kbi fObrtBBir' OTBUItSDAT, AFBIC 1 « T flfatur^Btgr Ettgwfata f Braid ft, AVSRAOB DAILT OIBCCLATIOM Hiss Jane Grant of the Whlton r tor the amatt at March. IMT THE WBATHBR The Highland fin formerly of this town. VOL. LVL, N a 180 meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3 follow. Hemingway, Raymond ElUa, Jamea tomorrow, and thelmaquet and baU SELF SERVE Adverttotog m P a g , IS ) Ownrtl will naat timlcht at 7:30 at rial capacity of district superintend Brennan. Kenneth caupman, John the Hotel Elton thia evening. A MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, APRIL 30,1937 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS tlw (ttmaca. o'clock In Center Church House by ent Dr. D. M. Geklwell who was called Mrs. Valentine Seamon on "The Art The Orange Hail Corporation will McDowell and Joaeph Maaon, a for- to Canada on account of Ulnesa In number of the mambmn plan to at- 2:30 TO 5:30 FRIDAY of Entertaining.” The speaker la give a "Bingo” party Saturday night mer resident of Manchester, now of the family will mtum to town to- tend, the aeasions tomorrow. tm M ea e t tha Peace Louis D. connected with the New Tork at 8:80, when a large supply of gro­ Hoadley WUIes of Fairfleld str^t H artfo^ Games were enjoyed SPECIALS 1 oC Bolton returned last nlKbt Heiald-Trlbune and comes highly ceries as well ss other valuable left today to attend the Eastern Re­ and refrcff*-^shments-----*- —aerved. a Uiree months’ vacation In the recommended. Tea will be served. prises will be swarded. Monthly gional Cdnference of, the Child Wel­ tsisith. Re left Beb. 7 and spent the tickets should be brought as the fare League of America at tha Ho- WUUam Oswald of 188 Spruce S-Pooid Ohi winter and early sprlnj; In Flor. Townsend aub No. 2 wUI hold lU monthly prise to be drawn Includes tel McAlpIn, New Tork, tofaorrow street and his daughter, tri— Mar­ tourtDf as far west as Dallas, regular meeting tomorrow night at A pair of blankets, bedspread, two and Saturday. Mrs. WlUes and her garet Oswald, left Tuesday for a funeral Sfr. Baton left Nashville, 8 o'clock at the T. M. C. A. ud-all sheets and two pillow rases. (laughter. Barbara Ann. ai^ spend­ trip through New Tork and Penn­ F. E . BR AY early Tuesday morning and ing a few days with relaUves In sylvania. canco are welcome to attend. A social ited the 1100 mile trip to Woodbury. Ruth Kenton, of Fair- PLANES SINK WARSHIP period with refreshments will follow Jeweler lester late last night The Manchester Democratic field street accompanied them. the business. Women's club wiu meet Tuesday state Theater BaBding 5 7 - evening. May 4, at 8 o'clock at the ADVERTISEMENT 737 Main Street Build Socket For World’s Biggest ''Eye** home of Mrs. P. R. Brannlck. 149 ECONOMY PLEA r CLASSES IN >1 Oakland street. Market garden ferUUser tl.95 per W alterN .Leclercl Watch and Jewelry Lorgo Pmduigo CUT 100 Iba Also seed poUtoeT W POPULAR SINUING Harry England. Telephone 345], Funeral Director Repairing At ABSL' RATE! Every Ssturday Morning, lljlS The quarterly meeting of ■ the UKELYTOHAVE Onaraataed Electrical and At the Eut Side Washington Social club will be heid 259 No. aialn St. PbofM 5289 Reasonable Prices RINSO 700 INSURGENTS KILLED; tonight at 8 o'clock. Aato Bepalrlng Instructor: lar M Cooper Street Step in and see one LITIIE HTECT BstaMlehad IMI ETHEL VON DECK The Ladles Aid society of the Men’s - Women’s - failldreB*S Phone 81121 of Manchester’s 2 Swedish Congregational churdh wiu HAIR CUTS - 25c. meat tomorrow night at 7:45 wUb 2 Barben — No Waiting! Largest Selections Mrs. A. A. Nflsson of 43 Madlsoo of Greeting Cards Uomheyo’ Boktng iprokUe That the Corrent street CULOTTA'S ONE HUNDRED SAVED BARBER SHOP g4 oak Bt. Lawnmowers Cards For All C h o c o l a t e Year’s Budget WiD Be Cot Speetel! Sharpened Occasions ANDERSON Mach; Deny That F. D. R. SETBACK! OreeahooM, u d Flower Shop EXPANDS RULE Seml-Fomtal French People*s Front Big Espana Is | Sharpened and 168 Bldridgo St. PboDe-S48a 2 1 9 * Sought 15 P. C Discretion Tomorrow Ni/?ht DeMoIay Dance OF PRESIDENT TOMORROW NIGHT Reconditioned OANCINO EVERT SATVBOAT Orangre Hall NIGHT AT TUB Featuring WaahlQgton, April 30.—(AP) — Demands Quick Move I Special Note! This (reek's port; We Call For 3(APLX GROVE INN Flacal aperta predicted today that Hit By Bomb J oill be beM la the banquet haJL IN TRADE Knights of Rhythm StoSbrd Spring,, finim. Prerident RooMvelt'a appeal for ex­ with and Deliver. ’’Bmle” Rock u d HI, Orehmtrm. In Basque Situation 4 PrizesI Adm. 25c. Y ’ Dancing School Recital tra eooaomiea In government be­ Tony O’Bright No Mlalmam! N , Oovor! tween now and July 1 would have little ^ e ct m whittling the current New “Neolrality” Law Is Off S^tand^j and Friday afternoon, 2:30. fiscal }rear's budget telow 17,781,- Paris, April 30.— (AP) — Sposed evacuaUon, tnslaUng flrat on Ij>cal Amateurs Snow B ros. 000.000. Department bead, rouat agreement between the Bpanlah bel­ Friday evening, 7:30 - ■ V '. Passed, Sent hy Plane Socialist Premier Leon Blum’s 8:30 . MASONIC TEMPLE 282 North Main Street reply by tomorrow to a recent let­ government, under the urging ligerents to make the evacuation Is Your Cir Ready ter from the President asking what possible. Was First War Vessd of Anj^ MODEBNIZINar Admission $1,35 per couple. Telephone 4531 or 4506 For W HiTON Me m o r i a l l i b r a r y savings they can effect by “eUmln- to Roosevelt; Borah Is of all ranks of its supporters, Insurgent approval of such an For Inspection? ating or deferring all expenditures was reported to be pressing agreement was considered unlikely w ^ •vsttAIsv yen suir amd. On sappliM a . RETREAD TIRES AUDITORIUM which are not absolutely necessary." mm In French political circles, since it Size to Be SobIe by A ir ^ • sjjd ^ Bair VMiUy osd vet pcIeM m» fiw lemst eeulstnl wtfli I IP 'you NEED WLNDSHIELD.S, Nearer and nearer comes the day when, for the lin t Ume. man will be able to peek 7,200,000,000,000 000- Great Britain today to join or That letter preceded his revised Lone G. 0 . P. Supporter. would. be to the advantef^ of the HEADLIGHT GLASSES OR Adults, 25c, Afternoon and Evening. budget message to Congress, which 000,000 miles Into space. While the 300-lnch eye at the telescope is being prepared at Pmwdena for the France in attempting rescue of besieged Basques. plane m N nnl Hiitory;|^ BEPAlBlNOt I GOOD USED TIRES—SEE . Children, 10c Afternoon, 15c Evening. slashed this year's expected q>end- Mount Palomar Observatory In California, the mammoth mounUng is being completed at the Westingbouse 150,000 women and children SxKlalists, Communltsts and Rad­ »v<«l«»»»sl»--whslb.T H-s s isw b«l omenta,, e. e USED TIRES Ing about 1295,000.000. Officials plant In South Philadelphia, Pa. At left workmen busily put finishing touches on the ring to which the Washington, April 30.—(AP) — ical SoxdaUste denounced the Inaur- ^ 9 qiTS ysw srosv cvsfsi ollMittOB n 4 dsIlTSf pfcsq^;. e ^ will be attached. Sketched Is the interior of the (8.000.000 .observatory, financed by the Rockefeller from besieged Bilbao. PANTALEO See said that revision took Into account Congress, winning a race against genU aa "assassins" bexuitiae of on Think 100 Men R escied;! aome possible cuts. Ihey ex­ FoundaUon, showing the massive machinery which will move the big eye about the heaveiu A person close to the premier alr-rald on Guernica, near Bilbao, BDODINOr BROS. Notice ! Notice ! pressed doubt any further reduction time, supplanted a temporary neu­ declared French officials were In which aome 800 persons were y * ^ i?L'*"*-** ^ sstoale ae oil lha molatlali Horace Street CAMPBELL’S of importance could be made. | trality law today with a statute conferring with British foreign killed. Hard Blow to Rebel CaiscS *• • smva tTarydilai han lha leoadeOae la lha not. Just Off WelherrII street SERVICE STA. TONIGHT! WhUe the Treasury awaited the broadening restrictloru against office authorities “with a view Demand Aettoa. Phone 3348 departmental reports. House and trade with warring nations. Leaders THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. 276 Main Street Give Yourself A Treat! 8 «a te leaders clashed over methods ROOSEVET READY to common action inspired sole­ The group called cm the govern­ Good Used Cam and Parta. Meetings To Be Held Broiled Lobater Lobator Thermldor SHORTER HOURS FAVORED decided to rush the new measure by ment to act "In tha fact o t the Bilbao, Spain, April 80.— ^ *5^?***.*"®"^* Mm ow * Supplies, Pslnt of reducing next year's budget. Sen plane to Prealdenc Roxisevelt, vaca­ ly by the high call of human­ 9$$ No, Mmin St. 4149 Msnrhpster LobKter A La Newburg ator Robinson of Arkanesa, the ity.” massacre ot Basque popuIaUons.” — (A P)—^The Spanish insur>' Aad As Gaual Onr Famons RavtoU tioning on the Gulf cxjaat, for signa­ Sources close to (he French gov­ Democratic leader, joined those de­ FOR FISHING HUP ture before the present act expires The goxrernment's reported move gent battleship Espana waa manding a flat cut of 10 per cent > ernment declared the Paris aad FOR PIPLOYEES OF STATE tomorrow. The bill repressated a came on the heels of a request from London foreign offiCM.wem xUacusar sunk today in 32 1-2 fathonp WHILE rUET LAST! Music By la all 1939 appropriations. the National Oommittee i>f the Pexr- Saturday, May 1 ChaUsoge Banirtiend. - partial victory for Secretary ot Ing a common stand xm the evacua­ of Biscayan sea by a flghttoff;; SPRING SPECIAL Ortifled Fuiey Green Mona- THE FOUR MELODY BOYS State Hull and bla aasoclatss, who ple's Front—the combined Leftist tion. tam or IrtMi Gobbler 1/eaders of the “economy block' parties supporting Blum—that fleet of government bombing | ' Featuring Eddie Dunne with whom be thus aaaiKiated him­ If Weather Permits the Pres­ long have advx>x»ted greater xUs- (London reported Indlcatloos both House Approves Measure HAMILTON SEES creUonary powers for the President France help cvaxniate 800,000 civil­ French and British warablps ihlght planes— possibly with bun-! Innerspring self challenged the declaration of ians immediately frr>m the Baaqiie T. W. O. C. — C. I. O. S E E D The Best of Speaker Bankhead (D„ Ala.) that In administering this country's neu­ help take civilians out of the Basque dreds of casualties. She wask ; Reducing Weekly Honrs ident Win Be Out In trality policy. ^ capital and provide ahelter In capital. the first war vessel of anyf MINES • LIQUORS AND BEER President Roosevelt favored a pro­ France. Mattress POTATOES! posal for leaving the responsibility NEW PARTY LINES Congressional action was com­ (France, it was said, wanted Gen. size to be sunk by an alrplanaS pleted late yesterday when the The committee proposed sending Francisco Franco, the insurgent A meeting of Broad Goods and Jacquard IC£. for cutting cosU in hU bonds. Rep. a Small Boat Today. an "effectively protecW" French in all naval history. Cannon (D., Mo.) Iiad suggested to 54 at State hstitntions; Senate by a vote of 41 to 15 accept­ commander-ln-chlrf, to proqil*e non­ PINEHURST — DIAL 4151 $ 1 2 * 5 0 Weavers is scheduled for Saturday, May $2.75 ed a compromise measure to which ship to Bilbao and the uae xif force interference xrith the forei^ men- One hundred and ten menWl 1 that 19 per cent of every depart­ agalnat the insurgent bkKkades, tf Simmons and Red Cross O A K G R I L L ment's appropriation be impounded, the House already bad agreed. of-war, and Britain hoped for a tem­ bers of thd crew of the 16,140»j; at 2 P. M. at Sheridan Hotel, Room . |Everybo4y'f Had Been Working 70. G. 0. P. Chainnan Declares New Orleans, April 30—(AP) — Senator Borah of Idaho was the necessary. porary truce between the Spanish Mnttressps 5 Formerly Oak St Tavern to be released In whatever amount PoUUxsal sources aald the commit- ton Espana were known PRESM FISH VEGETABLES ^ h Cater To Banquets Tel. S894 ‘ the Prssldent saw lit. With memories of a rousing recep­ only Republican wbo voted for the beUlgerante during the evaouatloa. tion ta this andant Crescent Oty, agreement. tea's xtsmand for French aid to tiM The Spanish government’s for­ have bMn saved by the instuw:' BOSTON BLUE..12Vic lb. (2ean, Crisp Market Wo Are Slumber, of the Oak Street Merchaato' AmocUUoa. Senators contended the President His Mail Shows BBm MLoumoa refiectex) (ha govanip A meeting of Old iMill Preparation De­ Dial 5721 had taken no part la the dispute state Capitol, Hartford. April SO. Pzaaldeat Boassvslt emlsi8 tedsy eign minister, Julio Alvarea Dal gent daaMujtr Velasco, by gov^l (P ollock). KEMP'S —(AP)—A bill fixing the houn of menril x>wn wish, bat that Franca Vayo, was In Paris, prsaumably B ooekoi NATIVE SPINACH over whether the cut should be ‘somewhere along the gulf coast," Senators Vandenberg (R-Mlch) would base her final daxUslon on that emment fishing boats and ' nr partment is scheduled for Saturday, Mav 1 made by Congress dr the Chief work for employes In state Instltu- a New Public Attitude. and Johnson (R-Calif) led the op- seeking foretgn and In removing Bil­ FILET HADDOCX, 23c lb. Executive. looking for fighting tarpon. of Britain. bao's endangered populace. armed government traaderO^ Uons at 54 a week was approved to­ poeltion, "The bill transfers a con­ Would Take Children. from Santander. Youngr Dandelions at 2 P. M. at Union Office. Senator Brynes (D., S. C.), author Col. Edwin M. Matson, tall and siderable portion of the war mak­ The seml-autonomous Bosque ad­ day by the House. strapping military aide, bet the The Lonxlon government already ministration at Bilbao, allied xrith FRESH EASTERN c peck of the flat-cut propo.ial. said that Washington, April 80.—(AP)— ing powers of Congress to the Presi­ Hence, if the Espana carried : 21 leaving tha savings fund In the The measure wss one of nine President a dinner that he, Watson, had agrexid to give a haven to a the Madrid-Valencte government Her full complement of 854 o(n> h a l i b u t ...... , .38c lb. John Hamilton, Republican National arould catch the flrat one. dent,” siUd Vandenberg, objecting ‘‘Umllrd number" of children from against the Insurgents, appealed INSURANCE The regular monthly Velvet Depart­ hands of the President would Im­ passed by the repreeentativea dur­ to the dlsxu^etlonary provislona. cers and men, that would IravaT : Asparagus Green Beans pose a great burden on Mr. Roose­ ing a brief perfunctory "Fightless chairman. Indicated today his forth­ The vacationing Chief Ehtecutive Bilbao. It had not said what help yesterxlay to xvorld powers to pro­ Bnnt Grade Oompicta Linca of PnlccUont Johnson contendxrd the measure was Britain would provide In the prx>- F r«h Peas Carrots ment meeting will be held Saturday, Mav 1 velt. Friday" session which brought to coming campaign against Roosevelt with bis son Elliott and aides start- vide refugee havens. 744 unaccounted for. It wag : FILET SO LE ...... 19c lb. ex' the 110-mlle trip down the Missis­ more likely to involve the nation tn white Bunch Turnips AatomoMIe — FIro — Borslar* Would Never Give L'p. a close the 17th legislative week. policies would be on a non-partisan war than to keep it neutral. Senator possible, however, -that many.: FRESH SHAD COD Accident — Ufa — Liability at 2 P. M. at Tinker Hall. "Heads of departments interested The Senate, In session leas than an sippi to the Gulf at 5:05 p. m., On- Native Head I,ettuce basis, designed to carry Into the tral time, yesterxlay, on the fast. Robinson (D-Ark) leading the sup­ of the rescued were not immeti. SALMON MACKEREL Radishes Rareripes Jewelry — GIsaa — Surety Bonds hour, passed about two dozen bills, diately reported. tGouttsued on Page Fourteen) 1938 Oangresalonal elections. porters of the bil said the 0>nstltu- Tomatoes Cucumbers All employees in above named depart­ among them three reorganisation (Osattansd on Page Two) tlon gave to the President rather EQUALIZATION BILL STEE INDUSTRY It also was poosibla tha Bapaaa . FVeeb Stewtaig proposals transferring certain duUes He will make the first of four than Congress the authority to con­ xnraa far abort of bar maximum coos* OYSTERS .. now performed by the comptroller speeches on (nirrent Issues Saturday duct foreign relations. plament. (Ihaxirgent communlquaa'^ .33c pt. Benjamin Cheney ments are urged to attend their respective to the public works commissioner. 175 E.AST CE.N'TEK STREET night. The prlncl|jal change from the FOR SCHOOLS OUT up to this evening xUd not even maa* department meetings. FDR’S COURT PLAN The bill reducing the hours of em­ SHOWING A BOOM tton tha sinking.) SHELL FISH TEL. sots ployees In state Institutions was "From talks with party leaders CARELESS AUTOIST present law is the so-xudled "cash Confectioners’ Personal and ttommerclal and Republican members of (ton- and cany” provision, which In­ Tha ahx>rt-Uved bxit hiatorle Inci*. Clame for Cbonder. Ught Brown, Dark Brown passed unanimously after the House dent was raported to have oceufrsa: Surveys LOCAL 2125. was told the heads of the instltu- gress," Hamilton said In an Inter­ augurates an entirely new aspexit ot • ...... p*“ i < SUG.4R...... 2 pkgs. 15c BEFORE aUBWOMEN view, "and from what I’ve learned American neutrality policy. Opera­ at 9 o'clock this morning, four mUaS' W "® ...... 15c ,1. Uons were agreed that something STILL UNDER FIRE State Assembly Groop WOl Head of BetUdiem Corpora* off Capa Mayor, whUe tha Bapaaa^’'' Ij^ming game ...... 2 gts. 85c should be done to lighten the bur­ about the attitude of other mem­ tion ot this section Is limited to trto bers, I think I know pretty well the years. her eight 13-lnxdi guns clearaxl, ,ne^' dens of the workers. helping tha Velaooo keep tim 1,0U:' , *> BeaBepe...... 44c pt. In some Instancea, the represen- sentiment asoong t b ^ who dis­ C. S. Vesseto Barred Report Agamst It; WiO tioo Reports That Or­ agree-with Mr. Roosevelt's present Under it, the President at his dis­ ton British freighter Brora from the„ Monbers at the National teUves were told, the work week for Another Bfll Aimed at Him government port of Saataader. FVsah Shipment Birag'n '* o o sT a »''^ i^ pooM '' Institutional employes was as long state of mind" cretion may apply certain limita­ tions to the export of war materials Vote for Grants Instead. ders Are Pleotifiil Now. The Brora was one o t a aumbxir Chicken Chop Suey S pjM eh ...... 19c pkg. as 70 or 80 hours. For several wceka. especially o t merchaat vesaeta which bav(4- CooTention Hear Senator Rising to urge paauge of the alnce the dispute arose over Su­ to belligerents aa well aa prohibit Clean. No Grit I to Be Presented to the outright the shipment to them ot been running food and supplies to 29c Ib. Brussels Sprouts ...... 23c measure. Representative Victor P. preme Court reoigxnlsaUon, Re­ Santander or Bilbao, hriirgog' Fontaine of Norwich said the re­ publican headquarters mall was de­ arms, ammunition ano Implements state Ctaipitol, Hartford. April 30. . April 30.—^(AP)—The Noodles, 10c. Sauce, 10c. Blueberries...... 25c EXTRA Wheeler Score die ScJierae of war. Basque capital on tha Bay at duced work week itould mean "a scribed aa leas along party lines. Legislature Next Week. —(AP)—The General- Assembly rousing Increase In earnings of ma­ American merchant vessels trill cay- happier day for the employes of Hamilton aald be found new al­ (tommittee on education xrill report jor steel companies on the first One of flva Spanish govenunoslg- these Institutions'' and "a brighter legiances forming, but declined to quarter ot this year gained added Tulsa. Okla., AprU SO.—(A P I - (Goatteoed on Page Sts) unfavorably to the House on the (3,- planes, roaring out to sea from Federated Club women caUed up for and happier day for the atate of say as yet whether or how the Re­ Hartford, April 30.—(AP)— A 500.000 schiml equalization bill. significance In Wall street toxlay, tander, dropped a bomb squaralW’ HARRIETT SCHALLER HORAN a vote today a resolution opposing Connecticut." publican organization might under­ bill aimed at i»releas motorists, folloxring optimistic predictions for amldablps of the Ehqxana, prntirtajfi!' Better Employee take to attract Democratic diaaent- toa-n and city courts and aectlona of The group, meeting late yester­ second quarter businesa by Eugene President Rooaevelt's Supreme day, took this action on the lost ot B t that point by on eight-inch baxtS ‘ ANNOUNCES THE OPENING Court program after greeting a Fontaine pointed out that with ers. the motor vehicles department came Grace, president of Bethlehem Steel ot armor plate. WOW! lOOK Weekly Breadeasta out xif the Highway Safety commit­ LOST TOT IS FOUND several equalisation bills It consld- Corp. 45 minutes later the Espana sonk,% YOU RE RIGHT! SATURDAY, MAY 1st, OF . . . United States Senator’s attack of better working conditions, the state ered. Members of the committee the plan with prolonged cheering. would find It easier to obtain quaU- The chairman aal-year-old batUeshlp. ^ j , ; •Also Thor Gentle Hand - Senator Wheeler called upon the gardleas o f xrbom they may hit po^ Winona Nelson fought off pneumit- The xUoappaoranca o f tha’ Espaas 1 chib women to pass the rwolutlon For His *Over There*Song UUcaUy.” •• - nla itnxler on oxygen tent todsy Itkexriae left tha Spanish gofam^ Our Cash Sale Price Not $99.50 "and teU some of our weak-kneed The committee ts turning to this while doctors worked to esse -egs ment with Spain’s only temaiahlg,„ Congress into and Senators bow you bill aa Ite next vital highway safe­ and hands frosen while she •vander Asserts Earth’s Center capital ship with 12-lncb Mg guaa,>( stand on tbs Issue.”' Washington, April 30— (AP) ty measure following the House ap­ ed lost tor tour xlaya. the Jaime L <) ' ' Or $89.50 -1 say abame on this admlniatra- —StMlt after aU, ‘Over Then’ was only N . Individualized Permanents Rep. William P. Connery (0 „ a bxigle calL* ” proval yesterday of the drunken Found unconsetous In a raln- It seemingly gatra the gotremmeW V tion.” hs added. xlretKdied thicket yeaterday, Jie Five Dollars to Ten Dollars Maaa.), raoonnoitersd the leglalaUve "But." ----- the Congressman. driving UU which sends all first of­ Is Not *‘Hot As Hell” the balanxft of aea px>war tn the ctvtt^ . Want TinaalMton * “what a bugle call!” fenders to jail for at least three dark-eyed daughter of Mr. and Mra G ‘They dont want aa Infusion of front toxlay and predictod the bUl to The lawmaker was aaked what days on coovlctlon and also sus- George Nelson ot Upton remained ave autbortsed a gold msilai, o t other government medals, it which la being oppxiaed by the "court at tow ebb. Dr. A. G. McNlsh presented evi­ ti* axxount for magnetic phenomena Washington, April 30.—(AP) i^oet the court today and that jo- aad the President has approvsiL The aa If Qmnery's whais-axljecttvs la no bloc” which xsante to keep the xUs- “Her xxmxhGon ia very poor," Dr. dence to the American OeopbyslixU by assuming that some form ot The posttkm o t tlw TresMury Ap supERDUTY'mmmi IsM wo can do aomsthlng within a House has appropriated (700 for it. exsageratlos. cretionary powers ia the eourte. John J. Bouvier, .WhiUnsv^ hl Gnixm to show that the earth's core, 28: ON DISPLAY AT and all thafa neexlsd is a nod from super-magnetism exists," hs axMeil. yWTH THE METER-MISER Appointments May Be Made Now! eoeperathmly abort Ume to put the The gold Medal of Honor, for In- The Investlgatkn bUl at preasnt tel staff physician retried In a hithepto believed to have a tempera­ *Tt Is easier to revise our ixmcep- Recelpte, (108,600,43303; court on aa even keel agala-^nakc the Senate to make the money avail- stance, ta listed at (75. whUs the has not wen the faxror of the Sen­ brief bulletin before rejoining Dr. ture at about Si.OOO degrees Fohran. tl^ns of the earth's Interior tempera­ penxUturea, (60,186001.55: It nearer one general attitude of bronze one acUs for (3, tha VIetory ate Highway Safety xnmmittee of belt. Actually la much cooler. (1,724,435.82101; custonw . 1 Telephone 6824 — Harriett’s Beauty Salon Connery—a one time saag-aa((- C3iarIeo Sparrow, WorceMer spexdar- ture than It la to admit the existence or TMephona TOSS Ddnd—the court never will regain Biedal (ihO, aad the PUIipphie srhlch Senator Exlmimd R. Gebhart tat. In a rUght-tong vigil at the tot’» The . earth, cxmtalnlng a high per­ ot an unknown physical law." tor the minth, (43093,734. 53. th^ respect of this gencrattoa.” daace-man la Cohan's shows as wall campaign award (1. of New Haven Is the chairman. Tha centage of Iron, is a huge magnet Recelpte tor the flacal ymmr (■ aa a' fighter ia Uncle Sam's trenches bedaixle. EarUer be said it was Dr. McNlsh said eridenca gathar- BRUNNER’S aa offldal atteiKUiig the The dies for' those have been Senators want to protect the moUir xtoubtful aha would Uvs." with currents of ntagnetic electricity ed from the progreaslxre Increaae ta July 1). (4.06605303900 was as happy over the award aa a struck, however, the artiste paid a e. floxring around it anu In It. Such a turea. (OOOOOa3.07S.3«. Inch K E M P ' S , I n c ___ meetiiigi aald a private achUer on furlougb. vehiclea xlcpartment and hope to Given Every Care beat found in deep mlnea would r a d i o d e p t . chsto convlaead her the resolutloa and the machinery set up in the confine any Inveatlgmtion to the •TTie child <8 being given every tremendous beat xx>uld noit prevail aeim to contradict his beliefs (3042,700,73000 of emergency fH IGIDAntE BALES AND SERVICE would pass. Ha recalled a backstage convarsa- minte to make them. oxxirte. ° unless some x^nknoxrii law ot physics "However, there Is cxmsldcrabla penditurea; exceaa ot 80 OAKLANtl^TREET tlon aith Cohan after Congress Brfon President RoosevMt can care aad attenUoo." Governor remains to be xUacoverad. Or. Me- PHONE 5191 — An Apstegj authorised tbs asrarxL -i. Csnniw*s OsaspWnt. Charles F. Hurley said la Boston evixience Inxllcatlng that such In- (3.1(4,230,78301; grote dabt, Applauis giestsd the phi Coban's mexlsl on him, all that Oommisslooer Mldhael A. Connor Nish said, because Iron losea Its ci eases in beat are due to chemical 94100707(01. aa inersaaa of ; OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P. 5L *Tt wss a big surprias'to Osorta," work will have to be dona. annoxmclng be had aaked Or. Henrv niagneUc properties between 98U Oonnaty sahL "He just smiled, and appeared before the committee In B. Oiadxrick, state hsalth oommis- action in the earth immediately sur- 030,73303 over the pravioxM '' said Connery. ”tt wtu be a and 1,470 degroes Fahrenheit. rounxling such mines and ttat such gold asaete. (11,781096.0380$,: M—"WeD, BUIy, that's mighty fine, damly.” On rags 8U) A study of the interior ot the action Is purely a kx»l thing,” be eluding (590,607,440.07 o t (GonlteMg M Page s u ) earth from the magnetic field aur- declarexl. gold. ___ . L___ ‘ tofe mm MAWCHOTER BVEWTNO HERACD. M^CHESTTER; c o n n , FRIDAY, APRIL 80.198T

Of tba govern or, and fo rm er Lieut; ICANCHiarrER EfVENING HERALD, HANC08TEB. OOHM. FRIDAY. APRIL 80,198t 'FAGSE T H R iii Gov, Samuel R. Spencer, RepubU- GBOOM-TO-BB rOBQrrS • I cSIREMLAU NAMED can. NABOB O F BRIDE-Tb-BB j MOTHER, CHILD HEAD OF HOSPITAL Public I^lUey and fice will be enlarged and the follow­ In the State Legislature, Stremlau ABOUT TOWN STEEL INDUSTRY foUowrup Of cases is esaentlai. Pro- the egst' of “Chlntx Oottag^ skill. ' fTh e P o e fs C o lu n in Legislation. Dr. Francia H. Burks, ing cam era have been assign^. is serving bis third term. Chicago, April SO-^(AP)—Idell' The Married Cbuplea club ot the SAVED BY NURSE motKin o f individual and communi­ BIG SALE OF TICKETS fuUy. He has long been champion ot PWA HIGHWAY AID chairman, Rockville, I>r. Harry ri. Route 1, with BMward Backhaua PU.THOFHCER ^^;O N U Q U O R BOARD McKnlght, 28, negro, shuffled up i Second Coogregational church will ty aanltatlon by 4 aupervlalon ot Meatoera of ths oast have an bad labor legislation, having served four to tbe desk in the Marriage ENDS DORES TODAY BOONOIUO WAM.. ROCKVILLE Moore, Stafford Springs, Dr. Roy C. as earner Includes Vernon Center, I SHOWING A BOOM Water supplies, dairies, reataurar.ts. years beginning in 1913 sa president License Bureau. I meet Wednesday evenliig of next Sees Tomado Approachinjr, Ferguson, RockvlUe. part of Bolton and Bolton Notch. expcoiefice in amateur ahowa. TMgr ^ ' i week at the Y. M. C. A., with sir. Wliat is ths reason, can any one tell public toilets, etc., .is of great im­ FOR “CHINR COTFAGT include Aterian Mahoney, Fraoeta of the Connecticut Federation oT “ Your nam er* asked the clerk Pulls Mattresses Around PLAN IS CHANGED Medical Ethics bad Deportment: Route 2, with Harry Bodman as portance. Protection of maternal and Mrs. Peter Berwick and Mr. od ThU industrial M fife everywhere T (Oonttaned from Page One) Dr. Cbariee T. LaMoure, ifassfleld: OF PRESENT DAY Peckenhain, Janet Sltemaa, AUca Labor. o f the applicant. ' Them — House Walls Caved earner Includes the Mile HUl sec­ and child health are an essential State Senator Succeeds Ma He Is a member of a cigar manu. Mrs. James Cummings in charge There must be some reason, we Dr. E. Harrison Metcalf, Rockville; tion and ja r t of Ooventre. Bladden, Peggy Machaay, Marjorta. M cNight answered that one I Mr^ jane J. Aldridi, Soper- An evening of bridge and othei know full well, In But All Unhurt. carry over well Into the summer at part of fuU-Ume health work. The Taylor and Jooeirii Foley. facturing firm. without a hitch. i SPRING FIELD TRIALS Dr. Francia M. DicUnaon, Rockville; Route 3 with Charles Bancroft as St. James’s Players to Present games is planned, beginning about To cause all this grief here and least. Dr. WIlHam Scimeidel’, Rockville: carrier includes part of the discon­ HAS HEAVY TASK full-time health officer has many MCuite between the acts wilt ba < “H er name?" continued the ■ other duties In planning and carry­ Three Act Cmedy In Park ^ jor J o b Bockley; Boan 7:30. there. Ash Grove, Mo.,‘April 30 — Incoming Trade Win Now Finance Only Labor Dr. Ralph B. ’Thayer, Somers; Dr. tinued Ellington route, EHllngton, furnkked by Katkertne Sullivan. derk. intendent Eight Years, Re­ ( A P f — Two hours after Mra. HELD TO S WEEK-END ing out the community health pro­ Street HaH This Evening. SHORTtR HOURS FAVORED Mcknight frowned, acratebed It was pointed out that incoming Frank B. Converse, West WUIlng- Ogden’s Comer and ^ u th Windsor. Ttekets’ are available at Qnlan’a Forget-me-not Junior Circle ot Are doliara and centa worth more t ^ I Watson gave birth to a ton; Dr. Francis H. Burke, Rock­ Route 4, with Otto Preuss in gram, not tbe least of which is tbe Pharmacy, from any member of tha ^ Democratic As a Result his head and abifted his weight 10-poimd boy la a farm home business, despite a certain leveling 15 P. C ; M eets Health offlcera are no longer just Interpretation of morbidity and to the other foot. tires for Re^ at Home. Kings Daughters will meet tomor­ than menT out of orders. Is running about as ville! recorder. charge includes Crystal Lake, Doly- A wide sale of tickets hss been Sodality or at the hall tonight. northwest of here yesterday af- Rockville Fish and Game Clnb policemen of 4isease. but have m mortality rates and their applica­ FOR EMPLOYES OF STATE "Now ain’t that a pistol,’’ be row afternoon at 8 o’clock at the Should capital rule here supreme? large as shipments of finl.ihed prod­ Medical Ekionomics: Dr. Ralph B. ville and part of ElUngton. f ternofm Mrs. Mary U u ^ e , a addition manifold duties of educa­ tion to local problems. reported for "Chlntx Cottage’’, tbe finally drawled. ’’She's lived up- home of Jane Taylor, 19 Main atr-et Should labor speak up and kick flow ucts, with further demand expected East Center Street Plans. to Ron Annnal Meet at Thayer, chairman, Somers; Dr. A l­ On and after Mav 1, patrons de­ StmU Capitol, Hertford, April 30. nprse, looked out tbe Window bert S. Schlavettl, Stafford Springs; tion, investtkbtlon and~|>lanning re­ (talrs of me for eight 3rears,,snd Dorothy Marks will have charge ot and then. •oon from the automotive industry. County Lot in Tolland. alring mall to be delivered on ail three-act comedy to be given this (Onstlsotid rrpm Fagv Oue) Mrs. Jane J. Aldrich, superintend­ * tornado approaching. Dr. John B. Flaherty, Rockville; Dr. rural routes must have their mall at quiring the aaeletan ce^ pubUc — (A P I —Seiuitor Jullua C. Strera I can’t remember.’’ the meeting. A May basket social And try their own rights to re­ "Iron Age” in Its weekly review said evening by the S t James’s Players Uu. Iferiden Democrat, had a stk ent of the Manchester Memorl^ Now Bertha something ter­ Thomas F. O’Lougbiln. Rockville: health, nureee and sanitarmns, all ot will follow. deem. that only tn the structural field was Rockville, April 30— The annual the local post office before 8:18 a- m. year appointment to the SU te U were presented to th Labor commit Then he wheeled away with hospital the last eight years, ends rible la going to happen," said . DIacusston of plans for the im­ Dr. William L. Hlg^na, South Cov-' d. s. L Under the new arrangements which can best be earned out MAY BASKET SOCIAL at St. James's school hall on Park tee. the------rartlngf remark: remark: Mrs. Dimkle. the Outlook unpromising. spring Field Trial of the Rockville quor Control Oommlaalon today her work at the hospital this eve­ There are some things, that we all provement of East Center street aa entry. the rural cam era will leave on their through whole-time health depart­ street. This wiD be the .ntiu.i pro­ The organization measures ap­ “ TU be right r back. Boss.’ Young people of the Ckincordia “ Don't get excited. Just keep At the same time, observers pus* Fish and Game club will be held at Venereal Disease Control,’ Dr. J. ments, according to Dr. EYanklln aoeceeding Major John Buckley, Re. ning:. Mrs. Aldrich will go to her Lutheran church are reminded ot ought to know. a PWA prqject was revived today trip at 8:30 a. m. d .«. t. duction of the young dramatic { publican, o f Union. proved by the Senate empowsfbd calm. Remember Peter on tbe zted over weakness of steel aharca McClure Givens, chairman, Stafford Exhibition and Dance M. Foote, of the Division of Local FOR LUTHER lEAGljE tbe straw ride this evening to (jov- This truth wo should all under­ in tbe Stock M arket U. 8. Steel, tbe County Lot In Tolland on Satur­ ' t Gov. Wiibur L. Croaa named the pubUc works commisskmer home in Binghamton, N. T., for an water and how the Lord took "When Town Treasurer George H. day and Sunday, May 1 and 2. Springs; Dr. J. Percival Qard, Staf­ The Holyoke, Mass., Turn Verein Health Administration of the State group which is sponsored by the entry lake. Those who are going stand. care of him.” which touched 6126 a share a few ; Btremlau late yesterday. The ap; rather than the comptroller to as­ extended rest. Wadden received from State Ad­ The'judges for tbe trials will be ford Springs; Dr. E. Harrison Met­ will give ao exhibition o f gymnas­ Department of Health, in an article Children o f Mary Sodality of the That God gave the earth, to ALL weeks ago closed below 6100 yester- ; pointment dates from May 1. should be at the church at 7:30. Then she pulled the mattresa ministrator Farley «a notice of a follows: For tbe Local Members calf, Rockville. tics, drills, songs and d a n M at appearing in the department’s cur­ Will Be Held in Connection parish. sign office space to departmenta and EQUALIZATION BILL Mrs. Aldrich graduated from the here below. diay, and other steel stocks suffered r The appointee said In Meriden last other state agencies, and pay state Philadelphia General hospital In around mother and baby "just change in the percentage o f the and Shooting Dog Stakes on Satur­ Four new members were elected Maple Grove ball, Saturday evening, rent monthly bulletin. With Semi-Monthly Meeting Miss Gertrude Campbell who has The brick wall on“the south aide The fullness thereof, with the land. as the walla pushed in on us." similarly In recent market sessions. n i(b t be will continue in his state ground employea. To the commis­ 1919 and began her nursing career coet which would be home by the day, Hampton Harris of New Haven to the society Dr. Omar W. Gllmour under the auspices ot the Gesangs been president of the Dramatic club of tbe new addition to the town ;ar They V are unharmed.'^ Mrs. Town and borough residents have Next Tuesday Evening. i Benatorlal post. sioner also was assigned the re­ FOR SCHOOLS OUT as a Public Health Nurse for the Bought b> ForelJpierB Federal government. and E. R. Llewellyn of Boston; for ot tbe Mansfield State Training and Declamations clubs. This ex- for three succesaive terms and who age on Harrison street, being built And no one need lack the bleaslngs Dunkle suffered leg Injuries. just os great need for fuU-Ume two f Buckley, one o f the original ap- sponsibility' of displaying the Munroe CX/unty Tuberculosis Asso­ of life, • One explanation offered was that Previouily plans were based on the Junior all age. Puppy and Open school. Dr. Gould S. Higgins ol aiblUon ia for members of tbe club A large attendance is expected has coached several Sodality dra­ as a W PA project, w as bald lain to­ health service aa those in the more poUiteea to the board, bad been national flag at the Capitol. (Oaettneed from Page one) ciation, Rochester, N. Y „ and con- shares of the Industry' have been es­ the assumpUon that the P W A would Shooting Dog stakes to be run on South Coventry, Dr. Morris B. Wblt- and friends. Dancing will follow, next Tuesday night at the '4ay day. Started this week, tbe brick ^W h en God has provided for alL o< EUlngtoB, Dr. Donald M. progressive cities Dr. Foote siatea. matic presentations, has dlrectod ebairman o f a special eommiasion, The measures hsd been approved pecially popular abroad, and thus — pply 48 per ■»nt o f tbe coat of re- Sunday, tbe judges will be George music to be furni&ed by tbe Basket Social to be held by the Lu­ I i fippolnted (2ov. Cross, srhich laying at the building was consider T w lx t dollars and men, there al Beckwith of RockvlUe. Rhythm Kings orchestra. John and tbe Connecticut staffutes now previously by the House. two-thirds the cost ol educating its ways ia atrife. were particularly vulnerable _Jtdlng the road. Today Mr. Wad- o f WUlatt, N. V,,. and Ray ther League of the Emanuel Luther­ U R O W N l i i l i J drafted the State Control Bin. ably delayed by Inclement weather. MYRTLE TURKINGTON Perkins of Wallingford. Win Atteod Scout Jubilee Schweitzer wiU prompt for the old- permit two or more towns or bor­ New Board Created pupils up to 6100 each. When eaich thlnke their share is shakeout of foreign money in Am SeD 4vaa Informed that new regula- an church at Its regular semi­ t 'Was'Broom Barker Tbe addition will be used to house lean markets that has been going A large number of entries have Tw o Rockville Boy Scouts, Fran­ fashioned dances. Dinners ana oughs to pool their resources in the The office of public works com The law would apply only to' too small. 'OBoa permit the P W A to finance monthly meeting. Eric Bara rnd I Last year, as Tolland county Re- w iter department testing rooms I for the past week or so. been received for the two day event. cis Brigham and Edwin Hopkins are sandwiches will be served in the formation of sanitary districts in mlasloner was created this week un­ towns with annual tax receipts ol PROMOTED BY ARMY r only , the labor cost plus 18 per cent. his junior committee, including SPORTS I publican leader, Buckley was influ- and equipment and trucks and other Including a string of dogs from Herb planning to attend the flrat National club’s dining room. which full-time service can be pro­ der the first major reorganization How M we know, and bow can we President Roosevelt’s suggestlS Hand Labor at Mlnlimini Ruth Johnson, Loulso Jannsen. ' j entia] in bringing about the nomina- leas -Ahan 660.000 and will cost the equipment of the garbage collecUon that durable gtiods prices— be sin-"* Silver M Boscawln, N. H. Jamboree of the Boy Scouts ol Religions Meeting May 19 vided, as ia done in other states. proposal to be enacted into law tell? Aa the project la not one which Richard Berggren, Alma Biratb, .Va- ’ tlon o t Arthur M. Brown as Repub- state an estimated 67:?.000 annually and Highway departmenta. One of War Fame "Doughnat gled out steel and copper— were T tc Tbe drawings for Saturday's Am erica’ to .be held at Waahington, The Tolland County Aisoctatlon ol Formation o f such districts Insures ^ licaa candidate for governor against William A. Hurley, state WPA ad­ over what It now pays. Just how much to « v e to each wlU provide an unusual amount o< stakes will be held at tbe cliib bouse C C., June 30 to July 8. Congregational Ministers and trid Benson and Lennart Torsten- I one? Girls,” Is Made Major of high, may have had some effect on sn sdequste health program with I Governor Cross. ministrator, was appointed to the band labor, it was anticipate., today St 8:!W this evening while the draw­ There are two other local boy Churches will hold Us spring meet­ aon, wtll be in charge. Look Cialled Real Equalization A rush of dog owners to obtain traders. It wjSs said. well trained peraonnel; througb ’ Senator Stremlau was the first post yesterday by Governor Cross. To satisfy both and treat them both Salvation Corp. that the Federal government’s con­ for Sunday’s stake will be made scouts who wUl go if they earn ing on Wedneeday, May 19 at tbe The girls of the League are re- Chairman Frederick H. HolbrooK licenses for 1937 Is expected tomor­ well In some quarters It was feared equal representation on the Jlstrtct ; Federal prohibition administrator Action was deferred in the House of the Houae and Senate Chairman row by Town Clerk Samuel J. Turk- collapse or suspension of the world tribution will be less than 48 per at eight o’clock Saturday evening money enough between now and North Congregational church In board as provided by the law, each (]uested to prepare "M ay Basket” ; for OonnecUcut He received thta on 16 minor reorganization bills. Then some of our troubles are MIm Myrtle Turklngton. a native cent of the total cosL following a dinner which will be June. Tbe cost of the trip la 680. Coventry. Delegates from through­ refreshments for two persona and Frank L. McDermott described ‘Jie ington who estimated today that done. armament.s boom might affect the town will retain local controL : appointment from the Wilson ad A t the conclusions, of. its session Allyn measure ss a "real equaliza Of this town, hat been promotetl InRii.stry but steel men ssid today Mr. Waddell expected today to served at tbe clubhouse. This includes one week at Camp out the county will attend. these will be auctioned oft to the only half of the 1400 dogs In town Pioneer at which time the boye wll- Dr. Foote outlines some of tbe • mlidstration. the House was rem ind^ by Majority tlon bill," In announcing tbe com Major In the Salvation Army, l.vcal that M far as this country la con­ confer with state highway depart­ In addition to tbe trophies for the Dinner will be served at noon by highest bidders among the boys. A He resigned in May, 1921 after the have been registered for this year. But DoUars says that: I must have officers and soldiers have been In­ flrat, second and third place, tbe fol­ receive instruction, learn the rules the ladies of the church. Dr. Sum- duties of health offlcera which can trader Noah H. Swayne of Darien mittees unfavorable report on the After tomorrow an additional, cerned. there would be no slowing ment officials to revise the plan for program of games and stunts is be­ ; Republicans gained National control, that today la the 14^ aruilverssry my share. formed. Major Turklngton is a lowing trophies will be offered, local and regulations and prepare for the nei Simpson of Tolland Is the moder­ be better fulfilled under fuil'-Ume ing arranged to follow the busl- other measure. penalty charge will be added to tbe down of operations os a rcsulL the road in consideration o f the new but remained in office at the re- of the day on which (Jeorge Wasn- The aky Is the limit for me. cousin of Miss Florence Turklngton memters all age, leg on the Rock­ Jamboree. This also Includes one ator of the Council. service than at present. The health nesa meeting. Ail membera of >he The extra money will go only to license fee. Doniestic Demands regulation. Tbe balance of the cost officer must bring to hie community 5 g c B e t t e r > quest o f the new administration un- ington first took the oath ot office Just so I get mine, the rest I don’t with whom she served on the W ist- ville Fish and Game Trophy; open week in Washington, with transpor­ Wedding Saturday League are urged to attend. The de- the poorest towns. Holbrook said care, American mills, they said, have .not financed by the Federal govern­ ‘ til September of that yrear. as President of the United RUtea era Front In France In 1918 and bv all agei leg on the Mrs. Samuel K. tation both ways and a little spend­ Miss Sophie Kalina and John Sur- the latest scientific information voUonal period will be led by Mias the committee la not considering Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Barry of 32 accepted few foreign orders since ment will be paid by the state high­ ing monjy. Now Oemoeratlc The Republican leader urged tne T la only my Interests 1 see. their sacriflclal service with the A Spencer Trophy. dell, both of this city will be united about healthful living. He must Dorothy Davia. Eyes Examined any changes In other school „rant Scarborough road and two sons, the first of the year devoting their w ay department funds, according to Hundreds of troops will be at tbe in marriage on Saturday morning. ^ Ris appointmrat to the liquor representatives tv attend a "non- E. F . were known throughout the King Elected Chairman quarantine contagious diseaaea, in­ I ooatrol board changes the complex- laws. David and John, have been spending For I have control, I capacity largely to the huge domes­ the • preaent arrangement, from A t tbe anmini meeting of the Tol­ esmp in Waahlngt'M] during this May 1 at SL Joseph’s Catholic vestigating each case and giving partisan'’ meeting tonight in Hart­ boss the whole entire world as the "Doughnut atate-ald money allocated to Man­ Tobacco sold in the Owensboro, , km o f that body from a Republican The committee cleared its files the week at (.’halfonte-Haddon hall thing. Girls.’’ tic demand. There was little ex­ land County Republican Club held riod and one of the featuree wiU church. Rev. Sigisraund Woronleckl. advice to the family. Search must ford "to listen tv an explanation ot pectation that such foreign orders as chester but not yet used. Ky., market this season netted Glasses Fitted i majority, as Oov. Cross esUbllshcd yesterday of all but a handful ot on the boardwalk at Atlantic Cltv. I ’ll tell you just what U your on Thursday evening at the Rock­ the pubUcatlon of a IG-page-pagi Ulus- pastor of the church will officiate. be made of all possible means by i and maintained It during the four and make up our minds conceriung N. J. ^ share. are on the books would be cancelled Construction of tbe road sa a ville House, Carlton P. King ot trated dally newspaper devoted to A reception will be held following grower 62.106,840. the most serious attack iret made on bllla, voting unfavorably on 19 a: It was asserted. which the individual acquired the / ; years when sU te control was being them. Your chance for to sweat, to you P W A project has not yet been ap­ Mansfield was elected chairman to the Scout and Jamboree activities, tbe ceremony at Pulaski Hall on Vil­ disease. Previous contacts o f tbe the form of government which did to be known os the Jamboree Jour­ SMALL ; tried out la Ooimecticut, to a Dem- The National Pension and Service I bring. Bethlehem’s directors declared the proved but officials believe that K succeed Harold W. Bruce of Staf­ lage StreeL patient before diagnosis must be ; ocratie majority. George Waahington founded.' Among the measures rejected was regular dividends on the preferred m ^ be approved after the new ford Springs. Vice chairman will be nal. Senator Joseph P. Cooney's provid Isiague will not hold their meeting You can’t do Without me, so there. vialted to prevent spread of tbe dis­ The law requires that no more The meeting is a protest meeting tonight, but will convene on May 7 stock and a dividend of 61 a share Sacal year of the FedenU govern­ Lso Garvals of Stafford Springs and Birth WEEKLY PAYMENTS Ihg that enumeration grants may be ease by them. A constsmt campaign < tbaa two members o f the board be against President Roosevelt's Su­ Mrs, Jane J. Aldrich. at the usual hour. But Labor says no. you’re all In the on the common, and disclosed net In­ ment begins July 1. Herbert L. Scheiner of thlii city was Mr. and Mra. Thomas McDermott CllRB QUOTATIONS f o f the same poitticai faith. preme Court plan. turned over to Catholic parochial come for the quarter was 68.293 833 reelected secretary and treasurer. 01 this city are the parents of twin must be waged for immunization EASY wrongs The new arrsmgement o f appor­ against such diseases as diphtheria ; The bold-over members are for- The House passed a bill empow^r- schools and other private school or­ tlnued In this lino of w*ork for four compared with 6603.063 In the first tioning, the cost of the project wtll Robert L. Galbraith of Somers and sons at tbe Rockville City hospital ganizations. A May Cabaret dance, sponsored Without us.' you can t do a thing. and smallpox. ^ mar Senator Frank 8. Bergln, Dem Lfig the commission oil forests and and one-half years, later going to three months of 1936. be discussed. It Is likely, at a meet­ Franklin R. Orcutt of Coventry were on Wednesday, April 28th. By ASSOCIATED PRES.S RICHARD by Dilworth-Cornell Post, American If labor just quits, you’ll sing the Am CIt Pow and L t B Much can be done In tbe control ; ocrat. and chairman by designation wild life to enter co-operative agree­ Weil Informed circles reported Troy, N. Y.. where she Joined the swan song", present time ing of the selectmen Monday nIghL named msmtors of the county exe­ Mr. McDermott is the manager ot W ashers Legion, will be held at the Rainbow. Am Gen ...... of tuberculosis by an aggressive ments with .he hedera, government yesterday that the appointment il Renn.s.ielaer County Tuberculosis TIs us, not your r^rted* capacity. Grace Sewage Pumping cutive committee. t the local Woolworth^ store In tbe lOH Association. Bolton, tomorrow evening. I’ne dollars that OSfftoera Annonnoed center of tbe city. Ark Nat G as ...... 8 case-finding service. Hume nursing for development ot state foresta. judges of ths minor courts oy the bring; Plans for the Installation of a STONE Mrs. Aldrich served In a private music for the dance will m furnish­ Dr. J. McClure Givens ot Stafford Scniora to Arrive Assd Gas and EH A . 2'% visile of auspects, contacta and ac' The House was told the bill wui General Aasembly will await dispo- ed by the well-known Society duo sewage pumping station In the OFTIOIAN I enable the state to acquire forest aitlOD of major legislation, and hen hospital there for nine months and Springs has been reelected president Members of tbe Senior class who Am Sup Pow ...... IH live casea are of educational value. $ 4 9 * 5 0 u p orchcrlra of Hartford. Reservations n-.e blessings of lift, the clothes and Stone Haven tract off Center streeL have been spending the past week in \ lands without cost to tha state un­ the appointments are made, they then resumed public health nursing. the food, o. the Tolland County Hedlcsd So­ Blue Ridge ...... 3 Eiarly diagnosla and treatment ot Wm. J. Bergenm, OptooietTlet In Olean, N. Y., Pntchogue. N. Y.. may be made.' tonight by calllnx to accommodate lota, below the level ciety at Its adjourned meeting. Other Washington, D. C., are expected to Can Marconi ...... der a national program in which the will represent agreements ot 'Jie ITli To render a patient non-lD' 7S9 Main SL PIm m 47M 7700. C^r M ie s , to clothe and to feed, o f sewer mains In the vicinity, wlU officers named are Vice president, arrive back In RockvlUe tomghl. Convenient Terms. U. 8. Department of Agriculture leglxlatlvs floor leaders. and was appointed superintendent Cent States El .. a . 1V4 fectloua ls a leading problem, and of nurses In the Broome County Tu­ so don t get too haughty, and think be recommended by the. water and Henry L. Glow, Mansfield State hos­ They left Washington on Thursday, Cits Serv ...... STATE TREA'TEK BLDa will acquire landi and then turn 3H berculosis hospital, (Tienahgn Harold F-. Maher, of - !Jtt» Mam You’re the Dude. FRED E. sewer sub-committee at the meeting pital; secretary-treasurer, Francis and spent Thursday nigbt and today Cits Serv. p f d ...... B r o w n U t them over to the state for adminis­ SO K E M P % I n & Bridge, N . Y. She was appointed street, who has been employed oy *Tls men and not dollars, we need. o f the board Monday night. H. Burke, RiKkvUIe; Counsellor. in sightseeing tfi New York City. El Bond and Share . 18 H tration. The atatt will eventually SHOE STORE assistant ti' Miss Hanna Malmgren. the llnited States Treasury Depart- Similar stations In Greenwich, Charles L LaMoure, MaiiSfleld State New Routes for R.F.D. Ford Limited ...... 6H pay for the forests from the pro­ superintendent of the .Manchester rnent. Accounting Division in the One holds the coin, tbe other the WERNER Hamden and at Connecticut State hospital. With tbe elimination o f the R. F. N iag Hud P o w ___ Quotations— Hklll, 12 ceeds of the sale of forest products. Memorial hospital, April 6. 1929. New Haven office has resigned and RN8TBUUTO* College. Storrs, have been Investi­ Censors, Francis M. Dickinson, D. route from the EUlIngton Post Penn Road ...... Other Bills Passed She tendered her resignation to the has accepted a position In the Bates They each need the other, ’and gated by Frederick H- Parker, Rockville; John T. Hanley, Stafford office, Mr. Bancroft who was tbe Segal Lock ...... :. 2H *THE CHEAPEST Among other measures passed by how ", I won't eat until the Lord com­ tro.stees of the hospital here Marcn nno Accounting Division of the superintendent o f the water and Springs; E. Harrison Metcalf, Rock­ carrier at tbe EUlington office Is Unit Gas ...... 974 the House were bills; mands me to end my fast Just as He Remington-Rand Corapan > office in And working together, with purpose PIANO and sewer department ville. being brought to RockvUIe. Tbe Unit L t and Pow A 6V4 Providing for the licensing and Hartford. and win, Delegates; State, John B. Flaher­ routes from the RockvlUe post of­ THING ON YOUR commanded me to begin IL Added Equipment ' The board bas’^-^planned a public Util Pow and L t . .. % regulation of maternlt hospitals Jackson Whitlow, Tennesseean, During her administration of the They each to the other should ORGAN hearing May 10 to consider the re­ ty, Rockville; Fairfield, J. McClure bow. Glvena, Stafford Springs; Litchfield, A NEW WAY TO BUY— A NEW WAY TO PAY by the state health department. on 4Srd day of his acit-imposed hospital Mrs. Aldrich has been In­ The "N o No Nothing" club, a Studio: 182 tVeat Center St. quest o f Alexander Jarvto, Jr., de­ group of patrons of the Uaaia Uvero William Lincoln Higgins, Coventry; CARISTNEBBT Exempting medicinal preparations fa st strumental In securing many impor­ A. E. FISH. Major Myrtle Turklngton veloper of the tracL that streeu In the Orange block, will nave a din- TelephoDe 8686. New Haven, Bc^ C. Ferguson, Rock­ containing small amounta of drugs tant changes In the hospital equip­ built by him In tbe neighborhood be r.ei at Osann a cotage, Holton lake Major Turklngton is the daughter ville; Hartford, Albert 8. Scbtavettl. from the Uniform Narcotics Act Ah reckon Ah'd jest as soon have ment, and with the aid of the nurses accepted by the town. TIMS YOU CAN — A NEW WAY TO SAVE passed at the last session. a baby tub a wife as one 4U years apon.v)red several social events tor Sunday. R. D. Wllaon will be masie. b k u k e n f e t t e r s of ths late Mrs. Marla Atklnaoo btafford Springs: Windham, Frank of cereraonlaa. Cara wUl leavs Ui«- ATTENTION Appropriating 64,400 biennially old. the purchase of seve/il much needed Turklngton and M slatar of M n . Bl- B. Converae, West WilUngton; Mid­ tavern at 11 a. m. * '*'A"**^ m sin and darkness. More than half o t the barits min until 1944 for the education of or­ — Homer Peel, Epperson, Tenn., articles o f apparatus, one of the dred McCabe. dlesex, WtlUan SchneMsr, Roek. BUY'.. ith*s Blindly gtoped along my way. Ing Industry o f the United States la vlUe; New txindon, O. Percival Bard. phans Of war vtterans, and amend­ 64, who married a girl 10 yean most important being a portable Major 'Turklngton attended the oM. X-ray outfit costing about 61,’JOU. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Emrlck ol IV rapt In Relfisb cuntem|ilation. local schools and the New York centered In Missouri, a census bu­ Stafford Springs. PAPER MAKERS ANNUAL PREMIUM Hat Clearance ing the A ct to Include children ot Si.tan o er my heart held sway reau report ohowa. OpporitefB^SAodl A lover of flowers. Mrs Aldrich Barre. Vermont, have rcriied’ tne Tralnlr-: school for Salvation Armv The following committees have OF WM. FOULDS, LYDALL & FOULDS AND veterans who died since 1921. Hut one day tbe Holy Spirit COLONIAL BOARD MILLS k. » M d i .M 4 in d ie « t « r Permitting taxation by the Ston- The child enjoys Its childish plrsi- so Improved the hospital garden that house on Woodorldge street oc­ officers and nas served widely in urea and dislikes to give them up. II It Is one of the town’s scenic spots cupied by Mra Jane J. Aldricn. ^ Showed the error ot my life, Ington fire district. I'llI In humble deep contrition. the Arm y’s field work. MASS MEETING FINE compelled to abandon them before it during the summer. whose rcslgnatlo as superintendent Miss Tlirklngton Is now stationed Amending the statute governing I prayed Him to end the strife. TODAY and 'TOMORROW FURNITURE SALE la ready. It may react with a roorbm Several social affairs have been habcBua aorp'ia proceedlnjs to prm of the Memirtal office t.vkcs effect in the Hartford Salvation Corps of­ S U N D A Y , M A Y 2nd, A T 2:00 P. M. disgust and develop neuroses. held honoring Mrs. Aldrich lor ner tomorrow. Mr. Emrick, who auc- fices. vide a person seeking a writ must And He did It, hallelujah! STRAWS — Dr. H. Blanton, child psycholo­ long and falthliil service to the re downs, or any other King David Lalge of Odd 1 el- CITY VIEW DANCE HALL SALE OF TOILETRIES Brown. motor vehicles may suspend the kind of strike. i\ hen 1 felt sin's awful bondage just wanted to lowa will hold Its rcgiilar meeting U P TO 9 M O N T H S TO PA Y 1 ' licenses of operator’s under 18 years ■ -John L. Lewis. Whispered faith. He died for $20.00 This Saturday! FOR nSHING TRIP tonight at 8 o'clock In Odd Fellows thee". moka love I Re^lar Value $1.9.» of age until Onanctal responsibility Mod. and Sqs. 8:30 to 12:30 hall. Biislncaa of. Importance will be Star if. Specials No Discount For All Cash — We Want Your Charge Account Sale Price Is posted. “ Tlie first quarter of the 20th cen­ Now ray heart la ever cheerful. tury was tha bloodiest period In an acted upon. Admission .35c. Providing for the appointment ol (< "niiniieo from i’sge One) And my burden alwayi light': BOO Double Sheet an executive secretary ot the judi­ history. ------^------80 Emhneaed Mr. and Mrs. W'alter H. Harrison I hepe a no room for gloomy sha­ Cleanaing Tlaaiiea.... Paper Napklna ...... O C CEDAR LINED MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE cial council by the Superior Oourt — Dr. P. A. Hornkln, Department new destroyer. Moffett, skippered by dows. 19c of IG .North Elm street have bougut judges, who will fix tbe salary and of Sociology, Harvard I'nlver- t'ommander A. H. Addons. slty. the Milo D. Wells cottage at 80 Where love's rays arc beaming White Croee lOo Jergea’a a UP TO $17.50 FURNITURE t? D f $ 1.59 term of office. P'our hours and SO minutes later bright • First Aid K it ...... Henry street. Mr. Harrison who is 9c S o a p s...... 4 C ,Permitting town clerks co destroy the shiny gray, 1,850-ton naval ves a salesman for tbe Hartford Ma­ WITH THIS SUITE t* Ix Ei Ei Instruments affecting personal prop­ The unions were created by Wall sel, flying the blu^ Presidential nag For I love my precious Saviour gl.OO Vaounm I Street —by capital. .. We are going chine Screw company, will occupy 68e Bveteady 0 2 . ^ erty after they have been on *ile a her bow. anchored off Pilot Town. Belter far than earthly store' B o ttle ...... to give the Wall Street crowd some his new home about Junt 1. PERLEY 59c Shartag Brash ...... A C SUIT CLE.\RANCE seven yesrs. i«t the, mouth of the river. 1 hough I was the vilest sinner. . l i r a ' ' real competition-and you can't Besides the reorganization pro- The I’ resident was scheduled to AU the blame my Saviour bore Spring Time b Ooanetlo Ttaae AU Suit.s Marked Down compete on low wages. transfer to the U. S. S. Potomac Mr. and Mrs Alfred Mucklow oi Consult Our Expeileaeed MOTHER'S OAT MAT Mh posala the Senate approved bills —Henry Ford. oonr suoGBS’noNB authorizing the state to transfer a erriy this morning and shortly at- 28 Scarborough road moved yester­ Every fetter He has broken Ooametlan Temerrnw! terivard take the motor whaler the day to their recently completed And ray spirit la set free: piece of land In Milford to the STEVENS •Oe Angelas Women are more numerous Ifl Moffett brought from .Norfolk ana United States for use by tbe Bu­ house on Rm ry street, directly east -vlay my service be toe token And His colleges today than men The edu­ head for the Texas coast for his hrsi ot the home of Mi. and Mrs. Scott Of my love. O Lord to fbee Kooge Uteornat . . . . . 4 0c .....$1.10 of DRESSES reau of Rshertes In connection hshlng. cated woman frequently has more Simon. b l iz z e l l Famous Orchestra with Its Investigation of shell fisher­ understanding of tbe problems of Depends on Weather WAITIR WANOIR $1.00 Loniae PhUUps ies Iri Connecticut: prohibiting non­ 160 Henry Street, Prints! Sheers! Crepes! Pastels! tha day than her htishsna. "If all depends on the weather and ■Manchester, Conn. ' “ Boaton’s Finest Danc« Band" U p s tle k ...... 74c SX p ~ « ‘ . . $ 1 . 0 0 EST. 1907 resident pilots from using planes In Robert J. Smith, Inc., owner and —Dr. W. E. Weld, president. Wells whether they are biting." he told a developer of the Elizabeth Hark sec­ 80o Woodbury the state for commercial purposes: College. CHAXUS Erenhig In Faria C C group of newspap.’ rmrn at the New tion, has been changing the topog­ A UTTLE GARDEN Face Powder ...... authorizing Westport to establUb a Crleana dock when asked how long 35c PE B TC M E ______O O C raphy of Nortli Elm str^e. m tne SANDY BEACH board of health: Including tourist he would cruise before landing at When I speak ol Igbor legislation. vicinity of the former SlarkweaUici T Is all embroidered In colors 8Se la d y Esther camps In the definition of lodging I do not mean laws to outlaw this Galveston for the homewar, jour, BALLROOM BOytR-ARTffUR Cream ...... gEM.HCBiaANT $3 . 98- $ 5 . 98- $ 7.98 Semi-Formal houses: Increasing the number of m y . The high spots In the rear ot Mother Nature knows bow to 3 7 c or that as much as to remove the strew; . CRYSTAL LAKE lieutenants in the Waterbury police underlying causes ot unrest The destroyer Decatur, command the Ice bouse have been levelled off. BOe WUItmaa O M n P A C T .....$ 1 s49 DeMoIay Dance knd the low spotn IlllcJ tn and grad­ Gorgeous toe tullpa in yeUow - department from six to fifteen and —Gov. Frank Murphy. Michigan. ed by Ut. Commander J. A. Waters sad H B T O R r B Freckle Cream ..... 3 9 c l*^**li — New — Inviting — These frocks aire TOMORROW .NIGHT the number of sergeants from 13 to cruised down the Mississippi as ed. greatly Improving toe contour ot red VANtrr SETS 23. But toe pink ones more shyly oeen OOe E. W. Hopper Pawder Jar aad Afia* designed for yonr priettiest self. Prints are clear. Fraturiag There Is no longer a German escort to her newer slstershlp. Botn to land and Incidentally adolng to SUN., MAY 2 Authorizing the Mystic Power were to steam close to the Potomac it! value os a building site. through. umaHmt ■eatoiative Cream .. 40c Pa, fume Atnmiaer .. a/O C Silks are bright and styles are YOUNG. colonial problem; there It simply Admission SOc. (Plus Tax) with UO CAMSIO . Coha Ol*o Knigrhts of Rhythm Company to Increase Its capital the righteons demands of the Ger­ during the voyage, while a third The hyacinths petals so dainty. stock from 6400.000 to 61.000,000. |I.$0 Starts La ONoa Ckfia With man nation that Its colonies ba re­ de.sfroycr. the Schenck, with relay The regular monthly meeting ot Are filled with a perfume ao rare. Boiler Skating Every Thorsdny ON THE SAME SHOW ^ Permitting the Common Pleas official mcsai.ges between the Poto­ tr.c Senior club of the Girls' Fneodly And when kissed by the brtesa 'a It, Duatteg Powder .... 49c Maalena Seta ...... a l O C turned. and Saturday Night and Sunday RICHARD ARLEN in Tony, O ’Brijfht Court for Hartford county to hold — Dr. Blckendorff. Reich Colonial mac and temporary White House society wUl be held SVednesday eve­ passing Afternoom. and wsslons in Bristol. Lcagua. headejuarters at the Kooscvelt botei ning, May 3, at the home of Mias The sweetness spreads out—every “ SECRET VALLEY” Local .Amateurs Senate BiUs here. Florence Madden, 30 Laurel streeL where. BART WEEK SALE In concurrence »1th the House, 'I’he sltdown strike msv be a new Secretary Marvin M. McIntyre Special We have a •BED 8:30 . MASONIC TE.MPLE the Senate passed bills sppropriht- weapon, but It Is one that brings was In charge at headquarters. His Rev. J. Stuart NelU, rector of 8 ’ The daffodils knew It was eprtnx ing tMO to the Fort Griswold Tract peace Instead of bloodshed. first announcement was a message Mary’s Episcopal church. wlU have Ume large collection Adnission 81.35 per couple. M ii Groton Monument Association to the President from (Chairman Star Specials L oyT Prices •CHEST — Homer Martin, president U. aa bis guests at serylce Sun lay And let uielr petals uAfold. of these bean- for repairs to the Monument House W. A. >- Gary T. Grayson or the Red Cross morning the Manchester Grange ‘"Yow tbe earth baa lacreosed ui at Groton. saying that organization would have Rev. Neill has chosen for his sermon beauty, for 11 f nI dresses •DRESSER rehabilitation work "well under Authorizing the City Court of subject. "The Rural Church. ’ Dear Througb those colon ot greea aaa QUILTED PADS. 15'‘ > i r ...... f T s ? * Meriden to hear mortgage fore- BIG FI.SH L'.AL'OHT. way within the next day or so is Walter H. Gray of Christ Churco gold. for misses and the eastern flood regions.* HANDMADE BABY DRESSES...... 39e 25e Saturday clostire cases Involving property lo^ Cathedral. Hartford, will be toe “ve- Some day when the sun 'sn’I shin- THIS SUITE FREE! csted In the city. Albany. N. Y„ April 30.—(AP| — Mcfntyrr and hla skeleton White nlhg speaker. mg — WRAPPING BLANKETS...... 29c 19e women. Authorizing the Board of Elec- The State OonversaUotr department House staff wtll leave here late to­ SWEATERS, 100% Wool...... 69c 49e ‘ m CNHPESr night and set up an office tn Ualvea- When the cloud! a n o f aombar ana. With A Purchase of $278.00 W csl t:ommissloners of the Second reported the capture today of "one Perhaps the daffodils veliow. BABY BANDS ...... I9e 13c Taxing District of Norwalk to es- of the largcat" sturgeon tskeL from ton, Tex., where the President will Will help 111 the sunahtne onme> We beBove this to be one of the prettiest Colonial Ublfrii a pensbm system for aged the in many years. lane In time to start back to W’asb- GEN McARTHL'R H-EDS‘ RUBBER PANTIES ...... lOe 6c t n im o n y d u r and disabled employes. Irgton May 10. through. BIRDSEYE DIAPERS, 2T x 27” ...... $1.29 „ 89c bedroom eoitaa raadei U Is well oeoatnieted of The fish was caught in a shad net MRS. RACHEL TAYLO K . owned by Eoward and Harold Ten- New York. April 30.—(AP) — line cabinet hard woods finished In maple. AB otbi- SPECIAL TERMS TO PAT Wuto^'**” * blennlil elections in FLIER IS KILLED General Douglas McArthur, nuuurj ——— ' MRBTnBEST ning.oear Malden. Ulster county, the Philippine Hand Made DresMS and Roapera. net pfereo are cedar Hned — and that most <«rtalnly Establishing a town court In adviser to the Philippine govern­ department said, and meaaured HISB.VNC A.ND W’lFU DIB White, yellow, Moe, pink. Reg. 98c...... appeal to every woman ao a safe storage for wear­ NO DISCOUNT Guilford. eight feet, six tnehea It Weighed Buffalo. ,V Y „ April 30.— (A P ) — ment, atfb Mias Jean Mane Fair- 69c n iB YOU CAN about 289 pounds.. A filer who up to guide an cloth, of Murfreesboro, Tenn., were CflOM ing appareL F O R C A S H other pilot died today in a plane Meriden, April 30— (AJ’ , — Mrs. Sak Carriace Set Coven, eabroidered and Its head will be brought to the de­ married today In tbe chapel ot the Bridget Barry Maiooe died early this 12 to 20 partment offlcea here for examina­ crash, and a friend tlylng with aim Municipal building. alteraooD at ber home, 18 Cnioo Hned. Pink and blue. Reg. |1,2S...... Early W... HOSPITAL NOTES suffered serious injury. 98c tion by tha biological aurvay. “ The ceremony was performed b> StreeL wuy a few aoura after net for 38 to 52 Oiarles B. Williams, ot Buffa­ Deputy a t y Clerk Philip A. Hines cuaband, Anttiuny M. Maiuoa, aao Silk Baby Bnntinga, hand embroidered. This Offer Expires May 15th, Buy Now! lo. died in City hospital, shortlj Pink and bine. Reg. $1,25 ...... »'ho was hurriedly summoned trom been buned bera today, with the Best «SSr5ra^'±ir*“'“'' SupertUUon has It that the finder after the accidenL Also tn the apa the corporation counsci’a offics. widow In ignorance ol me 98c ISVa WE GIVE YOU Va YOUR HRST PAYM ENT (up to 50% of your plUi, possibly with a fractured * . ^ 0*^-*?^* SulJl- of a horseshoe abould hang it up. The witnesses were Maj. Harry j. Mra. Melons a death came as s Silk Christening Seta, Coat, Hat, OTeaa and ^ O A O Sdectioal bill) IN FREE FURNITURE OF YOUR OWN SELECTION! VM. 82 Wells street. Rlu DieU. lib with tha ends pointing upward, so skull. IS Lawrence McClellan, 21. 'k Hatter and Capt. rhomas J. Uavts. climax to a umg lllnesa ot compiiea- SUp. Pink, wkite. Mae. Reg. $3.98...... to24V2 etreaL Arthur D. Swift, Main "the coming good luck may be Kenmore. son of the Rev. Stuart both ot whom gave their ■ dtlrresc ■ Lons. The newa ot ber buabanda ■ w t . Jamea Johnson. 63 EJdrldge held within the curve of tha aboa.’* McClellan of Stamford. Conn. aa Manila. death terminating a bnet Uloesa. PAY 50% DOWTO — GET Vi IN FREE FURNITURE — 5 MOS. TO PAY BALANCB WllUams and MedeUan were at In bis application for a llcenae. was kept from Mra. MaJoae. who PAY 40% DOWN — GET Vt IN FREE FURNITURE 6 MOS. TO PAY BALANCE. H « r t f (^ road. Mra. Samual Dunlop CTonaolldated Airport here when a Gen. McArthur said be »'os 87. born was bed-riddeo for tbs last six PAY 30% DOWN — GET 4 IN FREE FURNITURE — 7 MOS. TO PAY BALANCE «n< infant son at Buiton. ACexloo led tha world In silver pto- plane Down by O e li Davta. jt Brad months. duetloo in 1936. with 82.100.uuu in Little Rock, Ark. The brlda gave PAY 20% DOWN — GET Vi IN FREE FURNITURE — 8 MOS. TO PAY BALANCB L'nano. tord. P a . landed. Davis had ncen ber age as 38. and said tbe was bora Mr. and Mra. Maiooe were paraots SUNDAY and MONDAY CUT RATE PAY 10% D O \ ^ — GET V4 IN FREE FURNITURE — 9 MOS. TO PAY BALANCE ouncee: the United SU tee was sec CARROLL vd Miss Helen Malone, aasistam cite 103 Caegreas streeL trying to find the Municipal AirporL in Nashville. Tenn., ths daugntei oi ond with HjOOOfiOO comptroUer. AaoUter d a u rttti UM 785 Mala St. Coraer Birek St, Maa^icsto, Coaa. atx miles away. Mr. and Mra. Edward C. FaUdoth. The More You Down — The More FREE Famitnre You Cict. J •oa furvlvM. Mlea the Hpssh Hksw ^ e d s eailay NIakt A t IT-Jai H. MatHa. Dnlar r FR AD I N ’ S The Lena Yon Pijr Down The Longer Yon Have Th rigr rA m roum MANCHSmElt EVENING HERALD. IfANCEESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 80, l « t Y1ANCBE8TER BVBNINQ HERALD. UANGHSETER. OONNe FRIPAT, APRIL 80,198T P A Q li m genius and skill; Elias Loomis, L. L. ALLA&PSTORES D., profsssor o f mathsmatles at 2,000 DRIVERS HERE ADVERTTBEMENT— ADVERTISEMENT— APVEIRTIBEMENT— o f the eombtaed choirs on Friday coUegea, Deso Margaret Horriaa oC Tale and Jared Sparks, who worksd Hollywood St^Afs And Sounds WORK IS STARTED and Saturday afternoons and Hiss Pembroke College, Preaideat Wil­ HERALD EMPLOYEE hla way through swademy and eol- AWARDED HONORS Flradm will appear at the Friday liam Allan NcUson of Smith College legs, leaving town with his belong­ Read About Animal Life and President Stanley King «< Am­ ing! bundled In a big bandana afternoon garden party ta a cos­ ; TO HAVE HOLIDAY WITHOUT UCENSES Hollywood, April 80.—(A P)— If Angus was a Soot aim n trailer ON “MISSING UNK” tume representing one o f the ten herst College. ISGIYENAPARH LOUIS S.JAFFE handkerchief. Ha becams president — / Hunting movie boners, the game^he would be sure to aay, "Oh. 1 dla' ail itafagt. of Harvard ooUaga. A t tha Tolland In The United States AT MT. HOLYOKEpast at Mount Holyoke. EtahlUts ta the various aoadamlc thousands o f fans love to play, is ~na know' ...... that It’s ruch ' a good >«1L lUa by all departiaenta and a County eelebratlOD la the Csntsa- cresting a well-paid profession in Speakers for the Saturday mom- I've seen better many tlmea." By ASSOCIATED PRESS. choral program- In Mary Lyon Mrs. Paal R. BalErieper, Retir­ alal year of 1876 Rev. Increase Hollywood— the technical advisor. i’gators given them by Senator Pep- tag academic ceremony will melude ing Tomorrow, Is Gocot of New Eagiaod Unhs to Qose Tarbos, O. D., wrote up the coun­ Must Be Obtained Before Galveston, Tex.—Meet Wimpy, P «r ID,, Fla.) grew disconsolate. Mrs. Margery Oorbeti Ashby 01 Chapel by the four vested choirs A flood of critical letters now d y dlDectoPs orders, OUvia de Steam ShoTel Cottiiig Into have been planned for both Friday Her Feilow Workers. ties and of WUUngton the following: follows even a plight mistake on the flealess pooch. Representative John MarUn (D., BARGAIN HOUND Local Girl Students to Be London, president of the Women's And WUUngton with pastures rough HavUand has bleached her brown Colo.) spoke up. International AlUa'ice; Dean Vir­ and Saturday afternoon. A pic­ at 1 p. m. Every Wedaes* Midnight Tonight; Office tlje screen. The theme of the writ- treaees two shades lighter m order One ot tWD.thtags tavariably hap­ 'T H -tT T ' And here and there a rock ginia C. Glldersleeve of Barnard turesque garden party, an historical eds la "H ow Could You Be So to play a madcap heMine. . Jdmd in Hebroi^ pens to the flea that gets on Wimpy, "T ry love and heefstoak," be said. Miss Etether H. Johnson o f Clinton With Noble fpr her minister Martm ought to know. His pet Honor Gnards at Centen­ College, president of the Interna­ episode, "Mount Holyoke Opens", a DumbT" The director insisted ' that bru­ says owner W. J. Henderson. He street entertained at her home last day ii Season. Sent forth her war-Uke stock.** to Be Open Tomorrow. 'gator "Little Al", who always tional Federation 01 University Wo­ dance cycle, “Changing America”, Gideon Noble, eon of Rev. Gideon Today Inquiry dUcloeed that such nettes look serious, while blondes To Be Ready in July. either abandons bis free ride In- reception to guests, a student eefe- eventag-in honor of Mra. Paul R. an oldUme subjiKt aa the Northwest comes to Congress aitb. him, has M y Mother once said to me, *"rry to you don’t take advantage o f thee# slaU ot lime gelatin, cherries and men; and Jerome D. Greene, secre­ Ballaleper o f West street The gueata Noble who was the minister here look gay. stanter or be drops off dead. To nial Exercises. nade and a concert by Goldman's REGISTERED OPTiaAN Mounted Police Isn’t being filmed Henderson It's like the fourth di­ slept m hotel bathtubs for lO.UOO be good. savings. ' , whipped cream. The gelaUn Is tary to the Corporation, Harvard were women employes of the, Man­ from 1799 to 1790, aged eleven at mllea of the Congressman's travels, Keep your belonglnge neat as you poured two taches deep Into a ahi band are other features of the two- V H i* atorea a t the Oreat Atlantic It was estimated at the local anymore until an expert Ipoka over Four bunchee of carrots, a dosen mension: It's there but just try to University, representing the oldest chester Evening Herald. M rs Ball­ war time was allowed to go to New The steam shovel digging out the should low mold, allowed to harden slight­ day Centenary celebration. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED t u d Padfle Tea Company la New branch office of the Motor Vehicle the scripL Bruce Camthers, an ex- api.:es and a box of cube sugar rje explain IL ReedsvUle. Wla.— Mass production Look *-20” Your Hands! South Hadley. Mooa., April 30.— men's university ta this country. aleper who for several years baa fork but must return. He was a muck and peat through the iwamp notes: A cow owned by WllUara D. Say your prayers dally before you ly and topped with red or black Honorary degrees will be presented Colleges, universities and learn­ bera a clerical worker ta the bust- ! England will cloae every Wednesday Department at 6 o'clock last night, mounUe just has finished this joo deUvered dally to Jean HarloW.s CUoago— Alba, the albtao black To be hand conscious these days, Miss Elizabeth Shelton, daughter of We have a eeleettaa af tbs aai flfer and he went on with the men sleep lo r r ie s . The .combtaBtion I4 then to a group of dletlnguUhed visitors ed societies throughout the country nesa office la terminating her ser­ afternoon at one o'clock throughout for a two-reeler. He spotted two- dressing room. , where the hew road, known aa the spider monkey at the Hrookfleld Krueger Is the mother ot triplet is to be wretched indeed. I f you Hr. and Mrs. Ctaarlea A. Shelton ot eel style frumea. who made much of him, and they that it will be necessary for about calves, two boys and . glrL And make no promise you can hot covered with a second layer of gela­ and abroad sdll send del*gatea and vices Msy 1, and is being succeeded ;'the year. This new schedule of score mlstakee. This is not a new diet for the Zoo, got an awful Inferiority com­ have watcdied your hands lose their 492 Main street and Miss Edna Fra- by President Mary EL Woolley, who often earned him on their shoulders 2,000 more Manchester automobile' ■HisMng link" U to be built, started keep." tin. When It la congealed It may hundreds of alumnae will return to b„- Mias Ethel Woodward of Hol­ ^.holiday each areek for all the store The first acene for the troop, Usaome star. It'a her treat for the plex when six of ber cage mates CtaclnnaU-Two milch goats at smooth and flawless texture as the dm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius ta to retire at the close o f the when be was weary. When ha re­ drivers to secure their licenses be­ work yesterday and will conUnus the Zoo are working ta 12 hour be served ta portions on which whip­ Mount Holyoke for the anniversary. lister street. employeea will become effective ueat turned home bis parents were too while on borsee, to alpte the flag thoroughbred horses appearing with ganged up on her the other day. years piled up, get busy today with FVadta of 94 HamUn street, Man­ academic year after nearly 87 years OompUmeutary Ad)i»fiuwHfc fore closing time tonight or take a until the job Is completed. It ta esti­ shifts as foster mothers to a 16- My black mammy said to me, ped cream and cherry preserves or MIm Johnson had prepared a Wednesday, May S. "The men of tha northwest police do ber In a race track film. Alba Is cross-eyed and her range this new reconditioning treatment. chester, Conn., will serve on the of continuous service. glad to punish him and' no court- chance on being arrested for driv­ day-old- eland. Its mother died ___ "Thlrteen's bad. canned cherries are placed. program of games, and prtxee In two In commenting about the i ew martial would convict not salute mounted," suggested Car- mated It will take until the Jiat was bad. She was taking a lactag It’s a three-ln-one treatment and guard of honor at the Mount Hol­ President Woolley, Secretary FUEK IS KILLED Buy On the Budget ing without a Ucense. durtag a Caesarian operation. Let it alone, or you'U wish you bad. They were to leave tor Uon of officers. Brother Charles M. new road wUl be located when fin how easily the young child grasps their weight o f fish dally. It's com­ .. tlon with fun pay after three years Police Court tomorrow morning. bouse cat is the talk of his neigh­ fi'oxen slnee its discovery ta 1333, most satisfactory, most practical forting to know that a few skunks home Thursday niomtag, arriving Gardener, High Priest of Demeter Ished. It Is gotag to make a much the Idea of a Santa Claus or an ^TOILETRIES and oae weak after one year. 'We borhood. The two kittens she bore form of refrigeration. It must also 300 Crisp, New S e r g ^ t McGUnn reported that in New York City In the aftenioon, shorter trip for Manchester people slthougb it is s mile above sea Blaster bunny. And this little su­ have turned out to be good sports, have, also, established minimum will be the speaker. A turkty dtai yesterday were Siamese twins, be remembered that the more gas marka in the highway ehowed that where they remained until evening. who mtend to go to the shore m the level and nearby lakes freese sol­ perstition does no harm. On the after all—I f you know what I mean. ratas o f salary which provide that WAPPING ner Is to oe served by Andover jotaed at the stomach. Looks as idly. appliances you use the cheaper your the ear travelled on the wrong side They were due to arrive In Hartford vicinity of New London. contrary It usually does a lot of no manager will receive less than of the highway for 78 feet before Grange. Tickets are" for sale oy If they will live, too. rate becomes and that is something Fruit of The ..M SUNDRIES Burton Bingham and bis son, good. Ultra-modems will disagree 886 a week and no clerk that works at 10:49 where they were to be met members of the Grange. we are all Interested ta. Stop m striking the pole. Harold Bingham, from Nashau. Tampa, Fla.—Harry Fyfe was with me on this, but I stlU Insist the store nours win be paid lass by R. W. Belcher. Pupils making the The Wapping Community church at the beautiful show room of the For a brief interval after t le New Hampshire, were guests ot cruising along about 88 miles from that If a Uttle of the above phUoso- than 818.00 a wsek. with fuU addi trip were: Mabel Dewey, Eleanor school will bold their regular month­ Manchester Division of the Oas Co., 0 Loom pole was struck lights In the south Tampa when he noticed the hitch­ phy were mixed In when teaching ttonal pay for any overtime. Evan their coualna, M n. Annie V. Collins Thresher, Shirley Hobson, A. Ben­ ly social this eventag at eight PUBUC RECORDS ask to see an EHectmlux Gas Re­ end of ths town were aatlnqulshed, hiking pigeon m the middle of the small chUdren obedience (In a sensi­ CRAMER HEADS VETERANS our newest clerks and tha young and John Vinton, Wednesday night. nett, Barbara Rlordan, Esther Mur­ o'clock at the Community church road. He gave It a U ft frigerator. See for yourself all the attracting aeveral persosia to the The senion of tha Ellsworth Me­ Ray Only H ble way of course) the lesson would New Britain, April 3 0 .j-(A P )— fauowa srbo are called 'dellvarv phy, J6sephme Lorenc, Anna house. Rev. David Carter will have The bird's owner, W. C. Myera of excellent features that make thta scene of the accident. morial High school of South Wind­ Schweir, Sue Daley, Marion Stone, Warrantee Deed - be ipuch more effective and lasting. Kenneth Cramer of Wethersfield waa FROCKS boys' now are paid a minimum a t charge of the games. Ralph E. col- Tampa, whose name was found on WeeMy refrigerator the one you should buy. elected commander of the State De­ 81 cents an hour. Further we have sor, left Monday morning by train Dorothy Wagner, Kathryn Olmiow, Itas, Levi T. Dewey's and Walter N. Walter E. Schrelber to Jacob F. the identification band, eald It waa for a four day trip to Washington. Annette Kagorislil, Helen Sheridan, Miller, five-room dwelling at 830 A BeauUfnl H1sh partment of the Military Order of la affect a vary liberal policy in Foster's classes wlli have ebargs ot entered In a race three weeks ago. T ry following a red and green the Purple Heart which was orgaa- hur eosmaction with Mekaeaa ealary SUMMER FURNITURE The group of 29 pupils under the Eva Padelsk,, Pearl Bragg, Jose- the refreshments. Porter street, recently built by Mr. Washtagton — Senatorial woes for a wonder Mother on her Day. KBT ^ color scheme ta your meal. Tomato taed ta this city last night by dele­ supervision of Principal and Mrs. pbtae LashetskI, Olga Jacobs, Elisa­ Schrelber as the first In a contem­ This year, Mother's day cards are which la la sddltioa to our group >n- The Sunday School Board com­ over the care and feedtag of infant juice, red cherries, cranberry juice gates rfora Meriden, Ansonia, Derby, OKUUdlUKES Carl A. Gamnuson and Coach Hugh beth Reichle, Rena h^son, William plated Cape Ood vlllagt on the aoutn lovelier than ever and Dewey-Rlch 1.00 snrance. AU of these things have alligators waned today. Senate $ mittee' for the ensuing three months —or other fruit juices colored red DISPUYQI AT KEMP'S Greer and Mrs. Greer will return man have a huge assortment priced Se3rmour and this city. ^ dona but we sbaU continue to Dwyer. Albert Karkowskl, Tom Is: Mrs. Dorothy Harrison, Mrs. side of Porter street. , pages had been troubled 'when pet with fruit coloring—make good Thursday night. Raymond Belcher, from 5c. up. Make your mother or Other officers elected are; Senior strive for other thlnge that win Burgess, Casper Matchulat, Charles Paul ShelBlck and Miss Lois M. Fos­ cocktails. Beets, aptaach, green Vice Commander, Charles D. Goud- ORIGINATORS OP REASONABLE P R IC E S seboed bus operator, took the pupils aomebod3r's mother happier by send­ Wa weta fortuwtaa la betag — UM,srork of tha^pet^la in our Kemp's, Inwrm ratsd, fum ltura Enes, Harold Berger, Elmer riart. ter,___ .. beans, asparagus, broccoli or kale reault. New Britain; Junior ,JVlce atorea mbfe pteaSsat ahd 'more eh- dearer here Ii snowing one of the to the station and wrlD meet them Charles Clapp, Jsck Dw^er, Eliiott ing ner one o f tnese Beautiful seti- may be used as the vegetables. ^1- ■Me fa make a epeetal porehaoe tlments. Oimmander, Maurice Romm, Derby; I 845 Main St Rubinow Bldgr. Joyahla because It is our feeling tost finest displays of summer furniture, when they return. The Itinerary 'or Elmore, Robert Edwards and V. GYPSIES RAISE FUROR mon, pork, tenderloin or chicken, Chaplain, Rev. Daniel Strickland, of theae frocks to sell at this end has s vary complete Uns for tbs four-day trip Included a sight­ only a happy and contented store Navakowakl. WITH OEM.YND FOR QUEEN COM- any of them garnished with pimen­ Shelton; Sergeant-at-Arms, John price- .wgeiiie^nri csD render that friend­ aslectton. Tha srlds variety o f sum­ seeing tour of New York city Mon­ Four members of Wapping Grange Abont Mirrors! tos, may. be served as the main mer pieces. Include Adirondack Plnsk, Poland (A P )—Polish g-yp- PLETI Burak, New Britain; Judge Advo­ ly type of food servioa that It has day, i^ ln g Ellis Island and the No. 3, motored to EUtagton Grange sles will meet soon herd to select How unsatisfactory mirrors were course. Cherry, raspberry or straw­ cate, Captain Eric F. Strom, Meri­ chairs, yacht chalra, reclining chairs Statute ot Liberty, to Philadelphia, CASH Ot Whether yea ars a stodeat. for a long time la amusingly illus­ always bSan our Company's poUey No. 46 last Wednesday evening, It a successor to Mateas Kwtek, their berry gelatin desserts make an ap- den; Finance Officer, William Tem­ Never Agrain At with footrest nod canopy, .tamarac houaewtta earretary, bosliMaa trated In a letter of 1639 from Lady to p r^ d e .” where they were to go on a tour of being Neighbor's Night. There was king who died recently ta Warsaw pcttxlng last course. ple, New Britain; Historian, Frank chalra, gliders, umbrellas and table that city. They were scheduled to Which do you wont whon you nood monoy? or prulreetnnal m aa espert Brilllana Harley to her son Eklward H0U5EH0LPNEED5 7)(TDASPECiaT c In tho vacation and so-called lum- outfits, metal tables and metal fine program provided by mem­ There are aeveral candidates since typlPt or liipt B "brglnner*’ . . Clushner, Ansonia; National Com­ arrive In Washington late In the at Msgdelena Hall, Oxford. "Dear Refreehing Dessert. This Low Price! MOTHER’S mer points It is thought advisable chairs. The entire Ime 1a of high bers of Stafford, Coventry and Tol­ many gypsies refuse to accept WE'LL LEND Y O U THE CASHl you'll find |usl the portable mitteeman, Joseph Fclngold, New to k ^ opta on Wednesday after­ afternoon and stay at the Calrq land Granges. Glastonbury Grange Ned,” she writes, "if theare be any A refreshing cherry dessert con- Britain. These are the tamoos "Fruit of giade manufacture, and priced very Kicharl, Mateas' son, who Is only W« went to twlp Tou m It# your problem by to eiilt your needs. good looking glasses at Oxford, DAY BALL BEARING noons during the summer only— but hotel. In the evening they were to members were ulso present and tending you the csea you need. Stop m today. low for quality summer furniture. a boy. chuse me one about the blggness of the Loom” Fiocka, goaraateed M ajt 9Ui issmadlataly after Labor Day thU visit the Congressional Library. brought the Fraternity Grange Lma MAM raOM 810 TO 8M0 — AU MAM Tbs gUders are eaperlally good Most sensational Is the proposal Service Typewriter that 1 use to dreu in, if you remem —aa advertleed ta Good Hooae- FREE! WednMday afternoon closing wtU looking, and come In s wide range of Tuesday they were to tour the City to Ellington Orange. There were of the gypsies from Gorllce (a " f Intrrr.t rhararS le ikree (Sl per real, pee wsalh. aw OOUBUB BIZB (S r a 86*) ROLLER be la effect In every Store. of Washington. Pan American build­ ber It. I put it to your choys be­ keeptag Magaataa, TOILET SETS color comblnaUona. The same Is about 180 patrons present. Elling­ mountain region In southeastern lo " '" * * '* '*** ” **■ ■■eats PPloapI at tha ('omnany cause 1 think you will chuse one. true ot the yacht and reclining ing and the While House. Several POUSHING CLOTH ton Grange furnished refreshments Poland), who want a queen In­ 199 rrumhull Street WMb Om P M ___ TOASTERS chain. The display la unusually at- trips were scheduled for the altar- that wUl make a true ans'ure to onse SKATES at the close of the meeting. stead of a king. They say tbetr Hertford. Ooaa face.” During the latter half ot Every Wanted Color traetlvs, and tbs public la Invited to noon to to'wns In Virginia, also a The Pioneer Pust Masters associa­ camp of 2,(XX) persons It so well FiNANCi COMPAJNY. JimNSON'S ‘ CANDY WnUNGTON step Into Kemp's and see the fine trip to Fort Meyer, Georgetown, Local Affantat the ITtb Century, EhigUsh Glass bad tion of the East Central Pomona managed by a woman that they •tato TkMtoT Balldins KEMP'S, INC. generally improved ta quality and Boy aeer for wear bow and FURNITURE selection o f summer furniture. Arlington Cemetery and the Zoo, Orange N a 3, wUl hold their annual want hervto rule all the gypalea. m St. Mr. and Mra. Alex Ross of Welles- hanging mirrors had begun to play right through guiumar. POUSH iC pair lay. Mass. apsBt Sunday with bar a part ta decorative echemes. alatsr, Mrs. Cianaes Essex and fam- l l j and Dr. Harris Price and mother Don’t You ReeUy Think It’s about time you traded that old KUNZMOTH H n . Agnes TlUotsoa of West Nsw- 200 Sheets * T /h tOB, Mast., srere also guests anrouta radio In for a new one? Potterton M arlow 'S LIQUID SNOW Some from S t Petersburg, FIs., A Krah give the best trade-in allow­ For Values Doralette Tidsnes A v i C where they spmt the winter. ances and have a wonderful selec' Wm Not Stata! Raymond Bruce of Springfield, BUY WITH CONFIDENCE tlon of new sets to choose from. Kllhr Moths, UVORIS' Maas., visited bis sister and brother- Moth Cggo SPECIAL! A&P off«r» no questionable bargains. All merchan­ Hints for the Housewife. In-lahr, Hr. and Mra. Lester Masker and L a rv M nO M TH W ASH ] $2-86 A G FA thU srsek. The new cookie presses enable Mias LiUiah Petrovich has re- dise is purchased from reliable and authentic sources tha amateur baker to compete with Box tnmed to Oicero, ni., after visiting only. Prices effective April 29-May 5 the professional cook in turning out HANG UP $1 .9* bsr brother, John Petrovich for two fancy pastries. T ry experimenting KUNZMOTH Camera weeks. with frostings of various colors, or Miss Ruth Bennett daughter of Jefferson bits of candied fruits and nuts. “AH Year” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett baa ob­ Braising, boUIng, simmering and VAPORIZER PINT SIZE tained work In Jerry Partxew's but- stewing are the cooking pmeessee ' tan shop. to use for less tender cuts of meat. F L IT ...... 19e Vacuum Dennison Walker, the oldest resi­ STRAIGHT WHISK EY 99« Although they are less expensive, dent of Ware, Mess., was 93 years these cuts are no loss nutritious BLACK F L A G ...... 21e BoHIe old Sunday. He was formerly owner 12" Months Old^Excellent for Mixing than more costly ones. T ry scar­ *1.99 Get Another for Only Ic! 1 prescription pharmacists 903 MAIN STREET needed to break down the meat Rose Ann Bundt Is spending this fibers and make them tender. UNION LEADER SODA HEINZ week with relatives In F^lnvllle. A flavorful well known brand at a A smooth 8 yrs. old highland Whiskey It Is a good plan to save meat TOBACCO BABY Henry Borovicka deUvered mail special price. Try g bottlo. that is fast Increasing in popularity. stock for Invalid dishes. But In. FOODS on the route Wednesday for mail- lOc $1.00 Quart case you are out of stock and wish POUND lO e OOMPLEYB narrier Charles Lyon. .lOc to prepare food for an Invalid add T IN ...... Benjamin Robbins of WUUngton Pure .Aspirin (lOO’s) 2 for 5 1 C Mouth two quarts of water to one pound DEXTRO-MALTOSE ..57c HUl exhibited miniature furniture at Iodine o f chopped round beef. Then acid the display of the Society of Con- 30c Wash one teaspoonful o f salt and let the CIGARETTES LACTOGEN...... 79c ■aeticut Craftsmen Saturdav. In R ED C R O W N G IN » 95< Witch Hazel (pints) meat simmer in a covered pan for CASTILE SO A P...... 8c Hartford. His work Included Wind­ 2 2 for 31 C one hour. Remove any scum which Laeky Btrikn 2 i CheotarfieU zsi sor dining end rocking chairs and a Si rises to the top. Then strain the Mode by one of the nation's leading Gin distillers exclusively for A 4 P. A 10c Old OoM BORDEN MALTED MILK drop-leaf table of perfect design, for broth. The cemked meat should bo $ 1 . 4 1 pleasant 90 proof distilled Gin. Probak Blades for Camel CARTON ■bowing much skill. 2 for 1 1 C I served In combination with vege- 5-lb. can $1.98 Mrs. Mary Ann Richards, 84. 35c Ublea ANACIN Widow of Charles Richards who died TABLETS ■8 the home of her daughter In II Facial Tissues (500’s) 2 for 3 6 c $1-01 We Are Only As Far Labenon. formerly Uved In Wllllng- Hiram Walker Jefferson your nearest telephone. Hale's 500CLEANSIN6TISSE5 BATH SPRAT, ton many years near the Moose . ^ i f Serve and Health Market fea- A L t dAR TMSATRK4M. ¥MRY iPKC/tu -Meadow cemetery, where Mr. Rich­ t/liire the best In meals, poultry, FfTS ards owned a farm. After be died. green vegetables .nnd groceries. See COIDCRIMM 1 7 Mrs. Richards moved away. Her GIN 99c BOURBON""" 99c market page for week-end specials. p n v ■on, Arthur Richards, has been em- Shop the Self-Serve way and save Forest Package Store FAuceri ■loyed for two years by Edwin For improved cocktails use this popular time and money! 1071 Main Street 5 9 4 Cuabman at WUUngton Hollow-, leav- A Whiskey that ?s fast gaming favor Buy One —Get Another For Ic 0pp. Army A Nmvy Gab fo g the first of this month. Gin. Take advenfage of this low prica.- for Mixing Cocktaib. 9 We kinds’ like the gentleman who S P U T L P M B Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Poalln of East Dry 90 proof. likes the funny stories, down these < Christian Rum Serita 1.25 OorAoo's Ota. M e n — $1.00 Beef, Iron 0 g OLD LAUREL (18 months old) - - >. [iti^HMrdiea at Hartford, has an article 844 Main 65c haven’t visited Montgomery Ward's Rer a good ■aad car efait s l .2 9 ...... $ 1 .2 5 and Wine 2 for ^ 1 <- U 1 Moth Crystals during this store-wide sale, you bet­ OBJCJCN D U n U J B D e YR. OLD ifhb *nAriUtngtOB WorttUas" by Shcr- A W ol Aged Cuban Rum 2 for 66c yavRordDaofartad^ WHISKEY Quart BIVKR DRY « Bouls which Is of much Interest Bright Star Brandy, * 1 e ter get right down there bright and KYB OOGNAO early Saturday morning and stock WHISKEY GIN BEER 1 "itlons that you can •*bo« tbs Street ...... $ 1 . 1 9 50c Milk of Magnesia Ff g WHISKEY BKAMDT l - j to muingtoo HUl nrith Dry Gta, 89 Proof, OC\ Citrate of Mafoesia, 2 t o r C up on your requirements before the 26 Tablets 2 for O 1 C Is over end prices go higher. HOOKER HOUSE WHISKEY (1 year old) ... .qt $1.19 CANS....3for25c fKABl fm r mmM quart ...... o 9 C Bxtraordtaaiy saTtngs ta every de- CHILTON G IN ...... 77...... qt. 99c $1,47” 99 c HUl charms ths pilgrim w ithlta El Chico Rum, M e e A 35c MILSHIRE GIN ...... qt. $1.09 89 c” 49c “ ” 1 Seidlita Powders 2 for ortm ent ot the stora and jurt at Stubby ...... $ 1 . 1 9 26c Lilac Vegetal 2 for a time when we aU need these ar- 36c STROUD A L E ...... *.... 4.____3 cans 25e SILVER STRAIGHT WHTTE 81 MOK. OU> B Oak MUL Year OM. 80 Proof. M e Iciea; household appliances and DOUAB WHISKEY Bottles .... 3 for 25c ...... $ lo U 5 urnlihlnga, floor covertaga; garden (Ma Oegostt.) HOKSB BOCREOH mi tools and farm implementa; ear ac- WHISKEY SO Rtssf SOOTCH m ceeaorlas and Urea, einthitiy for the We Redeem Red Fox (Capons. wmMMMK m m wlMia family and yard goods of Quarto 20c USID CARS SiJeg Limited. Mo m Sold Dealers. SSc” every daaerlptlon. It’s your loss if 94c ^”**inrDEUVEEl •2.29 49c “ 1 ( — y .

, PAGE U S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, APRIL 80, IWT BlANCUE^rUR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESl'ER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 80.1987 PAGE SEVEW'’^ may be antl-cUmatlc. Some readers In search o t climate who cannot af­ will feel that this la true o t “They ford to stay the necessary time a»wt made tha neir act appUcabla wandered away from her home 'tm- ATTORNEY GENERAL cam e U ke Swallows.” to both aides in a dvU conflict. to have ths necoMuy food, lodging, day night. ^ ^ MIDDLEFIELD FESTIVAL The Family and care. EXPANDS RULE Becauae of tha lack o f such a pro- CARELESS AUIOIST T h e y Oame U ke Swanowa,** by Mothers Of Twins Tell vialon in the present law, a special WlOlam Maxwell (Harpers; g t). S. Competent medical advloa and Oooaervatlon OTT CLUB’S GUEST supervision are essential. atatuta to cover the S p a ^ h situa­ UDips workers gnd .voluntssrs, aldsd DATES MAT 14 AND IS LAST CALL! LAST CHANCE TO BUY AT THESE SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! by KnoiM Istond state poUce ilood- S n iL UNDER FIRE Doctor 3. One of the moat vaiuabla assets OF PRESIDENT tion waa rushed through in January. .f About Their Children of change la the education o f the Thto waa done aftar the State De­ hounds, found no trace j f u m cUJa T. B. P A T IE N T 8HOUU> NOT Apple BkisMiB Program Plan­ McKINNEY-BUSHNELL petieot. This may, ot course, be ob­ partment discovered It had no pow­ In relentless day and night search (UoaMaiiPd from Page One) TRAVEL UNLEU BE CAN tained In a suitable envlriyament ing. Not until sixtasn-year-old 'a » ned for Two Days; To Crown A M T en u ‘ 6ioq|De( Last er to halt • New Jersey exporters (Editor's Note:—Jamestown’s ^seo hugging his small green coat 7 SUPFOBT HIMSELr w.thout regard to climate, aa la a IN TRADE aid Builard atumhlad upoa her hud­ Queen On the First Day. shipment o f airplanea and engines aaerst osoaioii and complained twins big and little offer plenty about him. MARRIAGE TOMORROW ■anatorlum near bomt. dled tn a tangle of bruab a mils and to the Spanish government, MThlnat the loose admlnlstrattoa Of o t diversion to their mothers in "1 want my cap on, toe', eoun- By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN 7. Selection of a suitable locality (OsatiMwd ffe * Pag* Oae) a half from bar home did the The anmutl Mlddlefield Apple Bloe- ia Chbrooms; W. Editor, Journal of tiM Amerloaa tha laws by tbe courts. Hs charged the “Cornell Twin Study aub", tered hla tw i^ Wallace (or maybe It to an Individual problem for every searchers learn where she w ent Ihe but present some puxxling prob­ som Festival, whleh each year at- Member of Board of Edacation Medical Aseoctotloo, and of patient, depending upon hto temper­ ^ prohibited from trsdaportlng to waa the other way 'round). was stlU in Upton, almost at the that serioua complaints o f violations lems. In thto story, you will tfacta. thousands o f Connecticut's Bi Rogers, Toastmaster. Weds Centerbrook Woman; HFgata- the Health Magaxtae ament; taates, and individual reac- beUigerents any-commodlUes or ma- Ronnie Ogren. tow-beaded, 4- LOST TOT IS FOUND - Nprthbridge town line. were dianged to leas serioua learn that sometimes they have dUsens In addition to out-of-state tlou to environment, as well as the t e r ^ Which the President may year-old bun^ of energy In striped Wm Reside Heru. Her legs were frosea to the kneew dJtarges. He mentioned aomn Ro> similar dental cayttiea at. once). visitors picturesque Middlesex So frequent have reoommenda- cbahKter of hto disease. The ad- designate. American sellers of such brown Jersey and short brown pants, ner face and other espoaed parts at publican oonrta as offenders. Re- County, will be held thto year on The marriage of Everett Thomas tiona been made for removal vtolag phy-alclaa should have aa ap- goods will be required to relinquish eUmbed briskly up a young Mrcb T tm VaiidtM ter CKy ehib'a aoni- AFTER FOUR DAYS her body scratched and bruised -u publlcana on the' eommlttee retal- By MAKY EUZABBTH PLUMStEB tree, witb hto twin, Doonle— bard to May 14 and 18, It waa announced y t t w u y banquet held last nigtat waa McKinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. of tubefculosia victims to tne ptedation of these factors as well as ^ title to tbe wares before they today by John Lyman, chairman, on a knowledge of the particular en- she stumbled through the woods. la M by charges that Uoansss svare differentiate—close behind. to a Toualng aueoeas. Tbe main room George McKinney o f as Foster Southwest, or to aanitorla altuatod leave the country. whose vast farmlands the '^ ‘re- Wronment to which the patient to (OoBUnoed from Page Uim ) So serious was her oondlUon doc restored by tha motor vehicles de­ Jamrstown, N. Y„ April 30.— Hra... L. Mognuaon, handsome e t the club waa packed to eapactty street, and Hlaa LoU Irene Bush elsewhere In the United States, partment. at tlmco. without justifi­ monies will take place. W ard m ek Thereby, would-be purchasers will young mother who heJp^ found the for the affair at which Attorney nell, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. E d that there was a time whbn every­ being sent Contentment and rea­ tors ordered her treated immediate (A P ) — You can’t talk about your be compelled to pay cash for such cation. The latter believe that they club, said her freckled blonde twins. A band concert at 8 p. m. on May Oanaral Bdward J. Daly waa the one who bad tuberculosis Imme­ sonable comfort are easentlal. ly for ahock and declined even tu babies at a bridge club without bor­ 14 will signalise the start of the ward F. Buabnell a t Ontorbrjok goods and transport U em In their xioner, to offer the hospital "anv they could not leave out the motor Jack and Naal. 5, who wore Identi­ gueat of honor. diately began to cravel. 8. There to no universally ideal permit her tearful mother to see ing roinebody. colorful two-day program. Then will will take place tomorrow afternoon own or other foreign sh'lyia. Present possible aaatotance.” vehicles department In any sweep- cal sweaters with tbe alphabet Not long ago, however, the climate. For each paUent th en her. Mrs Netoon spent hours tn s come the highlight of the first day FoUowtaig an excellent roaat at 4 o'clock In the Centerbrook 'k>n may well be a most favorable en- restrictions continue against Ameri­ "H e will keep in touch with the 'tng Investigation. But when mothers of twins meet, printed on them, are never more chickeii dinner aerved by John grrgatlonal church. Rev. Rufua O United States government, through bospital ante room waiting for '*rba greatest thing the highway and dtocuas twrlns' unbringlng, there —the crowning of the queen by last Its Public -Health Service, pro­ cans traveling on belli gerenta* ves­ hospital and report to" me,” the gov­ cheering word that did not come. than a few feet apart. Andlaio's Oak Oiill a short apeaking Analey. pastor o f the church, will f l n d " t ^ ^ enough to sels. ernor added. sofety committee can do to to Im­ to no boredom, no dearth of con­ But with boxing gloves on, they 3T«ar*a ruler. This impressive cere­ tested such ahlpptng of patients Tbe child's father, weary from day: mony will be followed by a drill by program was conducted with W il­ officiate. press upon the motorist the certain­ versational material. are completely unsentimental. Jock tc. certain states when these peo­ 9. There to a reasonable amount Further discretion to given the Police said only the warmth Ot of discouraging searching In damo the Washington Park Fife, Drum lard B. Rogers aa toastmaster. Tbe The bride wlU be attended by her of evidence that certain medicai ty that he can no longer get charges Variations and rebellions of one (or was It NealT) had a potont ple did not have the means to President In prescribing exceptions the child's light blue sweater kept woods, tried ineffectually to ' t>uo> and Bugle Corps of Meriden, a tum­ oatjr speakers were Postmaster stoter, Mias Haxel L Buahnell as altered or get his license hi ' twin from the other’s mode of life "haymaker." nitchase necessltlas of life aftei yjpta oT cases are more favorablv to the "cash and carry*’ feature as her alive through four days nnd bling exhibition by the Meriden Thomas J. Qulah. who was a speaker maid of honor. Wilfred G. McKinney Influenced by certain conditions ot her up. Their other children re­ easily as many are being r^ . >4* a prime topic In the Cornell No “ findings” have been made they had arrived at the new loca­ It might apply to Ctonada and Mexi­ nights o f storms, and cold since she Turners Society, a dreus by the oa tbe first banquet program and of Cleveland, will be beat man for dlmate. everything else being equal. co. mained with a neighbor at Upton. now," Rep. Parsona said. to^Twln Study CHub at Jamestown. from the notes o f the CbrneU ‘Twin tion. Mlddlefield school children and a A tta n e y General Daly. After this hto brother. The usbera wlU *>e Her For example, reasonably cold, dry. ^Hxiothers of twins who comprise Study Club at Jamestown, but It to The minimum costa of care ap- Regnlatlnn of Aid drill by the St. Frances Drum and an entertainment program waa bert J. McKinney, brother of the aroximately 323 to 35C a week. Un- variable climate, such aa to found In V u t o club said today. apparent that the twins sometimes glean under tbe direction of Jack Bugle Oorpe of New Haven. bridegroom, Jerome B. BushneU ana ess an Invalid to able to provide the moiintalna, for young or vigor- A special Presidential permit will 'IWina' similarities are another want to be different from each Kingsley. Beautiful floral decora- Harold H. Buahnell, brothers o( thr ous constitutions which will react be necessary, under another new other. On the seeond day. atartlng at the from 31300 to 31800 a year for bit study o t the club, whose members same hour, the program will be tlons for the affair were furnished bride, and George W. Parker ot well. Dry. sunny climates for laryn­ provision, for the solicitation or col­ One of the Cudllpp twins an­ care, he cannot do bimaelf much are seeking further light on tbe very much the aama except that H rIM Miner of the Park Hill Brookline, Mass Janet and Lar- geal cases and thoae with m a r ^ lection In this country o f funds to nounced, after several yM rs of / Our Regular 2 65 good by moving to another atate problem of twin guidance. well-known public offid al will be glower Shop. A handsome center- catarrhal secretions. S u a b le muo relieve human «ufferlng in nations dressing like her twin, that she bara McKinney, nieces of the bride­ In which neither hla citlxenship Get The Most Out Of Summer—This Year Informal conversation of the present to formally declare the new plaae arranged by Hr. Miner was groom. will be flower girls. nor hto realoenee 1a established. -'llmatea at low altitudes for the Involved In hostilities. It stipulates would no longer hsve rubber heels donated by him to be passed on to a mothers today went like this: queen ruler of the apple bloesoms. .Tbs ceremony will be followed bv When the burden of providing elderly and thoae of nervous temper- that such activities must be con­ Mrs R. Munson (mother o f 4- on her shoes, please. Mek dub member. It was taken Assisting Mr. Lyman tn prepara- a reception at the Centorbrxwk (« m 'or himself In a strange town to amenta, as well aa for thoae with ducted by Impartial relief agencies year old twins MarshaU and W al­ Although tbe Hanson twins, tall, Cool W h ite Shoes ImmedlaUly io the Hartford hos­ —With Practical Outdoor Furniture tlons for Uito fifth annual featlva' munlty bouse. added to that of tbe disease from arteriosclerosis, weak hearu, or Profiting by this jovernment's lace., "it one of my boys have to pretty girls In the seventh grade, pital where Unwood Perkins U se- marked tendency to dyspnoea. arc the following: Vice-chairman. Greatly Reduced Mias Buabnell has been seertUry which he suffers, tbe Invalid loads neutrality experience in connecUon have castor oU. the other wanta It." work happily tn the same class­ rtooBty in. htauelf with a handicap ao great 10. Successful selecUon of climate room, their excellent marks vary­ Mrs. C. Nelson Burnham; secretary. to Judgs Thomas D. Coulter of Es with the Spanish revolution. Con- Mrs. 8. J. Lesser (mother of Mrs. George Shaffrtek: treasurer. M«n’8 Polo Shim For Ward Week aex. Hr. McKinney, who receive.! that It may mean tha difference and environment for cases of tuber- Tamarac Chair June and Jane, 9— “ If one tears her ing only H to 1 per cent, a few Sheet Kale! m'Joato requires wide keowledge ol N dw On Display M ra Harold G. Burnham: Rev. Dr. I hto B.S. degree from Tufto College between life and death. dresa and has to change it. the other twins dislike being in the same •1x99 .a After a conaidersUon o f all human nature, of places, and of the grade. C. 8. Robertson, In charge of pub­ In 1930 to engaged in the ital -state Invariably changes hers.” licity: Mtos Alice Brickson. pro­ [ibasos in the climatic factor of disease. This can be acquired only bv A few seta show a marked differ­ " " T 4 4 * and insurance business. Me to a uberculOBls, Dr. Jamea Alexander patience, skill, and experience. — B a y Early— Mrs. C. Erickson ( mother of grams: Mrs. George 'Shafrick, elec­ Reading member o( the Manchester Board ol ence tn sixe. Louis (!tortoon Is ten Broadcloth, In attracUve 3 smart style* — 1-bnttoo quslity sells nation- Miller Bummarlxed the situation aa Carol and Mary, Identically dressed pounds heavier and half i head taller tion of queen: Miss Edith Llnk,.| neck in Celanctc; 3-biit- ally-■ '(or ■1.29 " to :o 1.49. "Sturdy, Education and Board of Relief. In niue organdy:— " I f one gets more queen's ball; Hiss Irene Tibbetts; patterns. Cut full for iciilows: BAILEY IN HARTFORD than hla blond twin, William, and ton loop or cord-fastening .ha^-torn...... Week Ward A fter an unannounced wedding Gliders gold stars In school, the other never decorations; Mrs. Irving ■ FowlM, com fort WeU maae! Cot­ And Writing 1. The regimen of regulated Avoid Glare Haxel Dean and Helen Irene Boa- ton Shirts. Now Z9c. neck in cotton tnckstitchl only! trip they will live In the new home rest and cxerctoe, proper food, Hartford, April 30.— (A P »—Unit­ tells. 1 can buy clothes that seem first aid; Henry Lyman, souvenirs; Jolw Ssfcv Yacht Chairs worth are three pounds apart, but Costly lesthST, cxqulslts being built on East Middle turnpike and open-atr life, to the funda­ ed Statfss Senator Jostah Bailey or Come In and sec our new exactly alike, but If there to any most o f the others weigh nearly tlie Harry Link, refreshments; Henry North Carolina, will address a mas* small difference, they invariably Peterson, grounds; Howard Birdsey. workmanship and their ad­ mental essential In the treatment Sunglasses. Lenses, opti­ same. vanced P a ^ etyle make PtanM rsalgn yourself to flndlng Tamarac Chairs recognise It." ttoance; C. Elihu Lymtui. equip­ of tuberculosiB. Suitable cllmat.c meeUng here tonight protestln.; Whether twins contract the same these shoes exceptional ths gifted William Maxwell_ writing environment makes this open-air against the President's plan for en cally perfect. Frames that Mrs. Fred Buffington (mother of diseases at the same time la a mat­ ment: Warren TrisChman, parking; even at 2.631 Sketched; n M ek novel, and using pasts: I HAMILTON SEES Ufa more easy, enjoyable, and bene- larging the Supreme Oourt. fit with comfort Reclining Chairs blood and stocky Alan and Richard, ter o f conjecture. Natoon Burnham, signs. white kid. Sixes 4-3. Ibadan. Having dons ao, you will flcial. The meeting to sponsored by a (Footrest and Canopy) 5, and one of the fotmdera of club) Mrs. Magnuson said, " if one of be fine to enjoy "They Came Uke NEW P A R n LINES 2. WTien these essentials are as­ Non-ParUsan Clttoens' Committee Sungla.sses are helpful — 'T h ey wear Identical clothes, but mine gets a headache, the other has ■wallows." The title comes from sured, a change of ellmste to ot Mayor T. J. Spellacy will preside Adirondack Chairs each always knows which suit be­ it." ARCH SHOES W. M Teats* versa, as does one of definite value In a considerable num­ and speakera will Include Ctolonel in reducing glare while longs to him." Mrs. Brickson said, "Each a t mine Reniovible 2.75 the Mb-Utlas. Ihe rest la Mr. Mas- (OonttauM from Page One) ber, probably the majority, of cases, Thomas Hewes of Farmington ano motoring (day or night), Table A t thto point one of the sroung had a cavity In the same tooth, and THE CORDIAL arch pad, weU. but with the proper r ^ m e n many State's Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn. Buffingtons, outside on the veranda, their teeth seenv to grow In their combination # This M a triple portrait o f BIU- more actively ta the fall, oontlnulns cases will do well In any climate. and for all kinds of sports. and Umbrella Yacht Chair broke Into a tap dance, and hto twin mouths just alike." Another aheth. the wife of James Morlson meanwhile to solicit funds by man 3. Any change of climate involv­ Mrs. John Tyler was the first promptly joined him. mother said her twins never caught SHOPPE and the mother o f Bunny and Rob­ to wipe out party deflcit ing the fatigue ot travel to contra- widow of a president to receive an *1 want my cap on” , said dark­ contagious diseases from each " 535 MAIN STREET Indlcated In acute cases with fever Metal Tables $ 1 . 2 9 . ert Morlson. It begins with Bunny, Changed Situation annuity from the government. She eyed, spindly legged MarshaU Mun- other. . “ Near the Center” who is ths typtcal senslUve boy or Explaining hto recent sUence. he or hemorrhage, or in very far ad got 6.000 yearly which has be­ vanced and markedly debilitated Richard Stone Metal Cliairs Hardwood frame, with good ■teratttrs, who uaaa hla fragility and said ths November election had come the traditional pension grant 7.39 Main S t • Phone 4720 Visit Manchester’s New­ placed "a statute of UmJUtlone on cases. Absoluts bed rest to the one quality canvas seat and his eharm to gst what hs wanta, and eaientlal here. oy congress. The onl> gratuity for redecorating tbe Interior Of the est and Finest Package. tales whsn bs tails. To Bunny, Blis- political speecbes about ths facto ax Martha Washington received wa,* State Theater Building back. Assorted colors. BABY CHICKS RACKET Gilead Congrega lonal ebuTOh and they extoM prior to Jiat time.” 4. N o patient should be sent away tbe free mailing privilege. Store, Where You Will absth Morlson la a cantor o f light also landscape work to hehutlfy the Find a Complete Line of and a aouros of energy. "But now the situation has $3-69 grounds was planned. Salmon loaf, Ths sscood portrait ta drawn changed.” he conUnued. 'Theiw are Metal Table HAS DISEASE DANGER sandwiches. sUced ham, relishes, Imported and Domestic through Robert, whose young iif* many people who supported iba Re­ The most practical outdoor A good sized table for out­ pickles, coffee and Coke was served Winea, Liquors and Cor- waa waipad but not broken by an publican ticket, and many who did Hartford. April 80.—Connecticut by Mrs. Buell assisted by Mtos C3ara djals At Lowest Prices! not, who would tike to hear a sound chair. Combines comfort door use. Is strongly con­ Bills. aeddant whleh cost nlm a leg and sturdiness. You’ll like poultrymen are advised by the State *®bart la to Bunny merely an cb. analyalq of the .Vsshlngton situs structed — easily fo ld ed - Department of Agriculture to be on A demonstration of the work that We Deliver Vour Purchase this chair for porch or Bdtaoua tsrrant to be outwitted, or tion and Ito ImplIcaUona. I am sure sturdy and g o ^ looking. the lookout for an Ingenious racket the new lire engine can do waa Promptly — Phone 7718. perhape out-charmed would be the It won't be a Republican story mm lawn. Fine for serving table— or which has recently come to light In given In Gilead Tuesday evening. such. ■' word. But niaabeth understands use It for card’ games. the New Ehigland States. The rack­ Carlton Jones was the driver of the Hebert, and to a certain ext.'nt '•I'm not going to say anything et to forcing postmasters to auction truck. WEEK END that will offend anybody who Is WEEK-END touto Twining and Wallace Post Hobart appreclatoa this. HU great baby ehlcka to the highest blddei gratitude U earned by her etoadfast thinking along sound lines about $2-49 \and the Department feels that one of Bast Hartford spent Wednesday SPECIALS refusal to gympathlae or to nuke current problems, whatever hto poll- e t Its moot serioua oapecta Uaa "tn evening at the borne of Oiarlea H. Fish. ohvloua allowaneea for "Robarto af tlO0. the possibility o t poultrymen W y- Gold Medal ■ietlaa.” 'I beUeve there wlU be a realign iDg these 'bargain" chicks from un­ Elton Buell was called on jury .duty at Rockville Tuesday. Tivoli Beier The last to somathlng Jamea mant o f voters on queetlona o f ad- DRUG SPECIALS known sources, which may be the Mrs. Ruby Gibson who entered sfbrlaea. BUaabeth’a husband, u inlntotraUon policy; but whether means of introducing disease Into the Hartford hospital last February $ 1 . 6 5 ' ’" ' ^ “ y t quite aulftle enough to un WlU have a chanca to aaprea* MINERAL OIL, their flocks. It ae between candidates in coming The procedure followed by one for a major operation to now at the Delivered. Contents Only. ■taafand. Neither o f hU eona undar- Avery Oonvalesoent Home In Hart­ elections to purely speculative.'* full q u a rt...... middlewestern hatchery waa to send taands them. EUaebeth understands ford and she expects to return to S Pcs.— LlT X im iO lT S y w e vs r. It to sbs who steers him, baby chicks addressed to unknown Gilead In a week or ao. Pure Grain Alcohol h i t b v s u b w a y T R A IN REXALL BEEF, IRON & WLNE, people In various towns. With the COPY of r O S T L V M O b C L who knows Intultlvdy what reacUoo Mrs. A. H. Post to In Bast Hart­ 190 Proof. U. S. P. Stand- pint ...... same mail at which the chicks vere Expaoslvscoin- wul ba demanded 1^ what ha to ford for the rest of this week vtoit- about to say. For this and for much . Naw York. April 30.—(AP) I delivered to tbe poet office, or ebort- lort fsatnrsal William Soott. 34. subway track 50c REXALL CHERRY BARK O Ing at the home of her daughter, Carly mohair dae. Jamaa loves her. ly thereafter, the poatmaater re- Mrs. Louto Twining. ... $1.49 I t 1s the ’flu epidemic o f war walker, waa home in bed today, COUGH S Y R U P ...... o 7 C ceWes a letter by air mall advising sffaet vsivst •spowN.nataM. head cut and riba amaahed in, but Benjamin Hampton of Brooklyn, and tapestry I iCtaws tlma which duttors this delicate, him that the chicks had been sent N. T., was a busineas caller at E. Green River hut not unusual balance. QuletJv, apparently concerned only about POCKET KNIVES, values 3.>c to w by mistake to the wrong atate and 9 Bie Lssary Plaest missing the day's work. W. Buell's wood turning shop this Mr. Maxwell builds up a ellmav 51..')0. Your Choice...... l j 7 C requesting that he advertise and week. Whiskey Scott was hit by a subway train WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL WARD WEEK SPECIAL which bs wtabas to .naks poignant dispose of them at the best prici Hebron Grange, No. 111. wlU hold full quart rather than shattering. It u le r ilftod by on-lookera to the platform 50c PHILI.IPS’ Adirondack Chair p o ^ b le and send the proceeds (p Its regular meeting next Tuesday $1.49 tactly aultod to hto method, which unconscious. Ambulance and police MILK OF .MAGNESIA. the hatchery. Natural finish — a sturdy, evening. Hay 4. Nature program eat Refrigerator Value' •actawa atroug emotion atronglv rushed to the scene, but on arrival The Department haa taken the haa been planned the lecturer. Eagle Brand , SUpreaaed. But It puts x burden found no Scott. He had become M.25 comfortable lawn chair — matter up with the postal authon- Florence Jones. SUdes from the th /iy r L ou the reader. There really ts no conscious and walked home, 'inno- made to give >f Q tlea and Federal Trade Ckimmtoslon Connecticut Audubon society will be Port, Sherry or Uoed. 0 PETROLAGER .. rjhaon why tbe reader should do fine service. and they are making Investigations shown and a lecture will be given on Muscatel Wine Mr. Maxwell's work for him. Three from where the shipments were the same. The Wm. Maule Seed W d jy tragedlaa which lead up to a Laft-banded fountain pens actu- 1 made. Postmasters receiving such company have offered a check to the (M ith and crowning tragedy should ally are manufactured for uaa of shipments o f chicks are requeated to one buying the largest collection ot 49c ha atrongly eapreeaed. or the affect left-handed writer*. The pen pouit KODAK send full details of the transaction seeds, bulbs and plants. Tbe play. to the State Department of Agrioul- •Towno.HaH" and "Winding o f the Our Favorite e ture at Hartford In order that hla Maypole" will also be presented and - •1.00 PATCH’S Information may be placed tn ths a roll cal) "What I Uke best ol Whiskey COD LIVER O I L ...... 7 FILMS bands o f the proper authorities au Mother Natura’s gifts." Each lady 1 Ye*r Old. 90 Proof. thortaed to correct such practices. to to bring a Hay baokat filled with A L L SIZES Connecticut, the Department lunch for two which will be auc­ Now Is The Time stataA la well auppUed with botn tioned off at tha cloae of the meet­ $ 1 . 0 0 ” “ '* WILLIA.MS* GLIDER ...... 34c Get your week-end supply here. 24- commercial and breeder-hatcheries ing. hour developing and printing service. Chair — $2.75 operating under state supervision J. Banka Jones, town health offi­ King’’s or To Check Up On KLENZO ANTISEPTIC a f \ and qualifying to deUver dtoease- cer, bos announcMl that the town of MOUTH WASH, p in t...... 49 C free ehlcka so that it Is unneceobary Hebron In cooperation with the New Engrland Ale KEMP’S SALTED NUTS Table Umbrella Outfits for Oonnecticut poultrymen to oe- State Department o f Hesdth will Fresh Shipments Weekly U rge colorful umbrella and eoras the victims of rucb uncertain­ bold a vaccination clinic fo r the pro­ 3 “ "2 5 c SCREENS and vloSTE R O L ...... 5 9 c ty Involved aa outlined above. tection against smallpox at the town uig tabl^ Umbrella is ad- hall tn Hebron Monday, May 10th at REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA, r POND’S TISSUES, lu s ta ^ to various angles. Londoner Gin* (200’s) ...... 9:80 a. m., daylight saving time. full quart ...... 59 C $ Will last many years. Easily $ 1 7 - 9 5 GILEAD This clinic will be free to an rest- 85 Proof. An Excellent ^REEN DOORS 2-95 put up and can be stored in dents of tbs town and It to urged ProducL O r \ ’^mali space. Enjoy the hot that all children and adults take Q u a r t ...... 0 9 C in 20* W ’’ uV 'Vire Screen Cloth Roomy reclining chair with Umbrella Mrs. George Miller of (Columbia to advantage o f IL The ocbdol chil­ SAL HEPATICA ...... 4 U C summer afternoons— under a ‘ visiting this week at the home of canopy and footrest. As­ dren win be treated first and It is FULL LIN E SEAGRAM ’S big umbrella— in your own and her stoter-ln-Iaw, Mrs. E. B. Foote. suggested that adults appear about sort^ colors. A fine lawp Mrs. Benjamin Lyman who to alck HIGH GRADE ALKA SELTZER ...... lackyard. eleven o'cloek. Dr. D. C, T . Moore chair. Folds. Table rith Intestinal grta and under the of Manchester will ba in charge WHISKEYS AND GINS pi« <"»“’• 'vif ' eare of Dr. D. C Y. Moore of Man­ 50c FORHAN’S . A oastoted by Iflas Teresa Vlneant, our chester *vaa removed to tbe Man­ school nurse, and other nurses. TOOTH PASTErr^...... o 4 C chester Memorial hospital Wednes- Moat o f the people In Gilead have $ 1.10 LIQUOR dav evening In an ambulanoe. set their docks ahead on hour tu Combination Screen HORTON’S MENTHOL f g\ Utos Beatrice White to spending confirm' with daylight saving time. isrr:.... $ 1 .4 0 COUGH DROPS, 3 pkgs...... 1 UC You’U Want A Glider This Summer thto week In Milford the g u ^ o t a The schools and church aenricea are King Arthur Gin, friend, Mtos Winifred MlUer. on thto Urae but the mall arrtvea In and Storm Doors 10c pm Tbe Young Women's club mem- town one liour later. P in t ...... 6 9 c 16 Mesh Bronge Wire Cloth, and 12 Light Sash WOODBURY’S S O A P S ...... / C SPECIALS For utmost comfort and complete bere erlll entertain their m othen at the'next regular meeting Wednes­ 2me early for best selection. place aftar the meeting and each member is to bring materials valued Managaaont of •White Motor Cb. and Cordials ------* 0 at live cents for the sale. has again asked stockholders for Mlw Dorothy Oanter of Marl­ praxlea approvtng a pian tor rsduc- A Cordial Welcome Awaits The Manchester Lumber borough apant a day recently at tbe ing ths par valoa of the capital Y ob At home of her grandparents. Ur. and stock In order to wrtta off a daOeit ^ and Fuel Co., Inc. Mn. Elton BueO. ao that dhridands may ba dsdaied , INCORPORATED Tan ladlea were preaaat at the when jnstlflsd by aaznlnga. The fia- : 3m s Ceatcr street Tel 5145 KEMP’S LadtoaT-Ald held at tha home of nnal meeting April M waa adjourn­ THE CORDIAL Estl922 Furniture and Music Mia. Btoa Buell Wadneaday after­ ed unto M ay U hscauee ooty 43 par TeL5680 noon. A a Arbor Day meeting eraa cent at the outstandiag shares ware SHOPPE ptearaed Plana arera itlsnimnil repreaeiitad.. ^ P I G B B G H T JIANCHE8TB3C CVENUrO UBKALO, BlAMUIUSirrEK. CONN. FRlDAT, APRIL 80,' 1981 MANCHESTER BVBNDfO HJQUU). MANCHESTER, CONN- FRIDAT, APRIL 80,198T PAOB plac* to begin it; nt the rite of the many years dothg nothing about the, you didn't know batoia. H m aala in ' i ' tbs o w n in g grounds two or tfows —and srrlggle their way over the tacked by planes but tha number of ^Unirlfpfiter pfopoeeJ new Hartford bridge. rule of the rackM\ChiafS and their our rivara anO atraama ara.boca ta thousand mllss sfvay ta tba western evacuating 800,000 non-combatente. Tha ^>ost offtM ____ W a t h i n g f o n BOY SCOUT NEWS land until they reach a frssb water JOCKEYS DISAGREE LOYALISTS’ PLANES casualties was not known.' The menus of svsn the best botata gorilla armies, tha ClUaens Commit­ tba oefoa aad ratutn to tba ocaaa AUantle, southeast ot Bermuda. lUARD AGAINST CROUCH Both sides of the Durango road AUSIRAUAN NEIMEN Bates its revenuo f r o n ___ pond or atream w*-are tbay stay un- included only potatoes, cabboga and' tee baa been organlM^ Hereto­ to die. How do you'like that 7 In the There they lay their eggs aad di», were being fortified haiitUy, adding lectors will amount to $3j iEttnting Brraid D a y b o o k By Danay Shea fan of tbs year not all, but a groat til tbay get the utge to go to aea. SINK REB WARSHIP black bread—and thaw ta sparing NEW WAR LORD fore tha gang ICadera ha^been able Talk about bstag lured to your According to an author all tae eela to the defense strength already rep- during ths ooming ysar. many of the adult ssla fsal tbs call death. Now get this, rtu followteg quantlUes. Better food was rewrv- MEET MEXICO TODAY - nnuiSHED bt t b b to veiy largely command ritun- " PrtMom Grover—— of the world swim to one of three ON DERBY OUTCOME reoented by the string of steel and PRINTINO COMP^'T. INC While the attention of the coun­ EELS SWIM TO DIE of the sea. Tbs caU Is so strong spring tba young batch out. rbase WHEN PUTTING-NELSON concrete entrenchments— the "Msg- ed for sick persons or for the Miya Movie studios are able to l •weeding plecee srhere they uiy thelr“ (OonOnaed from Plage One) defenders. —'t' It BIim II BtTMt try has been distracted, by an enor- tlon because they not only m d the Washington— Congreaa took one Here's something about aala that that these aala living in tba poods young eela flat, leaf-llke things with loot line * -about Bilbao Itself. $130,000 annually by rceo Muieliwt«r, Conn. egse end die. Europeen eele go to Most of the stores remained open. money to spend but were w illl^ to glance at the PresIdent'a relief bud­ for inland wriggle - acroa tba land smaU heads and a few long needis- 83 Ptanea Arrive ■ Mexleo City, April 80.—(AP)— silver from ths flim-flateg' THOIIAB rCMOUSON moiu ballyhoo, to the Supreme sounds fishy to you aooute but the West tndlee. Americen eels go to ting the ball, shorten up your back Rlflae were easily available but it t j^vi. «M m Haiu«*r get message and began selling hous­ over grass on damp nights unui tlke teeth, drift towarc the Atlantic wrar which has raged on land and The Basque capital, its population AuatraUa’s Davta Chip ptayera cross­ 0 Court program of President Roose­ spend It, while the membership ot nevertheless It’a true. Although .Bermuda and Aeta end African eela Beginner Should Rdax and swdng. Select Half-Dozen Horses As was virtually Impossible to purchaw ^ran4*4 Oetobar 1. ittl ing and farm tenant legislation they reach a river that empUas mto coast. Anally reaching it when they g o to tbt water since July 8, 1980. swollen by refugees to about 400,- ed racquets with Mexico today, but velt. and' to the program of public tha various aaeociaUona continual!/ short, many of you Boy Scouts ahouJd And don’t forget to follow through clothing. the ocean. Then they swim down are a UtUs over twro yeara oM. After the bombing, the freighter 000, or twice normal oIm , waa S’ being organized for the virtuous know and do know a lot about these The above srould make a good on your putt Don’t chop at the £ The factories of this Spanish their eyes kept strajrlng northward Pnbtlahed Beerr ■*aatBg Bseept spending, there has been elipped When the Presideht said "an In­ this river to the ocean and conttaua FtaaUy they find a river. Up the topic when ta the midst of a nature . Concentrate On Short Hieir Gioices to Annex Brora was reported to have reached cheered somewhat by arrival of 33 Bendare aad Roltdaya Entered at the crease in appropriations would ot eels I bet you'll read aomethtag here on their Journey untfl they reach hall—sort of push It along »»«d let Santander. v^ttaburgh’’ rolled out a steady to Forest HUIa N. Y. Feet OOlee at Maneheeter. Ceiia.. ae through congress, with relaUvely purpose of licking crime were m river they swim — millions o f them dlacuasion. your clubhead follow behind it as planes from Valencia—a contribu­ couVm nullify our efforts to pre­ straam of munitions and other war Adrian Qulat and Vivian Mc­ Seeoad CUaa Kail Matter. little heed being paid to It by the dom willing to spend anything but vent a deficit ta 1938." be virtually though jrou wrere actually trying to Kentucky Q a s ^ tion to its cause by the Spanish Re­ Shots; Makers* Winner publican government with which the materials. Sporadic plane wrvlce Grath, the Aussie stafleo selectfons. country at large, a measure of pos­ their time—and not very much of asked congress to knock off the put the club Into the hole with the First Report from France waa the city’s only •OBSCRIPTION rates bnU. . Basque Republic ta alUed. were overwhelming favorites to Oaa Tear by Mail ...... I••00 sibly far greater slgnlflcsaee and that—In their mimic wars on the welfare buslneka aa far aa coova- transportation link with the outside down their respecUvo Mexican op- nlent and stick to the bustaess ot Farors Oreriapping Grip O f SinUns: - Ten thousand Basque defenders Far Meath by Mail ...... t M containing elements of much greater ciiminala. New York. April 30.— (A P )— world, save for the food ships that ponante, Esteban M. Reyes and : Slaale Copy ...... t Oi balancing lh,e budget. That, now, la Ukes FarreU Grip / Differing eyen more widely than the Bilbao, Spain, April 80— (AP) — remataed at the front after ths re­ Oellremd One Tear ...... ty.oe This Citizens Committee intends Government war planca sank tha In mainder of the army of 40,000 fell have been running the Insurgent Ricardo Tapfo ta today’s opening danger than any changes likely to the beat welfkre work. -As for grip. I've always used tlie trainers, a “Jury" of 13 boys wrho blockade. Used hy Johnny FarrelL surgant battleship Bspana today ta back last night to Bilbao's "Magi- matches, with the visiting doubles be made In the judiciary system or to use money, too; plenty of It U 'While I lecognlze many oppor­ Johnny FarreU grip because Johnny ride ’em today selected a half-dozen MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED the choppy Bay of B l ^ y , striking not Line," the fortifications named teams, probably Qutat and Jack PRESS any treasury deflette likely to oc­ will spend as much aa la necessary tunities to Improve aoclal and soo- wron the NatloniU Open the year 1 liorses aa their choices for the Ken­ nomic eonditlona through fedarai started cadilytag. He waa the Talk a heavy blow at Generaltaslmo from France's defenses on the. Ger­ Oawford, expected te clinch the The Aaaoelated Preee la eaeloaiyaly to keep cloae tabs not only on wbat tucky Derby laurel. Franco's sea strength. DID YOU KNOW T H A T - match tomorrow. entitled to the nee ef repubileatlon cur. There baa just been dispatched “ ildo." he said, "I am convinced Final Reductions This Is tha second of an ta- of the countiy then and became my man frontier. Where the same number of train­ ef all nan^ dlapetehea eredited te It to the vacaUonIng' President, by the police and the courts are doing that the success of our whole pro­ Idol. The heavy vessel, one of tha main­ Tha line forma a rough saml-cto SMeltaa experts agreed aon-play- stnicUva sutoMograpblcal aeriea ers voted almost solidly for either stays of the attempUd insurgent Mont Blanc, highest peak of ths or not otherttlee credited fn tbte or could do with a decent amount of gram and the permanent security by Bynm Nelson, winner of the Farrell puts both thumbs on the aaat of the Mty, running from tng captain' Clifford Sprouts hsd NEW paper and albo the local pewa pnb- airplane, an attested copy of the so- Mrs. Ethel V. Mars’ Reaping Ke- blockade of Bilbao, plunged under Alps, commonly supposed to be m llched herein. of our peopis demand that we ad­ 1987 Augusta Masters' Tourna- abaft snd lets the little finger ot PlemMa on the coast through sev- picked the strongest poMlbte com­ called Neutrality Wll. which, when help from the people, but on what just all expenditures within the wrard. Samuel Riddle's War Ad­ the sea within sight of land, bombed Swluerlsnd, ta really almoat ea bination to send against ths Meal All rtahte of republleattene ot for Watkins Brothers nent. ta which he tells of bis the right hand overlap tha third aquarely amldshlpa. - sra! villages. The Biscay coast and tlrely In French territory. epeclal diepatefaee herein are alee re- he baa signed It, wlU succeed the the racketeers and the gangsters limits of my budget esUmktes." miral or J. H. Louchbelm'a Pom- cans. riaa to golf fame and the way finger of the left aUowrlng the poon, the Jockeys 'cast their ballots TTie. Insurgent cruiser Velasco, the Narvion river are natural sup- Peccaries are unUke most of jur aerrad. present neutrality law about to ex­ are doing. And It will make To undertake farm tenant legis­ ■cct he corrected golfing faults. fourth finger to lay lightly across plemente to the fortifikstlona Undeniably, bowsvsi bs eras look­ lation, oven on Ian experimental for the "big three", the E. R. Brad­ wrblch waa supporting the Espana ta hoofed animals ta that they halva ing ahead to the North American Pull eerrlee ellant ef N E A Sere- pire by limitation. special point of helping Ur. Dewey. the fingers of ths right band. an attack on a British merduuit ship A note of almost hysterical gaiety basis suggested by the President ley entry of Brooklyn and BUllon- only three toes on each bind toot sons finals. May 39-81. lea Ina. It la a measure of abominatlona. For the first time decency and I find this s most effective grip alre, Heclfly from the Texas-owmed when the government air armada pervaded Bilbao. The Mty put up a Maturity and maximum strength STEP before he beard the bad newg aboiit V . By BYRON NELSON for accuracy snd ateadtaesa, tat Rsporte from San Franetaeo, If there M war In Europe within the order la organizing In New York to tax coUectiona, would cost about . Winner of 1087 Angusta Maaters’ Three D'a stock farm and Maxwell struck, picked up the officers. Gov­ brava front. Sidewalks were choked ta not attained by horses suitable Fnhllahere Repreaentatirea: The others are Just aa good. ernment motorboats from Santander with promenadera. Men ta uniforms where the United States sseste Jallna Mathewe Special Aeency—New next three and a half years, while combat the organizing which baa 190,000,000 Initially and more tbera- Tooraamrat Howard's Scenesblfter. for heavy harness until ihey reach after each year, Just as Important as putting la picked up the crew. were everywhere. Soldiers, taking Japan In the ether sone semi-final, Tark. Chlcare, Detroit and Boaton. Back Beaptaf Reward the age of 5 or 9. This boras ta at that rsd-halrad Den Budge, see ot Urj Roosevelt continues to be at tha been alm:>tt a monopoly of tba crim­ Tba Wagner housing bill pi After 1 had been caddying about your wrork luound the grecni The government planes, aent to respite from the war, and pretty Its best between the agw of 7 to 10 Reaping Rewrard, wrblcb has yat ti.a aid of the talea^cred Basques tbs American team, was hitting the BUREAO OP bead of thia govemmant, tha Im­ inal Clemente. l WAREHOUSE! a ysar and a half, Ted Longwertb. run-up shots and chips and <_ girls Jammed the dance balls. Rag­ MEMBER AOOIT poaea that the government A _ to face the barrier this year after England has more than 98,000 OUT plosions from traps. On your culpa ban badly did net impress tha Aus- CIRCOLATIUNR back a 31.000,000.000 loan fund for profeaslonal of tha Glen Garden by ths main Valencia government, ged children played on the banks of Inhabitants 85 years of aga or oM' measurably great quesUon of Maybe this new movement will uss an open stance to insure relaxa beating Pompoon ta the New Eng­ struck back at aea while Insurgent trsltans. wbether not we keep out of It will home building and ta oddlUon put Country Ouh of Fort Worth, took land futurity last fall, received U j the muddy Negvlon. er, oa com part to only 87,000 ta The Herald Prlatlns Oempany Ina or reault In eomethtng subetsntlal. In up an annual subsidy to make It a liking to me. He ,gave me a lob tlon. On run-ups keep your blade armies rollad towrard BUMui’a "Mtg- 1871. aaenmee ae dnanetal reeponelblllty votes, three picked War Admiral, an Inot Line” of trenches from the Strict DtaMpUno rest entirely tor declrioo upon him fact It Is almost certain to do so. poeslble for poorer people to have helping him around tha shop. I slightly closed, hit the ball off the A gloss, level full of water, with for type.raphleal arrora appeartns In right foot and keep your bands easy winner of the Cheaaprake southeast and east and while insur­ Trucks carrying supplies and men adeoitleamenia In the Maneheeter —upon one mAn; And a vain and There are come financial Mg shots nicer homes for less rent. That wmrkad for him throughout tha stakss last Saturday, wrhile tha rumbled through the streete, cheer­ Ice extending above the water WIT! Item waa expected to run about ahead of the clubhead. gent planes bUstsd ferociously . at Eeentas Herald. cock-sure man at that, and one of on It and an old World newspaper­ summer o f 1628, ahltang clube aad matatag four wrere senttered among Bllbao'a - last lines of dsfense. ed by the crowds Police discipline line, will not overflow when the Tydol and Veedol $40,000,000 spread over the next i ' l l ' doing all aorta of odd John. Playing out of a trap you should Ice melts. pronounced International sympathies man la Its executive director. four Y«ars. first set yourself firmly In tha Heelfly, Pompoon, Sceneshifter and Bilbao, a Mty of near-hysteria, was rigid. Many buildings on the Products (,*3. FRIDAT, APRIL 80 It eras tough. There were about the Bradley entry. Some of the awaited foreign aid for the evacua­ main street were protected by sand­ The bureau of chemistry of tbs and biases. Whether the committee succeeds In c l e a r a n c e 800 members at tha club and each sand, using the open stance so that department of Agriculture baa de­ ; tion of her 300,000 noncombatant ADAMY’S you can cut the ball and gat it Into votea can ta explained by the fact bags, some to the third floor. No other question before this ses­ banishing organized crime from F.DJt H Do Cutting would come out aad play on Satur­ that the Jockeys favored the horse refugees of war. veloped a new process for making SERVICE STATION the air. The moat common fault ot There were many air raid shelters, calcium gluconate, used for treat- THE RIVER BARRIER sion of Congress—relief, public ex­ New York or not—u d it doesn't The Presldcrit made It quite days and Sundays. Td have to clean they will ride on May 8. Juan Antonio Aguirre, prealdeDt quickly filled whenever slrsns sig­ Oer. Spence aad EMridga Sis. f clear that aa far as the budget 800 sate of clube on Saturday night many amateurs Is that thay. take Oi the Basque Autonomous Republic, tag many dtaeawa resulting from K bp any chance the Genera] penditures aad debt, the courts or promise anything of the kind—gang­ was concerned he wanted to do the too much sand, and not enough ball. Charlie Kurtsingei, who set the nalled the approach of enemy calcium deficiency, at a coat ot and then clean them all over again notified Madrid of the Espana stak- planes. The city’s food situation re­ ^ Asnambly should fall to prorlde at anything else—has been charged dom is pretty‘ likely to know, be­ cutting, not congress. He suggested ending Tomorrow! OB Sunday night because Longwmrth This te mainly becauaa they fall to derby record with Twenty Grand Ui •n$- It also was announced by the leas than 36 cents a pound. that congress go ahead and appro­ follow through completely. 1931, naturally voted for War Ad­ mained acute while President Jsun The 40-hour week for postal cm this atari nn for the Immediate build­ with suclb tremmdoua posalblUUes fore long, that It has been In a fight. wouldn’t let me leave them from inmlstry of marine at lAvencla. priate In line with the budget. He one day to the next. miral as he will ta up on the son ot A fleet of government bombers Abtonlo Aguirre swatted response ployea will cost Uncle Sam $86. as this ona of la genuine, security- to bis plea for foreign aid in MATER ing o f the aeoond OonnecUcut river conceded this would bring on a A' Davenports This 18 a short sale . . just 5 days. So reductions have been But I liked the Job because It NEXT: Byron Nelson wlB tell yon Man O' War. He selected Pompoon swarmed over the Espana, raining 000,000 a year. : bifogn at Hartford it arould amount Insuring mandatory neutrality or of deficit of $418,000,000 for 1938. how to stop hooking, and the Im- as the horse he would nave to beat explosives on her. One struck SERVICE STATION COKONATION $225.00 Classic ta red antique ve­ drwtic . . necessarily drastic because we must have both floor gave ma a chanca to practice. I ! te a eonfoarioB that the government perilous flirting with tha rotten por largely because of lagging reve­ would bang the ball around every portoaoe of keeptag oool In the heni Ma^tyland riders, who saw War squarty amidships, official sources nues. But, he added: lour; white pipings end fringe M d storace space tor Summer Furniture. Here are further re- of battla. Admir^ In the Chesapeake, agreed TYDOL GAS V e f this ootamoowaalth Is inadequate lltlcal Intriguante of Europa with The extensive ballybootag to day and play about three morn- reported, aad the veaasl disappeared *T propoae to use every meaiu at trim; dowrn aeete; 3 white sofa ductioM not advertised before. In addition, pieces that were srith Kurtstager. They included Wil­ quickly aad completely beneath the practically certain Involvement In which the forthfomtag British cor­ pillows included...... $179.00 taga a wiaek. I got pretty good, VEEDOL OIL ’■ to the performance of those aervices my command to elimtaate this advertised Sunday, Monday and Wednesday which are still un­ too, eapeeiaUy with the short shots, lie Saunders, winner ta 1639 with i.-aves. Don't Buy Unless You Get All 5.' for which atate govammente are tha coming world war at the end. onation has been subjected by its deficit during the coming fiscal $295.(X) Louts XV in blue velour; Omaha, and Johnny GUbart from Bad Just Arrived 188 So. Main St„ Phone 8210 year." He propoaed to do It by two sold, are still available at the advertised prices. All are subject beesuaa Td stand outside the pro’s largely Instituted—that OonnecUcut And yat the nation has permitted ambitious publicity directors hss solid walnut carved frama; down to prior sale. shop and chip a ball acroaa tba road STATE CHAMPS BD) Pitteburgb, Kas., one of the coua The government bombers reached means, first by not spending as seats; 8 beigs sUk sofa pillows try's foremost saddle artiste. Santander only yesterday, brought < dees not know, how te provide'for llaall to be diverted from any serioua frightened off enough Americans much as he asked congress to ap­ and than run over and chip it back. Included ...... $340.00 So when the caddlea* tournament Alfred (Slim) ttoberteon, assign Jeacla government's min­ her own Imperatlva needs ; how. In atteatico to thia major danger by who had planned to attend so that propriate, and second by liquidat­ $325.00 Lawaon ta blue ribbed mo­ ister of air, ladaleeio Prteto, to fill ing assets of certain emergency came around tba foUowtag Decem­ TO RETAIN HONORS ed to ride Rasping Reward, waa first STATE SERVICE STATION othar words, to take cars of herself. excltemeat over the Supreme Court tha steamahtp companlea have re­ hair; beige mocs fringe trim; ta with hia vote for Mrs. Mars' aca. a serioua gap ta tha Basque's de­ agenctee. ber I won IL 1 shot a 79, ta t I real­ fenses. Mata m . Opp. Mats TiMrtsr For many years this state baa and an unbalanced budget We are ceived large numbers of caneella- down seats ...... $109.00 Barrel and Wing: ‘ Occasional Tables He waa Joined by Johnny Bejahak. ly wasn’t that goofi. I was very Tha------wrbols dramatic incident---- off . parwiltied itself to be cut almost not so cure that the subtle political Uons of sailing reservations. Sev­ Congress’ Job $175.00 Chinese ChlppeAdale; elec­ $19.76 Sheraton design; round lucky. And, of course. It was a pilot of Discovery when the A. U. tric blue damask, nail trimmed; Chairs rimmed top, genuine mshogany Vanderbilt chestnut waa sweeping Spain's northwestern ledge took 314 Tyidol and Veedol ‘ sqnarrty In two by the ConnecUcut mind of Ur. Rooaevalt is not entire­ eral ahipa, which had been booked Actually that Is asking that real abort course with an easy/ 71 Segor Bowlers Compete To­ hours, from the time the BriUab the executive do what has been down seats; genuine mahog­ |99.(X> Loula XV Barrel CSialr; all ...... $14.95 par. I had eight one-putt greens all before him; Johnny Longden, Products ilwar and the groerth and develop­ ly capable of bringing these other to the limit of their passenger capa­ any ...... $140.00 hair and cotton nuad; down aeat; steamer Brotra was attacked to the the Job of congreaa In past years. $59.79 Clsasic lyre base In frult- that day. / _ __ night in Dockpm Jonm ey; the (fonsdlan veteran, Nick Wan momant tha Espana slid under the P how 4S91 ment o f the easterly half hampered Issues to the front aa a smoka screen city, have sailed ta recent days with Congress is still in session and $325.00 Classic..'0 San­ A rain of dart-Uke bombs slanted to $89.6o Sheraton Wing Chair, ta the sea. The Espana, at ths Urae. I paridlturna hi many Instances than arch 1st" incendiaries op poring the go to London at this particular time, hand made witb solid mahogany $19.79 Hepplewrhite ta mahogany shoot a 79 and still ta missing Rogers dairy five of New Britain ta Anita derby with Fair HUL brown molre'^amaak„with beige with black, decoration; glass one firing the last of a doson shells If ttic croering of the lU r had bean when with the exception of enor­ Mellila. Spanish Morocco (API— frame; down and hair fllltage; your drivaa Ilka I was that day and the Gans hardwrare of Nauga­ Wayne Wright who lost out by a .C H E T S rebellion, German official quarters Ool, Sanches Gonxalex, military brown damask ...... $149.00 boucle fringe trim: dowrn seat.. top ...... $1A76 at the British msrebaatman and the mous crowds of human beings there when 1 wron the caddies' tourns tuck. nose last year when Bold Venture ^psaeUcable at twice as many points. scoff at the declaration that the governor of UellUa, says SpanUb $335.00 Sheraton In plum damask ...... -\...... $09.00 menL merchantman's radio was sparkling Service Station Six changes were made ta the beat Brevity, gave his mount Heel- tlth S O B calls. so Oaktaad Street ' Slagle highways have to carry two planes which destroyed the Basque will be less to see and leas oppor­ Moroccan tribes are eager to go to with ruffled valance; (iown seats $89.00 George Witsbtagtoo Mt. The first thing about putting Is standing last night, with the Black fly, a "winning chance.” Jimmy ...... $175.00 Miscellaneous Tables The aerial marksmen worked with Chester Brunner, Prop. ' ar three times the volume of traffic town and killed hundreds of the tunity to see It than at any other war—for pleasure rather than pay. Vernon reproduction ta plain red to ta relaxed. Don't crouch over Rock squad of Bridgeport replacing Stout, tossed from Granville al the (iesdiy accuracy, said reports reach The governor told of this Inci­ $195 00 Lounge ta blue mohair textured Upestry . $09.90 : that would route over them if more civilian population were the products time tor years, either before or $37.50 Omimode End Tables; Louis the ball too much. Several years Hollands as the leaders ta the men's start of the 1636 race, predicted an tag shore. Aboard tba upana, the t/ic dent; with white fringe trim; double XV design ta genuine mshog- after I started playing steadily I division. The Rock rolled up an bridgaa had mads paralleling posri of German factories; entering an eX' after, when everything will cost far roll back and a rm s...... $160.00 $09.90 High back Sheratpn Wing open race with Sceneshifter ratlhg crew appeared ta a panic. Without Tha Fascist regime asked an 80- sny; four drawers; (3) each.... started t o ' crouch aod the bnya 1.896 total, which was 80 pins tat­ consideration. He will ride Scene- bothering to lower boats, many WIND MILL Traffic is gathered up over plicit denlsL more and be not nearly so good, and $149.00 Love Seat; Chinese CHilp- Chair ta gold figured damask; year-old coastal chieftain if be nail trimmed; down seat.\$84JH> ...... $19.75 began calling ma "Three-Putt Nel­ ter than the record eel by Hollands shifter. leaped Into tha water. FRIGID AIRE areas, bunched together aod could furnish twelve sailors. pendale aoHd mahogany frame; the piwvloua night. Service Station O. L. Steer, New York Times cor­ when the chance of getting even a $12.90 Lamp Stand; small Hepple­ son because I had three putts on 13 The vote for the Bradley pair 'Two other food ships, the Btack- ManebeeOer Groan The chief himself offered his serv­ green damask with nail trim; greens out of 36 ta the Nsttonal Geoige Browm o f this city moved through such bottlenecks respondent at Bilbao, who vtajfed glimpse of the ooroaation show vrtll down sea ts...... $95.00 whlte model ta genuine mahog­ came ' from battle-scarred Joe hlU, bound for Bilbao, the Oonsett WITH THE METER-MISER Fred F.ngisad. Prep, ices. With him came 200 volun­ any; green and gold decora­ Amateur. Into flrat place ta the aD-evente field Renlck, contract rider for the for Santander, left French porta to­ at Hartford aad Saybrook, solely so Guernica on the night of the be for the average American tourist with a 1.218 count He bit 403 to teers. Twelve were chosen. i tions ...... $0.35 So don't crouch. Stend with your stable. He refused to pick between day Aloim the talaaguar^ fort that It may get across the river. alaughter and deatructloa, declares practically Impoaslble, we haven't "They don't come for salary, they iVIiscellaneous sralglit avanly distributed on both grab fifth place In the singles aa encircled Basque front sabers, the $12.50 Smoker’s Table; small Sher­ well. Billionaire and Brooklyn, wrhich ran Thera should be, right now, five that the denial of the Guernica foray the slightest Idea. want to fight." said the colonel $29.78 Bookca 18" Empire mnd- aton bamboo leg table with feet and stand fairly erect heel men of Bilbao pushed their efforts to BANTLY Bone Finished Pieces el ta genuine Alice D'Lugo and (Thristtae Kirk two. three, respectively, behind KEMP'S, INC. or ala more bridges serous the Con­ by the Insurgent government at Unless there is a cumpensatlng •'They can live and fight hard on raahogany; with metal lined drawer; genuine roa- comfortable. Fencing ta the Blue Grass stakss evacuate their women and children little tea and bread." (These classic pieces are finished drawer ., ...... $1455 of Bridgeport wrent Into second place and to span them from such Insurg­ FRIGIDAIRB SALES AND SERVICE OIL COMPANY necticut—wide, strong, high bridges Salamanca was to have been ex­ aatlafsctlon in being sble to say. V »K>r»ny ...... 5050 In gripping: the club keep your yesterday. 198 Owter Street ta bone wrhite enamel) thumbs perpendicular to the club ta the women's doubles with 666. ent air raids as they blame for the built fhr above any cooceivabla with lofty casualneas. "Oh yea, 1 $13 50 Lamp Table; Duncan Phyfe $17.50 Classic Mirror; aquare gold while Gns Ktaib«rly snd Fred pected because the "similar If leas and white frame; gold swrnn shaft so that your wrists have a ' sacret Mty,” where 800 died Mon­ flood level—than now span the rtv terribla bombing of Durango was was ta Condon for the coronation.'' .A.MERICA.N HISTORY pedeatal type; black and gold Reichert of the Black Rock team hit day. decoratlona ...... decorations at t o p ...... $1350 frea and easy pendulum- motion, m'a waters. Borne folks have queer ideas ^ 3 9 Aod watch your shoulders ta put­ 796 to take third ta the men's dou­ (In Franca, Foreign Minister denied by the Insurgents despite the Jamestown, N. Y— The "Corona­ $29 00 Lamp TAble; Hepplewhlte $17.80 Oval Victorian Mirror; Occasional Chairs bles. The West Ends of Bridgeport Yvon Dalbos told Senators that There has been little of vision in presence of British witnesses " about what constitutes a real dol­ tion room" at Jamestown's semi-an­ 3-sbelf model; black aad gold 19x30-tach; gold and light blue ting. Don't move them too much rolled Into fourth place ta the men's J 1 q € L ^ U Q $99.7i!\ Chippendale ReproductioM —Just a litUa Mt. Too many be­ Britain and Franca would try to find all this. It has contributed im­ lar's worth." nual furniture market isn't aU It decorations ...... $13A0 team play wrtth 1.'782 while the final cut If German planes bombed Guer­ “I have spoken to hundreds of ■ ...... $05S with solid mahogany carved ginners pivot their shoulders snd mensely to the unnumbered trage­ waa supposed to be, but the sponsor­ $23.50 Lamp Table; Sheraton with frame ;\gi'eeii and belga figured chance was made by the A. B. C. nica, now tha roadway ot marching homeless fugitives,’' aaya Ur. Steer, mahogany to p ...... $IIJ5 $17.90 Queen Anne Mirror; authen­ they lose their accuracy. dies Inaeparable from oongesUtm of ing company explained the trouble tic early model ta walnut flnish- tapeatfy\...... girls of Watertary. who took sec­ insurgent armies. Hs also aald “who all give precisely the same The United Statee army la now with a placard; $23.50 Lamp 'Table; Hepplewhlte If you are troubled by over-put­ ond. with V 1543 score. \ c i d Q X l Britain and France had agreed that nirs aa amazlni fast through traffic on two or three ed gumwood ...... $050 $99.79 ChlppIppendale Reproduction; description of events. I have seen the 17th largest In the world. "This was to have been our with 1 shrlf; black and gold The leaders:* By ASSOCIATED PRESS measures must be taken to aid ths SALE motor furtt I t . genuine H mala thoroughfares. It is doubt- and measured the enormous bomb Russia leads all countries ta else Coronation room, but our uptiol' decorations ...... $11,35 $44.00 Early Queen Anne Mirror; ra«|ogany; figured red Rtagtaa Bilbao evacuation). OP of army. damask ...... 54450 AMERICAN LEAGUE - ful that it has saved a dollar of ez- aterers abdicated." $12.50 Lamp Table; Sheraton with genuine mahogany ...... $1750 CroDs. H artford...... 419 Batting—Walksr, Tigers, .083; R. Insurgent warplanes blasting at •a It powara your me holes at Guernica which, aloce mahogany top; gold decorations C. Decko, Branford ,. Bilbao's "Msginot Line’’ of fortlfi- peadlture; and it has left great areas $140.00 Desk; ReproducUon of a $39.00 Sheraton \modsI ta whlta 410 Ferrell, Red Sox. .000. m otor...not gaa alone...| passed through tha town the day ...... $0.39 on red plaid co v e r...... $34.90 Hunter. New Haven . 400 cations sought to clear the path ot of Oonaecticut out in the cold,so far $17.!K) Occasional Table; round rare 18th Century Sheraton Runs— Lary, Indians, 10; Walksr, oil alone, but GAS ^ ! before. I can testify were not there model wUh Curved back; genuine P. Marco. Fairfield .. 409 Tigers: Pytlak. Indians, and Walker an insurgent army crushing Its way NURSERY as eocBomlc development Is' i mahogany top; gold decorations $69.90 Chinese Chippendale with Brown. Bridgeport .. from tha east then. Unezptoded aluminum In­ ™*J>o$»ny ...... $08.00 hand carved frame and Imported SPRING 408 and Rosenthal, Whlto Sox. 7. ' wmed...... $8.79 Doubles The bombing aad machine gun­ Fart-flying, preiSsloa- cendiary bombs found ta Guernica $39.00 Occasional Table; Sheraton $339.00 Secretary; English Quean rose-and-grccii Genoese velvet Whlte-Carmody. New Haven .. Runs batted ta—Avcrtll, TmiisM ning planes lashed at Galdacaao, a It is necessary that this atate. Its ew ork 778 10; Boaura. White Sox, 0. upper motor parte in; were marked 'Rhelndorf Factory, N Y Mdestal; cloverieaf top ..$14.79 Anne modal with mirror doors; ...... $90.00 strategic point on the last line ol STOCK Adama-Mann. B ranford...... 763 people and especiaUy Its legislators $39.79 Card Table; Sheraton sta- genuine walnut with crossband Hits—Walker, Tigers, 18; Lary, entrenchments ancircUng the Basque day’a motora requiro 1936.' The types of German air* $89.00 Sheraton Arm Chair with SPECIAL! Klmbertey-Relchert. Bpt. . .. 790 Indians, 18. tlonary type with le .therette *^17A00 dowrn seat; plum damask cover VTiak-Iannarone. Bpt-New Brit capital where 80,000 troopa wars ta B-J become conscious of the extent' to planes employed were the Junkets 754 Doubles— Ben. Browns, end Lary, $ ton t lubrication. Wit B0.\8T .4 (.and pblloeophlcal natives had to top; drawer...... $14.09 with ruifled valance...... $09.00 Crolle-Carangelo. Hartford 793 readiness to meet Gen. EmUio Mola's A t SPECIAL which the OonnecUcut river is a JU B3-SU, heavy bombara; Hetakel $17.90 Coffee Table; $179.00 Twro-Pieee lounge suite Indians, 9. army. thla|lubrlcati(m, deat J iK ,. •’'^•**"’*1 i *dmlt that It waa France's own mabofany (sofa'and matching chair) with All Evewte barrier to the norms! growth In poi^ H BU l, medium fast -bombera, aod ANSttER: THE PARIS FAIR fault. rimmed, blach glass topop ...$ 0 0 6 $89.00 (Thippendale model ta genu­ G. Browrn, Bridgeport...... Triples— Stoos and Travta, Sena­ Food BMpa I______modlfle^i,^ wings; attached cuah- ine mahogany: figured linen frlctioB ateala power ulation. Industry and valuetlon of Hetnkel HE31 pursuit planes." Francs, grumbling and chip-on' $19.79 End Tsbis; Hepplewhlte W estinghouse tors, and Rosenthal. White Sok, 8. Tha air raldars swoopsd down eo By UEORC.E ROSS lon bsuda; antique green velour cover ta yellow ...... $3450 « 4 0 8 —1218 Home runs—Johnson, AthlaUos, weare down your mo'cij that part of OonnecUcut—almost shoulder. Just couldn't see the with shelf; blsck snd gold trim­ cover ...... $140.00 C Decks, Branford...... Galdacaao aad Bilbao Itesif lata yas- Discount Prices Then Ur. Steer adds the follow­ need of official participation, ta med (3) esch ...... $8.78 8; Walker. Tigers. 3. half—which lies east of .the river. $39.79 Chippendale design In green _ ...... 809 393 410—1172 terday, sprsadlag deatructloa ta ths GAS INE au'ppllea ing clincher; "I myself was machtae- Paris, April SO—The Pans Fair, the Chicago ruckus. Chicago, a $13.50 End Tsbie; Hepplewrhite dam ask...... g u j j C. CroUe, H artford...... Stotea bases Pytlak. Indlaaa, 8; suburban town sad menactag four It lent just one more bridge that which Is on the verge of opening. Is barbarous aad lunatic region— ta with book trough: black aad A ll W h ite Lary. Indians; AppUng, WhlU Sox, cofirtonr hibrlcatlan. It 1 gurmed by six pursuit planes ta $99.90 Ladles* Arm Chair; Queen w i.'U *” 426'415—1187 British food carriera ta Bilbao har­ we need—which should be standing nothing If not central. Its site Is on the opinion of most Frenchmen — gold trim (3) e a c h ...... $0.39 Black Rocks. Bridgeport...... 1890 and Wartar, Athletloa, 3. bor. • the place of old-faat large bombbole at Arbacegul-Guer- could certainty have little rela- Anne model ta genuine mahog­ and In service at this very muraent quality-street. any American $14.95 End Table; Sheraton 3-abelf Loungre Chairs any; Mua damask with cord HoUmKls.BrldgeiSrt'?...... :: }SS . Pitching—Stratton. Wlhlto Son; The freighters, which reached the Flowering SIHIUBS gaaoline and top-cyl ricaiz when they were returning lion with the sclntlllat center of model ...... $1J 0 WiUlams, Athlatlcs; LAwraoa, Tigers, Jammed capital yesterday, aod other —but at least live; one at Windsor, town took Its best midentlaJ section re • $89.00 Tufted Back; down seat; tn® ...... $44.50 end Sagarino, Hartford .. 1810 , In A Wide S ele^ os ef Vartottea from Guernica" the world's civlllxation, namely green chenille c o v e r ...... $40.00 West Eads, Bridgeport ...... i 7S3 3-0. ships at anchor escapsd damage, al- and the prettle.'«" the did ways. France was represented $33.50 Coffee Table; long model gunners were reported to have turn­ (Imee Shrub) river, flowing through the middle '■^.1 model ta antique gold damask; ladderback with upholstered Dlls. 7 fisch price you now pay foe c f highway spans across "worn oath of the entire Spanish by the gaudy honk-a-tunk which no­ ta hurawood with li^ t green COACH. SEE IT TODAY! ed their weapons on the fleeing ta- of the Paris Fair, adds immeasur­ body has forgotten since It offered «fown s s a t...... $90.7$ ^^st $555 Hite—Medwlek. Cardinals, 15; Xfo beandful, finely cot (dHage aad Its tenataln- fashioned gaa. ' ths Connecticut only slcvsn—frooa leatherette top ...... $14-0$ Wallingford ...... 1045 Arnovlch, Philllas. 9. habltante. EVERGREENS Insurgent government, phis the Ger­ ably to Its charm of location. One a Sally Rand to a goggling world. $59.00 LoodonYoungs styla; down $33.80 "Deacon” Windsor Arm 0 >'cr 80 Variettee! flke haMI ta admired by everyone who H. Ila $35.00 Coffee Table; Claaatc de­ Triples—IT tied wrlth one each. This morning women and children the Ifaaaachuaette Uns to Long man staff ta Spain which is believed will be able to visit the sights by Next time, France will send ta. saate; cholcs of brown or green Chair; authentic raproductlon; Laonart-LaBarr. Bridgep^ ‘ ! 639 heanty la fnrthar enhanced by the amsete af bateau. All the nationa dot< Its sign ta long stae; hurawood with „ AH Bvcirts Home runs—Ott aad WThltehend, V cpt befors the ruins ef thalr homes Iriand Bound; and of the exiaUng «*MMska. each ...... $8050 mshogany finished birch. .$15.75 while the men defending the slightly naam y nrhite fiowsra ta July and tbs roddtab to have ordered the bombardioriit. banks with their partlvular struc­ blua sad gold decoratleos; mtr- $7 0 .5 0 Kramiak. Bridgeport ...... 1019 Giants, 3. tint of tbe foliage 1a Ibe autunm. Very uanaual aril osily the new one at Middletown, rncorktag the ilankrol] w top ...... $ lt,75 $138.00 T u fM back; down aeat; hysterical Mty, vowed to reslat Gen. plus the whole Nari regime ta Get^ tures. Was It , a-purpoec or by Not all tha big spenders in the flfm ed gold tfriess cover. Very Women's TeaniB Stolaa bases—J. Martin. COirdl- o O c “P end out of tbe ordinary. being built to replace the ancient many. chu oe that the N azi' concession 839.75 SoUtalre Table; exact EmlUo Mola’s tavasiaa to the death. Paris hot-spots are foreigners. ducf dtop $$0.00 aals. 4; Browns. PhilUas, aad T. fractu re no longer safe, will bear is next door to that of the Soviets T duction of an 18th Century^So]^ Al^Wat«hury ...... jg g j Moore aad Bordagaray, ChrdlaaU, Vntagea Doa— f Scmetlmea they are silk manufac­ hah Sheraton $00.00 Qub chair; authaatle ro- The U, 8 . A. site ia acroaa the river, turers from Lyons. In a black-and- ■attawood Cedar Chests Ro$»r Stannaa Girls, N. H ... 1829 3. Tba raids aroused anew the the rilghteet relation to modem • • • - $1$,7$ producUoa of English Chlppsn- Evergreen Special beside the three bulkUngs which tafi dive (famous for Its rhumba or- $39.79 Choice ot three 1 YEAR TO PAY! Pitchtag—J. Dtaa arid t.«ii War- Basque fears that all viUagsa la the 2 5 c each tn ffle eonditkms. au the rest are NEW KIND OF GANG $39.00 Occaaloaala Table; classic dale Biodsl; down ssat: brown house the glories of Britain and her riiestra) such a one went berserk 49 and 45-tach atees; walnut-va- neka. Cardtaals, 3-0. i line o f the insurgent march faced (Thin Week) ; aid affairs that date from the bone- empire. Hepplawhite dealga with deco­ flsmask ...... $40.7$ .devastatkifi from the air. 99a VALUE New York city facee a new kind lately. He had a date to meet bis rated oval top; erased finish___ neered ta cboiea o f ( 1) phua GLOBE ARBOR VITAE aad-wagoo age; aad that refers Apart'from oWclal Frehcb "and wife, returning from South America, $39.00 Queen Anne Club chair; style (3) red leatherette too [ Racing Notes | Galdacaao is on tha road from of gang war, participated ta by foreigntoreign sections,* there s will be a $175$ electric bhic dsm ssk ...... $4450 Durango, IS mllas aouthaast of hare, along with tha others to the at Bordeaux ta six days. First night, (8 ) Initialed panel; aadi. .$lt.7$ PBOVANDB TRIAL 3-4 Feet $ 1.00 A Full Selectiim of Flower and Vecctabl* one brand new kind of gang. Ar- big and merry niMetay. One thsy say, bs spent MOO francs on Mh on which tha Basque dsfeaders wsre $459 VALUE Seed Induding Lr w b Seed. ,lsy btidga at Hartford uhiai was thtag will wUI bg baiTwi 'ta the streete ^ improvemante at Putnam, April 80. — (A P) — rtportad today te have halted at rajred with the pohoe, tha proaecu- of Paris wtaw Next night, ths technlqiM nm lleo has been voiced on all rites tnlfleMt ta its day but a h »g at -faji^ms. That la was Ibetter. Walters would open SUte'a Attorney Howard C Brad­ least for ths moment one eotuma of tora and the courts in a well organ­ ‘The Streete of Barstow’s p # removal o f tha stewards’ and Mola’s army . Decorative and Shade Trees Spring BoHm, Gladiolus, DahUaa, Etc. way from being the Uad of bridges bottles, dancing would begin, wait- lodgmf pagoda to tha roof of ths ford o t Wtadhan couaty aaid today ised and sen plannad campaign era would pour, the top off each bot­ OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'aOOC- ths easaa of Mr. aad Mrs. PhiUp C MaaawhUa, other iasurgant forces ROSE BUSHES. PERENNIALS, ^ that a n buUt nowadays. g b— iy Nicks PrMa fives a better view of continued their encircling movement racketetftag aad other tle,-then distribute the rest eiwnwg •*• focea, paztlenlarly the Oei.iu.. Provaadie. depoaed superintendant FRUIT TREES, ETC. T o ^ Fertilizer, and Spray MaterlaL Than Is no questloo at all—it ta FTafK^e, take It from a talented the orchestra. That night they aad matron o f the county home, through the eoastol sectors north or crime Is a gang of New Yorkers Ideal observer, eertatBly won't make Radio Shop On the fonner site o f the pagoda U Durango where a Basque eom- ' tba aasanc) o f propar state deval- worked him up to 9000 francs. would not come to trial until the •mown aa the Otisens Committee on the same mistake about the New So It went for four days moro. ths unsaddling ring. Tha word "oh- mualqua said "our troopa protected jM mant and tha parfarmance of ea- York fair that she ^ about Chica­ Jectlon" has replaced Tool claimad’ Septembar term of fluparior Court the Control of Crime ta New York. The last night be is reported to just NORTH OF P. O. Tba postpooemsat o t tha -“ - n tha orderly retreat- pteBtlal atate aervices that the con- go. After all the apoplectic **l—*"g WATKINS BROTHERS on the rasulte boatd. A la one flurry of counter-attack Heretofore gangdom has bad abbut have poured 18,000 francs away. schsdulad te havo bean beard durins G. E. WILSON & CO., Inc. and booing and whistling died down PHONE 1234 Park touch has basa addsd to the •< the Oonaecticut river be The share-the-wealth movement tba May term of the court wiu the report added.'YT Moors aod sev- all the organlatag and campaign ta Paris etaemss when shots of ths back by the plaiing o f Ubiea under aral Italiaa soidlara" erere captured _ , „ MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT • ‘ «wce; aad there Is but one worked out fine. Four slender made, Bradford said, bocausa of rta planning on its alda. Now. after “Streets of Paris" wars thrown on Martinique gala didn't do ao at MANCHESTER, CONN. iMlghtly eotoied swaiaga btslda the •hd “the rebels" , suffered "heavy North Main Street 2 OO Feet Wert of Depot Sqirtre the screen, the mors level-hsaded clubhouse. serioua condtUon of Mra. Provan- casualUee." OPEN DAYUGHT TO DARK badly. dla’s e3ras. 1 AMPLE PARKINGA R K IlJ cfSPACE------Several outlying’ villages were at­ ...... ___ VS^?S'’» ' _ . .. ^ ^ <■ ;■ ; _-■- '^'\ --•■'■ ■ . . -■...... ■•■"' ^ •■'-■'.’r fA I *V * sVW'' L

Is owned by the Radio A ir Service Green, blit the magistrate said he was a guest of Tolland friends Corp., on affiliate o f the Cleveland bad no power to do this. Madison Wednesday. plain dealer and the CHeveland news. EVANGEISTSCASE DAILY RADIO RROGRAM then asked (or permission to allow M ra Luiqr Usher is • guaot at w n c The newest addlUoo U W H TN ot defense attorneys to get such tbe home of her son Merritt Usher f^RIDAYe APRIL DO (Central and Eaitem Standard Time) Jameotown, N. Y., which goes on tbe HURLS 4-HITTER Travelers Broadcasting Senioe, statement, but this also waa denied. and foinlly at South WllUngtoa. (An U Btandard Ttms, DawUght Htme erne Aenr leler) HIGH TOPS BRISTOL network May 18 to Increase the sta­ A fter further quibbling the de­ Several membera of Tolland * H9Ut pfor-am* to Rtr and bi^c ehalci or cronpo thorooC an lo« tpod« Hartford. Conn. tion total to 126. It is the only HALTED FOR WEEK fense agreed to wait until Friday, Grange were guests of Ellington , fltd: eoa«t to coaoi <• to e) dootmAtiono includo au avalUblo otatlono. 80,696 W. 1640 1^ U. tiO ff M. broadcaster in that city. Prooromo oubjoct to ebaneo by otationo without provloue notleo, P. M. and Father Divine, smiling, pleased, Grange Wednesday evening and as­ Eastern Daylight Ttoiie. More and more pre-coronation NBC-WEAP (RED) NETWORK Cant. Baat. walked >0111 of the room. sisted in the neighbors night pro­ broadcute ore being placed on the Police and detecUvaa squeexed out DASICBait] woaf wlw vnae wtle SjO ^ T I u Outiar and tanf* schedules. U. S. Ambassador Robert Hundreds of Negroes Crowd gram. wiar vtas weth kyw wfbr wre wgy dsl^B od dy Clark, Four ataro Friday. April 30 a path tor him. He smiled at pho­ Miss Lucile Agord, Tolland Ubrx- Expect Larfe Attendawll wDoa veao wtam wwj waal: Midwoott btJO— Paul Douclaa* Bporto^i W. Bingham U to provide one, a afiks in Despite Slugging Silence kod wmaq who wow wdaf wtro wool - Jpakc; Buddy Clark— n«two7b tographers, waved at stray angels, rlon, boa returned from WllUmon- W Splendid Support Given, Coronation eve talk, for NBC May di40— 8:4<^Pron. Radio Nawa Ptriod P. M. I lutp wal wood 11. He .speaks just before midnight' Streets in New tork As his smile never breaking once. Uc. where she has been attending M IDW iiT A CANADA ^ wtmj k«bs 4 H ^ 8 :4 ^ T o Bo Announcod 4:00— French Lesson, Prof. Croteau. And still smiling he was whisked Lotheran Senice (or wiba webc wday'kXyr cret clef 8:00—Pootlo Molodtoo — oaatt tn lonpon, 8:40 he^, the broadcast Library Institute m eeting SOUTH—wrva wptr wwne wavo wjaz Howard Naumillor, Plano—waat 4:30— Follow the Moon. downstairs to the Ilmdiisine, stepped Miss Helen Johnson o f m dgeport, §il8— 8:18—Ma and Pa, Sarlal—baalo; 4:4A—"The Guiding Ligh t ” to dote with iig ^n's btfiktng the wfU'Wsan wlod wtm wme wtb wapl hour that ushers in (Probation Day. Dhrine Reaches ConrL inside and was off, the purr of the (3onn„ has been spending a few days Bluefields Launch Season Local Soutl^aw Star In Witte womb kvoo wky wfaa wbap Kpre Harbart Foot# Bnaamblo—DIxlo 8:00— Marlowe and Lyon. Final Addressw lEARTH OF HITS F A U i EMU PUTT TO COACH woal ktb8 kt)i8 wioe wtar wlo woao 8:80^ tonga from Hollooo thaw Another, "Dancing Aroimd Lon- motor smothered by the delighted at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Robart wfbe kark kenc t:4 t—Boaka C a rt^ a Commant 8:15—"Adventures of Daii-Oan." dot-,", la »or WABC-CSS May 7. to cries of the faithful, standing in Meachaba MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kfir kgh\ ktar f Broadway VaHatlao S:3(V—Don Winslow of the Navy. the sunshine. Howard Crandall bos resigned bis ACiPIC—kfl kaw komo Utq kpo kfbk • '5 ^ I^ ^ ~ H a l Karap'a Panca—c to o origlitate from voriout night spots New York. April 80.—(AP)— The largest atteadoaes of With Red Men Here Sunday 1:00—Hollywood Hotoi—e to o 8:45—“Little Orphan Annie.' position as (arm foreman at tbs wa kmj kau In the British capital. A third, for Father Divine, negro evangelist, week is expected tonight at the fli)N | TO HALT WORLD CHAMPS 2 to 1 Diamond Triumph rCtnt. Bait. t^0(^ SrOP—tan Franciaco tymp.—to 6:00—News. May 8 on NBC, IS a microphone pre­ Tolland (Jounty Jail and Henry The Bluefields, holders o f the GERMAN-AMERICANHINE coast lecture in the aeries conducted i § 6:16— Baseball and Highlights. spent twenty minutes in Felony 4:m—Don W intlow of tho Navy t:80— 9:80—Baba Ruth, BaSibalt—to 0 view of the line o f March for the Oandall has taken tbe position. the Emanuel Lutheran church tosm baseball championablp In 1934 S : 4 ^ '4:41—Orphan Anmo. Skit—basic 8 : 4 ^ 9:4b—To Bo Announcod 6:30—Wrlghtvme CUrion. Oironation procession, to contain (Tourt today, but a mild wTongle be­ Mias Hope West of Snipsle Lake, whole business Is that the t««m 4:Rtdio Nowt Ptriod baalc: Poatia Malodiao—woat rpt Revue— Benay Venuta and Terri on the street. \ his arraignment on the felonious as­ ttonal church song Sunday morning Despite Lou Gehrig's ailing hand Twardy but Pongrats let the ball 4:39— B:3S — Ford Bond, BtMboll— 9:8(^10:80—thap Plaldf A Orehaa*— Russell Williams of Rockville haa Rock Island, IU.. on Paul’s EpI weai; Carol Dolt, Sonet—nttwork La Fronoonl,..guests. sault charge made against him a ft­ at the 'i?olland F ed eral^ church and the absence of tonsil-leas Joe years, will launch their 1937 cam­ get away from hhn and McCabs baaic: Anton Woeka Orch,—inldw. recently piirchaiied the farm known to the Ephesians. Last night’a 4:4^ 9:4^Billy A B ttty—w «af only: 10:0CL-11 t0(^-O

BOORS blood traaafusloiia to rentora Ua ring: "H er father killed a man. It’s to Elaatman High School there, M anchester SIMPLE RfTES ARRANGED strength. in her blood, too, to kill." I f they seven years ago.” Local StocksIN. Y. Stocksl^®™^^^ Winning widest acclaim tor • his DIVIDED PAyVENTS bad ehlldren, be would watch them "Walt a minute! PH write that Condition Of State Department Head D ate Book charactertxatlon of Sherlock too, with cuqplclon and fear, won­ down. Eastman High School, you FOR CLERKS, PLAN FOR GniETTE FUNERAL Holmea, the internationally known dering If the uree bad been hand­ Furnished by F. S. Shaw. Ino. Adorn E x p ...... CLEAR TOMORROW FEATURED AT RflOR’S aay 7” State Roads flcUon deteeUve, GUlette left the teMAMON WHITE OdW NU SCBVICS.MC ed down to them. 968 Farndnctos Ave, TsMgfet "Yea. That glvet you eomethlng Never Quoted Directly A ir R e d u e ...... seclualan o f hla Hadlyme estate » ------West Hartford Alaska Jutt .... April 86-80 —^abls Iscturss at ITo TakCf Place Tomorrow No, ehe could not ask Bob to live more definite to work on, doesn’t Construction and oiling In force Emanuel Lutheran church, 7:40 p. about a year ago to play an impor­ The ^ t t b a w Wlor Jewelry, store CAST OF CHARACTERS through that shadow.... It? " In the state of Connecticut an­ William B. Martin Allegheny ...... Afternoon in Farmington; tant role In "Three Wise Fools.” JOAN B A R R E T l, heroine, secre­ It waa not their fault that they Barbara?" she heard her auggest. (EDITOR’S NOTEi This la vorlte. They apply the tads to Ur.- D hisoi Decides Incal Bepresentatlve m., nIghUy, given by Dr. Victor K. has for over a year been using nne " I hope it wllL A t any rate nounced by the Connecticut High­ Allied Cbem ... Last Payment to Be Made On Only Few Gose Relatives to tary to John Hendry. could not imderatand. Neither did "I have a little gift 1 want you to the fourth of a series o f Aano- Hull traveling by train aeroea hln Bid Asked Pearson, professor o< Chrlatianlty ®'*rt**“ speech made in She took her bags from the you're getting cloaer to facta” way Department aa of April 28. Am C a n ...... Attend. of the most pracUcal divided jay- she feel any anger toward Uorotny enjoy In Florida... .Just a minute clated Press stories describing naUve Tenneasee. and, what ia man, at Auguatana College. the HoUie street theeter In Boston, JOHN HENDRV, mining Inveet- closet, and slowly began emptying "Philip, have you ' enough ■ m Cap. Nat. Bk. A T r . . 39 43 Am Rod St S .. ment plans known. The purchaser Starke. Dorothy's only atn bad been after the others leave?” 1937. press conferences o f leading contend It'a true. to dose Oi Wednesday $80,000 Bond Issue; In­ April 30—Three-act play, "Chlnta during a farewell tour In 1916, be ment head. bureau drawers. She did not have Ooim. River Bk...... 4S0 — Am S m e lt...... her genuine pleasure In Seeing an Joan could picture her, inquiring money ? " Cloned for Conrtrnctlon— Detour Washington figures.) Cottage" by SL James's PUyera at Hartford, April 30.— ( a P) —WU- remarked In his customary Ironic pays no tnterest or carrying charge BOB ANDREWS, Hendry's ju­ much to pack. Her mother and ahe "That’a a fine flock ot aheap, len t Htfd. Conn. Trust ... 74 78 Am Tel and Tel old friend. Sbe could not have known into details, drawing Dorothy out "Ekiough to get me to Seattle. I'll Provided I SL James’s hall. 11am Gillette, eelebrmtad American J o v l^ ty that be hoped to be well In and pays In divided payments ao- nior pnrtner and Joan’s fiance. had never acquired the habit o f ac­ itT" Bald a stranger polntlag out ot AftenoM s at 1 O’clock. HUd. N a t Bk. A T r . . 32 34 Am Tob B ...... terest Cost $17,000. what misery her presence brought delicately, bit by bit, piecing facts wire you from there.'' Route No. U. S. 6.—Danbury. Lake Phoenix St. Bk. A Tr. 290 — Tomorrow actor, will be burled aa be wished— the forefront of the "farewell Indua- cording to bis Income. This plan ot S Y B IL HENDRY, aoclalite. John cumulating thinga By EDDY OfLMORE tha window and trying to Strike up Am Wat W k a ___ try” by the winter of 1987. to light. together, guessing, confirming.... "Please do, Philip. I ’ll be 'anx- avenue. A short section of concrete a conversation. Anaconda ...... Hay 1—American Legion dance, with simple, private services a tf Hendry’s niece nnd Joan's rival In Where should she go this time? Washington, AprU 30.— (A P )— Insnrance Stocks To the world at large, he was con- payluent has become very popular If, as she had noticed Joan's con- By this time, she knew everything ioua. Bob's out o f town, and I'd like pavement. Armour, III ...... Rainbow, in Bolton. tended only by n few close relatives. love. Boston? Somehow ahe felt afraid ot The Dolly Press conferences of Sec­ "That's true," Ur. Hull la laport- Tbe executive committee of the Aetna C asu alty...... 96 101 Mdered a great artist and author. among many of Mr. Wlor's cuatom- fuaion, the thought did occur to her, — the whole horrible story. to get eomethlng definite before he Route No. 116.— Harwinton. 2 4 ed to have replied, "If they are not Atchison ...... Tomorrow Manchester will be Also DeMolay spring sports dance The funeral wlU take place Sat­ ere. P H IL IP HENDRY, Sybil's hroth- Boaton. Its people were Interested retary of State Oordell Hull pack Dta division of the Chamber Aetna Fire ...... 42^ 44’ at Masonic Temple. To older restdente of this city, he she had responded splendidly. It “ My reprieve la up," Joiui thought. returns." miles of surfacq treated gravel from goate." Aetna Life ...... 28 30 Aviation C o rp ...... sole owner, free of encumbrancea, ot urday afternoon In Farmington er. In famlliea and backgrounds: they enough unwritten dogmas to trip n ’ CMamerce met this morning to Next Month was remembered aa a daring young Mr. Wfor la In constant touch waa Dorothy who covered up the "I'v e bad two y ea ra ....tw o perfect "O. K. How's the old man?” route 8 to route 117. "They’ve juat been sheared, Automobile ...... 28 H 30’ Baldwin ...... with burial In the fam ily plot in DOROTHY STAR k E. Joon’t girl­ would aak questions, too. Philadel­ super diplomat. A o rter hours for clerka its Center street, or more precisely, May 5—Two plays, "Little Hen man on a high-wheeled bicycle, and with New York and Boston diamond matter of the broketi cocktail glass, years." "Juat fine. I've tola him about Route No. 179.— Bariihamsted. haven't they?" persisted the man Conn. General ...... 36 38 Balt and Ohio . . . . Riverside cemetery. The Rev. War- hood friend. phia? Philadelphia waa tbh city ot They are held over a table sur­ ny o f the merchants have felt that part of O n ter street between and "Little Women," at Green many New Yorkers recall him as Importing houses so as always to insisting that she herself had Sbe got up, walked to the win­ your splendid new pciition—selling Relocation of route No. 179. 24 Rumor has tt the cautious olTtclnl HarUord F ire ...... 64 66 Bendix ...... rM 8. Archibald, pastor of the Swth CHARLES NORTON. Cnlifornte Frlenda. Surely there would be a rounded by chairs— yet no one aits at the hours in business were too the Center and Adams streeL school. the possessor of the only "perpetual have the latest styles In diamond knocked it from Joan band. It was dow and pulled dpwn the shade. bonda. He's beaming over IL 1 miles of waterbound macadam un­ replied: r and it baa been their aim to re Hartford Steam Boiler 60 H 62' Beth Steel ...... Congregational church o f Hartford engagement rings, wedding rings mining promoter. place for her among them.... know you can talk him up to a new (town. The last payment on the 380,000 May 12— Coronation supper and win officiate. pass” to Central Park. Dorothy, too, who had kept the con­ ' Perhaps It was better, getting It der construction. Impas.sable. "They have been— on this stda.” them for sometime. Many ot National Fire ...... 59>i 61> Beth Steel, pfd . . . . bond Issue -floated 11 years ago to and bridal ensembles. Taking fre- With a sudden shrillness, the tele­ roadater when you get back." Cnnstrurtlon—Traffic 5Ialntalned What the secretary says la What Borden ...... dafice at Masonic Temple by Daugh. The veteran actor, who would The actor was troubled with in­ versation gay and meaningless, un­ all over quickly like thia A t least Mr. Hull’a voice la soft and often I stores have changed their open Phoenix F ir e ...... 854 871 finance the improvement of the tera of Scotia. - que-'t trips to these New York ind Yeaterdny: Joan attends SybU’a phone on her wall rang, and Its Philip chuckled. "Good work, Route No. U. S. 1.— Madison. makes the news—yet you cun’t Can Pac ...... have been 84 years old July 24, died somnia years ago. and the paaa was til the time Joan found courage to she waa spared the suspense ot colloquial. One of his favorite ex- hours m the morning and their Rosala Insurance . . . . 10 12 stf*eL will be made in the First Also High school spring concert Boston lmportl£g houses enaolea echo jangled through the room, Syb. n i write him a note from here Traffic Circle at route No. 1 to Ham- quote him unless a special exception Case (J. I.) ...... Thursday, at Hartford honpltel. Issued ro allow him tt walk In O n - tea and la horror-atrlrken to meet tear herself away. wondering, and eventually, the preaaiona o f belltUement la to refer ' hours la the afternoon. The Travelers ...... 460 475 National Bank of Boston tomorrow by three choruses at High school Hr. Wlor to sell at the lowest *0! ' filling her mind with new dread. promoting myself. What sort of monasset beach road. la made. Cerro De P as ...... where-he had been a patient for trai Park .from midnight until 6 a. the same Dorothy Starke whom she agony of a last parting with Bob. to something as—chinkapins. Dta feel that their many Public Utility Stocks and the last of the bonds will be haU. Bible prices. She stood atlU In the center, ot bonds am I selling?” Route No. U. S. 6A.— Columbia- Hla answers are vitally Important ona and friends will be heartily Ches and Ohio . . . . about two weeks for treatment m., a privilege few ever had. had last seen In Seattle seven years It waa easier now, while he waa You can't even quote him on Conn. L t and Pow ..58 62 redeemed. May 13— Annual meeting and sup­ The Matthew Wlor jewelry store ago. Syl}il had been delighted to learn the room, her arms filled with "Oh, I don't know. Aak BUI Wlndham. Three span girder bridge to foreign correspondents present accord with this plan to make CThryalcr ...... oold. He had previ­ far away. thaL Conn. Pow...... 47 49 A t the same time the final in­ per of YJI.C.A. deals mostly In nationally adver­ that Dorothy had known Joan In clothes sbe bad just taken from aie Harris...." and appronchca Traffic may pass. from the corners q( the world—but wherever possible, the condi* Col Carbon .-...... ously btfen a patient there for a CHAPTER DC few ever oak him questions; Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 57 59 terest payment on the bonds will be May 17—Three-act play, "A Will Milk contains three o f the four tised jewelry, watches, silver the past.. There was no end to the closet. Who would It be? Who could She hung up the receiver, well Route No. 10.— Simsbury. Reloca­ for store employeea For that Hartford Goa ...... 32 37 Col Gas and E3 . . . . and a W ay," at Odd Fellows hail, by month last fall when he received vitamins. "once more In the lonely con- questions she asked. They had lived She would write him a note and' The secretary stands at one end it was recommended by the made, amounting to $160 for the and pen and pencil seta. It be, but Sybil? And now ahe did pleased with the aucccas nf her tea. tion o f route No. 10. l mile bitu­ So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 155 160 ComI Inv. Tr...... Sunset Rebekah Lodge. 1 of her room at the hotel. Joan In Seattle? Strange, we thought exp lain .... No, sbe could not do minous macadam. of the table, hla hands folded over Dtive committee that the stores ComI Solv ...... last six months. not want to talk to Sybil. She did It had indeed been a brtUiant Idea Also Mother and Daughter ban­ the end of her dreams. Hope- Joan came from Chicago___ In that. She could never explain In a Route No. 12.—Bllllngly. Bridge the hack of a chair. The reporters closed Wednesday at 1:00 o'clock Manuractorlng Slocks Ckina Elaon ...... During the period that the town not want to explain, to plead with to pretend a friendship fpr the girl- Acme Wire quet at Concordia Lutheran church. and defeated, she sat on the schMl together? Faatir.an High way that he would understand. . . . over five mile river at Attawaugan. line up behind the other chairs and Dg May S. wherever possible, Cons O i l ...... paid back the $80,000 borrowed on her for understanding. Sbe could Now to get a little closer to this •May 18 —"Post Road,” thre»«ct Crrow bed. and looked out acresa SchTOl? How very, very Interest­ Let him hear the story from Sybil. Traffic may use temporary bridge. fire their Inquiries. ny stores outside of the division Am. Hardware...... 34H 36< Cent Can ...... the bond issue, the town paid in­ not feel safe with her secret locked Dorothy Starke. ' ■d mystery comedy by Community the dreary roof-tops. She could not ing. ...T o think you had to find He would, anyway. She would ­ Thompton. Bridge and approaches If the secretar,v should- say—"I vVANCO already slgnlfled their in ten- Arrow H and H, com. 60 62 Com Prod ...... terest for the loan totaling $17,600, In Sybil's breast. For Sybil could (T o Be Oontlnned) o f eonfonnlng to the Wednes* BiUings and Spencer . 5A4 6> Playera at Whlton Memorial audi­ cry; she could not even rage.against each other right here In New York, ly say goodby. not remain true to a trust; her eyes over French river. Traffic may feel fine this spring day” —custom Del Lack and West Increasing the cost of the Improved torium, auspices o f Young Republic­ pass. commands that the remark he re­ afternoon doMng schedule. Bristol Brass ...... 58 61 highway to $97,600. fate. Neither would have helped. after so many yearshow many She must write to Mr. Hendry, were too cold, too uncompromising. Douglas Aircraft .. an club. Manchester Public Market corded to the world as-’—Secretary Collins C o ...... 127 — Probably before she Was bom. tt years? too. Somehow, she hated doing that She might promise, ahe might OERM.YN CHURCHES FE.AR Route No. 85.—Hebron. North Du P o n t ...... During the ten years sines the May 29— Knights of Columbus Colt's Pat. Firearms . 614 63' was written In the stars that sne A fter a while. Dorothy changed more than anything. He would pledge, but she would keep the CIVIL MARRIAGE RITES street, one mile of waterbound Hull said he felt flfie this spring Eagle Lock ...... 31 33 Eastman Kodak . . . new road was installed the cost ot Sports dance at Rainbow ball, Bol­ macadam under construction. day. Direct quotation Is forbidden. OUlCK V ^ Elec and Mgs . . . . maintenance has been almost negli­ ton. QUALITY QUALITY would be condemned to a life like the topic. Perhaps she grew tired think she waa a coward for not secret only as Ion- as It suited her CUIB FOR ORIS Fafnlr Bearings...... 120 130 Saturday Super Values this—barren of hope and uappinesa. of Sybil's persistent curiosity. But coming and telling him herself. "1 to do so. Stuttgart (A P ) —Church -folk Route No. 181. — Barkhamsted. There are good reasons. When SUDSING Elec Auto Lite .... gible and It is still In very good con­ Coming Events One mile of relocation. No Inter­ )Tou'ra speaking for the State De­ GRAN^'--- Gray Tel Pay Station 144 16i Gen Elec ...... MEATS desolate of peace. There was noth­ Sybil could follow a point relent­ like a person who can stand up and Joan tried to shut her ears to the view with alarm the efforts of the Hart and Cooley ___ 215 235 dition, according to Clerk George H. May 31-June 5— Tall O dara "Joy. MEATS ference with traffic. Bolton. Lake partment, you're dancing on diplo­ J (3en F o o d s ...... ing she could do about It; there waa lessly and cleverly. And for some face an iasue,” he always said. phone's Insistent ringing. She would Nazi regime to make cjvU u.ar- made ORGANIZED IN TOWN Landers, Frary A Clk. '84 36: Waddell of the Board of Selectmen. land” at Dougherty's lot. street and Shoddy Mill roal. 2 miles matic dynamite. A misplaced com­ Gen M o to rs...... RIGHTLY no way to escape except by this unfathomable reason, Joan realized "These alibis and excuses... .Bah!" not answer it. riag^ so solemn an act that many cspeciallv Mann A Bow, Class A 9 11 Next February the town win June 4 — Second annua] outdoor RIGHTLY of rolled bank run graveb Gillette ...... continual disappearance from on. now, she was intent on discovering Yet what good) would It do to It was not Sybil Hendry, how­ Ge/tnana will regard the blessing ma can start an International Inci­ for New Brit. Mcb., com. 344 36> moke Its last payment on the $232,- music festival by l.(X)0 school atu PRICED No Route Nnmbers dent. |4Bronp of Interested Persons Hecker Prod ...... dents at Ekiucatlonai square. AURKET and BAKERY city to another. every detail In her life. stand up and face this issue? Mr. ever. For Sybil, at that moment, q t the church aa unnecessary. do., pfd...... 100 — ’ 000 bond tnUe floated ten years ago PRICED Elliiigton-Tolland.— Oystal Lake The secretary—tell and the model oeiiCKTs Hershey ...... June 14-19— Veterans' Carnival at This time, however, tt waa more Perhaps Mr. Hendry had asked Hendry would be kind, aJ so many waa pacing up and down her own The marriage clerk's office of Meets St Mrs. Markham’s North and Judd . . . . 374 S9i for the purchase of the high school road. '14 miles of gravel surface. of dignity—la the personification of ' * a Bic » Hiidsoo Motors . . . Main and Maple streets. than a disappearance from New her to do that, although that did other men had been kind to her. Aa rose and stiver boudoir, waiting InS- Stuttgart la taking the lead In of iiiK 1 Home Yesterday Afternoon. Peck, Stow A Wilcox. 19 21 building from Cheney Brothers. Klllingly.—9 streets In the bor­ the departmenL He has a rare gift •COl* n s Int Harv ...... June 21— American Legion Car. Small Legs Genuine B.qby Spring Lamb, York. It meant a last goodby to not seem llk j him. He had taken Dorothy Starke's father had been paticntly for the call she had put ferlng church "ersatz.” The cere­ Russell Mfg. tk)...... 33 37 During the ten years of the life ot Boneless Rolled Chuck for Oven or Pot ough of Danielson. of answering questions without say­ o I « M Int N ic k ...... nival at Dougherty's loL 4'/i to 5 pounds each, *> iw Bob, the sacrifice of hla love and her Into his offices without even kind.. In the end, however, their through to Philip In Chicago. • mony Is no longer conducted In A 4-H Oub for girls, the Orst ot x-Scovlll Mfg. Co. . . . 40 42 the high school bonds the town will Roast, o ef ing "yea" or "no." Int Tel and T e l ___ August SO-Sept 6 — Knighta ot protection, the end of happiness. inquiring about references. He had reaction was the same. It was all cold, bustnesa-llko officca, but In a KNO kind in Manchester, was organ- Stanley W orks ...... 634 66' have paid interest on them amount­ lb...... 3 5 c There ere more than 115.000,000 Capital story tellen Illustrate this lohna ManvlIIe . . . . Columbus Carnival. Ib...... o D C She wondered, dully, why she Kept never probed into her prlvat. analra. unfortunate, terribly unfortunate. cbiirch-llke hall. There la mualc ysatsrday by a group of Intar- Torrington ...... 109 113' ing to $51,400. Small Forequarters of Genuine o Twenty minutes later, broth­ and atatellnea and solemnity con­ sheep In Australia. quality with an old crackerbox fa- “ sCiiNaj Kennecott ...... Boneless Roiled Veal to Roost, from prime on living at all. No matter how Even If he were more interested But what could they do about It? ' girls at the home tk Mrs. A.r- Union Mfg. Co...... 10 12 Baby Lamb, Ib...... 2 e O C er’s voice came to hci; across the nected with the ceremony. U S Envelope, com .,86 __ Lehigh Val Rd .... BOMB NEWSPAPER PLANT milk-fed veal, O C m anf years she existed, no matter now that Bob and she were to be Her father had murdered a man__ miles. ••'VANCDm Markham of 855 North lalo U g g and Mysrs B fo r...... 1 Jy C Fine Sugar Cured Daisy Hams, Q Q Nationa] a t y Bank .. 45 St B ra n d s...... [ 3 for New York ...... 127 Ot>emight News St Gas and El .. Tender Western Calves’ Liver Q (J Small Butt Ends of Sperry ft Ol A Public ...... 46 St Oil Cal . on sale, Ib...... 0 ! 3 C TIUo ...... i P St ou N J ; ■ Catsup 214 oz. bts, 29c Barnes’ Hams, Ib...... m o JC 4 W hweVahie$ftreBoni O f Connecticut Tex Corp ...... Farm King An Flavors TIffee Cheers For Everybody’s Market ot Manchester Insuranoe ■> American (Newark) . 12 Timken Roller Bear’ Large Size American Reserve ... 28 Trans America .. FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES S? Question! Check These Prices and That’s the Answer! We Deliver! Free, Too! Dial 5721! To the First 50 Custon^ers Saturday Momingr O n a aac-H arry W. Blake, American Surety .... 504 Union Carbide . . ! Baltimore American . 74 Union P a c ...... PcacIlCS large tin 19® Fancy Fresh Green Telephone Peas, well Solid Iceberg Lettuce. We Will Offer 5 Packages (large 1 lb., 4 oz.) Pancake Flour for 25c. This is a 50c Value and Only 5 To One Customer. ntandeat at aebooia and prin- Hatves or Siloed. WHEAT ot the N ew Osnaan High Ehcceae ...... 5 Unit Aircraft ... filled. Special Sale! O C Nice Ripe Tomatoes. Mihmlttad reaignatloo to Fid. and Deposit . . . . 123 Unit Corp ...... I PUFFS 3 quarts...... ^ e 3 C Board ot Education. Great American ...... 26 Unit Gas Imp RICE Fresh, Native, Oean Spinach, m o River—James A. Gould, H a lifa x ...... 22 U S Rubber ...... Date>Nut 2 tins 2$c Fancy Fre.sh Green Asparagus, O O peck...... i O C " nt Of Pratt Read aad Com* Hanover ...... 33 U 8 Smelt ... BREAD. Croose A Blackwell’a PUFFS large bunch ...... O O C .Juicy Sw eet Tree Ripened ORANGES doz. 2 9 * I Seedicse, Juicy G RAPEFRtJIT 7 piano key manufacturers, an- Home Ins...... 3314 U S Steel ...... " l ; Native Dandelion Greens, j Q •equlslUon o f part of the Home Fire Security 44 Vick Chera...... '/ 2pkgrs. Indian River Grapefruit, o ^ peck...... l o C ny*s plant in Ivoryton by the Mass. Bonding ...... 5g Western Union . ! ! ' ‘ Tissue Avalon * f o r ...... 2 5 c Fancy, Fresh Berries. O A Krasdale Tuna Fish I large tins 2 for 29c Fkncy, Large Bnncbea Bliboif company of New National Liberty ___ 9 West El and M fg .. Scotch jCam! Lean! lb. 39c Fun I.^..ShM4 Rolte. ^ 2-pint basket...... m 9 C Firm R ipe Straw berries b a s k e t I Q c fork, makers o f drugs for pbysl- North River ...... 25 Woolworth ...... ”, Fancy Mushrooms. RADISHES! I and hospitals. Prov. Waah...... 33 Elec Bond and Share (C u rb )!! Fancy Indian River Juice Oranges, Imported Grapes. Crushed Pineapple! '(Dei .Monte) re New LioodOD—Katherine Wal- Pref.-Accident ....! 174 Mazola 2 for 29c Slic^ Bacon! lb. 29c t o f Babylon. N. T., was elect- Seaboard Surety . . . . 31 Pecan—Ring Cake Fancy, Well Bleached Celery. / l^president of the Connecticut Ool- Security In a ...... 35 PRISO.VERS w e l l f e d Oil 35c, 45c"" 49c studsat government for 1938. Springfield Fire A Ms 119 Plate Derby Corned Beef! large tins Freih Sweet G reeti Peas 2 q l s . 2 $ C Sun L i f e ...... 549 2 for 29c ■ vlDe—Carlton P. King of _New York, April SO.—(API— each 20c Dried Beef! pkg. 10c eld, was elected chairman of U. S. F. and G...... 24 4 ^*'|^y"****'t prisoners of the Baked by Hosteaa — Bakers of Wonder Bread. SPECIAL AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT I Republican Oub o f Tolland eoun- Westchester ...... 33 Brwklyn county Jail rested 00m! 2 5 e Frrah Green / X—Ex-Rta. Home Baked Beans, Home Made Coffee Rin^, Krasdale Peas! 2’s 2 for 29c •ucceedlng Harold W. Bruce of Roasting quart...... Solid U r g e Iceberg Lettuce 2 Fine Frankfurts! lb. 19c Springs. with a taaty meal of corned beef sugar frosted, each ...... and cabbage. FRESH 20c BEANS! ^.ZMnbury—Charles T. Anson. 82. Boston Brown Bread, / f i r s t D. S. A IR M A IL Fruits for Salad! Krasdale Ig. I ’s ' 82 years a member of the Dan- Tha fare was the rJsult of a one- Chickens 29c Calves* Liver loaf ...... 2 for 29c Spiced Ham! lb. 33c ry lire department, died. day admlnlstraUoo of the Bon.ugh 10c Fancy Home Made 2-Layer Cakes, Shanghai. April 3 0 .- (A P )- T h e of Brooklyn by high school boys lid 33c Ib. Squash, Pumpkin and Custard o each ...... Milford—The Adam Weber, a two nrat American air mall to Sbang- 1/2 C risp B leached Fine C elery b u n c h -^er auxiliary freight schooner official! Pies, each...... OUC Krasdale String Beans! 2’s 2 for 29c 2 S 5 ® ^1 arrived today after fog over the joba Sheriff" Arthur Bennett LAMB LAMB Home Made Rolls, our usual ^ n Pure Lard! 2 lb. pkgs. 27c _ _ ered in the name of Warren China coast delayed a Chldese oinne Hbme Made Potato Salad, look«j w . particular altuaU™ ove“ BEEF KIDNEYS , Crttchlow of Orcenport. L. 1., ran carrying It from Hongkong. Tha FORES LEGS variety, dozen ...... l o C Ib...... und on a sand bar off the Fort and recommended oa his sola Fancy Succotash! 2’s 2*for 29c Freeh, Green, Firm nbull beach. P‘6he was grounded yaaterdav at tributlon that the priw,nem b. $1.19 31c lb. Pimento Meat Loaf! lb. 29c Foochow. • ^ fed. CUCUMBERS! Xiocel No* 1 Pot& toes cood p e c k 3 9 ^ GROUND SPECIAL SALE ON QUALITY GROCERIES CHUCK Baby Lima Beans! 2’s 2 for 29c American Cheese! U>. 29c REEF Butter, Land O’Lakes, 1-lb. rolls...... 2 lbs. 79c Pot Roafft lb 2 0 e 2 lbs. 5 5 e Butter, Goverbloom, 1-lb. rolls...... lbs! 7.5c Spinach or Prunes!, largest / 2 for 29c 2 * Teader Jnleyl 2 212*8 1 5 Fancy Mellow Ripe Bananas 3 ^5^ Sheffield Milk! 4 cans 25c Mild Cheese, Land O’Lakes...... 25c IC H ■3^ GREEN PEPPERS Pork Liver Fancy Swiss Cheese, sliced or piece...... lb. 45c Jta. 1, New Crap 'No. 1, New Crop Texas ed&Wh ite Food Stores Sliced Bacon NATIVE DANDELIONS Fine All Round FANCY BUNCH BEETS Egrgrs, Strictly Fresh, largre size...... doz* 65c POTATOES! NEW ONIONS! FreshA s p a r a g u s T i p s No Waste Ib. bunch 1 5 « Aiaortod Scotch Ham 2 OR SPINACH! APPLES! OR CARROTS! CUBE can STEAK Crisco ...... 3-lb. can 5^; l^lb. 21c Cold Cuts b k i g h t w o o d 35c lb. Swans Down Cake Flour...... larirp nko- 9 33-35e SPINACH Hershey’s Choc. BarsI reg. 5c 3 for 10c Cucumbers Guest Ivory or Lava Soap! bar 5c 2 Ig* pkgs-2 9 ^ 2 1 9 ® J. Brogan P. F. Cashion Asparagus 1 9 e peck HEINZ FOOD'sALETi351)EMO^^ATION '**'••* TaL t t l 8 OiBter Strsat Fhaaa St G. Lantieri All Soups, except clam chowder, chicken gumbo, and at 8q. Market Meals a ^ Oiseastea Beets • Carrots M lced Peaches no.lon20c I Krasdale AprlCOtS no. can I Sliced Pineapple lldzecan Leo Brazanskas • ** »»«» TM. 7 « » . ORANCro consomme...... • ...... 2 for t Cabbagre I4-OZ. bottle Catsup, 19^ US ^ Frank Hillery Beans, Boston style, 2 cans 2". 1W. M SI DM Hartferd Band XdL { Walnut Meats! Potatoes 3 9 e dozen V 2 l b . 2 5 c Bulk Cocoanut! lb. 19c I Hershey’g Mr. Goodbar! 3 %-lb. bars 25c | Baking Chocolate! Hershey*g Vi-Ih. bars . 3 for 25c d i a l 5111 Quality With Beonomyl MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). IIANCHESTER. OONN« PRIDAT, APRIL 80,1987 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 80,198'» PAGE BALLO Dl BENBFICENZA^ ~ efit from the President's letter may PINEHURST — DIAI4415I MURPHY ASSOmON bo to effect economies to the next fiscal year. FDR’S COURT FLAN Conn., and one son, Herman Mayer, follows: Bet-back, WUllam Dumaa; test of students of VLCational agri­ Phone Service Until 8:30 Tonightl lECONOMY PLEA Jr., of WUlimantic. The funeral will ence Jones, suBarlntandant «C Prendeta nota a- non dlmentleate In some departments, employes I APPLY FOR HOME Bridge, Mrs. Thomas Graham, Mra. culture, to be held at ■ Ckmnecticut Card Home la WilniUmaatle, wQl New U. S» Envoy to Novwcy PERKINS TO CALL SOUTH COVENTRY be held in toe Congregational Frank Hull; Whlat, Mra Mary W. State Oillege at' Storrs today PUZO^^FFIOAU dl attendere ai hallo dl benefleenao, are^betog asked to take Jobs at low­ BffORE CLUBWOMEN cl urch on Friday afternoon at 'J:3U. toe apeaker. Whit* Turnips Domenica 9 Magglo aUe ote S p. m. er salaries and some are being dls- Jacobson, Margaret Nye, Arllnc ore, (Jhartea Beebe, poultry Judging: PINEHURST aUTtallan Oub. UKEYTOHAVE Mrs. Henrietta Meytr, wife ot ■Vito toe Rev. Henry E. Robmaon Porter. Lisude Bour, animal husbandry Ncir OsblMce mlseed. With only two months of I CARDENS TONIGHTI offictafing. The burial wrUl be In Said Pasha, vloeroy of Springr Vefiretables Oonnaslonall: 1st aventura ha this fiscal period remaining, how- (OoBtlaaeff -ram Page o m ) Is An Old Campaigner NEW LABOR PARLEY Herman Meyer, died Wednesday Work has begun on toe razing ot Judging team; Nathan White, ong from 1854 to 1863, once pal morning at too Windham Commun­ Nathan Hale cemeteiy, the commit­ the tall brick chimney on toe former lual essay aLASklng contest; Waltei Cwoibera Oor old friend. Martia Becker, has K n o i^ e of T u Shortage anoora una volU colplto une del «w r, this wlU have little effect tal service to be m ebarge ot demonstratad his coura^ Joat etarted pickliis Bareripea, Oan* nostri connaxlonali ed alio acopo dl i m i ^ E F F E a l the current budget. Senator’s remark that wfaUe he hid ity Memorial hospital, where she Tracey-ElUot property, owned bv Young, Showmanship oonteat.____ walking over a layer of gu Blpe Toantora opposed confirmation of Chief Jus­ Waahington. April >0.— (A, P )—Rorgantsation------on record to work for bad been a patient for toe past twro Cllmtiz Chapter No. 98, O.E.S. of toe town. The West Ehid Lumbv Pupils from Ifl high ocnoois of toe deBons and Sphiaek. Lower pifaes potor portare un solUevo flnanalario Alerrow, of which toe deceased waa dar a mUa long and a toot prevalL Sempra a coloro msno fortunaU (OnatlaiMd fMm.Paga On*) tice’ Hugbee, "J owe him an apol BkbBhy Be ABocateA lo The atralghtMt back around toe Woodrow Wilson in 1912.- weeks, having undergone an opera­ Co. baa the contract for toe 'work. state wUI partlclpata. with a lighted pipe in hla mouth. jCrecB Pqipers y n o i Disclosed m Auditor’s Twenty-Six National Leaders tion last Thursday. She waa 57 a member. Becker’s Native* ITtalian Club ha nomtoato un Ooml- because he’s been one of toe'gf capital—whether at a. tea party or a In 1932, her orlglnel pledge wee Miss Evelyn Colburn Is spending a Mother’s Day wUI be observed at The moat drastlo prohibit Tdlow Tomlps toto con a capo I’tofaUcablle Arturo to their work would never give un I est Justices we've ever had." to Newton D. Baker, but a. ter years old, and was born In Germany The Coventry Girl Scouts held a week's viu»tlon with relatives in the Congregational church on Sun­ law In tha world today la lo tope of securing return of the en­ Beet A dnsbfe If Aikcd I political pow-wow—unually la that She had been a resident of Ihia place de.-iaert card party In toe Booth- Hartford. Report to the V o te n Grenuno per organlzxare dstta festa. BOY SCOUT NOTES Franklin D. Roosevelt’s nomination, Invited to Disenss Cur­ day, May 9th. The morning service feet In Afghanistan, where tire 16 per cent," he said. f Keenan asserted a majority hka of Mra. J. Borden Harriman, new for toe past 20 yeara. Besides bet l-:mock Memorial Llbi-ary lecture D A M D E U O N S x E’grato aapere che la Loggia Giu­ “faith In a great leader who ras ahe campaigned for him and spoke South Coventry pupUa at Wind- will be conducted by women ot toe one caught with liquor on hla for H u t EvMiing United Statea minuter to Norway. again in 1936. She la Democratic husband the leaves one daughter, room yesterday afternoon, wtto six hero High School who will take pan church, and an all-women choir will eon or property la sent to ^ seppe------Mazxinl------haat rlmandato M l ^ al 28 Vandenberg (R., Mich.) By DANNT SHEA borne -toe battle briiut and achieved rent Problems On May 4. Mra. Adelaide Anderson of Clinton. tables playing.. Prizes were wron os New Potatoes 3 lb. peck i S r Several town offlctala, somewhat m Magglo ilII banchetto che doveva i ^ Senate .. yesterday------.r —that c coethe toe victory.” A t 66, tha tall and xtately veteran commltteewoman for toe District of in toe state-wide competitive con­ assist with music,- The Rev. Flor­ six years without trial. IAm I Iw w. I H/iminiKTra f _.ei - - of a dozen Democratic campalnta pe^exed by the statement of Rep- tenersi la medesiraa domenica. pef “ “ “ "'etration s money policy added Green Seonts Reorgualse Uolumbla. Senator Wheeler agreed the Pres­ soil reflecta toe training of her She Is a compelling figure on ho 4 lb s. 19c Becker’s Native reaenUU^ Edward J. Murphy that non Interferlre al successo dl questo of balancing _ The MMchester Green troop of ident was worthy of cheers “for all Applicants for home gardens are balk) dl benefleem. the budget He uked for "a cou- BriUah army officer father. As a platform. S..e wears clotoea of Washington. April 30.-o-( a P)— jifTnnnnnnninniTnTnniTnTnTinTTTTiiiiiiiiiiiiii the Oen^ratlc town auditor knew America has re- toe good he has done” but "we re­ reminded that their application child, ahe had to walk with a book Secretary Perkins Invited 26 labor Hale's Qualitr Milk Coloro che banno' deaiderio dl ^ e o u s , rational and reaUeUc re- sponsorship 6t rich matenals cut on-simple lines 8 P I N A C T of a ahortage In the account# of a donare merce, oppure oggetU dl togmment of the giddy gold and fuse to give him a subservient should be In by tonight In order that on her bead for 30 mlnutea a day Recently ahe wore a dress ot allvei and Industrial leaders today to at­ Sweet Potatoes foraer town tax collector but could ctoh“ ^ ‘’®?‘*® Community court." the pIoU may be allocated to toe tend a second conference on May i Health Market Specials P*'’ •* lottoria o eUver policies under which we play Conner number In 30 yeara of aocial, civic, and lamb made like a nurse’s uniform 3 lb. peck^ not make It known because he bad sucker to the world." ^ ^ Said Keenan: ppUUcal acUvlty. Florence Jaffray on collective bargaining problems hallo di beneflcenxa, sono pregati- dl best advantage. Repreaentativea ot Pearl earrings and necklaces are Rnrops — Legs — Roulettes — Swltfa "Saniseal" ASPARAGUS nclN^y to whom be could report, larclarli nei local! del poplar* Oak complain that the vrifi ^ r n “*®“ “ “ “ 'ey "Wo' have Judges of the court toe Legion committee will be at both Harriman baa not forgotten how to favorite Jewelry. under toe Wagner Act. Bread point duC that the auditor reported Walter P. Chrysler, president of Becker’s ^ tiv e Rareripes ... 3c Grill In Oak Street. ^ t r t States pays more than the scolding each other in the open the East Side and West Side Kec hold up her head—now gray ,-nd Her husband died In 1914. During The eame qaaDty loaf at the White Onions uniiaUy to the votera in the annual world price for gold bullion. Recent­ court—scolding toe public for poor this evening, from seven until eight- the Chrysler Corporation, headed Becker’s^ative Rhubarb, lb. 15c, town report. Per U buon ealto di quests buona tohool every Thursday bobbed. She atlU lidea. She plays toe World War ahe leaded toe Mo­ same low priced | caun non mancate, influenzate i ly, aome financial experts have ex­ sportsmanship In criticizing toe thirty o'clock, to receive applica­ a good game of golf; She goes flsh- toe list of Induatrlaliata. He was Veal Roasts ib. 2 5 « - 2 8 e Yellow Onions Fresh^^ean The last Democratic auditor, when Vr ’^ "k ly meetings tor Corps of toe Red Cross. She vosW e pergate agll altri ad Inters pressed concern over the large In- G rapidly learning the court—breaking all toe propenlea tions. , Ing. took 300 womm to France, where the first auto manufacturer asked VVa^ Cress...... bun. 10c fore the elective officials w«/c re­ ^ te m e n U Is of the-8coutlng*pro- All garden plots not'allotted to to help lay the foundation for stabil­ Cauliflower placed with certified public account­ venire e conciosiafoasecosafattache StatesV°” '*^ veto toto the United by giving advisory opinions in toU Her Sunday night nolreea have ahe apent )8 montoa W^te Mushrooms . . . .lb. 39c Domenica 9 Magglo sla U rctoe*! Struggle in Congress. those on aired or supplementary re­ become a Waahington institution. Mra Harriman, wboaa chief hob- ized employer-employee relations. Boston Lettuce ants, served from 1915 to 1935. At mMter of toe troop with Bob Hall lief will be turned over to thpqg em­ Simultkneously tbe Labor de- IC loaf the end of each fiscal year for 18 Another economy proposal—the Said Wheeler: Moot issues are toeaed Into discus- bias have been econjmlcs and peace, double BunHwe WMte ballo di beneflcenxa ployed on WPA work. .—■tona to obtain conflicting opinions partment’a Federal employment LAMB LEGS lb. Carrots or Beets y years be certified he bad “examined nel ®®*t»-<>cew from S . n n e t o 'r ^ ‘ *sy “ “ «l«tant8. " If the friendship of my Demo­ stressed toe latter in dlacusaing ner service announced an Increase In 2 9 « and verified the accounta" of the tax locall deiritaUan Club. Harry L. Hopkiaa a denunciation of w appointed cratic friends la dependent on mv ' —not agreement John L. Lewis, new appointment 6-7 Pound* Average! 8c bunch C 6 l 6 r y bunch 1 2 c Orchextra D'Ubxldo raUe^ra' people who would take food from **® organization Md is Lizards are common to all labor leader, was a recent gu-wt employment end predicted Ita next coUector, along with other listed of­ glornata. la burning familiar with tola Im- voting to pack toe court—then 1 of the globe except toe polarVl'e-, T am proud that I am about to report may show a record low of Large Size Newton-Robert- / ficials and believed them to be "a a man In the belief he wouldn’t hol- say their friendship la not worttf toe Alice Rooeevelt Longworth often U participate in work is useful and No. 1 Quality mm—FRESH Ifsltlon. The troop is plan- glons. They are especially nuimr- Invited. applications. son Betty Crocker Angel d irect exhibit of receipts and ex­ J ^ g to Join toe other Manchester price I have to pay." oua In toe tropics. Interesting as diplomacy,” ahe >ald First figures for March were so penditures.” STRICKEN AT CONVENTION Administra­ t iw ^ t o their encampment at Camp The fun begins after dinner when at "Uplands,” her hilltop mansion far below February, when toe Ic e l Lettuce 8c-10c Representative Murphy’s state­ tor said the full tl.SOO.000,000 rec- Pioneer on May 22 and 23. Mre. Harriman, aa her own *nla- overlooking Washington and toe Po­ active file contained 6,155,000 ment was mode during a public , .. . . 3 « - (A P ) *’5' *^«'den t for relief tress of ceremonlea, surprises an tomac. names, that a recheck baa been Pot Roasts lb. » c hearing of the atlcs and Boroughs Frederic W. Horton. 54, of Burr H— He “uncommitted Senator" with a “I am particularly glad that toe , S . ^ a 1 OBAOE A. L. started. The February total waa committee in the State Capitol Hartford, died at 8:35 protested cutting toe fund to _ , SESSIONS DEAD” awlft “ What do you think of toe President has given me toe oppor­ .the lowest since May, 1935. Tbe 4-6-Pound Bliankleao Freoh NATIVE . R A D IS H E S j^ernpon, when he claimed o clock this morning at the Water- even billion, as some senators have court plan?" or "How do you stand tunity to carry on tola work In peak. Just a year ago, was 9,312,000. that the defalcation would have been advocated. bury hosplUl where be waa admit­ ri 3 0 .-(A P )-A Ib e rt I on economy?” All remarks are off Norway, which has always been New applications In March totaled 2 bunches l O e pi evented If the Democrats had had ted lu t evening after he waa strick- The Senate passed an approprla- U Sessions, a founder of the 6m - toe record. among those foremoat In furthering 262.301J and placements 250,249. The ^otatoec represenUtlon on the Board ot ©n while attendlofif______a sesaiooIon of to* to cover v.»i,cuiM!sexpenses orof certain alons Clock Company In ForcatvUlc I MANCHESTER Mra. Harriman knows how to tbe cause of world peace.” serrice explained, however, that Shoulders ib20< Pinehurst Freshly Made 8riectm «, providing someone to sUte convention of toe Order of I ®ntlc*P«ted at keep things moving whether at a Mra. Harriman will jail on June other factors such as cancellations Whom the Democratic auditor could a^n °f H. Sessions Md MAYONNAISE, usual- O A ^ t e r n Star at Buckingham Ha?l I f ‘*’® y®""- fi™t one of toe largest truck hard- buzzing with this new party or In a campaign. a. Her granddaughter, PhyllU Hut- would have an important bearing on 4 2 c peck have reported. i^uced toe sum from toe 31,653,- Iy33c. Special! Pint Z S / C Dr. Mward H. Klrschbaum said “ '® country. Charles Evans Hughes, aa gover­ aell—whose mother. Ethel Borden toe final figure, which It said might Individual death waa due to cerebral bemor* 000 approved by toe House to 31 - dlM at ^ home after five yeara’ nor of New York, appointed her to Harriman, writes scenarios In Hol­ run aa much as 500,000 below Feb­ each rnage. 250,000. lUneas. He was 65. i I ruary. FOWL Green_B«in8j_£jjfeu27c. £AKE SECRET toe board of managers of toe New lywood—will Join her later. ,GreenPM8j_£jt8j_29^ ICALU n u n EXTRAS Letters in reply to toe President's He was a naUve of Bristol and a I York State lairla’ FMonnatory. Not Accurate Check request to cut current expenses will Meanwhile, there’s work to do d is p u t e b a b y d ie s Young Mrs. Harriman, who dub­ Although those in charge empha­ ^ first to toe Budget Bureau, which .“ *® Sheffield Scl- here. On Monday, she will begin F R E E D E A L S ! / April 30,- entlflc School with a degree m i bed herself Daisy In childhood le- spending three or four boura a day sized they did not contend the lists Coffee BEST-DRESSED MEN w l spend about a week analysing ^ We have aome Alnlanea, which will aetaaDy By. loop the loop, Deputy Coroner Louia Mc- chanlcal engineering. cause of a daUy-trlmmed hat or­ at toe State Department tutored by rep resen t an accurate Index of all CalffiM Liver lb. G ln ^ reported today toe seven- them. In cases where no real ganized toe first women's campaign unemployed, they expected toe re­ effort has been made to cut expen­ Pt*^'or.79e ““V Anliong the Industrialists InvUed Mra, for their success In getting „„PATORS0N’S MARKET YOU SHOULD TRY Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for that a noticeable superfluity of hair are G ef^d Swope of.S^fneral Elec­ P««- cent on wart- BECAUSE QUALITY IS OUR GREAT STAND-BY! the week b^inning; Slinday, May i. occurring on the faces of women is tric company; Robert E. Wood of SHOULDERS ib 18« G rapefruit Ju iM 3 cans 2 5 * due to an abnormal fuctlonmg ot two doaen—they win keep pot them In a cool place. personality 1937. Sears-Roebuck company; R. R. Deu- BEANS tod physical requirements." SUNDAY toe ductless glands; however, cases pree of Cincinnati, president of toe One Pound Sanitary Package Pure 12 Onaoe Oaa Dais _ - i>w In This Class have been recorded wnere She ex­ Proctor A Gamble company, and L Ripe Red Bananas, 3 lbs. 23c. Pineapples. Fresh Brisket, 28c Ib. Breakfast— Poached egga on Out of 25,000 Holl3rwood extras 38c lb. Top Round, 45c Ib. ternal application oi an irritani naa K. Comstock, president of the Mer­ for 19c f t ; ' ’ b a n a n a s , h n , lr«lt. Rib Roast, 35c lb. Pot Roasts, 28c-32c- toasted cereal biscuit; stewed rai­ cans there are only about two «ore In 34c-38c Ib. All Highest Grade! Favorite foods now doubly delicious sins. produced an abnormal growth. I'he chant.s’ association of New York. P ineapple Ju ice ^ 2 7 * me exclusive category cited by popular Idea that hair may oe atimu- Sidney Hillman, president of th-‘ LARD l ibs. 2 9 « STRAWBERRIES ..... 2 pint bankets 29c Bonage, and most of those may l4 Lunch—French artichoke; combi­ lated to grow In abnormal amounts Amalgamated Clothing Workers, No. 2 Can Burt OIney's Diced No. 1 Tall Can Sunbeam Bartlett ^ with new TRIPLE-CREAMED shortening nation salad of lettuce, cucumber, Hale’s Supreme Orange Pekoo duicr—a'wEET ' . I “ ede at Night, ’ by rubbing olive oil or lotions on and Philip Murray, vice-president oi small green peas and tomatoes. the United Aline Workers, were In Vvalter VVanger's second production HATi'z yo«r fzmily fondest o ff digestible as if baked. Spry ia whiter, toe skin has been proved to be in­ for release through United ArtUts. Chocolate czkef Apple pie? MONDAY correct. Superfluous half may be vlted to represent John L, Lewis s Ib. box ORAPEFRUIT 4 lor 2Sc W smooth at satin, tripIt €r—m*d to committee for Industrial organiza­ TEA CARROTS P E A R S 2 7 . i 1 'PJi;** Charles Boyer and Jean Home-made bitcuifi! Doughnuts? Breakfast—French omelet made barmleaaly removed by ualng one ot make it blend with other ingredients of tha whltea of two eggs and two tion. No. 2 Caa Certified ' currently starring at From nowon, giake them with Spry. tbe wax and roaln preparations. The I Uie State theater. easier. N o long, tiresome beating ounces of milk; served on Melba relief, however, la only temporary, Frank Alorrlaon, secretary, treas­ Hale's Quality Bed Bag 2 for 2 1 c *1?* ' “r »•«* first of No ordinary extra can hope to Use this new, purer ALL-vegetable now when you mix a cake; no smoke toast; pear sauce. urer, and John P. Frey, president oi crash the "dress" ranks, with the •horteningfora/'vourbskingandfry* when you fry. Get Spry today. Lunch—One kind of freab rrmt; the Federation’s Metal Trades De­ ApploBance 2 cans higher scale of pay. until he builds ing and see the amazing diflerence. glass of milk. partment. were chosen from toe Our good Scotch Ham with the exclusive ta«te American Federation of Labor. COFFEE No. 2 Caa Burt ObMy*s Pears for Salads, 4 for 29c. CocoanuL i a.w.— up a wardrobe that would do credit 42c Ib. Cakes and pastry will be lighter, k il«.sM 3*. Dinner-Spinach meat loaf; cook­ BOLTON Small Rooebod 6-Slioe Oaa Buaheam to a mUltonalre—and acquires - Scotch Sausages. 2.5c Ib. Sliced Sausages, 23c Ib ed celery; salad c. shredded raw Those Invited to represent the Center Cuts Roast Pork, 31c Ib. finer, more delicate in flavor—fried r ! public and toe government Include Large Size Oaa PINEHURST QUALITY MEATS . flair for wearing It. CALF LIVER. BEEF LIVER. cabbage; baked apple a la modA The board of education met re­ d ia l 4151 foods crisp, tender, greascless and as TUESDAY President Robert G. Sproul of toe Assorted Cold Cuts...... How Do They Do I t f cently and toe following teacnera University of California; Chairman Pineapple I0c-2for 19*1 ...... lb. 4!?c The successful dress extras_the Breakfast—Wholewheat muffins; V ere voted for toe year 1U37-1U38: BEETS Pinehurst Chicken Loaf ...... J. Warren Madden of tbe National Any Flavor Royal V ^ .... Vi lb. 33c ones who get the most calls fro*n A good beef loaf is economical as well as tasty The new, purer ALL-vegetaUe peanut butter; ';tewed pnmea. Center, Mlaa Lydia Young; South, Labor Relations Board: Chairman OVALTINE Hungr’s Chicken Chop Suey . Ground Beef, 23c-28c Ib. Round Lunch— Cooked string beans; ...... lb. 29e casting directors—know exactly Ground. 38c Ib. Ground Veal, 30c Ib. You can Mra. LUllan Mack; Blrcb Mountain Jesse Jones of the Reconstruction 1 ^ C —2 for 27c Again tamorrow, we offer von all kinA. what to wear without being told. if desired. have it blended with pork or ham 0h0rtettlng~TRtPt£.CMKAMgDl salad of grated raw carrots; glass Mlaa Jeanette Heckler; North, Mrs. Finance Corporation: Chairman Wil­ Kellogg’s "I’ark Avenue evening affair.". "Der­ of milk. Alice Stoughton: Nurse, Airs. Mar­ liam Lelserson of the National d e s s e r t 5e| garet Danehy; Mualc, Mrs. Lydia Roaata , . Lola or Rib Vral Roasts Kump Veal by day In England." "Paris alier- Dinner—Leg of mutton; buttered Mediation Board: Father Francis J and cutlets. Roasta . . Chops noon IcA" "Riding to the hounds, beets; lettuce, celery ana parsley .Vilen. Mrs. Kramer doesn't wish this Haas, National Catholic Council of can Burt Ohwy’B Delleloas Large California "New York horse show," "Church Swift’s Daisy Hams, 42c lb. salad; gelatin with whipped cream. town for toe coming year to serve Social Service, and Henry Bruere of KAFFEE HAG finohurst tnmb . . extra lean, wedding at high noon." "Formal WEDNESDAY as art supervisor. Supervisor 1. B. New York, president of the Bowery amall . . boned and rolled Legs of lAimb will be fine garden party" might be any of the Breakfaat—Coddled egga; Melba Dunfleld waa instructed by the Savings Bhnk. Lsrye PnekAfe Soft-As-Sllk Corn on Cob SARDINES quality . . limited num- atudio commands. Veal Cutlets, 48c Ib. Veal Chops, 38c Ib. toast; stewed apricots. board to secure someone else It pos­ LAMB SHOULDERS \ cal Roasts. 25c Ib. Veal Roasts, no bone. sible. (4 Large Ears) la Tomato Saoce, Iflj^-Ounce Out.______wr of fSenuine Sprinit "Musts" on a dress extra's list in­ 30c Ib. Veal Shanks, 12»/,c Ib. ^ Nation-Wide Stores ^ Luneb— Dish of cooked carrots 2.3c lb. clude evening domes, both tails and milk-fed; highest grade, too Mias Rose NIcvicdzal ha.-i Golden Net any size from 5. lbs. Chase 4b Sanbotn’a and peas; raw celery. algned a contract to teach 7th and COLUMBIA CAKE FLOUR I.amb Chops. up. dinner Jackets, cutaways boulevard Dinner —Broiled steak; string 8th grades at toe recently built .ive outfits, riding habits, sports wear, BROWN’S beans; asparagus; vegetable salad TELEPHONE 3386 j WILKIE MILK — room grammar school at Storrs, lo The honor roll for toe fifth mark­ Large Package cans w u rv . f'KESH. TENDER POULTRY several street and buslneas suits! BUTTER PASTEURIZED molded In g ^ tln ; no dessert. toe town of Mansfield. 2 1 e SARDINES 2 FREE DELIVERY | OR RAW COFFEE ing period of Windham High school I n PnM> nil t top, opera and several other kinds I CREAM THUBSD.W George Rose waa appointed to go lo Pure Olive OU! ...... for Fricassee. of hats and caps, shoes of every i.#- has been announced and has toe Broilers average . . 85c ea. “ «»w e . V. 8. Grade Nol 1 Breakfast—Wafflea; amall slice over transportation routes and re­ No. 2 Oaa BL Lawrenoa Roasting Chickens. scriptlon, mufflers, canes and com­ names of toe following Columbia Sifted Sweet One Pound and 2-Oaooe Oae Blue Star of broiled bam; applesauce port to toe board before the route la pupils; Seniors, George Cobb, Doro­ BISQUICK plete sccsssories. Lunch—Raw ftuU aa desired to go up for bid. How they do It on fl6 a day— thy Lescoe; Juniors, Blanche Tazh- ' ...... glass of milk. The Community Council will meet Ilk, Sylvia Tashllk; Sophomores, Peps’* Oompleto u1th an occasional 125 for speaking PO TATO ES 15 Ib. peck 3 7 ^ Monday evening at toe home of Alra. MOLASSES 2 cans 2 3 * Old Fashioned Country Style ^usage Meat . ...! .‘lb! 33c Dinner—Roast pork; cooked cel­ Sarah Epstein, Catherine Kleipark, PEAS lines— remains one of Hollywood’s ery; spinach; salad of grated car­ Milton Hktiiig. ==^=^====^^=^=a^ perennial mysteries. Uoeweetened Evaporated East Central Pomona Grange will Rachel Tashllk, Helen Zmutskl; Bacon Squares . . delicious flavor...... ik •»<»- rots mixed with celery; apricot Freshmen, Sophie Deptula, Ruth whip. meet Wednesday evening with Good Spaghetti Dinner 29*^ Canadian Bacon...... V. % iJ; Epstetn. Adequate and uniform tempera-1 FRTOAY . WW Grange. 1 ^ C - 2 (or 2 7 c MILK 4 tall cans Mlaa Adelia Loomla. Mra. Elsie Miss Harriet Fuller entertained Regular Package KeUogg’a Try °r 15« MEATS — GROCERIES — FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CRISCO cbokee; string beans; saBul of sliced year Invite* her friends when they BeBa sere jroorjroor chOdreo tie aeniog d * freshly chopped GROUND BEEF is just the PHONE 4076 tots week, and worked on music bona hefliilng, tooth-n o*e>tlBs riouaia. r _ f r e e DEUVERY 361 CENTER ST. can tomatoes with parsley; no deaeert. that they plan to sing with the are at their greatest beauty. Elach Quaker Whole Wheat e«ellent value al” ^ |b 21c SATURDAY guest when ahe went homa waa Only c. 8. Ooremniml Inipeeted nm t nmrA South Methodist choir at toe Preach­ Spaghetti IRRADLATEU-Caraatiofi ftlilk 3 Breakfast—Orgpefrult as dsslred. ing Mlaalun service. given a bunch of tbe lovely bloa- MAHIEU*8 ROYAL SCi^LET ST0RE& NOT THE WHOLE STORY! Lunch—Ice cream, with raw acto Mrs. Elala Jones attended toe *omz. NoorUhlne—mis—easT to dis Everj day Regular Low Prices! Ivory Soap 3 med. bars fruit. faculty and student banquet at toe Mrs. Marloa MelUnger has writ­ Biscuits lOe-2 (o’ 19« Dinner —Broiled lamb chops; Hartford Seminary Foundation. ten a five aeaalon unit on "Rural Fancy Certified SUGAR Brown or OonfrotioiMry Why Pay More? NaOea-Wlda steamed carrots with parsley; cel­ Mra Jones will have completed Life in Cburcbea” for Juniors, to be Worcester 3 2 9 * SUGAR ery and nut salad inuta to be three courses nest month In social used In connection with World Serv­ 10 pounds 52c I Land O’Lakes Batter, ow SnUNO CUANINO work. The work oonalsta of Intro­ ice Units issued by toe American 2 pkgs. 15c r o y a l s o a b l b t b r a n d toasted I; raspberry whip. ftrwnll Seed P o tato ef looib.bag $ 2 .« s l2ibs...... 7 7 c BPEdALS: WUXIAMB' Whole Bptoad Fisen, g o ld MEOAl. WHXATnSS •BAKED STUFFED APPLX: Re­ duction to social work, mental ad­ Board of Missions at Boston. The ■i Ib. pkg. ______\ Red Bag COFFEE justments, family welfatp and case five chapters as written by' Mr*. SALT Maxw ell House Ckiffee, o O •nrge c a a ...... 1 9 c Enrve It Hot or Iced. move toe core and scoop out as with ^ 2 23c Qr»nnd le year order! much as pMslble of toe applA Hun work. MelUnger have to* foUowtng head­ 11- lb. tin...... ^ O C 29t Appleaaeoa, Pint and 4 Ounce Oaa Burt (Naey’s Beat 2 eaes ...... f r e e : Oae Cereal Bowl srilk Greea Out tola scooped out portion through toe An error appeared lo toe last Bol­ ing*; Relation of and Country, BRH.LO Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Jack Frost Sugar, ^ i 2 1 c ench parchaee ef two perbagia ton items In regard to toe Golden The Plains of Montana. The HUla ot - c > o - cu» i?t Tomato Jeteev food chopper with toe deelrea Fresh 'i 10-lb, cloth b a g ...... O X C Sal Soda, . Sheaf night In honor of Mlaa Adeiia Tenneaeca, ML Desert Pariah. Maine, •-®unce b o tU r...... | _ plat bottle...... 1 0 c amount of nut meats. Heap Into tha Loomla Mrs. Sophia Anderson made 5®* ...... OC Tomato Juloe OocktaU, e /v FHesi # e-w fftoto * * a w-wto’* # 3 9 c PATRONIZE rUESE NATION-WIDE STORES: ' sary to keep In mind that toe body Tbe last report sent by tbs Man- centage of aUaodance wUI be great Mayonnaise ...... ' 2 5 c efaestar Highb to tbe Board of Educe- enough to keep toe banner which cans ,J88 Spruce Street 1 Uak KITTEL’S MARKET curej Itaalf, and tba purpoaa at Ua Calo Dog Food S 2 1 e W. HARRY ENGLAND diet Is to ramova Intarferanea with ttoa shows toe foOowlag treahnMn Columbia won at the last Pomona 3 3 c Veal Lattaa nmrB DA m gMu tr ba oo tba B honor rmh Crapefruit 4 1 Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. Where There la No Parking Oetery IX M51 the natural enra Moat paopla who Kingsley meeting. Invitations to neighbor Bunshlna Aiaortod Maialuiiallow n t i r seae • 3 0 c Caipcntar, AnnabcUa Lee,I, OUwOUva Trouble! 3 9 c BIJRSAUK ara ajck are III bacauae they hava with Hebron Grange on May 18th i 1 802 MAIN STREET Lege e f I BROS. been using tba wrong kind of food, Bwaaaco and Helan Wlppart. O and Coventry on May 20th were also 3 5 c M -M upper elaaemea, Helen toake li accepted. Past Master Donald lb . too much food, or arrongty combtaad a it j student on tbe bnoor roU. COOKIES q t J 9 C ■ ot New food, and tbasa ml stakes k i asoag Woodward was in tha Maatar's sta­ tion as the Worthy Master WUUam win latatfess wKb tbs aerasi Georg* WesUaghonae, Jr, Th« J M C COki physleloglusi j winssn and thoa In- MachL Ir^ Is wortdng |n Stamford patantsd air brakes la ISM. at the present time. Z.-9C Greea Stmnipg Given with Ceeh SBlee. Free Detivery On AB Order* for SL or Hore. MANCHtSTtii Co h n W3B1 fOCTtTEBW MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MANCHESTER. CONN, FRroAT, APRIL 80.198T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESFER. CONN_ FRIDAY, APRIL 80, ISS-i PAoe BAUD DI BENEnCENZA efit from the Presldent’a letter may PINEHURST — DIAL 41^1 WHYASSERHON be to effect economies in the next FDR’^ COURT P U M Conn., and eae son, Herman Meyer, fellows: Set-back, William Dumas; test o f students of vccational agri­ ECONOMY PLEA flacal year. Jr., W'JllmitoUc. The funeral wiu ence Joaso,- superlntandeat o f APPLY FOR HOME at Bridge, Mrs. Thomas Graham, Mrs. culture, to be held at ' Connecticut Card Homs to wl Phone Service Until 8:30 Tonis^tl In aome departmanta,* employes PERKMTOCALL SOUTH COVENTRY be held to tbe (Jongregattonal 'UUmaatlo, wQi bq| Prondste Beta e non «Mm«siHi-ota New Ue Se Envoy to Norway Frank Hull; Whist, Mrs. Mary W. State Oillege at Storrs today the speaker. PUZZLES omciAU di attendero al ballo dl benefleenao, arejielng asked to take Jobs at low- BEFORE CLUBWOMEN cl urcb on Friday afternoon at 'i:3U. Jacobson, Margaret Nye, Arltoc are, Charles Beebe, poultry Judging;. salaries and aome are being dis- ■vlth the Rev. Henry E. Robinson W U te Turnips Domenica 0 M aggio alio o n 8 n. m. Mrs. Henrietta Meyer, wife ot Porter. Cisude Bour, animal, busbudry Said Pasha, viceroy of PINEHURST UKEYTOHAVE •nlaeed. With only two months of GARDENS TONIGHT offlclsttog. The burial will ba to aU'ltalian Oub. (ODBtteaed '.Jem Pag* Oaa) Is An Old pampai; er NEWLA60RPARLEY Herman Meyer, died Wednesday Work has begun on the rasing ot Judging team^ Nathan White, orig from 1854 to 1868,.- once pub New GtblNV* OonnaxlonaU: La oventuim __ this flscal period remaining, how- morning at the Windham Commun­ Nathan Hale cemetery, tbe commit­ the tall brick chimney on the former iLA) eaaay s-«aklng contest; Waltei Spring: Vegretables w r . thia have UtUe effect on tal service to be to charge ot demonstrated bis courage aneora una volta colplto uno dd wm ity Memorial hospital, where sbe Tracey-ElUot property, owned hv loung, . Showmanship (x>Dtest. walking over a layer ot guiipoviijl CSaenben Onr oM frienA MaiUn Becker, kaa jLiowledfe of Tax Siortage Urn^EFFECT the current budgeL Senatoriz remark that while ho had Washington. ApiU 80.— (A P)—^ ( ‘Umax Chapter No. 98, O.B.S, ol Joat otarted pleldag Rarerlpea, - noetri coonazionaU ed alio acopo dl opposed conflnnation of Chief Juz- ■xorganiaation on record to had been a patient tor tbe paet two the towm. I'he West Etod Lumber Pupils from 18 high jchools of the der a mile long and a foot ' potar portan un soUlevo flnonsiario HoU May Be Allocated to The stralgbtest back around tbe weeks, having undergone an opera­ Uerrow, of which the deceased was Co. has the contract for the work. Ztate wUl participate. H l^ ToMtoca doBom and Spioach. Lower prlceo (Ooattaned frem Page Oaa) Uce Hughes, *9 owe him on apology Woodrow Wilson in 1912. Twenty-Six National t^d ers with a lighted ^ p e la hla moutli. sempn a ooloro ^ mono fortunatl tion laat -Thursday. She waa 87 a member. Miss Ehrelyn Colburn Is spending a prevalL « Not Disclosed in Aoditor*s 1 1.1 ■ because he’a been one of the great- capital—whether at a tea party or-a In’ 1982, hsr original pledge waa Mother’s Day will oe observed at The most drastic prohtUtl jCrecB Peppen iTtallan Club ha nominato un Ooml- years old. and waa born in Germany The (toventry Girl Scouts held a week’s vacation with relatives tn the Congregational church on Sun­ law to the world today Is la eCe') in their wrork would oever give up eat justices we’ve ever had." Best Advantage If A ^ed political pow-wow—usually is that to Newton D. Baker, but «.tor Becker’s NstiTe tato con a capo I'lnfaUcabtls Arturo FrankUn D. Roosevelt's nomination, Invited to Discoss Cur­ She had been a resident of this piece deseert card party to the Booth- Hartford. day, May 9th. Tbe morning service (ect to Afghanistan, where any* i Ydknr Tnrnips _ hope of securing return of the en BOY SCOUT NOTES Keenan asserted a' majority has Report to Ae Voters. Gremmo per otganlxzan delta festa. o f Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman, new she campaigned for him and spoke fo r theipast 20 years. Besides ber iemock Memorial Library lecture South Coventry pupUs at Wind- will be conducted by women ol Uie one caught with liquor on hla per* j Ore 15 per cent," he said. "faith In a great leader who ras ETgrato sapere che la Loggia Giu­ United States minister to Norway. again In 1938. She is Democratic nusband she leaves one daughter. room yeaterday afternoon, with six hrm High School who will take pari church, and an all-women choir will eon or property le sent to Jail IMrj DANDELIONS Senator Vandehberg (R., Mich.) borne the battle brunt and achieved for This Evening, Mis, Adelaide Anderson of Clinton. tables playing. Prizes were woo aa. seppe Maxxini ha rlniandato al 23 By DANNT SHEA A t 86, ths tall and stately veteran committeewoman for the District ot rent Problems On May 4. to the etate-wlde competitive con­ assist with music.' The Rev. Flor- six yeara without trial. dl M aggio 11 banchetto cbe di^eva told the Senate yesterday that the the victory.” > of a dozen Democratic campal tbs ------' ' ' New Potatoes 3 ib. peck 1 5 « Several town offlclala. aomewhat Greea Booots Reorgaalse Cblumbia. tonersi la medeslma domenicaj pet admlnlstraUon's money policy added Senator Wheeler agreed the Pres­ still reflects tbe training of her perplexed by the atatement o f Rep- to the difficulty of balancing The Manchester Green troop of Applicanta for home gardens are She Is a compelling figure on ho non Interferin al succeaso di quesbo ident waa worthy o f cheers “for all BriUah army officer father. Aa a platform. - S~e wears clothes Washington. April 30.—(AP) — 4 lbs. 19c' Becker’s Native I reaentatl^ Edward J, Murphy that the budget He asked for ’“a cou­ Boy ScoutM of AinericM reminded that their application of JllllllllllH'HIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHl'YRIHnillllUHIIilllliii ballo dl benellcenaa. the good be has done" but “we re­ child, she had to walk vrith a book rich matanals cut on simple lines Setretary Perkins Invited 26 labor Rale's Qoality Milk the Democratic toarn auditor knew Ooloro cbe hanno deoiderio dl rageous, raUonsl and reaUaUc re­ orga^zed imder the sponsorship ol fuse to give him a subservient should be In by tonight In order that on bar bead for 30 minutes a day. and Industrial leaders today to at­ alignment of the giddy gold and RecenUy she wore a dreas of allvei I o f a abortoge In the accounta of a donare merce, oppure oggettl di -1 ^^^^SS****^ Green Community court." In 30 yeara of social, civic, j»d tend a second conference on May 4 Health Market Specials SPINACH Mlver poUcles under which we play wub. The troop’s former number the plots may be allocated to the lame inade like a nurse’s uniform Sweet Potatoes I former town tax collector but could q u ^ ^ apecle per la lotteria o political activity, Florence Jaffray on collective bargaining problema sucker to the world.": has been r e s ta rt to them and they Said Keenan: best advantage. Representatives ot Pearl earrings and necklaces are Rumps — Legs — Roulettes — Swift’s "Saalseal" 3 lb. peck 1 5 c not make it known beMuae he bad ballo dl benefleenza, sono pregati dl Harrlman has not forgotten how to unde;: the Wagner Act. nobody to whom he could report, (Some criUcs complain that the win again be known as Troop 8. "We have Judges of the ‘ court the Legion committee will be at both favorite Jewelry. - B i ^ a d ASPARAGUS I lasclarU nel local! del poplare Oak hold up her bead—now gray .-nd Walter P. Chrysler, president of I point out that the auditor reported Grill in Oak Street. United States pays more than the . *.“ y* assemble at tbe Manches­ scolding each other in the open tbe East Side a ^ West Side Hec Her husband died in 1914. During The same qualify loaf at the Becker’s Native Rareripes . . . 5c court—scolding the public for pr this evening, froiwseven until eight- bobbed. She aUU ridea. She plays t^e World War she leaded the Mo­ the Chrysler Corporation, headed j annually to tho votera In the annual Per il buon eatto dl questa buona world price for gold bullion. Recent­ ter Gjeen School every Thursday same low price! ib. White OnioM night for their weekly meetings sportsmanship In criticising the thirty o’clock, to receive applica­ a good game of gi^. She goes flah- tor Corps of the Red Cross. She the list of todustriallsts. He was Veal Roasts 2 5 « - 2 8 « Becker’s Native Rhubarb, Ib. 15c, I town rhport. causa non mancate, Infiuenzate 1 ly, some financial experts have ex where they are rapidly learning tbe court—breaking all the properties tions. ' . -tng. took solo womm to France, where the first auto manufacturer asked Yellow Onions Fresh, Gean The laat Democratic auditor, be­ voaW e pergate agll altri ad Inter- pressed concern over the large in­ to help lay the foundation for stabil­ fundamentals of the Scouting pro­ by giving advirory opinions In this All garden plots not’ allotted to Her Sunday night -loireoa have she spent 18 months. fore the elective offlclala w ve re- nnlre e concioslafoaaecosafattache flow of foreign gold into the United ized rap loy^em p loyee relations. Canliflower , Water Cress ...... bun. 10c States.l gram. John M. Derby is the Scout- struggle in Congress. those on direct or supplementary re­ become a -Waahlniton Inatltutkm. Mrs. Harrlman, whose chief hob­ J placed with certified public account- Domenica 9 Maggio sla U rendez- Simiultaneousty the Labor de IC loaf White Mushnmms ...... lb. 39c anta, served from 1918 to 1938. A t of the troop with Bob Hall Said Wheeler: lief will be turned over to tbeaggm- Moot issues are tossed Into discus- bles have been econamtes and peace, Boston Lettuce youz di tutu g l’ltallani dl Manchea- Another economy proposal— the ployed on W P A work. partment’s Federal employmem LAM B LEGS l b . 2 9 * rthe end o f each flacal year for 18 and Dave Heatley as his aaslstanta. "If the friendship of my Demo­ 0’^ione to obtain conflicting eptniona stressed tbe latter In discussing her Double Bundico WlUte ter al ballo dl benefleenaa nei cutUng o f relief coeta— drew from Kenneu Lyon bos been appointed service announced u K Increase tn 8-7 Pounds Average! CarroU or Beets lyeara he certified he had "examined locali dell’Itallan aub. Harry L. Hopkins a denunclaUon pf cratic friends tz dependent on mv —not agreement John L. Lewis, new appointment employment luid predicted Its next and verified the accounta" of the tax a* Kribe o f the organization and is Uzarda are common;to all labor leader, was a recent g u ^ t "1 am proud that I am about to 8c bunch Orchestra D'Ubaldo raUegrera' la “people who would take food from fast becoming familiar with this Im­ voting to pack the court-then s'l of the globe except the polar _ report may show a record low of Large Size Newton-Robert- Celery bunch 12c collector, along with other Hated of- glornata. a man In the belief he wouldn’t hol­ say their friendship Is not w o rt? the A Q 1 Alice Roosevelt Longworth often is parUcIpate In work >a useful and applications. No. 1 Quality flciala and believed them to be "a portant posiUon. The troop is plan- glons. They are especially numVumt’iMi Invited. ler." , price I have to pay." Interesting as diplomacy," she .aid First figures for March were so son Betty Crocker Angel FIRM—FRESH correct exhibit of recelpU and ex- nlngr to Join the other Manchester ous in the tropics. The Works Progress'Administra­ The fun beglng after dinner when at "Uplands," her hilltop mansion far below February, when the pendlturea." STRICKEN AT CONVENTION troops In their encampment at Camp Mrs. HarrUnan, as bar own 'nla- tor said the full (1,500.000,0(X) rec- Pioneer on M ay 22 and 23. overlooking Washington and the Po­ active ’ file contained 6,188,000 RepreaenUtive Murphy'a aUte- trass of ceremonies, surprises an tomac. Pot Roasts ib S i. Iceberg Lettuce 8c«10c Waterbury, April 30.—(AP)— omended by the President for relief namee, that a recheck has been ment waa made during a public “ unoommlttad Senator" with a “I am parUcularly glad that the hearing of the Cltiea and Boroughs Frederic W. Horton, 54,- o f Burr next year would be neccsaary. He started. The February total was zw lft "W hat do you think of the President has given me the oppor­ 4-6-Pound Shankleiw Freeh ^m m ltteo In the S U U Capitol street, Weet Hartfort, died at 8:35 protested cutting the fund to an A. Ls SESSIONS DEAD the lowest since May, 1935. The V. S. N O. 1 GRADE court plan ?’’ or "How do you stand tunity to carry on this work In Tuesday afternoon, when he claimed o’clock this morning at tbe Water­ even blUlon, as some senators have peak. Just a year ago, was 9,312,000. N A m E e RADISHES advocated. Bristol. April 30.— (AP)-Albert on economy?” All remarks are oil Norway, which has always been N ew applications tn March totaled I that the defalcation would have been bury hospital where be was admit­ I the record. pi evented If the Democrats had had ted last evening after he was strick­ The Senate passed an appropria,- U Sessions, a founder o f the Sm - among those foremost In furthering 262,30!) and placements 250,249. The bunches MANCHESTER Mrs. Harrlman knows how to the cause of world peace." service explained, however, that Shoulders ib20« 2 10c representaUon on the Board of en while attending a session of the Uon to cover expenses of certain slons Cnock 0>mpany In ForeatvUIe Potatoes keep things moving whether at a other factors such oa cancellations Pinehnrst Freshly Made Selectmen, providing .Someone to state convention of the Order of government units not anticipated at and president of J. H. Sessions and Mra. Harrlman will jail on June whom the Democratic auditor could the beginning o f the year, but first Sons, one of the largest truck hard­ buzzing with this new party or in a campaign. 2. Her granddaughter, Phyllis Rus­ would have an important bearing on MAYONNAISE, usual- O O Eastern Star at Buckingham Hall (Sisrlea Evans Hughes, os gover­ the final figure, which it said might 4 2 c peck have reported. Dr. Edward H. Klrschbaum said reduced the sum from the (1,655 - ware manufacturers m the country sell—whose mother, Ethel Borden Individual Iy33c- Special! Pint 000 approved by the House to (1 - died at his home after five years’ nor of New York, appointed her to Harrlman, writes scenarios In Hol­ run as much as 500,000 below Feb­ each death was due to cerebral hemor­ ruary. FOWL rhage. 250,000. Illness. He was 65. eAKE SECRET the board of managers of the New lywood— will Join her later. Letters In reply to the President's York State (-tlrla’ Reformatory. Not Accurate Check Green_BMR^_2jtfc_27Cj_^^_GreCTPeBaj_2j[ts^M ICAUS n u n EXTRAS He waa a naUve o f Bristol and a Meanwhile, there’s work to do % request to cut current expenses will Young Mrs. Harrlman, who dab­ Although those to charge empha- DISPUTE BABY DIES graduate of the Yale Sheffield Scl- bare. On Monday, she will begin g o first to the Budget Bureau, which entlflc School vrith a degree In me­ bed herself Daisy in childhood lo- spending three or four hours a ''ay alzed they did not contend tbe lists C offee Sacramento, Calif., April 30.— FREE DEALS! BEST-DRESSED MEN will spend about a week analyzing chanical engineering. cause of a daisy-trimmed bat or­ at the State Department, tutored by represented an accurate Index of all Calves Liver ib. 2 9 * We have some Alntlaam, which wlU aetaallr ay, loop the loop, (•AX’ )—Deputy Coroner Louis Mc- them. In cases where no real He became president and treasur­ ganized ths flrzt women’s campaign an expert in European affairs. unemployed, they expected the re­ AT etc. They eeet eboM lOo emsh hi lota of l,00a Tomorrow we Glnnta reported today the seven- effort has been made to cut expen­ quirement for registration contaln- wW atre theoe ptaaee free to every child moldna a parchaae of j Director of ’’History Is Made week-old Chinese baby, whose pa­ er of the Imrdware company In 1905 ditures, informed authorities said, wh#n It was Incorporated. ^ In the 43 state unemployment In­ C akes oan pooad of Mimiloe Oolfee or 80c worth of other srocerleo. If « t Night” Says So—Current ternity Involved the powerful Fong the bureau may call In department­ surance laws would make future yoo ’pboae year order and want an airplane, pieaee teU us. and Chan families In bitter dispute He was president of the Bristol j terfere with health. The milk diet Pineapple or Raspberry Fla­ Feature at State. al offlclala to determine whether Water Company for several years may prove successful simply be­ lists more comprehensive. vored or Froste(L HALE'S B e e f L iv e r ib. 1 9 « Other free Items the children win enjoy . . , recenUy, died yeaterday of acci­ some reduction can be made. Miss Perkins’ May 4 conference Bowls with Corn Flakes. dental suffocaUon In Its crib. before It became a municipal enter­ cause it takes away the faulty The be-it-dreaaed men In tho world These persona said the main ben­ prise. MENUS habits of eating which have been will follow the lines of tha first one 1 Spoon with 1 paeksfe of Past’s Bran Flolim and 1 paekaae last week, at which she said Q)e 27 Fancy Letui, Sugar Cured ‘ e f Orapeant Flakes. • are Hollywood’s dress extras, ac- A Week’s Supply keeping the patient sick. SELF SERVE aniT rordlng to Prank Borxage, ace film participants agreed that collective Behhy Benson Money with Force. bargaining pacts were "sacred and _ B o h ^ Bfensen Tumblers with Fomo.______director. For Good Health (HooMving Superfluous Hair) "They compose the most (dothea- binding." Recommended Question: "Constant Reader’’ in­ The only business representative DAISY HAMS lb * « *ra larse oranses at the price of small fm lt . . every orange coMcloua group of men anywhere, quires: "Please Inform me what is HEALTH MARKET sonnd . , Just shipped from Florida . . just foB o f sweet Juloe. not even excepUng the Beau Bnim- By Dr. Frank McCoy on the first group invited to the sec­ the (tause of superfluous hair on the ond meeting Is Harper Sibley, re­ mela o f London, New Fork. Paris EXTHA LARGE PATTERSON’S MARKET face of a woman (uid what type ot tiring president of the United States and other world capitals,” declares Small, Short Shank, Sugar Cured, Smoked IS •-)-Ounce C a n B iirt OIney’s No. 2 Con Simbeara TELEPHONE 3386^ . jqj CENTER STREET DAILY MENUS treatment is advisable 7" Chamber ot Commerce. the megaphoDe-wielder. Answer': ,It w generally conceded Among the industrialists invited Red Kidney \ "O f course, that's their c h l« con­ that a noticeable superfluity ot hair als Gerard Swope of Gcnaral Elec­ ORANGES 2 doz. 7 9 « cern, for their success In getting YOU SHOULD TRY, Dr. McCoy’s ffienua tuggeeted foir BECAUSE QUALITY IS OUR GREAT STAND-BY! the week beginning Sunday, May 2. occurring on the faces of women is tric company: Robert E. Wood oi SHOULDERS ib Ige Grapvfralt Juice 3 We win have to aok 4*c a doaen In dosen lots . . as we have Jobs depends 90 per cent on ward­ 1937. due to an abnormal fuctloning ot Sears-Roebuck company; R. R. Deu- ateved the price very dose on the two doien for 70e deal. Buy robe and 10 per cent on personality b e a H s SUNDAY tbe ductless glands; however, cases pree of Cincinnati, president of the One Pound Sanitary Package Pure 12 Oimon Can Data _ two doten thuj win keep put them In a cool piam. and physical requirements." have been recorded wnere the ez- Proctor ft Gamble company, and L NI«CnirfB«fBrUk.l.28.lb. ^ F>»h Bridot. 28.1^ Breakfast— Poached eggs oa i> w la This Class ternaJ application oi an Irrttan, nas K. Comstock, president of the Mer­ Ripe Red Banuias, 3 lbs. 25c. Pineapples. toasted cereal biscuit; stewed rai­ Q c ~ 2 for 1 ^ Out of 25,000 ' Holl3rwood extras produced an abnormal growth. The chants’ luisnclatlon of New York. Pineapple Juice 3 cans 2 7 * Extra Fancy YELLOW BANANAS, large selected fruit. ’ 5c lb. Pot B » . . , . 28..32C Favorita foods now doubly delicious sins. there are only about two loore In popular idea that hair may oe stimu­ . Sidney Hillman, president of th.] LARD l i b s. 29 * the exclusive category cited by Lsincb— French artichoke; combi­ lated to grow In abnormal amounts Amalgamated Clothing Workers, No. 2 Oan Burt Olney's Dtoed Jl Can Sunbeam Bartlett _ STRAWBERRIES ...... 2 pint baskets 29c with new TRiPLE-CRERMED shortening nation salad of lettuce, cucumber, Hale’s Supreme Orange Pekoo Borzage, and moat of these may be by rubbing olive oil or lotions on and Philip Murray, vlce-presiden4 oi FRESH CHICKENS small green peas and tomatoes. i JUICT^WEET seen in "Hlstdry Is Made at Night," FRESH FOWL OUR GOOD TEA HAT is your family fondest o ff the skin hss been proved to be in­ the U n tM Mine Workers, were In Walter Wanger’s second production digestible as if baked. Spry ia whiter, vited to represent John L, Lewis s 4 Vi to 5'4 lbs. Giocolate cakef Apple pief MONDAY correct. Superfluous hair may oe j Ib. box A R S 2 o»"» 2 7 * for release through United Artists, Everybody likes W 'tmooth as satin, ertem ud to Breakfast—French omelet made committee for Industrial organiza­ TEA CARROTS Pound ...... Home-made biscuitsf Doughnuts? barmleoaly removed by using one ot GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25c In which Charles Boyer and Jean ,35c It! Pound . . . . make it blend with other ingredients of tbs whites of two eggs and two the wax and rosin preparations. ’The tion. No. 2 C a ^ c c From now on, qiake them with Spry. Arthur arc currently starring at 60 easier. N o long, tiresome beating ounces o f milk; served on Melba relief, however. Is only temporary. Frank Morrison, secretary, treas­ Hale’s QuaUty Red Bag " $ J^C—2 for 21c the State theater. LEGS OF. LAMB Use thw new, purer AlL-vegctahie sow when you mix a cake; no smoke toast: pear sauce. urer, and John P. Frey, president ol A P P I^ S . and they are fine quality for the first of No ordinary extra can hope to LEAN LAMB ROLLS LAMB CHOPS the Federation’s Metal Trades De­ suy, toe , . Stark s or Rome Beauties . . cooking or eat­ ^orteningforaZ/yourbakingandfry- srhen you fry. Get Spry today. Lunch—Ons klad ot freob fruit; Apph 1 9 * crash the "dress” ranks, with the ing and tee the amazing di)rcrencc. glass of milk. partment. were chosen from the No. 2 Can Burt Olaay’s ing . . 3 pounds 29c. higher scale o f pay, until he builds kiI-».aa>• 1 8 * S-SUoe Con Snabealq^ Our good Scotch Ham with the exclusive ta.ste___ t ’ e !b Cakei and pastry will be lighter, Dinner—Spinach meat loaf; cook­ BOLTON Small Rosebud up a wardrobe that would do credit ed celery; salad a shredded raw Those invited to represent the Pears for Salads^ 4 for 29c. CocoanuL l,emona. to a millionaire-—and acquires s finer, more delicate in flavor—fried cabbage; baked apple a la mode. public and tbe government Include Large Size Oaa fiair for wearing It. Peeb. »lc lb! foods crisp, tender, greatcless and ss Ths board of education met re­ President Robert G. Sproul of the PINEHURST QUALITY MEATS D IAL 4151 TUESDAY cently and the following teacners University of California; (Thsirman BEETS Pineapple 10G-2(or 1 9< How Do They Do ItT Breakfast— Wholewheat muffins; V ere voted for the year 1937-1938: ^ rte d Cold Cuts...... The successful dress extras— the J. Warren Madden of tbe National Any Flavor Boyal ...... Ibi 45c The new, purer ALL^egetaUe peanut butter; stewed pruneo. Center, Miss Lydia Young; South, Labor Relations Board; C2>alrman OVALTINE Pinehurst Chicken L o a f...... Vi lb. 33c ones who get tho most calls fro-n A good bMf 1 ^ is economical as well as tasty. Ground Beef. 25c-28c Ib, Round Lunch— Coiakod string beans; tarn. Lillian Mack; Birch Mountain. _ casting directors—know exactly Jesse Jones of the Reconstruction 5 1 « 1 2 for 27c Hung’s Chicken Chop Su ey...... Ground. 38c Ib. Ground Veal, 30c Ib. You can have it blended with pork or ham shortening-TiVfPLc*ciVffAJWiof salad of grated raw carrots; gloss Miss Jeanette Heckler,' North, Mrs. Kp|lsgg*s ...... lb. 29c what to wear without being told. Finance Corporation: Chairman Wil­ ir desireOa .of mUk. Alice Stoughton: Nurse, Mrs. Mar­ liam Lelserson of the National DESSERT pbg 5< "Park Avenue evening affair." "Der­ w ’T ’ • " VmU cuts . . sad Dinner— Log of mutton; buttered garet D m i^ y; Music, Mrs. Lydia Mediation Board; Father Francis J N a llw Milk-fed at that . . Boneless Hhoolder or Rump Veal by day In England,” "Paris alier- Large California beetar lettuce, celery an.1 parsley .Vilen. Mra. Kraiqcr doesn’t wish this Haas, National Catholic Council of can Burt Ohtey’e Oellclons , B o a ^ Lota or Rlh Vrel Roosto . . Leg Rooots . . Clwpa noon tea," "Riding to the bounds,' Smoked Shoulders. 22c lb. town for tbe coming year to serve KAFFEE H A G ■nd CiitletA. Swift’s Daisy Hams, 42c Ib. salad; gelatin with whipped cream. ScMtai Service, and Henry -Bruere of 2 9 * "N ew York horse show," "Church WEDNESDAY a^ art supervisor. Supervisor 1. B. New York, president of the Bowery cans Ptaeharvt Lamh . . extro Imn, wedding at high noon,” "Formal Breakfast—(toddled eggs; Melba Dunfleld was instructed by tbe Savings Biink. Large Package Soft-As-SIlk Corn on Cob SARDINES ^ eairII . . bon^ and rolled Legs of I.Amb will be fine garden party" might be any of the toJMt; stewed apricots. board to secure someone else if pos­ In Tomato Saucse. lai/t-Oimce Can. sible. (4 Large Ears) quality . . limited num­ studio commands. Veal Chops, 38c lb. Veal Roasts. 25c lb. Veal Roasts, no bone. Nation-Wide Stores ||& Lunch— Dish of cooked carrots LAMB SHOULDERS Miss Rose NIevledzal bns Goldm Net ber of Genuine Spring "Musts" on a dress extra's list In 30c Ib. Veal Shanks, 12'/|C Ib. Our Veal is real milk-fed; highest grade, t i » and peas; raw celery. 2.3c lb. dude evening dotbes, both tails and Ckaae B Soaborn’s signed a contract to teach 7th and COLUMBIA CAKE FLOUR . . any size from 5*lbs. Dinner —Broiled steak: string 8th grades at the recently built ,ive 2 5 * I.amb Chops. up. dinner Jackets, cutaways, boulevard beans: asparagus; vegetable salad outfits, riding habits, sports wear, BROWN’S TELEPHONE 3388 WILKIE MILK room grammar school at Storrs, to The honor roll for the -fifth mark­ Large Package * SARDINES PASTEURIZED molded In gelatin; no dessert. tbe town of Mansfield. 21 several street and business suits. BUTTER COFFEE lb. 2 4 )f ing period of Windham High school In Pure OUve GUI FRESH. TENDER POULTRY FREE DEUVERY OR RAW THURSDAY George Rose was appointed to go o p V * A“ <1 several other kinds CREAM has been announced and has tbe Frert Ducks...... lb. 2.>c Fowl for Fricassee. Breakfast—Woffles; small slice over transportation routes and re­ No. 2 Oaa 8L tawreooa of hats and caps, shoes of every uo- C. B. Grade No, 1 ’ ^ names of the following Columbia Sifted Sweet One Pound nnd 2-Ounoe Can Blue Star Broilers average . .85c ea. Roasting Chickens. FULL LINE OF RNEST GROCERIES — MODERATE PRICES! of broiled bam; applesauce. port to the board before tbe route is pupils: Senlora, George Cobb, Doro­ BISQUICK sCrtptloD, mufflers, canes and com Lunch— Raw fruit as desired; to go iro for bid. 2 9 * plete acesssories. thy Lescoc; Juniors, Blanche Tsab- glass of milk. Tbe (tommuntty (touncU wiu meet Pepe’a Cc^plete Brightwood Sausage. How they do It on (IS a di^r— llk, Sylvia Taahllk; Sophomoret, cans POTATOES 13 ib, peck 3 7 )^ Dinner—Roost pork; cooked cel­ Monday evening at tbe home of Mrs. MOLASSES 2 with an occasional (25 for speaking Sarah Epstein, Catherine Klemark, PEAS ery: spinach; salad of grated car­ Hilton Halltig. Old Fashioned Country Style ^usage M ea t...... lb. 33c lines— remains one of Hollywood's Uiwweeteufld EvBpormleg Rachel Tashlik, Helen Zmutskt; rots mixed artth celery; apricot East Central Pomona Grange will perennial mysteries. meet Wednesday evening with Gc»d Freshmen, Sophie Deptula, Ruth Spaghetti Dinner 2 9 * &cnn Squares . . delicious flavor...... lb. 33c whip. Epstein. " F R ID A Y . Will Grange. 1 A e - 2 (or X7c Canadian Bacon...... lb. 33c Adequate and uniform temperm- Mias Adella Loomis, Mrs. Elsie Miss Harriet Fuller entertained Regular Package KeHogg*a MILK. 4 *^11 cans 2 5 ^ Breakfast — "Baked stuffed apple at a daffodil tea Tuesday afternoon turo is necessary for succeasful with cream. Jones will assist Pomona tn the Try (me of thes^ Bonejess Ham Roils . . cook in the chick brooding. Court. A rehearsal for that will be several of her Columbia friends and Babies Need MlJophane . . little shrinkage or waste . . weights 3W Lunch— French omelet; oelciy. Sunday at 8 p. m. nelghbora. Mias Fuller has a bdau- ftoeeh-Nut Cooked "SUNSHINE^‘ V ITA M IN D & Dlnnei^Brolled filet of sole; arti­ Uful display of daffodils and every Corn Flakes 2 foF 1 5 « ANDERSON NOREN R.IS O 3 Ib.'can Tbe choir met at the parsonage ...... lb. 48c ____ MEATS — GROCERIES — FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 0 0 chokes; string beans; salad of sliced year tovltaa bar friends when they Ba eoro your ehOdrea aro aeulaa tkla this week, and worked on music boao-bolldtog. •ooch-sroeaedag ritamla. t nnehurst freshly chopped GROUND BEEF is just the PHONE 4078______FREE D E U V E R Y ______381 CENTER ST. Ib. can 21c tomatoes with parsley; no dessert. that they plan to ring with the are at their greatest beauty. Each Quaker Whole Wlieat SATURDAY South Methodist choir at the Preach­ guest when she went home was Spaghetti IRRADIATED-.Cunatioo Milk 9 Breakfast— Grapefruit as desired. given a bunch of the lovely blos­ • • “ "** ** excellent value 29c lb. ing Mlariuo service. N oorlA ln e—etta—eeav to diiiaat ROYAL SCARLET STORES. NOT THE WHOLE STORY! Lunch—lee cream, ortth raw add Mrs. Elris Jooea attended the soms. m ^ Wo will grind pork, vral or ham for you aloo. If your MAHIEU'S fruit. faculty and student banquet at tbe Mrs. Marlon Melltoger baa w rit­ Biscuits lOe-2 19* rocipr c d l. for It . dlght extm charge for th 4o looTthivo,*^ Ivo^ Soap 3 med. bars \ 1 ^ Every day Reipilar Low Price* 1 ^ **** qualities offered at Royal Scarlet Stores. Fins Dinner — BroUsd lamb ebops; H u tford Seminary Foundation. ten a five session unit on "Rural 2 »n» 2 9 * Fancy Certified S t w ^ t ia n w t i^ fffaclous and intelligent service are a part of every Royal Scarlet NaUaa-(VMo steamed carrots with parsley; cel­ M rs Jones will have completed Life to C%urebea’’ for Juniors, to be Worcester 0 SUGAR Brown or ConrecUoDory Why Pay More? ery and nut salad (nuts to be three courses next month to social used to connection with World Serv­ SL'OAR toasted); raspberry whip. work. The work oonslsta of Intro­ ice Units Issued by tbe American anUNG OLEANIMO Small Seed Potatoes iooib.bag $2 *^ ^ 10 pounds 52c Land O'Lakea Butter, BOYAL 80ABUBT BBAND GOLD MEDAL WBEATIES •BAKED STUFFED APPLE: Re­ duction to social work, mental ad­ Board of Missions at Boston. The \\ Ib. pkg. 2 pkgs. 15c •PEClALSt WILLIAMS’ Red Bag COFFEE ib- 25i^ SALT 2 lb8...... / # C W M t Spiood Faan, move the core and scoop out aa justments, family welfare and case five chapters as written by Mrs. Maxw ell House Coffee, Q Q laiga o a a ...... 1 « 7 C ■ervo It Hot or lead. Oroond to year otdar! much os possible o f the apple. Run work. MelUnger have tbs following head­ 2 23c Pint and 4 Ouaoe Cka Bart Oiaejr’s Beat ^ With ?Kjr7:’r ’.!rr'.,. 2 9 c A pplraabea, O l — PBEE! Obo Ocreal Bowl with Greea Oat ' thia scoopied out portion through the An error appeared to ths lost Bol­ ings; Relatton of a i y and Ctountry, BRILLO Fresh Fruit and Vegetabloe cold cuts and .salads , . 1- lb. t in ...... i S O C ton Items to regard to the Golden The Plains of M onta^ The HlUs ot Jack Frost Sugar, C m food chopper -with the destreu Shsaf night to honor of Miss Adella i 7 c Toom le Joioeb a amenmt of nut meats. Heap Into tba Tennessee. M t Desert Pariah, Maine, lU-Ib. cloth b a g ...... O X C Sal Soda. m plat bottle ...... l U C Loomis. Sirs. Sophia Anderson mads Trt County Union and World Friend­ ■ Friead Ovea Bokod Bewu ^>ple "shells" and bake la a mod­ TOMATO JUICE 10* •*«unce bottle ...... l O c .•»>* .... 5 c Tssnato Juice OodrtoU, a ^ ‘0 String Beans'2 no*2 cans 2 5 ^ the golden anniversary cake and ship Vacation schooL 'This will be 2 p'‘S’’ * Kellogg’s Com Flakes, ^ Metal PoUsh. m rk erate oven. Serve hot or cold, arlth 15 PE A S -^b.. 23«:i - M n c SweK Onlona. Ileinx Pickled Oniona. plat bottle ...... l U C | 2 p decorated It and Mrs. Hazel Hutch­ used to over 2,400 church schools ~ ...... l O C cream or milk. inson and Mrs. Lillian Mack dacor- ths coming ysar. 2 for 19c ' Bird Seed. O C ^ Fresh Nativs Golden Bantam Com, 3 pSg^ ...... atad the stage. Miaa Shirley TrythaU ia vlattlng I t o i Sweet Mnelard Ploklco. IM na ci^ w 'oi'ot^ ,'...... • qUESnONS AND ANSWERS No, 2 Osn Bnrt Oteey’s Faaejr Pack No. 2 can, S cans... IS-oo. b o tM ...... 1 5 c Staffed Oliver 9 0.^ BOA8TEB FBE8H COFFEES Schools to town with ths exception her aunt In WilUmantlc for part of P «c O SOAP 25c doimy Ammooia. a n S-oa. b o t t le ...... l ^ C o f Birch Mountain school will open her school vacatloi. HrtaV ...... Dole’s Pineapple w tz C r a c k e r s pt-g 1 9 ;' (Milk Diet) S P I N A C H ^ lb. peck i s « i qoart battle ...... I a C Feoant Batter, 08 ^ Monday after a week’s vacattoo. At the meeting of Columbia 2 9 c Question: Marvey O. wiitos: "Will Spears, large can . . , WUbort'o No-Bob Wax, t-IB Jar ...... A Mies Jeanette Hetdcler was given Orange Wednesday oventog, repre- cans ^ ...... 2 7 c 19c . ptat oaa you explain the prindpla ot the permlarion to continue -hie week, so TOMATOES 2 2 5 * bars ^m iel • Cooked Vinegar Pickled Plgo’ FVet, Pure Jelly, 8-ot. Oreca SpUt •OOOOSOOOOOOO OlA o o * sentativea ot the Omn. Power and 2 pecks 2 5 e FRUITS m o r e m a r k e t v a l u e s milk diet and bow it cures itisaaseT" aa to enable her to take a trip to Eu­ ...... 2 9 c tumbler...... I0UB. phg. 9 c rope this eummer. Light Oo. gave an electrical demon­ Good Luck Leenou 9c BOYAL 8CABLBT BBAND AND VEGETABLES Answer: Tbe milk diet la most stration to those present, cooking Fresh • T h ^ will be nice in Spring salads . . . Rumford Baking.Pow- ...... 2 1 c often of benefit when tba patient U Students attending Manchester OoMea Bantam Ooia Spbaadl Swaaa Dewa Osba Ijunb Fores, m rv High school win continue their an entire meal on an electric stove Waldorf SSS DICED CARROTS or der, 12-oz. c a n ...... Sweet Paao .CM Greea ^ S ’T ’ r.’ T '...... 1 9 c Fancy, Ripe Ib...... underweight or when tbe patient has and making a frozen desert to the 20c Floar, la ige ...... 2 5 c 19c some form ef stomach trouble at­ studies Monday after a week’s vaca- Dteod OuTOta DIeed ttoa. refrigerator. A reel of moving Pie Filling 3 2 5 * D a n d e lio n s ^ >b peck 1 0 *1 CUT BEETS. 3 No. 2 cans ...... Ammonia, qt. bottle, O C Shredded WkOBt, Baiuinaa, 4 lbs. . Fresh, Lean, Short Shank tended by IrritaUatt o f the lining. 33c Year Cholee: ..... s s c The SUtrRtoUsge grant awarded pictures was also given, showing TOILET 8 bottles...... i S O C 1 2 c ShooMersa 4 The milk diet is banefldal because A MW4al price oa tho largo to scholarship towns from tbe atate the use o f various electrical appli­ Randall’s Flaa Quality Fresh, Large Size Oranges, Large, tt la primarily a timida dlot and oaoa o f Tomato dulee . . dcH- Octagon Soap. O O 2 3 c Large FM da Oraagea, O n lb ...... 19c was voted to Dorothy Sbedd at ths ances for use on tha home and farm. TISSUE w m iaaa' dozen ...... when three or four quarts of milk dom chilled . . heanhfnl, too.. 5 bars...... m m O doaea Boneless. 2-3 lbs..average. laat Board at Education meeting. At ths close of the meeting the food PPOOOR" S rotts are uaad each day, tharo la. a baao- Voor oboloo of; Milk Fbd Prylag ChldiaM Large CUflorma n n No waatel Mias Shedd has been attending tbe waa auctioned oC by Oiauncwy with Rice each ^ ^ e j Clorox, O Ef WUSamo’ Fapor Spinach, clean, fidal effact upoo tha antirs rtigea Squier. tbe proceeds going to the Chicken Broth PINEAPPLES TaweM, 0 reBa .. Oraagea, doxea...... < )O C State college at WlUlmantle tba past SPINACH 2 bottles...... a OC Grapefroit, crisp, 3 lbs. . . . Daisy Hams,. o po tlve tuba. Most of the good coming two yeiua. Grange. Announcement waa made W'etche’o Braada a Fresh 2 5 c 99c 2 •" $1.97 S for ...... Ib...... i J D C from the milh dlot rsoults from the Miss Rutlr Sbodd wbo antaied tbe ot the next meeting of E C Pomona 5 ® Special 19c S eana for f LXS. Motor Oil, Roaotlag Chkkaoa, 3 0 ^ can — ^ for 19 Fra^nrts, root from other foods and from tho WlUlmaatlc State college ths past to be held Wednseday evanlng. May 1 0 * 1 9 * 2- gallon c a n .....’. . . . D 9 C Ib. . fact that tha patloat gats away la p re rid a t at bar claaa. Sth at Good W ill Ormng* baU, Gloa- bunch MkjrfaRakets...... 10c and 20c each - ■( from tho faulty food eombtnatloas Finley,’ a former resident ia toabuiy. Membars are urged to RADISHES VQM With Fmit which bo has been ualng. It la nacos- vlecpraridenL attend this moating ao that the per­ MAHIEU'S oary to beep In mind that the body TbaThe last report sent by tbe Man- centage of attendance wriu be great Mayonnaise citfcj ttaolf. and tha purpooe o f ti,s Chester High to tbeth Board ot Educa. enough to keep the banner which CaloDogFood 3 cans 2 1 * 188 SjHiice Street diet is to rozsova intarferenca with tlen Bbows the following freshmen (tolumbla won at tbe laat Pomona tc be on the B honor t ^ Kingsley Crapetruit 4 for 1 9 * i tho natival cure- Moot peopio who meeting. Invitations to neighbor Sunshine Asoorted Marshmallow Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. esupenter, AnnabcUe Lee, Oitve lpLl7cipi.25c Where Tliere Is No Parkiiiz are stdi ore HI bocauas they have wdth Hebron Grange bn May 18th DIAL41B1 been ustug tha wroog kind of food, Swanson and Helen W i p n ^ o t the and Coventry on May 30th were also 802 BIAIN STREET Trouble! iqmcr rlemmen. Helen Biske la the too much food, or wroogiy comhlnod accepted. Past Master Dohald 0^ student on tbe honor roU. COOKIES lb. 2 3 c q t 3 9 c food, and thaoe mlataksa to sating Woodward was In the Master’s sta- tlea as ths Worthy Maatsr William wm totoflara with tha aenBal Oeorfo WesUnghouae. ^ Jr„ flint Th4 JW.IIAL 4 CORK phyttotogieal pw r msM and ttam to- Macht, Jr- Is woiittog fat Stamford patented air brakes la UtS. at the pieaeBt tlma. Green Stamps GiTca With Cash Salas. Fraa Delivery On AH Ordrnn for SL or More. M/mcHesraii Com h -

J : . '

riTiii4*^iiHTrr V MANUHE8TER BVENINO HERALD MANCHESTER, CONN, FUDAT. APRIL 8Q. UST MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDA t , AnUL 80,19Vt P A O B i ROOTS AND HER BUDDIES Simple For Steve V y y t tAAOK U P OUR PWMOte*. OH vr woux.ovjhr ^ p o r c u r r *. K e i a OF MOM.COCQAi W f W t teOIMte tMOHE. \ WB. TwAvOMftW U\W SENSE and NONSENSE CAWT PORRUCSt. , HOT MA06 Ub T. MfNS PEM M iy O U R OUIESY e c A j Many a child gets a whipping ba- 061 M40 bHK'S M HOME. , THE AMeiMCA-> Experience toadies many things JME VOUfRYH VO« caua# be took after bla father. we'd rather not know. "mubAlERV MtMUXE.MO. A\j0 QJR\ AnXR AU.. B M R e iO o u S Tbs young aaleaman, traveling for The man afraid of hU fingers RUMVM46 PROM PROMT OOOR. the first time in the backwooda sec­ never drives many nails. K P R 0 e\JE .M i ANNOUNCEMENTS tion of the country, came down to •)OOX YT ANNOUNCEMENTO 2 FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 MILLINERY- the proprietor of a country hotel, It U a great deal easier to talk I j j BUSINESS B O A T S A N D W BDIIKAU'OF PERSONNEL BOARD AND CARE for elderly FOR SALE — STRAWBERKV DRESSMAKING 19 OPPORTUNITIM WANTED—TO BUY 58 LEGAL NOTICES after a wakeful night, with a con.- ourselves Into trouble than out. i : th« UtaempkqrnMDt Oompenaa* people and Invallda Rates reason­ ACCESSORIES plalnt: First Glue Factory Employee plants, CatekUl, Dorsett, and How­ DRESSMAKINO, alterations, coats I ta DffMoa, State Dapartnient o< able. M ra Mary GlbUn. 39 Cottage ard No. 17. 80c per hundred. OUver FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS i WANTED TO BUT stove where oil 1.IOOOR P B M IT Young Baleamah—I saw two rata (emerging from factory)—What U Labor and Factory InspecUon, street rellned, children's clothes, (jmclc tlon. brick mercantile building, FjTO SA U :—TWO outboard motora burner may be Installed, reason- HoncB or AmjCATfow that funny smell 7 Drlggs, Vernon, Conn. C h ^ for a ipdck aala Phone 4489 Tbiv Is to give aottoe that t fighting in Tny room last nigbL Owinartlcot aanonneea open com- service. Moderate prlcea Mra ller- with 3000 ft, of gromu floor space. able. Telephone SSlb. Landlord—Well, what do you ex­ Second Glue Factory Employee— ney, 8 Keeney stre e t Tel. 7848. or 14 Munro stre e t Cherlea J. liagnall of 1017 Main M U tlra aa amtnattona for an pool- MADAME ALDEN — Character Suitable for light manufacturing. atreat Haocheatar, Cobb., have 61a4 pect for a dollar—a bull light? The fresh air. > tlena la 'Ite administrative office rsade; and palmist. Apt No- 1, 9(3 Apply Edward J. HoU. SPRING CLBIANINO? Save your an appilealloa datad April .80, tOIT rags, papers, snd msgsrinss for and la the Seld. Application forma, Main street. Hartford. Hours lu a ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES with tha Liquor Control Commalalon Thinking to atop would prevent a laftaiaatiaa In regard to Unda-of m,, to 8:30 p. m. No appointments PA IN TIN G — P A PE R IN G 21 highest prices. Wm. Ostrinaky, 60 for a Orugglata P om lt ter tba aalo Lxive and a budget are the two lot of stopping to think. ' R A D IO 49 Glenwood a tre e t TeL 8879. ot aleoholio liquor on the promlaea peaiaeBa. atatementa of dotlea and necessary. ■ ' —' PHOPERTY OWNERS— AttenUon HELP WANTED— of I0»» Uain atroat, Manetaoatir. most Important factors in a suc­ 3 taquhamenta for admission may be 86.95 repapers room, ceiling paper­ F E M A L E 35 WANT A NEW RADIO? Wm _ Conn. The bualntaa la ownad br cessful marriage, saya one well- The colder you treat some people Charlea J. Magnall of 1097 ^Maln ■TMA t ’A- obtained a t aziy local office of tbe ed or kalaomlned. Material, labor I'eal bargain see Frank Yeomans known woman. In other words, the the hotter* It makes them- OaaMctleat State Bmpl03nnent AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 ■WANTED—WOMAN for general ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 atreet, Ifanoheater, Conn., and wUI ba mating and the estimating. STOVE complete. Inside, outside pamung. housework. Home nights. Phone ****o Dept Phone conducted br Charlea J. MagnOII of Barvioe or Nattcnal Reemployment 8191, 80 Oskisnd stre e t Toonerville Folks FOR SALE—1934 Plymouth coach large savings. Work guaranteed. 8453. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, 1007 Main atraet, Manehaatar, Coon, By Fontaine Fox Sarviee after Monday, May 8, or Lang. Phone 3693. ®<*uOmioiis ■ hot water, free park- aa permittee. A few fellows have been conduct­ In very good condition 280 West VACUUM CLEANERS—a B. UnT- by WTttlnf to Department P, Oon- Breakfast optional. 84 week. CHARLES J. HAONELL ing a sit-down strike for years. They Center street Telephone 8o67. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK—Apply veraaL Western Electric etc. All ...... Dated April 80. 1087. A T h o u g h t aaettent State Bteplo3rment Serv* 838 Main street, before 6 or call Inquire .98 Pine st-^ t H-4-IO-I7. are not asking to be unionized. T!hey VALUES REPAIRING *bctory rebuilt Ju st Uka new. Heaves la my fhroaa, aad aarte OUR BOARDING HOUSE loo, BUS Aaytnra atreet, Hartford. FOR SALE — 1938 AND 1980 23 6419 after 6. .hove just bera striking against all \ CtametUcat. Guaranteed 1 year. All ona nnos. Is my foototool: what hotiae wUI ye Chevrolet coaches. Reasonable. LAWN MOWERS put In first class traroit PKiuiiT labor In general. 818.00 car'i. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland APARTMENTS—FLATS- \ build m er siriUi tee Lord: or what EOAt?, LAOi,^ AAK* ME AO —J Peter MlUer, J r , 748 ToUand Turn­ working condition; vacuum clean­ stre e t Phone 8191. IfOTICB OP APPLICATIOir Is tee place of my rest?—Acts 1l49. A M O .YBH—~T W AS. pike. Telephone 4389. I You Cannot Afford HELP WANTED— This Is to' sivs Holies that L JsS low did you like the new IS SPlWNII^S HOURS ers cleaned, repaired; key making; TENEMENTS 63 Oaoraa Enslaad of 111 Sprues etmU T H E M , T H E R E V^EMTH' To Miss. M A L E 36 fellow you were out with last night? OP ihjyew&ivE cowcemtwatiokj, 1936 PONTIAC COACH, 1936 Ford lock and gunsmithing. Bralthwalte, Maachaatar. Cona., hava dlad an ts-l Thera Is a land where everlasting A P T E K IQOOO PAMS Mandiester' S3 Pearl street GARDEN—FARM - FOR RENT— 444 CENTER street plica tloB datad Itrd of ^prtl, Ittll IG la d y s—He bad a very fatherly CALCULATl*THe AfVERTTS OF sedan, 19U Chevrolet coupe, ito WANTED—YOUNG men shout 30 8 room ^wrtm eat heated snd not suns abed everlasting brightness, PLAVHOO O-OSE UP »D ES Ward’s Spring: DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 with the Liquor Control CommiMlon' ’ - teay about him- where the soul drinks from the liv­ ErcniiiR: Herald Chevrolet coach, 1935 Plymouth LAWN MOWER sharpening our to 30 years old. Apply 7 a. m. Burr w at« furnished. All newly deco­ for a Packere Bear Parmit for tha • Grace—Fatherly? EACH EWTP.Y AMO APPLVIMO 11 IMMIMSS AMO -P1.AVEO sedan, 1938 Chevrolet sedan, 1933 Housecleaning: Nursery. rated. Phone 7388. aale of alcobollo liquor on tha ing streame of love that roll by M'V E X P e P Y K.M OW LEOOE TO A T IE , specialty. Precision grinding, l ree FOR SALE—MANURE, horse or premlaes ot SSl Bpruca atraat, Man- Gladys—Yes. Oonatantly trying God's high tbrons.—Bowring. TH' OnrMEP. UAAP, CLASSIFIED Chevrolet sedan. Cole Motoia-r of Stoves delivery service town snd vicinity. COW. 8. D. Pearlp Woodlaad ehaetar. Conn. Tha bnelnaep la ewaad to go fa’ther and fa-'ther. AMD SKILL AT APPRAlSlIsJG ^LU/, f t wide, 6 ft high. Capa- K E R O S E N E FOR RENT—Th r e e mom apart­ hreakfaat for )rou. ibar af tiBMa tea ad apaai rect from Carlson A Son. Poultry John B. Lord and hU slater Mlaa thick. d ^ , 800 lbs. loe. In good ooa- FOR SALE— GLENWOOD atovc m ent at 38 Maple atreet. AvaUable «l tea rata aaniad bat MUoa. Any ,reaBanable offer Farm, relephone 4317. Isils B. Ix>rd have been spending a Someone said an old maid la like Tha "sea flea" has been known oPawMiea a ria fe a d t eaa ba mads with oU burner, gaa range, bouse- May 1s t Telephone 6817. few days with their aunt. Mlaa Cora to attain a speed In the w ater of 60 ^ •*» atassad artar Booepted. RANGE FOR SALE!—TWO New Hampshire ’ an electric bulb without the current bold furniture. May be seen a t 168 FOR RENT—STORE with 7 room in Washington, D. C. on. miles an hour. It moves In a series **r**da“i fiaptmr Uaaa sat Alae Roadside Stand. 10 f t Red CockereU for breedmg, Cbns- Woodland street, Friday, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Lord and of bops. loag. 7 ft high and 6 f t wide. Reduced for FOR SA I^I tlea strain, 83 each Sankey a, rear apartment upstairs. Center an i and Sunday. Griswold streets. Phone 5971—1(1 son Robert, called on relatives In* E!ach feather in an Indian war- "epaaalbla Odiy used I year. Any reason- Ward Week 179 Oakland street. Phone 7*133. Patient—Nurse! Nurse! 1 believe boonet was awarded for some deed tesasM laaarraat tasarttoa Owner u y a —SELL! A real Cottage atreet ^ Greenwich. R. I, the flrat of my breath is getting shorter! sUe offer accepted. $16.95 bargain—3-famlly houae— FOR SALE—USED 9 piece dining the week. by the tribe's grand council; when — - * ardarad for Nurse—Just take things easy, the Regular 830 Range—Used. 6 18 rooma, large atUc, 3-car room aet. very good condition. Call a deed was one of exceptional valor, A R T IC L E S FO R S A L E 4.'. 6764 evenings. John C. Vergaaon and Vinoent (doctor will soon put a stop to thsL G .S*:L.ft*dry«—rSartaaloa af laaor. A. GREMMO fast wlckless burners. Olant 10- garage. Very Urge lot BUSINESS LOCATIONS Roberts, have been summoned to do the feather was adorned by a tuft J U t e t t a ^ a d v aratias wiu ba loaf oven. of horsehair fastened to the Up. L*^*Y-*P aaaaaUatloe at tba ITt Oaktaad S t Mahehester Good condition. SscriOce FOR SALE—ONE USED gas en­ FOR RENT 64 jury duty In the Hartford Superior Teacher (In geo^apby class)— ■ Jdater tea aarviaa raadarad gine roller mower witli detachable C ourt A pair of moose anUera In tha **rtlaa»«ata aaat aoBforai MACHINERY AND T O O L S 52 Now can anyone tell me where we Chicago Field Museum measure E'o':;.:-'"'" $6500 cutting unit, suitable for a large FOR RENT—BASEMENT. 48 ft. Tomorrow will be "clean up day" find mangoes? ^ Ee s , d .typaprapbr witb 5-Burner DeLuxe TRACTOR AND HORSE plowa. 77H feet across and are said to be aoteraad bp tea pabllab- lawn or fairway. Bralthwalte, 53 by 30 f t Rear 883 Main street. In­ a t the church. Dinner will be fut^ Knowing Little Boy—lYea. miss, the world's largest. AAAOOR, OrRoom Single—3-car gar­ Pearl street. harrows, spreaders, mowers, culti­ quire Savings Bank of Manches­ niabed at noon by the Dorcas wherever woman goes. r*l««* sap aevp aaa society. Approximately 1400 American I T 'S A age; good aerllon. Must vators, planters, sprayers. We have ter. cities have city managers. » OP»»-:CIaaeta»d ada I O IL R A N G E be bold. Small doivn pay- some of these Implements In used The Dorcas society U gtvlag a ' Hard work, and no play, may All the blood in the body goes In O R E A T Hy'll?** f dar anal b. ,i»- > 7 as well as new. Dublin Tractor Co., baked bean supper at the library ■ ’4»'eate a dull boy but, very likely PROFOSmOM") “ - .| 8 sTateek aeea- Saiardara BeguUr 860.00 ^ y d and out of the heart in one minute. BARGAINS! I Oemonairator ... V « / sa/O PHONE 3926 - Wlllimantlc, Cona. FOR RENT—STORE a t 995 Main Friday, May 91 for the benUt of ' v-f'- - he will havO' some money in the Saltwater rains have often been e-BOOM SINGLE on Stephen $4300 atreet. Apply Edward J. HolL the "Y”. < 5 i ^ CAR WASHING UR bank. reported during tropical cyclones. t b l r p h o n e y o u r street Hot water heat Tlmkea Mra. Alice Forbes, who has been This is explained by the fact that ell burner. Fireplace. Tile Have several good farrae— LCBRICATIUN ___ $ 1.00 ■pending the winter In Buffleld baa to itn. foMAiM rmy W A N T A D S single hotnes — 3-famlly if .Wife—The paper says the man spray from waves which tba storms ®idtli. Heated garage. Gronnde O bn OmIImI For and UeUvered. HOUSES FOR RENT 63 come here to spend the summer. was shot by hla aife at very close generate la frequenUy carried far beautifully tandacapnL A real Ga s o l i n e boimee and building lote In REAL ESTATE Mr. and Mra. William Caffyn have .> range. Inland by the winds. . 1. . . S b i:; |daoe a t a very low price. ail sectlom of the town at F"OR RENT— 6 ROOM single bouse, SCORCH Y SMITH T r s n *• advartlaara. but Y. D. SERVICE STATION been In Southbiidge, Mess., this 1... Husband—Then there must have Many tribes of savages do not A Too Wise Guide By JOHN C. TERRY ■=T «ATM wui ba aMa^ad u real bargain prlcea. Don't BUY! * BUILD! all Improvemente and garden. week. know that tile sun Is the source of wall! Consult this agency Write Bos X Y Z, Herald. ^en pos'der marks on the body. RANGE Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wetr of Wife—Yes, that's why she shot daylight. BVTTW* ti -cfco v(i» e a*»aatb 6-BOOM SINGLE on Porter Tabl6 Top Model for a real good Investment At the Green' 6-room sla- Mm a lag drat laaartlaa at etroet Ail Improwroenta. FOR RENT—LAKE ST, 6 room Glastonbury are at their cottage (him. The Hooker Oak. of California, Is rP BEITTR COIN AND YMHOHLV NOT lAwmi gle. For quick tale, 8S80a the largest leafing tree In America; n — tea CUa rob R^ffiilar 9754>0—Demonctnior Terms. aingle. steam beat, tile bath, ga­ here for the aeaeon. twrCN TO THE, (WrtP EVENINIe ON MflN6- Ho raapoati- Geo. L. Gtaziadio LUMBERMENS rage. 3 acres of land. Tel. 8683 or jeweler—Did your watch stop 8000 people can be shaded by It ivim TNF o m u t MIPIVAV* »>r orrofM la tolophoaoi md% ^ M r .$3950 AUTUMUBILE AND FIRE when It la In leaf. $45.00 Rente • Real Eatete Near Porter St___6-reom 8330. WtiUe Shea, a clever honeman, when you dropped it? YOi/SHOVLVfi'f AucUoneer INSURANCE •Ingle, garage, nicety located. who once picked up one-evred Sendv Customer—Well, It didn't go Ekigtncera have esUmated that It e r a would coat more than $380,000,000 Hits the 109 Henry S t Tel. 5376 STUART J. WASLEY $4700. Terms. Ford vU claiming route and ten through the floor.' Mxsur IN D E X O F R. T. Enameled WANTED TO RENT 68 won the Dixie Handicap with him. to duplicate the Great Wall of BEACH-SMOaOiMf 758 Mate St Slate Bldg, BHiabeth Park Section_8- C!hlna. CLASSIFICATIONS l e t 6646 • 7146 thinks be has a good chance to win A man's first attem pt to bold a NR T A U IY /r room eUgle, oil burner. Urge VVANTEID TO RENT bouM or flats the Kentucky Derby with Merry {HI on bis knee might be called a The "nightly clean-up of London’s lot. 83800. Terms. with rardan apace. Adulta. Tele­ The colt U recovering from streets cost more than 84.000,000 a •••••••••••••••••• McCAKNBEAL ESTATE I C o a l R A N G E trial balance. year an requires A500 men. Pllkin S t —7-room Colonial. phone 3687 Maocheeter or H art­ a leg injury suffered when ba was 69 Center 81. Tel. 7700 ReguUr goaoo—Shopnoni About 1845. "gingerbread men" ■OB porch, heated garage, ford 9-1064-W. l^ked by another horse at Havre de , Tourist—The climate here Is f i beaatlfnlly shrubbed. Only Grace but Shea Is oonfldent ha'll be we(e the beat "br^" men In France. $7000. This U a real up-to- saiubrloua. Isn’t It? A manufacturer began making '‘""$39.95 reedy for the Wood Memorial at Native—Say, friend, just write loatB date house. LOTS FOR SALE 73 gingerbread caricatures of "men of • •••••• di •••• • Jamaica Saturday. If he runs to that word down for me, will you? 1 the hour" in that year, and It was SMITH OFFERS hU owner's expectaUons In the Ai______An (4even-room duplex houae. Excellent location—near the Oen- Cloae to Washington S t— FOR SALE—BUILDLNG loU on get tired of swearing at this climate uid that a roan was of no con­ 7-room single, Orrplaee, gar­ Wood, he'll move on to the Derby. In the same old way. That's a new sequence unless he had been J*'- lo t Houae In 6n« repair. Oarage. Full price U Strong street Inquire 88 Wood­ In muddy going ba moved up sera for Bxebssco E L E C T R I C but 88,000, It's a bargain! age. 84800. Cash needed $80^ land •tpeet Phone 6849. • sne. "gingerbread man." J 3 Near Cambridge St — 6- eral potmds. m II •• EMERGENCY Six-roons aingle In groulng readdenlUI aecllon. Steam heat t • • • • e a a •• SB* room single, ell bnrnlhg steam *llp by Track RANGE Son porch. Oarage In basement. Houae but aeven yeara ohL brat, garage. Urge U t Only PRECiiLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTON TUBBS • ^ r Wr» ...... 4 Surface Buraera. Iteg. 890.00. Full price—88A00. 84900. Gash 8700. ByCRANE OUT OUR WAY me—dloraga ..... 1 I D.w»nu„„edDltoontlmied $ 5 9 5 0 - By WILLIAMS CALLS - (.A i - ...... > ' ModH« Now Oakland S t ea bus Hne__6 '*ou M u s ra PONE) HEV, CUT IT a i t I'M SORSV, BUT I Sate*—Motorercl.a .... i room sUgle, garage, i , ac RAPPER FANNY ----d Pier—alcaal S«r>te*« By SyMa teCKIC.KN* A MK9SAC2K R obert J . S m ith. Inc. tand. 84000. Cash $800. LtMTSVaUI t R il PUT. ortto FmCKO,! MUST Be.y-E^ TO M A I^ / Q^> p s l jc KM! JUST ttCM aM sesso O'fered ...... II POLICE 963 Main Street m a RKMC o a s VeXTRS OOlMOr SASE> 4 Itetd Barrteac OSarad ...,tl-A 7 Acres oa boa line, 7-roooi AWAV! B irr wHKKi ^-aatraetlaa ...... Black and White 8480 8746 TDIAdLLE PteOM f o o t ; o - 88500. Tenra. taafcOJ B M A K 9 1 ME- hlow - voo eraarlaa .a...... LAt»< WIMIPPED tULEK BEUC. p io sy T thsct ...... 4349 Console WILL MEET VtXI JST use -Plan bias—Rooflaa ^ e e t Side—6 rooms end —— &RUSH« ITS porch, near trolley; recreatioB 7HK APPI N C rr w c t ------^^laa ••••••. FIRE room U baaeroent oil burning PLACE i»la»^tora*a ...... G A S R A N G E Btoam b e a t SEE THIS ONE! ■a«r darTtoa...... |« - a S o u th R e g ^ 830.00 — DiaeontUned •••••••••••• Si •OTTlM ...... 2) Model Near Bentoa St—S-famlly ^•aeeaee a SS 4321 .Vow ... $15.00 Bolton Lake Nestling bt, S-ear garage, exceOeat --- •OtoId®'—O oaalBj 34 oondHton. $6800. Ceah 81806. i**S**,“ d terrlea ...... | | N o rth ilaaaa Sarrlea 14 Full Enameled Ivory Console Boltra — 8 acres. 6-reetu In The Bolton Hills booM, b a n , ea State AM road. 5432 situated la tee highest sectioa east e( tee Onniiaettoat RIvar. 64000. Oaah aeeded $800. G A S R A N G E Ihla beauttful lake and Its MirroundlBg hills oSara yen aad year, * Aerra, 6 rooma, garage, AMBULANCE Regular 860.00. Euamaied ovea. fsinily m wofidtrfol opportunity for soUd rotnfoct sad onjoyneat barn, eoops,. 83M0.CaA______8400. (D o u g u i) dnrtnf (ho hot days shoRd ^ Other tanns frem 9 to LOOO — Mortra«aa ..... ^ .. $32.95 - f^naaltlaa ...... *• te a s 5650 Bjvetul new homes are ■ mrnt9 aad SltaattaM Ivory Enameled Table Top ROSEDALE roady fnr year tnapeetem. LULEK BELLE 5 U B S S . * * * ^ K A L ^ H 0 NEV! r u . M RIGHT AFTER V S.l d P ...... M (H o lio ra n ) 1 OOME TO VIST VB. uu. The ( ...... a M Reid Hie Herald Adr& prooundatioa is louoy but By •d Men Bualpanat it (A fter 5 P. M.) I are Bagoilicent* Araar^Pura ...... M _^J?N .TVtigTV YEARS TDO SOOM. AS ra 7S68 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Lew Needs Assistance —Yr-ffl- By THOMPSON AND CULL ^EY OOP MANOIESTER ,AAAv 1 >anE?iujPT, roR a - Swingrtime By HAMLIN 'vouR eeAu-riPOL pla k is / a M 057 UNWOCTViy MOTIVt ON, l e w . s p i l l a WATER CO. ' PROMPT* ME TO A4PO«»E u r o u *OoR ASSuRAtjCE 1* OVER MIKA s e r v a n t . HAMT ^ (5 0 0 0 “ ooan 6G so FLOwERV OS COURSE., l£ w SAY.' WHAT'S THIS WOE COMEJ3N.OC3P, I WISH FOOiy,VOO LOW-DOWN, CEASE UM ■RiEMOS OUR UAUiFRiEHO*HlP BO\ ' MOj KMOw HOW (K a o wmClmino Pact i*. i am oaj BiC'N IN 7RU7M. 1 MAO OTTHCB we OWE you a SWiNGdN' BUSINESS’’ T5HOW VOO WHAT DOUBLE-OEAUN' POLECAT,/ lOuD NOiSE MVRa AMD I w il l M yeA P o r trail o r MOST EXTICAORDlMAev lOU NO 5974 r e a s o n s POR SCEKINCs X wel t h ea m at. s o par STROhkS.TOO- fret SWINGIN'A IM JUST ABOUT a l l I'LL GT EVEN WITH vOU AAAK.iN'AN' SWiNGUM TH IS I S .a b o u t a *ou OUT M MOREarriA mOUR HUMSl E SERV'ANT ii SWINGUM w o t/ MOE.TH' BOV'S SET T5TART SWINGIN,' WOE/ IF T"S TW last thin g WOE UM -Xi*7 Plain s t u m pe d OOOO. 1 i A wow/ OH, A U RIGHT, BUT HOE? 1 EVER DO- POSIES B E T C H A / J[ w o w m e CAN VM GONNA SWING SW IN G rr. a in T GONNA b e NO HOVKAWOiW.' COLDANGED HOE f

u... « . !'4.- y Vi