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BLUE & GOLD Vol. 8 Issue 1 • Summer 2007 BLUE GOLD Newsletter for Alumni, Parents and Friends &of St. Anthony School in Washington D.C. Vol. 8 Issue 1 • Summer 2007 From the Pastor Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends, There is a tradition in Rome that Our Holy Father signs his doc- Alumni Directory. The uments, “in the year of Our Lord (2007) and of (this pontificate) school and parish are the ___.” When in “Little Rome” a certain play on that tradition building websites, which seems apt, and so I begin, “In the year of our Lord 2007, and of will help, and we are St. Anthony’s Grade School, the 85th, and of St. Anthony’s par- advertising in parish bul- ish, the 115th.” letins and the Catholic Standard. Mr. Michael As St. Anthony School celebrates its 85th year, I will reach the 18 Thomasian, Associate month mark of my tenure here in Brookland. For the Holy Father, Principal, and I traveled and for your humble servant, situating one’s reflections within the to the National Educa- much broader scope of the history of the school to date is a sober- tion Association Con- ing and humbling thing. What can one so new add to a tradition vention in Baltimore to already so rich? And yet, by the grace of God, as St. Paul said, we learn from other schools’ are who we are, and equipped to do our part. Placing the reflections success stories. Other ini- in the even broader scope of the history of the parish, and indeed of tiatives have come from salvation history, the importance of this moment is in handing on the grass-roots.
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