Estate Planning and Probate Across State Lines - Louisiana
ESTATE PLANNING AND PROBATE ACROSS STATE LINES - LOUISIANA ERNY G. SIMMONS, Dallas Glast, Phillips & Murray Estate Planning Council of North Texas September 19, 2018 Plano, Texas Estate Planning ancl Probate Across State Lines - Louisiana TABLE OF CONTENTS L A. Louisiana Legal Concepts and Terrninology ,.................. I 3. Income on Sepalate Property. .............. I U DEFlr,\I1'IONS Oi. MOVABLE AND IMMOVAtsLti PROPlrll'IY, FOi{CilD HEII{, LECITIME, USUFRUCT AND NAKED OWNER .,,.,.,..,,,,...2 3. Special or Suppienrental Neecls lrorced TJeir..,..,...,,.. .....,......,......3 2. lnterest ol Surviving Spouse. ,..............4 TI I. ESTATE PLANNING . LIFETTME TRANSFERS................. ........,.....,....5 IV. ESTATES AND PROBATE (SUCCESSIONS); AFTER-DEATll ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS ...............6 A. Ancillary Succession Proceedings in Louìsiana ........,.......6 2. Snrall Succession Affidavit.,,..,..,....,. ..,..,....,........,...7 B. Original Probate under Louisiana Law .......,9 l. Simple Piacing in Possession (like Muniment of Title). ......,.......9 2. Administration of Louisiana Succession................. .,..........,...... l0 A. l-egitirlate Practice as l,icensed Texas [,awyer.,..,..,........ ........,......,. ll Estatc Planning ancl Probate Across Statc Lines - Louisiana TABLE OF AUTHORITIES State Statutes La. Civ. Code Art. 1493. Forced heirs; r'epresentation of'lorced heirs.......,.... ..........,............,..2 La. Crv. Code ALt. 1494, Forced heiL entitled to legitime; excepÌion..... ......,...,......3 l-a. Civ. Code Art.
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