Norfolk. West Tofts

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Norfolk. West Tofts DIRECTORY.J NORFOLK. WEST TOFTS. 649 11ann George, relieving officer for the Nichols Ziba, farmer Sendall Charles & John, farmers Western district & registrar of births Phillipo John, farmer Snelling Henry, butcher & deaths for Diss sub-district, Dep­ Read Thomas Matthews, maltster, corn Vyse John George, grocer & fa.rmet" wade union & coal mer. ; & at King st. Norwich Watling Samuel, farm bailiff to Lewis Moore John, Star P.n 1 Self George, miller (wind) & farmer \ Jarvis esq Mullenger William, farmer I TIVETSHALL ST. MAR Y is a village and parish r Hotson esq. of Stratton St. Mary is lord of the manor. The on the high road from London tu Norwich, about I~ mrles principal landowners are the Sawbridge trustees, Jonathan south from the Tivetshall St. Margaret junction station on Boyce esq. and Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp hart. of Mergate the Great Eastern railway, and 5~ miles north-north-east Hall, Bracon Ash. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The from Diss, in the Southern division of the connty, Diss chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and beans. The parish hundred and petty sessional division, Depwade union, contains r, 125 acres; rateable value, ;(;r,296; the popula­ Harleston county court district, rural deanery of Redenhall, tion in I8gi was 303. archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwreh. The Parish Clerk, John Boyce. church of St. Mary is an ancient building of flint and stone, PosT 0FFICE.-Robert Harvey, postmaster. Letters arrive in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, consistin~ through ~cole at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 6. IO p.m. ; sun- of large chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower days, dispatched at ro. 15 a. m. The nearest money order- containing 4 bells: the chancel is Early English, and much office is at l'ulham St. :\Iary Magdalen; the nearest later than the tower: there are 300 sittings. The register telegraph office is at Pulham for delivery & Tivetshali dates from the year 1672. The living is a rectory, annexed to junction station for collection of telegrams. Postal orders that of Tivetshall St. Margaret, joint average yearly value are issued here, but not paid from tithe rent-charge £73T, including 28 acres of glebe, A School Board of 5 members was formed compulsonly 26 with residence, in the gift of Lord Orford, and held since May, 1875, for Tivetshall United District; R. Borrett, r874 by the Rev. Henry Symonds M.A. of Hertford College, Pulham Market, clerk to the board ; T. W. Garrood~ Oxford. The fuel allotment of 3 acres is let at £6 Tasburgh, school attendance officer yearly; there is also about. half an acre of land, called Hoard School, built in 1876, with house attached for the "Saints yard," let for 34s. yearly, qs. of whieh is given to master, at a cost of £Boo, & enlarged in 1886 at a cost of the poor in coal, and the remainder to the church; the poor £n~o, for II5 children; average attendance, go; Fredk_ have also I3S. 4d. yearly from Lee Neve's charity. John · Haimes, master; Mrs. Florence Haimes, mistress Dix Alfred 1 IIarveyRobert,carpenter& wheelwright, Reeves Herbert William, blacksmith Symonds Rev. Henry M.A. Rectory Post office Robertson John, farmer & landowner COliMERCIAL. Hubhard John, farmer Self Christopher, farmer, Mardel farm Bartram James, farmer Lain Robert, farmer Shibley Henry, Ram P.H. & farmer Bensley Cat h. (Mrs.), farmer & shopkpr Lain William, farmer Skoulding William, clock cleaner &c Bond Hobert, farmer, Croft house Moore Jacob, farmer Snelling Collin, thatcher • BoyceJn. farmer&parish clerk, TheGrove Nichols Elijah, shoe maker 1 SuttonHannah( Mrs.), farmer & shopkpr Browu Richd. thrashing machine owner , Norman George, farmer Wilby George, market gardener Edwards James, shopkeeper 1 I TOFT MONKS is a parish and village I~ miles from I Colman esq. of Toft Monks House, Alfred ·winter esq. Am­ Aldeby station on the lp;;wich and Lowestoft seeLiun of the I brose John Read Palmer esq. J. P. of Haddiscoe Hall, Thomas. Great Eastern railway, 4 north-east from Beccles and 6 I Robert West esq. of Raveningham, and the Provost and south-east from Loddon, in the Southern division of the fellows of King's College, Cambridge, are the chief land­ county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty owners; the latter are lordsof the manor and impropriators. sessional division and union, county court district of of two-thirds of the tithes. The soil is mixed heavy and. Bungay and Beccles, rural deanery of Hrooke, eastern light laud ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, division, archdcaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. barley, beans, peas and roots. The area is 2,238 acres, oi The church of St. Margaret is a building of flint in the which 6oo acres are marsh and 76 woods and plantations ~ Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch rated at ;{;2,7r6; the population in 189I was 397· and a western octagonal embattled tower containing Parish Clerk, George Snowling. 3 bells: the interior was restored and. reseated in 1873 PosT & M. 0. OFFICE & s. B.-Robert Tripp Sharman, sub- at a. cost of £220: the church plate mcl?-d~ a chalice postmaster. Letters arrive from Bec.cles at 7.20& II a.m.; of _srlver, dated I567: there are roo srtt.m_g~. .The dispatched at I 2.55 & 5.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph regrster dates from the year I558. The hvmg rs a office is at Beccles rectory, consolidated with that of Haddiscoc, average tithe rent-charge L325, joint net yearly value £350, including A School Board of 5 members was formed compulsorily I 30 acres of glebe, in the gift of King's College, Cambridge, July, I873, for the united district of Toft Monks & Had­ discoe; H. T. Smith, Toft Monks, clerk to the board &. and held since 1877 by the Rev. Arthur Wace B. A .. late tJCholar of that college, who resides at the rectory, Had­ attendance officer discoe. The town estate comprises three small tene­ Board School, for both parishes, built in 1870 at a cost of ments, a garden and I rA. 3R. now let for £42 yearly, of £r,ooo, for 150 children; average attendance, II5; which sum £ro is applied to church purposes and the Herbert Campbell A.C.P. master; Mrs. Martha Camp­ remainder is distributed in coals among the poor. Caleb bell, mistress Christian Lieut. J ames B. n. N Hipkin George, farmer, Priory farm Sayer John Read, registrar of births & Colman Caleb, Toft Monks house Knights Thomas, farmer deaths & vaecination officer for .Aldeby Freeland Lieut. -Col. Russell G. TheElms Land & Smith, grocers, drapers & district & relieving officer, Wood farm Harrison Charles A. Windle house general outfitters Smith Henry Thomas, inspector of nui­ COMMERCIAL. Long Charles, White Lion P.H sances for Loddon & Clavering union, Benns George, butcher Maddle William, farmer & landowner & clerk to school board & attendance Broek J oseph, carpenter RackhamJonathan,shoe maker & grocer officer Cuddon John, farm steward to Thomas Sharman Robert Tripp, ~or folk iron Ward William, farm bailiff to A. J. Frcston West esq works, poor's rate & tax collector, Palmer esq · CurtisJames,shopkeeper ,Maypole green blacksmith & engineer, agent for West Thos.Freston,farmer,Thatched hry Forder Rebecca (Mrs.), carpenter Phamix Fire Office & general agent, 'Vinter Alfred, farmer & landowner, Fnller John, farmer & landowner Post office Toft Monks hall WEST TOFTS is a parish and village 5 miles north- and the whole of the windows are stained: in the chapel on east from Brandon station on the Ely and Thetford section the south side of the chancel are the tombs of Sir Richard of the Great Eastern railway, in the South Western division Sutton, 2nd bart. d. I3 Nov. I855, and Elizabeth (Burton), of the county, Grimshoe hundred and petty sessional divi- his wife, d. 184I : in a chapel in the north aisle is a sion, Thetford union and county court district, rural deanery memorial to Emma Helena (Sherlock), wife of Sir John of Cranwich, sonth division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and Sutton, 3rd hart. d. Jan. I845: there are brasses to Emily diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a building Mary (Sutton), wife of Lord Arthur Edwin Hill-Trevor of flint, with stone dressings, in the Early Decorated style, (created Baron Trevor in x88o), d. 24 Jan. x855, and to her consisting of chancel with south chapel, nave, south tran- sister, Sophia Louisa {Sutton), wife of Col. Samuel William sept, north aisle and a western tower, with lead-covered Clowes M.P. d. 18 Feb. 1853; and monuments to the Part­ spire, containing a clock and 8 bells : the transept, north ridges, formerly of Buckenham House, 1733-6o; the brass aisle and porch have been rebuilt, and the interior of the eagle lectern and altar furniture are memorials to the late church restored and elaborately decorated ; it has two Rev. .August us Sutton M. A. prebendary of Lincoln and rector finely carved screens, that in the chancel being richly gilt, here 1849-85: there arc 180 sittings. The register dates • .
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