai-Becker said the big changes operation- noscopies. eryone wants to eliminate was resolved in a matter of using the treatment over the was a big example of how ally have made a difference “The hospital operations the waiting rooms. That’s weeks. last two months, but need things are moving towards because we can let the sys- are slowly re-opening,” she going to take careful plan- “I think people will rec- more solid study.” pre-COVID tem handle the flow, espe- said. “As of Monday, they ning.” ognize a lot of operational •LARGE GATHER- “For these last two and a cially since having a lull were looking at bringing One thing that they are challenges in having these INGS A CONCERN half months, we have been now the volumes are climb- back certain elective sched- also seeing as they re-open programs with tele-health As the weather lightens talking two times a day ing back up quite nicely, uled procedures. We want so many things are the new and para-medicine…were up and gatherings seem to and sometimes three times but with a medium level to keep up with the elective innovations done on the fly hampered by who was go- increase – in addition to for COVID-19 that they ing to pay for it,” she said. the large-scale protests that hope to keep as part of tra- “Remarkably, the tele- have happened in Boston – ditional medical treatments. health visits can be paid. Dr. Lai-Becker said those Tele-medicine visits Apparently it is possible in the hospital have had a have become the norm, and to have them both paid for concern. Real Estate Transfers there are a lot of patients now. That is the opportuni- That also goes for the BUYER 1 SELLER 1 ADDRESS PRICE that Lai-Becker said will ty of this crisis. I think they gradual re-opening of busi- likely continue with those are an enormous positive nesses and services. 16 Breakwater Cove LLC Henderson, Ann M 16 Breakwater Cv #16 $462,000 appointments on a screen – and they will stay even af- “It is a concern and it’s Restrepo, Tamara West, Mary 960 Broadway #15 $335,000 particularly as many in the ter…we see so many other something in the hospital Oyetayo, Olaide RFR Development Inc 131-133 Congress Ave #3 $430,000 older adult population in things settle out. They are we’ve been paying atten- large part has become ad- positive changes.” tion to over the last week,” Shafiei, Bobak M Almeida, Nuno 165 Cottage St #601 $378,000 ept at using Zoom and oth- •TYLENOL ANTI- she said. Ljustina, Charlotte Asquith, Eric 210 Washington Ave #2 $260,000 er face-to-face platforms DOTE NOW GOES TO She said they will watch Williams, Jason A Asquith, Eric 157 Winnisimmet St #71C $308,000 online. TRIAL over the next two or three Many chronically ill pa- One of the innovations weeks to see if new cases NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO LIST YOUR HOME/CONDO tients have found the visits at CHA Everett during the arise, and if they can be OR MULTI-FAMILY FOR SALE WITH US to be better for them, as it COVID-19 crisis was us- traced to large gatherings JEFF BOWEN 781-201-9488 can be strenuous to get a ing the antidote for Tylenol like the protests. She said 20 Years Experience SANDRA CASTILLO 617-780-6988 ride to the hospital for an poisoning to treat patients being that they were out- Yo Hablo appointment that can be with several sickness relat- side, there could be some CHELSEAREALESTATE.COM • [email protected] Español Boston Harbor Real Estate | 188 Sumner Street | East Boston done over a screen. ed to COVID-19. It partic- saving grace in that. Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 5 Unrest /Continued from Page 1 DiDomenico hosts Facebook able.” Chelsea was once the hot Some of the changes The group urged every- spot of all hot spots for the could be using parking spac- Live public health forum one in the community to COVID-19 infections, but es downtown for restaurant take the time to listen and that has now begun to be capacity, as restaurants will Last week, Senator Sal empathize – and also to less and less the case as new only be able to likely use DiDomenico hosted a pub- be prepared to act to bring cases continue to decline 25 percent of their indoor lic health forum on Face- about lasting change. They day-to-day. space when they return af- book Live on how the said they hoped it would be This week, as of Tues- ter June 8. COVID-19 pandemic has a moment of growth and day, there was only a single Other changes will also impacted the Common- transformation for Chelsea digit increase in new cases be on the table, too, and that wealth’s healthcare system and the nation. – a bit of a milestone for a could potentially include and the Greater Boston They did call on those community that was top- altering parking restrictions community. The Senator who call for change – if ping 70 to 80 new cases a downtown. brought together healthcare they do so in the public day at one time. Finally, he said they professionals Dr. Mallika realm – to do it peacefully “Our numbers continue are going to work hard to Marshall of CBS Boston and not to harm any busi- to go down,” said Ambrosi- eliminate the delays from and MGH, Cambridge ness owners. no. “We had a single digit City Hall. He said once Health Alliance CEO Dr. “We also urge those who increase last night. That’s the green-light is given to Assaad Sayah, and Medi- desperately seek change positive, great news on the restaurants to open, they A screen shot of the meeting with Sen. Sal DiDomenico and cal Director of MGH Chel- and transformation to do so COVID-19 front. That’s a want to be ready to get public health professionals, including Dr. Mallika Marshall sea Dr. Dean Xerras for a by peaceful means,” read continuation of such good things started and not have of CBS Boston. conversation on the state the letter. “Acts of violence, news for two weeks now. any bureaucratic delays. of Massachusetts’s health- destruction of property and We will continue to watch •RENTAL ASSIS- care system during the time harm to the economic in- that.” TANCE LOTTERY of coronavirus, especially these leading experts on ed in the days, weeks, and terests of struggling busi- There were only four The Rental Assistance in hard hit communities how our healthcare system months ahead. I encourage ness owners have no place new cases reported on June Program lottery held by the like Chelsea, Everett, and is responding to this crisis all my constituents to view among legitimate protests 2. City took place Wednesday other hotspot communi- and how our community our discussion for addition- and serve only to under- There are a total of 2,641 night, June 3, after Record ties throughout the Greater can move forward. State- al insight on the state of our mine the moral message positive cases and 1,341 deadlines. Boston area. wide, as conversations piv- COVID-19 response.” and dishonor the purpose.” people have recovered. The lottery is meant to “I want to thank Dr. ot towards re-opening, it is Senator DiDomenico The letter concluded by There have been 148 deaths help residents affected by Marshall, Dr. Sayah and Dr. critical that we be aware held this event on Wednes- stating that Chelsea has of Chelsea residents, and COVID-19 get help with Xerras for joining me for that our actions and public day May 27th live from his long been a shining exam- most of those have been in rent payments, and appli- our Facebook Live public health response today will official Senate Facebook ple of unity, and they hoped long-term care facilities. cations have been out since health forum,” said Sena- dictate where we are in the page. However, the dis- that could be an example •NEW ZONING REGU- early May. The lottery took tor DiDomenico. “It was a days ahead. This panel did cussion is still available to for the entire nation. LATIONS FOR RESTAU- place at 6 p.m. very informative discussion an excellent job putting into watch at any point by visit- “In Chelsea, all of our RANTS “The goal is to get mon- and great opportunity for perspective just how far we ing: https://www.facebook. residents, native born, im- City Manager Tom Am- ey out the door to people my constituents to receive have come in dealing with com/SenSalDiDomenico/. migrants and people of brosino will propose new in need really quickly,” he a detailed account from this crisis, but also just how color, have long stood as a zoning regulations to try to said. much more work is need- shining example of toler- help businesses, particular- The program is funded ance and civility for the rest ly restaurants, at the June through using the Commu- of the nation,” they wrote. 15 City Council meeting. nity Preservation Act (CPA) “We hope that, in this era of “They are still in the money and the Affordable MassHire Metro North Workforce Board discord, our bonds of unity works,” he said. “We are Housing Trust Fund. Those tighten and we can walk trying to see if we can elim- funding sources were ap- announces selection of new career center operator together toward a future of inate the harm. We partic- proved in April for the use. The MassHire Met- President and CEO, Chris “I want to thank The justice and racial equality.” ularly want to do this so ro North Workforce Albrizio-Lee. “We look WorkPlace for everything •COVID-19 CASES restaurants can make mon- Board (MNWB) is pleased forward to working closely they have done for our CONTINUE TO DECLINE ey.” to announce the selection with ABCD to maximize region’s job seekers and of ABCD (Action for Bos- the impact of MassHire for businesses as our career Acela Service Resumes for Amtrak Customers on ton Community Develop- the benefit of Metro North’s center operator these past ment) as the next operator of residents and businesses.” few years,” said Mr. Al- the Northeast Corridor with New Safety Initiatives the MassHire Metro North “Our partnership with brizio-Lee. “Especially so Career Center (MNCC), ef- the MassHire Metro North for the work done these As recovery across the tomer counters at our busi- Available in each car’s re- fective July 1. Workforce Board is an im- past few months respond- country continues, Ace- est stations. stroom, Amtrak strongly ABCD was selected af- portant and meaningful ing to the COVID19 crisis, la service on the Northeast Facial coverings: Amtrak encourages washing hands ter a comprehensive and extension of the ways that an unprecedented situation Corridor resumes today on is requiring all customers thoroughly with soap and competitive procurement ABCD helps people in need that required transitioning a modified schedule with and employees to wear fa- water. process. The procurement achieve stability and reach career center operations to the restoration of three cial coverings while in sta- Contactless movement committee was impressed their potential,” said ABCD fully remote, which was not weekday Acela roundtrips tions. onboard: To move between with ABCD’s extensive President/CEO John J. an easy task.” utilizing the new safety ini- Preventing overcrowd- cars, customers can use an experience with federal, Drew. “We look forward to MNCC physical loca- tiatives for customers and ing: Customers are encour- “automatic door open” but- state, and local grants and contributing our experience tions remain closed due to employees that Amtrak has aged to arrive only 30 min- ton with their foot. workforce development in managing large-scale op- the COVID19 crisis, but implemented. utes before departure and Upon arrival: When the programs, strong ties to erations to the invaluable MNCC continues to offer Amtrak and train travel only 60 minutes if in need train is approaching a des- the local community, and resources that MNWB pro- career center services to job expansive network of part- vides.” seekers and businesses re- will lead the way and set of ticketing and/or baggage tination, conductors will a new standard of trans- assistance. nerships. The current MNCC op- motely, until such time it is make announcements re- portation. While continu- Contact-free travel expe- “We are thrilled with the erator, The WorkPlace, will safe to re-open the centers. garding where and when ing to leverage a full-time rience: selection of ABCD as our continue overseeing career Please contact MNCC if medical director and public Cashless service: Amtrak customers can disembark to next One-Stop Career Cen- center operations through you are a job seeker or busi- health and safety teams who is accepting cashless pay- minimize crowding at the ter operator,” said MNWB June 30. ness in need of services. have been on the front lines ments only. door. throughout the COVID-19 Seamless gate service: Food & beverage: outbreak providing expert To reduce crowds at de- Café service: Effec- Family & Children’s Service Diaper Drive Hotline opens counsel, Amtrak has imple- parture boards Amtrak tive May 20, café service aboard Amtrak trains that mented the following mea- app users can now receive Help is on the way for Children’s. She says,“We diapers and wipes are re- still offer food service will sures: gate and track information vulnerable families who are grateful for how the quested be available as carryout When you book: via push notification at se- are struggling to access es- community has respond- • Volunteer to help re- only. Seating in the café Trip flexibility: Amtrak lect stations. sential baby care items in ed. People have donated ceive diaper donations and is waiving all change and Contactless ticketing: will be closed. Customers Lynn and Chelsea. Last money, dropped off diapers deliver them to local fami- cancellation fees for reser- Amtrak encourages board- can bring items back to week, Family & Children’s at our office, and called to lies. vations made by August 31, ing with eTickets, which their seats or private rooms. Service launched a Diaper volunteer. We have a long Contact sarcher@fcs- 2020. This includes reser- conductors scan from Physical distancing: For Drive campaign to address history of providing ser- lynn.org for more informa- vations booked with points. the Amtrak app. customers placing orders in this critical need. Since vices and helping families tion. Limiting bookings: Am- Onboard: the cafe, signage and mark- then, donations have poured in crisis. Our staff and vol- • Shop Amazon Smile trak is limiting ticket sales Facial coverings: Am- ers promoting physical in and they are ready to start unteers are ready to go.” and select a Wish List item on reserved services to al- trak is requiring all custom- distancing leading up to making deliveries. Family & Children’s to have shipped low for physical distancing ers and employees to wear the café counter have been Starting Tuesday, May Service is still accepting About Family & Chil- while traveling. facial coverings while on added. 26th, any family in need donations to sustain this ini- dren’s Service: Family Enhanced station proce- trains or thruway buses. Protective barriers: For of diapers and wipes can tiative through the month of & Children’s Service is a dures: Facial coverings can be re- added protection, protective call the Diaper Hotline at June. There are 4 ways that community-based nonprofit Enhanced cleaning: Am- moved when customers are plastic barriers are being in- (781)715-3005 to request people can help: organization that supports trak has enhanced clean- in their private rooms or stalled at café countertops. a delivery. Family & Chil- • Donate money at www. underserved and social- ing and disinfecting fre- seated alone. Cashless service: Amtrak dren’s Service staff and fcslynn.org ly vulnerable populations quency and retrofitted Enhanced cleaning: Am- is accepting cashless pay- volunteers will then deliv- • Donate diapers and to build stable, produc- protective barriers where trak has amplified the ments only. er baby care items directly wipes tive, and healthy lives. We necessary. Commonly used cleaning of trains by spray- Tickets are currently to their doors. The Diaper Drop off hours at Fam- strengthen the life skills of surfaces in stations such as ing a disinfectant focusing Hotline will be open on ily & Children’s Service families, children, and indi- door handles, counter tops, on highly touched surfaces. for sale and can be found, along with current sched- weekdays (Monday – Fri- 111 North Common Street, viduals of all ages through seating areas and Quik- Limiting bookings: Am- day) only from 9:00 a.m. to Lynn location are Tuesdays a range of programs offered Trak kiosks are frequent- trak is limiting ticket sales ules on Amtrak.com and through the Amtrak app. 12:00 p.m. and Thursdays 9:00 a.m. to directly or in collaboration ly cleaned with EPA-regis- on reserved services, with Program Manager, Jack- 12:00 p.m. from May 14th with other organizations in tered disinfectants. customers encouraged to Amtrak continues to eval- uate current practices and ie Trahan will be coordinat- to June 24th our community. Physical distancing: Sig- use the seat next to them for ing the effort for Family & All sizes and brand of nage has been displayed at personal belongings. pilot new opportunities to our busiest stations to indi- Reducing exposure: All support personal safety. cate safe distances in high non-safety materials have Visit Amtrak.com for more onta lub of helsea orth hore ews traffic areas. In addition, been removed from seat- information about how Am- Z C C & N S N clear protective barriers back pockets. trak is maintaining a safe have been installed at cus- Handwashing available: environment. The Zonta Club of nie Fishman, Correspond- about joining us in our Chelsea & North Shore is ing secretary - Christine mission to support women pleased to announce the in- Deprizio, and Board of and girls through service stallation of their new slate Director members, Joan and advocacy. Please call of officers for the next two Lanzillo-Hahesy, Sheila us at 617-874-0271 Mary ADRENALINE years. Our second virtual Arsenault and Diane Cam- Jane O’Neill or email us RUSH! membership meeting was bria. The Zonta Club of at Chelseazonta@zonta- You’ll also get career training held on May 21 as we all Chelsea & North Shore has district1.org and check out and money for college. If you’re met on “Zoom”. The new completed another year of our website, zontadistrict1. ready for the excitement, join officers are President- Jan- service to our communities org/area-4/chelsea-ma. ice Tatarka, Vice Presi- and the world. We are hon- We really need your help the Army National Guard today. dent Mary Jane O’Neill, ored to be able to continue to continue our wonderful President, 2nd Vice Pres- the great work we do in our work. Our meetings are 1-800-GO-GUARD • www.1-800-GO-GUARD.com ident-Theresa DiPetro, cities and towns and look held the third Thursday of Treasurer -Elizabeth Fama, forward to the year ahead. the month. Recording Secretary -Bon- We hope you will think Page 6 THE CHELSEA RECORD Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA PUBLIC SCHOOLS CELEBRATE THE CLASS OF 2020

COURTESY PHOTOS The Chelsea Public Schools – including Supt. Almi Abeyta and School Committee members – passed out signs to celebrate seniors in the Class of 2020 last week. The celebration was a week of exciting tributes online and with no-contact deliveries. The Class of 2020 has been afforded a virtual graduation in July and also a walk- through individual graduation in early August.

D’Angelo Mojica gets his Senior Sign. Abraham Barrientos was all smiles when he got his sign. Dickerson Rodas was happy to get his Senior Sign.

Julianna Valle places the sign in her yard. Marcos Gonzalez Arana accepts his sign with his father. JJ Pina on his front porch.

Lisandra Molina accepts her sign. Dina Banos in front of her home. Senior Leslie Santos.

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Revere Journal • Everett Independent • Charlestown Patriot Bridge East Boston Times • Winthrop Sun Transcript • Chelsea Record • Beacon Hil Times Make Us Your Health Care Provider The Boston Sun • The Lynn Journal • Jamaica Plain Gazette • Mission Hill Gazette Call to inquire at 617-568-6377 Call for more info! Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 7 Seniors from CHS girls track reflect on lost season “I am so grateful for the We also asked that they erything to me. What got a false start, or forgetting to support from my CHS provide some insight into me through a lot of chal- grab the right spikes -- to family” what it means to be a Chel- lenging days was know- be able to take an unexpect- sea High varsity athlete and ing that I had a team full ed occurrence and make it With the coronavirus briefly to discuss their plans of so many people with so yours. Turn it into some- pandemic forcing the clo- for the future. This week we many unique personalities thing good. sure of schools across the feature track star Stephanie to share what I love doing, That’s how I see the loss state for the remainder of Simon, the most-honored including the coaches. of the spring season. Yes, the 2020 school year, the individual athlete in Chel- Without my coaches I I am disappointed that I Chelsea High spring ath- sea High history. don’t know where I would won’t get to reach my goal letic season also was can- We are certain that our be right now. As team- of a 20-foot long jump as I celed, taking away from the readers will be as im- mates graduated and my had planned, but I under- members of the senior class pressed as we were with the high school years passed, I stand that compared to the the opportunity to compete comments from this out- realized two things: lives of others at risk of for the last time in a Red standing young woman and 1. I learned from the catching Covid-19, cancel- Devil uniform. join us in wishing Stepha- captains before me what it ing the spring season was The Chelsea Record nie the best in her future means to be a leader and completely necessary. I’m invited the coaches and endeavors: that every person on any glad we’re being cautious. members of the CHS spring The Record will con- team (not just track) is val- I do not consider the sports teams from the Class tinue to publish additional ued and 2. How to adapt to cancellation of the outdoor Stephanie Simon. of 2020 to reflect on the comments from the athletes change and adversity. season to be a loss, because season that so abruptly was and coaches as we receive Track has taught me I will be continuing my ca- .grateful for that. so grateful for the support taken away from them in them. -- through unexpected cir- reer at a collegiate level. As of now I plan on at- I have received from my order that we might give cumstances such as some- Missing the outdoor season tending the Youngstown CHS family and will nev- these young athletes some STEPHANIE SIMON one accidentally taking my has given me the motiva- State University Dana er forget the people who of the recognition that they Being an athlete at Chel- spikes, having a bad perfor- tion that I need to contin- School of Music, hope- helped me become who I deserve. sea High School meant ev- mance in one of my events, ue working hard, and I am fully during the fall. I am am.

Legislature passes bill to collect COVID-19 data and address health disparities State Sen. Sal DiDome- demic, including elder care force we will be better pre- Speaker Bob DeLeo zalez and my colleagues in of Corrections and each nico and State Rep. Dan facilities and urban areas. pared for the climb out of said the Act was critical for the House for their work on House of Correction among Ryan joined their colleagues The task force, in turn, will this than we were going in.” monitoring COVID-19. this important bill.” those facilities which must in the Massachusetts Legis- make recommendations Said State Sen. Sal DiDo- “Whether it’s our elder- The components of the comply with the data col- lature to pass a bill to make to alleviate disparities in menico, “These reporting ly, our veterans, residing bill are as follows: lection and reporting provi- more information about infection and treatment requirements are critical to in Soldiers’ Homes, who •Requires the Depart- sions of the bill; COVID-19 cases pub- among populations dispro- ensuring we have a full and have served our country ment of Public Health to •Creates a task force to licly available, including portionally impacted by the up-to-date understanding of bravely, persons of color, or collect daily data on the study and make recom- cases at elder care facili- outbreak. the pandemic’s impact on residents in those commu- number of individuals test- mendations on addressing ties, soldiers’ homes, and “This data collection is our communities, and the nities experiencing a partic- ed positive, hospitalized, health disparities for under- houses of correction; it also essential in telling the whole inequities that exist across ularly large share of the im- deaths, and key demo- served or underrepresented creates a task force to pro- story of the COVID-19 epi- our Commonwealth. Our pact from COVID-19, the graphic information, in- populations based on a va- vide recommendations on demic moving forward. We district has been especially burden of this virus has cluding cases and mortali- riety of demographic fac- how to mitigate health dis- are not out of the woods hard hit by COVID-19, and fallen disproportionately ties at elder care facilities; tors; parities for underrepresent- yet.” said Ryan. “We, as a any additional information on key demographics. We •Specifies details on the •Asks that the task force ed and underserved com- country, were not ready for that we have at our disposal need to make sure we have format of reporting data provide recommendations munities in the wake of the this. Locally, we adapted will be key to tailoring our the best information on the from local boards of health to improve safety for at-risk pandemic. well but not well enough for response to this pandemic. I toll the virus is taking in and elder care facilities; populations for COVID-19, Taken together, the pro- too many of our families. am confident that data and Massachusetts. I look for- •Mandates that elder remove barriers to quality visions of An Act address- City officials in Chelsea knowledge we gain through ward to the findings of the care facilities notify resi- and equitable health care ing COVID-19 data col- and Boston, along with area this legislation will help to task force to determine how dents and their healthcare services, increase access to lection and disparities in hospitals, were able to use determine our long-term we can address the impact proxies if there is a new medical supplies and test- treatment will provide the the data available to make recovery efforts and inform of this virus in underserved confirmed case or mortality ing, among other items. public with a greater under- requests of government and the Legislature’s ongoing and underrepresented com- due to COVID-19 or 3 or The bill now moves to standing on how the virus move resources. By codify- work to address systemic munities,” said DeLeo. “I more residents or staff have the governor for consider- is affecting those in loca- ing this data collection into inequities in our healthcare thank Chairs Michlewitz symptoms; ation. tions hardest hit by the pan- law and establishing a task and safety-net systems.” and Balser, Vice Chair Gon- •Includes the Department SBA and Treasury Department announce $10 billion for CDFIs to participate in paycheck protection program The U.S. Small Busi- by providing access to fi- ers of our economy, and re- lion small businesses get in Round 2) in PPP loans. forgivable loans to small ness Administration, in nancial products and ser- tain their employees,” said much-needed relief,” said The additional $6.8 billion businesses affected by the consultation with the U.S. vices for local residents SBA Administrator Jovita Treasury Secretary Steven will ensure that entrepre- COVID-19 pandemic to Treasury Department, an- and businesses. These ded- Carranza. “CDFIs provide T. Mnuchin. “We have re- neurs and small business keep their employees on the nounced that it is setting icated funds will further critically important capital ceived bipartisan support owners in all communities payroll. To date, more than aside $10 billion of Round ensure that the PPP reaches and technical assistance to for dedicating these funds have easy access to the fi- 4.4 million loans have been 2 funding for the Paycheck all communities in need of small businesses from rural, for CDFIs to ensure that nancial system, and that approved for over $510 bil- Protection Program (PPP) relief during the COVID-19 minority and other under- traditionally underserved they receive much-needed lion for small businesses to be lent exclusively by pandemic – a key priority served communities, espe- communities have every capital to maintain their across America. Community Development for President Trump. cially during this economi- opportunity to emerge from workforces. The SBA and the Trea- Financial Institutions (CD- “The forgivable loan pro- cally challenging time.” the pandemic stronger than The Paycheck Protection sury Department remain FIs). gram, PPP, is dedicated to “The PPP has helped before.” Program was created by the committed to ensuring eli- CDFIs work to expand providing emergency cap- over 50 million American As of May 23, 2020, Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, gible small businesses have economic opportunity in ital to sustain our nation’s workers stay connected to CDFIs have approved more and Economic Security Act the resources they need to low-income communities small businesses, the driv- their jobs and over 4 mil- than $7 billion ($3.2 billion (CARES Act) and provides get through this time. Mass. Health Committee makes history by approves end of life options bill for first time since 2011 introduction Massachusetts support- months or less to live the on Public Health in support of Massachusetts Medical than one-fifth (22%) of the ing), Vermont, California, ers of legislation that would option to request, obtain and of the bill at a hearing last Society members showed nation’s population, includ- authorize medical aid in self-ingest medication to June. “We urge legislative they backed the End of Colorado, Hawaii, New ing nine states: Oregon, dying as an end-of-life care die peacefully in their sleep leaders to hold floor votes Life Options Act by a 2-1 Jersey, Maine, as well as option urged state lawmak- if their suffering becomes on the bill ASAP so that margin, 62% support vs. Washington, Montana (via ers to pass the bill after the unbearable. The legislation more Massachusetts resi- 28% opposed (see page 9 a state Supreme Court rul- Washington, D.C. (2017). Joint Committee on Public is sponsored by Rep. Lou- dents will have the option chart at www.massmed.org/ Health approved it late Fri- is L. Kafka and Senator of a peaceful end should Advocacy/State-Advoca- Safe day afternoon for the first William N. Brownsberger their suffering become in- cy/MAID-Survey-2017/). TAXIProfessional time since it was originally and has 69 total sponsors, tolerable.” Other bill supporters in- Service introduced by Rep. Lou- including Joint Committee The Massachusetts clude the ACLU of Mas- O/O Ride Right Transportation Inc. EST. 2011 is L. Kafka in 2011. The on Public Health co-chair, Medical Society (MMS) sachusetts, Amherst Town committee approved the Senator Joanne M. Comer- also testified at the hearing Meeting, Boston Ethical ComeLooking Celebrate for GREAT Winthrop drivers Hah-bah Day! legislation by a vote of11 ford. last June before the Joint Society, Cambridge City O/O RideAM & Right PM ShiftsTransportation Inc.Earn to 6. More than seven out “COVID-19 has shined a Committee of Public Health Council, Falmouth Board of Good Driving Record, Neat, Clean JuneCA$H 18th of 10 Massachusetts vot- spotlight on the importance on the bill, detailing its poli- Selectmen, Fenway Health/ appearanceVERY req. BUSYApply in person TAXI SERVICE 5:00 pm - 8:00pm ers (71%) support medical of a compassionate death, cy of “neutral engagement” AIDS Action, Greater Bos- 31LOOKING Sachem St., RevereFOR 24GREATMA Hour TAXI Service DRIVERSEVERY aid in dying, according to and we thank the public on the practice of medical ton Humanists, Lexington 65 Revere St., Winthrop617-539-9999 MA @• 617-846-9999 Town Landing the most recent poll on the health committee for pri- aid in dying: “The MMS Board of Selectmen, Na- For AM/PMKind & Courteous Dispatchers shifts and Drivers DAY issue in 2013 by Purple In- oritizing this legislation at will support its members tional Association of Social sights. a time when only a hand- regarding clinical, ethical, Workers (NASW) Massa- The bill, the Massachu- ful of bills are advancing and legal considerations chusetts, and Northampton “EARN CASH EVERYDAY” setts End of Life Options through the legislature,” of medical aid-in-dying, City Council, and Provinc- Now You can be Act (H.1926/S.1208), said Compassion & Choic- through education, advoca- etown Board of Selectmen. Must have good driving record. would give mentally capa- es president and CEO Kim cy, and/or the provision of Medical aid in dying is UPFRONTNeat and CleanSuperMarket &CENTER appearance. - Hospital/Clinic - Mall - ble, terminally ill individu- Callinan, who testified -be other resources...” authorized in 10 U.S. juris- Airport - Scheduled Pick-Ups - Elder Services a Specialty - Discount Program for Airline Employees Business/Corporate Accounts Welcome CHELSEA’S #1 AGENT TEAM. als with a prognosis of six fore the Joint Committee A 2017 internal survey dictions representing more WE GET THE HIGHEST PRICE Apply in Person FOR OUR SELLER’S LISTINGS. JEFF BOWEN: 781-201-9488 SANDRA CASTILLO: 617-780-6988 CHELSEAREALESTATE.COM | [email protected] WithVisa, MasterCardour and American Express Accepted Boston Harbor Real Estate | 188 Sumner Street | East Boston ($15 minimum; airport rides excluded)Chelsea record Free Taxi Ride to and from TownYOUR Landing. HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1890 VOLUME 118, No. 33 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 35 CENTS INDEPENDENT HALLOWEEN IN CHELSEA Newspaper Group www.chelsearecord.com Residential WWW.BOBSAUTOBODY.COM Valid STICKYfor WinthropMember NOTE Winthrop Residents Chamber of Commerce only. tax bills to rise modestly

Chelsea By Adam Swift there will be an increase in the average tax bills be- schools shine Chelsea property owners cause of the recent revalu- will see a modest increase ation of Chelsea properties Shawn Cluen - Owner bright among on their property tax bills that saw assessed property for Fiscal Year 2020, with values increase across the urban districts owners of commercial and board. The average in- industrial properties and crease in assessed values Winthrop Taxi By Cary Shuman apartment complexes of ranged from 11.5 percent nine or more units shoul- for single family homes to on the Front Page It’s an across-the-city dering a larger burden of nearly 40 percent for apart- 21 Crest Ave, Winthrop, MA 02152success story, a cause for the City’s overall tax bill. In-town Travel only ment complexes of nine celebration for parents of Monday night, City Sophia, as a Fortnite character, Laura, as Captain Marvel, and Isabel, as a PHOTOunicorn BY MARIANNE during SALZA or more units. The averag- Chelsea schoolchildren, the City’s 15th annual Halloween Party on Sunday, Oct. 27, at the Williams School. The an- Manager Thomas Am- es ranged from 12 to just a nod for a “great job” by nual tradition drew in many families getting ready for Halloween today, Oct. 31. See more brosino presented an over- over 15 percent for 2, 3, the hard-working princi- photos on page 8. view of the FY2020 tax and four-family homes and pals and teachers at all the rates and the valuation of condominiums. Fax: 617-539-9998 schools – from the John Chelsea properties. “With adoption of the Silber Early Learning Cen- The City Council’s an- maximum 175 percent shift Conveniently located On The Blue Line ter to Chelsea High School Sound barriers on Chelsea Curves nual tax rate classification and the ability to increase - and a final tribute to the hearing is scheduled for the residential exemption, exceptional leadership of will provide residents noticeable relief Nov. 25. At that time, the the City Council will be Perfect for: Community Reminders, retiring Supt. of Schools Council is expected to vote able to keep tax increas- Dr. Mary Bourque - and her on two recommendations es reasonably modest for By Seth Daniel riers have been approved very concerned with due to administrative team at City from Ambrosino, including all owner occupants,” said and will be installed along the state’s original desire to Hall. At the top of the new a 175 percent tax burden Ambrosino. the edges on both sides of close the Fourth Street on- Here are some of the barriers being placed as shift onto commercial and While the Council can 31 Sachem St., Revere MAthe highway roughly from ramp – he& noticed that there Valid June 18th from 5:00 pm to 8:00noteworthy accomplish- pm only. industrial properties, and part of the Chelsea Curves County Road to the start of increase the residential ments for a school system were no barriers. a 31 percent residential state highway project, one the Mystic/Tobin Bridge. exemption to as much as that has, for one reason or can see bolts on the top Having previously property tax exemption for 35 percent, Ambrosino is Those barriers will protect worked at the state De- another, not received its due that seemingly will one day Chelsea homeowners who recommending it increase residents from the dirt and partment of Transportation recognition statewide for hold something. live in the city. only 1 percent from the grime of the highway, as (Mass DOT), often going what Dr. Bourque called, What they will hold is If those recommenda- current 30 percent rate. well the constant drone of out and talking about mit- “this little scrappy school peace and quiet for Chel- tions are approved by the “This remaining 5 per- cars on pavement. igation in wealthier subur- district, the Chelsea public sea residents alongside Council, the residential cent is the most effective But it wasn’t always the ban communities, he knew schools and how it is really the highway – a peace that property tax rate would be tool for lowering residential case. that sound barriers (some- pushing and redefining ur - hasn’t been known in that $13.46 per $1,000 of val- property taxes and should Schedules, Coupons, Sales, ban education”: Councilor Roy Avel- times known as a snow uation, while the commer- noisy part of the City for a laneda said recently that be reserved for years with Chelsea achieved the fence) were very much a cial tax rate would be set at generation. when he was reviewing high increases,” he said. highest categorization possibility if Chelsea put $27.18. As part of the Chelsea the plans for the Chelsea Cutting to the chase, if earned by the state’s urban While both those rates Curves project, sound bar- Curves – a matter he was districts, that of “Substan- See SOUND BARRIERS Page 4 are lower than for FY19, Leave your car in the driveway!tial Progress Toward Tar- See TAX RATE Page 3 gets” Grades 3-8 English Lan- 65 Revere St., Winthropguage Arts average student MA growth percentile exceeded Incoming Supt. Almi Abeyta holds the state target • PICK-UP & DELIVERY Chelsea’s criterion Ref- Announcements, Programs and more! final Community Conversation erence Target Percentage increased 12 points and is By Adam Swift and educational goals for the highest in the District 5 students discussed their Chelsea, and broke off into Partnership In two months, Almi perceptions of the public working groups to discuss Chelsea High School’s Abeyta will fully take over schools. Some of the usu- the pros and cons of the mathematics average stu- the reins of the Chelsea al suspects were listed as school system. dent growth percentile in- Public Schools from retir- challenges, including less creased 14 points and Ad- ing Supt. Mary Bourque. “I’m asking for the than thrilling school lunch- strengths and what the vanced Placement Calculus But Abeyta has been do- es, as well as staff turnover. Let us take care of the driving for you! Chelsea Public Schools scores outperformed the ing anything but laying low But even more strengths need to work on and invest  state and the globe since coming to Chelsea in of the schools were listed, in,” said Abeyta. Chelsea English Lan- the fall. Monday night, she including district diversity, guage Learners improved held the final of four com Abeyta, who came to the REACH program, and - Chelsea after working at 13 points showing “Sub- munity conversations at the school libraries. Somerville High School stantial Progress” the Clark Avenue Middle “This has been a great and in East Boston elemen- Chelsea’s “Lowest Per- School. opportunity to learn about Incoming Supt. Almi Abeyta at the final Community Con- tary schools, said the com- forming Students” im- A cross section of par- what the community val- versation meeting on Monday, Oct. 28, in the Clark Avenue munity conversations will proved 22 points in elemen- ents, students, and school ues, and there has been Middle School. The Conversations have been going very help inform strategic plan- staff listened to Abeyta a good turnout at the fo- well all this month, and are paving the way for her to take ning and budgeting for the the reins from Supt. Mary Bourque in December. talk about her background rums,” said Abeyta. 3-inch-by-3-inch Sticky Note See SHINE BRIGHT Page 2 schools. As part of the transition Abeyta, who comes from plan put in place when a long line of educators, in- Abeyta was hired this sum- cluding a grandfather who mer, she will be shadowing DONT FORGET met her grandmother while SAFE DEPENDABLE QUALITY REPAIRS LEADERSHIP OF Bourque through Dec. 1. working at a one-room THEN COUNCILOR NOW TO FALL BACK On Dec. 1, Bourque will LEO ROBINSON schoolhouse in Colorado, take a step back and Abeyta said she has been impressed will begin making school Zero Budget SUN. NOV. 3 by the energy and enthusi- Legislature ExampleA fiscal watchdog, Page district decisions. Leo has led Chelsea AA Bond asm of the Chelsea commu- Bourque’s last day is Ok’s Chelsea’s TURN THOSE nity. Receivership to 4 Credit Increases Rating Dec. 31, and Jan. 1, 2020 Req. 3-week advance placement CLOCKS At one table during the will be Abeyta’s first offi - breakout sessions Monday cial day as superintendent. BACK night, several Chelsea High Vacant Development led by Leo New Buildings and Robinson is bringingn Developments, record industry and job StickyVacant Lots NoteHotels, represented growth to Chelsea and Parks Vote Richard A Chance Once the only US “Rick” for Chelsea Bankrupt city, Chelsea to begin is now award-winning again under Leo’s lead P A N T A N O

by Black• Experience Districtbox One Councilor I ASK FOR ONE OF YOUR 3 VOTES • Dedication “For Chelsea, For You” #1 On The Ballot ON TUESDAY, NOV. 5TH Vote • Commitment Together We Can Make A Difference! Tuesday, (Paid Political Advertisement) with a lifetime Guarantee 617-539-9999 • 617-846-9999Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Richard Pantano November 5th Four Options to Choose From Licensed • Bonded • Insured 7,000 COPIES $ 7,000 COPIES $ 12,000 COPIES $ Registered by the 2-COLOR 600 4-COLOR 700 2-COLOR 800 12,000 COPIES 4-COLOR STICKIES CAN BE A COMBINATION OF COLORS. Commonwealth of Massachusetts $900 2-COLOR STICKIES CAN BE MADE WITH ANY 2 COLORS Bob Bolognese 4-COLOR Owner Reg. #3053 Call or Email Your Rep Today! 781-485-0588 ext. 103:Maureen 106:Peter 101:Deb 110:Kathy 125:Sioux 1456 NORTH SHORE RD., REVERE • 781-289-1300 Reading on a Screen?? Click on Your Rep’s name to start sending them an email! Page 8 THE CHELSEA RECORD Thursday, June 4, 2020 A Timeless Contributor D. Bruce Mauch celebrates 47 years at Chelsea Clock, decades as a community leader

By Cary Shuman service and leadership. He His early and college has served as Chamber and years in Wisconsin D. Bruce Mauch is cel- Rotary President and is a D. Bruce Mauch grew up ebrating 47 years of ser- two-time Paul Harris Fel- in a small town of 247 peo- vice at Chelsea Clock, a low. He is a former Chelsea ple in Wisconsin, 285 miles milestone that is not going resident of the year. north and west of Milwau- unnoticed by Chelsea res- His personality, warmth, kee. He and his family lived idents, so many of whom and sense of humor are on 20 acres of land. have either served with him Mauchian trademarks. He “My father (George) or touched by his kindness- is a brilliant man, whose was a rural mail carrier, his es. background as a graduate route was 80 miles a day,” As Susan Gallant said of prestigious University recalled Bruce. “And my of her friend and fellow of Wisconsin as a Certified mother (Jessie) was an ele- Rotarian this week, “Bruce Public Account, affirm that mentary school teacher.” Front row, D. Bruce Mauch, Gail Mauch, and Linda Alioto-Robinson. Back row, Dale John- Mauch, like Chelsea Clock, and then some. His father was a World son, Ronald Robinson, Lucia Robinson-Griggs, Michael Griggs, and Leo Robinson. is a beloved Chelsea institu- But what people most War I veteran born in 1895. tion.” admire about Mauch, 76, His mother was born in Indeed, D. Bruce Mauch is that if he puts his effort 1910. He has two brothers, auditor at Bunker Ramo (The D. stands for Doug- in to a club or community one (Bart) a lawyer and Corporation in Chicago. las, “but nobody has called project, he’s “all in.” Take district attorney, the other Douglas since my days in the Rotary, D. Bruce Mauch (Rodney) a UPS driver, and On to Chelsea Clock the Army,” he noted) has has never missed a meeting a sister Myrna, a chiroprac- Bunker Ramo bought been a part of the Chelsea in his 30 years as a member. tor. Chelsea Clock while fabric and he has helped Whether it’s assisting Juan He had to take a 20-mile Mauch was on assignment make this city special and Gallego with one of his in- bus ride to get to his high in Trumbull, Connecticut. close-knit for five decades. ternational projects or suit- school (Tony High School) The assistant comptrol- The Chelsea Chamber ing up for the Rotary soft- each day. Mauch played ler left Chelsea Clock and of Commerce, the Rotary ball team, D. Bruce Mauch 8-man football as a fresh- Nauch was invited to Chel- Club, have been direct ben- is giving his best. man, but sustained a knee sea to help close the finan- eficiaries of his community injury and could never get a cial books at the end of the doctor’s clearance to return. quarter. “And I never left,” He was accepted to the he said. “Over the years, I University of Wisconsin, became the manufacturing one of the elite schools in manager, engineering man- the country. ager, and eventually presi- “I had gotten great dent and COO.” grades, but I wasn’t a studi- When J.K. Nicho- ous, student,” he said hum- las bought the company, bly. “The University of Mauch took his current po- D. Bruce Mauch and Councillor-at-Large Leo Robinson wel- Wisconsin is a beautiful sition as vice president of campus.” He received his come former U.S. Senator John Kerry on a visit to Chelsea operations. Clock. degree his Business Admin- Mauch recalled that in istration with a major in Ac- his second year at Chelsea counting. “The neat thing Clock in 1973, he watched about it is that you can’t from as the Great Chelsea graduate the University of Fire started on Everett Av- Wisconsin until you pass a enue (near Chelsea Clock) swim test,” he remembered. and destroyed 20 percent of Upon his graduation, the city. Mauch was offered a posi- Chelsea Clock, founded tion at Price Waterhouse in in 1897, has maintained its Milwaukee. impeccable reputation as “And then I was drafted,” a world-renowned clock- said Mauch, who served in maker with Mauch in the the U.S. Army during the administrative offices. Vietnam War. “I spent nine “We’re the last Ameri- months in action in Viet- can-made clockmaker who nam. I was in a fixed-wing truly makes clocks,” said D. Bruce Mauch and his wife, Gail Mauch, with their daugh- aircraft that flew at 1,500 Mauch proudly. “Our high- ter, Nickolette Mauch. feet and we got shot at a end, top quality clocks are few times.” sent and enjoyed all over He returned to Milwau- the world. Families treat kee and in 1972 and went our clocks as heirlooms. D. Bruce Mauch accepted a special award from Chelsea to work as a senior internal Elvis Presley once came to Clock Owner and CEO J.K. Nicholas in recognition of his our building and bought a 45 years of service at the internationally renowned clock company located in Chelsea. See MAUCH Page 14 QUARANTINE gradUATEs!! Share your graduate with us JOULIETTE MILLAR and we will share THEM with their hometown! Send us a photo of your special graduate with a short message and we will publish it in the paper. If you have a yard-sign congratulating your grad, take a photo and send it in and we will print it in our publication during the first week of June.

Photos and messages of graduates may a small CONGRATULATIONS be submitted by email to message here written by JOULIETTE [email protected] or mailed to: the parents, Ro prio, dem o ve- 385 Broadway, Suite 105, Revere MA, 02151 nius escenderibem MILLAR imanum stellerum a small message interit? here written by If you plan to mail in a graduate photo please include theparents, your name and number in addition to a message for your Ro prio, dem o venius 2020 Graduate, in case we need to contact you for clarification. Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 9

POLICE Briefs By Seth Daniel and Paul Koolloian NEWS Briefs by Seth Daniel

ly from the department’s CHELSEA FUNERAL our food supply daily so liveries. Call 617-466-4377 website at www.chelseapo- that everyone who needs or 617-466-4370. lice.com or download for FUND food can get it. With this free the MYPD App that For the dignity of loved in mind, please be patient DIAPER DRIVE FOR is compatible with both ones who have passed, and mindful of your neigh- Android and Apple smart- the Chelsea Funeral Fund bors in need. Some families FAMILIES IN NEED phones. All three ways are provides up to $1,700 in have more immediate need HYPERLINK “http:// monitored and anonymous. financial assistance for cre- than others and we want to www.chelseaccc.org/index. mation or burial. The fund make sure that everyone html” Chelsea Community DISTURBANCE ON is for Chelsea residents gets to eat. Connections and the City in need, regardless of re- Pop-up Pantry Loca- of Chelsea are working to- WATTS STREET ligious affiliation, and is tions: gether to distribute diapers On May 24, at 12:34 a.m. managed by Saint Luke’s •Mondays: to families in need. Because CPD officers responded to Episcopal Church. To in- Quigley Park, 25 Essex of the tremendous demand, 48 Watts St. on a report of quire, contact Reverend Street distribution is dependent on a disturbance. The respond- Edgar Gutiérrez-Duarte at Ruiz Park, 141 Washing- donations of both packages PHOTO BY SETH DANIEL ing officers were met by a 671-884-3300 or at HY- ton Avenue of diapers and funds to pur- Just a few hours after the looting in the Back Bay subsid- female who refused the of- PERLINK “mailto:vicar- •Tuesdays: chase supply. ed, a man in a suit heads off to work on Monday morning ficer’s entry to investigate. [email protected]” vicar- Luther Place, Cherry Anyone who would like through the destruction of Boston’s ritziest neighborhood. The officers report that the [email protected]. Street, between 5th Street to donate to the Diaper intoxicated female became and 4th Street Drive can do so at the Chel- CHELSEA POLICE POLICE combative and pushed and RAFT PROGRAM Bellingham Hill Park, sea Community Connec- cursed at them. She was 115 Bellingham Street tions website. This will en- CALLED INTO INVESTIGATING placed under arrest for dis- RENTAL •Wednesdays: sure the youngest Chelsea BOSTON ROBBERY OF orderly conduct. ASSISTANCE Washington Park, at residents have their basic needs met. During the riots that BROADWAY If anyone needs help pay- Washington Ave and Han- took place in various lo- BREAKING ing rent, they may be eligi- cock Street cations in Boston Sunday BUSINESS AND ENTERING ble for financial assistance Bosson Park, 43-56 Bell- MGH CHELSEA, through the Massachusetts ingham Street and into Monday morning, Chelsea Detectives are On May 29 at 1:26 p.m., Residential Assistance •Thursdays: BETH ISRAEL Chelsea Police and several investigating the day time officers responded to 160 for Families in Transition Chelsea Square, near 2 surrounding communities robbery of LA Guanaquta Broadway on a report of a OFFERS TESTING (RAFT) program. RAFT Second Street were pulled in to help via Gift Shop at 280 Broadway disturbance. The officers has expanded its eligibility Highland Park, in front FOR THOSE WITH mutual aid. Chelsea Police on May 26. Chelsea Offi- spoke with the reporting requirements to help people of 30 Willow Street said they sent eight officers cers responded to the busi- party who stated that five SYMPTOMS with COVID-19 related job •Fridays: Sunday night for Mutual ness at 12:42 p.m. for the men entered the upstairs Patients with symptoms losses or financial hardship. City Hall Parking lot, Aid. They staged at Bos- reported robbery. The sus- apartment, she believed the of Covid-19 are eligible Some things to consider: 500 Broadway ton City Hall Plaza and pa- pect was said to have tak- apartment be vacant. CPD for testing at MGH Chelsea •Your immigration status Mary C. Burke Com- trolled the Newbury Street en jewelry and cash from officers made contact with and Beth Israel Chelsea. does not matter. plex, 300 Crescent Avenue area with Boston Police and the store. No weapon was the tenant who stated that One doesn’t need to be a •You may be eligible for the State Police. shown to the clerk during she did not allow anyone patient of MGH to qualify. RAFT if you have not been, Here, in the Back Bay on the incident. access to her apartment. IF YOU ARE NOT There is also not a need to or will not be, able to pay Monday morning, a man in If anyone has any infor- When officers entered the have health insurance, and rent, mortgage payments, or SICK AND NEED a suit walked to work only mation they are asked to apartment they found two immigration status does not utilities due to COVID-19. hours after the Nordstrom contact the case detective at uncooperative males yell- FOOD matter. •You must be in contact store had been looted and 617-466-4828. ing obscenities at them. •Monday-Friday: Hot Appointments are with your landlord or prop- destroyed. Citizens can call the 24 Both were placed under lunches and kids lunches STRONGLY encouraged, erty manager (RAFT funds hr “tips” line at 617-466- arrest for B&E to commit a at 11:30 a.m. at Salvation but walk-ins will not be are paid to them). 4880, email reports direct- misdemeanor. Army (258 Chestnut Street) turned away. If anyone •If you are not on the •Tuesdays and Thurs- has one of the following lease, you can provide your days: Grocery pick-up 10 symptoms, please call 617- landlord’s contact informa- a.m.-noon at the Salva- 724-7000, to schedule an CONSTRUCTION UPDATE tion to confirm that you are tion Army (258 Chestnut appointment for evaluation a tenant. Street). and testing: •If you need help to cov- •Tuesdays and Thurs- •fever Construction Look- safe bridge construction. •ROUTE 1 NORTH- er your security deposit (for days: Grocery pick-up at 5 •new sore throat Ahead: May 31 – June 13, •Silverline service will BOUND: Bridge deck and first or last month’s rent), p.m. at the Chelsea Collab- •new cough 2020 be maintained without in- gutter repairs continue in you can specify the unit orative (318 Broadway). •new runny nose or nasal terruption or delay using the left lane over the Tobin you plan to move into, even •Thursdays and Fridays: congestion ROUTE 1 TRAFFIC alternating direction bus Bridge. We will contin- if you have not yet signed Mass General Hospital •new muscle aches IMPACTS traffic. The alternation of ue to remove bridge deck the lease. Food For Families Pantry •new shortness of breath •ROUTE 1 NORTH- direction will be controlled and install new bridge •You are not eligible if (151 Everett Ave.). Avail- •new loss of smell BOUND: Approaching the by MBTA police and flag- deck through the Chelsea you are in an Emergency able two times per month to If one is a patient with- Tobin Bridge from Boston, gers. Curves. Assistance Shelter. MGH patients by referral. in the Partners Healthcare the work zone begins in •The single, alternating •ROUTE 1 SOUTH- Households can receive Please call (617) 887-3575. system, please call the Pri- the left lane. 2 of 3 travel lane condition is projected BOUND: Removal of up to $4,000 for a 12-month •Saturdays: Grocery mary Care doctor’s office lanes will be open during to be in place through Fri- existing bridge deck and period. To check eligibility pick-up 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. with any questions, and to daytime hours (5 a.m.–10 day, 6/12. installation of new bridge and for help with applica- at Saint Luke’s Episcopal be scheduled for evaluation p.m.) deck will continue through tions, call the CONNECT Church (201 Washington and testing. •ROUTE 1 SOUTH- LOCAL STREET CLO- the Chelsea Curves. Hotline at 617-712-3487. Avenue, Chelsea); no ap- *Beth Israel Deaconess BOUND: Approaching SURES •UNDERNEATH pointment necessary. HealthCare is offering a the Chelsea Curves from •ARLINGTON ROUTE 1: Crews will re- GETTING FOOD •IF YOU ARE IN ISO- drive-thru testing service at the North Shore, the work STREET: Arlington Street place and paint steel; pow- LATION AND NEED 1000 Broadway (near the zone begins in the left lane under Route 1 will be er wash and paint columns TO EVERYONE IN FOOD Chelsea/Revere city line). before the Carter Street closed on 6/1 (7 a.m. – 11 and support beams; exca- NEED: UPDATES Do not wait in line for It is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. off-ramp. 2 of 3 travel p.m.). Signed detours and vate, erect steel; place new Pop-Up Food Pan- food. Call 311 (617-466- Mon.-Fri.; and 9 a.m.-5 lanes will be open during police details will guide concrete columns; and de- tries are continuing to serve 4100). p.m. Sat.-Sun. daytime hours (5 a.m.–10 drivers around the work liver steel beams from the the people of Chelsea, pro- •IF YOU ARE 65 If you have a Beth Israel p.m.) zone via Spruce Street and new bridge deck. viding boxes of food every YEARS OR OLDER primary care physician, call CARTER STREET Everett Ave. weekday beginning at 11 Contact the Chelsea Se- 617-975-6262 to make an RAMP WEEKEND CLO- •ORANGE STREET: TRAVEL TIPS a.m. The City is increasing nior Center for grocery de- appointment. SURES Orange Street under Route Drivers should take care •The Carter Street off- 1 will be closed on Satur- to pay attention to all sig- ramp will be closed on day 5/30 at 10 p.m. until nage and move carefully Possible new Vocational School before MSBA Saturday, 6/13. Work will Monday 6/1 at 5 a.m. through the work zone. Po- David DiBarri wishes to ing the existing school to inclusive.” begin at 7 a.m. and end at •5th STREET: 5th Street lice details, lane markings, provide the communities code, additions or renova- On Aug. 14, following 7 a.m. under Route 1 will be temporary barriers, traffic served by Northeast Metro tions, and new construction. several planned School •Traffic will be detoured closed on 6/11 during the cones, signage, and other Tech with an update on the Those options will be evalu- Building Committee meet- to the Route 16 West exit nighttime (9:00 p.m. – 5 tools will be used to con- school’s progress toward up- ated against a variety of cri- ings, the team will submit towards Everett to take a.m.) trol traffic and create safe dating or replacing its exist- teria, including cost, but also its Preliminary Design Pro- Revere Beach Parkway to work zones. ing facility. on each one’s ability to sat- gram to the MSBA. That Everett Avenue. WORK HOURS The contractors are Despite the impact of isfy the district’s educational submission will incorporate •Most work will occur coordinating with local COVID-19 on daily life in plan with projected enroll- feedback on the early-stage SILVER LINE ALTER- during daytime working event organizers and po- Massachusetts and beyond, ments. The feasibility study options that will be shared NATING SINGLE LANE hours (7:00 a.m.–3:30 lice to provide aware- Northeast Metro Tech has concludes with the project during meetings throughout BUS TRAFFIC p.m.) on weekdays. ness and manage traffic continued to work its way team selecting the single the summer. •The Silverline busway •Some work will take during events. For your through the Massachusetts most appropriate option and The submission in August will continue to have sin- place on a 2nd shift (2 awareness, there will be School Building Authority seeking MSBA approval to will include consideration gle lane bus traffic where p.m.–1 a.m.) and over- no events at the TD Gar- (MSBA) design process as advance. for more than 20 different the Line passes through night hours (9 p.m.–5 den during this look ahead it continues its efforts to re- The feasibility study also construction and enrollment the Silverline Gateway un- a.m.) and on Saturdays (7 schedule. place its current building. includes in-depth analyses scenarios, as well as 12 pre- derneath the Chelsea Via- a.m.–7 p.m). Through close collabo- of the existing building, as ferred options. It will be fol- duct. This single lane bus DESCRIPTION OF ration with owner’s project well as impacts of construc- lowed in January 2021 by a traffic will help to facilitate SCHEDULED WORK manager PMA Consultants, tion on the environment, Preferred Schematic Report which the school retained traffic and other factors. that will outline the most de- last fall to oversee all fac- While its initial sched- sirable option identified by ets of the project, as well ule remained attainable, the the project team. as Waltham-based architec- project team has elected to Next February, the project tural firm Drumney Rosane extend its time frame slight- team will seek MSBA ap- Anderson (DRA). Northeast ly in the wake of COVID-19 proval to move to the sche- Metro Tech has now begun in order to maximize public matic design phase, before a feasibility study, which is outreach through the key working to advance through the third phase of an eight- design phases, as in-person additional modules over the EXIT phase MSBA process. meetings have had to be re- course of 2021. Ultimately, PMA Consultants is a placed with virtual ones. if the project earns MSBA national construction man- “A critical piece of mak- approval and funding, the Amy Meisner was diagnosed with MS in 1997. For someone STAGE who has always danced, MS would seem like the end. But agement, scheduling and ing this process as success- communities Northeast Met- for Amy, it means the start of a new chapter. She’ll never project controls group that ful as possible is ensuring ro Tech serves will be called leave the floor, still dances from her wheelchair, and is a great choreographer. Embracing Amy’s undying passion, the has worked on 45 MSBA that all of our stakeholders upon to contribute a portion National MS Society teamed up with LaTonya Swann to create projects so far, while DRA are involved throughout,” of the remainder of the proj- NEVER. an entirely new and inspired dance experience through virtual reality. See their experience and find out how you can has designed seven technical Superintendent DiBarri said. ect’s budget. share yours at WeAreStrongerThanMS.org. high schools in the last sev- “We want to settle on a final All stakeholders will be

Together We Are Stronger. en years. project that will fulfill the able to remain informed Throughout the feasibili- needs of students for decades about the progress of the ty study, the team will evalu- to come, and in order to that project via a dedicated web- ate all available construction to happen the design process site, northeastbuildingproj- options, including renovat- needs be both thoughtful and ect.com. Page 10 THE CHELSEA RECORD Thursday, June 4, 2020 NEWS FROM AROUND THE REGION

VIRTUAL “Unfortunately, you are cently through the Ameri- EVERETT SENIOR SALUTE GRADUATION FOR approaching the pinnacle can South and Mexico, as a of your high school careers tribute to migrants and their BPS during one of the great- families. EAST BOSTON - For est conflicts the world has McGuirk’s new 10-min- hundreds of high school se- faced in over a century,” ute version of “What Have niors living in East Boston, said Brangiforte. “I am We Done?” was recorded in the last year of high school truly sorry for the personal 2017 at Chillhouse Studio is a right of passage, and struggles that each and ev- with Jeffrey Lockhart, Cil- one that is remembered for eryone one of you encoun- la Bonnie, Brandon Mayes a lifetime. tered over the past several and Deshawn D’vibes Al- Whether these seniors months, and I’m sure many exander—the band that are at East Boston High of you feel cheated out of helped win the 2018 Bos- School or attending other the activities and memo- ton Music Award for Best public or private schools ries that senior classes be- Live Residency at Bull Mc- the final year of high school fore you have experienced. Cabe’s. is usually filled with a tre- Walsh has always been on A link to the song can be mendous amount of excite- your side through the en- found at https://www.drop- ment and accomplishment. tire pandemic. He knows box.com/s/e4lmhyclqqe- However, the Class of how important graduation wro0. 2020 has been living in is and will be hosting a vir- a strange time since the tual graduation to honor the REVERE COVID-19 pandemic class of 2020. I value his SCHOOLS NOT TO shuttered schools back in leadership during this diffi- March. cult time. The class of 2020 PARTICIPATE IN Senior Isabella Lacor- The usual traditions of will go down in history and STATE’S SCHOOL cia (right) says ‘Thank You’ to the teachers as senior prom, senior day be the most remembered of CHOICE and, above all, graduation all time.” they drive by during exercises have all been can- REVERE - At the last the Senior Salute car celled. LOCAL MUSICIAN Revere Public School Com- parade last Tuesday, To help bring back a lit- mittee meeting, committee May 26. The event was tle normalcy to the lives of GIVES BACK member Stacey Rizzo made part of the altered seniors robbed of what was TO ZUMIX a motion to have Revere Senior Week activities that took place in a to be their greatest year, Public Schools not partic- EAST BOSTON - Local mostly virtual format Mayor Martin Walsh and musician Ali McGuirk and ipate in the state’s School Choice program. last week. Graduation Boston Public Schools Su- multimedia artist Pamela will be quasi-in person perintendent Brenda Cas- Maguire teamed up earlier The school choice pro- gram allows parents to send as seniors and families sellius announced the city this month to use art and will drive in on Satur- will honor graduating se- music to support the Massa- their children to schools in communities other than the day (Sunday rain date) niors in the Class of 2020. chusetts families hardest hit to walk across the city or town in which they The Mayor and Superin- by the COVID pandemic. stage individually and have a little safe celebration. Congratulating the seniors from their tendent will celebrate their On May 8 the pair released, reside. car (above) were Freshman English teacher Ms. Dunn and Physical Education teacher Ms. accomplishments with a via Bandcamp, a set of their Each year the Revere Capra show their love for the seniors. virtual graduation ceremo- works in tandem. School Committee must ny that will be broadcast on McGuirk debuted a pre- vote on whether or not they WCVB Channel 5 on Sat- viously vaulted, extended want to enter the program. urday, June 13 from 7:30 take of her song, “What “I move that we the Re- vere School Committee - 8:00 p.m. The ceremony Have We Done?” while support to the community vote to not accept non-Re- FIREWORKS LOOKING AT will be hosted by Mayor Maguire presented a new as it determines and pur- vere students into the revere CANCELLED CREATING Walsh, Superintendent Cas- 8x10 illustrated interpreta- sues its short- and long- public school system,” Riz- sellius and will feature For- tion of a family together in IN LYNN PLANNING DEPT. term goals for community zo said while making the mer United States Secretary the wilderness. LYNN - In light of the WINTHROP - At its most preservation, economic motion. of Education John King as In partnership with Zu- unprecedented times we recent meeting on May 19, growth, and environmental The motion was second- the keynote speaker. mix, the proceeds from are experiencing with the the Winthrop Town Coun- protection.” ed and unanimously reject- In addition to a televised these dual releases will be COVID-19 pandemic, cil heard a presentation by In order to determine the ed by the School Commit- broadcast, the ceremony redistributed directly to Lynn Mayor Thomas Mc- Tufts University students budget for the department, tee, which also includes will also be streaming on- families in East Boston, Gee and Swampscott Town on the benefits of creating a the researchers studied Mayor Brian Arrigo. line at WCVB.com and Chelsea and surrounding Manager Sean Fitzgerald planning department for the 16 municipal budgets and Prior to the motion, Re- available after the broad- towns, which have the have jointly made the dif- Town of Winthrop. consulted online resourc- vere Public School Super- cast on boston.gov. highest per capita rate of ficult decision to cancel the Patrick Higgins, Ali- es. They found that towns intendent Dr. Dianne Kelly, “We are tremendously confirmed coronavirus cas- traditional 3rd of July Fire- sha Patel, Ethan Pepin and similar in size to Winthrop advocating for the district, proud of our graduating es in Massachusetts. works and parade. “Given Adrian Tanner presented spent between $165,000 said she did not support the seniors, who together mark “Pamela Maguire and the unparalleled times we a slideshow entitled Four and $170,000 annually to idea. a class of smart, hardwork- I teamed up to raise some are living in and the uncer- Centuries Young: The Case fund the department. De- “I am asking not to vote ing, and creative individu- dough for families in Chel- tainty we face, our only op- for a Planning Department partment heads are paid in favor of School Choice als who I know will go on sea, Eastie and beyond,” tion was to cancel the 3rd of in Winthrop. approximately $80,000 for Revere Public School, to do great things,” said said McGuirk. “The track July fireworks to ensure our Planning was defined by per year, and a town plan- which allows other students Walsh. “While the corona- is exclusively available on residents remain healthy,” the team as “the process of ner is paid approximately from cities and towns into virus pandemic has side- Bandcamp and all of the said Mayor Thomas Mc- working with residents and $61,000. our public schools,” said lined some of our most im- profits go directly to fami- Gee. “The safety of our elected officials to accom- When asked if it was Kelly. “You are all aware portant traditions, including lies in Eastie, Chelsea and residents has been and plish community goals.” necessary to have more of the state we are in right high school graduation, the surrounding towns, will continue to be my top The team conducted a lit- than one planner, Higgins now. All of our schools are we will not miss the op- which have the highest concern during this public erature review, interviewed said “the more the better, overcrowded. We need to portunity to celebrate their rates of COVID in the state, health emergency.” “We all planning professionals and so you can spread the work hold a yearly lottery lot- achievements or mark this in partnership with Zumix’s will be a bit disappointed analyzed budget statements out.” He recommended one tery for our middle schools important milestone in their mutual aid efforts.” that we will not be able to to discover what benefits a full-time planner and one to ensure even distribution lives. I want all the seniors McGuirrk works as a celebrate with our friends, professional planning de- part-time planner at a min- of students. There are over to know that their city is Teaching Artist at Zumix neighbors, and the commu- partment could bring to imum. 2,000 students at Revere rooting for them, and will and has been moved by nity at large this year. Yet, Winthrop. Pepin highlighted the High School and the school be behind them every step the organization’s ability we all know that the safety The students explained importance of hiring in- is nearly bursting at the of the way. We are proud to to adapt with care towards and well-being of our com- that a town planner’s key dividuals with experience seams and our elementa- work with WCVB Channel the needs of their commu- munities and loved ones is role is to establish commu- with both the Massachu- ry schools are not in much 5 to broadcast this very spe- nity. Since the onset of the the most important treasure nication with foundations setts and federal grant-writ- better shape.” cial event.” pandemic, Zumix has been we have,” said Swampscott and to secure grant funding. ing processes, especially as The Inter-District School The ceremony will fea- providing creative, finan- Town Administrator Sean They cited two projects— the community reels from Choice law was passed into ture remarks from School cial and food support to Fitzgerald. The decision is Win2030 and the $1.3 mil- the economic fallout of law by the Massachusetts Committee Chair Mi- about 200 families, includ- tough for everyone as this lion sewer upgrade—that COVID-19. Legislature in 1991. chael Loconto, valedic- ing $30,000 in direct pay- event has become one of could be budgeted more Councilors thanked the The laws two main goals torians from all 36 BPS ments to families who have the most notable celebra- effectively with the help of students for their hard work were to provide education high schools, and surprise lost work. tions in the Commonwealth a planner. in assembling the presenta- options to Massachusetts guests. Students have also “On behalf of the en- but is critical to help pre- The presentation also tion. parents and children, and been asked to submit pho- tire Zumix community, I’d vent the spread of this dead- showed how a planning de- “I’m looking forward to to spur competition among tos and videos of their high like to thank Ali McGuirk ly virus. We would like to partment could increase the acting on your recommen- districts. school experience. and Pamela Maguire for thank the Fireworks Vendor Town’s professionalism— dations,” said Councilor School choice allows “Senior year for any high their generous and cre- Atlas Pyrovision Entertain- giving support to planning Tracy Honan. school districts to enroll school student is a remark- ative support of ZUMIX’s ment Group for their under- boards, provide consisten- “I think that adding a non-resident pupils from able time in a young per- COVID-19 family assis- standing and cooperation cy around the development planner would bring much other districts at a tuition son’s life, and the senior tance initiative,” said Zu- with the cancellation of process, and tailoring new benefit to the town,” said (chapter 70 funding) cost year for the Class of 2020 mix Executive Director this year’s show. We are all developments to communi- Councilor Barbara Flock- that starts at $5,000 but is unlike any we’ve experi- and Co-Founder Madeleine looking forward to another ty values. hart. averages more than $6,000 enced in our lifetime,” said Steczynski. “Their joint re- great event in 2021. The report claimed that “We’re looking forward when special education ex- Superintendent Cassellius. lease via Bandcamp offers “Our communities are a town planner could help to finally having a planner penses are added in. The tu- “The courage, flexibility, an extended version of Ali’s deeply rooted in history fight climate change by in town to move us forward ition is paid entirely by the and resilience our students hit “What Have We Done,” and patriotism and we will engaging in coastal part- and do some things we’ve students’ home districts, at have shown, supported by along with Pamela’s visual continue to celebrate this nerships, seeking out cli- long wanted to have done,” no cost to the parents. our community is an in- depiction of a family to- in years to come. I would mate-specific grants, and said Councilor Rich Ferri- More than 16,000 of the spiration for all of us, and gether in the wilderness. like to thank the Fireworks altering the Master Plan to no. “We’ll be looking for a Commonwealth’s 950,000 gives us all reason to be We are blessed to have the Committee for their tireless be more environmentally planner soon so spruce up students were enrolled as hopeful about the future support of such gifted art- work and our residents for conscious. your résumé.” choice pupils. Nearly 60 and the legacy the Class of ists. Their generosity will their understanding as we The Tufts team identi- One caller, Karen Cha- percent of the state’s 322 2020 will create long after enable us to continue to work to limit the spread of fied potential obstacles for vis, said she was unsure school districts accepted their time in the Boston provide critical support to the COVID-19 outbreak.” a newly hired town planner, how a planning department students through the pro- Public Schools has passed.” local families in need.” said Mayor Thomas Mc- especially if he or she is would be funded given the gram. EBHS Headmaster Phil The proceeds from these Gee. from out of town. It empha- current budget restrictions. School committees vote Brangiforte said he always releases will be used to- “There is no doubt that sized that a planner should “These people at Tufts each year whether to accept looks forward to celebrat- wards these direct relief the citizens of Lynn and get to know residents and did a wonderful job,” she new non-resident choice ing all the accomplishments mutual aid efforts as the Swampscott love our coun- to patronize small business- said, “but I caution the pupils. Their motivation to of his seniors during senior pandemic continues to try and our communities es in an effort to learn the council to think about other do so is usually to fill empty day, awards nights and present unforeseen and un- and our traditions so this community’s values and things before we [consider] seats and bring in additional graduation. precedented challenges to great event will not go earn its trust. a planner.” revenue. Addressing his seniors the community. away,” Fitzgerald said. “As The mission of the Win- Town Manager Austin However, as Dr. Kelly directly, Brangiforte said Maguire, a frequent col- a Nation, as a Common- throp Planning and Eco- Faison said that his recent pointed out, Revere Public it breaks his heart that the laborator of McGuirk’s and wealth, as a City, and as a nomic Management De- budget presentation already School don’t seem to need Class of 2020, that has ac- the hand behind her EP Town— just know we are partment, as it would be accounted for the planning any help in filling seats for complished so much, has and debut album art, was looking forward to a time called, would be to serve department by dissolving the foreseeable future. been cheated on a proper end inspired to create this new we can all celebrate togeth- the town “by providing existing positions. to their high school careers. image while traveling re- er as a community.” technical and professional Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 11 OBITUARIES MVES awarded more than $82k to support senior volunteer service Mystic Valley Elder tion to natural disasters. goods at food pantries. health benefits associated Services (MVES) recent- “This funding provides Established in 1971, with volunteering, includ- ly received a Senior Corps much-needed support to RSVP programs engage ing lower mortality rates, Cynthia Castle RSVP grant of $82,397.00 our RSVP program, in Americans age 55 and increased strength and Former Chelsea resident from the Corporation for which our volunteers share older in citizen service National and Community their time and expertise that addresses the nation’s energy, decreased rates Service (CNCS), the feder- with a wide variety of com- most-pressing challenges— of depression, and fewer Cynthia (Gordon) Cas- al agency for volunteering munity members, from el- everything from fighting physical limitations. Mys- tle of Melrose, formerly of and service. ementary school children the opioid epidemic, reduc- tic Valley Elder Services Chelsea, passed away on The funds were award- to those enrolling in Medi- ing crime and reviving cit- offers a variety of volunteer Saturday, May 30 with her ed as part of a Senior Corps care,” said Leah Mulrenan, ies, connecting veterans to opportunities, which range RSVP grant competition to Mystic Valley Elder Ser- jobs and benefits, preparing family by her side. increase the impact of na- vices’ RSVP Director and today’s students for tomor- from commitments of just She was the beloved tional service in the Mystic Volunteer Program Manag- row’s jobs, and ensuring a few hours each month, to wife of the late Eugene Valley region. Established er. Mulrenan oversees and seniors age independently multiple days each week. Lawrence Castle to whom in 1971, RSVP programs supports over 400 volun- and with dignity. For more information she was married for 59 engage older Americans teers in the Mystic Valley While serving, Senior about volunteer opportu- years; devoted mother of in volunteer opportunities region, many of whom are Corps volunteers also im- nities at Mystic Valley El- Arlene Davis and her hus- across the country. These serving critical community prove their own lives, der Services, and to find band, Andy of Malden, Stu- volunteers have been a crit- functions, such as serving staying active and healthy the one that’s best for you, art Castle and his wife, Car- ical resource for nationwide food at senior dining sites, through service. A grow- ol of Nashua, NH, Harold response efforts—in every- assisting elders with bill ing body of research points please call 781-388-2375 or thing from hunger preven- paying tasks, or distributing to mental and physical visit mves.org/volunteer. Castle of Nashua, NH and Nicole Castle-Jamal and Leona Chodosh and her her husband, Dr. Joseph Ja- Plan to resume retailer bottle and can redemption enforcement announced husband, Hank of Danbury, mal; cherished great-grand- CT.; the loving daughter mother of Jordon Castle, As part of the Baker-Poli- distancing; of COVID-19, such as not commingled with other of the late Abraham and Keagan, Nolan, Vivienne, to Administration’s com- • Clearly mark 6-foot wearing a mask and social materials. Redemption lo- prehensive reopening plan, spacing in lines on the floor; distancing. Fannie (Cutler) Gordon, Juliana and Everett. cations may not accept con- dear sister of Ina Shane of the required acceptance of • Limit bot- Customers visiting re- tainers with contaminants. A private graveside ser- Florida, Harold Gordon of bottle bill containers for tle room occupancy; and tailer redemption locations MassDEP’s Bottle Bill vice will be held with in- Arizona and the late Sam, redemption will resume in • Disinfect machines be- may be limited to redeem- Hotline is available at 617- terment at New Tifereth fore proceeding to empty ing no more than 120 de- Walter and Sidney Gordon; a two-stage process, begin- 556-1054 for questions and Israel Cemetery, Everett. ning on June 5, 2020. The them. posit containers at a time. information requests. loving grandmother of Bri- Customers are encour- Customers seeking to re- In lieu of flowers, remem- plan includes protocols and MassDEP is responsible an Castle and his wife, Di- aged to check the operating deem more than 120 con- brances in Cynthia’s name requirements to ensure the for ensuring clean air and ane, Derek Davis, Daniel status of redemption loca- tainers are encouraged to may be made to the Alzhei- safety of employees and the water, safe management Davis, Rachel Castle and public. tions before bringing emp- utilize a redemption center mer’s Association- PO Box and recycling of solid and her fiancé, Joshua Casey, The Massachusetts De- ty beverage containers for with the capacity to manage hazardous wastes, timely Natalie Orphanos, Melanie 96001, Washington, DC partment of Environmen- redemption and should fol- large volumes efficiently Schoffelmeer and her hus- 20090-6011. Visit www. tal Protection (MassDEP) low store guidelines related and effectively. Custom- cleanup of hazardous waste band, Kyle, Jeffrey Castle torffuneralservice.com for and the Attorney General’s to redemption services and ers must also ensure that sites and spills and the pres- and his wife, Colleen and guestbook. Office on March 18, 2020, standard safety precautions all beverage containers are ervation of wetlands and temporarily suspended to help prevent the spread free of product, rinsed and coastal resources. enforcement of beverage THE TORF FUNERAL container redemption re- Carafa Family SERVICE quirements for retailers across the Commonwealth. Pre-need planning with our INDEPENDENT Funeral price protection guarantee. MassDEP and the Attorney NEWSPAPERS Arrangements made at our General’s Office will - re Home Inc. facility or in the comfort of sume enforcement of bev- 389 Washington Ave. your own home erage container redemption requirements in two phases: Chelsea 4 generations of the Torf Tradition: Deborah Torf Golden • Enforcement of re- 617-884-4188 Amy Torf Golden demption requirements will Size: 160x600 IAB Hyman J. Torf (1903-2000) resume at retailers using $30000 per month/per site Amy C-Almas M.L. Torf (1867-1940) reverse vending machines William R. Carafa - (RVMs) on June 5, 2020. 3 SPOTS AVAILABLE Funeral Directors (617) 889-2900 • Enforcement of re- carafafuneralhome.com (800)428-7161 demption requirements will ON EACH SITE www.torffuneralservice.com resume at retailers accept- JUST A CLICK AWAY ing containers over-the- Combo Rates avaiŽable! counter on June 19, 2020. Buy any 3 sites, get 4th FREE “Meeting the needs of the families we serve.” Bottle redemption ser- vices will need to adhere 12 COMMUNITIES TO CHOOSE FROM to the protocols set forth reverejournal.com• winthroptranscript.com ANTHONY MEMORIAL - in the Executive Office of lynnjournal.com • everettindependent.com • eastietimes.com FRANK A. WELSH & SONS Housing and Economic chelsearecord.com • charlestownbridge.com • beaconhilltimes.com Development’s Guidance northendregionalreview.com • thebostonsun.com FUNERAL HOME Regarding the Operation of jamaicaplaingazette.com • missionhillgazette.com Peter A. Zaksheski Essential Services, includ- Traffic reports available upon request Type III Licensed Funeral Director ing: Call your Rep. at 781-485-0588 718 Broadway, Chelsea – 617-889-2723 – 617-884-3259 • Customers and em- ployees wear a mask or Sales Rep Ext www.ChelseaFuneralService.com Deb x101 Kathy x110 Maureen x103 Sioux x125 Peter x106 face-covering; First Come - First Served • Post signage to remind customers to practice social OBITUARIES Chelsea's Professional Service Directory All obituaries and death notices will be at a cost of ASPHALT/PAVING CONTRACTING PAINTING R. SASSO & SONS Neighborhood Affordable John J. Recca ASPHALT PAVING - CONSTRUCTION General Contractors $100.00 per paper. G Curb Cuts G Landscaping G Water Lines G Excavation Nick G Concrete Foundations G Retaining Walls G Stone Delivery Painting G Bobcat Service G Concrete G Seal CoatG Sewer Lines G Free Fill 857-258-5584 D’Agostino BOB 781-284-6311 Family Operated Interior/Exterior That includes photo. 617-A-S-P-H-A-L-T Since 1963 Home Improvements Consultants Commercial/Residential Professional Residential/ Commercial • Interior/ Fully Insured Painter Exterior • New Construction Build and Quality Work Please send to Cell: Advertise Design • Attics • Basements • Additions Reasonable Rates 617-270-3178 for 3 months Vinyl Siding •Roofing • Porches Free Estimates Fully Insured [email protected] Windows • Kitchen and bathrooms 781-241-2454 Free Estimates for only: Pre-approved Contractors for first time or call 781-485-0588 home buyers programs Painting and Landcaping 2 col. x 1 inch VICTOR V. MA CSL#088821 Residential Painting • Cleaning $120.00 Quality Work @ Reasonable Rates & pruning plants The most costly education For 3 Months Free Estimates! 30 Years Experience! Call or text 617-767-5048 Is the one not begun ($10/wk) [email protected]


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• Revere • Everett • Winthrop • Lynn • East Boston • Chelsea • Charlestown Lynn Independent Newspaper Group REaL EstatE Sales • Rentals rEvErE Call: EvErEtt 781-485-0588 Land • Commercial RECRuItmENt ChELsEa Fax: Professional • Medical CharLEstoWn Winthrop 781-485-1403 General • Services East Classified Boston Classified More Than 100,000 Readers Each Week • Auto Sales • Yard Sales 7 Communities • Miscellaneous


REVERE CHELSEA - Shurtleff St. Great Location - 3&4 BR Apt., gas heat, ASSISTANT OCCUPANCY COORDINATOR 2 Store Fronts 1 4BR Apt. lead cert. Sec 8 OK, No 5 open Pkg. spots smoking, no pets 781- GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Chelsea Housing Authority is Hiring a Full-Time As- $950.000 844-1133 sistant Occupancy Coordinator. The As-sistant Occupancy Coordinator is responsible 617 785 7027M ------for assisting the Occupancy Coordinator with processing, reviewing, and placing all HEAVY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION tenant applications, for their accuracy in accordance with all Federal, State, and Public DEADLINES: For classi- Housing Authority guidelines. Prepare all eligible applicant files for a move in date to SOBER fied line ads, deadlines COMPANY IS HIRING their specific program. The Assistant Occupancy Coordinator reports to the Occupancy Coordinator. are Monday by 4 p.m. HOUSING • Health, Dental, Life, Accident, Short and Long Term Call 781-485-0588 or Disability DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Sober Housing Accommo- fax the ad to 781-485- • 401(k) with Company Match • Schedules applicant appointments and assist occupancy coordinator conduct inter- dations 1403 • Paid Time Off views and process applicants for eligibility. ------Safe and sober housing • Paid Holidays • Assists applicants in completing applications, updates, and transfers applications. accommodations for men NEED TO SELL Your • Year-Round Work • Process Department mail daily and women available now House? Call to reach • Attend Vacancy meetings to discuss priorities for leasing vacant units in Revere, East Boston over 50,000 readers. CURRENTLY HIRING CANDIDATES FOR • Responsible for processing all transfer requests and updating and maintaining the Transfer list and Lynn. Call today 617- Call 781-485-0588 or THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: • Perform preliminary Screening of all state applicants utilizing statewide system 610-0053 or visit www. fax the ad to 781-485- • Field Laborers – Candidates with underground utility, (CHAMP). 1403 americasober.com. ------concrete, and/or curb experience. • Assist with state and federal updates of waiting list ------• Performs other related duties as required. • Experienced Heavy Equipment Operators – Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years’ QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS: Candidate must have strong oral and written com- experience with knowledge of water, sewer and storm munication skills, be detail oriented and can function in a multilingual/multicultural drainage installation. environment, must be well-organized and accurate in data-entry. Applicant must also exercise ethical judgment in maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive in- • Experienced Foreman – Candidates should have TO PLACE YOUR AD formation. Computer skills including, but not limited to, MS Office are required. Flu-en- a minimum of 3 years’ experience working with cy in Spanish is also preferred. A minimum of two years related experience is preferred, 781-485-0588 underground utilities in a supervisory capacity. or a college Degree may be substituted for one year of relevant experience. Email resumes to [email protected] or call 781-843-6060. STARTING RANGE: $17.00 HR to $20.00HR based on experience (Full benefits pack- age includes medical, dental, sick & vacation) Interested candidates may submit resumes by email at [email protected] (subject line FTAOCMAY20) or by mail (address below) by June 4, 2020 or until FHAP AGENCIES &OTHER STATE/       position is filled. LOCAL REFERRAL AGENCIES           THINK OF IT AS AN    Chelsea Housing Authority All real estate advertising in this  OWNER’S MANUAL Human Resource Department (PTAAJAN20) newspaper is subject to the Federal        54 Locke Street, Chelsea, MA 02150 Fair Housing Act of 1968, which    FOR YOUR MONEY. makes it illegal to advertise any 

preference, limitation or discrimi-     nation based on race, color, reli-         gion, sex, handicap, familial status    (number of children and or preg-  nancy), national origin, ancestry,         age, marital status, or any inten-    tion to make any such preference, 

limitation or discrimination.     This newspaper will not knowingly         accept any advertising for real  estate that is in violation of the       The free Consumer Action law. Our readers are hereby      informed that all dwellings adver-     Handbook. It’s in print and tising in this newspaper are avail-     online at ConsumerAction.gov. able on an equal opportunity      basis. To complain about discrimi-    Order your free copy online nation call The Department of  Housing and Urban Development       at ConsumerAction.gov or    “ HUD” toll-free at 1-800-669-    write to Handbook, Pueblo, 9777. For the N.E. area, call HUD  at 617-565-5308. The toll free       CO 81009. number for the hearing impaired          is 1-800-927-9275. 


LEGAL NOTICE The City of Chelsea includes the construc- secure contract docu- holidays excluded after hearing. If you choose to Register of Probate of a bid bond, cash, certi- Office of Labor and reserves the right to tion of a redundant ment. Addendum will be the opening of bids. file a written response, 6/4/20 fied check, treasurer’s or Workforce Development accept any proposal, to water service feed off published to furnished The Owner reserves you need to: C cashier’s check payable under the provisions reject any or all propos- of Shurtleff Street to email addresses. The the right to waive any File the original with the to the Owner, is required of the Massachusetts als and to waive minor the John Silber Early Contract Documents and informalities in bids and Court; and in the amount of five General Laws Chapter CITY OF CHELSEA irregularities and/or Learning Center (ELC) plans will be available to to reject any or all bids. Mail a copy to all inter- LEGAL NOTICE percent of the bid, in 149, Section 26 to 27H, INVITATION FOR BIDS formalities as it deems in the City of Chelsea, prospective bidders start- CITY OF CHELSEA, ested parties at least five accordance with Section as amended, apply CARTER STREET BICYCLE to be in the best interest Massachusetts. Water ing on June 3, 2020. MASSACHUSETTS (5) business days before 00200, INSTRUCTIONS to this project. It is AND PEDESTRIAN of the City. service construction shall The selected contrac- BY ITS CHIEF PROCURE- the hearing. TO BIDDERS. the responsibility of IMPROVEMENTS In accordance with include the installation tor shall furnish a MENT OFFICER The minor (or an adult Copies of the contract the Bidder, before bid The City of Chelsea our Minority Business of approximately 45 performance bond and Weston & Sampson on behalf of the minor) SECTION 00100 documents are available opening, to request if Massachusetts, through Enterprise Plan, we are linear feet of 8-inch a payment bond in Engineers, Inc. has the right to request ADVERTISEMENT FOR through the City of necessary, any addi- its Chief Procurement inviting all qualified ductile iron water main amount at least equal Reading, Massachusetts that counsel be appoint- BIDS Chelsea Purchasing tional information on Officer, is seeking women and minority and fittings, including to one hundred percent 6/4/20 ed for the minor. City of Chelsea, Massa- Department online at Prevailing Wage Rates sealed bids to furnish business firms to connections to existing (100%) of the contract C If you are a parent of chusetts (Owner) http://www.chelseama. for those trades people all services to provide respond. primary water service price as stipulated in the minor child who is Sealed bids for gov/purchasing/pages/ who may be employed “Carter Street Bicycle The City of Chelsea is feed and to existing stub Section 00700 GENERAL the subject of this pro- construction of Site current-bids-solicitations. for the proposed work and Pedestrian Improve- an Equal Opportunity in Shurtleff Street. Work CONDITIONS of these LEGAL NOTICE ceeding you have a right Improvements and The Purchasing Depart- under this contract. ments” throughout the Employer. shall also include the specifications. COMMONWEALTH to be represented by an Materials Disposal, ment website requires By submission of a City of Chelsea. This Invitation for Bids replacement of existing All bids for this project OF MASSACHUSETTS attorney. If you want Contract No. 2020-282, prospective bidders bid, the Bidder agrees Invitation for Bids will is in accordance with colored concrete in ELC are subject to applicable THE TRIAL COURT an attorney and cannot for the City of Chelsea, enter their name, that this bid shall be be available on or after M.G.L. Chapter 30, 39M. courtyard to match ex- bidding laws of Mas- PROBATE AND afford to pay for one Massachusetts, will be organization, address, good and may not be June 4, 2020 by contact- Dylan Cook isting color and pattern, sachusetts, including FAMILY COURT and if you give proof received at Room 206, telephone number, fax withdrawn for a period ing Dylan Cook, Chief Chief Procurement as well as construction General Laws Chapter NOTICE AND ORDER: that you are indigent, an City Hall, 500 Broadway, number, and email in of 30 days, Saturdays, Procurement Officer Officer zone safety and traffic 30, Section 39M as Petition for attorney will be assigned Chelsea, Massachusetts order to secure contract Sundays and legal at dcook@chelseama. 6/4/20 management. amended. Appointment of to you. Your request for 02150 until 11:00 a.m. documents. Addendum holidays excluded after gov or by visiting the C The required contract Prevailing Wage Rates Guardian of a an attorney should be prevailing time on June will be published to fur- the opening of bids. City’s website at http:// completion date is as determined by the Minor made immediately by 18, 2020, at which time nished email addresses. The Owner reserves www.chelseama.gov/ LEGAL NOTICE August 14, 2020. Director of the Executive Docket No. filling out the Application and place said bids will The Contract Documents the right to waive any purchasing/pages/cur- Bid Security in the form Office of Labor and SU20P0540GD of Appointment of be publicly opened and and plans will be informalities in bids and rent-bids-solicitations. of a bid bond, cash, certi- Workforce Development Suffolk Probate Counsel form. Submit read aloud. available to prospective to reject any or all bids. Bids must be sealed and fied check, treasurer’s or under the provisions and Family Court the application form in The scope of work bidders starting on June CITY OF CHELSEA, clearly marked “Carter cashier’s check payable of the Massachusetts 24 New Chardon St. person or by mail at the includes, handling and 3, 2020. MASSACHUSETTS Street Bicycle and Pedes- SECTION 00100 to the Owner, is required General Laws Chapter Boston, MA 02114 court location where disposal of 2,800 tons The selected contrac- BY ITS CHIEF PROCURE- trian Improvements” and ADVERTISEMENT FOR in the amount of five 149, Section 26 to 27H, In the interests your case is going to be of street sweepings, tor shall furnish a MENT OFFICER submitted to the Office BIDS percent of the bid, in as amended, apply Of: Robert D Ulloa heard. catch basin cleanings, performance bond and Weston & Sampson of the Chief Procurement City of Chelsea, Massa- accordance with Section to this project. It is Bueso A minor over age 14 has excavation spoils, and a payment bond in Engineers, Inc. Officer no later than chusetts (Owner) 00200, INSTRUCTIONS the responsibility of Of: Chelsea, MA the right to be present miscellaneous debris amount at least equal Reading, Massachusetts 9:00AM on Thursday, Sealed bids for construc- TO BIDDERS. the Bidder, before bid Minor at any hearing, unless stockpiled at the City of to one hundred percent \\wse03.local\WSE\ June 18, 2020. tion of Early Learning Copies of the contract opening, to request if NOTICE TO ALL the Court finds that it is Chelsea Public Works (100%) of the contract Projects\MA\Chelsea Each bid must be Center Water Service, documents are available necessary, any addi- INTERESTED PARTIES not in the minor’s best Yard located at #380 price as stipulated in MA\Street Sweep- accompanied by a Contract 2020-281, for through the City of tional information on A hearing on a Petition interests. Beacham Street. The Section 00700 GENERAL ing\2020 DPW Yard\ certified check, issued the City of Chelsea, Chelsea Purchasing Prevailing Wage Rates for Appointment of THIS IS A LEGAL NOTICE: scope of work also CONDITIONS of these Specifications\Division by a responsible bank or Massachusetts, will be Department online at for those trades people Guardian of a Minor An important court includes debris screening specifications. 0\00100 - Advertise- trust company. Or a bid received at Room 206, http://www.chelseama. who may be employed filed on 03/20/2020 by proceeding that may and sorting, tree and All bids for this project ment.docx bond duly executed by City Hall, 500 Broadway, gov/purchasing/pages/ for the proposed work Nelson Jorge Miranda of affect your rights has brush clearing and are subject to applicable 6/4/20 the bidder as principal Chelsea, Massachusetts current-bids-solicitations. under this contract. Chelsea, MA will be held been scheduled. If you disposal, and surface bidding laws of Mas- C and having as surety 02150 until 10:00 a.m. The Purchasing Depart- By submission of a 06/18/2020 8:30 AM do not understand this restoration including sachusetts, including thereon a surety compa- prevailing time, on June ment website requires bid, the Bidder agrees Guardianship of Minor notice or other court milling and overlay General Laws Chapter ny approved by the City, 18, 2020, at which time prospective bidders enter that this bid shall be Hearing. papers, please contact pavement. 30, Section 39M as all in the amount of 5% and place said bids will their name, organiza- good and may not be You may respond by an attorney for legal The required contract amended. of the bid payable to the be publicly opened and tion, address, telephone withdrawn for a period filing a written response advice. completion date is Prevailing Wage Rates “City of Chelsea.” read aloud. number, fax number, of 30 days, Saturdays, to the Petition or by ap- Date: May 11, 2020 September 4, 2020. as determined by the The scope of work and email in order to Sundays and legal pearing in person at the Felix D. Arroyo Bid Security in the form Director of the Executive Thursday, June 4, 2020 THE CHELSEA RECORD Page 13 IN THE FINAL WEEKS CALL THE OFFICE TO GET SET UP We got you covered! Stay Home and let us deliver you the news! In light of the COVID-19 Crisis and the necessity of staying home, we’re offering a special reduced subscription rate! Only $25 For One Full-year of News coverage delivered right to your * $25 Promotional pricing only applies to doorstep.* In-Town home deliveries

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Home Delivery of The Chelsea Record Page 14 THE CHELSEA RECORD Thursday, June 4, 2020

City Hall /Continued from Page 1 only, calling 3-1-1 (which Outside, greeting resi- is 617.466.4209 outside of dents, was Yareli Arenas. Chelsea) to schedule those Residents were filling out times. forms to indicate what they There is one entrance wanted to do inside. She – on Washington Avenue said it felt good to be able near the lot – and one exit to help people again face- – on the Broadway side. In- to-face. side they have stickers for “I’m excited it’s come people to stand on in line to the time when we can to keep them at the right welcome people back,” she distance. Cleaning crews said. “People have been move through rapidly all inside for a while now and the time, with custodial they are starting to go out staff on duty. Surfaces are again.” wiped down after every City Manager Tom Am- customer comes to a win- brosino said he was admit- Signs in English and dow, and the Treasurer’s tedly nervous about open- Spanish helped residents Office has been built out ing City Hall. Not many to know they needed to with new walls and a win- City Halls have opened wear masks and to social dow screen. yet – including Everett and distance while in City Hall. “It feels good to be Revere – and Chelsea was open,” said Maltez. “Peo- a hot spot for some time. ple have been excited to Brining people back inside munity and we needed to be able to come in and pay made him nervous. accommodate them so they From the Department of Public Works, John Pisaturo, Wai Leong, and William Martinez, their tax bills, get parking But by Wednesday, it could pay by cash. That re- helped spruce up City Hall grounds. stickers and to pay excise was going very well. quired City Hall to be open taxes. Chelsea has a large “I think it has gone well and the deadline for these population of cash-only and probably better than bills by law is June 29. We businesses and online pay- we thought it would,” he didn’t want penalties for ment isn’t an option for said. “There are a lot of un- them. This was also some them.” banked people in our com- symbolic point to it as well The Hall is open Mon- that was a positive one.” day to Friday with limited hours – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. It will be open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, and 9 a.m. to noon on Fri- day. At the Clerk’s Office, Hector Velez was taking customers at his window and preparing for the new normal – which includes wiping and sanitizing all surfaces after each custom- er visit. “It feels good to be back working in person with people,” he said. “I’m glad we’re doing all these things to make sure we can help stop the spread.” Hector Velez of the City Clerk’s office cleaned thoroughly all surfaces in between each customer on Monday. Liem Vu, Kateryn Hernandez, and Gabriel Millar were on hand to guide residents and prevent congregating.

Residents were asked to fill out a form to explain what they planned to do at City Hall. Then City workers helped to make sure – while outside – that residents were prepared DPW Director Fidel Maltez, Yareli Arenas, and Mike Sandoval ready to assist residents on with the right paperwork. the return to City Hall.

Mauch // CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 lot of clocks. Almost every ple appreciate the name, joined a more, commu- Mauch are fixtures at - lo who is the dean of Chelsea “I have known Bruce U.S. President had a Chel- Chelsea Clock. There’s a nity-service minded and cal social events from the government. Bruce Mauch Mauch for 29 years and sea Clock.” lot of pride working for popular family than the Chamber’s Pot-O-Gold himself served one year as have always known him Mauch said he takes Chelsea clock.” Robinsons, typified by his Dinner to the Rotary’s in- the Ward 1 alderman. to be devoted to family, pride in the company’s un- brother-in-laws, Council- stallations. “I love Chelsea,” said friends, Rotary and the City matched history as a man- The Mauch-Robinson lor-at-Large Leo Robinson The list of organizations Mauch. “I’ve met a lot of of Chelsea,” said Gallant. ufacturer of superior time- connection and Latimer Society Co-Di- which D. Mauch has sat on great people. Chelsea is a “I have served on many pieces. D. Bruce Mauch and rector Ronald Robinson. boards or served in lead- community where people boards with Bruce, includ- “One of the nice things his wife, Gail [Robinson] “Through Leo and Gail, ership positions include say that you never leave it. ing the Chelsea Chamber about working at Chel- Mauch, have been married that’s when I developed my CETA, the Chelsea Com- Once you’ve been there, of Commerce, the Rotary sea Clock is that it’s well for 36 years. They have a interest in the city,” said munity Fund, the Friends of you never leave.” Club of Chelsea, and Youth known and people know daughter, Nickolette, who Mauch. “They got me to get the Chelsea Public Library Service Managers. His (as its current president), Praise from we’re known for quali- is a certified emergency involved.” comments, suggestions and the Licensing Commission, Sue Gallant and ty clocks,” said Mauch. medical technician. Bruce and the forever opinions are always well the Rotary Club, and the Councillor Leo Robinson “Wherever you travel, peo- Bruce couldn’t have sartorially splendid Gail thought out, well present- Chamber of Commerce. Former Rotary and ed, and thought provoking. “I was on an adviso- Chamber of Commerce He, like Chelsea Clock, is a ry committee with Molly President Susan Gallant Baldwin when they first has had a front row seat as well-loved institution. started thinking about she and D. Bruce Mauch Said Councillor-at-Large forming a youth center for have served this city well Leo Robinson about D. ROCA,” recalled Mauch. in many capacities. The Bruce Mauch, “He is a man He was a member of the Rotary Club’s “Breakfast for all seasons, He is very original Chelsea Charter With Santa” which Gallant knowledgeable about life. Review Committee that to- has organized and Mauch He is very active in our tally changed the structure has volunteered as the great community. Bruce gave me of Chelsea government. visitor from the North Pole a sound piece of advice: If He has worked on nu- is but one shining example you own a Chelsea Clock, merous successful cam- of their collaboration for you can never go broke. paigns for Leo Robinson, the betterment of Chelsea. And that holds today.”