" THE SUN, WEDftESlHY, MXY 14, 1919, ' ROD AND GUN NEWS J Derby Winner Is Only Second Choice in Classic at Pimlico TW, man water koii local anolkiib fhom may m to may is. G..l 1 1 1, Hrl rtJ a Jamaica Hay Governors Wlllets New (Tha Horseshoe) ur (Canarsle) l.l.t.,1 lnln Ixindon Date. A.M. l'.M. A.M. P. At. A.M A.M. l'.M. A.M. r.M .m. r.M. MURRAY BEATEN BY DUNBOYNE :4;i 10.-0- NEW JERSEY WOMEN JAPS HOLD CENTRE. FAVORED May ,.. 8K)2 83IS 8:07 8:30 8:47 0:10 8:47 nan 12:os 12.04 4 14... lo:4o-:1- THE SUN'S RACING CHART. May lo...... 8:49 l:i3 suM 9:07 Ml l:47 0.2t u:xa 12:33 1231 a.l TILDEN AT TENNIS May 16... t 'On n.ita nnf d:4:i 10:11 10:2.1 V.M IC57 lfli UilU J fiay K):M 10:11) 10:48 9 10:23 luaa 1:02 l:Ja :3S 1 :AS 1 i7....,.,iu:uj null 1U:3 11:3(1 10:35 1:38 MH 12:3U IlACETHAtK, TO May 18 10:42 l(t:M 10:47 1197 10:58 2:10 GOLFERS DEFEATED National Champion Loses Ex- OF TENNIS STAGE IMMLICO Mar 1" Clear, track sooiU WIN PREAKHESS 11,111.69. Claim. An Ansllnr Practice With a rrecepl. for the State Museum, and tho meat was OSfl FII13T RACE For maidens. Six furlonrs. ,lursf, distributed to hospitals. hibition at Germantown. J lnr. Start. rood. Won easily. At post, z;ll. Off, J:i. Wlnnrr, b. c, . by Ily way of meshing an angling practice Ths bear, dressed, welsthed S10 pounds, veraun reaee rone, owner ana trainer, u. buaiy, Time, 1:18. with a precept, which In Its radical 6 feet from rump to noso tip Speciat Veipatch Bttlnir- - from nx"J tenets Possibly haa ac- measured to Tim Sox. . PI. 8h. asceticism, I and Its hind paws wero 11 Inches In Westchester nnd Long1 Islnncl Kumngao nt Top Speed in Har- Index Horse. Wt, St. tt Fin, fit. Futurity Victor of mm rinccd quired the Imputation of length and 6 Inches In width. The black Philadelphia Pa Olay 13. Using a 231' Soldat de Vdn. 110 4 1' ! J P. Bran .U6.70 SI.60 (1.29 htreby pledge myself to restrict my caatlng 4 4 Haynea 7.70 4.90 now bear was the largest killed In Pennsyl- varied nltack, William T. Hllden 2d de- 217 Veto 110 1 3" 'ti K. Over Sir for charra ami trout during the season many-year- a. Tennis Victors Lesley Cup lem, 1mt Proves 117 c S & 3.10 Bnrton on Evo vania In feated It. Llndley Murray In an exhibi- Ynmnsnki Frizeur Fator at hand to dry fly methods and to confln Mr. Shobert was fox hunting at tho time 79 Tom Fool ion a I i 6 4 Obert myself to tha uao of ona pattern of fly of and lila two hounds wero abool half a Bates Chosen. tion match" at tho Germantown Cricket No Star. tM Toruuato II... 3 1 1 2 E Jackson of Big Ifnce. appropriate Sites. The aubjolntd reserva- mile away on Kork While Club scoro was S 2, 8 6. 171 Joe Joe .153 3 3 4 Ambrose aro to be mo. North Creek. The i tions granted pushing way through .. pUy-er- J71 Chalienre .... 103 10 7 7 7 7 Conway neservMlons-c-None- . his briar thicket It was the r.Tst.mcetlngl ot tho two a TAMARACK. he camo upon tho bear, not more than lit Marie Connell. 1M 10 30 10 lllchcreek JCow York, May 13, ten feet distant. elnco their match at Forest Hills Wilfreda 9 5 Htapleton iir ixnis nnow.v. Japan held the centro of tho stage In 3 8 10 Xlnrrla Information Wanted. Shobert carried a double barrelled shot- last September, when Murray triumphed open Coronado 112 t gun with two sheila In the gun and four Tho second weekly engagement of In tho national singles final. tho tournament of the Harlem Winner broke well, nssumed rasr command in final elthth and won with speed in Horses, Weights and I'm colni to Ret right up In meeting and Sho- y reserve. Veto closed ramely In stretch drive. mado up much around from gore: In his pocket. The bear reared nnd one-da- golf tournaments staged by the Ills rushing Tennis Club on Its courts nt West 136th Frizeur talk. Here I read that there la an bert realised It would be useless to try to TJlden abandoned usual street near Eighth avenue yesterday belated sttirt. Torquato and Joe Joe quit badly. Jockeys in anglers' club that bara profane language. back away through the briars. Women's Metropolitan Golf Association, style, and Instead of going; to the net Preakness What 1 ant to know la what aro the Hoping tu blind he fired at piayeu yesterday resulted in victories by nfternoon. Those who enmo to eeo tho 9K.li SECOND RACE For maidens. Clalmlne. Six furlorvM. Purse, memberi of olub going to eay when the animal whenever posslblo played the back court play $1,117.60. Time. 1:15. Start cood. Won easily. Post. 3:00. Off. Winner, that the head aa tho The sec- (leclsho mid-cour- knew what Ichlya Kumagao could animal reared. scores for Lone; Island nnd t. Tho drove, smashed, by Ballot-Censu- re. owner, horces named to start a fellow member hlta him a crack In ths ond charge seemed tu turn the bear partly and do nnd they wanted to bco him do br. r., Mrs. w. a; i'ju.mi:. Trainer. J. T. Kermatn. li t,t ey with a linker when carting? away Westchester over North Jersey nnd lobbed, kllied and carcsed ball, never It -- Mutual Dettlnx- -, around and from Shobert. The bear tho But they were not sure Yama-sak- l, THE with their wclglt What will they say when all the llnea tontlnued circling away South Jersey respectively. Westchester using; stylo long, about Ken index. Horse. Wt. St. l S Fin. Jockey. Ht. PI. Sh. get and from tha the same for 103 4 S 1 J10.C0 11.90 I3.M and Jockeys, are. tangled Into a tremendoua knot? man with the gun, defeated South Jersey 17 to 7 at Scars-dale- , tho latest arrival from the Land I' Hamilton What will they aay when the engine In atory Murray was slow In getting warmed of tho Illslng J?: Hohokus 101 I 1 1 1' 2' Kelsay 23.G0 13.10 Sloraes, telling tho Shobert aaid: "I Long Sun, and they wero rather r. Wt!t. Jockeys, alalia? had evidently blinded his eye and while Island won over North up to Ills game, and before the specta- 171 Lloyd Oeorre. 110 4 3 ,Uice 33.9 right keen to find out Just how good he was. 4 . .126.. What will they aay when they find tha as he waa circling to my right ho couldn't Jersey 23 to 3 at Cherry Valley. tors It Tlldon had won 103 7 6 Johr.eon beer was realized the first They were not kept In tho long. 213 Tarascon ... 103 r r, 6 r. Lyke LMIlkma'ld ., left on the dock? . locate me except by acent. I had a cross Tho Westchester players showed rmart Both were going dark io .100.. .famlc What will they aay when a favorite rod wind In my favor and continued set. players at a fast Kumagao earned double brackets and 214 Auctioneer . lit 2 3 3 4 6 K. Hsynes Eternal .126. ., .Hcliuulnjcr snaps tho bear Improvement over last week's frames, 103 1 ! off? circling until he reached tho track whero pace when tho second set opened and played some mighty fine tennis) 214' Melancholia a 7 Htapleton Duflboyno . , due no doubt to tho tn in tho 215 Hock, US 9 A 7 7 S .126.. .Kn.o' What will they aay when they pull up a I had com through tho brlara. fact that tho first frequent rallies brought forth rounds of accomplishment Saddle Hall thirty pound cod and then aea him drop "I look advantage of Intervening clash of the season they wero forc.'d of his two victories, but 1(9 W. Ward.... 10S 3 s. 9 9 0 Connors Vlndex ...... 114.. Kan the npplauso from those surrounding the 1 ft the hook Juat when he cornea to tha time to ram two more sheila Into my gun. uso Yamaeakl fell by the wayside and Helen C 103 7 0 10 1) 10 Conway fStveep On. . 120 McVce too, to quite a few t.ubstltutes. Their clay couft, No field books. urface? Other thlnga happen I know Then the bar scented me. lie Imme- 17 to 7 yes- showed that far from being a near rival tOver There. . . 114... .Mjcn St. I am only a poor every day chap and diately wheeled victory over North Jersey will hc.a series of! matches next Winner followed llohokue's pace to final elhth, where he took command to draw and charged directly at de- There of Kumagao ho Is not anywhere as good tNatural' Bridge. J know my limitation and am therefore I waited un,tll he came quite close terday contrasts sharply a 0 to 22 (Sunday nt the Germantown away easily at end. Hohokus easily second beat. Lloyd Ueorie, vigorously ridden .114... .Hutuci! alwara open to Instruction. when I Long Mrt,. Cricket as Sellchlro Kashlo. Yamasakl was tkrourhout, finished tamely. Search Light saved throughout Melancholia broke tTerontla ...117. Walls anrry fifed at hla head, which waa the feat by Island a week before. Club, In which Kumagao, Beals Wright, rround Am to aay I have often given way only tarjot in the briars, thinking to S. Nash, and Mrs. eliminated In the fourth round by Percy aiowiy irom extreme outside position. Yurucarl . .114... .nice to my feellnge when at aea when thlnga completely blind P. Miss Kate JJowtnan Tllden, Merrill Hall, Craig Blddlo and Kynaeton, him. Fowler were tho only South Jersey fho Flatbush youngster, at OKfl TniRD RACK For snd upward. Two and a Quarter rnllei. Purse, Klne; Tlaudlt. . ..114... .I.yke have rone aekew. rieaae enlighten me aa "The third shot turned him partially to Wallace Johnson will compete. C 0. to how I may conquer my devlllah nature. the right and I ahot the fourth Into hla players to score for their teams, thougd 62, 11,000. flelllnf. Start tood. Won easily, rest, 3:30. Off. 3:31. Winner, b. r., Itoutledgo ..122... .Ambrose Kumngae 5, by Querldo Owner, 1' 4 I know I'm ft heathen, jet I can't Imagine aide aa hB passed. Neither charge knocked (Mrs. Tliomas Hucknall held Mrs. A. 6. followed up his brilliant Marie Louise III. R. All It. Trainer, W. Garth. Time, :33. Drummond. ..114.., . Johnton what the hell they do under such rlrcura-atanre- a. him down and he continued clrcllnsr, work In his victory over Van Dyke ueiunr- - Vulcanite ..114.., SEVENTEEN TATHOMS. striking and Rossln to a .scoreless tlo. Index. Horse. Wt. St. Vi 1 1U Fin. St. Pi. Ml. Troxter biting savagely aa he went. Johns ot the day before with triumphs (213) i . TIergen Beach, May It. "I quickly reloaded the gun with my Led by Miss Marlon Ilolllns, the Le Manouln... lis l 2'i 14 I'll to.;o 11.30 3O0 Prldo of India, ..114.., Corey two remaining MISS BJURSTEDT TO over II. H. Manchester nt 4, nnd 218' Marrery Jaque 133 7 S D 3' 2 Keatlnr 13.00 CM New Gamp shells. Realizing that I Island players had an easy victory over S Hah and Laws In New Jersey. must get closer If I expected to over Harrison It. Hathaway, tho ono 213' Infidel II Ill S 2' t' F. Williams ... 2.90 Commander J. K. L. entry. TJIENTON, N. May kill the North Jersey. Mrs. E. C. Temple, who 192 Mel os 133 3 4 4 4 4 Cheyne Hon J.. 1J. New Jeraev bear before he got at me I circled toward armed player at 1. Tho successes Coo entry. Ash and game leglalatlon pained by him aa beat I could defeated Mrs. L. P. S. Wanner, scored 213 Reddest 137 3 7 t S 6 Mahoney tW. IL the through tho briars. landed the little Japancso Into the 227 133 8 3 6 Oenernl Assembly and enacted Into law W hen within a few feet of htm I fired my tho Qnly threo points for her team. DEFEND LAURELS fourth Llttlo Horn.,... 7 WllkrTson .... by round. looks If lie 2.11' Rhomb 139 .1 .1 3 Fell. Willlsms., J the signature of Gov. Edga followa: fifth ahot at the aide of hla head. Jumped It as will breeze ) II. Miss S. Hlghton hfld Mrs. A. C Sum- Rixty 112 4 1 7 Special Assembly mil No. ::. Chapter 45 quickly around In front of him with through his half of tho draw nnd land Four Fell. Kennedy Despatch to Thi Set Makes and mer to a tie. Tho results follow: Winner, well ridden, wss tinder stout restraint In earlr runnlnar. nf rne-- closed aenaon for five yeara on the muixle of the gun only a few Inches Into tha final against T. Tll- - ftlnn,l i BAi.TlMor.E, May 13. history rrom William on final turn and drew away-eaell- Margery, trailing- In early stages, llaclns female Hnrll'h or rlngneck pheasants, ex- hla head fired my last ahot. I shot WESTCHESTER (17). SOUTH JERSEY O. 2d, Is after closed gamely piring April 7. him square den who In the other half. In final quarter. Infidel found route too far. Jlelea had no mishaps. Sixty-Fou- r will be on between the eyes nnd he Mrs. W. A. lienor. 3 Mrs. M. P. Rorers. 0 , fell mado the historic rimllce Assembly Billl:t.No. 3:. 45 dropped. It had finished B. H. 0 National Champion Promises Against Mnrchestc-r- Kumagao failed heavily at eleventh Jump, breaklns leg and aras destroyed. Rhomb fell at Chapter him." N. J. Mrif. A. Roteln.. 0 Mrs. T. llncknail.... Jump. thirteenth track afternoon when th Make open season for killing deer five Brookvllle. Pa., May l". Miss II. Lounebcnr. i Mrs. J. J. (iriunbach 0 lo tune his strokes to their full effec- successive daya from December 16 to 20, Mrs. M. II Frsyne. z Mrs A. P-- Proakness, one the famous Korvh to Compete in Philadel- tiveness nnd power. At tho same time tlfi FOURTH RACK Five furlongs. Pttrss. 11.117.30. For Clalminr. of claslea 01 Inclusive. Unlawful for any person April Trout 1'liiochlr, Mrs. J. A. Moore.... 1 Miss Violet Miller.. goon, eaauy. the American turf, will be decided, In Lures 1 R. . Manchester played n bit nbove his Mart won At post. l:oo. on. I:IM. Winner, b. c, by hunting deer to use or carry a Mrs. William Clivers Mrs. F. Ryan.. 0 Klnr three-rir- . . speed James Bella Mia. Owner and trainer. D. SHAW. Time. 1:01. The Preakness Is a test for rifle of any kind or description, or any We left New Tork on April 2J at i:J0 Mrs. J. D. Chapman 0 Mrs. Nash.... i phia Tourney., nnd at times had the Japanese on flroarm of a smaller calibre than twelve at Forestport, N. T.. at Mrs.H.J.Illumenthal. 2 Miss M. Wolfe 0 tho run. But when scoring became an r.uuiuci ueiung- -i olds at one mile and an eighth, it Is te C. 3 P.. ft Index. Horse. Wt. St. '.4 Fin. Jockey. St. PI. Sh. range, or to load such firearm with V our waiting Mrs. T. Russell.. Miss Mellon 1 4 the North and Eaet what tho Kentucky 7 Furid llteryman essential Kumagae let tho throttle out Murray lit 1" ! J. P. Ryan.. ..(31.30 35.30 or mlaslle larger and'V all plied Into Mrs. Andrews 0 Mrs. Fowler I Horn l' other than the blackboard. (l(2ffi) Lonely 104 S SO Derby Is to tho South and that Mrs. II. 0 Miss Kate 2 another notch and came whizzing I'tt 3' Johnson .... 7.30 I. West It commonly known aa buckshot, or to have Our party consisted of four, who were J. Williams. Bowman Miss Molla BJurstedt, national laWn 197' Kdilh K 102 3 l'4 Mrs. L. Mrs. L. L. 0 through with great 3H Si Ambrose .., 1.30 rich in tradition and rich In prlie money. H possession In the woods or fields during named the corporal, sergeant. Lieutenant Ketcham.... I Make.... tennis champion, will defend the title his forehand. 22s llniti 100 2 2 4 tha open aeaaon killing and Colonel. Right Fator The ( Association haa addoi for deer any here let me atate tnat Total Total beginning on Juno 16, In the tournament (197) Fanny Cook..,. 100 1 t E Htapleton ... mlaalle except buckshot, or to have any within three daya the Lieutenant waa made ....17 ICatnairae In Top' Form. 13 Apple, 103 3 s $25,000 to the stake and horsemen from a. at the Philadelphia Cricket Sweet 6 Lyke missile larger than No. 2 ahot In pos- Major by rsaaon of his consideration for Club. That Murray, forced slightly wide roundlnr turn, took command In all parts of tho country havo sent their session In the wooda or fields any tha Colonel. LONO ISLAND (it). NORTH JERSEY (J). Information came definitely from the Against Hathway, easy lui .irh.t, at Mlas M. S Mra. a. 0 Kumagae was well w,y to victory, lonely weakened In final drive. Edith K. had no mishaps. best colts and fillies, Oeldlnss are barrel time other than the open season for killing On the drlva to the camp, which la loJ Hollins P. Kuhler.. club yesterday, weekly Fanny Hush Mrs. E. K. Morrow. 2 Mra. W. Nicholson.. 0 when It announced that nigh Invincible. Tho one armed man handled. Cook met'fllh repeated interference. Sweet Appla also rat. and as a result Billy Kelly, the Juvenlls deer. catod about twelve miles north of Forest-por- t, C. it had obtained Senate No. T, 71 we were Mrs. J. Davis 8 Miss II. Flnckel.... 0 Miss BJurstedt's promise played hla usual good, steady game with champion of year, and He Hill Chapter Requiring struck with the hundreda of Mrs. D. O. Mrs. M. I). 0 laat Ftanl, the marking of automobiles vehicles empty whiskey Geddes.. 0 Patterson to compote. occasional scintillations, but Kunugae FIFTH RACE One mile, ono of the) In and bottles lining both sides of Mrs. L. F. 8. Wanner n Mrs. E. C. Ifnemple 3 257 r"c' 'i',Il7WnJtye?r:?,4.an:l favorites the Kentucky 1 by the excepting Upon Thla sets at rest all was itannicap. poor, c -' - w "p?. onned S'te. but can the road. Inquiry we learn.1 that Mrs. H. S. Whitney J Mrs. i'. I'belicUer.. 0 stories of Miss Irrepressible and ubiquitous. He start ' " i ... dinner. Derby, will not start. Qsh by Star Shoot "R- - ued for enforcement of and game thesa "dead" were once live ones In the 3 Mrs. BJurstedt's permitting tho title to go by seemed tdvbe to get anything Frankness. Owner, T. WILSON, Jr. Trainer. T. J. hei'lev laws. MrsJ.H. Alexandre.. T. Nleleon.... 0 able almost Time, 1:10 But despite their absence the lies hands of lumberjacks, who never atirt to Mrs. A. f. Sumner.. 0 Miss S, Hlghton .. () default and of her going to England and and passing Senate mil No. 35. Chapter 15 Permits work unless well fortified. Mrs. his shots wero beauties. Beltlnr-- promises to be a hummer. Fifteen r. N. Falre..., I Mrs. P. Thompson., n Norway. The Philadelphia club hopes His Horse. i board to Issue a license, to cost IS. .to It seems that the. hard stuff lattj for Mrs. D. Hmlthers. 3 Mrs. W. H. remarkable forehand, with Its lift Index. Wt. St. U H Fin. Jockey. St. PI. Rh. aro named to Btart. Among I persons only Cane.... to have Miss Mary 130 Stralrht 103 1 1' 1' 1 ! . to breed and sell under certain three or four mllee of the ride. ia Miss M. Conroy.... 3 Mrs. R. W. Water.. 0 Browne and Mrs. T. and follow through, never worked to McAtee 31.(9 2.70 tl.CO them aro Commander J. K. L. Itsss's conditions: English and Mongolian pheas-an- t, beyond that point very C. Bundy, 221 Boniface 113 3 3' 2'U 24 2 Sanda .. 2.30 tho bottles were Mrs. A. Stewart I (Ily default) both former national cham- better ndvnntage. Tho Jap seemed to 202 a 2.M which won the mallard, black and wood ducka,J few and far between. pions, Franklin 101 .4 24 3 Walls ... 4.10 nlso In the national tournament sense his openings and played side 202 uonaage 6 s' 4 4 geese, ruffed grouse, At 6:J0. Uver Jouncing 3 the 107 6 Mooney last Saturday. Canadian rabbits, after a ride, we Total : Total .. .. and aro (343) squirrels, quail and deer. aVTlved at the camp, ami although our tho chances exceedingly bright. lines and the base lines rather liner than Papp 114 5 4 4 r 5 Kelsay .. Senate TIII1 No. 5fi, Chapter l Place clothes and part of ojir food atuffa had r.ot It Ifl understood that the United States usually Is his wont. Winner favored by ragged start. Sprinted to lead Six Top Contenders. (lama (lets Lesley Cap. then drew away to easy victory. went well, Tranklln Bondage with the Fish and Commission, arrived, we started Ift to clean trp house. National National Lawn Tennis Association han Yamasakl was the cynosure of nil Boniface tired. had no j P. A. Clark's Dunboyne, the Futurity of the State Hoard of Fisheries, the Tha latter waa caused by the forcible Invited cuse. Papp wheeled Just at barrier's rise ant refused ot extend himself thereafter W.a Secretary A. II. Pogson of tho Metro- Miss Browne and Mrs. Bundy to eyes when he Marled hla match with not persevered with last Journey. winner last year; Harry Payne Wntt-ney'- licensing of fish pounds and enforcement entry of our camp by some lumberjneks. come half of the politan yes- East not only for tho national Kynaston. was not tho chief at- SLT.TH RAC-O- ne Vindex, of the act. who not only made use of the camp, tut Golf Association announced Buthe OXn mile and an eighth. Purse. 1,117.M. For s ud' the Beach Stable's Klnr 111-S- alary up tournament but for n series of and Assembly Bill No. 13. Chapter tore things In general. terday that play for tho Lesley Cup will matches traction for loag. The youth from " Selling. Handicap. Start good. Won driving. Pott. D:04. Off (Plaudit, W. It. Coe's Sweep On and J. W of the euperlntendenta ot tha fish Retired night prepared tn go out In various and Middle Brooklyn ...... , ... ey., ...... that be staged this year over tho National Eastern Western handled his Japanese rival -. w Ul I. UHI fr. C. IVK.I.T. IV. Aiccieiiand's Eternal also are down id hatchery and game farm to ha flx-- d by and clean up In morning. er. A. n. Vlvell. Time.iii.iinaii1 1.5 the trout ths course fit Shlnnecock Hills. October 3' cities. with ease nnd volleyed him Into submis- etarL These six colts and their stab trw. Board of Fish and Oame Commission- Awoke about 6 to find It raining very Belting- -, ers, according to 4 sion right Irbm the start. Then he har- Index. Horse. a; mates undoubtedly will achedule of Civil Service Result waa that we developed and have been selected as the dates Wt. St. U M. Fin. Jockey. St. PI. sh. havo the most Commission. Into a pinochle party. Just to vary nhe for play. The New England entry won American tenuis Is going to experi- ried him with smashes to the feet and 1M Arbitrator 93 4 2 l 1 14 Wesaler ., ....112X40 (13.90 aupporters. Dunboyne Is the favorite, (W5) 113 113.20 Committee Substitute for Senate Bills monotony the rain turned to snow at noon, ence a great revival In doublet Interest. passing shots mado Yamasakl look Firing Line.... 5 I1 2 2'4 Stapleton 4.20 US-M- In competition In 1916, that 24 3.80 with Sir Barton a close second choice. 107. 109 and 110. Chapter akes ao by this when play 205 Hickory 1M 1 4 21 Noe. 10. that evening we had about four Perhaps revival Is not tho proper word a.o If he were anchored. Yamasakl has Nut... 3' Johnson ., 11.30 Sweep On many close season on sturgeon In Dela- Inches of It. Our was held at Brookllne. Both Metropoli- 2S' Houdlnl 107 s 6 r t 4 will have admirers, acl clothea and food arrived to use, since gamo a cut may some, '(117) Sando .... ware Blver and bay and their tributaries about 7 P. M ao perked tan and Pennsylvania the doubles never stroko that bother but Sibola 10J 2 3 4 5 R so will Eternal, Vindex and King Plaudit all tip a bit and entries entertain 2V Walls ... until March 1, 1914. provided Pennaylva-nl- a took courage. has obtained any very great vogue In for Kynaston It was mince pie with all Putts and Calls 111 7 h '. S fi Butwell . Dunboyne has worked best for hopes of capturing; tho event this fall. 233 Coy 100 tit and Delaware pass similar acts. Friday morning the aun made : Muff at this country. However, certain It Is the trimmings. ltir 6 7 n 7 7 Obert .... event. Ho has stepped many fast hal' ahlnlng, but changed lfl Plureml n 3 3 8 3 8 MO Its mind. We refuicd that the light for tho national doubles Frank T. Hunter. Just out of the navy, Wlda .... miles and last week mile Face te Face With a round Ilear. to be daunted, ao tramped over a trail at.d An Interesting; and unique trophy Is Inner entered for IW) ; no bid covered a ovr always been charged upon title at Longwood is going to be hotter had It on Dr. William Itosenbaum In a a dull track In 1 :40 carrying 1:1 The bear haa with reaching the Black River launched to be offered In connection with ap- be,il."dlrlve.,0r':,e,rhh.dTo I hlng cowardly. Jamea Shobert of Brook-vlll- e our boat. After this strenuous effort we tho than ever before. match thnt went Into the shadows and Sp", oV!,'' 3" pounds nnd with his leg3 wrapped li met ona that was not. He hilled the went back to camp and by thla time we proaching: invitation tournament at Gar- In the wake of the announcement that finally left the former Ens!n In tho van S,r7na7w;y."roun,,p.',cedend- - ttwMM b0'W l heavy bandages. Aa open aeason ftr&tonfSTfi fil? Eternal, which animal In the were enjoying another fall of enow. den City, which begins Just the old team of Holcombo Ward and at 63, 6 I. It was a harder tussle from Kentucky yesterday, can had closed he made n report to the Came Owing to the additional snow and rain. recently the club has been presented Beals C. Wright, chnmplons than tho score would Indicate, Commission, which sent the hide and Saturday found us once more catchln; our more than and the 259 On the track between the first ana sec- with n handsome Montelth bowl. Is a decade ago, rallies were prolonged and ...... wu to-d- 1p framework of the animal to be mounted trout arouna a pmocnie Uble. jiv this It had been reunited for a hard fought BK,C"by King "uii u,, i u,i, j.jo. b lift. Winner. I. e ond races and breezed a mile such handsome and Hunter 6 2, Jamea Venllrt. owner, J. E. DAVIS. f. 1 time the entire squad waa getthig groggy a elaborate affair campaign for the title, comes the word had beaten J. Wlscltler at 1:14 Trainer, Brady. Time, :43 Vindex covered the distance a from pinochle. Aa though the elementa that the club has decided to hnvo a from California that Billy Johnaton nnd 6 2, while Dr. Itosenbaum had won Tew minutC3 later In 1:42 Sir ROD AND GCIT. this, Sunday beau- C realized loomed forth a replica made and offered ns a trophy "Peck" Grlftln. champions from H. Cnssrl at 6 2, 0, and been Index. Horse. M Bettlnr- - tiful day, and Inside of hours all of before the Wt. St. i ; Fin. Jockey. St. PI. Sh. went six furlongs eased up 'i three in Iho favored with a Uoold. (231) Tha Decision... S 1 slgna of snow We Imme- tournament. It Is now assured war, once more had become partners. default by Paul li 2' 14 m Loftus 16.10 34 .10 33 SO 1:16 Klne Plaudit stepp-- d a mils had vanished. 231 King Herod .... 4 S 2" EDWARD YOM HOFE diately River, and that a large field will enter com- Johnston nnd Grlllln will make their m 314 214 Ilittweil .... 8.30 S.20 over a heavy on In 1 & CD. started for the Black this . 237 Woodtrap 112 a 4 & 1 . track Saturday II having can-le- petition. Tnylor Two. Murphy .... (.10 embarked paddlrd and our Including some of tho foremost bow again aa a team at Del Monte, Cal., tlrnta 19S' Onlco 101 2 4 3' and Sweep On worked a mile in 1 en boat and n mllea we 3 lllchcreek ., :l three half until golfing tnlent the on May 25, 210 100 1 a branch, which we were of district. H and when they will play Harold Taylor was a busy young Bol. Vandiver. 7 2 (43 f. Wlda a heavy track last week. Fishing reached Informed man. (211)Cenoral 110 1 8 fi Tackle Exclusively flahlng a series of exhibition matches, meeting 6 K Hayncs . Johnny Loftus will have tho leg p waa excellent ground. With Kynaston nnd Louis Bry ho went Ml Galley Head. 100 9 7 7 Scribes nt Csiex County. Willis Davis, former national clay court ... 7 7 Wrel'.er . .. on Sir Salesrooms and factory under one roof. Into semi-fina- l. Heather 110 2 8 8 S Barton and that will came 'he on Day tho round before the Moon. 3 J. P. Ryan., II Fulton Strict. Nimt York. Fine Weather of Return. Advance promises champion, and Carl Gardner, u veteran Taylor first dlsposedof Augustln 211 Coral 97 C (withdrawn) Swart sands of racegoers to waecr on Co made by Arthur G. who caught Healy Wileon entry. leayea East 133d St. Wo worked this atream for over an hour Hoffman to newspaper golfers has tho "come back" fever. at 6 1, 6 2, won mander Boss's horse. on behalf and then from Paul The Decision, e 7 no except corpor-i- i Johnston and Grlltln say that they under masterly ride, raced Dottle Vandiver Buddy Ensor will guide Dunboj-n- Madelines. Thursday, A. M.; East wim results, that the of the Essex County Club wero nmply Martin at 6 4, Bry took part In hard urging outgamed Herod In a improvement snd under 91st St. 7:30: 138th St. got tired and went back to the and are sure East this Summer not 61. final test. Latter showed nodtrap, Schuttlnger will ride McAten wi'l got hut fulfilled by tho West Orange yes- the lone extra set match of the day. iuiitm iurj ruuuujiiar L urn. iianfti puma nnirn avad eeomvi t . . l. . Etera, at 8 A. M., for flounders on Sound. Fare tne colonel a bootful of water. club only for tho national slngUs, but fcr eucd badly. away t sn..i bo on Sweep On, Lyko on King 3S Went to boat terday. About forty when he won from E. Bodgers In the Coral ran two mllea alter post parade and waa withdrawn Plaudt ft.SS.Brlng bait. A. LYONS, W. llth 8t. bark the and found that scribes Journeyed the national doubles as well. They may and Knapp will guide ths corporal had drunk all the comforting to the course and are unanimous In pro- fourth round at 6 3, 1 6, 6 3. Vindex. Juice we had brought ao pushed be expected hero In early August to For the conenlencc of TIIK SUN'S racing readers the Index LINO FISHING. alng, off claiming? Essex County an Ideal host. Among those who were defaulted was chart have been made to correspond nnmlers of the - and started back for camp. The river Is take part In the various big tourna- with tlm.c uw,l Till: KVHNINfl SIIN chart! Parr Jumper Wins Aunln, 8 AM. DAILY "ft &n- beuutlful and while wo were on it aaw Four ball matches were the order of ments. It E. Johnson, a player from California, slgna of plenty of game. tho day, and competition resulted In a whose performance the day before had The colors of Hal parr wero car ied 4 to cross il JOSEPHINE sr We arrived at camp about P. M and tie for the best ball in net score. V K. attracted considerable attention. The another country vlctorv gf eating for change played aoms I afternoon after a Flaugh Tho Terrace Club of Flatbush. which summaries : when his Imported bay peiding Sheepshead und Charlie Atherton, with n TO-DA- Y. Dunne's. more pinochle. Retired with visions of go. PIMLICO ENTRIES FOR .Mnrsouin n pig field y, dally except Monday, Ing to Lnke Monday gross 78. handicap 8, and L. It. Thomp- has done a lot for tennis in Brooklyn, Harlem Tennis Men's Open Singles ii ueientcd North morning, where club's tho CHcnmoro Handicap. Parr'-- CaptJoelLg A. M.; Sunday, 6:30, also the fishing Is supposedly good. son and II. Serine, with 8C 1C. tied at particularly among, the Juniors, will (first round) 11. Schwartt won from W It was open M. by Selling: eighth victory out tlitvmg AltCHIE TlttCKNER. We were pleasantly surprised on awaken- 70. In individual play J. J. Kennedy, Its ncason formally on Saturday, Klscher. default: H. II. Manchester FIRST RACE for (151) Vlndex 111 of nine starts ing Monday to find won from F. M Lctson, by default, .1. 11 four and a half furlongs: (? j the Held at this meeting elevent'i HLACKFIHH AND COD. that there had ben a with 87 9. and A. West, with with a series of exhibition matches. jswejp on til and the revernal of form, and again It was raining. ?313, Slelnkampf won from Harry Sachs, by Index. Horse. Wr. S3 tNatural '.' out of twelve, this season. D"y 8 A.M. except Hon.: tied at 78 for low net. Flaugh's 80 E. 78 Lady llrldie IU VN I will not repeat the language ueert. but It was default. Heurhner won from T lone 92 U. K. L. Itois entry. $W. R. Coe entiy. Ln Marsouln was heat of FlFI Sun. 6:30 Sheepshead. waa strong and to the point Nut being the best cross scoro registered l.e tiros, by default. Iliul (loold won from tlreland 113 much the for the IIACK-Sclli- ng; .Mold, Capt. I N W. Mrrsereau, by 214' FIFTH s his and aided by a pei 'e. rtd J. MART able to flsh we played some more pinochle day. i TOP WEIGHT J. defeat: Ir. Win JLiltle Alexander 103 for re- Itosenbaum II Casael, C 2, 6 216 'Miss Slathem 91 and sit furlongs: by Vincent Powers, romped home a fiun- 5:30 A. M ; dally and made a few mental reaervatlona defeated 0. m"anl: R - garding In 1. Wlaeltler won from Vincent Hlcharda, 2(6' 'tThe Wit v, Index. Horke. easy (J. Fen-i(c- r III except Mon., II weather the Adtrondacks. 240 Wt. vlctsr. Bernard ""'' A. M.. Tuesday It did not very so we Golfers at the Essex Countv Cluh nrn IN KINGS COUNTY by default. 204 'Miss Shackletuu luj Klmpalong (imp.) .... IK Margery heepahead Bay, Dunne's Dock. Edw. Berg-lun- rain hard, 177 Jaque took second monei .inJ f went to the Black River Falls, again In for a season of very excellent sport. Hecond Hound P. Kynaston won from 211 JGallacher 115 Ilrlsi 105 owner. Qipt. LOUI3 M and . -ts J. E. Wldener's third HAil S. found out that the trout were not quite junging; tne J. Levis, by default, Autrustln Healy won tR. A. Parr entry. JW. S. Murray cntrj-- American ..TT.113 Infldel 2d was irom condition of the course , S :. IW Clsrk M While to from Hurtye, by defeat; H. Pope s 120 acting the paco several eng' ready take hold. Saw plenty of signs of this season year. Race Will Be Run Saturday at SF.COND RACK Claiming ; 221 DORA R. Xy FLOUNDERS deer, at of the The fairways n I, 11. Hellrlnger 115 ahead of his field Sixty Four, the but that was the nearest we got to In uirHicu ii ii. itainraiin, 3. and upward, one mile: 233' 'Irene W except Mon.. 6:41 Sun.. 6:0S the deer. Having come to are irreat condition, and the putting Jamaica. Schwartz won from A. s. Von liernuth, TVt. lot gelding J, 13. reeem train, the conclusion y.reen H Index. Hore 211 Kncore which Orlfllths from Itathman'a. Tcad. they do not In leaves but little to be by default, II. Hathaway won from (Imp.) 115 I Wck OEOROE. that have fair weather the desired. On Oerald by Ill' Oath loo (larbage bought from Commander Boss, numb. - Adlrondacks nnd nur three pinochle decks tho mountain courso frequent K. Hmerson. 'default; Ichlja 212 'Alma 11 101 115 SUNDAY- 7:S0 A. 31. rains of Commander J. L. Boss's Cudgel Kumarae II H. Manchester, 6 Dlnosanre (imp.) 113 at the Ilrst Jump on the back s"-- having become soiled, we decided to come have delayed Jereuted I. - Reveller (Imp.) 10S Say 80, late work to some extent has been assigned topwclght In tho Kings t I. Allan Hehr won from J. II Xteln-kamn- "2(o 110 the second time around nnd u- heme on Wednesday, April Wo had Tommy Waac v 172 Roy day, aa a ami the course has not dried out suff- County Handicap, to bo run at Jamalcu by default: II. Norton won from E.9' Little 113 Jockey Kennedy over T Capt. beautiful weather that Juat iciently Iteuchner, by "Woodtrap I'o his head mockery to us. The next time we go think yet to permit of regular play on Saturday. Cudgel will carry 132 defeat: Dr. Itosenbaum won C5li Hauberk jvo SIXTH handicap; horse broke his right foreleg d Bally, we will wait unltl the end of May. owing to fact from Ooold. by default: F. T Hunter, de- S Port flESOLUTE except Monday, for that much recent work pounds. Old Bosebud 130 nnd Westy C Win n; rnd upward; one ralle: destroyed. May 11, feated J Wlaeltler, 2. Mother-in-la- flounders. 6:41. train Sun- - Brooklin, THE COI.ONEU has been done there. Hogan 125. weights Kynaston 62. ml so Jiimx Jloree. Wt. Kennedy waa picked 't i 6:05r The are as follows: Third Hound won from II. K. (210) Commi Ci ior, Currency up unvn aiy train from Albrecht's. Wreck I6 .. 101 .e-- o s Johnon, by default, Ken Yamasakl won and 1 X,ad, Bring bait. CAVT, HEBM A N. Hollow and Spear Point Hooka. The KJncs County Handicap: lor 217 Widow Redotto 110 (75) Holster (Imp.) hurried to the hospital AdTeritsers AVltj upward: 13,000, from T. Kiene. by default. It. J. Sommers .. Ill quickly on Mntrh. and rash value of THIRD RACE The Hampden 231' Geniecock . 110 recovered. At the Junq TWIN SCREW "What Is the difference between a hollow X7it 1300 defeated II. nmlnc, 6 I, J f 6 J; J Steeplechaee; boat Katrlna open to which to the ii'coiid and to the s upward: two 231" .1 Queen Apple bend, lthomb went down and t charter for business, ptcasure or deep point and a apear point hook, and which TheNew York Advertisers Golf Asso- third; one mile and a sixteenth: W. Fox defeated Colxat" llaker, f. 1. and miles: .. 1:0 sea L. Index Horse. wt. r'n llroome Peddler . 103 Harvey Williams. The horse r ap fishing. Capacity 60 persons. la the better?" S. O. R Inquires. ciation emerged victorious from 61; Harold Taylor defeated Healy. 21? Jon. their Horse. Wt. Horse. wt. 6 I, fi S; Kumaxao 211" Trumpstor ISO T. Murphy (Imp.) .. 97 Injury, but toe SCHWEIZER. 331 East 93d Street, Dixie Carroll In reply nays; "In the rlash with the Poor 13! defeated Hatllaway, King C.ij9) ) Williams broke a Hlchards of Phila- Cudsrl Old llosebud iro 1, 6 I; Hehr defeated H. Norton, 1. Slraon 130 Amalrtte (Imp .. 106 All making of booka there are two styles of s. 220 - Damins-- h tot Hale delphia at the Areola Country Cluh yes- Wety no;.in lapunny Slope i:i 2; Hunter defeated Itosenbaum, 6 3, Shade ion .. Kinds Fishing Tackle point and barb which class the hook as a . 253 1S() a H. s. Ill Wilson nt AVIiiner, lieap. terday. The New Yorkers won 7 2 Exterminator j:i umar Knsyyam ... 113 S I; llrubans defeated K. Dry. 6 0. 6 2. llhomb Koppln entry. last li We also leml money real affair or Just an ordinary one. These to -- on tackle H. Naturalist i.iitiar Master IIS Alex Iler defeated Wylle C. Orant, I, 243 Decisive 132 SEVENTH RACK For tho Ilrst co .7. RE1F. .100 8.1 Ate., r-- distinctive styles arc thn hollow point and S. Harrison, with a gross card of 89 CAplaln Th Club nouse Ilondi time this scasn de II. near Ilrt v Sun Flash II UTjTrompe La Jlort... 1. W. T. Tllden. 2d. won .T. Parr 153 cap: n- - ft tho spear point. lit from Abels, 211 six furlongs: ors of Illchard T. Wilson, ,'r and a handicap of 12, brought In Holllster 111 by CI. Hrlnk-erhof- New Haven 153 - the default; I Hry wun from O. inaex. Horse. Lt- R- - "The hollow point Is hand cut nnd Is ItCk-- Iloniface 241 Wt. homo In in III! ' ''av" tlon. low net for tha day, H. y. Barrow was Ixde HI ... h: by default: K. HodKers won from Melodrama r2 131 IVnroso front the .South." ,ec? .I-"- ' T"ure. and used on all first class hooks and on hooks I.amui llMleorse ...... The Ilrook 16;, .. 1M cap. They were '.jjtne i low gross with S6. F. B. Ityan Starr ii: J Rooney, by default. 214 lleauealre O) curried 6:41 train: Sun, 6:05 that you can depend on to have strength captured Vlndox Ill Ho)cb Hools ...... iw 213 Turmoil 153 .. good (ield staying qualities when you a special putting contest. All aro mem- On Fourth Hound Kynaston defeated "a L'Eflare (Imp.) .. 109 a of handicap horn uumui. nainman. and need them, Corn T.iMt'l 110"ceii .. no 2, C FOURTH RACE 234 while spear point Is point Yamasakl 0: Taylor defeated The ITejknn, stakes; Polka Dot .. 103 one mile route by hl con I the a and barb bers of the local association. Minister Tol llil'Clrrus ... k S C for three-- j one 97 FISHERMEN Win a reel! Suggest name made hy on lo; Hltio Paul Martin. i, 1: Louts Hry de- mile and a lurlonr: 4Wsr Marvel (Imp.)".!!" .. horse .Straight machinery and used the hooka Foreground LaiMie ...... 10; Rodgers. 2, 1 C, Index. Horse. Wt. 242 lt Forward for newly patented deep se fishing SO 1IB feated Star Hampton .. reel that come at about renta a hundred. Sailor Lady Gertrude...... no 53. 120 in the light Impost of 103 pound H FROMEH, 1168 Vyse Avenue. Bronx. "One good A lM'Elfln tsir ltarton llag Hera (Imp.) !" ,. hollow point hook will last THLETE SOLDIERS Alibi Oien .. hi Eternal 1:5 li Mahnnv lui Forward made his more ri.- i practically aa long aa a Hyramoor 103 Over There .. 11 LINO 23fl Yankee Doodle II. hundred of the IK fit AT CELTIC I'AIIK. Yurucarl m 226" King Plaudit ....'.'!. ponents look cheap. At the r spear pointers and there Is not one hun- straight Forward lOSiItndcers . P 1 (2(2) tOver There (Imp.) s:rd.i.?iTfi . AVTi'S? MA Y GO TO One hurling ill 10 tWrr Pennant ...... Journey he was galloping r.i dredth as much chance of ite mapping off FRANCE Hlnlrrowrle ice l. Errant .. 100 and two football matches Vulcanite 2?3" " Hi fcm zjzz. " wrege. ill 1'nde of India .. 110 111 ?uie when the big fellow heads for the weed Itoutledire Ksillnluslrn.lt ... 100 will bo decided at Celtlo Park on Sun- 150 tMllkmild 1(19 23it front of Mrs. James Am . ., EMjuimau ' KLONDIKE bed or the under water snag." Questionnaire SJIThundiTclep ...... ! T26 King Plaudit 111 .. Ill as;e, which was '01 V, The day under ttio auspices of the County ri'5' Opholia (imp ) ." ,. three IeiiRtl Discharged Men Likely to Be Friendless ferryman. . .. SS Iride of India Ill (Milkmaid 109 of Commander War Machine .., Corltmen'a Association. The feature wiil 2M W !.!! ,. 1 Boss's Ilumla Yukon Big Game Need Protection. Sent to ITerentla (Imp.) 117 tj. K. L. liosj entry. The Annapolis Handicap. n vAJti& ra . . ... it rr Interallied Meet. be tho challense match between Caler 2SC Rnutledge 12! Advisory 216 and a furlong, was won by . Tho Board of Wild Life Protec- M'GOORTY STOPS REEVE. and Cork. In the football contests King Dunboyne c Apprentice allowance r E L M A R tion says the need Is Imperative for pro- May 13. County claimed. Arbitrator, which was negie rv;V"g6yJni.V tecting aheep, Paris, Famouw athleten who meets ArmaKh In a Junior Ic.nrue mountain caribou, mooae ehim-plonshl- betting nnd paid $?.". IVM. Yt f er : T big game served with the American Expeditionary match, whllo in the senior league p almost Clnn and other In ukon Territory. Amrrlrnn Knocks Out Ilrltnn In Wulter At. P i.lnd 'IS' . A. L. Bell ot Royal Forces,' hut who havo returned to Cork will tacltle Kerry. GEORGE ODOM POLY'S NINE Jeffords of ELSIE "?,T-'"-- A. M.. Flounde'rl the Northwest the WINS TRIUMPHS. '1 F nock. li, Mounted Police, Whltehnrae aubdjetrlct. United States, may enter tho Interallied Third Iturtnd. boucht the steeplechase zunsL In discussing ot game Knebelkamp Hi; ' eavea (,'Iason the nerds a sanc- .games to he held next montliv An LosnoN, May 12. Kddle OLD TIMERS' RACE 'from Con Point tuary, aaya: "From Information obtained r.Tort McOoorty or Defrnts erc I'frnlit Electra 2fu,.'i ftnJ f"n - A. SI. fir from prospectors, to nnance their trjnsportation to Franco Oslikos.li, Wis., middleweight, LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. Illsh iy hunters, trappera and knocked .1 WILSON AVI.".S III) VII it Indiana It is estimated that there ara is being made by Gen. Peyton C. March, out Harry Iteeve In the third round of One Time Jockey Scores With Score if to 2, tin. probably between 4,000 5,000 ' and mountain Chief of staff, from whom the follow- Race (I aiming; $1,000; year-old- s Pol Prep's (Mill Trnnk Wilson, with a 1' VELOCITY sheep In bounded by their bout here First three Bill baseball ...... jvna.AH.l..uaj the district the White, ing cablegram has been received : and upward: six furlongs: 'Vision, 93: Pinherton. handicap, won Capt B1I,I, BTEP1IEN.L Donjek and Ntsllng rivers. Ray defeated the New Utrecht the fast iw "Thifre Is no legal trans-portb- Maxim, 91; Tidal (Imp.). 91; Mab, 1M; High nine nt well " ling. 7 "These anLmala have undoubtedly been authority for King Belle, 107; as first place tn the n 1'iejty A. M. every ,Uy. to to Franca LOUISVILLE RESULTS. Flounce, 107; Mustard, Sctctal Despatch to Turn Sex. Prcwpcct Park In a seven Inning Hammer' Dock, Sheepshead driven that district from the more ac- civilian athletes who Craig. 110; Leicester, III; 'Klldare game handicap members' road 'n Bay; Sat, cessible areaa on account ot persistent are discharged soldiers. Tho War De- Boy, 111; K 112; -- Baltimore, Mil., May 13. The Old " J to .'. was Heights Assoelafl- ' afternoon hunting on the part of both Jack nutter Scotch II., Tlm( it the Poly's fifth nnrbrook white men and partment Is In entire sympathy First Usee s : 112. Also eligible: Madras Olngham. 94; rs' inectlnK this mornlns was a real 11. u leaves with tho maidens: six straight victory. The : Ktreels of Washington KsClaaon Point Indians. ()., Nrpc. score I Idea, however, Is furlongs- War Idol, 112 l Robinson), 312.S1, Slma 112. Hidden Jewel, sporting eent, and to see more IVllcn.. ..lA..l ANWYL 8AM "Unfortunately, game ordl-nan- nnd writing to obtain t: Vi; it than nlfti Hundaya. Tuesdays. Thursdaya! the Yukon H.20 snd 3I W, won; Jorlin, 107 Manganese, 10? : Impressive. 105. Halt for does not sufficiently cover pres- tho necessary funds from the various (Troise). s.so 3,000 racegoers were at Pliuliro track, Poly 0 0 t ,ucs ' l'ar,i-- eale at dock. the snd 34 30. econtl Lucinds, 107 (J. Howanl). Second Itace Puree, $1,200, two year-ol- 3 s 3 "' et'nds ' ervation of mountain aheep, aa welfare organizations pay wuy lit for ponies to be by for- New trecht 0 0 0 01010 -- M under to the of 129 70. Time. 1 12 maiden fillies; four and a half furlongs: Lady ias rlddeiy t 0 2 c 1 "p'l J Murray third Sub Section 1 of 9 third 31 , -- '..8is..?-- . ... Section explorers, selected - s Hols-rts- 112: 112: 112. mer Jockeys who had llatterle. Sealiurg Heiini; Ufsniiii!;..r:, -- a tu... athletes to France.' Second llaci. lour- snd npwsrd: Alsace. lrla. not had a mount xnd scratch map, was 111 "u a prospectors, miners or travellers .1 11... I ...... Sweep, 112; rin Oenslor nnd Schnfter Lott.jthc Bviiiuiaq;:;, 7 Tho American crows entered for the ...!..... l.i., (ioldlne, Hi, DUIe ITter. 112; In ten year). nil's 30 A. it for flounderi! who are engaged in any exploration, aur-ve- y tilrl, 112, ClintnaTlUe, seconds. regatta Henley, I Mountain )I2; Alice The raco won by C or mining operations or other ex- at England, on July 112: 112; first was e I.ING LI.NU UNO, ot 5 Arm, Lute's I'et, Mlu Minks, 112; amination ths territory and are In and nre In training. There will be no ale, 112. Also : Hill Pinkerton. ridden by lleorce Tiur. SEA PIGEON . d Spring! eligible (inldle Hose, 112. r sn"y. DUnn.'. actual of the beaats, birds or eggs grand challenge cup ! r.oce-Pur- se, i Odom. 1;. It. .Monej. ti ?''. oay, for food may lawfully this year, but the Third $1,000, fur three ) ear-ol- rirjuon's Heady hunt, take or kill Henley anil a nan iiirinngs mips rarneu, i,fl!llea, six furlong The Cullen 107, with Max llir-e- h In the beasts or birds and eggs of the birds stewards have tuhstltuted a ser- Hi ((iir llxi. the saddle, was sec- or other wild fowl so vice race with crews from Canada, the iwri. aj" ..n', mum; mrrciur james, fAdclla V.. 107; Hell Solar, 107 Mlnuwaml ond, and W. II. Karrick'a ltowdv, ridden mentioned tn this 107 (Simpson), 3.W1, f3in. second: Kills, 1GJ '(Imp.), 10). Jr.p, 110, Nen. 110; Madrss, 110; a 111 !. I Y. ordlnnnce. British Flying Corps, AuBtrnlla, New ! 10. 0:05 by Willie MldK- l-. third. Other veteran "Section 53 of this (Pnnle). third Time.. (lalll t'lirctl, 110: lo'tnl, 115. Binding Tie, 115. ordinance states "with Zealand and America renresenttd. Tho iiiirc.jr.i-uin- i j $1,500: Old riders in this were the exception of Section 3 hereof, ruuriu u.iT aiu upwaril; fourth Itace Purw, Inn Haiidl- tvent James Opening ' ordinance not this cllmnx if the sonnon's service rowing I hiiidlcap; purse. :.W; mile and a sixteenth: can; s and upwards: tlx fur- - A. HurUn and Mott lirady. of Racing Season HUUk III III DTCK and shall apply to Indians who i Ciiiri shin, no rwilliai nrn is no ,.. St Augustine. W2. Elt NST. are uv ten lomrs: Hannvla. in" Tho - Inhabitants of the Yukon territory.' win tne interallied regatta, which will Oniond, 99 Hcrond race went to Frank Her- or (Section 8 (Murray). 390, 3!.9. etond; Major l'arke, 100. Miirie Miller, 10.'; Ocean rienty Ung. t A Ji appllea to buffalo and bison.) bo held two weeks after the events America, 112 old's Teddy Polo, pulded by Jerty Car-- at Viva (Van Duzrn), I5.M Ililrd. Sweep, 102: Sklles Knob, lie; Da ill. m: , . i Sunshine Dally. Capt. J. Lundy, fori , "I have no doubt that mountain sheep, Henley r...j .. . i . METROPOLITAN merly aa well aa moose, Time, 1:11. Tombolo, 103; Jsmes T Clark, 103; Illackie u. nun uy ma uiuverillHI WIl'S- - JOCKEY CLUB of the Nimbus. caribou, 4c, have been 103; High 111; wantonly slaughtered by Indians and by At tho opening of the French Univer- Fifth Itace Vor four and Daw, Coat, Rancher, 116; The ker from Max Hlrsch's Cullena Court, leaea Canarale Wednesday white men as well not only sity IJaseabll League here yesterday a halt furlong: Pyx, 109 (C. Hnnagd), Porter. 116. with In AT JAMAICA, L, DUANE for food but the 312.30, 3! and 33.30. won: Chlsca, IWoe Purse, $1,000 Michael Daly the saddle. I. and Thursday 7;io a m. also for dog. feed, University of Paris defeated the Univer- 112 (M, Fifth added; Dashford J. Pryre, on own Oarner), 32.90 and 2.60, second; On. Manor Stakea; colts and gald-Ings- ; hla Texan, was third "The Indiana accuse the white man of sity of Lyons by u Kcoro of 4 to 3. Moe A. M. riallw this, and nn,the the The 106 (Thurber), $10.10, third. Time, 0:51 four und a half furlongs: Msndalay, Cavt. Joseph E. Davis had a le; up on RELIABLE 2 P. M. other hand white men teams wero composed Fun, Hosier, Convoy and Metem 113: Sam's Hoy, 11$; Jsdna. 113; V. Saturd.C accuse ths Indians of the eajne. Un- of members of tho nlso ran. Sam Freed, Devera's Band Hsy and rodo as he TOMORROW, Sixth Itace s up- 113: 113; 15th lllack l'rlnce, 11.1; MAY A. M. Llallv. fortunately the Indiana are American Army who are ntudylng In and man. Westwood, did he AMERICA aware that ward, claiming; one mile and a furlong: 113; 113; when was a noted amateur lehael ahernshes,! under the they may prac- I France. WU- Parol, Alrurle, Traveaty, 113; I n.v ordinance Km Tha stars for Paris were - Fair Orient, 109 (M. darner), 110.10, Mickey 115; Hoy Jockey. SPECIAL OPENING DAY tically aa much game aa they wish, for .mot $1.80 Moore. Atta II, (Imp.), 115: FEATURES CT1 B'PU leaves fitahle's Tier, Canarale, food or Whitney, pitcher, formerly of Har and 33.30, won; Parr, 109 (Thurberi, 313,10 ;llest Pal, 114; Luke Dillon, lis. Alter mess two events Fltrslmmons iUt 7 so otherwise. $1.80, Sungnld, Thursday, A. M, "I consider the suggestion of vard; iiugn Kelllher, catcher, formerly and .second; 100 (Murray!. Sixth Race IMrse. $1,W0: Tyler Hotel and Ben Pope Wt In a match race and creating of Princeton, George $2.10, third. Time. 1:52 Alliens. Purse; lor mile a PAUMONOK HANDICAP this area Into a sanctuary an exceedingly and Abbot, socond Benefactor, and sir. Kltr on V. C. Prlable's Blacklo Daw $5000 ALTOMOIIII.K good one and If It la base, captain Miss Hove, Maud tennth: Frogtown, 101: St. Ilernard. 101; 15XCIIANOE, carried out n detach- of tho Harvard team of Ilacon, Night Owl, I won. AH the ment of one constable could be 1917, tlruinpy, Chick Ilarkley Clermont, 107; Texas Special, 107: Ginger. riders were presented with U m established and Tito also tan. 107: Sennlngs 107. wuuu a h "thkh A II I I. r. a r u or a competent game warden employed Park. handsome and valuable souvrnlts. FOLK STAKES'"" ' f who with dogs or . The American Expeditionary Univer- Seventh Itace Three.year-nld- s and up- Seventh Race Claiming; purse, $1,000; for HACK DIHK( ,?U AIIHIOI.ET. park horse could p.ttrol ward: claiming! one mile and a I.earo cri'P''' TltAINS T Ti) TIIFor'ltsK sity won sixteenth: I and upward; Penn. Station, (it, Vu,, . . Orrrbauled and repainted. the district at regular Intervala of lleaune the Interuniversltv llot-nlr- , ml'e and an 33rd ami Till Ave 11 n, i, An exceptional car and keen 110 I ' DOnC.F.HS SHSX 1317 PASSENUnil In close touch with both Indians truck meet In city (Mirny) $4.7. ll.'.O mil eighth: Pastoureau (Imp.), 102; !!, C. Itasrh. COI.LEfilAN. COUPE and wlilu that yesterday ovur $2.70. won; Wiseman, 11$ (t'onnuly ), $6.50 10C: men. This Is, In my opinion, KG; hun God, Hrlckley, 107; Lottery, Brooklyn . - - - - - Perfect condition. the only teams rrom me universities ot and $(.30, second; Hands has xlgned Ilrst baseman Al - uaiiiaiui IHl'illTJ U. method by which the game can lis pro- - Toulouse, of rienxure. 11" l7: 'Brownie McDowell, 107: Ilogart. 107: " mieTAi ATL:" MOTORS CORP., Montpeller, DIJon, U!oyl), $3.70, third. Time, 1:H, 10S. len of the Georgia Tech. Pitcher John ft Broadway. Clrole "!,v..', n' u DAVIDSON, Gtenolile, Puttiers and Whirling; Jff Mlitress Polly, !, Ottawa, Canada, May It. Nancy. Dan, Karnest It. and James Jllljus has been released from the army AdmhslonO $1.65 Foster also ran. Apprentice allowance dsimsd. anu win repon

--it. IK