TheVol. LII, No. 2 Mirr rMay 13, 2016 DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD—CAPE GIRARDEAU, One Church, East to West: Loving Jesus, Serving Jesus, Sharing Jesus Church celebrates life of Emeritus John Leibrecht marks 60 years as a priest

By Linda Leicht Springfield

n St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, Bp.-emeritus John J. Leibrecht celebrated his 60th anniversary of Oordination to the priesthood. On April 11, the now-retired bishop was honored during a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Agnes Cathedral in Springfield, and again on the following Thu., April 14, at St. Mary of the An- nunciation Cathedral in Cape Girardeau. Both events marked the gift of his service to God and the Church. In 1956, a 25-year-old John Leibrecht became a priest in St. LEIBRECHT FAMILY—Members of Bp.-emeritus John J. Leibrecht’s Louis. Twenty eight years later, family were present April 11 in St. Agnes Cathedral to celebrate his he became a bishop and moved 60th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Pictured were The to southern Missouri to lead the Most Reverend John J. Leibrecht; Fr. Bob Leibrecht, brother; Marilyn Springfield-Cape Girardeau Dio- Brockman, sister; Sandy Leibrecht, sister-in-law; and Jim Leibrecht, cese as its fifth bishop. brother. (Photo by Dean Curtis/The Mirror) Bishop-emeritus Leibrecht, 85, “retired” more than seven “I know and am closer to this is where I belong.” years ago. However, he is often more people here than in St. Lou- He has seen many changes filling in for priests when asked, is,” Bishop-emeritus Leibrecht and challenges since his ordina- leading retreats, and most re- said. “I go there and visit.” tion, from the priest sex-abuse cently, celebrating confirmations Lived experience has scandal that shocked the nation around the diocese as it awaited changed John Leibrecht from a in 2002 to a new surge in the the naming of its next bishop. city man to a country man. number of men entering the But after 30 years here, the dio- “I come from an urban area priesthood. cese’s only Emeritus Bishop, has and learned to love the more He called the sex-abuse continued to live in Springfield. rural area of southern Missouri scandal the “biggest and most In fact, he plans to be buried next and its people,” Bp.-emeritus to St. Agnes Cathedral. Leibrecht said. “That’s why I feel See Bishop Emeritus / 6 Born and raised in St. Louis, Bishop-emeri- tus Leibrecht served the Archdiocese as a parish priest and as a school administrator before be- ing tapped by Pope John Paul II to serve as Bishop of the Church in South- ern Missouri. Although he still has family and friends in St. Louis, his

years in southern Mis- The next issue of The Mirror will be May 27, 2016. souri have been influen- If you would like to receive the diocesan newspaper via Email in digital format, tial in his life. please contact Angie Toben at (417) 866-0841, or Email her: [email protected]. 2 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016

SOCIAL JUSTICE Love in dreams, love in action, and the CORNER Nicholas Lund-Molfese freedom not to judge the poor

s a general rule, a sick goat The “fail- reject the free unmerited gift of the is a dead goat. They tend to ures” of the person and love of Jesus. There is no maintain the appearance poor are im- Christian charity without Christ. It of perfect health until they puted to our- is with the undeserved loved that Acannot, at which point they are usu- selves as helpers we have received from him that we ally dying. And yet, the farm man- of the poor. love others—particularly those in ager here at Trinity Hills, the Catho- We want them need amongst us. lic Worker House and Farm of the to succeed, in True acts of Christian Charity of Southern Mis- part, because must be freely given and unmerited souri, is going all out to save the life their success to be worthy of the name. Since of a little three-week-old goat kid, vindicates our they cannot be earned, Christians using the full range of extraordinary efforts and thus are liberated from the need to judge means, including glucose injections ourselves. Their the poor. There is no injustice in and special formula feedings around lack of success serving on a first-come, first-served the clock. threatens our basis. No need for eligibility require- It is an exhausting routine for delicate egos ments or an interrogation regarding an animal that is probably going to and the value someone’s income or assets. No one die. And so I put Catherine “to the of our work in can take advantage of you when test,” with the goat beside her, and our own minds. you are giving to anyone who is asked if it is worth it. CATHOLIC WORKER HOUSE AND FARM—Trinity Hills, And as part of hungry or homeless. What is be- The animals perform a kind of the Catholic Worker House and Farm for the Catholic this mentality, ing given away unconditionally in ministry or service at the farm just Church in Southern Missouri, is a working production a resentment Christian charity cannot be stolen. by their very being: they give much farm and provides a place to live, within a family setting, builds since No one is worthy of God’s love, consolation to our guests, create for persons in need. Its guests share in the work of the they are wast- so no one is unworthy of Christian an atmosphere of peace, maintain house and farm, developing their own unique talents, and ing our “gener- charity. Unworthily we have re- the property, produce income, and assist in serving the needs of others. Trinity Hills is par- ous” efforts. ceived and so we dare not judge any feed the hungry. Most importantly, tially funded by the annual Diocesan Development Fund. It sounds person in need as undeserving. In as the Catechism of the Catholic (Trinity Hills) eminently the realm of the practice of Chris- Church teaches, “Animals are God’s responsible to tian charity there is no such thing creatures. He surrounds them with her journals. Given these experi- ask “is it worth it,” but behind the as “the undeserving poor.” his providential care. By their mere ences, common to most who actu- veneer of being practical, isn’t the And if the liberation from judg- existence they bless him and give ally spend their time with the poor, real question nakedly self-centered: ing others and living in the freedom him glory.” a very human doubt arises: “Is it “Is it worth it to me?” Am I at least and glory of God is not sufficient And yet there is plenty of suf- worth it? Am I making a difference?” being paid back with gratitude and motivation, should we insist on fering and death on any farm; such But asking this question is to success in the eyes of all? putting the poor to a judgment that is the way of the world after The judge the poor, and judg- Knowing this ten- we were forgiven and demanding Fall. There is great beauty, but also ing the poor is demoral- dency in those of us who that they earn what we were given sickness and disease no amount of izing. To judge makes you claim to serve the poor, for free, the Gospel of St. Matthew effort and expense can prevent. It an adversary of the very No one is Dorothy Day frequently should frighten us to repent: would seem eminently practical to people you want to help quoted from Dostoevsky’s “You wicked servant! I forgave ask, “Is it worth it?” And not just and, unsurprisingly, leads worthy of description of true Chris- you your entire debt because you begged about the goat or the other animals, to resenting them for their God’s love, tian charity in contrast to a me to. Should you not have had pity but the attempts at Trinity Hills need. Quoting from, and so no one is common counterfeit found on your fellow servant, as I had pity to house homeless families, shel- adding to, a book she was in “dreams”: on you?” Then in anger his master ter those escaping from domestic reading, Dorothy Day unworthy Love in action is a harsh handed him over to the torturers until violence, and provide food for the contrasted the treatment of Christian and dreadful thing compared he should pay back the whole debt. hungry. of the poor by medieval charity. with love in dreams. Love in Postscript: The goat kid died in monasteries to the actions dreams is greedy for immedi- the night. And, by the unmerited Our best efforts fail of government agencies in ate action, rapidly performed, Grace of God, everyone here is able This reality, that our best ef- her own day: and in the sight of all. Men to answer, “Yes, it is worth it.” ©TM forts will often enough fail, with sad The poor did not have will even give their lives if and tragic results, is of course not to sit, as they do today, for endless only the ordeal does not last long but Nicholas Lund-Molfese is direc- limited to animal husbandry. Some hours on the benches of some wel- is soon over, with all looking on and tor of Trinity Hills, the Catholic Worker of our guests decide to return to fare agency to be subjected to a third applauding as though on the stage. But House and Farm of the Catholic Church their abuser. A few depart the farm degree on their personal lives, treated active love is labor and fortitude, and of Southern Missouri. suddenly, carrying off our sheets, as crooks and investigated to the point for some people too, perhaps, a com- This article was first published towels, and pillows. of criminal persecution. We have often plete science. by Ethika Politika.​ It is reprinted with And others, sharing our home deplored this treatment of our poor permission. See more at https://ethika and eating at our table for months, and advocated means grounded on the Unmerited charity will, after receiving a “no” from us seven ways in which Christ was treated “We love because he first loved when they wanted a “yes,” subse- by His disciples [Mt 25:35-40]. us,” 1 John tells us. “If anyone says, For further reading quently declare our shortcomings ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother, —Pope Francis’s March 2013 Address to the regarding the practices of Mercy to An exhausting judgment he is a liar; for whoever does not College of Cardinals all who will listen. One guest told Constantly judging the worth love a brother whom he has seen —Dorothy Day’s “Catholic Worker Ideas On us, “Now I know that God has truly of your own efforts by placing un- cannot love God whom he has not Hospitality” abandoned me,” which was more der judgment the persons you are seen. This is the commandment we —Nicholas Lund-Molfese’s “The Christian is than a little discouraging. serving is an exhausting endeavor. It have from him: whoever loves God to the World What the Soul is to the Body” These sort of tales are not also discourages us and tempts us, as must also love his brother.” —David Mills’s “Speaking for the Poor, Espe- unique to Trinity Hills. Dorothy Pope Francis said, to “yield to pes- We are intrinsically unworthy cially When You’re Not” Day, co-founder with Peter Maurin simism, to that bitterness that the of God’s love and cannot earn it by —Kathleen Hunker’s “Outsourcing Charity” of the Catholic Worker movement, devil offers us every day.” It marks being good or by any other hu- —Mattias Caro’s “Solidarity Begins in shared many such situations in us as clever, yet takes away our joy. man effort. We can only accept or Sympathy” May 13, 2016 DIOCESAN NEWS The Mirror 3

BISHOP’S CORNER Forever in our Mother’s heart Bp. Arthur Serratelli

n the 19th century, before the Into her precious, strong, untiring age of television, oratory was an arms, God places us, the children extremely popular form of enter- whom he loves with the very heart of tainment. During those golden a mother (cf. Is 66:13). And, by her Iyears of public speaking, one of the goodness, our mother leads us back most noted speakers was American to God. lawyer and political leader Robert Let us remember our own moth- Ingersoll. He captivated his audienc- No one ers with love and great affection for es, sometimes with speeches lasting on earth all the sacrifices they make and made three hours as he lectured on almost for us. May God bestow on those any subject. But, his most frequent teaches us mothers among us the blessings of theme was agnosticism. more about our love and gratitude. May he grant One day, two college students God and life to those who have gone before us attended his lecture. At the end of his than our his loving mercy and the reward of scathing skepticism about religion, their most noble vocation, happi- one student said to the other, “Well, mothers. ness in his presence forever. Distance I guess he destroyed your Christian and death may separate us. But, once faith, right out from under you, formed beneath our mother’s heart, didn’t he?” The other student calmly we remain ever there within. responded, “No, not at all. Until he We ask God’s blessing on all can explain my mother’s life, I will those who share in the noble voca- stand by my mother’s God.” tion of motherhood. May God re- How true! No one on earth ( ward their love a hundred fold. And, teaches us more convincingly about may those who have passed from this God and life than our own mothers. all our life’s journey. Those times can speak or walk or pass our first test life to the next enjoy peace and eter- Our mother’s untiring devotion when we fall and hurt ourselves, she in school. Just like God himself who nal happiness with God in heaven. and care follow us all the days of our is there to wipe away the tears and loves us before we can even respond ©CNA lives. Even before our birth, we hear heal the wounds. Not only in our to his love with a worthy life, our the reassuring sound of love in our childhood, but always. mother loves us not for what we do, Bishop Serratelli is the bishop of mother’s voice. After we are born, it There is no joy or happiness but for who we are. We are her child. Paterson, NJ. is from her lips that we learn how that touches our hearts that does beautiful we are coming fresh from not make us hasten to share it with the hands of God. And, our self-con- our mothers. Our life successes, Banquet and graduation held in Oran fidence is born. Our mother’s eyes see great and small, are crowned by her our gifts and her finger points us in smile. With outstretched arms, she the right direction to a meaningful is ever ready to welcome us home. life. As Napoleon Bonaparte ob- And, even as her body fails and her served, “the future destiny of a child strength wanes, she diminishes not is always the work of the mother.” in strength to embrace us with love. When we are infants, our moth- Our mother’s heart is the best er’s hands help us take our first falter- schoolroom to learn that life is about ing steps. And, she never leaves our loving and that all love comes from side. By her wisdom, she guides us God and leads us to him. Our mother still, even at a distance, throughout puts great faith in us even before we

Employment positions with Diocese Diocesan Development Position, Parish Campaign Director The Diocese of Springfield Cape-Girardeau seeks a highly-motivated individual to fill a temporary (7-8 months), full-time position as Parish Campaign Director. The ideal candidate should be a practicing Catholic, hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree, have the ability to work as a team member, possess strong written and oral communication skills, and be highly organized and detail-oriented. This position requires travel throughout southern Missouri. A​ complete job description and job application may be found on the diocesan Website at; go to “About” and select “Employment Opportunities.” Email the completed application and resume to Dr. Gene Aug at [email protected]. Deadline for submissions is 4 p.m., Fri., May 27, 2016. Salary will be commensurate with education and experience. For further information, please contact Dr. Gene Aug at (417) 866-0841. Part-time Clerical Support The Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau seeks qualified applicants (bilingual in Spanish GRADUATION—Guardian Angel School held its eighth ​grade graduation on preferred), to fill a permanent, part-time clerical support person for the Offices of Evangelization Sat.​,​ May 7, ​in Oran, MO. Pictured were​ Elizabeth​ Ross (St. Ann award win- and Catechesis, Family and Youth Ministries, and Hispanic Ministry at The ner);​ ​Paige Overfield (Salutatorian);​ ​Amy Eftink, ​​and ​Savannah Below; (sec- Catholic Center in Springfield. Applicant must be a practicing Roman Catholic. ond row) ​Katrina Kluesner (principal)​; ​Dallas Kluesner (Valedictorian and Qualified individuals will have excellent writing and grammar skills, profi- St. Joseph award winner);​ Fr​​ ​. Randy Tochtrop, ;​ Kameron​ Dohogne;​​ ​ ciency with Microsoft Office Suite, and the ability to perform day-to-day office and Jodi​ McVay (eighth​ ​grade homeroom teacher). ​The evening started with tasks. The application process is now open and will remain so until position a banquet hosted by the seven​ th​ graders and their parents in the school gym. is filled. To request an application packet, please contact Anne Buckley at The The students graduated during the 6​ p.m. liturgy at Guardian Angel Church. Catholic Center, [email protected], (417) 866-0841. (Submitted photo)​ 4 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016

#MercySoMO Acts of Mercy in Oran​ Five earn Marian pins in Cape Girardeau


uring this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we figure there are a million small acts of mercy done each day by CatholicsD in the Diocese of Springfield- Cape Girardeau! Hashtag your acts of mercy and photos on social media at RECYCLING FOR CHARITY— The Junior Beta of Guard- #MillionActsofMercy #MercySoMO ian Angel School, Oran, MO, coordinated a drive for col- lecting can tabs throughout this​ academic ​year. Pictured ST. MARY HONOR GUARD—Five members of the St. Mary were Junior​ Beta ​officers ​​Paige Overfield, treasurer; Sa- Honor Guard of the Little Flower Girls Club at St. Mary vannah Below, secretary; Dallas Kluesner, president; in Cape Girardeau, received their Mar- Kameron Dohogne, chaplain; and Cooper Priggel, vice- ian Pins during an all-school Mass on Fri., May 6, 2016. president. The money earned from recycling will be given Fr. Joseph Kelly, who serves St. Mary Cathedral as associ- to St. Jude’s ​Children’s Research Hospital.​ ( The Mirror) ate pastor, bestowed the Marian Awards. (Submitted photo)

Rosary Club in Leopold holds pizza party ROSARY CLUB— The Rosary Club at St. John Parish, Leopold, MO, shared a pizza party at the closing of the 2015-16 school year. Participants shown were: (front row) Shandy Elfrink, Byron Saputo, Drew Engelen, Josh Horrell, Wil Seiler, Taylor Corporal and Spiritual Schreckenberg; (second row) Norma Parker, leader, Kyleigh Works of Mercy Graviett, Kale Broshuis, Addyson Dailey, Ike Broshuis, Lea Engelen, Katelyn Arnzen, Arianna Gott, Hallie Halter, Malia The Corporal Works of Mercy VanderMeridan, Annisa Engelen; (third row) Lucy Dorman, Feed the hungry Carley Jansen, Kinsley VanderMierden, Addison Engelen, Maci Give drink to the thirsty Nenninger, Braden Halter, Austin Broshuis; (fourth row) Tay- Clothe the naked lor Broshuis, Eva Saputo, Penny Willrich, leader, Alexis Hoff- Shelter the homeless man, and Caleb Schabb. The Rosary Club is an extension of Comfort the sick Visit the prisoners the Junior Legion of Mary and has been meeting over 15 years Bury the dead each Wednesday of the school-year for 45 minutes. Children may join the Rosary Club from first grade and up. The older The Spiritual Works of Mercy children help teach the younger ones how to pray the rosary Teach the ignorant and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. (Photo by Norma Parker) Pray for the living and the dead Correct sinners Counsel those in doubt Console the sorrowful Bear wrongs patiently #Mercy/SoMo Horses provide hope for children Forgive wrongs willingly

During your activities, help us spread the good news of the acts of mercy taking place in our Diocese by posting photos on social media with the hashtags:

#MillionActsofMercy #MercySoMO Diocese of Springfield- Cape Girardeau MYSTERY CHARITY—Second​ graders in Mrs. Shannon Brower’s class at​ ​St. Mary ​Catholic School ​in Joplin ​chose​ Horses @DioSCG for Hope for the May Mystery Charity. Each month, students choose a charity with which to familiarize themselves and engage. The school raised​ over​ ​$500​ for Horses for Hope, and they are now more aware of how horses bridge the gap for​ ​ or Email to children with various​ needs.​ (Submitted photo)​ [email protected]

The Mirror: Newspaper of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau USPS Publication 117-330 Publisher: Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy, Diocesan Administrator Editor: Leslie A. Eidson Production: Glenn Eckl Circulation/Advertising: Angie Toben, [email protected] Published every other week except the last week in December at 601 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65806-3143. Address all communications to 601 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65806-3143; Telephone (417) 866-0841; FAX (417) 866-1140; Email [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Mirror, 601 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65806-3143. When giving change of address, state both old and new address, also old and new parish. Subscription: $14 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Springfield, MO, and additional mailing offices. Vol. LII No. 2 May 13, 2016 Single copy price, $0.50 Copyright © 2016, The Mirror, CNA, USCCB, The Vatican, as noted. The Mirror OnLine: “Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau” @DioSCG May 13, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mirror 5

KHJM 89.1 FM Catholic radio for Southeast Missouri Billings—St. Joseph Parish will hold its free. Food stands and drinks will be available for fourth annual Summer Fest, Sun., May 22. The purchase throughout the day. There will be many From Jackson to the Bootheel, event begins with10:30 a.m. Mass on the lawn children’s games, inflatable bouncers, and duck KHJM 89.1 FM brings the heart of followed by a picnic with smoked pulled-pork. Cost: races. Proceeds will be used to repair the brick- Catholic Radio to the area. adults, $8, children (ages seven and up): $4; work and bell tower damaged by recent heavy Heart of Jesus and Mary children (ages six and under): free. There will be rains and winds. All are welcome. For more infor- youth activities, games, face-painting, and live en- mation, call Marjorie Layton, (417) 476-2265, tertainment by Red Bridge. For more information, or (417) 671-1121. contact the church office, (417) 744-2490. Springfield—The Secular Franciscan group Cape Girardeau—If you are a student will meet, Sat., May 21, beginning with lunch at entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and are noon (optional), then at 1 p.m. in the day chapel considering a career in health care, Healthcare at Holy Trinity Parish. Contact for new inquirers is Professionals Camp will be Sun., June 12-Tue., Steve Moncher, [email protected], or call June 14 at SoutheastHEALTH College of Nursing (417) 861-2109. & Health Sciences. Tuition of $300 includes all meals, instructional materials, T-shirts, and two Springfield—SAVE THE DATE—Catholic nights lodging in a Southeast MO State Univer- Night with the Springfield Cardinals will be Thu., sity dormitory. Enrollment is limited; scholarships Aug. 25. Game time is 7:10 p.m. More information available. Details and application go to: SEhealth. coming soon. org/HealthcareCamps. For questions or infor- mation, contact Margie Schwent, rmschwent@ Springfield—Contemplative Outreach of Springfield is hosting a Silent Saturday, June 4, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon, in Holy Trinity Church. For Jackson—Immaculate Conception St. Ann more information, contact Barb DePue, (417) Sodality will host a rummage sale, Fri., June 10, 881-1381, or Email, [email protected]. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sat., June 11, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., in the parish center/school cafeteria. For more Verona—Sacred Heart Parish will host its information, call (573) 243-3182. 12th annual Summer Fest Picnic, Sun., June 12, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., on the parish grounds. Festivities Pierce City—St. Mary Parish will celebrate include authentic Mexican food, fun, and fellowship. its 29th annual Festival, Sat., June 4, begin- There will be games for children, inflatables, and ning after 4 p.m. Mass, and Sun., June 5. Dance the barrel train. Live auction items include an Ital- to the music of D.J. David Jones, 7-10 p.m., ian feast for eight prepared by Fr. Henry Grodecki, Sat. evening. Festivities begin Sun., June 5, 11 CM, and a Mexican dinner for eight prepared by Sr. a.m.-2 p.m., with fried chicken or beef dinner and Petra Salgado, MCM. Bring your lawn chair, relax, all the trimmings. Cost: adult, $10; children and listen or dance to the music provided by D.J. (ages six-12): $5; children (ages six and under): Mark Johnson.

Schedule The next safe environment in-service opportunities will be held at the following locations:

Thu., May 19 6-9 p.m...... Sacred Heart, Poplar Bluff Mon., May 23 6-9 p.m...... Sacred Heart, Mountain Grove Wed., June 1 6-9 p.m...... St. Peter the Apostle, Joplin Mon., June 6 6-9 p.m...... St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau Sun., June 12 1-4 p.m...... Our Lady of the Lake, Branson Wed., June 15 6-9 p.m...... The Catholic Center, Springfield Wed., July 13 4:30-7:30 p.m. . . St. Peter the Apostle, Joplin Mon., July 18 6-9 p.m...... St. Joseph, Scott City Tue., Aug. 2 6-9 p.m...... Immaculate Conception, Jackson Wed., Aug. 10 8:30-11:30 a.m. . . .St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Springfield Mon., Aug. 15 3-6 p.m...... Our Lady of the Lake, Branson Mon., Sep. 12 6-9 p.m...... St. Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau Sat., Oct. 15 9 a.m.-12-noon . . . St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau Tue., Oct. 18 6-9 p.m...... St. Denis, Benton Preregistration is necessary; go to and click on “registration” on the left or call your parish/school office for assistance; or call Ken Pesek at The Catholic Center, (417) 866-0841; or Email him at [email protected]. Participants must be present for the entire training. Training sessions are for adults only. Schedules may be found on the diocesan events calendar at, or at 6 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016

RECEPTION—Bishop-emeritus John J. Leibrecht greeted Vera Borgmeyer dur- ing the reception that followed the Mass of Thanksgiving held April 11 in St. Agnes Cathedral, Springfield, marking the 60th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. (Photo by Dean Curtis/The Mirror) Church celebrates life of Bishop Emeritus From Page 1 On the Web difficult” issue the Church has had to confront. “We had not, in the Gallery of photos from 60th beginning, given nearly the attention anniversary. to it that it needed,” Bp.-emeritus Leibrecht said. “And so, in a sense, we had to catch up to understanding more-fully the damage that was done to victims.” Bp.-emeritus Leibrecht said. “They Bishop Leibrecht credited Pope see the joy that he has in his own John Paul II with igniting a renewed vocation. … I think that is going to interest in the Church among young continue, this renewed interest in the people, leading to more seminarians. priesthood.” “And I suspect the influence of The Diocese of Springfield-Cape Pope Francis now is going to bring Girardeau currently has 16 men in more young men to the seminary,” seminaries discerning a call to the priesthood, a number larger than it has been in over a decade. Bishop Leibrecht’s joy in his vo- cation, both as a Catholic priest and as a spiritual leader in the diocese, is Relics of the True Cross and Christ’s Passion will be apparent. “There have been good things presented at 10 a.m. on Sat., June 4, in the Cathedral among Christians in southern Mis- of St. Mary of the Annunciation, Cape Girardeau, souri in my years here,” he said. and at 2 p.m. on Sun., June 5, in St. Elizabeth Ann “Thanks be to God.” ©TM Setion Church, Springfield. This free event allows par- ticipants of all ages, at any level of spirituality, to deepen A word of and grow in their faith. A unique collection of relics has been brought together in a program of meditations, mu- sic, and prayers commemorating the events of Passion of Thanks Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Rare collections such as the Rel- I want to thank all of you for your prayers while I was ics of the Passion are generally seen only in Rome or the recently in the hospital with Holy Land. We encourage you to join us in this Year of PAPAL GREETING—Pope Francis pneumonia, as well as for sent a greeting to Bp.-emeritus John prayers during the following Mercy for a special opportunity that is sure to touch your Leibrecht on the occasion of his 60th heart and connect you with the roots of your faith. anniversary as a priest. The framed days of recovery at home. God letter was given to Bp. Leibrecht by bless you,​ too​ ,​ for​ your cards Msgr. Thomas Reidy, diocesan ad- and many other kindnesses to ministrator, during the April 11 lit- me. +Bishop John Leibrecht urgy held in St. Agnes Cathedral, Springfield. (The Mirror) May 13, 2016 DIOCESAN NEWS The Mirror 7 ‘Come to Me …’ DCCW Spring Assembly held in Poplar Bluff

By J.B. Kelly Mass with Bp.-Emeritus gratitude to Bp. Leibrecht Poplar Bluff, MO John J. Leibrecht and several and his continued work in area . the diocese despite his “re- he 58th Annual Bishop Leibrecht said tirement,” the DCCW pre- Diocesan Council that he was encouraged by sented him with a ‘spiritual of Catholic Women the faithful women who are bouquet’ of prayers collect- (DCCW) Spring a part of Parish Councils of ed by assembly participants. TAssembly was held “I always like April 15-16 in surprises!” Bp. Poplar Bluff, MO, Leibrecht said upon featuring inspiring receiving the ‘bou- MERCY—Father Daniel presentations and quet’ from Joyce Robles, pastor of St. Ce- opportunities for Luten, DCCW Presi- cilia Parish in Kennett fellowship between dent, at the close of and St. Eustachius Par- LIFE RUNNERS—Dr.​ Pat women from par- the Friday evening ish in Portageville, spoke Castle, founder of the ishes across south- Mass at Sacred Heart at the DCCW Spring As- National LIFE Runners ern Missouri. The Parish in Poplar sembly on the topic of Team, spoke during the theme of this year’s Bluff. the Works of Mercy, say- Saturday morning ses- conference was Speakers at this ing that “all of them are sions at the DCCW Spring “Come to Me.” year’s assembly in- but expressions of love!”​ Assembly ​held April 15- Highlights of cluded Dr. Gregory (Photo by J.B. Kelly) 16. Castle encouraged the annual gather- Thompson of the the DCCW members to ‘COME TO ME’—Centerpieces promoted​ ​ the ing included a silent theme of the 58th Annual ​Diocesan Council Marian Association become more involved in ‘purse auction’ of Southern Mis- pro-life activities, even by of Catholic Women (​DCCW)​ ​Spring Assembly, for the benefit of held April 15-16, ​in Poplar Bluff. ​The weekend souri; Fr. Daniel signing-up for LIFE Run- Catholic Charities Robles, pastor of ners and sporting one of was both educative and spiritual, with break- of Southern Mis- out sessions, legislative updates, live auctions, St. Cecilia Parish the membership T​ -shirts​ souri, a banquet in Kennett, and St. to promote pro-life causes.​ election of officers, food, fellowship, and Mass with entertainment celebrated by Bp.-Emeritus John J. Leibrecht Eustachius Parish (Photo by J.B. Kelly) provided by the in Portageville; Sr. and area clergy. (Photo by J.B. Kelly)​ Brown family of St. Anne Francioni, Mary Cathedral in Catholic Women, as well as SSND, representing Whole Cape Girardeau, and op- the diocesan organization, Kids Outreach in Ellington; PURSE AUCTION—An portunities for praying the and praised the women who and Dr. Pat Castle, founder annual favorite feature of Rosary and Divine Mercy were installed as DCCW of the National LIFE Run- the DCCW Spring Assem- Chaplet and attending Holy officers for the new year. In ners Team. ©TM bly is the ‘purse auction,’​ the proceeds of ​which ​are donated to ​Catholic Char- ities of Southern Missouri.​ (Photo by J.B. Kelly)

DCCW OFFICERS—Fr.​ Jim Unterreiner, pastor of Ste. Marie du Lac in Iron- ton;​ ​Our Lady of Sorrows in Lesterville​; ​and St. Philip Benizi in Vibernum, MUSIC—The​ accomplished Brown siblings—Landon, Ethan, and long-​time​ Diocesan​ Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) Spiritual​ Grayson, and Megan—provided entertainment at the close of Advisor, introduced and installed this year’s DCCW​ officers​ at the close the DCCW Spring Assembly banquet with a number of selec- of the evening Mass on Fri​.,​ April 15. Pictured here are Joyce Luten (presi- tions on their violins. ​​The Browns are parishioners at St. Mary dent), Rita Lueckenotte (vice president), Treva Boulch (secretary), and Pat Cathedral in Cape Girardeau.​ (Photo by J.B. Kelly) Eftink (treasurer). (Photo by J.B. Kelly) 8 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016

Msgr. Stanton marks 60 years a priest Kindergarten students learn alphabet

ALPHABET KIDS—The​ kindergarten class of Guardian Angel School in 60TH ANNIVERSARY—The staff at St. Mary of the Annunciation Ca- Oran, MO​, ​celebrated Letter People Week April 25-​29​ ,​ 2016​. On Monday, thedral held a luncheon in honor of Msgr. William Stanton’s 60th An- each student came to school dressed as one of the letter people. Pictured were: niversary as a priest March 18, 2016, in the parish hall. Pictured were Kasyn Seabaugh as “N;​”​ Dane Loper as “S;”​ Colton​ Uhrhan as “K;” ​​Adisyn Fr. Allan Saunders, pastor; Fr. Normand Varone, retired; Msgr. William Seabaugh as “A;”​ Rylie​ Priggel as “Z;” ​and​ Alliston Estep as “I”. (The Mirror)​ Stanton, retired; Msgr. Richard Rolwing, retired; and Fr. Joseph Kelly, associate pastor. Msgr. Stanton is a classmate of Bp.-Emeritus John J. Leibrecht who also graduated from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis on March 17, 1956. (Photo by Lisa Simmons)

Youth Minister Acceptance letters will be Emailed sought for Jackson parish to the Email address on your application. Immaculate Conception Employment Opportunities Parish, Jackson, MO, seeks someone to lead an Camper spots still available in Catholic education established high school/ junior high youth program. 2016 Camp schedule , needs A full job description and St. Francis Xavier School, Sikeston, MO If you are (Roaring River State Park) an Elementary teacher for grades 5-6. applications for this part-time Fredericktown: Cassville: interested please call (573) 471-0841. position are available by Session 1C June 27-July 1 contacting the parish office at Session 1F June 13-17 Session 2C July 4-8 McAuley Catholic High School, Joplin, MO, has Session 2F June 27-July 1 (573) 243-3182 July 11-15 Session 3C July 11-15 an opening for a math teacher. A Missouri secondary or by Emailing Session 3F teaching certificate in math is required. Must be able Session 4C July 18-22 to teach upper level classes; master’s degree preferred. secretary@ Session 5C July 25-29 Preference given to practicing Catholic. Contact Gene Koester at (417) 624-9320 or [email protected]. Camp needs Monett, MO, has an Assistant Cooks 2F, 3F St. Lawrence Catholic School, Nurse 5C 2F 1F, 3F Music Director opening for a combined 3rd & 4th grade class for Waterfront 2F the 2016-2017 school year. Candidate must possess, or Priest 2C, 5C Liturgy Director be eligible for, DESE certification in elementary teaching. Other experience will be considered. Preference will also For more information or questions, please contact Rosie Francka be given to one who can successfully implement inde- at [email protected] or (417) 866-0841. pendent learning concepts as in Daily 5 or similar sys- tems. Emints or interactive white board training highly desired! Please Email resumé, cover letter, and three letters of reference to [email protected] or mail to 407 7th St., Monett, MO 65708. Personal videos of you teach- Spring Programs ing would be greatly appreciated. Posting will remain at Mercy Center Frontenac, MO open until position is filled. ‘Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of God’ is St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School, Cape Gi- a silent retreat led by Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB, June 10-11, 2016, at Mercy Center, rardeau, MO, is taking applications for a Junior High Social Studies teacher for the 2016-17 academic Frontenac. Registration begins Friday, 4:30 year. Applicant should possess a valid Missouri teaching p.m.; program concludes Saturday, 3 p.m. Give certificate and be knowledgeable in American History, yourself the gift of sacred space to keep vigil Geography, Government, and more. The position will with the Word of God and with your own life. also include teaching one class of religion. To obtain an application go to Non-refundable registration: $25 due May SchoolsEducation/Employment or call St. Vincent de 30. Total cost, including registration: Overnight: Paul School office (573) 334-9594. You may Email appli- $150; commuters: $90. For more information, cations to [email protected], or by USPS to contact Sandy Meyer at (314) 966-4686 or smeyer@ Kay Glastetter, Principal, 1919 Ritter Dr., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. May 13, 2016 DIOCESAN NEWS/ADVERTISING The Mirror 9

Pro Life T-shirt Contest winners STEM summer program coming to SCHS this summer​ Two students in St. Denis School, Benton, MO, were recent winners Camp​ Invention, the nation’s premier summer enrichment day camp program, of the annual is coming to Springfield Catholic High School the week of June 27, 2016. diocesan Voice for Life T-shirt Contest: For students entering grades one through six, Camp​ Invention is a week-​long​ Andrea Richman adventure that will turn the summer from ordinary to extraordinary through (left) won Third hands-on problem solving, using science, technology, engineering,​ ​and Place honors. mathematics (STEM). Camp​ Invention provides an opportunity for inventive Richman is in young minds to exercise their creativity and use their imagination in ways the eighth they don’t normally get to in the classroom. grade. Sixth grade Local programs are facilitated and taught student by educators who reside and Audrey teach in the community. Camp​ LeGrand Invention serves more than (right) won 94,000 students every year Second through nearly 1,400 camps Place with across the nation. her T-shirt design. For additional (The Mirror) information or to find the nearest location for registration, visit

Memorial for Deceased Children Columbia Construction Co.

PO Box 1332 Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 (573) 335-6443

Everyone grieves the death of a child. The entire Church shares in that grief. The Children’s Memorial was established in order that the people of God may join in prayers of hope with loved ones who have lost a child to death. All are welcome to submit a child’s name to be placed on the Memorial. There is no cost—donations are welcome.

To submit a name, please fill out the form below and send to: Gorman-Scharpf Funeral Home, Inc. Deceased Children’s Memorial Brentwood Chapel • University Chapel Crematory • Columbarium St. Mary Magdalen Church, 4924 Bancroft Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109

Licensed funeral directors of distinction: Name of child______Bill M. Abbott W. Bruce Howell Marquis Howell, Jr. Robert Lohmeyer Harley R. Williams Don R. Lohmeyer Clint W. Mease Name______Marquis Howell, Sr. Angela N. Collins Heather K. Howell Winford R. Laster Address______Locally owned and operated for over 50 years City/State/Zip______

1947 E. Seminole, Springfield MO 65804 Phone (optional)______Donation (optional) $______(417) 886-9994 • fax (417) 886-9996, [email protected] 10 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016

Herman H. Lohmeyer Funeral Home Locally-owned & operated u Dedicated u Caring u Professional Offices of the Catholic Cemeteries Paul & Lynn Wunderlich David Fenton • Louis Lohmeyer • Charlene Harris-Bengsch Gene Lohmeyer • Mary Ann Johnston • Joel Champ

500 E. Walnut - Springfield (417) 862-4433

A two career family with three children is looking for someone to keep things running at home. We are seeking to hire a full-time domestic professional for housecleaning, laundry, errands, cooking, and childcare. In short, we want to hire “Alice” from the classic television series, “The Brady Bunch.” Children (ages 5, 8, and 14) are in school from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. During that time, general housekeeping, organizational projects, errands, and household management would be performed. When children are out of school, safe, nurturing, and stimulating care would be required. Transportation home from school and to afterschool activities are part of the responsibilities. During school holidays, the children will be at home all day. Occasionally we have out of town work requirements and would require you to be flexible with your hours to fit our work schedules. These trips are generally known in advance so we would be able to plan around everyone’s needs. Our work hours are flexible and we enjoy picking the kids up and spending time with them as schedules allow. We envision a scenario where parents and housekeeper work together to meet the needs of both the house and the kids. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license, insurance, and a vehicle that can accommodate two booster seats. Safety is paramount and a clean driving record, police background check, and references are required. Foreign language skills, particularly Spanish, are a positive.

Duties include but are not limited to: • Washing and ironing of family clothes • General housework including vacuuming, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, toilets, dusting, dishes, tidying, making beds, etc. • Grocery shopping and preparing snacks and meals as required • Running errands • Childcare

Pay is $500 per week. For more information or an application, Email to [email protected] May 13, 2016 ADVERTISING The Mirror 11 12 The Mirror DIOCESAN NEWS May 13, 2016 Ministry retread: Cursillo gains momentum in southeast Missouri

By Linda Leicht the world, including Springfield- Chaffee , MO Cape Girardeau. The last weekend in the Diocese was held about 2009. nthusiasm about Cursillo Potential leaders are needed to is growing in the Diocese. fill the slots on the secretariat and A group of about a dozen to support the effort to reinstate the Cursillistas—people who have diocese with the national office. In Ecompleted a Cursillo Weekend— the past, Cursillo Weekends were gathered recently in St. Ambrose held in a couple areas of the diocese, Parish in Chaffee to pray for women filling up for each of the twice-a- who were participating in a women’s Ultreyas in year events for men and for women. Cursillo Weekend in St. Louis. Once the Diocese is reinstated and Sharon Essner, who is helping the Diocese locations are found, the regional to coordinate the effort to restart a A group gathers in St. Elizabeth weekends could start again. Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of CURSILLO 162—Bishop-designate Ann Seton Parish, Springfield, at Sharon Essner encouraged Springfield-Cape Girardeau, led the Edward Rice posed for a photo with 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday Cursillistas to step up for leadership group in the song “Here I Am Lord,” the group marking Cursillo 162 in of every month. Next meet- roles, first by attending an Ultreya. followed by prayers for the weekend St. Louis April 29. Bishop Rice was ing date is May 26. All are “Ultreyas have been a way participants, the team working with named the next Bishop of Springfield- welcome. to sort of stir up the memory and them, and the men who would be Cape Giradeau on April 26. Deacon reconnect,” Essner said, “to reestab- going soon to a weekend of their Tom Schumer, Fr. Allan Saunders, A group gathers in St. Mary lish relationships and reawaken the own. and others from the Cape Girardeau Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, at 7 Cursillo mentality.” After Morning Prayer, the small area joined those in St. Louis for this p.m. the fourth Friday of ev- group sat or kneeled, quietly offer- weekend of renewal and encounter. ery month. Next meeting date For more information ing their prayers for the next 30 (The Mirror) is May 27. All are welcome. For more information or to minutes. They asked that the Lord connect with Cursillo, contact Sha- would touch and bless the lives of ron Essner at smessner735@gmail. the Cursillo candidates, that the to Springfield-Cape Girardeau. attend a Cursillo Weekend closer to com or call (573) 334-0373; or Anne people who were supporting them Five of the 24 women at the home. And first, the diocese must Detten at anne.detten@sbcglobal. by prayers, writing letters of encour- April 29-May 1 weekend in St. Louis have an eight-member secretariat in net or call (303) 915-0510. Fr. Bill agement, preparing the meals, and were from the Diocese of Spring- place by June in order to be reinstat- Hodgson serves as Diocesan Chap- taking care of all the details for the field-Cape Girardeau, as were several ed by the national Cursillo office. lain of Cursillo. Fr. Hodgson may be weekend, would also be blessed. of the team members. It will be next The Cursillo Movement began reached at [email protected] And they prayed for the efforts year before men and women in the in 1944 in Majorca, Spain, and by or by telephone at (573) 785-9635. to bring the Cursillo movement back diocese will have an opportunity to the 1970s it had spread throughout ©TM