BUHERA DISTRICT- Natural Farming Regions 14 February 2012

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BUHERA DISTRICT- Natural Farming Regions 14 February 2012 BUHERA DISTRICT- Natural Farming Regions 14 February 2012 Wazvaremaka 21 Clinic 28 4 17 MAKARARA Legend Mushipe Clinic 13 Locations Natural Farming Regions 30 Makarara Clinic MUPATSI Chiwere 3 Small Town 1 - Specialized and diversified farming 18 Rural Health 20 Chikurumadziva Centre Place of local Importance 2A - Intensive farming 26 Rural Health Mwerahari 34 Gokomere Berenyazvidzi Dorowa DOROWA HWEDZA Centre Mission 2B - Intensive farming Mission CHIMUMVURI Clinic Clinic 27 Clinic Clinic 16 Mine 3 - Semi-intensive farming NHARIRA Popoteke 14 DOROWA 4 - Semi-extensive farming Clinic 9 MAKONI Primary School Nharira 5 - Extensive farming Rural 31 Hospital Secondary School GANDACHIBVUVA CHIKOMBA Protected Conservation Area Gandachibvuva Health Facility Mission Mt Zuma Daramombe Rural Health Mission Hospital Boundaries Clinic Centre Nyagundi DARAMOMBE 2 Rural Health Province Boundary 8 Centre Chawatama Rural Health District Boundary Bvumbura Centre Clinic MUNYANYI Rambanapasi Ward Boundary 19 1 Clinic 10 MAKUNI MANJENGWA Transport Network Musuma 31 Clinic Munyanyi 4 CHIKWAVA Clinic Major Road Mushunje Chapwanya Chipfatsura Clinic Secondary Road Clinic Clinic 14 CHIPWANYA Feeder Road 11 12 Connector Road 12 11 Mombeyarara Track Rural Health Garamwera Centre Clinic Railway Line BEPE CHIRINDA Zumbare Chiweshe clinic 3 13 Clinic 9 RELATED FARMING SYSTEMS Gombe Chiwenga Clinic 7 Region I - Specialized and Diversified Farming: Rainfall in this region is high (more Clinic Matanda Maburutse 3 Marange Rural Health than 1000mm per annum in areas lying below 1700m altitude, and more than 900mm Clinic Gwindingwi Rural 10 Centre per annum at greater altitudes), normally with some precipitation in all months of the Rural Health Hospital 2 ST. Murambinda Centre year. MAKUMBE RICHARDS District MARANGE Temperatures are normally comparatively low and the rainfall is consequently highly Hospital NYASHANU 18 affective enabling afforestation, fruit and intensive livestock production to be practiced. 2 Gwiranenzara 5 In frost-free areas plantation crops such as tea, coffee and macadamia nuts can be Denhere Nyashanu MURAMBINDA Nyashanu 8 Chiguhune Clinic Nerutanga Clinic Rural Hosp grown, where the mean annual rainfall below 1400mm, supplementary irrigation of Chiguhune Clinic these plantation crops is required for top yields. Bakorenhema Region IIA - Intesive Farming : Rainfall is confined to summer and is moderately 4 Gvt Clinic high (750-1000mm). Two sub-regions have been defined. Sub-region IIA receives an 15 average of at least 18 rainy pentads per season and normally enjoys reliable 18 BUHERA 17 conditions, rarely experiencing severe dry spells in summer. The region is suitable for NHAMO NYANGANI 19 Chikwariro intensive systems of farming based on crops and /or livestock production. 1 Buhera Rural 6 14 Zvipiripiri Mission Clinic Hospital Mvimvi Hospital MUTARE Region IIB - Intesive Farming : This sub-region receives an average of 16-18 rainy BAMBAZONKE Nzvenga pentads per season and is subject either to rather more severe dry spells during the clinic Bwizi rainy season or to the occurrence of relatively short rainy seasons. In either event, clinic MUDANDA 20 16 crop yields in certain years will be affected, but not sufficiently and frequently to Betera change the overall utilization from intensive systems of farming. Dambara Rural Health Clinic Centre Dambara 17 Region III - Semi-Intensive Farming : Rainfall in this region is moderate in total amount (650-800mm), but, because much of it is accounted for by infrequent heavy Mudanda 23 Denhere Domborenikiti Clinic falls and temperatures are generally high, its effectiveness is reduced. This region will 25 receive an average of 14-16 rainy pentads per season. The region is also subject fairly Nyazvidzi Viriri Clinic Clinic severe mid-season dry spells and therefore is marginal for maize, tobacco and cotton Nyazvidzi production, Wete Chikara St Andrews 4 Mission or for enterprises based on crop production alone. The farming systems, in conformity Firomumwe 32 16 Hospital with the natural conditioning factors, should therefore be based on both livestck Zvinavashe Madzimbashuro NYAZVIDZI Firomumwe Rural Health production (assisted by the production of fodder crops) and cash crops under good Centre ZVIPIRIPIRI Masasi management on soils of high available moisture potential. clinic Soti BUHERA Source Clinic Region IV - Semi-Extensive Farming : This region experiences fairly low total rainfall Soti Chirozva Tongogara Mutunduru Guchacha MUTSAGO (450-650mm) and is subject to periodic seasonal droughts and severe dry spells Source Musara Clinic during the rainy season. The rainfall is too low and uncertain for cash cropping except 3 SOTI Mondo Machawira Chimbudzi 24 in certain very favourable localities, where limited drought-resistant crops can afford a SOURCE 10 23 Mudawose 28 MAGOMBEDZI Clinic Clinic sideline. The farming system should be based on livestock production, but it can be intensified Nharira to some extent by the growing of drought-tolerant fodder crops. Muchingambi Ndyarima CHINYIKA Magombedze Nharira Chitsa Clinic Muchingambi Rural Health Centre Mavhiza Region V - Extensive Farming : The rainfall in this region is too low and erratic for the Chinyika Magombedze Clinic reliable production of even drought-resistant fodder and grain crops, and farming has Rural Health Centre Chitsa 19 to 12 RUTI Chitepo CHITSA 22 Mukwada be based on the utlization of veld alone. The extensive form of cattle ranching or game Mutanda Chitsa clinic Murwira ranching is the only sound farming system for this region. Included in this region are Rural Health Chatikobo Bangure areas of below 900m altitude, where the mean rainfall is below 650mm in the Zambezi Clinic Centre Ruti Rineshanga valley and below 600mm in the Save-Limpopo valleys. ZVAVAHERA Chatikobo Chokera Rafomoyo Makumbe 2 Nyamandi Nyamandi Rafomoyo Makumbe 2 9 NOTE: Masunda Zangama 29 11 MUZOKOMBA Rural Health A rainy pentad is defined as the centre one of three five-day periods (pentads) which Hwingwiri Zvavahera Centre together receive more than 40 mm and two of which receive at least 8 mm of rainfall. Clinic Dopota Guvamatanga Chinanga 21 25 Hamandishe Muzokomba 13 Clinic 8 Gudza Jaravaza Gomba Gudza Chesvingo Chishingwi Gomba Maregedze Chesvingo Clinic Mazura Mataruse Mataruse Clinic Chiadzwa Gona Chamisa Shumbairerwa MUTERO Mataruse Rural Health Map Doc Name: Clinic Centre Chadzamira Chadzamira Gudo Mutero 14 ZWE-Planning_07_A0_120214_Buhera_Agro-Ecology Mupandawana Munyaradzi Mission Gutu Gutu Mutero Clinic 30 34 United Mission Mutero Zimbizi 24 Dandavare GUTU- Zimbizi Creation Date: 14 February 2012 MUPANDAWANA Gutu BHASERA Mushangwe 33 Mission Mushayavanhu GUTU Hospital 35 39 Projection/Datum: Arc 1960 GUTU Mushayavanhu Batanai MUSHAYAVANHU 21 4 Bhasera Web Resources: http://ochaonline.un.org/zimbabwe Dewure 28 37 Mabhugu DEWURE Devure Chimombe Musasa Mission Gonye Guzha Rural Nominal Scale at A0 paper size: 1:0 Chipangane Chidembo ALHEIT Chapanduka 38 Clinic 19 Hospital Makamure CHINGAI Ebenhaezei Clinic Matombo Chingombe II Makura Makura Map data source(s): Magadzire Alhelt 17 Domborembavha Ranga Mission Vector data from Surveyor General. Natural farming Gumindoga Gumindoga Mugodhi 22 regions from Agritex 29 Munyikwa MUTIUSINAZITA 5 Soro Chingai Rural Health Simbanegavi Centre Mutiusinazita Clinic 5 Wabvaruwa Mupata 15 Mutambwi MUKARO 36 Mutambwi Disclaimers: Chingombe I. Munyikwa Mukaro Mutambara Mission Chingombe The designations employed and the presentation of Mukaro 20 Munyikwa Mission Munjanganja Tirizi 27 ST. material on this map do not imply the expression of any Mukaro Magombedze Tirizi Clinic PATRICK Clinic Clinic Munjanganja Tirizi Sengai opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Kurai Mutepfe 20 Clinic NYANYADZI United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, Muchekayaora CHITAMBO 26 Nyanyadzi territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the Chabata Rural Muchekayaora 16 40 Chivasa Kubiku Clinic 8 Hospital Cheshumba Dewende delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Bako Dewende Mukaro Council Chepiri Clinic Chepiri Mutombwa Manjokonjo 18 Zinhata Maungwa Chekure NEMASHAKWE 26 Shumba Clinic Zinhata Ndisengei 29 Majarada Nemashakwe 30 Rural Health Vhunjere Clinic Centre Majada Nemashakwe Majada 24 Chitando Makweva Mawere Negwari Gudyanga Mupamaonde CHIKWANDA Maboke Gunura Clinic Uchere CHIROWE Clinic 2A Chikwanda Chiwara Rwambiwa Chirorwe MAWERE Vumba BIKITA Clinic Cheninga 23 Dungu Cheninga Chakonera Musukutwa CHIMANIMANI Hunduza 22 Chitando 21 Chirorwe 20 Rural Health Chitsanga Centre Marinda Mungezi Gangare 2B Rural Health 20 23 Rural Health Centre Centre 25 Shenjere 3 Rumhizha Mungezi Murwira Kufenya Gangare 24 Rusununguko 12 Chirima 33 Chihambakwe Chisungo Murwira Masarira Makondo Tafara 4 3 Clinic Madzivire BIKITA Chikukutu Nebwari 1 Devure 1 27 Birivenge 19 Clinic ZRP Birchnough St Martin's Masarasa BIRCHENEOUGH Clinic Bridge 30 Muvuti Takunda BRIDGE Clinic 8 Mbuyanehanda Birchenough Bikita 18 MARANGANYIKA Rural Minerals BEARDMORE Hospital Bikita CHIKUKU MASVINGO 11 Fashu Beardmore Charamba Chivaka 31 Mamutse 32 Mandadzaka CHIPINGE 1 13 27 3 5 15 Rupare Marozva Makotore Nyika Chikuku Clinic NYIKA Clinic Makore Mutendi Rural Health Mangondo Gumunyu Centre 1 10 SILVEIRA 17.
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