JDescen~ants of John :f13ent




BY ALLEN H. BENT, .Memb,,. of l!u New En;rland Historic Genealogical Socidy.

We set to-dny n votive stone, That. l'\cmnry 111.iy their








OLD BENT Ho11rnsTEAD, :MARLBORO', JHAss. . frontispiece. (From a photograph by Mr. W. L. Stevens of Marlboro'.)


U. L.7 BENT 01• GARDNER, l\:!Ass •• 117

Gov. CIIARu:s7 BENT OF NEW l\'1Ex1co 121

LIEUT. SILAS BENT, u. s. N. . 128





lfAl\ULY histories arc evolved slowly, notably so the Bent gene­ alogy. The writer first became interested in the subject at the cen­ tennial of his native town in 1885. In the summer of 1888 the 250th anniversary of the arrival of tho first Bent in America and the centenary of the birth of Hyman Bent, were celebrated by the de­ scendants of the latter at the ancestral home in Fitzwilliam, N. H. ]for this gathering a brief account of Hyman Bent's ancestry was prep:ired and afterwards printed. This cncsuraged further research, an

Bent is to be found in the History of the Arkansas Valley, Color:ulo, published by O. L. Baskin & Co. of Chicago, in 1881, the History of Colorado, by Frank Hall, The Old Santa Fe Trail, by Colonel Henry Inman 1897, the Story of New Mexico, by Horatio 0. Ladd 1891, and an article by William ,Valdo of Texas, publishc,l by the Missouri Historical Society in 1880. Many other publications have contributed smaller but necessary items to the present volume. One noticeable family trait that may be dwelt upon profitably is the pioneer spirit that has pervaded a large part of the family - the spirit that has been willing to brave the unknown quantity of the wilderness to make a home, the spirit of imlependence that is the foundation of the Republic. John Bent, who came from England in 1638, went immediately to one of the frontier towns; his sons fol­ lowed the advancing frontier, and deeper and deeper still their chil­ dren and childt·en's children penetrated the outlying portions of New England. Until 1760, however, all of the family, so far as known to the writer, remained in Massachusetts. In that year the procla­ mation of Gov. Lawrence of Nova Scotia, opening the lan

Green Mts., in 1786. In after years three of his brothers follo,ved, Thaddeus to Rutland about 1800, Phineas to Underhill, well to the north, in 1803, and Samuel B. to Middlebury in 1818. Another brother, Darius, went to Montreal about 1808. In 1810 Samuel Bent Jr. left his early New Hampshire home and settled in Stock­ bridge, Vt. In 1796 Wm.6 Bent of Mi

IN the arrangement of the foJlowing records the plan adopted by the New-England Historical and Genealogical Society has been fol­ lowed in the main. The reader, after looking in the index for a certain name, say J osiah8 Bent of Milton, finds the page to be, in the example chosen, 105. The italicized names in parenthesis, fol­ lowing his name, show his line of descent from the original Ameri­ can ancestor, John', the little index figures denoting the generation. The numbers in full-faced type against the names of his sons indi­ cate that more is to be found about them under those numbers in the succeeding pages. Thus, ,Josiah (Jr.) is c:irricd fom:ml in regular order, appearing on page 203. lly reversing the method the line can be traced back. When not specified, the State is Massachusetts, unless .it is plainly otherwise. Many words not absolutely necessary in a sentence are omitted entirely. Abbreviations : b. for born, m. for married, unm. for unmarried, and d. for died. INTRODUCTION.

"BENT, a plain or common, :t field, a moor, so called from those places being frequently covered with bent-grass, the term is very common in early English poetry." Thus says .M. A. Lower in his · "English Surnames." So the name seems to be a local surname, and the first to take it lived presumably on a plain or moor. It is not inappropriate that a family which has furnished so many sturdy yeomen aml pioneers should draw its name from the soil. Surnames in England, it may be said in passing, did not become hereditary or permanent until the 11th or 12th centuries. They were derived in various ways, from baptismal names, e.g. Allen, Richardson, Adams; from localities, e.g. llcnt, Dridgc, vVood; from oHicial titles, e.g. Lord, King; from occupations, e.g. Smith, '\Vriglit; :uu.l from nicknames, e.g. Long, Young, Drown. llcnt-grass is a stiff, wiry growth, little known in America, though one of the early nineteenth-century poets, Joseph Rodman Drake, made goo

IN the western part of the county of Hants, or Hampshire, in the south of Englanu, 22 or 23 miles north of " storieu Southamp­ ton," and about seventy miles southwest from London, between Salisbury Plain an

• Tho writer mmle "pilgrima,rc to this homo of his fathers, ,Jnly 4, 1801, tnking tho train from Wntcrloo St.:ttion in T,omlou to Andover (GG miles), whcro acha.nge was m:l

i. EDITH, baptized Sept. l(l, 1564. ii. lloBERT, " Sept. 29, 1566. iii. DA vm, " Oct. 13, 1568 ; his mother's executor. iv. 1tlARIA, " ,Jan. 13, 1572; a. in Jan. 1591. v. JO.AN, " Nov. 12, 157:!; m. ·william Noyes, perhaps the Rev. "William of 1Viltshire, father of Rev. ,fames :rnd ., who were :unoug tho Jirst settlerll of Newbury, Mass. vi. R1cn.A1w, baptized Feb. 5, 1577. vii. ALICE, " ,Tuue 7, 1579. viii. AGNES, " Feb. 27, 1582; m. a Street. Robert Bent ( son of John Bent preceding), was born in Sep­ tember, 1566, in Penton-Grafton, where he died in July, 1631, ro. 64 years and 10 mos. He married, Oct. 13, 1589, Agnes Gos­ ling, who followed her son to America :mil died in 1\fay or ,Tnne, 1639, on board the i:;liip "Jonathan" just 011t8i

i. l\IAlWETtY, hap. l\farch 28, 1590. ii. RICIIAUD, " l\Iay 7, 15():.l. iii. J01m, " Nov. 20, 15!Hl; the original emigrant to Ameriea. iv. MARIA, " Sept 2-1, 1598; buriecl Feb. 2, 15()9. v. DENNIS, " Dec. 10, 1599; m. Jlfay 8, 1626, William Ila- ker, and lived iu New Sarum, Wiltshire, Eng. vi. AGNES, baptized July 16, 1602; m. iu Penton-Grafton, April 11, 1630, Richard Barnes, who died a few years afte1·, leaviug two children, Barnes: Richard,* bap. l?eb. 20, 16Hl, aud Elizalwth. Agnes m. again, in England, Thomas Blanchard, aml Apl'il 12, 163!J, saile

• Richard Barnes was probably brought up by his uncle J olm Dent. Ile was one of the first settlers ofl'Jfarlhoro', l\fuss., where he cl. June 22, 1708, ru. 77. He m. Deborah Dix and hnd six children: S,md1, Deborah, Uic!rn.rcl, John, EclwtLrd nnd Abigail, tbu young­ est of whom m. Peter llcnt. THE FAMILY IN AMERICA.·

1 ,JoIIN 1 B1rnl', first of the name in America, was born in Penton­ Urafton, England, in November, 1596 (while Elizabeth was still (J1we11), callle to America in his forty-second year, an

'"East Sndbury was incorpor:ited as a scp:i.rate town in 1780; clrnn~cd to Wayland in 1830; both are still essentially farming towns; the population of Sudlmry is 1,137 (in 1895) and of Wayland 2,026. During the Hcvolution, SuJlmry W:l.S the most populous town in .Midtllesex County. DENT FAl\IILY. 13 lay out a highway from Watertown ( the part now ·w eston) to the Dunster Farm, in the e

2 PETEn. 2 BENT (Jolin') was born in Penton-Grafton,·England, in April, 1629, and dieetcr left a widow Elizabeth ( maiden n::une not nscertainctl), who was living in Sudlmry in 1704, when she deeded to her eltler son her widow's third of the :Marlboro' property. A year nftcr her husband's death, she petitioned the Governor and Council for aiJ. (The petition, which is an interesting one, will be found in full elsewhere.) Children of Peter and Elizabeth, i. to iii. horn in Sutllmry, the others in :Marlboro' : 7, i. PE'l'En,8 b. Oct. 15, 1G53. ii. MARTIIA, rncutione(1 in her father's will, and probably the ~fol'tha living unmarried in Bostoa in lGV0. iii. ELIZAHETn, b. Dec. 2, 16,38; tl. in Sudbury, Feb. 21, 1683. iv. AGNES, h. Aug. HJ, lGGl; d. ,Tuue 4, 1721), re. 68; m. ,July !J, 1684, Caleb .Johnson, of Sudbury, h. probably in 164G, d. Dec. 1, 1715, son of Solomon Johnson. v. JOHN, b. Jan. 8, 1G(i3; d. April 20, 1G76, in Cambridge, whither the family had taken refuge after l\.farlboro' had l>een burned by the Indians. vi. ZACHErrs, b. about 16G7; d. in Sudbury, March 20, 1 G!J0; re­ ferred to in his father's will as weak in body. vii. PATIENCJ<;, b. Aug. 28, 1670. 8. viii. HOPESTILL, b. Jan. 17, 1672. 3 2 1 .AGNES BENT ( Jolin ) was born in England about 1G31, an

• Mass • .Archives, vol. 68, page 40. BENT F A:r.IILY. 15

married, about 1646, Deacon E, IGG4; m. Thomas Forbush. x. ]l1cN,LUIIN, b. Dec. 22, 16G6; lived in Marlboro'. xi. AmGA1L·, b. J'llay !>, 1G71; m. Samuel Forbush.

4 ,TOIIN~ Br.rn·r (,Tolm') was born in Penton-Grafton, England, in ,Tnn., lGill.i, aud

• This ohl Inclinn tr:iil wo.s for ycnrs the only wny the enstcrn settlers had to reach the towns on tho Connecticut River. It went nloug the north bank of Clmrlcs River, thence to northern end of Cochituato Pond, :mcl s;w. through South Framingham, etc. 16 BENT FAJ";IILY. men of authority not only on Sunday but throughout the week, and doubtless he performed the delicate duties with dignity and discre­ tion. In his will, dated Feb. l9, 1714-15, "in the first year of our sovereign lord George of England, King," etc., he says that he is "very sick and weake in Body." His property is to be divided equally between his two sons, his daughter having already received her portion. He married, first, July 1, 1658, Hannah, born June 6, 1640, daughter of John and Anne Stone of Cambridge, and, second, Martha, born Angnst 17, 1657, daughter of Matthew Rice, who was a brother of Edward Rice that married John Bent's sister Agnes. John had no children by his second wife, who survived him. Children of John and Hannah, i. born in Sudbury, ii. and iii. in what is now Framingham : i. HANNAII, b. May 6, 1661 ; m. Feb. 26, 1681, John Adams, b. May 1, 1655, son of John aml Aim Adams of Cambridge. 9, ii. JorrN, b. Nov. 2!), 168!). 10, iii. DAVID, b. about 16!)1.

6 2 1 JosEPH BENT (Jolin ) was born in Sudbury, Mass., ]\fay 16, 1641, and was killed accidentally in the summer of 1675 (rn. only 34) by a pistol shot from his brother Peter. Ile rnarric1l, at l\fol'i;lt­ fiehl, ,Tune 30, 1G6G, Elizabeth, born in Hi41i, tlaughtcr of' ,I olm and Alice (Ilesbidgc) Bourne,* and probably moved to Mar:shfichl soon after, for, April 28, 1667, "Joseph Bent of 1\far:shfichl in ye Colony of New Plimouth" sold to Joseph Gleasing thirteen acres of upland in Sudbury, adjoining the common, with houses, barns, etc., also two lots of meadow land. He was a constable in Marsh­ field in 1669, but moved back to Sudbury before his death, for the inventory of his estate speaks of him as of Sudbury, where his house, barns and lands were valued at £95. The first inventory of his property was taken Aug. 10, 1675,. and as he acknowledged a deed June 14, 1675, his death must come between those two dates. Joseph's widow probably returned to her old home in Marshfield, and died soon after. The children were brought up by their maternal grandparents, John Bourne, who died in lli84, and his wife, who died in 1686. At the settlement of the Bourne estate, the "Court doth order that concerning the five orphan children of the Eldest Daughter Elizabeth deceased, It shall be estimated what it is worth

• John Bonrne's sister Martha married ,John Bradford, son of the Governor, nnd an­ other sister l\fargnret mnrrie

6 1 1 MAnTHA IlENT IJolm ) was ·born in Sudbury, Mass., about 1643, and died Aug. 29, 1680; married, ,Tune 5, 1663, Samuel How, carpenter, born Oct. 20, 1642, son of John How, one or"the first settlers of Sudbury. John afterwanl moved to Marlboro' where he opened the first public house in the place, but Samuei remained in Sudbury, where he died, April J3, 1713. He mar­ ried ngain, Sept. 18, 1G85, Mrs. Sara~1 (Leavitt) Clapp, widow of Nehemiah Clapp of Hingham. David, the youngest son by the first marriage, was the first proprietor of the Red Horse Tavern, the "1V ayside Inn" made famous by Longfellow. The old hostelry is in the southwest corner of the town, near the boundaries of both :Marlboro' and Framinghmn, and w:ts probably built about 1702 thou(l'h some think at an earlier date. The Hows were a race of i;ave~n-keepers. ,Tohn's grandson, Capt. Daniel Howe (1681- 1768), was one of the fin,t settlers of Shrewsbury, where he soon opened a tavern: In ~evolutio~ary _clays_, when Capt. Cyprian Howe anct. !J, 1672; d. 1680. vi. DAVID, b. Nov. 2, 1674; kept the "Wayside Inn" in Sudbury, until his death, Aug. 3, 1759, when he was succeeded by his youngest son, Ezekiel Ilow (b. April 5, 1720, d. Oct. 15, 1796), during the Revolutionary War colonel of 4th Middle­ imx .Militia. The lattnr was succeeded by his son Adam How 18 BENT FAMILY.

(b. May 15, 1763; d. Dec. 10, 1840), and he in tum J.,y his son "Squire" Lyman Howe (b. Nov. 6, 1801 ), a bachelor, at whose death, in April, 1861, it passed out of the Howe name. In 1897 it was again re-opened as a place of public entertainment. vii. HANNAH, b. April 6, 1677; m. John Barnes. 7 3 1 PETER BENT (Pete1·,• Jolm ) was born in Su1mm, b. l\.fay 17, 170.3. 16, iii. Tno~us, b.. July 29, 1706. 17, · iv. HorF.STILL, b. Nov. 4, 1708. v. S,uun, b. April 22, 1711; m. July 10, 1729, Jeremiah Wesson of Sndhury. 18. vi. Er.r.rAn, b. J\11~. Vi, 1713. I!), vii. 111IC.\JJ, b. April 29, 171G. viii. ELIZAHETJI, b. June 14, 1720.

9 3 1 Jo1IN BENT (Jolm,' Jolm ) was Lorn Nov. 29, 1G8lJ, in Fram­ inglrnm, where he die2, daughter of Deacon David Rice. Children, all horn in Framingham; 20, i. l\IATTIIL\S,4 b. July 2, 1712. ii. HANNAH, b. ,July 10, 1714'; d. Sept. 21, 1774; m. first, in 1734, Richard Rice (1710-1737), and second, Nov. 30, 1738, Capt. Jeremiah Belknap (1704-1774). iii . .MAJtTIIA, b. l\Iarch 7, 1720; m. March 10, 1740, Col. Samuel Brewer, who was wounded at Dunker Hill; moved from 1''ram­ iiigham to Hutlan

ii. DAVID, b. March 22, 1717 ; d. 1726. iii. MARY, b. Aug. 5, 1718; m. Sept. 24, 1741, David Goodenow of Sutlbury, and moved to Rntlaml, 1\ iv. LYDIA, b. April G, 1721; m. in 17tl~, William Beal of Natick. v. SARA.II, b. Jan. 12, 1727; m. 1'.Iurch rn, 1751, Ilezaleel Uice (1721-1806 ). 23. vi. DAVID, b. March 30, 1730 (posthumous). 11 3 1 ExPERIENCE BENT ( Jo8eplt, • Jolm ) was born probably in Marshfield, Mass., about 166D, an

12 3 1 J OSEPII BENT ( Joseph,' Jolin ) was born in Sudbury, Mass., .l\farch 5, 1675, an

John Davenport (1695-1778) of Ponkipog, now a part of Canton, then a part of Dorchester. 25. ii. JosErrr, b. Sept. 26, 1701. 26, iii. JorIN, b. Oct. 15, 1703. iv. RAGIIEL, b. Aug. 21, 1705; m. Feb. 8, 1722, Nathaniel Vose, Jr., of Milton, b. l\farch 31, 1699, d. Dec. 18, 1751. v. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 13, 1708; m. Dec. 1, 1725, David Cope• laml (1704-1750); eight children, born in l\Iilton. vi. SARAH, b. April 13, 1710; d. April 5, 1802, t~. 92; m. Feb. 12, 1730, Elijah Vose (1708-1766) of Milton. Of their four sons, the eltlest, Joseph Vose (l7il8-181 G), was a Revolutiouary colonel and :iJtcrwar

FOURTH GENERATION. 13 PETER4 BENT ( Peter, 3 Pete1·, 2 Jolin') was horn 1\farclt 20, 1707, in Marlboro' (Mass.), where the whole of hi,1 long and honorable life was spent. He died March 11, 1798, re. 91, and his widow Mary (maiden name not ascertained) died June 3, 1803, re. 93. They were buried in the old burial ground near the present Fitch­ burg R. R. station. His tombstone, an unnsually large one, recites that he was "a man jnstly estccmc

Sept. 14, 1771, d. Sept. 29, 1852, came into possession of the Bent estate when the malo line of Bcuts became extiud, re­ presented the town iu the General Court Jive years (1828- 1831, 1833) and was a jnstice of the peace for twenty years. He m. in 1797, Eunice E. Robinson of Concord, who d. l◄'cb. 20, 1844, re. 69, and by her lmd three children : 1. Isaac 1'emple Stevens, b. Jan. 3, 1798. 2. Ann Bent Stevens, h. Sept. 16, 1799; m. Sept. 10, 1820, Issachar Dickerman. 3. Eu11ice 0. Stevens, b. June 24, 1801; tl. unm. l\fay 26, 183(i. faaac Temple Stevens m. Oct. 17, 1817, Catherine-l<'eltou, and took tlie Bent farm. Upon his death, April lG, 187G, it passed into the hands of one of his thirteen chilclrcn, "\Villiam lfobillson Stevens (b. April 10, 1838), who still lives there (18!J9) with an unmarried sister, Susanna. Another brother, Levi Lincoln Stevens, lives in :Marlboro', and still :lllother, Rev. Daniel Waldo Stevens, b. Jan. 17, 1820, d. Oct. 1, 1891, grad­ uated from Harvard in 1846 and became a Unitarian clergy­ man. The descendants of Daniel Stevens (1771-1852) have held an annual re-union, usually at the old Ilent place, since about 1883. 28, vm. PETER, b. Jan. 6, 1747. 29, ix. JABEZ, b. Jan. 29, 1749. x. D1mo1urr, b. 1751; d. 1755. xi. .AmGAIL, b. Jan. 2!), 1754; m. Sept. 12, 1771, Benajah Brigham, b. 1\1:arch 15, 1746, d. Dec. 7, 1822, brother of Beuj,tmiu Brig­ l1am, Jr. (1742-17!J!J), the first mini8ter of Fitzwilliam, N. H. 14 3 1 JoIIN' BENT (Peter, Peter,2 Jolm ) was born in Marlboro', Mass., Sept. 24, 1708. No record of his marriage or death has been found, but his name appears on land transactions as late as 1784. He was a farmer and lived in Southboro', a town set off from Marlboro' in 17 27. He was a sergeant in Capt. Timothy Brigham's company of militia in 17 57. Probably his sisters, all of whom were unman-ied, lived with him.

15 3 1 PETER' BENT (IIopestill, Peter,2 Jokn ) was born May 17, 1703, in Sudbury, where he was still living in 1757. No record of his death found; it is possible that he went to Nova Scotia in 1760 or thereabouts and died soon after. A peculiar interest attaches to him because of the fact that he married, April 18, 1727, l\Iary, daughter of Rev. Samuel Parris, in whose family the Salem witch­ craft delusion began in 1692. The Rev. Samuel, after being in­ vited to leave Salem village in 1697, lived in Newton, Concord, Stow and Dunstable, and finally located in Sudbury, where he died Feb. 27, 1720, re. 67. Hill son Samuel was long a deacon in DENT FAMILY, 25

Smlbnry. Mary was a. . She died the same

30, ii. TnOMAs, b. July 4, 1738. iii. Lois, b. Dec. :3, 1740; d. in Fmminglrn.m, 1783; m. Feb. 3, 1762, James Glover (1734-IS0G); eight children; he married again in 1784. iv. MARY, b. June 21, 1743; d. Framingham, Feb. 1824; m. Capt. Benj:imin Eu.wards, Jr. (1732-1803), of Boston, ·woburn and Framingham. 31, v. JASON, b. May 9, 1750; m. Anne Glover, sister of ,James. vi. MARTITA, b. l\farch 21, 1752; m. Dec. 5, 1782, James Inglis. 32, vii. SA:IIUEL, b. Jan. 1, 1755. 33, viii. JONATHAN, b. April 22, 1758. ix. EuNICJ~, b. Feb. 14, 1763; m. Aug. 8, 1782, Thomas Glover, Jr. (1757-1845), of Sharon, 1\fass., where shed. Jan. 1, 180G, re. 43 ; seven children ; he married again. 17 4 3 1 HoPESTILL BENT (IIopestill, Peter,' John ), farmer, was born in Sudbury, Mass., Nov. 4, 1708. He lived a short time in Waltham, near by, but moved back to Sudbury, where he died, late in 1772, re. 64. He married first, Oct. 22, 1733, Beulah, born Dec. 11, 1716, daughter of Jonathan Rice; married second, April 26, 1763, Mrs. Anna Fiske of "\Valtham, who died in the fatter place, Jan. 7, 1793, ro. 80. Children, all born in Sudbury: i. JONATIIAN,6 h. April 24, 1735; was in the Crown Point expe­ dition in 17 55, and d. Dec. 25 of that year. ii. LYDIA, b. June 15, 1738; living 11nm. in 177 4. iii. PET1m, b. ,July 8, 1741; d. in 1778 probably; m. Lucy, 11:tu. of Samuel Stoue of Framingham, where she d. Jan. 27, 178;3, oo. 40 ; no chiltlren. iv, ELIZABETH, b. l\Iarch 25, 1744; m. Feb. 11, 1762, Micah Rice. v. TIMOTHY, b. l\Iarch 24-, 17 47 ; eul;ste

;J,l, m. SrLAS, b. April 14, 17 44. iv. SusANNAII, b. l\Iay 21, 1748; m. --- Wilbert. 3;j, v. JoEr,, b. Feb. 22, 17/i0. 36, vi. Sn:PIIEN, b. ,July 15, 1752. 37, vii. RuFus, b. Feb. 13, 1755. viii. AmGAIL, b. Sept. 3, 1757; m. May 1, 17i7, David Curtis (b. 1753), son of Joseph and a descendant of Henry Curtis of Sudbury, the original American ancestor of George William Curtis. 38, ix. NATllAN, b. l\:larch 12, 17G0. 19 3 2 1 l\'frcAn' BENT ( Ilopestill, Pete1·, John ), blacksmith, was born April 29, 1716, in Sudbury, where he

•Lieut.John was brother of Capt. Jesse Eames, who mnrried Betty Bent. 28 BENT FAMILY.

42. i. Joirn,6 b. July 16, 1752. 43. ii. JOSIAH (twin), b. Oct. 29, 1755. iii. 1\'I,1.ny (twin), h. Oct. 29, li55; m. April 23, 177G, Capt. John Trowbridge (1752-1825) of Framingham, where sl1e d. ,fan. 30, 1844, re. 88, leaving fom· som1, one of whom, Dr. Josiah Trowbridge (1785-1862), was I\Iayot· of llnlfalo, N. Y.

iv. MARTILl.1 b. April 14, 1758. 22 ,TOIIN4 BENT (David,3 Joltn,' Jolm') was horn in Fmmingh:rn1, Mass., Oct. 22, 17la;

"\V cdncsday afternoon, Aug. 15, 1787, a cyclone swept over Rut­ fand, doing much damage. The account in Sidney Pcrley's "His­ toric Storms of New England," says: "Seemingly gathering new fury, it continued down the side of a hill, struck a corner of C:iptain Bent's house and lifted the barn into the air, knocking it to pieces anrl throwing several large timbers a considerable distance. In the barn were fonr or five tons of hay, which was wholly lost. A black­ smith shop anlympton, Jemima, born 1710,

Children, all born in Middleboro', Mass.: i. SAnAII,5 b. Jan. 27, 1730. 50, ii. Jo1rn, b. Feb. 27, 1732. iii. ALICE, b. Jan. lG, 1734; m. Scpt.11, 1753, at Taunton, William Rayment (Raymond?)· 51, iv. ,ToSEPII, b. Jan. G, 173G. v. 'WILLIAM, nail maker; m. Ang. 29, 17GB, Sarah, cfau. of Zal.xliel Sampson of Plympton; was still living in Mitl11leboro' in 1808.

25 4 1 JosEPil IlFiNT (Josepk,3 Joseplt,2 Jokn ) was born in l\Iilton, Sept. 26, 1701; died at .Albany, N. Y., Dec. 7,.1755. He liveoint expedition, during which he died of dropsy. He married, Feb. 13, 1724, Martha Houghton, born April 24, 1701, died Dec. 4, 1766, daughter of ,T oseph and Jane Houghton of l\iilton. Children, all bom in Milton : i. JosEI'H,6 b. and d. 1725. 52, ii. LKMUEL, b. May 2, 1727. iii. ABIGAIL, b. 1730; d. 1738. iv. EUNICE, b. l\Iay 22, 1732; m. Dec. 6, 1750, William Pierce of Milton. 53, v. JosEI'II, b. l\farch 9, 1735. 54, vi. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 13, 1737. vii. 1\fAU'l'IIA, b. 11;HJ; d. 17 4 0. 55, viii. Ru1,•us, b. l\Iarch 10, 1742.

26, 4 3 1 J OHN BENT ( Joseph, Joseph,• Jolin ), blacksmith, was born in Milton, Oct. 15, 1703. No rccorcl of death founcl. He mar­ ried, Feb. 6, 1728, Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1710, diecl l\fay 7, 17 50, daughter of' William an

ix. R,1.cmn., b. Sept. 28, 1145 ; <1. March 23, 1820, re. 83 ; m. first, Dec. G, 1763, Ezekiel Dlakc of l\filton, and second (his fourth marriage), John fierce, who d. in 1833, re. 01. 57, x. JonN, b. Aug. 4, 1747. xi. No.ur, b. Sept. 2, 1749. Nothing further ascertained. 27 4 3 1 Em:NEZ1m BENT (Joseplt, JoNepli,2 Jolm ), farmer, was born Ap1·il 23, 1712, in Milton, where he

FIFTH GENERATION. 28 5 1 PETER BENT (Peter,4 Peter,3 Pete1·,2 John ) was born Jan. 6, 1747, in Marlboro', Mass., where he died Aug. 31, 1801, re. 54. He marched to Cambridge at the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775, in Capt. Daniel Barnes's company, and was in the same company during the siege of Boston, :May to December, 177 5; lived on the old Bent place, and at his death bequeathed all of his lands in Marl­ boro', "\V estboro' and SouthLoro' to his sister's son, Daniel Stevens. He married, June 16, 1779, Anne ·w alkcr, who died May 11, 1781, ro. 27. No children. 29 5 1 JABEZ BENT (Pete1·,4 Peter·,3 Peter,2 Jolin ) was born Jan. 29, 174!J, in Marlboro', where he died unmarried May 26, 1817, ro. 68, the last of the male line of Bents in Marlboro', where the family 32 BENT FAMILY. had lived for over one hundred and fifty years. At t11e Lexington alarm, he was out six days in Capt. William Brigham's company, and afterwards (1777) was drafted for three years, but paid a fine instead of going. He was an assessor in 1787, and at his death made a. bequest of one hundred dollars to the vVest Parish (Uni­ tarian) of Marlboro', the income to be used for an annual lecture for the improvement of the young. This lecture is still given every year. 30 5 3 1 1 TrroMAS BENT ( Tlwmas,' /Iopestill, Peter, Joltn ) was born in Sudbury, July 4, 1738; died in Framingham in 1787, probably. He was in Capt. Moses Maynard's company of militia in 17 57, and on the 19th of April, 177 5, marched from Framingham to Concord as a corporal in Capt. Jesse Eames's company. He manicd Submit, born Dec. 3, 1742,

N. IL, April 22, 1833, ro: 78. He marched to Concord on the eventful 19th of April, 177 5, in Capt. N athanicl Cudworth's com­ pany, and was out on an alarm twenty-six days, from Feb 4, 1776. A Revolutionary marker was placed over his grave by his descend­ ants Sept. 7, 1896. He moved from Sudbury, :Mass., to Fitz­ william, N. H., in 1780, when the town was still young, and cleared a farm about a mile and a half from the Massachusetts line and some six miles south of Mt. Monadnock, the most prominent feature in the landscape. In l 7D0, he had ninety acres, hut in 1805 he bought more land of Isaac Goodnow; the farm is still tilled by his descend­ ants. Fitzwilliam, originally known ;is Monadnock Number Four, was incorporated in 1773, and is a typical New Hampshire farming town, sturdy, healthy, hilly and rock-ribbed. Samuel married, lTeb. 6, 1777, Molly, born March 7, 1755, died Oct. 8, 1838, ro. 83, estill, I'eter,' Jolin ) was born April 22, 17 58, in the part of Sudbury now ·w ayland, but at the time of his marriage bought a farm in the north-east part of the present town of Sudbury, where he died in 1826, re. 68. He marched to Concord, April 19, 177 5, in Capt. ,Joseph Smith's com­ pany, and was in the Ticonderoga campaign in 1776, under C~pt. Asahel ·wheeler, in Col. John Robinson's regiment; was aftenvard captain of a company of militia, and for some years kept a tavern in North Sudbury, near the Concord line. He married first, March 12, 1778, Experience Smith; married second, April 10, 1803, Mrs. Ruth Rice, who died in Sudbury, Dec. 26, 1844, ro. 80, widow of Reuben Rice, and daughter of Israel Haynes of Sudbury. 34 BENT FAl\IILY.

Children of ,Jonathan and Experience, all Lorn in Smllmry: 72. i. NEWELL,6 h. Oct. 9, 1778. ii. Exi>1mrnNc1~, b. l\fay 21, 1780; m. July 22, 1798, Thomas Jen­ kinson of East Sudbury. iii. POLLY, b. Oct. 28, 1782; m. Ang. 2, 1801, Daniel Haynes of Lincoln. iv. Lucm,Tu, b. Jan. 5, 1785; m. Feb. 24, 1802, Edward ·wheeler of Weston. v. J-I1rnnY, b. Aug. 4, 1787; d. young probably. 73. vi. I!Ez1mIAII, b. Nov. 21, 1789. vii. l3ETSisY, h. ,July 28, 1791; m. Josiah Stearns(?) of Oakham. U. vm. SAMUEL, b. Feb. 21, 17!J4. ix. NANCY, b. Nov. 12, 17!)8; m. April 6, 1823, Joseph Osborn of Sudbury. Children of J onatlrnn and Ruth, both born in Sudbury : 75. i. THOllIAS,6 b. April 11, 1804. ii. ELIZA, b. Feb. 28, 1806; rn. 1828, Isaac Miles of Concord. 34 6 3 1 8ILAS BENT (Eli_ja!t,4 Ilopestill, I'eter,2 Joltn ) was born in Sudbury, .Mass., April 14, 1744; died in Belpre, Ohio, April 4, 1818, ro. 74. In 1760, from April until December, as a lad of six­ teen, he saw service in Capt. Ephraim Jackson's company in Canada in the old French and Indian war. In 1766, or possibly in 1765, soon after his marriage, he moved from his native town to Darre, then called Rutland District, but a year or two later removed to Rutland, a fine old hill town in the very centre of .Matlsachusctts. His farm was in the cast part of the town, near the Princeton line. At the Lexington alarm, in 177.'5, he marched to Cambridge as a private in Capt. Thomas Eustis's company, and was out twelve days. From May to December, 1775, he was ensign in Capt. Adam Wheeler's company, in Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regiment, in service around Boston. .Tan. 1, 1776, he was 1st Lieut. in the 4th Continental Infantry, and early in 1781 1st Lieut. in the Gt.h Con­ tinental Infantry, Col. Thomas Nixon. July 1, 1781, he was com­ missioned Lieut.-Colonel of the 7th Regiment Mass. :Militia, and this office he seems to have held until he left Rutland in 178U, when the family set out in an ox-cart for the great North-west Territory, then a wilderness abounding in game of all kimls, now the home of millions of human beings. Death claimed one of the chiltlrcn ere the new home was reached. Early the year before, Gen. Rufus Putnam, also from Rutlaml, where his old home is yearly visited by hundreds of historical pilgrims, had led the pioneer band that pre­ pared the way for the first settlers, over the mountains and down the Ohio river. In ,July the first families began to arrive. At the place they named Marietta the first town was started over the re- HENT FAllIILY, 35 mains of another race, the ancient mound lmil

Children, all born in Barre, Mass. : i. SARAH,° h. Oct. 17, 1768; m. Ilev. Joseph Kilbnm of Wen

the siege of Boston in 177 5, and saw considerable other Revolu­ tionary service, for which he drew a pension for several years from 1819; perhaps lived a few years in Douglas, Mass., where he bought lan

39 D,WID5 B1rnT (11Iicali;IIopestill, 3 Peter,2 Jolin}) was born in Smllmry, Mass., l\Iarch 18, 17:Hl; dic

42 5 1 .JoIIN TIF.NT (John/ Joltn,3 Jo!tn,2 Jolm ) was born in Fram­ ingham, .July lG, 17 52; date of death not aseertaiuetl. He was a Revolutionary soldier; private in 177 5 an

44 4 1 DAVID~ BENT (Dctvid, David,3 Joltn,2 Jolm ), farmer, was born _in Rutland, Mass., April 3, 1756; died in l\ft. Holly, Vt., Jan. 1, 18:32, m. 75. He saw some service in the latter part of the Revolution (October, 1781), in Capt. John Spoor's company, in Col. .Tohn Ashley's regiment, that nmrche1l to Stillwater; moved about 1776 from Rutland to Templeton, l\Iass., a.nd thence, about 1786, with his brother-in-law ,Toseph Green, to l\It. Holly, Vt., where he was one of the first settlers; town clerk in 17fJ7. l\it. Holly, whieh was incorporated in 17D2, lies in a depression of the Green Mountains, about fifteen miles south-cast of Rutland, Vt., aml was on the old stage roatl from Boston to Rutland :md the north. Ile mnrried, April 26, 177 5, Phehe vVhittemore, born Nov. 5, 17!il3,

Whittemore, who settled in Charlestown ( the part now Everett), Mass., in 1645. Children, i. born in Rutland, Mass. ; ii. to viii. born probably in Templeton, Mass.; ix. to xiv. bom in Mt. Holly, Vt.: i. MoLLY,6 b. Oct. 30, 177 5; m. first, --- Pierce; m. second, Corliss Hines. 100. ii. PETER, b. June 8, 1777. 101. iii. RELIEF (LEI'IIE), b . .April 20, 1779; m. Dr. Oliver Guernsey. 102, iv. DA vm, b. O<:t.. 2:;, 1780. v. Pmm1~, b. ,June 18, 1782; m. --- Clark, antl move

vii. CHARLOTTE GREEN, b. ,Jan. 17, 1791; d. April 17, 1840. viii. lIAmm:T GmmN, b . .lnly 20, 17!JH; (1. ,Jan. 22, 1873. ix. Josr:l'u L1N1rn Gnr:~;N, h. l\fay lG, 1797; d. May 8, 1825; m. Rebecca Reed of Ludlow, Vt. x. SoPIIHONIA G1tEEN, b. Feb. 3, 1800; m. J. H. Draper.

46 D,\RIUS6 BENT (Darirl,' David, 3 Jolin,' Jolm') was born in Rutland, Maas., Aug. 13, 17G9; d. in Montreal, Canadit, August, 1832, re. li3. About 1806, he moved to Boston, where he was a house-wright; soon after, however, he located permanently in Mon­ treal. Ile married, 1\Iarch 9, 1797, Isabel,

47 6 1 THADDEUS BENT (Dcevid,• Dcevicl,3 Jolin,' Jolin ) was born Sept. 1, 1771, in Rutland, Mass. He moved about 1800 to Rut­ lnn

48 6 1 PmNEAS BENT (David,' David,3 John,' Jolm ) was born in Rutland, Mass., Sept. 15, 1776; died in Fletcher, Vt., Feb. 21, 1841, re. 64. He married, Dec. 31, 17!)8, Polly Frink of Hutlaml, Mass., born ,July 11, 1778, died in .Terico, Vt., abont 18133, m. 85. About 1803 they moved from Rutland, Mass., to Underhill, Vt., at the foot of 1\'It. Mansfield, the highest of the Green :Mountains. Some ten years later they removetl to .Terico, Vt., south of Urnlerhill. Children, i. to iii. born in Rutland; iv. to vii. Lorn in Undcd1ill; viii. to xii. born in J erieo : i. HORATIO G.,6 b. 179fl; d. 1801. ii. ELIZABETH R., b. 1801; d. 1802. iii. Wn.LIAJI F., b. 1802; d. 1802. iv. ELIZABE'l'll R., b. 1804; d. 1806. v. JonN F., b. 1806; d. 1808. vi. WrLLLrn A., b. Dec. 2G, 1800; m. --- Castle; went 1Vest. Three children. vii. Er.1zA A., h. Aug. 8, 1811; ,l. in Rtockholm, N. Y.; m. April G, 18-18, William DaviH. No chilflreu. viii. Jo11N R, b. 1814; ,1. IHl6. 109, ix:. JA)rns B., b. Nov. 23, 181G. x. DARIUS R, h. 1819; tl. 1820. xi. DARIUS E., b. Sept. 24, 1821; living in Ean Clair, 1Yis. Three children. xii. LEONORA A., b. 1824; d. 1827. 49 5 SA:i\IUEL DuowNING IlENT (David,• D(ivicl, 3 John, 2 John•), who was named after his uncle, Lieut. Samuel Browning (1740-1783), was born in Rutland, l\Iass., Nov. 27, 1784, and moved in 1818 to Midulebury, Vt., where he

•Rev. Joseph Avery m. 1777, 1tfory Allen, ,Jan. of ,Tames Allen, tailor, of Boston, hy his :!d wife, Mary Adams, an older oiotcr of t!tc Revolutionary patriot Sam Adamo. DENT FAl\llLY. 43

i. l\IAnTIIA l\fAnIA,6 b. ,Jan. 12, 1808; a. June 11, 1824. ii. Er,IZABETII lt1m1wcA, b. ,fan. 14, 1810; d. Nov. G, 1825. llO, m. SAMUEL ,vATSON, b. Oct. 27, 181 I. . iv. Infant son, b. and , 182{,; living iu Tarrytown, N. Y.; m. Oct. I, JS,!!J, George l\Ierritt Nichols, a wholesale hard­ ware merchant of Shreveport, Ln., 1,. in J'iliut1lebury, Vt., June 12, 1813, d. in Tarrytown, N. Y., Oct. 2!), 1863; came north at the ontl,reak of the civil war. Six children : 1. Edward,7 d. Jan. 7, l 8D2; was 1~reRident of Brooks Locomotive ,vorks at Dunkirk, N. Y. 2. Kate, d. re. 15 mos. 3. Howard 1Valter, lives in Tarrytown, hut is in the real estate lmsines.~ in New York city. 4. &Jp/tia llfay, living, mun., in Tarrytown, N. Y. 5. Gertrude, living, unm. in Tarrytown, N. Y. 6 • . George Iferbe,·t, livi11g, 1111111., in Tarrytown, N. Y. 113, vi. GEOIWE, b. 1\Iarch 2!J, 1827. 50 1 Jorrn• BENT (Josepli,4 Experience,3 Josepli,S Jolm ), nail maker, was bom in :Middlcboro', Feb. 27, 1732;

51 6 4 3 1 JoSEPR BENT ( Joseph, Experience, Joseph,' Jolin ), mariner and sailmaker, was born in Middleboro', Mass., Jan. 6, l 7a6; died in Yarmouth, N. S., Jan. 8, 1816, re. 80; lived in MiJdlcboro' and the then adjoining town of Plymouth until 1772, when he moved to Yarmouth, N. S. (The settlement of Yarmouth was begun in 1761, but Plymouth fishermen doubtless knew the Nova Scotia shore before that.) He married, in 17 59, Elizabeth "\Vatc1·man, born in Plymouth, .Mass., 1737, died in Yarmouth, N. S., sister of Elkanah, and daughter of John and Hannah (Cushman) ,vater­ man of Plymouth. Chil

He attended to the painting of the meeting house and on Su111lays took charge of the boys in the gallery. The supply of the pulpit was in his hands and the candidates were well entertained at the olil inn. He was one of the committee to prepare the bill for the separa­ tion of Canton from Stoughton, and many of the meetings were held there. Here also were heltl the trials for small offences. Ile con­ tinued to keep the Eagle until his death, when it was taken by his son, ,Villiam, who ran it until about 1824. The building is still in existence, though retlucetl in size. Capt. ,Villiam marrietl, Nov. 24, l 7G3, Chloe lllackman, born in Canton, Oct. l(i, 17-10, dirnl in Canton, l\farch 12, 1820, m. 7!), dangl1ter of George and Thankful* (Redman) Blackman, and a descendant of ,T olm Blackman of Dor­ chester, 1640. Children, all born in what is now Canton : i. L1rnu1u.,6 b. Nov. 21, 17G4-; cl. 1765. 123, ii. L1mu1n., b. :Feb. 17, 17GG. . iii. NATITANrnr., h. Feb. 213, 1770; lived in Virgiui:i; d. at sea unm. sometime after 180G. iv. WrLLIA~r, b. 177:l; d. 1774. 124, v. Wu.u.ur, b. Nov. rn, 1775. vi. JA11rns, h. aml

55 5 4 3 2 1 RUFUS BEN'r ( Joseplt, Jo8eplt, Joseph, Jolm ), house-wright, was born in :Milton, March 10, 17 4:!; !late of death not asccrtai11e1l. He moved about 1772 or 177a to Hoston; was living in Marietta, 0., in 17!J8. He marriell, Dec. G, 17G7, ]Hrs. Ann :McKenzie, born 17 41, die

•Thnnkful Rcdm:m (1701-178:J) wns the first white chilt! born in what is now Can­ ton. Her father, Charles, Jived on the estate receutly occupict! by the late Hon. Henry L. Pierce, the millionaire chocolate manufacturer iu l'oukipog. DENT FAMILY. 47

1 ,JESSE& DENT ( Jolm,' Josepli,3 Joseph,' Jolin ), farmer and blacksmith, wns born in l\Iilton, Mass., Nov. lG, 172!); moved about 17G4 to Fort Lawrence, N. S., where he cliccl Dec. 6, 1816, ro. 87. He marrie. Jan. 2G, 1764; m. Nehemiah Ayer. . 132, iv. 'CYNTHIA, b. April 22, 17GG; m. George Oxley. rn:J. v. Tlffl'fIENIA, b. Oct. 1, 171i7; m. Luke Harrison. 13.t. vi. EuNICE, b. l\farch 31, 176!); m. Samuel Freeman of Amherst, N.S. J;Jr;, vii. EB1m1<:z1m VosE, b. l\forch 3, 1771. 186, vm. ,fossg, b. 1773. ix. ,Jorrn, b. l\forch 12, 1775; d. Dec. 1, 1780. J:l7, x. HANNAH, h. Nov. 2!), 1777; m. "William l\IcAllan. 138, xi. L1rnu1sL, b. October, 1783. 57 ,J OIIN5 IlF.NT ( Jolin, 4 Joseph, 3 Josepli,' ,Jolin'), farmer, was hom in Milton, :i\fass., Ang. 4, 17 47; date of death not ascertained. Jk followed his brother to Nova Scotia and locate

Boston. He married first, Dec. 6, 1765, Hannah, born Dec. 25, 1742, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Shepherd of Milton; mar­ ried second, July 9, 1771, Ruth Crouch, born 1741, dic

59 5 1 SAMUEL Il1<:NT (Ebenezer,' .To.~eplt,3 ,losepl1,2 Jolm ) was born in Milton, Mass., March 1, 1739, and died in Granville, N. S., in 1827, re. 88. The story is that he was apprenticed to a Capt. John vVade of Ipswich(?), Mass., a carriage and chair maker, and, toward the end of his term of service, enlisted in a company, com­ manded by his master, for the campaign against the French in Canada, and, in that capacity, assisted in the reduction of Qnebec by Gen. Wolfe in September, 17 59. The family tratlition is as follows : Toward the close of the battle on the Plains of Abr:i­ ham, when victory seemed certain, a call was made for a flag staff. Young Bent volunteered to improvise one from the many tall firs which lined the heights. After it had been set in position it was found that in the hurry of the moment the necessary halyard had not been made fast to the top. After several had tried in vain to climb the flag staff, Bent asked permission to try it and succeeded in reaching the top with the line in his teeth. The flag was attached and the officer in command ordered that the young soldier should have the honor of hoisting the flag of victory. About 1760, or 1761, he and Capt. ·wade went to Granville, N. S., among the first DENT FA:i\IILY. 49

to take np the lancls ma

161. i. JosrAn,6 b. April 26, 1771. ii. S,uruEL, b. Dec. 8, 1772; d. unm. of consnmpt,ion, Dec. 14, 17!>7. iii. ELIJAH, b. Nov. rn, I 773; d. young. 162, iv. ,JOIIN, b. Nov. 13, 1778. v. Su1rnY; m. --- l\fyers. 163, vi. NATHANIEL, b. 1783. vii. HANNAH, b. about 1786; d. Jan. 5, 1826, m. 40; m. first, Uarch 30, 1806, :Minott Adams; m. secornl, Joseph Ewell, Jr. viii. JosEPII, d. umn. in Milton, m. aoout GO.

SIXTH GENERATION. 62 8 3 1 THOMAS BENT (Jason/ Thomas,' Hopesti'll, Peter,' John ), farmer, was born in Sudbury, Sept. 4, 1776, and

160. i. ,TonN PATcn,7 b. April 22, 1807. ii. ANNA Gr,ov1m, b. Dec. 16, 1808; d. Oct. 7, 1828. iii. JoinAH ,JASON, h. ,'.\p1·il 18, 1811; d. ,Jan. 21, 1833. iv. HANNAH l\ItLLErt, b. Aug-. G, 1813; d. in l\Iichig:in, February, 18!J2, m. 78; m. l'anl II. 1Vl1itcomb, who J. in Boxboro', l\lass., l\larch, 1875. 170, v. TnmIAs HASTINGS, b. Sept. 15, 1815.

64 8 3 1 .JARON BENT ( ,Ja.~011 ," Tlwm,rn,' JirJJ)C8till, Peter/ ,lohn ), former, was horn in Swllmry, Sept. 12, 1785, an4. v. l\Lu:.r ANN, h. Feh. i\ 182G; a. in Sudbury, l\rarch 1, 1880; 111. l\fay ii, 1847, Calvin l\Iorse of Smlbury. Three children: I. l!Jmnm Irene. 8 2. 'l½eodvre 1Van·cn. 3. C'alvin Jones.

66 8 1 S,umEL D..:NT ( Samuel/ Tlwmas,4 Il()pestill,3 Peter,2 Jolin ), farmer, was born in Su

• A descendant of Edw,ml Garfield (or Gearflcl

66 MARY8 BENT (Scmmel,6 Tlwma8,4 Ilopest,ill, 3 Pete1·,2 ,Tolm') was born April 24, 1780, in I◄'itzwilliam, N. II., wliere she dicratt (1775-1839) of Fitzwilliam. Children of Amoa and Mary (Bent) P1·att, all born in Fitz- william: i. Infant,7 h. and d. 1799. ii. Cu1tT1s PnAT1·, b. 1800; <1. I 812. iii. MARY PRATT, b. Sept. 27, 1802; d. June 27, 183!); m. Jan. 24, 1822, Timothy Metcalf, Jr., of Ilindge, N. II. iv. CANDA.Cl': P1tATT, h. ,Jan. 4, 1805; 11. in Hirnlge, N. II., Sept. 4, 1884; m. Dec. 1, 1825, Oratio Putnam Allen of Wmlge, N. H. v. LAURA ANN PRATT, b. April 23, 1807; d. in Jaffrey, N. H., · Aug. 24, 1856; m. first, Dec. 13, 1827, Gilman Eveleth (1799- 1841) of Dublin, N. II., and second, Abel Marshall (1789- 1871) of Fitzwilliam, N. H. vi. REUBEN BANISTER PRATT, b. April 21, 1809 ; d. in Fitzwilliam, April 7, 1877; m. Ann 1\Iaria Haskell, and had: 1. Granville Reuben.8 2. Nelson Edwi"n. 3. Eliot .Almond. 4. Eliza Ann. 5. Albert Henry. vii. SARAH PRATT, b. Jan. 17, 1812; d. in Rindge, N. II., Feb. 6, 1895; m. Austin A. Bradford. viii. HYMAN CURTIS PR.Arr, b. March 12, 1815; d. Oct. 13, 1839; m. Sally Bemis. ix. AMOS SABIN PRATT, b. Oct. 2, 1817; d. Nov. 27, 1863; m. Callephina Handy. x. WAUREN s. PRATT, b. 1819; d. 1824•. xi. SYLVl~l:;Tlm PltA'l'T, b. 18:!1; a. youug. xii. CAlWLlNE PRATT, b. 1823; d. 1825. xiii. Son, b. 1824; d. 1827. 67 8 3 1 MARTHA BENT (Samiiel,5 T!tomas,' IIopestill, Peter/ John ) was born Sept. 26, 1782, in Fitzwilliam, N. H., where she t. 15, 1825, Martin Streeter (1801-1861) of Fitzwilliam, and had: I. .Edwi"n.8 2. Anson. 3. Elmon. 4. A.Zirin. 5. Sophia D. ii. LURENA Cm.PLIN, b. Jan. 22, 1803; d. in Winchendon; m. first, Dec. 30, 1824, Elisha Gregory, Jr. (1798-1838), and secoml, May 27, 1847, Jonas Brooks (1813-I85!l). By the first mar- BENT FAllIILY, 53

rfage she l1ad: 1. .Tolin llfilton,8 who m. Betsey A., dau. of Henry and Betsey (Bent) Shirley. 2. .11Iartl1a 0. 8. Jfary E. 4. Eliza Cai·oline, who m. Lommui ll. Underwood of Rindge, N. II. 5 . .Adelaide Lurenu, m. first, Alpheus C. White, and 2d, Julius Hale of Winchendon. iii. MILTON CHAPLIN, b. April 7, 1805; d. in Fitzwilliam, Jan. I, 18!>3; m. Nov. 30, 18)30, Caroline Allen (1811-18!)1), and had: 1. Frances .Ade,8 m. Philip S. Batcheller of Fitz­ willimn, and ha«l one dan., Ida Louise,9 whom. Isaac F. Paul of .Boston. 2. Elliott J11£lton, lives at Sand Spring, Iowa. 8. J.lfartlia Alida, 111. Charles Newton ( 1834-1893) of Jt'itz­ willimn, N. 11. iv. JuLIA CnArLIN, b. Oct. 1, 1807; d. in Fitzwilliam, Oct. 26, 1844; 111. Aug. 8, 182G, Lyman Deeth (1804-1842), ·and had: 1. J.1Ioses Sumner.8 2. Julia .Ann. 3. llfartlza .A. 4. Lyman 0. 5. Jane R. 6. 11fartin Streeter, who m. first, Jane E. Bent. v. ANSON CHAPLIN, b. 1810; d. 1812. vi. ROXANNA CHAPLIN, b. Oct. 18, 1812; d. in Winchendon 1893; m. first, Nov. 27, 1833, Ephraim 1V. ·weston of Winchendon, who d. Oct. 2!l, 18ii4; m. second, Oct. 1 G, 1861, Edwin Parks of Wi11dw1ulo11. One son, Irving E.8 (18:15-188!)) by the Ii l'H t, 111:tl'l'ia.!!l', vii. and viii. lnfm'its (twinR),

17,l, i. WILLIAU,7 b. Jan. 18, 1828. ii. BETSEY, b. Aug. 27, 1831;

Hyman Bent nnd three of his children lived to have their golden weddings remembered, and all of his children that married (ten) celebrated their silver weddings. He married, Aug. 27, 1817, Levinah ,Tolmson Allen, born iu Shrewsbury, Mass., July 15, 1797, died in Fitzwilliam, N. II., Nov. 13, 1883, daughter of Rev. Arunah Allen (1767-1853), aml a. descendant of "Walter Allen of Newbury, Mass., 1640. Children, all bum in Fit1.william : )7r,. i. /'.A~IUEr,,7 h. D<•c. 2:J, 1817. 17fi. ii. ELIZA, h. Oct.. tri, 181!!. 177, iii. Lurrnm,:, h. Oct. 2, !Htl. 178, iv. Ar:uNAII Ar,1.1-::., b. ,Jan. 2!), 1823, 17!1, Y, /'.nSAN, I,, l>l'c. ::o, 18:!:i. mo. vi. 1'1.UUA, h. Od. rn, 18:!8. 181. vii. Eu11NA, b ..Juue Hi, 1830. viii. S,uun, b. ,Jan. 5, 1832; living unm. in Gardner, l\fass. Until 1883, she made her home on the old farm in Fitzwilliam, N. H. )82, ix. CuA1n1ss Oruu, b. ,June 4-, 1835. · 183, x. F1UNCES Fu>1:A, h. Oct. 27, 1838. 18,1, xi. Horrnmo LESLIE, h. J\farch 22, 1843. 70 6 5 3 2 1 ELISHA BENT ( Samuel, Tlwma8,' 1-Iopestill, Peter, Jolin ) was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Dec. 10, 1793; dieu in :Fitz­ william, Nov. 13, 1865, m. nearly 72. He took the farm his father cleared and always livcu there. He married, June 23, 1831, Nancy, born Nov. 11, 1800,

23, 1851. She married, Feb. 20, 1823, Henry Shirley of Fitz­ william, born March 22, 1796,

vi. FANNIE LORETTA, b. March 22, 1828; d. in Cambridge, l\fass., l\Iarch 18, 1896; m. March 5, 1855, Abijah Richardson, attorney-at-law, b. in Turner, l\fe., ,June 6, 1823, d. in Rox­ bury, l\lass., Feb. 20, 187 4. Two children: 1• .Edit/1,8 b. 1867. 2. William Bent, b. 18G!l. 73 HEZEICTAH6 BENT ( Jonatltan,5 Tlwmas, • Hopestill,3- Peter,.2 1 Joltn ), farmer, was born in Smllmry, Nov. 21, 1789; dicil: in Holden, .Mass., li'cb. 27, 18(37, re. 77; moved from Sudbury to Holden about 1820. He was in a company of grenadiers in 1822. He married, in 1815, Polly Colburn, of Lincoln, Mass., born Oct. 11, 1792, died in Holden, Aug. lG, 187!), :, h. May 10, l82!); m. Jirst, in April, 1852, Jones Chatlin of Uoltle11, ancl moved to "\Vorcester. He d. in Jan­ uary, 1861, ancl she 111. second, in 18G3, Thomas L. Bugbee of ·worcester, who d. April 11, 1890. No children. iv. NANCY OSBORNE, b. Sept. 21, 18:30; d. in ·worcester, 1\fa~s., July 9, 18G4; m. George A. Willanl of 1Vorcester. One son. 74 SAMUEL8 BENT ( Jonatltan, 5 Tlwrnas, 4 IIopestill, 3 Peter, 1 1 Jolm ), farmer, was born in Sudbury, Feb. 21, 1794;

Sudbury, Sept. 2G, 1881, ro. 77. He ma1Ticd first, Dec. 1, 1831, Keziah Carr, horn July 12, 1812, died Jan. 14, 1873, daughter of Ezra. and !fary Carr of Surlbury. He married secornl, Feb. 4, 187 4, Mrs. Isabella J. Shattuck, daughter of his couain Thomas Bent. She died Thfoy 18, 1887, m. 78. Children of Thomas and Keziah, all born in Sudbury: 187, i. Lucrns Prrrr.u•,7 b .•June 14, 183/l. 188, ii. THOMAS .Au:imT, h. ,July 31, lli:!5. 189. 'iii. CYIWS .ANl>ERSON, l,. Fd,. 1, 18-10. iv. CHAitLES EDWAIW, h. Sept. 8, llH-1; living in Somerville, 1\fass.; m. Nov. 20, 1870, llfaria Tltcrcsa, dau. of Catiimir uml Theresa llcchler of Baltimore, l\Id. No chihlrcu. 190. v. GEORGE HENRY, h. May 8, 18-!G. 191. vi. FuANCJS EuGENJ~, b. Dec. 30, 1848. 76 SILAS6 BENT (f:filas,' El(jalt,4 IIopestill, 3 Peter,' Jolin'), lawyer and judge, was born in Rutland, lVIass., May lG, l 7G8, died in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 20, 1827, m. 5V. In 1788 or 178!), he went to l\foi-ictta, Ohio, to prepare the way for his p:u·euts, who were among the earliest permanent settlers of' the Northwest Terri­ tory; soon after he began the study of law with Philip Do

• Missouri's tcrritorfal organiwtion ,fates from 1812. 60 BENT FA::\IILY. adjoining town of 1Vorthington; in 1836, they moved to Orwell, Ohio. Children of George and Polly (Bent) Smith: i. Jo1rn1 SMITH, b. July rn, l78!l; d. in Dorset, 0., Feh. 2!l, 1880; m. 1817, Charlotte Cottrell, and hatl: 1. John C. 8 2. 11Iary B., m. Chester Chapin. 3 • .Alexander H. 4. George E. 5. Pliilander. 6. Lucy .Ann, d. unm. 7. Pomeroy H. - 8. Rufus 0. ii. ,JANE SmTII, b. ,fan. l!l, 1791; d. unm. Feb. 1, 1817. iii. GEORGI.; SmTn, b. Jan. 3, l 7!l3 ; d. 188-; settled in Green­ ville, Tenn., about 1820; ha:; a son William, attomey, of Mansfield, 0. iv. CnAitLOTrE Smnr, b. Sept. 20, 17!l4; a. in Wirnlsor, 0., April 3, 1884; m.1832, Owen Stoughton (1795-1874), and had: 1. Sumner, b. ,July 21, 1833. 2. 1lfaria C., b. Dec. !l, 1836; m. Edwin D. Gleason, and has Charles S.9 an. 4. llemy S. 5. Clayton B. xi. CYNTIIIA SMITH (twin), b. Nov. !l, 1807; d. ,Tuly G, 18!l3; m. Newton ·Walcott, and hail: 1. Jielen.6 2. Julia. 3. Charles. xii. OnsAMUS Sm-rn (twin), h. Nov. !J, 1807; d. Dec. 31, 188G; m. first, Melinda Clapp of Deerfield., 0., and had: 1. Fninces. 8 2. Horatio .llf., major, U. S. A. 3. George. Ile m. second, Almira Kendall of Deerfield, 0., and had : 1. William 0. 2. Emma. Both of whom lived in Orwell, 0. xiii. I•'RANKLIN SILAS SmTir, b. March 15, 1810; d. Dec. 31, 1888; m. Martha ,lane Ruby, and had: 1. Edward.6 2. Marion. 3. .Newell. 4. Ella. 5. Lewis. xiv. DoRO'rIIY Smnr, h. March 4, 1815; d. in 1Vi1ulsor, 0., Oct. 17, 18!JG; m. l\Iarch 2, 1837, Earl Clapp of Wimbor, 0., aud had nine children: 1. Mi1ry, 8 m. Lcl:lter Clark. 2. Corral William. 3. George 11.lerit. 4. Joltn. 5. Dwigl1t 1lionroe. 6. Earl. 7. Emma, m. Horace A. Bowyer. 8. Eusebius. !J. Alice Genevera. 78 SuSAN8 BENT (Silcts,5 Eli:jalt,4 Jiopestill," Peter,' Jolm') was horn in Rutland, Mass., April 21, 1771;

Ohio, April 5, 1865, ro. 94. She married, about 1795, Joel Oaks of Newbury,* Ohio. Children, all born in Ohio : i. SusAN7 OAKS, b. l 7DG; wA1rn, b. May 1, 1817. 201. v. LuTIIER, b. Ang. 8, 1810. vi. CHARLOTTE, b. about 1820; d. in Newbury, 0., Aug. 2!), 1865, :c. 45; m. Feb. 20, 185:J, at Swan Creek, 0., Edwin Guthrie (his second marriage) of Newbury, 0., brother of ,James II., who married her sister. Two children: 1. Edwin Bent8 Guth­ rie, b. June 11, 1855; living in l\Iarietta, 0. 2. Elizabeth Susan Guthrie, b. June 9, 1858 ; d. June 22, 1881.

• On the Ohio m...-er, twenty-one miles below Muriett:i. 62 DENT FAi\IILY.

vii. SusAN, b. March 24, 1827; rl. in Savannah, Mo., Aug. 14, 18Gl; m. Dec. 12, 1848, William Hayhum Kiug of Tcnu., who d. in St. Louis, l\Io., l\farch 8, 18!.J4; two sons living, one, JJ'illiam,8 in Marshall, Sabine Co., l\Io. 80 AnNER8 BENT (Silas/ El{ja!t,4 IIopestill, 3 Peter,• Jolm'), farmer, was horn in Rutland, Mass., Sept. 22, 17 80 ; tlietl in Marion County, Ohio, July 12, 1834, ro. 53. In 1789, he was taken by his parents from J\fassachusetts to Ohio ; was lH'ought up in Bel pre (Ohio), where he lived, with the exception of the years 180G, 1807, antl, perhaps 1808, which were spent in New Orleans, until 1821, when he removed to a large farm on the Little Scioto River in .Marion County. He was a justice of the peace, a man of education an

•Nathan Williams moved during the Revolution from Connecticut to Detroit, then a :British trading post. His wife'• parents, members of Daniel Boone's colony in Ken• tucky, were massacred h_y thu Indian• about 1773, and the yonug .Eleanor with lu.:1· sister carried captive to .Octroit. BENT FAMILY. 63 mnrrie

1889. 2. Anna lJfaria Edwards, b. in Cincinnati, 0., J\forch 6, 1849, living unm. with her mother; has been connected with the W. C. T. U. for many years as speaker and organizer. 3. Ella Lo,dsa Edwards, b. in Chicago, Ill., Sept. 2fi, 1854; living in Punxsutawney, Pa.; m. first, Sept. 29, 1875, Hev. Samuel Lee Hillyer, pastor of the Congregational Church in Woodbridge, N. J., who d. Nov. 28, 1877; for about ten years Mrs. Hillyer was principal of the Fairmount School in Cleveland, 0. ; m. second, April 3, 1889, Rev. Philip Robin­ son Danley, D.D., of the Cnmberlanil Presbyterian Chmch, Taylorsville, Ill. 4. Plora Lucretia liJdwards, b. in Clevclarnl, 0., Sept. 7, l 81i5 ; livi11g m1111. with her mothm· in Clcveb11cl, where she is Supt. :Missionary Extension, Ohio Christian En­ deavor Union. 83 8 4 3 1 JOEL BENT (Joel,5 Eli"Jah, Hopestill, Peter/ John ) was born in Barre, Mass., Nov. 27, 1770; died in vVen

84 8 4 3 1 8AMUEL BENT (Joel,5 Elz:jah, Hopestill, Peter,' John ) was born in Barre, Mass., July 19, 1778. No record of death found. Lived in Wendell ancl Barre, Mass., Chittenden and Orwell, Vtr He went vV est in 1825, and lived in Michigan, Ill., 1\fiss-0mi, and probably still further "\Vest. He married, March 3, 1805, Mary Kilburn of vVendell, who died in Missouri. Children, all born in V{ endell, Mass. : BENT FAMILY. 65

206, i. '\Vu,LIAlr ERVING,7 b. Dec. 22, 1805. 207, ii. IloRATIO GATES, b. Nov. 22, 1807. iii. l\fARY, b. April 29, 1809; m. --- l\Iiles in Utah, and went to Califoruia. 208, iv. Jos~:rn KrLnun.N, b. Nov. 16, 1816. 85 STEPIIENs DENT ( Steplien, 5 ElUali, ◄ Hopestill, 3 Peter, 2 1 ,lohn ), physician, was Lorn in Dublin, N. II., Nov. 22, 1783;

i. LucY,7 cl. in childhood. ii. MARY REBECCA, b. July 31, 1811 ; d. unm. in 1872. 210. iii. Wrr,LLUf lli,NRY, b. Dec. 15, 1812. iv. EMRLINJ<~ AuausTA, b. Feh. 28, 1815; m. ,vard Haseltine of Philatlelphia. One Hon, lt'raulc. 8 v. HARRrnT (HANNAH?), b. Aug. 1, 1817. 211, vi. EDWIN JACKSON, b. Oct. 17, 1819. 212, vii. CYRUS Ilunn,rno, b. June 24, 1821. Children of Davi

1888; has lived siuce marriage in Deerfield, but in the part (Cheapside) annexc1l in 189G to Greenfield. Three children: I. Annie l!'.,8 m. l\Ielvin D. Church of R:mackard of Erviug-, l\lass. iii. l\IAusnAr.r, ASHLI-:¥, b. Aug. 14-, 18:34;

219, i. "'VrLLJAll LovETT,7 b. 1708. ii. ELIZAUETH, h. 1800; m. Caleb l\forslmll. iii. AmnAIL, b. 1802; m. first, John Forrest, and secoml, Edward McLatchie. iv. MARIA, b. 1804; m. William l\forslmll. 220, v. I>mNEAS LOVETT, b. 1807. 221, vi. SAMUEL STILUIAN, b. 1810. vii. SELINA L., b. 1813; m. Walter Ricketson. 92 8 5 3 1 JosEPH llF:NT (Davi"d, .Micalt,• IIopestill, Peter,2 Jolm ), farmer, was born in Annapolis, N. S., about 1770, and lived near Bridgetown, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, where he died. Ile marri~~l, in 17!)2, Anna Longley, who was born in Annapolis County 1773, daughter of Israel and Anna (Kent) Longley and sister of Isaac who married Dorcas Bent. Children, all born in Annapolis County, N. S.: 222, i. WARREN,7 b. Oct. 9, 1793. ii. LucY, b. Feb. 21, l 7:J5; m. George Willett of Ilentvillc, Annapolis Co., N. S. Niue children. iii. Ac1rnL1A, b. June 8, 1707; m. Gilbert T. Ray of St. John, N. B. No chihlren. 2.23, iv. IsnAEL LONGLU, b. Feb. 2, 179!:>. v. SusAN, b. :March 22, 1801; m. George Fellows of Annapolis, N.S. vi. MARY, b. Nov. 5, 1802; m. Aaron Eaton of St. John, N. n., who was in business with G. T. Hay 22i, vii. ,TosisPII 1◄'1,1,Tcrnm, b. .April 2G, 1801.i. 225, viii. Wn.1.rA.111, h. Oct. 5, 180!). 226, ix. Gu.lllm-r, b. April 10, 1813. x. JOHN, b. Sept. 15, 1822; d. unm. in Nova. Scotia. 93 6 3 1 STEPHEN BENT (Davicl,5 llficah,4 Hopestill, Pete1·,2 John ) was born in Annapolis, N. S., ]Hay 12, 1775, an

vi. A;iry, b. Aug.16, 1810; d. in Halifax, N. S., April 16, 1899, ro. 88; m. James Thomas of Digby, N. S. vii. MAn,·, 1l yo1111g. viii. WILI,IA~r II1rn1tY, b. ,Jan. 9, 1813; d. nnm. about 1841. ix. LoursA BisTmA, b. ,June· 12, 1816; living, uum., at the old home in Nova Scotia. x. SusAN MARILLA, b. Oct. 30, 181!); living in Bclleisle, N. S.; m. Obadiah Parker of Granville, N. S. 228. xi. STEPIIl,N EDWARD, b. Jan. 30, 1823. 94: 6 3 1 AsAI'H llJ~N'r (Dat•id,5 J.lfica!t,' IIopestill, Pete1·,S John ) was born in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, where he ; m. Lucy Gesner. fr. ALIH:NU, m. ,Johu Bartlett. v. ANNA, m. Thomas Bowles.

95 6 3 1 S1LAS BENT ( Dctvi"d, • J.lfica!i, • IIopestill, Peter,' Jo!m ), farmer and blacksmith, was born at l3entville in the .Annapolis Valley, N. S.; moved to Paradise, a hamlet in the township of "Wilmot, N. S., but, sometime before 1830, removed to Nictaux Falli;i, about twenty miles from l1is birthplace. Ilia old age was spent with his yonngest daughter in Granville, N. S., where he died. Ile married 1\fa1·y Newcomb, who

233. iii. JAntss, b. about 1805. 23-1, iv. DENNIS. v. ELIZABE'rn .ANN, b. 1811; m. her cousin, DaviiF Bent of Gran­ ville, N. S. 96 8 5 4 3 2 1 VVILLIAl\1 n1rn-r ( TVilliam, Jllicalt, IIopestill, I'eter, John ) was born Oct. 7, 1783, in East Sudlmry (now "\Vaylan

97 Mrc.\116 IlT<,NT ( TVillimn,6 lllicali,• Ilopestill,3 Peter,' Jvlm'), shoemaker, was Lorn in East SudLnry (\Vaylawl), Mass., Sept. 23, 1788, an

Children of Micah and Betsey, i. born in I\Iilfor

iii. ANGELIA A VILLA, b. Sept. 27, 1837; living in Cochitnate Vil­ lage, Wayland, Mass.; m. Dec. 20, 18u0, Theodore L. Sawin of Natick. One chil, 180G; d. at the home of lier son, Giles F. Van 1 Vechton, in Cedar Rupitls, Towa, Dec. 4, 18!>G, m. !)0; · m. Oct. 1-!, 1826, Gilbert Van Vechten of Denmark, N. Y., who d. Oct. 19, 1848. v. ADELINE E., b. April 28, 1808 ; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., l\Iarch 25, 1835; m. 183-!, Smith Gardner of Leroyville, N. Y. 2.U, vi. MAJOR EVANS, h. l\fay 23, 1810. vii. HANNAH, li. l\fay 6, 1812; d. at the home of her son in Clar­ ence, Iowa, July 2, 1807, m. 85; m. April 16, 18:rn, Seth Sylvester of Denmark, N. Y., li. in Salem, N. Y., .March 22, 1804, d. in Clarence, Iowa, July 30, 1879. One sou, Peter Bent8 Sylvester, h. in Denmark, N. Y., March 1 G, 1830, m. Catherine l\IcKibben, and has several children. viii. RELIEP, h. l\fay 4, 1814; living in Oswego, N. Y.; m. in 1835, William A. I follistcr of Demnark, N. Y. 245, ix. L1; merchant; . 2!6, xi. :M:11.0 Gm,:1rn, Ji. l\forch l:.l, 18~2. 101 1 RELIEF' BENT (David,' David,4 David,3 Jolin,' Jolm ), gen­ erally called Lephc, was born (probably) in Templeton, Mass., April 20, 1779, and

Chilclrcn of Oliver and Relief (Bent) Guernsey: i. LowELL ·wAm~7 GmmNSEY, b. April 23, 1800; a physician in 8 Shrewsbury, Vt.; d. 185!:J. His dau., Saralt Livoni'.a , m. Jan. 7, 18/i0, his cousin Capt. Montraville Green (q. v.). ii. E1tAST!JS n~:NT Gu1mNSEY, b. Nov. 8, 1801; d. 1880. iii. Or.rvEn Gu1mNSlff, b. Jan. G, 1804; a physician in Randolph, N. Y. ; d. 1864. iv. Ar.oNzo GuimNsEY, h. Nov. 5, 1805; d. 18!Jl. His widow, b. Ellen llimls, is living in Chicngo. v. AlllSON G1llmNs1,;Y, h•. March!), 1808 j a. 1844. vi. Arn:r.rnr,; G rrnrtNSt~Y, b. Sept. Ia, 180!); ,l. 18!)1. vii. 1-:.\Lr.rn G111mNs1~r, h. Feb. 14, 1812; d. 18:!!J. viii. L1>l'1IJ-: GuEUNSI-:r, b. l\farch 2, 1814; d. 1891. ix. LORENZO G. GU1mNSEY, b. Dec. 11, 181!); living in Hudson, N. Y. 102 6 1 DAVID BENT (David,6 David,• David,3 John,2 John ). was born Oct. 23, 1780, in Templeton, Mass., probably; was taken to Mt. Holly, Vt., about 1786, an

Children of Darius and Betsey (Bent) Green: i. ELIZA l\fALVINA7 GIU:EN, b. 1813; d. 1814. ii. DA1uus Lo1rnNzo GnEEN, b. Nov. 30, 1815; d. Sept. 5, 18!ll. iii. MoN1'ItAVILLI~ G1t1mN, b. March 4, 1818; living in Altou, Ill. He was for many years captain of a river steamboat r111111i11g from St. Louis to St. Paul; m. first, Abigail Gorum l\fauniug, who d. Ang. 31, 1845, childless; m. second, .Jan. 7, 1850, Sarah Livonia Guernsey ( q. v.). Two chihlreu. iv. G1w1urn BtsN'l' GmmN, b. April ao, 1821; livin~ iu 1\fotlfortl, l\hss.; m. Oct. 18, 184-1, l\Icli111hL ,vethcrhec. Four chil­ dreu: 1. Darius .Alouzo,6 has a govcmmeut positiou iu "\Vash­ ington, D. C. 2. U/wrles .Vontraville, gratluatetl from llar­ vurd College in 187 4, from Harvard l\ledical School in 1877, and has since practised in Boston. 3. Lorenzo Lut!ter, paying teller in the Suffolk Savings Bank, Boston. 4. George Wetherbee, book keeper in the Old Boston National Bank. v. CHARLES GRirnN, b. Feb. 17, 1823; a. Feb.17, 18-18. vi. ELIZA SornRONIA Gumm, b. 1825; d. 182!J. 103~* 6 1 GEORGE vV. BENT (David,5 David,4 Dctvicl,3 Jokn,2 J0Tm ), farmer, was born in Mt. Holly, Vt., Feb. 13, 1790; in the fall of 1814 he move

• Received too late to be properly numbered. See page 40. BENT FAllIILY.

i. LEPIIE L.,7 b. 1816; d. 1816. ii. ERSULA LF:PIIE, h. Aug. .'JO, 1817; d. August, 18!J3; m. 1834, Alvah Horton of l\It. Holly, Vt. 251, iii. CLARK EAT:r,, h. April 21, 1822. 252, iv. Il1rnnY WILLARD, b. Feb. 13, 1824. v. SorHRONIA FRANCES, b. Sept. 17, 1828; d. April I, 1886; m. in 1848, Levi L. Munson of East Poultney, Vt. vi. ILONA ALmNA, b. Aug. lil, 1831; living- with her children in· California; m .•July 4, 184!), Ashhel Holister Pepper, b. in Paulet, Vt., ,Jan. 17, 1829, tl. in l\liuneapolis, l\Jinn., .Ang. 3, 18!>5. Four chilrlren, all b. in Vermont: 1. Theodore Jrlartin, 8 living in Chicago. 2. Kate Elizabet/1, m. George E. Guirrits, and lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 3. Nettie .Jfaria, m. Dr. Frank B. Carpenter, ancl lives in San Francisco, Cal. 4 • ..1lfm71 C!tase, m. George W. Hallowell of St. Paul, l\linn., now of San Francisco. vii. l\LrnY E1,1zAn1nn, b. ,July 30, 1834; living in Bancroft, Iowa; m. July 4, 1855, Charles 1V. Goddard of Bancroft, Iowa. Three children: 1. Robert .Earl.8 2. Lora E., m. Charles R. l\Iorchom;e. 3. .Della J1-L, m. Fred. R. Anderson. viii. l\fa.ItTIIA M., b. 1839; d. 1840. 105 6 5 4 3 2 1 SrLAS PROCTOR BENT (Dav£d, Dav,:d, Dav£d, Jol,,n, Jolm ) was Lorn in l\lt. Holly, Vt., March 1(), 1794, and died in De Kalb, Ill., Oct. 22, 1874, m. 80; was named after one of his father's neighbors, Silas Proctor, one of the first settlers of Mt. Holly. He movc

106 6 3 2 1 THOMAS '\V. BENT (David,• David,• David, John, John ) Wll.8 born in Mt. Holly, Vt., Feb. 16, 1798, and died in Croghan, N. Y., March lG, 1853. He marriecwar of St. Andrews, P. Q. ii. G 1wwrn I>., h. Nov. 1!l, u-;:Jx; livi11g, m1m., iu l\fo11t1·e,d • 258, • iii. JOHN now..:, h. Dec. 2!1, 1847. 108 8 3 1 ALPIIONS0 BENT ( Tltaddeus, •David,• David, Joltn, • Jolin ) was born in Rutland, Vt., in 1810, and died in "\-Vaynesvillc, Mo., in hospital, .June 11, 18G3, of typhus pneumonia. Left an orphan at the age of four, he was brought up by his sister Roxa, and, afl:cr her

( now Ontario). In Oct., 1844, he moved to Chicago, ill., w~1ere he was still engaged in the painting business. In May, 1856, he removed to l\forrison (Ill.), then just located. In 1862, he en­ listed in Co. H, 5th Missouri Cavalry. He married, :first, Charlotte Rogers, who died shortly after mar­ riage without issue; he married, second, at Smith's Falls, Canada, lk~ilah Ann Bartlett, who ,vas born in Rome, N. Y., July 29, 181!1, and

• Founded in February, 1837. DENT FAllIILY. 79 and in her home, in the church, and in 'the reforms so ardently espouscINJ•: C,-:cn.rA Br,ANCIIAim, b. Oct. ir,, 1859; graduated from Wheaton Coll('g-e; livin,g- in Wheaton. Ill; m. June 30, 1882, William II. fischer, wlio was professor of modem lau­ !-,'11:tges, hut is now pract.ising law in Chicago, Ill. Ile is a brother of Prof. H. A. Fisuher. Eight children. 80 DENT FAMILY, 112 ,JOSEPH AvERY8 BENT (Samuel B., 6 David,4 Dcevid,3 John,' 1 John ) was born in Midtllcbury, Vt., April 22, 1823; still living­ (1899). He gra2; pread1cil in Stowe and Cornwall, Vt., Hoyleton an

113 GEORGE6 B~,NT (Samuel B., 5 Da·oid,' David,3 Juhn,' ,loli.1/) was born in J\fi<]dlelmry, Vt., .March 29, Hl:27; living with his children in the "\Vest. After two years spent in his brother's dry­ goods store in Boston, he accomp:mied his brother-in-law, Rev. Jonathan Illanehard, to Galesburg, Ill., where he entered upon a course of stn


26J, i. Gi.;on.GE PAYNE,T b. June 16, 1854. ii. SAMUEL BIWWNINH, ,I. 18Gl. 265, iii. CnAitLRS AvEn.Y, b. Oct.. IO, 18G0. iv. J\lAn.Y CATHERINE, b. l\Iarch 31, 1862; a. 18G4• .266, v. AnTuun. Smrn~:n., h. ,July 17, 18G4. vi. HATTIE l\LutIA, b. Aug. 10, 18G7; living, unm., in Chicago. 114: 0 5 4 3 1 Fr.,\NCIS IlENT ( John, Joseplt, Expei·ience, Josepli, • Jolm ), blacksmith, was Lorn in l\Iicc., 177!i, he m:11·chc1l to Hl1011rn's co111p:111y on an alarm; in Sept. and Oct., 1777, he was out thirty-one days in Capt. Nehemiah Allen's company in another ex­ pedition to Rhode Island; in May, 1778, he was out :.t few

269. iii. IsAAc, b. Aug. 4, 1799. iv. JANE DEXTER J3ATES, h. Feb. 18, 1801; d. in Foxboro', l\Iass., Feh. !l, 1874; m. Samuel Fuller of l\Iiddleboro', b. Dec. 6, 1792, d. Feb. 16, 1843. Four children: 1. .!ane,8 m. George Go(lfrey. 2. Susan, m. T. B. Carpenter. 3. Jlfary, m. Lewis Pond. 4. Eliza, m. Benjamin Crossman, and lives in Roches­ ter, N. Y. v. Tmz,ur, b. Feb. 13, 1803; m. in Canton, Mass., Dec. 5, 1822, l<'reeman Belcher. Two children: 1. Jlfmy .A.1111,8 111. l\fork Bump. 2. .Mi:r·ritt Bates. vi. ElrnLIN1~, h. Oct. 23, 1804; m. Jacob Thompson of Halifax, Mass. Several chilclren. vii. JAMES, h. l\fay 20, 180G. 270, viii. Lucy, b. March 17, 1808; m. Jonathan Perry. ix. LEWIS, b. March 7, 1810; d. in Lynn, 1\foss., Feb. 25, 1870; m. Jane ·w. Savary, who cl. in Foxboro', :Mass., .July 2-1, 1893. No children. x. AnIG.uL, h. l\forch 17, 1812; d. in ,vareham, l\fass.; ru. J\farch 1, J8,U, Spencer Bartlett. One child, James, 8 living in ,vareham. 271, xi. Wrr,soN DEXTER, b. ,Jnne, 1814. xii. ELIZA. Conu, b. l\fay 20, 1817; d. in East Ilri(lgewater, l\lass., Dec. 3, 18,59; m. Oct. 11, 1835, Lysander ,vashlmrn (1810- 1875 ). Two children: 1. Selden llf., 8 living in Westdale, 1\fass. 2. Maria, d. July 20, 1854, re. 16. 115 6 6 1 JoHN BENT (Jolm, Joseph,• Experience,3 Josepk,' John ) was born Feb., 1763, in Mid

iii. Luc,, b. June 25, 1801 ; tl. l\larch 5, 1842; m. Ellis Griffith. Four children: 1. Tlwmas B.,8 b. 1823; d. 1897; capt. of Co. Il, 3d l\Iass. Infantry in civil ·war, anerry. 84 BE:'.\'T FAMILY.

iv. Il1,:TirIA, h. Feb. 10, 17!J7; m. Cclm1 Briggs of l\foldlclmro'. .214, v. ,Jo11N, I,. ].\fay BU, 17!J!.1. vi. SALO~rn, b. l\farch !J, 1801; m. Martin Lcacl1 of P11t11am, Conn. vii. Ext>1mIIrnc1,:, b. l\fay 28, 180:J; d. 1mm. Oct. u, l8i:i, of heart disease while da11ci11g. viii. WINSLOW, b. July l!l, 1805; d. July 18, 1827, leaving u widow, Nancy, who d. Feb. 5, 1837, in her 36th year; both buried in North Carver. ix. En:RETT, b. Dec, 3, 1807; d. Oct. 21, 1847; m. April 6, 1836, his cousin Betsey C., clau. of Zenas6 Bent. 275, :x:. EBENEZER, b. Oct. 10, 180!) • .276, xi. LUTHER, b. Jan. 7, 1812. xii. OTIS, b. May 12, 1815; 3 . .279, iii. 01m1<:N, b. March 27, I7!JG • .280, iv. ,vn,LU.M, b. l\farch :!-1, 17!>8. v. OLivi,:, b. Sept. 10, 1800; m. l\fark Rawson. vi. B1,:T11u, b. Oct. 5, 180:!; m. Tristam Norton of Liv1:rnwre, .Mc. vii. CmusTIANA, b. March 4, 1805; m. Alanson M. Dunham of Norway, .Me., where she died. viii. AL11uuA, b. .1\forch 14, 1807; d. in Chelsea; m. Sumnel Jack­ son Durell of Chelsea, l\fass. 281. ix. Jo1IN, b. March Ill, 1809. x. LucY CoLE, b. Sept. 15, 1812; d. Nov. 1, 1842; m. 1834, Simeon Cummings, Jr. (1812-1866) of Paris, l\Ie., store keeper und deputy sheriff, u man of wculth and iuflneuce. Ile m. again. 118 6 6 4 3 1 ZENAS BENT (,lohn, ,lo8eplt, .E;1:pe1·ienee, ,l

• Paris incorporated 1793, whell Maine was still u part of Massachusetts. IlENT F AJIIILY, 85

living at Nayatt Point, R. I.; m. Oct. 2, 1845, Mary Dane Tripp, by whom he has one son, Louis Haven Richardson. 2. Ei,eline Eliza Ricliardson, h. 1821 ; d. about 1837. 3. Louisa 1lfaria Richardson, b. ].\fay 21, 1823; d. about 1870. 4. Anginette Amelia Richardson, b. Jan. 27, 1828 ; m. Gus­ tavus Adolphus ·white, and lives in New Bedford, Mass. 282. ii. ASAIIEL, b. ]7!)7. iii. Er,FJ<:Au (or Fear), d. in East Brirlgewater, l\Iass., about 185G; m. first --- Stamlish; one daughter, Ifarriet8 Standish, m. ,vmimn Baylies of Dighton, Mass. Fear m. second --­ Rclsou ; two children : 1. Jl,fary8 Ed.~on. 2. Belen Edson. Both 111arric1l. iv. BETSEY Conn, h. about 1808; fl. in J\lid1Ueboro' in 1885; m. first, April G, 18:lG, her cousin Everett7 Bent ; m. second, Caleb L11ca11 of 1\li,!dlelioro'; no children by either marri:ige. v. EuNICJ,, h. Nov. 13, 1810; d. in Waltham, Mass., Sept. 7, 1828. vi. Lucy l\'Ionsg, b. Dec. 25, 1813; d. ,Jan. 13, 1871, re. 57; m. June 23, 1842, Joseph Pierce of Dighton, l\Iass., a native of Fairhaven, J\Iass., who d. March 22, 18GG, re. 77. Tl1ree cl1ildren: 1. Charlotte Louise8 Pierce,

285, ix. Jorrn. x. J>mtiCTf,LA. xi. ZII,l'AII. 120 ELKANAH8 BENT ( Joseph,5 Joseph,< Expe1'ience, 3 Joseph,' John'), mariner, was born, prolmbly, in Plymouth, :Mass.; went to Yarmouth, N. S., with his parents in 177 2 ; died at Short Beach, N. S., June 27, 1858. He lived in Yarmouth, N. S., until the war of 1812, when the vessel in which all of his money was invested was taken by an American privateer, it is said. He then moved some ten miles from Yarmouth, to what is now known as Short Beach or Sanfor, 1807; settled in Liverpool, N. S. iv. A~ws. v. 1V"EALTIIY, b. 1811 ; cl. unm. April 4, 188!:l. DENT FAl\lILY, 87

vi. MILTON, lost with the brig Paragon in Feb. 1841. vii. 1V ILLIAM. viii. Pmi,;m:, lost and frozen to death when about six years old. 122 8 5 3 2 1 J OSEPH BENT ( Josepli, Jose11li,' Josepli, Josepli, Jolin ) far­ mer, was born Aug. 21, 1762, in Milton, Mass., where he died Sept. 25, 1849, ro. 87; a major of militia; rno

124 8 6 3 2 1 WILLIAM BENT ( Williarn, Joseplt,4 Joseplt, Joseph, .Tolm ) was born Nov. 13, 1775, in Canton, Mass., where he died Dec. 2H, 1847, ro. 72. Ile married, Oct. 12, 1811, Judith Swift Crane, who died in June, 18M. Children, all recorded in Canton but the last : i. LEMUl,L,7 b. 1812; d. 1814.

ii. 8AitAll7 b. Oct. 21i, 1813; d. in Thompsonville, Conn., Feb. 18!)1 ; m. Dec. 12, 18:3:-!, Elijah Benton. One dangliter, Cltarlotte T., m. in 18G2 Benjamin F. Lord of Thompsonville, Conn.

iii. IlETSEY 7 b. Feb. 21, 1815; cl. in Kalamazoo, Mich., about 1859; m. in 1844 James Porter of Thompsonville, Conn. No children. iv. CHLOE, b. Jan. 24, 1817; d. unm. in hospital at Boston, Oct. 31, 1877. v. LE11rn1,L, b. Oct. 28, 1818 ; rl. Sept. 1835. 291, vi. "\VILLIAJII lh:NRY, b. June 13, 1819. 292, vii. RuFus, b. Oct. 21, 1821. 293, viii. Jos1,1•H, b. Aug. 5, 1823. 294:, ix. CHARLES CRAN!,, b. Sept. 8, 182G. x. ANN, b. l\Iarch 3, 1829; d. July, 1891; m. George Renton of Canton, 1\Iass., brother of Elijah above. Two children: I. Walter8 Benton, m. in 1877 Ell:t Jaquith of Boston. 2. Eliza Otis Benton, m. in 1880 1V ellington Donaldson. xi. HORATIO Nin.SON, b. abont 1831; d. unm. in Burlington, Kan., Nov. 24, 1873; went 1Vest when .vonug aml localetl iu Bur­ lington, Kan.; was a blacksmith, lmt rca(l law, aml from 18u:! to 18u8 was probate juclge. Ue is described as aa odd genius, tall, angular, careless in dress, but of a naturally legal turn of mind, with a wonderful memory, and in general a sort of walking encyclopedia. 125 8 3 2 1 CHLOE BENT (William,• Josepli, • Joseph, Joseph, Jolm ) was born March 9, 1781, in Canton, Mass., where she died l\:fay 14, 1852, re. 71. She married, ].\fay 21, 1804, Deacon Thomas Dunbar, born July 25, 1775, dictl Dec. 8, 1855; a former who had, during a p:trt of his lifo at least, a forge and a grist mill; was descended, through Hon. Elijah' (1740-1817) and Rev. Samuel' (1704.-1783) from John1 Dunbar, who came from Scotland to llos-· ton about 1700, married l\farth:i. Holmes, and died in 1708. Children, all born in Canton, Mass.: i. Cm,oE7 DuNBAR, b. l\fay 1, 1805 ; d. unm. Oct. 27, 1887. ii. Tnom.s DuN11AR (twin), b. Jan. 30, 1807; <1. Feb 5, 1807. iii. NATHANIEL DuNBAlt (twin), b. Jan. 30, 1807; d. July 11, 1883 ; m. first, April 24, 1833, Julia Ann Cuscalean Chase; DENT FAMILY. 89

m. second, Aug. 20, 18:38, Frances Ann Draper; m. thir

.After his return to Massachusetts, he worked at tho mac11inist's trade a part of the time and taugl1t school winters; but from 1833 until his death in 1847, lrn kept the l\fossapoag Hou1:1e in Canton. The hotel was built in 1789, and is still standing. ]from 1819 to 1824, he was adjutant of a militia regiment. He marrie,1, April 18, 1815, Hannah Crane Davenport, born Dec. 8, 1701,

ix. HENRY KINSLEY (twin), b. Ii'cb. 4, 1816. x. HELEN li:INSLI~Y (twin), h. Ii'ch. 4, 1816. xi. EDWARD JAACES K1NSLisY, b. March !), 1820. 129 8 6 4 3 2 1 AnETHUSA BENT ( Jesse, Jolin, Joseplt, Joseplt, Jolm ) was born in Milton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1759; morn

1a2 3 1 . CYNTHIA' BENT (,Tesse," Jolin,• Jose7>1i, Joseplt,' Jolm ) was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., April 22, 1766. She married George Oxley, and settled in vVallace, N. S. Children: 1. EuNICE7 Oxuff, d. unm. ii. l\LutY B. OxLg:r, m. Richard Smith of l\Iaitland, N. S. No children. iii. ,JmrnPn Oxr.1n", living in ,vallace, N. S.; m. l\Iiss Nichols. No childr<'II. iv. A1rnT1111:-;A Oxr.1,:1·, 111. Hich:ml Black of mver J>Jiilip, N. S. Nine children: I. George Oxley.a 2. Cy11thia, m. John PowcrR of Bl:wk R.ivm·, N. S. ii. Rfrhard Lorenzo. 4. Jww, 111. E(lwi11 .I. 1'11nly of ,v cstehcster, N. S. 5 . .fames. G. ltlizabeth, m. Henry Cove. 7. .llfm·r1uret, m. Martina Ilent (q. v.). 8. Emeline, m. Caleb Schurman of lllack River, N. S. D. Augusta, m. her cousin Rupert Donkin of River Philip, N. S. v. II. Nru.soN Oxu:Y, d. unm. vi. G1w1wrANNA Oxr.1ff, m. l\fr. Stephens of ,vallace, N. S. vii. CrnTIIIA EuzA Oxu:i", m. Robert Donkin of River l'hilip, N. 8. Six chiltlren: 1. George.a 2. Olivia, m. John ""\V. Schurman of River Philip, N. S. 3. JI,:ram. 4. Frederic. 5. Rupert. G. Amelia, m. first, Charles Lawrence of Southampton, N. S.; m. second, l\Ir. Pugsley of Amherst, N. S. viii. AL:11mA Oxr.EY, m. David Freeze of l\faitland, N. S. Three children: 1. George.a 2. Frederic. 3 . .Abigail. ix. l\!A1w,urnT ·woor.1m Ox1,EY, m. James Christie of River Ifoi.JC'rt, N. S. Seven chil

134: EuNIOE' BENT (Jesse,' John; Josepli,3 Joseph; Jolm') was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., March :H, 176!1; died in Amherst, N. S., June, 1832, re. 63. ·She married Samuel Freeman of .Amherst, N. S. Children: · i. E11nLY7 FREE!llAN, m. George l\fason Black of Dorchester, N. Il. I?ive chiltlren: l. Silas,8 was a carriage manufacturer in Sack­ ville, N. B. 2. Elizabeth, m. John Smith of l\fonmmcook, N. B. 3. Alfred, living in California. 4. Eunice, m. James Dunbar Dixon of Sackville, N. B. 5. JJ,ft1171 Jane, m. Amos Ogtlen, a shipping and lumber merchant, of Sackville, N. B. ii. J.A11rns l<~REEJL.N, m. first, Emily Blake, by whom he !mil : I. Samuel E. 8 2. Eunice. 3. George B. Ile m. second, l\fiss McCully, by whom he had one child, Em£ly. ill. ELIZABETH FREEMAN, m. James Page of Amherst, N. S. Seven chil

135 EBENEZER V OSE8 BENT (Jesse,' Joltn, • Joseph, 3 Joseph, 1 1 Jolm ), farmer, was born March 3, 1771, in Fort Lawrence, N. S., where he died June, 1855, re. 84. He had a large farm near his father's. He married, Oct. 23, 1799, Lucy Miner of Horton (the Grand Pre of Longfellow's Evangeline), N. S. She died re. 73. Children, all born in Fort Lawrence, N. S. ! 303. i. SARAH,7 b. 1800; m. Robert Embree. ii. Lucy ANN, b. 1802; m.• Joseph Bowser of Sackville, N. n. ; theil- only cltild d. in infancy. 304. m. A11IY, b. 1804; m. Joshua lllack. 305. iv. ALMIRA, b. 1806 ; m. John Embree. 306. v. CYNTIIIA, b. 1809 ; m. George Fullerton. vi. JESSE L., b. 1812; lived in Sackville, N. Il.; magistrate for Westmorelaw.l Co., N. n.; d. Sept. 27, 1889; m. Ruth Scurr of Sackville. No children. vii. I!A.NNAII, b. 1817; d. 1860; m. Isaac Logan, farmer, of Salem, N. S. Three children : · 1. Besst"e, 8 unm. :2. A1111ie, m. James W. Clark of Moncton, N. ll. 3, Son, d. young. BENT FAllIILY, 95

136 8 5 3 2 1 J ESSE DENT ( Jesse, John,• .Toseplt, Joseph, Jolm ) was horn in Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 1773; took his father's homestead, and

312, vi. TormEY1 b. 1811. am. vii. JAN!s, b. Dec. 4, 1813; m. Andrew Reed Chapman. 3U, viii. JESSE, b. 1816. ix. L1s~1UEL, b. 1818; d. in Point de Bute, N. B., Feb. 1892; m. in 1847, l\fary Dixon of Point de Bute, who cl. ,Jail. 1898. No children; they adopted Jesso7 Beui's dau. 1Jfary.8 137 8 1 HANNAII BENT ( Je,q,qe, • John,4 Joseplt,3 Joseplt/ John ) was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., Nov. 29, 1777; died at River Philip, N. S., April 29, 1869, ro. 91. She married, May 10, 1810, William McAllrm of Mt. Whatley, N. S., his second marriage. He died June, 1820. Some of the descendants write the name McCallin. Children: i. Er.vmA7 !IJcAr.1,AN, h. ]\fa1·cl1 11, 1811; d. ]\fay 3, 1859; 111. ,Jami's Ferguson (180!)-1870) of Fort Lawrence, N. S. Nine chihlrcu : 1. Cynthia,8 d. 184G, re. 13. 2. William a. 3. Annie E., liviug in St. ,John, N. Il.; m. R. R. Page. 4. Mary J., m. E. C. Estabrooks of Sackville, N. B., and later tnoved to Boston. 5. Sarah M., nt. George P. Rodgers of Amherst, N. S. 6. l!.,:tfie E., d. 18641 rn. 18. 7. James R. 8. llfatilda S., m. E, L, Patch of Boston. 9. Lucia 11£., m. 1V. C. Harper of Amherst, N. S. ii. JoIIN BrrnT l\fcAr.LAN, b. ,July 11, 1812; living with his dau. iu Portsmouth, N. II. ; writes his name McCallin ; m. Mary ,fane Schurman, dau. of John S. Schurman of River Philip, N. S. Nine children: L Elizabetli,8 m, Hanson Harrison of l\faccan, N. S. ; now living in Portsmouth, N. H. 2. Eunice, living in Amesbury, :Mass. ; m. first, :Fred Sbmv, and second, Frank J. Harvey. 3. 1lfary, m. John Somerby of Portsmouth, N. II. 4-. Clara, m. Joseph C. Shaw of Port.s­ mouth, N. I-I. 5. Sarah, d. m. 30. fi. William. 7. Elvira, m. C. P, Ifoley. 8. Kate, m. C. P. Haley, who afterwal'ds m. her sister. 9. Jlfaretta, living in Danvers, l\:Iass,; m. }~dward E. Tozer. 96 BENT FAJIIILY.

iii. CYNTIIIA l\foALLAN, m. Pat.rick Riird of River Hebert, N. S. Nine chililren: I. John JJixon. 8 2. William McOallin. 3. J/Iary; Elizabeth, m. ]\Iichad Hogan. 4. Samuel. 5. llmmal,, m. Capt. WiugJielil Yates Thea!. fi. 17wnttts, d. uum. iu Texas. 7. Rztjies. 8. James. 9• .Alexander Glad.;. 188 8 1 LE11IUEL BENT ( Jesse,6 John,• Joseph,3 Joseph,' John ), far­ mer, was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., October, 1783; lived in East .Amherst, N. S., where he died October, 1843, ro. GO. He married Elizabeth Davis of Horton, N. S., or vicinity, who sur­ vived her husband several years. ChilJren, all born in Nova Scotia : 315. i. ALBERT. 316. ii. VOSE. iii. SAll[UEL FREEMAN, d. unm. iv. SILAS, carpenter; d. unm. in Maine. v. CIIARLES EDWARD. vi. WILLIAM, d. young. 317. vii. n,rn.TAmN P,urn. viii. TIIOMAS lIANLJ,;Y, former; liviug unrn. in Amherst, N. S. ix. CHARLOTn; MAIULLA, living in East Amherst, N. S. ; m. Silas Edward Travis, farmer. Two chililren: 1. James Wilber, living in l\Iontreal. 2. Edward St. Olaire, living iu East Amherst, N. S. ·

139 8 5 3 1 JoHN BENT (Jolm, John,' ,foseph, Joseph/ Jolm ), farmer, was born in .Amherst, N. S.; WARD,7 b. Dec. 28, 1815. ii. MARY, b. May l I, 1817 ; living in Amherst, N. S. ; m. l\foses Lowe, who d. in Amherst. iii. MARTHA ANN (twin), b. Oct. 3, 1819; m. Alfred mack. 319, iv. JOHN (twin), b. Oct. 3, 181!). v. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 8, 1822; d. in Virginia while a young man; was a

140 3 1 DANIEL• BENT (John,• Joltn, • Josepli, Josepk,2 ,Jolin ) was born in Amherst, N. S. He lived in Salem, N. S. Ile married Sarah W etherhead. mrnT FAlUILY. 97

Children, all born in Nova Scotia: i. 1V1,TmrnrrnAo,7 living in Leicester, N. S.; has one dau. 8 who m. Rev. George Glcutlcnuing. ii. B1,TSEY. iii. BINA. iv. LucY, m. her cousin Rupert7 Bent. v. Ant,TllUSA.

141 "\V H,LTAJ\£ Wmn~0 BENT ( Jolt?,,, 6 ,Joltn,4 ,Tosepli, 3 Josepli,S Joli.n') was boru Jan. 7, 1800, in Amherst, N. S., where he

142 6 3 1 EznA BENT ( Jolin,5 Jolin/ Jo.~eph, Joseph/ Jolm ) was born in Amherst, N. S. He took his father's homestead, which is now occupied by his daughter Frances. He married Ellen :McMonagle. Children, all born in Amherst, N. S. : i. 1\lAlff,' b. 1824. ii. SAR.Art, b. 1826. iii. Er.L"N, b. 1828. 323, iv. JonN lluan, b. April 12, 1830. v. RICHARD, b. 1832; went to New Zeal:m<1. vi. FnANCES, h. 183'1; livi11g uum. on the old homestead in Am­ lwrst, N. S. vii. ANNIE, b. 1836. 98 DENT FAMILY.

143 SIIEPHERD8 BENT (Ebenezer,° Ebeneze1·,' Joseph,3 Joseph,2 1 John ), farmer, was born Nov. 27, 1768, in Milton, Maas., where he died Aug. 27, 1828, re. 59. He was in Capt. James Robinson's company, of Dorchester, that was called out to suppress Shays' rebellion in January an

• It was in Philnclclphia. tlmt tho first upright piano was protlucctl by Ifawkins, in 1800, See "Spirit ot' '76," September, 1805, DENT FAJ.\IILY, 99

.145 6 6 1 SARAII BENT (Ebenezer, Ebenezer,• ,Jo.~eplt, • Jo8epk, • John ) was born in Milton, Maas., April 7, 177 4;

146 6 6 1 ADAM BENT (Ebenezer, Ebenezer,' Joseph,3 Joseph/ Jokn ) was born in l\Iilton, :Mass., March 17, 1776; died in South Boston, :Mass., March 22, 1857, m. 81. Ile moved to Boston about 1799, and in 1807 located near City Point, South Boston, then but sparsely settled,* though the Blakes had dwelt at Dorchester Point, as it wns called, for a century and a quarter. The house that he built about 1810 is still standing. Lesa than a mile away, on the heights of South Boston ( until 1804 a part of Dorchester), were thrown up the earth-works that caused the British to evacuate Boston on his natal day. In 1825, 1826 and 1827, he was in the common council; in 18i:ll, alderman; and in 1829, 1830 and 1831, representative to the Legislature ; was an original member of the Hawes Congregational (Unitarian) Church; chosen deacon in 1829. The historian of South Boston calls him a man of pleasant manner, good judgment and original thought. (See \Yilliam8 Bent preceding for an account of his connection with the piano business.) He married, May 20,1808, t:iukey Foster Blake, born Jan. 12, 1784, died l\fareh 23, 1859, daughter of .Tames and Lydia (Dana) Blake of Dorchcstc1· Neck, as South Boston was then called. • l\lr. Fmncis E. Hinke s:iy•, that "at the date of annexation to Boston, 1804, thero wore only twelve families lh-ing there." 100 DENT FAMILY.

Children, all born in South Boston: 325, i. ALBERT ADAllr,7 b. June 5, 1809. 326, ii. GEoam: ELBRIDGE, b. July 28, 1811. iii. StISAN FosT1m, b. ,June 19, 1813; living 1111111.; spentls the summers in South Boston an

147 EnF.NEZER6 BENT ( Ebeneze1·, • Ebenezer, 4 Joseplt, 3 Joseph,' 1 John ), was born in Milton, Mass., :March 24, 1788; died April 17, 1848, in the adjoining town of Quincy, where he made his home after marriage. Represented his district in the Legislature in 1840. He married, in 1808, Nancy Stedman ofvVeston, Mass., born Oct. 15, 1789, died in Quincy, July 16, 1878, m. 88, 3. Two children: I. 11ladeline Opltelia, b . .April 7, 18-18; m. June 29, 1880, Franklin Poole. 2. Winslow Brigham Bent, b. Aug. 15, 1851; m. June 12, 1879, Mary Sullivan. 3%9, vi. EBENEZER, h. Dec. 18, 1820. vii. ELIZA, b. 1823 ; d. 1825. IlENT FAl\ULY. 101

330, viii. WINSLOW 13mGilAM, b. Nov. 15, 1825. mu. ix. LUTHER STED)IAN, b. Dec. 6, 1829. x. HANNAH AuousTA lIAYWAim, b. May G, 183G; d. unm. in Quincy, Feb. 28, 1861.

148 CnARLES8 IlF:NT ( Ebene.?-er, 6 Ebenezer,• ,Toseplt, 3 Joseplt,' Jolm') was Lorn in Milton, Mass., ,Jan. 18, 1790; died in Lowell, l\Iass., Dec. 5, 1852. About 1823, he moved to what is now the city of' Lowell, then a. part of Chclmsfor8, 1licd in Chelmsford, .May 18, 1838, daughter of Daniel Bond (1767-1842). · Children, i. and ii. born in Watertown, iii. born in Chelmsford: i. CnARLES,7 b. Sept. 26, 1821; living unm. in Lowell, where he has heen for rua11y years in the grocery business. ii. 1'ilA1tY STEARNS, b. June 14, 1823; d. in Lowell, July 1, 188!); m. ,July 20, 1853, ,Joseph Warren Smith. iii. SAnAII ,JANE, b. ,July 16, 1830; liviug unm. iu Mid

149 8AllIUEL6 BENT (Samuel,• Ebenezer,• Josepli, 3 Joseph,' John') was born in Granville, N. S., June 6, 1765; moved to 'Wilmot, N. S. Ile married first, :Mollie, born in Granville, N. S., 1770,

150 NEDABB.119 BENT ( /:Jamuel, 6 Ebenezer,' Josepli, 3 Joseph, 2 1 Jolm ) was born in Granville, N. S., in 1767. He located after marriage in the adjoining township of ·wilmot, where he presumably died. He married, 1788, Elizabeth Twes was born in Granville, N. S., 1771. Ile married, 1801, Sar.ii, Hackleton. Children of Jesse and Sarah : i. 1VILLIAM,7 b. 1802; m. Ruth North; no children. ii. ELIZA, b. 1804; d. unm. iii. LuvosE, b. 180G; m. Elvira Wade; no children. iv. SETH, b. 18 lO ; m. Eliza Farin. 338. v. GEORGE, b. 1813. 339, vi. Alllnrt◊sE, b. 1817. 340, vii. EDMUND, b. 1822. BENT FA.l\IILY. 103

153 8 3 1 ,J OIIN BENT (Samuel,• Ebenezer,• Josepli, Jo.~epli,' Jolin ) was born in Granville, N. S., 1774. He married, 1809, Mary, born 1781, tlanghtcr of John an

154 Em:NEZEn.6 BENT ( Smnuel, • Ebenezer,4 Josepli, 3 Joseph/ 1 Jolm ) was born in Granville, N. S., in 1783. He married, 1809, Loretta Dench, born 1781, tlicd 1858. Children of Ebenezer and Loretta : 3,t:l, i. Rorn:JtT,7 b. 1810. :s.u. ii. 111-:NltY, b. 1812. iii. Jh:i:ottAII, h. l8l·l; m. ,ToxRe Dmlgc. iv. Emaet,, b. 181G; m. Ezekiel llurns. 3.t;'.i, v. EzitA, b. 181!l. vi. lLrnNAn, b. 1823; still living; m. Joseph Troop. iHG, vii. AnRAIIAM, b. 1824 ; m. 1'1ary Young. viii. l\lAuY, h. 1827 ; m. Stephen Milbury. 317, ix. ,facon FmTz, b. 1827.

15? . ELIAS6 IlI~NT ( Samuel," Ebene:zer,' Josepli, 3 Joseph,' Jolin•) was born in Granville, N. S., in 1785. He married first, 1811, .i\lary Ann Van Bia.scorn. He married second, Susan Anthony. Children of Elias and l\fary : i. ANNR, 7 b. 18 I 2. 318, ii. ,JosErn, b. 181G. iii. l\LuuA, b. 1819. iv. ELIZABE'fll, b. 1821. v. Gt-:OIWINA, h. 1823. vi. ,Jorrn, h. 182G; d. unm. vii. EBENE7.ER, h. 1828; m. Elizabeth l\forrison. viii. Rum, h. 1832. ix. GE01w1~ TuonAs, b. 1835; m. Horatia Gesner. Children of Elias and Susan: i. "'lf,LIAM. ii. A1,num, m. Laura Sulis. 7 104 BENT FAllIILY.

156 8 3 2 1 CHARLES BENT ( Samiiel, • Ebene:zer,' Joseplt, Joseph, John ) was born in Granville, N. S., l 787. He mnrried, 181-i, Elizabeth, born in Granville, N. S., 1780, l1," 1 Jolm ) was born ahout 1773 in wlwt is now (lnincy, l\Jass., where he died about 1847, m. 7 4. He married, Oct. 30, 17%, Mal'y l\·att of \Vcymouth, 1\fass., who

353, v. ISAAC, h. ,June 3, 1805. vi. FANNY, h. Oct. 8, 180fi; m. J\fay 18, 18.14, Lewis Thayer. vii. lIA1mrnT, b. ,Jnly ii, 180!1; m. Nathaniel Newcomb. 3r,J, viii. S,ulUEL, b. ,Juue 30, 1812. ix ..J,urns, b. Sept. 27, 1815. 159 6 3 2 1 TsAAC B1•,NT (Nedab/alt, ~ Ebenc:zer,' Joseph, Joseph, John ), fan11cr, wns horn in what is now Quincy, Mass., about 1777; died in Vienna, :i\le., Fr.Ii. 7, l8fi!), :c. 8t; lived after marriage in New ~li:11·1111, l\ le., exc1•pt tire lm,t. eight year.~ of hiM life which were spent with hi::! son in Vienna, Mc. Ile marric(l, April (i, 1800, 1'1rs. Rn.rnl1 (Nm\'comh) Brown of Qniney, a native of \rel!Heet, l\lass. l)hc died Oct. ao, 18!i,1-. Cliil. iv. JHA1t10N CLAHK, h .. Ian. 17, 18::;;; m. ,Ian. 187.J., Thoums 1Vil­ linms of l\Iiltuu, .i\Ia8s.; no chil,lrnn. v. 1VII,LJA~I QurNcY, 1,. ~fay 2'!, 1838; living unm. in Quincy, Mass. 161 8 3 1 J ORIAII DENT ( Jaltn, • Ebenezei·, • .Tosep/1, Joscph,2 John ), cracker baker, was liorn April 2G, 1771, in Milton, .Mass., where he died April 2G, 18r1H, re. tifi. He was representative to the Legis­ lature in I Saa. In 1801, he began "·ith one oven in his house the manufacture of Dent's water crncl-crs, which have tlone more, proba­ bly, than anything else to make the name of Bent known, for the crnekers have been sent to all parts of our country and to fot·eign shores. Ile continuetl the manufacture until 1830, when he sohl the business to his son-in-law, Deacon Samuel Adams, and his son 106 BENT FAllflLY.

Samuel T. Bent. From 1837 to 1871, Deacon A

iv. HANNAII EuzABETII, b. 181!) ; d. 1820. v. STILLMAN, h. 182l; 11. 1823. 3G3, vi. Eu.1,w, b. l\foy 27, 182:.l. vii. ELIZAHETII IL\NJ'f,rn, h. l\fay 4, 1825; d. in Boston, Nov. 23, 1882; a line singer; m. l\foy 12, 185;1, George 1V. Parmenter, a well known drng-giHt, at the corner of Hanover nm! Par­ menter Streets. BoRtou, :mil hrot.hcr of .Judge ,vmiam E. Parmenter. One chiltl, Elizabeth F. Parmenter,8 living unm. in Camhrid~11, l\Ia~R. Yiii .•Tmn:1·11, h. 1\i:1y :! I, 182!) ; drnw111)1l in Fox T,akr., "\ViH., wl1ile pl1·:11111w ~:dling-, (kl.. IH7fi, :i•. •17; wa:11•1nplo_y1:1I in tho !•'ox Lake hauk, :1111I like hi11 hrotlwrs was a ~ornl si11ge1·; m. Oct. 2H, 18G7,. l\[rR. Lneretfa Spring; no children. 1H3 NATIIANmL6 DENT ( Jolm, • Ebene:i:e1·, 4 Joseph, 3 Joseplt, • Jolin'), cracker baker, was Lorn in Milton, Mass., abont 1783; . No children Ly second marriage. Ultilllren by first marriage, Lorn in :Milton: 36J, i. SALLY ANN,7 b. l\fay 31, 1814; m. Thomas Hews Hinckley. ii. NATllANrnL, b. Oct. 1817; baker in l\Iilton; d. urun. July 14, 1848, m. 30. iii. l\IrNOT AoA~rs, b. July, 181D; d. in Milton, unm., Oct. 25, 1848, m. 29.

SEVENTH GENERATION. 164: 7 6 3 1 NEWELL IltrnT ( Tltoinas , Jrison, • Tlwmas, • IIopestill, Peter, 1 John ) was born in Su

1810; died in Orono, Penohscot County, 1'.vfe., Sept. 10, 18fi5. He manicd, ,Tnnc 2:~, 18:l!J, l\folirnla, born in Oi-o110, Aug. 2.:i, 1808, died in Orono, April U, 1881, daughter of ,James Lunt. No children. Mrs. Bent a

166 TnollIAS ELBRIDGE7 BENT ( Thomas, 0 Jason, 6 Tlwmas, • liope­ still,3 Pete1·; Jo!tn'), farmer, was born June 18, 1812, in Sud­ bury, Mass., where he is still living. Ile married first, ,Tan. 28, 184!>, 1\fatilila Louisa Phelps, who dic1l in S1111ln1ry, .T11ly 7, 187~. He marric

Hi7 JoNATIIAN PATCH7 BENT ('l'!wmas,6 Ja8on, • T!wmrts,4 IIope-. still; Pete1·; Jo!tn'), farmer, was born in Smllmry, Mass., Feb. 26, 1817; lived in the part of Stow taken in 1871, with a part of Sudbury, to form the town of l\fayn:ml, where he died ,Tan.!), 18D2, re. nearly 7 5. He married, April 29, 1845, Clarissa A. Smith, born in Sudbury, Feb. 6, 1829, died in Maynard, Oct. 14, 1887, re. 58, daughter of Elisha and Clarissa (Parks) Smith. Children, all born in part of Stow now Maynard: i. l<'inm1,:rtrCK,8 h. 18,1!); 11. 18-19. ii. lfaLEN 1HA1:u, b. March 22, 1851; living in l\faynard, l\Jass.; m. Apl'il 24, 188!!, Herbert Curtis of New York City, where he die1l Dec. 15, 1891. iii. JENNIE BLANCHE, b. July 28, 1853; d. Jan. 22, 1863. iv. E~rnA, h. ,Tuly 27, 1855; m. ,June 8, 1881, "rilliam Andrews of Lowell, l\Iuss. v. SAUAU w., h . .l\fay 22, 1859. vi. ,Jo11N, h. An).{. 24, 18Gl; 111 ••lnly 2fi, 189:1, Tsahelfo 8. Re1ling­ tou of J:it.tldo11, N. II., tlau. o[ llcul'y C. ltedi11glo11. 011u chil1l, He1try Rediugton Beul," I.,. iu Littlctou, N. 11., !larch 26, 1896. vii. JAm:s R1~Ao, h. April 19, 1864; living in l\faynartl, l\fass., wlu,re he is in the ice business; m. Aug. I, 1888, l\fary Eliza.­ beth "Whitney, 1,, l\fay 31, I 867, da.u. of Artemas arul Lucy (Pease) Whitney of l\foy11a.r1l. Two chil1lre11, h. in l\faynanl: I. Pauline Be11t,9 b. Dec. :U, 18!!2. 2. TVkitne!J .Jonathan Bent, b. Oct. 12, 18!)5. viii. KATE, b. 18fi7; d. 1867. DENT FAMILY. 109 168 RUFUS 1IURLilURT7 TIF.NT ('17wmrts, 0 Jason,6 T!tomas,' IIope­ 1 still,3 Peter,' ,Jolw. ) was horn in Su, l~liz:t V{. Coburn of W~ston, Mass., who 1licd in Brighton, A11g. 15, 1849, re. 24. He marrie, 187(;, H<,v. llorace S:ul(lerson (b. in l'liillipston, l\Iasf'., Oct. ao, 18.'i4) of the American llaptist II0111e .i\Iis­ siounry Society; since 18\J0 their home has been in Denver, Col. Two chihlrcn : 1. lllaude Jvliison, b. in ,viuchendon, l\Iass., Feb. 22, lSiD ; d. in Denver, Col., Sept. 4, 1894. 2. Harold Hastings, b. in Phillipston, l\iass., June 24, 1881. iii. l\IARTHA Hum,nu1t'I', b. Sept. 11, 1855; d. Aug 1, 1864. iv. AesnN R1cr-:, h. 1857; d. 185(). v. Em1A CUTTING, b. Dec. 1(), 181:iV; d. unm. in North Brook­ Jiekl, l\Iass., Aug. 30, 188U, m. 2V. Left early an orphan, she was adopted by 1\[arshall E. and Caroline A. Gray of Framingham, l\Iass., arn1 added the name of Gmy to her own; graduated from Smith College in 1881 with the degree of A.B. 1G9 JonN PATCII7 BENT (Sewell,6 ,la8on,& Th,omas,4 Ilope.~till, 3 1 I'eta,• ,Jolw ) was born in Stow, Mass., April 22, 1807; died in Bangor, Mc., ,Jan. 10, 1880, m. 72. He was in the grocery busi­ ness several years in Boston ( the firm name was changed several times), and afterwards a large dealer in flour an

Me. He married first, Dec. 2, 1835, Lurenia Fairbanks, born Aug. 18, 1812, died Oct. 7, 1860, re. 48. He married second, April 23, 1867, Mrs. Sarah H. (Stickney) Pearson, born Dec. 6, 1826; living in Bangor, Mc. No chihlrcn by the second wifo. Children of John P. and Lurcnia: i. JorrN PATcn,8 b. Jan. 25, 1837; d. in Galveston, Texas, Sept. 28, 1858. ii. W1LLIAllI WINSLOW, b. ,July 8, 1838; d. Feb. 1 0, 1843. iii. ANNA Lumrn1A, h. ,fan. G, 18-10;

173 LEVI DnOOKS7 IlENT ( TVilliam II.,6 Smnnel,5 Tliomas,' IIope­ still," I'etei·,2 Jolin') was born in Fitzwilliam, N. IL, Sept. 12, 1817;

• A descendant of Robert Sawin, who settled early in Watertown, Mass. BENT J!'Al\lILY, il3 he (liF.1-:N l'UTNAll l•'ELTON", h. Sept. 5, 184!:J; <1. Oct. 2G, 184!). iv. C11.uu,i-:s IIuusoN FELTON, b. Aug. 2-l, 185:i; d. in Camden, N. ,T., Nov. 2:1, 1887 ; m. Sept. ,t, 187!), Mary E., dau. of Alvin S:111d1~r~o11 of (':urnle11, N.. J•• anti had: I. Editlt L1t­ rr-11t•, h. l\l:tr1d1 2H, I HH::!. 2. Alvin Sa11tlfir.~on, h. Fch. 2, lHH!i. ;;, C!iarl1·11 ll11d.rnu, b. Ang. I (i, 18:-l(i. v. EnNt•:wr E1>w1N Ft-:LToN, h. June :rn, 18G0; d. in Gunlncr, l\lass., Oct. 31, 1881. 114 BENT FAllIILY.

178 A. Ar.LEN7 IlENT ( llyman, 6 Samuel, 5 Tlwma.~, 4 Ilopestill, 3 1 Peter," Jolm ) was horn in Fitzwilliam, N. II., ,Jan. 2!J, Hi:W; living in Boston, l\fa1:1s. Although hronght np on "a stem and rock-Loun

Children, all born in Fitzwilliam, N. H. : i. 1I1m111,;1::r3 P1111.urs, h. l\Iarch 18, 1851; d. Sept. 2V, 1853. ii. A1:-r1w1t LYNJrorrn Pmu11·s, b. Sept. 7, 1854; living in Wi11che1ulo11, l\Iass.; m. Oet. 7, 1878, Hattie l\I. Keith, b. ,July !J, 18ii8, 1lau. of Henry arnl Eunice Keith of ,vinchen­ dou. Two ehiltlren : 1. Goldie August,i Plti'llips, b. Dec. 14, 187!J. 2. Winslow Keit!t Phillips, b. Feb. 12, 18!>1. iii. ,vu.nmt lIENltY P111u1Ps, b. Feb. 8, 1856; living in Lco- 111i11fit,cr, l\faH~.; 111. Aug. G, 188,t, Carrio A., 11:tn. of Edwin :1.11cl Carol inn lli1,o of ( brd1uir, l\fass. No eliild1·e11. iv. C111,:sT1m ll1,:1w1m'I' 1'1111.1.ll'H, h. l\fay 27, 18G8; Jiving in }'itzwillia.111, N. IT., whern he carries on the oltl Hyman Bent farm in addition to nmniug a store arnl the post ollice at State Lim•, a mile i;outh of hii; home; ha1- heen selectman several y1::1rH; m. April 20, 18!J2, Auna l\L, d:m. of Alvah l\I. and l\Iartha A1111 ( Parker) Merrill of Plymouth, N. H. One chil1l, 1lfarguerite Pltillips, b. in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 13, 18!>4. 180 MAPJA7 DENT (llyman,• Samuel,5 Tlwmas,' IIopestz"ll, 3 Peter,2 1 Jolm ) was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Oct. 13, Ul28. Resides in Gardner, :Mass. She married, Oct. 12, 1853, l\Iarcus ,v right, Lorn April 23, 1825, diecl Feb. 22, 1883, son of Nathaniel :incl Susan (Ellgell) 1Vright of Gardner, antl a descendant of ,John ·wright who settled in ·Woburn, l\fass., in 16,!0. Lois Maria, a child by Marcus "\Vright's first wifo, Maria S. Sawin, has always lived in the family. Child, born in (South) Gardner: 1. L1-:w11- As111.1-;,8 ,v1w:1n, b. ,June 2/i, l8Gl ; living in South ( l:mlner, wlwrn hn op«>rnfoR the :;aw-mill start.c1l hy l1is gn!at­ granclfath1•r, ,Joseph \Vright, at the beg-inning of the l!Jth cm1l.11r.r; m. l\lard1 J:i, 1888, Edith, 1lan. of C:ustavns Nowell ol' 11:irv:inl, Mass. ( )110 1·liild, Jlli.r.rC'!ts Nc1uell Wrig!tt, h. in 8011th Gardner, .la11. :W, l 88!J. 181 EL11IINA 7 n,~NT ( llyman, 6 Sanmel, 6 Tlwmas, • IIopestill, 3 Peter, 2 1 Jolm ) was born in .Fitzwilliam, N. II., June 16, 1830; living in Sonth Gardner, J\Iass. She married, Nov. 15, 1859, Joseph Green of Hubbardston, :Mass., born Feb. 12, 1832, son of ,Joseph and Sally (Foster) Green, and a descendant of John Green of Charles­ town, l\Iass., llioi. Children, all horn in Gardner : i. ,vn1.r.ur IIn1AN8 G1t1mN, b. Oct. 23, 1862; living in South Garduer, l\foss.; 111. Oct.11, 18!)2, Emma, b. in \Vestminster, ,r:111. 4, 18/i7, tlau. of Sewall \Vhitcomb and l\Ia.ry Jane (Bick­ ford) Seaver. 116 BENT FAi\ITLY.

ii. ALLEN AmrnArr Gmmx, b. Nov. 3, 1866; m. first, ,Tan. 12, 1886, Kate Osgoo1l, who d. in Garllner, April 11, 1895; m. secornl, May 27, 18!!7, :Mary l\lorrisy of Gimlner. Oue ch il


ii. C1TAnu:s "\VINFRF.D "\VmTNt•:Y, b. Aug. 4, 1877; m•• Julia. Cloutier of Marlboro'. iii. Ron1mT LYNMO!m "\VmTNEY, b. Sept. 10, 1880. 184 Rommrc LESLni7 DENT (llyman, 6 Samuel, 6 Tlioma.~, ◄ Hope- 1 8till, 3 Peter; Jolm ) was horn in :Fitzwilliam, N. H., March 22, 18413; dic

We shall hold him in grateful rememhrance for his rare ability, for his loyalty, integrity, strong hantl antl ge11ero118 heart. He married, ,July 10, 18u6, Mary L . .A.11:tms, born ,Jan. 22, 1849, daughter of Silas an3. ix. MrLDltED H,OXANA, b. July 22, 18D7; d. Jan. 20, 18:J!J. 186 NEWELL7 B1~NT (Newell,6 Jonatlrnn, • Tliomas,4 IIopestill," Peter,' Jo!tn'), was born March 5, 1810, in Cambridge, }Huss., where he died Dec. 18, 1872, m. 62. He was a coal and wood merchant, and dealt largely in real estate in ad1lition. Ile was for several years a director of the First National Bank of Cambridge. He manie

371. ii. GEORGE HENRY, b. June 19, 183G. iii. ELLEN l\I., b. 1838 ; d. 1842. iv. SAr.An CHAPLIN, b. July 25, 1841; living unm. in North Cam­ bridge. v. l\IAHY EM111A, b. Nov. 24, 1843; living unm. in North Cam­ bridge. vi. FANNrn ELIZA, h. J\forch 13, 184G; living in Newton, Mass.; m. Oct. 21, 1873, Charles llunt of Hoston, Capt. Co. G., 4-ith Reg. l\lass. Vols. in Civil W nr. Four chil. 2. Walter N., b. ,June G, 1877;

187 Lucrns PmLir7 BEN1' ( 1'/wmas, 6 Jonatlian, ~ Tliomas,' Hope­ still,3 Peter,' Jo!tn'), farmer and insurance agent, was born June 14, 1833, in Sudbury, Mass., where he has always lived, except two yenrs before marriage spcut iu a store in Framingham. He has been moderator at town meetings several times. He married, July 8, 1857, Lauretta, daughter of Aaron and Lois (Hosmer) Hunt. Children, all born in Sudbury: i. Lucrus ELLSWOitTn,8 b. June 23, 18Gl; living in North Sud­ bury; m. l\Iay 31, 18!)0, Annie I. Ward of W aylancl; no children. ii. LAURETTA Jos1~rmNE, b. 1ifo.rch 1, 1864; living in Natick, l\fass.; grmluatcd from State Normal School at Framingham and afterwards made a study of the organ; m. March 1, 1886, 1V alter Leslie Felch, a shoe mfr. in Natick. iii. GRACE EDNA, h. 18G!J; a. 1s10. iv. l\IATTrn BLANCim (twin), b. Scpt. lG, 1870; educated in State N01;mal School at Framingham and Normal Art School, Boston; m. April lG, 18!):3, George Frank Cutting, who keeps a hotel in l\fayuar,l, Mass. v. Runr BLAN Cills ( twin), b. Sept. lG, 1870;

188 TnoMAS ALBERT7 BENT ( Thornas,6 Jonathan,6 Thomas,41Iope­ 1 still,3 Peter,2 Jolm ), carpenter, was born in Sudbury, l\Iass., July 31, 1835 ; living in Somerville, Mass. He married Rebecca H. Brigham of Sudbury. Children: i. LEWIS ALnERT Bmorr.A.M,8 b. 1864; d. April 4, 1882. ii. CARRIE FRANCES, living unm. with her parents.

189 CYRUS ANDERSON7 BENT ( Thomas, 8 Jonathan, 5 Tlwrna,~,' liope­ 1 st·ill,3 Peter,2 Jolm ) was born Feb. 1, 1840, in Sudbury, l\Iass., where he died Sept. 28, 1879, oo. 39. He married, Sept. 7, 1862, Lauretta Sophia, daughter of George and Abby Parmenter of Sud­ bury, where Mrs. Bent still resides. Children: i. ELL.A. MELISSA,8 b. Dec. 21, 1863; living in Clinton, N. Y.; m. June 10, 1884, Rev. Matthew D. Sill of Niclwlville, N. Y. ii. CIIA.RLES, b. 1868; d. 186\J. iii. FRED, b. 1871 ; d. 1871. iv. Hmnm:nT N1~WTON, b. Aug. 30, 1875; freight agent in South Framingham, Mass.

190 GEORGE HENRY7 BENT ( Tlwmas,6 Jonathan/ Tlwmas, • Hope­ still, 3 Pete1·,2 John'), farmer, was born May 8, 1846, in Sudbury, Mass.; still living in the north part of the town. He married, Oct. 26, 1865, Lydia Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Battles of' Sudbury. Children, all born in Sudbury except ii. and iii., born in Somer­ ville, Mass. : i. CARIUE JANg,8 h. Dec. 9, 1866; m. Nov. 5, 1881, Hiram llayues, :M, of Smllmry. i. GEORGE LUMAN, b. Feb. 3, 1870; farmer and station agent at Sudbury Centre; m. first, Nov. 10, 18\J0, Sarah E., dun. of Albert "\V. and Helen I!'. Rice of Sudbury ; m. second, April 2, 18\J!}, Evie Parmenter of Sudhury. One child by first marriage, Grace Eloise, b. Sept. 30, 1891. iii • .ANNIE G., b. 1873 ; d. 187G. iv. C11A1tu:s E1rnRS'l', h. ,Tune 4, 187G. v. Tno~[AS BA'l''l'LES, b. Feb. 27, 1878; a. Dec. 25, 1885. vi. SAMUEL ELBRIDGE, b. Sept. 7, 1880; saw service in 6th l\Iass. Reg. in Cuban campaign, 1898. GOV. CHARLES BENT, OF NEW MEXICO.

DENT FAl\IILY. 121 191 5 FRANCIS EuGENE7 BENT ( Tltoma.~, 8 Jonatltan, Tltomas,' Ilope­ 1 still,3 Pcte·r,' Jolm ) was born Dec. 30, 1848, in Sudbury, l\fasa., where he still lives. He has been town treasurer, constable and tax collectot· for many years. He married, Oct. 31, 1871, Abbie E., dauglitct· of George and Sarah Smith of Suclbury. Chiklren, all born in Sudbury : i. S,uuu E.,8 b. Nov. 29, 1874; m. Lum:.i.n Emory Conant of Waltham, l\Iass. ii. G1mTHUllF. E., b. Nov. 27, 1877; d. iii. A1,1cg EsnrnR, b. April 2!l, 1881. iv. F1:ANGES ELLA, h. l\Iay 31, 188G. 192 CuAnLES7 BEN'.r ( Silas, 8 Silas,• EliJalt, • IIopestill, 3 Peter,' Joltn') wns born in Charleston, (West) Virginia, Nov. 11, 1799; killed by the Indians at Taos, N. M., Jan. 19, 1847. About the year 1826 four of the Dent brothers, Charles, 'William, George and Robert, together with Ocran St. Vrain, went from the Upper Mis­ souri ot· Sioux County ( whither they haresident Jackson for a. military escort to, cross the Arkansas river, then the dividing line between the United States and :Mexico. The band that started consisted of a.bout sixty men and thirty-six wagons. Charles Bent was chosen captain, and two lnmd1·ctl soldiers, under the command of l\lajor Bennett Riley, were granted them. At one time on their journey they were attacked by :t band of Indians variously estimated at from five hundred to two thousand, but succeeded in holding their own. They finally reached what is 110w N cw :Mexico and located permanently for trading pur­ poses. In 1829 Spain invaded Mexico, and the latter country, which luttl liccome independent in 1821, banished all people of Spanish birth from the Republic. Several Spanish families crossed the plains from Santa Fe to St. Louis that fall, under the guidance of Charles Bent and his caravan. l•~vcryonc speaks highly of Captain Charles. "William vValdo of Texas, who was with him in those early

Cannonsburg College, Washington Co., Penn., admitted to the bar in Missouri about 1825, and l!OOn after was appointed clerk of the Circuit Court and recorder of ,Jefferson County, at Herculaneum, Mo. About a. year afterward he returned to St. Louis, arnl in 1828 was a representative to the State Legislature, where his omtorieal powers, as well as urbanity of manner, soon attracte

Children of 1Villiam C. and Dorcas (Bent) Carr: i. DAnNEY8 CARR, b. June 2!J, 1831 ; living in St. Louis; m. l\fary E. Dyer. .Four chil-1, at Darlington, I. T. BENT FA~IILY. 127

iv. ,TULIA, m. Eclwar

"Scarcely an acre," he significantly adds, "of the surroumiing area within the radius of hundrecls of miles but has been the scene of many deadly encounters with the wily red man."

BENT COUNTY, COLORADO. Bent Oounty, Colorado, was authorized by legislative act of February, 1870, it having been part of Las Animas and Pueblo Counties previously. The original county seat was Las Animas, but this was soon changed to Boggsville. The county is 110 miles long and 84 miles wide, having an area of nearly 9500 square miles, about the size of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Arkansas River nms through the entire length of the county, a little south of the centre, and the Atchii-on Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad follows the bank of the river. The county is in the south­ eastern part of t110 state, the eastern boundary being Kansas. The surface in general is a grassy plain, which up to 1872 was occupied by great herds of buffalo and antelope. Its modern growth as a farming country did not begin until 1886-87. The population in 1890 was about 20,000, but it has increased largely since then. 198 7 6 3 2 MARY BENT ( Silas , Silas•, Elifah-4, Hopeslill , Peter , John') was born Jan. 25, 1811, in St. Louis, Mo., where she died :March 3, 1866, aged 55; marrie,l Oct. 22, 18115, M:~jor ,To11atha11 Leet Bean, U. S. A., born ,July 14, 1800, dic1l ,T11ly lti, 18ii1L Chil9 7 6 4 3 2 8ILAS BENT ( Silas , Silas•, EliJali , Hopestill , I'eter , John1,) was born in South St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10, 1820, and died Aug. 26, 1887, at Shelter Island, L. I., where he hml gone for his health; burie

BENT FAMILY. 129 ceived nt the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. He became a midshipmnn July 1, 1836, mnster in 1849, and lieutenant Aug. 1, 1849. In the latter position he conducted a series of surveys on the coast of ,Japan during Commodore Matthew C. Perry's expedi­ tion, which resulted in the opening to the world of the ports of that hitherto exclusive country. Bayard Taylor, who took part in the expedition, says in his "A Visit to India, China and Japan in the Y car 18113," published two years later: "Too much credit, how­ ever, cannot be awarded to the different officers, and especially to· Lieut. Bent, for the coolness and courage with which they prose­ cuted their work. 'When we consider that this, one of the greatest Lays in the world, had hitherto never been surveyed, the interest nml value of their labors will be better understood." Before this Lieut. Bent had been on the U. S. Brig Preble, 14 guns, with Connnan

• Sec article by William Elliot Griffis iu IInrper's for October, 1898. 130 BENT FAMILY. take his family thither. June 1, 1854, they all started for Cali­ fornia overland in a prairie schooner, a journey that took four months. Soon after their arrival death claimed three of the children. For two years they lived in Napa County, but in 185G the family located in Alhambra Valley, near Martinez, in central California. Edward Bent married July 25, 1838, Harriet Amanda, born in Connecticut, died in :Martinez, Cal., Feb. 19, 189!),

201 LuTIIER7 BENT (Nahmn,6 Silas,5 Elijalt,4 llopestill,3 Peter,• 1 John ), physician, was horn in l\farietta, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1819;

Chiltlren: i. CHARLES.8 ii. )V AITTIE, school teacher in Bedford, Iowa. And others. 202 ELIJATI7 BENT (..tllmer,6 Silas,5 EliJah,,• .Eiopestill, 3 Peter/ ,Jolm') was born in Belpre, Ohio, about 1804; die

203 8ARAJ-I7 BENT (Abner,8 Silas,6 ElUah,4 Hopestill, 3 Peter/ John;') was born in llclpre, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1806;

• l>:ivi

during the trying war times. He is a trustee of the Ohio State Archreological and Historical Society, one of the Vicc­ l'rcsidents General of the 8011s of the American Hcvo­ lntion, autl li:L'! taken nmch interest in tho preparalio11 ol' lhn lieut Genealogy. l<'ivt: chii

204: LINCOLN GooDALE7 BENT (Abne1·, 6 Silas/ Eli_jalt,4 IIope­ 3 2 1 still, Pete1·, Joltn ) was born in Belpre, Ohio, about 1818; died May 17, 1877. He married Mary A. Kirts. Children: i. GEORGE K.,8 b. abont 1846; living in San Angelo, Texas. ii. W. lI., } iii. ALBEitT D., living in Wabash, Ind. iv. AMOS R., And others.

205 WILLIAM LAWRENCE7 BENT (Joel,6 Joel,5 Eli:jalt,4 IIopestill, 3 1 Pete·r,' John ) was born in )Yendell, Mass., May 12, 1806; died in '\V aterford, vVis., Jan. 3, 1855. He was a stone mason and a deacon in Wendell, where a greater part of his life was spent. For a few years before marriage, he lived in New York State, and in 1849 he moved to Waterford, Wis. After his death, his widow re­ turned to Massachusetts, and resided in Leverett. He married first, Nov. 29, 1832, Lucinda Armstrong, who died in \Yendell, l\forch 13, 1842. He married second, March 15, 1843, Mariah Hannah, daughter of John and Lydia G. )Voodbury of Leverett, Mass., where she died ~fay 28, 1864. Children of '\Villiam L. and Lucinda, all born in W emlell : i. II01tATIO GATES,8 b. 1835 ; d. 1838. ii. A3rnLa, b. Nov. 3, 1839; living in Plattsmouth, Neb.; m. first, .Ang. 25, 1856, in "\Vaterford, Wis., Addison Parker "'eston, who d. in Nehawka, Neb., April 3, 1895. No chihken. She m. second, l\foy 28, 1897, in Grundy Centre, Iowa, Jacob II. lfaldcrmun. iii. LucrNDA ARMSTRONG, b. Feb. 16, 18,12; d. unm. in Amherst, Mass., May 16, 1870. DENT FAMILY. 133


206 1VILLIA1\I ERYING7 DENT ( Samitel, 8 Joel,5 Eli_jali, • Hopestill, 3 2 1 Peta, ,Jol,.n ) wns horn in vV cn

207 HORATIO GATES7 DENT (Samuel,° Joel,5 Eli_jah/ Hopestill, 3 Pelel',2 John') was born in Wendell, Mass., Nov. 22, 1807; died in Bloomington, Ill., July 31, 1863, ro. 55; buried at Batavia, Ill. He lived for four or five years in the family of his relative, Rev. Joseph Kilburn, who educated him. vVhen about seventeen, he left J\fassaclmsctts for the South, and after a time went into business for himself, first in Atlanta, Ga., and afterwards in Charleston, S. C., MoLile, Ala., and New Orleans, La. In the latter place, he became a very successful commission merchant. Prior to the war 134 BENT FAl\IILY,

(1859) realizing that the conflict must come, he disposed of his in­ terests and movecl to Bloomington, Ill., where the few remaining years of his life were spent. In New Odeans, he was offered the presidency of one of the leading banks, but ill health obliged him to decline the offer. He was a man of much intelligence and re­ finement, as well as business ability. He married, Sept. 24, 1856, Lucinda Grimes of Batavia, Ill., born in Bethany, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1823, died in Bloomington, Ill., March 12, 1898, ro. 74. Children of Horatio G. anwAW>, <1. leaving two boys and n girl. iv. SAM u1c1., liviug in Califomia. 209 CLINTON DE 1Vrrr1 BENT ( Stephen, 6 Stephen, 6 Eli.fah, 4 IIope­ still, 3 Peter,• Jolm') was born in Sterling, N. Y., April 30, 1817; living in Columbus City, Iowa. He was named after De Witt Clinton, who was elected Governor of New York the year his name­ sake was born. Owing to the early death of his father and the poor health of his brother, he was early calletl upon to manage the home farm. In the fall of 1856, he moved to Iowa City, where he re­ mained eight years, and then moved thirty miles further south, re­ maining six years, at the end of which time he locate

210 '\VrLLIAlll HENRY' B1<:NT (David J.,8 R1~fus, 5 Eli_jali,4 I-Iope­ still, 3 Pcter,2 Jolin') was born in Bangor, )He., Dec. 15, 1812; living in Denver, Col. In his youth he went to Philadelphia, Pa., with his father, and was for many years in a large dry goods store; went ·west in 185G, and lived in Louisiana, Pike County, Mo., un­ til 1871, when he removed to Dem·er, Col. He married, Sept. 2G, 185!>, Martlia A., Il ca.~hicr of the l\Ii11ers an. 5. William, b. 1883. 379, iii. WILLIAM McDOWELL, b. June 1, 1855. 213 RUFUS IIowAnD7 Il1rnT (Drwid J.,• Rufus," Eli'Jalt,' lfope­ still," Peter,• Joltn') was born near Parkesburg, Pa., Sept. 2B, 1850; living in Chining- Chow, China. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1878, an

Feb. 1, 1808, Lovefry Parker (1790-1836), daughter of Major Nathaniel an

215 AsArII7 BENT (David,6 David,5 .L1ficali,4 Hopestill, 3 Peter/ 1 Jolm ) was born in Nova Scotia, Aug. 25, 1788. He married Sarah,

216 lSAAC7 BENT ( David, 6 David, 5 .L1ficah, 4 Hopestill, 3 Pete1·, 2 .Jolu/) was born in Nova Scotia, Oct. 13, 1791. He married, 181!1, Miriam Young. Children: i. LOUISA JANE,8 b. 181G; tl. umn. ii. AmGAIT,, b. 1818; m. first, --- Wood, and second, James L<>tte1111ey. iii. MutlA)I REBECCA, b. 1820; d. 1822.

217 UuFUS7 DENT (Dm•id, 6 David,5 .Llficah,4 IIopestill, 3 Peter,2 1 Jolin ) was born in Granville?, N. S., July 5, 17!-.l:3; died in Nova Scotia, Nov. 19, 1854, re. 61. He married, Dec. 29, 1818, Ann, WIN, h. ,l1111c 28, 1827; 11. Dec. 14, 1835. v. E1.1u11wrn CA1:01.1N1•:, h. l\lay 7, 1820; d. Nov, 14, 1878; m. Oct. 20, 1858, Simouu .Freeman. 138 BENT FAMILY,

vi. MARY AJ'lmr.IA, b. Oct. 12, 1833; living in Ilcllcislc, N. S. vii. J<~DWIN. viii. CAltOLINE. 218 DAVID7 BENT (David,6 Dav-id,5 llficali,4 liopestill, 3 Peter,' John') was born in Granville, N. S., May 17, 1798; died in Paradise, Annapolis County, N. S., April 17, 1876, m. nearly 78. He married his cousin, Elizabeth Ann, born 1811, died March 18, '1877, daughter of Silas6 Bent. Children: · i. CAROLINE ADELIA,8 b. Jan. 17, 1835; d. Oct. 17, 187 6; m. January, 1865, Eli Boehner of Paradise, N. S., who d. l\Iay 14, 1875. Five children, only two living: 1. Soralt Eliza­ beth,° living at Martin's River, N. S.; m. Dec. 28, 1892, Zenas Eisenhauer. 2. Eugene Heartz, living in 1\Iassuchusetts. ii. l\!A.RY ELIZABETH, b. June 25, 1837; living, unm., in Somei·­ set, N. S. iii. DAVID EDWIN, b. Dec. 27, 1842; d. unm. l\fay 28, 187'1. 219 WILLIAM LoYETT7 BENT ( 1-Villiam,6 David,5 JJficalt,4 IIope­ 1 still,3 Peter,• John ), physician, was born in Nova Scotia, 1798. He married, in 1826, Euphemia E., born l 7!J7, daughter of Capt. Richard Longmuir of St. ,Tohn, N. B. _Children: i. WILLIA~r LOVETT, 8 b. 1827; d. 1829. ii. MARY CATHERINE, b. 18:!9; living in Digby, N. S.; m. 1857, Capt. George ,Tones, who d. of yellow fever at Rio Janeiro, B1·azil. 8ix children: I. Laztra.9 2. Be11erly. 3. JIIinnie. 4. G01·do11. 5. Jitmri'etta. 6. Jessie. 382. lll, EDWIN, b. 1830. iv. JANE ILum:roN, h. 1831 ; living in ,valtham, l\fass.; m. 18i>0, Edw:ml Dakin,* a sea capt.aiu, who tl. aho11t lH!i-1- at Bt!rl,i1,e, llritish Gui:wn., of yellow fevc1·. Tht·ec children: I. R. A1·tlwr,0 M.D. in lloston, Mass. 2. Daughter, m. E. ll. "\Voodrnw. 3 . .Archibald, a druggist in Brockton, Mass., and historian of the Dakin family. v. FRANc•;s E., b. 1833; d. unm. 1886. vi. JOHN Kum, b. 1835; d. unm. 1890; was a druggist in Halifax, N. S. vii. EurIIEMIA, ll. 1836; living, unm., in Digby, N. S. viii. "WILLIAM II., b. 1838; living, unm., in Argyle, N. S. Gradu­ ated from Harvard Medical School in 18G!J. ix. MARIA LoursA, b. 1840; d. 1886; m. George F. Stone. x. CHAitLES SnroNDS, b. about 184,!; d. unm. 1885.

• Descendant of John Dakin of Concord, Mnss,, 1635. DENT FAMILY, 139

220 PmNEAS LOVETT7 BENT ( 1Villiwn,8 David; llficalt,' Hope­ 1 still,3 .Peter,2 Jolm ) was born in Nova Scotia, in 1817. He married ..Maria C. Bochner. Children: i. STEPIIEN, 8 ii. WILI,IAM, m. Sarah Starratt; living in Chelsea. iii. E1,LEN, m. Leander Gilnought. 383. iv. TnoMAS D., b. Oct. 13, 1842. v. GEORGE. vi. ADA, m. John Carroll. vii. LAVINIA, 111. Calch S. Phinney. viii. SoPIIIA, m. John Charleton. ix. EDWARD, 221 SAl\lUEL 8TILUIAN7 BENT ( 1Villiam, 8 David,• .Ll.ficalt, 4 Hope­ 1 ,'ltill,3 I'eter,2 Jolrn ) wn.s born in Wilmot, N. S., in 1810, and

223 ISRAEL LONGLEY7 BENT ( Joseph,6 Davi'd,5 111t"cak, • Ilopestill, 3 1 Peter,2 Joltn ) was born in Granville, Annapolis County, N. S., Feb. 2, 1799; 3. Five chil1lrcn, all born in Springlicltl, N. B.: I. Alice Amelia,0 b. Dec. ii, ll:iG8. 2. Wi!Hmn Frederick, h. Dec. 28, l8G9. 3. Elizabetlt, b. l\Iarch 29, 1871. 4. Jl,fury Bent, b. May 23, 1872. 5. Ella Grace, b. Oct. 25, 1875;

ii. GEORG!~ FLETCm:n, b. May 1!), 1837; enlisted from Milton, June 15, 1861, in the 7th Mass. Infantry, and d. in ·washing­ ton, D. C., March 9, 1862. 391, iii. ,ToSEPII n,rnsoN, b. Nov. 25, 1838. iv. RAY. v. 1\I1NNrn RAY, b. l\Iay 21, 18-i2; d. in Tupperville, N. S., May 15, 1893. vi. l\IARY Emu, b. June 3, 1844. vii. ,JOHN WEsLr.Y, b. 1846; d. 1847. viii. Sus AN H1m1tY, h .•July 27, 1848; living in Tupperville, N. S.; m. Dec. 27, 1875, Elias Henniger Tupper. Six children, all h. in Tnpperville, N. S.: 1. Grace,° b. 1876; d. 1887. 2. Louise Caroline Alberta, b. Dec. 1.3, 1878. 3. Tl1ornton Ray, b. Feb. 20, 1881. 4. Charles Amwnd, b. March 27, 1883. ri. Prancl.~ (J/(/Jord, b. Sept. 30, 18!)1. G. llfai7111farguerite, b. 18!J-i; s "\V1ssr.1n-, m. Ella Johns, and had: 1. Edmund. 2. Lizzie. 3. Jllar9aret.

226 GILDERT7 BENT ( Joseplt, 6 David, 0 .J.1ficali, • Hopestill, 3 Peter, 2 Jolin') was born in Annapolis County, N. S., April 10, 1813; living in Hampton, twenty-two miles from St. John, N. B. After a short business career in Bridgetown, N. S., he moved, early in 1843, to St. John, N. B., and in 1845 embarked in the wholesale grocery husincss, in which he has been very successful; has made many trading voyages to the West Indies. He married first, Mary E1izn. Bath, who died Dec. 12, 18i8. He married second, Matilda Breeze. 142 DENT FAMILY.

Children: i. ANNIE M., 8 b. Aug. 5, 1839; m. Samuel E. Dawson, Queen's Printer, Ottawa, a native of Halifax. ii. J. BATH, d. young. iii. ELIZABETH A., b. May 4, 1844; living 11nm. iv. A11rnr.u. RAY, b. April 28, 184!) ; lives in St.• John summers, in Boston winters; m. lion. Acnlus L. Palmer of 8t. John, N. B., who has been a member of the Canadian House of Commons and a Jmlge of the Supreme Court of New lkuns­ wick. v. MARY, d. young. vi. GILBERT OscAR, b. ,Tuly 24, 1854; living unm. in St. John, N. B. ; in business with his father. vii. FIUNIC GORDON, b. ,July 14, 1857; living unm. in St. John; in business with his father.

227 JAMES SPRAGUE7 BENT (Steplten, 6 David," .11ficalt, 4 Ilopestill," 1 Pete1·, • Jolm ), blacksmith, was born in Annapolis Valley, N. B., ,Tan. 24, 1806; die

Children of James S. and Margaret, i. to v. born in Nova Scotia, vi. to viii. in Lynnfield, Mass., ix. in East Boston, Mass. : i. Er.IZAllETII Ar.rY, 8 b. July 4, 1839; m. John O. Atwood of East Boston ; no children. 393, ii. JAMI<:s HENNIG1m, b. Oct. 2, 1840. iii. MARGARET ANN, b. July 7, 1842; living in Flagstaff, Ari.; m. Capt. Henry Cameron of .Maine. One son, Burton9 Gumeron. iv. W1r.r.1All[ l\hr.nounNE, b. Aug. 22, 1844; d. in Chicago, lll., Jan. 28, 18!Jl; m. Mrs. Mary E. Boole. v. HARRIET JERUSIIA, b. :Feb. 18, 1847; m. Major Flavel Shurt­ leff of East Boston. One son, Flavel, a student in Harvard College. BENT FAMILY. 143

vi. GEoncm Iloor.E, b. July 24-, 184-9; living in Austin, Ill. Five children. vii. Ar.rn1m, h. Sept. 3, 1851; d. in infancy. viii. CnAnu:s· T110~us Aur;usTus, b. Oct. 2, 1853; m. Jessie Doane Smith of Harwich, l\fass. ; no children. ix. IDA J os~:rnrn1~, h. Dec. 20, 1857; living in North Carolina; m. James II. Esteb of Indiana. 228 STEPHEN' EDWARD7 BENT (Steplien, 6 David,' Micali,' IIope­ still," Peter,' Joltn') was born in Anna.polisValley, N. S.,Jan. 30, 1823;

ChilJren: i. MARY ALICE. 8 ii. Eow1N BusnY. iii. ANNA C1-:cll.lA. iv. LEANDElt RUPERT.

231 RALPH7 BF.NT (Asapli, 6 David,6 l,:licah,4 Hopestill,3 Pete1·,2 1 John ) was born in 183G in Annapolis Valley, N. S.; still living there, near Tupperville. He marric

232 ABRAHAM NEWCOMB7 BENT ( Silas,6 David,' lriicah,' Hopestill, 3 Petet·, 2 Jolin'), blttcksmith and farmer, was born in Paradise, N. S., moved to Somerset, King's County, N. S., and died October, 1885; buried in Grafi:on, N. S. He marrieJ Hannah Fostet· of Nictaux Falls, N. S., who

iii. EL vmA, b. June 12, 1832; d. 1887; m. first, Samson Patter­ son of Somerset, N. S., who d. about 1860 ; m. second, Thomson I•'oswr of Illinois; m. third, about 1875, James A. 1\forton; no chil

234: DENNIS7 BENT (Sila.~, 6 David,5 Micali, ◄ Hope,~till, 3 Peter/ Joltn'), blacksmith, was born in Paradise, Annapolis County, N. S., Nov. 4, 1813; moved, 1849-1850, to Newburyport, Mnss., where he

v. MARY ELLIS, b. Oct. 28, 1846; living in Denver, Colo.; m. l\Jarch 3, 1865, Moody Page. Three children: 1. Gertrude E.9 Page, h. Sept. 23, lRGG. 2. William llfoo6. iv. Evwrn, b. 18G7; d. re. 6 mos. 2;m i\faLLEN GmJEN 7 B~NT ( .1.lficalt, • JV£lliarn, 5 ..:.lfica!t, • I-Iopestill, 3 I'eler,• ,John') was l,orn in i\lilford, },fass., Aug. 3, 1828. Ile mar­ ried Louisa Hnntoon, who married second, L. A. Paige, aud is living in Goffstown, N. II. Cliil

Tironght up in Dover, N. IT., where she m. Sept. 1!), 1881, George A. Reynol

240 FERDINAND AuGUSTUS7 BENT (llficalt, 8 lVilliam,• lJficah, 4 3 1 Hopesti"ll, Peter,' Julm ) was born in Bellingham, l\foss., .July 24, 1836, and is living in Eflingham, N. H. He enlisted from Mendon, l\lass., June 10, 1862, in 8th Mass. Battery, Lt. Artillery. He married Jane---, a native of New Brunswick. Children: i. SoPmA, 8 d. in Worcester, Mass., ]\larch 18, 1869, m. 9. And others.

241 JASON7 BENT (Jason,6 TVilliam,6 11.{icah, 4 Ilopestill,3 Peter,2 1 Jolm ), shoemaker, was born in East Sudbury (now ,vaylan1l), Mass., Feb. 21, 1827, an

242 PETER7 BF.NT (Peter,6 Dav,id,' David,4 David,3 Joltn,2 Jt1lm') was born in Mount Holly, Vt., May 29, 1800, and

243 AnEL DmGY7 BENT (Peter,• David,• Dctvid, 4 David, 3 Joltn, 2 1 Jo!m ) was Lorn in Denmark, N. Y., ,July 1, 1802, an

He married first, Dec. 25, 1839, Betsey, daughter of ,Tonatlrn.n and Betsey Parks of Champion, N. Y., where 1d1c was born Sept. 16, 1819. She , Vrna, a~etl 81. Ile moved from V cr111011t to northern New York in I 8::0. I le married Betsey Phippen, born iu W e8t111im!ter, Vt., ,June a, 1801,

• Dnlmanutha is the name of a town on the west side of the Sea of Galilee. BENT FAl\IILY, 151

iii. MAnY ELIZA, b. ,Tune 29, 182G; m. March 8, 184!), her father's cousin, Alvin 1". Bent (q. v.). iv. EnvA AnEr.INE, b. Dec. 29, 1828; living in Fayette, Iowa; m. in ·wisconsiu to Alexander ,vinston. They celebrated their gol

6, 1887, re. 82 ; was brought up by her aunt Betsey (Bent) Green in Mt. Holly, Vt. She married, Oct. 6, 1825, Aaron Pingrey, who was born Feb. 11, 1802. They lived in lVlt. Holly and Lml­ low, Vt., until Dec. 1840, when they moved to Randolph, N. Y., where, with the exception of the years 1842 to 1844, which were spent in Yorkshire, N. Y., they remained to the end of their days. Children, i. to iv. born in Mt. Holly, v. born in Ludlow, vi. born in Yorkshire, vii. in Randolph: i. ADALINE ELizA8 PINGREY, b. Aug. 21, 1827; m. ,Jan. 2.J., 1854, Sidney U. ]\fain, merchant, of Batavia, N. Y., where she lived until her death, Nov. 4, 1891. ii. MELZAR RomnNs PINGREY, b. July 20, 1829 ; farmer; living unm. in Randolph, N. Y. iii. B. SorrrRONIA PINGREY, b. Nov. 20, 1831 ; living in Randolph, N. Y.; m. May 1, 18;i!), Edwin l\foManus, druggist, of Rau­ dolph, N. Y. Two children: 1. Edwin Pingrev9 1lkllia11us, b. July 26, 1858; d. Dec. 5, 1882. 2. Cora Belle JJic1Jianus, b. Aug. 30, 1861; living unm. with her parents. iv. MARION AMELIA PINGREY, b. March 16, 1835; d. in Randolph, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1898; m. June 16, 1857, John Crowley Pierce, merchant, of Randolph, N. Y. One child, Grace Adele9 Pierce, b. June 7, 1858. v. MELISSA EusEBIA PINGREY, b. April 10, 1840; living in Buf­ falo, N. Y.; m. July 25, 1861, John Emory Rogers, merchaut, then of Randolph, N. Y. Three children: l. Cmy B1·owue{tJ Roger$, b. June 13, 1863; m. Oct. rn, 1898, Hattie Isabel Freemyer. 2. Charles Pingrey Rogers, b. Sept. 25, 1865 ; m. ,June 6, 1893, Anna Elizabeth I•Ieiffer of Buffalo, N. Y. 3. Bessie Rogers, b. Sept. 4, 1872; living unm. with her parents. vi. LucY ADELE PINGREY, b. Dec. 1, 18,12; living in Randolph, N. Y.; m. Oct. 31, 1878, Capt. Charles Caligan of Buffalo, N.Y. vii. MARY ROSETTE PINGREY, b. Sept. 2!), 1845; living umn. with her brother. 250 S. WALKEU7 BEN'.r (Dav,id,6 David,• David,' Dewiel,' Jolm,' 1 John ) was born in Mt. Holly(?), Vt., and

261 CLARIC EARL7 BENT (Ea1'l Ji'., 8 David, 6 Davi"d,' David,3 Jo/mt, 1 Jolm ) was born in Mt. Holly, Vt., April 21, 1822, and died in East Poultney, Vt., in ,July, 1896. He married, Jan. 31, 1848, Ann M. J>epper of Pawlet, Vt. Chiltlrcn: i. ELLEN J.,8 b. April 24, 184!); d. Oct. 29, 1882; m. Feb. 28, 18(i8, Frank II. l\forshall. ii. EvA E., b. 1853; d. 1855. 252 111,:NJ:Y "\Vir,r.Ann' Jh:N'I' (.li}arl Ji'.,8 Dav£d," 1Ja11id,' lJavirl,3 1 Jolm,2 Jolm ), tinsmith, was born Feb. 13, 1827, in Mt. I-lolly, Vt., where he died Dec. 13, 1883, ro. 56. He married, in Dec. 184G, Catalina S. Dean of Granville, N. Y., who is living in l\fochaniesvillc, Vt. Children: i. ANNETT!~ r., 8 h. 1848; a. 1851. ii. ,J ULrn R., h. au

Child of John J. and Faustina: 414:, i. EARL SILAS,8 b. Aug. 15, 1860. Children of .John ,J. and Harriet: i. FRED JAY, b. Jan. I, 18G5. ii. CATIIEUlNE l\'LuuoN, b. March 27, 1871. iii. CLINTON A1nnuR, b. Jan. I, 1871l.

255 ALVIN FINNEY' BENT ('I'homas lV.,' David/ David,' David, 3 Joltn,2 Joltn'), farmer and cheese maker, was born in ,vatcrtown, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1819, aml died in .Antwe,rp, N. Y., :May lli, 1875, re. 56. Five of his children ( all at that time) died within two weeks, it .will be noticed. Ile married, March 8, 184!), at Natural 7 Bridge, N. Y., Mary E. Bent,

25G DARIUS GREEN7 BENT ( Tlwrnas lV., 6 David,~ Dctvid, • D

iv. 1V11.1.1A~r II1rn1n-, h. May 17, 1872; Iivi1w0 in Chicago; m. April 18, 18!}~, Lillian l\L Dyer. v. Jo11N RussELL, b. Feb. 18, 1874. 156 BENT FAMILY.

260 CHARLES7 BENT (Alphonso,° 'l'lirtdcleits, 5 David,' Dcwicl,3 1 John', John ) was born in Chicago, Ill., Dec. 8, 18H, awl is living in Morrison, Whitcsi5, Lanra Quacken­ bush.


ii. ELIZABETH, b. July 26, 1873; m. Sept. 12, 1895, Robert C. Sattley of Wheaton, Ill., where he is Supt. of Bridges and Buildings of Galena Div. of C. & N. W. R'y. iii. CnAitu;s, b. Aug. 2, 1875; local editor of his fat.lier's news- paper; m. Nov. 3, 1898, at l\fomson, Ill., Mabel Benzeville. iv. RuTn, b. Oct. 26, 1877. v. IIARRY, b. March 13, 1879. vi. GEORGE MANINGTON, b. June 6, 18!:J0.

261 SAi\lUF.L An.TIIUR.7 BEKT, M.A., LL.Il., ( SamuellV.,6 Srtmuel 5 1 B., David,4 David,• Joltn,2 Joltn ) was born in Boston, Maas., ,July 1, UH 1, mul is living in Brnokline, Mass. After graduating from Yale College in 18(H arul from the Harvard Law School in lRG:>, lie practisc!l Jaw for a fow years in lloston, where he was a member of the School Committee in the years 1868, 1869 and 1870. At the close of the latter year he went to Europe, where he was American editor of the Swiss Times in Geneva in 1872 and 1873 (and as such was admitted to the final session of the Court of' Arbitration on the Alabama claims) and Amet·ican editor of C.:.alignani's .11fessenger in Paris in 1874 and 1875. In the lat­ ter year he returne

Child, born in Boston : i. !bLn1rnn8 BENT, b. Nov. 6, 1891. 2G2 JOSEPH AvERY7 BENT· (Josepli A.,6 Samuel B.,• David,' Dav,id/ John,2 John'), travelling salesman, was born in Mi

2G3 SAJIHJEL ADA)1S7 BENT (Josepli A.,• Samuel B.,• Dctvid,• David,3 John,2 Jolin'), a retail shoe dealer, was born in Hoyleton, Ill., March 4, 1861, and is living in Denver, Colo., where he lo­ cated in 1889. Ile marricfl, 1\1:iy 22, 18!)0, Sallie :Marie Kane, who was born in Jeffersonville, Ind., Dec. 25, l8G4. Children, both born in Denver : i. Romm KANE,8 b. l\foy 20, 1891. ii. G1mT1tUDE LoursE, b. l\foy 21, 1892.

264 GEORGE PAYNE7 BENT ( George,6 Sanmel B.,• Dlwid,4 David,3 John,2 John') was horn in Dundee, Ill., ,Tune lG, 185,!, aml is living in Chicago, Ill., where he has been located since May, 1870, at which time he entered the employ of David C. Cook. In l\fay, 1878, he bought out Mr. Cook's business, and has Leen engaged in the manufacture first of sewing machines and then of organs, and latterly of the" Crown" pianos and organs up to the present time. He married, at Durr Oak, Ia., April 26, 1876, Clara A. "Wingate, who was born in Hemingfor8, Ernest G. Meikle of Chicago. ii. GEORGE HENRY, b. Oct. 11, 1878. DENT FAl\ULY. 159

m. CHARITY MARY, b. l\Iay 23, 1884. iv. l\IumEL, b. Aug. 18, 18!J0. v. Do1ionIY Anrnr.IA, b. April 5, 1893. vi. C11Am,Es l\{ATCIIETT, h. Aug. 2ii, 18%.

265 CHARLES AVERY7 BENT ( Ge01·ge, 6 Sarnuel B.,6 .David,4 .Drt1•i'.d, 3 ,Toltn, 2 Jolm') was born in Burr Oak, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1860, and has resided since April, 1882, in Chicago, Ill., where he is connected with his brother's manufaetory. He married, Sept. 11, 1883, Cora Hannah Stone of Seneca, Kan., a native of North Monroeville, Ohio, dn.ughter of William Biglow Stone. Chihlrcn, all born in Chicago: i. CHARLES IIowAnn,8 b. Dec. 21, 1884. ii. CLARA .A.)lELIA, b. l\farch 21, 1887. iii. l\1AumcE IlrnA.u, b. April 7, 18!)1. iv. RonERTA l\IARY, b. Nov. 15, 1896. 266 ARTIIUR SmrnER7 BENT ( Geor,ge, 6 Samuel B.,5 David,' .Dav,:rl, 3 Jolm, • ,foltn'), farmer, was horn in Durr Oak, Iowa, July 17, 1864, and is living in Ifazanl, Neb. He married, Nov. 5, 1885, in Hazard, Litfa Emma Heslop, who was born in McKees­ port, Penn. Children, all born in Nebraska, i. at Nonpareil, ii. at LitcWield, iii. at Auburn, iv. and v. at Hazard: i. S,\Drn l\IARY, 8 b. Jan. 10, 1887. ii. IvAN Au-mun, h. Nov. 30, 1888; d. April 7, 1891. iii. CLARA ALTA VERA, h. Oct. 21, 1891. iv. GEORGE Ann.A~r, b. Feb. 9, 1894. v. 1\ImIAll[, b. July rn, 18!JG. 267 J OSEPH7 BENT ( Francis, 6 Jolin, 6 Josepli, 4 Experience, 3 Josepli, 2 1 Jolm ), blacksmith, was born in Wareham, Mass., Feb. 29, 1788, and dic

ii. SARAn, living in Plymouth, Mass. ; m. Winslow B. Sherman ; six children. 111. lI ENltIETTA, m. William Gibbs. iv. JosJ~PII I◄'., b. 1835; d. Oct. rn, 188!).

268 JoHN7 BENT (Francis,° Jolm,6 Joseph,4 Experience,3 Josep!t,• 1 John ) was born in Wareham, Mass., July 7, 1790; lived a few years in Mi

269 ISAAC7 BENT (Francis, 6 Jolin,• Josepli,4 E:-cpe1·ience, 3 Joseplt, • Jolm' ), blacksmith, was born in ,v archmn, Mass., Aug. 4, 1799, and died in Wareham, Nov. 4, 1876. lie ma

270 LucY 7 BENT ( F1·ancis, 8 Jolin, 0 Josepli, 4 Experience, 3 Josepli, 1 Jolin') was horn in Wareham, Mass., March 17, 1808, and died in Rochester, Mass., Oct. 13, 1854. She married, Sept. 8, 1827, Jonathan Perry, who was born in Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 4, 1801, and dicmrnY, h. Sept. 4, 182!:1 ; m. in 18fil, Rufus 11. Kin~, a drnmnrnr in 28th l\fass. Inf'y. in 18Gl-'62. Four chil,lrcn: 1. R11f11.~ Wasliington, 9 1,. Dec. 8, ]8fil; d. May 2(i, IHHa; Ill. in l87!l, Ifotlwriuc l\faunix of ·wheeling, w. Va. ::.!. h,u,r. Rnu(ford, I,. Ang. 8, 18/i-l; lives in Taunlon, l\lass.; m. Feb. 11, 188;i, Anna .ltforia Strange. 3. llfari1i L., b. Oct. 2ll, 1855. 4. Nellie .Al, b. Jan. 7, 1858; m. in 1875, "\Villiam l\forton Holmes of ·wareham. iii. l\IARY ,JANE P1m1ff, b. Feb. 6, 1831 ; d. in Rochester, l\Iass., ,July 2, 1885; m. Nov. IG, 1856, her secoml cousin, Henry Clay Lindley of "\Vatertown, who was a sergeant in U. S. A. before marriage and captain in lGth nfass. lnf'y. in the Civil "\V ur. Seven children : 1. Lucy Bent,9 b. ,Jan. 24, 1858 ; living unm. in Foxboro', Mass. 2. Orrin E1tgene, b. and d. 1860. 3. .lffary Jane, b. Sept. 4, 1861; living in Foxboro', l\Iass.; m. Jan. 26, 18!:18, Harrie Francis Gray. 4. Oltarles Henr!J, b. 1866; cl. 1867. 5. Henry Clayton, b. July 1, 1868; m. Dec. 1, 18%, Louise Hodgson l\Iatthews of Fitchburg. 6. Francis Bent, b. March 17, 1872; m.• June 3, 1896, Ethel Josephine Clement of New Bedford. 7. Susie .llfaria, b. and d. 187 4-. iv. A1rnn: BAT.ES P1mnY, b. ,Tune 2, 1833; living in Carver, l\fass. ; m. ,July 7, 1863, ,Jason Southworth, b. in l\Iiddleboro', Mass., .Tuly ,;, 18 l!J. One child, Jason Alton,9 b. in Carver, July 9, 18{l(i; d. in Carver, Nov. 8, 188(). v. ISAAC F1uNc1S Bt~NT P1m1iY, b. ,fan. G, 183:3; d. unm. 1\foy 6, lH!J:l, in, l\foss., wlwrc he Juul hela many ollices of trust, town tren.surcr, collector of taxes, assessor, selectman, representative to the Legislature, etc. vi. TmzAn l\I. PERRY, b. ,Jan. 2!:1, 1838; living unrn. in Roches­ ter, l\Iass., where for many years she was a valued teacher in the public schools. vii. SusAN W. P.EimY, b. Feb. 22, 1840; living unm. in Rochester, Mass. viii. JoNATIL\.N PERRY, b. March 2, 1842; is engaged in cranberry culture in Rochester; unm. ix. JA,ms E. P1mRY, b. Sept. 17, 1844; living in Rochester, Mass., where he is a soap manufacturer; m. Jun. 7, 186G, Pamelia Kinney, b. in l\fattapoisett, l\fass., Jan. 2:J, 1847. Nine chil­ dren: l. .fames F.,9 b. 1867; d. 1878. 2. George H., b. 186!); d. 1878. 3. Lucy Bent, b. Jan. 15, 1873; m. Oct. 24, 162 BENT FAllIILY.

1896, George Keithley of Ifamhnrg, Mo. 4. Pamelia .A., b. Oct. 11, 187 4; m. Aug. 25, 1897, Arthur II. Ramlall of Rochester, Mass. 5. Susan 111., b. 1877; d. 1879. G. Susan Maria Frances, b. March 14, 1880. 7. George Franklin, h. 1882; d. 1885. 8. Jonathan L., b. Feb. 24, 1888. 271 WILSON DEXTER7 TIENT (Franc-i's, 6 ,lohn,5 Joseph,• E.tperi­ 1 ence,3 Joseplt, • Jolin ) was born in vVarcham, }\ [:uis., in J nnc, 1814, arnl died in North Sandwich (now Bournedale), Mass., July 27, 1856. He married first, May 25, 1834, Phebe Cahoon, who died Jan. 6, 1842, re. 27-9-20; married second, Sept. 4, 1842, Hannah Crowell, who died Jan. 10, 1861, m. 50. Children of vVilson D. and Phebe, both born in North Sand­ wich ( now Bournedale) : 418, i. WILSON DEXTER,8 b. Aug. 13, 1835. 419, ii. FRANCIS, b. Aug. 28, 18•11. Children of "Wilson D. and Hannah : i. HANNAH MAmA,8 b. May 14, 1845; d. Oct. 29, 18Gf>; m. 1\fay 4, 1864, Seth W. Holway. Three chil. ii. BARTLETT, b. Sept. 11, 182!/. iii. THOMAS SA VERY, b. Sept. 12, 1833; in 1856 he moved from Port Chester, N. Y., to 1\foldletown, Conn., and purchased a farm of one hundred ancl five acres, on which he lived until DENT FAllIJLY, 163

his death, April 2ii, 188!); m. Mary Augusta Peacock, a sister of his brother's wife. She died in 1\Iiddlefield, Conn., about 1881.

273 TIIOl\£AS7 BRNT (,lolin,8 John,• Josepli,• Experience,3 ,fosepli,' Jolm') was born in l\Iiddleboro', Mass., Nov. 8, 1803, and died Dec. 18, 1870. He wrui an iron founder in New York, the firm in later years being Thomas Bent <-~ Son. He married Abigail Shaw, who was born April 21, 1807. Children: i. CnAIU,ES lIEYRY,8 h. 182V; d. 1830. !21. ii. ~A~rnr,:r, S11Aw, h. ;July Iii, 18/IO, iii. E1,IZAIIETH l\l., b. June I !J, 18;J8. iv . .An11Y, b. April !l, 1846; d. June 9, 1876.

274 JOUN BENT1 ( Experience, 6 John, 6 ,fosepli, 4 Experience, 3 Jo­ .~eph, • ,folm') was born in l\fiddlcboro', Mass., May 30, 1799, and died in Shamokin, Pa., in 1857; was connectc

2. .Albert Henry, living in Brookfield. 3. Elizabeth llfedom, living in Barre, l\Iass.; m. 188!), Seth Sumner Williams of Petersham. Mercy Ann m. second, February, 18G7, Henry L. King. v. Auausu, b. Feb. 18, 1835; living, 18!)7, in New York City; m. first, in Newton, l\foss., April 15, 1857, Gar

275 EBENEZER' BENT ( Experience, 8 John,• Joseph,• l!]xpe1·ience, 3 Joseplt,• John'), cabinet maker, was born in Middleboro', Mass., Oct. 10, 1809, and died at his daughter's home in \Vare, l\fass., Feb. 1, 1890, re. 80. He married, Oct. 12, 1831, Susan ·wheel­ wright, daughter of Thomas Gammons. She died in Springfield, Mass., May 11, 1873, ro. 61. Children, i. born in Mid

276 LUTITEI17 BENT ( llxperience, 6 Jolm, 6 Josepli, ~ Expc·ricnce," Joseph,• John') was Lorn in MiddlcLoro', 1\fass., ,Tan. 7, 1812, and died in 1Vatertown, J\fass., Feb. 10, 18!>1, m. 79. Ile 111ovc1l in 1835 to vVatertown, where he was a cabinet maker arnl furniture dealer. He married, April 12, 1836, Everline A. ,v1tcelcr or Watertown. Children, all born in ,,r atertown : i. LUTHER WrrnELER,8 b. 18j8; d. 184]. ii. Ev1mLINE Er,IZAlllsTH, b. Nov. rn, 1840; m. l\foy a1, 18G,t-, John K Stiles of Cambridge, son of John C. arnl Susan Stiles. Two chilth-en: 1. .Mabelle, b. ,June 2G, 18G7; d .•Tune I, 18!J2. 2. Florence, b. and tl. 18G!J. 4.24, iii. JunsoN LuTnE1~, b. Dec. 1;;, 184:3. 4.25, iv. lh:1m1mT FnANcrs, b. Jnn. 2, 1845. v. l\LrnY ELLA, b. Sept. 2, UH8; d. unm. in ,vatertown, 1\fass., April 23, 1898. BENT FAMILY, 165

277 0TIS7 BENT ( Experience, 6 Jolin,• Josepli, • Experience, 3 Jo­ 1 sepli,' John ), iron moul

278 7 6 4 3 0TIS BENT ( lVilliam, John,• Joseph, Experience, Josepli, t 1 Jolm ), farmer, was born in Middleboro', Mass., Aug. 23, 1793; in infancy was taken to Paris, Mc., where he died March 31, 1871, re. 77. He saw service in Capt. Uriah Ripley's company in the 1Var of 1812. Ile married Hannah, 1,1m, h. Nov. 18, 1821. ,127, iv. OmrnN W1ms-r1m, b. Jau. :.ll, 18:N.

279 0REN7 BENT ( lVilliam, 6 Jolm, 5 ,Joscplt, • Experience, 3 ,losepli, • 1 ,/o/m ), a Methodist clergyman, was Lorn in Paris, Me., March 27, 1796, and died in North llrillgcton, Me., in 1848, ro. 52; preached in many towns in south-western :Maine. He was a strong temper­ ance advocate. He married Caroline Eaton of Rumford Falls, Me., who died in Harrison, Mc., in 1846. 166 DENT FAl\IILY.

Children, all born in Maine, i. born in Rumford and vi. in Wash­ ington: i. MARTA A.,8 b. 1831; d. in Chelsea, Mass., in 1882; m. Nov• 15, 18HG (his second marriage) William G. Reed, who tl. in Chelsea. in 1881. One child, Fay,9 an organist in Boston. ii. FRANCIS AsnURY, b. 1833; musician; living in Portland, l\le., where he m. Maria A. Stevens ; they have lived in Illinois and in Boston, Mass. He was formerly a carriage-smith. No children. iii. ESTHER ANN, b. 1835 ; m. first, Orrin Bartlett; m. second, ---Hurd. iv. CAROLINE :M., b. 1838; d. in Chelsea, l\Iass., October, 1893; m. Francis "\V. Forbush of Boston; lived in Chelsea, where he died in 1885. Three children: 1. Fred.9 2. 1llaria .Albertina, m. Charles Smith of Somerville. 3. Oltarles. v. Jo1rn A., b. 1840; farmer; living in Mapleton, Utah; saw ser­ vice in the civil war in the 5th l\faine Iuf'y, and the 4th Reg. U. S. A. He moved to Colorado in 1873. Four children. vi. ORRIN, b. Sept. 3, 1842; living in Dorchester, Boston; saw ser­ vice in the civil war in the 1st and 17th l\laine Inf'y. Hus been in the proclnce business in Quincy l\farket for several years. Hem. in Boston, July rn, 1871, Ennmi ,lane Tuttle of Athens, Me. Two chiltlren: 1. Louis Carroll,° li. Dec. 9, 1875. 2. Edwin Clarence, b. Sept. 30, 1877. 280 1VILLIAlI7 BENT ( JVillictm," Jolin,• Joseph,4 EJ:perience,3 Joseph/ Jolm'), farmer, was born March 24, 1798, inParis, Me., where he died Dec. 12, 1878. He married Cynthia Russell of Bethel, Me. Children, all born in Paris, Me. : i. ANGELINE,8 m. Alexander Lilibey. ii. CYNTIIIA AUGUSTA, living iu Lowell, Mass.; m. Albert Liver- more. iii. MARY JANE, b. 1827; m. Frederick Libbey. iv. Er.rzAlll~Tu, b. 1829; d. young. v. EuzA ANN (twin), b. 183-!; living in Abrams, Wis.; m. Horace Waldron. vi. Lucy ANN (twin), b. 1834; living in Abrams, Wis.; m. Augustus Knowles. vii. OLIVE Rr.1z,urnTI1, b. 183G; living in Amberg, ·wis.; rn. Is.tac Trask. 428. viii. Wn,LIAllI EowrN, b. July 10, 1838. 281 JOIIN7 BENT ( TVilliam, 0 Jolm; Josepli,• Expe1·ience, 3 Josepli,• John'), printer and publisher, was born in Paris, Me., March 12, 1809, and died in Sanford, Floritla, March 31, 1882, ro. 73. Ile BENT FAllHL,Y. 167 began his active business career in Eastport, Me., where he pub­ lished the Eastern Democrat for a few years, but his field not be­ ing bi-oaresi

282 AsAIIEL7 DENT ( Zenas, 6 Jolin,• Josepli, 4 Experience, 3 Joseph, 2 1 Jolm ), iron moultler, was born in .Mid

Savery. She m. third, Benjamin Ingalls, and lives in East '\V are ham, Mass. iv. EUNICE IL\.c1rnTT, b. Dec. 29, 1829; d. in Taunton, Mass., iu 187G; m. ------. Three children: 1. Frank E.9 2. Charles W: 3. Ira F. v. Annm BAT1,s, b. l\farch, 1833; d. in '\Vareham, April, 188\l; m. in 1Vareham, March 9, 1855, Solomon 1Varren Hathaway. Fonr children: 1. Rosalie Asllion.9 2. Lenora Estelle, m. Elmer Clarence Briggs. 3. }Jelen Frances, m. Nathan Ellis Bourne. 4. Abbie Warren, m. James Everett l\farville. vi. l\IARY ANN, IJ. ,July 21, 1839; living, 18\l8, in East ,varelmm, Mass.; m. Oct. 8, 1861, Jeremiah T. Nightingale, mariner, of Sarnlwich, b. Dec. 4, 1838. Five children: 1. Flurence V.9 2. George T. 3. Jeremiah W. 4. A.rtlmr E. 5. Lydia T. All b. in Wareham. 283 W ATERMAN7 BENT ( Joseph, 6 Joseph, 5 Joseph,• Experience, 3 Joseph,2 John'), ship carpenter, was born in Yarmouth, N. S., in July, 1808, and

v. 1\L\.RGARF:T, d. unm. vi. MARY, d. young. vii. viii. EsTirnn, m. Dominick Adams. ix. J\IARY, m. Dominick Adams.

2S6 JAl\IES' BENT (El!canah, 6 Josepli,5 Josepli,' Experience/ .Joseph,' John'), farmer and cooper, was born in Yarmouth, N. S., and

ii. l\.fn.J<'ORD TED~'ORD, b. ,June !>, 1844; d. Feh. 2G, 18G2, of con­ sumption contracted in the army. Eulistec.l iu 18Gl iu Cu. I, Hth Rtg. Vols. iii. Gu.BERT, d. unm. Dec. 20, 1888. iv. lIANNAII, living in Tapleyville, a village in Danvers, Mass. ; m. Nov. 21, 18(il, in Danvers, Alhert \Voodhury. Four chiltl­ ren·: 1. Eliza Ellen.9 2. Lal-ia. 3. Althea Flure11ce. •i. jl-fabel Paton.

289 CHARLES7 BENT ( Elhmalt, • Joseplt, 5 Joseplt, • Experience, 3 2 1 Joseplt, Jolm ) was born in Yarmouth, N. S., in Dec. 1810, and died in Digby, N. S., Feb. 12, 1873. He followetl the sea before his marriage, after which he farmed. In 1862 he moved from Westport, N. S., to Yarmouth, thence in 18GG to Digby. He married, in Sept. 1846, Sarah Isabella MeITitt, who was born at Sandy Cove, N. S., Nov. 4, 1828, and

290 MARY .A.NN7 BENT (Lenmel, 6 }Villiam,5 Joseplt,4 Joseplt,3 Joseplt,! Joltn') was born in ·winchester, Va., June 8, 1800, arnl died in Bethel, Va., Jan. 1, 1871. She married, l\larch 21>, 1826, Francis :McFarland, DJ)., a Prctibytcrian clerg-y111an of Bethel, and moved to Augustrt County, near Greenville, Va. In 1836 they removed to Philadelphia, where for five years he was cor­ responding secretary of the Board of Education of the Pre:sbytcrian Church, but in 1841 he returned to his old charge at Bethel in southern Virginia, where he spent the remainder of his . Children, all born in Virginia except the twins, who were born in Philadelphia: i. B~:TSEY8 1\foFARJ.ANI>, h. ,fau. 7, 1827; ti. near Columbia, Tenn., in Aug., 18Gl; m. Dr. ,v. F. Humphreys of Virginht and had three chilc.lreu, one of whom, D. 0. 0 Jlampl1re!Js, is a BENT FAMILY. 171

professor in W ashingto11 anatterson° JJ[cJ?arland, b. Dec.!), 1875. 2. JVi.tllace Bent lllcFurland, b. Sept. 22, 1878.

291 \V1LLTA1\I HENnY1 BENT ( TVilliam," lVilliarn, • Josepli,4 Jo­ 2 sepli, 3 ,Joseplt, .Joltn'), grocer, was born in Canton, 1Vfoss., June 13, 1819, and clie

292 RUFUB7 IlENT ( lVillimn, 6 1Villimn, • Joseplt, • Joseph, 3 ,Tuscph, 2 1 Jolm ), cabinet maker, was born in Canton, .Mass., Oct. 21, 1821, and

JoSEPH7 BENT ( TVillimn, 6 William,• Joseplt, • Jose7Jlt, 3 Joseplt, • Jolt1i1 ), carriage manufactm·er, was born in Canton, .Mass., .Aug. 5, 1823, moved in 1847 to Thompsonville, in the town of Enficl

294 CHARLES CRANE' BENT ( TVilliam, 6 TVilliam, 5 Joseplt, • Joseplt, 3 1 Joseplt,' Jolm ), carpenter, was born in Canton, :Mass., Sept. 8, 1826, and die

Children, all born in Dorchester : i. EDWARD DAN~'ORTII,8 b. Sept. JG, 1855; d. unm. Nov. 8, 1883, m. 28. 433. ii. Cn,rnLES IfaN1tY, b. l\Iarch 28, 1858. iii. G1,;o1urn ALD1rn, b. 18G3 ; tl. 18G4. iv. Au'1t1m MALIN, b. Feb. 7, 1865; is in retail boot and shoe business in Dorchester; m. June IG, 18UG, :Margaret Mae Simpson of Iloston. v. F1tANCIS lIEnmmT, h. June 18, 1868; living in Bound Brook, N. J. ; an architect in New York City; m. Feb. 24, 18D5, Irene ·wheeler of l\fonruapan, N. J. One child, Francis llerbert,9 b. Oct. 3, 18UG. vi. PmmE ESTELLE, b. l\Iarch 17, 1872; living unm. with her brother in Dorchester.

295 NATIL\NIEL7 BENT ( Jmne.~, 6 TVilliam, 5 Josepli, • Josepli, 3 Jo­ 1 sepli,2 Jolm ) was born ]\fay 5, 1824, in Canton, Mass., where he dic

Children of Nathaniel an.; d._ H!!.I:>.. 2. Glad!Js, h. June 10, 1885. 3. Berkeley, h. April 26, 1888. ii. NATHALIA, b. Oct:' 12, 1855 ; living unm. in Allston, Roston ; is a member of 'the'American Unitarian Association, aml much interested in genealogy. 434, iii. JAMES STUAUT, b. Jan. 27, 1857; m. Lydia Ella Connery. iv. HATTIE GUILD, h-. Oct. 4, 1859 ; Jiving in Allston, Boston ; m. Sept. 18, 1883, ,valter Josiah Connery, brother of Lydia E.

296 CYN·rrIIA1 Il1rn·r (J.lfm·tin,6 ,lcsse,5 Jolm,• ,lo8eph, 3 ,lo.~cplt,2 1 Joltn ) was born in l!'ort Lawrence, N. 8., Sept. 7, 1787, aml 1licoint clc Bute: 1. George llarmon,9 living in 1\foncton, N. B. 2. Elizabeth Amy, m. first, Capt. Rufus Freeman Cutten of Amherst, N. 8., who was lost at se:t in January, 1887; rn. second, April, 1891, Douglass Chapman, D.D. 3. Frederic Alexander, d. unm. Dec. 27, 1881. 4. Hwnphrey Pfrkm·d, living in SackviUe, N. B. 5. Louisa 0.1Jntlda, living in Point de_ Bute, N. B.; m. Charles Ford l\fcCready of Teuobsqnis, N. R. 6. Sarah Anne, living in Sackville, N. Il.; m. Wil­ liam ]\foLeo

Fred W.7 Bent (q. v.). 3. .Albert Des Bri"say, living in Avon­ dale, O. 4. Jllar,qaret Anne, m. Hibbert C. Black of Pug­ wash, N. S. 5. Robert Alder, fought in the Confederate army, was taken prisoner, lost his right arm; graduated from Har­ vard College in 18/i!l; located in Paris, where he man-ied, and d. in Algiers, March 3, 1878. G. Ellen Lavinia, d. in infancy. iv. MAltTIN T1w1rnAN, b. Oct. 30, 1814; living in Point de Bute, N. B.; rn. April 11, 1843, Bethia Purdy of ·wa!lace, N. S., h. April 24-, 1818. Five children: 1. Amy Ellzabet/1,9 living in Gladstone, Manitoba.; m. ,Joseph C. ·wry of Jolicure, N. B. 2. Calvin Tlwmpson, accidentally drowned in the harbor of Newport, Wales, Eng., Oct. 7, 187G, while travelling for his health. 3. G!{ntlzia Anne Wood, m. Albert C. Carter of Point de l3ute, N. H. 4-. .Mary Ellen, living in Fairville, N. B.; m. Jirst, Willi:un Rohert McBride, M.D., who d. June 8, 1878; m. sccontl, .James Hiram Grey, l\f.D. 5. Harmon Silas, an J\I.D., in Somerville, Mass •. v. Lou1sA CYNTHIA T1w1mAN, b. Aug. 30, 1817; d. Aug. 30, 1859; m. :Mariner 1Vood, a successful merchant and ship builder in Sackville, N. B., who d. Aug. 8, 1875. Two children: I. Josialt, 9 edncateE1t Tnu1mAN, b. Aug. 22, 1825; living in Sack­ ville, N. B.; educated at Mt. Allison University; m. Mary ]3:irkcr Jewett of Shelliel(I, N. B., whorl. 1\-fay 8, 18!)9. Two children: 1. Sarali Louisa,9 d. Oct. 1 G, 1885. 2. Emma Cynthia. ix:. 1\-Lrn.Y .AlIELIA Tn.mmAN, b. Sept. 28, 1828 ; living in Truro, N. S. ; m. Rufus Freeman Black of River Philip, N. S. Five children: 1. Ida J1Iaria.. 9 2. Lo11,isa C.,pithia, d. ,Tune 12, 1882. 3. Albert Sc,1pnour. 4. l!:mmeline Amelia. 5. 11Eary Josephine, m. Edw. Freeman Smith of Halifax, N. S., where they still live. 297 CALVIN GAY7 IlEN'r (.1}fartin,6 ,Te.~se, 5 John,4 Josepli, 3 Josepli, • 1 Jolm ) was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., Nov. 9, 1791 ; lived in Salem, N. S.; died Feb. 5, 1863, re. 71. He married Annie Jones of Point de Bute, N. B., born June 11, 179G. Uliildrcn : 8 1. l<'ANNIM R,

ii. JorrN. iii. lIAUMON, lived in Salem, N. S. ; m. Sarah Chapman. Tl1rce chiltlren: I. George. 2. Alonzo. 3. Gay. 436. iv. MAu1'IN. v. Am• ANN, d. April 7, 18G3, m. 27; m. Henry Taylor of Salem, N. S. One child, Florence,9 d. Aug. 10, 1871, m. 18.

298 MARTIN7 BENT ( lJ.lartin, 6 Jesse, 6 John, 4 Joseph, 3 Jose7Jh, 2 1 John ), farmer, was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., July 30, lnla; died in Fort Lawrence, Oct. 5, 1875, re. 82. He married, Jan. 12, 1819, Amelia Chapman, born April 28, 1800, died Oct. 8, 1875, oint de Bute, N. B. Children: i. JAIIIES RonER1'S,8 b. Feb. 25, 1820; living unm. in San Diego, California, whither he went when a young man. ii. CYNTIIIA MATILDA, b. Sept. 20, 1822; liviu~ in 1\foncton, N. ll.; m. first, July 8, 18G3, l\farill(:r ,vootl of Sackville, N. H., who d. Ang. 11, 187 :i; m. secoutl, April :rn, I 890, in Montreal, Hev. John I>riuce of l\fonctou, N. ll. No chilclren. iii. JOSEPH B1rnsoN, b. Aug. 11, 1825; living unm. on the old home­ stead at Fort Lawrence, N. S. iv. SARAH ANN, b. April 15, 1828; living in Sackville, N. B.; m. Nov. 16, 1847, Edward Trueman of Point de Bute, N. B. :Five children: 1. Clifford Bent,9 d. unm. in 1894. 2. Iler­ bert Gore, a dentist in San Francisco; went to California when a boy; m. aml has three sous. a. James .E., a phy­ sician, formerly of Athol, N. S., now of St. Jose, Cal.; m. Alice, dau. of George R.8 Bent (q. v.). 4. Glareuce, a mer­ chant in Amherst, N. S. 5. Amelia, m. Herbert Harrington, a shipping mernhant iii Sy

299 EuNICE CoNVISS7 BENT ( JJiartin, 6 Jesse,• Jolm, • Joseph,' 2 1 Joseph, John ) was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., Feb. 15, BENT FAMILY, 177

1796; died in Point de Bute, N. B., May 9, 1867. She maiTicd, Jan. 7, 1817, Robert Keillor Trueman, who uied Oct. 17, 1872. Children: i. JAJrns8 TRuE~lAN, living in Hampton, N. B.; m. Jane Char­ lotte Illack of Amherst, N. S., who avitl l'crry Jol111suu of Newark, N. J. G• .Jolin Alexander, a. 18fil. iii. CALVIN GILmm-r TRUE.3IAN1 d. unm. l\fay 12, 1846, re. 22.

300 SERAPIIINA 7 BENT ( .1.lfa1'tin, 6 Jesse, 6 Jolin, 4 Josepli, 3 Josepli, 2 1 Jolm ) was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., Sept. 5, 1798; lived at River Philip, N. S.; died Nov. 12, 1880, re. 82. She married Riclmr

viii. GEORGE DERBY HEWSON, living in Oxford, N. S., where he has been for many years identifiecl with the large woolen mills; m. Eliza Black of River Philip, N. S. Fom· children : 1. IlariJey Lee.9 2. Edgar Ellis, a lawyer in Amherst, N. S. 3. Louise Matilda. 4. Mm·ie Oli-via.

301 JAMES V ALENTINE7 BENT ( 1liartin, 8 Jesse, 6 Jolm, • Joseplt, 3 1 Joseph,' Jolm ), farmer, was born in Fort Lawrence, N. S., Oct. 18, 1800; taught school in Halifax, N. S., and \Vestrnorcland, N. B.; moved in 182G to Cornwallis, King's County, N. S., where he died May 8, 1893, m. 92. He was captain of ti. militia company and a justice of the peace ; had a keen intellect, and rctaincLl his faculties to the end of his long life. He married, Dec. 1, 1829, Eliza Ann, daughter of George Robinson of Cornwallis, N. S., where she died Nov. lG, 1872, re. 61. Children, all born in Cornwallis, N. S.: <137, i. GlWRGE ROBINSON,8 b. ,fan. 28, 1831. ii. SAMUEL s~IITII, b. Feb. 13, 1832 ; farmer; living unm. in Cornwallis, N. S. iii .•Lurns MARTIN, b. 1834; d. 1838. iv. Lucy ANN, b. 1835; d. 18118. v. JA~rns T1wEUAN, h. Aug. 6, 1838; physician; d. in Newfonrnl­ land, ,June 12, 18U5; rn. Aug. 10, 1878, Emily S11uires. One son, Edwin llfcGregor.9 vi. CALVIN MARTIN, b. July 9, 1840; a merchant; living in New­ foundlaml; m. 1\fary Olderheatls, a native of England. Three children : 1. Ethel.9 2. Bea.trice. 3. Gertrude. vii. AMY ANN, b. 1842; d. 1843. viii. ANNlc ELIZA, b. Aug. 23, 1844; living in Falmouth, TI:tnts Co., N. S.; m. Nov. 7, 187:?, William A. Smith. Funr chil­ 0 dren: 1. Willi'wn All,i:,t. . 2. Rt/wl St. Clairi:. 3 . .l'ercioal, d. young. 4 . .Anne E., d. young. ix. JOUN OWEN, b. Dec. 211, 1846; living in 1Vimlsor, N. S.; m. Dec. 5, 1888, Letitia 1Vhite. Two children: 1. Owen White. 9 2. Percival E. x. BURPEE Enwrn, b. Jan. 10, 1848; living in Cornwallis, N. S.; m. Aug. 24, 1895, Ruth A. Finch. xi. ROBERT T1w1mAN, b. June 10, 1850; optician; living in New Glasgow, N. S.; m. April 10, 1~8\.l, Jennie Noyes, who die

302 7 4 1 J OIIN BENT ( jJfm·tin,6 Jesse,5 Jolm, Josepli,3 Josepli,2 Jolin. ) wns born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., April 6, 180G, drowned June 14, 1875, crossing from Summerside, P. E. I., to Cape ,Jouri­ main, N. ll. He took his father's farm, but in May, 1852, moved to l'ort Elgin, N. B., and cmliarke

303 8ARAII7 BENT ( f!]. Vo.~e, 6 ,Jesse,• Jo!tn,' ,Joseph., 3 Josepli, • ,lolw}) w:is Lorn at Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 1800. She married Hobert l~mhree of Amherst, N. S., who owned a mill for getting out ship-lmil

Children: i. EuNICE8 E~mmrn, m. Aaron Alexarnler Chnrch, gr:mclson of Aretlrnsa ( Bent) Chnrch, awl had two chil1lren: 1. JJr. Jesse E.9 2. Sarah, m. Freil Black of .Amherst. ii. RuFus ElmrtEE, m. Ella Baird ; three children. iii. ANN E3mREE, m. Trueman Phalan ; four children. iv. Lucy EJmnm~, m. Charles Smith of Amherst, N. S. ; one son. v. GxonGE EMBimE, m. Jaue Smith of Wallace, N. S.; ten chil­ dren. vi. JOHN EMBREE, m. Emma Tmeman ; four children.

) 304 7 8 1 A11Y BENT (E. Vose, Jesse,5 Jolin,4 Joseph,3 Joseplt,2 Jolin ) was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 1804, and died in Nova Scotia in 1874, ro. 69. She married Joshua Black, who

Children: i. JAlrns 8 FuLT,ETtToN, m. Reliecca Barnes of l\faccan, N. S., and lives at Half-way River. l<'ive sous: 1. .Ford.9 2. Graham. 3. Charles IJ. 4. llfain. 5. Berton. ii. ANDREW KERR FULLERTON, d. in 1857, re. 22, while studying for the Presbyterian ministry at l\fount Allison College, Sack­ ville, N. B. A young man of great promise. iii. BmwEss l\L Fuu~:nToN, lives at Half-way River, N. S.; m. Rosamund Lawrence. Four children: 1. Laura 0.9 2. An­ nie. 3. Walter. 4. George. iv. SARAII J. FULLERTON, m. Albert T. Fullerton of Half-way River. Seven children: I. Jiarve!/. 9 2. William. 3. Morton. 4. Jlfinnie. 5 . .Alfre. 6. Glt"uton. 7. Bessie. v. Hwrrr L. !•'111.1.m:ToN,

307 ,VILLIAl\I FREEl\IAN1 BENT ( Jesse, 6 Jesse, 5 John,• Josepli, 3 Jo­ .~eplz, • John') was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 179~; lived for some time at Pugwash, N. S. He married Abigail, . in Dart111011t.h, N. S., h. in Milton, J>. J.;. I., Aug. 10, 18GU. 2. Jllary Racliel, uiun. HI, iii. Rums Frrn~;lIAN, b. Dec. 2fi, 1825. iv. ELIZA, m. Alexander Dewar of Pugwash, N. S. ; both dead. v. EuNICls Am,LIA, d. urns; m. Henry Black of Pugwash, N. s. Two daughters : Emma0 and Ella, both married and living near Bostou. vi. G1wnm~ CnAPllAN, living unm. in Nicola, B. C. vii. B,umY, d. young.

308 7 4 1 SAl\IUEL l3ENT ( Jesse,6 Jesse," Jolin, Josepli,3 Josepli,2 Jolin ), former, was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 1801, an

Mary Duncan, sister of Robert Duncan, M. P.; marrictl sccon. Atkiuson of Sackville, N. B. Seven children: I. Gei·trwle llli:iry Bent,9 b. l\fay Hi, 1871. 2 • .1.liilton Stanley, b. March 15, 1873. 3. Harry Liviw1sto11e, b. Nov. 2, 187G. 4. Carlyle Peterselia, b. April 30, 1878. 5. Emily Clifford, b. June 26, 1880. 6. Violet Auna, b. Jan. 7, 1883. 7. Beutrice Clarinda, h. April :W, 188Ci. ii. EA1,L GtuY, li. 1847; liviug at River l'hilip, N. 8.; m. l87fi, Jane, dau. of llugh l\foC!eunon. One child, Pred,9 b. 1878. iii. LEMUEL, b. 1850; living in Oxford, N. S.; m. in 1881, Sarah Atkinson. Two children: 1. llrcmk.9 2. Eniest.

309 MATILDA' BENT (Jesse,6 Jesse,• John,< Joseph,' Joseph," 1 Jolm ) was born nt Fort Lawrence, N. S., in 1804. She mar­ ried John ·William Smith of Amherst, N. S., a native of England. Children: i. MARY ANN 8 SmTn, m. Atchison :Moffatt of Amherst, N. S. Five children: 1. James, 9 living in Amherst, N. S. 2. 1Ui.1ry, living unm. 3. Eliza, m. Mr. Moran. 4. Chal'les. 5. Artlmr. ii. !IARHrnT SmTII, living unm. iii. CAROLINF. Smnr, m. Samuel Lusby. iv. CHARLES s~nTu, m. l\-Iiss Embree; one son. v. BOTSFORD SMITH, m. l\Iary, dau. of Torrey Bent (q. v.).

310 7 1 ANN BENT (Jesse,• Jesse," Jo!tn,' Josep!t,3 Joseplt, • Jolm ) was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., 1806. She married James Smith of Fort Lawrence. Children: i. ELIZABETII 8 SmTn, m. J',fortin Chapman of Fort Lawrence. Six children: 1. Sara!t,9 m. l\'Iartin Trcnholn of l~ort Law­ rence. 2. Bliss, living unm. 3. Benjamin. 4. Jl[atilda, m. Alonzo Dobson of Jolicure, N. B. 5. Stewart. 6 . .Alice, living lllllll, ii. JANJ.; SMITH, m. Oscar Black of Aml1erst Shore, N. S. Four children: 1. .Arnii'ne_lla,9 m. Adam Trueman of Pointtle llute, N. B., and moved to Colorado. 2. Benson. 3. Lalia. 4. Annabell. BENT FAMILY. 183

iii. ELTZA SmTir, m. Thomas Roach of Amherst, N. S. Two chil­ dren: J. James. 9 2. Anni·e, m. Lorenzo \Vood. iv. EnwARD SmTn, m. first, 1\liss Lowther of Mount ·whatley, N. S. Five chil

311 SuRAN7 l3F.NT ( Jcssc,8 Jesse," Jolm,4 Josepli,' Joseph,' Jolin') was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., 1809. She married first, George Chapman of li'ort Lawrence ; married second, l3radley Etter of Point de Dute, N. B. Chil

312 7 5 3 1 ToRREY l3RNT ( ,Tesse, • Jesse, ,Tolm, • Josepli, Josepli,' John ) was born at Fort L:iwrence, N. S., 1811;

313 ,lANE7 BENT (Jesse,8 Jesse,6 Joltn,4 Joseph,3 Joseph,' Jolm') was born nt Fort Lawrence, N. S., Dec. 4. 1813; l1ilip, N. S., who

cl1ildren: 1. Fretia Marie,? b. Nov. 5, 18!)1. 2. Ina L

Children: i. ERASTUS, 8 living in Spring Hill, N. S. ii. Daughter, m.--- Lowe. iii. AUGUSTA, m. W. H. l\foDouald of Amherst, N. S., who d. Feb. 18, 1899. 319 JoHN7 BENT (Jolm, 6 John/ Jolin,' Joseplt, 3 Joseph/ John'), carpenter, was born in Amherst, N. S., Oct. 3, 1819; died in Brookdale, N. S., Jan. 22, 18!J9, re. 79. He married first, --­ ---; married second, Ann Black. Children: i. CnARLEs,8 living. ii. Ar.1<:BJNIA, cl.--. iii. Cr.w1,·01m, a. of consumption, leaving two daughters. 'iv. A1nnun, living. "· JOHN, living. 320 CHARLES7 BENT ( John, 6 John,• Jolm, • Joseplt, 3 Joseph,~ John') was born in Amherst, N. S., Jan. 10, 1826; living in Truro, N. S. After preparation at Sackville Academy, N. B., he entered the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadel­ phia, Pa.), from which he received the degree of l\LD. in 1847. His first years of practice were in Cumberland County, N. S., but in 1853 he located in Truro, where he has remained in isteady prac­ tice ever since. He has been surgeon of a volunteer company, coroner of the county, trustee of the schools, town councillor for two years and mayor two years. Ile married first, in 1855, Mary R. Goudy of Tmro, who died in 1868; married second, in 1871, Elizabeth Metzler of Truro. Children of Charles and Mary R. : i. MAitY.8 ii. CHARLES. And two others who died. 321 7 6 4 3 WILLIAM vVIIITE BENT ( John, John, i Jolin, Joseph, Josep/1,, • 1 Jolm ), farmer, was born in Arnhei·st, N. S., Aug. 24, 1831; living in Ilrookclale, formerly a part of Amherst, on the farm where he was born. He married, July 25, 1852, Eunice Elizabeth, born April 9, 1831, daughter of John7 Bent of Port Elgin, N. B. (q.v.). ~ Children, all born in Ilrook

il. 11IARY EMJIIA, b. l\Iarch 4, 1855; d. May 17, 1876; m. April 2!J, 1875, Smith Chapman. iii. ALICE DE11ULL, b. l\fay 9, 1857; living in Sackville, N. B.; m. J<'eb. 13, 1883, Thomas Patterson, b. April, 1853. .Five children: 1. Oressa1Jfadge,9 h. Nov. 11, 188::l. 2. Joltn Harold, h. April 21, 18H7. :I. All"n Steele, h. ,Jan. 1, 1889. 4. William Bent, b. 1891; a. 1895. 5. Oscar S., b. 1894, d. 1895 . .I.U, iv. MAmNER SA11IUEL, b. Sept. 27, 1859. v. ENsr,RY l\I1u;s, b. Aug. 2fi, 1861; contractor and builder in Chicago; m. Nov. 15, 1897, Laura E. Booge. One child: Ensley J11., 9 b. Feb. 2t, 1899. vi. l\IAnTIIA CECH,IA, b. April 25, 1866; professional nnrse; liv­ ing in Ilrookdale, N. 8.; m. Dec. 21, 1886, Samuel J. Coates. Two children: 1. Emma Etltel llfaude,9 b. l\larch 14, 1887. 2. Roland Dunbar, b. Nov. 30, 1888. vii. J1,ssm EJJNA BLANcrm, b. June 11, 1874; music teacher in Spring Hill, N. S. 322 FREDERIC VY. 7 B1~NT ( 1Villimn lVhite, 6 John," John,' Joseph,3 1 Joseph,• ,Tohn ), lawyer, was born in Amherst, N. S., Feb. 20, 1840 ; living in Hartwell, near Cincinnati, Ohio ; practised some years in Amherst. He married, Sept. 9, 18G7, Emma Elizabeth McLeod, grand-daughter of Cyuthia (Bent) Trueman. Child: i. l\L\y STANWOoo,8 h. Dec. 8, 1868; m. Nov. 23, 1896, Frederic J. Christie of .Amherst, N. S. One child: Dorotliy McLeod Cl1rislie.

323 J OilN II UGll7 BENT ( Ezm, 6 John, 5 Jolm, 4 Josepli, 3 Joseph,' Jolrn'), carpenter, was born in Amherst, N. S., April 12, 1830; died in Watertown, l\lass., April UJ, 18!)8, ro. 68; moved from his ancestral home in Nova Scotitt to Boston, Mass., in 1872. He married, June 8, 1857, Sophia Augusta Ferguson, born Sept. 14, 1833. Child1·cn, all born in Amherst, N. S. i. l\fAitY ELIZA,8 b. April 12, 1861; living unm. in ·watertown, l\fass. ii. G1wmrn EDGAR, b. ,Jun. 8, 186fi; a house and sign pa.inter; residence Dorchester, ]foston, l\Iass.; m. Ang. 23, 1890, Anna Belle Townsend, h. in l\laine, ,June 20, 1866. One chiltl: llizrold 1'oumseiul,° b. Feb. 4-, 189;!, in Roxbury, l\fass. iii. CrrAitr,1,;s F1uN1,r.1N, h.,J1111e 6, 1868; l1arilware dealer; resi­ dcucc ·watertown. iv. ELEANOR, b. l\fay 28, 1872; living unm. in Watertown. 188 BENT FAMILY.

324 SAMUEL GLov1m7 DENT (Blw!'lterd,• JiJbeneze1•, 6 JiJ!,euezer,' 1 Josepli,3 Joseph,' ,Tohn ) was horn in Milton, Mass., ,Jan. 21, 1799, and about 1823 moved to Marshfieltl, a small but beautiful mountain town in central Vermont, where he died Sept. 18, 1880, re. 81. vVhen a young man he learned the tra

m. second, 1\fay 23, 1866, Frances Caroline Hubbard. One child by first marriage d. in infancy. U5, iv. HrmBERT, b. Sept. 14, 1840. v. JOHN T1t0wn1u1>GE, living in Los Angeles, Cal.; employed by the L. ,v. Blinn Lumber Co. Saw three months service in tl1e civil war. ,vent to the Pacific Coast in 1867. Hem. Sept. 28, 1883, l\fo1·y ,fanc, dan. of William and l\Iartha Stevens. One child: Herbert JIL9 Bent, b. in San .Francisco, Cal., 1\farch 2, 188G. vi. AGNES BLAirn, living in San Francisco; m. Franklin Heywood. vii. SARAH ELLA, living in San Francisco; m. Joseph Hewett, who d. ---. One child : Josie 9 Hewitt.

Grwmrn Er,muoar-: 7 D1rnT (Aclam, 6 Ebenezer,& Ebenezer/ Jo­ 1 ,~ezJlt,3 ,Joseph,' Joltn ) was born in South lloston, l\fass., July 28, 1811, and

327 HENRY BLAKE7 BENT (Adani,6 Ebenezer,5 Ebenezer,' Josepli,3 1 Jo.~eplt,2 Jolin ) was born in South Boston, Mass., Feb. 1, 1826, and died in Steelton, Pa., June 26, 18D4, ro. 68. He was em­ ployed in the Boston store of Bent & Bush, hatters, until about 18G0; lived in Elizabeth, N. ,J., and vVashington, D. C., and sub­ sequently became connected with the Pennsylvania Steel Co. at Steelton, Pa. He marrie(l in Boston, Ang. 14, 1856, Emeline Perry Thornton, wl10 was J,orn nt Nantucket, Mass., l\fay 2G, 1837, and

Children, i. to iii. born in South Boston, iv. to vi. in Elizabeth, N.J.: i. EMMA TnoRNTON, 8 b. Mny G, 18.'i8; living in Philadelphia; m· in Stccltou, April ~G, I8D:l, ,villiam Rlwornl Taylor. ii. FANNY Er.rzA111sT11, b. Feb. 9, 18li0;


NATHANIEL BOWMAN' BENT (Ebenezer,8 Ebeneze1·, & Ebeneze,r,' 1 Joseph,3 Joseplt,2 Juhn ) was born April 15, 1809, in Quincy, Mass., where he died .l\Iarch 18, 1851, ro. 42. He nrnrric

329 EnENEzrm7 BENT (Ebeneze1·, 6 Ebenezer,5 Ebenezer,4 Josepli, 3 2 1 ,loseph, ,Tolm ) was born in Qnincy, Mass., Dec. 18, 1820, and tlie

330 vVrnsLow BRIGIIAM 7 BENT (Ebenezer,6 Ebenezer, 5 Ebenezer,' 1 Josepli,3 Josepli/ John ) was born in Quincy, Mass., Nov. 15, 1825, an6; d. Nov. 21, 1866. iv. J.:oITH, b. Oct. 18, 1873. a:n LuTinm 8TF:DMAN 7 BF.NT (Eheneze1·, 6 .Ehenezer,• Ebeneze1·,' 1 Joscpli," Jo8epli,• Jolm ) was born in Quincy, l\Iaas., Dec. 6,

• A

1829, and is living in Overbrook, a suburb of Phil:ulclphia, Pa. He has a summer home at Annisquam, l\ Like 1\Iajor-Gclleral Nelson A. Miles he was educated in a Boston crockery store. After three years spent on a farm he went to Boston at the age of fittecn and entered the employ of the New England Glass Company, whmic manufacturing establishment at East Cambriclgc was then one of the most extensive in the United States. There he remained five years, acquiring an excellent mercantile education, as well as a thorough knowledge of the glassware and crockery business. Upon coming of age he embarked in this business with the firm of Atkins, Stedman & Co., which about 1855 bec:uuc D. B. Stedman & Co., and was thus engaged when the Civil "\Var brnkc out. As speedily as possible he arranged his business affairs and, May 22, 1801, en­ listed as a private in Co. H, 4th Mass. Infantry. The regiment proceeded at once to Fortress Monroe, thence to Newpol"t News and finally to Big Bethel, where a fierce battle was waged. Upon the expiration of his term of service, three months, he re-enlisted, Aug. 24, 18Gl, as 1st Sergt. of Co. K, 18th Mass. Infantry, aml par­ ticipated in all of the battles in which that regiment, attached to the Army of the Potomac, was engaged, including Gaines 1\lilb, second Bull Run (in which he was wounded in the hand), Shcparclston and Fredericksburg in 18G2, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappahan­ noclc Station and Mine Creek in 1863. Ile became 2d lieut. ,July 30, 18G2, 1st lieut. Dec. 25, 18G2, capt. Dec. 24, 1863, :mcl major July 29, 18G4. In the operations along the \V eldon Railroad ,luring the latter part of August (1864) he led his battalion, captnring, on the 21st of the month, fifty prisoners aml a battle flag helongiug to the 27th South Carolina Regiment. In the advance of the Fifth Corps upon the enemy's works at Pccble's Farm, Sept. 30, 1864, which re­ sulted in the capture of a line of the enemy's works, his command did good service, reflecting great credit upon its members, hoth rank and file. Shortly afterwards, on the rccommcmlation of ( ¼encral Griffin, he was commissioned by President Lincoln as major in the U. S. Army, and at the same time by the State of 1\fassnehu~etts a lieut.-coloncl; but the term of service of the officers having ex­ pired and the battalion being greatly reduced in numbers, it was consolidated ,vith the 32d Mass. Regiment, and Major Bent, at his own request, was mustered out as a supernumerary officer. "Pence hath her victories no less renowned than ,var." Since the rebellion the gallant major has distinguished himself in the manage­ ment of another kind of steel. Although he went \Vest immediately and filled various positions in the employ of the Union Pacific R.H.. during the construction of that road, and was for a time engagctl in cattle raising on the plains in N cbraska, where he was one of the pioneers, in 187 4 he became superintendent of the Pennsylvania iH


Steel Company at Steelton (Baluwin's Station it was then), Pa..,. and after the death in 1889 of his father-in-law S. M. Felton, prcsi,lent, from which position he retired in 18% in favor of Eclgar C. Felton. The plant of this company, which is located on the Susrrueh:mna, three miles below Harrisburg, is one of the largest in the country. The company, organized in 1865 ( the buildings were erected in 1866 and 1867), matle for the Pennsylvania R. U. the :first steel rails ever produced in America on an order in the rcgulm· course of business. To this company :Major Bent gave the full force and strength of his life. Starting in with an operation employing eight hundred men, he left it with an army of nearly eight thousaml. At the outset steel rails were its only pro

Steel Ore Co., Ellison Portlan

ii. SARAIT, b. 1817; d. unm. iii. Eu,ANOR, b. 1821 ; m. Silas Grant(?). iv. ANN, h. 182:l; d. unm. v. J A~rns, b. 1826 ; m. Lydia. Charlton. One daughter, Rachel,° who m. Alhcrt Il:111. UO. vi. N1mAnrAII, b. 1827; m. 1irst Ann Longdale, and second Mary McEarly.

334: JESSE7 BENT (.LVeclabiali,6 Smnuel, • Ebenezer, ◄ Josepli, 3 Jo­ 1 seph,' Jolm ), farmer, was born in 'Wilmot, N. S., in 1801, and , 1861; m. John l\Iurray Bolsor of Salem, N. S. 450, vi. HENRY FARIN, b. March 2G, 1839. vii. HARRIET S., b. Oct. 16, 1842; d. unm. April 23, 1871. viii. ELLEN A., b. Jan. lG, 1845; d. l\Iarch 20, 1858. ix. EmIA ,JANI•,, b. Dec. 6, 184G; d. uum. Aug. 2/3, 1875. x. CHARLES W., b. Sept. !>, 1849; d. Feb. 4, 1870. xi. JEs!irn B., b. April 4, 18/i:J; m. April 11, 1880, ,Jonathan W oo

336 l~;rnKnu,7 BENT ( Neclabirilt, 6 Samuel,• Ebenezer, 4 Joseph, 3 1 Jo.~ez,li,2 John ), farmer, was Lorn in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1803, and

vi. MARTIN, b. 1843; living in Aylesfor

336 J OIIN7 DENT ( Setli, 8 Samnel, 6 Ebeneze1·; Joseplt, 3 Jo8eph,S 1 Jolin ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S. He married Phebe Miller. Children: i. MARGARF.T,8 d. unm. ii. SAR.All ELINOR, m. Abra.ham Slocomb. iii, JANE. 337 8 CHARLES GRANDISON7 DENT ( Betit, Samuel, a Ebenezer,• Jo­ 1 seplt, 3 Joseplt,' Jolm ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S., and was one of the ,first settlers of Springfield in that county, where he died about 1869. He married, in 1842, Mary, daughter of Obadiah and Eliza Saunders, who died :March 4, 1890, re. about 71. Children, all born in Springfield, N. S.: i. SOPHRONIA J.,8 b. 1843; living at Kingston Station, King's Co., N. S.; m. John Walker. ii. SUSANNA M., b. 1845; living at Kingston Station; m. Carlton Neily. m. CnAHLEB W., b. 1847; d. unm. at Kingston Station in 1882. 452. iv. JA1111ss E., b. 1849; m. Mary Gates. 453. v. JosEl'II F., b. ahout 1850; lll. Ernma Gates. vi. LYDIA M., b. about 1852; living at Kingston Station; m. Holmes Cassidy. vii. ADA M., b. about 1853; living in Truro, N. S. ; m. Isaac Barron(?). viii. LA VIN TA C., b. about 1856; living in Springfield, N. S.; m. Jacob Roop. ix. JOHN F., b. about 1860; living at IGi1gston Station; m. Louisa Curtis; five children. x. Nom1IAN, b. about 1862; living in North Conway, N. II.; m. Mary Drew; two children. xi. FENWICK W., b. 18G5; bicycle dealer; formerly of Tiethlchem, N. II.; now living in West Quincy, l\fass.; m. Edith Griggs. xii. ENA l\IAY, b. 1867; living in Portsmouth, N. H.; m. Arthur Richardson.

338 GEORGE7 DENT ( Jesse, 8 Sanmel, • Ebeneze1·, 4 Joseph, 3 Joseph, 11 1 John ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1813. He mar-• ried Ellen MacSweeney. BENT FAMILY. 197

Children: i. CnARLF.S E.8 ii. l\IAR.Y E. iii. ·WILLIAM G., m. in Australia.

339 6 5 3 A11mnosE 7 BENT ( Jesse, Samuel, Ebenezer,• Joseph, Joseplt, s 1 Jolm ) was born in 1817 in Annapolis County, N. S., where he still lives at Paradise, a hamlet in Wilmot, the largest town in the county. For more than half a century, he has been one of the largest apple growers in a county which exports annually an average of 40,000 barrels. He was one of the first to ship apples to Eng­ land ( 184!)), and the first to send them to Boston in any quantity ( 1856). Ile married first, Amoret Morse; married second, Eunice Uoss; married third, Clara Foster. Child of Ambrose an

340 Eo11rOND 7 BENT ( Jesse, 6 Samuel, 5 Ebenezer,' Joseph, 3 Josepli,' John') was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1822, and is living in Bridgetown, N. S., where he has been Register of Deeds for several years. He married first, Amanda Starratt ; married sec­ ond, Sarah Freeman; married third, lvlrs. Elizabeth (Albee) Chesley. Children: i. GEORGE.8 ii. FrtANCES, m. Charles S. Alley. iii. FmmEmcK.

341 ,Jorrn ILrnms 7 B,m·r ( Jvltn, 6 Smnuel, 5 Ebenezer,4 Joseph,3 1 Josc711t,2 Jultn ) was born in Granville, N. s., in 1815, and is living in Bcllcisle, Granville, N. S. He married Eunice,

342 1VnLTA11l HENRY7 BENT (,lolm, 8 Samuel, 5 Ebenezer,' Josepli, 3 1 Jvsepli,2 Jolin ) was born in Anuapolis County, N. S., in 1817. He married Caroline Gesner. 198 DENT FAMILY.

Children: i. ELIZAllETII CAROLJNE, 8 ii. CATIIERINI~. iii. SNEI>EN, d. nnm. iv. HENRY lLurn1s, d. unm. v. JACOB, living unm. in Granville Centre, N. S. vi. A11.srn. vii. F AMI TC HA. viii. HORATIO CuNNINGIIAu, d. unm. 343 RonERT7 BENT ( Ebeneze1·, 6 Samuel, 5 Ebeneze1·, 4 Joseph, 3 Jo­ 1 seph,' Jolm ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1810. He married, 1839, Theresa Hicks. Children: i. LucY,8 b. 1840; d. unm. ii. EmLY, b. 1842; d. unm. 1865. iii. J\'1AnGARET, b. 1844; m. Stephen Young. iv. CAROLINE, b. 1845; m. Henry Murch. v. ELLEN MATJD, b. 1847; m. Hiram Longmire. vi. ANNIE 1\I., b. 184!); m. Daniel Young. vii. Jo1IN RussELL, b. 1852; m. Elizabeth Milbury. Three chil­ dren: 1. Howard Newton. 9 2. Just-ina. 3. Ermi'na. viii. WILLIAM DENCII, b. 1855. 344 HENRY7 BENT (Ebenezer,6 Samuel,5 Ebenezer: Joseph,3 Jo­ 1 seph,' Jolm ) was Lorn in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1812. Ile married Olivia :Miller. Children: i. AARON,8 d. unm. ii. AnEL, m. Sarah Morrison. iii. HIRAM, d. unm. iv. SARAH JANE, m. John 1\fcCormick. v. l\IosEs, d. unm. vi. ARTHUR, d. uum. vii. AL·roN, an Episcopalian clergyman ; living in Pugwash, N. S. ; m. Laura Calnek. Two children: 1. Lewis Rowland.9 2 • .Alton .Aubrey. viii. LuvosE. 345 EZRA 7 BENT ( Ebenezer, 6 Samuel, 6 Ebenezer,• Joseph, 3 ,loseplt, • John') was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 181!). Ile mar­ ried Ann, daughter of Calvin Phinney. Children: i. JACOB F.,8 m. Eunice Milbury. One child, Janet.9 ii. InENE, m. --- Goddard. DENT FAMILY, 199

346 AnnAIIA:.'11 7 BENT (Ebenezer,° Samuel,5 Ebenezer, 4 Josepk,3 1 Josep!t,2 Jolin ), farmer, was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1824, and is living in Delleisle, Annapolis County, N. S. He mar­ rie

348 ,TosEru7 DENT ( Elias, 6 Banmel," Ebeneze1·, ◄ Joseplt,3 Josepli,' 1 Joltn ) was born in Granville, N. S., in 1816. He married Eliza­ beth Stedman. Children: i. ,VALTJm 0WEN,8 farmer in Granville Centre, N. S. ii. l\IARY Gt~ItTJtlJDE, m. Witham Parker. iii. JOHN IfoN1tY, living umn. in Granville Centre.

34:9 S,u,m:r.7 n1~N'l' ( Oltrtrle.~, 8 Smnncl, 6 Ebenezer,' ,Josepk,3 Jo~ 1 seph, • ,fvlm ), farmer, was born in 1822, in Granville, N. 8., where he still lives. He married Mai-y Abraham. 13 200 DENT FAMILY.

Children: i. ,TouN EnwA1m,8 living 11nm. in Grauvillo Coutre, N. S. ii. Er.Lim ST. Cr.Amil!, unm. iii. ANmrnw, farmer; living in Granville Centre. iv. JANET. v. ESTELLA. 350 · BENJAMIN7 BENT ( Oliarles, 6 Samnel,5 Ebenezer,' Joseph,3 Jo­ 1 sepli,' John ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 1824. He married Kezia Young. Children: i. ALICE.8 ii. SAMUEL, cl. unm. iii. MAUD. , iv. MARY. 351 DANIEL7 BENT ( Oltarles,6 Samuel/ Ebeneze1·,' Joseplt,3 Jo­ 1 seph/ Jolm ) was born in Annapolis County, N. S., in 18213. He married Elizabeth Oliver. Children: i. MARY,8 m. James Blair. ii. C1IAm.Es, ro. ---. m. CYNTHIA. iv. ROBERT. 352 GEORGE7 BENT (Lemuel,8 Neclabiah,6 Ebenezer,' Joseplt, 3 1 Joseplt,2 Jolm ), stone cutter, was born April 21, 1803, in Quincy, Mass., where he died Aug. 6, 1876, m. 73. He married first, Hannah---, who die

Children of George and Sarah, born in Quincy : 458. i. SAMUEL BAitTU:TT, 8 b. Sept. 15, 1846. ii. SAitATI A1rnLAIDF., b. Dec. 16, 1847; living umu. in Quincy. iii. L1rnu~:L .F1m1>1mrcK, b. Aug. 2, 1850; d. in Quincy, Aug. 5, 1871; m. ,July 31, 1870, Gc(lrgiana Lingham, who m. again Dec. 25, 1872, Albert H. Deally. One son, Frederick L.9 Bent, b. Aug. 8, 1871; living in Wolla.ston; m. and has one child. iv. IsAAC PORTF.Jt, b. l\Iay 12, 1852; living in Quincy, Mass.; m. l\fay 12, 1878, Dora G. King of Braintree; no children. 353 lSAAC7 BENT ( Lemuel, 6 1Vedabiali, •Ebenezer,• Joseph, 3 Joseph,' 1 .Tolin ) w:is born in Quincy, Mass., ,June 3, 1805, an

354: SAl\IUEL7 BENT (Le11mel, 6 Ned,ibiah,, 5 Ebenezer,• Joseph,3 Jo­ seph,, 2 Joltn'), stone cutter, was born June 30, 1812, in Quincy, l\lass., where he died Aug. 23, 1845, :tJ. 33. He married first, June 23, 1831, Nancy 13. Colburn, who died in Braintree, Mass., March 27, 1842; married second, in 1842, Mary Littlefield, who married again, Oct. 18, 18Ml, Eliakim Turner ( 1805-1867) of Quincy. Children by the first marriage, all born in Quincy : i. l\L\ltY FRANC1cs.8 b. ,Jnne 10, 18:32; liviug in l\Ielrose, l\Iass.; m. Nov. 22, I 8!i5, E

iii. JAJl[ES WARREN, b. ,June 14, 1835; farmer; bas lived in Bos­ cawen, N. I-I., since 1845; saw service in the civil war in 2d U. S. Sharpi;hooters; m. ,July 5, 18G!>, Eliza .J. Pritchard of Boscawen ; no children. iv. ELIZA Aim, living in Lewiston, Me; m. first, Edwin Webher of Peru, Me ; four children. She m. second, --- Dickens of LcwiHton; no childreu. v. WILLIAM llA1m1soN, b. 1840; living in Peru, l\fo; m. Mary Elizabeth Barrows of Peru; no chilclren. Child by second marriage : i. NANCY JANE, b. 1844; d. ---; m. Oct. 9, 1862, Robert ,Josselyn of Quincy, Mass. One child, d. young.

355 SAMUEL BnowN7 BENT (Isaac, 6 Nedabialt, • Ebeneze1·, • Joseph, 3 Joseplt,2 Jolin'), farmer, was born in New Sharon, l\fo., July 2,.1:, 1801; moved, in 1851, to western part of Vienna, Me., where he died May G, 1882, m. 80. Ile married, May 11, 1828, Susannah Graves of Vienna, who was born ,June 8, 1800, antl died April 28, 1863, daughter of Jacob Graves. Children, all born in New Sharon: i. SARAH GnAYES,8 b. May I, 1829 ; d. ,July 4, 1887; m. March, 185:l, ,Joseph Daniels of Vienna, Me.; no children. ,t(iO, ii. JonN l\lARD rn, b. Sept. I, 18;30. !161, iii. ELimIDGE GRAYES, b. Feb. 11, 1832. iv. JOANNA M., b. ,July 2:l, 1835; living at Farmington Falls, l\fe.; m. Nov. 15, 1856, l\ierrill Brown of Vienna, 1\fo. Fom chil­ dren: 1. Viola S.9 Brown, b. Oct. 30, 1857; m. l\Iarch 4, 1881, Loren l\I. Chapman of l\fadrid, l\fe. 2. Elmer A. Brown, b. Feb. 28, 1861; m. April 10, 188!>, Ethel L. ,Jones of Pug­ wash, N. S. 3. Nora J.lf. Brown, m. ,Tune Ii, 18!>0, Frank L. Childs of Farmington Falls. ,1. Bertl,a B,vwn. i162, v. IsAAC Al'l'I.1':'rON, h. Nov. 20, 1H;rn. vi. JACOll G., b. Feb. ;J, 18-10; d. m1m. iu Vicnua, March, 1875.

356 4 HIRAJU7 BENT ( Isaac, 1 1.Vedabialt, 6 Ebenezer, Joseph, 3 Joseph,' John'), farmer, was born in New Sharon, Me., Aug. 26, 1806; moved to Mt. Vernon, Me., where he

357 J OSIAII7 BENT ( Josiali, • John,• Ebeneze1·, 4 Joseph, 3 Joseplt,' 1 Jolm ), clergyman, was born in Milton, Mass., Oct. 1, 17!J7, and died in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 19, 18:rn. After gm

368 SAllrUl~L Tucrn:n.7 llRNT ( ,T().~ia/1, 6 .John, 5 Ehcne.::e1·, ◄ ,To.~eplt, 3 1 ,/i).~c7il1,• .lul1J1. ) was born J ◄'cl,. 22, lK0-1, in Milton, aml died in Dorchester, Nov. 2, 1885. From 18130 until 18:37 he was associated with his L>rothcr-in-law, Samuel Adams, in the manufacture of Bent's 204 BENT FAMILY. water crackers, the business established by his father at the begin­ ning of the century. In the latter year he disposed of his interest and a year or two later joined his brother, H. Nelson Dent, in the West. About 1842 he returned to Milton, and during the rest of his life was superintendent of the cracker bakery. He was for many years superintendent of the Orthodox Sunday School in Milton and in his later

360 NATHANIEL Tumrnn7 IlENT ( Josiali, 6 ,Joltn, • Ebenezer,4 Jo­ 3 1 sepli, Josepli,' Jolin ), clergyman, was born in Milton, Mass., July 30, 1810, an

Children of Edward Dexter and Mary J., i. horn in Dedham, Mass., ii. in "\Vorccster, Mass., iii. in Fitzwilliam, N. II.: i. JENNTE,8 b. l\Iarch 8, 18-12; tl. in Sheboygan, \Vis., Aug. 10, 1882; m. March 5, ]8!i2, ,Tohn ,J. Hanchett of Sheboygan Falls, \Vis. Two children: i. F1mnie,9 b. Feb. 12, 1863; m. J\farch 31, 188fi, William Davia of Chicago, Ill. 2. Fr,mk, b. 18GG; d. 1877. ii. Jur.IA, b. Feb. 7, 184-!; d. l\fay 30, 1884; m. in Waupun, Wis., July 15, 18G4, Warren S. Cotes. 469. iii. EDWARD CLAUENCE, b. Aug. 5, 1852. Children of Edward Dexter and Alice, i. horn in Fitzwilliam, N. H., ii. in Sheboygan Falls, ·wis.: i. !faE,8 b. July 28, 1857; m. Sept. 20, 1883, Henry C. Day of Northampton, J\fass., wlwre they st ill rcsi1lc. Ouc chil1I, llarold,9 b . .l\lay :!2, I 885. ii. MAUD, h. March 1, 185!.l; m. Oct. 1!), 1887, Leslie W. McIntire, a drug.;,-.-ist in Solon, l\1e. ; three children. Child of Edward Dexter and Jennie, born in ,v aupun, "\Vis. : i. MINNrn Enrrn,8 b. Nov. 15, 18G:3; m. June 18, 1884, \Villiam R. Simmons of South Evanston, Ill. Ile is in business in Chicago, 111. Two chil

v. LrLLA M., b. 1850; d. 1853. vi. LrLLA J.\,lAmA, h. Nov. 18, 1855; m. April 17, 1879, William C. Pierce of Worcester, b. Feb. 6, 1855. One child, Alice Lena,9 b. Sept. 11, 1880. vii. LF.NA M1mo1u, h. Nov. 21, 18ri7; m. Dec. lG, 1880, Gideon Bradford of Providence, R. I., where they still live. Two chil

Children of Thomas H. and Sally.A. (Bent) Hinckley: i. NATHANIEL BENT 8 HINCKLEY, b. Feb. 21, 1843; went to sea at 18, left it at 23, having been for eighteen months master's mate in U. S. Navy in the civil war; was in business nearly fourteen y'l_ars in China; since 1879 has been in the ,vest, and is at present in St. Paul, Minn., where he is Auditor and Asst. Treas. of the C. B. & N. R. R. Co. ii. MARY HEWES HINCKLEY, b. April 6, 1845; has always lived in Milton. iii. Tnmus LESLEY HINCKLEY, b. Jan. 13, 1849; d. Nov. I, 1875. iv. Wu.LIAM MEsSINGElt HINCKLEY, b. July 18, 1857; living in Colorado.


365 WILLIAM HENRY8 BENT (Newell,' Thomas,6 Jason,6 Tliomas,4 1 Hopestill, • Peter,• John ) was born in Sudbury, Mass., Aug. 10, 1838; moved in 1866 to Waltham, Mass., where he

366 JonN HASTINGS8 BENT (Rufus 11.,1 'Plwmas,8 Jason,5 Tlwmas,' 1 Hopestill,3 Pete1·, • Jolm ) was born in Brighton, now part of Boston, Mass .• May 25, 1851, an

367 FRANCIS F AIRBANKS8 BENT ( Daniel F.,' Jason,° Jason, 5 Tltornas,' 3 1 IIopestill, Peter,' Jolin ) wns Lorn in Su

:firm of Norcross, Mellen & Co., but since Sept., 1894, has been in the office of E,lwarcl Hatch, auctioncct'. Ile has written, bc1:1i1lctl the prctmnt hi.story of the Bent family, an account of the Comee­ Corney Fa~ily in America ( 50 pp., 18!>6), the Descendants of Walter Allen of Newbury, Mass., 1640 (66 pp., 1896), Col. ,Jabez Hatch of Boston, his Ancestry and Descendants (5 pp., 1897), and an account of the early generations of the Fenno Fa.mily in America (11 pp., 1898), the latter two, as well as the first nine pages of the Comee-Corney Family and a preliminary account of the early Bents ( 1894), being reprinted from the .New-England Historical and Genealogical Regi'ster. An enthusiastic lover of the woods and hills, he has also written a few fugitive newspaper articles on snow-shoeing in the White Mountains and other out-door ·subjects. He married, March 3, 1898, Cora L. Maynard, of Attleboro', Mass., born in the part of Smithfield, R. I., added to Woonsocket, in 1871, daughter of Daniel Harrison and Elizabeth (Banister) May­ nard, and a descendant in the eighth generation from ,1 ohn Maynard, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639, near ,Tolm 1 Bent. The line of descent is: Daniel I-I.,7 Daniel0 of Hawley, J\Iass., Danicl6 of Hawley, Ebenezer' of ·w estboro', Mass., David3 of ·w estboro', John2 of Marlboro', Mass., John' of Sudbury. 371 GEORGE HENRY8 BENT ( Newell, 1 .1Vewell, • Jonathan, 4 Thomas,' 3 1 Hopestill, Peter,2 Jolm ), insurance agent, was bom ,Tune 19, 1836, in Cambridge, Mass., where he is still living. He married, Nov. 2, 1871, Georgiana, daughter of Edward Hixon of Cam­ bridge. Children, all born in Cambridge: i. NEWELL,9 b. June 20, 1873; graduated from Harvard College in 18!)5; now an instructor in the Fay School at Southboro', Mass. ii. ELIZABETH HrxoN, born Aug. 30, 1874; teacher in a private school in Boston. iii. GEORGE EDWAIW, b. ]\fay 29, 1877. iv. SARAH CHAPLIN, b. March 26, 1887. 372 6 WALTER TROWBRIDGE8 BENT (.1Vewell, 1 Newell,6 Jonatltan, 3 1 Thomas,' liopestill, Peter,• .Tolm ), stock broker, was born in Cambridge, Mass., May 5, 185 I, and is living in Framingham, Mass. He is a member of the firm of ,Joseph B. Ames & Co., Boston. He married, May 20, 1880, Emily F. Newton of Cam­ bridge, born in Salem, Mass., Aug. 16, 1856, daughter of John H. and Emily :M. (Jepson) Newton. DENT FAMILY, 211

Children, i. and ii. born in Cambridge, the others in Framing- ham: i. MAnY EMILY,11 b. June 8, 1881. ii. 1VALTEU G1moonr, b. ,July 20, 1884. iii. LEAVITT N~;w~;r.r,, b. Nov. 16, 1886. iv. HAROLD Tuow1m1DoE, b. April 11, 1891. v. FnANKLIN AUGUSTUS, b. Dec. 24, 1892. 373 ALFim1>8 BrnNT ( Gltarles,7 Sila,q, 6 Silas,' EliJah,' Hopestill,3 1 1 Peter, ,folm ) was born in Taos, N. M., Feb. 2, 1837; educated in St. Louis, Mo. He was murdered at Taos, Dec. 9, 1865, by a Spaniard who was known as Greek George. He married, Aug. 13, 18.57, Gumlaloupe Long, born Oct. 28, 1843, who married secoml, in 1867, George vV. Thompson and lives in Sopris, a coal mining town in Colorado. Children, all born in Taos : i. CuAnLES,9 b. April 26, 1860; living in Trinidad (four miles from Sopris), Col., where he is engaged in stock raising; m. April 2:l, 1885, Fanuie Sayre, b. in Cimarron, N. M., l\farch 28, 1867. Four children, all b. in Colorado: 1. Gl,adgs Juanita, 10 b. April 9, 1889. 2. Frances Beatrice, b. Sept. 27, 1891. 3. Lupie Dearing, b. Sept. 17, 1894. 4. Nannie Marie, b. Jan. 12, 18!J7. ii. WILLIAlI, b.1\Iay 31, 18/l2; farmer; living near Sopris, Col.; m. Oct. 24, 18H4, Verouiz Wilkins. Four children: 1. Della. 2. Eva. 3. Lucy. 4. Thoma~. iii. SILAS ALFitEI>, b. Oct. 20, 18G4; living unm. in Sopris. 374 J AlllF.S l\foCLELLAND8 BENT ( Jolin, 1 Silas, 6 Silas,• EliJah,' 3 1 Hopestill, Peter,• Jolin ), clergyman, was born in St. Louis, Mo., in April, 1841, and .die

Children: i. OLIVE M.,9 b. April 3, 1873. ii. JonN IlURNAM, b. Oct. 1, 1874. iii. SEDDIE, b. Jan. 4, 1880. iv. SrLAs, b. May 9, 1882. v. NANNrn C., b. Nov. 19, 1883. 375 JOEL WoonnURY8 BENT ( lVilliarn L., 1 Joel,8 Joel,° EliJalt,' Hopestill, 3 Pete1·,' John') was born in Wendell, Mass., July 24, 1846; living in Brighton, Boston, Mass. When three years old he went to Wisconsin with his parents, but returned to Massachu­ setts seven years later with his mother and made his home in Lev­ erett until he was seventeen, when he started out for himself. After three years spent in New York State he came East again and in 1871 located in Boston. Since 1873 he hns been foreman in the Brighton abattoir. He married, Aug. 29, 1872, Elizabeth, daugh­ ter of John and Eliza (Dougall) Huston of St. John, N. B. Children, all born in Boston: i. G1mTJWDE MAY,°b.March l!J, 1874; agraclnateof the Normal School in Boston; a teacher in the Aubm·u School, Brighton. ii. LUCINDA 1\IARIAH, b. Ang. 16, 1875. iii. ·w1LLIAM DOUGALL, b. May 30, 1877. iv. ELLA FLORENCE, b. Feb. 13, 1879. v. ANNABELL, b. Sept. 29, 1880. vi. JESSIE HusTON, b. Jan. 17, 1884. vii. JusTIN WoOD!lURY, b. May 13, 1885. 376 vV1LLIAM 0sGOOD8 BNN'l' ( lVilli

BENT FAMILY. 213 where he still resides. He graduated from th~ Illinois ·wesleyan University of Illoomington in 187!J, arnl from the Law School con­ nected with the same institution in 1882. ·with the exception of about nine months spent in St. Paul, Minn., he has since lived in Dloomington, where he is in active practice as a lawyer. For sev­ eral years he has been a member of the board of education. He married, Aug. 25, 1880, A

378 G1WROE8 DENT ( Joseplt K., 1 Samuel,° Joel,5 Elijali,4 llope­ still,3 Peter,• Jolin') was hom in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 25, 1840; moved, .July 28, 1881, to Chicago, Ill., where he still resides. He is a travelling salesman for the largest lumber company in the world, the Edw. Hines Lumber Company. He married, March 16, 18134, at Florisant, Mo., Julia A. Taylor, who was born Oct. 18, 1844. Children, all born in St. Louis : i. LELIA S.,9 b. Jan. 22, 186,5; d. Nov. 27, 186,5. ii. CORA LEE, b. Oct. 16, 1866; m. Nov. 10, ISSG, in Chicago, Ill., Willis E. Keeler of Belvidere, Ill. ; no children. iii. l\IA.nrn l\fARGUEIUTis, b. Aug. 16, 1869. iv. Bmnrn B., b. l\Iarch 2G, 1872; d. Oct. 2, 1807; m. Jan. 11, 1802, Trueman L. Parkhurst of San Diego, Cal.; no chil

379 \VILLI MI McDOWELL8 BENT ( Cyrus Il., 7 David J., 6 Rufns,5 Eliy'ali,4 IIopestill, 3 Peter/ Joltn') was born in Louisville, Ky., June 1, 1855; living in Covington, Ky. He graduated from Centre College, Danville, Ky., in 1875. November 15, 1879, he married Katie Paull Harrison of Louisville, who die

380 GEORGE STARR.1TT8 BENT (Bufus,1 David,6 David,' lr[ica!t,' 3 1 Hopestill, Pete,·,' Joltn ) was born in Granville, N. S., Nov. 1, 1822, and died March 30, 1884. He married, Jan. 18, 1855, Mary Ann Inglis. Children, all born in Granville : i. ANN ELIZABE'ru,9 b. Feb. 1, 1856. ii. FRANK FENWICK, b. Sept. 26, l 858 ; lives with his brother on farm in Delleisle, in the township of Granville, N. S., where his great-grandfather settled ; m. Dec.. 30, 18DI, Amelia Goodwin. iii. AlrANDA STARRATT, b. Sept. 8, 1861; m. Dec. 31, 1890, Albert Goodwin; three children. iv. LAmtA JEAN, b. April 20, 1864; m. Dec. 18, 188!J, Lemuel Elliott ; three children. v. MrnNIE DE Wou·, b. April 27, 1867; m. July 12, 18!l2, Fred­ erick Bent. vi. CLARA BELLE, b. Feb. 2, 1870. vii. A1w11rn CLU'~'Oiw, b. ,Tune IG, 1873. 381 DAVID P ARKER8 BENT ( Rufus, 7 David, 8 David, 5 JJficalt, • Ilope­ 1 still,3 Peter,• John ) was born in Granville, N. S., Sept. 23, 18U, and

382 EnWIN8 BENT ( Willimn Lovett,1 }Villiam, 8 Dwuid,• llficalt,' 3 1 Hopestill, Pete·r, • Joltn ) was born in Nova Scotia in 1830, and died in Digby, N. S., in 1871. He was postmaster of Digby. He married, in 1861, Clara 1-V. Barnaby. Children: i. HERBERT II.,9 druggist, has livccl in Fitchburg, l\fass. ii. 8TANLJ,:Y, living in Centreville, N. S. iii. FLORENCE, d. in 1891; m. Henry Snow of Annapolis, N. S. 383 THOMAS D.8 BENT (Phineas L.,1 rVilliam, 8 David," Micali,• Hopestill, 3 Pete1·,2 Joltn') was born in Annapolis, N. S., Oct. 13, DENT FAl\IILY. 215

1842. He moved to "Massnehusetts when a young man, and, Sept. :.!4, 18G2, enfoited from Nectlliam, for nine months, in Co. C, 4:lrl 1\f:t:,s. Infantry. August 22, 1863, he re-enlisted as 1st sergt. in Co. I>, 2rl .Mass. Heavy Artillery; promotc(l to 2d lieut. April 10, l81i!i. Ile JJHttTic

385 G1r,1m1tT H.AY 8 B1rnT ( 1Vio·ren, 7 ,Toseplt, 6 Dnvicl, 5 Jlicali, 4 Il<111estill, 3 l'eter, 2 Joh.n') was born in the Annapolis Valley, N. ::,;., ,Jan. 22, 18::Zfi, arnl is liviug in North Re:uli11g-, :Mass. Uc lcJ't Norn ~,co Lia in 184 7 a111l Wa8 cdueatetl for the ministry at Con­ CUI'! 1, N. TT., gratlnating in 185"L His first charge was at North Grafton, l\lass., since whieh he has been pastor of several }Icthodist parishe8, mostly in N cw Eng-la ml. During the war he was at the front with tlic U. t\. Christian Commission. J!'or the past fow years he has had no regular charge, preaching only occasionally. Ile married first, at Chelsea, :Mass., ,fan. 1, 185!), Crusa A. Cook, who was horn in Mendon, Mass., in 183!),

Boston University School of Medicine in I8!J2 arnl locate1::m, h. Aug-. 20, l872 ; · living in North lte:uliug, :Mass.; m. Dec. Hi!):!, WatTeu ll. Simornls. 386 ISRAEL" BENT ( TVitrren, 1 Joisep!t,6 David,• jjfiealt,4 Ilope1;till, 3 Peter,2 Joltn') was horn in Paradise, N. S., April 27, 18:n, an

389 J Aeon VALENTINE8 DENT ( L~rael L., 1 ,Toseplt, 6 Dw.:id, • .1.llicalt, • lloz>estill, 3 Peter,• Jo!tn'), former, was born in Granville, N. S., Oet. 10, 1810. Ile moved, in 188!), to Stow, Mass., :tnd thence, in April, l8!JG, to Hudson, Mass., where he still rcsi: IL, h. 0<'t. :II, l.'!77; livin~ unm, i11 Hoston. iv . •Joi;i,:1·11 V., l,, .Inly ;;i, 187!1; living with l1i8 father.

31)() IsRAF.L A1tCIIIBALD8 BENT ( brnel L., 1 Josepli, 6 David, 5 .1.lficali,' ]Iopeslill,3 Peter,• Jo/i.n' ), contractor ancl builrler, was born in Gmuvillc, N. S., Oct. 2, 184!), and is living in (South) Lincoln, ]\lass. He moved to .Massachusetts in 1880, and, after living two years in W'" cston, Lought his present place in Lincoln. He mar­ rieLl, Dec. 4, 1872, Sarah Sybella Col

,fosJ~l'II B1~NSON 8 Bi~NT (,f. Pletclter, 1 Joseplt,6 Drtvid, 6 JJlicrtlt, • 1 lloz>esti:ll,3 Pete1·,• ,folm ) was !Jorn in Rt. Daviils, N. R., Nov. if>, 18il8, and is living in l:lo111crvillc, i\foss. Ile came to j\fa;;sn­ d1usetts in 18G2, and since 1888 has IJecn book-keeper for G. ,v. Bent & Co., Boston. Ile married, Sept. Ii, 18li:'5, Matilda 1Vilson Cotlin, who wns born in Barrington, N. S., ,\pril 12, 18 ..J.0,

chi!tlren : I. Winifred Jl,,mt'.lton, 10 b. in 8pringfiel1l, N. Y., Nov. JH, lS!JO. t. llloreuce Esther, h. in Souwrville, S1,pt. 17, 18!)-1. ii. ffi.;1,1.;N I.Lt y II.Hlll.TON, h. Feb. 27, 18ti!I; a. March tt, 1878. iii. G1w1wi-: F1rnu1mrcK Con,'1N, b. Nov. 28, 1870; livi11g in l\fontana. iv. LEoN G11u.1w Lo1wrn, b. !\fay 23, 1872; living in Readiug, l\lass. ; is in the employ of G. \V. Bent & Cu., Boston ; m. Oct. 14, 18!Hi, l\Iariou E1lna Parker. v. Josi-:l'II FLETorn at Nictaux Fall::!, Annapolis County, N. S., in 183G, and died in Goltlenville, N. S., in 1888, re. 52. He lived in llatlt, 1\Ic., a short time in the early sixties, but returned to Nictanx Falls, am! a few years later went to Londo11dcrry, N. S., an

Cliil(hcn, i. horn in Lomlonclcrry, ii. in Bath, Mc., iii. ancl iv. a.t Nietaux .Falls, v. to vii. in Goldcnville: 1. G-,umr;,:rm LoNSPAJ.1,;,9 h. f8[i8; a rni11i11g- engineer in .Mexico. 11. C:1-:0111: ,,: Ei:1,:N, h. liH,l ; 111i11i11g- e11.~i11cer; 111. Florence Smit.II. iii. U1-:01:<:L\NNA Fr:.\N<:ES, b. IH(i:J; ~cliool tc,acher. iv. ,Lum;; 1{111·1-:ttT, b. 18(i;'i; mining e11gi11ccr; at present interested in Alaska. v. L.\CHA F,u1:FU:LI>, b. 1871; school teacher in \Vine Harbor, N. S. v1. C,i.,mrn Er,swooo, b. 187,t; m. Alex. Nichols. vii. (.},umIKSA ELnru, h. 1878 .

. 395 7 JionATIO N,,a,RONR n,~NT (.fames, Silils,6 D11,m'J, il .1lfi:calt, ~ Ifop,•sti'/1," Peter,• ,liJ/111.'), carpenter, was born at Nietaux, N. S., where he dic1l. Ile marricu l\lary Stronach. Chiltlrcn: i. Frrnn 0.9 ii. ]\I,uw A ltET. iii. ]tl'l'l•:1a. iv. FnANrc v. Jm;,;rn. 3~)G vV1LLT,DT HENRY8 BENT (Denni.~,7 Silas," Dnvid,5 J,.ficnh,• !lope.still,' Peter,• ,.Tohn'), l:twyer, was born in Nictaux, Annapolis County, N. S., Dec. 6, 1841, and is living in Lowell, .Mass. In lS:iO the family lio111e was transferred to Newburyport, :i\fass., where he lin•tl until 18ii!>. After n year spent in Haverhill, Mass., he located permanently in Lowell, where he was employed as a printer in the office of one of the (laily newspapers, at the same time study­ ing law. In August, 18G2, he enlisted as a private in Co. A, 35th Heg. Mass. Infantry, and becmne 1st lieut. in Sept. 1864, and captain in Nov. 186-t; transferred to the 2!Jth Reg. in .May, 18G5, ancl 11111stcrccl out 1\ug. 18G5. He was engaged in the battles of Sont.h Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, aiege of Vicksburg, Si1·gc of KHoxvillc, Blue Springs, l\linc H1111, Spottsylvania, North Auna, Shady U rnvc, Col«l llarLor, Siege of l'ctcrsburg and the mine explosion at Appomattox. In Dec. 18(i7, he was admitted to the l\[iddlcscx bat· and has been in active practice ever since; was aclmittcd to the Unitell States Court at Boston in Sept. 18!J8. He married, at Lowell, Aug. !), 1871, Georgia H., daughter of George H. and Anna B. Tarr. Childrrn: i. lh:wr1u~1 D1rnN1s,9 h. April ii, 187!>. ii. Am· U1,Arn-s, b. 8ept. 1;!, 1884. 220 DENT l<'AllfILY,

!197 "\YrLLTA~c ILmr:rsoN 8 RrnNT (.fames J.lf., 1 1Villiam, 6 JVilliruu,& J.11icalt, • llopestill, 3 PetCJ',' ,Tolw') was horn in 1840 in Coel1it11atc Village, "'Wayland, lHass., where he diecl .June 22, 18iHi. Ile was · a member of the firn1 of \V. & ,T. l\l. Bent, i;Jwe man11fiu:t11rcr,;, in Cocl1it11ate village ( the firm went of lmsincss about 189:l), alHl hacl been selectman, representative to the Legislature ( 187 5), trcasureL' of the water coum1issioners and treasurer of the Natick & Cochituate Street Railway, and was prominent among the local i\Iasons arnl Knights Templar. He rnanietl, Nov. 27, 18Gl, 'l'el' II. Loker of "\Vaylan

• Received too late to he properly numLcrc,I. See page 146. DENT FAl\1ILY, 221

Children, all born in Cochituate : i. l\IARTITA T1wwmtmcrn,9 b. Aug. 18, 188G. ii. i\L\itY CATlllmINJ•;, h ..Tau. 2!t, 18!)1. iii. ANNA E1.1;,;An1,;-r11, h. Dee. ~I, 18!>8. mm 1\InmN 1VALLACI•, 8 H1•,NT (,lamr>s Jlf., 1 1Villimn,6 William,• Jlfi,:ah,' lfo;wstill,' J>etc1·,' ,John') was born St>pt. l!J, 184!), in Cochit11ate Village, \Yayland, .i\lass., and is living in Rochester, N. II., ,vherc he is superintendent of Linscott & Co.'s shoe manu­ factor,v. Ile represented \Vaylarnl in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1878. He married first, Rosanna Illingsworth of \Valtham, from whom he was clivorcecl. Ile married seeoml, J\farch 16, 1872, Comclia ,J., claughter of \Villi:un Loker of ·waylan

401 o,w,wrn 0111mLIN8 n,rnT (A rchilmlrl, 1 11fica.h, 6 lVillia1n, "11ficalt,4 1 IIope.~till,3 Peter,' Jol1n ) was born in South Framingham, .Mass., Nov. 3, 1842; fo·ing- in South Framingham. He enlisted June 30, 18Gl, as private in Co. B, 29th :Mass. Linfantry; became 18t lieu­ tenant l\Iarch 25, 1865. He married first, in Boston, :Feb. 23, 18'3o, Eliza Gcorgietta Talbot, a. native of Colchester, England, who died in Framingham, Nov. 9, 18Gli, m. 17; married sccoml, in \Voon­ sockct, R. I., ,January 24, 18G8, ,Vilma Dcliua, Lorn Oct. 3, 1852, 7. 222 BENT FAl\IILY.

ii. G1wn,rn 1\fo1tTON, h. 1\fay I, 1870; liviug in 80. l<'l':lrningh:un; m. Ang. rn, 18!)8, Gcrtrntle l\f. Flemiug of 8hcrhorn, l\'l:L~s. One child, Eve/;1/n F'l,•111i11!J, 10 J,. Sqit... f, 18!1!). iii. Awrmm EnnAit, h. D1ic. :W, 1871 ; Jiving in So. l•'r:m1i11gfo1111; hook-lwi,p1!r for Fales & Co.; tri,:L~Hrer of FirMt lf11ivl'l'~aliHt Church of Framillg-h:1m; has servecl in the lllilitia, arnl heen captain of Sous of-Veterans; m. Dec. :W, 18!17, Ethel Sharp, ouly flan. of Samuel a11tl l\Iartha 8. Currier of N:1tick, l\Iass. iv. AnA Fr.01rnNc1,, b. Sept. :!ii, 1~7j; livi11g in So. l•'ramiuglmm; m, Jnue Ii, 1894, ,James Foster Flagg. Two chil1lndt: 1. Wilma 1Jforton1° Fla!f,q, h. Feh. 14, 18!)ii. '2. Hattie Florence Flagg, b. 1\foy 30, ll:lVS. 402 I-IF.:nmm.T .AL1'IIONS08 BENT ( .1.llellen G., 7 1.llicuh,6 William, 5 JJficalt, 4 IIopestill, 3 Peter,• Joltn') was born in \V chster, Ma:;s., Jan. 22, 1855; was brought up by his paternal grandmother in Bellingham, l\Iass. ; living in Franklin, Mass. Ile marrietl, .i\Iarch 5, 1876, Mary Emmn, Giffonl of 1Yrcnth:un, i\foss., (laughter of Stephen T. Giffonl. Children, i. Lorn in Bellingham, ii. in Franklin: i. CnArrLES lI1mllEUT,9 b. Sept. 23, 1877. ii. 1VINIFltED A1rnrn, h._,June 11, 1881. 403 LAWSON G1u,1rn• B1rnT (J.lfellen G., 1 1lficrclt,6 lVilliam, 6 :Jfir;a/t,' Hopestill, 3 Peter, 2 ,loltn') was born at Valley Falls(?), H. I., Sept. 19, 1857; is a railroad man, and lives in the South; was brought up in Lebanon, l\Ie. He nwrried Lucy Prescott. Two of their five children m;·e living: i. EuNEST.9 ii. foA, 404 PETEP.8 BENT (Peter,' Pete1·,6 Davicl,5 David,' Drwid, 3 ,Jolm,2 Joltn') was born in Denmark, N. Y., July 17, 18oG; living in Chicago, Ill. He married, Nov. 13, 1855, Nancy 1\L Cottrell, antl afterwards moved to Clarence, Iowa, where she :l; living i11 "Mouona, Iowa; m. Nov. rn, 1878, ,J. Elbert Hohertson, .Jr. Oue child, Rell" Bleanorn10 Robertson, b. in ,vest Uniou, Iowa, April 12, IH80. ii. CA1mm A., b. ,Tuly 18, 18[ii:i; liviug iu West Uniou; m. 1\f:iy 24, 1882, Si

408 lIARTWI~LL II. 8 Bt,JN'r (Da.lmanutlw, 1 D1wid, • Dllvid," Dacid," David, 3 Joltn, • Jo!tn'), farmer and cheese maker, was l>orn in Philadelphia, N. Y., Mny !), 1837; died in Antwerp, N. Y., Fcl>. 29, 1884, re. 4G; was supervisor of the town of Antwerp for mnny years, aml chairman of the Board of Supervisors of ,Jefferson County for two years. He married, .T uly, 1858, Jane Baldwin. Children, born in Antwerp, N. Y.: i. Ror lIARTWELL,9 b. l\fay 17, 18Gfi; living in Antwerp, N. Y.; m. Lola 1\fay Oelbert. Oue child, Lynn Ruy1° Bent. ii. WYNN C., b. March 31, 1871.

40!) 1fELVINA" BENT (llartwell, 1 Dttoid,0 Dm,id," David,< Drwid,3 Jolw,2 .folm') was born in .Mt. IIolly, Vt., l\fay I!}, 1/'tll; was taken a fow years afterwards to llandulph, N. Y., and is living in Ellington, N. Y., her home since marriage. She married, May 2!), 1848, ,Tames Brooks, M.D. Children: i. JA~rns CASPE1t9 IlrWOJ{S, b. April 25, 184!); a civil e11ginenr; was killed in a railroad accident Sept. 2G, 188:1, m. ;q; m. Sept. !J, 1874, Delora, dau. of .•J11li11s B. all(l Caroline A . .Maltbie of Gowanda, N. Y. One chihl, Hurry Birdsey1° Brooh. ii. MELVIN 1\LuN BuooKs, b. ,July 14, 18f>l; civil engineer; was sup't. of the construction of several railroads, and hatl charge of several na.tnral gas pla.11ts; ti. in Ellington, N. Y., ,Jan. I I, 18!!5, ..c. 4-!; Ill. iu Septcml,er, l87(i, Katt: Jo8epltiue Morgan BENT FAJl{ILY. 225

of Fort Edward, N. Y. Three chila1Jid, ◄ Dai:icl,3 Jolin,' ,JiJ/m') was Lorn in Ludlow, Vt., in 1845, and died in Cavendish, Vt., in 1880; managed a general store in the village of ])uttousvillc in Cavendish, was a printer, and for a time was ex­ press 111cssenp:c1· between Bnrlinp:ton and Bost.on. Ile married, April I :1, l,<;(i!), Conklin K~tlicr Walli8, who i8 living in Cavendish. Children: i. E,rrrnm.9 ii. <:1-:01(1:rA AnA. iii . .l\Luo- STILES. 411 G1mrw1~ CAHLOR" TIMNT ( 8. IVidl.,m·, 1 Drtvid, 6 D,wid,' D,wid, 4 D(('l.:£d," ,lulm,Z JiJ/m'), lawyer, was Lorn in Ludlow, Vt., July 17, 184-8; living in Boston; grew up.on his father's farm in Cavendish, Vt.; graduated from Dean Academy in Franklin, Mas8., in 1871,

"'Hcccivcu too late to IJc properly numbered. See page lol. 226 BENT FA]l[ILY. and passed entrance examination to Tufts College; taught in the high school at 1\lachias, Mc., for four years; stwliccl law in the office of Heman \Y. Chaplin, Boston; :ulmittc,l to Suffolk liar M:u·ch 20, l 87(i, antl still continues to practice there; from 187(, until 18U2 lived in Cambridge, which he represented fonr years in the Common Council and two years, 1884-1885, in the Legislature. He is a prominent Mason. Ile 111:uTiccl, 187 5, Mattie A., tla11ghter of Rev. Norris C. Hodgdon, a Univcrsalist clergyman. No chiltlren.

412 STILES GmEON8 BENT ( S. lVall:er, 7 Davicl,6 Davicl,6 Dcwicl,4 David," Jolm,' ,Jolin') was born in Cavendish, Vt., and is living in Bethel, Vt. Has lived in Boston and Philatlclpliia. IIe mal"l"ictl first, Marion P. Furber, born in Stockbridge, Vt., from whom lie was divorced; married sccoml, Mary G. Adams, horn :March 21, 1858, daughter of Dauiel S. and Harriet (Crocker) Adams of Charles­ town, Mass. Child: i. RuTII .Fumrnn,9 b. in Newton, 1\f::iss., Jnly 21, 188!.l.

413 OVERTON 1VALKER9 BENT (St"lrts rv., 1 Silas P.,6 Dffvid, 5 David,• Da·vicl, a Jolm, 2 Joltn') was Lom in Henderson, ,Teffcrson County, N. Y., M:u-eh 2~), 184G; living in Bo11lder, Col. rn the summer of 18G8, he went to Nel11".11,ka alltl took up a fo1"111 in Cass County, fifteen miles cast of Lincoln; in l 80-L, he i·emovetl to the city of Lincoln, whel'e he remained until 18!)8. He married, Od. 10, 1871, Belle Lewis of Cass County, born ,Tune 1, 1853, llieJ Oct. 9, 1892, daughter of John and Gillie Lewis. Children, all horn in Nebraska: i. ETTA L.,9 h. Feb. 27, 1873; tl. l\fay rn, 1878. ii. A1.111mT W1,:us, l,. Sept. i l, 187-1; a. Feb. 20, 1877. iii. EDNA CENTENNIAL, b. Aug. 18, 187u; is conneete,l with the Sanitarium at Boulder, Col. iv. Evi-:LlN.t BRLLE, h. Dec. 1, 1877; employed in the Colorado Sanitarium. v. LuuY OLIVE, h. Ang. 3, 187!); l1as been ass't. hook-keeper m the Sa11itmfom at Bo11l1ler since September, 18!)7. vi. Mn,TL!s .MA1n·, b. ,fall. -1, 1885; cl. April iu, 18!)8. 41-l EAnL S1LAS 8 nrrnT (,John ,lay,1 Silas P.,• Drrvid,• David,• 1 David,3 Jolin,' Joltn ) was born Aug. 15, 18G0, near De Kalli, Ill., and is living near Boulder, Col. DENT FAMILY. 227

Children: i. .lA Y EA 1u,. 0 b. Sept. 7, 1884. ii. C11An1.1-:s W1,:s1,1sY, b. Sept. 22, 1986. iii. ILum1, J\.1,1c1<:, l,. Nov. 5, 1888. iv. 01.1 n:, h. l\fo_v 8, 18!)0. v. l<'1um E1,1,swou-.r11, h. Jan. G, 18!:!2. An

JorIN~ B1rnT (.Tol1n, 1 Fr,rncis,8 Joltn,5 ,Toseplt,• EJ.:pe·ri'ence, 3 ,lo.

417 l\LurrrN Jfn,\XCU, 6 BENT (lwurc, 1 Franci8, • John, 5 Joseplt, 4 E:1'j)C1'l(!J1Ce, 3 ,Tosezil1,•,Jolrn') was born in vVareham, Mass., }\larch 17, 18:3;,; living in Norwich, Conn.; learned the blacksmith's tr::ule of his father at ,varcham, where he worke

Children, aJl born in Norwich : i. lIELJ,N SoPmA, 9 h. Sept. !>, 18G7; tl. ,fan. 1, 187,1. ii. FRANCIS P1s0Kn.ur, b. March 13, 187-l; postal clerk in Nor­ wich l'. 0. iii. "\V1LLL,u1 Wooowo1tTH, b. April 17, 1883.

418 \VILSON DEXTER8 BENT ( 1VilsonD., 1 Francis,• John,5 Jose11lt,' Experience, 3 Joseph,• Jolin'), blacksmith, was born in NO!"th Samlwich (now Bournedale), Mass., Aug. 13, 1835; llieJ in .Fair­ haven, Mass., Jan. 3, 1897. He married, Dec. 26, 18Gl, Sarah J. Spooner of Rochester, Mass., daughter of Edwaru Pope Spooner. Children, both !Jorn in North Sandwich: i. ,vILsON DEXTrm,9 b. Sept. 29, 1852; liviug in San Francisco, Cal.; m. Oct. 14, 18:Jl, Olive E. Poo1·. Two chil

18GG and 18G7 mayor of the city, and from 1869 to 1885 post­ master. ·when :Marshall Jewell IJeeame Postmaster-General of the United States during Prcsig ,T., b . .Aug. li"i, 1858; rn. Sept. 25, 1878, Albert J. Wright of Buffalo, N. Y., where Rl1e Rt.ill 1·eRi

421 SA;'tlUF.L Sn,nv 8 B1rnT ( 'l.'ltomas, 1 ,.folm, • ,.fohn,5 Joseph,' .Expe­ 1 n'ence," ,.fosepli,2 Jolm ), iron foun, 18:lO; bro11µ:l1t 11p in New York City, where he liveIN Dol!

v. WALTE!t DouOJ,.\S, b. ,June 24, "18G7; continues his falher's business; m. Florence M. 1V etmore, b. Feb. 18, l Hli8, d:111. of 1Villiarn •an,l Maria W etmor,i of Port ClieHter, N. Y. Ouo child, Samuel Duuylas,1° L. ,hrn. lU, lHU 1.

422 S,uroEL ADA111S 8 BEN'l' ( John, 7 Ji}.cperience, • John,• ,fosezJlt, • Experience,• Jo.~ezJ/1,2 Julm') was born in l\fo]llld.ioro', l\lm,tl., May 11, 1828, and is living in Chicago, Ill. He i,1 travelling p:t8- aengcr agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway. He marrie,l first, June 8, 185!), Ann Eliza Page of Newtonvillc, 1\Iass., da11g:hte1· of Edward and Sn,1an Page. She dictl in Chicago, ,lune 1, HHH, :u. 67. Ile married sccm~d, .Tuly :28, 18!Hi, at 'Pigeon Cove, 1\la1,,1., Mrs. Susan ll. Bowle,1 of Ellllirn, N. Y. Children of Samuel A. and Ann E. : i. EuLALIA,9 liviug in Ironwood, Mich.; rn. Frank L. Barrows; three children. ii. EnwA1m PA(Hs, d. in Gloversville, N. Y., Dceembt>r, 18£l::?; married. iii. GEOltGI~ HENRY, d. uum. in 8t. Louis, Mo., Nov. :rn, 18U-1.

423 CHARLES HENRY vVnEELWRIGHT8 BRNT (Ebenezc-i-, 7 ll:i;pe­ rience,6 Joltn,5 Jo.~eplt,' E:t:pc·riencc, 3 Joseplt,2 John') was horn in Mil1illips, ·Sampson & Co., Look p11li­ lishers, in Bm:1ton. He marrie(l, in Cambridge, l\fo8s., llcc. :W, 185G, Eliza Ann Canney, Lorn in Dover, .N.11., Nov. ,t, 18J8, died in Boston, ,Jan. 15, Hi82. Chil

424: JUDSON LuTn1m8 BENT ( Lu titer, 1 Expe1·ience, 6 John,• ,JoseJJlt,' Experience, 3 Josepli,2 John') was born in ,vatertown, .Mas,,,, Dee. 13, 1843. He enlisted Sept. 1 D, 18(i2, for nine montlt,1 in Co. K, 5th :Mass. Infantry. Ile ha,1 hccu in the carpet lmsinc88 in "'altliam, }\1a8s., the dry goods bt18i11c,1s in Colorado 8pri11gti, Col., all(! at present is mining in Oregon. Ile 111111Ticd, Nov. 15, l87li, Alice )Vehstcr Rohertl:I, horn Nov-. !), 185::!,


DANmL CnANDLER8 BENT ( Otis, 7 TVilliam, 6 Joltn, • Josep!t, • .Experience,3 Josep!t,2 John') was born in J>aris, Me., Nov. 18, 1821, an

427 ORREN vYEnSTER8 BENT (Otis/ }Villiam, 8 Joltn,6 Josepli,' 1 Experience,3 Joseph/ John ), merchant, was born in Paris, 1\/Ie., Jan. 31, 1824, and is living in Minneapolis, Minn., where he.located 15 232 BENT FAMILY. in 1890. He manic

JoHN A. 8 Br,:NT ( Oren, 1 1Villiwn, 6 John," JosezJh,' E,rpe­ rience," Joseph," John') was born in Harrison, l\Iainc, Sept. 8, 1839, and is living in Mapleton, Utah. Most of his life 11p to the breaking out of the Civil "\Var was spent on a farm. l\fay 1, 18Gl, he enlisted in Co. I, 5th l\1aine Vols., and served in this regiment and in the 4th U. S. Cavalry for six years. For the first sixteen months he was under McClellan in the Army of the Potomac and afterwards under Gen. Thomas in the southwest. IIe took part in the battles of Bull Hun, Seven Days Battle on the Potomac, Stone River, Chattanooga, Chicmnauga and Nashville. He was captured at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 18<34:, and confined in tliffcr­ ent prisons-Andersonville, Oknlona and Meridian-until the close of the war, after which he was in service in Texas sub,lning the Co­ manche Indians, until May, 18(37. After a few years in Philadelphia and Boston, he moved in 187 4 to Colorado, where he rcmainctl, stock-raising until 1893, when he removed to Utah, where he is still engaged in farming and stock-raising. He married ,Tan. 18, 187G, in Denver, Col., Helen T., dau. of Andrew and Rhoda Burnette Hevener of Uiver Bend, Col. Children, i. born in Denver, Col., ii. to iv. in Hugo, Col.: i. IlLANCllll M.,0 b. March 23, 1879. ii.• To~1<:P11 Ro;m, b. Dec. :l, 1880. m. CA1w1.1N1,; A., b. Oct. 17, 18Ht. iv. JonN A. A., b. Aug. 20, 1889.

• Received too late to be properly numbered. See page 166. BENT FAMILY. 233

428 "\V JLLL\l\£ EDWIN8 DENT ( JVillirtni, 7 TVillimn, • Jolin,• Jo8epli, • R:cpCl'ic11ce,3 Joseph,• ,folm') was born in (\Yest) Paris, Mc., .July 10, 1K38, a11tl is living in Abrams, \Vis. In April, 18G5, he movctl to \Visconsin, where he cleared the farm he now occupies near Green Bay. His winters have been spent lumbering in the cxtcnsiYe forests in the northern part of his :ulopted State. He married, :May 2!J, 185G, Lucy Ann, . 471, iii. GrwRrrF. IIr,NitY, b. Feh. 20, 1862. iv. "\V 11,LLUT K, h. arnl a. J 8G8. v. l1011Ac1•: iVA r,r>r:o!II, 1,. i\fay 12, 1 R70: living nnm. at State Linc, \Vis. Is 11;1xo1·iated with his brother Uharles in the manage­ ment of nn oxte11siv1: lnud i11µ: arnl lishing resort. vi. EowJN Lr,:sTrrn, h .•Jan.!), 1874; liviug uum. at Abrams, '\Vis., where he carries on hi1, father's farm. vii. WAr.Ttm H1mrn:1n, b. Aug. :Jl, 1878; living at State Line, Wis.

429 8 1 4 IitA CooK BENT ( AMdtel, ½enns," Jolm,5 J<)RC)J/,,, Er,r,pe1·ie11<;e,3 ,Tosepl,,,2 John}), iron moul

431 ELKANAII8 BENT ( Oltarles, 1 Elkanah, 6 Joseph,• Joseph,• Ea;­ pe1-ience,3 Joseplt, • John'), electrical engineer, was born at Long Islan

432 ,JOSEPH ALJUON 8 BENT (Joseplt, 1 JVilliam, 6 TVillimn,' Joseph,' 1 Joseph,3 Joseplt/ Jolm ), travelling salesman for the 'Watertown Wagon Company, was born ,June 28, 1852, in Thompsonville, Conn., where he still makes his home. He married, Nov. 1, 1875, Ellen E. Duncan of Thompsonville, who uicd Aug. 15, 1889. Children, all born in Thompsonville: 9 i. JOSEPHINE E., b. Aug. 15, 1876; m. September, 1896, her father'8 cousin, Merrill N. Bent (q.v.). ii. WARRI-:N D., b. June 5, 1879. iii. F .J..NNIE E., b. 1882;

433 CHARLES HENRY8 BENT ( Charles a., 1 JVilliarn,' lVilliarn, 1 Josepli, • Joseph,' Josep/1,2 John ) was born in Dorchester, Boston, Mass., :March 28, 1858; living in Graceland, N. J. (Westfield P. 0.); a diamond cutter in New York City. He marric

Chiltlren: i. LAURA EsTEUE,9 b. Aug. 2, 1885. ii. CnARLJ•;s, b. Feb. 1, 188!). iii. ANNIE lIAIGil'r, b. l<'eb. 25, 18()1.

434 ,1A11ms STUART8 BENT (Natltrtniel, 7 James, 6 TVilliam, • Joseplt, • Joseplt,3 Joseplt,' Jo!tn') was born in Canton, Mass., Jan. 27, 1851; living in Allston, Hoston, Mass. While still in his teens, he went to work in his uncle's oil store, Dent & Hawkes, Broa

iii. FRED N., farmel'; livi11g in Salem, N. S. iv. ,JonN F1:Az1m, livi11g i11 Califomfa; 111. Miss llulmcr; 011c child. v. 1\'l'lN 8EA]lAN.

437 GEORGE RomNSON8 DENT ( Jmues V., 7 .lJlartin,6 Jesse,• John,' Joseplt,3 Joseplt,2 Joltn') was Lorn in IGng's County, N. S., ,Jan. 28, 1831; living in San Jose, Cal. He was a house builder in Boston for a few years; returning to the Provinces, he located in St. ,John, N. 13., antl began the manufacture of the Bent pianos and organs, which he continuell until 188G, when he removed to San Jose, where he is now a dealer in pianos aml organs. He married, May 31, ISGO, Mary Lorrilliar

4:38 ,JAMES ]WAR'l.'IN 8 BENT ( Jokn, 1 1.liartin, 6 Jesse,• Jo!tn, • Josep!t,3 1 Joseph,• Jo!tn ) was Lorn on the old Bent homestead in the town of Fort Lawrence, Cumberland County, N. S., Aug. 28, 1838, aml is living at Salina, in central Kansas. In 1852 the family home was transferred to Port Elgin, ,v cstmorehtn

R. R. called Farlington, about seven miles north of Girarcc. I!), 18!H, at Triui1laanker, a native of 1\fassachusett.~. ii. LAtJitA Jos1•:rn1NR, b. Sept. 22, 1874; Jiving in Kansas City, 1\fo.; m. Sept. 2(i, 18!!4, Alexander l\Iasscy, of the fit-m of llonuiwcll, Calvi11 & .l\Iassey, wholesale har

439 ARTHUR WELLSLEY8 BENT (Jolm, 1 Martin,6 Jesse/ John,• 3 1 Joseplt, Joseph,• Jolm ), light-house keeper, horn at Fort Law­ rence, N. S., Dec. 20, 1843; living in Bnyfield, N. S. He mar­ ried first, May 18, l81i8, Mary Noouan of' Bayficl1l, who i1ic1l .May 8, 1888; married second, June 17, 1890, Mrs. Charlotte .Ann (Baker) AIJen. Children by the first marriage : i. ARTHUR P1mcY,° b. Feb. 25, 18G9. ii. CHARLES MAmNER, b. Feb. 14, 1871; d. March 20, 1894, ::c. 23. iii. KATE l\LrnY, b. l\fay 1, 1876. iv. A11Y CECILIA, b. Aug. 1 G, 1880. 440 CALVIN TRUEMAN8 BENT (John,1 lYiartin,6 Jesse,5 John,4 Jo­ 1 seplt.3 Joseplt," John ) was born at Fort Lawrence, N. S., Aug. 6, 1848; living in New Glasgow, N. S. Ile married, Dec. 4, 1872, Lucy Morrison Hamilton of Port Elgin, N. B. Children: i. ADELAIDE CECILIA,9 b. Sept. 23, 187 4. ii. Fn1mERICKA lfaLLI,TT, b. l\foy 14, 1877. iii. ALICE l\Lrnn, b. April 6, 1879. iv. HAROLD ULLA.THORNE, b. May 24, 1890. v. CHARLES CLAUDIUS, b. June 30, 1892. 441 RUFUS FREEUAN8 BENT ( Williarn F., 1 Jesse," Jesse, 6 John,' 3 1 Joseph, Joseplt,2 Jolm ) was born in Amherst, N. S., Dec. 2G, 1825; died in Pugwash, N. S., Oct. 6, 1878, m. 52. He rnarric(!, June 20, 1852, Margaret Garnett Ellen, eklmlt , 1885, Amanda, dau. of Benjamin Moran ; one son, b. Oct. 8, 18:!3.

442 BLAIR BoTSFORD8 BENT ( Torre11, 1 ,Jesse,• Jesse,• John,• ,lo­ 1 seplt,3 Joseph,2 Jolm ), farmer, was born at Fort Lawrence, N. s., BENT FAl\IILY. 239 wl1cre he still lives on the oIJ Bent farm. He married, Jan. 4, 187G, Emma, WAIW FnANCIS,9 h. Aug. 3, 1879; clerk for James S.8 Bent, Boston. ii. ,TonN Ar,111mT, b • .Tune 5, 1881. iii. MA11..101m; llooD, b. May 8, 1891. 240 DENT FXl\IILY.

446 GEORGE CONWAY8 BtrnT ((leo1·9e JiJ.,1.Adam,6 Ebeneter, 5 Ehen­ eze1·,4 Joseplt, 3 Joseph, 2 Joltu') was horn in South Doston, 1\lass., Ju]y 11, 1844, arnl is living in Harrisburg, Pa., where he is con­ nected with the Pc1111sylva11ia R. H. Ile prepared for college at Boston I,ntin School, and gra(luatcd from Harvard in 18GG. He married, Dec. 12, 1872, Ellen Rutherford Forster of Harrisburg, daughter of Gen. ,Tolin :Forster. Chiltl: i. ELIZABETn CoNWAY,9 b. :May 21, 1874.

CORNELIUS CONWAY FELTON" DENT ( George E., 1 .Adam," E!Jen­ eze1·," Ebenezer, 4 Josepli, 3 Josepli, 2 Joltn') was horn in South Boston, :Mass., ,Tu]y 3, 184!), and is living in Philadelphia, Pa. He moved to Philadelphia in 18Gl with his parents prepare<} for college, but on account of poor health did not go. After ,;tll(lyiug engineering, he was employed surveying railroad,; in :Maryland, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and :Massachusetts for some years, hut in · June, 1875, entered the service of the Peunsylvani:i R. IL, holding various positions in the operating department until 1882, when he took service with the N cw York & N cw Euglaml R. R. in Boston, remaiuing until ,T anuary, 1884. Since then, he has been superin­ tendent of various western lines, with head quarters first at Ci1wi11- nati, but now in Pl1iladelpliia, where he is 81tperi11te11tknt ol' the Phil.ulelpl1ia Division and general agent of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. He married, March 2!), 18!)4, Nettie L. Johnston of Louis­ ville, Ky., 111rn1,;, m. ,Johu O'Neil. vi. SAIUH EuaNon, 111. ,John Foster. vii. l\IAIW.ARET, m. Etlwartl C. llanks. DENT FAlllILY. 241

449 N1mAnIAII8 RENT (Samuel,' Nedabia!t,• Samuel,• Ebeneze1·,' Joseph,3 Jvsep!t,' Jolm') was bom in Nova Scotia in 1827, and is livi111,; in Bridgewater, N. S. Ile 111:trrieh,3 ,losep/1,• ,John'), farmer, was horn in 1808, in Mt. Hanley, Ann:ipolis County, N. S. He married, in 18(j3, Jane --- Children: i. 1I1rn1n.9 ii, "'ILL IA)[. iii. U11.i:1mT. iv . (:1m1u;1,:. v. •Jo11N. vi. 8,uun. vii.

452 J,urns E. 8 BENT ( Olwrle.~ Grandi8on, 7 Seth, 6 Samuel,• Eben­ ezer,• Jo8ep!t, 3 Jo.seph,' Jolin'), farmer, was born in Sprin;::fiel

ii. FRI.:EllfAN, d. ---. iii. HATTrn. And others. 453 JosEPII F.8 BENT ( Oltarles Grandison,' Setlt,6 Samuel,• Eben­ 3 1 eze1·,' Joseph, Josepli,2 Jolm ) was horn about 1850, in Sp1·ing­ :field, N. S., where he still resides. He married Em1mi Gates. Children: i. RALPU.9 ii. ADELBERT R., d. ---. iii. F1rnn, ll. ---. iv. lIARHmT L., cl.---. v. "\VrLBlmT R., a. ---. vi. "\VILLIAJ\f ALLISON. 454 JoIIN ALnEin8 BENT (J. IIan·is, 1 John,6 Sam1tel,6 Ebenezer,' 1 Joseph,3 Joseph/ Jolm ), farmer, was born in 1862, in Granville, N. S., where he still lives. He married his second cousin, Ermina, daughter of Captain Jacob Fritz' Bent of' Granville. (Sec p. l!J!J.) Children: i. HAZEL,9 b. 1890. ii. HAROLD, b. 1891. iii. llimus, b. 1894. 455 GEORGE APPLETON8 IlENT ( Ge01·ge, 1 Lemuel, 6 .1Vedabialt, • 1 Ebenezer,• Joseplt/ Josepli,2 John ) was born in 1834 in Quincy, Mass., where he still lives. He enlisted June 13, 1861, for three years in Co. E, 7th Mass. Infantry, and was transferred Sept. 12, 1863, to Veteran Reserve Corps. Ile married, Feb. 21, 1856, Susan M., , 1860. 456 WILLIAM HARRISON8 IlENT ( George, 1 Lemuel, 8 Nedabialt, • 1 Ebenezer,• Josep!t,3 Joseplt,2 Jolin ) was born in Quincy, Mass., Jan. 28, 1840, and

Navy during the Civil vYar. He married, Sept. 2G, 1858, Doro­ thy Cunningham. Child, born in Brooklin : i. RALPH E.,9 h. Aug. 7, ISGG. 460 Jmrn 1\LmnEN 8 BENT ( Samuel B., 7 I1;aac,6 .Neclabialt,5 Eben; eze1·,4 Joseph; Jo8epl1, 2 ,lolm') was born in New Sharon, l\Ie.­ Sept. 1, 1830, and tlie

iii. WILBERT S., b. December, 18G!J. iv. CLAirnNCI, D., h. December, 18G!). v. WAI,LACE A., b. llfarch, 1874-.

4(j3 Josun" DP.NT (,.fosialt, 1 Jo.~ictlt,6 ,loltn,5 Ebenezer,' Joseph,3 ,lo8eplt, 2 Joltn') was born in \Vcymouth, Mass., Aug. 2, 1825, and died Nov. 9, 1863, in Kenosha, \Vis., where he halamclcss cl1a1·ackr :tll(l wornle1-f11l fitness for a cavalry officer would have pl:icc

464: ll1mnYKnm:"\VmTE 8 DENT(Josia!t, 1 Josialt," Jo!tn,5 Ebenezer', ,Jo8eph,3 .Tos,,z1h, 2 ,Tolm') was born in 1Veymouth, ]Hass., Oct. 29, 18Jl, and is living in Southern California, which has been his home since 18G8; moved to California in 1858. He is President of Board of Trustees of Pomona College, Claremont, Cal. He married first, in 1852, .Jennie A. Crawford, who was born in Oakham, Mass., Dec. 7, 1834, and died in Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 30, 1876. He married second, in 1878, :Martha Stevens :Fairman, who was born in Plattsburg, N. Y., April 28, 1853. Cliihhcn of Henry IC. \Y. and ,Tennie, i. born in Kenosha, )Vis., ii. iu Downicvillc, C:tl., iii. in Los Angeles, Ual. : i. F1,01mNCE PAULINE, 9 b. ,Tan. 17, 18/Jii; li\'i11g in Smart ville, Yuu:t Co., Cal.; 111. Nuv. Ii, 18i7, Willard G. Halstead of 10 Rome, N. Y. One chilcl, Pauline, <1. ai. 5. ii . .AnTnmt SAmrnL, l,. April 25, 18G;J; living in Los .Angeles, Cal. iii. IlENRY STANLEY, b. Jan. 1.5, 1873; living in Claremont, Cal. Chil

465 THACHER TucKER8 BENT ( Josiah, 7 Josi'ah, 8 Joltn, 5 Ebenezer,• 3 2 1 Joseph, Joseph, Jolm ) was born in Weymouth, l\Iass., Sept. 4, 183:3, and is living in Oglesby, Ill. He left Massachusetts for the 1V c1:1t in 1854 am! for fi vc year1:1 wa1:1 cngagc5, at ,Jackson­ ville, Ill., Josephine Louise Roberts, who was h. at Tremont, Ill., Sept. 3, 18G!>. One chilli, George Roberts, 16 b. at Oglesby, Jan. 4, 18!>8. iii. FLORENCE DANA, b. Sept. 15, 1871; living unm. in Oglesby, Ill. Children of Thacher T., by second marriage, both born in Oglesby": i. JOSIAH RAnIOND,9 b. Jan. 3, 1877; is connected with Oglesby Coal Co. ii. ALICE PAULINE, b. June G,p878. 4HG GEORGE 1IENRY8 BEN'r (Smm,el T., 1 Josiali,6 Joltn,6 llben­ 3 2 1 ezer,' Joseph, Joseplt, Jolm ) was born Ang. 21, 1843, in .Milton, :Mass., where he still lives in the town that has been the home of his ancestors for two hund;; 1-·1

IlENT FAllllLY. 247


407 CHARLES l\foILVAIN1•~8 BENT (.1.Vatlianiel T.,7 Josialt,6 Jolm,& 4 2 1 Ebenezer, .Josepli, • Jo.,epli, ,Toltn ) was horn in New BetlforJ, .Mass., Oct. 5, 1835, and is living in -w orccster, l\Iass., where he has made his home since l\Ia.y, 184U. He has been for many years treasurer of the Peoples Savings Bank, and one of the directors of the ·Worcester County l\fusical Association. Since 1896 he has been president of the latter. He is warden of All Saints' Epis­ copal church ( of which his father was rector from 1849 to 1852) and has been delegate to diocesan conventions many times. He married, in 18G7, Helen Maria, daughter of James L. and Helen ]H. Kcmwdy of .Milton : Chiltln·11, lioth horn i11 '\V"orccstcr: 1, HuBl-:J:T ;\I ETCALF,9 I,. .Tuly 2]' 1870; cl. young. ii. C.. \TIIEitINE l\'foTC,\U', I,. Fc!J. G, 1875. 468 ,v rLLLDT fl1rnlff8 BrrnT ( .1.Vrr,t/wniel T., 7 ,..To.Yirch, 6 Jolin, 6 Eben­ czc;•,4 JoseJJlt,3 ,Joscpft,• John') was horn in Cambridge, l\1ass., ,Jan. 2, 18:\!l, :tll(l i8 living in Taunton, Mass., where he Ima been for many years treasurer of the .Mason Machine \Yorks, which employs a tl10usaml men in the manufacture of locomotives, machin­ ery, etc. 1n 1888, he was a delegate to the lkpuhlican National Convention in Chicago; and in 1893 and 1894, president of the Home Market Club of 1\fassachusctts; in February, 1899, he was one of' the committee of the latter organization delegated to meet President McKinley and party on the occasion of their visit to Bos­ ton. .Mr. lknt. is war1lcn of St. Tl,0111:ts's Chmch and a frequent mcmlwr of

She died in Taunton, Feh. 21, 187B, re. 27. He married sccoml, Jan. RO, 188f>, Sarah K Chci;horuuglt. Chil(lrcn, all l,orn in Taunton: i. Awrmm CLEVELAND,9 b. Nov. 25, I8GG; graduated from Har­ vard College in l88!l. ii. 1<'1uw1m1CK I11rn1n:i,:, h. Fd,. lr., 18/i!l; gr:ul11at,,,] from Irar­ v:ll'

469 EDWARD CLARENCE8 BENT (Edwanl Dexte1·, 1 John,6 John,' 3 2 1 Ebenezer,• Joseph, Joseph, Joltn ) was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Aug. 5, 1852, and is living in Dell Rapi(ls, South Dakota. He is a druggist, and secretary of the South J)akota State l'har­ macentiea.l Association; has livcll in Chicago, Ill., Deadwood, S. D., Cheyenne, vVyoming, aml Sioux Falls, S. D. Ile manictl, l\Iay 8, 1878, Hannah Stillwell. Chil

NINTH GENERATION. 470 9 8 1 CHARLES AuousTUS BENT ( TYilliam E., lVilliarn, TVillimu, G 5 4 3 2 1 John, Joseplt, E·:cperience, ,lo8eplt, Jo/m ) wus horn in ,vest Paris, Me., Aug. 18, 1857; went to ·Wisconsin with his father in 1865 and now manages, with his brother Horace, a hunting and :fishing resort at Lake Mamie, twelve miles west of State Linc post office, in the heart of the forest in Northern ,Viscousin, in an exceedingly picturesque lake region, where big gnme still aLoull(fa, He married, April 30, 1884; Elizabeth B. Twombly of Somerville, Mass.,

ii. A~tY IIrn~lOS,\1 b. ,July U, 188\). 472 BARRY DrOICEY9 DENT ( R1ifus F., 8 J,Villimn F., 7 Jesse, 8 Jesse, 5 .Joltn, • Josep!t,3 Joseph,2 Jolin') was born in Pugwash, N. S., April 20, 18ii7; living in Amherst, N. S., where he is in tlic whole­ sale awl ret::iil grocery lmsiucss. Uc married, ,lune f>, 1883, Sarah Agnes Mowbray, youngest

AVERY BENT (1787-1830). Sept. 15, 1806, William Cutter, ropemaker, of Doston, is appointed gmmlian of .Avery Dent, minor, son of Elwin Bent, late of Boston, ship carpenter. ,July 2, 181H, he married Eliz:t Hamson of Charlestown, a native of Salem. He first appears in the Boston Directory in 1816 (none printed in 181·1 and 1815) as a ropemaker on Pleasant Street. Ile dic1l in Charles­ town, l\fa:;s., Sept. 13, 1830, .e. 113, leaving a son- AVERY P. BENT (1812-1870), who was horn in Charlestown, but lived some years in Truro, :Mass., where he had :i t:1011, Henry H. Bradley Bent, born 1\Iay 4, 1841, who probably diCll young. Avery P. G2, he cnlit:itcd in the 8th Mass. Infantry and for the succce1ling nine months was in service in North Carolina and Virginia. .Tuly H, 18G4, he re-en­ listed in Co. D, 5th Mass. Infantry, and scrve

Children of John.and Emeline, all born in Gloucester: i. EnwARD F., m. an«l has a daughter, Gertrude 0. ii. EJn:1.JNI•: E1.1z.u:wrn, h. D<,c. 7, 1s:rn. iii. l\Luff E1.1u, h. rn:12; 3, at Newport News, 1\lary Johnson. One chiltl, Elilt(,,., b. M.ay, 18!>5. ii. P1,ARLEY CitANSToNE 13ENT, b. Feb. 5, 1878. iii. ,JEssrn ETTA, h. Oct. 3, 1880. SIDNEY BENT, son of ,Tames, was Lorn :May 9, 183G, in Gran­ ville, N. S., where he still lives. He married :Mary Jane, Lorn Feb. 4, 1842, daughter of Thomas and 1\Iary Hudson. Chilt1rcn: i. l\LrnY ANN, h. Dl'c. 27, 18G;3; 1l. April 10, 1887; m. Fred Amos Taylor, a11tl livl',l in Lyuu, ;\fass. ii. How.urn JAlrns, b. 1\lardt -J.O, l1'li;"i; Jiving in Keene, N. II., where he is in ice business; m. Susan McCouch; three ehil. iii. ELIZA ,J.\Nts, b. Nov. 8, 18(i7; livi11g in Ucm:onsJield, N. S.; m. Julv ;J, 1884, Smith Lovemore, a farmer. iv. G1rnTRUfJE AoN ES, h. 187~; a. 1881. v. G1,:01tt;E ',\TATSON, b. 1874; d. 1881. vi. Ai:cmBAr.11 PA1ii.:1m, h. ,Tune 1, 187!). vii. IIAzEL GE1t'nw1H:, h. 1\farch 18, 18;,;l. viii. Bm,sm JosEPIIINE, b. March 24, 188G. vVrLLIAl\1 TigNT, a trunk maker in Boston, in 18'14, '4;5, '4G, 1licd Nov. 22, 1878, m. 70, in Ilhoile Island. Ile was horn in Bo:;ton, son of ·William and .Tane Bent. Ile marric1l, Ap1·il lG, 18,13, Hannah Scammon, a native of Saco, 1\fo., who went to llo:stoa young, and died soon after marriage, leaving two chil1lren, IWen B., who man·ied ,v. P. Osborne aIHl lives iu Portland, Mc., and Eva H. Bent, manager of the New Englan

,Jo1rn BENT and Sarah Smith wern nrnrricd at South Kingston, R. I., .Nov. 13, 1737, and died in Hopkinton, R. I., in the summer of 178,L It has not been nscertainct!, where this John Bent came from. He was still in South Kingston in 1767, but was in Hop­ kinton by 1778, when one of his slaves, Prince Bent, valuc

he li:ul three cl1il1lren: 1. Jlfury Ji:ll,m, rn. ,loliu 8111itli of Clidxm. 2. Julitt, m. Frank ,T. l\foCarty of Boston. 3 . .lolm .I., livi11;.: in Boston. iii. ,Jo11N, h. 18-!0; Hoston,.luly 15, 187(i, :c. H

JAMES ALLEN B~:N·r ( son of George), attorney-at-law, Elkins, vVest Virginia, has published a "Digest of the 8upreme Conrt of Appenls of 1.Yest Virginia from 1863 to 1887." Ili::i grandfather, a soldier of the vV ur of 18J.2, changed his name from llroadLclt to Bent. STEPHEN C. IlENT of Boston, who died in Newton, Mass., ,Tnne 16, 1882, re. 73, and was Lmiccl in "\V eston, was Lorn a Chase and ha

*WILL OF ,TOIIN Tm~T OF ENGLAND, 1588. In tho name of god Amen the xixth daie of ,Jnne 1588 in the thirtieth ycare of the Haig11c of o'" Soveraig11e Ladie Efombcflt &c I ,Tolin Rent of l',)i11to11 ( :rafto11 in the p'i~h,i of waiehill heinge sicke in bodie hut of p'fect_ re111ern:1ra11,:e th:.mks lm ge11e' to Almightic god doe make and orts and l<'gaci1,s Aud T appoint to be my on'rxeers my lov1,i11g ITricndH ,Jol111 (:raco ancl Bich:ml Cole, Aud 1 gene vnto each of them for thl'ir paiues ij' a. peecc "\Yituesse waiter waight Hobt rnans­ ficlcl Ileurie tfan l'roved 18 September 1588 in the Consistory Court of "\Vinton Inventory amounts to xiijll vj'1

WILL OF EDITH DENT OF ENGLAND, 1601. 1 In the name of Goel Amen the xvt11

* For th!'sc three E11i;lish wills I.he writer is inrlchtcd to Mr. E. C. Felton of Steelton, l'a. An of t:hern, wit.II thn Pcnton-f:ratlou recor,ht, wns yuhlishc•d in tho N,•,r-Uu.f!ltw,l lfislori,·,r.l uurl t:m1,•11,ln!/i1•ftt ll,•yislm· fur .Ja.1111:1.ry, Hm;,. '111w fi:~I; awl ""'"""! :irn l,hn wills of' I.Im ~r:111<1-parcuts, :inc.I tho thirtl th:it of tho father ol ,Johu1 llcut, who scLtlc,l iu Sutllmry iu 16:38. 256 BENT .l<'AMIL Y, heane11lye father. Who hath made me arnl all the worl!le, :mil in .Tcsns Christe my onelye Savyonre arnl H1•1lc1mHl a111I thn holyu glw~w. Whou ;,mnctyfyc1l me, ltm. 1. giue u.1111 hequuallw to the p'iHltu Churclw of <'al11e, iiij'1 anll to the poor mans hoxe there iiij-1 ltm. l. gine awl l1e1p1eat.he to my Sonne Richan Ju Bent fower Hheepe a111l 011e hayfor bollocke 0110 hraHse pott. Tim I giue and hequeathe to my Cozen H.ieltarde Bent, the s111111e of Robert Bent oue Lambe, Jtm I giue tu my so1111e in !awe ,John ,vyllyam,;. half my haue of wheate at vVayehill. an

'WILL OF ROBERT BENT OF ENGLAND, 1631. In the name of God Amen I Robert Bent of Penton Grafton in the parish of "\Vayhill being sick of body hut of perfect memry tloe make my lust will aud Testame11t a111l thereby I doe comme11tl my spirit vnto Go1I, and doe bequeath vnto the Church a noble, a111l v11to the poorc tonne ,.:roat8* and I do bequeath vnto my Sonne Robert Bent fortie shilli11gs, urn! to my Sonne ,John Bent fortie shilli11gs, arnl to his sonne Robert I giue a young cowc, and to \Villi:un Beut the sonne of the saitl Johu Bent two yewcH and to Peter Bent the so1111e of the saitLJolm lleut two yewcs awl to Aiiis Bent the daughter of the sai1l ,Tohn, [ giuc two yeweH, I ginc to William Baker my sonn in !awe & my Daughter Denuys his wife twm1ty pouuds of good & lawfull money of Englaml an1l to Elizabeth Haker the Daughter of the sai1l ,villiam I giue nine poumls; awl tu Oha,liah Baker the srn1111i of the said 1Villiam Baker I giue ni11e pounds of goo1l & lawfull money o[ Eng­ land, :tJl(l if either of them 1lie I leave it to the digposi11g of their mother my Daughter Dcnnys. Aml vnto my Daughter Annis Barrws I girn: fortie poumls of good am! lawful! money of Euglaml and to her s01111e young • A noble was 6s. Sd., and a groat 4d. 1H~N1' FAMILY. 257

Richard Barnes I give tenne pouucls of goocl & lawfull money of Enr•faml. Awl I g-iite vnto my Daughter .Jane the wife of Robert Plimpto11 °tenne IHJ111uls of goo1l & lawful! money of E11gl:m1l; aJl(l to Robert l'limptou their sowie I giuc two yewcs; mul to Thomas Plimpw11 their Sonne I giue two yewes. and to "'illiam Plimpton their so1111e two yewes And to ,Ja11c Pli111pto11 their Daughter I giuc two yewes And to Elizabeth Plimp­ ton the Daughter of the s:1i1l Hobert Plimpton I giue line pounds of good & Ltwfoll money of Englawl A1ul to my Au11te Drew I give one bushell of whcatc .A)l(l to my sister Annis Strcctc l giue one b11Hhell of wheate All(l vuto .Joanne Nope my Rister the wife of "William Noyse I give one lmshcll of wheatc An

WlLL ()l<' ,JOIIN1 BENT OF SUDBURY, MASS., 1G72. Tim fourtenth of september in the yeare of the lord got! one thousand six h1111tlred H<:v1•11t.y two I ,John Bent se11ior of Sudbury in the County of miare in a dee1l macca~\, of martha Ill\' hnlove,l wif<•, or in case Rho sl;all marry t.hnt then my ho11seing and lands ·which I have left to her shall rcturne unto my sonJtc Peter Bcut :tll(l J1is Iwyres forever, also I give aml he1p1eath 1111!0 nmrtha my belovetl wife all my stock of ehattells and move­ able:., lio11:;ehol,l .~oods wit.It all other 11tc11scllR upon the premi:;es, & dcht.s & tlues, Hlu, the saytl martlia paying all such leg:u,ieR as l shall dispo:;c of iu this rny will, Hem 1 give am! l,e1pwath unto John Dent my so111tc Tweuty 258 BENT FAi\IILY.

pounds to be p:tyd the one thir,l pt thcrof within after my

Note.-The initials at the end of the above are for Thomas Danforth, Re­ c.order. Henry Rice was the el

JonN Il1,NT's· INVENTORY, 1 G72. An Inuetory of the estate of ,John Bent senr of S1Hlhnry in the County of midlsex in the macachusets Colony in new Englmul

Imprimis The ilwdli11g ho11sP-R Hames :tllfl othnr lwtrn(ling & lands adiouing to the house prisd at 60-00-00 The me:ulow 14-00-00 six kowes & a steer 21>-00-00 four oxen & two calnes 17-00-00 kn sheep 05-00-00 swi11c 07-00-00 lwrscs 07-00-00 Corne in the Barne 20-00-00 Clouer in the Bame 06-00-00 Cart plows & other vtensels 03-00-00 his laud cal!C(l the new grant 30-00-00 Iu the bed Clmmber llis wearing clothes 10-00-00 His armour 02-00-00 one ilucke bed with blauckts houlster aml pillows 03-00-00 six pa.yer of sheets pillow Tecks & Table linnen 04-00-00 two chests & two boxes 00-15-00 one feather be(l & honlster one Couerlit one payer of blanckts one pillow 04-00-00 one bed Three hlanckets aml Two pillows 01-00-00 Two hrasse kettles Two bmsse skellets one morter one warmiug pan 02-12-00 one iron pot two trnmmclls one spit one G ri, liron one pott 011e amliron one payer of tongs one flesh forcke 01-00-00 one fryiug pall one hammer one payer of pincer8, Sheers 00-10-00 Six penter diHltcs two bascns Two saucers one plate Spoo11es Two tinu pam1s & candlsticke a chamucr pot two smooth- ing il'o11s one kuifo 02-13-00 Ilia Bookes 01-10- -00 a saille one pillion & cloth oue pannell all(l hridlc 01-10-00 Pronision in y 0 house 02-10-00 wool! 011n llatdmll Racks 01-03-00 011u cloth Thrc l,arn•lls oue tuh a el111ru Two payles four bottles Two kettles(?) one pou

a hrasse pot 00-10-00 ·wollen yarne 02-10-00 A Bowl from Joseph Bent lG-00-00 In mony 02-00-00 for Reut 05-00-00 Rent «lue from my brothe1· ,Joseph Henery Rice John 8tone Peter Bent appearing before the I-Ion 11 Capt Dan11 Gookin & ye Rccort1°r of y• CounY 31 - 11 - I G7 2 aml being sworne 1lo say that this is a true I 11- ve11t')ry of the estate whereof his father Jn° Bent tlee'ed, was seize1I: atl

The original inventory is in two columns, the second arnl narrower col11m11 beginning with the words " His Bookes." It is not as easily re:ul as t hu will, with which it is preservetl. "Rent tlne from my hrotl1e1· '' refers to I lcury Rice's brother· ,Joseph Rice. The whole amount of the iuvcutory it! £3•H-1D-00.

PETITION OF ELIZABETH BENT, 167D. The Massachusetts Archives (Vol. GD, p. 22D) contain the following peti­ tion, embellished with many scrolls : To the I-Iono"1" Gov. and Cnnneill Sitting in Boston the 2D th 1\fay, 1 mn. The Petition of Elizabeth Bent, relict, wid

GOV. CHARLES BENT'S APPOIN'l,lVIENT. T,rn following is copie. Blair " U. S. Dist. Att'y. C.harlcs Blummcr " Treasurer. Eugene Leite11s1lorfer " AU!1. of Pnb. Acc • •Toal flonghton, Antonio Jose Otero, Charles Beaubien to be Judges of "the Superior Court." Oivcn at Santa Fe, the Capital of the Territory of New Mexico, this 22d da,v of HPptember, 184G, and in the 71st year of the lmlepernlence of the Unite,l States. S. "\V. K1MRNY, Brig. General U.S. Army.

GOV. CHARLES BENT'S EPITAPH. In memory of Gov. Ch .. rlns llent. Ilorn Nov. 11, 17U!J, in St. Louis, l\Io. Died jau. lfl, 1847, in T:ws, New l\Icxico. Ho was the first Ameri­ can Governor of New 1Uexico and was killetl by the Indians in the l\Iassacre of Taos, in 18-t7. He was a mau of kiwi aud gentle manners ; of true benevoleuce of heart ; of untarnished probity and lofty carriage ; he laid down his life to save those dearer to him than life itself. THE FAMILY IN WAR.


J olm 1 Bent of Sudbury was one ofi\fajor Simon vVillartl's troopers in the expedition against Ninigrct in November, 1G5J. John2 Dent of Framingham is callc7. Capt. Lemuel5 Dent of Milton was 2d Lieut. of Capt. Nathaniel Perry's Co. in 1754, 1st Lieut. under Col. John ·Winslow in Nova Scotia in 1755, Capt. in 1759 at Crown Poi11t, and in 17G0 and 1761 in Nova Scotia under Colonel Ruggles. Capt. Joseph' Dent of Milton enlisted as 1st Lieut. in Col. Josiah Brown's Reg. in the expedition against Crown Point in 17 55, was promoted to rank of Captain, and

J esse 5 Bent of Milton appears as corporal in a list of men in Col. Samuel Miller's regiment (

SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION.• Capt. David' Bent, of Rutland, startetl for Cambridge at the head of his company, with Col. Nathaniel Sparhawk's Reg., as soon as the news of the battle of Lexington was received. The early part of the following year (Feb. 5, l 77li) he was commissione

• 'l'his list is mado from the printed record of" Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Hcvolntionnry ,var," prepared and published by the Secretal'y of the Common­ wealth. The names Ucnj. Bent, Jacol., Ueut and Gideon Dent ap(Hlaring there •hould' be .Kent, ancl IJ:ivi,I llent, who saw service in 1781, \Valter Bent and William llent of Falmouth ~hon Id prob:ihl.v ho some other nnme, perhaps Kent or .llurt, both of which lo•Jk like Bent wheu written aud have uceu confu•od with it. 17 264 BENT FAMILY.

Worcester County Reg., Col. Sparlmwk's. He marched to Benning­ ton, Vt., in August, 1777, when he was out eleven days, arnl from August 31, 1777, was with his regiment, then eou11n:uulc1l by Col. Job Cusl1ing, in the northern department. His resignation bears the date of March 13, 1780, at which time Col. Jonathan Grout was the regimental commamlcr. Ebenezer• Bent, of :Milton, was in Capt. Josiah Vose's Co. that guarded the seashore in April, 177G, after Boston had been evacu­ ated by the Briti8h. l!'rancis" Dent, ofn-Iid:rnicl Eamc8'8 Co. that W:t8 out thirty-three day8 frolll :-;cpt.. 2!1, 1777, and li;t Lieut. in ( 'apt. Nathan Drury'i:l Co. in 5th .l\foldlc:ocxHeg.,.July22, 177D. llcwas also in service fourteen Jays on an alarm to Rhode Island in July and August, 1780. John' Bent, of~filton, was in Capt. Oliver Vose's Co. that remlez­ vouse,1 at Roxbury fifteen days after the Concord fight, an

• All tht"ee of Jason Bent's brothers were in the Concord fight, ns well as their father, thou~h the bttcr wus not attached to any con1pauy. Smllmry joins Cou~ortl, allll the ne,v:'that the llritish liad started rou(;hC(l Sudbury at four o'clock in the u1oruiug, :,o well ha

J olm8 Bent, of l\Iiddlcboro', was in Capt. "\V ashburn's Co., in Col. Elicnczer ,vhitc's Reg., in Rho

* The Frnrningh:1111 comr,mics rcuchc,l Concord aliout noon and joincu in the pursuit of the llritish. 266 BENT FAMILY.

"every Middlesex vilJage and form" to Concord on the nineteenth of April in '75. He was in Capt. Nathaniel Cuclworth's Co. at that time, and in Capt. Asahel 'Wheeler's Co., Col. John Robinson's Reg., out twenty-six days from Feb. 4, 1776. Lieut. Silas• Bent, of Rutland, afterwar1ls Lieut.-Col. of the 7th Massachusetts l\Iilitia Reg., marched to Cambridge on receipt of the news of the battle of Lexington as a private in Capt. Thomas Eus­ tis's Co., and was out twelve

MILITIA OFFICERS SINCE TIIE REVOLUTION. Silas' llcnt, of Rutland, commissioned Licut.-Coloncl of 7th Reg. Massacl111sctts Militia, July 1, 1 i8 l. ,Joel• Bent, of Barre, brother of preceding, commissionc

TIIE CIVIL WAR.* Major Luther S.1 Dent enlisted from Quincy, May 22, 1861, for three mouths as private in Co. II, 4th Ucg. Infantry, Mass. Vols. Re-enlisted August 24, 18G l, as 1st Serg-t. in Co. K, 18th Reg., for three years ; promote(l to 2d Lieut. ,July 30, 1862, 1st Lieut. Dec. 25, 18li2, Capt. Dec. 24, 181i:3, Major ,Tuly 29, 18G4. Capt. Fitz E(lwanl8 Bent enlisted from Quincy, :i\Iay 22, 1861, for three 111011tl1s as a private in Co. II, 4th Reg. Infantry, Mass. Volii. Re-enlisted July lG, 18G4. for one hundred days :is Capt. of Co. B, li0th Reg. Again re-enlisted Feb. 28, 18G5, for one year as 2d Lieut. in 62d Reg. ; promoted to 1st Lieut. April 17, 1865, but never mustered as such owing to the close of the war. Capt. \Vm. H. 8 Bent enlisted from Newburyport, Aug. 9, 1862, for three years as 1st Sergt. of Co. A, 3,5th Reg.; promoted to 1st Lieut. Sept. 6, 18ti4; transforrc(l to 2}Jth Reg. and promoted to Capt. l\ov. 2!J, 18G4, serving to the expiration of the war. Lieut. George 0. 8 Bent, of Framingham, enlisted ,hmc 30, 1861, as private in Co. B, 2!Jth Reg-. l\'lass. Infantry. Re-enlisted in the field in same Co. aml served as sergeant, sergcant-nrnjor and first lieutenant until the close of the war. Promoted to 1st Lieut. March 25, 1865. Lieut. Samuel A. Bent, of 13oston, enlisted April lH, 1861, at Fortress Monroe, as 1st Lieut. in a Mass. Battalion of Infantry, afterwards 2!Jth Hcg. Vols. Re.signed ,July 18, 1861. • As far as l\fassaclmsctts is conccrnc

Lieut. Thomas D. 8 Bent, of Needham, enliste1l Sept. 2-t, l8G2, for nine mouths as private in Co. C, 41M l\J:u:1s. fnfontry. lfo­ enlisted Aug. 22, 18G3, as 1st Scrgt. in Co. D, 2d Hcg. Heavy Artillery; promoted to 2d Lieut. April 10, 18G5. Amos R. 8 Bent enlisted from Ddlingham, July 12, 1861, for three years in Co. E, 16th Mass. Infantry. Service terminated Sept. 27, 1862, cause disaLility. Charles E. 8 Bent, musician, ofvVorcester, enlisted Sept. 30, 18G2, for nine months in Co. E, ,12t1 l\las:.. Infantry. Re-enlisted Dec. 9, 18G3, for three years in Co. G, 211 l\fass. Heavy Artillery; trans­ ferred to Co. II, and died of starvation July 15, 18ii4, at Anderson­ ville Prison, Ga. Charles 1\1. 8 Bent enlisted from Boston, Sept. 9, 1861, for three years in the band of the 20th l\fass. Infantry. Service terminated Aug. 8, 1862, Ly order of the \Var Dept. Charles R. Bent, of Boston, enlisted Sept. 12, 18G2, for nine months in Co. H, 44th Mass. Infantry. Edward l\I.8 Bent enliste1l from Springfield, Nov. 7, 186-1, for one year in Co. F, 61st Mass. Infantry, and died at vVashington, D. C., July 2, 1865. Ferdinand A. 7 Bent, of Mendon, enlisted ,Tune 10, 18G2, for six months in 8th Battery Light Artillery, :Mass. Vols. Franeis8 Bent enlioiteiT F Ai\lILY. 269

,John T. 8 Dent enlisted from Boston, April 29, 1864, for ninety d:.tys in 1st Unattached Co . .Mass. Infantry. ,Joseph (F.?) Bent, of Carver, enlisted May 6, 1861, for three months in Co. IC, 3d Mass. Infantry. ,Judson L. 8 Dent, of"\Vatertown, enlisted Sept. 19, 1862, for nine months in Co. K, 5th Mass. Infantry. l\Iarshall A.' Bent from l\Icdway, was in the Veteran Reserve Corps, .April 30, 18G4, and was mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. 1\lilliml Te1lfonl8 Bent, of Dam·ers, enliste

COLLEGE GRADUATES. Josiah7 Ilent, Harv:trll, 1822; clergyman. Nathaniel Tucker7 Bent, Ilarvard, 18:H; clergyman. Joseph Avery6 Bent, Middlebury (Vt.), 1845; clergyman. George6 Bent, Knox (111.), 184!); clergyman and judge. James l\foClellaud8 Bent, Georgetown (Ky.), 18G0; clergyman. Samuel Artl1111·7 Beut, Yale, 18Gl; Harvard Law School, 18G5. Joseph Appleton7 Bent, Yale, 18G,5; died in 18G!J. George Conwn.y 8 Bent, Harvar

CLERGYMEN. Josiah7 Bent (17!17-1839), l\Iassachusetts; Orthodox. Nathaniel Tucker7 Bent ( 1810-lti5u), l\fassachusetts and Pennsylvania; Episcopal. ,Joseph Avery 0 Bent (living), Vermont ,and Illinois; Orthodox. George6 lleut (living), Illiuois, Iowa all

PHYSICIANS. Stephen6 Bent (1783-1822), New York. Luke6 Bent (1801- ), Canada. 1Iiram7 Bent (1812-lR!ll), PennR_ylvania and New York. Luther7 Bent (181!l-187K), Missouri. Clmrles7 Bent (living), Nova Scotia. 1:Villiam Lovett7 Bent (I 7!l8- ), Nova Scotia. William II.8 Dent (living), Nova Scotia. Gilbert W. W.9 Bent ( 18G7-18!JG ), Massachusetts. James T.8 Bent (1838-18!l5), Newfoundland.

LAWYERS. 8ilas7 Bent (1768-1827), St. Louis, l\fo. ,John7 lleut (1803-1845), St. Louis, l\Io. S. Arthur7 Bent (\iving, but not practising), Boston, Mass. William H.8 Bent (living), Lowell, Mass. George C. 8 Bent (living), Boston, Mass. Horatio G. 8 Bent (living), Bloomington, Ill. Fre1leric \V.1 Bent (living, hut not practising), Cincinnati, O. Charles 11.7 Bent (1838-lS!lG), Oswego, Kau.

POLITICAL STATISTICS. l\fEllrnEns OF STAT!~ LEcnsLATURES, ETc. Charlcs7 Ilcnt, first Governor of New l\Iexico.

Silas6 Bent, judge of Supreme Court of Missouri Territory, 1813-1821. George6 Bflnt, judge of 8hcrman Connty. Neb., I 8!l2-18!Hi. Horatio Nelsou7 Bent, judge of probate, Burlington, Kansas, 1862-1868.

Peter4 Bent, of 1\farlboro', member of all three Provincial Congresses of l\lassachusetts, in 177 4 and 177 5.

Charles7 Bent, Illinois State Senate, 187!>-1883.

Capt.. Joscph 4 Bent of i\lilton, l\fassachusetts Legislature, 17 53 Peteri Be11t of 1\Iarlboro', " " 1771-1775 Capt. ,Joel6 Bent of Barre, " " !KOl-1804 Newell 8 Bc11t of Cainhridge, " " 1824-1826 Adam8 Be11t of Boston, " " 1828-! 831 Charles0 Bent of Chelmsfor

Ebenezer6 Rent of Quincy, :Massachusetts Lngislatlll'e, 18-IO James 1\1:.7 Bent o-f "\Vayl:uu1, " " 1H57 Jolm7 Tumt of Chelsea, " " 18ii8-l85'J .A. Allen7 Bent of G:rnlner, " " lHGG Willhim IP Bent or Wa.ylancl, " " l::i75 :Myron ,v.s Be11t of 1Vaybrn1, " '' 1878 George C.5 Bi:mt cif Camhi-i,l;;e, " " l~-34-188G Roderic L.7 Bent of G:u·Llner, " " 18K-1-1885 Maj. Davi1l J~ Dent, :Maine " 182G-18:H (afterwards in Pennsyl vauia Logisbturc). Jolm7 Bent, Missouri " 18:?8 Bartlett8 Bent, Co111wcticnt Legislature, 181i2 (afterwai·tls mayor arnl postmaster of Jl,litltllet.owu, Conn.). Charles D.8 Bent, Counedient L1,gi~latm·e. 18!1Q Curtis R 8 n{!11t, Iowa " 18(i8-IHG'J Charles 11.7 Bent, Km1sas, 18G7; Colorado, 18'J3-18'J-l

NO::rOGEN ARIA.NS. Peter4 Bent, d. in Marlboro', l\fass., in 17'38, m. 91. Mrs. Mary Bent, witlow of preceding, d. in 180fl, w. 'J3. Mrs. Abigail (Stone) Dent, tl. in Framillgham, I\fass., in 1814, m. 90. Mrs. Sarn.h~ (Bent) Vose, tl. in Mihon, Mass., h1 1802, re. 'J2. Mrs. l\fory5 (Be11t) .Fay, d. - ---, in 18B1, rn. 94. Mrs. Patience• (Bent) Newton, d. in Southboro,' I\fass., in 1837, m. 96. Sa.rah5 Bent, d. in :Milton, :M:t,s., in lH-U:, .1i. !)5, "birs. Aliig,Lil (Bruce) Ht

MIDDLE NAMES BEFORE 1800. After ,vhom name

PETER BENT BRIGIIAl\1 was born at Bakersfiel

* Eliz:iheth Fny wns the 1lnnghter of Josiah Fay and 11-fary Ilent, who were man-icd in Southboro', .March 22, 1768. (Seo p. 13). mrnT FAMILY. 2i5

1'.lr. Brigham never sought public office, but was deeply interested in his mloptcd home, an

" l\Iiss Ilcnt 01· at His Footstool," an Episcopalian book "on the Litany ancl the Occasional Prayers and Thanksgivings," by ]Hrs. F. Burge Smith, was published in 1881, in New York (256 pages). In the Thanksgiving number of the Youth's Companion, Nov. 24, 1892, was an illustrated Thanksgiving story by Majorie Rich­ anlson. The principal characters are Tommy Bent, his Aunt Eunice and Peter Bent, aml the scene is in Mi


The Bents arc widely scattcrc

Gentleman, who died 1719. In Manchester in 1890 was a James Bent, Superintendent of County Constabulary, besides several others of the name. John llent of1'Vrexham, Buckinghamshire, born in 1782, son of Rev. Geo. Bent, by his wifo :Mary, daughter of John Milton of Bristol, entered the British army as an ensign and retired as major in 1831. Among the gentry of Sussex in 1855 was Gibbs Francis Bent of Oat Hall, Lin

• The ,1893 Melbourne (Australia) directory gives seven Bents, including an Hon. Thomas Bent. Ellis Bent ( son of Robert Bent of England) was Judge Advocate and sole judicial officer of New South Wales early in the 19th cen­ tury, and gave the colony its first legal constitution. In 1814 his brother, Jeffery Hart Bent, was sent out as Chief .Tustice. Upon the former's death the latter returned to England in 1817. About 1820 he was appointed Chief Justice of Grenada, where he remained most of the time, until 1836, when he was transferred to British Guiana (South America), where he was still located at the time of his death in 1852. Chief Justice Bent was uncle to the Right Rev. Robert Bent Knox, D. D., bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. Samuel Bent, who was born in Sweden in 1814 and died in Low­ ell, Mass., in 1843, was without doubt a descendant of J olm Bent of Sudbury, Mass., 1638 (ace page 252).


Sarah• Bent, dau. of ,Jolui• Bent (see bottom of page 30), d. iu Canton, Mass., Jan. 18, rn:rn, ,C. 85; she m. Nov. 21, 1770, Henry Bailey Withingtun, w!io was born in Stoughton, Ang. 4, 17 43, son of Edward am[ Hannah. They had six chiklren: I.Noah, b. 1771. ::!. Elijah, b. 1775. 3. Henry, b. 1777. 4. l\fary, b. 1779. 5. ::iawuel, b. 1783. 6. Sarah, b. 1785. Sarah• Bent, dau. of Ebenezer' Bent ( see middle of page 31), d. unm. in Milton, :Mass., Oet. 23, 184(l, re. 95. Mary• Bent, sister of Sarah preceding, and widow of Samuel Newcomb, d. in what is now (~uincy, at great age. David• Bent (page 39). Omit what is given about his Revolu­ tionary service. Thomas7 Bent (page 66), b. April, 1845. Add middle name, Armstrong. Silas6 Bent (page 60), d. Sept. 1849. Capt. '\Villiam6 Bent (page 70), was the first of the family to live in Cochituate village. Charles Hammond7 Bent (Thomas '\V.,6 Davi

He m. in Oswego, Kan., Dec. 23, 1868, Jennie, dau. of William H. and Sarah M. Carr. Mrs. Bent is living with her children at Antelope Springs, near Lake City, in the mountains of Colorado. ·Children, i. to iv. b. in Oswego, Kan.; y, in Sherman, Colo.: i. l\fAv, b. l\fay 12, 1870; d ..July 31, 1872. ii. EnNEST (;., b. :March 2, 1872; d. ,Jan. 2, 1873. iii. ll1m1rnRT CA mt, h. Ang. 16, 187:3; living a.t Antelope Springs, Colo. ; m. Oct. 30, 18!l8, Eva M. Morgan. iv. EARL IL, b. Aug. 20, 187G. v. EoITn l\L, b. Feb. 24, 1882. Gov. Charles7 Dent of New Mexico (seepages 121 to 123) mar­ ried Maria Ignacia J aramilla, who was born April 15, 1815, and died April 13, 1883. They had two children who died in infancy. Their son Alfred" was born in 1837, not 183G. Their daughter Estefina8, or Estefana, was born Aug. 3, 1839, and is living at St. Mary's, Colo., with her son Alfrc1l Bent• Hiclden. Shem. Oct. 15, 185G, Alexander Hiclden. The governor's younger daughter, Terisina," was born Oct. 15, 1841, and is living in Taos, N. M. She mar. second in 18(i5, Aloys Scheurich, and lmd five children: 1. Charles Adolph" Scheurich, living in Santa Fe, N. M., where he is at present ( 18!J9) City Treasurer. 2. Lena Agnes Seheurich. 3. Albert Bent Scheurich, superintendent of a copper mine in Han­ over, N. M. 4. Celestina Dora Scheurich. 5. Josephine Mercedes Scheurich. l\fary Catherine Bean (page 128) was born Dec. 23, 1846, at Rock Point, now a part of St. Louis. Edwar1F Bent's wife, Harriet Aman

b. Aug. 24, 1874. 2. JJ'"ilber E., h. Dec. 19, 1875. 3. Luci; .lll, b. Aug-. 10, 1877. 4. Pnmk 11, Raw aervii:c i11 Co. D, l GUth lrnliana lufantry, iu war with 8puin. 5. Etliel A., u. AJJril 25, 1885. 6. Rutlt A., b. l\fuy 28, 1888. 7. lluzd Jl., b. Jan. 15, 1890. vi. Lucy A., living in Sabetha, Kan.; m. Walter Brown; three chil­ dren. vii. AumnT D., living in Peru, Incl.; m. Rebecca W ecsner; two chil­ dren : 1. EJ]ie. 2. --. viii. AMOS R., m. Luella Sullivan ; three children : 1. Clarence. 2. Editli. 3. Florence. ix. Ro1rnA C., living at Choct:\w, Oklahoma Territory; m. Emmett l\fcErvin; two children : 1. Paul. 2. Jlfarie. x. l\fAUTIIA E., livin~ in ·wahash, Ind. ; m. Daniel Cooper ; three children: 1. Clinton. 2. Hazel. 3. llowm·d. xi. ANNA L., living in Rich Valley, Ind.; m. Henry Davis; four children : 1. l,furel. 2. Lola. 3. Harry. 4. Harley. xii. PHEBE M., d. in 1864.

Davicl8 Bent, son of Asaph7 (see page 137), died at Forest Glen, N. S., in the summer of 1895. Hill widow i8 liviug at 8tronach Mountain, N. S. They had five children: 1. Ruth, m. Lamont Stronach. 2. George Leason, b. May 13, 1872; lrn8 lived in Philadelphia since October, 1897; m. Oct. 31, 1899, Elizabeth ,T., daughter of William J. and Catherine (Logan) Lowery of Boston. 3. Lillian. 4. Parker. 5. Sarah.

7 Susans Bent, daughter of Asaph ,

iii. EuzABETII MuRDOCK, b. June 19, 1838; living in Port Ches­ ter, N. Y. ; m. March 29, 18G5, Lewis Tours of Port Chester, N. Y., who d. about 1878. Only two of their five children survived infancy: 1. Jessie il1ay9 'l'ours. 2. Florence Adele Tours, m. Oct. 1898, Clarence Scott of Greenwich, Coan. iv. ABBY SHA w, b. April 9, 184G; a. ,Tune 9, 187G'; m. April 24, 18G7, James W. Finley. One child, A.. Delgardo' Finley, b. March, 18G8, living in Glenville, Conn. George (F.) 8 Bent, b. 1853, son of E

AROUSEMENT. So many years the ripples of the bay Had kissed the shore-set homes of old Pompeii, So many morns the slow, sure-rising sun Had brought the trivial tasks and seen them done, So many level days and years so long And still for patient toil or lilting song; What if Vesuvius' shadow they forgot, His fierce, hoarse threateniugs heard nor heeded not? Until his watchful, vengeful strength awoke And o'er their helpless life his thunders broke. As in Pompeiian time our years slip past, Each sunlit dny so like unto the bst, Each placid honr with small engrossing cnrc For food or raiment, moments full and fair; Are we so short of sight as not to see How broodeth o'er us n great mystery? Till Death's gray shadow fall athwart onr light Or Love's quick voice speak through the tramp1il night, Till in some sudden, breathless, judgment hour 'Tia Life o'erwhelms us with resistless power. FHANCES BENT DILLINGHAM:. INDEX OF BENTS.


Aaron, l!lS, 240 Aldnln, 74 AmyD., 179 Abbie or A hhy (see also Alcbinia, 186 G., 21V Ahigail), 1G3 Alexnnl 221, 230 N.,rm. lH Alphonso, 41, 7li, 2G9 G., 51 Adn(h), 13!>. 199,213 .A.Isa E .. 231 I., 136 ])., 2:l!) Alton, rns L., 110,284 .I!'., 222 Al\•an, 32 M., 80, 141, 146, M., liS, l!J6 Alvin, 220 153,220, 247 Adaline C., 811 ]<'., ill, ]!ii, 154 s., 110 Arln111, 48, !l8, 9V Amanda, 14;;, 197 Annabel, 212 Addie II., 24:l s., 214, 285 Annie A., li2, 174 Adelaide, l 12 Amhrose, G9, 102, 194, II., 2:35 I,., 150 l!J7 I., l IV Adcllwrt It., 2i2 Amelia, 68, l!.12, 17G, 214, L., 206,236 Allclinc I•:., 72 240 M., H~, 189, 198, Agnes, JO. 1:1, 14 Amelia G., 235 21G n .. 1Hn M., 173 s., 25:; 1\1., 118 It .• 142 Antoinette, 2,H Ailsic, 1!)8 Amoret, 145. 197 Arabella C., 23 L Alhenin. ll!J Amos, 86 H., 231 Albert, ~n. 185,283 n., 132, 147, 284 Arnmintn., 180, 183 A,, JOO, 188 .Amy, ns, 69, 92, V4, 145, .Archibald, 70, 14G, 199 n., 21, 180 P .• 252 n. rn2, 284 Amy A., 176 Archie C., 214 E., 143 c., 179,238 Ardenia, WV 288 DENT FAMILY.

Arethusa, 47, 67, 91, 97 Dina (see also Jacobina), Charles C., 88, 172, 188, Arminilla, 190 47, !l7 2:18 Arnold A., 118 llirdic B., 213 D., 17~ c., 234 Blair B., 183, 238 E., 58, 71, DG, Arthur, 186, l!l8, 253 Illanche, 208, 244 120, ]!)7, 206, A., 230 ?IL, 232 22!!, 245, 285 c., 2-18 Ilrittn, 135 P., 187 1•~., 2:!2 l!ucklcy, 2ii0 H., l!Hi l<'., 251 Burpee ll,, 217 ll., 7G, 97, lfi3, P., 2:l8, 247 E., 178 150, li:l, 222, s., 81, 159, 245 Busby, G!l, 143 2:.14, 282 w., 17!l, 238 Byron A., 2:l5 II. W., Hi-1, 230 A(rnnah) Allen, 55, 112- D., 222 I., 77 114, 117 L., 194. 209, 254 Asahel, 85, 1G7 C. Almon, 234 M., 15!), 17G, 190, W.;51, 110 Calvin G., 02, 175, 235, 238, 247 Asaph, 37, 67, GO, 137, 273 0., 55, 112, 116 284 Calvin M., 178 P., IUO, WO Asenath, 51 T., 170 R., IH, 254, 2G8 Aubrey W., 217 Caroline, 66, 68, 138, 165, s., 77, 138, 2:.14 Augusta, 62, 186, 199, l!l6-100, 208 'J'., 170 235, 283 Caroline A., 138, 232 T. A., 143 A., 97 E., 204 . w., 77,141,169, Augustus ,C., 65 H., Ill 195, l!l6, 227 s., 145 .•J., lli5 Charlotte, GI, 77, 130, Austin T., 248 L., lli4 1:17, HI Avery, 250 M., lGG A., GU, 141, 2:l8 n., 158 S., ll3!l L., 181 P., 250 Carrie A., 154, 224 JI[., !J(j Avis, 147 B., 242 Chloe, 4G, 88 K, 216, 210 Christiana, 84 Barbara A., 130 F., 120 Christina, 254 Barry D., 238, 249 J., 120 Christopher, 250 E., 24!l M.• 24!! Clara, l!l7, 2 lfi Bartlett, 82, 162, 228 Carroll W., 2H A., 158, l:i!l 'f., 22!) Cntnlinn S., 15:1 II., IH, 214,285 Den.trice, I i8 Co.thcrine, 25, ·12, 43, 108 l•'., Hl!J Bedford, IH-1 A., JOH M., 2i,4 Belina, 144 n., 251 w., 158, 214 Belle, 167, 226 .J., 155 Clarence, 284 Benjamin, 104, 200 M., 80,154,247 n., 245 c., 2,;3 R., 145 Clnrindn, 74 P., 91l, 185 Cecilia, l 7!! Clarissa, 40, 74, 100 Beriah, G7.' J:lll s., 17!l A., 108 Bertha E., 185 Chnrhanna A., 228 s .• lli5 M., 221 Charity, 44 Clark, C., 188 w., 217 M., 15!l E., 75, 153 Bertie, 2:H Charles, Gov. of N. M., Claudin D., 22!! Bertram l>.; 210 69, 121, 125,127, 2Gl, Clementina, 47 Bessie, 185 283 Clifford, 1S!i .J., 252 Charles, Hon. of Ill., 77, Clinton A., 154 M. A.,23!l 156, 157. 2ml, 271 I>., H5, 13! Bethia, 43, 84, t!5, IG!l Charles of Col., 211 Cora E., 172 .Betsey, 32-i:14, :l!J, 40, 47, Charles of Lowell, 48, L .. 210, 213 54, 55, 73, 88, 07, 101 M.,210 151 Charles of N. S., 4!l, 8G, Cordelia t,;., 225 Betsey. M,-s., 53, 70, 87, 96, 104. liO, 181, 185, Corinne, 22!J 150, U,5. 202 181i, 200, 216 Corliss, 73 Betsey C., 84, 8ii Chnt·lcs of 8. I., 08 Cornclin, 145 Betty, 28 Charles (h. 188!J), 235 .J.. 221 Beulah, 18, 2G Chnrles of Al~iers, 270 o., 240 A., 77 Charles A., 81, 150, 1G7, Cornelius C. l!'., 18!l, 2!0 n., 221 1,0, 233, 2,18 Crnsa A., 215 289

Curtis n., 160, 223 Earl n., 15:l Elis!Ja, 33, 35 Cyntllin, 47, 92-94, 104, J,}., 227 l\I., 53, 55, I 18 lGG, 174, 180, 200, F., IH2, 273 Eliza, 34, 55, 65, 102, 104, 2:15 G .. 182 112, 168, 181, 250 Cynthia A., 80, 1G6 II., 2H:I A., 42, 56, 166, 178, n., 2ll7 8.~ 1:i I nn,: 202, 230 M., 17/l Ebenezerof Milton, 22, c., 82 Cyrus A., 58, 120 31,47,2fl4 F., 167 II., GO, 136 of Quincy, 48, G., 221 100 J., 202, 252 Daisy S., 155 of Midclleboro', L., 87,273 Ual1mmuthn, 73, loO, 1;;4 84, IG4 l\f., 108 Daniel, 35. 47, G3, 06, of N. S., ·19, 103, s., 57 IM, 200 199 T., 204 Daniel C., 165, 231 of Steelton, P 1., w., 65,109 l!'., 51, llO 100, 191 Elizabeth, 14, 17-20, 22, J .• 200 Ebenezer Vose, 8, 47, !J4, 26, 27, 30, 31, 37, 48, W., 3G, 273 273' GI, G8,71,82,85, 103, Darius, 2!J, 41 Edith, 9, 10, 191, 19G, 2GG, 157, 160, 241 E., 42 284 Elizaheth, J1Irs., 14, 28, G., HS, 164 E., 221 30, 36, 44, G2, G3, 77, s., iii I<'., 144 82, !JG, 98, 102, 104, David of En~ .• 10 I., 237 169,179,184. 186,197- of Framingham, M., 147, 236, 283 200,20G,212,215,220, 16, 10 ' N., 234 2:J7, 251 of Rntlnnd, 20, 28, Edmund, 102, 141, 107 Elizahcth A.,' 70, 71, 110, 21;2, 26:l Elina C., 22/i ms, 140. 142, 190, 252 of N. S .. 27, 37, G7, o., 2:32 Elizabeth 13., 248 G9, rn, 137, 138, s., 246 c., 32, 51,137, ]!)5, l!JG, 214, Edward, 9, 101, 102, 129, l!J8, 237, 240, 284 139, !i<5, l!Jo, 2i:l of Philadelphia, 241, 278,283 D., 135,245 250 c., 248 E., 112 of Vt., 29, 39, 40, D., JOG, 173, 205 H., 107, 210 41, n, 2s2 E., l4H, 241 .J., 284 (li!J!J-1810),38 F., 188, 239, 251 1\1., IG3, 285 A., 145 M., 147 P., JOO E., 138 P., 230 R., 43 J., 36, 65, 267, T., 130, 246 S., GR, 201, 273 273 Edwin, 138, 214 Elkanah, 4-!, 86,170,234 l\L, 142, 202 n., 144 Ella E., 145 P., 137, 188,260, c., Jl;(j F., 212 284,285 J., 6(i. 77, 135 G., 21G Deborah, 31, 103, 149, L., 2:l3 L., 144 197 l\L, li8 l\f., 120, 109 Decimn, 156 s., 217 s.. 233 ])elia, IGO Effie, 284 Ellen, 07, 102, 133, 139, Delinda, 41 A., 158 IG!J, 19G Della, 211 Elbridge G., 202, 244 A., l!J5 I)cnnis, IO, 70, 145 Eleanor, :H, 187, l!J5 B., 252 Dexter (1•:dw.), 205 ,J., !Jli E.,2:H Dext<'r (Thos.), 220 Eleanora, 224 F., 2:l:l Dinnn 11., 151 l~lfcnr, 80 J., 1,;3 Dollv, lGi Eliakim, G!J, 143 M., 198 Donald K, 2:17 Elias, 4!); G!J, 103 R., 240 Dora, l!J!J, 201 Elihu, li:!l ' s., 200 Doren:<, 2fl. H5, 37, 59, G2, Elinor, 252 Ellis, 280 68, 124; IGS Elinor M., 236 Elmer M .. 220 Dorothy, 25, !J,i, 244 Eliona M., 244 Elminn. 5'i. 115 A., 159 Elijah, 2G. 5u, GG, 90, 131, Elsie F., 248 L., 2:17 17:l, 207 Elvirn, i:I, 140, 191 Dykeman A., 2:14 Elijah I~., G4 Elwin, 250 290 BENT FAJIIILY,

Elwood S., 23!) Eunice E., 155, 179, 186 Francis, 81, 228, 264, 268 Emeline, 65, 82, 116, 147 II., Hl8 A., lt,(i A., G6, 75 Euphemia, 103, 138 A. B., 217 B.,76 E., 138, 141 E., 58,121 E., 251 Eustace, 71 F., 110,209 II., 136, 247 Eva, 211 II., 173 M., nr, E., 153, 178 l'., 228 P., l!l!l 11.t 2fi2 s., 207 Emily, 71, 83, 178, l!J8, J., 23-l w., 228 1()() M., 234, 283 Frank, 182, 185, 219 A., 100,172 Evelyn F., 222 F., 214 E., 133, 172 Everett, 84, 85 G., 142 F., 210 W.,21i0 If., 20/l, 284 J., l(i!) Everlina B., 226 N., 2r.-l Emma, 108, 143,170,215, Everline A., Hi-1 R., 2:!!J 23!), 240, 242 E., Hi4 Franklin A., 211 A., J JO, 283 Evie, 120 Frazer (.J.), !Ja(l n., 243 Experience, 17, 20, 33, 34, Freli, 182, 22:l, 242 c., 10!) 44, 8:l, 8-l, 102 B., Ill E., 187 Ezekiel, 102, l!J5 K, 209,227 F., 209 J.,41 F., 77 J., Hl6, 1!J5, 206 Ezra, 47, V7, 103,198,199 J., 154 L., 204 L.,2U M .. 224, 2U Famitcha, 198 N., 2:16 N., 204 Fannie or Fanny, 49, 105, 0., 219 o., 141 146, 172, 1!)4, 195,211, V. D., 14-l T., 100 216, 251 Frederick, 197, 214 Ena M., 1!J6 Fannie A., 155, 165 Chas., 277,279 Ensley M., 187 E., l l!J, 175, 234 If., 208, 248 :Emstus, 186 Funny L., 57 L., 201 Ermina, ms, 199, 242 Fannie n., 218 W ., !l7, 187,253 Ernest, 147, 182,199,202, Faustina, 153 Fredericka II., 238 222 Feiu·, 85 Freeman, 242 F.; 245 Fearing W.,159 Ersuln L., 75 l!'elton, l!l-t Gardiena K, 219 Erva A., 151 Fenwick W., Hl6 Gardinc1· L., 21!) Erwin, 215 Ferdinancl A., 71, 148 George of E. Sudbury und Estelln:i, 123, 283 Fitz Edward, l!JO, 267 N:itick, 38, Estcll:i, 200 Flom J., 118 71, 221 Esther, 64, 71, 85, 86,169, :Florence, 20-l, 214, 284 of Montrcnl, 41, 225 A., 144,147 i(l Esther A .• 166 B., 205 Rev., 43, 80, 279 c., 151 ])., 24G of Col., 5!) Ethan A., 185 E., 218, 251 of N. S., 102, HJ6, Ethel, 178 G., 24G l!l7, 199,214, A., 28-l L., Ill 215,2H F., 217 J\f., 208, 230 of Quincy, 104, J., 23!) P., 245 200, 285 M., 146, 221, 249 Frances, 97, l,Hi, 139, 149, of Chicago, 13-l, s., 222 101, mo, 21,;, 216, 254 213 Etta S., 243 Frances A., liG, 135, 188, of I. T., 126 Eugene A., 71 247 of Mich., H>0 P., 217 n., 20-1, 211 Lt. Gen. of I~ng., Eulalia, 230 c., 18!) 2i9 Eunice, 25, 2G, 30. 45, 47, E., 121, 138, 231, George A., Iii9, 200, 242 85-87,04,!)7,!)8, 103, 2,i0 B., llU. 1-l'J, 179, 188 F., 5i,, 116 2;37 1 2:l9 Eunice, Jfrs., 84, 86, 197, JI., (i(l C., J:IO, lii2, 181, 108 L., 215 189. 225, 2:ll, Eunice A., 181 M., 204 240 n., 243 W., l!0 D., 76 c., !)2, 176, 273 INDEX. 291

George E., 100, 146, 155, Hannah, .11frs., 16, 10, 42, Henry, 34, 66, 198, 241, 187, 180, 210, 47-40, 72, 106, 268, 279 21!) 144, 151, HiO, A., 209, 246 F., 141, 247, 285 IG2, 165, lll!J, B.,189, I!JO F. C., 218 200, 248, 252 ]!"., 201, 241 II., 77, JOG, 120, A., JI., 197, l 98 l/i8, 210, 230, A. IT., 101 II. H,, 2Ii0 2:13, 2:l!J, 246, C., DO IC W., 246 248, 285 E., 242 R., 108, 21G K., 1:12, 283 M., 51, 162 s., 245 L., 120, 251, 284 P., IGO, 162 W., 66, 153 M., Jii7, 222, 244, s .. 13!), 140 Hcpbzib:th, 110 284 [2., 227 IL, 219 J., 142 E., 155, 227 Georgi:11rn, 1!)0, 201, 210 L., Hl, 212 s., 244 Gcoriin.nnn Jr., 21U M., 71, 22!J w.,2:33 Geori!ie A., 239 P., 153 Horatio C., 198, 213 Geori:(in:t, 103 S., 51, l!Jl, 195 G., 65, 133, 134, Gertrnde, li8, 235 IIarriette M:., 220 212, 27:l C., 2/il Harris, 2-t2 Nelson, 88, 106, .J., 229 Harry, 157, 216 145,204,210 L., l!i8 1\., 221 Howard, 143 M., 212,222, 2-17 D., 20G J., 252 Gesner T., 2::v L., 2iil N., 198 Gihhs F., 2i!J s., 158 Hnhert L., lG!J Gideon S., 152 [251 Hartwell, 73, 151 Hugh, 283 Gilbert, GS, l+l, 170, 2!1, F., 7G, 151 IInlclah, 194 o., 142 IL, 151, 224 Hyland F., 2!7 R., J:19, 141, 215, J., 225 Hyman, 33, 54, 114, 115 2G!J Harvey G., 1:30 w. w., 215 Hattie, 217, 223, 242 Ida, 149, 222 Gladys, 178 G., 174 J., 1-i:3 .T., 211 M., 81, lll, 218 L., 251 Grace, 27 Hazel, 242 M., 212 A., 2:l7 A., 227 Idella F., 71 B., l!Jl F., 28-! Ignacia, 123 1,;., 120 G., 252 Ilona, 72 l\L, 241 Helen, 104 A., 74 Grandison, 102, 106 F., 190 Inglis, J., 238 Gu:t1.laloupc, 211 II. IT., 218 Iowa n., 224 ,J., 239 Ira C., 167, 233 U:m1ilton, 131 M., 108, 130, 146, Irena A., 227 Hamlet, 278 225 Irene, 173, 198 umrnah, rn. rn, H, -11, 48, T., 232 Irviug D., 229 00, fiH, 72, 8fi, 8G, HO, IIcnrictta, HB, mo, I 70 I'., Ill l),t, !Jii, JO;l, 104, 14.0, ]!'., B7 faaac, 49, G7, 81, 82, 105, H!l, 170, 2ii2 137, IGO, 201 292 BENT FAMILY.

Isaac A., 202, 2H Jean M., 178 John C., 65 IlartlctL, lGO Jeanette, lH Bo, 200, 201i, 268 J., 201 J cll'ery II., 280 F., 140, 19G, 216, P., 201 ,Jemima, 29 2:1u Isabel, 41, 221 Jennie, li8, 205; 206, 283 II., 60, 100, 187, Isabella, 38, 41 B., 108, 217 197, mu, 20s, A., 38 E., G3, 143 243, 251 J., 50, 58 L., 251 Inglis, 238 Isabelle S., 108 Jerusha, 32, 48, 64 J., 75, 153, 254 Israel, 139, 216 P., G8 IL, Ia8 A., 140, 217 Jesse, 30, 47, 49, 95, 102, M.,244 L., 68, 140, 2i3 184, 195, 263 o., 178 W .. 195 L., 94 l'., 51, 109, 110 Ivan A., 159 l'., 247 Q., 206. 24;!, 2G8 c., 169 Jessie, 104, 147, 219 R., 155, 19S D., 143 S., H3, IG7, 2GS Jabez, 18, 24, 31, 264 E., 195, 252 T., 17D, 1S9, 2G9 Jacob, 139, 198, 199 E. B., 187 van 7, 2(i2 29 c., 1G9 of Framingham, 15, N. S., 44, 68, C. E. II., 242 19, 27, 28, 39, 85, 140, !GS, E., 110, 145, 185, 262-2G-t llJ5, llJU, 2!0, HHl, 209,241 · of ~farlhnro', 14 2-ll IL, 142, 218 of Sonthboro', 24, Wis., 107 1., 201, 24a 2H2 ·warch:1111, 159 M., 70, 124, 146, of :Milton, 22, 30,49, Conn., 172 200, 211; 221, 21l4 R. I., 25;! 236 of Middleboro', 30, Boston, 254 R., !08, 176, 219 43, H, 263, 265 JosepllA., 78,80, 1,38, 172, S., GS, 142, 235, of Nova Scotia, 47, 234 239 ti8, 8G, 92, 96, Il., 141, 176,-217 T., 178 102, 103, 141,l(i8, ]!'., J;J9, 140, HiO, '1'111 odore, 277 170, 186, 196, 180, lli:l, 218, v., 92, 177, 267 235, 241 242, 269 w.,202, 269 of Dcclhmn, 106 K., 65, 134 Jane, 27, 67, 74, 95, 143, of Missouri, 123 N., 169 148, 179, 182, of Carver, 82, 160, R., 232 184, 185, 196, 227 v., 217 224, 241, 253, of Chelsea, 166 Josephine, 20-i, 241 254 of Penn., 163 E., li2, 234 A., 182 of Littleton, N. II., ll., 228 D. B., 82 108 L., 2-!u E., 53, 55, 191 of Ill., 223 Josiall, 3D, 105, 203, 20ii, II., 138 of Glonccster, 251 2'15, 2GO, 2G!J w.,82 of It. I., 253 J., 51 Janet, 77, 163, 198, 200 of Boston, 253 R., 246 Jason, 26, 32, 38, 51, 71, Jolln A., 166, 168, 197, Juanita, 21:l 148, 264 199, 232, 239, Judith S., 88 Jay E., 227 242,269 Judson L., 230, 269 M., 223 B., 7G, 155, 212 Julia, 127, 20G, 254 .A., 213 INDEX. 293

Julin C., 254 LewisR., 198 Lydia, 20, 26, 30, 50, 73, M., 148,220 Lida E., 159 83, 167, 195 R., 118 Lill:i. M., 207 A., 120 Julinu,213 Llllinn E., 154 E., 235 Jnlimrnnh, 59, 123 II., 232 L., 76, 216 Justin W., 212 l\L, 155 l\L, G4, 133, 152, Justinn, ms Lincoln G., G2, 132, 283 J!J5, l!J6 Livoniu. 0., 75 Lynn R., 224 Kate, 218 Lizzie (see Eliza.beth), 1!·· 1~!• 218 141 l\fabcl, 157 ] ., Ion Il., 234 E., 143 M.,2:18 D., 139 L.,234 Katie l'., 213 Lloyd I<'., 239 v., 190 Kenneth C., 207 Lois, 26, 4o, 69, 86, 104, w., 249 Kezia, 58, 81, 194, 200, 168 Mne, 206 209, 240 E., 143 l\fahnln, 195 Kimball, 168 Loisa., 251 Mnjor E., 72, 140 Loln M., 224 Marnie o., 248 Lalin, lGO Loretta, 103 Mnrcns l\I., 71 E., rnr,, 217 A., 154 l\fnrduln D., 75 l!'., 2:H Lotticl<'., lr.0 Margaret, 102, 140-142, Lnuru, 7G, 1,;G, ms Louis C., lGG IGO, 180, HJ5, A., 54,190 Louisu., 71, 112, 147, 165, 196, 198, 199, E., 187, 235 179,196 219, 235, 240, I!'., 219 Il., G9 283 J., 214,237,285 J., 137 A., 142, 146 Lnurettu, 119 !vI., ll2, 232, 244 E., 218 E., IliO Lovefrcy, 137 G. E., 238 J., 119 Lovina, 149 M., 173 s., 120 Luccttn W., 133 v., 135 Lnvilln M., 15 l Lucinda, W4, 142 1\Inrgcry, 10 Lavinia, 138,145,218,241 A., 132 Marin., 55, GS, 103, 115, C., WG c., 142 131, IGS, 194 (S.), 145 l\L, 212 A., 43, 1G6 Lawrence, 101, 194, 278 Lucius E., ll9 c., 131) Lawrence \V., 2:11 l'., 08, 119 II., 132, 136 L:\WSOll G., 1+7, 222 Lncrctin, ,l-i, 77, 107, 243 L., l:l8, 207 Leand<,r It., l-14 Lucy, 25, 28, 2!!, JO, ui>, l\L, 141 Leadtt N., 211 68, rn, s2, 8a, Mnric l\f., 213 Lelia S., 21:l 85, 9-1, 97, 102, Mnricttn, 130 Lemuel, H, 48, 88, 06, 96, 104, 12-1, 12!!, llfariettc 8., 130 104, 182, 250, 161, 1V8, 211, l\farincr S., 187, 230 262 222 w., 179 I~., 185 A., 94, IOi, 111, 1G6, l\Inriou, 209 ]!'., 201 2<13, 284 c., 105 M., 72, 140 c., 38, 84 ]~., 218 Lenn T,., 2:11; J., r,o JI., 2:14 M., 207 L., 160 P., 226 Leon G. L., 218 M., 85, 105, 238 Mnrjorie II., 239 Leonota M., 153 0., 22G l\fark, 73 Lephc (see also H.ellef), P., 153 l\farshnll A., 67 40, 72 Luella, 284 Murtha, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, L., 74 1\1., lo! 19, 25-30, 33, Leslie, l!l4 Luke, 41 39, 46, 51, 52, (C.), 112, 200 Lupic D., 211 59, 75, 87, 96, Lester IL, 248 Lura. M., 243 97, 124, 188 Letitia, 84, 135, 178 Lurenc, 55, 113 A., 71, !!6, 135 Levanten, 75 Lnreni:i., 110 c., 187, 180 Levi n., 53, Ill Luther, 61, 84, 130, 164 I)., I 71 Lcvinah ,T., 5/i M., 200 J~., 284 Lewis, 82, !18, 188, 250 s., 101, 101,267 F., HG, 240 A.H., 120 Luvosc, 102, l!J8 u., 10!) G., 213 294 BENT FAMILY.

Martha J., 119, lii0 Matilda E., 151 Naomi G., 143 M.,43 L., 108 Nathalia, 174 s., 245 w., 207 Nathan, 27, 36,250, 265 T., 221 Matthias, l!l, 27, 38, 265 P., 162 Martin, 47, 81, 91-93, 101, Mattie A., 22G Nathaniel, 46, 50, 87, 90, 176, 196, 235 B., 119 107, 173 F., 160,227 n., mo A., Hi7 s., 236 E., 2i.W n., 100, mo .Mary, 20, 21, 23, 25, 20, Mand, 200, 20G 'l'., !(Hi, 205 28, 31, :l3, 36-:l8, ,!(), Maurice IL, 150 Neuahiah, 49, 101, 102, 47, 52, 59, 61, 65, G8- i\Iay, 185 104, l!l5, 2-U, 2G3 70, 74, 81, 96, 07, 103, E., 212 Nellie, 13-1, 152, 185 10.J., 126, 128, I:l9, G., 154 A .• 2H IG!J, 1!!3, 186, 188, s., 187 .\. H., 217 200,215 l\.fehitable, 45 M.,21:l Mary, Mrs., l!J, 22, 24, 25, J\felhourne, 241 Nettie L., 210 35-39, 47, !i·l, ]\[clinda, !Otl, 201 M .,.,5 GO, 7 I, 95, 10:l, ]l[clissa, 25a Newell, iia7~50, 56, 107, 104, 147, 159, :Mellen G., 71, 147 118, 2!0 163, 178, 182, Melvina, 151, 224 Newton M., 209 184, 1D4-l!l6, Mercy, 44, IGO Noah, 31 19!l, 201, 2!!), A., lG3 Norman, 1!)6 223, 227, 232, E., l!l5 II., 169,233 236, 238, 240, Merrill N., 172, 234 241, 244, 252 Micah, HJ, 27, 37, 38, 67, Olive, 74, 75, SJ, 227 Mary A., 4:l, 51, 55, 57, 70 c., i,4 'i8, 83, 87, !l4, Milatiah, 44 K, 166, 228 102, 103, 106, l\lildred, 158, 220 l\L, 212 132, ms, 144, H.,U8 Olivia, Gli, 12-1, ms 163, lfi8-l 70, Milford 'l'., 170,269 Oren, 81, l(J5 IM, 185, W4, Milo G., 72, 150 Orin.nun, 71 201, 214, 252, l\tilton, 87 Orphan., 77 284 Mincr1·a, 152 Orren W., 1G5, 231 B., 189 l\linett:i, J.10 Orrin, Hili, 2!i!I c.,jj7, 1aa, 1as, 1s.:;, l\liunic I>., 21-1 l\l., 1/iO 207, 2Iu, 221 I~., 20li Orythca, 75 E., 75, 108, lO!l, I IS, H., IH Otis, tH, Hia ll!l, l:l7-14::l, Minot A., 107 C., H7 14H, 15 I, 154, Miriam, 4!l, li7, 137, 159 l\L, 2:l2 157, Hi3, 164, l\lollie or l\tolly, 27, 33, w., 105 187, !!JO, l!H, 40, IOI Overton \V ., 15:1, 22G )!)7, 200, 202, l\forton, G., 2~2 U1Ye11 l'., !JI(; 211, 222, 2H2, l\loses, 102, Hl8 w., 17d 240, 252, 2S3 Muriel, Iii!J F., 147, 150, 201 l\1yra, 22:l Pamelia, 145, 181, 183 G., HJ9, 226 Myron II., 154 Parker, 2il4 J., 107, 141, IG6, w., 146,221 Patience, 8, 14, 23 189, 205, 252 Myrtle, 231 Patty, 3!l, 40, 4l K., 135 M., 226 Paul A., l5!i L., 56, !l7, 112, ll8, l'auli1m, 20:l 129, 130, 158 Nahum, :Ii,, 61, l:ll l'anliue, !Otl L. K.,207 w., (i2 IL, 203 M., 64, 100, H5, Nancy, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, Pearley C., 2ii2 206, 20!) 55, 70, 83, 84, Pcrcil·:1.l K, 178 N., 78. lO'J 87, 100, 104, Percy C., 2:34 o., 215 105,215, 2.U Peter of Boston, 25:J P., 80 n., 201 Peter of Chicago, 2!&2 R., 66, 186 ]~., 159 Peter of i\farllJoro', lO s., 101, Hi5, 194, J., 202 note, l:l, W, 18, 225,251 l\'I., ,;,;, 190, 222 31, 257, 2GO, :!G5 T., 2:16 0., 57 Peter of New York, 72, Matilda, !l5, 131, 141, 182 Nannie C., 212 148 JH., 211 Peter of Smlbury, 24 INDEX. 295

Peter6 (b. 1741), 25, 26 Roswell, 70, 147 Samuel F., 96 l>eter of Rntlnml, 29, 2G5 Roxanna D., 87 G., 98, 106, 188, .Phebe, 2!J, 3U, 40, 87, 102, Roy, 247 273 Hl2, l!W, 240 II., 224 II., 209 A., lfi2, li2 R., 234 L., 194,251 c., ifi Rufus, 27, 20, 30, 36, 46, M., 139 E., 173 67, 88, 137, IGO, s., 139, 178, 229, l\i., 140 172, 2G5 241 Phiflelia, iG F., 181, 238 T., 106, 203, 204 Phineas, 2!1, 42 H., 50, GG, 109, 136 ,v., 73, 77, 152 L., 68, 139 Rupert, 1-!3, 210 Sara, 135 Pliny S., 13/l F., 97 S:trah, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, Polly, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, G., 145,218 30, 31, 36, 37, 46, 48, 42, 4lJ, 50, 70, 82 Russell, 71 55, 62, 86, 88, 94, 97, Prince, 2r,a, 2GG Ruth, 33, 45, 48, Ill, 67, 99, 102, 103, 131, 149, Priscilla, sr,, 8G, lGS 94, 103, 137, 14/l, 160,170,195,241,252, Prudence, 30, 46, U0, 104 l/l7, 15U, 214, 284 282 A., 178, 284 Sarah, Mrs., 39, 50, 87, 96, Quincy, 104 B., 119 101,102,105,111,114, c.,110 13i, 139;140,142,169, Rachel, 20-22, 31, 49, 101, E., 6G, 228 170,176,182,188,197, 102, 1!15 ]'\, 22G 200,229,235,250,284 II., 108 I.,118 Sarah Adelaide, 201 .M., 104 Ann, 50, 137, 140, Ralph, GO, 144, 14G, 216, Sabin:i, 134 144,168, 17G 221, 242 Sadie M., 159 Ashton, 104, 204 E., 244 Salina, 223 A., Mrs., 136, 144, F., 144 Sallie, 211 164, 249 M., 285 l- Sully, 33, 30, 40, 87, 149 c., 107, 119, 201, R,228 A., 107,207 210,250 w., 217,229 n., 188 D., 239 Rnyrnoud, 230 E., 188 E., 66, 100, 110, 120, Rebecca, 30, 65, 67, 86, M., 14S, 15S, 233 121, 172, 180, 196, 241, 284 Salome, 8/l, 84 229, 240, 248 c., 2,12 1\I., 1G5 G., 202 II., 120 Samantha, 142 II., ll0, 242 L., lG!l Samuel of Iloston, 38 I., 170 ]t., 107 of California, 134 J.,101,108,224,228 Rcgfoald W., 144 of Fitzwilliam, N. M., 209 Relief, 40, 72 IL, :32 l'., 111 lticlrnrd, 10, !J7, 254-256 of Framingham, R., 57 II., 228 28, 7i s., 217 .M., 254, 2i9 of Gardner, 111 W., 108, llO Robert, 10, 13, 5!>, 10/l, of Lowell,2,i2,280 Seddie, 212 12G, l(l!), IVS, of Milton, 50 Selina L., 68 200, 254-256, of N. S., 48, 101, Seraphiua, 92, 177 280 168, 181, 104, Seth, 49, 102 ]\,{., 247 109,200,240, Sewell, 32, 50 T., 178 241, 2r,3 Sheldon T., 191 W., llS of Q11inc_v, 201 Sl1cphcrd, 48, 08 Ilobcrt:i J\L, 1r,9 of Uochester, N. Sidney, 252 RollC'rts J., 231 Y., 83 A., 227 Rohinson, 73 of Sudbury, 25, 57 E., 154 Roderic L, 55, 112, 117, of Vermont, 51,64 W. A. D., 239 200 of Virgini:t, 06 Silas,• Lt.-Col., 27, 34, Rocnn, 62 of Wendell, 64 263, 266 c., 284 Samuel A., 157, 158, 203, Silas,• Jml~e. 35. 58 Roircl"IC., 158 230, 252, 267 Silas,7 Lieut. U.S. N., 59, Rollnml A., 118 n., 42, s1, 202, 128 Rosanna, 71, 221 24:l, 273 Silas• of Kentucky, 212 R08C, 283 D.,2:lO Silas of N. S., 37, 69, 96, II., 217 E., 120 138, 282 s., 2l(j i9 296 BENT FAMILY.

Silas A., 211 Theresa, 149, 198, 223 Wealthy, BG E., 17G H. (see Teresa Wetherhcatl, 97 IT., 14G H.J. White (~ce Willimn W.). M., 185 Thomas of Austl'alia, 280 Whitney J., 108 l'., 40, 75, 273 of Colorado, 2ll Wilber K, 28! w., 75,153 of Englund, 279 Wilbert R., 242 Si!va, 81, 159 of Framingham, s., 245 Slave, 8 32, 266 Willartl L., 146 Sneden, ms of N. Y., 163,284 William,• 13 Sophia, 139,148,149,160, of Sudbury, 25, William of Boston, 98,252 168 50, 57, 58, of Canton, 45, 88, A., 187 263 2G3, 2l.Hi Sophronia, 1G9 Thomas A., 58, 66, 120, of Chelsea, Jll!l F., 75 22!l, 282 of Cochitnatc J., l!l6 B., 120, 22!l (Wayl:rnd), Stanley, 214 D., 13!), 14G, 214, 3G, 38, 70, Stedman, rn4 220, 268 220,2(i!i,267, Stella L., 77, 231 Elbridge, 50,108 282 (M.), 251 Gilbert, 70 of Colorado, 121, Stephen, 36, 65, 68, 104, H., 96, 110, 269 125, 211 139, 16!), 266 s., 162 of llfainc, 84 A., 65 w., 40, 76 of Middleboro',30 c., 254 Tillie T ., 179 of N. H., Ill E., 69, 142, 143 Timothy, 26, 266 of N. S., G7, 87, Stiles G., 152, 226 Tinson B., 179 102, 103, 141, Submit, 32 Tirzah, 82 lG!J, 184, 185, Sukey, 50 Torrey, 95, 182, 183 l!l4, 215, 240, F., 99 Truman P., 77 241 Susan, 35, 55, 60-62, 68, Tryphenia, 47, 93, 147 of Quincy, 105 95, 103, 1J5, 137, William A., !2, 242 140, 148,1G9,214, Velzora, 71 B., 137, 1-ll, 218 252 Vennie n., 216 D., 198,212 A., 140 Vero11iz, 211 E., 1:1:1, 1:1-1, JG-l, n., 141 Vesta V., 239 208, 2:1:1 E., 62 Victoria A., 17G F., ll5, HH, 209, 1!'., 100 M., 2:37 273 L., 111 Virginia, 124 G., 107,197,254, M.,56,G9,143,242 Vose, 94, 96, 185 28-1 P., 230 (E.), 47, 94 H., 132, 138,283 R., 221 Harrison, 202, T., lOG Waittie, 131 220, 24:2, 260 w., 164 Waldo A., 147 Ilcury, G9, 135, Susannah, 25, 27, 30, 37, II., ll8 155, 169, 171, 98, 106, 184, Walker M., 152, 225 19!, 1D7, 208, 194,202,24! (S.), 152 215, 219, 2!7, M.,W6 Wallace A., 245 253, 2G7 Susie, 230 Walter, 185 Hunt, 3:l, 53, 273 Sylva, 81 D., 2:30 .J., 77 Sylvester, 199 E., 228 L., 6!, 68, 87, S. & Bros., 112, 116, 117, G.,211 132, 138, 273 209 H., 232 :0,l., WG, H2, rn7, 0., 199 213 Tamar, 40, 72 s., 283 o., 133, 212 A., 76 T., 119,210 Q., 105,269 Teresa II., 220 ·warren, G8, 139 s., 1-15, 284c Terlsina, 123, 283 A., mo w., l).J., 97, 179, Thachel' T., 2-16 l>., 2:H 18H, 228 Thaddeus, 29, 41 EL1gm·, 130, 216 Wilma D., 71, 221 Thankful, 22 G 149 •>->•) Wil.;on D., 82, 162, 228 Theda E., 87 w:, 72' ~~~ Wiuifred, 231 Theodore, J., 277 z., 22:l A., 222 '.rheodosia, 194 Waterman, 85, lGS H., 218 R., 143 INDEX. 297

Winslow, 84 Wynn C., 224 Zenas,44, 84, 85 n., 100, 191 W. &J.M., 146,220 E., 137 Winthrop II., 231 Zilpah, RG, 169 Wylie C., 231 Zacbeus, 13, 14 z. Major, 140,223 INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN BENT, AND '1.10 PLACES.


Abbe, John, 39 Amherst, Mass., 132,203 Avery, ,Joseph, 42 Mary, 39 N. S., 47, 96, D7, l\Iaria, !!J4 Abercrombie, Wyman,100 185-187, 2-19 Avon, l\fass., 243 Aborn, Mary, l!l9 Anderson, Alex. D., -13 Ayer, Amy, 92 Abraham, Mary, 199 Cecilia, 179 Family, 92 Adams, Daniel S., 226 Charles F., 132 l\farincr, U2 Dominick, 169 Fred. R., 75 Nehemiah, U2 John, 16 George II., 236 Lucy Ann, 107 ,fames II., 181 Babb, Samh P., 111 Mary, 42 note, 1G3 .J:uncs '11., 1:·12 William, 111 Mary G., 226 Andrews, William, 108 B:Llicock, l~ahclla, 38 Mary L., 118 Annan, l\fartlm, 87 Bacon, J,;Lizabcth D., :!-15 Minot, 50 .Annapolis, N. S., 37, 67- Eu11na, 1-tl Rufus, 229 69, 136-145, Hezekiah P., 2-15 Samuel, 42, 106, W5-200 Martha, 27 us, 203, 204 Anthony, Susan, 10:1 Baclcock, Elizabeth, 30 Sarah E., 22::l Antwerp, N. Y., 150, 151, Hagly, 1.;Jiz:i, Hi1> Sila8, 118 154, 22-l Bailey, lfoury, !!JO 'fhomas, 163 Appleton, Mary, 78 Mary, 11:l Tryphe11ia, 14G Argall, }frank L., 236 llaird, Ella, 1-,0 Adkins, li'rank, 63 Arizona, 2:17 l'atl'ick, ur: Alabama, 78 Arlow, Thomas, 151 Baker, .l.a1"011, 86 Albee, Elizabeth, l!l7 Armstrong, Elizabeth, 77 Albert, Klj Alden, Mary, 212 Emeline E., Charlotte A., 2::s Aldrich, Abner, 151 65 Esther, 8G Hannah, 151 Lncincla, 132 l\Iolly, Si Alger, Susan, 206 Martin, 64 Hcbccca P.., 107 Algiers, 27!1 Thomas, 65 Samuel, 8G Allen, Ann, 90 Ashton, Frances B., 2M William, IO, 25(; Arunah, 55 ,John, 20-l Halcom, Lydia L., 21(; Iletlmel, 41; Atchison, Louisa A., 125 Uo,,c II., 217 Caroline, 53 Atkinson, Henry P., 182 Sarah, ,;!J Charlotte A., 238 John C., 175 William II., 106 Ellen M., 56 Miss, 177 Daldwin, Dorcas, :rn James, 42 note Robert, 175 Jane, 22-l John J., 56 Sarah, 182 Bangor, l\Ic., 65, GG, IO!l Lcvinah J., 55 William, !Jl Banister, Elizabeth, 210 Mary, 42 note Attleboro', l\foss., 20tl, 210 Ilanks, Edwanl C., 2-10 Oratio l'., 52 .Atwood, John 0., 142 Barker, Susan L., 111 Walter, 55 H11chel IL, 108 Banmhy, Clara W., 21! Willhim H., 90 Sarah ;r., 22 ! llarnanl, C!i:trlcs, 4H Alley, Charles S., 197 .Anburml11le, l\fass., lf,7 Chas. F., 4G Ames, Ezra (sec also Aa, 280 HJ, U~ 210 .Avery, Catherine, 42 Cynthia B., 237 INDEX. 299

Dnrnes, Rclwrml, !H Bemis, Sally, o2 Blake, Francis E., 9!J note 1m1.:1heth, 10,237 Ileut Comity, Col., 121, Geo. P., 188 .Ja.1ncs, !J2 121:-128, 2,17 James, !J!J ,John, 18 Ilcnt, Crane & Co., 235 Samuel, 188 Oliver, !l2 Bent, Griflitli & Co., 83 Sukey F., !J9 Rebecca, 181 Bent's Cmckct'S, 105, 204, Wm. T., 215 Rich:tnl, 10, 18, 2-H; Blanchard Family, 78, 79 2:ii Bent's Fort, 5!J, 121, 125- Jomithan, 78, S:tmll, 23,; 127 80 'l'ilomns, 17 Bent',; l'. 0., GI Sarnh A., 24c3 Bnt·1Hw, A11~cline, 1m Bent & Bnsh, 101, 18D Thomas, 10 Barnl1ill, IGmrlinc, 11G Bent & lfawkc~, 2:15 Illish, Alice S .. 24G ,folrn, llG Bent & l'easlcy, 243 Bloomington, Ill., 134,213 Barre, J\fa;:~., 2fi, 3-i,35, 6-i Denton, Elijah, 88 llochner, Eli, 138 Barrett, .Jm,cph, 78 Gcor"C 88 Eugene II., 138 l\fnry N., 78 88 Maria C., 139 Samnel, !l!J Ilcntville, N. S., 3i, H3 Bogart, Abraham, 101 Unrron, Isn.:ic, rnr. Bcn1.c1'ille, Mahe!, 157 Cornclin1-<, 101 llarrows, Fmnk L., 2:10 Herry, lfarnh, HO Boggs Family, 123 TI:u'l'il't C., 212 Beshidg,-, Alice, 1G Lilburn 'vV., 123 1\'fal'y l~., 202 Hes;;cy, Olive C., 84 Bogle, John, 37 Ram1wl n., 165 BcthcL Me., 18 Boice, Isabel, 41 Zer:th, 212 Betts, mhrn. A., 22!J Jolin, 41 13:i.rtcanx, Betsey, l!Ji'i Beveridge, Bcthiah, 16!J Bolsor, Christopher, 102 Charles, 1,7 DnvidW., lG!J Fannie, 11)5 l~(lwin, 145 Robert, 8G ,John M., lll5 llartlctt, m,11!:tlt ,\ ., 7i nick fonl, l\lary ,T., nr, Bond, Daniel, 101 ;falll08, 82 J1illings, l!'reclcrick A., :JS Isn!Jcl D., 221 ,folrn, G\l Billington, ,Jemima, 20 ,Jm1c, 101 Onin, lGG Bir

Breeze, Matilda, 141 Ilnmp, IIenry, 83 Carter, Emma S., 203 Drewer, Samuel, l!) Mtll"k, 82 John L., 2-l7 Bridge, Mary, 38 Bumpus, Mary, 159 Jouathan, 35 Nathtmicl, 38 Burford, George, 172 Lottie, 183 Briggs, Cebra, 84 Burnam, John, 211 Mnry, 35 Elmer C., 168 Sallie, 211 Sidney B., 22-1 13rlgham, Bennjah, 24 Burnell, Loni:m C., 60 C:i.rver, Mus:1., 81, 82, IGO, Benjamin, 24 llurnham, John '-;V., !ll Hi7, 2:.1:.1 Lydia, llf Burns, Ezekiel, 103 Cary, Louisa, 179 Peter llent, 23, Mary E., 283 Cassidy, Holmes, 196 27.f Burrows, Auna A., 135 Castle, --, 42 RebeccaH., 12O George II., 135 Cavendish, Vt., 73, 152, Uriah, 23,274 Busby, Ann, G9 225 Brighton, Mass., 100,208, Dush, Corydon I., 61 Chaffin, Jones, 57 212 Francis, 101 Chamberlain, Harriet E., British Columbia, 144, Bussey, John W., 48 89 181,239 Butterworth, Frank H., Chamberlin, Aun n., mo British Guiana, 280 IG3 Hclcu M., mo Broadbelt, 25! James T., Isabella s., mo :Brockway, Hannah, 77 163 Lowell A., 190 Brookdale, N. S., 186,239 Chambers, l\fary L., 129 Brooks, Edna 0., 232 Cahoon, Phebe, 162 Chandler, Ilenjmnin, 180 Family, 224 Cain, Ilannah, 169 Chapin, Chester, 60 James, 22! Californi:L, 64, 65, 75, 78, Chaplin, 1':Iislm, 53, 111 Jonas, 52 llG,123,129,139,102, llmuily, ft2, f>j Margaret, 53 176,188,189,222,228, Julia n., r,a, 118 Drown, Anna, 220 23G, 245, 249 l\loses, u3, 118 Cyrus, 72 Caligan, Charles, 152 Chapman, ,thigail, 18l Edith E., 221 Calkins, Geo. F., 01 Albert, 183 Elizabeth, 19, 71 CallowhiU, Percy J., 218 Alfred E., 180 Elmer A., 202 Calnck, Laura, 198 Amelia, 176 E. Janette, 113 Cambridge, l\Iass., 14, 56, Andrew R., 18-l Francis, 71 118,172,210 Douglas, 17! Helen M., 225 Camden, N. J., 113 Eliza, 18:l Jomi.thau, 225 Cameron, Angus, 218 Family, 184 Joseph, 102 Henry, 142 Georo-e 183 Mary, 244 Camp, Geo. W ., 130 llcury,'i1G Merrill, 202 Harriett A., ISO Loreu ~I., 202 Moses, 113 Campbell, Elizabeth, 220 Ma1·tin, 172 Naomi G., 143 Sarah, 142 Sarah, 17G Sarah, 105 Canney, Eliza. A., 230 Smith, 187 Thomas, 19 Canton, Mass., 45, 88-90, Thomns, 181 Walter, 284 173 Wm., H, 253 William, 41 Capwell, Henrietta, 147 Charlton, Lydia, ID5 --- m. Sam'l Carothers, A. Jennie, 79 Sophia, 130 Bent, 101 Frances, 79 Chase, Eliw.heth, U2 Browne, Laura A., l!JO C!ll'penter, !frank 13., 75 Julia A. C., 88 Samuel, 132 T. B., 82 Stephen, 25-l Brownell, Anna, DI Carr, Ezra, 58 Chelmsford, Mass., 38, Lavinia, 91 Family, 124, 125 101 Browning, James, 29 Hamilton, 131 Chelsea, Ma:;s., 13!J, 1G6, Martha, 20 Jennie, 283 Hi7, 284, 285 Samuel, 42 Kczia, 58, 209 Chcsborough, Sarah ]~., Bruce, Abigail, 38 Mnrin, 131 248 Bruso, Charles, 206 Samuel, 209 Chesley, Elizabeth, l!l7 Bryden, James A., 144 Sarah, liO Chicago, 155, lii8, 1,;!J, John R., 144 Wm. C., 124 1Hi> 1 1G4-, 213, 22~, 2~7, Buchanan, Janet, IG3 Wm. II., 28;! 230, 2-18 Buffalo, N. Y., 28 Carson, Kit, 122, 127 Chick, Elvira H., 2W Bugbee, Thoma,; L., 57 Cartei·, Adoniram ,J., 43 Childs, Frauk L., 202 Buf!ard, Cynthia A., SO .Albert C., 175 Christie, Frederic J., 187 Bulmer, Miss, 236 Edward, 91 James, !J3 INDEX. 301

Churcli, A11,ron A., 01, 180 Connery, D1wid, 235 Curtis, Ilenjamin F., 104 Arcth11s1t B., !ll, Lydia E., 174, Da.vid, 27 !)2, lii, 180 235 Herbert, 108 Clcmcntim1., 91, Walter J., 174 John, 150 177 Cook, Dessie, 225 Louisa, 196 Ephraim, Hl Clark, 215 Tluulcleus, 65 Family, Ul Crusa, 215 Cushing, Salome, 83 ,Tcecmirrh, 94 Davill C., 158 Cushman, Hnnnah, 44 ;John, Ul, 180 Ezra A., 7!) Cutler, Fannie, 172 llfolyin D., G7 llrenitt, 225 Cutten, Rufus F ., 174 Clapp, Earl, r.o Cooke, Clrn.rlottc, 207 Cutting, George F ., 119 Mnry M., 20() Grnce ll., 1!)1 Mclindn, fJO Coolidge, llfary, 38 Dakin, Archibald, 138 Sarn.h, ~lfr.~., 17 Polly, 70 E. Arthur, 138 Clark, nc:un:tn B., 41 Thomas, 70 Edward, 138 Elcctrr, GO William, 38 Jonathan C., 51 Iclmhml G., 74 Cooper, Daniel, 2S4 Damon, Charles, 146 James W., U4 William A., 252 Charles H., 216 ,Joseph D., G3 Copeland, David, 22 :Martha F., HG Lcphe L., 74 Cornwallis, N. S., 178 Dana Family, 63 Lester, GO Cotes, )Varren S., 206 Florence G., 246 llforth:t, 111 Cottrell, Clw.rlotte, 60 Lydia, 99 Melvin, G3 Myron B., 148 ,vrniam, 63 i\forris, 43 Nancy 111., 222 Daniels, ,Joseph, 202 Olive, 7:, W.D.G., 148 Danley, Philip R., 64 l'lichc, 40 Conrt, ,James, 41 Dnnville, K)'., Ulfl Cfonwnf;, g1,1,I'[ ,!., lGl Co vc, Henry, !H, lhrlJy, miznbcth, 36 cum,nl, Virgini:\, SH Covert, George, 10·1 Tarbox, 36 Clough, l~lbmbl~tl1, U2 Cox, C:tlclJ G., 5r, D'Arcy, J:unes, GS Clonry, Isaac, HHi Coyle, Alice E., 230 D:wliug, ,Jennie L., 251 Cloutier, ,lulin. 117 Crabb, 'l'hemlo1., 2:::J Hannah, 90 John, 22 Cobo, GeOl'l!C, 83 Jutlith S., 88 Nathaniel, 89 John, 82 Seth, :JO Stephen, 22 Cobnrn, Eliz:t \V., IO!l Crawford, ,fonnic A., 245 D:wis, Euith L., 116 Cuchi!.11atc,,, 146, Crchorc, ,folm, 45 Eliznbeth, D6 2:?0 JHchitalJlc, 45 Henry, 284 Cochrane, lctton, 184 Crist, Adah, 2l3 Jonah, 55 CoJtlu, Lncy A., 100 Crocker, Harriet, 226 Jonatlmn, 116 i\fatilcfa W., 217 Cromrnett, Freeman G., William, 42, 206 Peter, 21i 232 Davison, Clrnrlcs II., 140 Cohn1<:-sct, l\fass., 204 Cromwc!I, Rarn, 131, Dawson, S:rnmcl E., H2 Colburn, As:t, 10·1 Crosby, Alice A., 148 Day, Rldrid, fiO Ih11n:ih. 285 Charles, 86 Henry C., 206 Nancy B., 201 ,John, 170 Deally, Alhert H., 201 l'olly, 5i Willi:un, 85 Dean, Ca.talina S., 153 Col2, 2:37, Cnmmiug-s, Sarah, 231 Lorett.'!., 103 282, 28:l Simeon, 84 DemnM·k, N. Y., 72, HS- Comee, Snmlt, 1 l·b Cunningham, Dorothy, 150 Con:int, L\\H1a1, E.~ 121 211 Dcurnr, Col., 100,135,146, C'oucDrd. i\l:1.,~., iii> Currier, Etl1"1 S., 222 158, 282 Cou11ecl.ic11 [;, ss, Hi2, 1 il, Sanuu~l, 222 Dewar, Akx:i111ler, 181 172, 227-2:m, 2:H Curtis, Alhion, 150 Guy H., 7G Almira, Gu 302 IlENT l'AMILY.

Dewey, John C., 148 Dunn, Sarall, 203 Esterbrooks, Amy, 92 DeWolfe, Thomas, 94 Dunning, Edwanl 0., 43 E. C., ~,r. Dickee, Marth11, 41 Dnrell, 'samnel J., 84 ---, D2 Dickens, lWz,t A., 202 Durland, Major, 141 Esty, Elizabeth B., ~07 Dickenn:m, fHH:tchar, 24 Marv, 2-W ]~ttct·, Bratlky, IK:l Dickinson, :J<;dwiu TI., 203 Dustin, Charles 1,V., 63 l!'alllily, 183 Edwin L., 203 Mighill, rm Evans, Tsahelhl, WI ll'larion, 203 Duxbury, .llfass., 20 Eveleth, Gilman, 52 Digby, N. S., 170, 214 Dwinell, Snlly n., 188 Everett, l<':rnny A., 155 Dilley, Elizabeth, u2 Dyer, Ennice B., 155 Ewart, Thomns, H:l Susan, Gl John, 155 'l'h0111as n., ,;:; Dlllinglmm, FmncesBent, Lilli,in l\I., 155 William ll., ti3 Hi7, 286 Mary E., 125 Ewell, ,Joseph, !iU Tsu,te S., 167 n,vcrs, .Jol111, 51 Dix, Deborah, 10 Eager, Daniel ,v., 76 Marllm, 51 Dixon, ,Tames D., 94 Lanr:t, 7H Mary, ()5 Eames, Jesse, 27, 28 Fairbank, J)chorah, ::n Doane, Dimock, SG Jol111, 27 Georg<.~, 71 Thomas IL S., 1G9 Earl, l<'austina P., 153 Geor!!e ,v., l-16 Dobson, Alonzo, 182 John B., 75 IIcnr'y, 71 Dodge, Clmrlotte A., GG 1Villiam n., 75 Fairbanks, A~enath, 51 Eunice, 197 Earle, Elizabeth, 3V Lnrcnia, 110 Jesse, 103, 197 Early, Mary, 241 Fairman, Martha S., 245 Sarah, 101 Eastport, Me., H, 167, 1G8 Fales, Daniel, 137 Donaldson, i.Vellington, 88 I•Jaton, Aaron, ii8 Sarnh, IB7 Donkin, Elizabeth, 184 Alonzo ll., 133 Farin, Eliza, 102 Robert, ()3 Caroline, Hi5 ]larrn.r, Georg-e, 17 Uupert, 93 Emma F., 20!.l Farrington, l~IJcnezcr, 48 Dougall, Eliza, 212 l!'ranklin, 112, 209 Farwell, Btlwin. 2:!0 Dougherty, Eftle A., 158 Eau Clair, Wis., 42 ]{oval E., 220 Douglas, Elizabeth, 253 Eddy, Charles, 1G5 Fay, ElizabeLh, 2:l, ~H Sarali, 229 Edgell, Susan, 115 Josiah, 2:1, 271 Theresa, 223 Edson, ---, 85 Felch, Daniel, 27 Doull, George, 180 .Edwanls, Anna i\f., M 1•~benezcr, a1 Dow, Annie, 94 Benj., 2u Mary, :Ji Dowley, John, ms Ella L., t:-l Wui°Le1· L., 11!.l Downing, Gcor~ia A., 2:JV l!'lor:t L., ra Ji'cllo,vs, nt.lorg-e, HK Mattie K, 2:l!J ,To,wph S., li3 .Felton, ,\lviu S., 113 Oliver II., 239 Mary I!'., 63 Catherine, 2·l Doyle, lrfiss, 2:l5 Eisenhauer, Zem1s, 138 Charles lT., l 1:1 Draper, J. II., H Elderkin, ---, !l4 Cornelius C., 18!.t, Drayton, Hcury II., 100 F,ldridge, 811sa11, rnn WI Sarah 1•1., lOU J<:lgin, Sarah C., 123 l~dgar C., 1~) L, I!J::, Drew, Charles, JOG Elliot, Clmrlcs, GS mi, 2ii5 nuLe Mary, 1% Elliott, Bthel R., 218 l~dith L., 113 Samuel, JOG George E., 218 Eleanor, l!J l Drury, Mary, W John, ·HI Brnest E., 113 Thomas, rn Lemuel, 214 l!'amily, llil, l!ll Dublin, N. II., il6, 65 Ellis, Daniel, 86 George G., I HI Dmiley, Anna J\I., 220 Elwell, Enniee, 86 !lfarl.!aret, l (JI John lI., Hi5 Nathaniel, 8G J\fartlia C., 18!1 ,Josiah W., 1G5 Embree, Aruminta, 180, Mury S., 1:.14 Nathaniel C., 220 183 l\fatthius B., llH Welli11°ton lli5 Family, 179, 180 Samuel ;\[., 18!.l, Dunbar Family: 88, '39 Ifannah, li6 l!Jl, 1\13, IV l 'fhomas, 88, 89 John, 180, 183 Winslow B., l!Jl Duncan, Ellen B., 234 Robert, 179 Ferguson, James, !Ji'.i, 181 Mary, 182 William, 176 Sophia A., 187 Rohert, 182 Emery, M. Louis,i, 112 Finch, Ruth A., li8 Dunham, Alanson l\L, 84 S:imnel, 112 l!'inegan, Hcrh,,t·t F., 111 Dunn, Jt'rances, 215 Ennis, Catherine J., Hi5 John ])., 111 J.P., 122 Esteb, James II., 1!3 Finley, A. Dclg-anto, 285 Maria, 103 James W., 285 INDEX. 303

Fischer, Jlcnnan A., 79 Frink, Poliy, 42 Goodenow, Abigail, 37 Willium Tl., 79 Fritchic, .Julius C., 237 David, 20 Fisher, Amelia, 173 Frit;,;, John, 4!1 Isaac,33,54 Fisk, l\Iaria, 209 l<'uller, Ansel, Hi!; Luther, 107 :Fiske, Ann:t, !W Caroline E., 204 Mary, 20 Fit;rn·illiam, N. IT., 24, 28, ,Tonntlmn, 21 Micah, 37 lit-r.n, Ill, JH, llli, l\l art,lm A., 71 811mh C., 107 118, 20r., 218 Raclwl, 2L Gooclloc, neut, 1:JG, .Jauw~ fl., 222 Hobert If., liG Clay, I:lH ]cle111ing, CTerl,rmlc l\L, 222 8:unucl, s2· Hart, 13G l<'lcLclwr, E111ilv, 71 Fullerton .Family, 181 ,Varel, 136 Gcorg-c A., IOG Gcorg-c, 180 William 0., 136 Lucy, 7;3 Smnncl C., Gli Goodspeed, Caroline, 111 I•'loritl:t, Wti, iGi Furber, Marion l'., 22G Goodwin, Albert, 214 l<'lnshing, L, I., N. Y., 22!! Amelia, 214 l<'orbush, Fmncis 1V., lGG Gaines, Frank II., 171 II11n11ah, liG G ,~orgc, 140 Gammons, 8nsnn ,V., Jr,4 Gorric, J<•Hsie .I!'., 110 l<'ord, Alt>:rn111ler, 174 Thomas, lfa Gosling, Agnes, 10 :Forest Glen, N. S., 284 Gardner, Catherine, 253 Goudy, Aaron, 234 l<'orrest, Ifolcn .J., 239 Smith, 7:2 Lalia F., 234 ,John, n3 Thomas P., 253 Mary R., 186 Forster, Ell<'n n .. 240 Gardner, Mass., 111-118, Goward, vVatson, 163 ,John, 240 209 Graut, Silas, HJ5 Fort Lawrence, N. S., 47, Garfield, C11lvi11. 209 Granville, N. S., 48, G7, !'1-%, 174-18'!, 2:m Gcorgfa Etta,209 101-104, 197-200,214, Fort Willi:uu, 121, 125 Thaddcn8, iil 216, 2-12 J,'oi

Grimes, Lucinda, 134 Harris, Ilenjamiu, 85 IIcwctt, ,Toseph, 18!l Grism, A1111, 147 ])avitl, ms Hewson l1'ai11i!y, 177 Grout, Mary C., 215 ]t~zra, 85 Hich:ml, 177 Guernsey ]<'urnily, 73 John, 103 Hn f11s, !ll Oliver, 72 Jo11:1tha11, lG!l 'l'r111,111;1.11 Ir., 178 Saruh L., 73, 74 Maria, ms I!eywooll, l<'rn11kli11, 18!! Guild, Amelia M., 173 llfary, 10:l l\Iary, 112 llorn.ce, 173 Hcnhcu, lG!l Hicklcn or Ilickling,Alcx:. Gnirrits, Geor~e E., 75 Samuel, 85 or Zan., 1·~:l, 28:.I Guitteau, Benjamin, G3 Sophia, lGS Alfred B. !!S:l Gulick, l\fargaret V., 135 Ilarrishnrg, Pa., 135, 2-lO Hicks, Theresa, 1!)8 Guptill, Dennis D., 145 lfarrison, Clam B., 223 Higgins, .\.hig:til, :!18 George 1V., 145 Family, !J3 llighticl!l, i\lary, l:ll Stephen II., 145 Hanson, !)5 Ililtlrcth, Charles W., 54 Gnrrie, Eclward, 127 l(atie P., 213 Hill, Emily A., 172 Guthrie, Edwin, Gl Luke, 93 Jmncs, 172 James I:I.. 61 Hart, Susan, 63 Hillis, Johu, l;J!J llackletou, Lncy, 102 llurtwell, Bcujtimin, 1-!9 Hills, Alla D., 2H9 Sarah, 102 Hannah, 72 Hillyer, Samuel L., G4 Hadley, Mass., 212 Hartzell, Corinne, 229 Hinckley, l\fa1·y II., 208 llaldermann, .Tacob II., Hazarcl, 22!! Nnthl. B., 208 132 Harvey, Annie A., 172 Tho11ms II., 207 Ilale, Julius, 53 Frank J., !!5 \Vm. l\L, :!01S Stephen B., 66 Haseltine, Frunk, GG Ili111ls, Ellen, rn Ilaley, C. 1>., !)5 Ward, C,G Hines, Corliss, -!O Hall, Albert, l!J5 Ilaskell, Ann l\I., 52 (Edw.) Lmn!Jcr Eunice B., 2'13 Belle, Hi7 Co., ~Ha John, 2-!3 IJatch, Etlwanl, 210 Rowlautl, 2-10 Rutll, 15!) Ilatlmway, Rosalie A., IGS Ilixon, Etlwanl, 210 Samuel R., 150 Solomon vV., Geor0 ·ian11:1 210 Susie, 2::0 ms !Ioh!Js, Jame';, 12:!, Hall-Dare, Mahe!, 278 Hawes, Mary ,J., 205 Hotlgdon, J\lattii, A., 221: Hoht. W., 278 Hawkes, ,\dam, 68 Norris C., 2~H Hallowell, George W., 75 Ilayllcn, 1•:(ltHl S., 24G Hodge, (H.-,v.) A . .\., 1,7 Ifal,;teuclla It., 2:ll Hanson, Fred, 185 Ilaywarll, Arnold, 48 J csse A., :ma Joseph M., 134 Charles If., 48 l\Ial>cl W., 233 Harding, Jesse G., 97 George,48 Martha, 8H Hardwick, Charlotte, 141 Healy, Herman, 2-U l'hila11tler J .. 2:J3 Elizabeth, G!l John, 104 '\Vm. M., llil Harlow, Lewis, 81 Helme, Samh, :!53 Holway, ScLh W., Jli:l Sylvanns, 81 Hemenway, ,John, 39 Holyoke, .To.cph, l!H Harper, W. C., !!5 Hendee, Charlc:,1 J., 2!7 Home Market Cluh, :JH ---,!l2 Harriet F., :lH Iloopcr, ,~lice 11., :.!Ol Harriman, Olivia, (16 Henderson, Eiizaheth, 215 i\lary ;r., 225 Harriugtou, Abigail, G7 Ilcnclrickson,, Ellcu ]<',, Prentiss O., 20l llerhcrt, 176 2~5 Halph B., 20l Jonas,27,67 Ilcrrick, \Valter, 201 Hopkinton, U. I., 253 Joshua,28 Heslop, Litla K, 15!! Horr, Charles, H!J Solomon, 37 llcvcncr, .\.nllrew, 232 Horton, ..:\.lvab, 75 IIelcu T., 232 Ho:.eason, Robt., 10! INDEX. 305

Hosmer, Lois, 11!) Inman, Col. Henry, 127 Kennedy, Helen M., 247 Houghton, Geo. D., 204 Iowa, 80, 130, li.11, 134, James L., 2•17 lfarrietD., 204 148, 222-224, Thomas E., 79 ,Jm;on W., 204 Kent, Anna, 68 ,Joseph,30 Jackson, Atwood, 208 Kentucky, 80, 124, 128, Marthn, 30 Blanche, 208 129, 136, 211, 213 SilaH, 30 Lewis D., 38 Kerr, Martha, 59 ITon~c, ,Jncoh, 71l ,facohs, A\·is, H7 Keyes, Dolly, 167 Ifoward, ,\.11~111-11;:i, 91 Jaquith, Elin, 88 Jonn.'l T., IG7 How or 1 Cilarlcs, 1G5 Jaramilla, Ignacia, 123, Kidder, Gardner, 164 Howe, f Ezcldel, 17, 283 Kilborn, Clarissa, 74 118, 2GG Pablo, 122 Kilburn, ,Joseph, 36 Ft1111ily, 17 Jenkinson, Thomas, 33 Mary, 64 Sally, 118 Jennings, S:trah, 37 Kimball, Mary, 71 Samuel, 17,258 ,Jepson, Emily 11-L, 210 King, Albert II., 164 Hoyt, Charles C., !J!J J ewctt, Isabel, 50 Annie L., 206 Hubbard, Frances C., 180 Mary Il., 176 Dora G., 201 Rcbeccn, Go ,Jillson, Hiram IC, 231 EWmbeth, 177 Thomas, 65 Johns, Ella, 141 Henry L., 164 Hudson, Fanny, 146 Johnson, Caleb, 14 Isaac B,, 161 .Mary ,J., 252 :Frances, 254 John, 163 Nnthan, HG Harriette M., Mary, 184 Thomas, 252 229 Rufus II., 161 Hudson, 1\fass., 217 James, 185 Wm. R,,62 Hull, Mary C., 207 . Jnlia C., 264 Kingston, N. S., 1!)6 ThomUH C., 207 Mary, 2,;2 Kinney Family, 161, 162 JI11111phrcy, Sarah, 48 Nettie L., 240 Kinsley Family, 90 Humpllrcys, D. C., 170 Hohert A., 240 Rnfus Ilcnt, 00 w. l!'., 1,0 Solomon, 14 Silas, 00 II nut, Aaron, 1 HJ Snsm1, 128 Kirts, Mary A., 132, 283 CharlcH, 11!) ,Jonathan, S. S., 10 Kliukworth, Henry, 145 Ifanmu, 54 Jones, Annie, 175 Kniffen, Mn.hala, 1D5 Helen T., 110 Charh[l.nna A., 228 Knowles, Augustus, 166 Lanrott[I., llD Ethel L., 202 Lucy A., 233 Lowell, 119 l<'rank II., 151 Wm., 233 Molly, 33 George, 138 Knowlton, Emeline, 147 Vincent, 236 George S., 151 Knox, Robt. B., 280 ,vm., ;:3 George "\V., 77 II11nti11g, R,>X[I., 118 Glcnii, 151 Lake Mamie, Wis., 248 Huntoon, LoniHn, H7 Hartwell, 151 Landers, ,John, lGD Jiunl, E~thcr ,\.., IGG Lmnc,25:l Sarah, IGO IIustou, Eli,rnbcth, 212 J. l~dwarcl, 80 Langdon, Jn.mes, 283 John, 212 Stella L., 77 Lang-ley, Isaac, l!J5 Hutchins, Albion II., 155 ,Torclan, Hannah, 106 Larlic, Elizabeth, 137 Ilutclliuson, .John, 104 Josselyn, Elisha, 213 Lathan, Frank B., 150 Thomas II., Emuu, n., 243 Nicholas, 150 131 Robert, 202 Lathrop, Cynthia S., 212 Hyde Park, Mass., 204, Joyce, Thomas, 17 Lawrence, Charles, !l3 250 Esther, 64 Kane, Sally l\L, 158 Geor~e, 221 I!lin!sRworth, Rosanna, Kansas, 88, 223, 236, 282 Rosamund, 221 Kearney, Col. Stephen 181 Illinois, 75, 77, 81, rn3, w., 122,261 Sarah, 111,180 1-1!), 15<'.i, 151;, 158, Keeler, Willis E., 213 Lawson, Henry T., 163 15!), 213, 221-223, Keith, Hattie 111., 115 Lawton, "\Vm. B., 164 230, 2-!G Henry, 115 Leach, Martin, 8-1 Indiana, 72, 283 Keithley, George, 162 Leadbetter, Mary, 241 Imli:mR, 1:l, W, 20, 21, 121, Kelley, Thomas, 105 Leary, Cli:irles II., 43 12,;, 127 Kellogg, Henry L., 7D Leuvitt, David J<'., 118 In~alls, Ilcnj., 168 Kcllllall, ,\lmim., r,o Edward A., 143 Inglis, ,J:uue~, 2G l'olly, 40 Franklin, 118 Mary A., 214 306 BENT FAMILY.

Leavitt, Sarah, 17 Long, Esther l\L, 113 llfoCntch, Smmn, 2i>2 Slumnan, 118 Guatlalonpc, 211 llkDonald, \V, IL, lSfl Leeds, Mary L., 201 Huth, l(i7 McDowell, .-\11nc I., t::n Leck, Scliua, 91 Longdale, Aun, 2H Wm. A., l:lli Leicester, N. S., 184 Longley, Anna, GS McEarly, l\fary, 1% Leonard, Elizabeth H., Duvid B., 37 McElw:iin, ,Jane, iiV 250 Isaac, 37, GS llfoErvin, Emmett, 284 Ezra B., 250 Israel, GS Mcl!'arl:uH.l l!'amily, 170, Harriet, 200 Longmire, Hiram, 1!18 171 Jonnthan, 101 Lougmnir, Euphemia E., J<'rancis, 170, Mollie, 101 138 l7l Lettenney, James, 137 Uichard, 138 J. Stanlcy,135 Leverett, Mass., 132, 133 Lord, Benj. F., 88 J\fbs, 18:1 Levinclct, Mary, l!J(i Lorrilliartl, Mary, 236 Mclfarlin, H,!t'vit, l!iO Lewis, Belle, 226 Lorrin, Enphemie, !l Mercy, ltiO Betsey, 87 Lothrop, Fannie, 177 l\foGafl'y, Betsey, 202 Frank W., 171 Lovejoy, Wm., 146 Macintosh, l'ctcr, 41 John, 226 Lovelace, Eleanor, 62 McIntyre, Edward, 57 Joseph, 87 Lovell, Snmh, !l:l Lc.~lic VV., 206 w. w., 171 Lovcmore, Smith, 252 l\fcKcnzic, Andrew, 46 Libbey, Alex., Hi6 Lovett, .Abignil, 67 Ann, 4G Frederick, 1G6 Phineas, H7 l\fcKibbcn, Catherine, 72 Lincoln, Andrew J., lW Low, Edmmal C., 80 McKiulcy, Crittentlcn,l:!\J Laura E., 16!1 Lowe, Judge, 130 Silas B., 1:!!l Lucretia., 77 l\fartlui, V7 McKinnon, l\ltmlock, 181 Morris, 36 Moses, !JG llfcLatchie, Edw,ml, ti:; Lincoln, l\fass., 217 --186 McLcllan, .l\rartlm, !Jli Neb., 153 Lowell, l\fas;., 101, HG, Holland, Hl5 Lindley, Francis ll., 161 216, 21V, 252 McLeod, Albert D., 175 Henry C., 83, Lowery, Eliztibeth J., 284 1\lex. H., 1 H 161 Wm .•J., 284 ,\lex. W., I H Joab, 83 Lowther, --, 183 l~liza!Jct.h C., 174 Lucy n., 161 Lucas, Cnlcb, 85 E111nta E., 174, Lingham, Georgianna, Ludlum, Dr., r.:1 187 201 Luke, \Vn1. L., !l!l llowanl n., 177 Little, Helen M., 146 Lunt, ,Tmnci;, 108 Jultn W., 17-1, Martha, 87 l\fary, 47 177 Littlefield, Margaret A., l\lclimla, 108 l\1:trgarct A.,li5 146 Lnsby, Luther, 183 Hobert.\.., 175 Mary, 201 Pamelia, 183 Hobert T., 177 Livermore, Albert, 166 Samuel, 182 W111., 174 Nathan, 25 Lux, Tcrisinn, 123 l\fcl\I:mus, Cora il., 152 Liverpool, Eng., 25-!, 278, Lynde, Lincoln D., 151 Elhviu, 15:! 27!J Lynn, l\fas,;., 111, 252,285 Mcl\Ionagle, Henry C., Locke, Alice G., 216 Lyuufleld, Mass., 142 177 Beulah B., 216 Lyon, Eunice, 8! Mary, !)7 Ellen C., 216 McNish, Rev.--, 1-!3 Irving, 21G McAllan Family, fl5 l\fcSwceney, Ellen, }l)(i Jonathan, 33 McAlhtstcr, Geo. D., 151 l\face, Christi11a, 25-1- Joseph, 6! McBride, vVm. R., 175 l\fain, Sidney U., 152 Wm. n., 32 McCallin ( see J\Ic.illnn). l\fainc, G5, Gfi, lOi>, 108, Lockhart, Ruth, 145 McCarty, .!!'rank ,J., 254 10!:l, Hi5-1G7, 185,202, Logan, Catherine, 284 l\fcClelan, J ohu, fll 218,222,22U,232,241, Ella A., 181 McClelhmd, Olivia, 124 243,244,:!52 Isaac, !H l\foC!enathan, John, 2!l l\Ialin, l'hc!Je A., 172 Thomas, 47 McClcunon, Hugh, 182 Hanllall, 173 Loker, Cornelia J., 221 J:tne, 182 1\-Ialtbic, Delorn, 2:!l John L., 70 McCormick, John, lll8, ,Tulins 13., 224 Teresa II., 220 285 l\fan, John, 21 Wm., 70, 2:H .l\foCready, Charles F., l\Ianchcstcr, Eng., 25!, Long, Amlrew, lli7 17! ~70 Davit! T., 113 l\fcCnlly, --, fl! INDEX. 307 nfanington, Alfred, 156 l\ficbignn, 64, 160, 230 l\fore, ,James, 137 Dccimn, 156 1\Iiddleboro', Mass., 20, Morehouse, Chas. R., 75 1\fa1111ing-, A big-ail G., 74 29, 43, ·14, 82-84, 1G4, l\lorgan, Eva M., 283 1\Ianuix; Katherine, Hil 1G5, 1G7, 24-3 Kate J., 224 1\fonten, John, 105 Middlebury, Yt., 42, 78, Morrill, Jessie, 147 Mnrir,tta, o., 34, 35, 46, 80 John C., 147 r,3 Middleton, Alex., 4G Nelson, 241 Marlboro', Mass., 13, 14, Ann, 4G Morrison, Elizabeth, 103 18, 22-2+, ill Middletown, Conn., 1G2, Sarah, IVB M:trshall, ,\hhie, r,3, 118 228 Morrison, Ill., 77, 149, Ah<'l, o2 Milbury, David, 102 1J;G, 157 Caleh, ll8 IW:r.ahcth, 1:)8 l\forrisy, Jllary, JIG Esl.l1<•r, 71 B1111icc, ]!l8 Morse, 1\ 11torct, 1U7 Frank [I., li,3 l<'rn11ccs, J!l!) Hethia, +3 11[ury E., 2-10 Stephen, 103 Calvin, 51 Snmlt It., 53 1\liles, Faunie, 1U4 Emlice, 100 ·wm.,GS l!'rederick, 1()4 Frank E., 164 1\farshficld, Mnss., lG, 17, Isaac, ,H Ilannah 8., 13V 20, 21 Mary, G5 Josepli, 44 Yt., 188 Miller, Davi•J, 131 Lncincla, 142 M:u·tin, ,\moret, 1+5 Family, 131, 132 Mary, 232 1\farti uez, Cal., l2!J ,John S., 67 Morton, Isaac, 144 1\fnrville, ,fames E., IGS Olivia, l!J8 ,James A., 145 1\farviu, Edwin, 221 Phebe, 196 l\Iount Holly, Yt., 30, 40, 1\faryluutl, 81, l!Jl Robert, 131 73, 7-J-, 152, 153 · Mason 1\fochine ·works, Susan M., 143 1\Iount Vernon, 1\fe., 202, 247 l\filligan, Ellen J\I., 79 244 1\Iary,35 Mills, Ann, 112 l\fnchin, Christopher, 14 llfnssey, Alex., 237 Hiellanl, 25 1\lullin, Mary, 22i l\fatoon, TI.nth E., (i(l Wm., 14!J 1\lunro, Charles, 86 Matthews, Lonise If., 1(11 Milton, .'.\fary, 279 Munroe (sec also Mon- Wm. R.,130 Milton, Mass., 21, 30, 31, roe). Maner, Wm. 15-, 44-4V,8i,98,105,204, Daniel, 100 lHttywml, ,\higuil, 10:) 207, 246 Bliznbcth. 100 1\111m, 220 1\lincr, Lucy, V4- Nancy M., mo Com L., 210 Sylvanus, 91 1\Innson, Levi L., 75 Jhnicl 1£., 210; J\finllC'SOta, llO, 208, 231 J\lnrclt, Henry, l:l8 ,l:thP;r,, :12 J\lis,;ouri, i:i8, <; 1, G•I, 123, Murtlock, Hart,lctt, 82 ,Jol111, 210 12-l, 12!1, I:H, l:l5 Eliin A., 8,J Moses, :12, 262, 1\litchell, Anne, 83 Blizabctll, 82 20:1 Moffat, Atchison, 182 ,foHSC, 83 1\Tnvnurd, lllas~., 108 Sarah A. !\I., 2-!9 John, 82, 14,j J\Ieikle, Emest G., 1,;3 W. P., 249 Parlor Grate Melrose, l\lass., 167, 201, Monroe (see also 1\lun­ Co., 83 2,;o roe). Myers, Snkcy, 50 1\forriam, ,Tolrn, 112 L:tnrn, 2:11 Wm. ,J., 62 1\lcrrill, ,\ lvah l\I., 115 Nathl, 2:n l\Iylccruin, Eliz11, G5 Amos, 1-15 l\fontana, 218, 2a Anna 1\I., 115 Montreal, Canatla, 41, 76, Natick, Mass., 19, 71, 146, Frank T,., 2-(2 25-! 148 Ida, H5 .lllool"e, Eucnr, 25 Nebraska, 80, 132, 153, Merritt, Sarah L, 170 neo., 107 15!), :l2

Newlmryport, Mass., 1-15, Norwich, Conn., 227, 228 Parlrnr, Love fry, I :17 2 l!J Noyes, Dorothy, 2G Marion K, 218 Newcomb, Abrnlmm, G!> James, 10 Martlm A., I Hi Ilerbert, 185 ,Tennie, 178 llfory E., 131, 1-13 Mary, 69 Nicolas, 10 Nathaniel, 137 Natlinniel, 105 Peter, 25 Obadiah, G9 Samuel, 31, ·wm., IO Robert, 103 282 Nutting, ]fanny A., 155 Huth, 67 Sarah, 105 Sarah E., G6 Newell, Edith, 115 Oakes or Oaks, Eliza- Submit, :12 Gnstavm;, 115 beth, 215 ,vitham, mu Newfoundland, HO, 178 Family, 61 Parkhurst, Trueman L., New Hampshire, 33, 3fl, Joel, 61 213 37, 77, 108, lll, 118, Olivia,215 Parkman, Francis, 127 148, !!)G, 202,221,252 Silas B., 61 Parks, Bet:,;cy, 150 New Ipswich, N. H., 77 O'Brien, l.;tizabeth, 102 Clarbsa, 108 New Jersey, 66, 87, 113, Oelhcrt, Lola lL, 224 Eclwin, 5:1 135, 11l6, 173, 18!), Ogden, Amos, !)-! Elizallctll F., 107 190, 23-! Henry, 92 Jonathan, 150 , Newman,27 Oglesby, Ill., 246 ll£aria, 150 New Mexico, 78, 121, 211, Ollio, 34, 35, 58-G-!, 131, Parlin, Albert 0., 201 261,283 187, 213, 2!0 Parmenter, Dexter, 206 New Orleans, La., 62,133, Oklnhonm, 284 Elizahcth 11., 203 Oldcrhca1l:,;, llfary, 178 20G New Sharon, Me., 105 Oliver, Elizahcth, 200 Elb:ahdh F., New South Wales, 280 O'Neil, ll11rrict, 1.% 107 Newton, Charks, 5:1 John, 2-10 El'ie, 120 Emily I!'., 210 Lavinia, 241 Geo. W., 107 John II., 210 Orcutt, Emma, 2H Lauretta S., Patience, 8, !!3 Oregon, 2JO 120 Seth, 23 Orono, l\[e., 108 Parris, Anne, 27D New York (State), 36, 65, Orton, Edwa1·d, 132 llfary, 2+ 72, 74, 76, 83, 147- Osborn, Joseph, 34 Samuel, 24, 279 152, l!l5, 22!) Wm. I'., 21i2 'l'ho1nas, 27D New York Biscuit Co., Osgood, Kate, llG Partridge, Chas. I•'., 71 106 Phineas, 3G J>u.schull, Rugcnia L., l!?.3 New Zealand, !l7 O'Tule, llfarg-arct, 185 l'atch, E. L., !15 Nichols, Alex., :n!l Ouray, Col., I;-)5 John,50 Edward, 43 Overton, Albert, 76 Lydia, 50 Gertrntle, 43 Lucy P., 153 Olive, 7-! Geo. I-I., 43 Oxley Family, !):l Sarah, 50 Geo. M., !3 GCOl'"ll 93 Patterson, S:unson, 145 Howard \V., 43 Wcsi;y: 177 Tlwmas, 18 7 Lindlev, 215 Patton, Vincent, 17!) Nellie IIL, 243 Packard, FerdinandG., G7 Pttul, Isa:ic F., i>:l Robert, 215 Page, ,\1111 E., 230 Sally, 150 Sophia l\L, 43 Charlotte l\I., 14G Paxton, Mass., 28, 29 Nictanx, N. S., 69, 145, Edward, 2:lO Payne, llfary P., SO 218, 2l!l Gertrude E., 14G Hoswcll, 80 Nightin~ale, Jere. T., 168 James, 04 Payton, Alice, 2H7 Nims, Alice, 1:13 Moody, 145 Peacock, Mary A., 16:l . Henry '1'., 133 H. R., 95 lt:tlph, 22!l Nixon, Margaret, 1~5 Wm. :r.r .. 145 Sarah, 22D Noonan, Mary, 238 Paige, L .•\., 1-17 Pearce, Rdg:ir l'., t,:l Norcrosai, Edward IC, 201 l'ahner, Acalus L., 1-!2 I>carsuut Augusta, ~8:J Joseph Vv., 110 l\[ary, 6-1, Haral1 II., ll0 Mellen & Co., Paradise, N. S., 67, 6!l, Pease, Lucy, 108 210 138, W7, 2){; Peckham, Elllily A., 227 S11ruh \V., 110 Paris, l\[e., 84, 165, 1G6 Pendergast, Wm. W., 123 North, Charles ].<'., 22:l Parker, neo., 1:11 Peuuimau, Susan, 148 Rnth, !02 Geo. W., 12'1 l'ennsylvani:i, G5, 78, !18, Norton, Minerva, 125 John, 67 135,16:l, 180-104,225, Tristam, 84 240 INDEX. 309

Pcnnsylrnnia Steel Co., Pingrey, Anron, 152 Radcliffe, Arthur, 233 1!11-l!J-l­ Family, 1,;2 Randall, Arthur II., IG2 Penton-Gr:ifton, Eng., !J, Piper, Elizabeth A., 252 Ira V., 75 10, 11, 13, 255 Nathaniel, 252 Randolph, N. Y., 151, 152, Pepper, Ann M., 153 Plimpton Fnmily, 10, 257 224, 225 Ashbcl II., 75 Plummer, Martha D., 171 Rawson, l\fark, 84 Theodore M., 75 Plymouth, l\foss., 20, 44 Ray, Gilbert T., 68 Perkins, Ifa1111nh, IGO, 1G2 Plympton, Ebenezer, 51 Rachel, 4V l'erry, Daniel, 73 Martha, /'il Rnymcnt, ,vm., 30 Eliz:tbeth B., 188, Plympton, Mass., 20, 2V Raymond, Barnabas, 20 18!J Poinclcxtcr, Sarah A., 13G Samuel, 8G Fnrnilv, IGl Pond, John, 71 ,vm., 30 Jonathan, !Gl Lewis, 82 Rayworth. John S., 235 J\Iary ,J., 83 Ponkipog, Jlfass., 45 Redington, Henry C., 108 Petcrshmn, Mnss., 3!J Poole, l!'ranklin, 100 Isabelle S., l'ettcngill, Blanchard T., Johu,3i 108 43 Poore, Olive E., 228 Redman, Charles, 46 note l\f08eS, 43 Port Chester, N. Y., 220, Thankful, 4G l'fcltrcr, A111m, I•}., lli2 28'1 Heed, Abbie l•'., lia Phalnn, Trncm:rn, 180 l'ort Elgin, N. Il., 179 Abigail, 26 Phelps, l\fatilda L., 108 Porter, James, 88 J•]Iir,abcth, 28 Sahilw, lli4 Joseph, 5G Fay, 166 Philadelphia, !JS, 135, !Sf!, Potter, Ezrn.,.159 John B., 139 193,226,232,240,284 N. G., 143 Wm. G., lGG Phillip~, 1\.rthnr L., 115 Power, Eliznbcth, IGO Reeves, George, 62 Angustns IC, 125 Hicharcl, IGO Reid & Bent, 22!J Cllester IL, 115 Powers, John, !J3 Reme1·, Mary, 223 Elizabeth, 98 Pratt, Amos, 51, 52 Reynolds, Edgar, 13!J Emilv A., 172 Ebenezer, 4!J Eliza, 168 Goldle A., 115 Elizn A., 41 Geo.A., 148 Isaac, G!J Family, 52 Geo. ,v., 51 John, 8G Hyman C., 53 Rhode Island, 20G, 207, J.Jevi, 5G Jl,fary, 104 251-253 l\fargnerite, 115 Hcnhen, 51, 52 Rhodes, Major, 144 R. n., 22a Roxa, H Hice, Albert W., 120 Samuel, !JS Huth, 51 Benj., 15, 27 SilaR B., 12/i Rarnh, 25 Jlcnlalt, 2G "\Vilhnr IL, 11G Thaddeus n., 41 Beznleel, 20 "\Vi118low, 114, PrcRcott, Lucy, 222 Cnrrie A., 115 llG Price, Frn11lc, Gl David, 19, 27 Phinney, Alfred, l!J5 Priest, ,Jacob, 111 Ehcnezer, 144 Ann, ms Lncy A., Ill Edmnnrl, 15, 109 Caleb S., 13!J Prince, ,John, 17G }]dward, 15, 16, 258 Calvin, ms Pritchard, Eliza ,J., 202 Etlwin, 115 Lot, 137 Proctor, Silns, 75 J•'amily, 15 Phippen, BctRcy, rno Prouty, Nathaniel, 242 George A., 70 Joseph, mo Susan l\L, 242 Grnee, 27 Pierce, Alice L., 207 Pugsley,---, 93 Hannah, 19 Caroline II., 111 l'ng,rnsh, N. S., 181, l!J8, Ithamnr, 203 ] 1;sther, 7H 238 ,TonaLhan, 26 Grace A., Hi2 Purdy, Ilcthia, 175 Martlm, 1G ,Jnn;mninh C., 204 Edwin ,J., 47 l\fa1·y N., 109 John C., 152 Gilbert, V3 Matthew, 16 JoRcph, 85 Mary L., 177 Micah, 26 Kezia, 81 Putnnm, Gen. Rufus, 34, Olive, 32 Leonard, 111 35, 58 Paulina, 203 l\1olly, ,10 Hcnbcn, 33 Orpha B., 77 Qnaekenbnsh, Laura, 15G Richard, 19 Roswell A., 85 Quincy, .Mass., 4!J, 100, ltnth, 33 ·wm., 30, 77 104, 105, l!J0, l!Jl, Sarah A., 144 Wm. C., 207 200, 201, 242, 243 Sarah E., 120 Zenas 1.1., 86 Uiclmrds, Bphmim, 149 ltufus L., IGO 310 INDEX.

Richardson, Abijah, 57 Rowlnud, Eliz:tbeth, G3 Sawin, Mariu S., 115 A rthnr, l!JG ,John, G:l l\l:iry L., 11:J Charles E., Rnby, Martha ,T., GO l\lnnning, 17 232 HnJl'ee, Fanny, 216 Sullivan, 11:l Edith, 57 Hnggles, Edw. II. R., !JS Theotlure L., 72 Eliah, 84 Henry S., !JS Sayre, Fannie, 211 Ilarri::;on II., Miriam, 4!l Sca1n1nou, Iln.11na.h, 2132 S·l Russell, Arthur l~ .• mo Sclmfncr, 1•1dwartl, liH Ilttrry n., Cynthia, Hi!l } .. ra11cc_•s, ] irn 110 Family, 12-lc Schermerhorn, Ailr:un G., Marjorie, 277 ,Tohn w .. mo 151 Seward P., Joseph, 12! Schenl'ich, Alhcrt B., 2H3 110 Wm.,25 .i:\lo,vs, 1 jH, ~~a Wm. Il., 57 Rntlanu, l\1ass., W, 20, 28, Chas. ,\., :!~:l Ricketson, Walter, GS 29, j.J:, 42 Schultze, Adeline, 11!1 Ridenour, Geo., 283 Vt., 41 Schurman, Calel.J, !J:l John B., 283 Ja111cs, !ll Samuel, G2 Sabin, Oliver C., 133 Jolm \V., !l3 Riley, Julia M., 220 • Wm. Bent, 133 Mal'yJ., V5 Ritchie, ,fames, 85 St. John, N. B., 141 Scott, Cl:ircucc, 2ii5 River Philip, N. S., 177, St. Louis, Mo., 58, 123, Daisy 1L, 128 181, 182 124, 128, 12V, 13!, Sally, 11:l Roach, Thomas, 183 135, 230 Scovil, Alvin, lGll Robbins, Nancy, 55 St. Vrain, Ceran, 121 Scudder, Rocna, 225 Wm., 5ri Salina, Kan., 23G, 2:l7 8cnrr, !{nth, !J.l Roberts, Alice "\V., 230 Samµson, ,\IJigail, 20 Seaver, Emma, I 15 James, 1G9 Abraham, 20 Sewell W., 115 Jane, 25! George, 20 Selby, Fannie, 125 John, 230 Sarah, :JO Sharpe, Bent, 128 Josephine L., Zailclicl, 30 James ll., 128 246 Sanborn, Louisa M., 2H Norville W., 128 Mary A., 169 Nancy, 2H Shattuck, Betsey IL, 5li Robert, 25! Sanderson, Alvin, 113 Isnbclla J., 50, Sophronin, 1G9 Betsey, 151 58 Robertson, Belle E., 22-t Harold ll., J,:ssc. :ii) J. Elbert, 2:H lO!l ,Joshna, 5G Rohinson, Anna, 5/i Hephzibah, Shaw, Abigail, lG:l Eleanora, 22! 110 n:u1id, ~o Eliza A., 178 Horace, 109 Im, 4-1 Elizabeth C., J\fary E., 113 ~'red, !15 lH Saurlwich I~lands, 85, 98 Harrison, S:l Eunice E., 2! San Jose, Cal., 2:JG John A., IOii George, 178 Siwta J!'&, N. ;'11., 121, 122 Joseph C., !l5 Reheccn, 2H Sarl!ent, Elizabeth A., 190 Orythea, 7:i Sarah J., 22-i Sattley, Uol.Jert C., 157 Polly, 82 'l'ltonms, 22! Saunders, Calvin H., 71 Sally M., 233 Wm. J., 17! Hannah, 253 Sheen, Joseph, 2ll:J Rockwell, Jane, 185 Lyditi, Hi7 Mary M., 20!l Mary A., 185 Mary, JDG Shefficl

Skeels, Ephraim, 75 Spring, Mrs. Letitia, 107 Storey, G. T., 171 Stoughton, Owen, GO Springfield, N. S., 196, Stow, l\Iass., 32, 50, 108, Sldtlall, Frank, 183 242 110, 217 Sill, Matthew D., 120 Squires, Emily, 178 Strange, Auna M., !GI Simmons, Wm. U., 20G Geo. J .. 75 Streeter, Almancer J., 53 Simonds, ,varrcn H., 21G Stacy, :Molly, 27 Martin, 52 Simpson, Annie C., 143 Standish, Ahhy, 243 Stronach, Geo., 137 Margaret l\I., --- 85 Lamont, 284 173 Stanley, Edith r.: 237 l\Iary, 219 Sims, Helen, 125 Stanton, Nancy, 253 Snsan. 137 Sinclair, l\Irs. Elvira, 73 Starratt, Amanda, 197 Stroud, Carrie M., 249 Slocomb, Abraham, 106 Ann, 137 Fred W., 2:ll Smiley, LctiLia, 1:l5 Gcornc 137 Wm. L., 249 Smith, Abbie E., 121 Josc1~: 67 Stubbs, Margaret G. E., Ilotsfurtl, 182, 183 Mary, 104 238 Charles, lGG, 180 Sarah, 139 Peter, 238 Clarissa, 108 Simon, 67 Sturdevant, Silva, 81 Edward F., 175 ,vm., 137 Sudbury, Mass., 8-21, 24- Elisha, 108 State Line, N. II., 115 27, 50, 51, 57, 107-110, Elizabeth, 71, 180 Wis., 233, 248 119-121, 209 Eh-ira C., 191 Stearns, Josiah, 34 Sulis, Laura, 103 Experience, 33 Stedman, I~hcnezct', 100 Sullivan, Lnella, 284 I•'. Burge, 277 Elizabeth, 199 Mary, 100 Family, 5V, GO, 182 Nancy, 100 Sweden, 252 Fanny, 251 Steelton, Pn., 189-l!J4 Swift, Rebecca, 167 l?Jurence, 21V Sterling, N. Y., 3G Swinson, Andrew Il., 241 George, 5V, 121 Stevens, Abrnm, 17G Sylvester, l'etcr B., 72 George II., 57 Daniel, 2:J, 31 Seth, 72 Irena A., 227 lfamily, 23, 24 James, 182 ,Jude, 135 Jane, 180 lllaria A., IG6 Tait, ---, 04 Johu, D4, 141, 254 lllartha A., 135 Talbot, Eliza G., 221 John S., 181 Mary ,J., 180 Taos, N. M., 121-123, 125,. John W., 182 ,vm., 1sn 211 ,Joseph 'iY., 101 Stickney. Sar:tlt ll., llO Tarr, Georgia JI .• 2 l!J Lncctta W., 133 Stiles, J.;[izalicth, llG Taunton, l\lass., 171, 2-17 l\Iary E., Hi3 Gitlcon,152 Taylor, Alfred, 184 l\Iary IL, 181 James A., 116 Betsey, 53 Montague A. B., John E., 164 Bvron, 140 181 Lydia, 73 Caroline, 208 Riclmrd, fl3 l\linerrn, lii2 David, 184 Sabina,223 Nancy A., 55 Fred A., 252 Sarah, 254 Willis A., 53 Henry, 176 Wm., Dl Stillwell, Hannah, 2!8 Isa::ic, 53 ,vm. A., HS Stockbridge, Vt., 51, 77 John, 208 Wm. II., 152 Stockton, Chas., 02 Julia .1., 213 Suell, Mary I~., 15-! Stoddart!, ,fames P., 7D l\I11ria, 63 Snow, llcn1-y, 214 Stone, Abigail, 27 Hcheccn, 145 So

Thomas, James, 69 Truro, N. S., llG, 180 Wakefield, Mass., 170 Louisa, 165 Tucker, Elizabeth, 27 · Walcott, Jane, 74 Mary, 1-17 Gerry, 89 Newton, GO Sumuel 1~ •• 135 Samuel, IOG Waldo, Harriet, H!.l Thompson, Geo. W., 211 Susanna, 106 Wm., 121 Grace A., 237 Tufts, Samnel, Hl5 Waldron, Hornce, IGG Jacob, 82 Tupper, Arny, GS ·vvalker, Anne, 31 Jo,;eph, 148 Elias IL, 141 Hannah, 1G5 Mary E., 157 Elisha, G8 ,John, 1% Jl.nfns, 177 Lois, 6D Richard, 1G5 Thornton, Emeline P., Mary, G9 Sam'l Beach, -10 189 Nathan, 9G S. Bent, -10, ·73 Frances A., Turner, Eliakim, 201 Thomas, 17 188 Ingham B., 144 Wallace, Mary E., 171 Jane, 179 Turple, Hiram, 1-15 Wal!i:s, Conleli:L Bo, 2!!5 John, 188, 189 Tuttle, Emma J., lGG Waltlrn.m, Mass., 110, 208 Thnrston, Wm., 85 Twesclale, Elizabeth, 102 Walton, l'hilip G., 237 Tibbetts, Agnes B., 63 Twining, Mary F., 150 ·ward, Annie I., nn John W., 201 Twombly, I~lizabeth n., Stillman, 83 Tilley, Catherine D., 251 248 Wareham, Mass., 81, 15!l; Tilton, Richard Z., 150 Tyler, Ann Eliza, 129 160, 1G7, !GS, 227 Tingley, Grace, 17G Robert, 129 Warner, Anna, G:l Tinkham, llilkiah, 44 Tyner, Rilas, 43 Sarah A., 164 Tirrell, Nancy, 105 Warren, J. 'l'., ll0 Tolman, Jemima, 188 Underwood, Elijah, 31 \Vashburu,.Lysauder, S2 Tomlinson, Jane E., 191 Loammi ll., Selden l\l., 82 Topli1f, Calvin H., G2 53 \Vatcrruan, Elizabeth, -1-1 Lewis, 62 Utah, lGG, 231, 2:12 John, -!4 Torrey, Bcnj. B., 106 Watertown, Muss., 101, Sukey, 70 Van Blascom, Mary A., 164, 187, 231 Tours, Lewis, 285 103 Watrous, l\lary L. IL, 207 Towle, Susanna, 244 Vandervee1·, Alice B., 234 ·watsou, Hannah. 42 Towni;end, Annan., 187 Van Vechten, Gilbert, 72 Oliver, 42 Tozer, Edward E., 95 Giles l!'., \Vatt, D. A., -11 Trask, George, 153 72 ,vaysicle Inn, 17 Isaac, 166 Varney, Addie E., 285 ·wayland, llfass., 12 Trnvis, ,James, 91 Cyrus, 285 ·wehb, Sarah C., 201 John, !H Hetty A., 252 ·wehber, Edwin, 20:J Silas E., 9(i Vermont, 3!!--43, 51, 64, \Vebstcr, Frederick, 215 Walter J., 22D 74, 77, 152, 15:l, 170, George, 110 Trefry, Si111.S C., 1G8 188, 225, :J26, 27 4 Geo. A., lOG Trenholm, Emma, 239 Vicker/, Matilda, Dl Horatio, lOG George, 23() Vienna, l\fo., 202, 244 Natlmu, 250 Hiram, 184 Vinton, John, 104 ,vedge, Colman, 14!.l Martin,. 182 Loh;, 104 ,veesue1·, Rebecca, :!84 Trescott, Ebenezer, 31, Sarah, 204 ,velclon, Isabel, 01 48 Virginia, 46, 58, 87, 89, Wrn. 1~ .• n Tripp, Mary D., 85 170, 252 Wells, Eliza, 174 Troop, gngene P., 140 Vose, Elijah, 22 :Miss---, 202 John ll., 140 Hannah, 47 Wendell, Musti., :m, 6-1, Joseph, 103 Joseph, 22 l:l2 Maria M., H-1 Nathaniel, 22 ,veutworth, llarrict 1~., Trowbriclge, John, 28, 118 8\J Josiah, 28 Wabash, Intl., 283 Wescott, Geo ..F., 2:12 Mary g_, 118 Wade, Cynthia, 104 ·wesson, ,Jeremiah, 19 Trueman, Aclttm, 182 Daniel, 104 ,vest, Spencer, G2 Etlwarll, liG Edwin, 104 Weston, Addison l'., 13:! Emma, 180 Elizabeth, 104 Ephr:tim ,v., 5:i :l!'lunilv,174,177 Elvira, 102 Irviug E., 5:i Ifarrnon, 174 John, 48, 104, 2G3 ,vetherbee, Au:.;-eline, 1G ,fame,; E .. 2:lfl Wadley, Sally, 74 Melinda, 74 Robert IC, li7 Waite, Rufus, U!J ,varren, 71 INDEX. 313

Wcthcrhead, Sarah, 96 Whitney, Hob('J"t L., 117 Woodbury, Albert, 170 Wetmore, Florence M., Whittemore, John, 39 John, 132 230 Mary E.,200 Jom1tlian, 1\)5 Vim., 230 Phebe, 39 Louisa, 195 Wc:1•l1ill, Eng., 9 "Whittier, Thomas, 11 Mariah II.,132 Wheaton College, 78, i9 ,vnbcrt, Susanna, 27 Woodley, Samuel, 54 Wheeler, Edwrml, 34 Wilcox, ,Jane F,., 191 Woodman, Sarah, 50 Everline A., 164 Wilde, Adelaide, 246 Woods, Alpbeus, 23 Harver, 174 "Wilkins, Veroniz, 211 Woodworth, Ebenezer Irene, 173 Willard, Geo. A., 51 w., 227 Mary, 33 Willett, Geo., 68 Harriet P., S111uacl, 67 Jr,.nc, 143 227 Whidden, Elizabeth D., Williams, Caroline C., 5G V{orccster, l\fass., 20/;, 135 Eliznhctb, 62 20G, 241 Stephen II.,135 Nathnn, 62 Wright, Albert J., 229 Whipple, Alice, 205 Seth S., 164 Elizabeth, 36 "Whitcomb, Paul H., 51 Thomas, 105 Gad, 110 White, Alpheus C., 53 Wm. O., 150 Joseph, 115 Bhmche, 244 Wilmot, N. S., 101, 102, Lewis A., lHi Gustavus A., 85 197 Lois Maria, I 15 Uan-idl'•. 15,'J Wilsen, }:L;,;nl:Jct!J, 251 Marcus, 1l5 Ilulclah. I~ Wm. F. S., HO Fat!mruel. Ufi hi~,L .. 2ul ,vinci1cstcr,N. IL. 36,.'l?, Wry, Jnseph C., U5 1. ~r,r :.tllac,~, .25 i CG,250 W;i:ie, 1'lyrtle, ll""iH Letitia, .:.73 Vn .. 87 W,man, :;;; Loviim, llii l'fini:srn,c, Clam A., 1::.i"s Lyfiia, 152' Hcbccca C., 242 Henry, Hi8 l\fary, 36 Robert D., 203 "\Vinstou, Alex., 151 Wellington, 85 Sally .M., 148 Wisconsin, (H, 73, 107, Sarah, 87 109,132,147,205,223, Yarmouth, N. S., 44, 85, "Whitehouse, Benj., 85 231, 233, 245,24.6, 248 86, 168-170, 233 Whitman, Ida M., 21:al "\Visel, Jerm,lrn, 64 Yents, Alice s., 246 Salome, 137 ·withers, Ephraim 'f., 144 Young, Charles, 165 Stillman J!'.,212 Withcrspoou, Eliz:ibeth, Daniel, 198 '\V"h1tmore, Enos, 75 199 David, 102 W11itucy, Ada A., 184 Withington, Henry Bai­ Granville J., IOG Artemas, 108 ley, 282 Kezia, 200 Tietsey 1'-l., 70 1Vittcr, Fanuy, 132 Martha J., 123 Cliurlrn, U., llG ·wood,, IJ7 Mary, lOO, 19!J C. Winfred, 117 Josiah, 175 Miriam, 137 Ethan, .0 Lorenzo, 183 Stephen, ms .Fm11k IC IW lHnrinnr, 175, 17G Wm. H., 103 I{czia, 240 "\Voodburu, sfa1-r L., 2:.Jl Luke, JIG Bmnucl C.,2:11 Zoller, John, 172 llfory E., 108 Samii J,;., 172