Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Immaculate Conception Church

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Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Immaculate Conception Church AUGUST 22, 2021 Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 100 West Main Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832 Phone 618-542-3423 fax 618-542-5061 [email protected] Immaculate Conception Church 533 W. 2nd North Street, Tamaroa, IL 62888 Phone 618-496-5867 or 542-3423 Rev. Carl Schrage Seek his kingdom, and these other things will be given you besides. (…) For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. - Luke 12:31, 34 SACRED HEART CHURCH OFFICE 542-3423 17 N WALNUT ST- DU QUOIN, IL 62832 876050 Taken Out of Context If you want to start an argument, try telling your wife that St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians says she should agree with everything you say. I'm sure that many people have taken out of context the line about wives being submissive to their husbands. In fact, the first sentence says they both should be subordinate to one another. (Eph 5:21) And even more important is the last verse: Paul says he is actually talking about Christ and the Church. So what does Christ show us guys about being subordinate to our wives? Paul mentions the main example: Christ handing himself over for her (the Church) refers to his death on the cross. "Handed over" is a scriptural term for Jesus' giving himself to be crucified. He made it even clearer for them the night be- fore he died: He washed the feet of his disciples and told them to do the same for each other. (Jn 13:14- 15) If you ever had your feet washed on Holy Thursday by the pastor, and were humbled by that experi- ence, imagine how it would feel to have the Son of God wash your feet! Still not sure that subordination is a mutual quality in marriage? Paul explains that marriage is the best example of "love your neighbor as yourself." He quotes Genesis 2:24 about two people becoming one body. So your love for yourself now becomes love for your spouse. Do I love my wife so much that what she needs is as important to me as what I need? Are we willing to listen to each other and support each other? Do we encourage and support each other in our chores and weaknesses? Do we support each oth- er's faith? Ladies, ask yourselves the same questions. Paul's conclusion is that marriage is a sign of what the church should be. If you ever want to know what the love of Christ for his Church is, look at how a couple in a strong marriage love each other. And if you want to have a good marriage, love each other as Christ loves you. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. RECONCILIATION: See Mass Schedule or anytime by appt. Church Secretary: Kelly Paxton BAPTISM: During weekend Masses by appt. Must be a regis- Maintenance: Tony Kellerman tered member and attend baptismal preparation session. Parish Council President: MARRIAGE: At least six months prior notification to the pastor. Sacred Heart: Jeremy Cornett 542-6298 HOLY MASS: See Mass Schedule Immaculate Conception: Tiffany Kujawa 618-559-1078 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME LITURGICAL MINISTERS SACRED HEART Sacred Heart Ushers for month of August Mass & Intentions Saturday: Paul Martin, Rex Duncan, Tony Jones, Allen Reaves Sunday: Rockne Berg, Steve Marek, Joe Lane, Tim Cobin Sunday, August 22; TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday August 28th 8:00 am Rosary Lector: Lisa Mohr 8:00 - 8:15 am Confession Extraordinary Ministers: 8:30 am Mass Intention Priest, Lisa Mohr & Donna Mann© Shirley Cucchi by Mary Cucchi Sunday, August 29th Monday, August 23; Weekday; Lector: Chris Kelley Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin Extraordinary Ministers: 6:45 am Prayer Service Priest, Chris Kelley & Cara Alongi© Tuesday, August 24, SAINT BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE Weekly Happenings 6:30 am Mass Sunday, August 22 John & Loretta Schneider by Anton, Renee, & Re’ Monday, August 23 Wednesday, August 25; Weekday; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Quilting at Haffner Hall Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest 9-11 am Drop off at St. Joseph Thrift Store 5:30 pm Mass 5-7 pm Drop off at St. Joseph Thrift Store Rosalee Emke by Tom & Chris Kelley Tuesday, August 24 Thursday, August 26; Weekday; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Quilting at Haffner Hall 6:45 am Mass Wednesday, August 25 Mary Ellen Helmer by Tom & Deb Helmer 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 am Pickleball at gym Friday, August 27; Saint Monica 8:00 am Mass Thursday, August 26 Norma Martin by Betty Alongi 9:00 am - 4:00 pm St. Joseph Thrift Store open 6:00 pm Choir Saturday, August 28; Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church Friday, August 27 4:00 - 4:30 pm Confession Office Closed at noon 5:00 pm Mass Intention Charlie Schimpf by Joyce Schimpf Saturday, August 28 Helen McMillan by Betty & Brenda 8am Tree of Life & HALOM Cursillo meeting Haffner Hall 9:30 am Pickleball at gym Sunday, August 29; Sunday, August 29 TWENTY- SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am Rosary 8:00 - 8:15 am Confession Sacred Heart Weekly Collections 8:30 am Mass Intention August 14th & 15th Mary Ellen Helmer by David Kern & Family Randy Mohr by Betty & Brenda Church envelopes $3,349.00 Church loose $ 536.35 Online giving $ 97.38 CSMA $ 652.00 Capital Campaign $1,958.00 Thank You for your generosity! CSMA 2021 - $9,670.95 of our $11,036 goal Sympathy is extended to the Justin Nehrkorn KEEP THE FAITH GROWING Whose father, John Nehrkorn The Sacred Heart Capital Campaign (Keep The passed away Monday, August 16th Faith Growing) aims to raise $200,000! As of now we May he rest in peace. have received $187,580 of the pledged amount. Thank you for your generosity. Please keep his family in your prayers AUGUST 22, 2021 LITURGICAL MINISTERS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Immaculate Conception Mass & Intentions Ushers for the Month of August: Dan Robinson & Chad Schrader Sunday, August 29th Sunday, August 22; Lector: Krista Piotrowski TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sweet Treats: Tiffany Kujawa 10:00 am Mass Intention Chris Kujawa by Don & Jania Hoffman Dennis Bathon by Jim & Diana Majewski Sponsors of CES Immaculate Conception Weekly Collections Monday, August 23; Weekday; August 15th Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin Church envelope $ 945.00 Church loose $ 193.00 Tuesday, August 24, Sweet Treats $ 100.00 SAINT BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE CSMA $ 222.00 Assumption $ 165.00 Wednesday, August 25; Weekday; Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest Thanks for your generosity! CSMA 2021 - $1,690.75 of $2,585 goal Thursday, August 26; Weekday; Friday, August 27; Saint Monica Confession at Immaculate Conception Confessions will be heard in the flower room west Saturday, August 28; of the altar either before mass or after mass. Please wait in the room for Fr. Carl. If he does not see you, please Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church alert him that you are there for confession. Sunday, August 29; TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Immaculate Conception Quilt & Cash Bingo 10:00 am Mass Intention Immaculate Conceptions Quilt Bingo is Sunday, Leo Pestka by Rose Marie Pestka October 17th and will be held at the KC hall in Du Bois. Sponsors of CES We are still in need of a few quilts. If anyone can do- nate please call Diana as soon as possible. Or if any- one would like to help purchase one, let her know. Please contact Diana Majewski at 318-1306. Raffle priz- es should be turned in to Tiffany Kujawa as soon as pos- Nursing Home: Lynn Finn, Connie Horst, Shirley Forys, sible. Marie Dubravek, Rosalea Prusacki, Anna Roberts, Reath- Soups and desserts and extra raffle prizes for small al Beard. raffle will also be needed. Thank you for your support! Sick: Juanita Ray, John Dale, Jim Getzie, Joan Kow- alski, Terry Chastain, James Feger, Gary Brock, Karen Respect Life Corner May, Sheilia Teriet, Richard Martin, Merry Jo Arvai, “God’s love—individual, real, unchanging—is the Brynlee Brewer, Reathal Beard, George Ciganovich, John true source of our worth, identity, and dignity. It really is Nehrkorn, Dorothy Bailey, Addi Darnell, Dorothy Alongi, not a question of who we are, but rather whose we are. Steve Porter, Rhonda Gilliam, Carl Giacomo, Matilda Because his love will never change, nothing can reduce Harsy, Ron Sherman, Chris Kelley, Suzanne Lipe, Mary our God-given dignity, and nothing can diminish the im- Iffert, April Muilenburg, Holly Eastman, Steve Moss, Lor- measurable worth of our lives.” raine Cutler, Shar Purcell, Adriana Nixon, Helen Mossa, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “How to Build a Culture of Life” Liz Thompson, Thomas Huggins. Names will remain in bulletin for 1 month. Military Personnel: Col. Aaron S. Cowley, SSgt. Jor- dan Keller, MGSgt (ret.) Thomas D. Sims , Sgt. Derek S. Sims, ITS1(SS/AW) John Kelley, SPC Mark Yanez, PV2 Jared Albers, Lt. Col. Carly Sims , Sgt. 1st. Cl. Caleb Van- Voorhis, SSgt Tyler Jeffers, Lance Corporal Noah Mabry U.S.M.C., Major Andrew Martin, USAF Airman E-1 Hunter Hill, Master Sergeant & Medical Intel. NCOIC Terry E. Chastain Jr., Nick Depyatic (Airforce), Garrison Alvis (Marines), QMSN Patrick Buza. TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOLY WATER During this time of COVID since we still have the Holy Water fonts covered, there are reusable Holy Water containers at each door of our churches for use in your HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE… homes. Please feel free to take one. When you need to Are you looking for a way to grow in faith and fur- refill your bottle, fill it with water and ask Fr.
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