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Bill Romel OLDSMOBILE Presents... OLDSMOBILE FOR 1969 ON DISPLAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 26-27-28-29 FEATURING THE FABULOUS ALL NEW Delta 88 Royale Holiday Beauty in Motion from Oldsmobile COME IN TODAY SEE AND DRIVE ALL THE NEW OLDSMOBILES FOR '69 Bill Romel OLDSMOBILE 900 N. PACIFIC COAST HIWAY REDONDO BEACH 376-0967 OPEN EVES. & SUN. RONALD TED GREEN LEASE YOUR NEW CHEVROLET CADILLAC FROM RONALD MORAN MORAN AUTHORIZED DEALER WARRANTED USED CAR OUTSTANDING SPECIALS OF THE WEEK HOME OF THE DIAGNOSTIC USED CARS BUYS EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN BUY!! '65 EL CAMINO CUSTOM PICKUP WEEK-END SPECIAL V|, automatic, power tteering, radio, heater, whitewalll. '67 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Cempltttly OK r.conditlontd Hurryl Hurry 1399 4-Door, 6 Paitonger. V-8, radio & heater, automatic Iraniminion, power tearing. Light blue with interior to match. Excellent condition ........ ... '68 MALIBU SPORT COUPE '64 MGB ROADSTER 2299 V4, automatic, powar iteering, radio, heatei '67 '67 whitewalll. Still undar factory warranty . 4 tpaed. radio, heater, tonneau cover, complete 'P-3JS. *414A "SPORTSMAN'S DREAM" '2799 top, wire wheali. A black beauty. '1499 T-BIRDS S3499 CADILLAC *4fiQ^ (1 la CM*M te«« 0* viik fill '64 FORD 3/4 TON <fe l«*d*4< IM. I*V Vmvl IMI - t-«*>rt 4 4-Oaaci *uH> SeTa," """" *"* i*M*d lam miat. »l COUPE 250 SERIES law at '(7 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE '(5 DODGE HARDTOP Coronet 440. VI, automatic tranimltilnn, re. Cui om crawl-thru cab, V4. '67 '66 317 V-l, autamatic, radio, heater, power itee dio, heater, powar itoaring. Savo $$f. Stock aut malic tranimiiiion, power 'P-3I1-A. ite ring, radio, heater with VW ing, vinyl top, whllewalli. «R-3$ '2399 '1599 10' toot Holiday camper. '1699 CADILLAC '3999 I OMT 4 IMM lr>n% miiimi, tMw 4 CWM CMVIIU P«H •*••' tKlw» air Sle p» 4, hat 3 burner butane tatltr SMvlDvl lub> «l ••<• «M <«r» in ito a, get and 12 volt lighli. »tiiltw>H lirtt. NMdt • 1l««'*I>iim.T!H* IIO 4 Mill icebox, portable toilet. CUSTOM COUPE '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP COUPE '66 '68 CHEVROLET IMPAU '66 V «, automatic tranimittlon, powar tteering, radio, haatar, whitewalll. 1 ownor, low CADILLAC PONTIAC heeler, power iteering, automatic trantmit '2799 S3999 $2399 lion, whitewal Itirei. Stock 'P 310. '3199 age car. Stock '1019 A. '1199 limn D.VIIrt Illxt '67 '66 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR CADILLAC 4699 '65 '65 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DOOR PONTIAC S2599 Factory air, VI, automatic tranimiiiion, radio, PONTIAC Stock CWM 0*J VWt. PuM »*Mr. f«l»rv «*f '2299 mo* LifM blu* wttn Radio & heater, 4-tpeoa) tranimiiiion. • •nn* wilt* C*MI>« •* M A K«*lw. twl*> »mi« Iw 4 mlnw lo mttth, rMie it haator, powar itoaring, whltowallt. *P-30t CfMIta«a<lt Wtltfi*.injiuiB WWO*)M WlHi m«K*ni*f mitfiw- «1342 A. '1699 tnalk, »•>*•*" itMriMt ft ferMM. ^MtWV kaaKr. aviamtnc irintmitil*)*, Mw«r '1399 |M II- Of lv« M-VWH *«» M Air Ct«ltnmliii O*k wtNi MMk vinyl Maeriae * erakat. v/w llrtt. ••H*)vft !•». HM« nkM M Itw*. it ar MI— ai IMI to. ariui '62 MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON SEE THI All NEW CADILLAC FOR '69 IN OUR SHOWROOMS SEPT. 26TH •(4 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE Factory air, automatic tranimiiiion, radio, VI, automatic tranimlnion, radio, haatar, $699 heater. Immaculate 1 owner car. *P-307A RONALD MORAN CADILLAC power iteerinf. Stock 'P-371. '1099 OPIN 7 DAYS A WEEK HOME OF LOW MILIAGi CARS PHONE 370-5667 18400 HAWTHORNE BLVD., TORRANCE PHONE 370-5667 '47 FIREBIRD HARDTOP COUPE '(4 BUICK SKYLARK STATION WAGON Factory air, automatic tranimiiiion, power Factory air, automatic tranimiiiion, radio * ttaaring, radio, heater. } owner Immaculate hoatar, powar itaaring, vinyl top. *P-37» '2799 car. Stock «lttO-A. Press-Herald Automobile Dealers Have the Car TED GREEN CHEVROLET That You Desire. Shop These Pages! 23505 HAWTHORNE BLVD. TORRANCE USID CAR DIPT. - 378-0219 OPEN EVENINGS * SUNDAYS.