Cardinal Farrell

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Cardinal Farrell FARRELL, Card. Kevin Country: Ireland/United States of America Residence: Rome DOB: September 2, 1947 Created by: Pope Francis, Nov 2016 Consecrated by: McCarrick, Feb. 2002 Ordained by: Card. Pironio, Dec. 1978 Degree: BA, MPhil, STL, MBA Expertise/experience: Administrative, Financial. Episcopal Motto: State in Fide: “Stand Fast in the Faith” Current positions: v Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church v Vicar General of DC (2001-2007) (Since 2019) v Secretary for Financial Affairs, v Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Washington DC (1989-2001) v Family, and Life (Since 2016) General Administrator for the v Member of the Administration of the Legionaries of Christ Patrimony of the Apostolic See Patronage and Associations: v Pontifical Commission for the Vatican v Theodore McCarrick State. v Father Marcial Maciel Notable Previous Positions: v Bishop Brian Farrell v Bishop of Dallas, Texas (2007-2016) v ++ Tobin, Cupich, Maradiaga v Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, DC (2002-2007) Table of Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 4 Background ............................................................................................................................... 6 Intellectual Background ....................................................................................................... 6 Pastoral Background: .......................................................................................................... 6 Financial/Administrative Background ................................................................................. 7 Association and Patronage...................................................................................................... 10 Theodore McCarrick ......................................................................................................... 10 Archbishop Viganò ........................................................................................................... 11 Ongoing Relationship with McCarrick .............................................................................. 12 Fr. Marcial Maciel ............................................................................................................. 13 Bishop Brian Farrell .......................................................................................................... 14 Cardinals Tobin, Cupich, Wuerl, and Maradiaga ............................................................... 15 Evidence of covering-up for sexual abuse .............................................................................. 16 Case 1: The McCarrick Case: Washington D.C./New Jersey.............................................. 16 Case 2: Timothy Heines Case: Dallas ................................................................................ 16 Case 3: Fr. Mallinson and Fr. Speiser: Dallas .................................................................... 17 Case 4: Congregation for the Doctrine for Faith File: Rome .............................................. 18 Thwarting Procedures/laws Designed to Limit Sexual Abuse ............................................ 18 Evidence of Financial/Legal Corruption ................................................................................ 19 Case 1: The Gift from Bishop Branfield ............................................................................ 19 Thwarting Procedures/laws Designed to Limit Financial Administrative Corruption ......... 19 Thwarting Procedures/laws Designed to Limit Abuse/Corruption ...................................... 19 Financial/Administrative Corruption ................................................................................. 19 Positive Evidence of Opposing Corruption/Abuse................................................................. 20 Transparency .......................................................................................................................... 21 Transparency of Governance? ........................................................................................... 21 Financial Transparency ..................................................................................................... 22 Transparency and Sexual Abuse in the Church .................................................................. 22 Controversies and Disputes .................................................................................................... 23 FARRELL, Card. Kevin 2 Amoris Laetitia and the Dubia ........................................................................................... 23 Other Controversies or Disputes ........................................................................................ 24 Pastoral/Theological Priorities ............................................................................................... 25 1: Moral Teachings: Marriage, Family, and Sexuality ........................................................ 25 II: Moral Teachings: Abortion and the Death Penalty ........................................................ 28 III: On Church Governance and Reform ............................................................................ 29 IV: Pastoral/Political Teachings: Gun Control, The Environment, Immigration ................. 31 V: Liturgical Teaching and Governance ............................................................................ 32 Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 33 Appendix i: J. Paul Lennon Interview ................................................................................ 33 Appendix ii: Transcript of Salt + Light Video Interview 2017 ........................................... 39 Appendix iii: #TFImoments-Cardinal Kevin Farrell (Jul. 11, 2018) ................................... 48 Appendix iv: Bishop Farrell at March for Life – Dallas, 2010............................................ 49 Appendix v: CNS Interview, Cardinal Farrell .................................................................... 50 Appendix vi: Salt + Light Youth Synod Event ................................................................... 51 FARRELL, Card. Kevin 3 Executive Summary Born in Ireland in 1947, Cardinal Farrell joined the Legionaries of Christ in 1966. He studied at the Gregorian and the Angelicum seminaries in Rome as well as the Legionary Seminary in Salamanca, earning multiple degrees in philosophy and theology. In 1978 he was ordained as a Legionary. He was raised by Father Maciel to the leadership position of General Administrator and stationed in Monterrey, Mexico, where he fundraised and travelled in Mexico and the USA. In 1984 he left the Legionaries for the Archdiocese of Washington, where he worked in parishes (1984-86); was assistant, then interim director of Catholic Charities (1987-1988); and secretary for financial affairs (1989-2001). In 1995, he was made a Monsignor by Pope John Paul II.1 Card. McCarrick made him vicar general and moderator of the curia in Mar. 2001, then consecrated his as auxiliary bishop in 2002. In 2007 he was appointed bishop of Dallas. In Aug. 2016, Pope Francis appointed him prefect of the new Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, and created him cardinal in the consistory of Nov. 2016. In Feb. 2019 he nominated him camerlengo. Association and Patronage Farrell’s career especially advanced under Theodore McCarrick, with whom he lived in a residence in Washington, DC. No allegations have been brought forward that Cardinal Farrell knew of or helped cover up McCarrick’s abuse. Nevertheless, many credible sources have claimed that McCarrick’s abuse was an “open secret”, especially within chancery circles in the eastern United States. Cardinal Farrell’s close relationship with McCarrick has therefore prompted questions concerning Farrell’s knowledge of McCarrick’s abuses. Archbishop Viganò ’s statements asserting that Cardinal Farrell knew of McCarrick’s record of abuse appear to be based on these circumstances above rather than any first-hand knowledge regarding Farrell’s complicity. Issues of Sexual Abuse Farrell is involved in two cases that have raised as yet unsettled questions. First, that of Timothy Heines in Dallas. An abuse victim claimed in court that Farrell and his chancery deceptively classified a case of underage abuse as a relationship between consenting adults. Second, an Italian newspaper, Il Fatto Quotidiano, reported that a case alleging Cardinal Farrell’s sexual misconduct has been filed at the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith. The four reporters claim to have concrete material backing this up, but they have so far not presented their evidence. FARRELL, Card. Kevin 4 Financial/Legal Issues Cardinal Farrell is generally held to be skilled at managing diocesan finances and administration. He has an MBA from the University of Notre Dame and has sat on or chaired numerous administrative and financial committees. He was one of the prelates who received financial favors from Bishop Bransfield of West Virginia, receiving more than any other individual prelate. Transparency Farrell has experience dealing with the fallout of the sex abuse crisis in both DC and Dallas. Through private interviews with a reporter and through
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