

113 15 00 113 12 30 R. 9W R. 8W 113 10 00 113 07 30 R. 8W R. 7W 113 05 00 113 02 30 113 00 00 36 30 00 36 30 00 ^mt Qcbp Qv Qv Qv Qv Qv Qv Qp1 Qaf Qg1 Pkh Qb1 Pkh Qa1 Qgrp Qcbb Qv Qa1 Qgrp Qv Qc Pkh Qgrb Qc Qv ^mt Qa1 Qa1 Qv Qcbb Qa1 Qcbb Qaf Pkh Qb1 Qaf Qa2 Qaf Qv Qgrb Qa1 Qa2 Qaf Qa1 Qc Qa1 ) Qcbp 6 30 Qv 2 Pkh Pkh Qltb Qv Qv Qa2 Qv Qg1 Qcbb (Qgrb Qv Qb6646 ^mt Qa1 Qgrb Pkh Qgrb Qp1 FAULT Qa1 Qaf Qp1 Qa2 Qa2 Qa1 Pkh Qaf Qv Qp6646 Qv Qc Qs Pkh Qv Qa2 Qa2 Qgrp ^mt Pkh Qp1 Qv Qa2 9 Qb6375 Qv 4 Qb6646 ^mt Pkh Qg1 Qgrb Qa1 Qp6375 Qcbb Qltb Qa1 ^ml

^mt 60 Qa1 Qa1 Ql Qv

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2 Qaf Qa1 Qt Pts 2 Qs Ph 11 Qt Ptb Qaf Qb Pkh Ptw Ptw 13 Qg1 Pc Qa2 Qg2 Pkh Qa1 Pkf Qv Qv Qg2 Qt Pkf Qa1 Ql Qt Qaf Qaf Qg1 Pkf ^ml Pkh Qg1 Qv Qp LT a2 Qv Qa1 Q FAU Ql Ql T. 34N b T. 34N Pkh Ql Ptw Pt T. 33N 12 Pc T. 33N Qs Qa1 Ph LT 14 Qg2 Ptw Tb Pts Qaf Pkf Qg1 200 Tb Qt FAU Ph Qg1 Qaf Ql Qa2 36 17 30 Qa1 Qa1 Qa1 Ql 36 17 30 Qa1 Pts Pts Ptb Qa2 Ql Tb Qb Qv Ptw Qv Qv Ptw Pkh Pkf Qaf Pkh Pkh Qc Qt Ql Tb Pkf Qb Qg1 Pkf Qa1 Ql 9 37 Ql Qa1 7 Pc Qt Pts Ph Ptb Ql Qa1 Ql Qaf Pts Ql Qt Tb Qa1 Pts Ph Pc Qg1 Qs Qa2 f Pkh Ptw ^mm Qp Qb Qa Ptb Qt ^mt Ql Ptw Ql Qt Pkf Qt Pkf Qg2 Qt Ptb mv Pkf Qs ^ Qt Qa2 Ql Qaf Qa1 Qt ^ml Qa1 Ptb Qa1 Pkf 250 Qg1 Qt Qt Ql Ptw Ph Ql ^ml Qg1 Qa2 Ph Qa1 Qt Ti Qp Ptw ts Pkf Pc P Pts Ql Qt Pkh P Pkh A 5 Qt Ql 48 9 Ti Qa1 Ph 1 Pts WE Ph Qa1 5 ^ml Tp Ql Pkf 1 Qt tb Ql Pe P Qt Ptb ^mv Qa2 Ptw Ql Qt ORO Ptb Qv

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MONOCLIN Qt HU Qb Qa2 Ph Ptw Qa2 Ph ^mv Pc Qg2 Qb Qa2 Pe Pkf Qt 8 Qt Pkf Ptb Qa3 9 ^ml 1 Ql Ql Qt Qa2 Qt Qv Ph g2 Pc Qv Q ^mv C Qa3 Qt Ql Ph Pkf ^mt Ptb Mr Qaf HURRICANE ^mv Qa1 Qp C Qa2 Pts Ptw Qp Pc Pkf Qa1 Qa3 Ph Qb Pkh Qg1 ^ml ^mv Pkf Pts Qt ml Qb Ql ^ Qb M*s 00 Qt Pts Ql 2 Qa3 Qt Qa2 C Pkf Qt Ptw Pts Pc Pc Qa1 Ph Qa2 Ptw Qa1 Pe Qaf Ph Ql Ptb Pkh Qa2 Qt Qt Qa2 Qt Qp _m Dtb Ph s Ph Qt Pc Pt M*s Pe Qa1 Qg2 Pkf ^mt 36 15 00 36 15 00 113 15 00 113 12 30 R. 9W R.8W 11310 00 113 07 30 R. 8W R.7W 113 05 00 113 02 30 113 00 00 13.5 O Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1:24000 Mount Trumbull NE, Mount Trumbull SE, Geology mapped in 1996-1997 Mount Trumbull NW, and Mount Logan quadrangles, , 1976 by G.H. Billingsley and W.K.Hamblin SCALE 1:31,680 H ARIZONA Digital database by J.L. Wellmeyer Universal Transverse Mercator Projection ORTH N 11/201 MILE and S.L. Dudash IC 1927 North American Datum T E Manuscript approved for publication June 29, 2001 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER AGN

Clark 1866 Ellipsoid, Zone 12 NORT TRUE



SURFICIAL DEPOSITS SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Surficial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Kaibab Formation (Lower Permian) Qaf Artificial fill deposits and quarries (Holocene) Basalt of hill 6646 (Pleistocene) Qaf Qs Qf Qg1 Qa1 Holocene Qp6646 Pyroclastic deposits Pkh Harrisburg Member Qg2 Qa2 Qc Qv Qt Ql QUATERNARY Qs Stream-channel alluvium (Holocene) Pleistocene Qb6646 Basalt flow Pkf Fossil Mountain Member Qa3 Qf Floodplain deposits (Holocene) Basalt of hill 6457 (Pleistocene) Toroweap Formation (Lower Permian) Qp6457 Pyroclastic deposits Ptw Woods Ranch Member VOLCANIC ROCKS Qg1 Young terrace-gravel deposits (Holocene) Qb6457 Basalt flow Ptb Brady Canyon Member Qlsp Basalt of Potato Valley (Pleistocene) Holocene Qa1 Young alluvial fan deposits (Holocene) Pts Seligman Member Qpvp Pyroclastic deposits Qlsb Qc Colluvial deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qpvb Basalt flows Pc Coconino Sandstone (Lower Permian) Qltb Qgrp Qp1 Qp QUATERNARY Qp6588 Qv Valley-fill deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qi Qkrp Qmrp Qp6375 Qp6646 Qp6457 Qpvp Qcbp Basalt of hill 6588 (Pleistocene) Ph (Lower Permian) Pleistocene Qgrb Qb1 Qb Qcbi Qp6588 Pyroclastic deposits Supai Group Qkrb Qmrb Qpvb Qt Talus deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qb6375 Qb6646 Qb6457 Qb6588 Qcbb Pe (Lower Permian) Qb6588 Basalt flows Ql Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Lower Supai Group undivided (Upper Pennsylvanian M*s Basalt of Craigs Knoll and Berry Knoll (Pleistocene) through Upper Mississippian) QTi Ti Tbi Qcbi Intrusive dikes or necks Tp Tmi Qg2 Old terrace-gravel deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Mr (Upper and Lower Mississippian) Tmlb Pliocene TERTIARY Pyroclastic deposits Tb Young-intermediate alluvial fan deposits Qcbp Tbb Qa2 Tmb (Holocene and Pleistocene) Dtb Formation (Upper and Middle Devonian) Qcbb Basalt flows Qa3 Old alluvial fan deposits (Pleistocene) _m Muav Limestone (Upper and Middle Cambrian) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Tertiary Volcanic Deposits VOLCANIC ROCKS QTi Basaltic dikes (Pliocene or Pleistocene) Basalt of Little Spring (Holocene) Unconformity Tertiary Basalt north of Mt. Emma (Pliocene) Upper Qlsp Pyroclastic deposits ^cp Triassic Ti Intrusive rocks Unconformity Qlsb Basalt flows Middle(?) Tp Pyroclastic deposits ^mu Triassic Basalt of Larimore Tank (Pleistocene) Qltb Basalt flows ^ms Basalt flows Tb EXPLANATION Basalt of Graham Ranch (Pleistocene) Basalt of Mount Logan (Pliocene) ^mm TRIASSIC Qgrp Pyroclastic deposits Tmlb Basalt flows Contact ^mv Lower Triassic Basalt of Bundyville (Pliocene) Qgrb Basalt flows Fault-Dashed where inferred or approximately located; dotted where Unconformity 7 concealed; bar and ball on downthrown side. Number is estimated Tbi Intrusive dikes Quaternary basalts undivided (Pleistocene) fault separation in meters, number in parenthesis is estimated ^ml displacement of indicated units along fault Qp1 Pyroclastic deposits Tbb Basalt flows ^mt Landslide scarp- Headward scarp of landslide; hachures point in direction Basalt of Mount Trumbull (Pliocene) of slide Unconformity Qb1 Basalt flows Tmi Intrusive rocks Folds-Showing trace of axial surface and direction of plunge; dotted where Pkh Qp Pyroclastic deposits concealed Pkf Tmb Basalt flows Qb Basalt flows Monocline Unconformity SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Syncline Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) Ptw Qi Basalt necks (Pleistocene) ^cp Petrified Forest Member Strike and dip of beds Basalt of Kenworthy Ranch (Pleistocene) Ptb Inclined-As indicated on aerial photos Moenkopi Formation (Middle? and Lower Triassic) Qkrp Pyroclastic deposits Lower PERMIAN ^mu Upper red member (Middle? and Lower Triassic) Inclined-Measured in the field Pts Permian 14 Qkrb Basalt flows Pc ^ms Shnabkaib Member (Lower Triassic) Strike of vertical and subvertical joints Basalt of Marshall Ranch (Pleistocene) Unconformity C Collapse structure-Circular collapse structures characterized by strata Qmrp Pyroclastic deposits ^mm Middle red member (Lower Triassic) Ph dipping inward toward the central point. May reflect collapse of deep- seated breccia pipe that originated in Redwall Limestone Qmrb Basalt flows Unconformity ^mv Virgin Limestone Member (Lower Triassic) Sinkhole-Enclosed depression or cave Pe Basalt of hill 6375 (Pleistocene) Lower red member (Lower Triassic) Qp6375 Pyroclastic deposits ^ml Flow direction of basalt Unconformity Upper, Middle, and PENNSYLVANIAN ^mt Timpoweap Member (Lower Triassic) M*s Supai Group Lower Pennsylvanian Qb6375 Basalt flow Pyroclastic cone Unconformity Upper and Lower MISSISSIPPIAN Mississippian Mr

Unconformity Upper and Middle Dtb Devonian DEVONIAN Unconformity Upper and _m Middle Cambrian CAMBRIAN

GEOLOGIC MAP OF PART OF THE UINKARET VOLCANIC FIELD, MOHAVE COUNTY, NORTHWESTERN ARIZONA This map was printed on an electronic plotter directly from digital files. Dimensional calibration may vary between electronic By plotters and between X and Y directions on the same plotter, and paper may change size due to atmospheric conditions; therefore, scale and proportions may not be true on plots of this map. George H. Billingsley, W. Kenneth Hamblin, For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 Available on World Wide Web at http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/map-mf/mf2368/ Any use of trade, firm, or product names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement Jessica L. Wellmeyer, and Stephanie L. Dudash by the U.S. Government 2001