15 March 2017

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to attend the meeting of ACTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL to be held in the LITTLE ACTON COMMUNITY CENTRE, The Green, Little Acton, , LL12 8BH on TUESDAY next 21 MARCH 2017 at 6:30pm‎.

Yours Sincerely

Carole Roberts

Clerk to the Council


2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial. A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgment of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter.

3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 21 February 2017 (Copy attached)


5. COMMUNITY POLICING MATTERS: To receive the Monthly Policing and Operations Report from the Acton Community Police Officers.

6. KEY ACTON ISSUES: Wrexham CBC Members to report verbally on new or Key Issues being considered by the Council that may affect the whole or part of the Community of Acton. (Item placed on the agenda in accordance with the decision contained in Minute 107 January 2011)

7. WHITE PAPER ‘REFORMING LOCAL GOVERNMENT: RESILIENT AND RENEWED’: In accordance with Minute 126 February 2017, this item has been included on the Agenda to enable the Council to give consideration and have the opportunity to prepare a more detailed response to this important Consultation document for submission by the 11 April 2017 deadline. Members have also had the opportunity to review a copy of the Council’s‎ submission‎ in‎ response‎ to‎ the‎ previous‎ draft‎ Local‎ Government () Bill.

______Please contact Carole Roberts, Clerk to the Council on: 07913 071470 or E-Mail: [email protected] with any apologies or requests for further information. You can also write to the Clerk at Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Wrexham LL12 7LB


1. Annual Report – February 2017: Independent Remuneration Panel: To receive and consider adopting the recommendations contained in this report which can be viewed online here .

2. Consultation on draft circular for the planning of Gypsy, Traveller and Show People sites: Email dated 27 February 2017 from the Planning Directorate, Department for Natural Resources advising of the release of this consultation document and inviting comments and responses by 22 May 2017. The consultation paper can be viewed by clicking here.

3. 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales – Secondary Consultation period: A Summary of the Responses to the initial Consultation was published on 28 February 2017. The secondary consultation period ends on 27 March 2017 and the responses can be viewed online here

9. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: To consider whether the Council wishes to make any grants under Section 137 Local Government Act 1972. Details Attached

10. REPORT FROM CLERK: Clerk to report on correspondence and other information that has been received since the last meeting. Details Attached.

11. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS: To note details of any payments received and authorise any outstanding debtor or other payments. . 12. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: To consider any comments the Council may wish to make on applications that have been made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (to be determined by Council):

Case Number/ Address Proposed Development Decision P/2017/0069 Display of 2 No Internally 81-83 Holt Road, Wrexham illuminated Fascia signs P/2017/0070 Retention of Automated Teller 81-83 Holt Road Wrexham Machine P/2017/0107 Single-Storey Extension 38 Goulbourne Avenue Wrexham P/2017/0160 Two-Storey Extension 31 Aston Grove Wrexham P/2017/0200 Rear Orangery Extension 2 Aran Road Wrexham

*the plans and documents for planning applications can be viewed online by clicking here and selecting the Community of Acton for the search. The Clerk to the Council requests an extension of the 21 day consultation period where appropriate.


Minutes of the Meeting of Acton Community Council held on Tuesday 21 February 2017 at Little Acton Community Centre, The Green, Little Acton, Wrexham

Present: Councillor W Baldwin (Chair) Councillor L Closs (Vice Chair) * “ E Boylin “ Mrs‎A‎O’Neill‎‎ “ Mrs A Evans “ Mrs‎C‎O’Toole‎‎ “ R Hardy “ T Pierce “ P J Jones “ J Richards “ J A Kelly “ K Roberts “ P Lloyd “ Mrs B Smith “ G Lowe * “ Mrs S Stanford *

* Absent

Also Present: Lauren, Benjamin, Huw and Philip Edwards, and Olivia and Rachel (Young residents from the Little Acton Community) Jay Davies, Wrexham County Borough Council - Play Development Team Mrs Carole Roberts, Clerk to the Council


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Len Closs, Geoff Lowe and Mrs Sue Stanford. The Clerk reported that the Vice Chair, Councillor Len Closs was currently recovering at home after a recent hospital admission.


There were no Declarations of Interest made at this stage of the proceedings.


1. Minutes of the Acton Community Council meeting held on 17 January 2017: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 17 January 2017 were received.

RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on 17 January 2017 be received and confirmed as a correct record.

2. Minutes of the Environmental Committee Meeting held on 25 January 2017: The minutes and recommendations of this meeting were received.

RESOLVED – that i) the following recommendations of the Environment Committee meeting held on 25 January 2017 be endorsed and accepted:

1. that a sum of £250 from the 2016/17 Acton Ward Environmental Budget be spent to assist the Friends of Acton Park with the costs associated with the purchase of the specialist wildflower seeds to be planted on Tapley Avenue and at the edges of the Car Park; 2. that the Council agrees in principle to setting a priority to improve the Acton Community street scene and the appearance of the area through providing funding from the Community Streetscene budget to undertake repainting and refurbishment of the older street lamps in the Maesydre and wards initially, subject to the Community Council not taking

3 over responsibility and insurance obligations for any of the street lights and Wrexham County Borough Council giving its consent for these works to be carried out; 3. That a Survey of the number and condition of the Street Lights in the Maesydre and Rhosnesni wards be carried out and the findings reported back to the Environmental Committee to assist with determination of a programme for the most equitable and cost effect way of carrying out improvements to the appearance of the area, subject to the relevant consents and confirmations referred to in recommendation 2. above being received; and 4. that having regard to the initial scoping work and delays in obtaining the costing for Environmental Schemes in the Acton Community, any underspent Budget in 2016/17 be set aside as earmarked funds to be used in addition to the £5,000 budget provision in 2017/18 for Environmental works in each of the five wards.

ii) the Minutes of the Meeting of the Environment Committee meeting held on 25 January 2017 be noted.

3. Minutes of the Youth Committee held on 31 January 2017: The minutes and recommendations of this meeting were received. It was noted that as the Vice Chair is indisposed, the first eight week Service Level Agreement for Pilot Detached Youth work effective from 6 February 2017, had been signed‎on‎the‎Community‎Council’s‎behalf‎by‎the‎Clerk‎and‎Chair‎to‎the‎Community‎Council‎together‎ with the Chair of the Youth Committee.

RESOLVED – that i. the following recommendations of the Youth Committee meeting held on 31 January 2017 be accepted and endorsed:

1. To note and endorse the action taken by the Youth Committee in respect of accepting the detail, £1,068.31 cost and reporting requirements of the Service Level Agreement for the two month Detached Youth Work Pilot Project to commence on 6 February 2017 and that in accordance with the Community Council’s decision on 13 December 2016 (Minutes 102.3 and 109.3 refers), the Youth Committee has proceeded immediately to enter into this Service Level Agreement with the Partnership with the Clerk to the Council together with the Chair of the Youth Committee and Chair of the Community Council signing the Agreement on behalf of the Community Council;

2. that the £8,931.69 underspent monies in the 2016/17 Budget be set aside as earmarked funds to be used in addition to the £10,000 budget provision in 2017/18, as a contribution towards the costs of the Youth Provision Pilot Project and to provide for any equipment, storage, Information Technology or other costs associated with the Project; and

3. that the Youth Committee has considered and is satisfied as to the £6,301.90 half year cost and Service Provider requirements within the second Pilot Project to provide one session of Youth Work per week and the Council endorses and gives approval for the Community Council to enter into this Service Level Agreement with the Caia Park Partnership from 1 April 2017 and the Youth Committee be tasked with receiving the quality and evidence reports as set out in the Agreement.

ii) on behalf of the Community Council, the Clerk to the Council together with the Chair of the Youth Committee and Chair of the Community Council now sign the Service Level Agreement to enable the Youth Provision Pilot Project to commence on 1 April 2017; and

iii) the Minutes of the Meeting of the Youth Committee meeting held on 25 January 2017 be noted.


1. Minute 102.2i) and ii) December 2016: Service Level Agreements: The Clerk advised that as the Vice Chair is indisposed and to ensure the Service Level Agreements are in place for 1 April 2017, they had now‎ been‎ signed‎ off‎ on‎ the‎ Community‎ Council’s‎ behalf,‎ by‎ the‎ Clerk‎ and‎ Chair‎ to‎ the‎ Community Council. RESOLVED - that the action taken be endorsed.


Having regard to there being no Police Officers in attendance and the Young People present, it was RESOLVED -to vary the agenda and take Agenda Item 6 - Ffordd Garmonydd Play area at this stage in the proceedings.


The Chair welcomed representatives of the Young People from the Little Acton area who had asked to address the meeting to talk about the process they have gone through with the Wrexham Play Development Team for possible upgrading improvements to the Ffordd Garmonydd play area and open space to cater for older children in addition to the toddlers facilities already provided. The Young People in consultation with the Wrexham County Borough Council Play development Team have discussed the types of activities they enjoy, what they can and cannot do, the cost of equipment and options for a longer phased scheme to include a balance between natural features and man-made equipment. Designs had now been prepared incorporating the most popular common features and the Young People asked for the Community‎Council’s‎support‎in‎making‎these‎a‎reality.

Mr Jay Davies for WCBC Play Development team confirmed an information gathering workshop with Carla Hughes Landscape Officer at Wrexham CBC had been held and tabled a copy of the process and design information for a proposed expansion of the Ffordd Garmonydd Play area. It was noted that some of the trees referred to on the Plan had already been planted.

Members debated and sought clarification on various aspects of the Design and Consultation which included:-  Was there sufficient space to play football? It was noted there would only be one goalpost and the Young people were already setting goal posts with jumpers and bicycles. This approach would result in less wear and tear to the grassed area.  The type of consultation with neighbouring property owners and the potential for noise nuisance. Jay Davies indicated he was to go around door knocking to inform neighbours of the Young people’s plans  Would there be any impact to the toddlers using the fenced playground area? It was noted that each age group would generally use the space at differing times.  The‎Council’s‎commitment‎to‎Play‎areas‎and‎the engagement of the children

Mr Davies advised that a short term Wrexham Play Sufficiency Grants Programme 2017 is being set up in response‎to‎the‎Welsh‎Government‎recently‎making‎some‎funding‎available‎to‎support‎children’s‎play‎and‎ specifically‎ the‎ Welsh‎ Play‎ Sufficiency‎ Duty.‎ ‎ The‎ purpose‎ of‎ the‎ programme‎ is‎ to‎ improve‎ children’s‎ (including‎teenager’s)‎opportunities for play with the aim of helping to secure sufficient opportunities for play across Wrexham. The grants programme is open to any organisations or groups working with or in support of children and their play in Wrexham. Applications can be made for up to £5,000 and due to the short time-scales and pressure to spend this funding by 31 March 2017, applications will be assessed by the WCBC Play Development Team on a first come, first served basis. The Parents in attendance at the meeting thanks the Council on behalf of the children for its openness and willingness to listen and interact with them.

RESOLVED – 1. To thank and congratulate the Young People in attendance for their work and presentations at the meeting; 2. To endorse the proposed scheme for the development and expansion of the Ffordd Garmonydd Play area as tabled at the meeting; and 3. To support the Young People in their efforts and the Clerk in consultation with the Chair submit an application for the short term Play Sufficiency Grant to secure an improvement in the opportunity for play


Members were advised that PC Kerry Evans in her absence had submitted a brief email update report together with an apology that due to work commitments the Acton Community Policing team were unable to attend the meeting.

5 The update confirmed that PC Evans had spoken with the speed gun trainer who is happy to attend one of the next meetings to discuss this with members. PC Evans undertook to come back to the Community Council with this as soon as it is arranged. Reassurances were also given that the Police are working very hard to provide reassurance to residents following the recent Robberies and due to significant arrests made in the last couple of days this has been excellent work. Burglary figures are dramatically down but there was still need to remind residents to put some lights on when they are out.

Members during the ensuing debate referred to congestion caused by the pick-up of bus passengers, speeding and other risk issues around the traffic calming chicane at the entrance to the Shops on Park Road, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day. Members suggested that Wrexham County‎ Borough‎ Council’s‎ Highways‎ team‎ should‎ carry‎ out‎ a‎ traffic‎ and‎ highways‎ safety‎ survey‎ at‎ this‎ location and a report on the outcome be presented to a future meeting of the Community Council with the relevant Senior Highways and Police Officers in attendance to provide advice on how to alleviate and improve the present situation. In the context of this discussion Members also made reference to the policing objective meetings previously held with the Police on a quarterly basis and the merits of resurrecting them.

RESOLVED – that i).The Clerk to the Council write to Inspector Paul Wycherley to impress how valuable the previous Policing objective meetings were to the Council and to seek his view on resuming the quarterly meetings to discuss progress on policing objectives with the Community Council’s representatives; and ii) The Clerk to the Council request the relevant Highways officers to carry out a traffic and highways safety survey around the traffic calming chicane at the entrance to the Shops on Road and a report on the outcome be presented to a future meeting of the Community Council with the relevant Senior Highways and Police Officers in attendance to provide advice on measures that may alleviate and improve the present situation.


It was noted that apart from the ongoing Budget consultations the following matter had recently been considered by the County Borough Council and may affect the whole or part of the Community of Acton. (Minute 107 January 2011 refers).

1. Local members were holding meetings with Virgin Media to discuss the disruption and mess from the Broadband cable laying and seeking to ensure a high standard of reinstatement for the pavements.

The present position was noted.


The‎ Council’s‎ arrangements‎ were‎ reviewed‎ to ensure the Independent Internal Audit testing during 2017/18 for the 2016/17 Financial Year end and in year Internal audit Services met the requirements as set out by the Audit Commission for Wales and the current Accounts and Audit Regulations. It was noted that the Council should review and appoint its internal auditor each year. Guidance states that internal audit must not influence the direction or extent of the review however it is good practice to seek their input. The Clerk advised that the existing Internal Auditor had confirmed that there are no changes to the terms of engagement from last year - there will still be one annual audit conducted after the year end between April and June at a date agreed with the Council. There will be one annual audit report issued which will also follow up issues raised in the previous year.

RESOLVED - that the matters now reported to the Council for the renewal of the current arrangements with JDH Business Services Limited concerning the provision of an internal audit service, be accepted and a letter of engagement detailing the Internal Audit Plan for 2017/18 as reported to the meeting, be signed by the Chairman and Clerk and forwarded to the JDH Business Services Limited.


It was reported that the following consultation paper had been received since the last meeting and Members debated whether to make any comments:

6 White Paper ‘Reforming Local Government: Resilient and Renewed’: The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Mr Mark Drakeford AM, on 31 January 2017 launched this White Paper consultation. The closing date for responses is 11 April 2017. It reflects a number of ideas and challenges which were highlighted during a range of recent engagement events he held with stakeholders on the thinking around how Local Government in Wales can best be delivered in the future. The proposals:

 set out arrangements for regional working  strengthen the role of councils and councillors  provide the framework for future voluntary mergers  detail the role of community councils.  Changes to reform Elections and Voting system arrangements

RESOLVED – that Members peruse the content of the White Paper and a separate item be included on the Agenda for the next meeting to enable the Council to give consideration and have the opportunity to prepare a more detailed response to this important Consultation document for submission by the 11 April 2017 deadline; and that in the meantime to ensure consistency, the Clerk circulate to Members of the Council, a copy of the Council’s submission in response to the previous draft Local Government (Wales) Bill.


The Clerk reported on information and general correspondence that had been received and was available for‎members’‎perusal‎at‎the‎meeting.‎‎Members‎considered‎and‎dealt‎with‎the‎correspondence‎as‎follows:‎

Organisation Details and action taken 1.Tracey Haines Vacancy for an Additional Community Governor on the governing body of Governor Advisory Alexandra C.P. School: Email dated 18 January 2017 advising of this Officer Vacancy to be appointed by the Community Council. The Governing Body Wrexham CBC has asked the Community Council to nominate a suitable person for this position which will commence with immediate effect RESOLVED - that Councillor Philip Lloyd be endorsed by the Community Council as a suitable person for the position of Additional Community Governor at Alexandra Primary School. 2.Project Support Red Telephone Regeneration Project: Email received 30 January 2017 Officer advising the Wrexham Local Action Group have approved this LEADER Cadwyn Clywd project that aims to fund the identification, preservation and unique uses for the remaining red K6 Gilbert Scott telephone kiosks. Information noted. 4.Lyn Cadwallader 1. Membership of One Voice Wales: Letter dated 4 February 2017 advising Chief Executive Councils who have not been in membership of One Voice Wales for the last One Voice Wales three years will be given a one off 50% reduction for this year. The letter detailed the Representational and Lobbying role of One Voice Wales, its development of services such as legal advice, consultancy, HR advice and representation at Industrial Tribunals. It was noted that the Membership fee to this Council will be £1,686 or £843 with the 50% reduction based on 5763 chargeable dwellings @£0.292. Information noted. 2. One Voice Wales/SLCC Joint Event – 12 July 2017: Email dated 20 February 2017 advising of this event to be held on 12 July, 2017 in Ewloe, . The key topics will be enhancing the capacity and capability of the sector, devolution of services and finance/accountability. The cost of the event is £69 per person plus VAT RESOLVED – that the Clerk be authorised to attend this event as part of her continued professional training and the delegate’s fee, travel costs and additional hours incurred by the Clerk preparing for and attending this event be paid.

7 3.Darren Williams Spring Clean Cymru event 1-5 March 2017: Letter dated 3 February 2017 Environment and advising of this Tidy Wales event and the Environment Department will be Planning Wrexham CBC supporting it through a series of proactive work by the Street Cleansing Team to collect bagged waste collected during the event. Information noted. 5.Llangollen International Complimentary Tickets: Letter dated 6 February 2017 advising of the Musical Eisteddfod option for the Council to claim two complimentary tickets to either the Thursday night concert or any of the daytime competitions. There is also an option to purchase tickets for the additional concerts being held during the 70th Anniversary Eisteddfod. RESOLVED – that Councillor Philip Lloyd and his guest attend the Eisteddfod as the Council’s representative. 6.Marie Russell Wrexham Town and Community Council Forum – Thursday 16 March Wrexham CBC 2017 at 4:00pm: Email dated 9 February 2017 inviting the Council to send 2/3 representatives to this meeting to be held in the Council Chamber at the Guildhall, Wrexham. If the Council wishes to submit an item for discussion it should be submitted by 28 February 2017. RESOLVED - that Councillors W Baldwin, R Hardy and P Lloyd attend on the Forum as the Council’s representatives and to request that if not already included on the agenda, the White Paper ‘Reforming Local Government: Resilient and Renewed’ should be discussed at the meeting.


The Clerk provided details of payments received, known and projected payments to the year end and the need‎to‎transfer‎of‎monies‎between‎the‎Council’s‎Bank‎Accounts‎to‎meet‎those‎requirements.‎‎The‎Clerk‎ also reported that Earmarked monies including those referred to earlier in the meeting will need to be transferred‎to‎the‎Council’s‎separate‎Money‎market‎account.

RESOLVED – that the following payments be approved: -

Voucher No; Payee Details AMOUNT

67 SLCC Practitioners Conference Fee – 23 & 24 February 2017 at £272.20 Kenilworth (VAT= £23.20) S112 Local Government act 1972 (as amended) 68 Caia Park SLA Payment for February 2017-March 2017 for Detached Youth £1,068.31 Partnership Ltd, Work Wrexham Section 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1976

69 Wrexham County SLA Q3 Payment for 2016/17 School Crossing Patrols £2,799.00 Borough Council S137 Local Government act 1972 (as amended) 70. Wrexham County SLA 2nd Instalment to 31 March 2017 for Acton Community £15,000.00 Borough Council Resource Centre Section 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1976 71. Wrexham County Q3 Costs to 31 December 2016 for Little Acton Community Centre £80.25 Borough Council Section 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1976 72 Carole Roberts Clerks Expenses/ travel Costs for February 2017 £77.20 Clerk to the Council Section 112 Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) (VAT= £0.00) 73. Wrexham & District SLA Q4 Payment to 31 March 2017 for Acton Outreach service £1,536.54 Citizens Advice Bureaux S142 Local Government act 1972 (as amended) 74. Friends of Acton Grant towards the cost of Wildflower Planting at Tapley Avenue, £250.00 Park Wrexham Section 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1976 75 Pension Fund Superannuation Payments for February 2017 As notified by Section 112 Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) Wrexham CBC Payroll section 76. Wrexham County Clerks Salary & office expenses for February 2017paid by the NJC Rates

8 Borough Council Council’s‎Agent‎Wrexham‎County‎Borough‎Council‎(Minute‎99.1 December 2009 refers) Section 112 Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)


The Council considered whether to make any comments on the following Planning Applications for development‎in‎the‎Community‎Council’s‎area‎that has been received since the last meeting or that had been made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (to be determined by Wrexham County Borough Council). Members also expressed deep concerns about the lack of co-ordination, processes and procedures currently in place for Telecommunications Masts applications.

RESOLVED - that i). the following observations be made on the applications set out below:-

Application No & Address Details Observations

1.P/2017/0032 Rear Extension And Erection Of 14 Camberley Drive No objections Garage Wrexham 2.P/2017/0036 Erection Of Fence On Top Of The Community Council objects to the fencing 188 Road Wrexham Existing Stone Wall (In Retrospect) as it is out of keeping with the area. 3.P/2017/0061 Closure Of Existing Entrance And No Objection Waterworld Bodhyfryd Extension To Provide New Entrance Wrexham / Draught Lobby 4.P/2017/0082 Rear Conservatory Extension No Objection 51 Mile Barn Road Wrexham 5.P/2017/0087 Erection Of 12.5 Metre High The Community Council strongly objects to Telecommunications Mast Monopole, Associated Cabinet And this application as the height of the pole is Borras Park Road Wrexham Development (Replacing Previous unsightly and visually intrusive in this 11.9 Metre High Monopole) (In location. Retrospect) 6.P/2017/0088 Single-Storey Kitchen Extension No objections 10‎Huntsman’s‎Corner‎ Wrexham 7.P/2017/00100 Single-Storey Side, Rear And Front No Objections 25‎Huntsman’s‎Corner‎ Extensions To Dwellings Wrexham ii) The Clerk write on the Community Council’s behalf to the Chief Planning officer expressing the Community Council’s deep concerns about the processes and procedures currently in place for Telecommunications Masts applications and the apparent lack of co-ordination in keeping an overview of the number of Masts in place and their visual impact on the localities they are situated.

Signed as a correct record this 21st day of March 2017



9 ACTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 9 Report of the Clerk to the Council 21 MARCH 2017



In September 2009, the Community Council determined its procedure to deal with requests for financial assistance from Organisations that work or are based in the Acton Community Area; this report summarises the applications received to date and reminds members of the Grants/ donations that have been awarded during the previous financial year.


To consider the seven applications for financial assistance submitted in accordance with the Policy agreed at the September 2009 meeting of the Council.


To determine the seven applications for financial assistance included in this report submitted in accordance‎with‎the‎Community‎Council’s‎Policy‎agreed‎in‎September‎2009.


1. Members may recall that in September 2009 the Community Council agreed its process and Policy for considering applications for Financial assistance made under the provisions of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). (Minute 48 September 2009 refers). At that meeting, a standard financial application form was approved and is now circulated for completion to all persons and organisations seeking financial assistance from the Community Council. This ensures that the information from each applicant is received in a consistent format and all questions frequently asked by members are answered.

2. To‎ease‎pressures‎on‎the‎Council’s‎budget,‎its‎Policy‎is‎to‎consider‎applications‎on‎a‎quarterly‎basis‎ with the budget apportioned equally to each quarter to allow the Community Council to be more focused and equitable when determining financial assistance applications. The emphasis and focus of financial assistance is on providing pump priming to help local community groups to be become self- financing rather than providing a regular guaranteed grant income year on year that may preclude other new local groups from being established to the benefit of the community. The quarterly meetings are March, June, September and December each year.

3. The Local Government Act 1972 sets out in Section 137, the powers and scope for a Community Council to make expenditure that benefits the local Community. Additional powers are also contained in Section 145 of the Act. A sum of £3,250 has been set aside in the estimates of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2017 for this purpose.

4. The current Budget Allocation is much less than the limit permitted by Section 137(4) (a) of the Local Government Act 1972. For Parish and Town Councils in England and Wales, an amount of £7.42 per person‎of‎the‎Community‎Councils’‎population‎is‎permissible‎for‎2016/17.‎‎The‎Acton‎Community‎Tax‎ base for 2016/17 is 5763. An extract will be available at the meeting of the powers contained in Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 that enables the Community Council to incur expenditure, which in their opinion is in the interests of, and will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it or all or some of its inhabitants. Attached at Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 for information is a summary of the Financial Assistance Grants awarded during 2014/15 and 2015/16

5. In the current financial year, the Community Council has awarded the following grants totaling £2,020.00:


Organisation Details Decision

1. Tenovus Cancer Care – Financial assistance to continue to £100.00 support cancer patients and their loved ones in their local community+ 2. Nightingale House Hospice Seeking Financial assistance to £500.00 support the work of the Hospice in the delivery of Palliative care from within the‎Community‎Council’s‎area 3. St‎John’s‎Church‎Rhosnesni Seeking financial donation towards £500.00 the costs of the planned refurbishments and modernisation of the Church Hall which is now 25 years old 4. Shelter Cymru Assistance with cost of providing its £100.00 housing needs services to people in Subject to the Acton Community. I confirm confirmation that the that the monies will be expended for monies will be services that are provided in the expended for services Acton Community area. that are provided in the Acton Community area. 5. Royal British Legion Poppy Poppy Wreath & Donation Appeal £100.00 Tickets for Acton CC attendance at 6. Mayor's Charity Fund Mayor's Charity Dinner Dance 7 Wrexham CBC October 2016 £70.00 7. Llangollen International Requesting Financial assistance Musical Eisteddfod towards the substantial general £100.00 running costs of this annual event 8. National Requesting Financial support £50.00 Eisteddfod 2017 towards this annual festival which costs a total of £1.4m 9. Wrexham Family Friends for Seeking a contribution towards the 5’s‎to‎11’s cost of supporting four families £500.00 currently disadvantaged in the Acton Community

Total to 31 December 2016 £2,020.00

6. To ensure equal distribution of the budget, it has been apportioned equally between the quarterly meetings. This equates to £812.50 per quarter for 2016/17. As this is the final quarter for 2016/17 Members may wish to note that there is a sum of £1,230.00 remaining in the budget. I have circulated several application forms in response to general requests for financial assistance together with‎a‎standard‎letter‎setting‎out‎the‎Council’s‎policy‎and‎the‎deadline‎for‎receipt‎of‎applications‎for‎ this meeting. I have received seven completed forms and the applications received in the current quarter listed below. The full application form is attached to this report and a copy of the supporting accounts and any other supporting information will be available at the meeting. Members are requested to determine the following application for financial assistance:


Organisation Details Decision

10. Cunliffe Bowling Club Seeking Financial assistance towards the costs of installing an environmentally friendly automatic watering system 11. Wrexham Allotment & Seeking financial donation towards the Leisure‎Gardeners’‎ costs of the Annual Open Flower, Association Vegetable and Home Produce show 12. Bobath‎Children’s‎Therapy‎ Seeking financial assistance to enable Centre provision of extra therapists to treat more children across Wales who have Cerebral palsy 13. Home Start County Borough Assistance towards supporting newly of Wrexham referred young families who are vulnerable and disadvantaged and their volunteers who live within the Acton Community 14. Borras Park Albion Youth Support sought towards the cost of Football Club youngsters from the Borras /Acton area‎to‎go‎on‎the‎Club’s‎37th‎Exchange‎ of Football and Friendship in in April 2017 15. Acton Park Primary School Financial Assistance towards the costs of an improvement and renovation project for the wooden building in the school grounds 16. Barkers Lane Play Group Financial assistance sought towards the cost of purchasing a range of IT resources to promote ICT development and skills for the children

End of Applications received in time for March 2017 meeting.


Name Detail Amount £ 1. 1st Acton Rainbows Donation towards purchasing craft items and 100.00 organising activities and trips for Club's members 2. NSPCC - Childline Grant towards training volunteers to visit Primary 25.00 Schools Service Schools in Wales 3. RBL Wrexham Poppy Purchase of Wreath for Remembrance Day and 100.00 Appeal donation 4. New Steps - Life After Grant towards running costs of Club whose aim to help 100.00 Stroke Club with rehabilitation of Stroke Survivors in Wrexham 5. Cunliffe Bowling Club Grant towards running costs of the Club 100.00 6. Grant towards cost of planning, organising, delivering a 100.00 Haunted Walk in Acton Park on 29 October 2014 7. Wrexham CBC 2xTickets to Mayors Charity Dinner on 17 October 2014 60.00 8. Shelter Cymru Support towards cost of providing Housing Advice 100.00 Services in Wrexham including free legal representation 9. St Johns Church Financial assistance towards the costs of the 250.00 Rhosnesni - Christmas Community Christmas meal at St John's Church Meal Rhosnesni on 17 December 2014 10. Friends of the Financial assistance towards the costs of the renovation 100.00 Colliery Disaster of the Memorial to those who were killed in the Memorial Disaster on 22 September 1934 11. Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Assistance towards the costs of holding the 2015 50.00 Cymru Eisteddfod in Montgomeryshire 12. Rhosnesni Residents' Financial Assistance towards the costs of the Rhosnesni 150.00 Association Christmas Festivities organised by the Rhosnesni Tenants' Association 13. Little Acton Community Deferred until the local community group is fully 0.00 Centre Management constituted Cmt 14. Urdd National Assistance towards the costs of staging the 2015 Urdd 50.00 Eisteddfod - 2015 National Eisteddfod in Caerphilly Caerphilly 15. Borras Park Albion Support for the cost of youngsters from the Acton 250.00 Football Club Community area participating on the Club’s 35th Twinning Exchange to Germany in March 2015. 16. Wrexham Allotment & Request for £50 donation to sponsor a group of 50.00 Leisure Gardeners’ classes at the Annual Flower and Vegetable Show Association 17. Family Friends for 5’s to Assistance to continue to train volunteers to support 100.00 11’s Wrexham Families suffering from stress by providing emotional and practical support 18. Home Start – County Assistance to support new and existing vulnerable 100.00 Borough of Wrexham young families and their volunteers living in the Acton Community Total 1,785.00 (2014/15 Underspend of £1500)




Name Detail Amount

1. Gate Hangs High Assistance towards the Club’s‎running‎costs‎and‎ £400.00 Bowling Club unexpected repairs to the mowing machine. 2. Friends of Acton Park Assistance towards the purchase of secure storage £120.00 units‎for‎the‎Group’s‎equipment 3. North Wales Police Assistance with cost of planning, organising and £100.00 delivering a Haunted Walk in Acton Park in October 2015. 4. Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath & Donation £100.00 S137 Local Government Act 1972 5. Cunliffe Bowling Club Assistance towards the purchase of new mowing £400.00 equipment 6. Family Friends‎for‎5’s‎to‎ Assistance with cost providing this Volunteer service £500.00 11’s to families in the Acton Community area 7. Rhosnesni Residents Assistance‎towards‎the‎Association’s‎festive‎ £150.00 Association activities for its seniors and children. 8. Wrexham County Assistance towards the project to Honour our £100.00 Borough Council – Veterans and Preserve their memories Crowd funding 9. Llangollen International Financial assistance to support the costs of staging £100.00 Musical Eisteddfod the 2015 Urdd National Eisteddfod to be held in Caerphilly. 10. K2 Explorer Scout Unit Financial assistance towards the cost of youngsters £250.00 from the Acton Community area participating on the Group's Expedition to the Czech Republic in the summer of 2016

11. Wrexham Allotment Request for £50 donation to sponsor a group of £50.00 and Leisure gardeners classes at the Annual Flower and Vegetable Show Association 12. Home Start County Assistance towards supporting new and existing £500.00 Borough of Wrexham vulnerable young families and their volunteers living in the Acton area of the County. 13. Eisteddfod Gendlaethol Financial assistance to support the costs of staging £50.00 Cymru the 2015 Urdd National Eisteddfod to be held in Caerphilly.

TOTAL £ 2,820.00

Budget for 2015/16= £3,250 + c/fwd. from 2014/15 of £1,500

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ACTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL – 21 MARCH 2017 AGENDA ITEM 10


Organisation Details Comments

1. Lynn Williams Management Committee Meeting: Email dated 13 March 2017 advising that this meeting Acton Community Resource will be held on Wednesday 5 April 2017 at 6:00pm in the Acton Community Resource Centre Manager Centre
