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Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Open Access Theses Theses and Dissertations Spring 2014 INVESTIGATION OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA ON SOYBEANS FROM A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Zachary Forbes Sexton Purdue University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Plant Pathology Commons Recommended Citation Sexton, Zachary Forbes, "INVESTIGATION OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA ON SOYBEANS FROM A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE" (2014). Open Access Theses. 252. This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact [email protected] for additional information. *UDGXDWH6FKRRO(7')RUP 5HYLVHG 0114 PURDUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance 7KLVLVWRFHUWLI\WKDWWKHWKHVLVGLVVHUWDWLRQSUHSDUHG %\ Zachary Forbes Sexton (QWLWOHG INVESTIGATION OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA PN SOYBEAN FROM A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Master of Science )RUWKHGHJUHHRI ,VDSSURYHGE\WKHILQDOH[DPLQLQJFRPPLWWHH Type your committee member's name Teresa Hughes Kiersten Wise Katy Rainey 7RWKHEHVWRIP\NQRZOHGJHDQGDVXQGHUVWRRGE\WKHVWXGHQWLQWKHThesis/Dissertation Agreement. Publication Delay, and Certification/Disclaimer (Graduate School Form 32)WKLVWKHVLVGLVVHUWDWLRQ adheres to the provisions of 3XUGXH8QLYHUVLW\¶V³3ROLF\RQ,QWHJULW\LQ5HVHDUFK´DQGWKHXVHRI FRS\ULJKWHGPDWHULDO Teresa Hughes $SSURYHGE\0DMRU3URIHVVRU V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGE\Peter Goldsbrough 04/02/2014 +HDGRIWKHDepartment *UDGXDWH3URJUDP 'DWH i INVESTIGATION OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA ON SOYBEANS FROM A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Purdue University by Zachary Forbes Sexton In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science i May 2014 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana ii This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Andy and Anna, for all their support throughout my life. I certainly would not have made it this far without their constant guidance and persistent motivation. Someday I hope I can repay you both for all you have provided me. ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to give special thanks to my academic advisor, Dr. Teresa Hughes, for taking a chance on me and providing me with an environment of support and guidance that fostered my success. I would also like to acknowledge and give thanks to my committee members, to Dr. Kiersten Wise, for cultivating my interest in plant pathology and giving constant guidance throughout my research career. To Dr. Katy Rainey, for providing perspective and support throughout my masters. To Dr. Alemu Mengstu, for lending his expertise and providing excellent insight on the charcoal rot pathosystem. I would also like to thank all the members of the Hughes lab who helped me with my research of the years, special thanks to Derek McFall for all his help during those hot days in the greenhouse. I would also like to thank the entire staff of the Botany and Plant Pathology Department for their help throughout my master’s research. Special thanks to Tyson McFall for all her help keeping my thesis on track. iii Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow graduate students for helping me maintain my sanity, both academically and socially, special thanks to Patty for her endless support and well-timed administration of caffeine over these last two years. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………vii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……viii CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 1 1.1 History of Soybean .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Impact of Disease on Soybean ............................................................................ 4 1.3 Macrophomina phaseolina ................................................................................. 6 1.4 Management of charcoal rot .............................................................................. 9 1.5 List of References .............................................................................................. 15 CHAPTER 2. GREENHOURSE EVALUATION OF COMMERCIAL SOYBEAN CULTIVARS ADAPTED TO THE NORTH CENTRAL US FOR RESISTANCE TO CHARCOAL ROT ................ 27 2.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................. 27 2.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 28 2.3 Materials and Methods .................................................................................... 29 2.4 Results ............................................................................................................... 31 2.5 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 33 2.6 List of References .............................................................................................. 35 CHAPTER 3. PATHOGENIC VARIATION AMONG SOYBEAN ISOLATES OF iv MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA FROM NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN REGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43 3.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................. 43 3.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 44 3.3 Materials and Methods .................................................................................... 46 3.4 Results ............................................................................................................... 48 3.5 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 49 v Page 3.6 List of References .............................................................................................. 51 CHAPTER 4. IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN ISOLATES OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA ................... 72 4.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................. 72 4.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 73 4.3 Materials and Methods .................................................................................... 74 4.4 Results ............................................................................................................... 76 4.5 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 76 4.6 List of References .............................................................................................. 78 APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary investigation of multiple greenhouse screening techniques …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….86 Appendix B Preliminary investigation of cut stem charcoal rot screening protocol ..88 Appendix C Preliminary isolate pathogenicity experiments ...................................... 90 Appendix D Preliminary investigation of isolate growth variability at varying incubation temperaures ............................................................................................... 94 Appendix E Spearman’s Rho rank correlation comparing consistency across commercial germplasm screening experimental replications ..................................... 98 v vi LIST OF TABLES Table ...............................................................................................................................Page Table 2.1. Commercial soybean cultivars in maturity groups (MG) I-II………………………….37 Table 2.2. Commercial soybean cultivars in maturity groups (MG) II-III………………………..38 Table 2.3. Spearman’s rank correlation (Rho) comparing commercial soybean cultivars consistency…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40 Table 3.1. M. phaseolina isolates used…………………………………………………………………………56 Table 3.2. Comparison of disease reactions on southern soybean cultivars………………….58 Table 3.3. Comparison of isolate disease reactions on southern soybean cultivars………59 Table 3.4. Spearman’s rank correlation (Rho) comparing isolate consistency on southern soybean cultivars…...........................................................................................................60 Table 3.5. Comparison of disease reactions on northern soybean cultivars………………….61 Table 3.6. Comparison of isolate disease reactions on northern soybean cultivars………62 Table 3.7. Spearman’s rank correlation (Rho) comparing isolate consistency on northern soybean cultivars…...........................................................................................................63 Table 4.1. M. phaseolina isolates used…………………………………………………………………………81 Table C-1. ANOVA table showing analysis of area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) means across both experimental replications………………………………………………..92 vi Table C-2. Pooled area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) means of resistant and susceptible soybean varieties across experimental replications…………………………….92 Table C-3. Pooled area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) means of Northern and Southern M. phaseolina isolates across experimental replications………………………..92 Table E-1. Spearman’s rank