Panfield Community Association

Incorporating Outreach & Neighbourhood Watch

To Inform & Promote the Panfield Community Twinned with Auneau-Bleury-Saint-Symphorien

RAP 73 Dec 2020/Jan 2021 Round About Panfield Community Centre Panfield Village Hall is currently unavailable for hire due to the current Covid-19 lockdown. It is expected to become available for hire from January. Clubs £15 per session Private £15 per hour A refundable deposit of £50 is required against any damage/loss. Hall rental is inclusive of all equipment and furniture therein. Various items of equipment/furniture are also available for hire at reasonable rates. E.g. Chairs 50p; Tables £1; Crockery sets £5 per dozen; Glasses 50p each; Tablecloths 50p; Baby Belling cooker/use of fridge/freezer £10; Marquee £20. Contact the Booking Secretary, Julia Wilson by telephone 07711 079122 or email [email protected] for further information and availability. RAP is published bimonthly: February, April, June, August, October and December. Contributions from clubs and organisations for insertion in RAP should be with the editor by the copy closing date published on the back page of every edition. You can advertise in this magazine at the following prepaid rates: Single Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues (half year) (1 year) Third page £8 £22 £45 Half page £10 £28 £55 Full page £20 £56 £110 Cheques should be made payable to: The Panfield Community Association.

Contact: Dave Ockelford (RAP Editor) Panfield Village Hall, Kynaston Road, Panfield, Braintree, CM7 5AQ. Telephone 07463 770311 Email: [email protected] Contents Community Association ...... 3 Parish Council ...... 5 Neighbourhood Watch ...... 5 Father Christmas ...... 8 Outreach ...... 9 Church Services ...... 11 Hearing Help Essex ...... 11 Test and Trace Support Payment ...... 12 Christmas Puzzle ...... 14 Panfield Recipe Corner ...... 15 Local Help Lines ...... 28 P a g e | 2 Round About Panfield Community Association Hopefully as you receive this issue of “Round About Panfield” we have come out of the 2nd round of national lockdown and whilst Christmas may not be normal, let’s hope we can enjoy it with our friends and family. It will be a difficult time for many families so if you know any friend or neighbour who is struggling then I would point you in the direction of the British Red Cross who are supporting many people with a wide range of challenges this year.

Father Christmas (Stop and Wave) It’s not too late! Whilst not delivering presents this year you can still ask for Father Christmas to stop outside your house and wave to your children on Christmas Eve. If you would like this please complete and return the form attached to the village hall post box. Christmas Carols (save the date)

It’s unlikely the Christmas Carols can happen in the church or pub this year so we are holding the Christmas Carols at the Panfield Pocket Garden on Sunday 20th starting at 3.00pm led by Rev Rod Reid so please save the date

Panfield Pocket Garden and Memorial It’s been nearly two years since the concept of a memorial garden was conceived on the back of a few comments on our Facebook Page. So just remember, when you make suggestions on our Facebook Notice Board you never know where it could lead.

P a g e | 3 Round About Panfield I want to express my gratitude for all those who gave their time and energy in the creation of the Packet Garden. In addition the words of encouragement and support from all the villagers while we worked on the garden. We unveiled the memorial plaques on November 8th at 1.00pm, I have got to say it was an amazing turnout from the village. I was so surprised but very proud of the respect our village has given to those who lost their lives from Panfield for their country and our liberty. Rev Rod Reid gave a beautiful blessing followed by the ‘Last Post’ by Katie Barker. It was a brilliant tribute. Village Hall Unfortunately even though we may be out of lockdown we have been left with no alternative but to close the village hall to all hirers until we receive further guidance and advice from the government. Plea for Recipes We are looking for recipes for the next issue which will be in February just before Valentine’s Day. If you have any suggestions you’d like to share for an adult or child please email me with the recipe; you might see it in print! Finally I would just like to say have a great Christmas and Happy New Year. However you intend to celebrate this year, stay safe. Danny Chair of Panfield Community Association email: [email protected] Phone: 07856 516610

P a g e | 4 Round About Panfield Parish Council We are welcoming a new Parish Clerk, Mrs Jill Boot, who has just taken over from Kerry. We are sure that people will soon get to know Jill, who is very keen to serve our Parish Council and our village community. We also have a Casual Vacancy on the Parish Council: if you would like to apply, please send your details to the Chairman, Chris Lee. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the council on panfield-parish- [email protected]. The Chairman and Members of Panfield Parish Council wish every Panfield resident a very Merry Christmas, and a safe and Happy New Year. Chris Lee Chairman, Panfield Parish Council Email: [email protected] Neighbourhood Watch On 26 October we saw a police report to say that a house in St Marys Close had been entered sometime between 19 October 9.30pm and 20 October 8.50am. The unknown suspect had entered the property via an open window and removed a wallet and purse containing cash and cards. Due to the current need to contain the coronavirus, the autumn newsletter will not be delivered by our street co-ordinators but is being displayed on the NW noticeboard on the village hall. If anyone would like an email copy, please contact us via email on [email protected] Peter and Claire Kenward (01376 322414) Phone scam warning Recently I received a phone call from a lady I have known for many years. She had received a phone call from somebody claiming to be from the Metropolitan Police. They informed her that her bank account had £700 taken from it. The caller suggested if she gave her bank details to him and she would be reimbursed. She realised it was a scam and after a brief exchange the scammer slammed the phone down. To put her mind at rest, she rang her bank to make sure that money hadn’t been removed from her account and all was OK. P a g e | 5 Round About Panfield Point to note, always allow a few minutes to pass if you are using a landline before calling your bank, the call is not ended until the caller hangs up. Chivonne Claydon, Community Agent for Braintree & With Christmas rapidly approaching here are a few tips to help keep you safe at home, shopping, visiting (whilst Covid compliant), and after Christmas too: 1. If you must store Christmas food, drink, presents and other goodies within garages and outbuildings, ensure that they are out of sight and that it’s securely locked with good quality well fitted locks. Treat your shed to a shed alarm. 2. Avoid tempting window shopping burglars; don’t leave presents and valuables on full view in front of a window. 3. Ensure that your windows and doors are closed and locked before leaving the house (remember your face covering). Don’t attract burglars to your home by leaving it in darkness; leave lights on timers, perhaps treat yourself to a TV simulator too. 4. Lock gates to keep unwanted visitors from getting to the rear of your home. 5. Whether an evening out or Christmas shopping keep your bags, handbags, wallets and mobile safe. Busy places make it easier for the sneak thief, so be alert at all times. 6. Park safely; look for a Park Mark accredited car park at Check that your car is locked before you leave it and don’t leave valuables and gifts on display in your car. 7. When you go to leave the house and find that your car is all iced up, don’t leave it unattended with the engine running to de-ice it. It only takes a second to steal your car and it would invalidate any insurance claim. 8. If having a small Christmas get together make sure that you have considered how you are going to get home and avoid using unlicensed taxis. Ensure you drink responsibly, socially distance and are aware of your surroundings, whilst keeping your drink and belongings safe. 9. Watch what you put on social media; check your settings to ensure that you are not broadcasting when you are not at home and the lovely gifts you may have received. 10. After Christmas don’t advertise your nice gifts to the thieves by putting the empty boxes out for collection. Disguise them, fold them up inside out or put them inside another non-descript box. 11. Record your new property free on Install tracking and security apps on relevant electrical and computer products. Have a Great Christmas and New Year! For further crime prevention advice see: and P a g e | 6 Round About Panfield Naturally, we also ask locals to report any unusual activity to police in an emergency on 999 or after the event on 101 or ‘do it online’ or to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Stephen Armson-Smith

P a g e | 7 Round About Panfield Father Christmas

Christmas Eve It’s that time of year again when we need to think whether we will be on Father Christmas’s naughty or nice list! This year on Christmas Eve Father Christmas will be visiting Panfield to wish you all a Merry Christmas. If you would like Father Christmas to stop at your house and give a wave with a Merry Christmas, then let us know. Please complete the form below and return it to the Village Hall letterbox or email [email protected] Please do not let your children approach within 2 metres of Father Christmas as we would not want to spread this virus. If you want to wrap a present yourself from Father Christmas and give it to your children at the same time (like magic) then feel free but unfortunately Father Christmas will not be able to give the present directly. Sadly, we also need to ask you not to offer Father Christmas and his Elves any refreshments this year as well.

Name of Child Address

P a g e | 8 Round About Panfield Outreach From Panfield Church Priest-in-Charge: Rev Rod Reid, The Deanery, Deanery Hill, Braintree CM7 5SR Tel: 01376 324887 email: [email protected]

Secretary Bridget Smith 4 Church End, Panfield Tel: 328907 Church Hall Booking Bridget & David Smith 4 Church End, Panfield Tel: 328907 Church Wardens David & Sara Peak 2 Church End, Panfield Tel: 321045 Dear friends, Well, here we are, just a few weeks away from Christmas, and oh how we need the love, peace, hope and joy of Christmas this year. 2020 has been unlike anything any of us will have lived through. The impact of Covid-19 will likely be seen as something for 2020 only, but the ripples will be felt for decades. Uniquely, it is also something every single one of us has been affected by. We have lived through lockdowns, restrictions, hand sanitiser everywhere, wearing face masks and more. It has been a time of being apart, separated from love ones, a time of anxiety where conversations that used to end ‘take care’, now end ‘stay safe’. Unprecedented… unforgettable... just some of the words that come to mind. As I write this, we are hopefully coming to the end of the 2nd lockdown but at this stage none of us knows what will follow. However, the news of a vaccine at the beginning of November was the first real chink of light for many of us in such a long time. That desire then to be able to take part in Christmas as best as we can is even greater than in most years, because we know that whether it is through singing carols, hearing the Nativity story, the twinkling of lights or the excitement of children that we need to experience all that this season can offer. The extraordinary birth of a child 2000 years ago, born in the simplest of settings, but worshipped as a King connects us not only to our own stories but to every story. A true symbol of pure love, of perfect peace, of heart-bursting joy, and eternal hope. Is it any wonder that Christmas and all that comes with it mean so much to us? But it isn’t Christmas yet. The first few weeks of December are called Advent, a time of waiting, preparing and counting down to those celebrations but we need that hope and joy now though. The promise of Christmas is that those things will come, and I hope that however we are able to celebrate that they will give you that much needed comfort at this time, and prepare us as we step into another uncertain year. However, while Covid-19 dominates, and while our overriding feelings are often ones of loss and anxiety, we must remember that in this crazy, confusing, mixed up world there is still love, peace, hope and joy. They really aren’t just for Christmas, that maybe is the time we reconnect with them most, but they are there. In the kindness of strangers, looking out for neighbours, the way we have overcome obstacles of distance

P a g e | 9 Round About Panfield through technology, through entrepreneurship. We have seen communities grow stronger; we have recognised what is important in our lives. We have re-connected with the great outdoors, been more mindful of our health. I know those changes haven’t been universal, and they aren’t forever either but how we clapped for our key workers, and NHS workers, will be a joyful, emotive memory for me. From Captain Tom, to our local heroes there has been so much good, even in these darkest of times. So, this Christmas, I hope in some way we will celebrate together, and that I can wish you Merry Christmas in person. I also hope that through the joy of this time that we can make the most of Christmas, but lastly I wonder if the best present we can give ourselves, is to try and find the love, peace, hope and joy in this world every single day. It is there, hopefully we can grab hold of it and share that love with others too, strengthening us for 2021 and all it will bring. Wishing you, and all your loved ones, a very Happy Christmas, Rod The Revd Rod Reid

East Window in Panfield Church by Jackie Jones

P a g e | 10 Round About Panfield Church Services December 2020 6th 11.15 am Morning Worship 13th 11.15 am Holy Communion 20th 3 pm Carol Service on Village Green (NB - this Service is subject to the current Covid Regulations, so watch out for updates) 24th - Crib Service - At present no Service is planned, but we will let people know if this changes 24th 9.30 pm First Communion of Christmas 25th 11 am Christmas Day Service 27th - No Service

January 2021 3rd 11.15 am Morning Worship for Epiphany 10th 11.15 am Holy Communion 17th 6.00 pm Evensong 24th 11.15 am Holy Communion 31st 11.15 am Holy Communion Hearing Help Essex We are open and can see you safely. In line with government guidance we are pleased to confirm that Hearing Help Essex can continue to deliver services over the coming weeks. We know that these are unsettling times and would like to take the opportunity to reassure you that we are taking every precaution to continue to provide a safe and secure environment for our service users. Our friendly team is on hand to assist with essential re-tubing, cleaning and general NHS hearing aid maintenance. People having trouble with their hearing or who are new to hearing loss and perhaps feeling isolated, can benefit from information, advice and guidance. To help reach as many people as possible that may be in need of our services we are asking if you have an elderly relative or neighbour with NHS hearing aids, please check

P a g e | 11 Round About Panfield in with them to see if they need any help with their hearing aids. If they are clinically vulnerable or unable to come to see us in person, it is possible for someone else to bring their hearing aids to the appointment on their behalf. If you are housebound, shielding, or immobile, please ask about our doorstep service. If your hearing aids are due maintenance, if the tubing is brittle, cracked, blocked, or damaged - book now! We are running clinics at the following locations across Essex. Please note you must book at appointment to be able to attend. • Hearing Help Essex Resource Centre, Moulsham Street, (all Mid, West, and South Essex NHS Patients) • St Michael’s Hospital, Braintree (Mid-Essex Patients) • Plantation Hall, Heybridge (Mid-Essex Patients) • The Stansted Free Church, Capel Hill, Stansted (West Essex Patients) • The Dipple Medical Centre, (/Orsett Patients) If you have an existing appointment with us, then you can attend this as planned. Please make sure you read the appointment Covid-19 guidelines that were sent to you before you attend your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment or would like to rebook, please contact us as soon as possible. If you would like to make an appointment at the above venues, please contact the team at Hearing Help Essex: Tel: 01245 496347 Email: [email protected] Text: 07950 406173

Test and Trace Support Payment Council’s scheme for Test and Trace Support Payment is entering its third week. The government announced last month that low-income households who have received a notification from the NHS Test and Trace service to self-isolate from 28 September 2020, may be entitled to financial support. Local authorities were given until October 12 to ensure its systems were up and running and will backdate claims to 28 September. Residents may be entitled to a one-off payment of £500 through the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme if they are required to stay at home and self-isolate.

P a g e | 12 Round About Panfield Eligible Braintree District residents can apply by visiting People without internet access can call 01376 552525. Councillor David Bebb, Cabinet Member for Finance & Performance Management at Braintree District Council said: “If you have symptoms of coronavirus, you should stay at home and self-isolate immediately to stop the spread of the virus and protect family, friends and your community. It’s vital that you play your part and follow the rules around self-isolation. “If you’re asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace and you’re on a low income, unable to work from home and will lose income as a result, you may be entitled to a payment under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme. I am pleased that as well as the government criteria we have been able to set up a discretionary scheme too to help more people.” To be eligible to receive the self-isolation payment, residents must have received, and be complying with a notification from the NHS Test and Trace service to self-isolate, be employed or self-employed, and be unable to work from home and will lose income as a result. To be eligible, people also need to be receiving certain benefits. Residents who meet all the other criteria other than being in receipt of benefits may qualify under Braintree District Council’s Test and Trace Support Payment discretionary scheme. For the full eligibility criteria visit and go to Test and Trace. While the Government support scheme is due to run until the end of January 2021, the Braintree District Council discretionary scheme will end when the allocation received from the Government has been fully used. The £500 payment is subject to income tax, but not National Insurance contributions. Residents do not qualify if they are quarantining after travelling abroad, continue to receive full wages while you self-isolate, can work from home during a period of self- isolation, have not received a notification from the NHS Test and Trace service requiring self-isolation or were notified to self-isolate before 28 September 2020.

P a g e | 13 Round About Panfield Christmas Puzzle

P a g e | 14 Round About Panfield Panfield Recipe Corner A recipe for the Adult with a little Christmas spirit inside Everlasting Lemon Syllabub Serves 4 • Juice of 1 lemon plus 1 1. Place the lemon juice and zest, brandy and heaped tsp finely grated sugar in a bowl and leave for at least 2 hours,

lemon zest then stir to dissolve the sugar as much as possible • 2 tbsp brandy 2. Using an electric whisk, whip the cream in a • 50g white caster sugar bowl until it just starts to hold its shape, • 200ml double cream then add the wine in about three goes, whisking between each addition. If the wine • 100ml sweet white is added too quickly the mixture can split, so wine it’s important to do it gradually. Finally, add • Jellied lemon slices to the lemon and sugar mixture and whisk to a decorate thick syllabub 3. Spoon into glasses or ramekins, decorate with • Dessert biscuits to serve jellied lemon slices, then cover and chill for (optional) several hours. Service with dessert biscuits, if wished.

NAME GAME this is called “everlasting” because it can be made ahead without the risk of it deflating, and keeps well in the fridge for several days

P a g e | 15 Round About Panfield A recipe for the children to have fun with this Christmas Gingerbread People Serves 15 - 20 • 175g dark muscovado sugar 1. Melt the sugar, golden syrup and butter in a • 85g golden syrup saucepan, then bubble for 1-2 mins. Leave to • 100g butter cool for about 10 mins • 350g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 2. Tip the flour, bicarbonate of soda and spices into • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda a large bowl. Add the warm syrup mixture and • 1 tbsp ground ginger the egg. Stir everything together, then gently • 1 tsp ground cinnamon knead in the bowl until smooth and streak-free. • 1 egg, beaten The dough will firm up once cooled. Wrap in cling film and chill for at least 30 mins. • To decorate

• Ready-made writing icing 3. Remove the dough from the fridge, leave at chocolate buttons or small room temperature until softened. Heat the oven sweets (optional) to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line two baking trays with baking parchment.

4. Roll out the dough to the thickness of a £1 coin, then cut out gingerbread people with a cutter. Re-roll the excess dough and keep cutting until it’s all used up.

5. Lift the biscuits onto the trays and bake for 10- 12 mins, swapping the trays over halfway through cooking. Leave to cool on the trays for 5 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Use the icing to decorate the biscuits as you wish, and stick on chocolate or sweets for buttons.

Leave to dry for 1-2 hrs. Will keep for up to three days in an airtight container.

Courtesy of BBC Goodfood

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Want to advertise your business? Don’t know where to? Why not place an ad in the RAP Great rates on page 2

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CONTACT SIMON BROWNING 07736 463 707 [email protected]

Recommended by John & Jackie Moorey who has used him to fit 2 kitchens, bathrooms, fencing and many other jobs.

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The Bell Inn, Panfield

A very warm welcome a wait’s you from Graham and all the staff from The Bell Inn, at Panfield. We serve Greene King Ales, Guest Ale’s, Premium Lager’s, Ciders, Gins, Wine’s, Non- Alcoholic Beers & Ciders and Soft Drinks.

Sunday is Roast Day! Our Roasts are Beef, Leg of Lamb or Roast Chicken. Our meat is supplied by our local Butcher who we have used for the last 20 years. We also have our Main Menu and Snack Menu available everyday Lunch and Evening. Look out for our Specials Menu available Monday – Saturday. We also have our over 55’s Lunch Menu available Monday – Friday, Main Course and Dessert with Tea or Coffee for £8.45.

We can cater for all events on site or at an outside venue.

Follow us on Facebook The bell inn and visit our website for more information and our menus. Call us on 01376 324641 to book a table.

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P a g e | 27 Round About Panfield Local Help Lines

Clerk to the Parish Council ...... 07791 163 231 Panfield Church - Revd. Rod Reid ...... 01376 324 887 Braintree District Council ...... 01376 552 525 Community Agent ([email protected]) ...... 07540 720 603 Community Agents’ office ...... 08009 775 858 Shalford Primary School ...... 01371 850 336

Electricity ...... 08007 838 838 Gas (Transco) ...... 0800 111 999 Anglian Water ...... 08457 145 145

Neighbourhood Watch Village Co-ordinator ...... 01376 322 414 Panfield Dedicated Police Officer & PCSO ...... 07792 814 495 Crimestoppers (Freephone) ...... 0800 555 111 Essex Police Non-Emergency ...... 101

Braintree Station (Greater Anglia) ...... 0345 600 7245 Traveline (Public Transport information) ...... 0871 200 2233 Stansted Airport ...... 0844 335 1803

Mid Essex Hospitals ...... 01245 362 000 Childline (Freephone) ...... 0800 1111 Essex Young Peoples Drug & Alcohol Service ...... 01245 493 311

Samaritans ...... 116 123 Alcoholics Anonymous ...... 0800 917 7650 Citizens Advice Bureau ...... 0344 411 1444 National Debtline (Freephone) ...... 0808 808 4000 Help The Aged (Freephone) ...... 0800 678 1602 Relate (Marriage Guidance)...... 0300 100 1234

Mobile Library The Mobile Library visits: Meadow Close at 2.05pm to 2.35pm every third Saturday Next visits: 5 Dec, 16 Jan & 6 Feb Visit for up to date visits

Office Hour at Panfield Church Rev’d Rod Reid is in Panfield on Tuesdays between 5pm and 6pm. This hour will begin with a short service of Evening Prayer followed by a discussion time for general enquiries, to book weddings or baptisms, discuss churchyard matters or for other pastoral conversations. Items for Braintree Foodbank can also be dropped off in church at this time. Copy Closing Date for next edition of RAP & OUTREACH – 15 January 2021

“Round About Panfield” is produced and distributed by The Panfield Community Association and circulated free to over 400 homes. The PCA greatly appreciate the support of advertisers and subscribers but can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any copy nor guarantee or endorse any product or service offered. Registered Charity Number 270564 RAP73 December 2020

P a g e | 28