

Philosophy Educating Humanity

/ La Philosophie dans L’Education de L’Humanité Philosophie als Erzieherin der Menschheit La Filosofía en la Educación de la Humanidad Философия в Воспитании Человечества


Copley Place Boston, Massachusetts USA 10-16 August, 1998 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so ph y

T a b le o f C o n t e n t s

T a b le d es m a tiè r e s In ha lt

T a b la de M a te r ia s О гл а в л е н и е

Information 2

Organizers 3-4

Greetings From the American Organizing Committee 5-14

Abbreviations 15

Acknowledgements 16

Program 17-81

Special Events 17-19

Monday 20-27

Tuesday 28-37

Wednesday 38-49

Thursday 50-61

Friday 62-73

Saturday 74-81

Index 82-98

M aps 99-108

1 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

Information Información Informationen Информация

American Organizing Committee 745 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-3072 [email protected] www.bu.edu/WCP

Congress Program Volume Edited and Supervised by Mark D. Gedney, Ph.D. Kevin L. Stoehr, Ph.D.

This document was printed with the generous support of the: Philosophy Documentation Center Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0189 tel: 01-419-372-2419 fax: 01-419-372-6987 http://www.bgsu.edu/pdc/

Paideia log design by Janet L. Olson. 1996. All Reserved.

2 T w e n t i e t h W o r l d C o n g r e s s o f P h i l o s o p h y

F édération Internationale des S ociétés de P hilosophie

FISP Steering Committee/ Comité directeur/ Leitungsausschuß/ Comité Directivo/ Исполнительный Комитет

FISP Executive Committee/ Bureau/ Geschäftsführender Vorstand/ Comité Ejecutivo/ Бюро

President/ Président/ Präsident/ Presidente/ Президент F. Miró Quesada (Lima)

Past President/ Anclen Président/ Ehemaliger Präsident/ President Saliente/ Предыдущий Президент Е. Agazzi (Genoa)

Vice Presidents/ Vice Présidents/ Vizepräsidenten/ Vicepresidentes/ Вице-президенты J. Hintikka (Helsinki) V. Lektorsky () K.S. Murty ()

Secretary General/ Secrétaire Générale/ Generalsekretär/ Secretario General/ Генеральный Секретарь I. Kuçuradi (Ankara)

Treasurer/ Trésorier/ Schatzmeister/ Tesorero/ Казначей G. Küng (Fribourg)

FISP International Steering Committee/Comité directeur international/ Internationale Leitung/ Comité Directivo Internacional/ Международный Наблюдательный Комитет

R. Barcan Marcus (New Haven) A. Basave (Monterrey) E. Berti (Padua) К. Boudouris (Athens) M. Bunge (Montreal) L. J. Cohen (Oxford) M. Dragona-Monachou (Athens) P. Du Toit (Pretoria) D. Evans (Belfast) J. Ferrari (Dijon) D. Fellesdal () I. Frolov (Moscow) R. Haller (Graz) K. Havas (Budapest) G. Hottois (Brussels) E. Huber (Rome) T. Imamichi (Tokyo) F. Jacques () P. Kemp (Copenhagen) Y. Kim (Seoul) W. Kluxen (Bonn) H. Lenk (Karlsruhe) U. Macedo (Rio De Janeiro) A. R. Ndiaye (Montreal) O. Oruka t (Nairobi) E. Sosa (Providence) P. Suppes (Stanford) A. T. Tymieniecka (Belmont) J. Vial-Larrain (Santiago) M. Wahba (Cairo) R. Walton (Buenos Aires) K. Wiredu (Accra) R. Wójcicki (Warsaw) F. Xing (Beijing)

Honorary President/Président honoraire/ Ehrenpräsident/ Socio de Honor/ Почетный Президент

Venant Cauchy (Montréal)

International Program Committee/ Comité international du programme/ Internationales Programmkomitee Comité Internacional de Programa/ Международный Программный комитет

Co-Chairs/ Со-présidents/ Со-Vorsitzende/ Codirectores/ Сопредседатели

E. Sosa (USA) K. Wiredu (Ghana)

Members/ Membres/ Mitglieder/ Miembros/ Члены

R. Bogdan (USA) L.J. Cohen (UK) D. Fellesdal () J. Gracia (USA) J. Hintikka (Finland) Y. Kim (Korea) 1. Kuçuradi (Turkey) G. Küng () V. Lektorsky () H. Lenk () E. Long (USA) R. Neville (USA) A. Oison (USA) M. Quesada (Peru)

3 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

W o r l d C o n g r e s s e s o f P hilosophy/ C o n g r è s M o n d ia u x d e P hilo so ph ie/ W eltkongresse d e r P h ilo so ph ie

C o n g r e s o s M u n d ia l e s d e F il o s o f ía / В с е м и р н ы е Ф и л о с о ф с к и е К о н г р е с с ы

I. Paris 1900 II 1904 III 1908 IV Bologna 1911 V 1924 VI Boston 1926 VII Oxford 1930 VIII 1934 IX Paris 1937 X 1948 XI Brussels 1953 XII Venice 1958 XIII Mexico 1963 XIV Vienna 1968 XV Varna 1973 XVI Düsseldorf 1978 XVII Montreal 1983 XVIII Brighton 1988 XIX Moscow 1993

Throughout the Twentieth Century international or world congresses of philosophy have been convened on average every five years. Until Paris 1937, they were organized by a Permanent Committee for International Philosophy Congresses. Since 1948, they have been sponsored by the International Federation of Philosophi­ cal (FISP). The present Congress in Boston is the last of the century.

The Congress them e, Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity, is a topic that can be addressed creatively by the philosophical of the great world . The organizers are committed to a congress with the highest standards of philosophic , emphasizing the representation and interchange of from the wide range of the world’s philosophical traditions and movements.

A m e r ic a n O r g a n iz e r s The American Organizing Committee, Inc. is the executive arm of the Congress and represents the American philosophical associations and societies in the that are members of FISP. The AOC Steering Committee consists of representatives from the and American societies of FISP together with the representa­ tives from institutional sponsors in the Greater Boston Area:

Institutional Sponsors

Boston College Boston University Brown University The University of Massachusetts Suffolk University

American Organizing Committee, Inc.

Co-Chairpersons Media Consultant Jeremy Murray-Brown Robert Neville Administrative Liaison Lynne Smith Executive Director Alan Olson Legal Counsel Rosen Ex-officio MarcTemin Administrator Kevin Stoehr Liaison Hon. Kevin White Coordinator Mark Gedney

AOC Steering Committee

J. Abbarno (D’Youville) J. Betz (Villanova) C. Carter (Marquette) M. Chaplin (Wellesley) J. Clayton (Boston U) R. Cobb-Stevens (Boston C) L. Code (U Toronto) D. Crocker (Maryland) E. D'Angelo (Hamden) R. De George (Kansas) W . Desmond (Louvain) T. Druart (Catholic U) T. Flynn (Emory) N. Funk () J. Garcia-Gomez (Belmont) D. Giancola (Suffolk) C. Griswold, Jr. (Boston U) R. Hart (Boston U) E. Hoffman (APA) C. Kloesel () J. Koller (Rensselaer) M. Krausz (Bryn Mawr) J. Lawler (Buffalo) S. Lee (Keene State) J. Loughney (Westfield State) T. Magnell (Drew) M. Mahowald (Chicago) B. Martine () G. Matthews (U Mass) L. Lopez McAlister (S. FLA) W. McBride (Purdue) M. Migotti (Hamilton) M. Nussbaum (Chicago) P. Quinn (Notre Dame) D. Rasmussen (Boston C) D. Rohatyn (San Diego) S. Rosenthal (New Orleans) A. Silvers (San Fran State) J.Sterba (Notre Dame) L. Tirrell (UMass) A.T. Tymieniecka (Belmont)

4 T w e n t ie t h W o r ld C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y


On behalf of the American Organizing Committee, Inc., I want to extend to all Congress participants a warm welcome and a productive week in Boston. We hope that this be a meaningful for you.

Preparations for the Twentieth World Congress began nearly ten years ago. Following the acceptance of the Boston proposal tendered to FISP following the Moscow Congress in 1993, we incorporated under the bylaws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our work has been particularly intense since 1995, and apart from the dedicated services of our staff, the organization of this event would have been impossible.

Special recognition needs to be given to Mr. Bud Heckman, who served as Project Administrator during the initial stages of this project from 1996-1997, and Dr. Kevin Stoehr who has served in this role since the beginning of 1998. Bud and Kevin have been responsible for the day-to-day operations of the AOC, Inc., and they have selflessly provided service above and beyond what one can reasonably expect. Space manage­ ment, scheduling, and the design of the final program has been the province of Dr. Mark Gedney. Mark has confronted the daunting task of organizing over 2,500 presentations with vigor and enthusiasm. Working with our talented Webmaster, Tom Stone, Bud, Kevin, and Mark have pioneered the use of high technology in the service of a Congress of this magnitude, and their involvement with the web will continue as we begin to post the contributed papers. Whatever measure of gratitude Congress participants may wish to express is appro­ priately directed to these individuals and to the rest of our staff: Ms. Georgia Maheras, Mr. Timothy Freiermuth, Mr. Amos Yong, and Mr. Stephen Dawson.

While I cannot here begin to thank all who have given of themselves so generously in the organization of this event, a special word of appreciation must be directed to the Philosophy Documentation Center, to the Ameri­ can Philosophical Association, and to our co-sponsoring institutions, Boston College, Brown University, Suf­ folk University, Wellesley College, and the University of Massachusetts. The principal sponsoring institution, of course, has been Boston University. Apart from the constant support and encouragement of Chancellor John Silber, President Jon Westling, and Provost Dennis Berkey, the organization of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy would have been impossible.

Please look at the Acknowledgements section of your program for a complete list of those who have played significant roles in bringing the Boston Congress to fruition. My apologies to anyone who might have been overlooked in the listings.

With all best wishes,

Professor Alan M. Olson Executive Director, AOC, Inc. Professor of and Philosophy Boston University

5 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

Dear Colleagues:

It is an honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy with this Program Book. Surely this is the largest and most comprehensive array of philosophic presentations ever assembled.

You will see that the Program accomplishes several things at once. First, there are plenaries and program units devoted to the main theme of the Congress, paideia. Paideia is interpreted not only from within the of ancient Greek and European philosophy but also from within the traditions of East and South Asia, Islamic culture, and the traditional cultures of Africa and the Americas. Second, there is a fair sampling of programs devoted to the presentation and critical exploration of American , the traditions of the host country; we particularly hope that from abroad will avail themselves of the opportunity to investigate American philosophies while visiting Boston, where so many originated and flourished.

Third, the Program Committee has been very deliberate in creating a program of invited papers that explores philosophic topics and approaches of a wide diversity of kinds, lifting up as many cultural and national tradi­ tions as possible and bringing different styles of philosophic thinking into dialogue. We have not viewed the Congress as the occasion for philosophers merely to do in one place the same things they do at home; we have viewed it rather as the opportunity for dialogue among ways of philosophic thought that do not customar­ ily address one another. Whether the dialogue occurs, to be sure, depends on all of us together, not on the form of the program alone.

Fourth, and most exciting, this program contains volunteered papers from a vast array of thinkers. More than the of even the most ecumenical of Program Committees, what you the delegates to the Congress present as expressive of your philosophic interests defines the of philosophy today and for the near future. We have vetted the volunteered papers for seriousness, clarity, and integrity, but not for their defini­ tions of what counts as philosophy, and we have not applied the standards of any one school of philosophy to judge other approaches. In all, this program represents a remarkable collection of serious philosophic inquir­ ies.

On behalf of the American Organizing Committee I invite you to explore this program with curiosity and energy. We hope you also will enjoy your stay in Boston and other places in North America to which you might be traveling. If there is anything that Professor Hintikka, my co-chair, or I, or Professor Olson the Executive Director and his staff, can do to make your participation more significant, please do not hesitate to make your interest known. Enjoy the Congress.

Sincerely yours,

Robert C. Neville Co-Chair, Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy Dean of the School of Boston University

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Salutations du Directeur Executif du Comité Organisateur Américan, Inc.

Au nom d’ AOC, je souhaite à tous les participants au Congrès une bienvenue chaleureuse et une semaine productive à Boston. J’espère que cette semaine s’avérera être significative pour vous tous.

Les préparations pour le Vingtième Congrès Mondial commençèrent voici près de dix ans. À la suite de l’agrément donné à la soumise au FISP après le Congrès de Moscou de 1993, nous avons formé une société anonyme suivant les lois du Massachusetts. Nos efforts ont été particulièrement intenses depuis 1995, et, sans les services dévoués de notre personnel, l’organisation de cet événement n’aurait pas été possible.

Des mentions spéciales sont fort méritées par M. Bud Heckman qui servit en tant qu’ Administateur du Projet durant ces premiers stages de 1996 à 1997, et Dr. Kevin Stoehr qui remplit ce rôle depuis le début de 1998. Messieurs Heckman et Stoehr ont été responsables de surveiller les progrès quotidiens du AOC, et ils se sont dévoués bien au-delà de ce à quoi on pourrait s’attendre. L’ espacement et le dressage du programme final ont été la responsabilité de Dr. Mark Gedney. M. Gedney s’est lancé sur la tâche d’organiser plus de 2,500 présentations avec vigeur et enthousiasme. Combinant leurs efforts avec ceux de notre talentueux Webmaster Tom Stone, Messieurs Heckman, Stoehr, et Gedney ont atteint l’avant-garde de la technologie actuelle pour un congrès de cette magnitude. Leurs contributions au site Web continueront avec la publication des commu­ nications présentées. Si les participants au Congrès souhaitent exprimer leur reconnaissance, veuillez vous addresser à ces individus, ainsi qu’aux autres membres de notre personnel: Ms. Georgia Maheras, M. Timo­ thy Freiermuth, M. Amos Yong, et M. Stephen Dawson.

Bien qu’il ne m’est pas possible de remercier tous ceux qui ont contribué si généreusement à l'organisation de cet événement, une mention spéciale d’appréciation est due au Philosophy Documentation Center, à Г American Philosophical Association, et aux institutions co-sponsorisantes: Boston College, Brown University, Suffolk University, Wellesley College, et I’University of Massachusetts. L’institution sponsorisante principale a bien- sûr été Boston University. Sans le support constant et les encouragements du Chancelier John Silver, du Président Jon Westling, et Principal Dennis Berkey, l’organisation du Vingtième Congrès Mondial de Philosophie aurait été impossible.

Veuillez consulter la section des remercierments et crédits de votre Programme afin de trouver la liste complète de tous ceux qui ont contribué significativement à la réalisation du Congrès de Boston. J’offre mes excuses à quiconque aurait été omis de cette liste par erreur.

Avec mes meilleurs vœux,

Professeur Alan M. Oison Directeur Administratif Professeur de Religion et de Philosophie Boston University

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Chers Collègues,

Il est un honeur et un plaisir pour moi de vous souhaiter la bienvenue au Vingtième Congrès Mondial de Philosophie. Il s’agit sûrement ici de la plus extensive et compréhensive représentation de philosophiques jamais rassemblée.

Vous verrez que le programme accomplit plusieurs choses d’emblée. Primo, les pléniaires ainsi que d’autres sections du programme, sont dévoués au thème principal du Congrès, “la Paideia.” La Paideia est ici interprétée non seulement suivant la tradition philosophique de la Grèce Antique et de l’, mais aussi suivant la tradition de l’Asie de l’Est et du Sud, de la culture Islamique, et des cultures de l’Afrique et des Amériques.

Secundo, vous trouverez une portion solide du programme dévouée à la représentation et à l’exploration des philosophies américaines et des traditions du pays hôte. Nous espérons en particulier que les philosophes provenant d’autres pays profiteront de cette opportunité d’explorer les philosophies américaines lors de leur visite à Boston, cité où tant de philosophies ont trouvé vie et ont fleuri.

Tertio, le Comité du Programme a fait des efforts délibérés afin de créer un programme incluant une grande diversité de communications philosophiques, abordant autant de traditions culturelles et nationales que pos­ sible, et invitant différents styles philosophiques à dialoguer. Nous ne voulions pas que le Congrès soit simplement une occasion pour les philosophes d’effectuer sur place les mêmes choses qu’ils accomplissent chez eux. Plutôt, nous avons voulu profiter de cette occasion unique pour créer des dialogues parmi les différentes philosophies qui ne communiquent en général pas entre-elles. Il en tient à nous tous de créer ce dialogue, et non pas seulement de compter sur le programme lui-même.

Quarto, ce que ce programme offre de plus enthousiasmant sont les communications gracieusement offertes par un vaste nombre de philosophes. Bien au-delà des intentions de même les plus œcuméniques des membres du Comité du Programme, ce que vous, les délégués au Congrès, présenterez comme représentant vos intérêts philosophiques définit la nature de la philosophie actuelle et de notre futur proche. Nous avons examiné les communications qui nous ont été présentées pour leur réflexion sérieuse, clarté, et leur intégrité, et non pas pour leur idée de ce qui représente une vraie philosophie. Nous n’avons pas non plus basé nos décisions sur les normes d’une philosophie unique. Dans l’ensemble, ce programme représente une collection remarquable d’enquêtes philosophiques de nature sérieuse.

Au nom du Comité Organisateur Américain, je vous invite à explorer ce programme avec curiosité et énergie. Nous espérons que vous profiterez de votre séjour à Boston et dans les autres parties de l’Amérique du Nord qu’il vous conviendra peut-être de visiter. S’il demeure quelque chose que Professeur Hintika, le co-président, Professeur Oison, le Directeur Administratif, son personnel, ou queje puisse faire afin de rendre votre séjour plus effectif, n’hésitez pas à partager avec nous ce qui vous intéresse. Profitez bien du Congrès.

Cordialement à vous,

Robert C. Neville Co-Président, Vingtième Congrès Mondial de Philosophie

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Persönliches Grußwort des Leiters des Amerikanischen Organisationskomitees (AOC, American Organizing Committee, ine.)

Im Namen des Amerikanischen Organisationskomitees möchte ich alle Kongreßteilnehmer herzlich willkommen heißen und Ihnen eine produktive Woche in Boston wünschen. Wir hoffen, daß dies für Sie ein bedeutsames Ereignis sein wird.

Die Vorbereitungen für den Zwanzigsten Weltkongress für Philosophie begannen vor fast zehn Jahren. Nachdem der Antrag Bostons bei der Internationalen Föderation der philosophischen Gesellschaften (FISP) im Anschluß an den Moskauer Kongress angenommen worden , richteten wir gemäß den Vereinsregeln des Staates Massachusetts ein Organisationskomitee ein. 1995 trat die Organisationsarbeit für dieses Ereignis dann in einen Zustand erhöhter Intensität, eine Arbeit, die wir ohne die hingebungsvollen Dienste unserer Mitarbeiter unmöglich hätten leisten können.

Besondere Erwähnung verdienen Mr. Bud Heckman, der das Projekt im Anfangsstadium von 1996-1997 leitend organisierte, und Dr. Kevin Stoehr, der diese Funktion seit Anfang 1998 ausübt. Bud und Kevin waren verantwortlich für die tagtäglichen Geschäfte des AOC und leisteten über alle Erwartung hinaus selbstlose Dienste. Die Organisation der Räumlichkeiten sowie Veranstaltungskalender und Programmgestaltung waren das Aufgabengebiet von Dr. Mark Gedney. Mark entledigte sich mit Energie und Enthusiasmus der überwältigenden Aufgabe, über 2500 Einzelbeiträge zu organisieren. Unterstützt von unserem Webmaster Tom Stone leisteten Bud, Kevin und Mark bahnbrechende Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Verwendung von Netzwerktechnologie im Dienste einer Kongressorganisation dieser Größenordnung, eine Arbeit, die sie fortsetzen werden, wenn es daran gehen wird, die Vorträge auf dem Web zugänglich zu machen. Der Ausdruck jedweden Maßes an Dankbarkeit, die Sie als Kongreßteilnehmer empfinden mögen, sollte angemessenerweise an diese Personen sowie an unsere anderen Mitarbeiter: Ms. Georgia Maheras, Mr. Timothy Freiermuth, Mr. Amos Young und Mr. Stephen Dawson, gerichtet werden.

Während ich unmöglich aller jener in Dankbarkeit gedenken kann, die an der Organisation dieses Ereignisses hingebungsvoll beteiligt waren, ist es doch angebracht, ein besonderes Wort des Dankes an das Philosophy Documentation Center, die American Philosophical Association sowie an die mittragenden Einrichtungen, Boston College, Brown University, Suffolk University, Wellesley College und die University of Massachusetts, zu richten. Der Hauptsponsor ist natürlich Boston University. Ohne die verläßliche Unterstützung und Ermutigung durch Kanzler John Silber, Präsident Jon Westling sowie Provost Dennis Berkey wäre die Organisation des Zwanzigsten Weltkongresses für Philosophie unmöglich gewesen.

Ich verweise Sie auf die Abteilung “Acknowledgements and Credits” Ihres Programmheftes für eine vollständige Liste derjenigen, die zum Gelingen des Kongresses in Boston einen besondern Beitrag geleistet haben. Diejenigen, die wir dabei aus Versehen ausgelassen haben, bitte ich um Entschuldigung.

Mit den besten Wünschen,

Professor Alan M. Olson Geschäftsführender Direktor, AOC, Inc. Professor für Philosophie und Religion Boston University

9 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

Sehr verehrte Kollegen,

Es ist eine Ehre und ein Vergnügen, Sie mit diesem Programmheft zum Zwanzigsten Weltkongress für Philosophie willkommen zu heißen. Dies ist mit Sicherheit die größte und umfassendste Versammlung von Philosophen, die je stattgefunden hat.

Sie werden feststellen, daß das Programm mehrere Funktionen gleichzeitig erfüllt. Zunächst gibt es da die Plenarsitzungen und andere Programmeinheiten, die sich mit dem Kongreßthema, der Paideia, beschäftigen. Paideia wird dabei nicht nur aus der Sicht der klassisch griechischen und europäischen Philosophietradition heraus interpretiert, sondern auch aus der Sicht der Traditionen Süd- und Ostasiens, der islamischen Kultur sowie der traditionellen Kulturen Afrikas, Nord- und Südamerikas. Zweitens finden Sie eine repräsentative Auswahl an Programmen, die der Darstellung und kritischen Untersuchung amerikanischer Philosophien, d.h. den Traditionen des gastgebenden Landes, gewidmet sind. W ir hoffen dabei besonders, daß Philosophen aus dem Ausland die Gelegenheit ihres Aufenthaltes in Boston wahrnehmen werden, amerikanische Philosophien kennenzulemen, von denen manche hier ihren Ausgangspunkt nahmen und florierten.

Drittens hat das Programmkomitee ein sorgfältiges Angebot an eingeladenen Vorträgen kreiert, das den Zweck verfolgt, vielerlei Arten von philosophischen Themen und Zugängen zu bedenken, wobei so viele kulturelle und nationale Traditionen als möglich zur Sprache und verschiedene Stilrichtungen philosophischen Denkens miteinander ins Gespräch kommen sollen. W ir sehen den Kongreß nicht als eine Gelegenheit für Philosophen, hier dasselbe wie an ihren jeweiligen Heimatorten zu treiben. Vielmehr betrachten wir ihn als eine Chance zum Dialog zwischen Wegen des philosophischen Denkens, die sich üblicherweise nicht gegenseitig ansprechen. Ob solch ein Dialog tatsächlich stattfindet, hängt natürlich nicht von der Form des Programmes allein, sondern vielmehr von uns allen ab.

Viertens, und wohl am spannendsten, enthält das Programm die von einer ungeheuren Vielfalt an Philosophen selbst initiierten Vorträge. Philosophie heute and in der nächsten Zukunft kann nicht selbst von den besten Vorsätzen eines höchts ökumenischen Programmkomitees bestimmt werden, sondern allein davon, was Sie, die Kongreßdelegierten, als Ausdruck Ihres Philosophierens darstellen. W ir haben die Themenvorschläge auf Ernsthaftigkeit, Klarheit, und Integrität hin, nicht jedoch auf ihre Definition dessen geprüft, was als Philosophie gilt, noch haben wir die Maßstäbe irgendeiner bestimmten philosophischen Schule zur Beurteilung anderer Zugänge herangezogen.

Insgesamt stellt dieses Programm eine bemerkenswerte Sammlung ernsthafter philosophischer Untersuchungen dar. Ich lade Sie im Namen des Amerikanischen Organisationskomitees dazu ein, dieses Programm mit Neugierde und Energie zu studieren. W ir hoffen außerdem, daß Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in Boston und gegebenenfalls an den anderen Orten in den Vereinigten Staaten, in die Sie vielleicht noch reisen werden, genießen werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich vertrauensvoll an mich, an Herrn Professor Hintakka, meinen Mitvorsitzenden, oder an den geschäftsführenden Direktor, Herrn Professor Olson, und seine Mitarbeiter, falls wir Ihnen bei der Teilnahme noch in weitererWeise sinnvoll behilflich sein können. Genießen Sie den Kongreß!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,

Robert C. Neville Mitvorsitzender, Zwanzigster Weltkongreß für Philosophie

10 T w e n t ie t h W o r ld C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so ph y

Saludos Personales del Director Ejecutivo del ComitéOrganizador Americano

De parte del American Organizing Committee, Inc, quiero darles a todos los participantes en el Congreso una bienvenida calurosa y desearles una semana productiva en Boston. Esperamos que éste sea un evento significativo para ustedes.

Los preparativos para el XX Congreso Mundial comenzaron hace casi diez años. Habiendo aceptado el propuesto hecho al FISP después del Congreso en Moscú en 1993, nos incorporamos bajo las leyes de Massachusetts. Nuestro trabajo se ha intensificado desde 1995, y sin los esfuerzos dedicados de nuestro equipo, la organización de este evento no hubiera sido posible.

Debemos reconocer especialmente al Sr. Bud Heckman, quien fue administrador del proyecto durante las etapas inciales, 1996-1997, y al Dr. Kevin Stoehr quien ha desempeñado dicho papel desde principios de 1998. Bud y Kevin han sido los responsables de las operaciones diarias del AOC, Inc., y han servido abnegadamente más allá de lo esperado. El manejo del espacio, la programación, y el diseño del programa final han sido las tareas del Dr. Mark Gedney. Mark ha confrontado con entusiasmo la tarea sumamente difícil de organizar más de 2,500 ponencias. Trabajando con nuestro talentoso webmaster, Tom Stone, Bud, Kevin, y Mark han sido pioneros en el uso de la alta tecnología al servicio de un Congreso de esta magnitud, y su involucramiento con la red de información continuará cuando empecemos a publicar las ponencias contribuidas. La gratitud que los participantes quieran expresar se puede dirigir apropriadamente a las personas mencionadas y a los otros miembros de nuestro equipo, la Srita. Georgia Maheras, el Sr. Timothy Friermuth, el Sr. Amos Yong, y el Sr. Stephen Dawson.

Aunque no puedo ni comenzar a dar aquí las gracias a todos los que hayan dado de si mismo tan generosamente en la organización de este evento, debo dirigir nuestro agradecimiento especial al Centro de Documentación Filosófía, a la Asociación Filosófica Americana, y a las instituciones que son nuestros co-anfitriones, Boston College, Brown University, Suffolk University, Wellesley College, y la Universidad de Massachusetts. El anfitrión institucional principal, claro, ha sido Boston University. Sin el apoyo y ánimo constantes del Canciller John Silber, el Presidente Jon Westling, y el Provost Dennis Berkey, la organización del XX Congreso Mundial de Filosofía no hubiera sido posible.

Por favor vean la sección de Reconocimientos y Créditos en su programa para una lista completa de quienes hayan desempeñado papeles significantes en el logro de este Congreso en Boston. Mis disculpas a cualquier persona merecedora que no haya sido mencionado en las listas.

Con mis mejores deseos,

Professor Alan M. Olson Director Ejecutivo, AOC, Inc. Profesor de Religión y Filosofía Boston University

11 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

Estimados Colegas:

Es un honor y un placer darles la bienvenida al XX Congreso Mundial de Filosofía por medio de este Libro de Programa. Seguramente ésta es la reunión más grande y más comprensiva de presentaciones filosóficas que se haya jamás llevado a cabo.

Verán que el Programa logra varias funciones a la vez. En primer lugar, hay sesiones plenarias y otras unidades de programa dedicadas al tema central del Congreso, pa/de/a. Paideia se interpreta no solamente desde la tradición de la filosofía de Grecia antigua y de Europa, sino también desde las tradiciones de Asia Oriental y Sur, de la cultura islámica, y de las culturas tradicionales de Africa y de las Américas. En segundo lugar, hay una muestra de programas dedicados a la presentación y la investigación crítica de las filosofías americanas, las tradiciones del país anfitrión. Esperamos en particular que los filósofos de otros países se aprovechen de la oportunidad de investigar las filosofías americanas mientras estén de visita en Boston donde originaron y florecieron tantos de ellas.

En tercer lugar, el Comité del Programa ha creado con mucha deliberación un programa de ponencias a invitación que exploran temas filosóficos y enfoques de muchos tipos, realzando cuantas tradiciones culturales y nacionales como sea posible y trayendo al diálogo estilos diferentes de pensamiento filosófico. No concebimos el Congreso únicamente como una ocasión para que los filósofos hagan en un solo lugar lo mismo que hacen en sus países propios; lo hemos concebido más bien como una oportunidad para el diálogo entre personas con maneras de pensamiento filosófico que de costumbre no se dirigen los unos a los otros. Que el diálogo ocurra, seguro es, depende de todos juntos, no solamente de la forma del programa.

En cuarto lugar, y más emociante, este programa contiene ponencias voluntarias de un grupo muy grande de pensadores. Más que las intenciones aun del Comité de Programa más ecuménica, lo que ustedes, los delegados al Congreso, presenten como expresivo de sus interéses filosóficos define la naturaleza de la filosofía hoy y en el futuro cercano. Hemos seleccionado las ponencias tomando en cuenta su seriedad, claridad, e integridad, pero no hemos eliminado ninguno a causa sus definiciones de lo que cuenta como filosofía, ni hemos aplicado las normas de una escuela de filosofía en particular para juzgar otros enfoques.

En conjunto, el programa representa una colección asombrosa de investigaciones filosóficas serias.

De parte del Comité Organizador Americano, les invito a investigar el programa con curiosidad y energía. Esperamos también que gocen de su visita a Boston y a otros lugares en Norteamérica a donde viajen. Si hay algo que el Profesor Hintikka, mi co-director, o yo, o el Profesor Olson, el Director Ejecutivo y su equipo podamos hacer para que su participación sea más significativo, esperamos que nos lo haga saber a la primera oportunidad.


Robert C. Neville Co-director, XX Congreso Mundial de Filosofía

12 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y


От имени Американского Организационного Комитета позвольте поприветствовать всех участников Конгресса и пожелать продуктивной рабочей недели в Бостоне. Мы надеемся, что это событие станет памятным для вас.

Подготовка к Конгрессу началась почти десять лет тому назад. После того, как предложение провести Конгресс в Бостоне (после Московского конгресса в 1993 году) было принято МФФО, подготовительная работа проводилась в соответствии с законами Массачусетса. Подготовка к конгрессу стала особенно интенсивной после 1995 года и не могла быть проведена без подвижнической работы всех тех, кто помогал в его организации.

Особая благодарность должна быть выражена Баду Хекману, администратору проекта на его начальной стадии, с 1996 по 1997 гг., а также Др. Кевину Штиеру, администратору проекта с начала 1998 года. Бад и Кевин отвечали за повседневную деятельность АОК, самоотверженно работали далеко за пределами своего рабочего времени и должностных обязанностей. Составление расписания и программы Конгресса, а также подготовка помещений были прерогативой Др. Марка Гедни. Марк взялся за решение сложнейшей задачи организации 2.500 докладов с большим рвением и энтузиазмом. Сотрудничая с нашим талантливым Вебмастером, Томом Стоном, Бад, Кевин и Марк освоили высокие компьютерные технологии для того, чтобы обслуживать конгресс такого масштаба; их работа в этой области продолжится с началом публикаций докладов Конгресса. Какую бы благодарность не пожелали выразить участники конгресса его устроителям, она будет по достоинству отнесена на счет работы других наших сотрудников, таких, как Джорджия Махерас, Тимоти Фриемоф, Эймос Янг, Стивен Доусон.

Поскольку нельзя поблагодарить лично всех наших многочисленных помощников, самоотверженно работавших для организации конгресса, позвольте выразить благодарность сотрудникам Философского документационного центра, Американской философской ассоциации, а также нашим спонсирующим организациям, Бостонскому колледжу, Браунскому университету, Уэзли Колледжу, а также Университету Массачусеттса. Организация Двадцатого всемирного философского конгресса не была бы возможной также без поддержки канцлера Джона Силбера, президента Джона Вестлинга и провоста Денниса Берки.

Для полного списка тех, кто оказал существенную помощь в организации конгресса мы отсылаем к специальному разделу благодарностей в нашей программе. Мы приносим извинения всем тем нашим помощникам, чьи имена не перечислены в этом списке.

С наилучшими пожеланиями,

Профессор Алан Олсон, Исполительный директор конгресса Профессор религии и философии Бостонский университет

13 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

Дорогие коллеги!

Мне выпала большая честь и удовольствие приветствовать вас на Двадцатом всемирном философском конгрессе и представить Книгу конгресса. Это, без сомнения, самая большая и значительная программа философских выступлений, когда-либо представленных в рамках одного форума.

Книга эта, как вы убедитесь, решает сразу несколько задач. Прежде всего, в ней обозначены пленарные и секционные заседания, посвященные основной теме конгресса - пайдее. Пайдея интерпретируется в рамках не только античной греческой и европейской философии, но также в традициях восточной и южной Азии, культуры ислама, традиционных культур Африки и Америки. Второе направление, широко освещенное здесь, - это презентация и культурный анализ американской философии, традиций страны- организатора конгресса; мы надеемся, что зарубежные философы смогут лучше познакомиться с ними как раз в Бостоне, городе, где многие из американских философских школ зачинались и развивались.

В-третьих, здесь отражено настойчивое устремление Организационного комитета собрать как можно более представительную коллекцию приглашенных докладов, отражающих самые разнообразные философские подходы, поднимающих и рассматривающих максимально возможное число культурных и национальных традиций, представляющих различные типы философского мышления диалогизирующими друг с другом. Мы не стремились к тому, чтобы этот конгресс стал местом, где философы просто представили в рамках одного форума то, что они делают дома; нашей целью было создание условий для диалога между различными направлениями философствования, т.е., того, что не так часто случается при их встрече. Получится ли этот диалог, зависит теперь уже не столько от программы, сколько от всех нас, участников этого конгресса.

В-четвертых, и это, пожалуй, самое главное, в нашей программе представлены доклады большого числа философов, приславших их для участия в конгрессе. То, что содержится в этих докладов, превышает надежды даже наиболее эйкуменической части нашего Оргкомитета; в них представлена картина того, как видится вам, участникам конгресса, настоящее и будущее философии, ее природа и ее судьбы. Мы рецензировали ваши тексты только с позиций их серьезности, ясности и профессионализма, но не в части того, что предлагалось в качестве определения философии; мы не прилагали, также, стандарты какой-либо одной философской школы к оценкам других философских направлений.

Учитывая все вышесказанное, данную программу можно оценить как выдающуюся коллекцию серьезных философских разработок.

От имени Американского организационного комитета позвольте пригласить вас ознакомиться с программой вдумчиво и с энтузиазмом. Мы надеемся также, что ваше пребывание в Бостоне и других городах Соединенных Штатов, которые вы посетите в связи с конгрессом, будет интересным. Если мы все, со-председатели Когресса, профессор Яакко Хинтикка и я, его Исполнительный директор, профессор Алан Олсон, а также наш персонал, может что-то сделать для улучшения вашего пребывания на конгрессе, сообщите нам и мы будем рады удовлетворить ваши просьбы. Пусть ваше участие в конгрессе будет приятным и запоминающимся.

С искренним уважением,

Роберт Си. Невилл со-председатель, Всемирный философский конгресс

14 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so ph y

A bbreviations

A bréviations

A b kü rzun g en

A breviaturas А ббревиатурц

Boston University W-EB/NC Westin Hotel - Essex North Center BU-SXXX Boston University, School of Management W-EB/NE Westin Hotel - Essex North East W-EB/NW Westin Hotel - Essex North West Marriott Hotel: W-FC Westin Hotel - Flying Cloud M-BC Marriott Hotel - Boston College W-GR Westin Hotel - Great Republic M-BR Marriott Hotel - Brandéis W-NA Westin Hotel - Nausett M-BU Marriott Hotel - Boston University W-NS Westin Hotel - North Star M-CC Marriott Hotel - Cape Cod W-PA Westin Hotel - Parliament M-FA Marriott Hotel - Falmouth WSG Westin Hotel - St. George M-GB Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom W-SG/A-B Westin Hotel - St. George, Sections A&B M-GB/A Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Salon A W-SG/C-D Westin Hotel - St. George, Sections C&D M-GB/B Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Salon В WST Westin Hotel - Staffordshire M-GB/C Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Salon C M-GB/D Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Salon D M-GB/F-G Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Salons F&G Program Type M-HA Marriott Hotel - Harvard M-HY Marriott Hotel - Hyannis Plenary Plenary/ Plénaire/ Plenarveranstaltungen/ M-HY/CC Marriott Hotel - Hyannis and Cape Cod Sesión plenaria/ Пленарные заседаия M-MA Marriott Hotel - Massachusetts Symposium Symposium/ Symposium/ Symposium/ Simposio/ Симпозиумы M-ME Marriott Hotel - Maine Inv Invited Session/ Séance invitée/ M-MIT Marriott Hotel - MIT Sesión de ponencias a invitación M-NH Marriott Hotel - New Hampshire Eingeladene Sessionen Приглашенные докладчики M-NT Marriott Hotel - Nantucket Inter Intercultural Session/ Séance interculturelle M-NE Marriott Hotel - Northeastern Sesión intercultural M-OR Marriott Hotel - Orleans Interkulterelle Sessionen M-PR Marriott Hotel - Provincetown Межкультурные сессии M-RE Marriott Hotel - Regis Rt Roundtable/ Table ronde Round-table-Diskussionen M-SI Marriott Hotel - Simmons Mesas redondas/ Круглые Столы MSU Marriott Hotel - Suffolk Soc / Société/ Sociedades M-TU Marriott Hotel - Tufts Gesellschaften/ Общества M-VI Marriott Hotel - Vineyard Sect Contributed Papers/ Communications libres M-WE Marriott Hotel - Wellesley Sesión de ponencias contribuida Sektion für eingereichte Beiträge M-YA Marriott Hotel - Yarmouth Доклады участников Westin Hotel W-AB Westin Hotel - America Ballroom Post Poster Session/ Séance de thèse affichée/ Poster-Session/ Sesione de afiches W-AB/N Westin Hotel - America Ballroom, North Стендовые заседания W-AB/C Westin Hotel - America Ballroom, Center

W-AB/S Westin Hotel - America Ballroom, South Program Designation: W-AD Westin Hotel - Adams In Italics Chair/ Président/ Präsident/ Presidente W-CO Westin Hotel - Courier Председатель W-DE Westin Hotel - Defender Shaded Boxes Invited Program/ Programme invité W-DW Westin Hotel - Daniel Webster Sesión de ponencias a invitación Eingeladene Programm W-EB Westin Hotel - Essex Ballroom Сессия приглашенных участников W-EB/C Westin Hotel - Essex Center W-EB/N Westin Hotel - Essex North W-EB/S Westin Hotel - Essex South

15 T w e n t ie t h W o r l d C o n g r e ss o f P h il o so p h y

A cknowledgements Apart from the generous support of the following individuals, organizations, and institutions, it would not have been possible to bring the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy to fruition.

American Philosophical Association Boston College Boston Public Library Boston University Boston University Humanities Foundation Brown University CIPSH (International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies) Fitzgerald Productions Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau Hocking-Cabot Award Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen Library of Living Philosophers Open Society Foundations Perelman Foundation ’s Information Center Philosophy Documentation Center Suffolk University University of Massachusetts UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) WABU WBUR Wellesley College

Elaine Anastasovites Timothy Freiermuth Migre Jodi Anderson Mark and Maureen Gedney Diane O’Brien Shirley Anderson E. Gordon Gee Janet L. Olson Donna Andrews Helena Gourko Bilal Ozaslan Kristine Aristide Ellen Grady Nick Pappas Dennis Berkey Vartan Gregorian George Preston Ray Bouchard Leonore Groeber Jayne Sabin-Penrod Klaus Brinkmann Lewis Hahn David J. Sargent Paul Broderick Marian Hetherley Jordan Schmidt William Bulger Donald “Bud” Heckman Mark Shieh John Burtis Elizabeth Heichler John R. Silber James Cameron Eric Hoffman Linda and Bill Smallbrook Rosalie Carlson Mary Hrebenak George Soros Rea Christoffersson Linda Jenkins Kevin L. Stoehr Jennifer Clarke Kathy Kelly James Stone Karen Moore Cuviello Ken Knisely Thomas Stone M. T. Davila Laurel Koufman Donna Stoutley Stephanie Corrigan Shauna LaFauci Angela Turek M. T. Davila David Lampe Diana Chapman Walsh Stephen Dawson William Leahy Paula Wasson Keith Dropkin George Leaman David Weinberger Lily Eng Mary Ann Lesh Jon Westling Carolyn Fahlbeck Richard Lineback Corinne Yee Lori Fells Georgia Maheras Amos Yong Michael Field Mark Mann Michael Zank Keri Finnie Sherry Mattson Janice Zazinski Patrick Fitzgerald Krzysztof Michalski


C yber C a f e

Monday Through Friday, 9:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m.

Marriott H otel- Harvard Room AND Boston University — Warren Towers The Cyber Cafe will contain computers for you to check your e-mail, try out the new Encyclopedia, and browse the World Wide Web. There will also be a number of special demonstrations of the latest academic teaching technologies. Please consult the specific days of the Program for details. Registered Congress participants (with Congress badges) may use either the Cyber Cafe at the Marriott Hotel or the satellite site in Warren Towers on the campus of Boston University. Shuttle buses will be available free of charge from the Hotels to Warren Towers. For shuttle schedule and general information about the Cyber Cafe go to the front desk on on the fourth floor of the Marriott Hotel in the Registrations area. For the shuttle, follow the from the Registration area to the pick-up and drop-off points.

W o r ld C o n g r ess B o o k E x h ib it

Monday Through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Marriott Hotel — University of Massachusetts Exhibit Hall

There will be a large exhibit of scholarly books on display on the Third Floor of the Marriott Hotel next to the Cyber Cafe. The Exhibit is open to all registered Congress participants who show their Congress badges.


P h il o s o p h y in A m e r ic a : Th e F ir s t Th r e e C e n tu r ie s B o sto n P u b u c L ib r a r y

Research Library (Dartmouth Street Entrance) (Directly Across the Street from the Westin Hotel at Copley Place)

The Boston Public Library will be mounting an exhibit of works in , including some rare manuscripts, in conjunction with the World Congress. It will run the entire month of August.


C o n g r es s R e c e p t io n

S ponsored by the A merican O rganizing C om mittee Monday, August 10th 8:30 p.m. — 11:30 p.m. Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom

There will be free snacks, a cash bar, and live jazz by the Michael Zank Quartet for all Congress participants

C o n g r es s R e c e p t io n

S ponsored by the A merican O rganizing C ommittee Tuesday, August 11th 9:00 p.m. — 11:30 p.m. Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom

There will be free snacks, a cash bar, and live jazz by the Michael Zank Quartet for all Congress participants

S o c ie t y B a n q u e t

T he W orld I nstitute for A dvanced P henomenological R esearch

T uesday, A ugust 11™ 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. By Invitation Only

R e c e p t io n f o r B o sto n U n iv e r s it y A l u m n i

S ponsored by the D epartment of P hilosophy, G raduate D ivision of R eligious and T heological S tud ies, and the S chool of T heology Wednesday, August 12th 6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

Marriott Hotel - Presidential Suite



S p o n s o r e d b y t h e L ibrary of Living P hilosophers and The A merican O rganizing C ommittee Wednesday, August 12th 8:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Marriott Hotel - Grand Ballroom This panel will be moderated by Peter Caws and will include a discussion with philosophers featured in the Library of Living Philosophers Series. Some of the participants will include: G.H. von Wright, Willard V. Quine, Karl-Otto Apel, Donald Davidson, , Peter Strawson, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr.

S o c ie t y B a n q u e t

T h e W o r l d I n s t it u t e f o r A d v a n c e d P henomenological R e s e a r c h Wednesday, August 12th 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. By Invitation Only

C o n g r ess B a n q u e t

S p o n s o r e d b y t h e A m e r ic a n O r g a n iz in g C o m m it e e a n d

T h e P r o j e c t P l a n n e r s o f t h e B e l f a s t 2 0 0 0 C o n f e r e n c e Thursday, August 13th 8:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Westin Hotel - America Ballroom The Banquet is for participants who have purchased tickets in advance. If you wish to purchase tickets, please visit the Registration Area before Wednesday. Glasses of champagne will be provided by the Project Planners of Belfast 2000.

K a r t ik S e sh a d r i A C o n c e r t o f C l a s s ic a l M u s ic o f I n d ia

S p o n s o r e d b y The P hilosopher’s Information Center, P ublishers of “The P hilosopher’s Index” Friday, August 14th 7:30 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Tsai Auditorium, Boston University The Concert will be free of charge for registered Congress participants, but general admission tickets must be requested in advance. These tickets may be picked up in the Registration Area. Shuttle bus service will be provided from the Hotels, or you may take the Subway (MBTA, Green Line) to the “Boston University East” Stop.


W-GR Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 Eva Kit-Wah Man CHINA O p e n in g S es sio n Nilima Sharma Gandhi and Mao’s Philosophy of M arriott H o rn — G rand Ballroom (S alons F&G) Manjulinka Chakraborty INDIA , , and Bliss in Tagore’s Aesthetic Philosophy Andrew Light USA 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 Restoration of Art and Restoration of Nature Thamir Madir IRAQ of Aesthetic : Aristotelian as a W *lB /$ inv T echnology and Model ¿ a Nyiri HUNGARY Hab Kubicki POLAND Philosophy, Education, and the History of Communication Dilemmas of Aesthetical of a Technologies Esa Saarinen FINLAND USA M-BU Sect M etaphysics On Forms of Communication Enrico Berti ITALY Howard Kainz, Jr. USA Artificial and Angelology W-ËS/C inv V a r ie tie s o f E th ic a l T heories Jan Such POLAND Virginia Held USA The Origin of the Universe and Contemporary Feminist Ethical and Philosophy Stephen Darwali USA Aldo Tassi USA Why W e s is Part of Philosophy: A Plea for Philosophical The of Performance: The Theatre of the World Michael Siote USA Andrew Lamb USA Moral and Ethics Granting Its Passage Sailesh Bhattacharyya INDIA W~AB/C Inv Feminist Philosophy of or Scientific Philosophy? Linda Aicoff USA Louise Antony USA W-FC Sect O ther A pplied Ethics Situating Richard De George USA Saliy Ha&iahger USA John Hoaglund USA What is and What it Ought to Be: Feminist Manipulation as an Ethical Theory Values and Normative Epistemology Dan Egonsson The Importance of Human Frits Schipper THE W-AB/N inv L e ib n iz and the B eg inning o f th e E nlightenment Rethinking Efficiency Robert Adams USA Louis Logister THE NETHERLANDS Hans Poser GERMANY In Search of a Methodological Foundation for Leibniz's Proposais for Societies as a Means o f Enlightenment Robert Sleigh USA M-TU Sect Philosophical A nthropology Carlos B. Gutiérrez COLUMBIA Nikolai Vassilev BULGARIA W-AB/S Inv E th ic s, R e lig io n , a n d the F uture o f H um anity Approaching the World of Illusions USA Kazuyoshi Kamiyama JAPAN Philosophical Psychological, and Political Connections Abstract Man Alasdair MacIntyre USA Pavel Gurevich RUSSIA Moral Pluralism without Morai Is Man a Blunder or Summit of Creation? Kai Nielsen CANADA Maria Gracia Amilburu SPAIN Human : Examples from Philosophy W -ST Rt C ritical R eflection on the S tate of G lobal and the C onsciousness — Roundtable O ne Eugene Poliakov RUSSIA Lord, What Is Man? Global Dialogue Institute Ignatius Bambang Sugiharto INDONESIA Ewert Cousins USA , Yesterday and Today Hazel Henderson USA Robert Muller COSTARICA Karan Singh INDIA M-YA Sect P hilosophy of Dan Hausman THE NETHERLANDS Bui Van Dung VIETNAM M-CC Rt Catastrophe T heory Based M odels of M eaning: A Philosophical View of Growth and Development T heir P henomenology, O ntology, and Importance Kari Vayrynen FINLAND for a C ognitive S emantics The Problem of the Ethical Fundaments of Environmental Per Aage Brandt DENMARK Economy Natural and Catastrophes Donald Bruckner USA Svend 0stergaard DENMARK Praiseworthy and Blameworthy Preferences Causation Types and Dynamic Models Ruth Hagengruber GERMANY Wolfgang Wildgen GERMANY Utility and Universality versus Utility and the General The Philosophical Impact of Catastrophe Theory Berta Stolior ARGENTINA Economics, Ethic and Method

M-FA Rt W orkshop: T eaching Philosophy T hrough C omputing T echnologies 20 OFFICIAL PROGRAM— MONDAY

M -M IT Sect P hilosophy of Language W-EB/NC Soc J ohn Dewey: E ducating for the 21st C entury Ernest LePore USA Society for the Advancement of American Rosalind Carey USA Philosophy Wittgenstein's 1913 Objections to Russell: A Dialectical Thomas M. Alexander USA Reading Imagination as a Democratic Virtue AudunOfsti NORWAY John J. Stuhr USA Wittgenstein, ApeI and the Foundation of the Humanities and Education after Jolan Orban HUNGARY John J. McDermott USA Language Games, Writing Games: Wittgenstein and Derrida: Falling Short: The Pedagogy of as Sustenance A Comparative Study Nikolaj Richers CANADA W-CO Soc Executive Council M eeting How Did They Do It? Language Learning in Bruner and Wittgenstein P hilosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport Victor Krebs USA , , Language in Wittgenstein W-SG Soc Diversity and J ustice, S ession O ne Society of Great Britain

M-BR Sect P hilosophy of Law Nelleke Bak SOUTH AFRICA Quarrying in Environmental Education Jules Coleman USA Eduardo Duarte USA Willard Enteman USA Diversity vs. Hegemony: Critical Multiculturalism and the Judge Posner's Challenge to the Struggle for Democracy in Education Alexander Fesenko USA Michael Fielding UK Hegel and the Russian Constitutional Tradition Ana Julia Bozo de Carmona VENEZUELA The of Community: Understanding Schools Toward a Postmodern Theory of Law M-BC Soc S ocratic Paideia Emmanuel Fernando PHILIPPINES Universalizability and Philippine Society for Galina Sorina RUSSIA Matthew Ostrow USA Logic and Law in Russian and Western Culture Charles L. Griswold, Jr. USA Peter Wenz USA “Protagoras” 347b-348a and the Defense of a Moral Dworkin's Wishful-Thinkers Constitution Paul Neufeld USA and Paideia in the “Crito" Tom Tuozzo USA M -NT Soc C ombating , Despair, and Injustice The Education of Charm ides in the “Charmides” F oundation for Social Progress Mark Faller USA

W-EB/NW Soc P residential A ddress M-HY Soc and the Universities in Transi­ International Society for tion: The Education of Citizens for the 21st Century G. John M. Abbarno USA Thomas Magnel! USA Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Value Inquiry in a New Millennium Paul Standish UK Jorge Arregui SPAIN Bas Levering THE NETHERLANDS 1 4 - 1 5 : 5 0 Alexander Linkov BULGARIA Terence McLaughlin UK W-AB/S Inv K a n t, P a id e ia , and the E nlightenment T oday Henry Allison USA M-WE Soc Contemporary A esthetic Issues Kant and the Enlightenment

Society for the Philosophic S tudy of the Zeljko Loparic BRAZIL Contemporary James Van Cleve USA Internal and External Questions in Kant Sander H. Lee USA Siun Hanrahan IRELAND W-AB/N Inv P hilosophy o f P sychology The Analogical and the Constellar: A Study of the Thinking Involved in Art Stephen Stich USA Fiona Jenkins AUSTRALIA Ending the : How to Make Disputes About Guilty Players in Fictive Human Rationality Disappear Elizabeth Mansfield USA Ezquerro Reconstructing Helen: Fragmentation, Beauty, and the Adolf Grünbaum USA Female Body in Contemporary Art W-EB/C Inv Applied Ethics Russell Hardin USA M -RE Soc Problems of M odernity/P robleme der Moderne Hung-Yul So KOREA F ourth International Jaspers Conference Pluralism and the Moral Mind Kurt Salamun Gregory J. Walters CANADA W-AB/C Inv F em in ist A pproaches to E ssentialism Communication and the Third Industrial : Natalie Stoljar AUSTRALIA Technology and the End of Work The of identity and the Metaphysics of Diversity: Sawako Hanyu JAPAN Conceptions of in Jasper’s Existenz-Philosophy in this “Informational“ Age Cheryl Hall USA Edith Ehrlich USA Essential Ems Jaspers on Women Marilyn Myerson USA Feminist Approaches to


M-TU Rt T he of T echnological E fficiency Elena Chirkova RUSSIA Philosophical of Rationality and Foundations of Miguel Angel Quintanilla SPAIN Economic Theory Dan Seni CANADA Leon Olive SPAIN Eduardo Aibar SPAIN M-MIT Sect P hilosophy of Language Ernest LePore USA W-EB/NE Rt A nalytical Continental P hilosophy Robert Stainton CANADA Marina Frasca-Spada Quotation, Demonstration, and Innocence Humeös A Priori and the Canon(s) of Philosophy Josefine Papst GERMANY Jarmo Pulkkinen FINLAND Can a Truth Have Causal Power? A Discussion of John The Neo-Kantians and the “Logicist” Definition of Number Gibbons’ “Truth in ” Jan Wolenski POLAND Asa Maria Wikforss UK The Tradition of Social Externalism and Non-Empirical Errors Fabrice Pataut FRANCE Realism, Modality, and About the Past W-GR Sect A esthetics and Philosophy of the A rts Peter Spader USA Eva Kit-Wah Man CHINA Transcending Language: The Rule of Evocation Kostas Mavrakis FRANCE intempestives pour une refondations M-NE Sect P hilosophy of Law axiomatique de l’esthétique Sandra Shapshay USA Ernesto Valdes GERMANY Subtle Scripture for an Invisible Church: The Moral Impor­ Nicolas Angelis GREECE tance of the Beautiful in Kant Axiologie et pédagogie du droit Petre Dumitrescu ROMANIA J.S. Russell CANADA Le thème de l’unité et de l’harmonie de l’homme chez Trial by Slogan: and “Lex Iniusta Non est Lex” Michael Anderheiden GERMANY Andrew Chignell USA Justification by in Rawl’s More Recent The Problem of Particularity in Kant’s Aesthetic Theory Work Krystyna Wilkoszewska POLAND Hans Sandkuehler GERMANY Problems of Art, Problems of Education Pluralismus und die Universalität des Rechts Frederic Kellogg USA The Relation of Rights to : A Reconsideration of M-BU Sect M etaphysics Bentham’s Enrico Berti ITALY Barbara Wendling USA Phil Dowe AUSTRALIA A Philosophical Perspective on the Regulation of Business Mellor on the Chances of Effects Loretta Torrago USA M-OR Soc Philosophical M aterialism in Japan

Vagueness and Identity Japanese Society for S tudy of P hilosophical Robert Allen USA The Transitivity of Identity Mark H. Mann USA Pluralism and the Being of the Between M -PR Soc Society M eeting Grace Natoli USA Society for Continental P hilosophy and Theology The Role of Ideal Being in the Metaphysics of Antonio Bruce Ellis Benson USA Rosmini (1797-1855) Daniel Dahlstrom USA Thinking About Being and : Heidegger’s ‘Contributions’ W-AD Sect O ther A pplied Ethics Jeff Prudhomme USA Respondent Richard De George USA Keith Dowling SOUTH AFRICA The of the Rapist W-PA Soc A nthropology of S oul, Part O ne Fahmtna Ahmed BANGLADESH Society for the A nthropology of of Population Control of Bangladesh USA John Ozolins AUSTRALIA Antonia Mills CANADA Surrogacy: Exploitation or Violation of Intimacy? An Anthropology of the Soul: Gitxsan Reincarnation Concepts Roy Weatherford USA Erlendur Haraldsson ICELAND A Non-Pacifist Argument Against Capital Punishment Children Who Speak of Memories of a Previous Life Walter Pfannkuche GERMANY David J. Hufford USA Gibt es ein Recht auf Arbeit? The Priority of Local and Local Interpretation in Evaluating “The Hypothesis” M-BR Sect P hilosophy of Economics Felicitas D. Goodman USA and the of the Soul Dan Hausman THE NETHERLANDS Yves Marton USA Vladimir Dvornikov MOLDAVA “For the People, Every Soul is Immortal”: The Spirit- On “Iron Laws” of Economics Hypothesis in the Study of Spirit-Mediumship, Umbanda and Paschal O’Gorman and Thomas Boylan IRELAND Candomblé The Duhem-Quine Thesis in Economics: A Reinterpretation Michael Grosso USA John McMurtry CANADA Paranormal Ability and the Survival Hypothesis The Economics of Life and Death Piotr Boltuc POLAND Emergent Properties of Edward Kalinin RUSSIA Philosophical Concepts of Rationality and Foundations of Economic Theory


M -NT Soc C harting the Next S teps in the Human C iviliza­ W-EB/NW Soc E ducation and V alue

tion P roject International Society for Value Inquiry F oundation for Social Progress Paul Allen USA Patricia Anne Murphy USA M-GB/F Soc A C hristian T ibetan R eligious Encounter Two Ancient Voices of Paideia: and Epictetus International Society for William M. Robb USA Values Education as a Mode of Inquiry Andrew Woznicki USA Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche Joseph Zycinski POLAND W-NA Soc Language and M oral V alue

International Society for Value Inquiry M-YA Soc S ociety M eeting Thomas Platt USA Bertrand R ussell Society Chrisoula Andreou CANADA Starting Off in the Right Direction: Two Ways of Interpreting M-RE Soc Fundamental P hilosophy/ Fundamentalphilosophie the Question, “Are Moral Objective?”

Fourth International Jaspers Conference W-EB/NC Soc P ragmatic Leonard H. Ehrlich USA and Sawako Hanyu JAPAN Albrecht Kiel GERMANY Society for the Advancement of American Drei Thesen zur philosophischen Logik von Jaspers Philosophy Gerhard Knauss GERMANY Die Bedeutung der Idee des Umgreifenden für die Philosophie der Zukunñ W -D W Soc Paper P resentations Hans Saner SWITZERLAND International Philosophers for P eace and the Jaspers’ Versuche der Veranschaulichung seiner Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Periechontologie Global Existence Raymond Langley USA Jaspers’s Geometric Ontology EndreKiss HUNGARY W-CO Soc T he M eaning and C urrent Direction of S port Wissenschaft und Philosophie in gegenseitiger Beleuchtung Philosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport bei Jaspers Tsuyoshi Nakayama JAPAN Simon Eassom UK Jaspers und die Mystik Sport is for Human Dennis Hemphill AUSTRALIA M-BC Soc S ocratic Paideia, Cont'd The Ontology of Cybersport Sigmund Loland NORWAY Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Ludic Rationality: The Art of Moderation

M-VI Soc Discussion S ession on M aimonides 1 6 - 1 7 : 5 0 A cademy for Jewish P hilosophy Norbert Samuelson USA Special S ession

M -HY Soc Nationalism and the Universities in T ransition, M aimonides Lecture Cont'd W estin Hotel — A merica Ballroom S outh Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain GH> von Wright FINLAND Jaakko Hintikka FINLAND W-SG Soc D iversity and J ustice, S ession Two P hilosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Symposium Morwenna Griffiths UK The Ideas of the E nlightenment and their Legacy Empowerment and Voice: The Possibilities of Power in Educational Research Marriott H otel — G rand Ballroom, Salons F&G Kaye Haw UK Morton White USA Fragmented and Flexible Discourses: British Muslim Girls Simone Goyard-Fabré FRANCE Moving from Schooling to Adulthood Paulin Hountondji BÉNIN Pádraig Hogan IRELAND Les yeux du village: signification des *lumières* dans Diversity, Prejudice and the Dynamics of : l’Afrique d’aujourd’hui Educational Practice without Final Vocabularies

W-GR Sect A esthetics and Philosophy of the A rts M-WE Soc P hilosophic T hemes in Films Michael Kelly USA Society for the Philosophic S tudy of the Mario Fernando Bolognesi BRAZIL Contemporary Visual Arts La Cultura y La Mercancía Marc Jean-Bernard COLUMBIA Dan Flory USA Estilo de pensamiento y estilo musical Norman Fischer USA Juan Lamarche ARGENTINA “The People vs Larry Flint” La ficción y la verdad Richard Gilmore USA Maria Rosa Palazón MEXICO Into the Toilet: Some Classical Aesthetic Themes Raised by Relaciones entre las actitudes bellas y las morales a Scene in “Trainspotting” (Intersections between the Moral and the Beautiful Attitudes) Sander H. Lee USA Alberto Gómez Ascaso SPAIN Deconstructing “Deconstructing Harry” George Bataille: The Surrealism of Nietzsche


W-AD Soc Invited Session Paul Smeyers BELGIUM Colin Wringe UK Assoc, for the Foundations of Science TianYuCao USA/CHINA W-SG Soc Diversity and J ustice, S ession T hree Representation or Construction? An interpreation of Philosophy of E ducation Society of Great Britain Quantum Field Theory James T. Cushing USA Richard Smith UK Quantum Mechanics and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge Higher Education: The of the Différend John Norton USA Kenneth Wain Does Information Theory Defeat the Maxwell Demon? Justice in the Postmodern Learning Society? Postmodernist Strategies

M-NE Soc S ociety M eeting M-OR Soc P hilosophical M aterialism in J apan

International E rnst Bloch Society Japanese Society for S tudy of Philosophical Materialism

M-PR Soc P rocess, Paideia, and the 21 st C entury M -W E Soc P hilosophical Issues in Film

S ociety for Process S tudies Society for the P hilosophic S tudy of the George Allan USA Contemporary Visual A rts David Hall USA Elizabeth Mansfield USA Robert Neville USA Allan Casebier USA Close Readings

W-FC Soc Race and G ender Issues Dan Flory USA Race and Epistemology of Film Noir Radical Philosophy A ssociation David Macgregor Johnston USA Craig Vasey USA Reframing the Colorization Controversy Richard T. Peterson USA Heidegger’s Racialism W -EB/NW Soc P lenary S ession Leonard Harris USA Commentator International Society for Value Inquiry Peg O’Connor USA Kenneth FT. Cust USA Moving to New Boroughs: Transforming the World by John Ladd USA Inventing Language-Games Hilde Hein USA Commentator Lisa Heldke USA W -D W Soc Paper P resentations Unnatural Selection International Philosophers for P eace and the Jeffrey Paris USA Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Commentator Global Existence

W-CO Soc S port and E mbodiment 1 8 - 1 9 : 5 0 P hilosophic S ociety for the S tudy of Sport Liv Duesund NORWAY Surpassing the Body: Adapted Physical Activity for Adoles­ W-AB/N tnv F ree W ill cents with Eating Disorders Robert Kane USA Gillian Patterson UK New Directions on Free Wifi Sport, the Spectator and Eros John Martin Fischer USA The Value of Saui Smilansky ISRAEL M-RE Soc P hilosophy of R eligion/ R eligionsphilosophie : The Positive Roie o f Illusion F ourth International Jaspers Conference Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. USA W -AB/S Inv C o g n it ive Fa ll a c ies Jun Fukaya JAPAN for the Japanese and Jaspers’s Philosophy Fernando Broncano SPAIN Kazuko Нага JAPAN Reliable Rationality Philosophischer Glaube bei Jaspers und die Zunkunft der Gerd Gigerenzer GERMANY Religionen Nieis-EneSahlm SWEDEN Hermann-Josef Seideneck GERMANY Das komplementäre Spannungsgefüge von Wissen und W -EB/C Inv V arieties of Phenomenology Glaube in konkret-geschichtlicher Perspektive von Bultmann-Jaspers-Drewermann Jitendra N Mohanty INDIA David Woodruff Smith USA Ontological Phenomenology W-PA Soc A nthropology of the S oul, Part O ne, Cont'd Robert Sokolowski USA S ociety for the Anthropology of Consciousness Transcendental Phenomenology

W-AB/C Inv P hilosophical S itua tio n s in E a ster n Europe M-HY Soc Nationalism and the Universities in T ransition, Cont'd James Scanlon USA Main Currents of Post-Soviet Philosophy in Russia Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain E.Swiderski SWITZERLAND Paul Standish UK Stopping Short of or Going Beyond Philosophizing? Sven-Erik Nordenbo DENMARK


evert van derZweerde THE NETHERLANDS M-SI Rt Philosophy in S ervice to Humanity The Normalization o f the History o f Philosophy in Post- Realia Soviet Hussion Philosophies! Outturn James H. Buchanan USA Joseph Califano USA W-EB/S M o r I ntercultural P erspectives on A esthetics Gil Fell USA USA Donald Hanks USA from a Western Perspective John P. Hittinger USA Barry Hallen USA Evelyn Koblentz USA African Perspectives on Aesthetics Walter L. Koenig USA Steve Odin USA Leory N. Meyer USA Aesthetics from an Bestem Perspective G. Steven Neeley USA Richard Owsley USA Elfie Raymond USA M-CC Rt Internationalism in Philosophy: A S pecial Issue of “M etaphilosophy” Armen Marsoobian and Richard Schusterman USA W-SG Rt T he Future of V alue Inquiry (S ession O ne) Richard Haller AUSTRIA ITALY Leonard Harris USA William Gerber USA François Jullien FRANCE Myra Moss USA USA C.L. Sheng R.O.C. Wolfgang Welsch GERMANY

W-GR Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts ЕВ-NC Rt P luralism in the P hilosophical C urriculum Gary Iseminger USA Steven Cahn USA Charles Don Keyes USA Karen Hanson USA ’s Musical Rhythm and and the Spirit of Music Joel Kupperman USA in Neuroscientific Perspective Celia Wolf-Devine USA Lee Brown USA Documentation and Fabrication in Phonography M-FA Rt Torah as Paideia Richard Gilmore USA Philosophical Beauty: The and the Beautiful in Textual Reasoning D iscussion Group Kant’s uThird Critique” and Aristotle’s “Poetics” Michael Zank USA Glenn Kuehn USA Gerda Elata-Alster ISRAEL Rhythmic Foundations and the Necessary Aesthetic in Peter Ochs USA Peirce’s Categories Jacob Meskin USA Sarah Worth USA Music, Emotion, and Language: Using Music to Communicate W-EB/NE Rt P hilosophy/P henomenology of Life Inspiring E ducation for our T imes M-BU Sect M etaphysics

The W orld Institute for Advanced Enrico Berti ITALY Phenomenologoical Research and Learning Azamat Abdoullaev CYPRUS Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka USA The Ultimate of : Reversible “Ontopoiesis of Life” as the New Cultural Andrew Bailey CANADA Elena Rogacheva RUSSIA Francis Jacques FRANCE C. Behan McCullagh AUSTRALIA Zaiga Ikere LATVIA Natural Necessity, Objective Chances, and Causal Powers Tomonobu Imamichi JAPAN Gordon Steinhoff USA Ruurdtje Boersma THE NETHERLANDS Kant’s Reply to Hume in the Second Analogy Peter Vranas USA Debabrata Siriha CANADA Turn to Life in Future Education Who’s Afraid of Underminability? Why the Principal Does Not Contradict Humean Supervenience Peter Loptson CANADA M-NE Rt M athematics and the A Priori Extra-Causalism and the Unity of Being Stewart Shapiro UK Alan Weir UK M -NT Sect O ther A pplied Ethics Robert Hale UK Richard De George USA Alladin Yaqub USA Juan Maria Parent Jacquemin MEXICO An Ethics for the University W-AD Rt A ncient P hilosophy USA Wallace Matson USA International Development Ethics Hegesias the Death-Persuader; or, the Gloominess William Clohesy USA of Untimely in the Public Market Robin Smith USA Frank Fair USA Trading Lives: , Deontology, and Inevi­ table Trade-Offs M-VI Rt P ersonal Identity and M etaphysics Christopher B. Gray CANADA Lynne Rudder Baker USA Paideia, Schole and Paidia: Then and Now What Am I? Diana Tietjens Meyers USA M-TU Sect P hilosophical A nthropology Authenticity for Real People Carlos B. Gutiérrez COLOMBIA Herman Philipse THE NETHERLANDS Bolestaw Andrzejewski POLAND The Problem of Reinterpreting the “Existentiala”: Mensch und Natur: Ein Beitrag zu der Theorie des Heidegger's Grand (Pascalian) Strategy Homo Universus


James Dodd USA Ghita Holmström-Hintikka USA The Soul of Learning: Some Remarks on Hegel’s Anthropology Inadmissible Evidence Dieter Wandschneider GERMANY Guy Lafrance CANADA Autonomie im Determinismus L’Identité culturelle et les exigences universelles du droit Carol Collier CANADA Julie Van USA The Body as Teacher: From a Source of Knowledge to an How Ontology Saved Free Speech in Cyberspace of Knowledge Joseph Waterman USA M-BC Soc S ociety M eeting The Life, Work, and Death of Self-Consciousness in Hegel’s “Phenomenology” Committee on the S tatus of Native American Duan Dezhi USA Philosophy On the History, Theoretical Difficulties, and Prospects of the Western Thought W -PA Soc S ociety M eeting

M-BR Sect P hilosophy of Economics International A ssoc, of W omen P hilosophers Uskali Mäki THE NETHERLANDS Chrisoula Andreou CANADA M-GB/F Soc E ducation, Community, and Universalism In Defense of Marx’s Account of Capitalist Exploitation Allama M.A. Haye INDIA International Society for Universalism Socio-Economic Humanism Steven Hicks USA John Orlando USA Willard Enteman USA The Fourth Wave: Worker Displacement and Corporate Responsibility W -FC Soc S ession O ne Alla Sheptun RUSSIA N orth American N ietzsche Society Philosophy of Money Donald Hodges USA Alan Schriñ USA Why Post-? Marx’s Mistaken Premises Concerning Scarlett Marton BRAZIL the Labor Process Nietzsche/Zarathustra: In Search of the Beloved Disciple Maudemarie Clark USA Nietzsche and Democracy M-OR Sect P hilosophy of History Richard Schacht USA Rex Martin UK Nietzschean Morals Olga Kozlova RUSSIA The Problem of in Philosophical Discussions of the M -RE Soc ’s P hilosophy: rooted in the First Half of the 19th Century present, paradigm for the future. Marina Kukartseva RUSSIA Fourth International Jaspers Conference On , , and Typology of the History of Philosophy Haim Gordon and Rivca Gordon ISRAEL Sartre on our Responsibility for Dead Lives: Implications for M-HY Soc Nationalism and the Universities in Teaching History T ransition, Cont'd Alan Olson USA Notes on Epochal Consciousness and the Possibility of a Philosophy of E ducation S ociety of Great Britain Jose Szazbon ARGENTINA M -W E Soc Contemporary A esthetic Issues History and Philosophy of History in the Late Benjamin Joseph Vincenzo USA Society for the Philosophic S tudy of the Vico’s New Science: The Unity of Piety and Wisdom Contemporary Visual Arts Alexis Jdanko ISRAEL Allan Casebier USA Outline of the Philosophy of History Founded on Edward Carlos USA Evolutionary Cybernetics Formation in the Creative Act: Psychological Details of Mystical Consciousness M-MIT Sect P hilosophy of Language Saul Fisher USA Ernest LePore USA Architectural , Architectural Notation, and Esther Romero-Gonzalez and Belen Soria-Clivilles SPAIN Computer Aided Design Metaphoric Provisional Meanings Erich Freiberger PUERTO RICO Paul Cortois BELGIUM On the in Aesthetic Discourse Incarnation forte, incarnation faible Manuel Hernandez-Iglesias SPAIN as Analytic A Posteriori Truths Bozidar Kante SLOVENIA and Conversational Implicature Maxim Lebedev RUSSIA On the Relationship Between and Explanation

M-YA Sect P hilosophy of Law Jules Coleman USA Norman Fischer USA The Moral Core of U.S. Constitutional Bans on Hate Speech Codes Mark Strasser USA Natural Law, Same-Sex Marriage, and Domestic Jurisprudence


2 0 - 2 1 : 5 0

W-EB/NE Rt P hilosophy/P henomenology of Life Inspiring E ducation for our T imes, Cont'd

The W orld Institute for Advanced P henomenologoical Research and Learning Francisca Pérez-Carreño SPAIN The Power of Metaphors Susanne Moebuss GERMANY : Die Würdigung des Metaphysischen als pädagogische Aufgabe

W-EB/NW Soc P erspectives on V alue

International Society for Value Inquiry Ruth Luder USA G. John M. Abbarno and Charles Sabatino USA A Dialogue on the Meaning of Value Richard Owsley USA The Value of Hugo Munsterberg

W-EB/NC Soc Kant and Ethical V alue

International Society for Value Inquiry David Shrader USA Christopher Gowans USA Practical Identity and : Korsgaard’s Reformation of Kant’s Philosophy Young Soo Lee USA Kant’s Ethical Theories and the Dualistic Concept of Nature

20:30 — 23:30

R e c e p tio n

M arriott H otel — G rand B allroom (S alons F&G )


0 9 - 9 : 5 0 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0

Plenary Session W-GR Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts P hilosophical E ducation and C ultural D iversity Curtis Carter USA Ewa Bogusz-Boltuc POLAND Marriott H otel — G rand Ballroom (S alons F& G ) La carafe de La Fontaine et la valeur esthetique Martha Nussbaum USA W. Stephen Croddy USA Liberal Education and World Citizenship Explaining Natalia Avtonomova RUSSIA Thomas Wartenberg USA Educational Practices and Cognitive Carroll on the Moving Image: Anti-Essentialism and the Lucius Outlaw USA Definitional Project Education for Citizenship and Cultural Diversity

M-BU Sect M etaphysics 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 USA V. Kzasikov RUSSIA The Utmost Notions in Philosophy W-AB/N Inv M o ral E pistemology Akaki Tsimentia GEORGIA Einology and Its Practical Applications Walter P Sinnott-Armstrong USA Paul Burger SWITZERLAND Explanation and Justifícation in Moral Epistemology Rethinking the Synthetic Apriori de re Jonathan Dancy UK Can a Particularist Learn the Difference Between Right and Wrong? W -PA Sect P hilosophy and G ender USA Lorraine Code CANADA Moral Knowledge and Linguistic Knowledge Guy Bouchard CANADA La uPaideian Homosexuelle: Foucault, Platon, et Aristote W-AB/S Inv S em antics Rosalba Durán Forero COLUMBIA Mujer e Igualidad en Hobbes y Spinoze Tim Williamson UK Janet Wesselius CANADA Manuel García- SPAIN Identity Without Gender Prescriptions: Dealing With Token-Reflexivity and Indirect Discourse Essentialism and Constructionism in Feminist Politics USA

M-MIT Sect P hilosophy of Language W-AB/C Inv M athematical I n tuitio n Ernest LePore USA Mark Steiner ISRAEL Ming Liu and Sheen Liu CHINA USA Kripkenstein: Rule and Indeterminacy Versus Monsters Helen Tinyakova RUSSIA Charles Parsons USA Language and Some Moral Problems, Philosophical

Considerations W-EB/S Inv P hilo so phy in t h e E ducation o f H u m a n ity María Cerezo USA On Naming and Possibility in Kripke and in the Tractatus Harvey Siegel USA Reply to Feldman and Matthews Richard Feldman USA W -DE Sect S ocial Philosophy Gareth B. Matthews USA Seyla Benhabib USA On Valuing Perplexity in Education Naum Yarostchook RUSSIA

Phenomenology of the National W-EB/C Inv R econsidering th e T r a d itio n o p M etaphysics - the Marcelo Felix Tura BRAZIL M ed ieva l E xam ple Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur’s Concept Brian Leñow USA Mark Van Atten USA Ludger Honnenfelder GERMANY Fantasy and Truth in Society: Rorty vs. Husserl John F. Wippel USA Thomas Aquinast Siger of Brabant, and their Use of in Clarifying the Subject of Metaphysics W-NS Soc C ommision de la S érie des “Controverses P hilosophiques” M-PR Rt S elf Identity in Intersubjective and G lobal Institut Internationale de Philosophie Relations Marco Olivetti ITALY Mary-Rose Barrai USA Karen Seubert USA Julia V. Urbarbe ARGENTINA Life is Worth Being Lived Edward Krause USA The and Human Rights Mary Gennso USA : An East-West Comparison


W-ST Rt How Do W e Understand and Resolve Conflicts M-SI Rt Science, Philosophy, and the S tudy of Reugion: of Ethics and Conflicts of C ultures in a The Agenda of Philosophy in the Study of Religion

G lobalized M odern W orld? International A ssociation for the H istory of International Society for and the N orth American A ssoication for Chung-ying Cheng USA the S tudy of Religion Gerhold K. Becker HONG KONG Armin W. Geertz DENMARK Theodore de Вагу USA Morny Joy CANADA Charles L. Griswold, Jr. USA Willi Braun CANADA Fang Keli USA Johannes Wolfart CANADA Shu-hsien Liu USA Robert Neville USA M-WE Rt W hat can A merican P hilosophy C ontribute to the Heiner Roetz GERMANY Education of H umankind? Henry Rosemont USA Benjamin Schwartz USA John Lachs USA Shen Chin-sung PRC Amy Oliver USA Lucius Outlaw USA Nikita Pokrovsky RUSSIA M-OR Rt Philosophie de la nature et anthropologie: John J. Stuhr USA PROBLÈMES THÉORIQUES ET PRATIQUES (PA R T O n e ) Anne Fagot-Largeault FRANCE M-GB/G Rt New P hilosophies of Beauty Le sujet connaissant “la communauté scientifique": constitu­ tion intersubjective de l’objectivité Margaret Brand USA Daniel Andler FRANCE Susan Bordo USA Les process cognitifs: sensorialité, logique Anita Silvers USA Soheil Al Kash LEBANON Paul Taylor USA Le récit de l’histoire universelle: échecs fondationnels

M-TU Rt Talmud T orah as Paideia

W-EB/NC Rt O n Native American T hought Textual Reasoning Discussion Group Anne Waters USA Michael Zank USA Gerda Elata-Alster ISRAEL

W-AD Rt M odern Implications of Bloch’s Philosophy Peter Ochs USA Jacob Meskin USA International Ernst Bloch Philosophy Gerard Raulet FRANCE W-NS Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts Richard Howard USA Lucien Pelletier CANADA Anita Silvers USA Luciana Palazzetti ITALY Maria Martinez SPAIN A Timeless Air: Reflections on Arthur C. Danto’s Thesis on M-HY Rt H uman M ovement (M otus Humanus) in the End of Art Kierkegaard’s T hought, S ession O ne Isabelle Sabau USA The Power of in Byzantine Art Kierkegaard Society Fernando Inciarte GERMANY Abrahim H. Khan CANADA Art and Andrew Burgess USA Stefan Munteanu ROMANIA Kinya Masugata JAPAN The Art and Philosophy of Balance at Constantin Brancusi Some Aspects of “Trial" or Complex Categories in Kierkegaard Deborah Fitzgerald USA Vincent McCarthy USA The British Avant-Garde: A

M-BC Rt Enlightenment and Human Rights M-YA Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics AnatBiletzki ISRAEL Gilbert Hottois BELGIUM Enlightenment and Human Rights L. Collins USA Mourad Wahba On Human Cloning: A Secular Feminist Perspective Enlightenment and Human Righrts Susan Anderson USA Mona Abousenna EGYPT The Cloning of Human Beings Secularisation: A Condition for Human Rights Matti Häyry and Tuija Lehto FINLAND Ovadia Ezra ISRAEL Genetic Engineering and the of Harm The Inability to Realize Minority Human Rights Louis M. Guenin USA Should We Allow Patents on Human DNA? M-RE Rt T he Construction of S ocial Reality William Soderberg USA Barry Smith USA Genetic Enhancement of a Child’s Memory Ingvar Johansson SWEDEN Kazimierz Kloskowski POLAND Herman Philipse THE NETHERLANDS Bioethical Interpretations of Genetic Manipulation: A Context USA of the Questions of an Ethical Nature

M-BR Rt M odern Philosophy M-BU Sect P hilosophical A nthropology Klaus Brinkmann USA Carlos B. Gutiérrez COLUMBIA System and History in Hegel: Hegel’s Background Eduard Demidenko RUSSIA Harold Brown USA On the Danger of a Possibb Sociogenetic Change of Humankind Berkeley on the Conceivability of Qualities and Material Objects Sami Pihlström FINLAND Georges Dicker USA Narrative, , and : How Regularity, Conditionality, and Asymmetry in Causation Educates Humanity


Sabina Kruszynska POLAND W-NA Soc Plenary S ession Human Nature and : Reinterpretation of the ­ International S ociety for Value Inquiry sophical Thought of Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka USA Michael Patton, Jr. USA Ontopoiesis of Life as the New Philosophical Paradigm Amitai Etzioni USA Nancy du Bois USA Beyond Civis: The Good Society Vico’s Orations on Paideia and Humanitas W-EB/NW Soc S ession O ne

W-PA Sect P hilosophy and G ender International H obbes S ociety Lorraine Code CANADA Martin Bertman FINLAND Wayne W. Borody CANADA Edwin Curley USA Classical Greek Philosophical Paideia in Light of the The Covenant with God in Hobbes Postmodern Occidentalism of Bernd Ludwig GERMANY Vigdis Songe-Mueller NORWAY *Leviathan” as Epicurean Response to Theistic Natural Law La Différence Sexuelle chez les Grecs: Depuis le conflit Bernard Gert USA tragique jusqu’à la harmonie Platonique Hobbes on Maria de Penha F.S. de Carvalho BRAZIL Les Deux Faces de la Morale dans La Maison de Poupée W-FC Soc S ession Two Elvira Diaz SPAIN La Idea *se convierte en una mujer”: Nietzsche y el N orth American N ietzsche S ociety cristianismo Alan Schrift USA Margaret A. Simons USA Volker Caysa GERMANY Is Beauvoir’s uThe Second Sex” an Application of Sartrean Nietzsche about Body and Education ? Peter Sedgwick UK Pedagogical Nietzsche M-MIT Sect P hilosophy of S port Gary Shapiro USA Jeannette Boxill USA Nietzsche and Foucault in Plato’s Cave Léo-Paul Bordeleau CANADA Paideia et Sport M-SU Soc O pening S ession (12-12:30) Gunnar Breivik NORWAY Institut Internationale de Philosophie Limits to Growth in Elite Sport: Ethical Considerations Robert Mahoney USA Jaakko Hintikka FINLAND/USA Reason in the Martial Arts: The Ground of a Martial Science Tomonobu Imamichi JAPAN Heather Reid USA Charles L. Griswold, Jr. USA Sport, Education, and the Meaning of Victory Pierre Aubenque FRANCE David Schwartz USA and the Ends of Sport M-SU Soc Discussion of the M aimonides Lecture by G.H. Sigmund Loland NORWAY von W right (begins at 13:00) The Record Dilemma Institut Internationale de Philosophie G.H. von Wright FINLAND M-NT Sect P hilosophy of V alues Karl-Otto Apel GERMANY George Allan USA Dagfinn F0llesdal NORWAY Sonia Arribas USA F. Miró Quesada PERU Democracy and Social Values: A Diagnosis of our Societies Anatoly Bodrilin RUSSIA M-FA Soc G erman and Field-B eing Philosophy of Values: Anthropological and Sociological Approaches Intl. Institute for F ield-Being Toni Ronnow-Rasmussen SWEDEN Harold Oliver USA Preference- and Past Preferences Kwang-Sae Lee USA Ching Sheng CHINA Curtis R. Naser USA An Interpretation of Liberty in Terms of Value XinRu PRC Vera Rudge Werneck BRAZIL Laura E. Weed USA Valeur et Culture Barbara Amodio USA Discussant W-DE Sect S ocial P hilosophy Bong-Kil Chung USA Discussant Seyla Benhabib USA Bensi Xing PCR loan Biris ROMANIA Discussant La functionnalité de l’idée de champ dans les BockjaKim HONGKONG sociales Discussant Zhang Hua-jin CHINA and Social Progress Elena Kudriashova RUSSIA 1 4 - 1 5 : 5 0 Socio-philosophical Problems of Leadership Thomas Simon USA Against Positive Group Identity W-AB/S In v and Poststructurausm Heta Häyry FINLAND P e te r C a m USA Ethnicity and Group Rights, Individual and Immoral Stephen USA Obligations Edith Wyschogrod USA The Death o f the , the Rise of the Image in Merce M-HA Cyber Web-Delivered Introduction to Philosophy Cunningham's Choreography Global Dialogue Institute 30 OFFICIAL PROGRAM— TUESDAY

W-EB/NE Rt Husserl’s Latest Investigations: A n A ttempt to Break T hrough to Nature-L ife John P ollock USA Massimo PiattelM-Palmarfni ITALY The World Institute for Advanced Phenomeno­ ZenonPyiyshyn USA logical Research and Learning Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka USA M M il/F 1m O ntology Angela Ales Bello ITALY Richard Cobb-Stevens USA Peter Simons UK Jean-Marc Mouilli FRANCE Oms Urn Sm Exist? The РтШт of Vague Objects Robert Sweeney USA Osvaldo Chateaubriand BRAZIL Hirotaka Tatematsu JAPAN s Rater Van Inwagen USA M-NE Rt Political P hilosophy Newton Ganzer USA W -AB/C tnv Consciousness Politics and Anti-Politics David Rosenthal USA Rex Martin UK The Kinds of Consciousness Rousseau on Constitutional Consensus and the Ted Hondench UK Problems of Stability Consciousness as Existence Again James Sterba USA William G. Lycan USA

M -W E Rt T he Pragmatism of Jane A ddams W-AB/N fn v A Priori Knowledge Peter H. Hare USA Laurence Bon Jour USA Marilyn Fischer USA George Beater USA The Pragmatism of Jane Addams A Prion Knowledge James Campbell USA AI Casullo USA Respondent Mary B. Mahowald USA Respondent M-RE Rt P hilosophy and the M edia Carlin Romano USA Roger-Pol Droit FRANCE M-SI Rt S cience, P hilosophy, and the S tudy of Religion: Vittorio Hösle GERMANY Religion and the P roblem of C onceptualization Ioanna Kuçuradi TURKEY International A ssociation for the H istory of Brian Magee UK Religions and the N orth American A ssoication for the Study of Religion

W-GR Rt T he Future of V alue Inquiry (S ession Two) Russell T McCutcheon USA Bill Arnel USA Mona Abousenna EGYPT Tomoro Masuzawa USA Dane R. Gordon USA Matti Häyry FINLAND William M. Robb UK M-PR Rt S elf Identity in Intersubjective and G lobal Relations

M-HY Rt Human M ovement (M otus Humanus) in Kierkegaard’s T hought, S ession Two M-GB/G Rt T he O bjects of Fiction Kierkegaard Society Eddy Zemach USA Abrahim H. Khan CANADA Robert Howell USA Lee Barrett USA Robert Stecker USA David Cain USA David Goicoechea CANADA W-NS Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts Guillermine de Lacoste USA Curtis Carter USA Hans-Dieter Bahr AUSTRIA M-OR Rt P hilosophie de la nature et anthropologie: Anmerkungen zur Metaphysik der ästhetischen Erziehung problèmes théoriques et pratiques Tatiana Tamerian RUSSIA Bertrand Saint-Sernin FRANCE “Neo-Mythology” and Image in XXth Century Art L’objet de la connaissance: de la possibilité d’une Gérard Sondag FRANCE philosophie de la nature Complémentarité technique et complémentarité esthétique Marie-Hélène Parizeau CANADA Hugo Roeffaers BELGIUM L’éthique de la connaissance: du jugement de fait au Aesthetic Experience and Verbal Art jugement de valeur EndreKiss HUNGARY Philosophical of Literary Objectiveness James Harold USA W-SG Rt How Do W e Understand and R esolve Conflicts Empathy for Fictions of Ethics and C onflicts of C ultures in a G lobalized M odern W orld?

International Society for Chinese Philosophy M-BC Sect Human Rights Chung-ying Cheng USA Myrto Dragona-Monachou GREECE Tang Yijie PRC Vasil Gluchman Weiming Tu USA Humanity and Moral Rights Günter Wohlfart GERMANY Eleanor Winthrop USA Yue Daiyun PRC Children Are Not Zhang Qingxiong


Alan Rosenbaum USA Daniel Laurier CANADA Philosophical Reflections on Genocide and the Claim About The Publicity of Thought and Language the Uniqueness of the Holocaust Rekha Singh INDIA M-VI Sect P hilosophy of V alues Status of Women in Indian Society Elizabeth Linehan USA George Allan USA Executing the Innocent Nikolay Omelchenko USA as an Principle Xavier Vilchis Peñalosa MEXICO M-BU Sect M etaphysics Necesidad de una Fundametacíon Metafísica en la Peter Van Inwagen USA Enseñanza de los Valores (Necessity of a Metaphysical C. Wesley DeMarco USA Foundation of the Teaching of Values) in the Means of Construction Guozhong Yan CHINA Douglas Hadley USA Love, Beauty, and Freedom A Variation on the Dog and His Bone: The Unity of the ShriDubey INDIA World in Plotinian Philosophy (“Ennead” VI. 4-5) Freedom and Equality in Advaitic Philosophy Peter Schuller USA Marek Рука POLAND Descartes' Daydream and the Mind-Body Problem On Emotion and Value in and Robert Tully CANADA Shyli Karin-Frank ISRAEL Tractarian Dualism On Justifying International Intervention from Security: Self Michael Kane USA Defense without Aggression? Descartes’ Metaphysical Turn Harsiddh Joshi INDIA W-DE Sect S ocial Philosophy Anti-Relational Argument and Thomas McCarthy USA John Bewaji JAMAICA M-BR Sect P hilosophical A nthropology The Contract Tradition Kuno Lorenz GERMANY Robert Allen USA Z. Rachmatyllina RUSSIA Rawlsian Affirmative Action: Compensatory Justice As Seen Tradition as an Object of Philosophical-Anthropological From The Original Position Analysis Jami Anderson USA Claudia Márquez Pemartin MEXICO Hegel on Punishment: Injurious Acts as Normative Acts El Sentido del Dolor: Una Interpretación Metafísica desde Roger Magyar USA Tomas de Aquino Rawl’s Justification of Political Intemalism and Its Inherent Eckhard Meinberg GERMANY Catholic Paradox Umwelt Zerstörung: Eine philosophisch-anthropologische Marie Fleming CANADA Sichtweise Habermas on Social Labor and Communicative Action Ludmila Tchernaya RUSSIA Sachindra Singh INDIA Philosophical- Anthropological Approach to Historic-Cultural Permissive Society: A Bane for and Health Research Dennis Weiss USA W-NA Soc Realism and V alues Human Nature and the Digital Culture: The Case for Philosophical Anthropology International S ociety for Value Inquiry Chin-Tai Kim USA Charles Sabatino USA The Nature and Possibility of Philosophical Anthropology Aaron Ben-Ze’ev ISRAEL Should a Virtual Affair be Regarded as Adultery? Carl Ellerman USA W-EB/NC Sect P hilosophy and G ender The Sleep of Realism: A Critical View of the Enchantment Lorraine Code CANADA and Absurdity of Moral Philosophy Pamela Anderson UK Tracing Sexual Difference: Beyond the of the Other Teresa Brennan USA W-EB/C Soc and the Idea of a Cathouc and Non-Reductive Materialism P hilosophical T radition Krishna Mallick USA American Catholic P hilosophical A ssociation Common Ground of Feminism and Cultural Relativism in Dominic J. Balestra USA Human Rights Discourse: Sex-Determination Testing in India Kenneth L. Schmitz CANADA Richard Gjlmore USA Postmodernism and the Idea of a Catholic Philosophical Pragmatism, Perfectionism, and Feminism Tradition Karen Warren USA John D. Caputo USA Situated Universalism and Care-Sensitive Ethics Respondent Judit Hell HUNGARY Thomas R. Flynn USA Women’s Issues and Multiculturalism Respondent James L. Marsh USA M-MIT Sect P hilosophy of Language Respondent Ernest LePore USA Robert Parikh USA M-YA Soc S ociety M eeting Frege’s Puzzle and Revision E uropean F orum of Good Clinical Practice Matthew Ostrow USA The Tractatus: Pictures of Emptiness Elena Tatievskaia GERMANY M-NT Soc M etaphysics and M orals in M odern W omen Russell on Structure of Propositions P hilosophers Norman Lillegard USA How Private Must an (Objectively) Private Language Be? Society for the S tudy of W omen P hilosophers


Mary Ellen Waithe USA Robin Attfield UK Milenko Budimir USA Is, Ought, Promises, and Debt The Role of Christ in the Metaphysics of Anne Conway John R. Welch SPAIN Stephanie Semler USA Ethical Classification and Inductive Moral Disapprobation: Jane Austen and Laughter M-TU Society Early G reek C ontributions to Paideia, Cont’d

M-SU Soc Discussion of the M aimonides Lecture by G.H. Society for Ancient Greek P hilosophy von W right, Cont’d

Institut Internationale de Philosophie 1 6 - 1 7 : 5 0

M-EB/NW Soc S ession Two Sym po siu m

International H obbes Society P ragmatism, W hat it is A m W hat it is no t Bernard Baumrin USA Marriott Hotel — Grand Ballroom, Salons F&G Martin Bertman FINLAND Hobbes and Hume on Promises Risto Hilpinen USA/ FINLAND M.S. Ronald Commers BELGIUM Pragmatism and the Principle o f Knowability Modernity of a Conservative Helmut Pape GERMANY S.A. Lloyd USA The Unity c i Classical Pragmatism: its Scope ami its U nits Natural Law and in Hobbes Sandra Rosenthal USA Pragmatism: What's in a Name?

W-FC Soc S ession Two, Cont’d M-BC Soc Ethical Character Formation and High Technology N orth American Nietzsche Society The Research Institute and Computer E thics Institute M-FA Soc S ociety M eeting John A. Loughney USA Concerned Philosophers for P eace Michele Carter USA Michael Daigneault USA Patrick F. Sullivan USA W -AD Soc S ociety M eeting Amitai Etzioni ITALY N. American Society for Social Philosophy Respondent William McBride USA Rodney G. Peffer USA M-EB/NW Soc S ession T hree Jeffrey Paris USA International H obbes Society Alistair MacLeod CANADA Martin Harvey USA Paolo Savarese ITALY W -CO Soc Expanding Concerns and O pportunities in S port Rule and Claim as Mediation and M oral S entiments and S port Rosamond Rhodes USA P hilosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport Hobbes and Rawls Jennifer M. Beller, Julie McLaughlin, and Sharon Kay Stoll USA Tommy L. Lott USA A Philosophic Examination of Female College Athletes Hobbes’ Theory of Voluntary Action Gabriela Tymowski UK Rights and Wrongs: A Philosophical Consideration of Young W-DW Soc Contributed S ession Athletes and Elite Sports Nicholas Dixon USA Assoc, for the F oundations of S cience Pride and Modesty in Sport Diederik Aerts, Jan Broeckaert, and Sonja Smets BELGIUM Michael J. McNamee UK The Liar-Paradox in a Quantum Mechanical Perspective , Methodological and Lorenzo Magnani ITALY : Situating Understandings of Moral Trust Withdrawing Unfalsifiable Hypotheses Peter Menzies AUSTRALIA David Lewis on Chancy Counterfactuals W-PA Soc S ociety M eeting Rinat M. Nugayev RUSSIA Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology Einstein’s Revolution: A Case Study in Communicative Norman Wirzba USA Rationality Merrold Westphal USA Commanded Love and Divine in Kierkegaard W-CO Soc T he Fraleigh Lecture and Levinas Bruce Ellis Benson USA Philosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport Respondent Drew Hyland USA

W-DW Soc Paper Presentations M -NT Soc T he I C hing and : S ubstantialism and Non-

International Philosophers for and the SUBSTANTIALISM IN ASIAN PHILOSOPHY, SESSION ONE Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Intl. Institute for Field-Being Global Existence Chenyang Li USA Peimin Ni USA M-CC Soc Ethical T erms and V alue John Schroeder USA Kam-MingYip HONGKONG International Society for Value Inquiry Eva Kit-Wah Man HONGKONG Parker English USA Discussant


Laura E. Weed USA М -PR Rt O ntological D ependence Discussant Allan Casebier USA Xieshan Ye PCR Kit Fine USA Discussant Risto Hilpinen FINLAND/USA David Woodruff Smith USA W-PA Soc Paper P resentations

International P hilosophers for Peace and the M-CC Rt C ritical Role of W eltanschauung E limination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Global Existence Ash Gobar USA David L. Norton USA D.R.C. Reed USA M-TU Soc Early G reek C ontributions to Paideia, Cont’d Rick O’Neill USA S ociety for Ancient Greek Philosophy Josef Seifert AUSTRIA/LIECHTENSTEIN

1 8 - 1 9 : 5 0 W-EB/NW Rt T he Routledge Encyclopedia of P hilosophy 2000: P hilosophers Educating the C lass of 2000 (and Beyond) W -AB/S fnv D econstruction ano It s C r itic s R outledge E ncyclopedia of P hilosophy Data Jacquette USA Edward Craig UK The Debacle in Theory and Practice Sharon McDuell UK Rodolphe Gasché USA UK Specters o f Nietzsche Christopher Norris UK W-EB/NC Rt Ethics in the P resent Decade Osvaldo Guariglia ARGENTINA W*AB iH im K no w ledg e a n d B eing Setting Up the Debate Stanley Rosen USA Maria Jula Bertomeu ARGENTINA Forms, Elements, and Categories The Controversy between the Universalistic and Communitarian Dabi Prasad Chattopadhyaya CANADA Positions within Ethical Theory: The Latin American Discussbn On the Ways of Knowing What is There: Being and Knowing J. Muguerza SPAIN Arda Denket TURKEY Universalism, Communitarianism, Transióme and Inexorability Carlos Thiebaut SPAIN Is Responsibility a Blindspot in Current Ethical Thinking? W -EB/S Inv C o m parative P h ilo so phy o f R elig io n W -PA Rt P hilosophy of Language Keith Yandett USA God; Freedom, and Creation in Cross-Cultural Perspective Jaakko Hintikka USA John Clayton UK What is True and What is False about So-Called Theories of Truth Charles Taliaferro USA Philip L. Peterson USA The Ideal Observer's /Proposition/Event Individuation Roger Wertheimer USA

W-AB/C Inv K no w ledg e a s a C ultural a nd H isto r ic a l P henomenon W-GR Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts Vladislav Lektorsky RUSSIA Margaret Brand USA Tom Rockmore U M Igor Douven THE NETHERLANDS Knowledge as Historical and Supervenience Vyacheslav Stepin RUSSIA Aldo Tassi USA Why Theatre is Different Robert Kramchynski CANADA W*EB/NE Inv P erceptio n Quality as Presentation: The Art of Speaking and the Diana Raffman USA Science of Imitation Brian McLaughlin USA Andrew Ward UK Sensory Qualities and Putting Value into Art Michael Pendlebury SOUTH AFRICA Marek Bielecki and Marta Calvo USA Perception and Objective Knowledge The Autopoietic System of Art in the Perspective of

W -EB/C in v O b je c tiv it y M-YA Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics RobertBrandom USA and the Normative Fine Structure of Rationality H. Tristram Engelhardt USA Ell Hirsch USA William E. Stemprey USA Objectivity Without Objects Causation and Moral Responsibility for Death O scar Nudler ARGENTINA Claudio Escobar and Alfonso Flórez COLUMBIA Objectivity and Conceptual Change La eutanasia no-voluntaría (Non-Voluntary Euthanasia) David Benatar SOUTH AFRICA The Unbearable of Bringing Into Being W -S G in te r T he M ea ning o f D em ocracy in the W o rld T oday Thomas Cavanaugh USA Peter A, French USA The Instability of the Standard Justification of Physician The Meaning o f Democracy: A Western Perspective Assisted Suicide Emmanuel Eze USA Mary B. Mahowald USA An African Perspective on Democracy On Helping People to Die: A Pragmatic Account Hossein Zfai USA Patricia Mann USA Democracy from an Islamic Standpoint Meanings of Death 34 OFFICIAL PROGRAM— TUESDAY

W-DW Sect H uman Rights Jorge Ayala Martinez SPAIN Values and Ethical Norms Myrto Dragona-Monachou GREECE Alexander Chumakov RUSSIA Vartan Torosian RUSSIA Human Values: The Key to Solving Global Problems Humanism: Dangerous Illusion, Desperate , or Duty of Stanley Riukas USA Time? Inherent and Instrumental Values in Ethics Bernard den Ouden USA Agnes Koos HUNGARY Sustainable Development, Human Rights, and Postmodernism Values and Their Collisions Laura Westra CANADA Ferenc Lendvai HUNGARY Institutionalized Environmental Violence and Human Rights On the Possibility of Transcendental Materialism Arthur Prince USA Hocking’s Critique of Certain Ways of Thinking About Rights Patrick Hayden USA M-NE Sect S ocial Philosophy Rort/s Sentimental Education and the Question of Human Rights Thomas McCarthy USA Eugene V Torisky, Jr. USA Integrity and Supererogation in Ethical Communities M-BU Sect M etaphysics Julia Bartkowiak USA Peter Van Inwagen USA Religious Education in the Public Schools Edmund Morawiec USA Chris Eberle USA Classical Philosophy and Some Negative Characteristics of Respect, Coercion and Religious Belief Contemporary Culture Roberto Miguelez CANADA Arkadij Troepolsky RUSSIA Le public et le privé: le juridique et l’éthique How is it Possible to Have Metaphysics Necessary for Michael Taylor USA Mankind? and Education: Hume, Madison, and Factions Igor Yevlampiev RUSSIA Daniel Touey USA Metaphysical Premises and Types of Liberal Ideology On the of Philosophy Educating Humanity Paul Raymont USA Does Anything Break Because It is Fragile? M-TU Soc C reativity and the Education of Humanity Sergey Katretchko RUSSIA Philosophy as Metaphysics Society for P hilosophy of Pawel Mazanka USA Lewis Edwin Hahn USA Classical Philosophy and Some Negative Characteristics of Steve Bickham USA Contemporary Culture Can Humor Theory Illuminate Creativity? Larry Cobb USA Creativity as a Path to Organizational Renewal M-OR Sect P hilosophical A nthropology David Lee Miller USA Kuno Lorenz GERMANY Creativity as Metaparadynamic Synchronicity Ynhui Park Nikolay Omelchenko RUSSIA Critique of Anthropocentric Ethics Human Creativity and the Teaching of Creativity Vasili Pivoyev RUSSIA John Thomas USA On “Day Time” and “Night Time” Consciousness as Forms of Human Exploration of the World E.I. Sorokin RUSSIA M-RE Soc P hilosophy, , and “”/ as Foundation of P hilosophie, Psychologie und Michael I. Mikeshin RUSSIA “ Psychopathologie” Philosophy of a Non-Philosopher: Is It Possible to Recon­ F ourth International Jaspers Conference struct It? George В. Pepper USA Elizabeth Morelli USA Elena Bezzubova RUSSIA and Rationality Self-Consciousness: Jaspersian Phenomenology and Ingvar Johansson SWEDEN Russian Phenomenological Anthropology Impossible , Superfluous Descriptions, and Matthias Bormuth GERMANY Mead’s T Karl Jaspers’s Criticism of with Reference to W-CO Sect P hilosophy of Language S. Nassir Ghaemi USA Psychological Bases for the Existential Philosophy of Karl Ernest LePore USA Jaspers Janina Buczkowska POLAND Murray McLachlan AUSTRALIA Information as the Basis of Representation Jaspers’s “General Psychopathology” as a Synthesis of Alejandro Patiño Arango COLOMBIA Empirical Science with Transcending Philosophy Pragmática del lenguaje moral y Jurídico en Austin (Prag­ matics of Moral and Legal Language in Austin) Tom is Kapitan USA M-MIT Soc S ociety M eeting The Autonomy of Indexical Reference Intl. Society for Neo-P latonic S tudies Juan Cuartas COLOMBIA The Name’s Motives Janna Gorbyleva RUSSIA M -HY Soc M oral R easons - or Particular? of Internal and External Structure and Language Contamination International Society for Value Inquiry Ralph Wedgewood USA Walter P Sinnott-Armstrong USA M-VI Sect P hilosophy of V alues Generality and Particularity in Moral Epistemology Tarcisco Padilha BRAZIL Piotr Boltuc POLAND Alexandru Boboc ROMANIA Propinquity and the Structure of Moral Space and Value in Contemporary Philosophy Jonathan Dancy UK Commentator


Bernard Gert USA Norbert Samuelson USA Morally Relevant Features David Novak CANADA Principle Eight: The Torah is Divinely Revealed Heiddi Rawen USA W-AD Soc S ociety M eeting Principle Six: There is Prophesy International S ociety for Environmental E thics Hava Tirosh-Samuelson USA Principle Seven: Mosaic Prophecy is Superior to all Other Prophecy M-BR Soc S ociety M eeting

Committee on the S tatus of Native American M-SI Rt Is G lobal P hilosophy Possible? Roundtable II P hilosophy Global Dialogue Institute Ashok Gangadean USA W-NS Soc C ommissions des Chroniques de philosophie et Masao Abe JAPAN PROJETS APPARENTÉS Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA Institut Internationale de Philosophie Seyyed Hossein Nasr USA Martha Nussbaum USA G. Flestad Norway Tsenay Serequeberhan USA Robert Thurman USA M-SU Soc S ociety M eeting Tu Wei-Ming USA

International A ssoc, of W omen Philosophers M-CC Rt P hilosophical P erspectives on S cience Education W-FC Soc The Death Penalty and the War Against llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Humanity Ron Giere USA A Framework for Teaching Scientific Education Radical P hilosophy A ssociation Richard Grandy USA J. Everet Green USA On the Education George Caffentzis USA Matti Sintonen UK Panelist Understanding Science Matters Silvia Federici USA Panelist M-FA Sect A esthetics and P hilosophy of the A rts Anita Silvers USA M-BC Soc : P henomenology, E pistemolgoy and Peter Lamarque UK C lassification and Private Language The A ssociation for the A dvancement of Philoso­ Liliana Máculus USA phy and P sychiatry The Problem of Communication and Its Relations with Paul Appelbaum USA Language Louis Sass USA Evanghélos Moutsopoulos GREECE Jennifer Radden USA Le Suranné dans l’art: immanence et nostalgie Marie-Dominique Popelard FRANCE Le symptôme goodmanieu: un nouveau type de M-NT Soc M illennial S ocial P hilosophy: G ender-aware symbolisation? A nalysis and V isual Image as Political Ideas

The Social P hilosophy Research Institute W-DW Sect H u m a n R ig h t s John A. Loughney USA Myrto Dragona-Monachou GREECE Respondent Antonio Perez-Estevez VENEZUELA James P. Cadello USA Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights: A Latinamerican Robert Ginsberg USA Reading of Rawls’ “The Law of Peoples” Ellen R. Klein USA Vicente Barretto BRAZIL J. Stanley Yake USA Les Fondements éthiques des droits de l’Homme Jay Drydyk 2 0 - 2 1 : 5 0 Globalization and Multi-Cultural Knowledge of Human Rights Ruth Luder USA Inalienable Rights: A Plea for Open Options Morton Winston USA W -AB/S In v C o g n it io n , C o ntro versy, an d R a tio n a l ity On the Indivisibility and Interdependence of Human Rights Ryszard Wojcicki POLAND Marcelo Dascal ISRAEL Eduardo Flichman ARGENTINA M-BU Sect M etaphysics La Dinámica de Newton, Kuhn y La inconmensurabilidad Peter Van Inwagen USA Yegor Makharov RUSSIA Phenomenology of the Spirit W-EB/NE Rt V alues in Nature Igor Newazhay RUSSIA Donald A. Crosby USA Apophatical Metaphysics of the Subject Nancy R. Howell USA Roberto Walton ARGENTINA Donald S. Klinefelter USA Metaphysical Implications of Horizonedness Mark Zhelnov RUSSIA M-RE Rt P rinciples about the T orah in M aimonides’ Paideia of ’Nihil of Reliability of Existing’ and Paideia of Foundations of J ewish Faith “Nihil of Truth of Being:” Ideas of Leibniz and Heidegger at the End of the 20th-Century A cademy for


M-BC Sect P hilosophical A nthropology W -NS Soc Commissions des textes: “P hilosophie et Kuno Lorenz GERMANY COMMUNAUTÉ MONDIALE” Jean-Marie Apovo BENIN Institut Internationale de P hilosophie Anthropologie du Bo (Théorie et Pratique du gris-gris) R. Klibansky CANADA Lourdes Gordillo Alvarez-Valdés SPAIN La Virtud como perfeccionamiento del individua según J. S. Mill Beata Stawarska BELGIUM M-BR Soc Business M eeting The Self, the Other, the Self as Ап/other A Reading of Values Inquiry Book Series Early Sartre Mieczyslaw Migon POLAND Logos and Ethos in the Anthropological Thought of Max M-HY Soc V irtues and V alues Scheler International Society for Value Inquiry Martin Rudolph GERMANY Homo Mensura—Philosophie: Analepse gegen Paralipse: La Tim Madigan USA Mettrie und die griechische Medizinphilosophie Ruth Luder USA Victor Idoate García SPAIN Reflecting on and Rights: A Comment on Inconsistencies Antropología de Lain Entralgo según sus escritos Svetlana Zolkina UKRAINE History of Value in Russian Philosophy

W -PA Sect P hilosophy and G ender M-NE Soc S ociety S ession Lorraine Code CANADA V.Rogozhin RUSSIA International Society for Value Inquiry Two in front of the Other Iddo Landau ISRAEL W -FC Soc W orking S ession Can Justice Ethics and Care Ethics Converge? Olga Voronina RUSSIA International Philosophers for Peace and the The and Gender in Russia Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Mary Lyn Stoll USA Global Existence Rawlsian Stability and Feminism Janet Kourany USA Nursing Masculine Science to Gender-Free Health 2 1 - 2 3 : 3 0

W-CO Sect P hilosophy of Language Ernest LePore USA R ec e p tio n Ming Liu CHINA and Sheen Liu USA M arriott H o tel — G rand Ballroom (S alons F& G ) Chomsky and Knowlege of Language Maria Baghramian IRELAND Davidson and Indeterminacy of Meaning Louise Röska-Hardy GERMANY T and the First Person Perspective Renate Duerr GERMANY Some Remarks on the Reference of Theoretical Terms Kalipada Mohanta INDIA Language and Speech Acts John Justice USA A Unified Theory of Names

M-NT Sect P hilosophy of V alues Tarcisco Padilha BRAZIL Joel Rodríguez Patiño MEXICO Los valores como cualidades estructurales y el proceso de globalización mundial (Values as Structural Qualities and the Process of World Globalization) Jiang Chang CHINA The Contemporary Conflict of Values Elba Coleclough ARGENTINA Paideia and Values Hortensia Cuellar MEXICO Los Valores Existen? Mark Painter USA Justifying Philosophy and Paideia in the Modern World Chhaya Rai INDIA Moral Philosophy of Global Peace

W-AD Soc Is N ewman S till Relevant Today?

National A ssociation of Scholars, Phil. Sect. John R Hittinger USA Teaching Philosophy: Can We Still Learn From Newman? Robert Sokolowski USA Peter A. Redpath USA


Marin Aiftinca ROMANIA 0 9 - 0 : 5 0 The Analogical Dimension of the Tolerance Jan Wawrzyniak POLAND An Attempt at Evolutionary W-CO Sect A ncient Philosophy

John Cleary Ireland M -PR Sect Teaching Philosophy Wallace Matson USA Arnold Wilson USA Hegesias the Death-Persuader; or, the Gloominess Arthur Ledoux USA of Hedonism Teaching Meditation to Classes in Philosophy Brian Mooney AUSTRALIA RudiKotnik SLOVENIA Loving Persons Exploring Subjectivity in Teaching Philosophy Lev Lyakhovetsky RUSSIA Julius Simon USA One Unseparated Science: What is This? Levinas on the Border(s)

M-MIT Sect Comparative Philosophy W-NS Soc Comité de cooptation Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA Institut Internationale de Philosophie JuthikaDas INDIA Radhakrishnan’s Thought and Existentialism tonna Kuçuradi TURKEY Anselm Model GERMANY Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 Paedagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches Eva Lundgren-Gothlin SWEDEN PiJÈNARY , Existentialism, and Phenomenology O rigins andP hilosophical C onceptions of Р а ю ш

Marriott Нота.— G rano Ballroom, Salons F&G M-YA Sect Aaron Garrett USA Pierre Aubenque FRANCE James Fieser USA TuWei-Ming USA Hume’s Wide Construal of the Virtues Paul Woodruff USA Károly Kókai AUSTRIA Paideia and Good Judgement Was Ist Freiheit? Marcia Homiak USA 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 Does Hume Have an Ethics of Virtue? Some on Character and Reasoning in Hume and Aristotle W-AB/N fnv ТтНрттшшттЫюттат Akeel Bllgrami USA M-NT Sect Ontology Pierre Jacob FRANCE Peter Simons UK Can Selection Explain Content? Andrei Korolev RUSSIA USA On the Role of the Philosophical Concept 'Nedobytie’ in the Creation of the World Picture W -ST Inv Perspectives on Analytic Pmlosophy Sanjyot Vernekar INDIA Aurobindonian Ontology! Salient Peculiarities John P erry USA Roger Wertheimer USA Burton S. Dreben USA Identity Syntax Pascal Engel FRANCE

M-NE Sect Philosophy and Literature M-GB/F Inv Goo and Martha Nussbaum USA UK Mikhail Blumenkranz UKRAINE and God's Right Eschatological Myth on the Kingdom of the Great Inquisitor Michael Levine AUSTRALIA Maya Das INDIA Evil: Solutions that are Part of the Problem Truth in Literature: A Study of Tagore’s Ideas in View of His Howard Wettstein USA Vedantic Background Transforming the Problem о / E v il Elina Prokhorova RUSSIA Philosophical-Aesthetic Problems on Esseistics of W-SG Inv Virtue Epistemology Joseph Brodsky John Greco USA Agent Reliabillsm M-TU Sect Christopher Hookway UK Jack Weir USA Virtues, Sentiments, and Epistemic Rationality Victor Kashpersky RUSSIA Linda Zagzebski USA On the Nature of Technical Reality From Reliabillsm to Virtue Epistemology Nick Maslow and Nina Maslow RUSSIA The Social Type: mIdea of Technogene Civilization” Liana Pop ROMANIA W -EBIS Inv Education and Epistbmc Authority Philosophy and Technology Jonathan Adler USA Catherine Elgin USA M-OR Sect Philosophy of V alues Education and Understanding Kurt Salamun AUSTRIA Dennis Chartes Phillips USA Leonid Stolovich ESTONIA On the Concept of Axiosphere


W-AB/C Inv C ausation and the M ind M-WE Rt T he Relevance of David-Hiffel Ruban UK Norman Daniels USA Actions and Their Parts Amy Gutmann USA USA Rodney G. Peffer USA Stephen Yabfo USA Effective Thinking? W-EB-NC Rt Legal A rgumentation G hita Holmström-Hintikka FINLAND W-SB/C in v Lo g ic and M etaphysics Andrew Jones NORWAY Joao Branquinho PORTUGAL Lars Lindahl SWEDEN On the individuation of Fregean Propositions David Makinson FRANCE Тепу Horgan USA Arend Souteman THE NETHERLANDS Facing up to the Sorites Paradox George Wilson USA Satisfaction Through the Ages W-AB/S Rt A merican Philosophy from Others’ Perspectives: T hree Award-winning Essays S ubmitted to the APA by Younger Foreign Scholars W-EB/NW R t Hobbes: Conservative or Liberal? A m e r ic a n P hilosophical S o c ie t y International H o b b es A s s o c ia t io n (iH A ) Eric Hoffman USA Martin Bertman FINLAND WonsupJung KOREA Bernard Baumrin USA A Property-Owning Democracy or a Liberal (Democratic) Anat Biletzki ISRAEL : Which is More Compatible with Rawlsian M.S. Ronald Commers BELGIUM Justice? Edwin Curley USA William McBride USA Simone Goyard-Fabré FRANCE Commentator Harvey Mansfied USA Paul O’Grady IRELAND Kenneth Minogue Carnap and the Two of Ross Rudolph USA Willard V Quine USA Giuseppe Sorgi ITALY Commentator Jeremy Waldron USA Sami Pihlström FINLAND Did We (Pragmatists) Forget Kant? Problems in Some M-RE Rt L’enseignement de la philosophie en France et dans Recent Work On and Within the Tradition of American LES PAYS FRANCOPHONES OU PARTIELLEMENT Pragmatism FRANCOPHONES Sandra Rosenthal USA Commentator A s s o c ia t io n d e s s o c ié t é s d e philosophie d e la n g u e FRANÇAISE Jean Ferrari FRANCE W-CO Sect A ncient Philosophy Ali Chenoufi TUNISIA John Cleary IRELAND Gilbert Hottois BELGIUM Alessandra Fussi USA Guy Lafrance CANADA The Dramatic Setting of the “ G orgias” Nelly Robinet FRANCE Amelie Benedikt USA Runaway Statues: Platonic Lessons on the Limits of Analogy M-NE Rt T he P hilosophy of S imone de Beauvoir: Controver­ DirkCouprie THE NETHERLANDS sies and New Directions in Scholarship The Translation of Anaximander’s “Poetical Words” Margaret A. Simons USA Jeffrey Turner USA Debra B. Bergoffen USA The Project of Self-Education in Plato’s “Protagoras,” Kate Fullbrook UK “, ” and “Meno” Edward Fullbrook UK Edward Halper USA Eleanore Holveck USA Poetry, History, and Sonia Kruks USA Eva Lundgren-Gothlin SWEDEN Ursula Tidd UK M-IV/I IT Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics Karen Vintges THE NETHERLANDS H. Tristram Engelhardt USA Dieter Birnmacher GERMANY Embryo Research as a Paradigm of Ethical M-H Y Rt O n Philosophy and Poutics Heta Häyry and Tuija Lehto FINLAND Tom Rockmore and Joseph Margolis USA Who Should Know About Our Genetic Makeup and Why? Vladislav Lektorsky RUSSIA James Harold USA Nelly Motroshilova RUSSIA On the Moral Standing of Fetuses Robert S. Cohen USA Ronnie Hawkins USA Natalia Avtonomova RUSSIA An Evolutionary Ecofeminist Perspective on Xeno- and Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation

M-GB/G Rt G lobal Victor Idoate Garcia SPAIN Aspectos Bioeticos de la Determinación Genomica y sus Terry Bynum USA Aplicaciones Krystyna Górniak USA Peg Tittle CANADA Donald Gotterbarn USA Permitting Abortion and Prohibiting Prenatal Harm: Walter Maner USA Reconciling the Contradiction James H. Moor USA John Weckert AUSTRALIA


M-OR Sect Logic and W-AD Sect Philosophy and the Environment Johan Van Benthem THE NETHERLANDS Robin Attfield UK Rubicon Rodrigo Soberano PHILIPPINES David Keller USA Disarming Stove’s Paradox: In Defense of Formal Logic Ecological Joseph Gruenfeld USA Dieudonne Zognong CAMEROON Haack on Fuzzy Logic Philosophie de la nature et sauvage écologique de la terre Yvon Gauthier CANADA chez Teilhard de Chardin Frege and Kronecker on the Internal Logic of Arithmetic Ricardo Rozzi USA Saul Fisher USA The Dialectical Links Between and “Probabilist” Deductive Inference in Gassendi’s Logic Science Young Soo Kim SOUTH KOREA Erazim Kohák CZECH REPUBLIC A New System of Modal Logic Truth of the Myths of Nature Roger King USA Educational Literacy in the Context of Environmental Ethics M-YA Sect M odern P hilosophy Allen Speight USA Juan Bonaccini BRAZIL M-BC Sect Philosophy of Action Concerning the Relationship Between Non- Carlos Moya SPAIN spatiotemporality and Unknowability of Things in Them­ Catriona Hanley USA selves in Kant Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger Sidney Axinn USA Joseph Bien USA Kant on Possible Hope: The Critique of Pure Hope Camus: On Action and In Action Scarlett Marton BRAZIL Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce DENMARK Nietzsche et Kant : philosophie, critique et morale Being Educated (Challenged) by : ‘ We Mariá de Lourdes Borges BRAZIL Want to See Action!” Hegel and Kant on the Frank Witzleben GERMANY Toshio Kurozumi JAPAN Handlungswirklichkeit und Metaphorische Praxis Kant’s Transzendentalphilosophie als die immanente Marc Smith CANADA Wing-Chun Wong USA Essential and Effective Freedom: Reflections Based on the A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference Work of

M-NT Sect O ntology M -TU Sect Philosophy of T echnology Peter Simons UK Willis Truitt USA Nathan Solodukho RUSSIA George Teschner USA Starting Philosophical Problem The Humanities and Telecommunication Technology Louise Derksen THE NETHERLANDS E. Burovskaya RUSSIA Anne Conway’s Critique of Cartesian Dualism The Issue of Understanding Nature in Modern Technologi­ William Reese USA cal Civilization The Structure of Possibility Michael Crasilnikov RUSSIA Robert Greenberg USA Technics and Art: The General Sense of the Intercommuni­ The Ontology of Kant’s Theory of Knowledge cations Bernard Gendreau USA The Cautionary Ontological Approach to Technology of M-VI Sect Persons and Kathleen Wilkes UK John Sullins USA Olga Shulepova RUSSIA Synthetic Biology: The Technoscience of Artificial Life Philosophical Culture as the Basis for the Formation of the Culture of Disagreement Mark Zuss USA W-NA Sect Social Philosophy On the Futures of the Subject Seyla Benhabib USA Mary Clark USA Anna Drabarek POLAND , Augustine, Aquinas, Wojtyla on Person and Ego On Intolerance Júrate Morkuniene LITHUANIA Sandra Caponi BRAZIL The Preconditions of Social Identity of the Small State in The Normal as a Sociological Category Transition to Democracy Patricia Mann USA Vyatcheslav Kudashov RUSSIA Towards a Postpatriarchal Family Dialogicism of Modern Consciousness Sally Scholz USA Moral Implications of the Battered Woman Craig Vasey USA M-BR Sect Philosophy and Literature Being and Race Peter Caws USA Patricia Mills USA Supposing Truth to be a Woman’s Madness, Rethinking M -PR Sect T eaching Philosophy uAntigone” George B. Pepper USA Fritz Monsma USA Jonathan Lavery and Jeff Mitscherling CANADA On the Augustinian Foundation of Evelyn Waugh’s Teaching Argument Evaluation in an Introductory Philoso­ “Brideshead Revisited” phy Course Salam Hawa CANADA Giuseppe Boncori, S.J. ITALY Language as Freedom in Sartre’s Philosophy Teaching Philosophy as Education and Evaluation of Karen Littau UK Thinking The Primal Scattering of Languages: Philosophies, Myths Elliot Cohen USA and Teaching an Applied Critical Thinking Course


Shokichi Uto JAPAN M-BU Soc Hellenic Paideia and Its Influence (Part O ne) A Principle and Problems in Teaching Philosophy Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy James Hall USA Philosophy as Teacher of Critical Reading Lawrence Jost USA How Shall We Translate in Aristotle’s Ethics? Donald Blakeley USA W-GR Sect T heory of Knowledge J. Michael Degener USA János Boros HUNGARY Heather Reid USA Representationalism and Anti-Representationalism Plato’s Theory of Education Susana Nuccetelli USA Anti-Individualism and A Priori knowledge 1 4 - 1 5 : 5 0 Dwayne Mulder USA Explanation, Understanding, and Subjectivity Yoshiaki Nagano JAPAN W-AB/C Inv Philosophy o f L anguage UBK - Ungenerated Blocked Knowledge Mark Sainsbury ENGLAND Andrei Rodin RUSSIA Empty Names Event and Milieu Jerrold Katz USA Markus Lammenranta FINLAND Stephen Schiffer USA Circularity and Stability

W-EB/S inv T he I nexpressibiuty o f T ruth a n d T ruth T heories M-SU Soc W orking S ession (begins at 13:00) Gabriel Sandu FINLAND Institut Internationale de Philosophie Partiality and Truth Paul Horwich UK USA Lorenz Puntel GERMANY Robert S. Cohen USA Marxisms and Scientific Philosophy What does, *.J$ True* (*lt is True...*) Express? J.C. Nyiri HUNGARY Post-Literacy as a Source of Twentieth-Century Philosophy IVI*GB/F Inv Philosophy o f S cience T oday J.A. Passmore AUSTRALIA USA Gifts from Austria Science as Representation Arthur Fine USA W-PA Soc Plenary S ession Instrumentalist and Constructivist Approaches to Science Elliot Sober USA International Society for Value Inquiry Revisited Christine Sistare USA Bernard Gert USA In Defense of Morality W-ST Inv P hilosophy o f L aw Jules Coleman and Scott Shapiro USA Brian Leiter USA M -FA Soc The A merican Scholar and Global Culture Legal Realism and Legal Reconsidered Society of P hilosophers in America (SOPHIA) OlufemiTaiwo USA Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. and Majorie Miller USA On the Limits of Law at Century’s End SunYou-Zhong CHINA Nikita Pokrovsky RUSSIA W-ШШС Inv T he P yrrhonian P roblematic Luciano Fioridi UK W-EB/NE Soc Unity-of -Everything-Therehs-Alive and Human Mathematical : The Cartesian Approach Constitutive Engagement (Session O ne) Peter Klein USA The W orld Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Why Not tnfinitism? Research and Leraning Paul K. Moser USA Francesco Totaro ITALY Skepticism, Question Begging, and Burden Shifting Ella Buceniece LATVIA Johann Ev. Hafner GERMANY M-TU Rt Talmud Torah as Paideia Konrad Rockstad NORWAY The Life-World Textual Reasoning Discussion Group William Kim Rogers USA Velga Vevere LATVIA M-NE Rt T he Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Controver­ sies and New Directions in Scholarship W-DW Soc Leibniz on Education and the Organization of Knowledge M-OR Rt Crossing Borders Gottfried-W ilhelm-Leibniz Gesellschaft Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought Ursula Goldenbaum GERMANY Leibniz’s Criticism of Newton in the Light of Their Confes­ Jorge J.E. Gracia USA sional Differences Jaime Nubiola SPAIN André Robinet FRANCE Walter Redmond USA Leibniz: principes de la raison et division des facultés Gregory F Pappas USA universitaires Edward Demenchonok USA Nelly Robinet FRANCE O. Carlos Stoetzer USA Une lecture de la Lettre sur l’Éducation d’un Prince, au C.C.F. Krause’s Philosophy in the Hispanic World regard des sciences de l’éducation contemporaines


M-RE Rt Ethics and Biotechnology: Evaluating Technology M-NT Sect Ontology A ssessment Standards Boris Mokin RUSSIA Miguel Angel Quintanilla SPAIN Philosophy as a Way of Rationally Grasping the Totality Carl Mitcham USA Sergi Avaliani GEORGIA The Unexplored Ethics of Technical Standards Philosophy of the Pseudoabsolute Immaculada de Melo-Martin USA Michael Rahnfeld GERMANY Technological Overkill: Individual Rights and Biomedical Ethics The Structure of Wholeness/Die Struktur der Ganzheit Gonzalo Munevar USA Matgorzata SzczeSniak POLAND Evaluation of Space Bio-Technology Das pràphysische Stadium und der Anfang der Welt IgorUtrobin RUSSIA Notion of Complexity in the Concrete-General Theory of W-EB/NC Rt Legal A rgumentation Development G hita Holmström-Hintikka FINLAND Andrew Jones NORWAY M-SI Sect Persons and P ersonal Identity Lars Lindahl SWEDEN David Makinson FRANCE Kathleen Wilkes UK ArendSouteman THE NETHERLANDS Amos Yong USA Personal Selfhood and Human Experience in Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism W-AB/S Rt A merican P hilosophy from Others’ Perspectives: Erin McCarthy CANADA T hree Award-winning Essays S ubmitted to the APA The Space of the Self: An Analysis of the Notion of by Y ounger Foreign Scholars, Cont’d Subjective Speciality in the Philosophy of Watsuji Tetsuro American Philosophical Society Stanley Riukas USA Hume’s Ontology of Personhood Simon Glynn USA W-AD Rt M otivation in Action Identity, Perception, Action & Choice, in Contemporary & Myles Brand USA Traditional “No-Self” Theories Robert Audi USA Jessica Spector USA Alfred Mele USA A Paradigm Shiñ Within Hume’s Treatise: The Moral Raimo Tuomela FINLAND Problem of Personal Identity

M-G BIG Rt Marx W artofsky M emorial Roundtable on M-BR Sect Philosophy and Literature A esthetics: A rt and the M any S enses of Its Peter Caws USA History Margaret Holland USA Anita Silvers USA Can Fiction Be Philosophy? Gregg Horowitz USA Glen Koehn SOUTH KOREA Tom Huhn USA Fictional Objects: Some Main Philosophical Theories Michael Kelly USA Maria Lara MEXICO Narrative Cultural Interweavings: Between and Fiction W -NA Sect A ncient P hilosophy Cirilo Florès Miguel SPAIN Pierre Aubenque FRANCE Autobiografía, Filosofía y Escritura: El Caso Unamuno Anne-Marie Bowery USA Responding to Socrates’ Pedagogical Provocation W-GR Sect Philosophy and the Environment Evelyn Barker USA Aristotle’s Reform of Greek Paideia Robin Attfield UK Debra Nails USA Susan Feldman USA Plato’s “Antipaideia”: Perplexity for the Guided Some Problems with Ecofeminism Ezzat Orany KUWAIT Catherine Gardner USA Platon le professeur: une interprétation pédagogique du Ecofeminism and the Urban Environment Théetete de Platon Karen Warren USA Marie I. George USA Environmental Justice: Some Ecofeminist Worries About A Aristotle on Paideia of Principles Distributive Model Samuel Scolnicov ISRAEL Chelsea Snelgrove USA Plato on Education as the Development of Reason Relation and Responsibility: Drawing the Boundaries of the Ethical Self

M -M IT Sect Logic and Philosophy of Logic M-PR Sect Philosophy of Action Wilfred Hodges UK Leonid Kreidik and George Shpenkov POLAND Carlos Moya SPAIN Philosophy and the Language of Dialectics and the Algebra Michael McKenna USA of Dialectical Judgments A Speaker-Meaning Theory of Moral Responsibility George Weaver USA Andrew Eshlemán USA The Model Theory of Dedekind Algebra Identification and Responsibility for Character Sergey Katretchko RUSSIA Christine Gichure KENYA Between Logic and Happiness Through Human Work John Howes AUSTRALIA Anju Joshi INDIA Faithful and Fruitful Logic Why Honesty is the Best Policy Andrzej Wisniewski POLAND Yujian Zheng USA Erotetic Logic and Explanation by Abnormic Hypotheses How Genuine Is the Paradox of Irrationality?


M -Y A Sect P hilosophy of T echnology M -H Y Soc S ociety M eeting

Martin Schoenfeld USA S o c ie t y f o r C o n tin en ta l P h il o s o p h y a n d T h e o l o g y JörgWurzer GERMANY John D. Caputo USA Der Sieg des Zeichens über das Bezeichnete: Philosophie Adriaan Peperzak BELGIUM für eine Gesellschaft im Zeitalter von Virtual Reality The Roots of Thought Nenos Georgopoulos GREECE Norman Wirzba USA Heidegger and Technology: Answers to Questions Respondent Mike Sandbothe GERMANY Media Temporalities: Philosophy of Time and Media with M-SU Soc W orking S ession, C ont’ d Derrida and Rorty Hideyuki Hirakawa JAPAN In s t it u t Internationale d e P h il o s o p h ie Rethinking Human Self-Understanding with ’s Reflections on “Vita” W-EB/NE Soc U nity-o f -E verything-T herehs-A u v e and H uman Hans Lenk GERMANY New Structural Characteristics of Technology C onstitutive E ngagement (S ession T w o ) T h e W o r ld In s t it u t e f o r A d v a n c e d P henomenological

R e s e a r c h a n d L e a r n in g M-VI Sect S ocial P hilosophy Angela Ales Bello ITALY Thomas McCarthy USA Schoichi Matsuba JAPAN Solomon Krapivensky RUSSIA Mieczyslaw Migon POLAND On General Determinants of Society Yukiko Okamoto JAPAN Thelma Levine USA The Life-World and Private Language Philosophy and the Dialectic of Modernity Ynhui Park KOREA Gustavo Andrés Caponi BRAZIL Marcello Sanchez Sorondo ITALY Methodological Approximate to the Problem of Understanding Pedagogy as Growth of the Subject in its own Perfection Magoroh Maruyama JAPAN Francesco Totaro ITALY Heterogenistics: A Philosophy of Present and Future Society M -B U Soc H ellenic Pa ideia and Its I nfluence (P a r t O ne), Anthony Mansueto USA C ont’ d Journey of the Dialectic James Swindler USA S o c ie t y f o r A n c ie n t G r e e k P h il o s o p h y Constructivist

M-BC Soc C onfucianism: S ubstantiausm and Non- W-EB/NW Soc Bodies, M orals, and Explanation SUBSTANTIALISM IN ASIAN PHILOSOPHY, SESSION TW O

nternational o c ie t y f o r a lu e n q u ir y I S V I In tl . In s t it u t e f o r F ield -B e in g Vaughana Feary USA Kwang-Sae Lee USA William Rottschaefer USA Chenyang Li USA A Biologically Based Account of the Explanation and PeiminNi USA Justification of Moral Chai Fai Cheung HONGKONG Andrew Ward USA Discussant Bodies as Inscriptions Anja Steinbauer GERMANY Discussant W - F C Soc CONSEQUENTIALISM AND MORAL LUCK Xiaosi Yang USA Discussant Internatonal S o c ie t y f o r Va lu e In q u ir y Kam-MingYip HONGKONG Agnieszka Alekka POLAND Discussant PiotrBoltuc POLAND Moral Space and Moral Luck Robert Card USA W-DW Soc L eibniz on E ducation and the O rganization of Sophisticated Consequentialists, Agent-Relativists, and K nowledge, C ont’ d Integrity G o t t f r ie d -WI lh e lm -L e ib n iz G esellschaft

W-SG Soc M arxism : a W orld P erspective 1 6 - 1 7 : 8 0 S o c ie t y f o r t h e P hilosophical S t u d y o f M a r x is m

S pec ia l S ession W-PA Soc H egel and Paideia Special S ession on the P hilosophy of Language H e g e l S o c ie t y o f A m e r ic a Riccardo Pozzo USA Westin Н о та .—America Ballroom, South Ardis Collins USA Ernest LePom USA Hegel on Work, Citizenship and Language Donald Davidson USA Jeffrey Reid USA Dividing a i the Joints Hegel and the State University Willard V. Quine USA Robert R. Williams USA The Pre-established Harmony of Subjective Perceptual Similarity Reason, Authority, and Recognition in Hegel's “Theory of Education”

M-FA Soc S ociety M eeting

C o n c e r n e d P hilosophers f o r P e a c e


S y m p o s iu m 1 8 * 1 9 : 5 0

G lobal A gença por the Teaching of P hilosophy M oral P sychology S ponsored by the American Philosophical A ssociation W-EB/C Inv Michael DePaut USA Marriott H o r n — G rand Ballroom, Salons F&G Character Traits, Virtues and Vices: Are There None? David Evans R IRELAND Olbeth Hansberg MEXICO Global Agenda for the Teaching of Philosophy The Role of Emotions in Adrian Miroiu ROMANIA Amelie Rorty USA Changing o f Teaching Philosophy It Takes (At Least) Two to Tango Margaret Chatterjee UK Global Agenda for Teaching Philosophy W-AB/C Inv S ystematic P hilosophy Gary S. Rosenkrantz USA W-PA Soc Book S ession on “H egel’s Ladder” by H.S. Harris What is Life? H egel Society of America (HSA) Jay F. Rosenberg USA C. Allen Speight USA How Not to Be Systematic: Three Case Studies George di Giovanni CANADA Beth Singer USA Commentator Philosophic Systems and Systematic Philosophy Kenneth R. Westphal USA Commentator W-AB/N Inv C reativity and D iscovery H.S. Harris CANADA Matti Sintonen FINLAND Respondent William Abraham USA George Allan USA W-EB/NE Soc Unity-of -Everything-Therehs-Alive and Human Forms, Transforms, and the Creative Process Constitutive Engagement (Session Three)

The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological W -E B /S Inter C ommunitarianism, E astern, W estern A frican Research and Learning Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya INDIA Evanghélos Moutsopoulos GREECE Communitarianism from an Eastern Perspective Mario Casula ITALY Dismas A. Masolo USA The Limits of Artificial Life Communitarianism from an African Perspective Agnieszka Nogal POLAND Sirkku Hellsten FINLAND Gary Overwold USA Communitarianism and Western Thought Daniela Verducci Jiml.Unah NIGERIA Difficult Decision Situations: Phenomenological Ontology W -CO Rt How Computers A re C hanging P hilosophy of Crisis Management James H. Moor USA Terry Bynum USA Marvin Croy USA W-SG Soc Marxism: a W orld Perspective Randall Dipert USA Society for the Philosophical S tudy of Marxism Frederick Portoraro CANADA Jeroen van den Hoven THE NETHERLANDS

M-VT Soc Human Rights,T he C oncept of a Person and Chinese PhilosophicalT raditions W-EB/NC Rt M oral and Epistemic V irtues

The A ssociation of Chinese Philosophers in America Linda Zagzebski USA Qingjie Wang Julia Driver USA Chenyang Li Reliabilism and Moral Virtue and Democracy USA Xiaorong Li Knowledge and Understanding Chinese Value and Human Rights: Some Clarifications Caríos Pereda MEXICO Moral and Epistemic Virtues

M -BC Soc : S ubstantiausm and Non-Substantiausm in W-EB/NW Rt T he F uture of V alue Inquiry (S ession T hree) A sian P hilosophy, S ession T hree Jiang Chang CHINA Intl. Institute for Field-Being Amihud Gilead ISRAEL Barbara Amodio USA Heta Häyry FINLAND Bong-Kil Chung USA Frederick Kraenzel CANADA BockjaKim HONGKONG Józef Niznik POLAND Kwang-Soo Park KOREA Kenneth Inada USA Discussant W-ST Rt La Paideia en las culturas de Latino A merica en el Tao Jiang USA periodo pre-hispanico Discussant F Miró Quesada PERU Albert Shansky USA Maria Luisa Rivara de Tuesta PERU Discussant Lourdes Velazquez Gonzalez MEXICO Zhihua Yao USA Discussant W-PA Rt G ender and Race in R ecent S ocial Theory Tommy L Lott USA Rita Manning USA


Yang Xiao CHINA Philip Lewin USA Naomi Zack USA The Ethical Self in the Play of Affect and Voice David Goldberg USA Daniel Palmer USA Parfit, the Reductionist View, and Moral Commitment MaijaKule LATVIA M-SU Rt S ocial, C ultural, and Historical Aspects of Understanding of Intersubjectivity and Life in Theodor M inority Rights Celm’s Philosophical Works Thomas McCarthy USA Liberal Theory and Racial Injustice Toward African M-SI Sect Philosophy and Literature Americans Maria Herrera MEXICO Carlin Romano USA Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Case of America the Philosophical the Chiapas Hugh Bredin NORTHERN IRELAND Shane O’Neill IRELAND Ironies and Paradoxes Liberty, Equality, and the Rights of Cultures: The Signifi- Kate Full brook and Edward Ful I brook UK canee of the Marching Controversy in Northern Ireland Merleau-Ponty on Beauvoir’s Literary-Philosophical Method Max Statkiewicz USA W-AB/S Rt M ethod in A ristotle Paid(e)ia: A Dramatic Difference Between Education and The Society for Aristotelian Studies Indoctrination Warren Murray CANADA Robert Stewart CANADA Tayloring the Self: Identity, Articulation and Community in The Shipping News" W-GR Sect A ncient Philosophy Martin Warner UK John Cleary IRELAND , Paideia, and the Phaedrus May Sim USA Ethics and Community in Aristotle W-SG Sect Philosophy and the Environment Jolanta Swiderek POLAND A Notion of “Mede”’ in the Philosophy of Aristotle Peter Kemp DENMARK Alpana Chakraborty INDIA Philip Cafaro USA Does Aristotle Believe in Liberation? Thoreau on Science and System Heidi Northwood USA Józef Dolêga POLAND The Melancholic Mean: The Aristotelian Problema XXX. 1 Sozology and Ecophilosophy: Sciences of the 20th Century John Strang USA Jack Weir USA Ethics as Politics: On and Its Context Case-Based Environmental Ethics Edward Halper USA Jason Kawall USA Aristotle’s Political Virtues Environmental Diversity and the Value of the Unusual Yury Levin RUSSIA Philosophy and Environment M-OR Sect Logic and Philosophy of Logic Wilfred Hodges UK M-BC Sect Philosophy of Action Jean-Yves Béziau BRAZIL Do Sentences Have Identity? Myles Brand USA KatalinBimbó USA Joaquin JareñoAlarcón SPAIN Dual Identity Combinators The Role of Action in the Development of Ethical Certain­ Salah al-Fadhli KUWAIT ties Logical Foundation of Logic Programming Maria Hernández Borges SPAIN Sergey Pavlov RUSSIA Los Problemas de D. Davidson con la acción intencional Sentential Falsehood and Logic FL4 Kevin Magill UK Raymond Gumb USA , Actions, and Awareness Does Identity Precede Existence? Alexander Ovsich USA Attitude, Belief, Desire, Need, Attention, and Will as Aspects of Hedonistic Orientation or Choice M -YA Sect Modern Philosophy Marion Ledwig GERMANY Aaron Garrett USA The Rationality of Probabilities for Actions in Decision Danilo Marcondes de Souza Filho BRAZIL Theory Skepticism and the in Early Modem Thought M-TU Sect Philosophy of Technology Nicholas de Warren USA God and the Authorization of Human Knowledge I mm aculada de Meló-Mart in USA Zbigniew Drozdowicz POLAND Stavroula Bellos FRANCE L’égoisme raisonnable des temps modernes Technologie et anthropologie: de la tekni la technologie Paola Giacomoni ITALY David Strong USA Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Philosophy in the Service of Things Johannes Venter SOUTH AFRICA Giuliano Pancaldi ITALY Reality as History: The Historic Turn in Western Thought The Enlightenment and the Electric Battery Otari Gogilashvili GEORGIA Some Functions of Philosophy of Technology M -PR Sect Persons and Personal Identity Carlos Verdugo-Serra CHILE Carol Rovane USA The Unavoidable But Partial Autonomy of Technology Vladimir Yaryshkin RUSSIA On “Phasic” Personal Development in Emerging M-MIT Sect T heory of Knowledge Noospheric (Contemporary) Society Vladislav Lektorsky RUSSIA


Mauricio Zuluaga COLOMBIA W -AD Soc S ociety M eeting

De Cómo Interpretar el Argumento del Sueño International Society for Environmental E thics Mariano Crespo LICHTENSTEIN Are Logical Laws Psychological Laws? Mariachiara Tallacchini ITALY Stephanie Grace Schull USA Eric Katz USA The Knowing Psychical-Body: A Psychoanalytic Study The Domination of Humanity and Nature of Paradox Eugene Hargrove USA Vyacheslav Stepin RUSSIA Is Environmental Ethics Radical or Traditional? Knowledge as Cultural and Historical System Laura Westra CANADA LuzUmeres PERU Justice in Environmental Ethics: Invited Paper Polo's Theory of Knowledge: Some Consequences for the Freyda Mathews AUSTRALIA Philosophy of Education Justice in Environmental Ethics: Invited Paper K. Brad Wray CANADA Defending Longino’s M-HY/CC Soc Plenary S ession International Society for Value Inquiry

W -NA Soc T eaching Philosophy Sociologically? Thomas Magnell USA Thomas Regan, S.J. USA Gilson Society for the S tudy of the History of Patterns of Resistance Philosophy w/ Yves R. Simon Institute Jorge J.E. Gracia USA Sociological Accounts in the History of Philosophy? W -DW Soc Society M eeting Alice Ramos USA Intl. Society for Neo-Platonic S tudies Joseph Califano USA Peter A. Redpath USA W-FC Soc Democracy and Social J ustice

Radical Philosophy A ssociation M-RE Soc Philosophy and Realms of LifeI Philosophie und Lebensbereiche Cliff DuRand USA Frank Cunningham CANADA F ourth International Jaspers Conference The Helices of Democracy and Justice Gregory J. Walters CANADA Olga Fernandez Rios CUBA Pablo López-López SPAIN USA Lebensführung als Lebenlernen Robin A. Roth USA M-NE Soc S ession T hree Psychotherapy: Nietzsche and Jaspers Paul G. Sturdee UK N orth American Nietzsche Society Empathy, Ethics, and Existentialism Debra B. Bergoffen USA Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. USA Duncan Large UK Jaspers's Idea of the University Re-Examined *Our Greatest Teacher”: Nietzsche, Burckhardt and the Concept of Culture Bernd Magnus USA M-VI Soc P residential A ddress A Bridge Too Far International Phlosophers for Peace and the Eumnation Yirmiyahu Yovel ISRAEL / USA of Nuclear and Other Threats to Global Existence Nietzsche Contra Wagner: The Anti-Semite in Music Glen Martin USA M-BU Soc Hellenic Paideia and Its Influence (Part Two)

M-NT Soc S uarez and the Latent Essentialism of Heidegger’s Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Fundamental O ntology Robert Todd CANADA

Metaphysical Society of America Sidgwick and the Reception of Hellenic Paideia in Britain MarkAst USA Brian Martine USA Plato's Influence on Kant's Epistemology Oliva Blanchette USA Sherry Wieder USA Stanley Rosen USA The Platonic Basis of Modem Respondent Judy Wubnig CANADA

M-FA Soc Evolutionary Models of Human Behaviour M-BR Soc Human Rights, T he Concept of a Person and Chinese Philosophical T raditions International Economics and Philosophy Society Edward McClennen USA The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America Brian Skyrms USA Qingjie Wang Peter Danielson CANADA Tao Jiang William Harms USA Interpenetration and the Concept of Self in Hua-yan Buddhist School Chian-Fan Zhang M-VT Soc PSSS Dinner and President’s A ddress Human Dignity in Confucianism: Toward a Balanced View Philosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport of Rights and Duty Sharon Kay Stoll USA M-WE Soc O n the C ultural Identity of W orks of A rt

W-DE Soc Conseil d’administration American Society of Aesthetics

Institut Internationale de Philosophie Curtis Carter USA Michael Krausz USA Tomonobu Imamichi JAPAN Joseph Margolis USA Richard Shusterman USA


M-RE Rt How is T eaching Possible? 2 0 * 2 1 : 5 0 Donald Jenner USA John B. Chethimattam USA Peter Consenstein USA Yue Daiyun PRC R oundtable ш т th e D brary of L iving P hilosophers Joseph Doherty USA Marriott Hotel—Grand Ballroom, Salons F&G Yen Shu Huey USA John Humphrey USA ШЁ^ЁЁЁШШЁЁЯЁЯ1яшт^^тяяшт Bernard Picard USA Kari-OttoApe! GERMANY Donald Davidson USA Hsu Hsueh Ren Pat Thompson USA Marjorie Q m m USA Seyyed Hossetn Nasr IRAN Larry Winters USA W a r d V. Quine USA Peter Strawson UK W-AD Rt O n Avicenna GH. von Wright FINLAND Mehdi Amin Razavi USA Parviz Morewedge USA W-AB/N /flV G3meniiAL^«EP^EMOLOGY Habibah Rahim USA Ke#fc DeRosa USA Daniel Peterson USA Robert Fogelin USA Robert Wisnovsky USA David Lams0 Brand o f (kmtextualism Michael Williams USA W-SG Rt S ubstance, S ubject & Relation: The O ntology of Field-Being

International Institute for Field-Being Jamas Patzar USA Lik Kuen Tong USA James H. Moor USA Barbara Amodio USA Why Thinking Must Ba Computation of the Right K M Yuan Quan Chen PRC John Searie USA Chai Fai Cheung HONG KONG Bong-Kil Chung USA Brooks Coburn USA W-EB/NC Rt Education and the Transformation of Values J. Michael Degener USA (L’éducation et la transformation des valeurs ) Therese Dykeman USA Venant Cauchy CANADA MeijunFan PRC Frank Cunningham CANADA Kenneth Inada USA Kai Nielsen CANADA Tao Jiang USA Jean Ferrari FRANCE Jude Jones USA BockjaKim HONGKONG

W-AB/S Rt M ethod in A ristotle

The Society for Aristotelian S tudies W-EB/NE Rt EnlightenmentV ersus Enughtenment Arthur Madigan USA International Society for Chinese Philosophy Aristotle's “:” One Method, or Many Methods? Warren Murray CANADA M-FA Sect A ncient Philosophy Aristotle’s Empiricism Klaus Brinkmann GERMANY/USA Marie I. George USA Laurent Pampali REP OF CENTRAL AFRICA Why, and to What Point Did Aristotle Eschew Figurative Le citoyen et l’homme de bien dans la philosophie grecque Language in Philosophy? Jonathan Cohen USA Stephanie Grégoire CANADA Philosophy is Education is Politics The Four Tools of Dialectic Carmen Cozma ROMANIA The Ethical Values of the Music Art of the Ancient Greeks — A Semiotic Essay W-FC Rt Principles A bout God in ’ Foundations Armando Poratti ARGENTINA of J ewish Faith Wisdom and Education in the City in Crisis (Plato’s Academy for Jewish Philosophy “Apology,” 18a7-20c3) Norbert Samuelson USA Damian Konkoly USA Daniel Frank USA Is Temperance Ever Properly Painful? Principle Three: God is Incorporeal Kenneth Seeskin USA M -M IT Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics Principle Four: God is Eternal Elliot Wolfson USA Gilbert Hottois BELG IU M Principle Five: God Alone May Be Worshiped Márcio Mariguela BRAZIL Representación Social del Sidea: grupos de riesgo (Social Representation of AIDS: Risk Groups) M-SU Rt Is a G lobal Ethic Possible? Roundtable III G. Maguire, Jr. and Ellen McGee USA Global Dialogue Institute Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips Dennis Cooley USA Leonard Swidler USA Second Best: A Case for Lowering Testing Standards in Krystyna Górniak USA Third World Countries YersuKim KOREA/FRANCE Sirkku Hellsten USA Ram A. Mall GERMANY The Many Faces of Personhood in Individualistic Bioethics Ingrid Schafer USA LiuShu-Hsien HONGKONG


Gilbert Hottois BELGIUM M-TU Sect Persons and Personal Identity The European Conversation of Bioethics and Human Carol Rovane USA Rights Philosophy Boris Ulianov UKRAINE Tom Tomlinson USA The Synergetic Principle of the Psychological Organization Balancing Principles in Beauchamp and Childress of a Person Vitaly Zukerman RUSSIA W-EB/NW Sect Comparative Philosophy Foundations of the Individual in a Deterministic Universe Stefan Gandler MEXICO Bina Gupta USA Difference and Identity BoMou USA Dennis Rohatyn USA The Structure of Chinese Language and Ontological Bodies Toward Death : A Collective-Noun Hypothesis Natalia Khomkholova RUSSIA Pavel Fobel SLOVAKIA Measure of Proximity and Alienation Between People Is the Same The Idea of Order and Harmony in Philosophical Aesthetical Reflections LeeChi-Fu TAIWAN M-BC Sect Philosophy and Literature Theory of Causality in Aristotle and Master Chi-Yi Raymond Langley USA Thomas Fowler USA Stelios Virvidakis GREECE The Formality of Reality: Xavier Zubiri’s Critique of On the Relations Between Philosophy and Literature Hume's Analysis of Causality Catherine Gardner USA Norman Swazo USA Nussbaum, Murdoch, and Eliot: Getting the Story Straight Philosophical Pluralism in the Service of Humane David Sprintzen USA Governance A Tragic Vision for a New Millenium: The Contemporary James Wang USA Relevance of Camus The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents Phillip Stambovsky USA Daniela Fobelová SLOVAKIA Keats and the Sense of Being The Idea of Order and Harmony in Philosophical Aestheti­ Edward Lawry USA cal Reflections Knowledge as Lucidity: “Summer in Algiers” Svetlana Sycheva RUSSIA M-SI Sect Logic and P hilosophy of Logic The Problem of in Philosophy Johan Van Benthem THE NETHERLANDS Vladimir Bryushinkin RUSSIA W-GR Sect Philosophy and the Environment Metapsychologism in the Philosophy of Logic Peter Kemp DENMARK Hanoch Ben-Yami ISRAEL Igor Liseyev RUSSIA Why One Doesn't Make a Heap Ecological Thinking as a New Paradigm of Democratic Teodor Dima ROMANIA Culture Esquisse d'une étio-logique inductive David Waller USA David Hitchcock CANADA From Necessity to Authenticity: An Argument for Environ­ Inductive Extrapolation mental Alexander Zenkin RUSSIA Wieslaw Sztumski POLAND Super-Induction Method: Logical Akupuncture of Philosophie als Erzieherin der Menschheit Mathematical Infinity Verena Andermatt Conley USA The Environment in Postructuralist Philosophy: Guattari's M-YA Sect M odern Philosophy New Ecological Territories Allen Speight USA Valeriy Lebedev USA A. Gostischev Thoughts Caused by Blizzards: Whose Frost is Stronger? Cartesian Dualism: Fact or Illusion? John Symons USA M-OR Sect Philosophy of V alues Imagining the Thinking Thing: On the Role of Imagination in Descartes’ “Meditations” Kurt Salamun AUSTRIA Miran Bozovic SLOVENIA Victor Shreiber RUSSIA Malebranche’s Mechanism, Value, and Metaphor of Man’s Inorganic Body Zuraya Monroy-Nasr USA Heather Battaly USA Cartesian Dualism and the Union of Mind and Body What is Virtue Epistemology? Marius Dumitrescu ROMANIA Eduardo Rivera-Lopez ARGENTINA Le défi cartésien par l'idée de mathesis universalis What Does Nozick's Experience Machine Argument Juan Moreno Romo MEXICO Really Prove? On the Cartesian Circle and the Tong-KuenMin SOUTH KOREA A Study on the Hierarchy of Values Frederick Kraenzel CANADA M-NT Sect O ntology The Evidence of Waves of Creation Peter Simons UK Gursharn Singh Sandhu INDIA Olga Burova UKRAINE Modern Consciousness and Gurbani Philosophical Variations on Thing(hood) Jose Oswaldo Salazar De Leon USA Pensamiento Narrativo (Narrative Thought) W-CO Sect Social Philosophy Ricardo Diéz ARGENTINA Thomas McCarthy USA Towards an Ontology of the Name Susana Barbosa ARGENTINA Christian Kanzian AUSTRIA Pedagogy of Critical Function: The Social Task of Zur Ontologie natürlicher Arten Philosophy According to Yiwei Zheng USA Francisco Ortega BRAZIL Configurations of Objects and the Picture Theory in El Ultimo proyecto de Foucault: Una rehabilitación de la Amistad Wittgenstein's “Tractatus"


Wolfgang Maar BRAZIL Adorno: Semi-Formation as Cultural Reconstruction of Society Robert Stone USA Why Marxism Isn't Dead (Because Capitalism Isn’t Dead): The Case for Cooperative Socialism Paul Warren USA Two Marxist Objections to Exploitation Lambert Zuidervaart USA Short Circuits and Market Failure: Theories of the Civic Sector

M -W E Sect T eaching P hilosophy George B. Pepper USA Anne-Marie Bowery and Michael BeatyUSA The Use of Reading Questions As a Pedagogical Tool Alicia Pintus and Ernesto Edwards ARGENTINA Philosophy; Education, and Rock Mike Await and Ronnie Littlejohn USA Decentered Classrooms: The WWW and Problem Based Learning in Introductory Philosophy Maura Geisser USA Can Deaf Children Be Taught to Think Philosophically? Garth Kemerling USA Teaching Philosophy on the Internet Edward Slowik USA Music, Science, Analogies: Teaching Philosophy of Science with Non-Scientific Examples

M-PR Sect T heory of K nowledge Vladislav Lektorsky RUSSIA Roman Kozlowski POLAND Der Apriorismus Kants im Lichte der Interpretation Maimons Schummer GERMANY Epistemology of Material Properties Jennifer McRobert and Andrew Brook CANADA Kant’s Attack on the Amphiboly of the Concepts of Reflection Andrew Carpenter USA Kant, the Body, and Knowledge Priyedarshi Jetli INDIA Knowledge by Invention: Extending a Kantian Dichotomy to a Poincarean Trichotomy TimoKajamies FINLAND Are Spinozistic Ideas Cartesian Judgments?

W -P A Soc S o ciety M eeting

A m e r ic a n C a th o lic P hilosophical Assoc. R o u n d ta b le

W-NS Soc C ommissions des travaux bibuographiques

In s t it u t Internationale d e P h ilo s o p h ie R. Kilbansky CANADA

M-HY/CC Soc B usiness M eeting and R eception

I nternational S o c ie t y f o r Va lu e In q u ir y

M-NE Soc S ession T hree, C ont’ d

N o r t h A m e r ic a n N ie t z s c h e S o c ie t y

M - VT Soc P S S S D inner and P residential A ddress, C ont’ d

P h il o s o p h ic S o c ie t y f o r t h e S t u d y o f S p o r t

M-VI Soc B usiness M eeting

International P hilosophers f o r P e a c e a n d th e

E lim in a t io n o f N u c le a r a n d O th e r T h r e a t s to G lobal


0 9 - 9 : 5 0 W-NA Sect T heoretical Ethics Gut Przemyslaw POLAND Noch einmal in Sachen Normativität und Autonomie der Ethik Martin Estey USA M-OR Sect Comparative Philosophy Justice and Driving a Cab Bina Gupta USA Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik POLAND ManishaBarua INDIA Are There Things Which We Should Not Know? Gandhi and Comparative Religion William Cornwell USA Making Sense of the Other: Husserl, Carnap, Heidegger, M-HY Soc Plenary S ession and Wittgenstein International Society for Value Inquiry Nobuo Kazashi JAPAN The World Becomes the Selfs Body M-BR Soc Keynote A ddress

M-YA Sect Modern Philosophy Computing and Philosophy Jean Ferrari FRANCE Selmer Bringsjord USA William Uzgalis USA The Impact of Computing on Epistemology: Knowing Paideia and Identity: Meditations on Hobbes and Lock Gödel’s Mind Through Computation Juhani Pieterinen FINLAND Hobbes, Conatus, and the Prisoner's Dilemma M-NE Society Ethics and Educational Research William Sweet CANADA Bosanquet, Culture, and the Influence of Idealist Logic Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Michael J. McNamee UK Joseph Dunne IRELAND M-FA Sect Ontology Bas Levering THE NETHERLANDS Peter Simons UK Lars Lovlie NORWAY Wolfgang Deppert GERMANY PaulSmeyers BELGIUM Zur systemtheoretischen Verallgemeinerung des Ben Spiecker THE NETHERLANDS Krañbegriffes J. Stuetal THE NETHERLANDS Peg O’Connor USA Jim Walker AUSTRALIA Rationality’s New Clothes: The Necessity of the Background 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 Lisa Heldke USA Responsible Agents

W -A B /S Spec G eneral Assembly: Fédération International des M-SI Sect Philosophy of Education Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP) Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir Victor Huaquin Mora CHILE Ethics and Integral Education W -EB/C fnv Is Theory the Right Foundation for M athematics? Adel Ivanova RUSSIA Stewart Shapiro USA Philosophy and Utilitarian Tendencies in Contemporary Set-Theoretic Foundations Education J.E. Fensted NORWAY Raymond Kolcaba USA William Tait USA Toward an Ethics of Being Educated

W -A B /C Inv Science and M etaphysics M-VI Sect Philosophy of Science Daniel Bonevac USA Roberts. Cohen USA Defeasibty Sufficient Reason Vladimir Mazilov RUSSIA USA About the Methodology of Russian Psychology of Today Brian Skyrms USA Stalya Rozova RUSSIA The Seminar on Epistemology and Philosophy of Science in Novosibirsk as a Way of Preserving Philosophical W»AB/N in v T he C onditions and Justification of Belief Traditions Richard Foley USA Ludmila Sycheva RUSSIA Mark Leon USA Methodological Research Programs and Their Role in William Mann USA Cognitional Biology as a Source of Methodological on the Necessity of Supernatural Belief Analogies

W-EB/NW Rt Round Table on E uropean Citizenship M-BU Sect Pouhcal Philosophy Andreas Follesdal NORWAY William McBride USA Jos de Beus THE NETHERLANDS Paulo Roberto Monteiro de Araujo BRAZIL Percy B. Lehning THE NETHERLANDS Hegel and the Libertarian Neil MacCormick UK Andrew Buchwalter USA Constitutional Paideia: Remarks on Hegel’s Philosophy of Law Ken Foldes USA M -C C Rt O n Recent Developments in Syllogistic Logic Does the Solution to Our Present Moral and Political Philip L Peterson USA Dilemmas Lie in the Theories of the German Idealists? George Englebretsen CANADA Joel Friedman USA Fred Johnson USA


W-PA Rt Cross-Discipunary Education in Bioethics W-EB/NC Sect Moral Psychology Olbeth Hansberg MEXICO W-FC Rt Development Ethics and National Boundaries L. Hughes Cox USA (S ession O ne) Aristotle’s Ordinary Versus Kant’s Revisionist Definition of Virtue as Habit International Development E thics Assoc. Michael Beaty USA Michael Krausz USA Paideia: Moral Education in the University? John Murungi USA Sara Bernal USA Xiaorong Li USA The Value of Moral Perception Jay Drydyk CANADA David Conway UK Bhuvan Chandel INDIA Nietzsche’s Revaluation of Schopenhauer as Educator Yvanka Raynova AUSTRIA W-SG Rt T he Future of V alue Inquiry (S ession Four) Vernunft und Terror: Zur postmodern Lektüre von Freud Gerhold K. Becker CHINA LansanaKeita SIERRA LEONE M-FA Sect Ontology Minoru Kitamura JAPAN Peter Simons UK Ken Knisely USA Totraz Lolayev RUSSIA Josef Seifert LIECHTENSTEIN Time is not a Universal Form of Material Being I. Raznogorsky RUSSIA M-TU Sect A ncient Philosophy Meta-reality in Ontology and Cosmology Pierre Aubenque FRANCE Elena Chirkova and Edward Kalinin RUSSIA Sophrosune, Self-Knowledge, and the Elenchus in the Destinies of Time (In Economics and Outside) “Charmides” Daisuke Kachi JAPAN Laura Wedner USA The Ontology of Many Worlds: Modality and Time Diairesis in “” 219-236 Robert Arp USA M-SI Sect Philosophy of Education The Double Life of Justice and Injustice in Thrasymachus’ Sigridur Thorgeisdottir Account Sharon Bailin CANADA Rosamond Sprague USA Skills, Generalizability and Critical Thinking The Two Kinds of Paideia in Plato’s “Euthydemos” Santos Carrasco USA D. Bhandari INDIA Are There Philosophical to Promote Gifted Plato’s Concept of Justice: An Analysis Education in the Context of an Egalitarian Society? Sheldon Wein CANADA Martin Estey USA Plato’s Moral Psychology Cognitive Development, Moral Sophistication, and Moral Education M -OR Sect Comparative Philosophy Barbara Thayer-Bacon USA What Humanity Can Teach Philosophy Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA Delores Liston USA XiuYe CHINA Quantum Metaphors and the Study of the Mind-Brain The Same Ideal of Harmony Between and Socrates Carl Becker JAPAN Philosophy Educating Humanity: From Western to Asian M-VI Sect Philosophy of Science Environmental Ethics Robert S. Cohen USA Tokiyuki Nobuhara JAPAN Elba del Carmen ARGENTINA Hartshome and Nishida: Re-envisioning the Absolute Complexity: Philosophical and Epistemological Considerations Donna Giancola USA Alexis Jardines CUBA Justice and the Face of the Great Mother Teoría del Movimiento Unificado: Una lectura Ben-Ami Scharfstein ISRAEL epistemológica de los fundamentos de la mecánica The Western Blindness to Non-Westem Philosophy Gregg Davia GERMANY Henry Simoni-Wastila USA Thoughts on a Possible Rational Reconstruction of the Inclusive Infinity and Radical Particularity: Hartshome, Method of “Rational Reconstruction” Hegel, and Nishida Serghey Gherdjikov BULGARIA Limits of Science M -YA Sect Modern Philosophy Christoph Lütge GERMANY with Reference to Social and Jean Ferrari FRANCE Economic Epistemology Maria Souza Nascimento BRAZIL Lumières et histoire: et la théologie, Chrétienne de l’histoire M-BU Sect Vladimir Pushkin RUSSIA William McBride USA Hegel’s Circle and the Problem of a Beginning David Kahane CANADA Sebastien Charles CANADA Social Pluralism and the Design of Democratic Institutions Paideia et Philosophie au Siècle des Lumières David Reidy USA Jacques-Bernard Roumanes CANADA Accommodating Pluralism: Liberal Neutrality and Diathèse ou Synthèse? Penser autrement la question du Compulsory Education langage de l’autre Jose Rosales SPAIN Syliane Charles CANADA Liberalism, Civic Reformism and Democracy Les enjeux de l’éducation pour la critique lockienne des Edward James USA idées innées The Multivisions of Multiculturalism Erzsebet Rozsa GERMANY Hegels Versöhnung und die Metaphorik: Der Vorrede der Rechtsphilosophie von 1820


W-NA Sect T heoretical Ethics W-ST Soc S ociety M eeting

Osvaldo Guariglia ARGENTINA S o c ie t y o f C h r is t ia n P hilosophers Raymond Herbenick USA Malcolm Reid USA Aristotle and Mathematical Ethics for Happiness? Kelly James Clark USA Teodor Vidam ROMANIA God is Great, God is Good Considérations sur l’identité de la morale actuelle Matthias Lutz-Bachmann GERMANY Joanna Patsioti GREECE Aristotelian Perspectives on Social Ethics Jacqueline Chin SINGAPORE M -PR Soc Process, Paideia, and the 21 st C entury

Plato’s “Republic:” Inner Justice, Ordinary Justice, and S o c ie t y f o r P r o c e s s S t u d ie s Just Action in the Polis Judith Jones USA Gur Hirshberg USA David Kite USA Partiality par excellence: An Aristotelian Critique of William Myers USA Lawrence Blum’s Treatment of Friendship DoruTompea ROMANIA La liberté comme institution de l’homme M-NE Soc Ethics and Educational Research, Cont*d

P h il o s o p h y o f E d u c a t io n S o c ie t y o f G r e a t B r ita in W-DW Soc The C urrent S tate and Issues in Informal Logic

A ssoc, f o r In fo r m a l L o g ic a n d C r itic a l T h in k in g M-HY Soc Liberal V alues and Communitarianism Ralph Johnson and Anthony Blair CANADA International S o c ie t y f o r Va l u e In q u ir y History and Background David Hitchcock CANADA David E. Johnson USA Panelist Norman Fischer USA Alec Fischer UK Is Communitarianism Necessarily Anti-Liberal? Panelist Shyli Karin-Frank ISRAEL James Freeman USA On Justifying a Global Enforcement of Liberal Values Panelist Samuel Zinaich, Jr. USA John Woods UK Locke’s Moral Revolution: From Natural Law to Moral Respondent Relativism

M-WE Soc O pen Discussion for Editors M-RE Soc Existenz-Philosophy/ Existenzphilosophie

T h e A s s o c ia t io n o f P h il o s o p h y J o u r n a l E d it o r s F o u r t h International Ja s p e r s C o n f e r e n c e Kurt Salamun AUSTRIA Nancy Simco USA Paula Patricia Arizpe MEXICO “Southern Journal of Philosophy” La verdad communicative como reto creativo en Karl Michael Kelly USA Jaspers Journal of Philosophy JuthikaDas INDIA The Problems of Modern Humanity and Jaspers’s Thought M-SU Soc Sartre and V alue Confuct Filiz Peach UK Jaspers, Heidegger, and the Existential Significance of International S o c ie t y f o r Va l u e In q u ir y Death Chalmers C. Clark USA Czeslawa Piecuch POLAND Jiang Chang CHINA Existentielle Erfahrung als “Metaphysische Aufgabe” The Contemporary Conflict of Values Haim Gordon ISRAEL The Challenge to Values in Sartre’s Philosophy W-AD Soc S ociety M eeting

S a r t r e C ir c l e M-BR Soc Paper Presentations

C o m p u t in g a n d P h il o s o p h y W-GR Soc T he Role of Government David L. Anderson and John A. Barker USA International E c o n o m ic s a n d P h il o s o p h y S o c ie t y Computer Simulations, Robots, and Virtual Persons in Christopher Morris USA Undergraduate Instruction: A Report on the PT-Project Daniel Shapiro USA Anthony F. Beavers USA Communitarianism and Social Insurance The 4th Tetralogy: An Online Exploration of Plato’s Middle N. Scott Arnold USA Dialogues “Making a ” as a Reason for Government Regulation 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 Gerald Gaus USA Commentator W-AB/S Spec General Assembly: Fédération International des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP), Cont’ d M -BC Soc Rules and S porting Practice

P h il o s o p h ic S o c ie t y f o r t h e S t u d y o f S p o r t Inv ocial nowledge and ocial onsensus Peter F. Hager USA W -EB/S S K S C Rules and Anti-Formalism Miriam Solomon USA Klaus V. Meier CANADA Consensus in Science Auxiliary Rules and Sporting Practices Alvin I. Goldman USA Terence J. Roberts AUSTRALIA Veritistic Social Epistemology Language, Truth, Justice and Sporting Practice Keith Lehrer USA Individualism Versus Communitarianism: A Consensual Compromise 52 OFFICIAL PROGRAM— THURSDAY

W-AB/N Inv M -С C Rt Non-Classical and P hilosophy Wittiam Alston USA Margarita Vázquez SPAIN The Distinctiveness of the Epistemology of Religious Belief Philippe Besnard FRANCE Gary Gutting USA Edward J. Hall USA Solomon Marcus ROMANIA Sandra Lazzer ARGENTINA Torsten Schaub GERMANY

W-AB/C Inv P hilosophy and the E nvironment W-PA Rt Cross-Disciplinary Education in Bioethics Robin Attfield UK Depth, Trusteeship, end Redistribution J A Passmore AUSTRALIA M -OR Rt Interpretation in A rt and T ext and History Philosophy and Ecology Holmes Rolston, Ш USA Joseph Margolis USA Nature and Culture in Environmental Ethics Nöel Carroll USA Paul Mattick USA Tom Rockmore USA W -IS/C in v T he N ature and E pistemology op E xperience USA W-FC Rt Utopian Thought and the Postmodern Condition in The Content end Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief Latin America/E l pensamiento utópico y la condición Mark Johnston USA POSTMODERNA EN AMERICA LAUNA Richard Fumerton USA R elational> Non-Relational, and Mixed Theories of Ofelia Schutte USA E xperience Utopia y diversidad cultural: desafíos de la postmodernidad en America Latina María Luisa Femenías ARGENTINA M-SU Rt Peirce and the M etaphysics of T ruth Democracy as Utopia in South America: Women’s The Society Dilemma (La democracia como utopia en Sud America: el Peter H. Hare USA dilema de las mujeres Andrew Reynolds CANADA Eduardo Mendieta USA Cornells DeWaal HOLLAND/USA Latín American Cartographies of Utopia (Cartógrafias Mark Migotti CANADA latinoamericanas de la utópia) Christopher Hookway ENGLAND Sami Pihlström FINLAND M-PR Rt T heory of Knowledge Murry Clarke CANADA M -TU Rt Courses on G ender T heory and Feminist Philosophy Reliabilism and the Meliorative Project in the Post-Communist Society Dan Goldstick CANADA Irena Zherebkina and Ivan Tsechmistro UKRAINE Correspondence Olga Voronina RUSSIA llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Tatiana Klimenkova RUSSIA Is It Rational to Be Rational? Mihaela Miroiu ROMANIA Leszek Koczanowicz POLAND M-SI Sect A ncient Philosophy Klaus Brinkmann GERMANY/USA W-EB/NW Rt Philosophical Argumentation Databases R.Ferber SWITZERLAND Theodore Scaltsas GREECE Did Plato Reply to on *The Emptiness of the Idea Anthony Hatzistravou UK of a Form of the Good”? Burkhard Schafter GERMANY Eugene Afonassine USA Pythagorean Symbolism and the Philosophic Paideia in the “Stromateis” of M-WE Rt L iberation P hilosophy Manuel Correia CHILE Associaton for Philosophy and Liberation The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle Enrique Dussel MEXICO Alexandrine Schniewind SWITZERLAND Liberación y el principio material etico de la vida Remarks on the “spoudaios” in Plotinus 1 4[46] Yolanda Angulo MEXICO Sabine Vogt GERMANY Skepticism and Liberation of Human Body and Character: Aristotle’s Fernando Danel USA Logical Foundation of Physiognomies Etica y democracia Amos Nascimento BRAZIL Communidad, comunicación y educación para la M-GB/F Sect Modern Philosophy liberación: Una perspectiva brazileña Daniel Dahlstrom USA Mari Teodoro Ramirez MEXICO Wolfgang Malzkorn GERMANY Etica y cultura Leibniz’s Theory of Space in the Correspondence with Luis Sanchez MEXICO Clarke and the Existence of Vacuums The Challenges of Philosophy of Uberatbn for the 21st Century Paul Raymont USA Leibniz’s Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines W-EB/NC Rt A New W orld O rder: Peace or J ustice Arto Repo FINLAND Leibniz on Material Things Shyli Karin-Frank ISRAEL TimoKajamies FINLAND William Aiken USA On Spinoza’s Theory of Ideas and Its Cartesian Background Timo Airaksinen FINLAND Olli Koistinen FINLAND Jay Drydyk CANADA Bennett on Spinoza’s Philosophical Psychotherapy Dimitrina Petrova BULGARIA


Brandon Look USA W-DW Sect T heory of Knowledge Unity and Reality in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses Ruth Barcan Marcus USA Gregg Elshof USA M-FA Sect Philosophy and An Internalist Rejoinder to Skepticism DanNesher ISRAEL James Fetzer USA In Spite of Davidson’s Arguments for uthe Folly of Trying to Sergey Lyapin and Olga Skidan RUSSIA Define Truth, ” Truth Can Be Defined Sense Modelling and Text Databases in New Linda Nicholson USA Humanitarian Research and Education Technologies Reason and the Spectre of Relativism Marek Bielecki and Marta Calvo USA Manfred Gawlina GERMANY Time and , in Artificial and Natural Transcendental Philosophy and Its Specific Demands Cognitive Systems Genia Schönbaumsfeld AUSTRIA Magoroh Maruyama JAPAN Can Transcendental Arguments Refute the Sceptic? Epistemological Types Andrzej Chmielecki POLAND What is Information? W-AD Soc Evaluation and T echnique

Robert Stufflebeam USA International Society for Value Inquiry What Makes Something a (Digital) Computer? Why Not Just Any Computational Interpretation is Sufficient Erik Carlson SWEDEN Joao Teixeira BRAZIL Aine Donovan USA Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism Valuation and the Conditions Necessary for Inculcation at the US Naval Academy Pablo López-López SPAIN M -N T Sect Philosophy of Education A Radical Sense of Technique Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir ChenXinhan CHINA Carol Nicholson USA Cognitive Mechanism of the Evaluative Action Three Views of Philosophy and Multiculturalism: Searle,

Rorty; and Taylor M -VI Soc Peace Education Studies and Programs ChenHuazhong CHINA Confucius Educating Humanity /л /TL . Assoc, of E ducators for World Peace, Mark D. Gedney USA Philosophy Section Rousseau’s “Émile”: Home-Schooling or Education Behind Charles Mercieca USA Closed Doors David Felder USA Silvia Fiore USA Mitchell L Gold CANADA and the Pedagogy of “Heroic Mind” in the Liberal Arts M -BC Soc Rules and Fair Play William Hare CANADA on Critical Thinking Philosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport Gunnar Breivik NORWAY

W-CO Sect T eaching Philosophy Fairness and the Problem of Body Size in Sport Deborah P. McDonald CANADA Arnold Wilson USA Fairness and Sportspersonship Bert Olivier SOUTH AFRICA Graham McFee UK Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Teaching and Student Experi­ Spoiling: An Indirect Reflection of Sport’s Moral Imperative ence J.S. Russell CANADA Helena Lorenzová CZECH REPUBLIC Are Rules All an Umpire Has to Work With? —Pedagogue László Gál ROMANIA Philosophy Teaching in Romania in the 1980s M-RE Soc Comparative Problems of Fundamental Philosophy/ V. Kapiton RUSSIA Fundamentalphilosophische Fragen im V ergleich Didactics, Philosophy, Culture (S ession O ne) David Felder USA Fourth International Jaspers Conference The World Consensus Game Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. USA and Richard Wisser GERMANY Akihiko Hirano JAPAN W-NA Sect T heoretical Ethics Die Frage nach dem Sinn der Aneignung der Tradition in Osvaldo Guariglia ARGENTINA der Sicht von Nietzsche und Jaspers Edward Sankowski USA Jean-François Méthot CANADA Autonomy, Education, and Societal Legitimacy “This is How it Stands”: Jaspers and Wittgenstein on Alexander Razin RUSSIA Science and Philosophy Universalism, Particularism, Humanism Bernd Weidmann GERMANY Ubiratan de Macedo BRAZIL Ethos der Wahrhaftigkeit und Ethik des Streites: Karl Liberalismo versus Comunitarismo en la Cuestión de la Jaspers als Kritiker von Jürgen Habemas Universalidad Etica Reinhard Schulz GERMANY Graciela Fernández ARGENTINA Die verschiedene Bedeutung von Paradoxien für den Es Posible una fundamentacion trascendental de la etica? Ursprung von Erkenntnis bei Jaspers und Luhmann Consideraciones en tomo de un “fracaso” Young do Chung SOUTH KOREA Christopher Gowans USA Das Lesen der Chiffrenschrift als Sprache der Self-Worth and Moral Knowledge: A Moral Argument for a Transzendenz bei Jaspers Moderate Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz GERMANY Universalization Arguments in Ethics


W-GR Soc Intergenerational J ustice 1 4 - 1 5 : 5 0 International Economics and Philosophy Society Russell Hardin USA Robert E. Goodin AUSTRALIA W-AB/N T ruth and Postmodernism Treating Likes Alike, Intergenerationally and Internationally James Tombertin USA Clark Wolf USA Truth and Ontology Justice Across Generations USA Doug Maclean USA Postmodernism and Truth Commentator Steven Fuller UK What’s Left of Science after ? The Post W-EB/NE Soc G eneral A ssembly (B egins at 13:30) Realist Condition

Institut Internationale de Philosophie Tomonobu Imamichi JAPAN W-AB/S Inv S elf Knowledge B ill Brewer UK Self-Knowledge and Extemalism M-N E Soc Ethics and Educational Research, Cont1 d Paul Boghosslan USA Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Martin Davies UK Self-Knowledge, Armchair Knowledge, ami Knowledge by Inference M-HY Soc Environment and V alues

International Society for Value Inquiry W-AB/C Inv P hilosophy o f A ction Peter Wenz USA Michael Bratman USA Holmes Rolston III USA Environmental Duties and Values Reflective Planning ami Agamy Jack Weir USA Carlos Moya SPAIN Environment Values and Obligation to Act A Proposal about Intentional Action Joelle Proust

M-G В IG Soc Exploring S usanne Langer’s Corpus M-G В/G Rt Perceptual Content, Reference, and Truth in The Society A nalytic Leonard Langer USA Arindam Chakrabarti USA Dorothy Morosoff USA Deen K. Chatterjee INDIA The of Social/Political Unions Jonardon Ganeri UK Vincent Colapietro USA The Tangled Roots of Human M-SU Rt Peirce and the M etaphysics of Truth, Cont’d Beatrice K. Nelson USA The Charles Sanders Peirce Society The Language of Mind and Brain Rolf Lachman USA Langer and Creative Advance W-PA Rt Cross-Disciplinary Education in Bioethics, Cont’d

M-YA Soc A pplied V alues and V irtues W-EB/NW Rt Philosophical A rgumentation Databases, ConT d

International Society for Value Inquiry

William Cornwell USA M-TU Rt Courses on G ender T heory and Feminist Philosophy Philip Cafaro USA in the Post-Communist Society, Cont’d The Place of Economy in Michael Patton, Jr. USA Personal Identity, Autonomy, and Advance Directives M-SI Rt Philosophy in the Fast Lane of the Information Chalmers C. Clark USA Highway: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Good Physician and the Shroud Edward N. Zalta USA Lori Fells USA M-BU Soc Santayana: W orld Citizen George Leaman USA USA Santayana Society Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. USA USA M-PR Sect A ncient Philosophy Nikita Pokrovsky RUSSIA Klaus Brinkmann GERMANY/USA Francesca Calabi ITALY The Teaching of the Law in Philo of Alexandria M-BR Soc Paper Presentations Carmen Segura SPAIN Computing and Philosophy From the Archaic Paideia to the Platonic Paideia: Myth and Charles Ess USA Logos; Orality and Literacy The Electronic Global Village: Cosmopolitan Ideal or John Cleary IRELAND Cybercentrism? Mathematics as Paideia in L.C. Asiegbu NIGERIA Christos Evangeliou USA Ethics and Computers Platonic Paideia and European Philosophy David Fortunoff USA Dialogue, Dialectic, and Maieutic: Plato’s Dialogues as Educational Models Menahem Luz ISRAEL Antisthenes’ Conception of Paideia


M -OR Sect Comparative Philosophy Cosmic and the Crisis of the Sciences V.V. Mantatov and I. Lambaeva RUSSIA Bina Gupta USA Science, Development, and Humanity Kamuran Godelek TURKEY Manuel Comesaña ARGENTINA The NeoPlatonist Roots of Should Philosophy of Science Exist? Fidelis U. Okafor NIGERIA GustaafCornelis BELGIUM African and : Towards a Fusion of Is Popularization of Science Possible? Horizons Victor Ouchinnikov RUSSIA The Historic Types of Philosophy: Western and Russian M-WE Sect PouncAL Philosophy MakotoOzaki JAPAN James Sterba USA On Tanabe’s Logic of Species A. Shirinyats RUSSIA Thomas Fowler USA Power, Intelligentsia, Culture Xavier Zubiri’s Critique of Classical Philosophy Tadeusz Buksinski POLAND Lev Lyakhovetsky RUSSIA The Modal Aspect of Political Protest Under the Origin of Philosophy: What is This? Totalitarian System James Daly NORTHERN IRELAND M-GB/F Sect Logic and P hilosophy of Logic Marx and the Two Enlightenments David Felder USA Wilfred Hodges UK The Call for a World Constitutional Convention Patricia Morey and Sandra Sokolskis ARGENTINA Angela Requate NORWAY Una Aparente Violación del Principio del No Contradicción. Can Political Philosophy Improve ? El Caso de los Azande. Nuevas Perspectivas (An Apparent Violation of the Principle of Non-Contradiction: The Case of An Assessment of R. G. Collingwood’s The New Levia­ than” the Azande—New Perspectives) Andres Bobenrieth CHILE Liu Tong CHINA The Transformation of Western Philosophy in Modem Paraconsistent Logic and Philosophy: A Two-Way Relationship Mustafa Dagli TURKEY and the Road of Development of Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, and Likeness and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Carlos Oiler ARGENTINA The Story of the Defeasible О W-GR Sect T heory of Knowledge Don Faust USA Michael Krausz USA Conflict Without Contradiction: Non-Contradiction as a E. Altekar INDIA Scientific modus operandi Arrow of Time: Towards a New Epistemology of Science Pardeep Kumar INDIA Edward Bartek USA A Comparative Study of System (Indian Logic) and A Global Theory of Knowledge for the Future Aristotelian System (Western Logic) Elena Agoshkova RUSSIA Systems Thinking in the Twenty-first Century W-EB/NC Sect M oral Psychology Hanoch Ben-Yami ISRAEL Olbeth Hansberg MEXICO The Necessity of Self-Knowledge Aaron Ben-Ze’ev ISRAEL Jun Mariano USA Tolerance and Emotions Popper’s Paradox Paul Benson USA Silvio Gallo BRAZIL Culture and Responsibility: A Reply to Moody-Adams Conocimiento y Transversalidad Michael Murray USA Unreflective Character Formation W-DW Soc C ritical Тhinking: T heory and Practice Juha Räikkä FINLAND Assoc, for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking Regret and Obligation William Rottschaefer USA Mark Weinstein USA Moral Learning and Moral Realism: How Empirical Robert Ennis USA Psychology Illuminates Issues in Ontology Panelist David Kim USA Harvey Siegel USA Contempt and Political Order Panelist Alec Fischer UK

M-NT Sect Philosophy of Education Panelist Randall Olson USA Philip Higgs SOUTH AFRICA W-FC Soc T he C risis in M arxist T heory Educating Humanity in a Postmodern Era Society for the Philosophical Study of Marxism Robert Meliert USA Searching for the Foundations of Whitehead’s Philosophy of Education M-RE Soc Comparative Problems of Fundamental Philosophy/ Judy Saltzman USA Fundamentalphilosophische Fragen im V ergleich, Natorp on Social Education: A Paideia for All Ages (S ession O ne) Cont’d K. Sundaram USA Fourth International Jaspers Conference Herder, Gadamer, and 21st Century Humanities Walter Lammi EGYPT The Conflict of Paideias in Gadamer’s Thought W-N A Soc The Functions of Falsehoods in Economics International Economics and Philosophy Society M-VI Sect Philosophy of Science Gerald Gaus USA Alfred Tauber USA Don Ross SOUTH AFRICA Spas Spassov CANADA Isolation, Realism and Game-Theoretic Models: The Biological Teleology in Contemporary Science Problem of Typing Games Anthony Mansueto USA


Jack Vromen THE NETHERLANDS Don Fallís USA Why Select Selection? On Theoretical Isolation in Signaling Theory and Internet Epistemology Evolutionary Economics Uskali Mäki THE NETHERLANDS M-BC Soc R ules and Fa ir P lay, C ont’d The Functions of Falsehood in Economic Theorizing P h ilo s o p h ic S o c ie t y f o r t h e S t u d y o f S p o r t

W-EB/NE Soc G eneral A ssembly, C ont’ d

In s t it u t Internationale d e P h ilo s o p h ie 1 в - 1 7 : в 0

S pec ia l В а т т M-BU Soc S ociety M eeting

International S o c ie t y f o r E nvironmental E thics P h il o s o p h y in A m e r ic a n P u b l ic L if e : Id e a l s A m R e a l it y Eugene Hargrove USA Spon»)i^ ev т№ №«ш»>Н1См. Аааоемюм Laura Westra CANADA Freyda Mathews AUSTRALIA Westw H o rn —America Baujroom, South Philip L Quinn USA M-N E Soc E thics and E ducational R esearch, C o n i’ d Robert Audi USA Jorge Gracia USA P h il o s o p h y o f E d u c a tio n S o c ie t y o f G r ea t B ritain Beyond Biophobic John Perry USA M-H Y Soc P lenary S ession S ym po siu m International S o c ie t y f o r Va lu e In q u ir y Christopher Morris USA S cience Am the H um anities Jan Narveson CANADA Marriott Н о та —Grand Ballroom, Salons F&Q Kant's Moral Theory: Game Theory and the Categorical Evandro Agazzi ITALY Imperative Science and Humanities in the New Pmdeia Robert S. Cohen USA W-EB/C Soc Ethics, H uman Rights, and International B usiness Jesús Mosterin SPAIN Self-Consciousness end International S o c ie t y o f B u sin e s s , E c o n o m ic s ,

a n d E th ic s Richard De George USA M-PR Sect A ncient P hilosophy George Enderle USA Klaus Brinkmann USA/GERMANY Judy Gearhart USA Christopher Long USA W. Michael Hoffman USA Towards a Dynamic Conception of : Rethinking an R.S. Moorthy USA Aristotelian Legacy Sandro D’Onofrio PERU

M-CC Soc The Nature of P hilosophical P ractice La Metáfora de la Luz y El Intelecto Agenta como causa Final: “De Anima” II 1.5 A m e r ic a n S o c ie t y f o r P h ilo s o p h y , C o u n selin g , a n d Jurgis Brakas USA P sychotherapy Aristotle on the Irreducible Senses of the Good G. John M. Abbarno USA John Park KOREA Elliot Cohen USA Discours des droits de l’homme au sens d’un retour à Aristote Conflict of Interest in Counseling and Psychotherapy Abraham Bos THE NETHERLANDS Kenneth F.T. Cust USA Aristotle’s Psychology: The Hybmorphistic Interpretation The Private Practice of Philosophy Refuted Thomas Magnell USA Philosophical Practice as Education W -E B /C Soc Ethics, H uman R ights, and International B usiness

International S o c ie t y o f B u sin e s s , E c o n o m ic s , a n d M-FA Soc S ociety M eeting E thics C o n c e r n e d P hilosophers f o r P e a c e Lynn Sharp Paine USA Glen Peters UK Kenneth J. Warnock USA M-YA Soc T he A esthetic of E nchantment: L iterature and F ine A rts, S ession O ne M -B C Soc G eneral B usiness M eeting T h e W o r ld In s t it u t e f o r A d v a n c e d P henomenological

R e s e a r c h a n d L e a r n in g P h il o s o p h ic S o c ie t y f o r t h e S t u d y o f S p o r t Carmen Balzer ARGENTINA Patricia Trutty-Coohill USA Jorge Garcia Gomez USA M -F A Soc S ociety M eeting C o n c e r n e d P hilosophers f o r P e a c e

M-BR Soc Paper P resentations M-RE Soc C omparative P roblems of F undamental P hilosophy/ C o m p u t in g a n d P h il o s o p h y F undamentalphilosophische F ragen im V ergleich, William Uzgalis USA S ession T w o The Utopian Visions Web Site: An Online Effort to do Philosophy F o u r t h International Ja s p e r s C o n f e r e n c e Kay Mathiesen USA Tracking the User: Private Thoughts on the Internet


W -N A Soc C ritiques of B ounded R eality Anja Steinbauer GERMANY An Exercise in Cross-Cultural Hermeneutics International E c o n o m ic s a n d P h il o s o p h y S o c ie t y Kwang-Sae Lee USA Stefan Baumrin USA Discussant Philip Mirowski USA Kwok-Ying Lau HONG KONG Simulacra vs. Automata: What Should be Bounded When It Discussant Comes to Rationality? JiehouYao PRC Esther-Mirjam Sent USA Discussant on the Rebound Dan Hausman USA M-CC Soc T homas and Pa id eia

International S o c ie t y o f T h o m a s A q u in a s W -F C Soc T he C r is is in M a r xist T heory

S o c ie t y f o r t h e P hilosophical S t u d y o f M a r x is m M -B R Soc Paper P resentations

W -P A Soc A nthropology of S oul, P art Tw o C o m p u t in g a n d P h il o s o p h y

S o c ie t y f o r t h e A nthropology o f C onsciousness Robert Cavalier USA Helmut Wautischer USA Project THEORIA: Interactive Multimedia in Ethics (A Right Lee F. Werth USA to Die? The Dax Cowart Case and The Issue of Abortion in The Psychogenesis of Spirit America) E. Richard Sorenson TIBET Can Logical Philosophy Truly Deal with Truth or Death? W-DW Soc Paper P resentations Galina Lindquist SWEDEN International P hilosophers f o r P e a c e a n d t h e Returning the Soul to the Self: Soul Retrieval Among E l im in a t io n o f N u c l e a r a n d O t h e r T h r e a t s t o G lo b al Urban Shamans Armand J. Labbé USA E x is t e n c e Pre-Colombian Artistic Expressions of Indigenous Concepts of the Soul in Cross-Cultural Perspective 1 8 - 1 9 : 5 0 Helmut Stockhammer GERMANY Localization of Soul in Trance-Formative Perception: Catathymic Transformation through “Working Places of Mourning” W -AB/N Inv Religious Pluralism

M-HY Soc I ntegrity, D ignity, and V alue Philip L Quinn USA Epistemological Problems of Religious Pluralism International S o c ie t y f o r Va l u e In q u ir y William Rowe USA Christopher B. Gray CANADA Religious Pluralism Kevin E. Dodson USA Мелок! Westphal USA Humanity and Dignity The Politics o f Religious Pluralism C.LSheng CHINA/TAIWAN A Note on Self-Other Symmetry W-EB/C In v Historical Narrative M-YA Soc T he A esthetic of E nchantment: L iterature and F ine Michael Bentley A rts, S ession T w o Raymond Martin USA Narration, Objectivity, and Methodological Truth T h e W o r l d In s t it u t e f o r A d v a n c e d P henomenological

R e s e a r c h a n d L e a r n in g C. Behan McCullagh AUSTRALIA The Structure and Objectivity o f Historical Narrative Patricia Trutty-Coohill USA USA Christine Berthold ITALY Jadwiga S. Smith USA W-EB-NW Inv Problems of Democracy in an Age к» <5швашлтю н

M-WE Soc A esthetics and Irrational Images William McBride USA Carol Gould USA International S o c ie t y f o r Va lu e In q u ir y Global Corporations and the internet: Possibilities tor Robert Van Wyk USA Political and Economic Democratization Sander H. Lee USA Andre} KaniowsM POLAND Images of the Holocaust in the Films of Woody Allen The Impact of Globalizaiion Procedures cm Debates about Immaculada Tera Sierra SPAIN Democracy in Poland amt Eastern Europe The Aesthetic Dimension as a Complement to Rationality Gabriel Vargas Lozano MEXICO Democracia liberal y democracia radical: Las dos came d e J a n o M-BU Soc W ho W e are, W hat our ends are

S o c ie t y f o r P hilosophical In q u ir y W-EB/S In te r T he Philosophy of V iolence m the Mooerh World William R. Jones USA W-EB/NC Soc K nowledge, R eality, and Interpretations: T he The Question of Violence from an African American H ermeneutics of F ield-B eing Perspective /л/л.. In s t it u t e f o r F ie l d -B e in g Robert L. Holmes USA Curtis R. Naser USA A Western Perspective on the Problem o f Violence J. Michael Degener USA Tsenay Serequeberhan USA The Tragic Caesura in Plato's Ontology: At the Threshold The Question o f Violence horn an African Perspective of Aesthesis and Noesis in the “Symposium” Chung-ying Cheng USA Kenneth Inada USA The Philosophy of Violence from an Eastern Perspective A Paradigm Shiñ in Perception


M-BU Rt F easible J ust S ocieties for the 21 st C entury JiehouYao CHINA The Ethical Doctrines of Confucius and Socrates Rodney G. Peffer USA Lauren Pfister CHINA Enrique Dussel MEXICO AND USA The Past and Present Significance of 19th Century Evalua­ Principles, Mediations and Justice Claims in a Democratic tions of Ruist Traditions of Scottish Realism Future Society Nicolae Jurcau ROMANIA Olga Fernandez CUBA Two Specialists in Cybernetics: Stefan Odobleja and Robin Hahnel USA Norbert Wiener. Common and Different Features David Schweickart USA MarkZhelnov RUSSIA Svetozar Stojanovic YUGOSLAVIA Paideia of ‘Freedom as a Truth’ and Paideia of “Tmth as a Freedom”: Ideas of F. Scheiling and M. Heidegger in Our Time W-AD Rt A merican P hilosophy

Guy Axtell USA M-BR Sect M odern P hilosophy Courage, Caution, and Heaven’s Gate: James’ s Pragmatic Eduardo Shore ARGENTINA Defence of Religious Belief Some Essential Points in Reading uThe Critique of Stephen Barker USA Pure Reason” James’s Will to Believe EdgardFilho BRAZIL Stuart Rosenbaum USA Radical Evil and the Possibility of the Conversion into Good Moral Theory and the Reflective Life Maria Granik USA The Role of Self-Deception in Kant’s Theory of Radical W-EB/NE Rt C ausation Evil James Fetzer USA Allegra De Laurentiis USA IgalKvart ISRAEL Kant on Marriage Right James Woodward USA Jeffrey Edwards USA Egoism and Formalism in Kant’s Account of Practical Laws Robert Greenberg USA M-GB/G Rt U niversausm and Particularism Kant’s Categories Reconsidered Seyla Benhabib USA James Tully CANADA M-FA Sect O ntology YaleTamir ISRAEL Kenneth R. Baynes USA John Berry USA The Reliability of Heidegger's Reading of Plato’s “Gigantomachia” W-SG Rt The R ole of C ontroversies in P hilosophy G. Vedaparayana INDIA Marcelo Dascal ISRAEL J.P Sartre’s Ontology of Consciousness and Freedom: Kuno Lorenz GERMANY A Critique Quintín Racionero SPAIN Arceniy Tchanishev USA Yaron Senderowicz ISRAEL Tractate on Non-Being Tamara Alpeeva RUSSIA Modem and the Problems of Spirit Ontology M-SU Rt R oundtable on the P hilosophy of S port Andrzej Chmielecki POLAND Jeannette Boxill USA A Vindication of Ontology Michael J. McNamee UK Jennifer-Marie Eustis FRANCE Virtues and Rules in the Ethical Conduct of Sports The Imagery of Angst in Coaches: Celebrating Trust William R Morgan W-CO Sect P hilosophy and C ognitive S cience Patriotic Sports: An Inquiry into Sports Nations and their Moral Expression Barry Smith USA Austin Dacey-Groth USA Sterelny on Domain-Specificity in M -S I Sect A ncient P hilosophy Henrique de Moráis Ribeiro BRAZIL Pierre Aubenque FRANCE On The Philosophy of Cognitive Science Howard Curzer USA Jean-Michel Roy FRANCE To Become Good Cognitive Turn and Victor Boutros USA MarkAst USA Spelunking with Socrates The Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Psychiatry Pablo Rodriguez-Grandjean SPAIN David Newman USA Philosophy and Dialogue: Plato’s Unwritten Doctrines from Deity and Deep Blue: God and Golem Revisited a Logical Point of View Wolfgang Wildgen GERMANY Ezzat Orany KUWAIT From Lullus to Cognitive : The Evolution of a Problème de la prédication: nœud centrale du “Sophiste” Theory of Semantic Fields de Platon Miroslav Ivanovic YUGOSLAVIA M-NT Sect P hilosophy of E ducation Socrates’ Last Error Randall Olson USA Paideia: The Conflict of Intent and Authority M -O R Sect C omparative P hilosophy Thomas Magnell USA Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA Why Liberal Education? Angela Botez ROMANIA Stephen Gardner USA and Lucian Blaga as Philosophers of Knowledge Why the Humanities? Kurt Tore» USA Walter Gulick USA Socrates Meets Two Coyotes Philosophy as a Contribution to Well-Being


Kathleen Haney USA Alexander Kravets RUSSIA The Liberal Arts and the End of Education On the Way to a Universal Theory of Understanding Donald Jenner USA Sergey Lyapin RUSSIA A Definition of University Teaching: A Perhaps-Swiftean Matrix of Reflection: Classification of Reflection According Modest Proposal to Type, Species Level Ali Mesbah CANADA Subject-Object Relation in Mulla Sadra’s Theory of Knowledge M-VI Sect P hilosophy of S cience Hylarie Kochiras USA Harold Oliver USA Belief Worlds and Epistemic Possibilities Gyorgy Darvas HUNGARY Ontological Levels and Symmetry Breaking M-TU Soc X avier Z u b iri’ s M etaphysics and T heory o f the A.M. Galushkin RUSSIA Competence of Particular in Thermonuclear Intelligence Technologies Xavier Zubiri Foundation of America Imre Hronszky HUNGARY Technological Paradigms Sheldon Richmond CANADA M-BC Soc G eneral B usiness M eeting, C ont’ d The Two Cultures Problem Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport Peter Vranas USA Epsilon-Ergodicity and the Success of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics M -R E Soc C omparative Problems of F undamental P hilosophy/ HeisookKim SOUTH KOREA F undamentalphilosophische F ragen m V ergleich Yin and Yang: The Nature of Scientific Explanation in a Culture (S ession T w o)

Fourth International Jaspers Conference M -W E Sect P olitical P hilosophy Andreas Cessna GERMANY/SWITZERLAND Sally Scholz USA Iwona Alechnowicz POLAND Daniel Weinstock CANADA Wahrheit und Freiheit bei Karl Jaspers und Why We Don’t Need Public Reason to Reason in Public Maria Luisa Basso-Vetri ITALY Teresa Orozco GERMANY Der Freiheitssinn bei Jaspers in Hinsicht auf Kant Platonische Paideia in Deutschland urn 1933 Leonard H. Ehrlich USA Terry Hoy USA Heideggers Seinsdenken aus der Sicht von Arendt Rawls’ Concept of Justice as Political: A Defense Against Critics und Jaspers Christine Koggel USA Richard Wisser GERMANY Care and Justice: Re-examined and Revised Zum Briefwechsel Martin Heideggers und Karl Jaspers Wolfgang Kluxen GERMANY

Über ethische Grundlagen der Demokratie W-GR Soc B est W ork in E conomics and P hilosophy

International Economics and Philosophy Society M-GB/F Sect T eaching P hilosophy Arnold Wilson USA Quentin Colgan USA W-FC Soc G abriel M arcel and P a id eia Teaching the “Confessions, ” Books 1-8: Theme and Gabriel Marcel Society James Perry USA Patrick L Bourgeois USA The Dream Hypothesis, Transitions, and the Very Guillermine de Lacoste USA Idea of Humanity Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox FRANCE Heather Reid USA K.R. Hanley USA The Educational Value of Plato’s Socratic Dialogues Simone Plourde CANADA W. Thomas Schmid USA Socratic Paideia: How It Works and Why It So Often Fails Lloyd Aultman-Moore USA M-HY Soc V alues and P unishment Shame and Learning in Plato’s “Apology” International Society for Value Inquiry William Aiken USA W -N A Sect T heoretical E thics Corbin Fowler USA Osvaldo Guariglia ARGENTINA The Death Penalty: Why Not? Daniel Dahlstrom USA Vernon Thomas Sarver, Jr. USA Love, Honor, and Resentment Hobbes’s Empowerment Thesis and Capital Punishment Douglas Moggach CANADA Kenneth Keulman USA The Construction of Juridical Space: Kant’s Analogy of The Millennial World Order Relation in the Metaphysics of Morals Toshiro Terada JAPAN M-NE Soc L eibniz on P a id eia Why Couldn’t Kant be a Utilitarian? Leibniz Society of North America Patrick Kain USA Patrick Riley USA “Kant’s Moral Constructivism” and his Conception Marleen Rozemond USA of Legislation Commentator John Lango USA Is Kant’s Ethics Overly Demanding? M-YA Soc T he O ne, the M a n y , and C itizen sh ip

International Society for Value Inquiry W-DW Sect T heory of K nowledge Samuel Zinaich, Jr. USA Claudio Ferreira Costa BRAZIL Leonard Harris USA Gettiers Problem: Eine pragmatische Lösung Community and Citizenship: Cosmopolitanism, Pluralism and Alain Locke


WangYu-liang CHINA 2 0 :0 0 — 2 2 :0 0 On Plurality and Monism of Value

S pec ia l Even t W-EB/NC Soc M odernity and Its P redicaments: Postmodernism and the N on-S ubstantiaustic T urn Banquet Intl. Institute for Field-Being Su№ORTEDBYTHEORQA№BraOF^BBJA8TlWÖ»«nC»i«. Lewis Edwin Hahn USA C onference of P hilosophy (5 -8 Au g u s t2 0 0 0 ) Barbara Amodio USA Chai FaiCheung HONGKONG ADim«)RESERVM10Nf%S»JIRED Kwok-YingLau HONGKONG W estin Hotel—A merica Ballroom XieshanYe PRC Yuan Quan Chen PRC Discussant Kwang-Soo Park KOREA Discussant Xiaosi Yang USA Discussant

M-CC Soc B usiness M eeting

International Society of

2 0 - 2 1 : 5 0

M-BR Sect Logic and P hilosophy of L ogic Johan Van Benthem THE NETHERLANDS Volodimir Navrotskiy UKRAINE Interval Description of Change George Boger USA The Modernity of Aristotle’s Logical Investigations Gut Arkadiusz POLAND Two Types of Philosophical Analysis Charles Reitz USA Wittgenstein’s Ghost Peter Swiggart USA Two Dogmas of Modem Semantics Eduard Karavaev RUSSIA Logic and Moral Dilemmas John Kearns USA Logic, An Empirical Study of A Priori Truths

M -V I Sect P hilosophy of S cience Harold Oliver USA Vladimir Gamaonov RUSSIA Relation - Functional Theory of Information David Gruender USA On Explanation: Aristotelian and Hempelean Paul Tang USA The Monoamine Hypothesis, Placebos and Problems of Theory Construction in Psychology, and Psychiatry Norma Horenstein ARGENTINA Something More on What Explanation Explains Francisco Flores CANADA Top-Down or Bottom-Up: Explaining Laws in Special Relativity Fritz Wallner AUSTRIA A New Vision of Science

M-RE Soc C omparative P roblems of F undamental P hilosophy/ F undamentalphilosophische F ragen im V ergleich (S ession Two) C o nt’ d

Fourth International Jaspers Conference

M-TU Soc X avier Z ubiri’ s E thics, A esthetics, and P hilosophy of M an

Xavier Zubiri Foundation of America


0 9 - 9 : 5 0 Epistemological Turn in European Scientific Rationality Anastasios Brenner FRANCE Du neopositivisme français au cercle de Vienne Daniel Videla USA W -E B /N E Sect C ontemporary P hilo sophy The Problem of Science in Heidegger's Thought FINLAND

Andres Guttman and János Boros USA M -B U Sect P o l itic a l P hilo so phy On Genophilosophy Amelie Benedikt USA William McBride USA On Reading Valedictory Texts: Suicide Notes, Last Wills Arthur Demtchouk RUSSIA and Testaments Sustainable Development: New Political Philosophy Igor Kalinauskas RUSSIA for Russia? Art of Living D. Ermashov RUSSIA N. M. Karamzin in the History of Russian A. Prolubnikov RUSSIA W-DW Sect M edieval P hilo sophy Problems of and State in the Political Philoso­ Richard Cobb-Stevens USA phy of L A. Tikhomirov Woosuk Park SOUTH KOREA Towards a Scotist Modal Metaphysics W-GR Sect T heo retical E th ic s Sharon Kaye CANADA Russell, Strawson, and Maria Julia Bertomeu ARGENTINA Yiwei Zheng USA Kadri Vihvelin USA Ockham on Connotative Terms Freedom, Foreknowledge and the Principle of Alternate Possibilities Paul Schollmeier USA M -N T Sect P hilosophical M ethodology Happiness and Luckiness John E. Smith USA Moire Walsh USA Lioudmila Sourkova RUSSIA The Relationship of Freedom to the Acquisition, Possession, The Paradigm of Technological Consciousness in the and Exercise of Virtue Civilization Process Valeriy Baryakin RUSSIA M-VT Soc K eynote A ddress Overcoming the World-Wide Crisis of Civilization through a Natural Scientific Standpoint Computing and P hilosophy M.E. Orellano Benado, Andres Bobenrieth and Carlos Verdugo-Serra Randall Dipert USA CHILE The Impact of Computing on the Teaching of Logic Metaphilosophical Pluralism and Paraconsistency: From Orientative to Multi-Level Pluralism W -E B /N C Post T he M eaning o f J apanese T hought and C ulture in the P resent W o rld W-SG/A-B Sect P hilo so phy o f E ducation Krystyna Gómiak USA W-CO Post T he S em antics and P hilo so phy o f C haos Joseph Agassi ISRAEL Public Responsibility for Spaceship Earth Mikhail Schelkunov RUSSIA W-DE Post L ukács’ R elation to M arx Personality of the 21st Century: Towards a New Philosophy of Education Franciso Sierra-Gutierrez COLOMBIA W-NA Post H ardness and M o r a l P r in c iple Education for Cosmopolis

M-TU Sect P hilo so phy o f I nterpretation W-NS Post T he E xclusive D is ju n c tio n : As D istinguished from the Inclusive D isjunctio n Joseph Margolis USA Gury Karezhayev RUSSIA Hermeneutic of Language and Ontology of Culture W -A D Post L eonid M andelshtam : H is P hilosophical “ M is ­ Mónica Cragnolini ARGENTINA takes” and A ccomplishments Filosofía y ensayismo: pensando desde Robert Musil y Monica Giardina ARGENTINA W -F C Post C onsciousness and C o in c id e n c e : A c cidental Nihilismo y encamación en la hermenéutica de Gianni Vattimo C oincidence as an I ndicator o f C onsciousness in C haotic M edia

M-CC Sect P hilo so phy o f R e u g io n Marco Olivetti ITALY 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 Valeriy Panfilov UKRAINE Philosophy of Spirit by Ivan Ilyin Gellman ISRAEL P lenary S essio n Re-identifying God in Experience P aideia, S ocial J ustice, and H um an R ig h ts Aharon Shear-Yashav ISRAEL Jewish Philosophers on Reason and Revelation M arriott H o t e l —G rand Ballroom, S alons F & G loanrw Kuçuradi TU R K EY W-SG/C-D Sect P hilo so phy o f S cience Karl-Otto Apel GERMANY Harold Oliver USA Eduardo Rabossi ARGENTINA Andrew Pavlenko RUSSIA


Hsiao-hui Cristal Huang TAIWAN 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 Chen Chun-hweir TAIWAN Yuan Hsin-ai TAIWAN Hsiao Hung-en TAIWAN W-AB/S im A b str a c tio n a n d A b s tr a c t O bjects

E J . Lowe UK M-GB/G Rt Human Rights and New T echnologies Abstraction, Properties, and Immanent Realism Kit Fine USA Gregory J. Walters CANADA Robert m e UK Simon Rogerson UK Patrick F. Sullivan USA J.S. Taylor USA tn v M e d ic al Et h ic s

Dan m Brock MBA W -AD Rt C elebrating T en Y ears of Radical Hermeneutics Ethical 1 ш т in the Construction of Population Health Measures for the Prioritization and Rationing o f Health Care Roy Martinez USA Norman Daniels USA John D. Caputo USA Ethical tssm s in the Use o f Population Health Measures for Mark Dooley IRELAND the Prioritization and Rationing o f Health Cam B. Keith Putt USA Bernard Gort USA Morality and Health Cara Policy M-SU Rt Religious C hallenges to Philip L Quinn USA W -E 8/S in te r P hilo so phy in a G lo bal C o ntext: In d ia an d T ib et Michael Bergmann USA Arlndam Chakrabarti USA Richard Otte USA Indian Orthodox Traditions William Ramsey USA Brendan Gilion McGill CANADA tndian Orthodox Traditions M-FA Rt A esthetics The Ven Geshe Ngawang Samten INDIA Margaret Brand USA Tibetan Glaring Omissions in Traditional Theories of Art Guy Newland USA Mark De Beilis USA Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy The Paradox of Music Analysis Gary Iseminger USA W-AB/N Rt P hilosophy and the E nvironment The Aesthetic Function of Art Robin Attfield UK Azizan Baharuddin MALAYSIA M-WE Rt M etaphysics Heta Häyry and Matti Häyry FINLAND Donald Baxter Gunnar Skirbekk NORWAY USA A Humean Temporal Logic Philip Percival UK W-FC Rt V irtual and A ugmented Reality Revolutionizing Chance Events: Some Contrasting Explanations E ducation and Learning Bruce Glymour and Marcelo Sabates USA Fernand Vandamme BELGIUM Micro-Level Indeterminism and Macro-Level Shi Penglei CHINA Plenamintel Bunja Metharu INDIA M-TU Rt S pecial S ection on M etaphysics Benjamin Woollen USA Giorgio De Michelio ITALY Peter Van inwagen USA Cynthia MacDonald UK Tropes and Other Things M -RE Rt SOPHIK Roundtable USA Société Philosophique de Kinshasa (SOPHIK) Substance, Identity, and Time Johannes Brandi AUSTRIA Tshiamalenga Ntumba CONGO Realism, , and Intentionally Albertine Tshibilondi Ngoyi CONGO Mubabinge Bilolo CONGO W-EB/C Rt FISP: Its Past, Present and Future

M -HY Rt P hilosophical Dialogue North-South Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie Association for P hilosophy and Liberation Myrto Dragona-Monachou GREECE Yolanda Angulo MEXICO Evandro Agazzi ITALY Karl-Otto Apel GERMANY Venant Cauchy CANADA Global Responsiblity Ioanna Kuçuradi TURKEY Edward Demenchonok USA André Mercier SWITZERLAND Ethical Discourse Challenging Global Problems F. Miró Quesada PERU Enrique Dussel MEXICO Colonialidad Moderna: una alternativa transmoderna James Marsh USA W-EB/NE Sect Contemporary P hilosophy Toward a Critique of Habermas’s Philosophy of Law Anatoly Malivsky UKRAINE Eduardo Mendieta USA Problem of Metaphysics: Dialogue of Heidegger with Descartes Globalization, Postcolonialism and the Question of History Matthias Lütkekermölle GERMANY How to Inherit a Promise? Derrida and Benjamin on Marx W-EB-NW Rt T olerance in C hinese Philosophy and Education Abraham Mansbach ISRAEL Heidegger’s Critique of Tran Van Doan TAIWAN Marion Kao TAIWAN


Gaetano Chiurazzi ITALY Kristin Andrews USA Hegel, Heidegger et la grammaire de l’être On Predicting Behavior A. Çüçen TURKEY James Dallett USA Heidegger’s Reading of Descartes’ Dualism: The Relation of On Images Subject and Object Angela Arkway USA Wanda Torres Gregory USA The Simulation Theory and Explanations that “Make Sense Heidegger on Traditional and Technological Language of Behavior” Ralph Schumacher GERMANY and the Role of the Phenomenal Qualities of M-NT Sect P hilosophical M ethodology Visual Experiences John E. Smith USA Vladimir Yakovlev RUSSIA M-CC Sect Philosophy of R eligion Philosophic Principles of Creativity Herman Cappelan and Douglas Winblad USA Marco Olivetti ITALY E.L. Arinin RUSSIA Yuri Petrov RUSSIA Principles for Cognizing the Sacred Philosophy and Religion: Universality and Specifics of Serge Cantin CANADA Spiritual Experience Le Désenchantement du Monde et l’Avenir du Christianisme Stepan Vovk UKRAINE selon Fernand Dumont Non-Classical Methodology: Origin, Peculiarities of Andrzej Bronk POLAND Formation and Prospects of Developments Truth and Religion Reconsidered: An Analytic Approach Svetlana Zolkina UKRAINE Lewis Ford USA Principle of Complementary as Methodological Basis for The Active Future as Divine Reconstruction of the History of Russian Philosophy Henry Simoni-Wastila USA Omniscience and the Problem of Radical Particularity: Does God Know How to Ride a Bike? W -CO Sect P hilosophy of C ulture Hendrik Hart CANADA David Wong USA Philosophy’s Prejudice Towards Religion Gloria Comesaña VENEZUELA Arendt’s Criticism of Techno-Scientific Modem Reason W -SG /C-D Sect P hilosophy of S cience Boris Goubman RUSSIA as the Climax of Modernity: Horizons of the llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Cultural Future James Logue UK Jackie Gately USA Models and Measurements: Some Parallels Making the Ontological Tradition His Own: Heiddegger and David Gruenberg TURKEY the Creation of a Culture Bootstrapping and the Problem of Testing Quantitative Rui Sampaio PORTUGAL Theoretical Hypotheses The Hermeneutic Conception of Culture Volker Peckhaus GERMANY The Heuristic Function of the Axiomatic Method Maarten Franssen THE NETHERLANDS W-SG-A/B Sect P hilosophy of Education The Not-so Trivial Truth of Methodological Individualism Krystyna Górniak USA Jean Leroux CANADA Jan-Peter Domschke GERMANY Les Théories de l’image de Helmholtz et de Hertz et les Die Rezeption philosophischer Auffassungen von Natur— motifs de Carnap dans L’Aufbau und Technikwissenschaften fur die Ausbildung von Studenten technikwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge Yadviga Yaskevitch RUSSIA M-BU Sect Political P hilosophy The Modern Science Educating Humanity William McBride USA Eduardo Abranches de Soveral PORTUGAL Rodney G. Peffer USA Principles for a Pedagogy in the Technological Era What Is To Be Distributed? Zdzistaw Cackowski POLAND Milton Nascimento BRAZIL Didactic Competence as an Indispensable Element of Le législateur et l’écrivain poltique chez Rousseau Scientific Competence Jeremy Gallegos USA Constaninos Tsiantis GREECE Hume Paideia in the Information Era Ronald Weed USA Rousseau and Kant on Envy Sheldon Wein CANADA W -N A Sect P hilosophy of Mathematics A Humean Theory of Distributive Justice for a New Century Anthony Peressini USA Philip Knee CANADA Anna Lemanska POLAND Eduquer au paraître: L’ordre politique chez Montaigne et Pascal The Issue of Experiment in Mathematics Jarmo Pulkkinen FINLAND The Neo-Kantian and the Logicist Definition of Number W-GR Sect T heoretical Ethics Jaroslaw Mrozek POLAND Maria Jules Bertomeau ARGENTINA The Problems of Understanding Mathematics Alistair MacLeod CANADA Alan Weir UK Instrumental Rationality and the Instrumental Doctrine A Neo-Formalist Approach to Mathematical Truth Patricia Moya Cañas CHILE Elaine Landry CANADA The Educational Role of Society in the Acquisition of Virtue Semantic Realism: Why Mathematicians Mean What They Say Maurice Stanley USA The of Ethics Christopher Tollefsen USA W-DE Sect P hilosophy of M ind Realism and Particularism in McDewell’s Moral Philosophy Juliet Floyd USA Norman Teng TAIWAN The Depictive Nature of Visual Mental Imagery 64 OFFICIAL PROGRAM— FRIDAY

M-SI Soc R etrieving Equality 1 4 - 1 5 : 8 0 Society for P hilosophy and Public Affairs Carol Gould USA W-AB/S Inv M ind/B o c y P roblem s Equal Positive Freedom and the Political Recognition of Differences Joseph Corbi SPAIN Frank Cunningham CANADA Mental Contents, Tracking Counterfactuals, and implement­ Reconstructing an Egalitarian Imagery ing Mechanisms Ross Zucker ISRAEL USA Democratic Distributive Justice CausafHy and the Mind-Body Problem Sydney Shoemaker USA Realization and Mania/ Causation M-BC Soc S ession O ne

North American Kant Society W-AB/N Inv Philosophy, Death, ahd Ù m o Mariä de Lourdes Borges BRAZIL Jorge Garcia USA Robert Greenberg USA Beyond Biophobic Medical Ethics The Transcendental Character of Kants Second Analogy Frances Kamm USA Nythamar Fernandes de Oliveira BRAZIL Felicia Ackerman USA Kant, Rawls, and the Foundations of a Theory of Justice Death, Dyingf and D ignity Andrew Kelly USA Material Principles, Happiness, and Knowledge: One of Maimón’s Revisions of Kant’s Moral Theory W-AB-C Inv P hilo sophy o p P hysics Alberto Cordero USA W-EB/NC Soc W orking S ession (begins at 13:00) Physics and the Thesis; Some Lessons from Quantum Theory Institut Internationale de Philosophie John Earman USA Jesús Mosterín SPAIN Foundation Problems in Einstein’s General Theory o f Martin Kusch GERMANY R elativity Anti psycholog ism and Antisocialism in Early Twentieth- Larry Sklar USA Century Germany Philosophy Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA Consciousness or Language: What Is the Basic Concern of W-EB/S Rt A lain L. Locke: Pragmatism and Democracy Twentieth-Century Philosophy? Alain L Locke Society Gabriel Motzkin ISRAEL Leonard Harris USA Representation and the Challenge of Sally Scholz USA Locke and the Language of World Solidarity W -D W Soc P hilosophical M aterialism in Japan Kenneth Stikkers USA Locke and John Dewey Japanese Society for S tudy of Philosophical Jesse Taylor USA Materialism Locke and Values Rudolph Vanterpool USA M-ME Soc P hilosophical Counseling and Ethics Locke and Aesthetics

American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and P sychotherapy W -EB/NE Rt T eaching W estern Philosophy in Non-W estern Paul Allen USA Contexts Vaughana Feary USA John McGuire SOUTH KOREA Feminine and Feminist Perspectives on Virtue Based Neven Sesardic JAPAN Philosophical Counseling with Women Soraj Hongladarom THAILAND Pierre Grimes USA Andre Goddu USA The Moral Crisis in the Exploration of Phibsophical Midwifery

W-EB/NW Rt T he Restoration of Philosophy: JIS 1989-1998 M -VT Soc Paper P resentations Institute for Interdisciplinary Research Computing and Philosophy Oskar Gruenwald and William R. Marty USA Brian J. Rosmaita USA William A. Dembski USA Web Support for Student Research and Writing in the The Design Inference Philosophy Curriculum: The OhioLINK History of Philosophy Peter A. Redpath USA Instructional Web Site From Sophistic to Philosophy Mark Rooks USA Josef Seifert LIECHTENSTEIN Full Text Databases — Philosophy and the History of Ideas The Seventh Voyage of Philosophy George Leaman USA Karl Giberson USA The Poiesis Project — Philosophy Journals Online Panelist Miloé Dokulil CZECH REPUBLIC Panelist Kuk Won Chang SOUTH KOREA Panelist Brigitte Dehmelt Cooper USA Panelist


W-EB/C Rt FISP: Its Past, Present, and Future (C ont'd) Marc Smith CANADA Educating the Human Subject Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Enrique Puchet URUGUAY de P hilosophie Legados de la IIlustración David Galloway USA W-NA Sect Contemporary Philosophy Competence and Normative Theories JanWolenski POLAND Acílo da Silva Estanqueiro Rocha PORTUGAL M-FA Sect P hilosophy of Interpretation Au dedans et par delà du structuralisme: de la figure de David Rasmussen USA l’égo a la pensée de l’homme George Marshall CANADA Kristin DeKam USA Hegel and the Elephant Reconsidering Justification for Naturalized Epistemology James Dugan, S.J. USA After Rorty and Quine: An Argument for Eclectic Viewpoints The Loss of Common Sense and an Attempt at its Retrieval Klaus Ohler GERMANY through Hermeneutics Why Pragmatism is a Humanism Thomas Duddy IRELAND Andrew Reck USA Reading “Jabberwocky” Rightfully: Meaning, Understanding The of Pragmatism & Politics of Interpretation Tom Rockmore USA Hans Lenk GERMANY Recent Analytical Philosophy and Idealism Outline of a Systematic Schema of Interpretation D. Leahy USA Paulo Duque-Estrada BRAZIL The Originality of Levinas: Pre-Originally Categorizing the Ego The Double Move of Philosophical Hermeneutics

W-DW Sect M edieval P hilosophy M-SU Sect P hilosophy of M ind William Mumion USA Juliet Floyd USA The Three Facets o f Aquinas’ s Theory of Love Shrinivas Bokil INDIA Phillip Cary USA Descartes’ Argument for Other Outward Signs and the Inner Teacher: Augustine and the Bijoy Boruah INDIA Invention of Expressionist Semiotics The First Person Perspective: Experience, Agency, and Johannes Brachtendorf GERMANY Personal Identity Self-Knowledge and the Sciences in Augustine’s Early Thinking Paul Bernier CANADA Miguel Rossi ARGENTINA Reflexive Transparency, Mental Content, and Externalism The Concept of Earthly Peace in Augustinian Thought Lisa Hall USA Douglas Langston USA The Self-Knowledge That Externalists Leave Out Aquinas on , the Virtues, and Weakness of Will Robert Hudson CANADA In Defense of Direct Perception M -NT Sect P hilosophical M ethodology Paul K. Moser USA M-CC Sect Philosophy of R eligion Kevin L. Stoehr USA Marco Olivetti ITALY The Virtues of Daryl Wennemann USA Richard Rickert USA The Role of Love in the Thought of Kant and Kierkegaard Lost in Paradigm: Dennett’s Dangerous Dream Artur Bölderl AUSTRIA Margaret Grebowicz USA Vom Opfergeist - Hegel mit Bataille Philosophy as Meaningful Science: The Subject and Eugene Poliakov RUSSIA Objective Knowledge in Husserl and Popper Religion and Science in the Parable of the Unjust Steward John Tomarchio USA William Sessions USA Computer and Philosophical Interpretation Author! Author! Some Reflections on Design and Beyond Pablo López-López SPAIN Hume’s Dialogues Philosophy of Technique and the Technique of Philosophy David White USA The Elimination of Natural Theology M-BC Sect P hilosophy and Cognitive S cience Jyrki Kivela FINLAND Is Kierkegaard’s Absolute Paradox Hume’s ? James Fetzer USA Louis Caruana ITALY Habits and Explanation W-SG/C-D Sect P hilosophy of S cience David DeMoss USA llkka NiinUuoto FINLAND Aristotle, Connectionism, and the Morally Excellent Brain Michael Akeroyd UK Nicholas Georgalis USA Laudans, Popper, and the Theory of Migration of Continents Unconscious Beliefs Lorenzo Magnani ITALY Peter Skagestad USA Abduction and Hypothesis Withdrawal in Science Peirce, Virtuality, and Semiotic Robert Miner USA Nebojsa Kujundzic CANADA Lakatos and MacIntyre on Incommensurability and the The Role of Mental Variation in Cognitive Science: Rationality of Theory Change Structured Imagination and Conceptual Combinations Erdinc Sayan TURKEY The Bayesian Theory of Confirmation and Idealizations and W-SG/A-B Sect P hilosophy of E ducation Approximations in Science TheoKuipers NETHERLANDS Thomas Buford USA Epistemological Positions in the Light of Truth Approximations and Education, A Philosophical Retmspect/Prospect Pawet Zeidler POLAND Paul Grosch UK Theoretical Model, Representation, Experience Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity Through Marshall Gordon USA Toward a Complete Axiology of Classroom Practice


M-GB/G Sect Political Philosophy Daryl Koehn USA in a Technological Age William McBride USA Sandra Rosenthal USA Alexander Strizoye RUSSIA Pragmatism and Other Business Ethics Theories Political Philosophy: Possibilities of the Dialogue About New Humanizing David Boersema USA M-GB/F Soc Polanyi’s Tacit Knowing Pragmatism, Rights, Community The P olanyi Society Francisco Naishtat ARGENTINA of Richard Gelwick USA Robert Wallace USA Walter Gulick USA How Freedom Requires Community (and What Kind of ÉvaGábor HUNGARY Community It Requires) Phil Mullins USA Kenneth Henley USA Tolerance, Liberalism, and Community M-TU Soc P hilosophy of M ind: East and W est

Society for Indian Philosophy W-GR Sect T heoretical Ethics Jay Garfield USA Maria Jules Bertomeu ARGENTINA William G. Lycan USA Jeffrey Bulger USA Kisor K. Chakrabarti USA Humanity Educating Philosophy Michael Krausz USA Mario Heler ARGENTINA El Ethos moderno: Universalismo y multiculturalismo M-M E Soc P lenary S ession Vladimir Dubrovsky RUSSIA Cosmology and Moral Philosophy International Society for Value Inquiry Christopher Phillips USA Naomi Zack USA Justice as Desert: Is There Any Such Thing? Richard De George USA Norman Haughness USA Ethics, Computers, and The New Millennium My Dinner With David: or, Naturalistic Metaethics, Politics, and Psychology M-WE Soc Humanity and the Natural W orld: R e-C onceiving Learning, Knowing, Living M -HY Soc A ristotle on the N ecessity of Public Education Society for P hilosophy in America A ssociation for the Philosophy of Education Bruce Wilshire USA Randall Curran USA Donna House USA Leon Kojen YUGOSLAVIA Reconnecting to Indigenous People’s Earth-Knowledge Peter Simpson USA and Philosophy Robert Neville USA M-VI Soc S artre on T ruth and Knowledge Education and Nature through Taoism John E. Smith USA Sartre Society of N orth America Re-Siting John Dewey’s View Kathleen Wieder USA Ines Talamantez USA Matthew Ally USA Enduring Patience: Imaginary Relationships in the Education Persons, Values, Critique: Morality and Truth in Sartre of a Diverse Society and Foucault David Detmer USA Sartre's Ethics of Truth M-VT Soc Paper P resentations Matthew Eshelman USA Computing and Philosophy Double Nihilation: Sartre on Reflected Consciousness and Mike Sandbothe GERMANY the Ambiguity of Self-Knowledge Pragmatism and Philosophical Media Theory Catherine Womack USA M-RE Soc S ociety M eeting Church’s Thesis and the Status of Idealization in Mathematics Marvin Croy USA John Dewey Society Interface Design, Student Performance, and the Working Backwards Method of Proof Construction

W -CO Soc S ociety M eeting

S ociety for the Advancement of P hilosophy W -AD Soc Paper P resentations of Children International Philosophers for Peace and the Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Global Existence W -EB/NC Soc W orking S ession, Cont’d

Institut Internationale de Philosophie W-FC Soc Contemporary Marxism, Pragmatism, and Field-Being

Intl. Institute for Field-Being M-SI Soc Retrieving Equality, Cont’d XinRu PCR Society for P hilosophy and P ublic Affairs Yuan Quan Chen PCR Kang Ouyang PCR Bensi Xing PCR M-BU Soc T he Society for Business Ethics Jiehou Yao PRC The Society for Business E thics Lewis Edwin Hahn USA George Berenket USA Discussant


Harold Oliver USA Francisco Naishtat ARGENTINA Discussant Academic Autonomy and Social Property of Public Univer­ Xiaosi Yang USA sity: A Glance from Political Philosophy Discussant W -PA Soc T eaching P hilosophy in A merica

1 6 - 1 7 : 5 0 A m e r ic a n A s s o c ia t io n o f P h il o s o p h y T e a c h e r s James Campbell USA S pec ia l S essio n M-FA Soc S ociety M eeting P ehelman S ymposium: R easoning ano A rgumentation A l a in L L o c k e S o c ie t y Westin H o r n — America Ballroom

Guy Haarscher BELGIUM М-ВС S o c E pistemology, Feminism, and C hange in S port NetlMacCormtck UK R hetoric and th e R ule o f Lew P h il o s o p h ic S o c ie t y f o r t h e S t u d y o f S p o r t John Woods UK Paul Davis UK Hasty Generalization Sport and Divergence Within Feminism Alun Hardman USA Sym po siu m Change in Sport: A Theoretical Approach Angela Pearson UK C u r r e n t C h a l l e n g e s in E t h ic s Modem Epistemology and Sport: A Feminist Commitment M arriott H o t e l — G rand Ballroom, S alons F&G

Margarita Vaktes MEXICO М-МЕ Soc Issues of P hilosophical P ractice Gunter Patzig GERMANY A m e r ic a n S o c ie t y f o r P h il o s o p h y , C o u n s e l in g , a n d Ricardo Mailand! ARGENTINA P sychotherapy Principios rie equidad discursiva Regina Uliana Paula Manchester USA and Steve Palmquist HONG KONG M-NT Rt V alue Inquiry Today and T omorrow Kants Architectonic Turn as a Model for Philosophical International S o c ie t y f o r Va l u e In q u ir y Practice: The Philosopher as Architect, Teacher, or Friend? G. John M. Abbamo USA Louis Marinoff USA Leonard Harris USA Inculcating Virtue in Philosophical Practice Shyli Karin-Frank ISRAEL Sander H. Lee USA W-FC Soc Contemporary Issues in M arxism Thomas Magnell USA Wang Yu-liang CHINA S o c ie t y f o r t h e P hilosophical S t u d y o f M a r x is m Erik Carlson SWEDEN Chen Xinhan PRC Christopher B. Gray CANADA M-BU Soc W ho W e are, W hat our ends are S o c ie t y f o r P hilosophical In q u ir y

W -NA Sect Contemporary P hilosophy Martin Kusch FINLAND M-WE Soc Polanyi’s Tacit Knowing, Cont’d

Philippe Capelle FRANCE T h e P o l a n y i S o c ie t y and Transcendence Erik Manning UK Paideia in the Philebus: Situating Heidegger’s “Being and Time” M-SI Soc Conflicts of Ethics and Conflicts of C ulture - Daniela Neu USA S ession O ne On the Relation Between Being and in Heidegger’s “Brief International S o c ie t y f o r C h in e s e P h il o s o p h y Über den Humanismus” and in His “Beitraege zur Philosophie” Haim Gordon ISRAEL

Heidegger on Poetry and Thinking: Some Educational M-SU Soc V alue and M oral Knowledge Implications Sevgilyi TURKEY International S o c ie t y f o r V a l u e In q u ir y What Heidegger Wishes to Transcend? Metaphysics Moira Walsh USA or Nietzsche Elizabeth Cooke USA Herman Stark USA Value-Neutral Knowledge in the Feminist of A Thematic Unity for Heidegger’s “Was Heist Denken?” Sandra Harding and Helen Longino Beth Halpern USA Levinas and Nussbaum: and Desire W-SG/A-B Sect P hilosophy of E ducation IHenny Wenkart USA Kevin L. Stoehr USA Lilith: Demon or Role Model? A Contemporary Revelation of Valentin Puhlikov RUSSIA Female Values Nature of Philosophical Knowledge and Theory of Education of Humankind James Ndungu Mburu KENYA M-VI Soc S artre on the Body, P sychoanalysis, and History The Social Meaning of Philosophical Paideia with Special S a r t r e S o c ie t y o f N o r t h A m e r ic a Reference to the Philosophy of Prof. Henry Odera Oruka Joseph L Walsh USA Luciana Bellatalla ITALY Raymond Langley USA Philosophy and Education: From to Democracy Sartre and Jaspers on Individual and History Betül Cotuksöken TURKEY Kathleen Wieder USA Le discours philosophique et son role éducatif Sartre and the Body


W-EB/NW Soc Business M eeting M-TU Rt Becoming H uman in the Northern Renaissance: Education in and out of the University (D evinir International Christian S tudies A ssociation HUMAIN DANS LA RENAISSANCE TRANSALPINE: l’éducation dans et hors de l’U niversité) M-VT Soc Paper P resentations (16-17:00) Danièle Letocha CANADA Computing and Philosophy Eva Kushner CANADA Lawrence M. Hinman USA Nelly Robinet FRANCE Using Digital, Audio, and Video in World Wide Web Ethics’ Conferences and Lectures W-EB/S Rt S ubstance, S ubject & Relation: T he Non- Terry Bynum USA SUBTANTIALISTIC TURN Using CD-ROMs to Teach Philosophy International Institute for Field-Being BockjaKim HONGKONG M-VT Soc Closing Session: Preparing for CAP 2000 Kwok-YingLau HONGKONG (17:00) Kwang-Sae Lee USA Computing and Philosophy Chenyang Li USA Eva Kit-Wah Man HONGKONG Curtis R. Naser USA W-AD Soc Paper P resentations Peimin Ni USA International P hilosophers for Peace and the Harold Oliver USA Elimination of N uclear and O ther Threats to Kang Ouyang PRC Global Existence Kwang-Soo Park KOREA Thomas Regan, S.J. USA

1 8 - 1 9 : 5 0 W-EB/NW Rt Russian Religious P hilosophy in the 20th C entury

Society for the S tudy of R ussian Religious Thought О Д А В Щ i m T m O b je c tiv it y o f tns S o c ia l Raimo Tuometa FINLAND Jonathan Sutton ENGLAND Coflectivs Acceptance and Robert Bird USA Thomas R Flynn USA USA Margamt Gilbert USA Mikhail Sergeev USA/RUSSIA Sociality, Unity Objectivity Piotr Shalimov RUSSIA

M-GB/G Rt P hilosophical Issues in Jorge Borges W-AB/S fn v P hilo so phy o f Aar T oday N M C arroll USA Eduardo Rabossi ARGENTINA The End o f Art? Felicia Ackerman USA Arthur Panto USA James Hamilton USA Manuel Liz Gutierrez SPAIN A rt am t Meaning MaryMothemti USA Marcelo Sabates USA/ARGENTINA Bad M-SU Rt P ublic : A New Emphasis in P ublic M orality W-AB/C fn v Tut E xplanatory G a p Joe Levine USA Milton Fisk USA СопсеЫШШу, Possibility, and the Explanatory Gap Anatole Anton USA Robert van Gulick USA John Exdell USA Shan Loar USA

W-EB/NC Rt O n t o l o g y a n d M e t a p h y s ic s

W-EB/C in te r P h ilo so phy and S o c ia l J u s tic e in the W orld Algis Mickunas USA T oday Leonel Padilla GUATEMALA Kwang-Sæ Lee USA Rekha Menon INDIA Philosophy and Social Justice from an Eastern Perspective Bienvenido Argueta Hernandez GUATEMALA Safro Kwame USA Philosophy and Social Justice; African Perspective M-SI Rt Perspectives in the P hilosophy of M athematics Jonathan Gorman IRELAND Newton C.A. da Costa BRAZIL A Western Perspective on Philosophy and Social Justice Otavio Bueno UK Steven French UK W-PA Rt L’importance de l’éducation et la question de Michel Paty FRANCE l’homme dans les philosophies de J.J. Rousseau et de Kant M-VI Sect Contemporary P hilosophy Société d ’études kantiennes de langue française JanWolenski POLAND Jean Ferrari FRANCE Victor Okorokov UKRAINE Guy Lafrance FRANCE A Modern Situation in Motion Philosophy Claude Piché CANADA Alexandre Kouzmine RUSSIA Patricia Rehm Temporality of Experience and Experience of Ricardo Terra BRAZIL Consciousness’Temporality Keizo Satoh JAPAN The Significance of System Cybernetics for Contemporary Philosophy


Thomas O’Neill USA M-BU Sect P hilosophy of M ind Phenomenology and Scientific Verifiability Fred Dretske USA Seren Stenlund SWEDEN Neil Campbell CANADA Philosophy and Contemporary Science Reviving Psycho-Physical Supervenience Donald Poochigian USA W-DW Sect M edieval P hilosophy To Resurrect a Ghost: In Defense of Psychological Dualism Aaron Preston USA Steven Brown USA David Hume’s Treatment of Mind Darían De Bolt USA Henry Jackman USA George Gemistos Plethon on God: Heterodoxy in Defense Belief, Rationality, and Psychophysical Laws of Orthodoxy Robert Lantin CANADA Ibahim LEBANON Restoring Mind-Brain Supervenience: A Proposal The Limits of Human Knowledge in Ibn Rushd’s *al-kashf” Sarah Pessin USA Hebdomads: Meets the Neo-Pythagoreans M-CC Sect P hilosophy of R eugion Sajjad Rizvi UK Marco Olivetti ITALY An Islamic Subversion of Existence- Essence Distinction?: Sergei Sinelnikov RUSSIA Suhrawardi and the Philosophy of Light Apokalipsis and Religious Interpretation of the First Years of Giovanna Lelli ITALY the History of the Soviet Union: Four Horsemen—Four Avicennisme et Averroïsme dans la poétique et la rhétorique Executioners islamique médiévales la tradition persane R. Raval INDIA The Concept of Self in Buddhism: Some Upanishadic Parallels W-CO Sect P hilosophy of C ulture Isaac Mwase USA Kuona, an African Perspective on Religions: J.N.K. David Wong USA Mugambi’s Contribution Abdulhafiz Jalalov RUSSIA Ronald Kuipers CANADA The Factor of Human Consolidation Toward a Peaceable Mosaic of World Views and Religion Arturo Rico Bovio MEXICO Sander H. Lee USA La Nueva Paideia del Cuerpo (The New Paideia of Body) Notions of Selflessness in Sartrean Existentialism and Graciela Ralon De Walton ARGENTINA Theravadin Buddhism La Nocion de Simbolismo en Merleau-Ponty Andrew Woznicki USA Henri-Paul Cunningham CANADA Philosophical Theantropy as the Principle of Religious Éducation, démocratization et élévation du niveau intellec­ Ecumenism tual de l’espece humaine Roberto Flores ARGENTINA Hedonismo y Fractura de la Modernidad W-SG/C-D Sect P hilosophy of S cience Victor Krebs USA TianYuCao USA/CHINA La Labor Olvidada del Pensar Lucia d’Assuncao and Claudia Mora ARGENTINA Science and Aesthetic Paradigm W-SG/A-B Sect P hilosophy of E ducation Gregor Schiemann GERMANY Ohne und Substanz: Grenzen des David Evans UK naturwissenschañUchen Kausalitätsverständnisses G. John M. Abbarno USA Lucia d’Assuncao and Claudia Inés Mora ARGENTINA Corporate Sponsored Education: The Limits of Social : Desde los Juegoe del Lenguaje hacia una Responsibility Cultura Posfilosófica A. Kuszhanova and S. Ivanenkov RUSSIA Idelfonso Murillo SPAIN Philosophical and Social-Cultural Factors of Education The Ethical and Religious Challenge of Present Science and Socialization Friedel Weinert UK Adalberto Dias de Carvalho PORTUGAL When The Scientist Turns Philosopher Education and Violence John Losee USA Charles Reitz USA Philosophy of Science and the Theory of Liberating the Critical in : Transcending Marcuse on Alienation, Art, and the Humanities José Ibanez-Martin SPAIN M-WE Sect Political Philosophy To Educate for a Solidary Citizenship Edwin L Goff USA Boniface Kabore CANADA W-NA Sect P hilosophy of M athematics L’universal démocratique et ses adaptations socio­ Anthony Peressini USA culturelles: considérations casuistiques Omar Astorga VENEZUELA Leonid Kreidik and George Shpenkov POLAND La Institución Imaginaria del Leviathan Philosophy of a Material-Ideal Numerical Field Patricia Britós ARGENTINA Halil Turan FRANCE Legitimidad democrática: U¿consenso o votación? The Experiment and Mathematics Maciej Gos POLAND Marcelo Perine BRAZIL Violence et exclusion: une interprétation éthique Mathematical Models of in Contemporary Physics Carlos Kohn VENEZUELA and Essential Issues of the Ontology of Spacetime Krassimir Tarkalanov BULGARIA Antinomias de la Democracia Liberal Hugo Zuleta ARGENTINA Reflexive Substantiation of One-Way Ascendancy of Mathematics Over Ethics Sobre la imposibilidad de un liberal paretiano Roger Wertheimer USA Distinguishing Mathematics from Logic


W-GR Sect T heoretical Ethics Wayne Shelton USA The Role of Philosophical Counseling in Clinical Medical Patricia Mann USA Ethics Consultations Michael Byron USA and Biologically Supportable Morality John Mizzoni USA W-EB/NE Soc W orking S ession Evolutionary Ethics: A Crack in the Foundation of Ethics? Institut Internationale de P hilosophie Hermann Rampacher GERMANY What May We Do?: An Evolutionary Ethical Theory of Social Seyyed Hossein Nasr IRAN and Opportunities Rudolf Haller AUSTRIA Hans-Eberhard Неуке GERMANY Emotions Chemische Ethik: Einige Grundlegende Aussagen P.Gochet BELGIUM Christian Krijnen GERMANY The Dynamic Turn in Twentieth Century Logic Die Moralität der Natur und die Natur der Moralität. Kritische UK Bemerkungen zur Evolutionären Ethik

W -FC Soc Contemporary Issues in Marxism

M -HY Sect T heory of Knowledge Society for the Philosophical S tudy of Marxism Klaus Brinkmann USA/GERMANY Susan Vineberg USA M-BC Soc Executive Council M eeting Coherence and Epistemic Rationality Charles Cross USA Philosophic Society for the S tudy of Sport Coherence and Truth Conducive Justification Doris Olin CANADA Consistency and Epistemic Probability 2 0 - 2 1 : 5 0 Monika Walczak POLAND The Classical Conception of Rationality Herman Stark USA W-PA Rt Education and Human Resources for V ietnam in Expertise and Rationality the 21 st C entury Tran Van Doan TAIWAN M-GB/F Soc V irtue, Reason, and Happiness Education for the Future of Vietnam Nguyen Trong Chuan VIETNAM N orth Carolina Philosophical Society Philosophical Education for the Vietnam in the Future lleana Grams USA Nguyen Van Huyen VIETNAM Why Virtue is Essential to Happiness: A Kantian Answer to VuTinh VIETNAM an Aristotelian Question Moral Education — An Urgent Task for the Future of Viet Nam R. Eric Barnes USA Nguyen Hun Nghia VIETNAM Answering the Foole: Gauthier on the Rationality of Keeping Phan Peter Dinh Cho USA One’s Contracts The Necessity of Religious Education for Vietnam George F. McLean USA M-RE Soc Political T hought/ Politisches Denken Humanist Education and Traditional Education VuKimChinh TAIWAN Fourth International Jaspers Conference Andreas Cesana GERMANY and Young do Chung SOUTH KOREA Giorgio Penzo ITALY M-RE Rt Gandhi’s C ritique of Dominant Jaspers’ politische Philosophie und das neue Europa International Society for A sian and Comparative Shuji Imamoto JAPAN P hilosophy Die Krise Japans und Jaspers’sche Philosophie Bina Gupta USA Krystyna Górniak POLAND Joseph Prabhu USA The Relevance of Jaspers’s Idea of Communication in the Contemporary Prospects of a Gandhian Paideia Age of Global Society Fred R. Dallmayr USA Inigo Bocken THE NETHERLANDS What is “Swarauj?” Lessons from Gandhi Die Konzeption des Überpolitischen und die Frage nach der Doug Allen USA Religion bei Jaspers Gandhi’s Critique of Dominant Ideological Constructions of Self Jitendra N. Mohanty INDIA W -AD Soc S ociety M eeting Discussant

N orth American Society James R. Otteson USA W-EB/NC Rt T he Future of V alue Inquiry (S ession Five) Neil MacCormick UK Ruth Chadwick UK Rights and Resentments: Inductivist Natural Law in Adam Smith William Sweet CANADA Aaron Garrett USA Jon Mills USA Respondent Leena Vilkka FINLAND Robert Ginsberg USA

M-M E Soc Roles in P hilosophical Counseling Sect Contemporary P hilosophy American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and M-SI P sychotherapy Stephen Günzel GERMANY Scott Martin USA Immanence and Deterritorialization: The Philosophy of Peter Raabe CANADA and Felix Guattari Why Has God Forsaken Me? Philosophical Counseling: A William Alexander USA Crisis of Faith Sartre and the Rationalization of Susan Robbins USA Bethania Assy USA The Myth of Professional Neutrality Eichmann, the Banality of Evil, and Thinking in Arendts Thought


D. Bhandari INDIA Pádraig Hogan IRELAND Existential Perception of the Human Condition: With Special Paideia, Prejudice, and the Promise of the Practical Reference to Sartre Guillermine de Lacoste USA M-TU Sect P hilosophy of Interpretation Sartre's Last Philosophy: A Feminist Interpretation David Vessey USA Lidiya Starodubtseva UKRAINE The Body as Anstoss in Sartre’s Account of Constitution Metaphysics of Labyrinth Alexander Kremer USA Are All Interpretations Possible? W-DW Sect M edieval P hilosophy Koula Mellos CANADA Stephen Brown USA The Fragility of Freedom in Gadamerian Hermeneutics Victoria Erhart USA David Weberman USA The Context and Contents of Lydia’s uSolutionum ad A Relational Properties Approach to a Theory of Interpretation Chosroem” Maria Juliá ARGENTINA Laura Smit USA Reason and Language: The Vicinity of Reason and Lan­ The Aesthetic Pedagogy of guage in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics John Tomarchio USA Tong-SikKim KOREA The Complete Entity in a Metaphysics of Creation On Rorty’s Metaphysical Metaphors Matthias Lutz-Bachmann GERMANY Gerechtigkeitskonzeptionen in der Philosophie des W-DE Sect Philosophy of M ind Mittelalters (Theories of Justice in ) Peter Adamson USA Sydney Shoemaker USA Al-Ghazali, Causality and Knowledge Matjaz Potrc SLOVENIA Ontomorph: Mind Meets the World Katalin Balog USA M-NT Sect P hilosophical M ethodology The New Conceivability Arguments: Revenge of the Zombies John E. Smith USA Lydia Mechtenberg GERMANY Constanze Peres GERMANY The Impossibility of Formulating a Language Game Ober die Verwendung von Metaphern in der Philosophie (On Transcending Philosophical Problems Using Metaphors in Philosophy) Luciano Mariano JAPAN Alex Bilyk UKRAINE Double Disjunctivitis The Utilization of Myth in Philosophical Literature Roger Fellows UK E. A. Karlik RUSSIA Animal Minds Methodology of Construction of Universal Systems of Andreis Gouws SOUTH AFRICA Nature Philosophy Mankind Cannot Bear Too Much Reality: Sketch for a Daniel Cohen USA Reconstruction of the Freudian Unconscious If, What-lf, and So-What Josef Seifert LIECHTENSTEIN M-CC Sect Philosophy of R eligion Der vergessene Protophaenomenologe Anselm und die Methode der realistischen Phaenomenologie von E. Husserl Marco Olivetti ITALY William Vallicella USA Classical and Global Supervenience Physicalism W-CO Sect P hilosophy of C ulture E. Alyokhina David Wong USA On Spiritual Essence of Philosophy Marek Kwiek POLAND Viktor Aushanov RUSSIA The Philosopher’s Self Image in Postmodernity: A Guiding of Philosophical Knowledge: Approaches, Thread for ? Possibilities, Perspectives Michael Polemis AUSTRIA Elena A. Stepanova RUSSIA Seele und Paideia: Zum philosophischen Stellenwert einer Knowledge and Faith: Paradoxes of Interdependence dialektischen Beziehung Walter Van Herck BELGIUM lain Grant UK The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Religion Schellingianism and Postmodernity: Towards a Materialist Robert Maydole USA Naturphilosophie A Modal Third Way Jacqueline Scott USA Nietzsche’s Portraiture: Wagner as Worthy Opponent W-SG/C-D Sect P hilosophy of S cience Helmut Wautischer USA The Path to Knowledge TianYuCao USA/CHINA Bozhidar Palyuschev BULGARIA Physics and Consciousness W-SG/A-B Sect P hilosophy of E ducation Manuel Liz SPAIN Tony O’Connor IRELAND New Physical Properties Karlheinz Biller GERMANY Alexandru Giuculescu ROMANIA Paideia—An Integrative Concept as a Contribution to the Order versus Chaos or The Ghost of Indeterminacy Education of Humanity David Boersema USA Blanca Parfait ARGENTINA Inductivism, Naturalism, and Metascientific Theories Origins and Philosophical Conceptions of Paideia: Excel­ Victor Suchar UK lence and Serenity The Status of Classical Mechanics in Modern Physics Augustin Basave Fernandez MEXICO Filosofía Integral de la Educación: Una Nueva Paideia Shelby Sheppard USA M-BU Sect Political P hilosophy Paideia and the *" of Mind Thomas Magnell USA Paul Smeyers BELGIUM Nebojsa Kujundzic and Doug Mann CANADA The Threat of Nihilism: New Educational Opportunities The Supremacy of Nationalism and the Liberal Politics of Identity in the Modem World


Alvaro Marquez-Fernandez VENEZUELA Political and Ideological Criticism of Techno-Scientific in Western Modernity Ana de Bielke and Teresa Herran ARGENTINA La Vide es una Orden Wolfgang Balzer GERMANY Freedom and Equity in the Comparison of Political Systems Steven Lee USA A Puzzle of Sovereignty

W-GR Sect T heoretical Ethics Patricia Mann USA Angela Calvo de Saavedra COLOMBIA Imagination and Conversation: Artificial Points of Moral Vision in David Hume Thomas Cavanaugh USA Double Effect and the End-Not-Means Principle Alison Miculan CANADA Ethics and Reality Karen Gloy SWITZERLAND Das Urbild-Abbild-Verhältnis aus ethischer Sicht Jitendra Sarker BANGLADESH Justification of Punishment! Thomas Simon USA The Holocaust's Moral Priority

M -HY Sect T heory of Knowledge Ruth Barcan Marcus USA Hamid Vahid IRAN Deontic vs. Nondeontic Conceptions of Epistemic Justification Sandhya Basu INDIA Is the Concept of Epistemic Justification a Deontological Concept? Pranab Sen INDIA Knowledge and Truth Mitchell Haney USA Epistemic Unification Zekiye Kutlusoy TURKEY The Significance and Priority of Evidential Basis in Epistemic Justification Andrew Ward USA Truth as Epistemic Justification

W-AD Soc S ociety M eeting, Cont’d

N orth American Adam Smith Society

W-EB/NE Soc W orking S ession, Cont’d

Institut Internationale de Philosophie

19:30 — * 22:00

Ka r tik S eSHAOR!

A C oncert o f C lassical. M u sic o f I ndia

Sponso m d by Th e PMitoaoPHER’s Information Center, PimusHms of *Tm Philosophers Index” T SAI PSRFORMANCe CiN TER, BOSTON UNIVERSITY


Khristos Nizamis AUSTRALIA 0 9 - 9 : 5 0 A DNA Account of Propositions (As Events): Dummett, Nagarjuna, Aristotle Armando Cintora MEXICO BU-S210 Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics Critical Comments to Laudan’s Axiology Gregory J. Walters CANADA Kevin McDonnell USA BU-S240 Sect Political P hilosophy Medical Research and Dependent People William McBride USA Sylvia Nagl USA Vjekoslav Butigan YUGOSLAVIA Genetic Essentialism and the Discursive Subject The Political Ethos of the Civil Society Maja Pellikaan-Engel THE NETHERLANDS Philosophy Educating Humanity? Jack Weinstein USA Introducing Pragmatic Liberalism: Pragmatic Neutrality Shuji Imamoto JAPAN BU-S211 Sect C ontemporary P hilosophy The Concept of the “Metaphysical Liberalism” Martin Kusch FINLAND Javier Ibanez-Noe USA W-GR Post T he Idea of “Philosophical Counseling,” or On , Nihilism, and the Task of Philosophy the Pleasures and Uses of P hilosophy Roberto Benitez MEXICO Maria Zambrano y el nihilismo Laura Laiseca ARGENTINA W-FC Post Political and M oral L egacy of the Eastern Nihilism, End of Metaphysics and Secularization in European Countries Nietzsche’s, Heidegger’s and Vattimo’s Thought

BU-S306 Post M atrix of S piritual P rogress W-CO Sect P hilosophy in A sia Bhuvan Chandel INDIA Rolf Elberfeld GERMANY BU-S302 Post Kantian Formausm and Resonanz als Grundmotiv ostasiatischer Ethik V.V. Mantatov and O. Dorjigouchaeva RUSSIA Philosophical Foundation of Ecological Ethics W-NA Post T he N ichomachean E t h ic s of A ristotle: How is it Leonardo de Castro PHILIPPINES Possible to A cquire P ractical W isdom? Debts of Good Will and Interpersonal Justice

W -DW Post Is G ravity the S ole C ontroller of S tellar and W-SG Sect P hilosophy in Latin A merica ? A P hilosophical V iew Ofelia Schutte USA Ubirajara de Azevedo Marques BRAZIL L’Énseignement de la Philosophie au Brésil W -EB/NE Post Los Etudios clasicos en T ucuman: R. M ondolfo Marina Martin USA Historiador de la Filosofía A ntigua

Borges, the Apologist for Idealism C e n t r o d e E s t u d io s C l a s ic o s Alejandra de la Mercedes Fernandez ARGENTINA Los aportes de la teología de la liberación a la cuestión metodológica para la filosofía latinoamericana W-DE Post C enter for the S tudy of M oral C ultures

BU-S222 Sect P hilosophy of M ind W -AD Post J oy: Educational Possibilities Sydney Shoemaker USA Leonid Perlovsky USA Computational Complexity and the Origin of Universals BU-S212 Post Comparison and A nalysis of S elected E nglish Piotr Boltuc POLAND Interpretations of the T a o Т е C h in g and Its , Robots and Complementarity of Subject and Object A ssimilation into A merican C ulture Vincenzo Lo VENEZUELA La Cuestión de la Sistematicidad en la Analysis Computacional de la Mente BU-S220 Post M ust W e T heorize? T he A pplication of Hilary P utnam’s P hilosophy to the P roblems of “Fallacy T heory” BU-S224 Sect P hilosophy of R eugion Philip L Quinn USA Aurel Codoban ROMANIA BU-S304 Post A n Introduction to New P rinciples Used in Secularization or Dialectics of the Sacred and Profane? M ajor S cientific R esearches Tim Mahoney USA , Decontextualism, and Perennialism: Suggestions for Expanding the Common Ground of the W-EB/NC Post Different of the S ame E nvironment: World’s Mystical Traditions A Biophilosophical V iew Ken Foldes USA Meaning of the Present Age: The Final Stage of Mankind’s W -EB/NW Post Foundations for a P hilosophy of E ducation in the Education: From Nihilism to Kingdom Come N ew T echnological O rder

BU-S228 Sect P hilosophy of S cience TianYuCao USA/CHINA Leonid Kreidik and George Shpenkov POLAND Philosophy of Contents-Form and Coulomb’s Law


Richard Beauchamp USA 1 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 Peirce, Thirdness, and Pedagogy: Reforming the Paideia Marije Altorf THE NETHERLANDS Plenary S essio n Temperament and Metaphysics: James's Pragmatism and Plato’s *Sophist* P hilosophy an d the F uture of E ducation Jaime Nubiola SPAIN A Plea for a Peircean Turn in Marriott Hotel — G rand Ballroom, Salon G

m m t m m s r u s a Sow* Contributions of Philosophy to EducMkm BU-S211 Sect Contemporary P hilosophy u m m m m e k io o Jan Wolenski POLAND Ш г Ш т USA Irina Klueva RUSSIA M.M. Bakhtin: Philosophy as Modus Vivendi 1 2 - 1 3 : 5 0 Beth Savickey USA Philosophical and Pedagogical Beginnings: Philosophical Investigations Mariá Louisa Pfeiffer ARGENTINA W-AB/N /я* Кшшим The Task of the Philosopher т ш о сш щ у u s a Mariá Gabriella Rebok ARGENTINA John Carrîero и м Philosophical Reinterpretation of Tragic Paideia Cogrtöfo, Sekmtía, and ths Cartesian Circle Joachim Jung AUSTRIA Ш п Ш т USA The Future of Philosophy 'Philosophie m m geométrico:* Spinoza ami the QememsiMethod W-GR Sect Philosophy and C hildren Matthew Lipman USA Ш И И И М И И И И ^ Christina Slade MEXICO Ш г у Н Ш т т USA Why Not Lie? Dmmy’s 'Magic Number*? Wendy Turgeon USA JamesGarhson USA Metaphysical Horizons for Philosophy for Children ftaatë)* Pedagogy and Critical Thinking Steven Vervoort BELGIUM ¿ m a s Campbefl USA Education for Democracy by Doing Philosophy with Children OamfsFmmrMbns David Kennedy USA Notes on the Philosophy of Childhood and the Politics of Subjectivity W-ABfS im Reductions Irene de Puig Olive SPAIN CANADA Aprender a Pensar en la Educación Infantil (4 y 5 anos) and Ulysses Moulines GERMANY Filosofía entre el Parvulario y la Primaria (De 5 a 7 anos) Petar Smith UK Stella Accorinti ARGENTINA Acerca de los deredros del nino y la nina en la escuela: Una respuesta desde el programa Filosofía para Ninos № М Ш 0 /л & г P h ilo so ph y in a G lo ba l C o n text: J aran a n d C hina

YokoArtsaka USA W -NA Sect P hilosophy in A frica Japanese Buddhist Philosophy Steve Otirt USA Dismas A. Masolo USA Japanese Buddhist Philosophy Innocent Asouzu NIGERIA СШщ~у1щ €Ш щ USA Science and African Metaphysics: A Search for Direction Classical Chinese Philosophy Zekeh Gbotokuma USA Chad Hartem HONG KONG Polygyny in Africa: A Male’s Post-Original Sin or Rejection of Cfassicaf Chinese Philosophy the Primeval Monogyny and Affirmation of Sexual Inequality Anke Graness GERMANY Das Projekt einer globalen Ethik und die afrikanische W -EB /S Rt T owards the Enlightenment: Reason as C ivilizing Philosophie Power (V ers les L umières: la Raison comme Dirk Louw SOUTH AFRICA PRINCIPE CIVILISATEUR) Ubuntu: An African Assessment of The Religious Other Yuen-Ting Lai CANADA Raphael Njoroge USA Danièle Letocha CANADA Methodological Issues in the Philosophy of Education with André Robinet FRANCE Special Reference to Education in Africa Richard Popkin USA Claude Sumner CANADA From Africa and Back

W-EB/NW Rt Relation B etween A nalytic and Continental W-CO Sect Philosophy in A sia P hilosophy Bhuvan Chandel INDIA International Journal of Philosophical S tudies H. Gene Blocker USA Dermot Moran IRELAND Logical Beginnings of Chinese Philosophy Karl-Otto Apel GERMANY Agnes Chalier UK Maria Baghramian IRELAND Different Philosophical Schools in China and Their Rational USA and Irrational Approaches to Such Qualities as Hot and Cold Tim Williamson UK A. Vasilkov RUSSIA John Searle USA Philosophical Concept of Chinese Medicine Min-Hong Choi KOREA The Principle of Han Philosophy and the 21st Century W-DW Sect A merican Philosophy Yew-Leong Wong SINGAPORE Peter H. Hare USA Li and Change


W-SG Sect P hilosophy in Latin A merica Brigitte Dehmelt Cooper USA Europäische Philosophie und Religion in Jahrtausenden Ofelia Schutte USA waehrendem Streit Dorando Michelini ARGENTINA Gary Kessler USA Analytic Justice and Discursive Equity A Neglected Argument Edward Demenchonok USA Marian Hillar USA Fundamentacion de la etica en la filosofía latinoamericana The Philosophical Legacy of the Socinians RosaFantoni ARGENTINA Josefa Rojo MEXICO Universalism and Difference: Is It Possible to Complement La Virtud en los paganos según San Agustín Them from the Ethics of Discourse? Ricardo Rodriguez BRAZIL La Filosofía en Latinamerica: Originalidad y Métode BU-S228 Sect P hilosophy of S cience Carlos Pères Zavala ARGENTINA llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Philosophy of Language and Latinoamerican Discourse Assen Dimitrov BULGARIA Anna Maria Moog Rodrigues BRAZIL Virtual Information Systems The Conflict Between the Value of Efficiency and the Value Hernán Miguel ARGENTINA of the Sense of “Ludus” La Primera Revelación: Cuando lo teórico se hace visible Pierre Nzinzi GABON BU-S212 Sect P hilosophy of C ulture L’erreur: pédagogue de l’humanité Walter Riofrio Rios PERU Elena Petrovskaia Russia Yury Kitov RUSSIA About the Origin of Functional Properties Transformation of Cultural Interests in Contemporary Russia Lawrence Starkey USA Ya-ningLi CHINA Particle and Astro-Physics Challenge Kant’s Two Traditions of Western and Chinese Culture Tatiana Artemieva RUSSIA BU-S240 Sect Political P hilosophy Nobleman-Philosopher in th Century Russia William McBride USA Ramesh Chandra Sinha INDIA Renee Hill USA Language Games and Social Conditions Does Government Have An Obligation to Act Justly? A Discussbn Chandra Srivastava INDIA Patrick Quinn IRELAND Environmental Consciousness as Reflected in Indian Culture Knowledge, Power, and Control: Some Issues in Epistemology Elizabeth Kassab USA Abdollah Shabani CANADA An Arab Neo - Kantian Philosophy of Culture: Constantine Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms: Legitimizing Power? Zurayk on Culture, Reason, and Ethics Cynthia Stark USA Hypothetical and Political Legitimacy BU-S220 Sect P hilosophy of E ducation Hermon Van Erp THE NETHERLANDS Mark D. Gedney USA Democracy and Political Obligation Svetlana Franz RUSSIA On One Forgotten Theory of Education BU-S304 Sect T heoretical Ethics E. Kodua GEORGIA Carlos Thiebaut SPAIN On the Value of Philosophy AnkeThyen GERMANY José Carlos de Paula Carvalho BRAZIL Language Games and Semantic Universality in Ethics Le Paradigme de l’imaginaire et l’éducation phatique: Antonio Trajano Arruda BRAZIL rapports philosophique et anthropologiques Moral Sentiments and Determinism Igor Utrobin RUSSIA Philip Cafaro USA On Philosophy of Contemporary Education Virtue Ethics (Not Too) Simplified Colin Wringe UK MunChew UK Being Good and Living Well: Three Attempts to Resolve A Taxonomy of Moral Realism the Ambiguity Robert van Es THE NETHERLANDS Negotiating Ethics as a Two Level Debate BU-S222 Sect P hilosophy of M ind

Fred Dretske USA BU-S306 Sect T heory of Knowledge Ira Altman USA Bahaa Darwish EGYPT The Concept of Intelligence Two Points Against Naturalized Epistemology MaryLitch USA Jury Serdukov RUSSIA Identity Conditions for Indicator State Types Within Dretske’s Non-reflective Forms of Cognition Theory of Psychological Content Naturalization Anguel Stefanov BULGARIA Angela Arkway USA On the Tenability of Evolutionary Epistemologies Simulation, Folk Psychological Explanatbn, and Causal Laws Michael Bradie USA Philip Robbins USA Normalizing Naturalized Epistemology Classical Propositionalism, Generation Gaps, and the James Freeman USA Diagonal Argument Aristotelian Intellectual Intuition, Basic Beliefs, and Mary Tjiattas SOUTH AFRICA Naturalistic Epistemology Functional Irrationality

W-ST Soc W orking S ession (begins at 13:00) BU-S224 Sect P hilosophy of Reugion Philip L Quinn USA Institut Internationale de P hilosophie Christophe Berchem LUXEMBOURG Enrico Berti ITALY Sinn und Bedeutung der philosophischen Gottesbeweise Osvaldo Chateaubriand BRAZIL Ivan Kaltchev BULGARIA Descriptions: Frege and Russell Combined The Statute of Man in the Modem Catholic Anthropology Burton S. Dreben USA Austin, Frege, Wittgenstein: Were They Doing Philosophy?


W -PA Soc P lenary S ession Peter Novak GERMANY Bewältigung existentieller Bedrohungen und die International Society for Value Inquiry Unvermeidbarkeit von Sinnfragen Dale Jacquette USA Thomas Platt USA Joseph Margolis USA Medicine, Metaphysics, and Morals Improbability of Global Liberalism Jacob Rendtorff DENMARK Basic Principles in Bioethics and Biolaw 1 4 - 1 5 : 5 0 James Rutherford USA An Ecological Organic Paradigm: A Framework of Analysis for Moral and Political Philosophy W -A » C Inv ■ и м е е т кт т т м м е г U S A BU-S211 Sect Contemporary P hilosophy Aßär&iipktolm Martin Kusch FINLAND UK V. Kutyrev RUSSIA Empiricism and the Analysis of Experience Postmodernism as the End of Culture Joso Pauto Monteiro SPAIN Mikhail Epstein USA Him e’s &npmtism and the Rationality of Induction Main Trends of Contemporary Russian Thought Ricardo Viscardi URUGUAY W -A B /S In v P h il o s o p h y дно O b il o m m The Lapse of Scene: Deconstruction and Communication Helena Gourko USA Matthew Upman U S A From Apocalyptic to Messianic: Philosophie Universalis WhâfsHappenlng with P4C Alexandra Deligiorgi GREECE Robert Coles USA Education without Truth in Post-Modern Perspectivism tiaM lift& Htnm HUNGARY Anthony David USA learning to Think: Logie for Chiktmn Lyotard on the Kantian Sublime

W -E B /C In te r P h il o s o p h y in A G u m a l C o n t e x t : R o u n d t a b l e W -NA Sect Philosophy in A frica Jay Garfield AUSTRALIA William Abraham USA Mark SWertts USA Anju Aggarwal INDIA Amilcar Cabral: Philosophy and Justifications W-EB/NC Rt D evelopment Ethics and National Boundaries Ogbo Ugwuanyi NIGERIA (S ession Two) Wiredu’s Programme Conceptual Decolonisation International Development E thics Assoc. Tedros Kiros USA The Meditations of Tara Yaquob: A 17th Century Ethiopian Deen K. Chatterjee USA Philosopher David Crocker USA Chris Uroh USA Asuncion Lera St. Clair USA Emergent Traditions in Santos Carrasco USA Moses Makinde NIGERIA Jesudas Athyal INDIA Whither Philosophy in Africa? Gail Presbey USA W-EB/S Rt Towards the E nlightenment: Reason as C ivilizing Who Counts as a ? Problems in the Further Implemen­ Power (V ers les Lumières: la Raison comme tation of Sage Philosophy PRINCIPE CIVILISATEUR)

Yuen-Ting Lai CANADA W-CO Sect P hilosophy in A sia Danièle Letocha CANADA Bhuvan Chande! INDIA André Robinet FRANCE Richard Popkin USA Robert Adams JAPAN Nishida Kitano’s Studies of the Good and the Debate Concern­ ing Universal Truth in Early Twentieth Century Japan W -D W Sect A merican P hilosophy Maja Milcinski SLOVENIA Peter H. Hare USA and Death in Sino-Japanese Philosophical Yoram Lubling USA Context The “Person Vanishes:” John Dewey’s Reconstruction of the Self Masato Mitsuda USA Jon Olafsson USA Zen Buddhist Perspectives on Modem Education The Point of Pragmatism: John Dewey and Historical Inquiry Deepti Dutta INDIA Charles Lowney USA Enlightenment and Its Attainment: -Yoga and Dewey’s Criticisms of Traditional Philosophy: Towards a Buddhist Perspectives Pragmatic Conception of Philosophy Eiko Hanaoka-Kawamura JAPAN Gert Biesta THE NETHERLANDS Das Problem von “Selbst und Welt” bei dem japanischen Constructivism, Educational Research, and John Dewey Philosophen Nishida Victor Kestenbaum USA Galib Khan BANGLADESH The Rationality of Conduct: Dewey and Oakeshott Philosophy in the South Asian Subcontinent: A Unity in Raf Vanderstraeten THE NETHERLANDS Maladjustment Constructivism, Educational Research, and John Dewey BU-S212 Sect P hilosophy of C ulture BU-S210 Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics Elena Petrovskaia RUSSIA Gregory J. Walters CANADA George Trey USA Michele Carter USA Radical Disenchantment A Synthetic Model of Bioethical Inquiry Ann Krasteva BULGARIA Sherry Wieder USA Ethnic Identity and Power Philosophy of Human Behavior Genetics


A. Gusseinov RUSSIA Alberta Rebaglia ITALY Human Knowledge A “Non-Classical” Reality: An Epistemological Approach to Philip Devine USA Quantum Mechanical Description of Nature Taking Diversity Seriously Enough Yury Kulakov RUSSIA Simon Glynn USA The Search for Scientific Truth Leads to God Identity, Intersubjectivity and Communicative Action MaHuidi CHINA BU-S240 Sect Political P hilosophy On Leisure Theory in the Field of Culture Kevin Miles USA Stephen Dawson USA BU-S220 Sect P hilosophy of Education Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Order Thomas Magnell USA Maurice Finocchiaro USA Syed Hussain INDIA Rethinking Gramsci’s Political Philosophy of Education and the Indian Madrasahs: Kevin Graham USA Continuity and Change The Ideal of Objectivity in Political Discourse Tatiana Sokhraniaevk RUSSIA James Hersh USA P Sorokin on Education as a Factor of Cultural Dynamics Austin’s Ditch: The Political Necessity and Impossibility of NairGuiber ARGENTINA “Non-Serious” Speech Una idea que hoy hasido derrotada manana puede alzarse Michael Halberstam USA con la victoria or Aesthetic Approach in Arendt and Heidegger Elza Venter SOUTH AFRICA on Politics Philosophy of Education as a Means to Educate Humanity in S. Zeman USA a Diverse South Africa John Dewey’s Critique of Socioeconomic Individualism Nata Krylova RUSSIA Values of Russian Education— What is Changing and How: BU-S304 Sect T heoretical Ethics Answers to Some Philosophical Questions Gursharn Singh Sandhu INDIA Carlos Thiebaut SPAIN Krishnamurtÿs Approach to the Right Kind of Education Paul Voice SOUTH AFRICA Partial Contractarianism and Moral Motivation Archana Ваша INDIA BU-S222 Sect P hilosophy of M ind Satya as : Gandhi’s Experiments with Unadulterated Truth Sydney Shoemaker USA Douglas Portmore USA Ralph Ellis USA Does Consequentialism Leave Us With Enough Options? Why Isn’t Consciousness Empirically Observable? Emo­ Irwin Goldstein USA tional Purposes as Basis for Self-Organization The Magnetism of the Good and Ethical Realism Michael Antony ISRAEL Horst Seidl ITALY On the Temporal Boundaries of Simple Experiences On Foundation Problems of Normative and Educational Ethics York Gunther USA Josef Seifert LEICHTENSTEIN Nonconceptuality and the Emotions A Phenomenological Interpretation and Critical Develop­ Michael Silberstein USA ment of Some Kantian and Platonic Insights into Moral Facts Emergence and the Hard Problems of Consciousness Which Contribute to the Moral Education of Humanity Par Sundstrom SWEDEN Consciousness and Intentionally of Action BU-S306 Sect T heory of Knowledge Natika Newton USA Why We Can’t Describe Conscious Experience Eugeni Vinogradov UKRAINE Reality, Actuality, and Conceptual Schemes Miriam Graciano BRAZIL BU-S224 Sect P hilosophy of R eugion Biology, Pragmatism, and the Question of Contradiction Philip L Quinn USA Ludmila Mikeshina RUSSIA Antonio Calcagno CANADA Subject, Education, Truth God and Caducity of Being: Jean-Luc Marion and Edith Bertil Strömberg SWEDEN Stein on Thinking God Is It Rational To Believe That I Know Nothing For Sure? Philippe Capelle FRANCE Larisa Minasian RUSSIA Concepts of Transcendence in Heidegger Methodological Role of the Concept “Physical Vacuum” in Rodian Makeev RUSSIA the Post-Non-Classical Sciences Autonomy and Theonomy: A Project of Encounter Theodore Drange USA W-PA Soc R eligions and V alue Nonbelief as Support for Oskar Gruenwald USA International Society for Value Inquiry Philosophy Redivivus? Kenneth Keulman USA Frederick Sontag USA Veena Arora INDIA Hearing the Word Revivalism of Universal Values: Pragmatic Philosophy of Sri Satya, Sai Baba BU-S228 Sect P hilosophy of S cience Edmund F Byrne USA Mission in Modem Life: A Public Role for Religious Beliefs llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Jan Marejko I.S. Cehmistro UKRAINE Calvin and Modernity Quantum as the Consequence of the Relativistic Approach to the Problem of Quantum Theory Interpretation Yang Yaokun CHINA W-EB/NW Soc V alues and P ubuc Policies

The Rationality of Scientific Discovery: Aspect of the Theory International Society for Value Inquiry of Creation Corbin Fowler USA Jagdish Hattiangadi CANADA Alan Hunt USA Algebra as Value Plurality Treaties and Treaty Making


David E. Johnson USA Miguel Jarquin Marin MEXICO Should the Military Fight War or Drugs? Or the Forthcoming Carlos Minguez SPAIN Police State José Ortega y Gasset SPAIN Eugene V. Torisky, Jr. Hipólito Rodriguez Pineiro ARGENTINA Objectivity and Value: A World Account Antonio Dominquez Rey SPAIN Francisco Javier Massa Rincon SPAIN

W-FC Soc Cooperatives, Capitalism, and Socialism W-ST Soc C losing Radical Philosophy A ssociation Institut Internationale de Philosophie Rodney G. Peffer USA Sharryn Kasmir USA Tomonobu Imamichi JAPAN The Myth of Mondragon Jaakko Hintikka FINLAND Michael Howard USA A Common Future for Twentieth-Century Philosophy? Critic George MacLeod CANADA W-EB/NC Soc Conflicts of Ethics and Confucts of C ulture - Critic S ession Two Robert Stone USA Critic International Society for Chinese P hilosophy

W-EB/NE Soc Perspectivas Ibero-Americanas de W-PA Soc Humanism and A nti-H umanism in Sartre’s Fenomenología, S ession O ne “Flaubert,” Part O ne

The W orld Institute for Advanced Phenomeno­ Sartre Society of N orth America logical Research and Learning Kathleen M. Fritz USA Jorge Garcia Gomez USA Raymond Langley USA Carmen Balzer ARGENTINA The Individual in History: Sartre’s Methodology Augusto Basave ARGENTINA James L. Marsh USA Jesus Conill SPAIN Sartre’s Concept of Ideology in the “The Family Idiot” Horst Matthai USA AND MEXICO Anne F. Pomeroy USA Juan Carlos Morales VENEZUELA Sartre’s “Flaubert”: Literary Criticism and the Recovery of Carlos J. Ramos-Mattei PUERTO RICO Marx’s Dialectic Maria Lucrezia Rovaletti ARGENTINA 1 8 - 1 9 : 5 0 W-ST Soc W orking S ession, cont’d

Institut Internationale de Philosophie W-SG Rt T he Future of V alue Inquiry (S ession S ix) 1 6 - 1 7 : 6 0 Samantha Brennan CANADA Junfeng Ma PRC Chinese Theory of Value: Characteristics and Problems André Mineau CANADA BU-S220 Sect P hilosophy of Education Value Inquiry and : Some Considerations on Thomas Magnell USA Relativism and Ordinary Morality Damir Nuriev RUSSIA John R. Welch USA Language in Education: On Roie and Significance A. Tsookez RUSSIA BU-S210 Sect Bioethics and M edical Ethics Technical Improvements of Education as a Philosophical Problem Yasushi Maruyama USA Gregory J. Walters CANADA Wittgenstein’s Children: Some Implbatbns for Teaching Farida Nesmetdinova RUSSIA and Otherness Bioethics and Some Aspects of Personal Self-Identification Mirta Giacaglia ARGENTINA Paul Hoyt-O’Connor USA Rethinking Education Virtue and the Nature and Ends of Medicine Steven Schroeder USA Maria Neves USA Trapped in a Fortune-Cookie Factory with No Stories to Tell Respect for Human Nature: Ethical Exigency and Legal Obligatbn Robert Chandler-Burns MEXICO Ethical Analysis of the Bioaesthetic Imperative M-NH Soc S ociety M eeting Isaac Mwase USA Société Philosophique de Kinshasa (SOPHIK) Science and Religion; Volcanic Transformations: Some Mubabinge Bilolo Religious Implications of the Human Genome Project Tshiamalenga Ntumba Bonnelle Strickling CANADA Albertine Tshibilondi A Moral Basis for the Helping Professions

W-DW Soc P hilosophy and A frican Humanity BU-S211 Sect Contemporary Philosophy

Intl. Society of African/A frican Diaspora Martin Kusch FINLAND Philosophy Silvia Rivera ARGENTINA : aspectos pedagógicos de la filosofía Terapéutica W-EB/NE Soc P erspectivas Ibero-A mericanas de Purushottama Bilimoria AUSTRALIA Fenomenología, S ession Two Towards a Creative Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Recovering The W orld Institute for A dvanced Phenomeno­ Ricoeur’s Intervention in the Gadamer-Habermas Debate logical Research and Learning Jesus Diaz Alvarez SPAIN Carmen Balzer ARGENTINA Husserl y la crisis de la cultura


Isaac Nevo ISRAEL BU-S222 Sect P hilosophy of M ind Reflective Equilibrium and the Contemplative Ideal of Knowledge Fred Dretske USA Constança Marcondes Cesar BRAZIL David Wolf, III USA Le Probleme de la tolérance chez Paul Ricœur Why Granny Should Have Read French Philosophers: The Mattiaslser GERMANY Phenomenology of Fodor or the Modularity of Merleau-Ponty Habermas on Virtue Nicolaj Demjancuk CZECH REPUBLIC Problems of Mind as Action W-GR Sect P hilosophy and C hildren Pascual Martinez-Freire SPAIN Katalin G. Havas HUNGARY Mind, Intelligence, and Spirit Felix García Moriyón SPAIN Prahbhakar Dharwarkar INDIA What is Philosophy Useful For? Human Mind in Indian Philosophy Carmen Saenz SPAIN Kamaladevi Kunkolienker INDIA Ensenar a Pensar desde a Fenomenología From “Mind” to uSupermind:” A Statement of the Ana Vicuna CHILE Aurobindonian Approach Ethical Education Through Philosophical Discussion Sergei Shevtsov USA Walter Omar Kohan BRAZIL About Specific Processes of Mind at the Period of Revaluation Filosofía y ninez: Posibilidades de un encuentro

BU-S224 Sect P hilosophy of R eligion W -CO Sect P hilosophy in A sia Philip L Quinn USA Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya INDIA Sabita Pradhan INDIA Douglas Berger USA TheYogic Philosophy of Jagannath Cult IIlocution, No-Theory Practice in Nagarjuna’s Skepticism: Hrishikesh Misra INDIA Reflections on the Vigrahavyavartani Gaja Bhukta Kapitha Nisha Tyagi INDIA Geeta Mehta INDIA The Value of Truth: The Gandhian Way An Integral Humanism of Purushottama Bilimoria AUSTRALIA Gayatri Sinha INDIA Prof. Matilafs Navya-Naive Realism vis-a-vis Putnam-Dummett: Interpretation of Prasthan-Traya by Sri Ramakrishna Mimamsa Anti-Realisms: Some Metaphysical Worries Paramhansa Raghunath Ghosh INDIA Satnam Kaur INDIA Tatparya and Its Role in Verbal Understanding The Concept of Grace with Special Reference to Sikh S.B.P Sinha INDIA Religious Thought The Message of Indian Philosophy Vanita Kapoor INDIA S. Wertz USA The Contemporary Relevance of Krishnamurti’s Philosophy Averting Arguments: Nagarjuna’s Verse 29 of Religion

BU-S212 Sect P hilosophy of C ulture BU-S228 Sect P hilosophy of S cience Elena Petrovskaia RUSSIA llkka Niiniluoto FINLAND Attila Bánfalvi HUNGARY Arjuna De Zoysa SRI LANKA Philosopher and Child: A Study on a Myth of a Tribe called Europe Change and Reality Gabriel Albu ROMANIA José Burgos VENEZUELA The Paideic Man in the View of The Relational Nature of Species Concepts Emil Stan ROMANIA Héctor Palma ARGENTINA The Configuration of the Paideic: Scenario to Constantin Noica ’ Polémica Imagination entre Popper y Kuhn sobre el Hamlet Gevorkian ARMENIA progreso de la ciencia según un punto de vista evolucionista The Concept of Encounter of Cultures in the Philosophy of Ana Spielberg ARGENTINA History: Problems and Solutions Werner Heisenberg: Reflections on Pragmatism Larisa Korobeynikova RUSSIA and Positivism Pulsation as a New Paradigm of Cultural Philosophy (Its Makoto Katsumori JAPAN Role in the Process of Mankind’s Education) Bohr’s Early Conception of Complementarity Naomi Zack USA Vaclav Cernik, Jozef Vicenik, and Emil Visnovsky SLOVAKIA The Good Faith of the Invisible Man Historical Types of Rationality

BU-S220 Sect P hilosophy of Education BU-S240 Sect Political P hilosophy Kevin L Stoehr USA Kevin Miles USA Concepción Naval SPAIN Edmund F. Byrne USA The Notion of Character or Moral Education According to Mission in Modem Life: A Public Role for Religious Beliefs Aristotle and Rousseau Sonia Arribas and Luis Fores SPAIN Brian Etter USA Passion versus Reason The Education of the Soul: The Platonist Tradition and the Jose Rubio-Carracedo SPAIN Ordering of Knowledge El no-reconocimiento, la maided radical Fitz-Peter Hager SWITZERLAND Elena Cantarino Dunar FRANCE Menschheitspaedagogik: Die Ausweitung der Educación de un Principe Cristiano (Education of a Erziehungsmetaphysik Platons durch Stoa und Christian Prince) Neoplatonismus A n d r e w N o r r i s USA Morimichi Kato JAPAN Politics and the Community of Judgement Greek Paideia and its Contemporary Significance Yvanka Raynova AUSTRIA Arthur Krentz CANADA La Philosophie comme éducation à la liberté: Sartre et Descartes Play and Education in Plato’s Republic Aurora Bemal Martinez de Soria SPAIN BU-S302 Sect S ocial P hilosophy The Notion of Character or Moral Education According to Aristotle and Rousseau David Rasmussen USA


Nikolai Biryukov RUSSIA Ricardo Terra BRAZIL Sobomost in the Russian Philosophical and Political Tradition Foucault, Reader of Kant’s Anthropology Oleg Effremov RUSSIA Modernization of Russia and Formation of the Global W -P A Soc H umanism and A n ti-H umanism in S a r tr e’s Community “F laubert, ” P a r t T w o Vassily Kholodny RUSSIA Sobomaya Phenomenology: Irrational Paradigm and Sartre Society of N orth America Theoretical Reality Kathleen M. Fritz USA Yuriy Pavlov and Alexandr Smirnov RUSSIA Elizabeth A. Bowman USA Spacial-Temporal Continuum of Civilization and Man Poststructuralism as a Reprise of Flaubert’s Neurosis Pyotr Gretchko RUSSIA Joseph Catalano USA Quest for a New Social Paradigm Humanism in Sartre’s “Flaubert” Alexandr Maslikhin RUSSIA Robert Stone USA Social Time in the Life of a Man and Society Flaubert’s Misanthropy and Sartre’s “Morality of Praxis”

BU-S304 Sect T heoretical E thics M -N H Soc W orking S ession Mark D. Gedney USA International Philosophers for Peace and the Elimination of Vasily Sirov RUSSIA Nuclear and Other Threats to Global Existence Why Solidarity? A Guseinov RUSSIA Ethics as a Teaching Subject: Non-Doctrinal Version 19:00 — 21:00 Sharon Anderson-Gold USA Cultural Differentiation and Moral Orientation: Taking an Closing Ceremony Interest in History Constança Marcondes Cesar BRASIL Marriott H o rn — Grand Bauroom, Salon G Responsabilité et John Tilley USA A Faulty Response to a Faulty Response to the Challenge of Amoralism Mourad Wahba EGYPT The Illusion of the Good

BU-S306 Sect T heory of K now ledge William Kim Rogers USA Human Life and World: On the Insufficiency of the Phenom­ enological Concept of the Life-World RikuJuti FINLAND Willing and Knowing Daniel Howard-Snyder USA Bon Jour’s “Basic Antifoundationalist Argument” Oleg Karmadonov RUSSIA The Dichotomy of Thinking Intentions D. Mohanta INDIA Cognitive Scepticism of Nagarjuna Eldon Wait SOUTH AFRICA A Phenomenological Reply to Berkeley’s ‘Water-Experiment’

W-EB/NC Soc P resence and Future/ G egenwärtige und Z ukunft

Fourth International Jaspers Conference Gregory J. Walters CANADA Indu Sarin INDIA : The Possibilities of Existential Illumination Andreas Cesana GERMANY/SWITZERLAND Jaspers’s Projekt “Weltphilosophie”: Paradigma interkultureller Kommunikation? Dominic Kaegi GERMANY Humanismus des einzelnen Menschen Kurt Salamun AUSTRIA Existenz and Reason: Dimensions of Humanity in Karl Jaspers's Philosophy

W-EB/NW Soc S ession Two

N orth American Kant Society Jay Morris USA Suma Rajiva USA Is Hypothetical Reason a Precursor to Reflective Anthropology? Irmgard Scherer USA The “Critique of Judgement”: A Necessary Condition for a General Metaphysics in Kant


A Arora, Veena 78 Arp, Robert 51 Abbamo. John M. 27, 57, 68, 70 Arregui, Jorge 21 Abdoullaev, Azamat 25 Arribas, Sonia 30, 80 Abe, Masao 36 Artemieva, Tatiana 76 Abousenna, Mona 29, 31 Asiegbu, L. C. 55 Abraham, William 44, 77 Asouzu, Innocent 75 Abranches de Soveral, Eduardo 64 Assy, Bethania 71 Accorinti, Stella 75 Ast, Mark 46, 59 Ackerman, Felicia 65, 69 Astorga, Omar 70 Adams, Robert 20, 77 Athyal, Jesudas 77 Adamson, Peter 72 Attfield, Robin 33, 40, 42, 53, 63 Adler, Jonathan 38 Aubenque, Pierre 38, 42, 51, 59 Aerts, Diederik 33 Aubenque, pierre 30 Afonassine, Eugene 53 Audi, Robert 20, 42, 57 Agassi, Joseph 62 Aultman-Moore, Lloyd 60 Agazzi, Evandro 57, 63 Aushanov, Viktor 72 Aggarwal, Anju 77 Avaliani, Sergi 42 Agoshkova, Elena 56 Avtonomova, Natalia 28, 39 Ahmed, Fahmtna 22 Await, Mike 49 Aibar, Eduardo 22 Axinn, Sidney 40 Aiftinca, Marin 38 Axtell, Guy 59 Aiken, William 53, 60 Ayala Martinez, Jorge 35 Airaksinen, Timo 53 Ayers, Michael 77 Akeroyd, Michael 66 AI Kash, Soheil 29 В al-Fadhli, Salah 45 Albu, Gabriel 80 Baghramian, Maria 37, 75 Alcoff, Linda 20 Baharuddin, Azizan 63 Alechnowicz, Iwona 60 Bahr, Hans-Dieter 31 Alekka, Agnieszka 43 Bailey, Andrew 25 Ales, Angela Bello 31 Bailin, Sharon 51 Alexander, Thomas M. 21 Bak, Nelleke 21 Alexander, William 71 Baker, Lynne Rudder 25 Allan, George 24, 30, 32, 44 Balestra, Dominic J. 32 Allen, Doug 71 Balog, Katalin 72 Allen, Paul 23, 65 Balzer, Carmen 57, 79 Allen, Robert 22, 32 Balzer, Wolfgang 73 Allison, Henry 21 Bánfalvi, Attila 80 Ally, Matthew 67 Barbosa, Susana 48 Alpeeva, Tamara 59 Barker, Evelyn 42 Alston, William 53 Barker, John A. 52 Altekar, E. 56 Barker, Stephen 59 Altman, Ira 76 Barnes, R. Eric 71 Altorf, Marije 75 Barrai, Mary-Rose 28 Alvarez-Valdés, Lourdes Gordillo 37 Barrett, Lee 31 Alyokhina, E. 72 Barretto, Vicente 36 Amodio, Barbara 30, 44, 47, 61 Bartek, Edward 56 Anderheiden, Michael 22 Bartkowiak, Julia 35 Anderson, David L. 52 Ваша, Archana 78 Anderson, Jami 32 Ваша, Manisha 50 Anderson, Pamela 32 Baryakin, Valeriy 62 Anderson, Susan 29 Basave, Augusto 79 Anderson-Gold, Sharon 81 Basso-Vetri, Maria Luisa 60 Andler, Daniel 29 Basu, Sandhya 73 Andreou, Chrisoula 23, 26 Battaly, Heather 48 Andrews, Kristin 64 Baumrin, Bernard 33, 39 Andrzejewski, Bolestaw 25 Baumrin, Stefan 58 Angelis, Nicolas 22 Baxter, Donald 63 Angulo, Yolanda 53, 63 Baynes, Kenneth R. 59 Anton, Anatole 69 Bealer, George 31 Antony, Louise 20 Beaty, Michael 48, 51 Antony, Michael 78 Beauchamp, Richard 75 Apel, Karl-Otto 30, 46, 62, 63, 75 Beavers, Anthony F. 52 Apovo, Jean-Marie 37 Becker, Carl 51 Appelbaum, Paul 36 Becker, Gerhold K. 29, 51 Arango, Alejandro Patino 35 Bellatalla, Luciana 68 Arinin, E.L. 64 Beller, Jennifer M. 33 Arisaka, Yoko 75 Bello, Angela Ales 43 Arizpe, Paula Patricia 52 Bellos, Stavroula 45 Arkadiusz, Gut 61 Ben-Yami, Hanoch 48, 56 Arkway, Angela 64, 76 Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron 32, 56 Arnel, Bill 31 Benatar, David 34 Arnold, N. Scott 52 Benedikt, Amelie 39, 62


Benhabib, Seyla 28, 30, 40, 59 Bourgeois, Patrick L. 60 Benitez, Roberto 74 Boutros, Victor 59 Benson, Bruce Ellis 22, 33 Bowery, Anne-Marie 42, 48 Benson, Paul 56 Bowman, Elizabeth A. 81 Bentley, Michael 58 Boxill, Jeannette 30, 59 Berchem, Christophe 76 Boylan, Thomas 22 Berenket, George 67 Bozo de Carmona, Ana 21 Berge, Douglas 80 Bozovic, Miran 48 Bergmann, Michael 63 Brachtendorf, Johannes 66 Bergoffen, Debra B. 39, 46 Bradie, Michael 76 Bemal Martinez de Soria, Aurora 80 Brakas, Jurgis 57 Bernal, Sara 51 Brand, Margaret 29, 34, 63 Bernier, Paul 66 Brand, Myles 42, 45 Berry, John 59 Brandi, Johannes 63 Berthold, Christine 58 Brandom, Robert 34, 75 Berti, Enrico 20, 22, 25, 76 Brandt, PerAage 20 Bertman, Martin 30, 33, 39 Branquinho, Joao 39 Bertomeau, Maria Jules 64 Bratman, Michael 55 Bertomeu, Maria Jula 34 Braun, Willi 29 Bertomeu, Maria Jules 67 Bredin, Hugh 45 Bertomeu, Maria Julia 62 Breivik, Gunnar 30, 54 Besnard, Philippe 53 Brennan, Samantha 79 Beus, Jos de 50 Brennan, Teresa 32 Bewaji, John 32 Brenner, Anastasios 62 Béziau, Jean-Yves 45 Brewer, Bill 55 Bezzubova, Elena 35 Bringsjord, Selmer 50 Bhandari, D. 51, 72 Brinkmann, Klaus 29, 47, 53, 55, 57, 71 Bhattacharyya, Sailesh 20 Britos, Patricia 70 Bickham, Steve 35 Brock, Dan W. 63 Bielecki, Marek 34, 54 Broeckaert, Jan 33 Bien, Joseph 40 Broncano, Fernando 24 Biesta, Gert 77 Bronk, Andrzej 64 Biletzki, Anat 29, 39 Brown, Harold 29 Bilgrami, Akeel 38 Brown, Lee 25 Bilimoria, Purushottama 79, 80 Brown, Stephen 72 Biller, Karlheinz 72 Brown, Steven 70 Bilolo, Mubabinge 63, 79 Bruckner, Donald 20 Bilyk, Alex 72 Bryushinkin, Vladimir 48 Bimbó, Katalin 45 Buceniece, Ella 41 Bird, Robert 69 Buchanan, James H. 25 Biris, loan 30 Buchwalter, Andrew 50 Birnmacher, Dieter 39 Buczkowska, Janina 35 Biryukov, Nikolai 81 Budimir, Milenko 33 Blair, Anthony 52 Bueno, Otavio 69 Blakeley, Donald 41 Buford, Thomas 66 Blanchette, Oliva 46 Buksinski, Tadeusz 56 Blocker, H. Gene 75 Bulger, Jeffrey 67 Blumenkranz, Mikhail 38 Burger, Paul 28 Bobenrieth, Andres 56, 62 Burgess, Andrew 29 Boboc, Alexandru 35 Burgos, Jose 80 Bocken, Inigo 71 Burova, Olga 48 Bodzilin, Anatoly 30 Burovskaya, E. 40 Boelderl, Artur 66 Butigan, Vjekoslav 74 Boersema, David 67, 72 Bynum, Terry 39, 44, 69 Boersma, Ruurdtje 25 Byrne, Edmund F. 78, 80 Boger, George 61 Byron, Michael 71 Boghossian, Paul 55 Bogusz-Boltuc, Ewa 28 C Bokil, Shrinivas 66 Bolognesi, Mario Femando 23 Cackowski, Zdzistaw 64 Boltuc, Piotr 22, 35, 43, 74 Cadello, James P 36 Bon Jour, Laurence 31 Cafaro, Philip 45, 55, 76 Bonaccini, Juan 40 Caffentzis, George 36 Boncori, Giuseppe, S.J. 40 Cahn, Steven 25 Bonevac, Daniel 50 Cain, David 31 Bordeleau, Léo-Paul 30 Calabi, Francesca 55 Bordo, Susan 29 Calcagno, Antonio 78 Bormuth, Matthias 35 Califano, Joseph 25, 45 Borody, Wayne W. 30 Calvo de Saavedra, Angela 73 Boros, János 41, 62 Calvo, Marta 34, 54 Boruah, Bijoy 66 Campbell, James 31, 68, 75 Bos, Abraham 57 Campbell, Neil 70 Botez, Angela 59 Cantin, Serge 64 Bouchard, Guy 28 Cao, Tian Yu 24, 70, 72, 74


Capelle, Philippe 68, 78 Clark, Mary 40 Caponi, Gustavo Andrés 43 Clark, Maudemarie 26 Caponi, Sandra 40 Clarke, Murry 53 Cappelan, Herman 64 Clayton, John 34 Caputo, John D. 32, 43, 63 Cleary, John 38, 39, 45, 55 Card, Robert 43 Clohesy, William 25 Carey, Rosalind 21 Cobb, Larry 35 Carlos, Edward 26 Cobb-Stevens, Richard 31, 62 Carlson, Erik 54, 68 Coburn, Brooks 47 Carpenter, Andrew 49 Code, Lorraine 28, 30, 32, 37 Carrasco, Santos 51, 77 Codoban, Aurel 74 Carnero, John 75 Cohen, Daniel 72 Carroll, Nöel 53, 69 Cohen, Elliot 40, 57 Carter, Curtis 28, 31, 46 Cohen, Jonathan 47 Carter, Michele 33, 77 Cohen, Robert S. 39, 41, 50, 51, 57 Caruana, Louis 66 Colapietro, Vincent 55 Carvalho, Maria de Penha F.S. de 30 Coleclough, Elba 37 Cary, Phillip 66 Coleman, Jules 21, 26, 41 Casebier, Allan 24, 26, 34 Coles, Robert 77 Casula, Mario 44 Colgan, Quentin 60 Casullo, AI 31 Collier, Carol 26 Catalano, Joseph 81 Collins, Ardis 43 Catherine Womack 67 Collins, L. 29 Cauchy, Venant 47, 63 Colonnello, Pio 25 Cavalier, Robert 58 Comesaña, Gloria 64 Cavanaugh, Thomas 34, 73 Comesaña, Manuel 56 Caws, Peter 30, 40, 42, 46 Commers, M.S. Ronald 33, 39 Caysa, Volker 30 Conill, Jesus 79 Cehmistro, I.S. 78 Conley, Verena Andermatt 48 Cerezo, Maria 28 Consenstein, Peter 47 Cernik, Vaclav 80 Conway, David 51 Cesana, Andreas 60, 71, 81 Cooke, Elizabeth 68 Cesar, Constança Marcondes 80, 81 Cooley, Dennis 47 Chadwick, Ruth 71 Cooper, Brigitte Dehmelt 65, 76 Chakrabarti, Arindam 55, 63 Corbi, Joseph 65 Chakrabarti, Kisor K. 67 Cordero, Alberto 65 Chakraborty, Alpana 45 Cornelis, Gustaaf 56 Chakraborty, Manjulinka 20 Cornwell, William 50, 55 Chalier, Agnes 75 Correia, Manuel 53 Chalmers, David 53 Cortois, Paul 26 Chandel, Bhuvan 51, 74, 75, 77 Cotuksöken, Betül 68 Chandler-Burns, Robert 79 Couprie, Dirk 39 Chang, Jiang 37, 44, 52 Cousins, Ewert 20 Chang, Kuk Won 65 Cox, L. 51 Charles, Sebastien 51 Cozma, Carmen 47 Charles, Syliane 51 Cragnolini, Mónica 62 Chateaubriand, Osvaldo 31, 76 Craig, Edward 34 Chatterjee, Deen К. 55, 77 Crasilnikov, Michael 40 Chatterjee, Margaret 43 Crawley, Francis P. 21 Chattopadhyaya, Debi Prasad 34, 44, 80 Crespo, Mariano 45 Chen, Yuan Quan 47, 61, 67 Crocker, David 25, 77 Cheng, Chung-ying 29, 31, 58, 75 Croddy, W. Stephen 28 Chenoufi, Ali 39 Crosby, Donald A. 36 Chethimattam, John B. 47 Cross, Charles 71 Cheung, Chai Fai 43, 47, 61 Cray, Marvin 44 Chew, Mun 76 Cuartas, Juan 35 Chi-fu, Lee 48 Çüçen, A. 64 Chignell, Andrew 22 Cuellar, Hortensia 37 Chin, Jacqueline 52 Cunningham, Frank 46, 47, 65 Chin-sung, Shen 29 Cunningham, Henri-Paul 70 Chinh, Vu Kim 71» Curley, Edwin 30, 39, 75 Chirkova, Elena 22, 51 Curran, Randall 67 Chiurazzi, Gaetano 63 Curzer, Howard 59 Chmielecki, Andrzej 54, 59 Cushing, James T. 24 Cho, Phan Peter Dinh 71 Cust, Kenneth F.T. 24, 57 Choi, Min-Hong 75 Chuan, Nguyen Trong 71 D Chumakov, Alexander 35 Chun-hweir, Chen 63 da Costa, Newton C.A. 69 Chung, Bong-Kil 30, 44, 47 da Silva Estanqueiro Rocha, Acilo 66 Chung, Young do 54, 71 Dacey-Groth, Austin 59 Cintora, Armando 74 Dagli, Mustafa 56 Clark, Chalmers C. 52, 55 Dahlstrom, Daniel 22, 53, 60 Clark, Kelly James 52 Daigneault, Michael 33


Daiyun, Yue 31, 47 Doan, Tran Van 71 Dallett, James 64 Dodd, James 26 Dallmayr, Fred R. 71 Dodson, Kevin E. 58 Daly, James 56 Doherty, Joseph 47 Dancy, Jonathan 28, 35 Dokulil, Milos 65 Danel, Fernando 53 Dolêga, Józef 45 Daniels, Norman 39, 63 Domschke, Jan-Peter 64 Danielson, Peter 46 D’Onofrio, Sandro 57 Danto, Arthur 58, 69 Donovan, Aine 54 Darvas, Gyorgy 60 Dooley, Mark 63 Darwall, Stephen 20 Dorjigouchaeva, O. 74 Darwish, Bahaa 76 Douven, Igor 34 Das, Juthika 38, 52 Dowe, Phil 22 Das, Maya 38 Dowling, Keith 22 Dascal, Marcelo 36, 59 Drabarek, Anna 40 d’Assuncao, Lucia 70 Dragona-Monachou, Myrto 31, 35, 36, 63 Davia, Gregg 51 Drange, Theodore 78 David, Anthony 77 Dreben, Burton S. 38, 76 Davidson, Donald 43, 46 Dretske, Fred 39, 70, 76, 80 Davies, Martin 55 Driver, Julia 44 Davis, Paul 68 Droit, Roger-Pol 31 Dawson, Stephen 78 Drozdowicz, Zbigniew 45 de Azevedo Marques, Ubirajara 74 Drydyk, Jay 36, 51, 53 de Bary, Theodore 29 du Bois, Nancy 30 De Bellis, Mark 63 Duarte, Eduardo 21 de Bielke, Ana 73 Dubey, Shri 32 De Bolt, Darían 70 Dubrovsky, Vladimir 67 de Carvalho, Adalberto Dias 70 Duddy, Thomas 66 de Castro, Leonardo 74 Duesund, Liv 24 De George, Richard 20, 22, 25, 57, 67 Dugan, James, S.J. 66 de la Mercedes Fernandez, Alejandra 74 Dumitrescu, Marius 48 de Lacoste, Guillermine 31, 60, 72 Dumitrescu, Petre 22 De Laurentiis, AI legra 59 Dunar, Elena Cantarino 80 De Leon, Jose Oswaldo Salazar 48 Dung, Bui Van 20 de Lourdes Borges, Marié 40, 65 Dunne, Joseph 50 de Melo-Martin, Immaculada 42, 45 Durán Forero, Rosalba 28 De Michelio, Giorgio 63 DuRand, Cliff 46 de Moráis Ribeiro, Henrique 59 Dussel, Enrique 53, 59, 63 de, Nicholas Warren 45 Dutta, Deepti 77 de Paula Carvalho, José 76 Dvornikov, Vladimir 22 De Walton, Graciela Ralon 70 Dykeman, Therese 47 De Zoysa, Arjuna 80 Degener, J. Michael 41, 47, 58 E DeKam, Kristin 66 del Carmen, Elba 51 Earman, John 65 Deligiorgi, Alexandra 77 Eassom, Simon 23 DeMarco, C. Wesley 32 Eberle, Chris 35 Dembski, William A. 65 Edwards, Ernesto 48 Demenchonok, Edward 41, 63, 76 Edwards, Jeffrey 59 Demideriko, Eduard 29 Effremov, Oleg 81 Demjancuk, Nicolaj 80 Egonsson, Dan 20 DeMoss, David 66 Ehrlich, Edith 21 Demtchouk, Arthur 62 Ehrlich, Leonard H. 23, 60 den Ouden, Bernard 35 Elata-Alster, Gerda 25, 29 Denkel, Arda 34 Elberfeld, Rolf 74 Dennett, Daniel 55 Elgin, Catherine 38 DePaul, Michael 44 Ellerman, Carl 32 Deppert, Wolfgang 50 Ellis, Ralph 78 Derksen, Louise 40 Elshof, Gregg 54 DeRose, Keith 47 Enderle, George 57 Detmer, David 67 Engel, Pascal 38 Devine, Philip 78 Engelhardt, H. Tristram 34, 39 DeWaal, Cornelis 53 Englebretsen, George 50 Dezhi, Duan 26 English, Parker 33 Dharwarkar, Prahbhakar 80 Ennis, Robert 56 di Giovanni, George 43 Enteman, Willard 21, 26 Diaz Alvarez, Jesus 80 Epstein, Mikhail 77 Diaz, Elvira 30 Erhart, Victoria 72 Dicker, Georges 29 Ermashov, D. 62 Diéz, Ricardo 48 Es, Robert van 76 Dima, Teodor 48 Escobar, Claudio 34 Dimitrov, Assen 76 Eshelman, Matthew 67 Dipert, Randall 44, 62 Eshleman, Andrew 42 Dixon, Nicholas 33 Ess, Charles 55


Estey, Martin 50, 51 Fores, Luis 80 Etter, Brian 80 Fortunoff, David 55 Etzioni, Amitai 30, 33 Fowler, Corbin 60, 78 Eustis, Jennifer-Marie 59 Fowler, Thomas 48, 56 Evangeliou, Christos 55 Frank, Daniel 47 Evans, David 43, 70 Franssen, Maarten 64 Exdell, John 69 Franz, Svetlana 76 Eze, Emmanuel 34 Frasca-Spada, Marina 22 Ezquerro, Jesus 21 Freeman, James 52, 76 Ezra, Ovadia 29 Freiberger, Erich 26 French, Peter A. 34 F French, Steven 69 Friedman, Joel 50 Fagot-Largeault, Anne 29 Fritz, Kathleen M. 79, 81 Fair, Frank 25 Fukaya, Jun 24 Faller, Mark 21 Fullbrook, Edward 39, 45 Fallís, Don 57 Fullbrook, Kate 39, 45 Fan, Meijun 47 Fuller, Steven 55 Fantoni, Rosa 76 Fumerton, Richard 53 Faust, Don 56 Fussi, Alessandra 39 Feary, Vaughana 43, 65 Federici, Silvia 36 G Feferman, Solomon 28 Felder, David 54, 56 Gábor, Éva 67 Feldman, Richard 28 Gabriella, Mariá Rebok 75 Feldman, Susan 42 Gál, László 54 Fell, Gil 25 Gallegos, Jeremy 64 Fellows, Roger 72 Gallo, Silvio 56 Fells, Lori 55 Galloway, David 66 Femenías, María Luisa 53 Galushkin, A.M. 60 Fensted, J.E. 50 Gamaonov, Vladimir 61 Ferber, R. 53 Gandler, Stefan 48 Fernandes de Oliveira, Nythamar 65 Ganeri, Jonardon 55 Fernandez, Augustin Basave 72 Gangadean, Ashok 36 Fernández, Graciela 54 Garber, Dan 75 Fernandez, Olga 59 Garcia Gomez, Jorge 57, 79 Femando, Emmanuel 21 Garcia, Jorge 65 Ferrari, Jean 39, 47, 50, 51, 69 Garcia, Victor Idoate 37, 39 Ferreira Costa, Claudio 60 Garcia-Carpintero, Manuel 28 Fesenko, Alexander 21 Gardner, Catherine 42, 48 Fetzer, James 47, 54, 59, 66 Gardner, Stephen 59 Fielding, Michael 21 Garfield, Jay 67, 77 Fieser, James 38 Garrett, Aaron 38, 45, 71 Filho, Edgard 59 Garrison, James 75 Fine, Arthur 41 Garver, Newton 31 Fine, Kit 34, 63 Gasché, Rodolphe 34 Finocchiaro, Maurice 78 Gately, Jackie 64 Fiore, Silvia 54 Gaus, Gerald 52, 56 Fischer, Alee 52, 56 Gauthier, Yvon 40 Fischer, John Martin 24 Gawlina, Manfred 54 Fischer, Marilyn 31 Gbotokuma, Zekeh 75 Fischer, Norman 23, 26, 52 Gearhart, Judy 57 Fisher, Saul 26, 40 Gedney, Mark 54 Fisk, Milton 69 Gedney, Mark D. 76, 81 Fitzgerald, Deborah 29 Geertz, Armin W. 29 Fleming, Marie 32 Geisser, Maura 49 Flichman, Eduardo 36 Gellman, Jerome 62 Flores, Francisco 61 Gelwick, Richard 67 Florès Miguel, Cirilo 42 Gendreau, Bernard 40 Flores, Roberto 70 Gennso, Mary 28 Flórez, Alfonso 34 Georgalis, Nicholas 66 Floridi, Luciano 34, 41 George, Marie I. 42, 47 Flory, Dan 23, 24 Georgopoulos, Nenos 42 Restad, G. 36 Gerber, William 25 Floyd, Juliet 64, 66 Gert, Bernard 33, 36, 41, 63 Flynn, Thomas R. 32, 69 Gevorkian, Hamlet 80 Fobel, Pavel 47 Ghaemi, S. Nassir 35 Fobelová, Daniela 48 Gherdjikov, Serghey 51 Fogelin, Robert 47 Ghosh, Raghunath 80 Foldes, Ken 50, 74 Giacaglia, Mirta 79 Foley, Richard 50 Giacomoni, Paola 45 Follesdal, Andreas 50 Giancola, Donna 51 Fellesdal, Dagfinn 30 Giardina, Monica 62 Ford, Lewis 64 Giberson, Karl 65


Gichure, Christine 42 Grünbaum, Adolf 21 Giere, Ron 36 Guariglia, Osvaldo 34, 52, 54, 60 Gigenrenzer, Gerd 24 Guenin, Louis M. 29 Gilbert, Margaret 69 Guiber, Nair 78 Gilead, Amihud 44 Gulick, Robert van 69 Gilmore, Richard 23, 25, 32 Gulick, Walter 59, 67 Ginsberg, Robert 36, 71 Gumb, Raymond 45 Giuculescu, Alexandru 72 Gunther, York 78 Gloy, Karen 73 Günzel, Stephen 71 Gluchman, Vasil 31 Gupta, Bina 47, 56, 71 Glymour, Bruce 63 Gurevich, Pavel 20 Glynn, Simon 42, 78 Guseinov, A 81 Gobar, Ash 34 Gusseinov, A. 78 Gochet, R 71 Gutiérrez, Carlos B. 20, 25, 29 Goddu, Andre 65 Gutierrez, Manuel Liz 69 Godelek, Kamuran 56 Gutmann, Amy 39 Goff, Edwin L. 70 Gutting, Gary 53 Gogilashvili, Otari 45 Guttman, Andras 62 Goicoechea, David 31 Gold, Mitchell L 54 H Goldberg, David 44 Goldenbaum, Ursula 41 Haarscher, Guy 68 Goldman, Alvin I. 52 Hadley, Douglas 32 Goldstein, Irwin 78 Hafner, Johann Ev. 41 Goldstick, Dan 53 Hagengruber, Ruth 20 Gómez Ascaso, Alberto 23 Hager, Fitz-Peter 80 Gonzalez, Lourdes Velazquez 44 Hager, Peter F. 52 Goodin, Robert E. 55 Hahn, Lewis Edwin 35, 61, 67 Goodman, Felicitas D. 22 Hahnel, Robin 59 Gorbyleva, Janna 35 Halberstam, Michael 78 Gordon, Dane R. 31 Hale, Robert 25, 63 Gordon, Haim 26, 52, 68 Hall, Cheryl 21 Gordon, Lewis 46 Hall, David 24 Gordon, Marshall 66 Hall, Edward J. 53 Gordon, Rivca 26 Hall, James 40 Gorman, Jonathan 69 Hall, Lisa 66 Górniak, Krystyna 39, 47, 62, 64, 71 Hallen, Barry 25 Gos, Maciej 70 Haller, Richard 25 Gostischev, A. 48 Haller, Rudolf 71 Gotterbarn, Donald 39 Halper, Edward 39, 45 Goubman, Boris 64 Halpern, Beth 68 Gould, Carol 58, 65 Hamilton, James 69 Gourko, Helena 77 Hanaoka-Kawamura, Eiko 77 Gouws, Andreis 72 Haney, Kathleen 59 Gowans, Christopher 27, 54 Haney, Mitchell 73 Goyard-Fabré, Simone 23, 39 Hanks, Donald 25 Gracia Amilburu, Maria 20 Hanley, Catriona 40 Gracia, Jorge 57 Hanley, K.R. 60 Gracia, Jorge J.E. 41, 45 Hanrahan, Siun 21 Graciano, Miriam 78 Hansberg, Olbeth 44, 51, 56 Graham, Kevin 78 Hansen, Chad 75 Grams, lleana 71 Hanson, Karen 25 Grandy, Richard 36 Hanyu, Sawako 21, 23 Graness, Anke 75 Нага, Kazuko 24 Granik, Maria 59 Haraldsson, Erlendur 22 Grant, lain 72 Hardin, Russell 21, 54 Gray, Christopher B. 25, 58, 68 Hardman, Alun 68 Grebowicz, Margaret 66 Hare, Peter H. 31, 53, 75, 77 Greco, John 38 Hare, William 54 Green, J. Everet 36 Hargrove, Eugene 46, 57 Greenberg, Robert 40, 59, 65 Harman, Gilbert 28 Grégoire, Stephanie 47 Harms, William 46 Gregory, Wanda Torres 64 Harold, James 31, 39 Grene, Marjorie 46 Harris, H.S. 44 Gretchko, Pyotr 81 Harris, Leonard 24, 25, 60, 65, 68 Griffiths, Morwenna 23 Hart, Hendrik 64 Grimes, Pierre 65 Harvey, Martin 33 Griswold, Charles L., Jr. 21, 29, 30 Haslanger, Sally 20 Grosch, Paul 66 Hattiangadi, Jagdish 78 Grosso, Michael 22 Hatzistravou, Anthony 53 Gruenberg, David 64 Haughness, Norman 67 Gruender, David 61 Hausman, Dan 20, 22, 58 Gruenfeld, Joseph 40 Havas, Katalin G. 77, 80 Gruenwald, Oskar 65, 78 Haw, Kaye 23


Hawa, Salam 40 Huey, Yen Shu 47 Hawkins, Ronnie 39 Hufford, David J. 22 Hayden, Patrick 35 Huhn, Tom 42 Haye, Allama M.A. 26 Huidi, Ma 78 Häyry, Heta 30, 39, 44, 63 Humphrey, John 47 Häyry, Matti 29, 31, 63 Hung-en, Hsiao 63 Hein, Hilde 24 Hunt, Alan 78 Held, Virginia 20 Hussain, Syed 78 Heldke, Lisa 24, 50 Huyen, Nguyen Van 71 Heler, Mario 67 Hyland, Drew 33 Hell, Judit 32 Hellsten, Sirkku 44, 47 I Hemphill, Dennis 23 Henderson, Hazel 20 I. Lambaeva 56 Henley, Kenneth 67 Ibanez-Martin, Jose 70 Herbenick, Raymond 52 Ibanez-Noe, Javier 74 Hernandez, Bienvenido Argueta 69 llkka Niiniluoto 80 Hernandez Borges, Maria 45 Ikere, Zaiga 25 Hernandez-Iglesias, Manuel 26 Imamichi, Tomonobu 25, 30, 46, 55, 79 Herran, Teresa 73 Imamoto, Shuji 71, 74 Herrera, Maria 44 Inada, Kenneth 44, 47, 58 Hersh, James 78 Inciarte, Fernando 29 Неуке, Hans-Eberhard 71 Inés Mora, Claudia 70 Hickman, Larry 75 Iseminger, Gary 25, 63 Hicks, Steven 26 Iser, Mattias 80 Higgs, Philip 56 Ivanenkov, S. 70 Hill, Renee 76 Ivanova, Adel 50 Hillar, Marian 76 Ivanovic, Miroslav 59 Hilpinen, Risto 33, 34 lyi, Sevgi 68 Hinman, Lawrence M. 69 Hintikka, Jaakko 23, 30, 34, 79 J Hirakawa, Hideyuki 43 Jackman, Henry 70 Hirano, Akihiko 54 Jacob, Pierre 38 Hirsch, Eli 34 Jacques, Francis 25 Hirshberg, Gur 52 Jacquette, Dale 34, 77 Hitchcock, David 48, 52 Jalalov, Abdulhafiz 70 Hittinger, John P 25, 37 James, Edward 51 Hoaglund, John 20 Jardines, Alexis 51 Hodges, Donald 26 Jareño Alarcón, Joaquin 45 Hodges, Wilfred 42, 45, 56 Jdanko, Alexis 26 Hoffman, Eric 39 Jean-Bernard, Marc 23 Hoffman, W. Michael 57 Jenkins, Fiona 21 Hogan, Pádraig 23, 72 Jenner, Donald 47, 60 Holland, Margaret 42 Jetli, Priyedarshi 49 Holmes, Robert L. 58 Jiang, Tao 44, 46, 47 Holmström-Hintikka, Ghita 26, 39, 42 Johansson, Ingvar 29, 35 Holveck, Eleanore 39 John, G. M. Abbarno 21 Homiak, Marcia 38 Johnson, David E. 52, 79 Honderich, Ted 31 Johnson, Fred 50 Hongladarom, Soraj 65 Johnson, Ralph 52 Honnenfelder, Ludger 28 Johnston, David Macgregor 24 Hookway, Christopher 38, 53 Johnston, Mark 53 Horenstein, Norma 61 Jones, Andrew 39, 42 Horgan, Terry 39 Jones, Jude 47 Horowitz, Gregg 42 Jones, Judith 52 Horwich, Paul 41 Jones, William R. 58 Hösle, Vittorio 31 Joshi, Anju 42 Hottois, Gilbert 29, 39, 47 Joshi, Harsiddh 32 Hountondji, Paulin 23 Jost, Lawrence 41 House, Donna 67 Joy, Morny 29 Howard, Michael 79 Juliá, Maria 72 Howard, Richard 29 Jullien, François 25 Howard-Snyder, Daniel 81 Jung, Joachim 75 Howell, Nancy R. 36 Jung, Wonsup 39 Howell, Robert 31 Jurcau, Nicolae 59 Howes, John 42 Justice, John 37 Hoy, Terry 60 Juti, Riku 81 Hoyt-O’Connor, Paul 79 Hronszky, Imre 60 К Hsin-ai, Yuan 63 Hua-jin, Zhang 30 Kabore, Boniface 70 Huang, Hsiao-hui Cristal 63 Kachi, Daisuke 51 Huazhong, Chen 54 Kaegi, Dominic 81 Hudson, Robert 66


Kahane, David 51 Klein, Peter 41 Kain, Patrick 60 Klibansky, R. 37 Kainz, Howard, Jr. 20 Klimenkova, Tatiana 53 Kajamies, Timo 49, 53 Kline, George 69 Kalinauskas, Igor 62 Klinefelter, Donald S. 36 Kalinin, Edward 22, 51 Kloskowski, Kazimierz 29 Kaltchev, Ivan 76 Klueva, Irina 75 Kamiyama, Kazuyoshi 20 Kluxen, Wolfgang 60 Kamm, Frances 65 Knauss, Gerhard 23 Kane, Michael 32 Knee, Philip 64 Kane, Robert 24 Knisely, Ken 51 Kaniowski, Andrej 58 Knox, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard 60 Kante, Bozidar 26 Koblentz, Evelyn 25 Kanzian, Christian 48 Kochiras, Hylarie 60 Kao, Marion 63 Koczanowicz, Leszek 53 Kapitan, Tomis 35 Kodua, E. 76 Kapiton, V. 54 Koehn, Daryl 67 Kapoor, Vanita 80 Koehn, Glen 42 Karavaev, Eduard 61 Koenig, Walter L. 25 Karazhayev, Gury 62 Koggel, Christine 60 Karin-Frank, Shyli 32, 52, 53, 68 Kohák, Erazim 40 Karlik, E 72 Kohan, Walter 80 Karmadonov, Oleg 81 Kohn, Carlos 70 Kashpersky, Victor 38 Koistinen, Olli 53 Kasmir, Sharryn 79 Kojen, Leon 67 Kassab, Elizabeth 76 Kókai, Károly 38 Kato, Morimichi 80 Kolcaba, Raymond 50 Katretchko, Sergey 35, 42 Konkoly, Damian 47 Katsumori, Makoto 80 Koos, Agnes 35 Katz, Eric 46 Korobeynikova, Larisa 80 Katz, Jerrold 41 Korolev, Andrei 38 Kaur, Satnam 80 Koterski, Joseph W , S.J. 24, 46, 54 Kawall, Jason 45 Kotnik, Rudi 38 Kaye, Sharon 62 Kourany, Janet 37 Kazashi, Nobuo 50 Kouzmine, Alexandre 69 Kearns, John 61 Kozlova, Olga 26 Keita, Lansana 51 Kozlowski, Roman 49 Keli, Fang 29 Kraenzel, Frederick 44, 48 Keller, David 40 Kramchynski, Robert 34 Kellogg, Frederic 22 Krapivensky, Solomon 43 Kelly, Andrew 65 Krasteva, Ann 77 Kelly, Michael 23, 42, 52 Krause, Edward 28 Kemerling, Garth 49 Krausz, Michael 46, 51, 56, 67 Kemp, Peter 45, 48 Kravets, Alexander 60 Kennedy, David 75 Krebs, Victor 21, 70 Kenny, Anthony 71 Kreidik, Leonid 42, 70, 74 Kessler, Gary 76 Kremer, Alexander 72 Kestenbaum, Victor 77 Krentz, Arthur 80 Keulman, Kenneth 60, 78 Krijnen, Christian 71 Kevin L. Stoehr 80 Kruks, Sonia 39 Keyes, Charles 25 Kruszynska, Sabina 30 Khan, Abrahim H. 29, 31 Krylova, Nata 78 Khan, Galib 77 Kubicki, Hab 20 Kholodny, Vassily 81 Kuçuradi, Ioanna 31, 62, 63 Khomkholova, Natalia 48 Kuçuradi, lonna 38 Kiel, Albrecht 23 Kudashov, Vyatcheslav 40 Kilbansky, R. 49 Kudriashova, Elena 30 Kim, Bockja 30, 44, 47, 69 Kuehn, Glenn 25 Kim, Chin-Tai 32 Kuipers, Ronald 70 Kim, David 56 Kuipers, Theo 66 Kim, Heisook 60 Kujundzic, Nebojsa 66, 72 Kim, Jaegwon 65 Kukartseva, Marina 26 Kim, Tong-Sik 72 Kulakov, Yury 78 Kim, Yersu 47 Kule, Maija 45 Kim, Young Soo 40 Kumar, Pardeep 56 King, Roger 40 Kunkolienker, Kamaladevi 80 Kiros, Tedros 77 Kupperman, Joel 25 Kiss, Endre 23, 31 Kurozumi, Toshio 40 Kit-Wah Man, Eva 69 Kusch, Martin 65, 68, 74, 77, 79 Kitamura, Minoru 51 Kushner, Eva 69 Kite, David 52 Kuszhanova, A. 70 Kitov, Yury 76 Kutlusoy, Zekiye 73 Kivela, Jyrki 66 Kutyrev, V. 77 Klein, Ellen R. 36 Kvanvig, Jonathan 44


Kvart, Igal 59 Lipman, Matthew 75, 77 Kwame, Safro 69 Liseyev, Igor 48 Kwiek, Marek 72 Liston, Delores 51 Kzasikov, V. 28 Litch, Mary 76 Littau, Karen 40 L Littlejohn, Ronnie 49 Liu, Ming 28 Labbé, Armand J. 58 Liu, Sheen 37 Lachman, Rolf 55 Liu, Shu-hsien 29 Lachs, John 29 Liz, Manuel 72 Ladd, John 24 Lloyd, S.A. 33 Lafrance, Guy 26, 39, 69 Lo Monaco, Vincenzo 74 Lai, Yuen-Ting 75, 77 Loar, Brian 69 Laiseca, Laura 74 Loewer, Barry 50 Lamarche, Juan 23 Logister, Louis 20 Lamarque, Peter 36 Logue, James 64 Lamb, Andrew 20 Loland, Sigmund 23, 30 Lammenranta, Markus 41 Lolayev, Totraz 51 Lammi, Walter 56 Long, Christopher 57 Landau, Iddo 37 Look, Brandon 54 Landry, Elaine 64 Loparic, Zeljko 21 Langer, Leonard 55 López-López, Pablo 46, 54, 66 Langley, Raymond 23, 48, 68, 79 Loptson, Peter 25 Lango, John 60 Lorenz, Kuno 32, 35, 37, 59 Langston, Douglas 66 Lorenzová, Helena 54 Lantin, Robert 70 Losee, John 70 Lara, Maria 42 Lott, Tommy L. 33, 44 Large, Duncan 46 Loughney, John A. 33, 36 Lau, Kwok-Ying 58, 61, 69 Louw, Dirk 75 Laurier, Daniel 32 Lovlie, Lars 50 Lavery, Jonathan 40 Lowe, E.J. 63 Lawry, Edward 48 Lowney, Charles 77 Lazzer, Sandra 53 Lozano, Gabriel Vargas 58 Leahy, D. 66 Lubling, Yoram 77 Leaman, George 55, 65 Luder, Ruth 27, 36, 37 Lebedev, Maxim 26 Lucrezia Rovaletti, Maria 79 Lebedev, Valeriy 48 Ludwig, Bernd 30 Ledoux, Arthur 38 Lundgren-Gothlin, Eva 38, 39 Ledwig, Marion 45 Lütge, Christoph 51 Lee, Kwang-Sae 30, 43, 58, 69 Lütkekermölle, Matthias 63 Lee, Sander H. 21, 23, 58, 68, 70 Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias 52, 72 Lee, Steven 73 Luz, Menahem 55 Lee, Young Soo 27 Lyakhovetsky, Lev 38, 56 Leftow, Brian 28 Lyapin, Sergey 54, 60 Lehning, Percy В. 50 Lycan, William G. 31, 67 Lehrer, Keith 52 Lehto, Tuija 29, 39 M Leiter, Brian 41 Lekka-Kowalik, Agnieszka 50 Ma, Junfeng 79 Lektorsky, Vladislav 34, 39, 45, 49 Maar, Wolfgang 48 Lelli, Giovanna 70 MacCormick, Neil 50, 68, 71 Lemanska, Anna 64 MacDonald, Cynthia 63 Lendvai, Ferenc 35 Macedo, Ubiratan de 54 Lenk, Hans 43, 66 MacIntyre, Alasdair 20 Leon, Mark 50 Maclean, Doug 55 LePore, Ernest 21, 22, 26, 28, 32, 35, 37, 43 MacLeod, Alistair 33, 64 Leroux, Jean 64 MacLeod, George 79 Letocha, Danièle 69, 75, 77 Máculus, Liliana 36 Levering, Bas 21, 50 Madigan, Arthur 47 Levin, Yury 45 Madigan, Tim 37 Levine, Joe 69 Magee, Bryan 31 Levine, Michael 38 Magill, Kevin 45 Levine, Thelma 43 Magnani, Lorenzo 33, 66 Lewin, Philip 45 Magnell, Thomas 21, 46, 57, 59, 68, 72, 78, 79 Li, Chenyang 33, 43, 44, 69 Magnus, Bernd 46 Li, Ming 37 Maguire, G., Jr. 47 Li, Xiaorong 44, 51 Magyar, Roger 32 Li, Ya-ning 76 Mahoney, Robert 30 Light, Andrew 20 Mahoney, Tim 74 Lillegard, Norman 32 Mahowald, Mary B. 31, 34 Lindahl, Lars 39, 42 Makeev, Rodian 78 Lindquist, Galina 58 Makharov, Yegor 36 Linehan, Elizabeth 32 Mäki, Uskali 26, 57 Linkov, Alexander 21 Makinde, Moses 77


Makinson, David 39, 42 McCullagh, C. Behan 25, 58 Maliandi, Ricardo 68 McCutcheon, Russell T 31 Malivsky, Anatoly 63 McDermott, John J. 21 Mall, RamA. 47 McDonald, Deborah P 54 Mallick, Krishna 32 McDonnell, Kevin 74 Malzkorn, Wolfgang 53 McDuell, Sharon 34 Man, Eva Kit-Wah 20, 22, 33 McFee, Graham 54 Manchester, Paula 68 McGee, Ellen 47 Maner, Walter 39 McGill, Brendan Gillon 63 Mann, Doug 72 McGuire, John 65 Mann, Mark H. 22 McKenna, Michael 42 Mann, Patricia 34, 40, 70, 73 McLachlan, Murray 35 Mann, William 50 McLaughlin, Brian 34 Manning, Erik 68 McLaughlin, Julie 33 Manning, Rita 44 McLaughlin, Terence 21 Mansbach, Abraham 63 McLean, George F. 71 Mansfied, Harvey 39 McMurtry, John 22 Mansfield, Elizabeth 21, 24 McNamee, Michael J. 33, 50, 59 Mansueto, Anthony 43, 56 McRobert, Jennifer 49 Mantatov, V.V. 56, 74 Mechtenberg, Lydia 72 Marcondes, Danilo de Souza Filho 45 Mehta, Geeta 80 Marcus, Ruth Barcan 41, 54, 73 Meier, Klaus V 52 Marcus, Solomon 53 Meinberg, Eckhard 32 Marejko, Jan 78 Mele, Alfred 42 Margolis, Joseph 25, 39, 46, 53, 62, 77 Meliert, Robert 56 Mariano, Jun 56 Mellos, Koula 72 Mariano, Luciano 72 Mendieta, Eduardo 53, 63 Mangúela, Márcio 47 Menon, Rekha 69 Marin, Miguel Jarquin 79 Menzies, Peter 33 Marinoff, Louis 68 Mercieca, Charles 54 Márquez Pemartin, Claudia 32 Mercier, Andre 63 Marquez-Fernandez, Alvaro 73 Mesbah, Ali 60 Marsh, James 63 Meskin, Jacob 25, 29 Marsh, James L. 32, 79 Metharu, Plenamintel Bunja 63 Marshall, George 66 Méthot, Jean-François 54 Marsoobian, Armen 25 Meyer, Leory N. 25 Martin, Gien 46 Meyers, Diana Tietjens 25 Martin, Marina 74 Michelini, Dorando 76 Martin, Raymond 58 Mickunas, Algis 69 Martin, Rex 26, 31 Miculan, Alison 73 Martin, Scott 71 Migon, Mieczyslaw 37, 43 Martine, Brian 46 Migotti, Mark 53 Martinez, Maria 29 Miguel, Hernán 76 Martinez, Roy 63 Miguelez, Roberto 35 Martinez-Freire, Pascual 80 Mikeshin, Michael I. 35 Marton, Scarlett 26, 40 Mikeshina, Ludmila 78 Marton, Yves 22 Milcinski, Maja 77 Marty, William R. 65 Miles, Kevin 78, 80 Maruyama, Magoroh 43, 54 Miller, David Lee 35 Maruyama, Yasushi 79 Miller, Majorie 41 Marvin Croy 67 Millikan, Ruth 38 Maslikhin, Alexandr 81 Mills, Antonia 22 Maslow, Nick 38 Mills, Jon 71 Maslow, Nina 38 Mills, Patricia 40 Masolo, Dismas A. 44, 75 Min, Tong-Kuen 48 Masugata, Kinya 29 Minasian, Larisa 78 Masuzawa, Tomoro 31 Mineau, André 79 Mathews, Freyda 46, 57 Miner, Robert 66 Mathiesen, Kay 57 Minguez, Carlos 79 Matson, Wallace 25, 38 Minogue, Kenneth 39 Matsuba, Schoichi 43 Miroiu, Adrian 43 Matthai, Horst 79 Miroiu, Mihaela 53 Matthews, Gareth В. 28 Mirowski, Philip 58 Mattick, Paul 53 Misra, Hrishikesh 80 Mavrakis, Kostas 22 Mitcham, Carl 41 Maydole, Robert 72 Mitscherling, Jeff 40 Mazanka, Pawel 35 Mitsuda, Masato 77 Mazilov, Vladimir 50 Mizzoni, John 71 Mburu, James Ndungu 68 Model, Anselm 38 McBride, William 33, 39, 50, 51, 58, 62, 64, 67, 74, 76 Moebuss, Susanne 26 McCarthy, Erin 42 Moggach, Douglas 60 McCarthy, Thomas 32, 35, 43, 44, 48 Mohanta, D. 81 McCarthy, Vincent 29 Mohanta, Kalipada 37 McClennen, Edward 46 Mohanty, Jitendra 50


Mohanty, Jitendra N. 24, 36, 38, 51, 59, 65, 71 Nesher, Dan 54 Mokin, Bons 42 Nesmetdinova, Farida 79 Monroy-Nasr, Zuraya 48 Neu, Daniela 68 Monsma, Fritz 40 Neufeld, Paul 21 Monteirode Araujo, Paulo Roberto 50 Neves, Maria 79 Monteiro, Joso Paulo 77 Neville, Robert 24, 29, 67 Moog Rodrigues, Anna Maria 76 Nevo, Isaac 80 Mooney, Brian 38 Newazhay, Igor 36 Moor, James H. 39, 44, 47 Newland, Guy 63 Moorthy, R.S. 57 Newman, David 59 Mora, Claudia 70 Newton, Natika 78 Mora, Victor Huaquin 50 Nghia, Nguyen Hun 71 Morales, Juan Carlos 79 Ngoyi, Albertine Tshibilondi 63 Moran, Dermot 75 Ni, Peimin 33, 43, 69 Morawiec, Edmund 35 Nicholson, Carol 54 Morelli, Elizabeth 35 Nicholson, Linda 54 Moreno Romo, Juan 48 Nielsen, Kai 20, 47 Morewedge, Parviz 47 Niiniluoto, llkka 36, 53, 64, 66, 76, 78 Morey, Patricia 56 Nizamis, Khristos 74 Morgan, William P. 59 Niznik, Józef 44 Moriyon, Felix 80 Njoroge, Raphael 75 Morkuniene, Júrate 40 Nobuhara, Tokiyuki 51 Morosoff, Dorothy 55 Nogal, Agnieszka 44 Morris, Christopher 52, 57 Nordenbo, Sven-Erik 24 Morris, Jay 81 Norris, Andrew 80 Moser, Paul K. 41, 66 Norris, Christopher 34 Moss, Myra 25 Northwood, Heidi 45 Mosterín, Jesús 57, 65 Norton, David L. 34 Mothersill, Mary 69 Norton, John 24 Motroshilova, Nelly 39 Novak, David 36 Motzkin, Gabriel 65 Novak, Peter 77 Мои, Bo 47 Ntumba, Tshiamalenga 63, 79 Mouilli, Jean-Marc 31 Nubiola, Jaime 41, 75 Moulines, Ulysses 75 Nuccetelli, Susana 41 Moutsopoulos, Evanghélos 36, 44 Nudler, Oscar 34 Moya Cañas, Patricia 64 Nugayev, Rinat M. 33 Moya, Carlos 40, 42, 55 Nuriev, Damir 79 Mrozek, Jaroslaw 64 Nussbaum, Martha 25, 28, 36, 38 Muguerza, J. 34 Nyiri, J.C. 20, 41 Muhammad, Thamir Madir 20 Nzinzi, Pierre 76 Mulder, Dwayne 41 Muller, Robert 20 О Mullins, Phil 67 Munevar, Gonzalo 42 Ochs, Peter 25, 29 Munteanu, Stefan 29 O’Connor, Peg 24, 50 Murillo, Idelfonso 70 O’Connor, Tony 72 Mumlon, William 66 Odin, Steve 25, 75 Murphy, Patricia Anne 23 Ofsti, Audun 21 Murray, Michael 56 O’Gorman, Paschal 22 Murray, Warren 44, 47 O’Grady, Paul 39 Murungi, John 51 Ohler, Klaus 66 Mwase, Isaac 70, 79 Okafor, Fidelis U. 56 Myers, William 52 Okamoto, Yukiko 43 Myerson, Marilyn 21 Okorokov, Victor 69 Olafsson, Jon 77 N Olin, Doris 71 Olive, Irene de Puig 75 Nagano, Yoshlaki 41 Olive, Leon 22, 75 Nagl, Sylvia 74 Oliver, Amy 29 Nails, Debra 42 Oliver, Harold 30, 60, 61, 62, 68, 69 Naishtat, Francisco 67, 68 Olivetti, Marco 28, 62, 64, 66, 70, 72 Najjar, Ibahim 70 Olivier, Bert 54 Nakayama, Tsuyoshi 23 Oiler, Carlos 56 Narveson, Jan 57 Olson, Alan 26 Nascimento, Amos 53 Olson, Randall 56, 59 Nasdmento, Milton 64 Omelchenko, Nikolay 32, 35 Naser, Curtis R. 30, 58, 69 O’Neill, Rick 34 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 36, 46, 71 O’Neill, Shane 44 Natoli, Grace 22 O’Neill, Thomas 70 Naval, Concepción 80 Orany, Ezzat 42, 59 Navrotskiy, Volodimir 61 Orban, Jolan 21 Neale, Stephen 28 Orellano Benado, M.E. 62 Neeley, G. Steven 25 Orlando, John 26 Nelson, Beatrice K. 55 Orozco, Teresa 60


Ortega, Francisco 48 Perry, John 38, 55, 57 Ortega y Gasset, Jose 79 Pessin, Sarah 70 Ostergaard, Svend 20 Peters, Glen 57 Ostrow, Matthew 21, 32 Peterson, Daniel 47 Otte, Richard 63 Peterson, Philip L. 34, 50 Otteson, James R. 71 Peterson, Richard T. 24 Ouchinnikov, Victor 56 Petrov, Yuri 64 Outlaw, Lucius 28, 29 Petrova, Dimitrina 53 Ouyang, Kang 67, 69 Petrovskaia, Elena 76, 77, 80 Overwold, Gary 44 Pfannkuche, Walter 22 Ovsich, Alexander 45 Pfeiffer, Marié Louisa 75 Owsley, Richard 25, 27 Pfister, Lauren 59 Ozaki, Makoto 56 Philipse, Herman 25, 29 Ozolins, John 22 Phillips, Christopher 67 Phillips, Dennis Charles 38 P Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo 31 Picard, Bernard 47 Padilha, Tarcisco 35, 37 Piché, Claude 69 Padilla, Leonel 69 Piecuch, Czeslawa 52 Paine, Lynn Sharp 57 Pieterinen, Juhani 50 Painter, Mark 37 Pihlström, Sami 29, 39, 53 Palazón, Maria Rosa 23 Pineiro, Hipólito Rodriguez 79 Palazzetti, Luciana 29 Pintus, Alicia 48 Palma, Héctor 80 Pivoyev, Vasili 35 Palmer, Daniel 45 Platt, Thomas 23, 77 Palmquis, Steve 68 Plourde, Simone 60 Palyuschev, Bozhidar 72 Pokrovsky, Nikita 29, 41, 55 Pampali, Laurent 47 Polemis, Michael 72 Pancaldi, Giuliano 45 Poliakov, Eugene 20, 66 Panfilov, Valeriy 62 Pollock, John 31 Pape, Helmut 33 Pomeroy, Anne F. 79 Pappas, Gregory F. 41 Poochigian, Donald 70 Papst, Josefine 22 Pop, Liana 38 Parent Jacquemin, Juan Maria 25 Popelard, Marie-Dominique 36 Parfait, Blanca 72 Popkin, Richard 75, 77 Parikh, Robert 32 Poratti, Armando 47 Paris, Jeffrey 24, 33 Portmore, Douglas 78 Parizeau, Marie-Hélène 31 Portoraro, Frederick 44 Park, John 57 Potrc, Matjaz 72 Park, Kwang-Soo 44, 61, 69 Pozzo, Riccardo 43 Park, Woosuk 62 Prabhu, Joseph 71 Park, Ynhui 35, 43 Pradhan, Sabita 80 Parsons, Charles 28 Presbey, Gail 77 Passmore, J.A. 41, 53 Preston, Aaron 70 Pataut, Fabrice 22 Prince, Arthur 35 Patsioti, Joanna 52 Prokhorova, Elina 38 Patterson, Gillian 24 Prolubnikov, A. 62 Patton, Michael, Jr. 30, 55 Proust, Joelle 55 Paty, Michel 69 Prudhomme, Jeff 22 Patzig, Gunter 68 Przemyslaw, Gut 50 Pavlenko, Andrew 62 Puchet, Enrique 66 Pavlov, Sergey 45 Puhlikov, Valentin 68 Pavlov, Yuriy 81 Pulkkinen, Jarmo 22, 64 Peach, Filiz 52 Puntel, Lorenz 41 Pearson, Angela 68 Pushkin, Vladimir 51 Peckhaus, Volker 64 Putt, B. Keith 63 Peffer, Rodney G. 33, 39, 59, 64, 79 Рука, Marek 32 Pelletier, Lucien 29 Pylyshyn, Zenon 31 Pellikaan-Engel, Maja 74 Pendlebury, Michael 34 Q Penglei, Shi 63 Penzo, Giorgio 71 Qingxiong, Zhang 31 Peperzak, Adriaan 43 Quesada, F. Miró 30, 44, 63 Pepper, George B. 35, 40, 48 Quine, Willard V 39, 43, 46 Percival, Philip 63 Quinn, Patrick 76 Pereda, Carlos 44 Quinn, Philip L 57, 58, 63, 74, 76, 78, 80 Peres, Constanze 72 Quintanilla, Miguel Angel 22, 41 Pères Zavala, Carlos 76 Peressini, Anthony 64, 70 R Pérez-Carreño, Francisca 26 Perez-Estevez, Antonio 36 Raabe, Peter 71 Perine, Marcelo 70 Rabossi, Eduardo 62, 69 Perlovsky, Leonid 74 Rachmatyllina, Z. 32 Perry, James 60 Racionero, Quintín 59


Radden, Jennifer 36 Rohatyn, Dennis 48 Raffman, Diana 34 Rojo, Josefa 76 Rahim, Habibah 47 Rolston, Holmes, III 53 Rahnfeld, Michael 42 Rolston III, Holmes 55 Rai, Chhaya 37 Romano, Carlin 31, 45 Räikkä, Juha 56 Romero-Gonzalez, Esther 26 Rajiva, Suma 81 Ronnow-Rasmussen, Toni 30 Ramirez, Mari Teodoro 53 Rooks, Mark 65 Ramos, Alice 45 Rorty, Amelie 44 Ramos-Mattei, Carlos J. 79 Rosales, Jose 51 Rampacher, Hermann 71 Rosemont, Henry 29 Ramsey, William 63 Rosen, Stanley 34, 46 Rasmussen, David 66, 81 Rosenbaum, Alan 32 Raulet, Gerard 29 Rosenbaum, Stuart 59 Raval, R. 70 Rosenberg, Jay 44 Rawen, Heiddi 36 Rosenkrantz, Gary S. 44 Raymond, Elfie 25 Rosenthal, David 31 Raymont, Paul 35, 53 Rosenthal, Sandra 33, 39, 67 Raynova, Yvanka 51, 81 Röska-Hardy, Louise 37 Razavi, Mehdi Amin 47 Rosmaita, Brian J. 65 Razin, Alexander 54 Ross, Don 56 Raznogorsky, I. 51 Rossi, Miguel 66 Rebaglia, Alberta 78 Roth, Robin A. 46 Reck, Andrew 66 Rottschaefer, William 43, 56 Redmond, Walter 41 Roumanes, Jacques-Bernard 51 Redpath, Peter A. 37, 45, 65 Rovane, Carol 45, 48 Reed, D.R.C. 34 Rowe, William 58 Reese, William 40 Roy, Jean-Michel 59 Regan, Thomas, S.J. 46, 69 Rozemond, Marleen 60 Rehm, Patricia 69 Rozova, Stalya 50 Reid, Heather 30, 41, 60 Rozsa, Erzsebet 51 Reid, Jeffrey 43 Rozzi, Ricardo 40 Reid, Malcolm 52 Ru, Xin 30 Reidy, David 51 Ruben, David-Hillel 39 Reitz, Charles 61, 70 Rubio-Carracedo, Jose 80 Ren, Hsu Hsueh 47 Rudolph, Ross 39 Rendtorff, Jacob 77 Ruse, Michael 75 Repo, Arto 53 Russell, J.S. 22, 54 Requate, Angela 56 Rutherford, James 77 Rey, Antonio Dominquez 79 Reynolds, Andrew 53 S Rhodes, Rosamond 30 Richers, Nikolaj 21 Saarinen, Esa 20 Richmond, Sheldon 60 Saatkamp, Herman J., Jr. 41, 55 Rickert, Richard 66 Sabates, Marcelo 63, 69 Rico Bovio, Arturo 70 Sabatino, Charles 27, 32 Riley, Patrick 60 Sabau, Isabelle 29 Rincon, Francisco Javier Massa 79 Saenz, Carmen 80 Rinpoche, Lopon Tenzin Namdak 23 Sahlin, Niels-Eric 24 Rios, Olga Fernandez 46 Sainsbury, Mark 41 Rios, Walter Riofrio 76 Saint-Sernin, Bertrand 31 Riukas, Stanley 35, 42 Salamun, Kurt 21, 38, 48, 52, 81 Rivara de Tuesta, Maria Luisa 44 Saltzman, Judy 56 Rivera, Silvia 79 Sampaio, Rui 64 Rivera-Lopez, Eduardo 48 Samten, The Ven Geshe Ngawang 63 Rizvi, Sajjad 70 Samuelson, Norbert 23, 36, 47 Robb, William M. 23, 31 Sanchez, Luis 53 Robbins, Philip 76 Sandbothe, Mike 42, 67 Robbins, Susan 71 Sandhu, Gursharn Singh 48, 78 Roberts, Terence J. 52 Sandkuehler, Hans 22 Robinet, André 41, 75, 77 Sandu, Gabriel 41 Robinet, Nelly 39, 41, 69 Saner, Hans 23 Rockmore, Tom 34, 39, 53, 66 Sankowski, Edward 54 Rockstad, Konrad 41 Sarin, Indu 81 Rodin, Andrei 41 Sarker, Jitendra 73 Rodriguez Patino, Joel 37 Sarver, Vernon Thomas, Jr. 60 Rodriguez, Ricardo 76 Sass, Louis 36 Rodriguez-Grandjean, Pablo 59 Satoh, Keizo 70 Roeffaers, Hugo 31 Savarese, Paolo 33 Roetz, Heiner 29 Savickey, Beth 75 Rogacheva, Elena 25 Sayan, Erdinc 66 Rogers, William Kim 41, 81 Scaltsas, Theodore 53 Rogerson, Simon 63 Scanlon, James 24 Rogozhin, V. 37 Schacht, Richard 26


Schafer, Ingrid 47 Shusterman, Richard 46 Schafter, Burkhard 53 Siderits, Mark 77 Scharfstein, Ben-Ami 51 Siegel, Harvey 28, 56 Schaub, Torsten 53 Sierra, Immaculada Tera 58 Scheffler, Israel 75 Sierra-Gutierrez, Franciso 62 Schelkunov, Mikhail 62 Silber, John 75 Scherer, Irmgard 81 Silberstein, Michael 78 Schiemann, Gregor 70 Silvers, Anita 29, 36, 42 Schiffer, Stephen 41 Sim, May 45 Schipper, Frits 20 Simco, Nancy 52 Schmid, W. Thomas 60 Simon, Julius 38 Schmitz, Kenneth L. 32 Simon, Thomas 30, 73 Schniewind, Alexandrine 53 Simoni-Wastila, Henry 51, 64 Schoenfeld, Martin 42 Simons, Margaret A. 30, 39 Schollmeier, Paul 62 Simons, Peter 31, 38, 40, 48, 50, 51 Scholz, Sally 40, 60, 65 Simpson, Peter 67 Schönbaumsfeld, Genia 54 Sinelnikov, Sergei 70 Schrift, Alan 26, 30 Singer, Beth 44 Schroeder, John 33 Singer, Irving 55 Schroeder, Steven 79 Singh, Karan 20 Schull, Stephanie Grace 45 Singh, Rekha 32 Schuller, Peter 32 Singh, Sachindra 32 Schulz, Reinhard 54 Sinha, Debabrata 25 Schumacher, Ralph 64 Sinha, Gayatri 80 Schummer, Joachim 49 Sinha, Ramesh Chandra 76 Schusterman, Richard 25 Sinha, S.B.P 80 Schutte, Ofelia 53, 74, 76 Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter P 28, 35 Schwartz, Benjamin 29 Sintonen, Matti 36, 44 Schwartz, David 30 Sirov, Vasily 81 Schweickart, David 59 Sistare, Christine 41 Scolnicov, Samuel 42 Skagestad, Peter 66 Scott, Jacqueline 72 Skidan, Olga 54 Searle, John 29, 47, 75 Skirbekk, Gunnar 63 Sedgwick, Peter 30 Sklar, Larry 65 Seeskin, Kenneth 47 Skyrms, Brian 46, 50 Segura, Carmen 55 Slade, Christina 75 Seideneck, Hermann-Josef 24 Sleigh, Robert 20 Seidl, Horst 78 Slote, Michael 20 Seifert, Josef 34, 51, 65, 72, 78 Slowik, Edward 49 Semler, Stephanie 33 Smets, Sonja 33 Sen, Pranab 73 Smeyers, Paul 24, 50, 72 Senderowicz, Yaron 59 Smilansky, Saul 24 Seni, Dan 22 Smirnov, Alexandr 81 Sent, Esther-Mirjam 58 Smit, Laura 72 Serdukov, Jury 76 Smith, Barry 20, 29, 59 Serequeberhan, Tsenay 36, 58 Smith, David Woodruff 24, 34 Sergeev, Mikhail 69 Smith, Jadwiga S. 58 Sesardic, Neven 65 Smith, John E. 62, 64, 67, 72 Sessions, William 66 Smith, Marc 40, 66 Seubert, Karen 28 Smith, Peter 75 Shabani, Abdollah 76 Smith, Richard 24 Shalimov, Piotr 69 Smith, Robin 25 Shansky, Albert 44 Snelgrove, Chelsea 42 Shapiro, Daniel 52 So, Hung-Yul 21 Shapiro, Gary 30 Sober, Elliot 41 Shapiro, Scott 41 Soberano, Rubicon Rodrigo 39 Shapiro, Stewart 25, 50 Soderberg, William 29 Shapshay, Sandra 22 Sokhraniaevk, Tatiana 78 Sharma, Nilima 20 Sokolowski, Robert 24, 37 Shear-Yashav, Aharon 62 Sokolskis, Sandra 56 Shelton, Wayne 71 Solodukho, Nathan 40 Sheng, C.L. 25, 58 Solomon, Miriam 52 Sheng, Ching 30 Sondag, Gérard 31 Sheppard, Shelby 72 Songe-Mueller, Vigdis 30 Sheptun, Alla 26 Sontag, Frederick 78 Shevtsov, Sergei 80 Sorenson, E. Richard 58 Shirinyats, A. 56 Sorgi, Giuseppe 39 Shoemaker, Sydney 65, 72, 74, 78 Soria-Clivilles, Belen 26 Shore, Eduardo 59 Sorina, Galina 21 Shpenkov, George 42, 70, 74 Sorokin, E.l. 35 Shrader, David 27 Sorondo, Marcello Sanchez 43 Shreiber, Victor 48 Sourkova, Lioudmila 62 Shu-Hsien, Liu 47 Souteman, Arend 39, 42 Shulepova, Olga 40 Souza Nascimento, Maria 51


Spade, Peter 22 Sycheva, Ludmila 50 Spassov, Spas 56 Sycheva, Svetlana 48 Spector, Jessica 42 Symons, John 48 Speight, Allen 40, 43, 48 Szazbon, Jose 26 Spiecker, Ben 50 SzczeSniak, Matgorzata 42 Spielberg, Ana 80 Sztumski, Wieslaw 48 Sprague, Rosamond 51 Sprintzen, David 48 T Srivastava, Chandra 76 St. Clair, Asuncion Lera 77 Tait, William 50 Stainton, Robert 22 Taiwo, Olufemi 41 Stambovsky, Phillip 48 Tajafuerce, Begonya Sáez 40 Stan, Emil 80 Talamantez, Ines 67 Standish, Paul 24 Taliaferro, Charles 34 Stanley, Maurice 64 Tallacchini, Mariachiara 46 Stark, Cynthia 76 Tamerian, Tatiana 31 Stark, Herman 68, 71 Tamir, Yale 59 Starkey, Lawrence 76 Tang, Paul 61 Starodubtseva, Lidiya 72 Tarkalanov, Krassimir 70 Statkiewicz, Max 45 Tassi, Aldo 20, 34 Stawarska, Beata 37 Tatematsu, Hirotaka 31 Stecker, Robert 31 Tatievskaia, Elena 32 Stefanov, Anguel 76 Tauber, Alfred 56 Steinbauer, Anja 43, 58 Taylor, J.S. 63 Steiner, Mark 28 Taylor, Jesse 65 Steinhoff, Gordon 25 Taylor, Michael 35 Stemprey, William E. 34 Taylor, Paul 29 Stenlund, Seren 70 Tchanishev, Arceniy 59 Stepanova, Elena A. 72 Tchernaya, Ludmila 32 Stepin, Vyacheslav 34, 45 Teixeira, Joao 54 Sterba, James 31, 56 Teng, Norman 64 Stewart, Robert 45 Terada, Toshiro 60 Stich, Stephen 21 Terra, Ricardo 69, 81 Stikkers, Kenneth 65 Teschner, George 40 Stockhammer, Helmut 58 Thayer-Bacon, Barbara 51 Stoehr, Kevin L. 66, 68 Thiebaut, Carlos 34, 76, 78 Stoetzer, O. Carlos 41 Thomas, John 35 Stojanovic, Svetozar 59 Thompson, Pat 47 Stolior, Berta 20 Thorgeirsdotti, Sigridur 54 Stoljar, Natalie 21 Thorgeirsdottir, Sigridur 50 Stoll, Mary Lyn 37 Thorgeisdottir, Sigridur 51 Stoll, Sharon Kay 33, 46 Thurman, Robert 36 Stolovich, Leonid 38 Thyen, Anke 76 Stone, Robert 48, 79, 81 Tidd, Ursula 39 Strang, John 45 Tilley, John 81 Strasser, Mark 26 Tinh, Vu 71 Strawson, Peter 46 Tinyakova, Helen 28 Strickling, Bonnelle 79 Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava 36 Strizoye, Alexander 67 Tittle, Peg 39 Stroemberg, Bertil 78 Tjiattas, Mary 76 Strong, David 45 Todd, Robert 46 Stuetal, J. 50 Tollefsen, Christopher 64 Stufflebeam, Robert 54 Tomarchio, John 66, 72 Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Rainer 54 Tomberlin, James 55 Stuhr, John J. 21, 29 Tomlinson, Tom 47 Sturdee, Paul G. 46 Tompea, Doru 52 Such, Jan 20 Tong, Lik Kuen 47 Suchar, Victor 72 Tong, Liu 56 Sugiharto, Ignatius Bambang 20 Torell, Kurt 59 Sullins, John 40 Torisky, Eugene V., Jr. 79 Sullivan, Patrick F. 33, 63 Torisky, Eugene V, Jr. 35 Sumner, Claude 75 Torosian, Vartan 35 Sundaram, K. 56 Torrago, Loretta 22 Sundstrom, Par 78 Totaro, Francesco 41, 43 Sutton, Jonathan 69 Touey, Daniel 35 Swazo, Norman 48 Trajano Arruda, Antonio 76 Sweeney, Robert 31 Trey, George 77 Sweet, William 50, 71 Troepolsky, Arkadij 35 Swiderek, Jolanta 45 Truitt, Willis 40 Swiderski, E. 24 Trutty-Coohill, Patricia 57, 58 Swidler, Leonard 47 Tsechmistro, Ivan 53 Swiggart, Peter 61 Tshibilondi, Albertine 79 Swinburne, Richard 38 Tsiantis, Constaninos 64 Swindler, James 43 Tsimentia, Akaki 28


Tsookez, A. 79 Visnovsky, Emil 80 Tu, Weiming 31 Vogt, Sabine 53 Tully, James 59 Voice, Paul 78 Tully, Robert 32 von Wright, G.H. 23, 30, 46 Tuomela, Raimo 42, 69 Voronina, Olga 37, 53 Tuozzo, Tom 21 Vovk, Stepan 64 Tura, Marcelo Felix 28 Vranas, Peter 25, 60 Turan, Halil 70 Vromen, Jack 57 Turgeon, Wendy 75 Turner, Jeffrey 39 W Tyagi, Nisha 80 Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa 25, 30, 31 Wahba, Mourad 29, 81 Tymowski, Gabriela 33 Wain, Kenneth 24 Wait, Eldon 81 U Waithe, Mary Ellen 33 Walczak, Monika 71 Ugwuanyi, Ogbo 77 Waldron, Jeremy 39 Uliana, Regina 68 Walker, Jim 50 Ulianov, Boris 48 Wallace, Robert 67 Umeres, Luz 45 Waller, David 48 Unah, Jim I. 44 Wallner, Fritz 61 Urbarbe, Julia V 28 Walsh, Joseph L. 68 Uroh, Chris 77 Walsh, Moira 62, 68 Uto, Shokichi 40 Walters, Gregory J. 21, 46, 63, 74, 77, 79, 81 Utrobin, Igor 42, 76 Walton, Roberto 36 Uzgalis, William 50, 57 Wandschneider, Dieter 26 Wang, James 48 V Wang, Qingjie 44, 46 Ward, Andrew (UK) 34 Vahid, Hamid 73 Ward, Andrew (USA) 43, 73 Valdes, Margarita 68 Warner, Martin 45 Valdez, Ernesto 22 Warnock, Kenneth J. 57 Vallicella, William 72 Warren, Karen 32, 42 VanAtten, Mark 28 Warren, Paul 48 Van Benthem, Johan 39, 48, 61 Wartenberg, Thomas 28 Van Camp, Julie 26 Waterman, Joseph 26 Van Cleve, James 21 Waters, Anne 29 van den Hoven, Jeroen 44 Watson, Stephen 30 van der Zweerde, Evert 25 Wautischer, Helmut 22, 58, 72 Van Erp, Hermon 76 Wawrzyniak, Jan 38 Van Fraassen, Bas 41 Weatherford, Roy 22 Van Herck, Walter 72 Weaver, George 42 Van Inwagen, Peter 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 63 Weberman, David 72 Van, Tran Doan 63 Weckert, John 39 Vandamme, Fernand 63 Wedgewood, Ralph 35 Vanderstraeten, Raf 77 Wedner, Laura 51 Vanterpool, Rudolph 65 Weed, Laura E. 30, 34 Vasey, Craig 24, 40 Weed, Ronald 64 Vasilkov, A. 75 Wei-Ming, Tu 36, 38 Vassilev, Nikolai 20 Weidmann, Bernd 54 Vayrynen, Kari 20 Wein, Sheldon 51, 64 Vázquez, Margarita 53 Weinert, Friedei 70 Vedaparayana, G. 59 Weinstein, Jack 74 Venter, Elza 78 Weinstein, Mark 56 Venter, Johannes 45 Weinstock, Daniel 60 Verducci, Daniela 44 Weir, Alan 25, 64 Verdugo-Serra, Carlos 45, 62 Weir, Jack 38, 45, 55 Vernekar, Sanjyot 38 Weiss, Dennis 32 Vervoort, Steven 75 Welch, John R. 33, 79 Vessey, David 72 Welsch, Wolfgang 25 Vevere, Velga 41 Wendling, Barbara 22 Vicenik, Jozef 80 Wenkart, Henny 68 Vicuna, Ana 80 Wennemann, Daryl 66 Vidam, Teodor 52 Wenz, Peter 21, 55 Videla, Daniel 62 Werneck, Vera Rudge 30 Vihvelin, Kadri 62 Werth, Lee F. 58 Vilchis Peñalosa, Xavier 32 Wertheimer, Roger 34, 38, 70 Vilkka, Leena 71 Wertz, S. 80 Vincenzo, Joseph 26 Wesselius, Janet 28 Vineberg, Susan 71 Westphal, Kenneth R. 44 Vinogradov, Eugeni 78 Westphal, Merrold 33, 58 Vintges, Karen 39 Westra, Laura 35, 46, 57 Virvidakis, Stelios 48 Wettstein, Howard 38 Viscardi, Ricardo 77 White, David 66


White, Morton 23 Yip, Kam-Ming 33, 43 Wieder, Kathleen 67, 69 Yong, Arnos 42 Wieder, Sherry 46, 77 You-Zhong, Sun 41 Wikforss, Asa Maria 22 Yovel, Yirmiyahu 46 Wildgen, Wolfgang 20, 59 Yu-Iiang, Wang 61, 68 Wilkes, Kathleen 40, 42 Wilkoszewska, Krystyna 22 Z Williams, Michael 47 Williams, Robert R. 43 Zack, Naomi 44, 67, 80 Williamson, Tim 28, 75 Zagzebski, Linda 38, 44 Wilshire, Bruce 67 Zalt, Edward N. 55 Wilson, Arnold 38, 54, 60 Zank, Michael 25, 29 Wilson, George 39 Zeidler, Pawet 66 Winblad, Douglas 64 Zemach, Eddy 31 Winkler, Kenneth 77 Zeman, S. 78 Winston, Morton 36 Zenkin, Alexander 48 Winters, Larry 47 Zhang, Chian-Fan 46 Winthrop, Eleanor 31 Zhelnov, Mark 36, 59 Wippel, John F. 28 Zheng, Yiwei 48, 62 Wirzba, Norman 33, 43 Zheng, Yujian 42 Wisniewski, Andrzej 42 Zherebkina, Irena 53 Wisnovsky, Robert 47 Ziai, Hossein 34 Wisser, Richard 54, 60 Zimmerman, Dean 63 Witzleben, Frank 40 Zinaich, Samuel, Jr. 52, 60 Wohlfart, Günter 31 Zognong, Dieudonne 40 Wojcicki, Ryszard 36 Zolkina, Svetlana 37, 64 Wolenski, Jan 22, 66, 69, 75 Zucker, Ross 65 Wolf, Clark 55 Zuidervaart, Lambert 48 Wolf, David, III 80 Zukerman, Vitaly 48 Wolf-Devine, Celia 25 Zuleta, Hugo 70 Wolfart, Johannes 29 Zuluaga, Mauricio 45 Wolfson, Elliot 47 Zuss, Mark 40 Wong, David 64, 70, 72 Zycinski, Joseph 23 Wong, Wing-Chun 40 Wong, Yew-Leong 75 Woodruff, Paul 38 Woods, John 52, 68 Woodward, James 59 Woollen, Benjamin 63 Worth, Sarah 25 Woznicki, Andrew 23, 70 Wray, K. 45 Wringe, Colin 24, 76 Wubnig, Judy 46 Wurzer, Jörg 42 Wyk, Robert Van 58 Wyschogrod, Edith 30 X

Xiao, Yang 44 XinRu 67 Xing, Bensi 30, 67 Xinhan, Chen 54, 68 Y

Yablo, Stephen 39 Yake, J. Stanley 36 Yakovlev, Vladimir 64 Yan, Guozhong 32 Yandell, Keith 34 Yang, Xiaosi 43, 61, 68 Yao, Jiehou 58, 59, 67 Yao, Zhihua 44 Yaokun, Yang 78 Yaqub, Alladin 25 Yarostchook, Naum 28 Yaryshkin, Vladimir 45 Yaskevitch, Yadviga 64 Ye, Xieshan 34, 61 Ye.Xiu 51 Yevlampiev, Igor 35 Yijie, Tang 31

98 Welcome to Boston and Logan International Airport (X ) Connections to Downtown Boston

To Logan Airport


Massport shuttle buses provide free service between all Logan terminals and the(X)Blue Line Airport subway station. Shuttle bus 22 serves Terminals A and B. Shuttle bus 33 serves Terminals C, D, and E. Hours of service: 5:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., every 8-12 minutes daily. X)fare: $.85 for adults; senior citizens $.20 with pass; children 5 and under free. (X ) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority For(x)public transit schedules and information, call (617) 722-3200. The easier way to the airport. 99 100 COMMUTER RAIL TO READING HAVERHILL BLUE LINE WONDERLAND













101 ж То Cambridge

Distance from Kenmore Square to West Campus residences Highlights of Boston University is approximately 1.3 miles. Charles River Campus

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation UNIVERSITY FACILITIES Information Technology, 111 Cummington St. 24 Sciences, 635 Comm. Ave. 26 International Students and Scholars Office, School for the Arts, 855 Comm. Ave. 8 Academy, Boston University, 1 University Rd. 10 School of Social Work, 264 Bay State Rd. 19 Admissions Reception Center, 121 36 19 Deerfield St. 38 College of Arts and Sciences, 725 Comm. Ave. 18 Bay State Rd. School of Theology, 745 Comm. Ave. 15 Marsh Chapel, 735 Comm. Ave. 16 College of Communication, 640 Comm. Ave. 27 Art Gallery, University, 855 Comm. Ave. 8 The University Professors, 745 Comm. Ave. 15 King Jr. Center, 19 Deerfield St. 38 School of Education, 605 Comm. Ave. 28 Barnes & Noble at Boston University, 660 Beacon St. 39 Metcalf Science Center, 590 Comm. Ave. 35 College of Engineering, 44 Cummington St. 25 MAJOR RESIDENCES Biological and Physics Research Buildings, Morse Auditorium, 602 Comm. Ave. 29 College of General Studies, 871 Comm. Ave. 7 Danielsen Hall, 512 Beacon St. 41 3 -5 Cummington St. 30 Mugar Memorial Library, 771 Comm. Ave. 12 Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Hamilton House, 1110 Commonwealth Ave. Case Athletic Center, 285 Babcock St. 2 Photonics Research, Center for, 22 Babbitt St. 17 100 E. Newton St. (not on map) (not on map) The Castle, 225 Bay State Rd. 22 President’s Office, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 145 Bay State Rd. 32 Myles Standish Hall, 610 Beacon St. 40 Center for English Language and 705 Comm. Ave. 20 Registrar, 881 Comm. Ave. 6 Shelton Hall, 91 Bay State Rd. 37 Orientation Programs, 890 Comm. Ave. 5 School of Hospitality Administration, Student Health Services, 881 Comm. Ave. (West) 6 South Campus (not on map) Chancellor’s Office, 147 Bay State Rd. 31 808 Comm. Ave. 9 Students, Dean of, 775 Comm. Ave. 11 The Towers, 140 Bay State Rd. 33 Comptroller, 881 Comm. Ave. 6 School of Law, 765 Comm. Ave. 13 Summer Term, 755 Comm. Ave. 14 Warren Towers, 700 Comm. Ave. 23 Concert Hall, 855 Comm. Ave. 8 School of Management, 595 Comm. Ave. 34 Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave. (not on map) West Campus, 273-277 Babcock St. 3 Development and Alumni Relations, 19 Deerfield St. 38 School of Medicine, 80 E. Concord St. (not on map) The Tsai Performance Center, 685 Comm. Ave. 21 1019 Commonwealth Avenue 1 Financial Assistance, 881 Comm. Ave. 6 Metropolitan College, 755 Comm. Ave. 14 University Information Center, 771 Comm. Ave. 12 Science and Engineering Program, George Sherman Union, 775 Comm. Ave. 11 808 Comm. Ave. 9 Housing Office, 985 Comm. Ave. 4 ф MBTA Stops Г Ч 1 Ч ¿iГ п _ о jU Ш. ~ w l)— n_,— 3 Z T ~ F I F = 3 \_ m______NEWBURY STREET

The Westln Hotel» Copley Place • 10 Huntington Avenue Boston» MA 02116 (617) 262*9600 A 7 Æ irst Floor

104 h ird Floor

Capacity Meeting Room Dimensions Square School­ Con­ U- Recep­ Ban­ (W x L x H ) Foot Theater room ference Shape tion quet Exhibit Hall 153x111x7'8" 22,500 Brandéis 2 0 x 2 1 x 8 420 65 35 20 20 40 40 Suffolk 2 2 x 2 3 x 8 506 60 35 20 20 40 40

Radcliffe 20 X 23 X 8 460 60 30 20 20 40 40

Wellesley 24 X 24 X 8 576 65 35 20 22 40 40

Bentley 20 X 23 X 8 460 60 30 20 20 40 40 Tufts 2 7 x 2 3 x 8 400 50 30 22 20 40 40

Simmons (conference area) 23 X 24 X 8 900 70 45 25 20 50 50

Simmons (lounge area) 23 X 13x8

Boston University 27 X 23 X 8 576 60 35 20 20 40 40 Boston College 2 3 x 2 2 x 8 506 60 35 20 20 40 40

Regis (conference area) 23 X 39 X 8 1500 125 60 36 34 80 80

Regis (lounge area) 23 X 22 X 8 MIT 2 1 x 2 3 x 8 483 60 40 20 20 30 40

Harvard 38 X 24 X 8 *576 75 45 35 22 50 50

Northeastern 24x21 X 8 504 65 35 20 20 40 40 Third Floor Atrium 1320 150 *OBSTRUCTED VIEW **L-SHAPED

105 F 7 м ourth Floor

Capacity Meeting Room Dimensions Square School­ Con­ U- Recep- Ban­ (W x L x H ) Foot Theater room ference Shape tion quet Nantucket 2 9 x 2 0 x 8 400 50 30 22 40 40

Cape Cod 23 X 22 X 8 *506 60 35 22 20 40 40 Hyannis 2 1 x 2 0 x 8 *420 60 35 22 20 40 40 Cape/Hyannis 926 100 48 *42 80 80 Provincetown 2 2 x 2 5 x 8 *550 65 35 22 20 40 40

Orleans 22 X 23 X 8 *506 65 35 22 20 40 40 P. Town/Orleans 1,056 100 60 *42 100 100 Falmouth 2 7 x 1 7 x 8 459 50 25 20 18 30 30 Vineyard 2 3 x 4 1 x 8 **570 80 45 36 20 50 50 Yarmouth 2 3 x 2 6 x 8 **570 65 35 22 20 40 40 Vineyard/Yarmouth 1,140 135 75 - 110 110 Grand Ballroom 110x216 23,876 2,900 1,850 3,640 2,200 Salons A,D, H, К (each) 31x 2 2 x 1 4 682 50 36 22 20 40 40

Salons B,C,I, J (each) 31 x31 X 14 961 90 45 35 20 50 50 Salons AB, CD, HI,JK 1,643 130 85 60 50 80 80 Salons E,F,G (each) 109x52x22 5,768 700 425 - 97 500 500 * OBSTRUCTED VIEW **L-SHAPED

106 FÆ-ifth Floor

Capacity Meeting Room Dimensions Square School­ Con­ U- Recep­ Ban­ (W x L x H ) Foot Theater room ference Shape tion quet Maine (conference area) 2 3 x 1 8 x 8 700 60 30 20 18 40 40 Maine (lounge area) 18x 18x8

New Hampshire (conference area) 23 X 23 X 8 851 80 45 30 22 50 50 New Hampshire (lounge area) 23 X 14x8

Vermont (conference area) 20 X 26 X 8 945 85 50 30 22 60 60 (lounge area) 2 5 x 1 7 x 8

Massachusetts 31 X 20x8 480 55 25 20 18 40 40

Rhode Island 23 X 14x8 322 50 20 20 15 30 30

107 T h e W e s t i n COPLEY PLACE Boston