Algae Identification lab guide

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agri-Environment Services Branch © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2011 Cat. No. A125-8/1-2011E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-18307-7 AAFC No. 11432E

Aussi offert en français sous le titre : Identification des algues : Guide de Laboratoire

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Nancy Serediak Mai-Linh Huynh Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Streamline Consulting Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agri-Environment Services Branch + Edmonton, AB Canada Regina, SK Canada Acknowledgments

The authors sincerely thank the reviewers and supporters of this project: AAFC/AESB Water

L ab G uide Quality Division; Glen Brandt, AAFC-AESB; Garth Mottershead, AAFC-AESB; Wayne Wark, AAFC Communications; Mark Graham, University of Alberta; Ron Zurawell, Government of

t i on Alberta; and Bob Klemmer, Government of Saskatchewan. Their comments and recommen- dations have proven invaluable for ensuring the relevance and scientific accuracy of the reference manual and field guide. The authors are also grateful to the following for allowing use of their photos: Charles Delwiche, David Patterson (micro*scope website), Morgan Vis, David Krogmann and Mark Schneegurt (Cyanosite website), Mark Graham, Steve Murrell, Ron Zurawell, David John, Brian Whitton, Peter York, Jane Jamieson, and Nick Stewart.

The authors would also like to acknowledge Steve Murrell, AAFC/AESB Water Quality Alg ae Id e nt ifica Division, for coordinating and leading the quality assurance component of this project.

The authors would also like to sincerely thank Michael Parry, AAFC-AESB GIS Unit in Calgary Alberta, for his hard work and collaboration in developing the GIS-based program tool for this project.

04 T Understanding theAlgalGroups T On-line Resources andIdentificationKeys Recommended Reading References 44 Photo credits Glossary 41 Other 39 36-38 33-35 Blue-Greens 10-18 axonomic List able ofContents 42-43 19-32 8-9 5-7 46 45 05 Algae Identification Lab Guide Understanding the algal groups

Understanding the common algal groups is the first step to identifying algae. Algae are classified into four major groups (Palmer 1962): Blue-greens, Greens, Diatoms and Flagellates.

By knowing the major group of your algae, verification and identification to the and level with the use of a microscope and classification key becomes easier. Many traditional classification keys can be complex and daunting if you do not have an idea where to start. It is our hope that this lab reference manual will provide a good starting point.

Below are characteristics that each Algal Group will typically exhibit, however be advised that exceptions for some species do exist.

Blue Greens (Known as ) a nd i ng th e lg l g r oup s Includes species that fall under the Division Cyanophyta, Kingdom Eubacteria.

They are referred to as algae but are actually photosynthetic bacteria that appear like true algae. und ers t

IThey are mostly single-celled or aggregations of single-celled organisms (planktonic). Planktonic algae generally do not adhere together in a mass, in that you could not easily grab a handful or mass of these organisms. Some species, such as nostoc, are gelatinous masses that can be picked up.

Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Oscillatoria and Mycrocystis often dominate communities and are notorious for producing potentially toxic blooms in fresh waters (note: only certain species produce toxins). These toxins can cause and illness in livestock; and gastroenteritis, liver damage and skin and eye irritations in humans.

High numbers of blue-greens often indicate high nutrient levels in the water, although oscillatoria can form dense accumulations in less fertile waters.

* colour is uniform throughout (i.e. no membrane-bound coloured structures called ) and may appear blue-green to violet, but sometimes red or green.

*They have very simple internal structure, no definite nucleus or intracellular membrane- bound organelles.


Includes species from the Division (Green Algae).

They are morphologically diverse (micro and macroscopically). Microscopically, they can be uni- or multi-cellular, colonial, have branched or unbranched filaments and vary in size.

Macroscopically, they can be planktonic, filamentous or found attached to objects (epiphytic).

06 Filamentous forms of algae grow as long multi-cellular threadlike filaments or masses (i.e. you can pick it up with your fingers). Early in the season these algae may develop clumps scattered on the water surface but as the season progresses they may cover the entire surface of a water body.

*Some have a whip-like tails called a flagella. Swimming cells have 2,4, or 8 flagellae of equal length at the anterior end.

*All species have internal membrane-bound structures (chloroplasts) that are often bright green. Other structures within the cell may also be seen at times, especially starch granules which stain dark with a preservative know as Lugols iodine solution.

* Characteristics only visible through a microscope. a nd i ng th e lg l g r oup s


Includes species from the Class Bacillariophyta, of the Division Chrysophyta. und ers t They are often too small to see with the naked eye.

Many are single celled, and less often colonial or filamentous. They may be planktonic, although many grow on other submerged objects.

*They are easily identified by the (composed of silica) and shape, which are often complex and ornately marked.

*They have shades of green, yellow, or brownish coloured chloroplasts.


Includes species from various Divisions (including Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, and pyrrhophyta) that are motile, i.e. they have whip-like tails called flagellae.

*They are often microscopic uni-cellular (solitary) planktonic algae.

*They have shades of golden brown to yellow or green in the chloroplasts, or can even be colourless. Colourlessness may indicate that the species is totally dependant on het erotrophic nutrition. Some have a hard external covering () which makes them appear brown or black.

* Characteristics only visible through a microscope.

Images in this manual are microscopic images, unless otherwise indicated. For some images, magnification or scale was not available.

07 08 taxonomic list order Charales Family order Characeae Family order Siphonodadales(Cladophorales) Family oderOedogoniales Zygnemataceae Family order Chaetophorales Cladophoraceae Family Family Chaetophoraceae Family order Chlorococcales Family order T Scenedesmaceae Family Family order Volvocales Family Family Volvocaceae Phylum (Division)Chlorophyta (DomainEukaryota;KingdomProtista) Chlamydomonadaceae of algalgenerareferenced inthismanual T axonomic List* Sub-phylum Sub-phylum etrasporales Chara Closterium Cladophora Oedogonium Stigeoclonium Pediastrum Hydrodictyon Scenedesmus Chlorella Ankistrodesmus T etraspora Desmidiaceae Oedogoniaceae Hydrodictyaceae Oocystaceae T etrasporaceae

pg 32 pg 31 pg 30 pg 29 pg 28 pg 27 pg 26 pg 25 pg 24 pg 23 pg 22 pg 21 pg 20 pg 19 order Euglenales *Adapted arrangementfrom G.W. Prescott (1978). Phylum (Division)Euglenophyta(DomainEukaryota;KingdomProtista) Family order Nostocales Rivulariaceae Family oderOscillatoriaceae Family order Chroococales Family Phylum Cyanophyta(DomainEubacteria,KingdomMonera) order Centrales Chroococcaceae Family order Pennales Coscinodiscaceae Family order Ochromomadales Fragilariaceae Family Family Synuraceae Phylum Chrysophyta(DomainEukaryota;KingdomProtista) Sub-phylum Bacillariophyceae Sub-phylum Chrysophyceae Anacyctis/Microcyctis Euglena Gloeotrichia Nostoc Aphanizomenon Anabaena Spirulina Oscillatoria Gloeocapsa Chroococcus Cyclotella Synedra Asterionella Synura Dinobryon Nostocaceae Oscillatoriaceae Dinobryaceae

pg 36 pg 17 pg 16 pg 18 pg 15 pg 14 pg 13 pg 12 pg 11 pg 10 pg 33 pg 34 pg 33 pg 37 pg 38 09 taxonomic list 10 blue greens

approach, introduced byFrancisDrouet (1968),hasresulted inthedisuseofnameAnacystis. N.B. MycrocystisisoftenusedsynonamouslywithAnacystisinsomeliterature. Anewnaming often appearblackishblue.Cellsare non-filamentous,plantonicandnotattachedtoobjects. detached colonies;onecanfindhundreds ofcellsinonesheath.Eachcellhasgasvesiclesthat mucilaginous sheathandusuallyjoinedwithotherindividualswithinthetoformsmall relative toanAnabaenacolony. Cellsare sphericalshaped(~4-5µmindiameter),encloseda Under themicroscope: Microcystiscoloniesare betterdefinedandmore denselyclustered surface ofMicrocystiscoloniesare skinirritants. blooms maycauseskinirritationforrecreational waterusers(dermatitis),ascompoundsonthe wildlife, pets,livestockandhumansthatconsumeuntreated orimproperly treated water. Heavy Microcystis speciesare capableofproducing microsystin, ahepatotoxin(livertoxin)thatislethalto Most largebloomsoccurfrom midtolate-summer, andcanthrough tofall. the surfaceoverafewhours. cells are unabletoreduce thenumberofgasvesiclesandasaresult, theywillmigrateenmasseto more gasvesiclestocounterthedownward dragofthecurrent. Butwhenthewindceases, because duringperiodsofwindinducedmixingthewatercolumn,Microcystishavetoproduce Blooms occurafterperiodsofhot,calmweatherandcandeveloprapidlyoverafewhours.Thisis allows Microcystistoremain atoptimallight levels toattainmaximumphotosyntheticrate. gas vesicles(smallair-filled structures) thatallowthecoloniesto regulate buoyancy. Thisadaptation Microcystis isfoundthroughout thewater columnbecauselikeotherblue-greens, theypossess can alsoco-occurwithM.aeruginosa. microscope. Themostcommonspeciesis M. aeruginosa;flos-aquaeandwesenbergi are notvisibletothenaked eyeandidentificationtogenusorspecies requires acompound green toblue-green. Althoughlargecoloniesare readily visibletothenakedeye,individualcells create thememorablepea-soup conditionsassociatedwithcyanobacteria.Coloursrangefrom Microcystis andAnabaena(pg15)bloomsappearverysimilar. Heavy bloomsofthesespecies (Cyanosite 2006) D. Krogmann andM.Schneegurt

BG Microystis BlueGreens

mucilaginous sheath mucilaginous enclosedDense colony in Spherical shaped cells Spherical shaped 4-5µm diameter D. Patterson(micro*scope 2006) plantonic andsolitaryorgrouped insmallfamiliesof2,4or8. but haveacolourlessmucilaganoussheath.Underthemicroscope, cells are non-filmentous, Similar toGloeocapsa(pg12),Chroococcuscanbefoundattachedrocks orsoilinnearwater D. Patterson(micro*scope 2006)

Chroococcus 5 μm BlueGreens Even numberfamilyofcells Colourless mucilage BG 11 blue greens 12 blue greens mucilaginous sheath.Thesheathmaybeyellow, brown orred, andevenbluetoviolet. in gelatinousmasses.Eachindividualcellisenclosedathick,homogenousorlamellate, non-filamentous cellscanbesolitaryorgrouped in2,4,or8individualsthat remain aggregated be confusedmicroscopically withChroococcus(pg11).Thesesphericalnon-flagellated, Under themicroscope: Whencoloniesare composedGloeocapsacan ofonlyafewcells, more typicallyonmoistsoil. water. Thejelly-likecoloniescanbequitelargeandoccurcommonlyondampsoilrocks, but This subaerialgenusoftenformsred, brown ororangegelatinousglobsonsubstratesinnear

. Vis (OhioUniversity2002) M. Vis

BG Gloecapsa BlueGreens

Even numberfamilyof4cells sheath Homogeneous mucilaginous

straight orirregularly twisted,withaswollenapicalcell. wavy ‘oscillating’motions.Thecellsare shortcylinders,usuallywiderthanlong.T ribbons whichoscillateunderthemicroscope. Hence,theirnamecomesfrom theircharacteristic Under themicroscope: Oscillatoriatrichomes(thread ofcells)oftenappearasdense,opaque melt inspringandcontributeared colourtotheopenwater. purple. Thesebloomsusuallyoccurduringlatewinterbutmaypersistseveralweeksfollowingice Oscillatoria rubescensisknowntoproducethewaterbrilliantred bloomsunderice,turning todark up thesidesorspread itselfoverthebottom. water source. Bloomscanbemat-formingaswell.Ifitisleftinashallowdishthelab,willcreep metres down.Thiscanbeimportantforpeoplewhohaveburiedwaterintakelinesinasurface surface. Thus,watermayappearclearonthesurfacebutthere maybeabloomformingthree Oscillatoria bloomstendtooccuratdepthsinthewatercolumnotherthanwater’s felt-soled boots. to anobject.Oscillatoriacoloniesoccurringonrocks are oneofthereasons fishermenwear Individuals canoccursingly, inaggregates withotheralgalcommunities,free-floating orattached Oscillatoria speciesoftenrangeincoloursuchasgreen toblue,blue-green, purpleandred. (oligotrophic) lakesandreservoirs. Oscillatoria donotbloominhighlyfertilewaters,butbloomscanoccurlessproductive This filamentousblue-green canproduce microcystin (hepatotoxin)andanatoxin-a (neurotoxin). B. AndersonandD.Patterson(micro*scope 2006)

Oscillatoria 20 μm BlueGreens Swollen apical cell Swollen apical Ribbon-like richomes are BG 13 blue greens BG Blue Greens


This genus does not form the intense blooms often associated with cyanobacteria nor does it produce toxins, but is of particular interest to agricultural producers because of its market value. b lu e g ree n s It is most commonly marketed by health food producers as a general curative.

In the field, Spirulina colonies are commonly found as somewhat amorphous, light green masses either by themselves or associated with Oscillatoria (pg13). They are evident in standing water bodies from late spring through to fall.

Under the microscope: Spirulina appears as a coiled thread of cells (trichomes) and are unicel- luar. Individual trichomes are essentially comprised of single cells that spiral down its entire length. Species are differentiated in part based on the tightness of the spiral. Like many blue-greens, Spirulina species extrude mucilage which flows along the length of the thread. This mucilage creates movement which can be viewed microscopically.

Coiled thread of cells

10 μm

D. Patterson, L.A. Zettler and V. Edgecomb (micro*scope 2006)

14 beadlike, andnon-. parallel toeachother, are multi-cellular, beadlike andnotbundleforming.Eachcellisspherical, often clumpintolooselyassociatedcoloniesheldtogetherbyasoftmucilage.T trichomes (thread ofcellswithoutitssheath)thatare oftencoiled/spiralled.Anabaenathreads Under themicroscope: Anabaenaisfilamentousorthreadlike, andcharacterizedbythe see tuftsorflocswithaquaticplantsfilmsonsediment. associatedwithAnabaenablooms,especiallyoncethebloombeginstodecay.concerns Y can beespeciallyprevalent ifwaterisnutrientrich.There are oftennoxioustasteandodour standing waterafterperiodsofwarm,calmweatherfrom latespringthrough summer. Anabeana Anabaena speciesare prevalent inphosphorusrichwaterandcancausepea-soupblooms skin irritationforrecreational waterusers. blooms ofAnabaenacancausedeathspets,livestockandwildlife.Heavymay producing anatoxin,ormicrocystin, orboth.AlthoughlesscommonthanMicrocystis,periodic in thefieldasplanktonicwith‘openfingertest’.SomeAnabaenaspeciesare capableof This genusisfilamentousbutdoesnotformlargecolonies,andthuscoloniesare stilldistinguished M. GrahamandS.urrell (400Xmagnification)

Anabae Bead-like cells BlueGreens Australian BiologicalResources Study(micro*scope 2006) 20 μm Thread ofcells richomes are not ou may BG 15 blue greens 16 blue greens to Anabaena(pg15),butthetrichomesare randomlytangledinacommonjelly-ballsheath. enclosed inathickmucilaginousmatrix.Cellsofthetrichomeare bead-likeorbarrel-shaped similar Under themicroscope: Acolonycontainsatangledmassoftrichomes(thread ofcells)thatare yellow-clear tosomewhatblueisholivegreen. centimetres indiameter(between adimetoquarterinsize).Colourofthemucilagerangesfrom Colonies rarely occuringreat numbers.Theycanbemacroscopic in size,growing uptoafew recommended practice. been knowtoeatthem.Sincethecoloniesare capableofproducing ,thisisnota in summer. Nostoccolonieshavesometimesbeencalled‘freshwater grapes’,andchildren have mid-summer through tofall. Care shouldbetakenwithyoungchildren swimming insurfacewaters bead-like threads. Therubberycoloniesare often foundfloatinginstandingwaterbodiesfrom found inacharacteristicjelly-likeballwhichisactuallythickmucilagesurrounding heavilycoiled, Nostoc isprobably oneofthemost readily identifiedcyanobacteriainthefield.Thecoloniesare M. BahrandDPatterson(icro*scope 2006)

BG Nostoc 20 μm BlueGreens bead-like similarto Anabaena A closer atrichome: look at Tangled massoftrichomes matrix Mucilaginous base toapex. resulting insmall,globularcolonies.T Under themicroscope: Individualthreads ofcells(trichomes)are enclosedinasoftmucilage abundance intheplanktonofhard waterlakes. Planktonic speciesare more soft.CommonspeciesfoundisG.echinulataandcanoccurin from green toblackintheseforms,andcolonysizeisfrom 1to2millimetersindiameter. similar shape,butthemucilagetendstobemuchfirmerintheseepiphyticspecies.Colourranges Some Gloeotrichiaspeciesare foundattached tosubmergedaquaticplants.Coloniesare ofa occur from mid-summerto earlyfall. or blue.Gloeotrichicaoccursprimarilyinlakes,pondsandotherstandingwater, andbloomscan bloom willmakethewaterappearbuff ortanincolour. Somespeciesofthisgeneruscanbegreen close inspectionandlooklikenumerous, tinyfisheyes,tapiocabeadsorpompoms.Aheavy irritations forrecreational swimmers.Whenmature, coloniesare visibletothenakedeyeupon are capableofproducing toxins.HeavyGloeotrichiabloomscanhowevercauseseriousskin Gloeotrichia isgenerallyrecognized as non-toxic,butthere issomequestionastowhetherthey P . Y

Gloeotrichia ork (Y ork etal.2002) BlueGreens richomes are straightorirregularly twisted,andtapered from Trichomes enclosed inmucilage BG 17 blue greens 18 blue greens adjacent totheheterocysts. Akinetecellscanhelpidentifythisgenustothespecieslevel is cylindrical,darkerincolourcompared totheheterocysts andothercells,typicallyfound which appearlikechoppedgrass.Adistinctivecharacteristicofthisgenusistheakinetecell, walled, weaklypigmentedorclearcompared totheothercells.Eachtrichomehastapered ends contains 1-3heterocysts. Heterocysts are largecellsthatlookdifferent inappearance-thick (trichomes) are straightandparallel,formingafree-floating flake-likebundle.Eachtrichome Under themicroscope: Thisgenusisfilamentousorthreadlike, where thethread ofcells leading tosummerfishkills. water users.Decayingbloomsalsocanrelease highconcentrationsofammonia,potentially Aphanizomenon appearstobeprimarilynon-toxicthoughitcancauseskinirritationrecreational shellfish poisinthatoccurinmarineenvrionments.InNorthAmericanfreshwater environments, Some speciesare capableofreleasing aneurotoxin calledsaxitoxin,similartotheparalytic the openfingersofacuppedhand. green algalcolonies.However, scoopedhandfulswilleasilybreak apartandpassthrough When inbloom,theytendtojoinintolooselyformedclumpsthatsuperficially resemble some form afterextendedperiodsofwarm,calmweatherfrom latespringthrough summer. Heavy Aphanizomenonbloomsalsocreate pea-soup conditionsinthewatercolumnand readily formthisshape.Themostcommonspeciesis A. flos-aquae. sickle-shaped clustersroughly 0.5to1.0centimeterslong.Ifcultured inalab,colonieswillnot that resembles tinygrassor greenclippings.Innaturalsettings,thecoloniesare fingernail form threads thattendtoparallel oneanotherandjoinintocoloniestoformadistinctiveshape Aphanizomenon isoneofthemosteasilyrecognized genusoftheblue-greens. Individuals W. Bourland(micro*scope 2006)

BG Aphanizomenon BlueGreens 100 μm Trichomes likechoppedgrass appear

stages ofothergenera. They are ofteneasilyconfused withotherbiflagellatedalgaeortheflagellated reproductive There isalsoasinglelargecup-shaped thatoccupiesmostofthevolumecell. (i.e. theyhavetwowhip-liketails).Atinyred eyespotatthebaseofflagellaisoftenevident. Under themicroscope: Theyare solitary,They are small,elliptical-ovalcells. alsobiflagellate They are commonbloomers thatexhibitafishysmellinhighnumbers. Species ofthisgenusare found inawidevarietyofhabitats,evensnowfieldsthehighalpine. D. PattersonandA.Laderman(micro*scope 2006)

Chlamydoonas Green Algae 10 μm Chloroplast Bi-flagellate GR 19 green algae 20 green algae stain darkwithiodine. structuresinternal calledchloroplastsstructures andlargeinternal thatstore starch, whichwould periphery ofthecolony. Mostcellsare vegetative.Eachcellalsocontainsgreen cup-shaped flagellae propels thecolony through thewatercolumn.Thecellsare inasinglelayer onthe and biflagellate,i.e.theyhavetwowhip-liketailsofequallength.Thesynchronized beatingof all surrounded byagelatinous matrix.Individualscomprisingthesphere are spherical orellipsoid, Under themicroscope: It isalargehollowsphere of acolonyalgalcells,usually500ormore, (about 1millimeterindiameter)andare usuallyyellowish-brown tolightgreen. join toformcomplex,sphericalcoloniesthatattheirlargestare visibletothenakedeye contaminated withnitrogenous wastesororganicallyenrichedwater. Individualsofthisgenus infrequent butwilloccurover shortperiodsduringwarmmonths,especiallyinwaters Volvox isoftenfoundwithinthegeneralplanktonofstandingwatersystems.Bloomsare D. PattersonandMFarmer(micro*scope 2006)

GR Volvox 20 μm Green Algae 10 μm Flagellated cell Flagellated Cells enclosed matrix ingelatinous sheet-like skinsinditches,ponds,bogsandlakes. associated withsubmergedsubstrataorcanbefoundfloatingascolonialclumpsandmassive non-motile, non-filamentousandepiphytic(i.e.foundattachedtoaquaticplants).Theyare typically mucilaginous commontubeorsac.Theyare oneofthefirstto develop inearlyspring.Theyare Tetraspora specieshavecoloniesofminute,rounded cellsinamacroscopic soft,fragile, D. PattersonandMFarmer(micro*scope 2006)

20 μm Tetraspora Green Algae GR 21 green algae 22 green algae cylindrical, straight,curvedorspirallytwistedshapes. with eachother(bundles,entangledothers),butnottruecolonies.Cellsoftenelongateto Under themicroscope: Ankistrodesmus existsassinglecellswhichmayformlooseassociations disappear from thealgalcommunity inverypollutedsystems. personal aquariaorartificialpools.Theyare actuallyindicators of cleanerwatersincetheytendto green bloomswithinthewatercolumn duringhottermonths,butcanbloomwithregularity in These speciesare common withintheopenwaterphytoplankton.Theywilloccasionallyformpale M. BahrandDPatterson(micro*scope 2006)

GR Ankistrodesmu Green Algae 20 μm another cell Spirally twistedcell, entangledwith non-flagellated. Itschloroplasts are thinandcup-shaped. Under themicroscope: Chlorella isasmallsphericalgreen cell, oftensolitaryandis up to70%protein, and19 ofthe22aminoacids. than 20vitaminsandmineralsincludingBcomplex,beta-carotene, vitaminsCandE,iron, calcium, for humansandlowergradesofChlorellaare fedtolivestock. They are knowntocontain more concentration ofanyplantintheworld.CertainspeciesChlorellaare harvestedasahealth food It hasagrass-likesmellbecauseofthehighamountschlorophyll containedwithinit,thehighest subaerial habitats.Theyare oftenconsumedby freshwater invertebrateanimalssuchassponges. Chlorella are green single-celledalgaewidelydistributedinvariousfresh andmarinewater, soiland W. Bourland(micro*scope 2006)

Chlorella 25 μm Green Algae GR 23 green algae 24 green algae typical spinesonthecellwalls. smooth, orwith12curvedspinesteeth.Notethatnotallspeciesofthisgenushavethe atypical. Coloniescontainchloroplasts, andare non-motileandnon-filamentous.Cellwallsare distinguish onespeciesfrom another, exceptinlaboratorycultures where developmentisoften always hasthesamenumberofcellsonceitisformed.Cellarrangementandshapeusedto of 4-12cellsadjoinedalongtheentire lengthof1cellwall.Theyformacoenobium,colonythat Under themicroscope: Colonies inthisgenusoccurawidevarietyofformsbutare comprised water. ThemostcommonspeciesisS.quadricauda. in standingwatersystems.Itoccursasatypicalmemberoftheplanktonopenandnear-shore is alsoacommonuninvitedguestofmanyfreshwater aquaria.Scenedesmusiswidelydistributed Chlorococcales suchasAnkistrodesmus,ChlorellaHydrodictyonandPediastrum.Scenedesmus nutrient-rich waters.ThisgenuswilltypicallydevelopalongwithothersbelongingtotheOrder during warmermonths,colouringthewateralovelyshadeofgreen. Itisfrequently abundantin Colonies are toosmalltobe visibletothenakedeye.Bloomscanoccurinnaturalsystems L.A. ZettlerandD.Patterson(micro*scope 2006)

GR Scenedesmu Green Algae A colony of4cells A colony Spines oncellwalls Green Algae GR


Hydrodictyon is a filamentous alga which forms net-like shaped colonies. The common name for this genus is ‘water net’. This is owing to its habit of growing so profusely that it can become a very bothersome, weed-like intruder. It is common in summer in standing or very slow-moving g ree n a lg ae water, including irrigation ditches. It does not produce toxins but it will bind boat props and clog intake lines. Scooping up a handful of the alga will reveal the net-like appearance of the colony. This genus is found growing in hard water lakes and ponds. Dense mats are unsightly in appearance and produce unpleasant odours particularly as the begins to decompose. This genus is also very susceptible to copper treatment.

Under the microscope: Cells can be seen grouped into cyclical or sheet-like colonies to form definite patterns, and a network of cells. Reproduction in each cell produces not just another cell, but a replication of the entire original structure. In this manner, Hydrodictyon grows very rapidly and mat sizes quickly become macroscopic. They are non-motile, non-filamentous and colonial.

A network of cells

M. Vis (Ohio University 2002)

25 26 green algae colony. Cellsare alsonon-motile(noflagella). the arrangementdiffer inshape from thoseoutside.Outercellsformspine-likeextensionsofthe shape. Coloniesare flat, circular andhaveamulti-cellularplate-likearrangement.Cellswithin Under themicroscope: Pediastrum iscolonialwithaverydistinctive,unmistakablestar found infossilrecords. Bloomsare oftencommoninmoderatelynutrient-enriched waterbodies. cell wallsofPediastrumare soextraordinarily rigidandresistant todecaythatspecimenshavebeen ponds, smalllakesandditchesintermingledwithothermembersoftheplanktoncommunity. The associated withcyanobacteria(donotproduce filmonsubstrate).Coloniescommonlyoccurin Blooms are usuallyrelegated tothewatercolumn anddonotresult inthesurface scums On occasion,Pediastrumspecieswillformdeepgreen bloomsduringhotsummermonths. D. PattersonandMFarmer(micro*scope 2006)

GR Pediastrum 20 μm Green Algae Flat, circular, arrangement plate-like and taperingtofinepoints. oropposite.Thebranchesareshortlong, and thebranchingcaneitherbealternate thorn-like, and bytheoverallshapeofformedtufts.Filamentsgrow aserect branchedtuftsorplumes, Under themicroscope: Identification tospeciesareofthecolonies basedonbranchingpatterns a cuppedhand. slimy asthoseofSpirogyra(pg30).Colonieswilldefinitelynotpassthrough theopenfingersof to rocks infast-flowingwater. Althoughitformsmatsorstreamers, itisneveraslargeor A poster-genus forgreen algae,Stigeocloniumisadistinctlybrightgreen algaoftenattached P .V. Y

Stigeoclonium ork (Y ork etal.2002)(22µmcellwidth) Green Algae Opposite branching Tapered ends GR 27 green algae 28 green algae but are slightlylargerattheanteriorend. association, makingidentificationtospeciesachallenge.Filamentsofcellsare notquitecylindrical before reproductive structures havedeveloped.Also,manyspeciesmaygrow togetherinclose Under themicroscope: Oedogonium cannotbeidentifiedwelltospeciesifsamplesare collected fresh waters.Thisgenusisalsoverysusceptibletocoppertreatment. dried massesof‘algalpaper’.Oedogoniumisanunbranchedfilamentthatcommoninquiet age. Theyoftenoccurinsuchdenseassociationsnearshore thatevaporatingwaterleavesbehind water’s surface.Coloniesare usuallylightgreen inyouth,fadingtoapalegreen ortancolourwith flow indrainagecanals.Somedetachtoformfree-floating, fluffy coloniesfoundjustbeneaththe near-shore vegetation.Somespeciesremain attached,andexcessivegrowth canimpedewater like Spirogyra(pg30).Oedogoniumfrequently beginslifeassmall filamentsattachedunderwaterto Scooped upfrom thewater, itadheres toone’s handsratherthanslippingthrough one’s fingers D. Patterson(micro*scope 2006)

GR Oedogonium Green Algae 10 μm numerous smalldiscs. cells. Cellswallsare thick,andchloroplasts canbereticulate (net-like)ordividedinto Under themicroscope: Filamentsare branching,nottuft,andcomposedofmultinucleate decomposition ofthealgalmat. to orange.Septicodourispresent whentheyare abundant,whichcanbeattributedtothe abundant duringwarmerperiodsoftheyear, andrangesincolorfrom green toyellow-brown sturdier formthanthosefound inslower-moving orstandingwater. Cladophoracanbefairly vary betweenhabitatsandseasons.Matsthatoverwinterorconstantlywave-washedwillhavea Cladophora growth results inlong,filamentousmats.Theformofthefilamentswithinmatcan streams, riversandwaterfalls. They occurinbothflowingandstandingwater, althoughthey are mostoftenassociatedwith substrate ororganisms),theyproduce nomucilageandhenceare heavilyfouledbyepiphytes. but canbedetachedbywaveaction.Andalthoughtheyare epiphytic(attachesitselftoother found ascoloniesattachedtorocks, plantsandalmostanyotherstationaryaquaticsubstrate, There are afewfreshwater speciesofthisgenus.Freshwater Cladophoraspeciesare commonly W. Bourland(micro*scope 2006)

Cladophora 250 μm Green Algae Branched filaments GR 29 green algae 30 green algae small discs. cells. Cellswallsare thick,andchloroplasts canbereticulate(net-like) ordividedintonumerous Under themicroscope: Filamentsare branching,nottuft,andcomposedofmultinucleate each spiralintheirownspecialway. specimens. T bright grass-green helicalperipheralribbon.Identificationtospeciesisnotpossiblewithoutmature themselves donotspiral,thechloroplasts withinthefilamentcellscertainlydo.Thechloroplast isa Under themicroscope: Thereasoning forthenameSpirogyraisevident.Whilefilaments mats candepleteoxygen,interfere withfishing,orprovide breeding sitesformosquitoes. growth inspringcanresult incloggedfilters,seepageareas, drainagecanals,andcoves.Dense wading through them.SpeciesofSpirogyracanbefoundfrom mid-summertofall.Abundant yellowish-brown. Thefilamentmatsfeelveryslimytothetouch,noticeablysowhenswimmingor in itsspringgrowth stage. Once itreaches areproductive stagehowever, thecolourcanshifttoa cloudy filamentsjustbelowthewater’s surface.Colourisusuallyavibrantgreen whilethealgais The floatingvarietiescanformlargematscapableofblockingstream channelsandare visibleas attached orfree-floating. water. Thisgenusisverycommoninbothstandingandflowingwaters.Speciescanbeeither Zygnematales. Onecandetectthesilkyqualityoffilamentsbytryingtoliftalgafrom the extensive floatingmats.Itisthemostfrequently encountered memberofthe‘frog spit’Order Spirogyra or‘watersilk’isacommongreen algafoundinshallowwarmwaterwhere itcanform Australian BiologicalResources Study(micro*scope 2006)

GR Spirogyra Green Algae ry nottoconfusethenameSpirogyrawithSpirulina(acyanobacteria,pg14).They 20 μm Spiraled chloroplasts pattern ofbeingslightlywidenedinthemiddleandpointedonends. pattern variety ofshapesbutare commonly elongatedandcrescent-shaped (bowed).Theyfollowa Under themicroscope: Speciesinthisgenusare often single-celled(solitary)andmayhavea few speciesare foundinnutrient-rich hard waters. species ofgreen algae,especially filamentousforms.Itiscommoninacidic(ph<7)waters,whilea Closterium isgenerallyfoundfree-floating instandingwater, andusuallymixedinwithother D. PattersonandA.Laderman(micro*scope 2006) M. GrahamandS.urrell (400 X magnification)

Closterium 50 μm Green Algae GR 31 green algae GR Green Algae


Chara, or stonewort, is a green alga that is -like in appearance and can grow several decimetres tall. Most grow in still, clear freshwater where they form extensive underwater g ree n a lg ae meadows, anchored into the sediment by their rhizoids. They are easily recognized by their whorled branches and musky or garlicky odour.

They are particularly abundant in hard, basic waters (pH>7) where calcium is abundant. Calcareous deposits are found on the surface of the algae, making them feel rough to the touch, which gives rise to its name ‘stonewort’. Problems with the species occur when dense growths impede water flow and interfere with recreational activities.

It is often confused with Nitella (not referenced in this manual), as both look very similar. Branches arise from each node: with Nitella, the branches themselves also branch; in Chara, the branches do not branch. Also, Nitella is not ill-smelling and found in soft water or acid lakes and hence, is not encrusted with lime like Chara.

Whorled branches

N.F. Stewart (York et al. 2002) (In situ)

32 center likespokesofawheel. rectangular, andformacircular colony(usually8cells)inwhichthecellsradiatefrom acommon Under themicroscope: (uniquecellwallofsilica)ingirdle vieware elongatedand will likelybepresent. However, theodourchangestofishywhenhighnumbersare present. easy waytoidentifytheirpresence isbysmell-iflowtomoderatenumbersexist,ageraniumodour abundant inhard waterlakes. Theyare wellknowntoclog filtersbecauseoftheirrigidwalls.An Colonies are toosmalltobe visibletothenakedeye,buttheyare planktonicandoftenvery . Vis (OhioUniversity2002) M. Vis

Asterionella Diatoms 25 μm DM 33 Diatoms 34 Diatoms walls ofsilica)are eithersolitary orinradiatingcoloniesattachedtosubstrateatoneend. some speciesare curved, in whichcasetheyare notbilaterallysymmetrical.Frustules(uniquecell often bilaterallysymmetrical.Theyare muchlongerthan wide andare usuallystraight,although Under themicroscope: Synedra speciesare large,elongated needle-shapeddiatomsthatare to thenakedeye. in theplanktoncommunityandscumsonsubstrate.Coloniesare toosmalltobevisible well knowntobeatypicalfilter-clogging alga becauseofitsrigidwalls.Synedraiscommon Synedra, inmoderatetohighabundance,hasadistinctiveearthymustyodour. Itisalso . Vis (OhioUniversity2002) M. Vis DM

Synedra Diatoms region andagrooved orridgedouteredge.Thegirdle viewisnarrowly rectangular. Under themicroscope: The valveviewofCyclotellawillshowcircular cellswith asmoothcentral planktonic. in nutrient-richwater. Coloniesare toosmalltobevisiblethenakedeyebutspeciesare filter-clogging algaandoftenfoundin‘clean’ water. Thatistosay, itsabundanceoftendecreases Besides Synedra(pg34),Cyclotellaisacommonbloomerofthediatoms.Itwell-known Valve view:M.BahrandDPatterson(micro*scope 2006)

Cyclotella Diatoms 20 μm DM 35 Diatoms 36 FLagellates not stain(negativetestforiodine)andare characterizedbytheirred eyespot. however, andare totallydependantonheterotrophic nutrition.Cellslackadistinctcellwall,do to supplementphotosynthesisbytakinguporganiccompounds.Colourlessspeciesdoexist uni-cellular. Manyhavedisc-likechloroplasts (pigmentedstructures withinthecell)thatare able Under themicroscope: Euglenidsare motile(have flagella),typicallyspindle-shapedandoften populations ofbloomproportion. Euglenabloomscanbered. are pollutedbyorganicwaste ordecayingorganicmatterwhichcangiverisetoverydense There are more than800speciesinthisgenus.Theyare mostlyfoundinfreshwater habitatsthat D. PattersonandMFarmer(micro*scope 2006)

FL Euglena 10 μm Flagellates Flagella Chloroplast Red eyespot Chloroplasts are goldenbrown, acommoncharacteristicofChrysophytes(golden algae). surface ofthecellmayhavebristlesorscales.Cellsare biflagellate,havingflagellaeofequallength. colony thatisNOTinamucilaginoussheath.Specieswhichproduce siliceouscoveringonthe Under themicroscope: Cellsare elongate-ellipsoid andcompactlyarrangedtoformaspherical a drysensationonthetongue(tastingalgaeisnotrecommended however). numbers, andafishysmellinhighabundancewithotheralgae.Whentasted,itisbitterleaves odour andtasteproblems. Synuraexhibitsaripecucumber/muskmelonodourinlowtomoderate Synura speciesare commoninhard waterlakes.Whenpresent inhighabundance,they cancause D. PattersonandA.Laderman(micro*scope 2006)

Synura (Goldenalge) 20 μm Flagellates

ellipsoid Cell Golden-brown Bi-flagellate FL 37 FLagellates FL Flagellates

t es Dinobryon (Golden algae)

In summer, Dinobryon species are common bloomers of Golden Algae and are typically found in hard water and eutrophic water bodies. It is an alga of concern because it can cause taste and F La g e ll a odour problems, especially in combination with other algae. They are also known to clog filters.

Under the microscope: Dinobryon species of this genus are characterized by having motile cells enclosed within a colourless envelope. They are colonial and typically have vase-shaped cones (loricas) that are stacked on top of each other which result in a branching chain. Each individual cell has 2 unequal flagellae but the cells are often absent from the lorica. Chloroplasts are golden brown, a common characteristic of Chrysophytes (golden algae).

Flagellated cell


25 μm

W. Bourland (micro*scope 2006)

38 Common generaofduckweedincludeLemna,Wolffia , orSpirodela. By takingacloserlookattheundersideofanindividual,shorthair-like roots willusuallybefound. Individuals are small,disc-like andfree-floating. Individualsare typically2-5centimeters long. Duckweed isoftenreferred toasalgaebutitisinfactatinycolonial,aquaticperennial plant. N. Serediak (insitu)

Duckweed Other



Akinetes - a resting spore of cyanobacteria. L ab G uide

Chloroplast - pigmented structure within the cell that conducts photosynthesis. t i on

Coenobium - a colony that always has the same number of cells once it is formed.

Epiphytic/epiphyte - an organism attached to substrate or another organism.

Heterocysts - a large, thick-walled cell involved in nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria.

Filamentous algae - long, multicellular threadlike filaments or masses of algae. Alg ae Id e nt ifica

Flagella(e) - whip-like tail(s) attached to the cell used for locomotion.

Frustules - unique cell walls of silica.

Lentic - standing water such as wetlands (ponds, sloughs), dugouts, reservoirs and lakes.

Phytoplankton - microscopic floating , mainly algae that live suspended in bodies of water.

Planktonic algae - single-celled organisms or aggregations of single-celled algae.

Reticulate - a net-like pattern; net-like.

Trichome - a thread of cells.

41 Photo credits

Microcystis: D. Krogmann and M. Schneegurt. 2006. Purdue University. Cyanosite.

L ab G uide ; D. Patterson. 2006.micro*scope. .

t i on Anabaena: M. Graham and S. Murrell; Australian Biological Resources Study. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Aphanizomenon: W. Bourland. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Oscillatoria: B. Anderson and D. Patterson. 2006.Micro*scope. . Alg ae Id e nt ifica Gloeotrichia: P. York in York et al. (2002).

Nostoc: M. Bahr and D. Patterson. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Gloeocapsa: M. Vis. 2002. Ohio University. Algae Homepage. .

Chroococcus: D. Patterson. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Chlorella: W. Bourland. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Tetraspo D. Patterson and M. Farmer. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Closterium: M. Graham and S. Murrell; D. Patterson and A. Laderman. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Spirogyra: Australian Biological Resources Study. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Oedogonium: D. Patterson. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Hydrodictyon: M. Vis. 2002. Ohio University. Algae Homepage. <>.

Stigeoclonium: P.V. York in York et al. (2002).

42 Cladophora: W. Bourland. 2006. Micro*scope.

. L ab G uide

Chara: N.F. Stewart in York et al. (2002). t i on Chlamydomonas: D. Patterson and A. Laderman. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Synedra: M. Vis. 2002. Ohio University. Algae Homepage. <>.

Cyclotella: M. Bahr and D. Patterson. 2006. Micro*scope. . Alg ae Id e nt ifica Pediastrum: D. Patterson and M. Farmer. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Scenedesmus: L.A. Zettler and D. Patterson. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Dinobryon: W. Bourland. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Synura: : D. Patterson and A. Laderman. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Euglena: D. Patterson and M. Farmer. 2006. Micro*scope. .

Duckweed: N. Serediak

Asterionella: M. Vis. 2002. Ohio University. Algae Homepage. <>.

Spirulina: D. Patterson, L.A. Zettler and V. Edgecomb. 2006. Micro*scope. .

43 References

Bold, H. and M. Wynne. 1978. Introduction to the algae structure and reproduction, 2ed.

L ab G uide Prentice-Hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 662pp.

Hickman, M. 2000. A brief introduction to algae- Botany 333, Laboratory Manual. University t i on of Alberta, Edm. Canada.

John, D.M., B.A. Whitton and A.J. Brook. 2002. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles: An Identification Guide to Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae. The Natural History Museum. Cambridge.

Palmer, Mervin. 1962. Algae in water supplies: An illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies. U.S. Department of Health, Education

Alg ae Id e nt ifica and Welfare. Public Health Service. Division of water supply and pollution control. #Pub.- 216489.

Palmer, Mervin. 1977. Algae and water pollution. EPA-600/9-77-036. Environmental Protec- tion Agency, United States of America.

Prescott, G.W. 1964. How to know the fresh-water algae- an illustrated key for the identify- ing the more common freshwater algae to genus, with hundreds of species named and pictured and with numerous aids for the study. Dubuque, Iowa, W.C. Brown Co. 293pp.

Smith, G.M. (ed.), L.R., Blinks, H.C., Bold, K.M., Drew, F., Drouet, J., Feldmann, F.E., Fritsch, H.W., Graham, O.P., Iyengar, D.A.,Johansen, H.H., Johnson, B.H., Kethcum, G.F.,

Papenfuss, G.W., Prescott, E.G., Pringshsheim, H.H Strain, and L.H., Tiffany. 1951. Manual of Phycology: An introduction to the algae and their biology. Chronica Botanica Co. (Pub). Waltham, Mass., USA.

P.V. York, D.M. John, and L.R. Johnson. 2002. A Photo Catalogue of Images of Algae and Algal Habitats. A CD-ROM accompanying ‘The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles’ (eds. D.M. John, B.A. Whitton, A.J. Brook). Cambridge University Press.

44 Recommended reading

Algal treatment and removal, and management practices

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Agriculture Education and Training L ab G uide Branch. 2002. Quality Farm Dugouts. Prairie Water News. Alberta, Canada. t i on Palmer, Mervin. 1962. Algae in water supplies: An illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service. Division of water supply and pollution control. #Pub.-216489.

Field sampling methods

John, D.M., B.A. Whitton and A.J. Brook. 2002. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Alg ae Id e nt ifica Isles: An Identification Guide to Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae. The Natural History Museum. Cambridge.

Preserving and preparing mounts

Prescott, G.W. 1964. How to know the fresh-water algae- an illustrated key for the identifying the more common freshwater algae to genus, with hundreds of species named and pictured and with numerous aids for the study. Dubuque, Iowa, W.C. Brown Co. 293pp.

45 On-line resources and identification keys

Algae Vision. 2006. Natural History Museum of London.

L ab G uide .

Key to common freshwater algae. Connecticut College. Botany Department. .

Micro*scope. 2006. . Alg ae Id e nt ifica