Modernizing and Moving Confidently Forward


PLATINUM SPONSOR of the Wisconsin Land Information Association 2021 Annual Conference THANK YOU

PLATINUM SPONSOR of the Wisconsin Land Information Association 2021 Annual Conference THANK YOU

PLATINUM SPONSOR of the Wisconsin Land Information Association 2021 Annual Conference

34th Annual Conference – February 15-19, 2021

Coming to you as a VIRTUAL event this year as we modernize and move confidently forward! Please join us to celebrate 34 years of WLIA at our Annual Conference in a virtual setting with the same excellent conference experience, training opportunities, and networking possibilities as we remain spatially distant.

The theme this year is M odernizing and Moving Confidently Forward.

As the world turned upside down shortly after last year’s Annual Conference, we’ve modernized throughout the year, hosted our Spring and Fall meetings virtually, and learned new technology along the way. While this year has certainly presented some challenges, it’s also been an opportunity to reach a greater audience and attract more presenters, embrace technology, and modernize our approach to conference training, networking, and delivering land information to our WLIA community.

The geospatial industry has always excelled in advancing technology; this is evident in our land information workflows, the state-of-the-art hardware and software being utilized, and how we deliver this data to our stakeholders and the public. Land records modernization, GIS, and expanding technology has always been at the heart of WLIA’s interests. Looking back to 1987 with WLIA’s founding, we can see how WLIA has embraced technology and modernized along the way.

This year’s conference will offer over 55 educational sessions, 13 technical workshops, three expert keynote speakers, eight special interest groups, and many opportunities to hear from our sponsors and networking within our virtual exhibit hall. The program also includes our popular map contest, awards and scholarship presentations, a session on “Getting the Most from your WLIA Experience,” and the WLIA Town Hall forum.

I greatly appreciate your commitment and support of WLIA. Your participation at this event and other meetings are the reason for our organization’s success spanning these last 34 years. I would like to personally thank our wonderful Executive Services Manager, the WLIA Board members, the Annual Conference Committee members, presenters, and exhibitors for their dedication, hard work, and immense time given to this Association.

Sincerely, Carmen Novak 2021 WLIA Annual Conference Chair

/ 34th WLIA Annual Conference Program

MONDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2021 8:30 AM Welcome! 9:00 AM Morning Workshops 12:00 PM Map Contest Highlights 1:00 PM Afternoon Workshops 4:00 PM LION Meeting

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2021 8:30 AM Welcome! 9:00 AM Getting the Most from your WLIA Experience 10:00 AM Keynote Plenary f eaturing Dr. Este Geraghty, Chief Medical Officer, Esri 11:00 AM Scholarships & Town Hall Meeting Pt. 1 11:30 AM Exhibit Hall Focus; Exhibit Hall Open from 11 AM - 4 PM 12:30 PM Map Contest Highlights 1:00 PM Afternoon Breakout Educational Sessions: P andemic Response State & Federal C artography & Web Maps MUGG & Esri Insights 4:30 PM Special Interest Groups: Tribal GIS SIG Municipal GIS Group (MUGG) SIG

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2021 8:30 AM Welcome! 9:00 AM Equity Advocates Special Interest Group 10:00 AM Keynote Plenary f eaturing Kevin Ehrman-Solberg, Mapping Prejudice Project 11:00 AM Awards & Town Hall Meeting Pt. 2 11:30 AM Exhibit Hall Focus; Exhibit Hall Open from 11 AM - 4 PM 12:30 PM Map Contest Highlights 1:00 PM Afternoon Breakout Educational Sessions: Imagery & LiDAR Land Records N G911 & Addressing Enterprise & Emerging Tech

4:30 PM Special Interest Groups: Elevation/LiDAR SIG NG911 SIG

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2021 8:30 AM Welcome! 9:00 AM Educators in GIS Network Special Interest Group 10:00 AM Keynote Plenary f eaturing Robert Young Pelton, World’s Most Dangerous Places 11:00 AM Awards Continued 11:30 AM Exhibit Hall Focus; Exhibit Hall Open from 11 AM - 4 PM 12:30 PM Map Contest Highlights 1:00 PM Afternoon Breakout Educational Sessions: Redistricting Geography Emergency Response/911 U AS Land Records & ROD 4:30 PM Special Interest Groups: Open Source GIS SIG UAS SIG

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19, 2021 8:30 AM Welcome! 9:00 AM Morning Breakout Educational Sessions: GIS Solutions Professional Development & Field Applications Diversity Workshop 12:30 PM Wrap Up & Awards 1:30 PM WLIA New Board Meeting

/ Keynote Speakers

Este Geraghty

Dr. Este Geraghty, MD, MS, MPH, CPH, GISP is the Chief Medical Officer at Esri, developer of the world’s most powerful mapping and analytics platform. She heads Esri’s worldwide health and human services practice and is passionate about transforming health organizations through a geographic approach. Previously, she was the deputy director of the Center for Health Statistics and Informatics at the California Department of Public Health. There she engaged in statewide initiatives in meaningful use, health information exchange, open data and interoperability. While serving as an associate professor of clinical internal medicine at the University of California (UC) Davis she conducted research on geographic approaches to influencing health policy and advancing community development programs.

Geraghty is the author of numerous health and GIS peer reviewed papers and book chapters. She has lectured extensively around the world on a broad range of topics that include social determinants of health, open data, climate change, homelessness, access to care, opioid addiction, privacy issues and public health preparedness. She received her medical degree, master’s degree in health informatics, and master’s degree in public health from UC Davis. She is board certified in public health (CPH) and is also a geographic information system professional (GISP).

Kevin Ehrman-Solberg

Kevin is one of the co-founders of the Mapping Prejudice Project at the University of Minnesota, which is identifying and mapping racially restrictive housing covenants in the 20th century. Combining GIS, optical character recognition, and crowd-sourcing, Mapping Prejudice weaves traditional research methodologies with cutting-edge digital tools to build comprehensive spatial databases of racial covenants for cities across the United States. An active proponent of the digital humanities, Kevin focuses on the intersection of race, historical narrative, and contested space.

In addition to his geospatial research, Kevin is also the lead web developer for the Historyapolis Project. He holds a Masters in Geographic Information Science, and has developed multiple online mapping applications for the University of Minnesota, Prologue DC, and Visible City. You can find some of his cartographic work in the Star Tribune, Open Rivers, and the Middle West Review.

Robert Young Pelton

Robert’s career started in marketing and product design with clients that included Marvel, Disney, Mattel and was brought on by Steve Jobs to help launch both the Lisa and the Mac for Apple Computers. However, in his forties, Pelton retired from his marketing career to focus on going inside dirty wars, conflicts and dangerous remote regions of the world to gain a greater understanding of the human condition. The unique access he has gained in these regions and independent point of view, outside media coverage, gained him the interest of the world. He has been a popular guest on Oprah, , Late Night, Dennis Miller, Geraldo, Real Time with Bill Maher, Fox, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, TED, al Jazeera and many, many other programs. Pelton has worked as a journalist for CBS 60 Minutes, ABC Investigative Division, CNN, National Geographic, Discovery, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Vice, Foreign Policy and many more.

Many of his experiences became the subject of the Discovery Channel series Robert Young Pelton’s – The World’s Most Dangerous Places that ran from 1996 until 2003. Robert has documented parts of his two and half decades of immersion into war; some include the siege of Grozny with Chechen rebels, interviewing American jihadi John Walker Lindh at the battle of Qala-i-Jangi in Afghanistan, being kidnapped by right wing death squads in Colombia, doing missions with Green Berets, running Route Irish with Blackwater every day for a month in Iraq, tracking down the Vice President of South Sudan after an assassination attempt and living with an elusive retired Special Forces colonel training Karin rebels deep inside the jungles of Burma. Robert is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and has been a FRGS for twenty five years.

It is not all just adventure, Robert has created innovative ground networks of local reporters during the height of conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Libya to provide information on solving conflict, stability, kidnapping, piracy, human trafficking and local insight. He has served as an unpaid advisor to Four Star commanders in Afghanistan and heads of state and spent two years advising MOAS, the Migrant Offshore Aid Station in Malta. These days he finds himself in Libya and Sudan. /

About the Conference... The WLIA Conference is the premier GIS conference in Wisconsin, with emphasis on local, regional, and statewide trends, issues, and applications. This five-day conference is packed with hands-on workshops, technical demonstrations, educational presentations, and more. This is the ideal opportunity to meet other GIS professionals and interact, learn, and network.

There will be... ● Over 55 sessions covering all aspects of GIS use in the state ● 13 specialized workshops including hands-on training ● Virtual Exhibitors Showcase, featuring the latest in GIS technology ● WLIA town hall forum, awards, scholarships, business and board meetings ● Land Information Officers Network (LION) meeting ● Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings ● Map Gallery and Map Contest ● Networking and fun-filled activities ● Job Board

Who Should Attend? ● Those thinking about incorporating GIS into your activities ● A current GIS user and want to further leverage the power of GIS technology and expand your knowledge ● Anyone interested in learning about upcoming GIS improvements ● A manager or commissioner who oversees GIS and wants to increase your exposure to the technology ● The conference is designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of participants interested in GIS and related technologies.

Conference Workshops The 2021 Conference Workshops will be held on Monday, February 15. All conference content, including workshops, will be taking place virtually via Zoom meetings. There are 13 conference workshops: six morning workshops from 9 AM - 12 PM, six afternoon workshops from 1 PM - 4 PM. Additionally, a Diversity Training workshop will take place on Friday morning from 9 AM - 11:30 AM.

Workshop rates are included in the conference fee this year. WLIA members receive a discount!

Plenary with Keynote Speakers WLIA is honored to have three Keynote Speakers join us at the Annual Conference this year: Dr. Este Geraghty, Chief Medical Officer at Esri; Kevin Ehrman-Solberg, Co-founder of Mapping Prejudice Project; and Robert Young Pelton, Human Geographer and Journalist featured in World’s Most Dangerous Places.

Virtual Exhibit Hall The Exhibit Hall is a great place to meet our sponsors and other exhibitors, with the latest in technology and services on display. The Exhibit Hall will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the conference (February 16th - 18th) from 11 AM until 4 PM. Remo will be the virtual platform used for our Exhibit Hall this year; a sponsor and exhibitor gallery will feature our Sponsors and Exhibitors and link attendees into Remo for face-to-face virtual networking.


Social Activities The 2021 WLIA Annual Conference will have many social activities throughout the week!

A scavenger hunt will take place Monday - Thursday, with a fun Wisconsin-related theme each day. More information and Monday’s clues will be provided on a Slack channel; the remaining clues for each day will be distributed by exhibitors in the Virtual Exhibit Hall. Visit exhibitors in Remo to collect the clues and find locations in a map; winners will be selected each day!

A photo contest called “It’s Your Night, Share it with Us” will take place on Tuesday evening after the day’s events are complete. Enjoy the evening relaxing, going on an adventure, or spending time with family. Take a selfie of your activity and share it on a Slack channel to win prizes for most creative, beautiful, and cutest fur friends!

Finally, our biggest activity will be a Trivia Night, taking place on Thursday, February 18th at 6 PM. We’ll organize participants into teams and play via Zoom. Join this fun competition and win big prizes!

All games are free to play; don’t miss out on these amazing networking opportunities.

Silent Auction A silent auction will begin prior to the Annual Conference; you can donate items, place bids, or donate money directly. The silent auction will continue until 10 AM on Friday. Have fun bidding on items such as sports tickets, gift packs, hotel stays, and more. The auction raises money for the Damon Anderson Memorial Scholarship program via the WLIA Foundation, Inc., and all donations are tax deductible. Please help us to fund the education of those who follow in our footsteps.

Town Hall Meetings Town Hall meetings will be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday at 11 AM, immediately following the keynote plenary session for that day. The meetings will contain reports from committee chairs on activities of the Association and task forces, as well as discussion on Association activities and WLIA’s future direction.

Special Interest Groups Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM. Equity Advocates will meet Wednesday morning at 9 AM.

Awards Many of your colleagues and WLIA members commit countless hours going above and beyond expectations to further GIS and land records modernization in Wisconsin. Throughout the conference week, WLIA will recognize many of these individuals and their achievements, as well as announce the winners of the Scholarship Awards, Map Contest, and Best Presentation Award.

Getting the Most from your WLIA Experience All attendees are encouraged to attend this session - including first time conference attendees, veteran members, and anyone looking to learn more about WLIA. The presentation will review the history of WLIA and share tips on how to get the most out of the conference experience, as well as explain the various roles WLIA serves in the land information community. Polls, activities, and prizes will be included too!


Educators in GIS Network Learn what GIS is, how it can be easily integrated into your curriculum, and what resources are available to you, as educators. This session will include training in various mapping and GIS tools and an introduction to free GIS lessons to use in your classroom. You’ll also learn how to find and collect GIS data and how to display it to tell a story.

LION Meeting The annual Land Information Officer Network (LION) meeting will be held on Monday, February 15 at 4 PM.

Job Board Post your job opening or look for a new opportunity. The job board will be featured on a Slack channel this year.

Virtual Map Contest The WLIA Map Contest is a great opportunity to share your best work with others who appreciate quality cartography and innovation. Join us for daily map contest highlights over lunchtime. On Friday, awards will be presented for the best entries in each category, in addition to special awards.

Base / Reference Map: Very useful, complete, and documented map sporting good design, layout, labeling, and annotation to feature your data.

Thematic Map: Features prominent, yet appropriate, use of cartographic techniques to share a message (e.g.: Choropleth, Prop Symbol, Dot Density, etc.).

Mapping Poster: Informative and interesting presentation that highlights innovative geospatial projects or processes.

Black & White Map: Any format and theme, but no hue...a special design challenge!

Brochure / Small Format Map: Must be ANSI B (11” x 17”) or smaller; any theme, scale, or extent.

Map Book or Atlas: Must be a bound and easy-to-use map series of any theme.

Most Unique: Unconventional, creative presentation, unique subject and/or materials.

Interactive Map: Website or application designed to share geospatial knowledge.

Special Map Contest Awards: ● President’s Choice ● People’s Choice ● Best Student Map ● Best Private Sector Map ● Best Public Sector Map ● Best Hand-Drawn Map

/ Pre-Conference Workshops Monday, February 15, 2021, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Workshops are included in the weeklong conference rate. WLIA Members receive a discount.

Morning Workshops - 9 AM to 12 PM CST

Introduction to the Parcel Fabric (3 Hours) Frank Conkling, Panda Consulting

This three-hour workshop will let attendees learn about the fundamentals of the data model and experience the editing procedures behind ESRI’s ArcGIS Parcel Fabric prior to actually making the commitment to convert their data. Panda Consulting will provide a sample data set of a county that has already been converted and will review the new tools and procedures for performing consolidations (combines), splits, adjustments, and inputting a subdivision (time permitting).

GIS Data Preparation for NG9-1-1 (3 Hours) Cheryl Benjamin, Cheryl A. Benjamin Consulting, LLC Jessica Frye, Geo-Comm Jessica Jimenez, WI DMA This workshop will introduce those who are responsible for developing and maintaining GIS Street Centerline and Address Point files for NG9-1-1 purposes to Wisconsin’s new NG9-1-1 GIS Data Standard & Best Practices document. The Wisconsin standard, developed in collaboration with the Wisconsin Land Information Association, is based on the NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model and includes Best Practices for developing and maintaining the required GIS layers for NG9-1-1. This workshop will: ● Explain GIS data use in NG9-1-1 ● Review the Wisconsin NG9-1-1 GIS Data Standard, including an overview of the schema crosswalk from the WLIA standard into the Wisconsin NG9-1-1 GIS Data Standard ● Show how to parse addresses into the Wisconsin NG9-1-1 GIS Data Standard ● Describe Quality Control Checks for NG9-1-1 GIS Data ● Discuss best practices, recommendations for developing and maintaining Road Centerline and Address Point GIS data This workshop will help attendees better understand how to prepare their GIS data for use in NG9-1-1 and how to use Wisconsin’s new NG9-1-1 GIS Data Standard & Best Practices document.

Extending the ArcGIS Platform with Arcade Expression Language & ArcGIS Pro Tasks (3 Hours) Amir Bar-Maor, Product Engineer, Esri Jason Camerano, Product Engineer, Esri Amy Andis, Product Engineer, Esri Lisa Berry, Cartographic Product Engineer, Esri

Learn two new awesome GIS skills, Arcade expression language and ArcGIS Pro Tasks. Arcade is a new way to write expressions that work across the ArcGIS Platform. In this workshop we will learn what Arcade is, why it was created, and how to get started putting it to use in your projects. Tasks in ArcGIS Pro guide users through repeatable workflows, improve efficiency and promote best practices. This introductory workshop will show how you can run and design tasks. Topics include running a task, creating a new task, configuring a task and sharing a task.

/ Pre-Conference Workshops Monday, February 15, 2021, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Workshops are included in the weeklong conference rate. WLIA Members receive a discount.

Morning Workshops - 9 AM to 12 PM CST

Build it Better: Become a Data Viz Wiz (3 Hours) Jami Dennis, Geodetic Analysis

This workshop will explore the power of data visualization and how to harness that power to build maps, apps, presentations, and reports that stand out and get noticed. This 3-hour workshop will consist of 3 parts: 1) Exploration of the fundamental qualities of data visualization along with tips on making maps and charts more effective. 2) Building on the lessons in the first hour, we'll take a guided tour through a variety of data visualizations and turn them into effective designs that engage the reader and provoke understanding. This is when you will begin to see first hand the power of effective data visualization practices in action! 3) Deeper dive. This final hour will be a deeper dive including the effective use of color and more tips for making better charts, maps, story maps, and dashboards. This workshop will include lecture, polls, and opportunities for questions/answers. Take-away exercises will be provided for attendees that include data visualization exercises with step-by-step instructions for creating better charts and maps.

U.S. National Grid (USNG) (3 Hours) Randy Knippel, Dakota County, MN BJ Kohlstedt, SharedGeo Through the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS), the leadership of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA have directed the phased introduction of numerous operational standards designed to promote and facilitate interoperability in the Emergency Services Sector (ESS). With release of FEMA Directive 092-5, “Use of the United States National Grid (USNG)”, in October 2015, the ESS now has a standard for the foremost element of any response – the ability to effectively communicate “where.” This workshop will provide comprehensive USNG training. It will start with an overview and background of the USNG, including practical examples for search and rescue, resource deployment, and more. This will be followed by training on how to use the USNG, with “training the trainer” content to equip attendees with skills, resources, and ideas to carry what they learn home to their organizations and jurisdictions. Finally, details of how to use ArcGIS to construct USNG maps and integrate it into GIS applications will be covered. A variety of tools and techniques will be discussed.

Getting Your UAS Program Off the Ground (3 Hours) Scott Galetka, Bayfield County, WI Nik Anderson, Ho Chunk Nation Will Bomier, Carlton County, MN Join three experienced UAS users as they discuss how they got their programs off and flying. Basic missions will be reviewed. Get the best tips and tricks they learned and some demos to get you started!

/ Pre-Conference Workshops Monday, February 15, 2021, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Workshops are included in the weeklong conference rate. WLIA Members receive a discount.

Afternoon Workshops - 1 PM to 4 PM CST

Working with the ArcGIS Parcel Fabric (3 Hours) Frank Conkling, Panda Consulting This half-day workshop will provide an overview of the workings of the ArcGIS Parcel Fabric and allow participants to work through simple splits combines and the creation of a CSM using a data set provided by Panda Consulting.

Addressing - A Practical Guide (3 Hours) Mark Whitby, DATAMARK of Michael Baker International Jeff Ledbetter, DATAMARK of Michael Baker International

If you’re an addressing authority or managing GIS data for an addressing authority, this workshop is for you! Addressing, and more specifically, documenting and managing addresses in a GIS environment, is more an art than science. This workshop will inform participants of the many considerations that need to be undertaken when establishing and maintaining GIS-based address databases and applications. The following items will be covered: ● History of Addressing ● The anatomy of an address ● Managing addressing in GIS ● Public safety implications of addressing ● Other governmental enterprise implications of addressing ● Aggregating multiple address databases into a master address database

Local Redistricting in Wisconsin (3 Hours) Ryan Squires, Legislative Technology Services Bureau Dan Veroff, Applied Population Lab Joe Kreye, Legislative Reference Bureau

The workshop will focus on preparing for Local Redistricting in Wisconsin in April 2021. The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB), Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB), and the UW-Madison Applied Population Laboratory (APL) will provide information on the U.S. Census, the legal process of redistricting, and the software utilized for local redistricting in the State of Wisconsin.

Part one of this workshop will provide local officials, GIS professionals, and WLIA members information on the Census, local redistricting timelines, and information on current redistricting statutes. This will include an overview of the “how and why” of redistricting for counties and municipalities, as well as discussions of procedures, guidelines, and the laws that shape redistricting in Wisconsin.

Part two of the workshop will be a hands-on demonstration of the WISE-LR software, which will be used for local redistricting in 2021. WISE-LR is a web application developed by the LTSB specifically for the state statutes of Wisconsin and local redistricting laws. WISE-LR will allow local officials, or their delegates, to create, analyze, and share county supervisory plans, ward plans, and alder plans with accurate geographic and demographic data. Attendees are encouraged to utilize the WISE-LR application and follow along on their own computer.

/ Pre-Conference Workshops Monday, February 15, 2021, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Workshops are included in the weeklong conference rate. WLIA Members receive a discount.

Afternoon Workshops - 1 PM to 4 PM CST

A Cartographic Carnival - Tips, Tricks, Tools, and Tales to Make Better Maps! (3 Hours) Sarah Bell, ESRI Daniel Huffman, somethingaboutmaps Colter Sikora, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin & Colterrific Maps! Lauren Tierney, Washington Post

This workshop offers practical insight for mappers looking to improve the design and communication of their print and on-screen maps. While many of us admire and may aspire to make hall of fame-worthy maps, most WLIA members are limited to the tools and time their employer affords them. Each cartographer will offer tips from their unique mapping experiences to help attendees produce high-quality work quickly and methodically. This workshop is designed to involve an interactive discussion on the work of presenters and attendees, so be ready to share one of your maps for the discussion!

The Challenges of Understanding Legal Descriptions (3 Hours) Bryan Meyer, La Crosse County, WI

One of the most cherished rights we have as citizens in America is the ability to own land. Legal descriptions are intended to define the limits of property ownership. Some descriptions are well written and clearly defined while others are confusing and ambiguous. In this workshop you will learn about the most common types of legal descriptions, who writes them, interpreting and following common descriptions, and dealing with less than perfect legal descriptions.

UAS Mission Tips & Tricks (3 Hours) Travis LeMoine, Seiler Geospatial Mark Schnesk, Seiler Geospatial

Pick up the discussion from Part One as two UAS experts discuss their more challenging projects, and how they cleared hurdles to complete successful projects. There will be a deeper look into UAS software, including Pix4D Mapper & High Accuracy Photogrammetric Mapping.

/ Educational Sessions

Track Categories Tuesday, February 16, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pandemic Response State & Federal Cartography & Web Maps MUGG & Esri Insights

Wednesday, February 17, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Imagery & LiDAR Land Records NG911 & Addressing Enterprise & Emerging Tech

Thursday, February 18, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Redistricting Geography Emergency Response & 911 UAS Land Records & ROD

Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM GIS Solutions Field Applications Professional Development

Track A: Pandemic Response

3 Counties, 3 COVID Responses (60 Minutes) Kim Meinert, Waukesha County; Zachary Swingen, Milwaukee County; Eric Damkot, Washington County Waukesha, Washington, and MIlwaukee Counties all stood up a COVID Dashboard to disseminate public information about the pandemic and its effect on their region, but they took three very different paths. Join us as we talk about the issues, both technical and political, we all faced as the pandemic unfolded, and lessons learned that can be applied elsewhere. As this is a panel discussion, we invite others to share their experiences as well.

Building, Growing and Maintaining a Coronavirus Response Hub in Racine County (30 Minutes) Kimberly Christman, Racine County; Emily Szabo, Racine County; Kyle Wikstrom, Pro-West & Associates Discover how Racine County rapidly mobilized to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis using GIS and location-based technology. Leveraging ArcGIS Online and Hub enabled leaders and response teams to gather numerous sources of data into a single location and share it with the general public through meaningful information products. See how, using this platform, the County was able to effectively distribute information about best health practices, case rates, and its capacity to respond.

Wisconsin DHS Update (45 Minutes) Andy Swartz, DHS A GIS Team update from the state Department of Health Services will be delivered. A reflection on the past year of COVID-19 data collection and maintenance as well as the latest database news.


Track B: Statewide Land Information

2022 Datum Rollout Delayed! Now What? (30 Minutes) Howard Veregin, WI SCO and Richard Kleinmann, Ayres Associates Now that the National Geodetic Survey has announced that the rollout of the new 2022 datums will be delayed for several years, you may think you can relax! However there are still some federal actions that will go forward in 2022 as planned, and some action items the Wisconsin geospatial community will need to complete by the end of 2021. This short update will keep you on track to be prepared.

Getting to Know GeoData@Wisconsin, and How You Can Participate! (30 Minutes) Jim Lacy, WI SCO and Jaime Martindale, Robinson Map Library - University of Wisconsin-Madison GeoData@Wisconsin is a statewide geoportal containing nearly 21,000 free Wisconsin spatial datasets produced by local, regional, state and federal government organizations. First established in 2014, GeoData@Wisconsin has grown tremendously over the past two years thanks to support from the Wisconsin geospatial community. In our presentation, we will briefly demonstrate some key features of the geoportal and discuss how you can make your data discoverable through GeoData@Wisconsin. We’ll also share some tips and tricks for how you can help us interoperate with your own ArcGIS Hub site.

WICDI Project Update: Building and Sustaining Culvert Mapping Community, Northern WI (30 Minutes) Melanie Kohls, Wisconsin Coastal Management & WI SCO and Genevieve Burgess, WI SCO The WICDI project aims to establish a Wisconsin Coastal-Management Data Infrastructure. With funding from NOAA, the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, and the State Cartographer’s Office at UW-Madison, we are combining a mapping community of practice with an innovative digital collaborative environment to improve coastal hazard planning and policy development. At our last WLIA session, we discussed our plans to create a statewide culvert database; attend this session to hear updates on our progress, as well as WICDI's goals for the future.

Wisconsin Wetland Inventory – New Data - NWI Standards (30 Minutes) Calvin Lawrence and Chris Noll, WI DNR WI DNR mapping staff have many HUC12 areas around the state that have now updated wetland mapping using LiDAR and other necessary GIS layers. We will showcase the improvement over the current data available to users as well as highlight some of the process we use to extract the wetland information from the data sources.

Transforming Private Land Conservation with GIS (30 Minutes) Mike Koutnik, Gathering Waters Landmark Conservancy works to conserve private lands in 21 counties in northwest Wisconsin. They made a strategic direction to focus significant energy on conserving high-quality lands that are also resilient to climate change. Landmark wanted to proactively engage with owners and encourage them to protect their lands. To do this, Landmark needed to leverage ecological valuation data but transform that into the context of ownership parcels. You will hear the story about how Landmark was able to achieve their objective, and how GIS is helping them identify targets, and reach out to landowners.


Track C: Cartography & Web Maps

Indoor Mapping: Bringing your Campus into the Digital Age (60 Minutes) Jon Hodel, Cloudpoint Geographics This session will highlight a recent indoor mapping project and what process was used in bringing the data into the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model and publishing maps with the ArcGIS Indoors solution. Attendees can expect an overview on the ArcGIS Indoors solution including specific workflows on importing CAD data into the AIIM, creating points of interest, generating route networks, publishing web maps to an Indoors portal, and configuring the Indoor Viewer template.

Making Maps That Matter: High End Cartographic Production in Today’s Data Rich Environments (30 Minutes) Paul Braun and Emma Green, Continental Mapping Consultants It’s a safe bet to assume that many involved in the WLIA community began their careers in the geospatial industry because of a love of maps. This love of maps requires the creation, curation and maintenance of lots of data to allow us to visualize data in ways that help our organization, our constituents or our customers understand the issue we are wrestling with at the moment. Software products have come a long way in assisting us as geospatial professionals in producing quality map products. Yet cartography is still both an art and a science and it requires specifications and a rigorous workflow to collect, condition, build and visualize data in a meaningful way. These complexities are accentuated by the numerous methods by which the final map is delivered and how that cartographic product will be used. This presentation will walk attendees through the tools, workflow used by Continental Mapping’s cartographic team in producing high end digital and paper map products for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) including Joint Operations Graphics (JOGs), Tactical Pilot Charts (TPCs), and Operational Navigation Charts (ONCs) to support, among other things, safety of navigation on a global scale. Attendees will leave with key learnings about cartographic production that they can employ in their processes.

Avenza Map Creation and Use in Search and Rescue (30 Minutes) Alex Howlett, Avenza Remote areas present challenges for search and rescue teams. One of the challenges is to use accurate maps offline. Avenza Systems will show how the mobile Avenza Maps app can enhance search and rescue operations regarding spatial awareness, location tracking, and other offline capabilities.

Building a Web Map Using Leaflet in 1 Minute, 1 Hour, and 10 Hours (30 Minutes) Hayden Elza, WI SCO What would a web map built in one minute look like? What are some of the basics you could add with another hour? How different does a one-hour web map look from a ten-hour web map? Why do I ask so many rhetorical questions? Simple, but functional. Interactivity, styling, and purpose. Not very. Are they rhetorical if I answer them?


Track D: MUGG & Esri Insights

From Paper to Interactive Web-based Asset Management – City of Neenah Water Utility – A Case Study (30 Minutes) Scott Daniel, GRAEF The City of Neenah, population 25,560, recently took a giant leap into the digital on-line world. Managing their Water Utility assets has been an evolving process for many years from paper records and wall maps to databases and GIS systems. We’ll discuss the challenges they have faced and the steps they have taken over the years. We’ll also have a live demonstration of some of the tools they use to manage their assets today using an interactive web-based GIS application.

Going Mobile - Imaging & Scanning (30 Minutes) Jay Riester and Larry Heavner, Seiler Geospatial Mobile Mapping and Mobile LiDAR has gone mainstream. The hardware has been integrated. The software that supports asset extraction has become easier to use. Together this has made the possibility of high efficiency/mass capture in Mapping and Surveying a reality. The overall value proposition remains the same: 1. Reduce risk and enhance the Safety of the workforce 2. Rapidly increase data collection efficiency 3. Minimize unplanned maintenance 4. Maintain positional accuracy throughout the project’s scope 5. Understand what you didn’t know Talking points: ● What is Mobile Imaging and Mobile Scanning? ● There are many tools to perform these tasks. Traditional setups, handheld/backpack, vehicles, drones ● Gathering data consistently and safely ● Collecting data over time ● Overcome the nature of GIS data collection

ArcGIS Field Maps: An Introduction (45 Minutes) Ryan Sellman, Esri ArcGIS Field Maps is Esri’s new premier maps app on iOS and Android devices. Field Maps will combine the following capabilities into a single app that is easy to use and simple to deploy: ● Simple map viewing and markup ● High accuracy field data collection and inspection ● Battery-optimized location tracking ● Work planning and task management ● Turn-by-turn navigation In this session you will get an introduction to Esri's premiere application for field operations.

Survey123 for ArcGIS: Tips and Tricks (45 Minutes) Jordan Miller, Esri A full hour with live demonstrations uncovering not so widely known techniques to get the best of Survey123 for ArcGIS. Learn how to automate email notifications when a survey is submitted, how to create high quality reports out of your Survey123 data, how to edit existing GIS features with Survey123 and much more.


Track E: Imagery & LiDAR

Aerial & Mobile LiDAR Solutions for Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) (45 Minutes) Richard Wohler, GPI Transportation corridors of all types are subject to asphalt deterioration and deformation, especially in northern climates like the Upper Midwest. PASER procedures have been developed to evaluate when a roadway requires repair and/or re-surfacing to ensure public safety. Aerial & Mobile LiDAR can be an integral component to facilitate the evaluation procedures. This presentation will demonstrate how LiDAR can be an effective tool in determining the correct PASER repair/re-surfacing recommendation for transportation corridors.

Hydrography from LiDAR in Wisconsin: It's Time To Go With The Flow (45 Minutes) Andrew Brenner and Kirk Contrucci, NV5 Geospatial, powered by Quantum Spatial As LiDAR data become increasingly available over complete watersheds in Wisconsin, there is a desire and a need to utilize these LiDAR data for supporting improvements to hydrography both in positional accuracy and level of detail. The advantages of bringing the elevation and hydrology data together are that it allows a better understanding of how water flows through a watershed and the boundaries of streams and water bodies. This ultimately leads to better protection of water resources from pollutants, understanding of pollutant flow, and management of water during high and low flows, impacting the majority of human activities. The process moves from bare earth DEMs, to hydro enforced DEMs and delineation of stream segments and water bodies. The segments are then connected into a continuous flow network and finally conflated with existing attributes and new attributes added. These processes will be briefly reviewed, challenges to these processes will be identified, and possible solutions outlined. This presentation will discuss approaches to structuring a LiDAR derived hydrography program in Wisconsin that moves from a LiDAR derived bare earth DEM into a fully compliant NHD dataset, and the key partners that are needed to be part of the Program.

Getting More from your LiDAR (30 Minutes) Adam Derringer and Tyler Kaebisch, Ayres Associates Processing and viewing LiDAR derivatives is time consuming, confusing, and can be difficult for some computers to handle. This leaves many to only use LiDAR for the derived DEMs and contours. As a major provider of Aerial LiDAR, Ayres works with clients to try and extract more value from this critical foundational layer. One area of focus has been developing a suite of environmental Lidar layers that can help land managers locate and mitigate risks across the landscape. Whether it's locating exactly where the water is flowing, finding closed depressions, or assessing risk of erosion, analysis of LiDAR can put your data to work to help derive answers for departments across your organization. This presentation will dive into the creation and use cases for the next generation of GIS layers derived from LiDAR base products. Be prepared to explore the terrain and environment with the help of Lidar!

SEWRPC - Milwaukee County High Density Lidar Project Overview (30 Minutes) Zachary Nienow, Ayres Associates and Rob Merry, SEWRPC In 2020, SEWRPC conducted a high density aerial Lidar project for the County and its project partners. This project is the first of its kind Lidar project in Wisconsin, covering an entire county at 30 points per square meter (PPSM). Join our presentation to learn about the Lidar collection, data processing, tested accuracies, derivative datasets, and resulting plans for implementation. The presentation will include graphical comparisons of lower density data to the new high density data over various locations in the county.

Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC) Image Services (30 Minutes) Zachary Nienow, Ayres Associates and Andy Faust, NCWRPC WROC is rolling out new image services on the heels of the 2020 consortium. Technology advancements in web map tiles services (WMTS) and cloud optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) have opened the door for hosting statewide imagery in a readily consumable service. This means GIS or CAD users can tap into the image services and render up-to-date, leaf-off orthoimagery as a base map for their projects. The image service will include 2010, 2015, and 2020 ortho layers for change detection over a 10-year period. Join us to learn more about this exciting new offering through WROC.


Track F: Land Records

Ten Rules of the ArcGIS Parcel Fabric (45 Minutes) Frank Conkling, Panda Consulting With the advent of the ArcGIS Parcel Fabric, the manner in which we map and maintain parcels have changed. This presentation will review both the rules and best practices for the new, more efficient method of maintaining parcels.

Accuracy, Efficiency, Engagement – Working With the Parcel Fabric (60 Minutes) Lisa Schaefer, Pro-West & Associates Lisa will start by covering the fundamentals of the Parcel Fabric platform – what it is, why local governments are using it, how data editors can benefit, and the value it holds for other users and stakeholders, both internal and external. Then, experience the newest iteration of the Parcel Fabric – Parcel Fabric in ArcGIS Pro – with live editing demonstrations and examples. Learn about the different options available for moving to the fabric environment, whatever your current method of parcel data management. Finally, learn how data in the parcel fabric environment can be used to engage with citizens through interactive maps and apps.

BLM GLO Mapping Program and the Wisconsin PLSS CadNSDI (30 Minutes) Nancy von Meyer, Ryan Tiejen, and Jerry Neff, BLM This presentation will illustrate the primary updates to the Wisconsin PLSS data (PLSS CadNSDI) that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern States is maintaining. This data set is authoritative for the PLSS on federal lands and it is important for the counties and states to define the common or shared boundary for a seamless PLSS statewide. In addition to information on the data set the BLM has developed a hybrid model for maintenance that uses GIS databases and the parcel fabric as a data set of record, combining these two sources for a standard continuous PLSS. The standardized PLSS is being used to map the records from the General Land Office (GLO).

State Revenue Agency GIS Applications (30 Minutes) David Salzer and Patrick Santoso, Axiomatic and Nancy von Meyer The spatial data applications for State Departments of Revenue are often overlooked in state geospatial planning. Typically viewed as agencies dealing with tabular and financial information, state revenue applications can see benefit from using mapping data, often without additional data collection. Wisconsin has a statewide parcel data set connected to assessment and tax billing and these applications could be used by the Wisconsin DOR and other state agencies. New Mexico is in the midst of a long-term upgrade to the state property tax administration system. By standardizing existing local assessment (CAMA) output and existing local parcel mapping, the state has already realized benefits to local data producers through an assessed property dashboard. Examples of benefits are information on State assessed properties can be easily conveyed to local data producers and homestead property analysis across county lines is easily identified and visualized. New Mexico also hosts a gross receipts map for determining sales tax rates. (http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/gross-receipts-tax-historic-rates.aspx). Local mappers have seen benefits in identifying duplicate homestead entry claims, data quality reviews inherent in the aggregation, and a shared database of state and federal lands.


Track G: NG911 & Addressing

WI NG911 GIS Project – Questions and Answers (45 Minutes) Jessica Frye, GeoComm and Jessica Jimenez, WI DMA The presentation will answer outstanding questions from the WLIA workshop and GIS assessment calls pertaining to the WI NG9-1-1 GIS project.

Getting Address Point and Street Centerline Data Ready to Publish to the WLIA Standard (60 Minutes) Fred Iausly, Dane County and Andy Faust, NCWRPC With the WI-DMA Gap Analysis project, a lot has been learned about the status of street centerline and address point data across the State of Wisconsin. This session will cover some of what was learned from the Gap Analysis. It will also discuss recommendations and best practices for managing the data. Improvements to street centerline and address point data will benefit current users of the data, foster greater data sharing and that lay the groundwork for a future NG911 system.

GIS in Public Safety - The New First Response Frontier Part 2 (60 Minutes) Drew Fioranelli, DATAMARK of Michael Baker International As a follow-up to last year's award-winning presentation, we are holding a panel discussion for all the Geospatial First Responders out there! Come with your questions about NextGen 9-1-1, GIS for NextGen, ideas for next steps... It's an open floor. Some topics we'll cover are: ● What have you learned about GIS and NextGen over the last year? ● What have you learned about your data? ● Where do you want to go next in your preparation? ● Your questions here!


Track H: Enterprise & Emerging Tech

Resiliency: Lessons Learned from High Accuracy Geospatial Data Collection and Fusion in Coastal Communities (30 Minutes) Andrew Beck, PLS, Continental Mapping Consultants Environmental resiliency is a challenge throughout communities across Wisconsin. These challenges are broad and range from rising lake levels and sensitive habitat erosion to increasing storm intensity, flooding, and water quality issues. These challenges are particularly prominent along Wisconsin’s roughly 1,000 miles of coastline and 15,000 lakes. To support resiliency efforts, we need both regional scale mapping and site-specific, very high accuracy geospatial data. This presentation will review the challenges and lessons learned with collecting and fusing very high accuracy, site-specific geospatial data in a coastal environment to support environmental resiliency. This presentation will use a project at the City of Port Arthur, TX and the Port of Port Arthur as an example of approaches to collect and fuse complex geospatial data to support environmental resiliency. Port Arthur lies on the Gulf of Mexico coast, 90 miles east of Houston adjacent to the Louisiana border. Like many Wisconsin communities, Port Arthur is a coastal community, home to approximately 55,000 people and through its port, is a significant economic engine to the region. The City and Port have been hit with many significant weather events; in 2017, Hurricane Harvey caused over 100 deaths, and in 2020 Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta were direct hits. Although the Midwest doesn’t experience hurricane events, the challenges faced there are similar to those in Wisconsin and the knowledge gained in this project can be directly applied to communities throughout Wisconsin. Continental Mapping assessed current data repositories and completed collection, processing and fusion of all the geospatial data including aerial lidar @ 20ppm, imagery at 3.5cm GSD, land survey for utilities, radio detection of subsurface utilities, and bathymetric survey around the levee gates and structures. This presentation will walk through the challenges faced by the Port Arthur community and approaches to resolving them. Attendees will leave with key learnings about ways to collect and fuse aerial, terrestrial and hydrographic geospatial data to help address environmental resiliency issues in their communities.

Tips & Tricks in SQL Enterprise Geodatabases (30 Minutes) Scott Daniel, GRAEF We’ll peek under the hood of SQL Spatial databases and show you how you can easily update attribute domains, field order and field type. We’ll also explore the advantages of views for calculated values and dynamic layers.

Helping State & Local Governments Use GIS to Create a More Racially Equitable Future (45 Minutes) Clinton Johnson, Esri Learn how local, state, and regional governments agencies can leverage GIS to build a more equitable and just world where a person's race or ethnicity does not impact their outcomes. Worldwide, cities, counties, and states are addressing institutional racism to ensure equitable opportunity for their constituents—and geography is critical to the work. Hear from the Esri team about how GIS can advance your organization's specific racial equity work. eURL, WebHooks, App Link and Other Emerging Trends with Enterprise GIS (30 Minutes) Tyler Prahl & Steve Mulberry, GIS Inc. GISinc will share what these new(ish) technologies are and what they can do for an Enterprise GIS. We'll share examples and demonstrate concepts, using ArcGIS Enterprise and Cityworks as the foundation and look at AR, AI, ML, and IoT, and how we see those technologies contributing to the Enterpriser GIS community.

Supporting Racine RENTS Housing Initiative with ArcGIS Hub (30 Minutes) Megan Dudzik, City of Racine and Kyle Wikstrom, Pro-West & Associates Discover how the City of Racine is leveraging Esri’s ArcGIS Hub to support its RENTS housing initiative, with the purpose of raising the quality of life for residents and encouraging growth. See how the City is using ArcGIS Online and Hub to share information with landlords, commercial owners, tenants, and the general public on how it is improving rental housing conditions, setting expectations and providing services and resources for each of those groups. Learn about the Hub initiative, how information is being shared, and the value it brings to helping the City achieve its community goals. /

Track I: Redistricting Geography

Local Redistricting Technology (45 Minutes) Ryan Squires, WI LTSB The Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) will outline and provide a demonstration of the local redistricting software called "WISE-LR". WISE-LR is a web application developed by the LTSB specifically for the state statutes of Wisconsin and local redistricting laws in 2021. This software will be used at the municipal and county level governments for local redistricting throughout the State of Wisconsin.

Local Redistricting in Wisconsin (45 Minutes) Joseph Kreye, Michael Gallagher, Staci Duros, WI LRB This session will cover basic redistricting law and principles and local redistricting law and process.

Wisconsin’s Decade in a Purple Haze: Using Geospatial Technologies to Analyze Wisconsin’s Recent Electoral Patterns (45 Minutes) Ryan Weichelt , UWEC Since 2010 Wisconsin Politics have been in a perpetual “Purple Haze.” Flip flopping from one party to the next, the Wisconsin electorate has seen subtle shifts in political support, yet patterns are far from temporally and spatially uniform as many believe. Political discourses concerning the study of elections have typically been reserved for the analysis of surveys and poll results. Yet, the use of maps in studying elections has been a common practice for centuries. The most famous of these early efforts was Fredrick Jackson Turner’s combination of quantitative methods and spatial analysis of election results in his Frontier Thesis. Today, with the help of geospatial technologies, electoral geographers have developed new techniques to study the spatial patterns of voters. This presentation will highlight how geospatial technology can be used to understand election patterns at various scales, how geography can help understand the electorate, and how proliferation of publicly available election data allows for a better understanding of Wisconsin’s recent electoral geography. This analysis will all be based on elections in the State of Wisconsin over the past few decades at the voting district and county levels.

Redistricting for Elections (45 Minutes) Greg Grube, WEC In this session, we will be discussing redistricting from an election administration perspective - once the final wards are created for the 10 year period, how do those get used for election purposes? We will talk about how clerks use the wards in their election planning and how those help determine what ballot a voter gets. We also will talk about the importance of regular updates of ward lines when annexations occur between redistricting periods, how to know when to create a new ward with changes in boundary lines and how having good school district information factors into the process. Finally, we will discuss some basics of election laws when it comes to district lines and how you as a GIS professional can help your clerks maintain better districts and address data to run smoother elections.


Track J: Emergency Response & 911

Introduction to U.S. National Grid (45 Minutes) Randy Knippel, Dakota Co, MN US National Grid (USNG) is the national standard for communicating location during an emergency response. Per the 2015 FEMA Directive 092-5, FEMA now requires its use by all federal responders, and encourages local jurisdictions to do the same. This presentation will introduce USNG basics and show examples of maps, applications, mobile apps and other resources that support its implementation in your community. FEMA, the National Search and Rescue Committee, Department of Defense, and several states have already implemented USNG as the “language of location” for both disaster and everyday operations. Tune in and find out how you as a GIS professional can contribute to moving the nation forward on this issue.

U.S. National Grid Emergency Location Markers - Reducing Response Times and Saving Lives (45 Minutes) Steve Swazee, SharedGeo Developed in response to requests from Search and Rescue teams in Northern Minnesota, Emergency Location Markers (ELM) for recreational trails have now spread to nine states. Leveraging the power of the U.S. National Grid, significant and well publicized installs can now be found in places like the Atlanta and Minneapolis-St. Paul metros, Kennedy Space Center, and Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield National Park. This presentation will address the wide range of issues inherent in an installation, from planning to implementation so you can determine if an ELM project makes sense for your community or club.

Do you have Attribute Rules in your NG911 Toolbox? (60 Minutes) Erin Strickler and Hunter Ray, Cloudpoint Geographics As your 911 agencies begin to receive their GIS data audit reports, do you have a plan for how to transform, update and maintain the data? This process can be a monumental task and many agencies need all the help they can get to streamline this process. Harnessing the power of Attribute Rules in ArcGIS Pro is one of the most useful tools for this complex task. This session will describe the creation and illustrate the use of a subset of over 20 attribute rules we have leveraged in our Clients' NG911 projects as we cleanup and maintain data on their behalf. We will also demonstrate how these rules can be taken to the next level in an ArcGIS Enterprise environment to allow for real-time validation of updates and corrections as they are being made.

Pulling Back the Curtain on the 9-1-1 Center (30 Minutes) Drew Fioranelli and Mark Whitby, DATAMARK|Michael Baker International As GIS professionals, we don’t always get to see how our data is used by our data ‘customers’. This is especially true when it comes to supporting Public Safety – unless we have the opportunity to visit the PSAP we are supporting, it can be hard to imagine what the end-user is experiencing. As the former Operations Manager at the Hamilton County Communications Center in Ohio, Brian MacMurdo has an inside view of what PSAPs are experiencing as they get ready for NextGen 9-1-1. He will share his Public Safety perspective of GIS in the PSAP, common obstacles that get in the way of collaborating with GIS, and ideas of how to cultivate the relationship between the PSAP and GIS.

/ Track K: UAS

UAS Lidar/Imagery Collection for the GIS/Mapping Professional (45 Minutes) Matt Vinopal, Ayres Associates The presentation will examine practical methods for using airborne LiDAR and imagery data for GIS and mapping professionals. This includes background information on lidar technology, best practices for use, and expected accuracies. In addition this presentation will compare three approaches for surveying and mapping site specific projects. Lidar and Imagery collected from UAS will be compared and contrasted to other aerial platforms. I will distinguish between LiDAR and photogrammetry, and discuss the most appropriate approach to various project types. I will cover the topics of expected accuracies and best practices for generating and using elevation datasets and planimetrics.

UAS Lidar Pilot Project, Southeastern Wisconsin (45 Minutes) Richard Kleinmann, Ayres Associates As part of a WisDOT Innovation Program, Ayres Associates conducted a UAS lidar pilot project using State Transportation Innovation Council grant funding. The test flights involved urban, suburban and rural roadway cross sections along STH 60 in Jackson, WI located in WisDOT’s Southeast Region. The focus of the project was to determine what level of accuracy can be achieved using lidar sensors on a UAS platform in a challenging environment. This required balancing data acquisition workflows needed to achieve accurate results with regulatory flight restrictions, all while maintaining a safe flight environment. Data comparisons were made between previously collected manned aerial lidar, multiple UAS mounted lidar sensors, terrestrial static lidar and imagery based UAS platforms over the project test site. Learn how the benefits of UAS lidar technology can be realized if you accept these real-world challenges.

Using Drone-Based Multispectral Imaging for Land Management (45 Minutes) Drew Baustian, MicaSense This session will provide an introduction to multispectral imagery, cover specifics on the steps of collecting and processing drone-based multispectral imagery and present examples of how such data is used for land management. Specific examples may include image/species classification and weed identification.

Introduction to Loc8.Life, a Patent-Pending Image Analysis Software Suite (45 Minutes) Gene Robinson, Loc8, LLC As sUAS programs expand around the globe, the volume of aerial imagery data collected grows exponentially. Unfortunately, there are few tools designed to analyze these terabytes of data captured by the growing squadron of drones. Loc8 was designed to address the expanding need for image analysis. Loc8 is a patent-pending image scanning technology that analyzes the individual pixels in any JPEG formatted digital image by searching for color(s) that match a user-defined color palette. Once the defined pixel color(s) are detected in the scanned images, Loc8 reports the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the location of the detected item(s). Loc8 was initially developed to quickly and effectively scan digital images (still and video, RGB or thermal) collected during search and rescue (SAR) missions to look for missing persons or objects. After its initial launch, Loc8 has expanded the range of industries where our patent-pending image scanning software can provide mission-critical analytical capabilities. As part of Loc8's research and development strategy, we have affiliated with several colleges where Loc8 has been incorporated into courses and research projects. To date, the courses and projects cover search and rescue, law enforcement, criminal investigations, crime scene analysis, public safety operations, emergency management, debris field mapping, wildlife population surveying, precision agricultural management, and utility infrastructure inspections. The educational institutions include Purdue University - School of Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Warren Community College - Criminal Justice Program, and Texas State University - Forensic Anthropology Research Facility.


Track L: Land Records & ROD

Confidential Records Identity Shielding: Balancing Privacy in the Land Records (60 Minutes) Lindsay Hall Harrison, Stewart Title Guaranty Company This session will introduce the topic of Confidential Records Identity Shielding (CRIS) and Privacy Redaction of the public land records. As more concerns over the privacy of protected parties are taken up by state legislatures across the country, how do we balance privacy concerns with the essential need to view and search land records in order to lien, convey, and examine title to real property. This presentation will introduce various laws taking shape across the U.S. and discuss best practices for new legislation in addition to familiarizing participants with the concerns and unintended consequences of these shielding and privacy laws.

PRIA GIS Workgroup-Integration - More Important Than Ever! (45 Minutes) Brent Jones, Esri | Chad Montgomery, Box Elder County, UT | Cindy Wisinski, Portage County, WI | David Rooney, Orange County, FL | Brandon Tourtelotte, Pro-West & Associates Are you familiar with the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) and that it has a GIS Workgroup? The Workgroup is at the forefront, on the national level, of bringing together GIS and Recorder’s technology to truly create unified and integrated Land Records in County Government. The GIS Workgroup is helping Recorders understand the issues involved, challenges to be overcome, technology guidelines, and most importantly, the value that GIS brings to a County Recorder! The panel includes Recorders from WI, UT, and FL, as well as GIS industry representatives from Esri and Pro-West & Associates.

Greater Wisconsin PRIA Local - What is it? (45 Minutes) Staci Hoffman, Jefferson County and Scott Moore, Fidlar We invite you to join us to learn about industry-wide relationships through Wisconsin’s local Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) Chapter. Industry leaders have long recognized the need for better communication between sectors at the local level, and a PRIA Local Chapter provides the structured forum needed. Good communication between local industry stakeholders is essential. In addition, it is important that perspectives and information are shared between national and local industry levels. Recognizing these needs and supported by the success of PRIA at the national level, an alliance was formed for the purpose of creating local industry workgroups to bring business and government stakeholders together.

Critiquing Tax-based Land Use Models in Small Cities: A GIS-based Inquiry in Eagan, Minnesota (30 Minutes) Kendell Hillis The postwar suburban development pattern has contributed to communities being financially unproductive, fragile, homogenous, and inefficient. Suburbs have shown to limit choices for residents, landowners, business owners, and workers. As cities throughout the United States enter second life cycles, the implications of development patterns, land use choices, and tax systems have never been more apparent. Short-term economic gains and quick outward growth has strained infrastructure systems and city services. This session will use economic data to visualize the effect of policy on community design in Eagan, Minnesota. A GIS-based model will be shared that spatially compares taxation methods and the financial outcomes of land use choices.


T rack M: GIS Solutions

What to Expect When You’re Expecting GIS to Support NG9-1-1 (60 Minutes) Annie Cahill and Sandy Dyre, DATAMARK|Michael Baker International There are a lot of varying opinions about how long it takes to prepare GIS data for NG9-1-1. Every state has different criteria and deadlines, and that makes it hard to set anything in stone. This session explores recommended strategies and workflows for the process lying ahead of you and helps set realistic expectations for determining particular tasks, level of effort, resources, and timelines.

Automate the Non-Programmer Way (30 Minutes) Justin Conner Sure there's dozens of programming languages available to automate work but honestly who has time to learn them all. For those of us who know enough to be dangerous there are ways to automate without programming. I'll walk you through the road closure notification system I created using Survey123 and Integromat. The system automates map creation, email group management, emailing a notice and posting to Facebook. The same basic principles apply to Microsoft Power Automate as well. So whether it be Integromat or Power Automate, I hope this session encourages you to automate workflows without the need of programming.

Viewing LiDAR Online (30 Minutes) Adam Derringer, Ayres Associates Viewing entire raw or classified Lidar point clouds can be daunting and confusing to users in a 2D environment. Turn your Lidar point clouds into interactive 3D maps with the new Ayres Lidar Online Viewer. This presentation will demonstrate how easy it can be to allow your users to quickly visualize entire Lidar point clouds and Lidar derived layers within a cloud environment. Measurements and site level information can be extracted and obtained directly from a Lidar point cloud by just a few simple clicks of your mouse. The Lidar viewed from any computer or mobile device without any software download needed. Tools and maps can be customized based on the specific need or on a project by project basis. Come and see just how easy it can be to visualize your project area today!

ArcGIS Solutions for Local and State Government: An Overview (60 Minutes) Jordan Miller, Esri This session will provide an overview of a set of solutions available for Local and State Government users.


Track N: Field Applications

Extend ArcGIS in the Field with RFID for Asset Management (60 Minutes) Emily Pierce, Berntsen By leveraging RFID technology and integrating GIS, this new solution streamlines asset management inspections. RFID-connected assets reduce the time required to locate specific assets, help to eliminate errors in data collection, and creates a "cloud-to-ground" connected RFID solution. This is ideal for those that work in asset management for municipal water and other utilities, as well as GIS specialists who manage asset datasets.

Better Decisions Earlier (30 Minutes) Jay Riester & Larry Heavner, Seiler Geospatial Augmenting the Architecture, Construction, Utility site with GIS & CAD data. A picture is worth a thousand words, we have all heard this statement many times. Have you ever wanted to see your 3D data live, in the field, and on your cell phone? Being able to visualize as-designed or existing GIS & CAD data can now be achieved in the field at Centimeter level accuracy. SiteVision is an easy-to-use, practical outdoor augmented reality system that lets you visualize your 3D data, and take accurate measurements. This tool helps your team and project stakeholders increase safety, explore options, and identify issues earlier in the construction process. Real world examples will be discussed.

What’s New With ArcGIS Field Maps (30 Minutes) Jay Riester & Gale Shea, Seiler Geospatial The Collector for ArcGIS software platform has been evolving in both the iOS and Android versions in the last year, “Again”. In this presentation, we will cover what is new and what is on the horizon for the Collector platform integrated with Field Maps. Highlights: ● Overview of ArcGIS Field Maps (View, Collect and Track) ● Tips and Tricks to setting up Field Maps on iOS and Android. ● Integrating High Accuracy GNSS Receivers with Field Maps. ● What’s on the horizon for Field Maps?

Cloud Native Open Data for Monitoring Applications (30 Minutes) Woody Wallace & AJ Wortley, Syncarto Embracing open data and cloud native formats can open a whole world of satellite data, including multi-spectral and SAR sensors, for you to incorporate into your monitoring programs. Even though resolutions are low for some local applications, relatively frequent return times, low costs, and now easier to use formats and better accessibility via spatio-temporal asset catalogs, make it an easy way to enhance your high resolution imagery, lidar, and parcel data. We'll provide an update on COGs and STAC and other cloud native formats, as well and update on the catalog of data becoming available in these formats.


Track O: Professional Development

Diversity, Stereotyping, Microaggressions, Unconscious Bias, Allies Workshop (2 ½ Hours) Santo Carfora, S & J Consulting, LLC This interactive module on Cultural Competency focuses on the meaning of diversity, how stereotyping impacts our biases (unconscious and explicit), microaggressions, and tools to become an ally. Participants will experience virtual breakout sessions, small and large group discussions, and videos, as they explore their personal biases on their way to become allies.

Building Your Professional Community (30 Minutes) Eva Reid, Eva Reid Consulting, LLC As we continue to live in a world that is transacting so much business virtually, it's important to implement strategies to build your professional network. Learn what it takes to build a network authentically, keep the network alive, and benefit from all the work that you put into it!


Meet our 2021 Sponsors and Exhibitors!

Ayres Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.AyresAssociates.com Ayres has been a platinum sponsor of the WLIA annual convention since 2004. With a team of 300+ innovative problem-solvers nationwide, we stand with integrity behind thousands of projects that strengthen communities and our country’s infrastructure, economy, and environment. Clients notice our project managers’ ability to translate and transform every detail into actionable, understandable, smoothly coordinated pieces of a successful project. Side-by-side with our client partners, our project managers serve as the confident, communicative navigators at the helm of each project. Their tools and expertise include geospatial, civil and municipal engineering, transportation, structural design and inspection, river engineering and water resources, architecture, landscape architecture, environmental, planning and development, and telecommunications and SUE.

Bad Elf, LLC Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.bad-elf.com Our Bad Elf GNSS receivers provide reliable and high-performance GPS reception to any Bluetooth equipped computing device -Apple, Android, or Windows. On iOS devices, Bad Elf accessories work with any location-based app in the iTunes App Store. Bad Elf also supports Android and Windows devices, providing streaming location data in standard NMEA sentences. Our products offer a range of capabilities and accuracies (from 2.5 meters down to 1 centimeter1) to match

your requirements.

Berntsen International, Inc. Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.inframarker.com Berntsen International, Inc. – Marking the infrastructure of the world. The smooth operation of the world economy depends on knowing precisely where boundaries exist, where utilities are located, where property ownership starts and ends and where a wilderness path leads. Since 1972, Berntsen has built that trust into every product we make, including the InfraMarker® infrastructure asset marking solution. Using proven RFID technology, InfraMarker precisely verifies field infrastructure asset location and links that data to GIS / digital asset management systems. InfraMarker for ArcGIS is a Release Ready Specialty and is found on Esri's ArcGIS Marketplace.

Cloudpoint Geospatial Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.cloudpointgeo.com Cloudpoint Geospatial is a leading provider of GIS solutions for organizations within public works, facilities, land records, utilities, transportation, and engineering sectors. As your trusted Esri business partner, we help people drive intelligent decision making using mapping technology. We are here to bring you ArcGIS Pro, Desktop, Enterprise, Portal and Online solutions all delivered through the Esri platform. Our portfolio varies from large asset inventories to big data solutions delivered through the cloud. /

Colligo GIS, Inc. https://ColligoGIS.com Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall Colligo GIS was born from a simple need, to create a more accessible GIS solution. Colligo GIS Desktop is the in-office side of Colligo GIS that provides the typical tools you would find in desktop GIS software as well as some unique items, all while being cloud-based for a maintenance free experience. Allowing users to access, update and analyze their GIS data in a centralized location. Colligo GIS Mobile is the field data-collection side of Colligo GIS giving field crews a streamlined interface to necessary GIS data in an automatic online/offline environment. With real-time editing, changes are automatically synced between field and office staff, keeping everyone updated with the latest content.

Compass Land Consultants, Inc. http://www.compasslandconsultants.com CLC, Inc. is a consulting firm that offers Appraisal, Forest Management, Real Estate Sales, and GIS Services. We have 5 offices in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. We also manage approximately 150,000 acres of forestland in Canada.

DATAMARK of Michael Baker International Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.datamarkgis.com DATAMARK, the public safety GIS team of Michael Baker, brings comprehensive, real-world expertise in police, fire, EMS, and 9-1-1 leadership roles to Next Generation 9-1-1 transitions. The DATAMARK team leads the industry by shaping rules and legislation, and by building a suite of products and services that ensure accurate emergency response location data in life-critical situations. DATAMARK empowers its team and stakeholder partners to foster trusted relationships and cultivate data integrity for informed decision making. The team works with clients to solve their complex needs, from data quality checks, addressing workflow analysis and more.

Diggers Hotline https://www.diggershotline.com Non-profit organization to help excavator safety and damage prevention. Safe digging projects start

with a free call or click to Diggers Hotline. It's easy, free and it's the law.

Fairview Industries https://www.fairview-industries.com Fairview Industries is an information technology services firm based in Pendleton, South Carolina. Since 1983 Fairview has provided support for geographic information system implementation. Ranging from strategic planning, needs analysis and situation assessments to data design, workflow improvement and implementation architecture.


Fidlar Technologies Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.fidlar.com Leading provider of land records recording software in Wisconsin. Fidlar’s company vision is to be the premier provider of technology and services for the management of public information across the United States.

GISinc Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.gisinc.com We are a GIS and location technology company dedicated to the success and happiness of our clients and our people. As an employee-owned small business, our passion has led us through over 29 years of consulting and

solving “where” problems for our clients.

GPI Geospatial, Inc. Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.gpinet.com GPI Geospatial, Inc. (GPI) has been a premier provider of geospatial solutions for over 47 years. We provide precision mapping, imagery, and LiDAR acquisition as well as surveying services for transportation, planning, design, construction, energy, and government clientele. GPI owns and operates multiple aircraft and vehicles equipped with advanced imagery and LiDAR sensors, providing customized solutions for our clients whether it’s from the air, ground, or mobile platforms. GPI is a trusted provider of geospatial and mapping services.

GRAEF Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://graef-usa.com GRAEF is a full service engineering, planning, and design firm that provides tailored engineering and design solutions for our clients. Our mission is to improve the physical environment for the benefit of society in a sustainable manner. GRAEF offers civil, GIS, structural, environmental, transportation, bridge, MEP, construction, industrial architecture and industrial engineering as well as landscape architecture, operations, planning, and aviation engineering consulting, in addition to land surveying from offices located in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Chicago, Miami, Orlando and Minneapolis.


H eartland Business Systems Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.hbs.net Heartland Business Systems will help you reach your document management goals. In today’s offices, storage space is at a premium and efficient information dissemination is critical to maintain productivity. HBS can safely transfer all your data to the media of your choice or help you implement a system for managing your documents and information locally. HBS can empower your organization with document imaging, enterprise content management, web content management, workflow solutions, automated data entry, or archival storage. HBS helps you identify your records and information problems, gain file integrity, provide for business continuation backup, and decrease your clerical costs by incorporating modern record management and reengineering tools with your existing system. HBS offers a full range of products, services and data storage systems to help businesses of every size store and retrieve millions of pages of archived documents. Customers across the Midwest look to HBS for innovative solutions to help solve paper overload, saving time and expenses associated with warehousing mountains of documentation.

LandNav http://www.landnav.com While our mission has remained unchanged for nearly 40 years, our software has evolved considerably. From changing technologies to changing needs, one thing has remained constant – our customers have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the ease and power offered by the integrated LandNav suite of solutions. LandNav’s ability to meet change has been demonstrated many times over the years. From our first installations on IBM mini-computers to today’s powerful Web-based application using SQL database, our software has been on the leading edge of innovation. Our staff prides itself on providing timely solutions that allow customers to get their work done right and on time.

Legislative Technology Services Bureau Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://legis.wisconsin.gov/ltsb The nonpartisan Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) is responsible for providing technical support to the Wisconsin Legislature and its service agencies. Every decade, the GIS team provides redistricting training to the Legislature, as well as local municipalities and counties. The GIS team also coordinates the statewide collection of municipal GIS datasets, participates in all geographic boundary improvement programs offered by the U.S. Census Bureau, and maintains district boundary information to both the Legislature and the public.

MasterGraphics Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.mastergraphics.com MasterGraphics has provided innovative print technology to the engineering and design community for over 70 years in the central Midwest. Our mission is to provide the most advanced technology to our clients to ensure they have the best-in-class processes for leveraging both 2D and 3D printing. Improving our clients’ efficiency, competitive advantage, time to market, and innovation by offering state of the art solutions from valued partners is our pledge.


MiCAMP Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.micamp.org The Michigan Communities Association of Mapping Professionals (MiCAMP) is a non-profit, statewide group that encourages the exchange of ideas, experiences, and practical development of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) between all levels of government, non-profits, agencies, and the private sector. The main focus of MiCAMP throughout the year is organizing a fall GIS conference.

MN GIS LIS Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.mngislis.org Our mission is to develop and support the GIS professional in Minnesota for the benefit of our state and its citizens. The Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium got its start in 1988 as one of the nation's first forums to communicate and share information among the growing community of environmental and natural resource geographic information system users and data producers in Minnesota. Initially, the group was named "Minnesota Natural Resource Geographic Information Systems (NRGIS) Consortium. In 1990, the Steering Committee unanimously adopted to change the group’s name to the Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium and the first state-wide conference was held. In 1992, the Consortium incorporated as a state and federally- recognized non-profit run by a Board of Directors elected by the members, thus creating the basic structure of the Consortium that still exists today.

MSB Payment Processing https://msbgovserv.com/payment-processing MSB is a Level 1 PCI Compliant Payment Facilitator, who works exclusively with State and Local Governments. We are a revenue recovery provider of choice for 600+ agencies nationwide. We receive accolades for our training and for the customer service we provide to millions of constituents. We benefit from the backing and innovation resources of Navient, a leading provider of business processing solutions with a multibillion-dollar market capitalization.

NV5 Geospatial Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://quantumspatial.com NV5 Geospatial, powered by Quantum Spatial, is North America's most comprehensive provider of geospatial services, providing end-to-end solutions and insights to organizations that need geospatial intelligence to mitigate risk, plan for growth, better manage resources and advance scientific understanding. We combine the widest array of advanced remote sensing technologies with proprietary processes, analytics tools, algorithms, and analysis tailored to meet our clients' needs.


Panda Consulting Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.pandaconsulting.com Panda Consulting, (Panda), is a Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services firm licensed to provide Surveying and Mapping services in the State of Florida (LB 7734) and is pleased to provide the following information regarding the proposal. For over 18 years, Panda has been an ESRI Business Partner and brings decades of experience in providing the highest quality data conversion, design, and mapping.

Pro-West & Associates, Inc. Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.prowestgis.com Pro-West & Associates is an award-winning GIS consulting firm based in Walker, MN. Pro-West supports many Wisconsin cities and counties with creative solutions to their land records challenges, enabling them to provide better public service through accurate information that is efficiently managed and easily accessible. Pro-West has been providing GIS data services, planning, application development, training, and system integration for 33 years and has been an Esri partner for 30 years.

Ruekert & Mielke Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.ruekertmielke.com Ruekert & Mielke (R/M) is a 100% employee-owned civil engineering firm with more than 70 years of experience partnering with communities and businesses to help them overcome infrastructure challenges. R/M develops and supports AssetAlly, a GIS-driven solution that solves common problems for municipalities. Built from 20+ years of input from over 50 communities, AssetAlly integrates all your community assets into a single, intuitive, digital tool that empowers your staff to be more productive with easy access to accurate infrastructure data. R/M’s knowledgeable staff will guide you through a phased implementation plan to create an appropriate solution for your community and help transition your staff.

State Cartographer’s Office Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.sco.wisc.edu The State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) is Wisconsin’s resource for information about maps, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), land information systems (LIS), and geospatial technology. We support the state’s geospatial community through presentations and educational workshops, technical consulting, print and digital publications, Web-based catalogs and data services, and information about events, jobs and emerging trends. The SCO provides services to a diverse array of mapping and geospatial data producers and consumers in Wisconsin. This includes helping the general public find and understand map resources through our free online and phone services. The SCO also serves as a liaison between professionals in government, education, nonprofits and the private sector, helping to expand the adoption and effective use of geospatial technology and methods in these sectors.


Seiler Instrument Geospatial Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.seilergeo.com Seiler Geospatial is one of the largest suppliers of brand name surveying & supply equipment in the Midwest. We are Authorized Distributors for Trimble, Spectra Precision, Esri, Nikon, Autodesk, DJI, Laser Technology, Inc., Ecobot, and many more. We have nationally recognized service and repair facilities and offer certified training and support across the Midwest. Our headquarters operates out of St. Louis and we have six other offices across the Midwest including Wisconsin. Seiler’s team members are all skilled professionals that believe in a hands-on approach to working with our customers. Our team members include Registered Land Surveyors, Certified GISP Professionals, Licensed Pilots, Certified Trainers as well as other surveying, mapping, LiDAR Specialists and many other skilled professionals and support staff.

SharedGeo Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.sharedgeo.org SharedGeo is a Minnesota 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to helping government, nonprofit, education, and corporate entities use mapping technologies and share geographic data for the public good. Past and current collaborative partners include federal, state, tribal, county, municipal, nonprofit, and

corporate entities.

Symbiont Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.symbiontengineer.com Symbiont Science, Engineering and Construction, Inc. (Symbiont) is an employee-owned, nationally-recognized design-build firm. Our in-house professionals seamlessly execute projects that support our clients in achieving their long-term business goals. We provide nationwide coverage, completing projects in 48 states. Our team has grown to include civil, chemical, controls, electrical, environmental, mechanical, process, structural, and wastewater engineers as well as geographic information systems (GIS), modeling, environmental & regulatory compliance, and construction management specialists. We work with clients in the manufacturing, municipal/public, energy, and general construction markets.

Syncarto Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://syncarto.com Syncarto is cloud-native mapping platform that makes it easier to manage, analyze, and share geospatial data via the cloud. We help organizations reduce time and effort required to go from data collection to the delivery of actionable information to their customers and constituents. Rapidly catalog and provide tile services for large raster catalogs. Easily create custom dashboards with maps and graphs.


Transcendent Technologies Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall http://www.transcendenttech.com Transcendent Technologies is a provider of solutions and services for state, county, and local government entities. Our software packages include applications that support parcel management, property taxation, tax payment, general receipting, permitting activities and land conservation. Each software package is designed to integrate seamlessly with other government systems including tract indexes, document imaging, geographic information, and financial systems. This design greatly enhances the land management process, improving efficiency and reducing errors. Our understanding of government processes gives us a unique advantage in assisting government entities with custom development and integration services. Most recently, we have launched our GIS Services Division and have released our first product which is the WI Real Estate Sales Finder. We look forward to assisting customers with GIS services moving forward. Overall, our services group can assist you in optimizing and improving your overall business workflow.

UW Applied Population Lab Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://apl.wisc.edu The Applied Population Laboratory (APL) is a group of research and outreach professionals in the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

UW-Madison Environmental Professional MS Programs Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://nelson.wisc.edu/graduate/professional-programs/index.php The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers professional Master of Science graduate programs designed to meet the demand for careers in the environmental and geospatial sectors. The 15-month online and in-person programs are accelerated, cohort-based, and practical. The “Environmental Observation & Informatics” (EOI) MS degree provides training in using earth observation data and geospatial information science to make informed decisions to address our most pressing environmental challenges. The program is designed for early-career professionals to advance their career by strengthening their technical expertise, professional networks, and toolkit for how to respond to environmental challenges at local, regional, and global scales. Are you a student or geospatial professional interested in earning a MS degree? Or, are you an organization interested in working with well-trained and supported graduate students to advance your ongoing work? Stop by to talk with the EOI graduate program coordinator.


Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://wgnhs.wisc.edu The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey conducts earth-science surveys, field studies, and research. We provide objective scientific information about the geology, mineral resources, and water resources of Wisconsin. We communicate the results of our activities through publications, technical talks, and responses to inquiries from the public. These activities support informed decision making by government, industry, business, and individual citizens of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Register of Deeds Association (WRDA) Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.wrdaonline.org The Register of Deeds Office was established in Wisconsin in 1836. The 1848 Wisconsin constitution established the Register of Deeds as a permanent element of the county-level government structure. We file, record, and issue copies of instruments and documents of significance to both the community as a whole and to its individual citizens. Vital records document the span of our lives from birth to death. During the past 150+ years, the Register of Deeds office has utilized advanced technology to handle the increasing workload. These advancements have allowed us to provide a higher level of service to our customers during tough budget constraints.

Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) Visit in Virtual Exhibit Hall https://www.wsls.org The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors is a statewide organization representing the majority of land surveyors licensed to practice in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) was founded in 1952 as a professional organization dedicated to the following objectives and goals: (1) To promote the common good and welfare of its members; (2) To advance the profession of land surveying by promotion high standards of practice and ethical conduct; (3) To encourage and support educational programs for its members; and (4) To promote a better understanding and appreciation of how surveyors serve the public interests.
