MIHCKULASEOITS. ills name. He will be provided with an nuns at New Chwang were burned alive. AT REAR OF BR>WN BLOCK. FROM KIVU VICTOR. appointment in the civil administration. Dr. Ting, a graduate of the American _ refused to renounce college Christianity Fire Which LnoUcil Thrmtmliig but after two thousand lashes. PATERSON ANARCHIST. reoeivlng Hciilly Amount* il to Very Little. Further Kevelatioui .» to Allrged ADVANCE ON PEKIN. An alarm of lire was Issues Proclamation to Ilegictde DECLINED rung In aft # throe o’clock this morning for a lire New York, August 3.—There is a Offer of Financial Assistance From lng| the holler room of brown block chance that hate will reveal much to the Italian People. on Congress street whloh is situated at authorities relatively) the anar- . alleged the rear of that building. The back of chistic plot at Paterson to kill European August 8.—In connection Washington, the hollar room is not part of the build- rollers. Tonight in a saloon in Straight with the statement from London, pub- ing proper but consists of a square pit street, an Italian whose name does not lished this that had morning, England which is covered with an iron roof and appear to be known to the proprietor, tendered Japan fiunclal assistance in her Greatest Grateful to Late Columns of Allies Have Reached Point this by boards. When the department Pays said: Chinese cam paign, it can be stated with arrived smoke and lire were pouring out “The Group of Existence held a meet- authority that this was made many weeks Humbert. through this roof and the blaze looked King ing in Paterson about the first of ago and declined at that time by May Japan Dretty threatening. Engines one and and afterward the Baders held a secret 35 Miles Tien Tsin. in the same friendly spirit that it was Bepd three and the Chemical responded to call. session, those made. present being Bresoi, Two streams of water were turned on Graisoni and It Is well understood that while Quintavalli, Alphonso Japan, and with the aid of the Chemical the lire Blaldes, Esteva and Wldmar, the editor a prosperous and progressive country, is Will to Emulate was very quickly put practically out. Try of the paper issued by the group ami sev- not ever rich in actual treasury assets. The lire apparently caught in the coal eral others. These men talked over a trip Taxation is light and the legislative body His pen and burned out through*. The sup- Example, which Bresci, Quintavalli, Graisoni is quite jealous of any expansion in the ports to the roof were pretty badly (Banna) and some others were to take. annual budget, The offer of England to burned but the damage will amount to The meeting was heal to read a letter This Movement aid her financially in the present emer- Only Preliminary very little as the lire did not extend be- irom Count Malatesta. * gency was well timed, but it is under- yond the boiler room. Nine o clock yes- “Quintavalli left Patirson after the stood that Japan replied that all her terday morning some ashes had been And Guard and meeting which ended In the morn- Measure. financial for the Unity Indepen- early arrangements campaign thrown down on the lloor beside the coal ing. Bresoi also left but came back on had been consummated and she was pre- dence of pen but it did not seem possible that . May 12, and collected his money at the pared to do her part without oatside as- 3 they could have been responsible for the | fe 00 silk mill. sistance. | Par blaze. The janitor was In the room at ActiF/e&fjnh “Malatesta Is the man who led in all The Japanese army, even on a peace EmdJfromptfy eleven o'clock last night and everything these things. When he left Paterson he footing, numbers 112,000 men, and is par- appeared to be all right then. Cleanse?' kie System left Wldmar and Estave neither of whom ticularly well adapted to the exigencies Monza, August 3 —King Victor Eman- are in I have a of a Chinese The are Gently a? ~ Effectually Italians, charge. reason campaign. soldiers nuel 111 has addressel tho'Jollowing proc- for all. I hate Esteve and I Americans and Germans Ordered much the same as the when bit ’~is or costive. telling types ghurkahs, lamation to the Italian people: would like to see him those little hill men are the i> suffer.” wiry who p “Tlie second or is dead fresents in tb £aost aceeptable/arm King Italy When Esteve and Wldmar were told of to Move Without British. backbone of Great Britain’s native Waitt and Bond’s i the lajcativi S'incjphs of p/ants Escaping,thanks to his valor a s a soldier, this Italian's words they seemed worried Indian troops. They live largely on rice the danger of battle, and un- or Esteve insisted An own to w most be wefit inII}' departing surprised. that the compressed in balls with u little meat harmed, thanks to Providence, from whole tale win false. They hud never and a sufficiency of condiments," so that the risks he confronted so TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS courageously Bilked with him oft ;n, however, about the regular army ration is almost as com- BLACKSTONE to end calamities this and public good the spread of the teachings of an archy pact as the expensive emergency ration BUY THE GENUINE — MANF D. BY virtuous king fell a victim to sitrooious through the . which is now a feature of the commis- with conscience and crime, while, easy Whlrnar said there must be a mistake Wholesale Harder of Christians Outside sariat in all modern armies. CiGAR CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. without fear of danger ho was participat- as to his brother having been arrested in SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ing in the joys of his people in %beir Europe in connection w'ith King Hum- LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. H.Y. 1’cliisi Confirmed. The fetes. bert’s assassination. He said he had but AMNESTY FOR BOXERS. Leading for ss/e Ar — SO* per kottie. druggists price “It wan not to me to be permitted j one brother who was employed by the Shanghai, August 3.—Li Hung Chang present at the lust breath ol my father; Austrian and was an government not is preparing a proclamation granting 18c Lonshre but 1 understand first to be to my duty anarchist. virtual amnesty to Boxers on condition follow the counsels he left me and to Michael Aretta, a silk-dyer's helper, that they cease creating disturbances in the wer'a. imilata the virtues of the and lirst had his head with a club How would like tj owu King split open today you MINISTERS HELD AS HOSTAGES. citizen of Italy. by Pietro Marielll, an avowed anarchist. One of I he New London, August 4.—3.65 a. nn—Accord- tempt to do the beet possible. Then suc- Known Everywhere. In tols moment of profound sadness 1 Aretta condemned the anarchists and Shanghai, August 2.—Liu Keun Yi ing to a special dispatch from Shanghai, cess is feasible, even under such unfavor- have to aid me the strength which cames lauded King Humbert whereat Marielll viceroy of Nanking and Sheng adminis- dated August 3, the advancing column of able cpndltions. QUALITY from the examples of my august father attacked him. trator of telegraphs and of railways and the allies was reported there yesterday to “ regrets tnat unavoidable and of that great king who deserves to be Tao Tai of Shanghai have both declared COUNTS. BALLETTO AN ANARCHIST ARRESTED. have reached a point thirty-live miles be- circumstances render it impossible for, called the ‘Father of his country.’ officially that the foreign ministers are from other her to tho a 3.—The examination of yond Tien Tsin. Nothing any join Pekin expedition with CAME EOARD3? “I have also as a support the strength Rome, August held by the Chinese government as hos- this statement. In of oommensurate Natale the anarchist who point corroborates corps size, but Ger- are inter- which comes from the love and devotion Possanzini, tages and that if the allies march to Pe- They entirely new, so far as mans. without was arrested at fact, the St mdard goes to say jealousy will applaud the j instructive, and fa*ci» ol the Italian people for the king whom Ancona, revealed the fact kin they will be killed It is stated that esting, from successes achieved others.” that he went to Maaza some that it fears the real advance, apart by nating, for people of ail ages, they venerated and weep for. time ago, only the Russians and Japanese, 23,COO ha* not Most of the German discuss the Women and aid in homo where he was known under an preliminary measures, yet begun. papers g ently making “There remain to us the institutions assumed strong, are storting for Pekin. matter in a attractive. gotten was Tien Tsin despatches dated July 30, 6tmilar strain, regretting Beautifully which he loyally preserved and which he name. He close shaven when arrest- Another Chinese exodus from Shanghai up in five sizes, from 22x36 up tell of an action which is termed a recon- that “British incompetence” again ro- At the seashore to render ed and wore a shirt and handkerchief j lias commenced. It was caused dis- to 30x60 iasdics. Price* $6 to attempted permanent during turds by stained with blood. mtisance between the Japanese ana Chi- the advance. One side of board is the 22 years of his These institu- quieting rumors published in the native $12. green reign. Some as t of the chamber nese, two miles begond the Hsiku arsenal say that, inasmuch England is and lie mountains cloth for balls. tlio tions are given to ine as the sacred tra- Signor Vila, president and some foreign newspapers. <£c., other, withdrew after not the others should ! of informed a of in which the Japanese ready proceed with-! polished wood for carom ring ditions of my house and the warm love deputies group deputies casualties. out her One or two journals, taking a ! WANTS TO TALK IT OYER. gunes, Ac. Twenty flue games. which Italians have for yesterday that King* Humbert's will suffering thirty them, protected somewhat different Ail such old games as checkers, had not The Tien Tsin correspondent of the view, say it looks 8.—Consul Gen- will find hero tlio right styles w 1th a firm and hand from as- l>een found j Washington, August crokt- energetic as j chess, backgammon and Standard under date of July IT, declares precisely If the advance without await- i eral Uoodnow has cabled of mannish sault or any violence from whatever, Secretary Uay hats for summer boIc arc omitted. Each board RACES AT COMBINATION. have for German reinforcements were un- that the Americans and Gert.-.ans lng j that he delivered .q LI Hung Chang the | fitted with the new Patent source it comet, assures me. 1 am eear I vacatiouing. Soft gray, , 3 —Two races were on been ordered to move forward without dertaken to settle matters before the Gar- ! answer to the former's pearl Fiexoid Cushion mod tain of the and of Auugst secretary’s sug- (a ingen- prosperity grandeur mans are white and the Combination Park curd this waiting for the British. on the scene in greater strength that the attack on Pokin be de- duck, linen, the va- ious device). With each board the country. It was the glory of^ny grand- after-j gestion j the implements and* noon being the last of the one thousand A Che Foo despatch dat-*d August 1, pointing out that the allied forces at ferred in consideration of the ! rious for following father to have given Italy Its unity and opening caps boating, golfing are furnished without dollar events that have been inter-: announces the safety of all the Ameri- Tien T’sin are no stronger now than they of free communication with the parts It was the of purse foreign and tennis. extra dur- independence. glory my charge: 17 polished, features of the Elks' carnival cans In Pekin and the reception of a let- wore when it was claimed that they were ministers. LI made no father to have this estlng | Hung Chang po- able, composition balls, five jealously guarded too weak for an Children's white duck hats. week. Evolute was an easy winner in ter-from Dr. Cheltman dated Pekin. advance. sitive comment the answer but im- 30 carom and this to the end. upon colors; polished rings, unity independence The debate In the the 2 25 pace in h ats. July b’O, saying that on the previous day, British parliament mediately began to advance five colors; 10 hardwood finished “My reign shall be outlined by these straight suggestions 2.25 HIr Claude MacDonald, the British min- regarding the Chinese situation is com- to further on the tenpins; 2 large leather tipped Imperishable remeinbrances May God aid trot—Kelhnent, 1; Whirlwind, 2; looking negotiations cuds for balls: 2 smaller hard*- Helen A, 8 Best time, 2 18}*. ister, had agreed to a truce provided the mented upon here fairly and without same point. ihk h nr in. me and may the love of my people fortify pnc wood cues; 2 flexible shooters; 2 25 Miss Chinese came no closer, and adding; passion. The National Zeltung says: 197 Middle I consecrate all pace—Evolute, 1; Tara, 2; St. 1 ha id wood 1 hardwood me, so that may my triangle: Cartridge, 3 Best time, 2 li}£. “We hope this means relief; but having “The programme of Great Britain, as RESCUED BY COSSACKS. 1 block de- cares as a king to the guardianship of Geo. a. Coffin M'q’r. square; deflecting defeated the Chinese, we are fearful now Mr. Brodrick outlines it, is substantially vice; green chalk forcue tips: 1 lllierty and the defense of the momirohy, THE WEATHER. of treachery. All are exhausted with con- the same as Germany's, so far as is New York, August 3.—Seven Ameri- set of pocket covers; 1 set of four united by indissoluble bonds for the su- J stant and known.” can missionaries from Pekin with their movable. — watohtng, lighting digging adjustable leveling preme interest of the country. leg'. Full printed directions yuJ trenches. The greatest eroiit is due to families have arrived here, says a special "Italians render your tribute of tears and rules for playing all games. Mr. Squires, ([secretary of the United to the Journal and Advertiser from and to the sacred memory of ! ANARCHY IN PEKIN. Call at our office, or wr're and hpn:>rs States legation, whose military experi- Troltzkosawask, Transbal kali, Siberia Humbert of in the bitter we will send man with samples. Savoy. You, from Pekin and were chased ence and energy are invaluable.J! For Mouths Streets of City It n They escaped F The I sorrow which has struck have Manufactured Exclusively by my house, across the sand and mountains of the The Shanghai correspondent of the liloori. that consider this sorrow as shown you tor % Punch THfr E T BURRQWES Daily News says the consuls there regret Gold desert four hundred miles, } GO-,' though it were that of each individual Che Foo, July 28, via Shanghai, Au- the independent action taken by the suffering fearful tortures from the hot > Bowl 72 Free Portland, Ma ne among you. The Associated St., American association and the as- gust S—(Copyright, 1900, sands, exposure and lack of food and "Jhis solidity of thought and affec- Press)—The latest reports from Pekin / Isa sociation on the ground that it is in- water. The Russian governor of Trans- \ tion will always be the most certain bul- were brought by disaffected officers of the Sng2d2WlStp judicious He says: “The settlements baikali sent out live hundred Cossacks / Center of wark of my reign and the best guarantee Chinese army. They are considered re- being international, petty jealousies who galloped south four hundrel rail-- of the unity of the country, which unite Boston, Augusts.—Saturday fair, con- liable. The ollicers left Pekin on must disappear. The China association July into the desert an 1 rescued them. Tho Attraction i in the august name of Home, symbol tinued cool weather; north to northeast 15. has in | is of local influence,1’ They say anarchy reigned gave them food and shelter and little Presumably cavalry £ at all social gatherings, particular- r of grandeur and pledge of integrity for wiuds. Sunday, fair and warmer, vari- Pe.kin for months and the streets ran he refers to the American Asiatic assocla- brought them to Trolztkosawask where * ly in summer; and whether it’s a \ Italy. Such are my hopes, such is my able winds, blood, the Chinamen ti rvn lighting among they are receiving care at the hands of c simple lemonade or a delicious / ambition as citizen and as king." 3.—Forecast for themselves. { fruit that’s it seems i Washington, August The llong Kong correspondent of the the authorities. punch served, commander-in-chief of the ? to be more and \ Saturday and Sunday: Moderate tem- announces the arrival there Jung Lu, tempting gratify- Daily Express PALATABLE FAKE. ladled from a Chinese forces, and Prince es- j ing when handsome / PLOT TO KILL KING. perature with light to fresh northerly from San Francisco of Homer for Chlng Leas, bowl into dainty crystal cups. \ poused the cause of the foreigners and en- B. 3.—The winds. some time secret agent in the United Victoria, 0., August Naga- We have some excellent values > AutUoi it tea arc Investi- deavored with the of the f We extend Sow Jersey States of the society for the reformation part army loyal saki press says Admiral Seymour's fores v in Punch Bowls, Lemonade Cups, X to them to expel the Boxers, Later, with was to eat mules and driuk and Ladles. gating. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. of ths Chinese empire with 00,000 pound obliged from / Tumblers, \ the majority of the un- liiled with — imperial troops, wells putrid corpses, The Our greetings. New York, August 3.—Governor Vorhees Portland, Aug. 3, 1000. The local sterling, which will presumably be util- weather bureau records the der anti-foreign leaders, Prince Tuan and allies lost their field guns, were on / admitted at ht3 home In following: ized in connection with the revolutionary They % Burbank, —«- today Elizabeth, General Fuh Sian were victorious ! 8 a. m.—Barometer. 20,060; thermome- the Tung junks which were sunk by Chinese regu- N. J., that steps had been taken to in- movement against Empress Dowager, & Co. I ter, 05; dew 61; rel. and Jung Lu and Prince with lars. was feared at Douglass point, humidity, 01, a movement since 13ii8, until Ching, Plague Tlsn Tsin, vestigate ^tiie allegations that the plot to direction of the wind, NW: of quiescent | velocity their followers, were prisoners in their Forty dead bodies had been found In the kill King Humbert and other monarchs the wind, 4; state of weather, olear. within the last few weeks.” Yamens when the bearer of these reoorts water supply. Mfif&iCDiSlI, been hatched in New J If the 8 m.—Barometer, Nearly all the correspondents conlirm had srsey. p. 30.071; thermome- left Pekin. dew rel. it wholesale evidence can be and there are ter, 58; point, 44; humidity, 60; the reports of massacre of THE ALLIES INDIFFERENT. 539 Sf. procured Prince Tuan and General Fuh Congress direction of the wind, NW; velocity of the of Pekin, A Tung still sorno of those concerned living in the Christians outside corre- (H, MY, SHE’S SWEET wind, 0; state of weather, clear. Sian appear to control the government, Tien Tsin, Wednesday, July 25, via will be The Inves- spondent of the Dally News gives the state,they prosecuted. Maximum temperature, 68; minimum to tho and issued edicts 1.—One sinco wo RcnsoisN Char- Footwear Fitters. number killed as between ton and tlrteen according officers, Shanghai, Thursday, August began using tigation Is not complete and probably temjierature, 66; mean temperature. 02; printed in the gazette,exhorting the Chi- of the commanding officers here says the coal to kindle with. Tlio lire comes up will not bo until information from Italy maximum wind velocity, 16NWj preoipi- thousand, all defenseless converts. Ini- I nese to kill all and tatiou—24 hours, 0. Is foreigners native relief expedition will start for Pekin so that never feel cross. enables It to be conducted minutely. perial troops—so it stated—did the quickly you Christians. One ollioer says that there about . Foreign residents and> The Governor does not consider the sit- j ghastly work. WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. are 10,000 troops in Pekin, including friends of the beseiged in Pekin, who Itig Rag: 10c at All Grocer*. uation at either Paterson or West Hobo- According to the Shanghai correspond- The weather Tung’s army and eight thousand are at same to Tien Tsin to await news or to ken as serious. He does not believe the agricultural department ent. of the Times one of the members of bureau tor taken at 8 The bold all the the are yesterday, Aug. 8, the Li Yemen mentioned Yung Tsung. soldiery accompany expedition, intensely anarchists at either place would do t>. m., merklan time, the observation for Tsung by streets within a mile of the legations il ist-rttlsfled with the progress of the prep- No. anything locally which would bring nis section being given in this order: United States Consul Goodnow as having ! (TALK 263.) of The foreign troops when tho officers left arations. They accuse the army of in- ADAMS & them into prominence. Temperature, direction wind, state ol' been beheaded for pro-foreign tendeaoles ANDERSON, GO., weather: Pekin had burned the Chemmen gate. difference and of magnifying the difficul- EXACT FIT. was Hau Ching Cheng, former minister ammunition to New Their appeared be failing ties to be encountered in reaching Pekin. lire Insurance Boston, 70, N, clear; York, 74, NW, to Hussta. The coi’respondent says the I of Agency A GIGANTIC PLOT. Wash- and their lire had been si- guarantee every pair glasses clear; Philadelphia, 70, N, clear; ordered his execution quick guns Empress Dowager that I to an exact lit I ’.il Street. ington, 74 N W, clear; Albany, 04 N, p oldy; lenced for seme before and sell be guar- Exchange New 3.—The Herald to- of Li days July 15, HAD A COW MOOSE. York, August 70, 8, on the advice Ping Meng. in case. If Buffalo, E, clear; Detroit, 70, clear; were their riil9s when antee satisfaction every Ilrsl Class American and Foreign Cornpame* morrow will the has been they using only publish following: , 78, 8E, clear; 8t. Paul, 'JO, 8W, Li Hung Chang informed 3.—Seth in all re- HORACE ANDERSON. CHAS. C. hard The officers said that Bangor. August Woodard, they are not satisfactory AllAMg. “In the of the and of clear; Huron, Dak., 93, 8E, clear; Bis- Prince pressed. every deeis Tnos. J. Little. ipeodtf. possession poiice from Pekin that Ching’s only who last November was head man at a T to know 1 86 bullet kills a Chinaman, spects want it. want the Italian authorities is evidence which marck, NE, clear; Jacksonville, 78, in the foreign clear. prominent supporters peace policy near Middle Branch a to them back and have SE, An intensely bitter feeling prevails poplar camp pond, you bring the investigators regard as indisputable are General Yung Lu and Wang Wen STRIKE ON CANADIAN PACIFIC. Li The de- short distance from Kadahdin Iron them made right at my expense. I of the formation here and in Pater- of the board against Hung Chang. papers proof Shao, president of revenue, have faith in to Man., August 3.—A strike nounced the hono r paid him at Works, was brought hero this morning my ability give you Winnipeg, son, N. J., of a gigantic plot against the Trhosa influence is small. llong and and calls him and in the Court perfect service. If I did not I would was declared on tho Canadian Pacific lives of the crowned heads of the world. Kong Shanghai the arraigned Municipal th9 business and find One of most official in quit optical today by the machinists, black- Various shreds and of Parson’s corrupt anti-foreign charged with having cow moose moat in railway patches proof THE GERMJN PRESS. do confi- Pills every day China and the belief that he something to that I had smiths, boiler makers, fitters, laborers were which indicate sj express pro- his possession. He pleaded guilty and the gathered yesterday for a week will do r i on Advance on dence in. is Comments Proposed to save China from the of Every person adapted and locomotive who are out that the fabric woven the more to cure Bil- e | poses penalty case was continued for sentence on painters original by some I believe I have Pekin. her acts the for work and from Lake to the master weaver was intricate and subtile. iousness, Sick (5 by embroiling powers. of the which amounted Superior Pacific coast. payment costs, found what I can do best. I believe fteadkche 3.—A German The destruction of con- In a The anaj'chiste of and\j Berlin, August foreign 2 foreign property to Winnipeg, including number of suspected having gone and a $12.80. that I can fit better than I can Constipation, | to the United States Consul Fowler es- glassos to the of his and office official said correspondent of tinues. men dismissed on Monday, 6r>0 are out. slay king Italy, queen all Liver and » do else in the world. the Associated Press timates that the losses of the American anything went various routes as the Bowel Complaints, ? | today: The strikers claim the dismissals wore others, by PASTOR CALLED than a whole box of ( forces advanced missions amount to The losses BANCOR TO books of the Tavirous £ “If the allied upon $1,500,000. for the of their steamship compa- i A. M. purpose breaking up irritating, drastic C Pekin without a chief commander, and if through the suspension of trade are enor- PHILADELPHIA. WENTWORTH, nies show.” _ hence the strike. pills or remedies. ® unions, the commanders of the different contin- mous. Bangor, August 3.—Rev, H. E. Foss, ASHAMED OF HIS NAME, Put up in glass Q gen ts believe that they can manage in Chinese bring many stories of horrible pastor of Pine street M. E. church, Ban- Practical SNOW IN ADIRONDACKS. phials, boxed, 25c. Q Optician, Milan, August 4 — Lieut, Bresci, broth- this way the matter must be left to their outrages upon native Christians who gor, has received a call from tha First I.S. JOHNSON & CO. $ 540 1-3 Congress St. Etizabetlitown, N. Y., August 3.— er of Humbert’s has in- discretion and the powers must be satis- have been murdered, tortured, or com- Methodist church of at King assassin, Boston, Mass. c» Philadelphia Mount Marcy, in tho Adirondack^, was formed the colonel of his regiment of his fied with it. We hope that during the pelled to renounce their religion. Several : 1'4,000 a year and will assume that pastor- White with snow this moruing. intention to leave the army and change advance all the troops will agree and at- have been skinned alive. Two French ate next Maroh. Office Hours,--$&£££*£ 3. HISCELLAKBOUSo PORTLAND pense to open up direct communication COMFORT IN HOT WEATHER. MISCELLANEOUS. POST0FF1CE with Minister In addition to Conger. LYCUflLUTKS VOlTSiiV. CORRECTED TO 1900, his short message relating to the Japan- A Physician's Way of Taking a Bath OFFICE ese check, transmitted through Admiral by Which He Keeps Cool. HOURS. soon to Postmaster's Office, Remey and received this morning, Gen- As as the hot weather begins (Sundays eioenus,81)1911 1 a. m. to 5 p. in. 8.)) eral Chaffee made another and directable get in its serious work people of all de- Bevel- c ashier’s Office, (Sundays grees of competence and incompetence excepted report this afternoon, The message Tallow Dicks’ to 6.00 p.m.: Money order department .*• Alleged to speak on the question proceed to a. m. to 6.00 p. m.t Registry was withheld from publication by Secre departmentcu‘i ai* formulate and communicate recipes for Gear m. to 6.00 p. m. *<#* Root who declined to make its ; tary pur- Confession. the avoidance of sunstroke. So numer- General Delivery, (Sundays excentfls, in. to 1 а. 7.00 p. m. Sundays y.oa to in ™ '■*) port known. It was devot- ous are man at- u*oo presumably these recipes that if a 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. a. ed to a recital of General Chaffee's needs tempted to follow out one-tenth of them CHAINLESS Carrierv Deliveries, (Sundays excentAi, Li Dung’s Koto to See’y. in a military way. In view of the Lon- he wouldn’t have time to do anything business section of the city between Waff'") j Inrlia Ktrofit.s at 7.00 <• 00 nnH 11 „n and don statement that the advance from else. All the efforts of these altruistic and I advis_ers seem, to relate to the I New models, lightened in construction improved Tien Tsin actually began with the pres- however, He Admits That, It is saving of life. None of them considers 1 Demand. ent week, there is also a possibility that Partially throughout. $60, $75. Hay’s the subject of comfort, without which | General Chaffee's has some bear- message - Correct. life ~soon ceases to be worth living. For ing on that it is evident ARRIVAL AND subject, though the benefit of such persons as greatly de- DEPARTURE OF MAILS. from anil his report of this morning that the sire to keep cool—and this category in- Boston, Southern Western, mtermeii and Pennant offices and connections via. * m if could not have cludes an Stormer Boston advance, started, pro- probably overwhelming majori- Columbia, Hartford, railroad Division.) (Eastern Arrive at w of the adult known 1 gressed far beyond Tien Tsin as the out- ty population—a well 5.00 and 10.45 p. m. I close 8.00 and 11 CHAISE WHEELS ! б. 00 and y.00 in. post affair described by him took place physician who is himself a man of ex- p. j Sundays, arrive 12« *5 tensive 11.00 p. in., close 11.45 a. m., 4.00 and ten miles out of Bears Out Idea of adiposity and therefore subject 9,oop8M only town. have to the chain typo, to suffering from high temperatures has ovary improvement possible Boston, Southern and Western, and int*rr, Matter Still Second Assistant Secretary Adee is to 1 diate ofllces and conn cottons, 1 Open formulated a which is with- each tho highest valuo for its price, via Boston act as simple plan containing Maine railroad. (Western secretary of state for a few weeks Conspiracy. in the division)—Arriv reach of any person having access $50. 10.45 a. m.. 5.30 and 8.20 p. in.; the absence of $25, $35, close6.00 U4-w Diplomatically. during Secretary Hay who to a bathtub. ant! 11.30 a. m., and 5.00 p. iil left this afternoon visit “This a Rmotern. via Maine Washington to is method that I have been try- COLUMOIfl COASTER BRfiKE. For either chainlet* or chain Central Railroad—Aw 2.00 ami 4.50 a. m.. 12.45 and his family at their summer home at Sun ing on myself with great success for three 6.15 p. m ciVj wheels, $5,00 with 1900 models. I <>.00, 10.00 and 11.45 a.m.. and 9.00pm. Honda?8 N. H. years now,” he “It in the 12.45 close apee Lake, says. begins arrive p. ui.; 11.45 a in.. and Jl Credibility of State’s Witnesses bathtub and ends in the bathtub. There’s p. in. THE TIEN TSIN CASUALTIES. intermediate nothing else to it except a towel. A great Augusta, ofllces and conna Grlumbia Y lion via Maine Central 1 3 —The casualties Attacked. many persons advocate tepid baths in Bicycles, F. O. B Al LE & CO- ailroad—Arrive 5 Washington, August and O.oo a. m., 12.45 and 6.16 p. m.; close hot weather on the that a cold ***"' in the Ninth United States infantry at ground H05WE OFFICE, COLUMBIA DEALERS, PORTLAND, ME- and il.45 a. in.. 4.15 and 9.00 p. m. bath produces a u-eaction that heats one Tien Farmington. Intermediate offices ana conn™ Tsin, China, on J\ily 13 last are re- IM. Actions up rapidly afteiVard. Well, I’ve got HARTFORD, COSV5 tions. via Maine Central railroad-AiR Viceroy’s Unquestionably ported by General MacArthur. The only 12.45 and 6.15 in. ;close at7.45 nothing to say against the tepid bath I p. a. m. audijJ Maine man included in the list of jiockian t, intermediate offices treatment. For a who ha3 a * and cm,,,*. Sinister. Georgetown, Ky., August 3.—Of the person tions via Knox and Llueolu wounded are Second Lieutenant Frank weak heart or railroad-Ar^ wdxo is not constitutionally 12.46 and 6.00 p. in.; close at- 6.00 R. eight witnesses introduced by the defense and 11 U Lang hnd Private William Murphy, sound it’s an excellent thing, but for a Skowhegan, intermediate offices and conns' in the Powers all but one via Maine Central whose nearest is Hannah case, today, robust man the cold bath is better when tions, railroad-Arift relative Murphy, close at 12 m *' were called for the of 12.45 j>. in.; Portland, Me purpose attacking taken in the light way. Island Pond, Vt., Intermediate offices the credibility of witnesses of the prose- “The popular shower bath is a fallacy via Grand NO GENERAL ADVANCE 31ST. connections, Trunk Railway 1 cution. Former [State Auditor Stone so far as helping one to keep cool is con- nvo at 7.00. it.46 a m.. 6.00 p. m.; Sundays"-,, a. close at 7.30 a. in.. 1.00 Washington, August 3.—It was stated stated that Witness W. an al cerned, for five minutes after you are dry in.; and 5 H.Culton, Sundays 5.00 p. in. that the received the your skin is in* glow. The thing to do is Gov’t Ordered Pao tonight despatch by leged co-conspirator of Powers was re Gorham, N. 11., intermediate ofllces and Ting war to till your bathtub up with cold water, nections, via Grand Trunk department today from Major Gener- moved from a of trust in his office railroad—Arrlv..1, place 7. 0 and 11.4f> a. m., and 6.00 p. m.: al get into it and lie perfectly still for sev- Simdaw Chaffee was dated at Tien Tsin on the because he defaulted in the sum of a. in.; close at 7.30 a. m.. 1.00. 5.00 |1030, eral or p. minutes. To begin with, three a. m. and 7.30 in. Fu 31st of J uly. At the time it was filed of davs at 7.30 p. Massacre, Other witnesses stated that instead as four minutes will be as long you will — Arrive at 7.00 and 11.45 a. m ... there had been no forward move- r..oo close at l.oo and general being in Frankfort on the day of Gov. want to stay; later you will find yoursell i>. in., 7.00 p. m. Su’id.5 ment close 7.30 p. in. of the allied armies. Goebel’s murder as he swore he for or ten minutes. was, remaining eight S wanton. )'t., Intermediate offices and ORDERED PAO TING MASSACRE. Georce Weaver. a nrosecution witness. When you are thoroughly chilled ncctions, via Mountain Division M. u ftp at 7.50 m.; close at 8.00 m. \V->olii\ o mu.. —j— through and your skin is cool all over, it Arrive p. a. was" in Grapon Springs, Others testified Bartlett. A'. //.. Intermediate offices is time to get out. Now comes the impor- and con. partment makes public the following tele- that Wharton Golden of the prosecution The Kind You Have and which has been 1nections via .Mountain Division M. C. It, p tant Most think must Always Bought, Arrive at 8.50 a. in. and 7.50 part. people they p. m.; close ainTu gram received today, 3, from the has money and intimated that in use over m. August displayed scrub themselves furiously dry with a for 80 years, has borne the signature of l:n. and 12.00 consul jnuchester. N. J/., intermediate general at Shanghai, and the con- it came from the state reward fund. crash It offices andean, Big Battle Inevitable Before towel. That is all wrong. simply my and has been*nade under his per- liections. via Portland & Rochester sul at Che Foo: for the Drosecution made one railroad. z Attorney sets up action of the pores, and there you Arrive at 0.00 p. in.; close at 6.30 sonal since its —a.m., 12.00m supervision infancy. ■ Way to Pekin is “Shanghai, August 3.—Secretary of of those witness. James Harkleroade of are perspiring again. The proper -way is ind 1.2 p. m. f Opened, Allow no one to deceive in this. Cumberland Mills, Gorham and State, Americans left adm't that he had been in to press off the that adhere and do you IFestbmk Washington. Darbourville, drops (Saccarappa) Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.20 All Imitations are but atidtjO Chunking yesterday. L‘ told French dieted several times for the violations of the rest by fanning yourself with the Counterfeits, and®* Just-as-good” j?. in.;close 6.30 and 12.00 a. m. and 5.30pa towel. clothes in a South J'ort/and, iFiiiard and consul no will law, Daniel R. of ad Then get into your Experiments that trifle with and the health- of Cape Cottage- j today messages be de- Colier Lancaster, endanger Arrive at 7.30. 11.00 a. to, 8.00 leisurely manner, and you will find that p. m.; close ja livered ministers because foreigners are jutant general of Kentucky under the Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment*, au m., 1.30 and 6.30 p. m. for three or four hours thereafter you Pleasantdale and Cash Corner—Arrive advancing on Pekin Two administration offered as testi- ;j) pro-foreign Taylor will he cool and comfortable, though all ind 11.15 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.; close, members of the Li Yamen be- the written word of Gov. 1 nd 1.30 and 6.30 p. m. Tsung mony Taylor creation around you is melting its collar. headed 27th for min- him to the of urging preservation directing bring regiments “Take a bath like this just before What is CASTORIA ISLAND MAILS,. 3 —Another move Washington, August isters, by Li Ping Hang, now command- the state to Frankfort after the breakfast, and if can anoth- guard you possibly Peaks lstand— Arrive at J9.3) a. ra., 4.15 Was made in the situa- 5 today diplomatic ing troops at Pekin. He ordered Pao shooting of Senator Goebel and ordering er in the middle of the afternoon when Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* n11.. close at 8.30 a. 111.. 2.30 p. to. tion the return of and by an evasive answer Ting massacre. him to confer with the civil authorities the temperature is highest, and you will goric, and It is Harpswell, hong Chebeague Islands-ki- Drops Soothing Syrups. Pleasasit. It r ive at. 9.0J a 6 00 ui.; close at by Li Hung Chang to find the miseries of city life in the heated ul, p. 8.00 a. in, Secretary Hay's “Goodnow.:: of Franklin county as to how best to pre- contains neither nor other Narcotie 3 .30 p. m. so all Opium, Morphine peremptory demand of August 1 to be put “Che spell mitigated that you will forget Foo, Afternoon, August 2. serve peace there. substance. Its age is its guarantee. It Worms STAGE MAILS. in communication with the about them. I first tried this two years destroys foreign min- “Secretary of State, This was the first of the Washington: appearance ago when that terrific hot spell hit the and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Bowery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. ar.; close a isters at Pekin. Li s answer is not final .00 in. “Just received telegram from Governor document which was never made a part p. city early in August, and, though I had Colic. It relieves cures Elizabeth and and leaves the matter of Shan Teething Troubles, Constipation Cape Knightville,—krCcn, a open diplomatical- Tung requesting me to transmit of the state reeo.ds and Cantrill to be in the the 1 .30 a. m. and Judge city throughout heat, and It assimilates 5^0 p. in.; close at 6.00 a. in. and ly, But Li's actions, as Con- to Flatulency. the Food, tlio .00 m. reported by you tne following: ‘Have just received ruled it out as incompetent. got through it well and almost comforta- regulates l p. sul Stomach and Duck Pond, Pride’s Comer, General Goodnow, are unquestion- dated Li bly. But it must be remembered that Bowels, giving healthy and natural Windham, telegram July 30th, Tsung Ya- An alleged confession of ‘Tallow | sleep. Vvndham, Baipnond and South Casco—Arrtn and will amount to a this treatment or The Children’s Panacea—The a 110.00 a. m.: at in. ably sinister, final men, stating various ministers of the Dick” Coombs, one of the men under in- isn’t for invalids people Mother’s Friend. close 2.00 o. of the American with weak or hearts. I don’t want rejection proposition, if German legation want commanders to dictment in connection with the Goebel lungs persisted in. Mr. Goodnow’s to be responsible for deaths by heart dis- despatch get the column in motion. Meanwhile shooting which was exhibited here today, GENUINE contains some further ease and pneumonia. The safe thing to ALWAYS information bear- the sharp check received by the was at first denied by him, but later he CASTORIA THE DAILY PRESS. Japanese do is to ask your family physician wheth- ing on the question of for | responsibility scouting party is an indication of admitted that it is correct, The what partially er you are hardy, enough to stand such a Pekin conditions, in the statement that he should might experience he take the confession, if true, throws no further course before you begin.”—New York the commander of the Chinese Can always be found at tlis troops by desperate chance of pushing forward light on the case than to connect Henry Sun. periods inference to answerable the Chinese gov- alone.’ more tores of: Youtsey closely with the murder Not ordered Convenient. ernment, the Pao Ting Pu mas- and to bear out the idea of CONGER DESPATCH GENUINE. conspiracy, One of best known is E. Vi. Roberta J 09 Congress street, sacre. It is Detroit’^ figures « learned here that Li A. B. Merritt 247 , Ding a venerable one of whose u Washington, August 3 —The state de- artist, charac- N. A». BeftscnUen, 530 the commander refered a i| Hong to. is teristics is furnishing fun without know- V«. H. Aeviett. 504 f| has received a SHAH A FATALIST. H civil official and well partment cablegram from 1. A. Ubbev. 610 known to all the ing it. Some time ago he sold a portrait Consul Fowler at Che which fei>ra.«ue, 61, 405 Congress street Chinese officials abroad as one of the most Foo, says 3.—Mira Mezam de Gaf- of a , August ljotable personage for what seemed (. has AslitoA, «3i A Congress street that he has obtained the of the rabid anti foreign leaders in China. He copy ciph- fary, Persian minister of public works, to the old gentleman a large sum of | B. U Donnell 135 Congress street. er from Minister which I J. 11. tvemuey. 798 .'ou.ress strteL is a close friend of Prince Tuan and the dispatch Conger in an interview the im- money. gives personal The KM You Have in. t. naicn, 2 Exchange street was sent Minister Wu to the de- Instead of himself with association of these two in Pekin through of the Shah on the ccm- furnishing Always Bought' W. J. Dennis, 4ia Commercial itrset affairs, pression outrage iicicj, xuo some of the C. 8. Cole. Cor. Boy Minister Wu in Washington. It was for- Germany, separated, sine©' each has its M cellanie Falls—Merrill & Doming, ter of doubt. it will be a life well.”—Atchison par- claiming that was Probably Globe. manufacturer and No. Decrma— r. G. warded by Minister Eu at Germany severely ticular use. To do this Noyes. Yeng St. Pet- sentence at hard work by baud ate* boro—J. 11. C1US0. beaten by the United and that the labor, though it is pos- save money. K°|W ersburg because the latter is the States, would be troublesome Noll a veil—C. 8 Stat)ie« dean sible he will be condemned to the Life’s Pleasures. and expensive, German foreign office is afraid to let the guillo- and Old N ortli Rtratiora N u.—j. C uutoSttv of the Chinese diplomatic service. It The the the most screens are Trunks taken German tine. highest, best, per- generally employed for Nnrwav—B E stone. was public know the facts of the that in transmitted through the governor of manent pleasures are those which are not purpose. Screens are not abso- exchange for ,v'utaiu»