
Geological Society of America Special Paper 388 2005

Ages of , islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate

Valérie Clouard* Departamento de Geofisica—Universidad de Chile Blanco Encalada 2002, Casilla 2777, Santiago, Chile Alain Bonneville* Lab. Géosciences Marines, Institut de Physique du Globe. CNRS 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France


Hotspot theory was first proposed on the basis of the observation of linear volcanic chains on the Pacific plate and assumed age progression within these chains. Knowl- edge of the ages of islands and seamounts is therefore of primary importance to ana- lyzing intraplate volcanism and deciphering the history of tracks. In this paper we review published radiometric ages of islands and seamounts on the Pacific plate to help further reconstruction. We present a compilation of 1645 radiometric ages sorted by chain and further by island or , along with a brief overview of each chain. Paleomagnetic ages obtained from seamount magnetism have not been considered, except for some oceanic plateaus (e.g., Shatsky rise). We do not consider foraminifer ages, which only give minimum ages of seamounts. Reliability problems intrinsic to the samples and to the radiometric dating methods must be considered. Dating of whole rocks must generally be disregarded unless they have been subject to special treatment, Ar/Ar incremental heating dating should be preferred over other methods, and data that do not pass the reliability criteria discussed by Baksi (this volume) should be disregarded. Thus use of the ages compiled in our database must be done in the light of filtering, and we encourage the user to check critically the initial papers in which the dates were published.

Keywords: [AQ1] Please send five or six keywords.

INTRODUCTION of hotspot tracks have been commonly proposed, and in the ab- sence of age data geometrical considerations have been used to Twenty-five main linear volcanic chains exist on the Pacific validate the association between a volcanic chain and a fixed plate (Fig. 1). In the hotspot theory proposed by Wilson (1963; hotspot. In this paper we review published radiometric ages of 1965) and the plume theory of Morgan (1971; 1972), they are islands and seamounts on the Pacific plate to guide further work. proposed to be the traces of fixed hotspots on the seafloor and We also reexamine the origins of ages commonly used in hotspot consequently parallel to the absolute motion of the plate when reconstruction, because some are not always correctly used and they were created. They should thus display linear age progres- cited (e.g., foraminifer data have sometimes been used without sions. When these theories were proposed, almost no radio- specifying the dating method and may actually be radiometric metric ages were available from the Pacific (the oldest reference data). Our goal is to compile the original data along with the first in our database is 1964). However, subsequently reconstructions reference where they are presented.

*E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected].

Clouard, V., and Bonneville, A., 2005, Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate, in Foulger, G.R., Natland, J.H., Presnall, D.C., and Anderson, D.L., Plates, plumes, and paradigms: Geological Society of America Special Paper 388, p. 71–90. For permission to copy, contact [email protected]. ©2005 Geological Society of America. 71 150°E 180 150°W 120°W 60°N 60°N Kodiak-Bowie Cobb Emperor

Shatsky Hess 30°N Wentworth Musicians 30°N Japanese Pigafetta Markus-Wake MPM Magellan Geologist Mariana Marshall Caroline Line Nauru 0 OJP 0 Manihiki Marquesas

Samoa Tuamotu Society Puka-Puka Cook Tarava Pitcairn Austral Easter 30°S Foundation 30°S


60°S 60°S

150°E 180 150°S 120°W (m)

-7000 -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 Figure 1. Linear volcanic chains shown on a bathymetric map of the Pacific plate (Smith and Sandwell, 1994). Names of the chains are in black, and names of oceanic plateaus are in red italics. MPM—Mid-Pacific Mountains; OJP—Ontong-Java plateau.

Blind folio—72 Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 73

DATING METHODS by at least three contiguous (within the 95% confidence level) steps representing more than 50% of the 39Ar released, (2) a well- Detailed discussion of the robustness and reliability of radio- defined isochron exists for the plateau points, (3) the plateau and metric dating methods and results is presented by Baksi (this the isochron age are concordant at the 95% confidence level, and volume). We briefly recap the main methods used for data in (4) the 40Ar/36Ar intercept on the isochron diagram is within the our database and also the basic reservations that apply to radio- 95% confidence level from the atmospheric value of 295.5. metric dates. For all these reasons, the data compiled in our database The usual dating methods are K/Ar, Ar/Ar total fusion (Ar/Ar must be filtered for reliability before use, and we encourage the TF), and Ar/Ar step-heating or incremental heating (Ar/Ar IH), user to check the initial papers in which the ages were published. and these can be applied either to whole rocks or to single min- Dates obtained using whole rocks must generally be eliminated erals; a list of relevant minerals is proposed by Dalrymple and unless they have been subject to special treatment such as that Lanphere (1969). Ar/Ar dating is based on the same principle as proposed by Koppers et al. (2000). Ar/Ar IH dating should be conventional K/Ar dating, i.e., the age is calculated from the ra- preferred over other methods when results have been obtained tio of radiogenic 40Ar to 40K. The main advantage of Ar/Ar TF using a variety of methods. One should disregard data that do as opposed to K/Ar is that only argon isotopes need to be mea- not pass the reliability criteria discussed by Baksi (this volume). sured. In the case of Ar/Ar IH, concordance of the results at dif- ferent temperatures increases the reliability of the results (Saito CLASSIFICATION OF DATA IN THE DATABASE and Ozima, 1976). Ar/Ar IH can be evaluated by two comple- mentary methods, the age spectrum and isochron approachs The data in Table 1 (see GSA Data Repository for Tables 1 (Dalrymple, 1991). Age established using an inverse isochron and 21) are sorted by chain, and further by island or seamount, plot is affected only by trapped 40Ar/36Ar coming from atmos- from south to north, as this represents the general trend of pheric contamination and may contribute to a better age inter- Pacific plate motion since 120 Ma. Final sorting is according to pretation (Kuiper, 2002). the method used and the author. The different methods are those Although these methods yield the same result in an ideal described earlier, and the type of sample is specified as “w” for case, for old seamounts the high degree of alteration of submarine whole rock and “s” for single mineral phase. A mean value is rocks makes dating more difficult and the results less reliable. calculated for a volcanic edifice if ages come from the same For subaerial material (whole rocks primarily), the high amounts author using the same method and if the difference between two of atmospheric argon make K-Ar dates suspect. Thus K/Ar dates ages is less than 5 m.y. (a rough estimate of the maximum time are minimum estimates of the true crystallization ages. During that could separate two different volcanic stages on the same normal submarine weathering, both K addition and 40Ar loss edifice). To calculate this mean value, each age is weighted by will lower the apparent age, and a decrease of 39Ar or adjunc- the inverse of its variance, which allows data with different an- tion of 40Ar can cause anomalously old apparent ages (e.g., alytical errors to be combined without giving too much impor- Dalrymple and Lanphere, 1969; Baksi, 1974; Pringle, 1993). tance to poorer-quality data (Dalrymple et al., 1987). When the Pringle (1993) presented a comparative study of dating old authors have proposed a best age estimate, it is highlighted in (70–100 Ma) submarine rocks. He showed that the choice to Table 1. The error associated with a mean age is calculated as Σ σ2 date a whole rock or a single mineral is of primary importance. 1/ (1/ i ). This corresponds to the analytical error during age Results on whole rocks with K/Ar or Ar/Ar TF usually exhibit determination and gives no information on the geological accu- high dispersion (up to 38%) when compared to more reliable racy of the resulting age. All the data are presented in Web sup- Ar/Ar IH ages. Results on with K/Ar are almost always plements to this paper (Tables 1 and 2), and an ASCII file with younger than the best age estimate, whereas Ar/Ar TF dates on only average ages and geographical coordinates is available for feldspar are sometimes older and sometimes younger than Ar/Ar plotting purposes at http://www.mantleplumes.org/PacificAges. IH dates. When this kind of test is done using Ar/Ar IH, it is also html. It should be noted that the decay constant convention used shown that groundmass samples provide more scattered results was adopted in 1977 (Steiger and Jager, 1977), and therefore than mineral separates but that the scatter can be decreased if older references may have used different values than the pres- λ λ the groundmass samples are cleaned by acid leaching (Koppers ent ones for β and ε. et al., 2000). Selection of the sample and its preparation are critical to INDIVIDUAL VOLCANIC CHAINS obtaining an acceptable age estimate, as well as reliability cri- teria. In the case of Ar/Ar IH, these criteria represent the real The database presented in Table 1 represents the most up- power of this method because they correspond to a set of inter- to-date compilation currently available of published ages of nal tests for each experiment. They were proposed by Pringle (1993) and are discussed in Baksi (this volume). The reliability 1GSAData Repository item 2005056, Tables 1 and 2, is available online at www. criteria are as follows. An Ar/Ar IH age can be taken as an ac- geosociety.org/pubs/ft2005.htm, or on request from [email protected] or curate estimate of the crystallization age if (1) a plateau is formed Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. 74 V. Clouard and A. Bonneville islands and seamounts of the Pacific plate, except for the Hawai- inconsistencies is beyond the scope of this paper, but detailed ian chain, where we mostly report the synthesis of Clague and discussions can be found in Clouard and Bonneville, 2001, and Dalrymple (1989). For each chain we list the publications in Natland and Winterer, this volume. which the ages were first presented, along with the radiometric methods used. We give a brief overview of each chain, illus- Alaska Seamounts trated by a figure showing the spatial distribution of the ages over the . These reveal a number of inconsistencies The Alaska seamounts (Fig. 2) form two volcanic align- with the classical fixed-hotspot theory. Full analysis of these ments, the Cobb and Kodiak-Bowie chains. Ages are published



0 20Ma Kodiak Giacomini 23.82 21 -2000 15Ma5M 30 56°N Welker Patton 14.9 -4000 Dickins 29.2 4 Murray 7Maa Denson 27.4 18.2 30Ma Miller 2.8-14.2Hodgkins 7.8-26.4 0.1 Bowie

0 -4000 52°N 20 0 Pathfinder -2000 23.2 5.5cm/yr 20Ma Horton

10 40 20.8

50 Union 15Ma 5.8 Explorer -4000 0.26 Eickelberg 8.3 Warwick 7.7 7 48°N 7Ma Lust Sloth 5.2 4.4 Gluttony 1.5 Thompson Cobb 3.3 3.2

Juan de Fuca Ridge 152 °W 148 ° W 144 ° W 140 ° W 136 ° W 132 ° W 128 ° W

(m) -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 Figure 2. Alaska seamount chains shown on the bathymetric map of Smith and Sandwell (1994). Mean ages of the seamounts in Ma. The stars represent the locations of the seamounts and the dashed lines the plate boundaries. Crustal magnetic isochrons (Mueller et al., 1993) are repre- sented every 10 Ma by thin black lines. The arrow represents the direction of present-day Pacific plate motion in the region according to the NUVEL 1A model (DeMets et al., 1994). Possible hotspot tracks are represented by bands whose widths correspond to a track 100 km wide. They are calculated using the Pacific motion stage poles of Wessel and Kroenke (1997) modified for the 0–7 Ma period with the pole of Yan and Kroenke (1993). Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 75 in three papers. The youngest part of the Cobb seamount chain the same island, we calculated an average age for each paper has been dated by Desonie and Duncan (1990) with Ar/Ar TF (Fig. 3). Duncan and McDougall (1976) used the K/Ar method and with conventional K/Ar on whole-rock samples. Dalrymple on whole-rock samples. We took the average for each island, et al. (1987) used Ar/Ar TF, conventional K/Ar, and Ar/Ar IH excluding their unreliable results. Turner and Jarrard (1982) used experiments to date five seamounts using twelve whole-rock or the same method, and no age is reliable for Rimatara, despite the plagioclase samples, and calculated a best age from incremen- four published ages of 4.78, 14.40, 21.20, and 28.6 Ma. For Ru- tal heating spectrum data. Turner et al. (1980) presented new rutu they dated only the most recent volcanic stage younger than K/Ar dating for four seamounts of the Kodiak-Bowie chain 1 Ma. Matsuda et al. (1984) used the same method for samples and one from the Cobb chain, and used new decay constants for from Rurutu. They presented evidence for two volcanic stages previously dated samples presented by Turner et al. (1973). In in Rurutu, as did Duncan and McDougall (1976). For Rapa Is- Table 1 only the ages they consider reliable are reported. Figure land, Krummenacher and Noetzlin (1966) used K/Ar dating, but 2 shows the distribution of ages in the northeast Pacific area, with ages of 147 and 156 Ma presented in the same paper for including the Cobb and the Kodiak-Bowie (also called Pratt- Tahiti Island, these results are questionable. The fourteen good- Welker) chains. To explain the nonlinear progression in ages quality ages presented by Diraison et al. (1991) using the K/Ar from the southern Cobb-Eickelberg chain, two hypotheses have method yielded an average age of 4.5 Ma. For Macdonald, been proposed: (1) Parts of these seamounts are related to mid- Marotiri, Raivavae, Tubuai, and Rurutu, other ages can be found plate volcanism arising from short-lived hotspots and other parts in Diraison (1991). They are in good agreement with previously to ridge volcanism (Dalrymple et al., 1987), and (2) the Juan de published ages. Ar/Ar IH ages for whole-rock samples were ob- Fuca Ridge moved westward with respect to the tained for seamounts at the southeastern end of the Austal chain (Desonie and Duncan, 1990). The Kodiak-Bowie chain is also by McNutt et al. (1997). They sampled two volcanic chains, proposed to be a mix of ridge and hotspot volcanism with linear Ngatemato and Taukina, and obtained ages of between 22 and age progression within the chain (Turner et al., 1980). 32 Ma. We also present a set of new K/Ar ages obtained for deep- sea samples dredged in 1999 from several seamounts of the Austral Seamounts Cook-Austral volcanic chains (Bonneville et al., 2004). The Austral-Cook region is one of the most intriguing ex- Figure 3 shows the distribution of dated seamounts and is- amples of intraplate volcanism. Ages range from 58 to 0 Ma, and lands of the Austral-Cook chain. When several papers refer to all are younger than the underlying . Thus the region

Aitutaki 43.5 1-8.4 Mitiaro 35.9 12.3 Atiu Mauke 20°S 8.1 5.4 58.1 60 10 Ma RarotongaR 40

1.4 100 50 Ma 110 Rurutu 7 Ma 1.1-10.5 u 19.4 2.6 12.2 Lotus Mangaia 54.8 Rimatara Tubuai 9.1 Raivavae 0.2-8.2 6.3 24°S 43 Ma 20 Ma Arago 32.7


15 Ma 4028 Ma 8.8 Opu 80 33.9 10 Ma Rapa Herema 6.7cm/yr 39.5 Evelyn Neilson 4.6 22.5 90 26 31.3 70 Make 28°S 3.8-32 Aureka 25.6 Marotiri 30 Ma 29.2 Ra 0 Macdonald 160°W 156°W 152°W 148°W 144°W 140°W

Figure 3. Same as Figure 2 but for the Austral and Cook chains. 76 V. Clouard and A. Bonneville

15 Ma

20 Ma 7.0cm/yr 8°N 000 Truku -2000 4.7-9.9-13.99-13.9 Ponape 5.2 10 Ma -2000 -4000 7 Ma Kusaie -4000 1.1.4 -4000 -4000-4

4°N 122.3

OntongJava 88.2

144°E 148°E 152°E 156°E 160°E 164°E Figure 4. Same as Figure 2 but for the Caroline Islands. represents intraplate volcanism. At least eight hotspots would be values but only the ages they consider reliable. In addition, needed to explain the twenty-nine ages distributed over less than another K/Ar age exists for Rarotonga (Matsuda et al., 1984), 2000 km length! Various seamounts or islands (Rurutu, Arago which confirms the young age of 1.4 Ma of this island. Because seamount, Marotiri) have undergone different volcanic stages Cook volcanism is usually associated with the Austral hotspots, separated by more than 8 m.y. Only the tracks of recognized ac- the Cook ages are shown jointly with those from the Austral area tive hotspots are reported in Figure 3. This figure illustrates well (Fig. 3). the links between seamounts and hotspots, and it may be noted than about half of the dated seamounts are not related to any of Easter Chain the four proposed active hotspots whose tracks pass through this region. From Figure 3 it is obvious that the , ex- The Easter chain lies mostly on the , ranging cept Rapa, are not related to the Macdonald hotspot as was pre- from the Easter microplate to Nazca ridge, but it also contains a viously proposed (e.g., Duncan and McDougall, 1976). One seamount chain on the Pacific plate (Fig. 5). The first ages from extinct hotspot and one still active one are needed to explain the the Easter volcanic chain on the Nazca plate are given by Bon- observed volcanic alignments (Bonneville et al., 2004). atti et al. (1977). The K/Ar technique is used on small whole- rock samples, and the authors caution that the results must be Caroline Islands considered minimum ages for the seamounts. We disregard their ages of 8 and 10 Ma for Easter Island, as all other dates of the All reliable data come from Keating et al. (1984b), and island are less than ca. 3 Ma. Aset of seven K/Ar dates on whole- some concerning Truk (Fig. 4) are published in Keating rock samples from the three volcanoes of Easter Island (Miki et al. (1984a). They were obtained on whole-rock samples using et al., 1998) confirms an age of less than 1 Ma. Recent samples conventional K/Ar dating. Truk Atoll contains numerous small dredged by the research vessel Sonne were dated by O’Connor islands that are remnants of a . As proposed by et al. (1995). They used incremental heating experiments on Keating et al. (1984b), we calculate a mean age for each islet separated and cleaned plagioclases. Twenty-four unpublished and a mean age for the entire atoll omitting the young ages of ages also exist, obtained during a cruise of the research vessel Ulalu and Tol. Only three islands are dated, and the results on Revelle in 2001 (Duncan et al., 2003). We add these dates to the Truk Island range from 4.7 to 13.9 Ma, making the assumption map of the Easter chain (Fig. 5). With very sparse data, Bonatti of simple age progression along the chain unsupported (Fig. 4). et al. (1977) initially suggested that the Easter chain might cor- respond to a hotline with active hotspot centers near Easter, Sala Cook Islands y Gomez, and San Felix Islands. With more ages, O’Connor et al. (1995) proposed a single hotspot only, located in the Sala Turner and Jarrard (1982) applied the K/Ar method to whole- y Gomez area, from which would be partially channeled rock samples from the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Muake, Aitu- to the Pacific-Nazca ridge to explain volcanism in the Easter taki, Mitioro, and Mangaia (Fig. 3). We report not minimum Island area. Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 77

Pacific 30 Plate -4000 Nazca -4000 Plate

20°S 20 -4000

10 -4000 10 East Pacific Rise 25.6 -4000 Crought Sala y -4000 8.2 Gomez Easter 6.9 7.9 12.5 14.9 21.6 San Felix 0 to 3 1.7 0.8 3.0 11.7 30.0 2.9 San Ambrosio 7.0cm/yr 8.0cm/yr 30°S -4000

120°W 110°W 100°W90°W80°W Figure 5. Same as Figure 2 but for the Easter chain.

Foundation Seamounts and the total fusion age (Fig. 6). They report only ages that passed the criteria of reliability of Pringle (1993). The mean age O’Connor et al. (1998) calculated ages along the whole given in Table 1 is from O’Connor et al. (1998). The model of a chain on whole rock or plagioclase, and for each sample they stationary hotspot explains fairly well the age distribution within present the plateau age, the normal and the inverse isochron age, the Foundation seamount chain for at least the past 21 m.y., and

15 10

32°S -4000


5 18.2 16.3 21.2 20 12.9 8.8 12.5 20Ma microplate -4000 11.6 7.0cm/yr 10.4 8.4 Juan Fernandez 15Ma 11.6 7.6 7.2 13.4 4.7 36°S 9.4 7.7 7Ma 3.7 7.7 6.2 5.1 -4000 2.1 -4000

40°S East Pacific Rise 132°W 128°W 124°W 120°W116°W 112°W Figure 6. Same as Figure 2 but for the Foundation seamount chain. 78 V. Clouard and A. Bonneville

NW_Cluster 95.8

Hammerstein 94.0 Mahler 32°N 91.5 Brahms 89.7



Rachmaninoff 86.4 Liszt 84.4 Khatchaturian 82.2 28°N

Haydn Bach 75.1 Figure 7. Same as Figure 2 but for the 100 74.5 Schumann Geologist and . 110 83 -4000 Mendelssohn Paumakua 82.4 78.5 65.5

90 LaPerouse Pinnacle Necker 24°N 12 Kaluakalana -200010.3 80.5 7.2

-4000 5.1 -2000 2.6 -2000

-4000 -4000

20°N 110 Cross McCall 84.6 82.7

168°W 164°W 160°W 156°W

perhaps this hotspot could also be responsible for the old sea- and Windom (1968). No age progression exists between these mounts of the easternmost part of the Austral chain (O’Connor seamounts (dated between 80 and 54 Ma) or within the Musi- et al., 1998). cians seamounts to the north (Fig. 7).

Geologist Seamounts or South Hawaiian Seamounts Hawaii-Emperor Chain

The Geologist seamounts are a small group of old seamounts Our main source of dates for this chain is the synthesis of located to the southwest of the island of Hawaii and, in the case Clague and Dalrymple (1989). We added Ar/Ar IH spectra ages of Kauluakalana, south of the Musicians seamounts. Sager and obtained by Duncan and Keller (2004) on previously dated sea- Pringle (1987) presented four radiometric ages. Their proposed mounts and a new one, Detroit seamount, at the north end of the ages were obtained by total fusion dating on plagioclase, some- Emperor chain, and Ar/Ar IH plateau ages obtained by Sharp times averaged with whole-rock total fusion ages when those and Clague (2002) on six seamounts that bracket the Hawaii- were concordant. Other ages given in Table 1 are from Dymond Emperor bend (Fig. 8). The difference between these latter dates Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 79

-6000 75.8 60 74Ma Detroit 50°N 60

70 70Ma 90


61.3 80 65Ma -6000

Nintoku -6000 55.6 -6000 60Ma 40°N Jingu 110 1

0 55.4 0 90 Ojin 55.2 Koko 50Ma50.6 -4000 -6000 130 Kimmei DM23-1922 47.3 87.1 Yuryaku 43.4 KK71-65-24

Abbott 110 Daikakuji 93.4 100 46.743Ma41.5 38.8 90 Colahan 30°N Midway 27.7 Pearl_and_Hermes_reef 20.6 30Ma 19.9 -6000 Northampton LaPerouse_Pinnacle 86.4 26.6 12 10.3Necker KK71-20-8 15Ma Kauai 20Ma 7.2 5.1 -6000 Nihoa 1.8 -4 7Ma 1.3 000 2.6 0.8 20°N 0.7 Oahu 0.4 -40004 Seamount14 Hawaii0 170°E 180° 170°W 160°W Figure 8. Same as Figure 2 but for the Hawaiian chain and Wentworth seamounts.

and previous ones can be as large as 7 m.y. (for Kimmei sea- Japanese Seamounts mount, 39.9 Ma is the previous K/Ar age on whole rock, 47.3 Ma the new Ar/Ar age on ). This illustrates how careful one The first data for the Japanese seamounts (Fig. 9) where ob- must be when using ages to decipher the history of intraplate tained by K/Ar dating (Ozima and Kaneoka, 1968) and were volcanism or to calculate absolute motion stage poles. Figure 8 also presented along with other ages by Ozima et al. (1970). Un- shows the whole Hawaiian chain, from the active hotspot to the fortunately, the results differ from one paper to another (except ~ Detroit seamount (75.8 /0.6 Ma) near the zone It can for Riofu seamount), and it is impossible to know which are the be seen that even for this, the most famous Pacific hotspot chain, correct values. Among the K/Ar ages for Japanese seamounts that the progression of the ages along the hotspot track is irregular. appear in Ozima et al. 1970, only the Erimo seamount age is new. This is shown to be the case for the Hawaii-Emperor bend by the More reliable data are given by Ozima et al. (1983), with ages new dates obtained by different methods and different authors determined using the Ar/Ar IH method on whole-rock samples (Ar/Ar IH, Sharp and Clague, 2002; K/Ar, Dalrymple and Clague, and interpretation of isochron, spectrum, and total fusion results, 1976) and also along the Hawaiian chain, where Dalrymple et and by Winterer et al. (1993) using the same method. The ages al. (1981) obtained an age of 19.9 ± 0.3 Ma for Laysan and an of the Japanese seamounts range between 71.6 and 108.3 Ma, age of 26.6 ± 2.7 for Northhampton Bank, its closest neighbor. and no clear age progression exists within this chain (Fig. 9). 40°N Ryofu 71.6

Daini-Kashima 80 36°N Shatsky Rise Takuyo-Daisan Japanese Seamounts 102 Winterer 140 108.3 Isakov 32°N 103.7


94 150

MIT 28°N 120.3 Marcus Wake Seamount_D1 78 Scripps 24°N 101.6 Golden Lamont Himu Dragon Miami 150 Maloney 87.2-81.5 119.7 95 99.1 96.8 160 Wilde 90.6 20°N 99.8 103.4 Jennings Hemler Seamount_D4 74 Vlinder 95.5 North_Wod-En 160 Quesada 101.1 Oma 85.3 16°N 129.3 91.3 Pako Neen-Koiaak Lobbadede Woden-kopakut 87.1 Ioah 102.8 Magellan 82.4 78.6 Ita Mai Tai Wodejebato 114.6 Anewetak 81.9 12°N 118.6 75.8 138.2 82.1 Look 160 Likelep Lokkworkwor 87.3 170 8°N Marshall Limalok 68.2

4°N 140°E 144°E 148°E 152°E 156°E 160°E 164°E 168°E 172°E

Figure 9. Same as Figure 2 but for the , Magellan, Marcus Wake, and Japanese seamounts (western Pacific seamounts).

Blind folio—80 Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 81

Line Islands plagioclase dating with age spectrum, total fusion, and inverse isochron analysis. Two volcanic stages are inferred for Vindler The geochronology of the Line Islands (Fig. 10) is summa- . The preferred ages for each seamount are the mean value rized by Schlanger et al. (1984). They carried out both Ar/Ar TF deduced from the age spectrum. Finally, Quesada seamount, to and K/Ar dating on the same samples. For each seamount their the east of the chain near the Mariana Trench, has been dated preferred age is always the Ar/Ar TF one, because the K/Ar ages by Hirano et al. (2002) and exhibits a reliable plateau age of for the same samples are significantly younger. Recently Davis 129 Ma. Because a 7 Ma linear age progression exists among et al. (2002) reported thirty-four new Ar/Ar IH age determina- four seamounts of this chain (Fig. 9), from 87 Ma (Ioah sea- tions for sixty-eight samples from nine edifices in the northern mount) to 95 Ma (Vindler seamount), a hotspot origin was pro- Line Islands chain. Initially (before any dating) this chain of posed by Koppers et al. (1998), excluding the first volcanic stage 4000 km length was assumed to be associated with the Tuamotu of Vindler (101 Ma). However, in the context of the widespread archipelago and was considered by Wilson (1973) and Morgan mid- volcanism of the Pacific plate, reflected by the (1971) to have formed over a hotspot because it is parallel to the western Pacific seamounts, age progression and linear geo- Hawaii-Emperor chain. However, the spatial distribution of the graphical distribution for this seamount chain are questionable dates casts doubt on this hypothesis (Fig. 10), and Davis et al. (Winterer et al., 1993; Natland and Winterer, this volume). (2002) proposed volcanism based on lithospheric extension. An alternative explanation, based on the pattern of sets of seamount Marcus Wake Seamounts ridges parallel to old transform faults, is that the Line Islands represent lines of weakness in the lithosphere that developed at This group of western Pacific seamounts has been dated different times in response to the changing stress field of the by Ar/Ar methods (Fig. 9). Several authors (Ozima et al., 1977; Pacific plate (Natland and Winterer, this volume). Ozima et al., 1983; Winterer et al., 1993) used whole-rock sam- ples and incremental heating methods. Smith et al. (1989) pub- Louisville Chain lished Ar/Ar TF ages on phenocryst phases for two seamounts, Hemler and Himu, for which we calculate a mean weighted value. Except for the Osbourn seamount, which has been dated by These two seamounts were considered to be of the Magellan K/Ar (Ozima et al., 1970), all the ages for the Louisville chain seamounts (Smith et al., 1989), but due to geographical consid- initially come from Watts et al. (1988), including that of a small erations we prefer to associate them with the Marcus Wake sea- 0.5 Ma seamount used to relocate the (Fig. 11). mounts. For Maloney and Jennings seamounts, comparison of These authors used Ar/Ar TF dating on whole-rock samples and ages obtained from mineral separates and groundmass shows that got a similar result with K/Ar dating of a separate from increase of incremental heating steps after acid leaching of the one seamount. For the same group of samples, Koppers et al. sample can greatly improve the results from whole-rock samples (2004) report new Ar/Ar ages based on high-resolution incre- (Koppers et al., 2000). The ages of the Marcus Wake seamounts mental heating dating. Generally these new ages are slightly range between 74 and 120 Ma. They are all younger than the older than previous ones except for that of the northwesternmost underlying lithosphere, but no clear age progression is evident. seamount, Osbourn seamount, whose age changes from 66.25 ± Natland and Winterer (this volume) consider the widespread, 0.42 Ma to 77.28 ± 0.68 Ma between the paper of Watts et al. apparently randomly distributed volcanoes and the recurrent (1988) and that of Koppers et al. (2004). It should be noted that, volcanism of Wake and Magellan seamounts inconsistent with jointly with the Hawaii-Emperor chain, the Louisville chain is formation by any type of plume. the one usually used to reconstruct Pacific plate motion stage poles in the hotspot reference frame, in particular between 43 Marshall Islands and 65 Ma (e.g., Wessel and Kroenke, 1997). Thus these new data are of particular interest for analysis of Pacific plate history. The present names of and should be used, and They indicate that the Louisville chain age progression (Fig. 11) we took the list established by Lincoln et al. (1993) where the shows both plate and hotspot motion, with an additional rota- new names (and respective old names) are as follows (see Fig. 9): tional change of the Pacific plate required by a fixed-hotspot Anewetak (Enewetak), Pikinni (Bikini), Wodejebato (Sylviana), model around 62 Ma and a significant eastward hotspot motion Woden-kopakut (), Lokkworkwor (Erikub), Limalok (Har- of 5° between 80 and 30 Ma (Koppers et al., 2004). rie), Lomjenaelik (von Valtier), and Likelep (Lalibjet). K/Ar, Ar/Ar TF, and Ar/Ar IH ages were determined by Davis et al. Magellan Seamounts (1989) for Ratak and Erikub using whole-rock samples. For con- ventional K/Ar dating they tested the effect of acid-leaching The Magellan seamounts are part of the western Pacific techniques on samples dated without treatment, and as their re- seamounts that also include the Japanese and Marcus Wake sea- sults are greatly improved by this treatment, we do not report the mounts (Fig. 9). Koppers et al. (1998, 2000) provide ages for K/Ar dates for untreated samples. Lincoln et al. (1993) dated new four Magellan seamounts obtained from Ar/Ar whole-rock and samples using the Ar/Ar method. Whole rocks were analyzed 20°N . Horizon 82.5 88.1 90

Karin 128 84.8 71 86 Johnstone 100 16°N 71.3 68.2 110 80 Keli 55.6 82.3 68.1 Nagata Kapsitotwa 85 84.4 12°N

-4000 78.7 69.4 Stanley 71.5 39.3 8°N

Kingman_Reef -2000 69.8 76.4 -4000

91.2 90 4°N -4000

35.5 100

110 59 0? -4000




Wageman -4000 71.9 8°S -4000 70.5


172°W 168°W 164°W 160°W 156°W 152°W 148° W

Figure 10. Same as Figure 2 but for the Line Islands.

Blind folio—82 Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 83

Osbourn 77.3 65Ma Sotw9-52 -4000 68.9 -4000 Currituck 30°S 61.4

54Ma Vm5 53.5 4


Vm4 30 46.3 Vm3 46.2 43Ma Vm2 40°S 33.7 Valerie 36.5

30Ma 80 6.1cm/yr -4000 70

20Ma Mthn6

60 13.2 50 10Ma -4000 7 Mthn7 50°S -4000 1.1 -4000


180° 170°W 160°W 150°W 140°W 130°W Figure 11. Same as Figure 2 but for the Louisville chain.

using incremental heating, and minerals were analyzed using different by ~30° from the absolute motion direction of the Pa- Ar/Ar TF. The isochron age is generally the preferred result. As cific plate (Desonie et al., 1993). for the northwestern Pacific seamounts, the spatial distribution of dated seamounts within the Marshall Islands (Fig. 9) illus- Mid-Pacific Mountains trates widespread Middle Cretaceous volcanism in this region, which is inconsistent with fixed-hotspot theory. Winterer et al. (1993) present Ar/Ar ages for whole-rock samples from three seamounts of the Mid-Pacific Mountains (Fig. 13). According to them, the age of Jacqueline seamount is unreliable. The results of Resolution Guyot dating were pub- Age determinations for subaerial samples exist for all is- lished only in a meeting abstract (Pringle et al., 1993). Changes lands of the archipelago (Fig. 12). For , , in the trend of the Mid-Pacific Mountains have been used to cal- , , and we report the dates determined culate the Pacific plate stage pole as between 100 and 145 Ma by Duncan and McDougall (1974), and for Nuku Hiva by Le (Yan and Kroenke, 1993). Inspection the age distribution along Dez et al. (1996). In addition, unpublished data exist for Ua Pou, this chain (Fig. 13) and the uncertainties in the age determina- , Hatutaa, Nuku Hiva, , Hiva Oa, Tahuata, Fatu tion (old submarine seamounts, whole-rock dating) suggest that Hiva, and Motane in the Ph.D. thesis of Diraison (1991, p 147). these poles are questionable. Ages for Fatu Hiva and eight dredge hauls are given by Desonie et al. (1993). They used K/Ar, Ar/Ar TF, and incremental heat- Musicians Seamounts ing experiments, and we took an average of their values. An age progression from the southeastern part of the chain to the north- Pringle (1993) used several methods, including conventional western part occurs, but the migration velocity is 3 cm/yr slower K/Ar and Ar/Ar TF on individual feldspars, Ar/Ar TF on whole than expected for a fixed hotspot, and the trend of the chain is rocks, and Ar/Ar IH on both whole rocks and mineral separates 0

-400 -4000 Hatutaa Banc Jean Goguel Eiao 4.8 5.3 8°S 5.5 -2000

-2000 Nuku Hiva Ua Huka50 3.7 1.9

55 Ua Pou Fatu Huku 3.3 2.6 2.6 2.6 Figure 12. Same as Figure 2 but for the Dumont DíUrville 2.4Hiva Oa Marquesas Islands. Tahuata Motane 10°S 1.90 2.2 7.2cm/yr Fatu Hiva1.31.3 1.8 -4000 0.8Dh-12

-4000 -4000

-4000 -4000

12°S 142°W 140°W 138°W

Necker Heezen Resolution 123.1 127.6 82.4 110

Jacqueline 120 73.5 20°N 16 0 98.5 82.5 Horizon Allison 88.1 Renard 101.2-110.7 89 -4000 128 -4000 130 1 50 16°N

168°E 172°E 176°E 180° 176°W 172°W 168°W Figure 13. Same as Figure 2 but for the Mid-Pacific Mountains.

Blind folio—84 Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 85

Moruroa 11.1 35 30 22°S Fangataufa 25 10.1 -4000 -4000 Gambier 5.8 10Ma 7.0cm/yr Figure 14. Same as Figure 2 but for the

7Ma -4000-44000 0 0 Pitcairn Islands. 24°S 00 0 -4004 00 0 -40004 Pitcairnt 0.60.

-4000 0 -4000

140°W 136°W 132°W 128°W

(Fig. 7). His preferred ages are the weighted average of isochron ages from the same borehole (Guillou et al., 1994). Age pro- results or of total fusion results in the case of the plagioclase gression along the Pitcairn-Gambier-Moruroa alignment is in samples. As Malher seamount ages range from 91.4 to 83.9 Ma, good agreement with a fixed hotspot origin, as originally pro- the preferred interpretation of this author is that the volcanism posed by Duncan et al. (1974). persisted all this time. Thus two preferred ages appear in Table 1 (see footnote 1). The age distribution apparent in Figure 7 might Pukapuka Ridge show a progression from south to north. Kopp et al. (2003) pro- posed that the Musicians seamounts have resulted from the The Pukapuka ridge is a submarine ridge that extends from interaction between a hotspot and a spreading center. north of the Tuamotu Islands to the East Pacific rise (Fig. 15). Submarine samples were dated using Ar/Ar IH by Sandwell et al. Pitcairn Islands (1995). Spectrum and isochron ages are concordant, and, fol- lowing the authors, we use the plateau ages as the best ages. The The first dating of this chain was reported by Duncan et al. rate of age progression within this chain is inconsistent with for- (1974) from Pitcairn Island (where they used conventional whole- mation by a fixed hotspot (Sandwell et al. 1995). It is one of the rock K/Ar dating) (Fig. 14). The region of active volcanism was best examples of this kind, and Sandwell et al. (1995) proposed discovered later (Stoffers and Scientific Party, 1990). K/Ar dat- an origin associated with lithospheric extension. ing of the Gambier-Pitcairn alignment was all done by the same laboratory on microcrystalline samples. For Fangataufa we re- Samoa Islands port only aerial volcanic ages (Guillou et al., 1993); for Gam- bier Island, only the mean value for each islet (Guillou et al., Matsuda et al. (1984) applied the K/Ar method to whole- 1994); and for Moruroa (old spelling: Mururoa) we report three rock samples from Upolu (Fig. 16). K/Ar and Ar/Ar TF age

Napuka Pukapuka 00 27.5 0 7.1cm/yr 21.9 Wahoo -4 11.5 -4000 12.9 16°S -2000 40 9 17.6 7.4 9 5.6

30 20 7.1


-4000 20°S 140°W 136°W 132°W 128°W 124°W 120°W 116°W Figure 15. Same as Figure 2 but for the Pukapuka ridge. 86 V. Clouard and A. Bonneville

10Ma AlexaAl Field 12°S 23.2 4.2 Combe 11.1 Lalla-Rookha-Roo 7Ma -2000 1.6-9.8 6.9cm/yr -4000 0.8 Wallis Upoluu Manu'aM Vailulu'u 0 0 2.3 Tutuilautuila

-2000 1.2

16°S 180° 176°W 172°W 168°W Figure 16. Same as Figure 2 but for the Samoa Islands.

determinations for dredged samples were made by Duncan sion within the Society chain is in good agreement with the (1985). Tutuila and Upolu Island subaerial samples were dated fixed-hotspot hypothesis (e.g., Duncan and McDougall, 1976). by Natland and Turner (1985) using the K/Ar method. Present- day eruptions on Vailulu’u and the analysis of the 210Pb/210Po Tarava Seamounts and 210Pb/226Ra ratios yield ages of 50–15 yr for the most re- cent volcanic activity (Hart et al., 2000). Duncan (1985) calcu- The Tarava seamounts form a linear chain parallel to the lated a linear age progression within the Samoa chain between and 200 km to the south of those islands (Fig. Comb Bank and Tutuila Island (Fig. 16) and assumed a fixed- 17). Two seamounts were dated applying the K/Ar method to hotspot origin coupled with subduction tectonic processes. How- plagioclase crystals (Clouard et al., 2003). To a first order, ever, inconsistencies with the hotspot model occur because of ages, morphology, and alignments are compatible with a fixed- the young ages of LallaRookh and Sava’i. This was explained hotspot origin, but a large discontinuity exists in the track at by Hart et al. (2004) as volcanism rejuvenation, whereas Natland 43 Ma, where the chain splits into two distinct alignments. This (2004) relates these young volcanic stages and the morphology has been explained as the influence of the lithospheric stress of the Samoa chain to a series of lithospheric fractures that are field on a hotspot track that was decomposed into a field due to produced by deformation of the underlying Pacific plate near the deflection of the lithosphere under the new volcanic load plus a Tonga Trench. preexisting regional field (Clouard et al., 2003).

Society Islands Tuamotu Islands

Duncan and McDougall (1976) made the first systematic This archipelago, which comprises more than sixty atolls, geochronologic study of the Society Islands (Fig. 17). They has been dated only at its northwestern end, near Mataiva Atoll, dated whole-rock samples using the K/Ar method. New K/Ar by the K/Ar and Ar/Ar TF methods on whole-rock dredged sam- dating from Duncan et al. (1994) and Hildenbrand et al. (2004) ples (Schlanger et al., 1984), yielding a minimum age of 47.4 Ma. was performed on Tahiti samples. On Tupai Atoll, a block of No relevant information concerning the origin of this chain volcanic rock was lifted by a hurricane in 1983. It was dated by ~2000 km long can be deduced from this single age. Diraison et al. (1991) using the K/Ar method. In their paper they also mentioned unpublished ages from Duncan for Meetia (old Wentworth Seamounts spelling: Mehetia) Island of between 0.26 Ma and the present. The zero age of Meetia is deduced from a 3000-yr-old The Wentworth seamounts are located between the Hess rise overlain by young flows (Binard et al., 1993). Age progres- and the Hawaiian chain (Fig. 1). Clague and Dalrymplye (1975) Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus on the Pacific plate 87

90 80 70

16°S Society Islands 7Ma Tupai 3.7 Maupiti 4.2 3.3 7.0cm/yr Bora Bora 2.92 Tahaa Huahine Raiateaaiatea 2.52 2.22.2 Moua Pihaa -4000 TeahitiaTea 0.2 1.5 2.02..0 0.20 Mooreaorea Rocard 0.80..8 0.2 0.010. -4000 Tahiti 0.50 18°S Tarava Seamounts MeetiaMe

-2000 FafaPiti 43.5 -4000 Ariíi Moana

35.9 -4000

20°S 154°W 152°W 150°W 148°W

Figure 17. Same as Figure 2 but for the Society Islands and Tarava seamount chain. and Garcia et al. (1987) determined K/Ar ages for three sea- Ar/Ar ages from site 801 (Pigafetta Basin). During ODP leg 185, mounts, and Pringle and Dalrymple (1993) resampled the same site 801C was deepened, and Koppers et al. (2003) proposed rocks to perform Ar/Ar IH dating on whole rocks or plagioclases. complementary Ar/Ar ages. We do not report the ages they ob- These three ages are reported in Figure 8 and do not reveal any tained for the oceanic . age progression. The Hess rise volcanic basement was reached at sites 464, 465, and 466 during DSDP leg 62. The first analysis comes from Plateaus Vallier et al. (1980) from interpretation of sequences of carbon- ate . These authors proposed that volcanic activity Because of the lack of radiometric ages for some Pacific ended in the Early to the north (site 464, ca. 110 Ma) plateaus, we include ages based on magnetic anomaly interpre- and in the Late Albian to the south (site 465–466, ca. 97 Ma). A tations for Magellan rise and Shatsky rise (Fig. 1; see also Sager, radiometric age for sample 465 yielded disturbed age spectra this volume). (Pringle and Dalrymple, 1993). Pringle and Dalrymple (1993) The age of the Magellan rise was deduced by Tamaki and proposed a 90–94 Ma minimum age for this sample. Note that Larson (1988) from reconstruction of the history of the former the age on a seamount (dredge DM-1922) at the southern end Magellan microplate using magnetic data. This result is in agree- of Hess rise is reported with other ages for the Wentworth ment with an Early Cretaceous age (DSDP [Deep Sea seamounts. Drilling Program ] 167). Ages for the Ontong-Java plateau were A maximum age for the Shatsky rise formation has been obtained from drilled samples (DSDP 289, ODP [Ocean Drilling estimated from magnetic seafloor anomalies and a minimum age Program] 803, ODP 807) and dated using the Ar/Ar IH method from recovered sediment ages (Sager and Han, 1993). A K/Ar on whole rocks and separated plagioclases (Mahoney et al., age of 51.8 Ma has also been reported (Ozima et al., 1970), 1993). Ages for Pigafetta Basin (ODP 800) and East Mariana which may be considered a minimum age. Basin (ODP 802) are from Castillo and Pringle (1991) and were The Mid-Pacific Mountains plateau is parallel to the M4 determined using Ar/Ar IH. Pringle (1990) presents the first (127.0 Ma) magnetic lineation (e.g., Thiede et al., 1981). The 88 V. Clouard and A. Bonneville

DSDP site 463 reached sediments from the middle Barremian Bonneville, A., Dosso, L., and Hildenbrand, A., 2004, Temporal evolution of the Please (ca. 120 Ma) (Thiede et al., 1981), and the westernmost dated South-Pacific superplume activity: New data from the Cook-Austral vol- update. Can’t be seamount, Heezen, is 123 Ma (Winterer et al., 1993). Therefore, canic chain: and Planetary Science Letters, submitted November 2004. Castillo, P.R., and Pringle, M.S., 1991, Cretaceous volcanism in the western cited in text if not we took a 127 Ma age for the plateau itself. Pacific sampled at sites 800 and 802, ODP Leg 129: Eos (Transactions, published. American Geophysical Union), v. 72, p. 300. But could CONCLUSIONS Clague, D.A., and Dalrymplye, G.B., 1975, Cretaceous K-Ar ages of volcanic perhaps be rocks from the Musician seamounts and the Hawaiian ridge: Geophysical put in the Our compilation of seamount and island dates enabled us to Research Letters, v. 2, p. 305–309. data Clague, D.A., and Dalrymple, G.B., 1989, Tectonics, geochronology, and origin repository. assemble 1685 ages from 290 different dated volcanoes. Analy- of the Hawaii-Emperor volcanic chain, in Winterer, E. L., et al., eds., The sis of the radiometric dating methods shows that some of these Eastern Pacific Ocean and Hawaii Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society ages are probably only a minimum estimate of the crystalliza- of America, p. 188–217. tion age. Thus one must be cautious when deducing the history Clouard, V., and Bonneville, A., 2001, How many Pacific hotspots are fed by of intraplate volcanism or motion of the Pacific plate. Among deep-mantle plumes?: Geology, v. 29, no. 8, p. 695–698, doi: 10.1130/ 0091-7613(2001)0292.0.CO;2. the twenty-five volcanic chains for which ages are available, Clouard, V., Bonneville, A., and Gillot, P.Y., 2003, The Tarava seamounts: A almost all show inconsistencies with the classical fixed-hotspot new but extinct hotspot chain on the South Pacific Superswell: Earth and theory, and more inconsistencies appear as more ages are mea- Planetary Science Letters, v. 207, p. 117–130, doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X sured. 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