" THE SUN, WEDftESlHY, MXY 14, 1919, ' ROD AND GUN NEWS J Kentucky Derby Winner Is Only Second Choice in Classic at Pimlico TW, man water koii local anolkiib fhom may m to may is. G..l 1 1 1, Hrl rtJ a Jamaica Hay Governors Wlllets New (Tha Horseshoe) ur (Canarsle) l.l.t.,1 lnln Ixindon Date. A.M. l'.M. A.M. P. At. A.M A.M. l'.M. A.M. r.M .m. r.M. MURRAY BEATEN BY DUNBOYNE :4;i 10.-0- NEW JERSEY WOMEN JAPS HOLD CENTRE. FAVORED May ,.. 8K)2 83IS 8:07 8:30 8:47 0:10 8:47 nan 12:os 12.04 4 14... lo:4o-:1- THE SUN'S RACING CHART. May lo... ... 8:49 l:i3 suM 9:07 Ml l:47 0.2t u:xa 12:33 1231 a.l TILDEN AT TENNIS May 16... t 'On n.ita nnf d:4:i 10:11 10:2.1 V.M IC57 lfli UilU J fiay K):M 10:11) 10:48 9 10:23 luaa 1:02 l:Ja :3S 1 :AS 1 i7....,.,iu:uj null 1U:3 11:3(1 10:35 1:38 MH 12:3U IlACETHAtK, TO May 18 10:42 l(t:M 10:47 1197 10:58 2:10 GOLFERS DEFEATED National Champion Loses Ex- OF TENNIS STAGE IMMLICO Mar 1" Clear, track sooiU WIN PREAKHESS 11,111.69. Claim. An Ansllnr Practice With a rrecepl. for the State Museum, and tho meat was OSfl FII13T RACE For maidens. Six furlonrs. ,lursf, distributed to hospitals. hibition at Germantown. J lnr. Start. rood. Won easily. At post, z;ll. Off, J:i. Wlnnrr, b. c, . by Ily way of meshing an angling practice Ths bear, dressed, welsthed S10 pounds, veraun reaee rone, owner ana trainer, u. buaiy, Time, 1:18. with a precept, which In Its radical 6 feet from rump to noso tip Speciat Veipatch Bttlnir- - from nx"J tenets Possibly haa ac- measured to Tim Sox. Jockey. PI. 8h. asceticism, I and Its hind paws wero 11 Inches In Westchester nnd Long1 Islnncl Kumngao nt Top Speed in Har- Index Horse. Wt, St. tt Fin, fit. Futurity Victor of mm rinccd quired the Imputation of length and 6 Inches In width. The black Philadelphia Pa Olay 13. Using a 231' Soldat de Vdn. 110 4 1' ! J P. Bran .U6.70 SI.60 (1.29 htreby pledge myself to restrict my caatlng 4 4 Haynea 7.70 4.90 now bear was the largest killed In Pennsyl- varied nltack, William T. Hllden 2d de- 217 Veto 110 1 3" 'ti K. Over Sir for charra ami trout during the season many-year- a. Tennis Victors Lesley Cup lem, 1mt Proves 117 c S & 3.10 Bnrton on Evo vania In feated It. Llndley Murray In an exhibi- Ynmnsnki Frizeur Fator at hand to dry fly methods and to confln Mr. Shobert was fox hunting at tho time 79 Tom Fool ion a I i 6 4 Obert myself to tha uao of ona pattern of fly of and lila two hounds wero abool half a Bates Chosen. tion match" at tho Germantown Cricket No Star. tM Toruuato II... 3 1 1 2 E Jackson of Big Ifnce. appropriate Sites. The aubjolntd reserva- mile away on Kork While Club scoro was S 2, 8 6. 171 Joe Joe .153 3 3 4 Ambrose aro to be mo. North Creek. The i tions granted pushing way through .. pUy-er- J71 Chalienre .... 103 10 7 7 7 7 Conway neservMlons-c-None- . his briar thicket It was the r.Tst.mcetlngl ot tho two a TAMARACK. he camo upon tho bear, not more than lit Marie Connell. 1M 10 30 10 lllchcreek JCow York, May 13, ten feet distant. elnco their match at Forest Hills Wilfreda 9 5 Htapleton iir ixnis nnow.v. Japan held the centro of tho stage In 3 8 10 Xlnrrla Information Wanted. Shobert carried a double barrelled shot- last September, when Murray triumphed open Coronado 112 t gun with two sheila In the gun and four Tho second weekly engagement of In tho national singles final. tho tournament of the Harlem Winner broke well, nssumed rasr command in final elthth and won with speed in Horses, Weights and I'm colni to Ret right up In meeting and Sho- y reserve. Veto closed ramely In stretch drive. mado up much around from gore: In his pocket. The bear reared nnd one-da- golf tournaments staged by the Ills rushing Tennis Club on Its courts nt West 136th Frizeur talk. Here I read that there la an bert realised It would be useless to try to TJlden abandoned usual street near Eighth avenue yesterday belated sttirt. Torquato and Joe Joe quit badly. Jockeys in anglers' club that bara profane language. back away through the briars. Women's Metropolitan Golf Association, style, and Instead of going; to the net Preakness What 1 ant to know la what aro the Hoping tu blind he fired at piayeu yesterday resulted in victories by nfternoon. Those who enmo to eeo tho 9K.li SECOND RACE For maidens. Clalmlne. Six furlorvM. Purse, memberi of olub going to eay when the animal whenever posslblo played the back court play $1,117.60. Time. 1:15. Start cood. Won easily. Post. 3:00. Off. Winner, that the head aa tho The sec- (leclsho mid-cour- knew what Ichlya Kumagao could animal reared. scores for Lone; Island nnd t. Tho drove, smashed, by Ballot-Censu- re. owner, horces named to start a fellow member hlta him a crack In ths ond charge seemed tu turn the bear partly and do nnd they wanted to bco him do br. r., Mrs. w. a; i'ju.mi:. Trainer. J. T. Kermatn. li t,t ey with a linker when carting? away Westchester over North Jersey nnd lobbed, kllied and carcsed ball, never It -- Mutual Dettlnx- -, around and from Shobert. The bear tho But they were not sure Yama-sak- l, THE with their wclglt What will they say when all the llnea tontlnued circling away South Jersey respectively. Westchester using; stylo long, about Ken index. Horse. Wt. St. l S Fin. Jockey. Ht. PI. Sh. get and from tha the same for 103 4 S 1 J10.C0 11.90 I3.M and Jockeys, are. tangled Into a tremendoua knot? man with the gun, defeated South Jersey 17 to 7 at Scars-dale- , tho latest arrival from the Land I' Hamilton What will they aay when the engine In atory Murray was slow In getting warmed of tho Illslng J?: Hohokus 101 I 1 1 1' 2' Kelsay 23.G0 13.10 Sloraes, telling tho Shobert aaid: "I Long Sun, and they wero rather r. Wt!t. Jockeys, alalia? had evidently blinded his eye and while Island won over North up to Ills game, and before the specta- 171 Lloyd Oeorre. 110 4 3 ,Uice 33.9 right keen to find out Just how good he was. 4 Sir Barton. .126.. What will they aay when they find tha as he waa circling to my right ho couldn't Jersey 23 to 3 at Cherry Valley. tors It Tlldon had won 103 7 6 Johr.eon beer was realized the first They were not kept In tho long. 213 Tarascon ... 103 r r, 6 r. Lyke LMIlkma'ld ., left on the dock? . locate me except by acent. I had a cross Tho Westchester players showed rmart Both were going dark io .100.. .famlc What will they aay when a favorite rod wind In my favor and continued set. players at a fast Kumagao earned double brackets and 214 Auctioneer . lit 2 3 3 4 6 K. Hsynes Eternal .126. ., .Hcliuulnjcr snaps tho bear Improvement over last week's frames, 103 1 ! off? circling until he reached tho track whero pace when tho second set opened and played some mighty fine tennis) 214' Melancholia a 7 Htapleton Duflboyno . , due no doubt to tho tn in tho 215 Hock, US 9 A 7 7 S .126.. .Kn.o' What will they aay when they pull up a I had com through tho brlara. fact that tho first frequent rallies brought forth rounds of accomplishment Saddle Hall thirty pound cod and then aea him drop "I look advantage of Intervening clash of the season they wero forc.'d of his two victories, but 1(9 W. Ward.... 10S 3 s. 9 9 0 Connors Vlndex ..... .114.. Kan the npplauso from those surrounding the 1 ft the hook Juat when he cornea to tha time to ram two more sheila Into my gun. uso Yamaeakl fell by the wayside and Helen C 103 7 0 10 1) 10 Conway fStveep On. 120 McVce too, to quite a few t.ubstltutes. Their clay couft, No field books. urface? Other thlnga happen I know Then the bar scented me. lie Imme- 17 to 7 yes- showed that far from being a near rival tOver There. 114... .Mjcn St. I am only a poor every day chap and diately wheeled victory over North Jersey will hc.a series of! matches next Winner followed llohokue's pace to final elhth, where he took command to draw and charged directly at de- There of Kumagao ho Is not anywhere as good tNatural' Bridge. J know my limitation and am therefore I waited un,tll he came quite close terday contrasts sharply a 0 to 22 (Sunday nt the Germantown away easily at end. Hohokus easily second beat.
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