Literature Cited Robert W. Kiger, Editor This Is a Consolidated List of All Works Cited in Volume 5, Whether As Selected Referen

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Literature Cited Robert W. Kiger, Editor This Is a Consolidated List of All Works Cited in Volume 5, Whether As Selected Referen RWKiger 16 Jul 18 Literature Cited Robert W. Kiger, Editor This is a consolidated list of all works cited in volume 5, whether as selected references, in text, or in nomenclatural contexts. In citations of articles, both here and in the taxonomic treatments, and also in nomenclatural citations, the titles of serials are rendered in the forms recommended in G. D. R. Bridson and E. R. Smith (1991). When those forms are abbreviated, as most are, cross references to the corresponding full serial titles are interpolated here alphabetically by abbreviated form. In nomenclatural citations (only), book titles are rendered in the abbreviated forms recommended in F. A. Stafleu and R. S. Cowan (1976–1988) and F. A. Stafleu and E. A. Mennega (1992+). Here, those abbreviated forms are indicated parenthetically following the full citations of the corresponding works, and cross references to the full citations are interpolated in the list alphabetically by abbreviated form. Two or more works published in the same year by the same author or group of coauthors will be distinguished uniquely and consistently throughout all volumes of Flora of North America by lower-case letters (b, c, d, ...) suffixed to the date for the second and subsequent works in the set. The suffixes are assigned in order of editorial encounter and do not reflect chronological sequence of publication. The first work by any particular author or group from any given year carries the implicit date suffix "a"; thus, the sequence of explicit suffixes begins with "b". There may be citations in this list that have dates suffixed "b" but that are not preceded by citations of "[a]" works for the same year, or that have dates suffixed "c," "d," "e," or "f" but that are not preceded by citations of "[a]," "b," "c," "d," and/or "e" works for that year. In such cases, the missing "[a]," "b," "c," "d," and/or "e" works are ones cited (and encountered first from) elsewhere in the Flora that are not pertinent in this volume. A. S. B. Bull. = A S B Bulletin. Abrams, L. and R. S. Ferris. 1923–1960. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. 4 vols. Stanford. (Ill. Fl. Pacific States) Abuhadra, M. N. 2000. Taxonomic studies on the Arenaria serpyllifolis group (Caryophyllaceae). Fl. Medit. 10: 185–190. Acta Bot. Neerl. = Acta Botanica Neerlandica. Acta Phytotax. Sin. = Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. [Chih Wu Fen Lei Hsüeh Pao.] Acta Univ. Lund. = Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Nova Series. Sectio 2, Medica, Mathematica, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium. [Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N.F., Avd. 2.] Acta Univ. Upsal., Symb. Bot. Upsal. = Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses. Adanson, M. 1763[–1764]. Familles des Plantes. 2 vols. Paris. [Vol. 1, 1764; vol. 2, 1763.] (Fam. Pl.) Aiton, W. and W. T. Aiton. 1810–1813. Hortus Kewensis; or a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. 5 vols. London. (Hortus Kew.) Akeroyd, J. R. 1991. A new subspecific combination in Rumex acetosella L. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 106: 97–99. Akeroyd, J. R. 1993. Herniaria. In: T. G. Tutin et al., eds. 1993+. Flora Europaea, ed. 2. 1+ vol. Cambridge and New York. Vol. 1, pp. 182–184. Alph. Aufz. Gew.—See: G. Heynhold 1846[–1847] Amer. Anthropol. = American Anthropologist. Amer. J. Bot. = American Journal of Botany. Amer. J. Sci. Arts = American Journal of Science, and Arts. Amer. Midl. Naturalist = American Midland Naturalist; Devoted to Natural History, Primarily That of the Prairie States. Amer. Naturalist = American Naturalist.... Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles = Anales del Instituto Botánico A. J. Cavanilles. Anales Inst. Segunda Enseñ. = Anales del Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de la Habana. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid = Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. Anales Soc. Ci. Argent. = Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina. Anales Univ. Chile, I, Mem. Ci. Lit. = Anales de la Universidad de Chile. I. Memorias Cientificas i Literarias. Andersen, R. N., W. E. Lueschen, and J. R. Zaremba. 1985. Prickly smartweed (Polygonum bungeanum), a new weed in North America. Weed Sci. 33: 805–806. Anderson, L. C. 1991. Paronychia chartacea ssp. minima (Caryophyllaceae): A new subspecies of a rare Florida endemic. Sida 14: 435–441. Animadv. Bot. Spec. Alt.—See: P. Arduino 1764 Ann. A. C. F. A. S. = Annales de l'A C F A S. Ann. Amélior. Pl. = Annales de l'Amélioration des Plantes. Ann. Bot. (Oxford) = Annals of Botany. (Oxford.) Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York = Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. = Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Ann. Nat. Hist. = Annals of Natural History; or, Magazine of Zoology, Botany and Geology. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. = Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique. Ann. Wiener Mus. Naturgesch. = Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève = Annuaire du Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de Genève. Anthropol. Rec. = Anthropological Records. Arcangeli, G. 1882. Compendio della Flora Italiana.... Turin. (Comp. Fl. Ital.) Arch. Naturwiss. Landesdurchf. Böhmen. = Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen. Archibald, J. K., P. G. Wolf, V. J. Tepedino, and J. Bair. 2001. Genetic relationships and population structure of the endangered Steamboat buckwheat, Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae (Polygonaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 88: 608–615. Arduino, P. 1764. Animadversionum Botanicarum Specimen Alterum. Venice. (Animadv. Bot. Spec. Alt.) Ark. Bot. = Arkiv för Botanik. Arnott, G. A. W. 1832. Botany. Edinburgh. [Preprinted from M. Napier, ed. 1830--1842. Encyclopaedia Britannica..., ed. 7. 21 vols. Edinburgh. Vol. 5.] (Botany) Ascherson, P. F. A. et al. 1896–1939. Synopsis der mitteleuropäischen Flora. 12 vols., some in parts. Leipzig. (Syn. Mitteleur. Fl.) Atlantic J. = Atlantic Journal, and Friend of Knowledge. Austral. J. Bot. = Australian Journal of Botany. Austral. Syst. Bot. = Australian Systematic Botany. Baad, M. F. 1969. Biosystematic Studies of the North American species of Arenaria, Subgenus Eremogone (Caryophyllaceae). Ph.D. dissertation. University of Washington. Bailey, J. P., L. E. Child, and A. P. Conolly. 1996. A survey of the distribution of Fallopia ×bohemica (Chrtek & Chrtková) J. Bailey (Polygonaceae) in the British Isles. Watsonia 21: 187–198. Bailey, J. P. and C. A. Stace. 1992. Chromosome number, morphology, pairing, and DNA values of species and hybrids in the genus Fallopia (Polygonaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 180: 29– 52. Baileya = Baileya; a Quarterly Journal of Horticultural Taxonomy. Baker, H. G. 1953b. Dimorphism and monomorphism in the Plumbaginaceae II. Pollen and stigmata in the genus Limonium. Ann. Bot. (Oxford), n. s. 17: 433–445. Bakker, K. 1957. Revision of the genus Polycarpaea (Caryoph.) in Malaysia. Acta Bot. Neerl. 6: 48–53. Ball, P. W. and V. H. Heywood. 1964. A revision of the genus Petrorhagia. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 3: 121–172. Barkoudah, Y. I. 1962. A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna. Wentia 9: 1–203. Barneby, R. C. and E. C. Twisselman. 1970. Notes on Loeflingia (Caryophyllaceae). Madroño 20: 398–408. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford. 1933. Miwok material culture. Bull. Public Mus. Milwaukee 2(4): 119–376. Barrows, D. P. 1900. The Ethno-botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern California. Chicago. [Reprinted 1978, New York.] Bartonia = Bartonia; a Botanical Annual. Baskin, C. C., P. L. Chesson, and J. M. Baskin. 1993. Annual seed dormancy cycles in two desert winter annuals. J. Ecol. 81: 551–556. Baskin, J. M. and C. C. Baskin. 1990. The role of light and alternating temperatures on germination of Polygonum aviculare seeds exhumed on various dates. Weed Res. 30: 397– 402. Bastard, T. 1812. Supplément à l'Essai sur la Flore du Département de Maine-et-Loire. Angers. (Suppl. Fl. Maine-et-Loire) Baumgarten, J. C. G. 1816–1846. Enumeratio Stirpium Magno Transsilvaniae.... 4 vols. + suppl. + index. Vienna and Hermannstadt. (Enum. Stirp. Transsilv.) Beena, K. R., K. Ananda, and K. R. Sridhar. 2000. Fungal endophytes of three sand dune species of west coast of India. Sydowia 52: 1–9. Beerling, D. J., J. P. Bailey, and A. P. Conolly. 1994. Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene. J. Ecol. 82: 959–979. Behnke, H.-D. 1982. Geocarpon minimum: Sieve-element plastids as additional evidence for its inclusion in the Caryophyllaceae. Taxon 31: 45–47. Behnke, H.-D. and T. J. Mabry, eds. 1994. Caryophyllales: Evolution and Systematics. Berlin. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. = Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. Original Arbeiten. Beitr. Naturk.—See: J. F. Ehrhart 1787–1792 Bentham, G. 1839[–1857]. Plantas Hartwegianas Imprimis Mexicanas.... London. [Issued by gatherings with consecutive signatures and pagination.] (Pl. Hartw.) Bentham, G. 1844[–1846]. The Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur, under the Command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher...During the Years 1836–1842. 6 parts. London. [Parts paged consecutively.] (Bot. Voy. Sulphur) Berher, E.-L. 1887. La Flore des Vosges. Épinal. [Vol. 2 of L. Louis, Le Département des Vosges: Description, Histoire, Statistique.] (Fl. Vosges) Bernis, F. 1952. Revisión del género Armeria Willd. con especial referencia a los grupos Ibéricos. Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 11(2): 5–287. Besser, W. S. J. G. von. 1821. Enumeratio Plantarum.... Vilna. (Enum. Pl.) Bigelow, J. 1824. Florula Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and Its Vicinity..., ed. 2. Boston. (Fl. Boston. ed. 2) Bigelow, J. 1840. Florula Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and Its Vicinity..., ed. 3. Boston. (Fl. Boston. ed. 3) Biochem. Syst. & Ecol. = Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. = Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Biol. Skr. = Biologiske Skrifter. Bishop Mus. Occas. Pap. = Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. Bittrich, V. 1993. Caryophyllaceae. In: K. Kubitzki et al., eds. 1990+. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. 4+ vols. Berlin etc. Vol. 2, pp. 206–236. Blackwell, W. H. 1990. Poisonous and Medicinal Plants. Englewood Cliffs. Bluff, M. J., C. A. Fingerhuth, and C.
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