simonster project planche pdf download free Planche Progression Exercises. The level of body strength and control needed for planche move depicts makes it difficult to find any other comparable static hold. Even the well- trained athletes see it as a milestone. Clearly, this move is not for everyone, even before starting to train with the planche progression exercises you need to be properly prepared. You have to work on your balancing, core and strength. If you have all that and a will to train smartly, patiently and consistently then it is definitely within your reach. Along with everything mentioned you will also need a guide that will lead you to the right technique towards achieving a planche hold. This article will be that guide for you. The planche hold, balancing the body parallel to the floor, by straight arms. You need to know some things about it before moving on to the tutorial about planche progression exercises. Till now, you might have guessed that planche is quite advanced and not everyone can start training planche progressions right away. There are some things you need to know before heading towards planche progression exercises. If you are already following some other goal specific exercise plan then you should probably come back to planche progression after you achieve that target. It cannot be mixed with any other fitness program. If you are new to hand balancing and if your goals are generic like weight loss then you should probably skip it for now. What Will I Learn? What muscles do Planche work? Planche is one of the coolest body weight balancing hold. There aren’t many who can hold this position. If you can, then you have impressive shoulder strength, strong arms and equally robust wrists. Other than being a proof of your strength the planche hold helps you in strengthening all major muscle groups. It works almost whole body but the primarily involved muscles are abs, arms, chest, , upper back, lower back, and glutes. To be specific here is list of technical names of the muscle groups that planche hold works: Major (clavicular), Pectoralis Major (sternal & Abd), Anterior Deltoid, Brachii, Coracobrachialis, Pectoralis Minor, Rectus Abdominis, Pectoralis, Serratus, Triceps Brachii, Anterior. How do you do a Planche? Balancing skills and upper body strength needed to hold a planche position are comparable with a skilled gymnast. There is proper form of holding a planche it is not just hanging your body in the air. To start with, planche is a postion in which entire body is held in the air parallel to the floor being supported by straight arms. From the beginning you must train correctly cause in planche a slight mistake in the position of shoulders, arms, wrists may lead to strain or injury. Following things must be checked true to call it a proper planche. Hands must be planted at shoulder distance Position of the hands relative to body must be roughly parallel to belly button Arms must be completely straight Back must not be arched You body must be completely lifted from the ground Body completely parallel to floor To call it a full planche hold your legs must close together Fingertips facing front Core muscles engaged. Planche hand position. The hand position for planche can be experimented with. Your hand grip with the floor for a particular hand position and relatively comfortable hand position for the wrists can be different from others. It is developed through other exercises. What suits you might not suit others. So you can develop a personal preference through experimenting with some common variations such as; Fingers spread Fingers closed and facing forward Hold the floor with fingertips Flat hand position Fingers facing sideways. Prerequisites: Before getting in to planche progression exercises you must make sure that you are properly prepared for it. The pre-requisites for planche progressions are; Good shoulder strength, insane wrist flexibility & mobility, and a lot of core strength as well. If you can’t even do frog stand with good form, just skip it and focus on getting stronger shoulders and core (Pike push ups, dips, so on) How to warm up for Planche? Arm Circles Wrist rotations Alternating Chest Hugs Rolling Shoulder Circles Planche Lean Straddle Planche Lean. Planche Progression Exercises. Before reaching to the final full planche hold you have to go through eight progression exercises. It is recommended that these progressions to be followed in the order given below. Each progression must be held comfortably more than twenty or thirty seconds then only you can move to next one. From the day you start practicing the first progression, the cumulative hold time must be twenty seconds or more no matter how many sets this may take. A side tip, do not combine planche progression exercises with other intense straight arm exercises. Do not get overwhelmed, take one step at a time, be consistent and patient and you will get there for sure. So, lets begin with the progressions. In all the planche progression exercises hands can be put on the floor or the bars alternatively. Planche Progression Exercises Frog Stand Advanced Frog Stand Tuck Swings: should be slow Tuck Planche Advanced Tuck Planche Tuck Planche Push Ups (optional exercise, but a recommended one) One leg Planche Straddle Planche Full Planche. You may also like to read: Frog Stand. The first step towards achieving your goal of full planche hold is holding a frog stand. It is good exercise to begin with in order to be able to hold a full planche one day. The frog stand is designed to develop strength and balancing skills. To get into frog stand, first get into squat down position and place your hands flat on the floor next to toes. Now move your legs closer so that your knees or inner thighs are touching or resting on your from the outer side holding the arms in between, this way the legs help a bit in carrying the bodyweight. Let your arms be slightly bent in elbows. Now lean forward, take the bodyweight on your hands, slowly raise your feet – heels first. The aim is to raise feet completely off the ground. Hold this position till you can do it comfortably. Repeat till the hold time equals twenty + seconds. Strength and balancing skills will develop with regular practice. The target is to be able to hold frog stand continuously for half minute. If you are new hand balancing then chances are you might lean too far and fall on the face. So use some cushioning to avoid injuries. Advanced Frog Stand. Once you are able to hold the frog stand for one minute, you can move to next progression. Advanced frog stand is – as the name suggests – an advanced variation of the frog stand. You will need a little more shoulder and arms strength to be able to hold this position than the basic frog stand. The process to get in to advanced frog stand starts similar to frog stand. From squat down position placing the hands flat on the floor lean your knees against your lower arm while keeping the elbows fully extended. The arms can not be bent in advanced frog stand. Now start lifting your feet off the ground slowly till these are completely up in the air. Engage the core muscles and hold the position. Practice this position till you hit your goal of a consecutive thirty second hold. This variation will help you improve wrist stability and flexibility. Tuck Swings: should be slow. There might be swings written in the name of the exercise but in practice these are slow and controlled oscillating movements. Sit down with hand on the bars and knees bent, shin bones laying flat on ground feet facing backwards. At this moment you should be holding the bars with elbows bent. Now straighten the arms to lift your body keeping the legs bent as those were in the beginning. Now swing the lower body in a way that you are trying to touch your knees to your chest and backwards till your hips are in line with your shoulder. Arms must be straight the whole time. The movement should be smooth and slow. Aim is to get the movement slower and slower and more controlled. Tuck Planche. You can move ahead to tuck planche progression when you are confident with slow and controlled tuck swings. The tuck planche position is similar to frog stand. To get into tuck planche position first get into squat down position, hold the floor with flat palms, this time a little in front of the toes. Keep your arms straight, now try to tuck in the knees towards your chest lifting the feet off the ground. The difference between advanced frog stand and tuck planche is, in tuck planche your knees touch your chest instead of lower arms. Your back would be a little arched in this hold as your knees are all the way up your chest. Here too, aim is to hold the position for half minute. Advanced Tuck Planche. After practicing the tuck planche and you reach the level of being able to hold it for half minute, you can move to advanced tuck planche. Get into tuck planche position, which is performed with arched back. Now slowly lift your hips up till the back straightens completely. You can move ahead to next planche progression when you are able to hold the back straight for thirty seconds. Tuck Planche Push Ups (optional exercise, but a recommended one) As the name suggests this progression involves this progression involves bending and straightening your arms while being in tuck planche position. The aim is to achieve the movement with control. One leg Planche. Being able to hold one leg planche means you are just a step away from your final target. To get in to one leg planche hold you need to first get in to advanced tuck planche. Now move one leg slowly out till it is completely extended. Hold this position for few seconds. Repeat the process with other leg out. Practice till you can hold the position for half minute. Straddle Planche. Let us increase the difficulty a bit. If you can do straddle planche then you are almost home. Start with the tuck planche position. Then move both the legs out behind you slowly extending the knees. You also need to spread the legs while moving them out from the tuck planche position. It is easier to balance if the legs are spread wide. Begin with ten seconds and aim for at least thirty second hold. Once you have achieved thirty second hold try to bring the legs a little closer together. Progressing towards the full planche. Full Planche. Progressing from the straddle planche work your way up to full planche. You are ready to balance your body parallel to the floor, keeping your arms straight, back straight, hands near belly button, legs together floating the air. Strive to hold for longer duration. Increase the hold duration slowly in small increments. Once you have achieved this feat you might be hungry for more. If you are, you can try some advanced variations. There are many such, some of those are listed here; Start with handstand and lower to planche hold Planche push ups Straddle planche to full planche slow movements Start with tuck planche to one leg planche alternate legs consecutively Tuck planche to full planche repeatative, slow, controlled movements. Planche Progression Program PDF. Click on the button to download planche progression exercises pdf template. Conclusion. More the practice better the results, but these progressions can take a heavy toll and may lead to burnout or injuries if done in high volume and frequency. Thus, irrespective of your training level do not rush into this program heads on. Slowly ease in to it. Start with spending three days a week on these. Then add one more day per week after two months of training. On every move from one progression to next start at lowest level, five seconds, ten seconds, then work it up. As mentioned earlier, achieving a full planche is not everybody’s cup of tea. Even with possessing prerequisite body strength, you need work hard on these planche progression exercises. Build some volume with one progression and slowly move to another till you reach your goal. Keep training. PROJECT CALISTHENICS. 3-tier mobile app program for anyone who wants to learn calisthenics movements regardless of your current fitness level. © 2020 Fit!. All rights reserved. ABOUT SIMON ATA. Simon Ata (aka "Simonster") is a world renowned calisthenics athlete, trainer and physiotherapist. Starting gymnastics at an early age, he became passionate about mastering body control and immersed himself in the world of bodyweight strength training. He has also trained in martial arts, circus, and breakdance and incorporates his knowledge from each of these disciplines into his teachings. Simon strives to open the door to bodyweight training for beginners and maximize results for advanced athletes by creating effective and systematic training programs backed by scientific evidence and personal experience. “ When you put the time and focus into your training, the results will be astonishing and it will become addictive. Mastering control of your body and learning to defy gravity will continue to motivate you to train harder and learn more. " LEVEL 3. In the advanced level our focus is on more difficult exercises. By the end of this level, you'll be an advanced calisthenics athlete. The goal is to train your body to do moves like straddle planche, handstand push-ups, one arm pull-ups, front lever and more. In addition to the 6 weeks of training exercises, Level 3 comes with the following bonus tutorials: 360-Degree Flag Walk Human Flag Handstand push-up Planche Back lever Front lever Pistol Squat Designing your own program. 6+ WEEKS. PRE-REQUISITES: 15+ chin-ups, 5 wall handstand push-ups, tuck lever hold 20 seconds, tuck planche hold 20 seconds. Project Calisthenics is a modular program designed for all fitness levels and abilities. Most movements can be done with no equipment, however a resistance band is highly recommended. The only weight you need is your own bodyweight! Whether you're an absolute beginner, or a more experienced athlete, this program will challenge you in new ways. ICE CREAM MAKER. TUCK LEVER HOLD. PSEUDO PLANCHE PUSH-UP. (from all levels) NO GYM. NO WEIGHTS. MINIMAL EQUIPMENT. ALL FITNESS LEVELS. TRAIN WHEN YOU WANT. Project Calisthenics is available exclusively on the Fit! mobile app for both iOS and Android. App access is free with purchase of any level, there is no recurring subscription and the program never expires. Work at your own pace and repeat any movement, or level whenever you like. What equipment do I need to do this program? Project Calisthenics requires minimal equipment. Many of the exercises can be done using furniture at home (for example, dips can be done between two chairs and rows can be done under the edge of a table). You will need something do chin-ups on. A set of rings or a pull-up bar is sufficient. For level one, you will need a resistance band to assist you with some of the exercises. How long will it take me to learn? This depends on your current fitness level and ability, how dedicated and focused are you to training, and which movements you choose to spend more time on. Like all fitness regiments, c alisthenics is more of a strength building journey than a destination. There's always something new to learn and you'll be getting stronger along the way. Enjoy the journey! After I join, how do I get the program? Once you sign up you will be emailed instructions to download the Fit! app to access the program. Make sure to sign into the app using the same email you paid with so that the system recognizes you. Is there a discount if I buy more than one level at once? Yes! You save 20% if you buy the bundle package with all 3 levels, or if you're a more advanced athlete you can purchase levels 2 and 3 together for a 15% discount. ALL LEVELS BUNDLE. Purchase all 3 levels at once and save 20%! Perfect for beginners looking to go the distance. Simonster project planche pdf download free. Project Planche 2.0 provides a systematic and safe method for achieving the planche with Proven results. Whether you’re a beginner who has never attempted a planche or an experienced athlete, this plan will provide all you need to achieve your planche goals. Not only will you build strength and lean muscle with this program, you will also learn a valuable transferable skill of bodyweight strength training. this program includes. A comprehensive PDF guide with photos, explaining everything you need to know about the planche. 27 accompanying videos including exercise tutorials and explanations of key concepts. 8-week planche training programs of beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. How to design your own planche training programs. How to train for planche push-ups and handstand to planche transitions. A warm-up routine to prepare your body for training and reduce the risk of injury. $99 USD. Problem 1. Many bodyweight programs are written by coaches who either can’t perform the skills themselves, or don’t have the scientific knowledge to teach the skills safely and effectively. Simon has over a decade of bodyweight training and teaching experience as well as over five years experience practicing as a registered physiotherapist. Problem 2. Many planche programs are written for individuals with previous gymnastics or calisthenics experience. This comprehensive program equips you with the foundations and knowledge to achieve the planche regardless of your starting level. Problem 3. Programs often focus ideal scenarios and neglect to address common problems encountered during fitness training. Simon shares his knowledge of how to deal with difficulties such plateaus, muscle soreness and recovery. teaser videos. Being an ordinary customer, why should I buy this Planche eBook? Develop your arm, shoulder and chest muscles while learning an impressive display of bodyweight strength – the Planche! Learn to perform arguably the most impressive feat of bodyweight strength from a world leading expert. Not only does Simon have the results to prove his methods, but the experience and scientific knowledge to teach a safe and effective approach. Why should I want to learn how to Planche? What’s so cool about it? Imagine being able to hold your body horizontally using just your arms and perform push-ups with your feet in the air. This program will teach you the method to do exactly that. Build functional muscle, burn fat and develop extraordinary strength using your own bodyweight. What are the baseline fitness levels I need to jump into this ebook? This comprehensive program breaks down the progressions to achieve a planche, starting at the most basic level. This program can be used by anyone, no prior training or fitness is required. Will I get a shoulder injury from trying this? How likely is an injury? Injury is likely to occur if you follow advice from somebody with an inadequate understanding of human anatomy and physiology. This program provides a gradual, progressive and safe approach to achieving the planche, minimizing the risk of injury. Integer eu libero ac leo tincidunt malesuada id eu mi. Vestibulum elementum mauris in sapien blandit mattis. Donec sapien orci, ornare et justo at, malesuada semper est. Vivamus sem tortor, tincidunt et nulla sed, dignissim mollis mauris. Human Flag. Project Human Flag contains everything you need to know to master the human flag, no stone has been left unturned. Correct technique, common mistakes, exercise progressions, and programming are all covered in detail along with 24-week training programs of increasing difficulty (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Save a TREE and say no to snail mail! This is a digital download… Nothing is MAILED to you. You can download to and save on all your devices, including iPhone/iPad and most other late model smartphones and tablets. This is an instant download you will receive a link to it immediately after purchasing. Download to your computer/tablet/phone. You will: Learn the essential technical requirements for performing a human flag safely. Learn the necessary exercises and how to progress them. Learn supplementary exercises to help build strength and muscle to speed progress. Learn a warm-up and conditioning routine to prepare your body for training and reduce the risk of injury. What’s included? A comprehensive PDF eBook with photos and detailed explanation. 22 HD videos including exercise demonstrations, and explanation of key cues and common mistakes. $99 USD. Save a TREE and say no to snail mail! This is a digital download… Nothing is MAILED to you. You can download to and save on all your devices, including iPhone/iPad and most other late model smartphones and tablets. This is an instant download you will receive a link to it immediately after purchasing. Download to your computer/tablet/phone. Problem #1. “Is learning the flag safe? I’m worried about injuring myself” Without proper guidance, there can be significant risk of overuse or acute injury, especially to the shoulders. As a physiotherapist, safety is of paramount importance in my teachings. This guide provides a safe, systematic approach to minimize the risk of injury when learning the flag. Warm-up is covered comprehensively, along with technical cues to ensure correct technique and shoulder health. Problem #2. “I know you can do the flag, but how do I know you’re a good teacher?” With over a decade of teaching experience I have taught countless students calisthenics and am proficient at communicating ideas in a simple manner. Using my knowledge as a physiotherapist, I was able to break the human flag down and develop a systematic series of progressions toward this skill. This is the same approach that I personally used to learn the flag and have seen amazing results with from my students. Problem #3. “I’m just a beginner? Am I ready to start learning the flag?” Although the flag is an advanced skill, you can still work towards it as a beginner. This program outlines exercises suitable for absolute beginners all the way to advanced athletes. In addition, 24-week training programs are provided for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Even with zero experience, Project Human Flag provides a blueprint you can follow to mastering the flag. What is the human Flag. ABOUT SIMONSTER STRENGTH. Simonster is a world leader in bodyweight training. Starting gymnastics at an early age, he became passionate about mastering control of the body and immersed himself in the world of bodyweight strength training. Expanding his skillset with training in martial arts, circus, and breakdance, his movements and teachings reflect a mixture of knowledge from each of these disciplines. Attaining a Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree alongside personal training qualifications furthered his understanding of the body from an academic side and accelerated his training methods and skill. Simonster strives to open the door to bodyweight training for beginners and maximize results for advanced athletes by creating effective and systematic training programs backed by scientific evidence and personal experience. I hope you enjoy Project Human Flag! If you find this resource valuable, tag me on social media so I can see your progress! Simonster project planche pdf download free. Project Calisthenics is an app-based program available on the “fit!” app that can be purchased here. Project Calisthenics is a comprehensive three-tier full-body program utilizing bodyweight workouts, suitable for men and women. This will provide all the skills and knowledge you need to build strength for moves like human flag and planche, regardless of your starting ability. Lower limb exercises and cool-down stretching are included. The lower limb exercises can be done with bodyweight only or modified with weights. In addition to the 6 to 12-week full-body programs, there are comprehensive tutorials for skills including the L-sit, human flag, planche, front lever, back lever, handstand, muscle-up, and handstand push-up. Level One. Recommended prerequisites – none. This program is designed for those with little or no strength training experience who are working towards their first reps of skills like the chin-up, dip, or push-ups, or can do a few reps of these movements. This 12-week program will provide a foundation of strength for calisthenics, emphasizing correct technique to ensure safety and maximize progress in your calisthenics journey. This program a training frequency of five sessions per week made up of three upper-body and two lower-body sessions. To do this program you will need resistance bands to assist you and equipment to do chin-ups, rows, and dips on; resistance bands and a set of rings is sufficient. Basic Bodyweight Terms, Concepts, and Shapes L-sit Rings muscle-up Perfect push-ups and variations. Level Two. Recommended prerequisites – 12 dips, 8 chin-ups/pull-ups, 10+ second tuck front lever hold. This 6-week program is designed for those with a foundation of bodyweight strength who are looking to improve their capacity and start working toward skills like the muscle-up, handstand push-up, and front lever. In addition to improving strength and endurance with exercises like dips and chin-ups, but you’ll also be training with introductory planche and front lever exercises. This program involves a training frequency of five sessions per week made up of three upper-body and two lower-body sessions. To do this program you will need some equipment for the exercises. A set of rings is sufficient. Resistance bands and parallettes are also recommended. Rings muscle-up Bar muscle-up Planche Back lever Front lever Handstand Handstand push-up. Level Three. Recommended prerequisites – 15+ chin-ups, 5 wall handstand push-ups, tuck lever hold 20 seconds, tuck planche hold 20 seconds. This 6-week program is designed for those who are already strong calisthenics athletes looking to master skills like the planche, lever, handstand push-up, and one-arm chin-up. This program has a training frequency of six sessions per week made up of four upper-body and two lower-body sessions. To do this program you will need some equipment; a set of rings is sufficient. A weight vest or dip belt with weights and resistance bands are also recommended. Included tutorials: