Far Post FFAS April 2008

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Far Post FFAS April 2008 FOOTBALL FEDERATION Talking Football AMERICAN SAMOA Talking Football May 2008 Welcome to our FEDERATION LAUNCH NEW LOGO newsletter Its bright, its dynamic and symbolic of a bright new future for foot- Inside this issue. ball in American Samoa and has already won unanimous approval Federation Launch 1 from football clubs across the territory. New Logo Futsal Kicks Off 1 When the wrapping paper was lifted off Foot- Tactical Formation: 2 ball Federation American Samoa (FFAS) at its The 4-5-1 inaugural congress in Pago Pago last year the only item missing was a new logo for the Education Courses 2 fledgling federation. Futsal Kids 2 FFAS General Congress 3 That's all changed as FFAS released its new Football For Health 4 logo publicly last month at its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Futsal Kids 5 The Man in Black 5 Football coordinator David Brand said the A Life Without Limits 6&7 new design captured the spirit and hope of brighter things to come for football in American Samoa. Web site of the month 8 Football Equipment Guide 8 "Its very colourful and features many of the cultural symbols unique to Support Our Sponsors 8 American Samoa - you have the football surrounded by the kava bowl with a slim-line new design - I think its a good design," Brand said. Motivational Quotes FFAS spokesman Tavita Taumua said the design was the brainchild of Veni So- toaga an artist at the Department of Education. If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y "There was a need to distinguish football from American Football or Gridiron plus z. and this is why we have a football on the logo. The kava bowl and sticks are Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your symbolic of an orator, a chief, who uses these items to symbolise when it is his mouth shut. turn to speak. You can also see Samoan tattoos behind the football. Sopoaga Albert Einstein was the ideal candidate to design the new FFAS logo because of his involve- ment with the local Fagasa Football club,” Taumua said. Courtesy FFAS Media Men are born to succeed, not fail. Futsal Kicks Off Henry David Thoreau The 2008 senior futsal league kicks of on Saturday 17th Many at Pago Park. Success isn't permanent, and failure isn't fatal. With 10 men’s and 7 women’s teams an exciting competi- Mike Ditka tion is in store over the coming weeks. The futsal is a pre- season competition for the Senior National League which will commence in August. Page Two Talking Football TACTICAL SYSTEMS The Formation 4-3-3 This formation is quite an attacking one. The 4-3-3 system - that is four defenders, three midfielders and three have three attackers while still having a strong midfield. The three midfielders will normally play quite closely together to give protection to the defence and so they cannot be passed around by the opposition. The three strikers will split across the pitch to provide width “ The 4—3– 3 does not actually differ that much from to the attack. Usually you would have a central attacker with the 4-5-1 one each side of him. Former England Coach Don Howe. Barcelona play with this system with Samuel Eto'o, Ronaldinho and Ludovic Giuly. Very few teams actually start with this line- up as you need to have specialist attackers. But if a manager needs a goal late on in a game then he may opt to move to three up front. Courtesy BBC SPORT Junior Player Development Education Courses in 2008 ITS BACK ITS FREE AND ITS FUN! The following courses will be held over the coming months. Come and join our new Junior Referee Development Development Program. Massimo Raveino will con- duct a FIFA MA Referee and Be a New Kid on The Refresher Course in August Block!! 2008 at the National Head- quarters in Pago Pago. Join The Futsal Kids and Coach Development enjoy the game that OFC Technical Director Jim makes Brazil the Best. Selby will be in Pago Pago during early July to facilitate the following course. Venues Kanana Fou and Pago Park 8.00am to 10.00am Saturdays Only. Club Coach Education, - Junior Licence.. Registra- tions to be announced Boys and Girls age 6 to 13 are all welcome. shortly. Bring T Shirt, Shorts, Socks, Sport Shoes and Shin Guards. Sports Medicine Don’t forget your drink bottle. A Sports Medicine Course is planned for later in the year to train members of clubs in basic first aid and sports medicine. Dates, times and venue will be advised once the course details Please call office at 644-7104 or 644-7105 to register have been confirmed. your child, Page Three Talking Football FFAS ORDINARY CONGRESS A HUGE SUCCESS The bright new FFAS logo was unveiled at the Football Federation American Samoa’s historic first Ordinary Congress, which was held on Saturday 1st March 2008. The Congress had been delayed 24 hours due to a lack of a quorum attributed to the extreme weather condi- tions of high wind, torrential rain and flooding making driving hazardous. The field at Pago Park had resembled a lake and the driveway a veritable river of fast flowing water that had cascaded down from the mountainside. Following an opening prayer by executive member Sila Samuelu, the roll call was completed. Moving onto the business proceedings President Iuli Alex Godinet formally declared the Congress open whilst acknowledging the clubs and thanking them for their patience and attendance. The approval of the agenda, and the Presidents address followed with the appointment of scrutineers and the receipt and ap- proval of the activity report that illustrated milestones and achievements over the past 2 years. FFAS Congress delegates were further presented with the minutes of the Founding and Extraordinary Congress, the receipt and consideration of the auditor’s report of the annual accounts and one small amendment to the FFAS Statutes. The new logo was then unveiled and submitted to the members for their approval. This was unanimously accepted. The meeting was conducted in a very cordial and professional manner and the Congress delegates approved unanimously all agenda items, including the affiliation fee for the year 2008. A number of club delegates expressed their thanks to the FFAS Executive and staff whilst looking forward to harmony and a solid football family for the future. FFAS President Iuli Alex Godinet in closing the first Ordinary Congress thanked the members for their attendance, support and expressions of solidarity for the future development and growth of the federation. Page Four Talking Football FOOTBALL FOR HEALTH Playing football is fun. But it is even more fun when you are well prepared and per- form at your best because you meet the needs of you body. This means optimal training, sufficient recovery time and, as important evenly, eating well. But the fun can easily be spoiled by injuries. Whilst you cannot prevent injuries in general, there is a lot you can do to prevent certain injuries from happening to you in the first place and from happening again. No doubt the fun will be all gone the moment you test positive in a doping control. It will not help you at all if this positive test was even due to ignorance, e.g. because you used a contami- nated supplement. Whilst doping substances bear a considerable risk to your health and career, there is a way to enhance per- formance which is healthy and allowed: a balanced diet. Make sure you can enjoy football without any limitations. The facts you need to know about clever training, preventing injuries, the right football food as well as the dangers of intentional and unintentional doping are to be found here. Learn how you get the most out of you favourite game! Staying healthy need not be a chore. An hour of football three times a week keeps you physi- cally and mentally fit - and is fun, too. Studies have now proved what many in the football family have thought for a long time: in the long term, regular exercise, such as playing football, is the best guarantee of health. In 1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) named lack of exercise as the most frequent cause of coro- nary artery disease. Since then, our understanding of the fatal consequences of physical inactivity has steadily increased. A main risk factor is obesity, one of the epidemics of our times. More important than the body mass index however, is where the fat is - it is particularly dangerous in and around the abdomen. Your belt size is a useful guide. For men, it should be below 94cm and for women below 80cm. If the belt size is greater than 102cm (men) and 88cm (women) the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly greater. Public health awareness campaigns help most to know that exercise keeps us physically and mentally fit. But that does not necessarily mean we exercise more. Why should you exert your- self and dispense with comfort when you (still) feel so good? Many well-intended active pro- grammes fail because many chronic diseases do not appear to be an immediate threat. This is where football has an enormous advantage: If you enjoy playing the game and can use football to live out your exercise preferences, you will keep playing. For many, it is the psycho- social factors, not the biological ones, that fire our enthusiasm for exercise in the long term. And only then does it have an optimum preventive effect.
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