Victorian Branch


1 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Victoria



OUR STATUS ...... 3


OUR VALUES ...... 5


6 to 8 years old – ...... 6 8 to 11 years old – ...... 6 11 to 15 years old – Scouts ...... 7 15 to 18 years old – Venturer Scouts ...... 7 18 to 26 years old – ...... 7 SCOUT PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH ...... 8




SUMMARY ...... 15

2 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria


The vision of is “for Scouting to be seen as the pre-eminent youth organization in Australia”.

The Mission Statement for Scouting is “to contribute to the education of young people through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and plans a constructive role in society”.

To achieve this mission, Scouts:

o Involve youth through their formative years in a non-formal educational process;

o Use a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person; and

o Assist youth to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law.


The Scout Association of Australia, generally referred to as “Scouts Australia”, is incorporated by Royal Charter. It is the National Scout Organization in Australia and is accorded membership status by the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

The Scout Association operates a voluntary, non-political educational Movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race, creed or gender.

The Aim of the Association is to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as members of their local communities.

3 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

There are three principles:

o Duty to God

o Duty to others

o Duty to self

Every Scout, no matter what age, promises “to live by the Scout Law”.

The Scout Law is:

1. A Scout is trustworthy

2. A Scout is loyal

3. A Scout is helpful

4. A Scout is friendly

5. A Scout is cheerful

6. A Scout is considerate

7. A Scout is thrifty

8. A Scout is courageous

9. A Scout is respectful

10. A Scout cares for the environment

The principal Aim of the Scout Association is to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

4 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria


The Scout Association of Australia achieves its Aim through a system of progressive self education, the principal elements of which are:

o Voluntary commitment to membership of a youth group which, guided by adults, is increasingly self governing in its successive age groups; o Commitment to a code of living as expressed in the Scout Promise and Law, the meaning of which is expanded as the youth member grows towards maturity; o The provision of a wide range of attractive, constructive and challenging activities, including opportunities for adventure and exploration, both indoors and outdoors; o The provision for of opportunities for leadership and responsibility; o Learning by doing; o Encouragement of activity in small groups; and o An award scheme which encourages participation in its full range of activities and provides recognition of individual achievements.


The Scout Association recognises, inter alia:

o The importance of individuals developing a sense of personal identity and self worth which leads to responsibility for oneself and one’s actions as a citizen; o That young people are able and willing to take responsibility and contribute to society; o The rights and responsibility of individuals to regulate their own health; o The importance of adults providing suitable role models for young people

5 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

o The importance of respect for and equity in dealings with all people irrespective of culture, gender, religion or impairment;

o The importance of gainful employment in contributing to the sense of dignity and self worth of the individual; and

o The importance of harnessing technological innovation to benefit human society.


Scouting is a 6 to 26 year old youth organization for both boys and girls and is structured along the following lines:

6 to 8 years old – Joey Scouts

Joey Scouts is a training section, providing an activity based educational program.

The development of Joey Scouts is through participation in enjoyable activities, learning by doing and providing opportunities for doing.

Joeys develop fine and gross motor skills; a sense of personal identity; a sense of sharing; a sense of belonging and a sense of responsibility for one’s self and one’s action.

Joeys use small ad-hoc groups rather than a formal permanent structure.

8 to 11 years old – Cub Scouts

The Cub Scout section provides an opportunity to develop through participation in an exciting educational program based on individual needs.

The development of Cub Scouts is through participation in small peer groups which provide the opportunity for practicing team leadership skills.

Cub Scouts develop fitness and co-ordination skills; creative skills; concepts of opinion and decision making; a sense of the environment; an opportunity for interaction in small groups; an understanding of leadership and team spirit; and a sense of fair play and justice.

6 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

11 to 15 years old – Scouts

The Scout section provides opportunities to participate in challenging educational activities in a progressive self-directed environment, aimed at developing confidence and self-esteem.

Scouts develop an understanding of personal health and fitness; an appreciation of and experience in the outdoor environment; creative skills; a sense of individual achievement; experience in the wider community; a sense of awareness of values and a sense of fair play and justice; leadership skills; and opportunities for training in community service.

The development of Scouts is through participation in small peer groups or patrols that provide the opportunity for exercising a full range of leadership skills in planning, organisation, control, communication and representation.

15 to 18 years old – Venturer Scouts

The Venturer Scout section provides opportunities to participate in a wide range of educational activities in a set directed environment aimed at developing interpersonal skills, confidence, self esteem and citizenship qualities.

Venturer Scouts develop fitness and an understanding of personal and community health issues; provide opportunities to develop personal abilities to the fullest potential; develop knowledge of democracy and justice; develop a sense of self identity; develop values and ideals and express them through personal and group relationships; provide an opportunity for belonging and promotion of self esteem; and an opportunity to develop and exercise vocational and leadership skills.

Venturer Scouts participate in a peer grouping called a Unit, and in small ad-hoc groups. This provides for exercising complete leadership and management skills.

18 to 26 years old – Rovers

While this age group is not part of the Primary or Secondary School profile, it nevertheless has an educational outcome of providing opportunities for young adults to offer service to the community, to develop personal abilities, and to equip themselves to lead active and satisfying lives as responsible citizens.

7 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

The development of Rovers is through membership of a young adult grouping called a Crew, which is fully self managed.

The program requires Rovers to demonstrate a high degree of management and relationship skills in performing community service and participating in a wide range of activities.


To achieve our aims for the development of youth, our youth program: o Provides opportunities for personal growth in the areas of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual values and social development; personal and group relationships; community and environmental responsibility; o Develops a sense of achievement among young people through membership in small friendships and interest groupings; and o Provides challenging and appealing activities for these groupings, designed to meet the needs and capacities of the members.

Through these activities, Scouting: o Promotes health and fitness; o Promotes knowledge of and experience in the local and wider community; o Promotes appreciation of and experience in the outdoor environment; o Provides opportunities for and training in community service and environmental education; and o Provides for and encourage, individual hobbies, interests and skills and through them, a sense of individual achievement.

Given that the Aim of the Scout Association is to encourage the skills and attributes identified above, it is realized that the future of our society is vested in each successive generation, and the values that our youth members inherit.

8 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria


The Association’s training program is based on the progressive development of members through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. This is what we refer to as our award scheme, some call it a reward scheme, and a cornerstone of this is incremental learning.

Some examples of topics from the Cub award scheme are:

o Health & First Aid (Responsibility to self) – personal health, basic first aid, infections. o Safety (responsibility for self) – buddy system, fire, road, etc.

o Outdoor Scouting – compass, navigation, maps, etc.

o Symbols of Australia (Local Community)

o Fitness (responsibility to self) – Ball skills, athletic skills, strength and stamina

o Self expression.

Some examples of topics from the Scout award scheme are:

o Safety and Survival

o Navigation

o Camping

o First Aid

o Leadership and Ethics

o Community

o Fitness

o Cooking

Some examples of topics from the Venturer award scheme are:

o Citizenship

o Environment

o Community Service

9 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria o Management skills o Leadership skills o Vocations o Initiative Activities o Expeditions and Outdoor activities o Expression o Lifestyle


Adults in Scouting provide leadership to young people and facilitate their development by: o The provision of a suitable adult role model; o The organisation and facilitation of activities; and o The provision and administration of resources.

All adults in Scouting must abide by a Code of Conduct, hold a Working with Children Card and pass a National Police Check.

The Scout Association co-ordinates its adult training through the Registered Training Organisation, Scouts Australia Institute of Training, which operates in all states and territories.

10 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria


The Parliament of Victoria has referred to the Education and Training Committee a reference for inquiry, consideration and report no later than 1 July 2010 on the potential for developing opportunities for schools to become a focus for promoting healthy community living, in particular:

a) existing activities carried out by schools to promote holistic healthy living within their school communities involving healthy eating, active lifestyles, sun smart awareness and appreciation of the effects of harmful substances

Scouts Victoria makes no submission on this topic.

b) successful programs which have been instituted in schools in other states or internationally

Scouting in Victoria and in the world – is it different?

Most of our Groups have at least a Cub Pack and a Scout Troop. A number of groups form a District.

Scouting in Victoria and the majority of cases in Australia is currently operating at a local group level within the local community.

The majority of our Groups do not have their own Joey Scout mob or Venturer Scout Unit – these tend to be District based usually, hosted by one or two of the larger Groups within District.

11 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

Scouting particularly in some of the Asian countries is organised in a different manner. In these countries, Scouting is part of the normal school curriculum and the teachers provide the leadership as part of their paid employment. Traditionally this has come about through a government mandate often as part of the hand over from British colonial rule to self government.

In school based Scouting, it is more normal to have only Cub Scouts and Scouts, rather than all of the four “school age” sections.

Over the last 100 years the Scouting model has shifted from a school based model to a Group model. The reasons are varied but in the early days schools saw the value of Scouting and had the necessary infrastructure and resources.

In later years it appears that Schools still see the value of Scouting but there are competing priorities.

Scouts Victoria has recently piloted a scheme at St. Peters East Bentleigh where a modified form of Scout leadership skills activities was presented to year 6 students over a 20 weeks term. This was a very successful collaboration.

Scouts Victoria has recently been approached by a Catholic Secondary College to take over its outdoor element of physical education. No decision has yet been made.

Gilwell Park, the main Scouting camping ground in Victoria has recently received a Federal Government grant to amongst other things; provide “potted programs” for environmental education. These programs are targeted at Scouts and the wider community, particularly school groups.

We believe that a move towards school based Scouting is inevitable to complement our grouped based model. We eventually foresee a continuous partnership existing with schools and their local once the youth leave school or for what ever reason the school discontinues. We also consider that the partnership between local group and local school should exist to streamline adult leader training within the school.

12 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria c) identify whether it is appropriate for the State to encourage schools to extend health programs to be directed at the broader school community and, if so, what the most effective and efficient approaches are

Scouts Victoria wholeheartedly support the direction implied in this question. We believe that with our ready made programs, we already encourage healthy living with our active focus.

d) opportunities for linking with community leaders and forming partnerships with business and community organisations

Scouts Victoria foresees it as vital that we connect with our local schools and communities.

Scouts believe that we have an excellent value based training system that has much to offer the youth of Victoria and our system is primarily one predicated on a healthy lifestyle.

We are committed to being recognised as the “go to” organisation within the community.

Scouts believe that we are well placed as an active, value based organisation, to not only contribute to the “healthy community living” healthy eating, etc, but more importantly because of our values to contribute to the active lifestyles aspect and further to contribute to the “morals’ issues.

e) existing broader health promotion policies and activities

Scouts Australia has over the years released a number of health related publications in the “A parent’s guide” series.

13 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria

o Raising Resilient Young People National Library of Australia – Card No. & ISBN 1 875783 43 1

o Youth Suicide Prevention

ISBN 1 S75783 18 0

o Finding your son or daughter a job ISBN 1 875783 12 1

o Issues in adolescent health ISBN 1 875783 41 5

o Child Abuse Protection ISBN 0 949 180 2 6 2

o Drug Abuse Protection ISBN 0 949180 39 4

o Relationships ISBN – un-known

o Young People Crime & Society ISBN – un-known

The intent of these publications is to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Scouts have always been and will continue to be in the forefront of health promotion and healthy activities, particularly outdoor adventurous activities.

f) How school-based activities could relate and coordinate with these to maximise impact and efficiency

As mentioned previously, Scouts is committed to the ideals behind this inquiry and has the “ready to go” tools, training and curriculum to enable maximum impact and efficiency.

14 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria


The Scout Association fully supports the ideals of developing schools and their role in healthy community living.

The Scout Association is a community based organization which at its heart already promotes health, adventure and community.

The Scout Association believes it is well placed to offer a tried and true value based educational method and curriculum to the school community in the same way as it offers it to the current wider community.

The Scout Association believes that the symbiotic existing synergies between ourselves and schools which can only be strengthened by working together.

We believe that Scouting addresses “prevention” rather than “cure” and that if we are successful in preventing such things as obesity, youth idleness, inactivity and the like, then society in the long run will be better off and not have to then concentrate on cures.

Scouts Victoria is strongly believes that our program has much to offer, it will have a huge multiplier effect once a “Scouting in Schools” program is established.

We have the programs, the training, the tools and the will to make this succeed.

15 Victorian Government Inquiry – Submission by Scouts Victoria