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The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1966

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9•NworanreausrenrinervalliliffilliPlaillillg"r •

Selected As A Rest All Round Xentucity Community NewVaper

""111111Ma--- The Only esewee

Afternoon Daily

*I. In Murray And

Calloway Cotmty

United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, August 18, 1966 10° Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII No. 195

Two Accidents Ronald Crouch Is Delegate, Plumbing 11-H Club and FFA Occur In City And Pipe Convention Viet Cong Tunnel, Arms Mr and Mrs Ronald Crotch and son, Brown have returned home Entries Made Two trucks were involved In after a week in Kane Gay, Mo. an ateident this monning at 8 : 25 Where Mr Crouch, as a at the Murray Whoesale Gnocery, delegate, attended the 29th con- Factory, Base Camp Hit vention according to Sgt James Wither- et the United Assocation spoon and Patrolman Jimmy Gar- of Plumbing and Pipe Fitting In- fitt State Fair land. dustry of the United States and Canada Edwin S McCuddy, Route Four. Vice- President Humphrey N as Lawrenceburg, driving the speaker at the By a 1963 opening ses- Air Force Four-H Club Bombers and lefrA mem- big to the release from the Coun- White two door cab owned by sion. bers from Calloway County have ty Extension ofrXe Lade Use Tobacco left for States, Leocketten Mrs Crouch and Brown enjoyed Louisville 4D take part in Manlike hove entries in the was backing into the loading dock Sr week by taking tours of the Sammye Bradford Is the seedy* of dub events for krestook show held ties morning. and backed into the 1968 Inter- cgs?, vellum the zoo, Wegener 101 the Kentucky Stote Fair, word- Medalist At Ladies Americans Killed In Action Lit ,the Jersey oihow fnorn national two door cab that was variety shows. and mow other soey are Meshed White, Glenda parted at the deck, scoording to things of tnterest - Day Golf At Oaks Patera& Whote. Robert the Pohoe. Enroute hone they veered the And liersha Hendon, all 4-H, 593 Are Reported Wounded The International was owned by Truman Ltinary in Independence, 'Gerald Rev. J. tt Robison The Swift and My Hendon, medalist for the laces FFA. In the Owensboro Canning Cconapatn, and Mo. thy golf held Hoisten thow are Glen McCue- driven Wednesday at the Goks by Joseph E. Laney. 1513 By BRYCE MILLER picked ton, Kee McCiuston. and Jerry Rev. Robison Guest Country Glib us Sartilnye Bradford up by a helicopter, spokes- West Thad Street, Overeeboro United Pros Internees! Dies From Start, all ETA iembers. is eh second tie going to Laura men said. Minister, Scotts Lae night at 10:83 another ac- H. L. Nance Rites Me Judy Patter An Mr Forcer'IMO Thunder- Knees of the Lynn cident ooctured an Jerry's El-we SAIGON ll1Pf — U Mr Ptorce Grove Being Male Rogers had low putts and chief went clown Wedneeday -- 4-H Club soh be entering Grove Revival Meet In lot on South igih Street Held Today 852 bombers today unloaded hun- Stare Welts cause. urikrimm oo. tellieoghe Gun the State Demonsuseron camped- gelialle— had high puteig. dreds orf Mot of explodes - art — —so-- Shot _ Jain - Weithestee. eet a tion "tomorrow Otheis need were Kathryn Out- of Hanoi Its Ciro Inn- anew ale Her intry is In The Scotts Grove Baptist Church Math 11111th ROA Extended, dra- mageoted Viet Oceig tunnel dairy foods at the kitchen well have land. In the woods. Peggy Mang- need as miseng stage. It. ft1V19111 011910011 with ke' a RN Chevrolet four door newel seekers for H. L. ide, arena rectory said has camp In the boys elect:Cc Kent Mc- Rev J W Rob:lean, tan. chipped in: Doris Rose, neat 325 miles peer of an owned by E T Winchester, Nance, fanner Odious? Oneellien north of Saigon_ Ameri- Air Force Thundenthadi seek: Gerald Lee Swift CtO frorn New Concord 4-H the Olive Brands Baptist es; allierelle Walker, low cm cus planes • age 21. of Clear es leaded ma of the pantie It sod hate of Me. An heirof also battled again with leig_• paleolleue stooge Allitiet-10 Hese Route Two died Wednesday hes an entry in des event scHed- eladerorivite, as the evangelist No. 1: Nide Oddwell, mot fives. Ocenmuniat MIG esti _ stopped to wait for truffle Murray. are being heed $alt at jets over North elle addle Rance Weesither , night in Para Mee for Sa Rodeo Servictenwill The Me thy luncheon was Teem The Park be heed at 10411 In dear two pm at the McEvoy Pleserai Vie Pen, U13. ma Wary spokes- served noon tiaileell elk three aommunist Poaoe saki le death WIZ ap- The 'itste A ree roundup am a nd 7:30 p.m each day free at with Eva Hondas men disolamed. Junes Ralph Jackson 1101 Home in Pee Ten. web Rev. Mall Res Egon chide& old. parently from • will be held Satter- pin August 11 and Ellen Harrell as chairmen of self indicted shot ft one to 27 The song leerier Clairol Owen airetating. Burisl Story Avenue, driving a 1966 the hostesses. The weedy lib Antleithe Or Oellitilleat gun wound in the ieft aide of the at the Speedway rind entering will be 13ennie Spann with spec- Mn castaite Mustang Fastback, was looking at will be in Macre& Cemetery, PESO desigel In Sr ago cheat Mom Moreau are Barbara T ren - ial group arise* each night report tamed in /3algon balky a pedestrian, did not see the Win- Mr. Nance, age showed U.S eind encountent. Teo 1100e mode holm , Donald Hue. Wanda Btl- Rey Leroy \relight. Priare of 83, died Thes- combat deaths moved The body we found chester car stop, and struck the a pas at two Flab eillsoldnie the in a car lington, and Rkhard H.opitines the church, candelly ernes the day at the Henry County Gen- Mr. Luther Atkins toward 5,000 Spoloonen said 101 petted at the end rear of the car causing damage Khe pearetielei depot 10 of a dead end In the horse and pony show at public to attend the aeries of eral Hospital Survivors are his Amerkans wese killed in action street in to the burriper rear deck ad, let itneral Is Today alliggeath of the ogle but no Paria. Teem, according eight ans. Saturday at the Snits- eningelatic ernes. wife, Mrs Evit Paschall Nance, Ind week and 5113 wounded The to the Poilice rear quarter peel, arid left back ere fired.. Prollein min- oho mad the site turn Is Janey Kelso of Lynn three daughters, Mrs bee of Mur- US death toll in Viet Nam now Seas up hght, acoordirig to Pearoknen alles lee. another MO alieted nem a 20 gorge ehotgun. Grove. ray. Mrs Marcia Lee of Arlington stands at 4.711. Swift was Dale Spann and Alvin Parris of Sr leader of a for-phe flight pronounced dead on Judieng teams fram Calioway Texas, and Mrs. C. W. Cede of Mrs Luther J Atkins. Puryear• eireal at the Henry the Police Delsament eiroiteernen and the redo of of Thunderchles. Tie 1111017 fled Cower Oen- kre Jerry Dark, E.ent, McGuigan, Perm, Tenn one son Frank died Tuseday evening at (we ea Hospital Car Safety Communist dead to Americans when one of the Thunderhies Police mid residents Robert Mane. and Joe Gettrin The Jackson car was damaged Nance of Paris, Teem, eight !o'clock to Murray Calliceray Coun- 101111,iby !eard tiled last week was better than opened up with cannon fire. the biaet He is re- for carry . Kent Morkustan, Bob- on the bumper, grill, lend, and grandetilltiren, and three great ty Howse! She was 78 posted to have 14 to 1 They reported 1,436 Oen - let a ncte and by Nelson Murdock right front fender, seconding to grandthildren Luther Nano of runnel servbes are being held Wades, end muds* tailed lee Melee Flown pictures in an envelope, the Police Bill Passed the Ponce cat. Murray is a nephew Another today .at two and 2114 captured sin, pm at McEvoy Roger Fain for tobacco. The wiE In the U13 pilots flew 100 miesions , aatd. No mjuries were reported. Mae del 11 years Funeral week ending Aug 13 be held Monday ago Horne In Fur-year Burial over the North Wednesday, con- will be in ehrryear Cemetery. The 352 attack today was in Henry Count y Sheriff Ralph The venous 4-R project ex - centrating on petmleurn depots WASHINGTON 41P1 a region 15 mete Fields and Henry hilotis were Judged before the fair — With weal of coastal and supply and to-age ares in flaunty Coroner Mrs A ticks issas born Novem- Sion be safety festures • certainty for Chu Lai in Quang Tin Province Graham ruled the death and will on eilPIR3 111n311(hOUt ber the southern panhandle reran lad model oats, the House Hundreds 18, 1887 in Henry County Sr Spokesmen sad the by turn- Of Small Craft area prebably des sel f inflicted wohnd. ' die slate event daughter and Hanot-Ralphong area. ed today to • bill to improve of the late Thames R. served as a Viet (lung Swift was empboyed at the Per Inhibits Rom (enmity are DI kerkstres North Viet Nern dewed that - lighweys, drivers Alexander and Louise Gore Alex- center net of it la ellanufaceuring frattows! end law en- underground U S planes "ague bombed and OomPlaltr and ander, She UM menial to was a forcement To Luth- fanner to Canes exidets — .3e:refer Take Part In Dedication suburbs at Hiuni" the Heel com- Two strafed the on The House perteed er J. Atkins, Pebnairy 8, 1930 Na... Dewed munity He was a Lovett, Faxon: Becky Scull . Hart: 371 to 0 Wed- Wednesday Hanni dispatches said Methodist and and he survives She was a The air war over Sr North was an nesday • NI the would require man - active member of ths Debbie Rogers, Lyman Grove Poe- ber of canned two more three US penes were shot down feiture• such as padded doe- Nidisihrodsof eel craft WO Baton Rouge to Nashville with Puryear Chunts of Christ American plan- Reservisbi, isaving Reeved in sy Heck nis. A lino-, Kathy Lovett, es and the a protee was fled with the beards, ske part in the dedication of eight lire owned ...I operated • store Armed Pone Peon; Ellen Watson, Tr9D Club, shoulder harresees, recess- petroiteun barges Overall Irternational Central Oran- horn 1ee3-04. Larkin Project. TOW In Purser ter 36 the ed knobs arid handles, and tall- um. - Re mouth cluneessitas of Sr two are 1,- sane A Survivors are his wee, Mrs. Neva Scull, Teen dub and Jgdy Navy F8 Crueler was hit by melon ICC, which supervises Sr ere art Beer Saturday 100 feet by 108 fee. Joyce Freeload ilkellitt his par- Zee Tie Can. • arilleincroft fire today and crash- 1954 Geneva agreements on In- .11011111:111 new tit ROW - /Ass *pew von.. OR Mr coessaitt. of the Wed tow , ents, Mr and Mrs Eldridge Swift Canning — Joeviett e Ja rred, '1,480 ed ego Sr Tonkin Gulf 15 :nes are /Re alleacre wee Termites River end Sr Comber- rnad• 001[101111C1Litf fersaibie by the Murray Hospital Akno Route r:O grantgarenta. New Corned; Elien Wooson Teen re/thee "of 'Midi The plait pir- ht the Arath. rthe toil In Sr beglielf a Reille Sine in its Wet form In the connecting two- inpouncknent ct Barido reser- lens Lula Simmons of lire end Olub ar-huted into the water and was crash at a US. Marine jet into of NOW 11116turra in mile oared between Kentucky voir. which dineriated five smal- Census Mr. and Mae Harper Swift of Foods — Cense Owes. Teen Adults . .... 75 a village outside Da Nang. • 'Akio. ewe rOwe; used' ors two eters 11431111 DOW I lake and Lake Bartley /tat be- ler obsolete locks and dens. With Census — Neste daughters. Peron Ma- Clubs. Jasiey Rein Lynn 10 Communet mortar atek in the Re r car prarisions were es- fore the dalmatian remarks by the okl looks removed Sr com- rie. age five. Murray-. and Teresa eery Akne Crawford, Faxon, Bec- Adages, August IS, IllS Sarre truburtis and a terrorist eatierer the ifeige as gene toupee Vase Pendent Humphrey merce. eerier required only erro Mrs. Elinhoh LATE WIRE Joyce, age "even months. Hazel ky Buechel. Kieksey ; Jeannie Lee Pere, Route NEWS bornbew lit the tothern city of by the Senile looksges from the Ohio to Route Two, two Jarnet. New Concord Janette River 1, Hardin: Mr Johnny Adams, Hue row today to 57 dead and eons, Gregory At a signal frorn the Vice Pre- Lee, age Jarrett New Cord; JSt Coig, Safety cheimpian Ralph Nader Its West Nashville unreal, 165 Rote 2, Parmington Mrs eight. Murray. and Garry , sident, the armada Wei- • by 176 al lured. termed the Hoots auto sleety is soheduled miles upstrarm United Peer International Lee, age ten Head Route Two, Hazel. de Vegeta Hartley, Mute 3, Most of the vides were South measure to sad out of the oust and ap- three sisters. Mrs "by and large a eigreft- Cede Mrs. Fthoda Andra Box FLANS Vietnarnese civns but some Carlos Bleck proach the dedication site at Rechicaton of kicking tee and SEA VISITS Jr. and Mrs Ore ep fu-wand 11 the govern- 26, Puryeer. Tenn.: ?era Anise ..injured. Owen Noneorthy Barkley Look The treater speed, rode posh* by Americans eleo wee ment makes sure the triduany leaderg craft Orr. WASHINGTON — of Murray, 04141 Miss Freda %rm. , Mast. Mr Leonard Vpce Pre- Two Vietnamese deem died to- dons wet ono containers of weer from the deeper channel provide an sident ito Akno Route One, net use safety to raise prices Oardner, , Murray, Mrs Hubert It Humphrey la three the number for brothere, Encephalitis the two resersehe 90 that average gain of 30 hours Otte day. naming to ,i at a time when they shouki be their Ocrs Darnell. (41191‘111C as the Harold and Ftabert of Murrey, I Route 3, Puryear, ackruniebrattorns kiiied she Viet Cone mortar dropping " mix big in a single container can Barkley's 1 lb- nide-long reservoir, No 1 Milfl Henry and Dale of That ; Mrs Nom Byrd, 806 Syca- of the sea He Is plan- sheds landed in a US meter pool Arno sornheize the yoking of the two Dectici• 'In °mammies include • Funeral Action today was on a bill Sat more. Murray: Mrs. Margaret ning to visit ail major oceano- Mut un- services win be held at rivers and their hont of dignitaries, hands, enter- adjarent to Tan non Is Reported would authorize aro million over lakes. graphic installetions in the Coles Jones, 1002 Fake*, Mr. the nation Wednesday Camp 0round Retire- tainmerst by e Grand Ole Opry Murree bar outside Seen e Mirth ea three years to eine a with range All eater (ratfat will be under Joe L. Prttchett Box 61. Derr. beginning next month. Americans were a - turday at two pm group and ape house tours of night. Throe with of traffic- safety prescreens rang- doection of Cmdr. Jahn C. Dowl- Mrs Sara Rev Loyd Wenn and Rev Flanagan and baby boy, The mane 12 persons injured in the leg ing of the the project vire preesient drained the Jhonen Eigeley DALLAS — Three Mr Force fen highway teeing to im- Ureed States Coat 224 8 15th, Murray. attack officiating with Among those echeduled to at- feet meeting Wedneveloy burial planes will take off Friday in an proved driver licereing sad lien- Good. Division Oita 0 T Ran- Of the to fonow in the church new National At Da Hare 380 miles to the astentilt on the Cates mosquito. i nit proolures a fur, Jr., of the Cost tend the function are s Dismissals, August 16, 1966 Council on Marine cemetery The bode was taken to the geneepaseed Ouard Aux - north. US officiate supplied food of Kentucky and Terae, con- Mrs puma Resources arid Development a the Ridgway earner of encephale a fatal bitI vexed devote $405 million" to diary heeds the euppleimentery Wallace. Route 1, left Morttloisne in Paris, ersokiel delegations cabinet - level and tents for 25. vinagers deice that he voted are programs units monitoring of both Murray; Mrs. Levada Deering. Rt. agents farmed by et onn , after lee death, and was across .„... the puede ot heelers when an F13 Crumsder boots. Seto Washington, county judger 1, Murray, Mr Johnny Congress to give direction and co- brought to the Max Dallas County in eptliernic pro- The &Hermann between the There are 16 patral boats Adams, embed on takeoff Wednesday H Churchill nee' end kcal office* learn ordination to nation Jet portions. Three persons have died features bills will be resolved In and communination omits to . Fanningtor Mrs Pieta maritime Funeral Home toche where friends dir- agleam and Its bombs blew apart a set- ect area around Sr bate and civic Perry. Route 1, A Imo . Mrs Mary programs may roll red at bag 64 others have been a conference committee.. the waterborne anthem. tlement 1.000 yen* (torn the run- stricken with the Both auto Preleinary leaders letelated In water re- Eks. Ficidord. 1621 Olive, Murray: disease erafe0 bills ere edit- checks ressailed that Afterward at a 1199111 onferencc. way's end ed at reducing some 50 craft wrote deellopment Mrs, Sylvia Lynn Thorns seal death and !gum Oxen the Oki Hick - he announced pare for •Isiting Twerityobt persons item killed The as, carrying s peened Punk attendance entanustes baby bey , 708 Payne, hem the "throne collide" Which or), Lee alelle are expected to Murray Mr. the ineetations, cosh aft*, 18000 to 30,000 futhng that he and 15 injured in the See order- ernes when occupants are hurl- make Sr telp for the range from Richard Wayne Jones. Route 1, (*demean "l.'s-nu:Mei meet- goitre down in t The pet. Marine let Lt. Walter MINIM” ed into action Wednesday when of - - Murray: Mrs Shirley Jeffrey, ed around traide a car after im- the Corps of Engineers' $142 1601 deep-dying batteicaph Doheety. 22, of Odd Hill, Or., hasith off ia Is maid they were melon Sorer Murray: Mr. Noun Wick- pact project, ejected seconde before Sr crash convinced the epidemic wiouid get oreganion highway Another Betty Lowry Golf er, Route 1. Heal: Mr. Pad Lee, The eatety 30 me expected from end escaped serious Injury. The much worse if something sent the 404 N. 51h. Murray: MW bills are seed at creventrog more Lou:eve* area and an eaten Medalist, Calloway Jude plane was carrying two 1.000- done As many LS 88 CLOS of art- Bruschyler, Box el, Murray ANNIVERSARY CRUISE oxide* in Sr first place sled 150 from nearby Packrath Mrs. 20tmen osistn he we been suspaseed, (141M1y WASHINGTON e pound bombs and harbors One gene of 3e croft 9 Jones, Route 1, Dexter reddseut "Pectic are pretty Bette 'Lowry was meddle for Johnson and the cap ghee. lumpy.- said Plant to mil up fram the WNW;- Mr. Leaned Gardner, Mike 3. Lein Kerstuoky - Partn cloudy to the lade day etheed Widnes- American chplarnadc At Hue, the ancient impede an oflichl at Pa Item 1 Hovers/. Om@ and another plan Murray: Mrs Ruth Downy, Pur- corps went Cloudy through Friday Mrs. Max Lovett 100 to at at the , moy capital tome 400 millee north of with mat- "ft's lore infant:le ralYSier we die County year,, Tenn.; Mrs. Rhoda crone down the Poteenec in the from the Huntsville area. Atkins persons were tered thermos and thundershow- pre pie CONI0PrIl- Hospital Country Club Navy yacht Se lit eit Segon, police saki 26 Years sato It hoa Patient Coast Guard unite have been (Eared) Box 15, Puree. Tram; Wednesday ers moat numerate wait portion ed:' Other winners were Lou Down night The 0111109 Wee bled and 151 Injured when • active in armngto mooreire frac - mrs. 0111102rs Janes, Route 1, Dex- psi ce the Thunday '` and party Thursday The isst fatal victim of low putta : Maisie Mere in. poker White House's observance terreret hurled a bomb into a the Mn,,Max Lovett of Murry term in the project vicinity and ter. of the nirh t and eaat prelim Thrice disuse was an Fr- ven ociki man hetet and Reba Overby, blind fifth anne poetry of the. fairground" crowd Wednesday Route One Is a patient at the presiding for fuel and water taxi Allisme nide and early Friday Not muds hole. for Prooros, right Among the dead were eight Off trials have declined to identity Baptist Memorial I begat al in senires &tameIn bertiperaorryss except not any of victims or divulge /4ell MoCubton was the golf RIG CUCUMBER children. killed while watching the any Monde. Term She entered the Fuel will be available on the agiete an warm Frxia v. Mee deeds of their deaths loess for the day. activities in a gambling both. hospital intently Cumberland at river mite 813, V'hursdery mortify in the Or Lows The ovular ladies day luncheon Welk Overbey brought The bona wee formed by two Officiate said the case was Her address is Mrs Max Lovett, ireitynain Cl-set, a lame Jesse C. Maupin Is Tburedery for boaters milk - trtle served With Jean prone pletic explosive fiend night 64 to 72 9t. Louis encePhelitte. which Rom 1242, Hanle Memorial Hos- Lindsey as cucumber into the (like of the of IS Ing the trip from Nashville. Recuperating riot the type corrim,olv chairman of the bootees. Lodger & Timm this nerrone Now with a land grensww called pital Memphis, Thin for thaw 'Phis service •190 is scheduled Kentucky lake : a rn. 366.4, sleeping Meknes altheigh that he tad grown in his garden US spoiceernien decked today err eiho woukl No to send her cards between the hours of 8 eon, and down 0.1: below dem 3t4, up 0.1. xymptorns The vegetable Is 12 inches king Sat American perms fought off of its are sender. The or letters. noon on Sunday for these making Barttley Like: 3563, down 0.3: Picnic Planned By and is Ski inches in el rcurnfer- Nir a Commureet MIC1 jet over Henri type (brat War recortied in 1933 the return and Mrs Jew C Itioupin beiow trip. ence Wednesday while other US plan- tern 31211, up 66 during art outbreak in St. Loris. Reports are that Mr Over - of 1602 Ryan Avenue, tee re- Citations Issued Fter melons and MAD'S are plan- Sinking Spring WMS Sunrise 5:16, sonnet 646 where it 1037 bey has a eice poden and acme_ turned e. a North ITU-triunes *sock again in Tart in the area Friday evening home after a month in ?glow sets 8:34 p.m. very beautiful flowers train lowied with war supplies. Other eftbreeks of St Louis en- By Murray Police for those the Park View Hospital in Nee- making the trip by river The Warner?"' Melariary Society South, Oneida of the cephalitis have occurred In Miele r Me, Ten., where Mr Maiunn In the One floaile has ornensted for • of the Alnkirist Spew Beiphst Cesery redeem 111-LO arid Houten The underwent major surgery US 1st Air Murray Polece Department special lockage at Old Hickory Churrh will have Its sennuid Tel- FREE CATS twioe it NEW YORK ale — The high- There is no drag to cure en- elide there awespirig the heavily hinged third three citations on Wed - Dam on Friday at 4 am knithip picnic at the City . est teen pestore reported Wedines- Palk slopes of Chu Prig Mounters un- cephala* only treatment for the needle y aorortring to Chief Brent At leek one commercial towboat on Friday August 19, at meven Two rate are nearing hones. He le recuperating of North y to the U13. Weather Bunsau. symptoms. some of which are Om- Ma retro at home, and oovered the bodies 181 the 150-foot Euro Tenneasee plans t) They are • white oat that is four wets excluding Moe reel filmed, was er to thee of other clisPelle, to thank all ot his friend's. Vieriaineep troops The area no The persons were died for to take part tri the ceremony Barbecue will be furMehed for years rid 108 at Paso Robles, QM.— The and ia gray and white neighbors, and relatives for the miles northeast of Sargon was Early symptrans are headaches, drunkenn ems driving while in- This 4,320 horsepower craft has the meal and the other port will Angora cat which is one year old. phone cells, cage, lettere, battle between Corn- lowest regretted this manning was extreme lethargy and twitchirig toxic-Med. and for allowing and the Ste of a •drunk islet completed its maiden trip on he potluck All members and their For further information flowen 40 at !Calliper- Mont. of meeles call 753- he received dreg his stay muret and US forces last Sun- person to drive his car. a regularly whethed fend es are untod to attend, run front in the hovel. day arid Monday. 411.

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PADS TWO TRI LID01811 MURRAY. KEPITUCKT & TIMES — THURSDAY — AUGUST 18, 1988 • • Baktmore cmcked six siog- and John Romano homered fix On big uss ny er • s below ,1111. Wiens Ilea TE THE LEDGER & TIMES I "Tient the second time thin sea- threw 118111111111011• kg LIDO= ik rum 00IMPANY. 151 Lem Wagner • OiNoMMalis•d m =.; TMMI el MI 11=1A= imeiortio, tne Wssit Massawdzfaa. :wawa I Poe Munn- ism. ma After lading ovanth. nano Clagaggia I. MM. AlArv-A Timet'al "ilis InedusesID In"' wed Ws daaluir Ow latme ening every so oftne.mingle 151 15. klth homer of Sr mga. JAMES C WILLLUIR Pt/111.1311112 paign for the Instants and 1081041 By JEFF MEI" os soma:ads right out of the bail deft* with five runs in the NM& Inner Pete Itic.hert 12-11 connect- We viserm Aga to nose ray Advertising. Lettere lo the Miter A thought for the dey — UPI Sports Writer gait." The Almanac age Inn 6-4 Monday. the league ed for the Senators. Steve Hargan es Public Voice hems Mud% ta our minion ars not toe Me best re .artait Michelangelo "If it be true, 'Matins tied the game with a run • ati'jlet Al Kialine's booie run fohowing atm his atm straight and 10th cf Urea of ow readers 'that ann beautsful thing rotas the RA1N9 Obi Mae and won k 4-2 with Ix Boston Red Hsi. WI Ma SS ▪ Minn Oath's lemma single in the tiC WO-N01-1. IIATIOINAL REPIIRMorraTrvis W esiaLACI Wrirld121 Cv) tsar by United Pews laterastimal puffy and .tutt desire of from twe a lend foul* loplett imbibed the Yankees Madinat Am_ allingebia T. Time as Lklia Peer Tern 'earth to Ckxl, the eternal fount of eilre. Today is Thorsen)! Aug 18. the their seventh Itne In the last nine Minneota milled for three runs Ilisplasisson Bldg, Detroit, Mk. ell, such I believe my love " PlaytTxl niam 1 y agairirt . "We don't care now we do I." coming Moth day di mas vein 136 le fol- games and srabied the second-place In the eighth inning, two benders, the 6-1 BaltitnOre cente,.- Baltimore manager Rank Maier Miraiherb Entered at tbe Post Office. Murray, Lentucky, for low Tigers to remain 13,1 games home on Pon single inannnuman se finder Me been the American ME utter sweeping be- &mood Claes Matter. Leg- the three-game Pinch hitter Jimmie Hall's sacri- The moon a between as netW COSTLY MUMMIES!: hind Baltimore. Earl Wilson, hurl- uel No. I hatter at teams seet,r6 "Big I wish it would come fice fly soored the final run Dwight IlOINIONNIOSON phase and ant waiter. ing nine dulloga. allowed four hits Or Osseise Per yeili as. ilsr Min enieen but he Mews the had iLliktier. Ibis is tough on the man- Metier gained be semen viceory .1) The moment altars are Mare, In winning hts fourth straight ars, ALM. Cisioway end acinnalog counties. per year. Mill; aleewbers, when Ids at bats fall beim,- liar wfter•7 Venus. Mercury, Jupiter 14th ax four decadent, hurling 6 1-3 ina- a.nd to quithfy. invevnere. in 33 decisions, Detroit ••,pelti New :hes of tour-hit ball aft= relieving Tie Onemiellim Chic Amen et a Camemmily as urn. WASHINGTON lie -7 The C.41- With the qualifying number nit Tort 44, Ckkago me • peer Man 'Moose Skovnen walloped a *V96 Canon) Pasoan in the mould. Them art no evening data eral Account trig Office reP-rted It laasgelar rra 10,881/g/gr. at 775 Wednesday afternoon, Sny- Karnes Olie 4-2 and 5-1, Clevehted rim the Virginia One became the first Monds.y Its &salaam found $16 ntl. homer In eighth uming to der once again took over the A. L. bait WWOhille011 5-3 and Minne- Jay Johnstone het his ling edg Mine dhild beim 111 America Ikon In mistakes on withhcdding erase • 141 Kansas City advantage DEA: THURSDAY -- AUGUST 18, 1986 tea batting lead with a .320 average sota nipped OM/fonts 5-3. :esgue homer for the Angela thtes day 1587 tax forms compiled by U. S Army In the opener The White Sox. about in 278 plate appeanizions es the ti this clay inhistory: Mirka in 1963. NL Action woring four runs in the stanza lin big Orioles whipped the Red Sox 8-4, In 1856. a 17,iterd °nice ap- toodusci reliever Jack Aker for his have Quotes In The News The auditors saki $11.2 usllkxi wiping out a Boom lead for this In the NiMosisi Lamm eso Peso rust earned run in 18 innings ATHLETICS roar proved condensed milt but dot- talks! third straisin mess wan • nee- ono° ROW TO TREAT IT. that was not reported as taxable as dada' IR. louts 43 us Willie Lambe Oho Sixth him to a would be at much Inning evilly. IS tv, a •O S at to' entree T.I.L WASHINGTON — Arthur Kinoy, American Civil Liberties commercial value. dome on the annual yeer-ind MIMI bean. Sr Moan& greatest In the nightcap, Jack Larnabe • boteli of obowicalo la alselkoli. Oslo. heard Because of all the major horn Union lawyer ,as two U.S. marshals approached to drag him In forms employes get. Another MA hems MIA bliihr In baseball Mann evened lin mooed to 6-4, hurling usa moos STOP Is 4 OM Whellain= leave 1916, Abash= Lirsooin's elesgb. t t million in pay Mouldrit have been wee mem, howeete, ths naminsma by damsdos as. 535 of We career, 7 2.3 innings arid whiting the This yes vela from the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing tiegimisce at Panigenelle. Ky., was avv•ar! WO*/ "1-*/ which counted number et at bra to fir Ms New York edged on the antiwar movement: men to Me Antericauri govern- as taxable income but Pittsburgh 8-7, At- A's to six Ms Juan Pizarro liii =am& hat• If ••• DEL101117115, eith. a leader, was nosed to 300 and Beer- lanta belted you. 411. book WI Noy drag eoasite. • wile. The Army agreed with the Rots.ton 0-1. Chicago bawd the game with 1 1-3 I:mines "I will not be taken out of this ment as a nationn dune. NOW at sinai soft Olimaamy. every Ui courtroom!" der am dropped completely au& stopped Philadelphia In 1924. French troops Oulayeed auditors that -clerical and arid-i- 5-3 end of perfect pbtching Tommie Agee at the top 10. cinnati beet ire Ameba No a up the Versifies treaty by be- mams1 errors" were mostly lo 5-1 blanse. rome-Freakelellind !Snyder. who has played in 96 ..w and of WASHINGTON — Rep Joe R. Pool, D.-Tex., acting chair- gamic. enicuataan of Sr ki their Wen coine-fromechind dr Baltimore's 120 garnet. collected tanywhe man of the House Un-American Activities Committee, to law- Buhr Viably. LINDSEY'S motory the Orioles 'cored five nun three tots off the Red Sox The JEWELERS band r, In 1996, Ursted Motes end ot„„ Qf the beet "amen a yers protesting ICiney's being dragged out Of the hearing: M the ninth inning The Red Sat Orioles rapped out 14 he cah Ceinada enabiletand • Jona singles and "Manufacturers of Diamond Rings" de- ,oo*i ctotottutt tn Motile be used to mash ti "I'm not going to stand here and let a bunch of lawyers satinet* two Onubles with LAM Anarleto How a plan egILILVA possibie enemy acentorky nn. prminnky Pert.' for An ciectric filte•res take over this hearing and that is what you are by now. count•rig for five safeties draggin trying to do." snack. and Prank Wittch Repairine - Jewelry Repairing Horne at Bardsown Tuesday. Baltimore erased a 4-1 Robtrison three in the five-run Court!

. NEW YORK — Harry S. Truman, in his famous letter to • DEAS 1 the Washington Post music critic who panned Margaret Tru- dragged man's singuig what w -Same day I hope to meet you. When that happens you'll eel? Du need a new nose, mine beef steak for black ern, and pernalia lovely c a supportey below!"• fore yo learned • A . WASHINGTON — ROBeit K GlIng12, to lailt mother °swam- shut. B tosi while telliiiirMe brliE new jab: r 11/0fe. 1 ^Mums, rye been dint. Get help - Mouth, • ' DEA] Iriend , Ten Years Ago Today. everyon LEDGER• TINOS nu knows shouldn have be Daylight Saving Time will end in Murray at midnight On arid I ro Saturday, Seopteinber 1, according to action taken laSt. night My p by the Marriy City COorteil. getting Williani M Boyd, cashier. Peoples Bank,' left today for two ins her weeks attendance at the School of Banking at the University' • &exalt! of Wisconsin, Madison Bveryon State Manager Buford Hurt and District Manager T. C. fly tug Collie, both of Murray, will participate in Woodmen of the DLAI World's three day natlimal conference at the Statler Hotel in Detroit, Mich. August 20-22 Mrs. Mary Belle Orerbey and Mrs Paul T Lyles of the First Methodist Church, Murray, will attend. the 1956 Con- ference-wide LanoratOry School for teachers of children and Intermediates to be held at Jackson. Tenn. August 20-24. READ THE LEHER'S 1,1ASSIHEDS




A Few of Many Recent Winners ... See your Plymouth Dealer for a Clean-up Deal! • • Mrs. J. G. Enix • Mrs. Orient Pettit • Mrs Mable Warren • Mrs. Mari* Water. AUTHORIZED DEALERS tt, CHRYSLER • Mrs. Jew Waters TANy MOTORS CORPORATION • Mrs. Pearl Murdock • Mr. Raymond Hamlin • Mrs. Art Lee • Mrs. Frank Rodman • Mrs. Irene Bray • Mrs. Wafter Staiions • Mrs. Mari Dauber( • Mr. Ron( ooper Taylor • Mr. John W Frost, Sr. Motors, Inc. • Mrs. Pearl Johnson • Mrs. Era Hopkins • Mrs. James IFfl. • Mrs. Joseph Sehmeftv • Mr. Bones Donaidson • Mr. Barn Doneleen • Mr. Ralph Morris • Mrs. Billie Downie.; • Mrs. Ittrhena Peal south 1„-th s,. Murray, Kentucky

• • •


Ar. -




by United Press International The tuxedo dinner Jacket got 'a name after being intr.-deiced 1:Dewt.--Abb*-- populanzfd at the Tuxedo -rub in Tuxedo Park. NY. in the Isle 1800s. The tuxedo, at That -torn merely as a dinner coat, eow is widely worn as an seen- Mg dress coat on semiformal de- Divorce Won't Solve Problem melons. SPECIAL AIDE • By Abigail Van Buren

DEAR ABBY: What do you do feather may or may not always fly wAsInNoTox ref — Aitan vereallot OW*• _husband silo can't keep together." but I am reminded of -, Chester L. Cooper has 'seen named bis blig mouth shut? Every tine se another saying: "One swallow a special assistant to mving A.mbassador have company he talks, talks, doesn't make a summer." And one W. Mira Wardroom, the talks! Nothing is too personal for mistake does not make a girl IbisIV" man charged with -molar's"( him to talk about. "and he's never If she Is your friend. she is yang Viet Nam- peace posilliK- heard a secret. When nur guests friend, Stick with her. leave they know how much we owe. • • • The Stale Department announc- ed Coopirg which relatives we don't get Mont DEAR ABBY My father mitred appointment Wednes- day. Oh and how much we paid for away last year and this friend 0: everything in the house. my mother's has been coming here a lot lately trying to make fricruls No one tells us THEIR busilmnsi. with me. I not can't Recent him be- TO SET UP FUND and of course we are seldom invited cause I have an idea that he and anywhere. My big-mouthed hus- my mother sere more than Dust band refuses to believe it's becanee (mends before my father died I MILAN, Daly he can't keep anything to himself. MPS — Actress can't talk to ley mother about It. Elizabeth Taylor How can r wake him up short of reportedly ail but I Just can't like this man either establish a $1 dragging him thru the divorce rodlike heart disease I go to Sunday school and court? know research foundation in memory of right front wrong, and I don't think her late friend BOMB VICTIMS—A and frequent co- I will ever be Mae to forgive my tent% Vietnamese star, Montgomery CHECKING OUT—Two a imen leap from windows DESPMATT her wounded mother, bandaged Clgt. of the old Hotel Ritz as it goes-up in DEAR mother and this man for what they child in the herself, The flames in Guayaquil, E:uador. The DESPERATE: And if you they were Mekong River dente said lass leaper at left, identified as Rosa Duren Barroso, 22, have done and victims o; delta, where suffered dragged him thru the divorce court, are doing Can you Thanh bombing of the Taylor has told her lawyers to set a fractured skl.11 when her head struck a parapet The by U. S. planes. hamlet of Truong woman at right is Olga what would )ou have accomplish- give me some advice? I arn 14 spotter Viet Gong up the foundation under the au- Herrera, Chilean • tress. She landed on a plane In soldiers fired on • mattress, one of many placed around the build- ed, Dumping NEEDS HELP spite of pleas U S. spices of the a man with all thaw bring bombs, of villagers American Heart As- ing. Insifficient water let the hotel burn to collapse DEAR NEEDS: and it did, that it would lovely qualities you saw in him be- The Bible says, Viet the U. S. flyers sociation and has pledged the $1 Coog base. The thinking It was fore you married him, who finally -Judge not, lest ye be judged." You strike killed a million she will get for her next 26, wounded more learned how to keep his mouth could be mistaken. than 100. Min toward finessing • • • shut. But he wouldn't be yours any more. Try to educate the blabber OONFIDENTLAL TO WINTER 307 North 160h, mouth, Murray: Mr Leon WEDDING IN SALT LAKE CITY Hospital Report Wilkeseoh, Route 1, Mayfield; Mr • • • I think every girl should marry for Jack Stammer, 212 N 2rid, Murray • • love. If she loves DEAR ABBY: I have • girl money and mar. Adults -- 74 August 15, 1014 Dlemamals rim a man without fnerid who is in trouble Just about It is sure to Nursery 9 Mr. Deborah Kingins. New Con- everyone in the neighborhood make both herself and her husband cord; Mee.- Neva McKinney, Route miserable. knows of her Wen. I feel I August 15, 1918 Asiatens S. Murray; Mr. Jniany Murray shouldn't deeert her now aa we Mrs Shirley Ann Jeffrey. 1801 dadeten, Tem.; Mrs. Prances Mood have been friends. for Suisun, Murray. Mrs. Mary 9:seam Route 4. Murray: Mrs Mary Hum- a itIng time Problems? Write to Abby. Box and I really like her Rowlett and baby boy, Route phries, 1633 W. Olive, Murray: Mrs, Box 00700, Los Angeles, Cal . 90069 My problem is people ray I am Dover, Tenn.; Mrs }Bich Luttenan Jewell Phelps, , Murray. Poe a personal reply. inclose a getting • bad reputation from and Why boy. Dover, Tem.; Mr. Mrs Rose Pay and baby boy, 322 be stamped, selfaddreosed envelope. J 0. Edwards 511 Broad. Murray, N 7th. Murray: ow her friend becauee she 1a bad • • • Mrs HOU Ward, • &sold I stick with this girl Litho Mms Donna MoCuan, Lynnvilie; 214 Woodhaven. Murray. Mire Retinae WHERE SHOPPING ANN'SESIIS A PLEASURE INSTEAD OF A TASK 1111Verr011e says. 'Birds of a feather Hate to write letters' Send $1 to Mrs Sally Petty, 201 Walnut Mur- Thornton. 961 Sycamore, Murray; fly together?" Abby. Box 69700, Los Angeles, Cal. ray, Mrs Brenda Stria, . Mrs Bonnie Pones, 509 Beale, Slut' 00NPUSED 911969, for Abby's booklet, "How to Benton Mrs Jean Weeks, 603 Vine, ray HUNT'S (HEAVY SYRUP - No. 24 Can PORK WIN - RIB END DEAR CONFUSED: "Birds of a Write Letters for All Oesseeleas." Murray Mass Laura S Crabtree. C BUSINESS PEACHES 4 99c ROAST- 59 lb

HIGHLIGHTS ARMOUR STAR - 1-Lb. Tray Pack EMGE SMOKED 39 C BACON 75c PICNICS lb DETROIT - New autcenobik mks continued to slide in the first GREEN FREE! third of August. droppow 94 per NEW ('ENTER CUT cent from a year earlier to the Mowed pace for the period in three lb. yams. Total sales were up bemuse CABBAGE 8" PORK CHOPS- lb 69" Saturday Sunday there wee one more seleing day 1J/ & -.74111. sUNKIST period this year.

3-Lb, Rag • AUGUST 20th & 21st ONLY WASHINGTON — The pharrna ONIONS 25" oeutnal industry hes received a LEMONS 1 Dozen IDAHO 29` 11 a.m. Until 9 p.m. reassuring report on birth contrci pills from the food and drug ad. ministration After a fairly lengthy. 10 1.bc 1 PINT of study. a committ es set up by the POTATOES 59 ` FRUIT FREEZE _ 5-ox 89c administration says it hes found lixt the pills are unease GOLDEN YELLOW CLOVERLEAF - 5-0uart Sire for human use But it le oontinu irs attaches of the matter POTATO CIIICA00 — The drought this BANANAS 1Clicb DRY MILK' Veer 45c he/ driven corn prices to the Mghist Wel in a derade and many farmers gay they will hold hack MATCHLESS': 1 -Lb. Sliced corn for their own use Mince three SALAD quarters of the supply goes to feer livestock, high corn prices may ex BACON lo -, 1 ert 69c upward pressure on prime of meat poultry, milk and other dairy WITH EACH PURCHASE OF products this 'Qisco fall PURE PORK - Home Seasoned iVA•0111Alf0 of SAUSAGE 48c MILK NEW'• ******* wale Piano43ack 1-1.b. Tin Till Bucket or Barrel Guarantee 3 `705or 45 ilbES 'PORK 581, 69 137 Rent a piano from us for only PAL - 2-Lb. Jar L&M - .4 P0111111 03.00 a week. Try it for 'leveed weeks. We guarantee we'll take KENTUCKY FRIED it back if your child uogsn't take Peanut Butter 69c TEA to it. If you decide to keep it. , 39c all rental payments will apply to the purchase price. JELLY = ed __ 18 02 glass 3 Fc., 89' SWEET POTATOES CHICKEN We'll give you a wide choice N:u2:3.29'1 of styles and finishes. We coo I I h recommend a quelified teacher, CRACKERSIZ: I'LEASF PHONE ORDERS IN ADVANCE FOR FASTER SERVICE too_ 19" SPINACH po„, _ _ — — 3 et:39' You just can't go wrong with guaran- cans our friendly piano-back for Fashion Beauty tee. because it offert you an BOLOGNA lb 39' CORN American — — 3 - • :ACK MARSHALL'S TAKE HOME 10011 • opportunity to try before buy. Come In today and pick Clol WWII III (.1•1 cans your piano. Hurry. Offer Sliced 84 4-, out JOWLS Derined ---_ilb 48' for ends September 30, 1966. PEAS TI‘'eceerlileic 2 K,„tucki, ekiek. GRAVY TRAIN — _ 51.1. 69` TOM LONARDO WIENERS 12-09 Pkff 44' ,f,6fixar 2;k04.,•• NOTE BOOKS — 25'to $1.19 12th & SYCAMORE MURRAY, KY. PIANO CO. AERO WAX Pint 45' • NOTE PAPER — — —300 sheetA 59' PHONE 753-7101 "Your complete Maude Store" Sweetandp From PostOfnet THEME BOOKS 49" CHICKENFLINGSDUMPLINGS — can 49' Call-in Orders Taken Anytime after 10:00 a.m. Paris, Tennessee Fulhaoveor-(Rhi;g: OREOS Nabisco 14:45" COOKIES pkgs. 49'

• •


•••••••• Nay.

• •


• THE LZDOER & TIMES — MURRAY,_KINTUCKY THURSDAY — AUGUST 18, 1966 TH' PAGE FOUR Si the evening an the panne dining Rankin-Wilson Wedding Vows Read rooni .d the Hu/klay Inn with Mr., SOLIAL IALENBAR ana MrS J D. WIWI% Sitglge8 a, - •••tr,-- ••• ri A"...^-4,1 0.ft-0a AP lie groom.. as hosts. The Ledger & Times . . . Phone 7p-1917 or 753-4947 The table MO deCaantad with an The Burmese well Profession s: angenients of v.tute airy- Warne:es, Citsb Yet . oet at J er antheinums, and, daisies Fteartsu.trake, Manneed at 430 pm flanked .. • burnurg toners, Msto. Rankin tend Mr. Wilma ea- The Dinar or Dulls: Bow llise and League will bead its first business thisged one promated each the gmanimen Mei an amen mostiog ei the 19116-1967 Madan masa gat The beidennekki •at 1:20 am. at the Corvette Bowl- teal em n presented gift in the lunch- ."11•••••••••••• We Lassen AU women naterenee heid prenatal,. in bowling es this day league are- Mrs, Games Lawnene. Hardin. Covers were lad for Ithes Rana- Cook Out, Sunrise Service, Coffee, Dinner, urged to anew this risemang. r, Becky Poe, Mr. and Mrs. Donnie ', Mr Wilson Rev. and Mrs. Lewd. 1060 W for sonic moon you see egeshit Hay Ride Features Of The Blalock Reunion Wyatt, Paducah, Dwain Reciders I. Ratner, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Main C to attend, name call Migis Dexter, Charlotte, Susan, and Scott, kit farthin erskin. Mr and Mrs. Dick aytes, The „slew secretary. Blalock hinny amnion was Mrs. Dixie Pahrier, and W E. Johnny Young, Glenn Young, ITS ter infcccia Lion Us Celia Malta. Mrs. Year-a Ow beed bus month at the lie al Clark was en.Payed. A guitar solo Kirks. Terry and Debra Tyler, Blue .• • az. Man Richard Parnell. Ron Herbert and Gioia alialociu Oota about the family was composed Mike and Dehra Wyatt, Akno, • UpOOlatal .vskiscn...n. Mini Judy Howard, lass ner Renames Friday, Mom us and inane mime and gang Western style by Joyce Alas Clarks Ford of Stowe, Ohio, 4$1at l.ndrotr. Sykes. Dicker- Farrell. Reek- bun Youth Day few mama Ihreela Cain, Itleamut lardWVIVIC Leigh Blalock. A number of data Mrs Nell Maddox and Jim Mad- will be ird Hurt Mies Linda Tanner. inas twelfth grudge and ca.sege LomMiammk and If ra.wkr were given by the &Anthers in- dox of Magadore Ohio, and Gene Kaye Ma Sarah emailey. hein at the Caneassy Couniy cluding the modern and old rash- Schuster of Louisville. Dellent Ind the hosts. Mr. arid Mn. W. Oeuntr7 Couti from ,lioe to her eterted with a °oat kneel schools days by ths SOU. Andrea, Pin- Mai member niay invite one out Selunksy eight tar al the Relatives attending were Mrs. Phone 7 • • • Tommy, Barry, and JenntY .noo-menstier germ se aiming and tame Si Ss name cd CUM aod Tezune dtamper of MayheIct. Mrs. Mrs. Dengua Gado Fannie Snow of Penningen. Mr. golf wie be featured ithieleth/ Young nab an PL'RN/T Patricia old battered play way J. B. Blisiatt, Sr., gave the tam- and Mrs. Claresice hefty/ten al laylor thaseman Ilamilton toloweill. sofa, en • • • 110 wahines, Moog * 121/11My and presented Heshart Murray, James Vamp and Mirth Celebrates Sixth In* a few frigerato Anauseiry Soc- &Walk soilmwe Ocean and H. 0. Blatt* with Be., of Lotesellies Mr. and The W amazes Sauter mareilell a rug cul iete ar a•nalds aminst Birthday At Party for eutigies menke at Othimil Kentucky Ciabonel commisithes an_ Mrs. Thomas H. thelook and LS- I de 7234 March 11,1.1 saw na auniat, Oensetery Lime the hatter. mo- ed by Lt. Gov. Harry Lee Water- t dren at Dayton. Ohio, James B. Miss Pon-icia Ann lianelion was /lowstop esnalc at the Cola Path at ther. and bathes* am buried. field The prcurain ended with Blalock. Jr., and chug/leer, Joyoe the honoree et- -Wm, thIllabakely 4•BEDRC semen rem. II Li be PAM= _ex- themes billachen was Si charge cif IIoup mans "God Be With You Leagh, of Jeffersonitown, Bud and planned pat* askinmelon Ot house cept the berbenee which LA be the swim and read the opening Tim We Meet Again" with Oni- I flue t Blalock) Grady, David, Lin- her sixth baitiley hid nide,. 1103 MI mem.bere and sneer , wripture mid Jamas B. Blialbek, this Mitchell at. the piano and da. and Jimmy Grady. of Middle- turns-41rd AE August 12. at two-dente/ ceekek Jr.. Dyads's' Roma want Dan Wyatt as the song Rader. town. Hillard 0. Blalock of Cho after 5': haul:es are need to mtend. in the afternoon at her home an rang bg the • • Sycamore Salem group slab Pose& Later In the afternoon an okl Orman. Ohio, Mr. arid Mrs. Wa- Ifib8 ZI1 labtabegl ecoonsphstelog on the pia- faseiloned hay aide Ina enjoyed lken 0. Conner end children, eistardan Mama W The honoree's mother. Mrs. makes no, and Janiee Illaheak, Be., by the chit:Wen end a few aduka. Nancy and Bill Oman, of Jackman, A trouseha..d shower wit be given James E narnthon was the hos- WAS on gime • eulogy at pirates Max Friends prams wege Moans arid Mies, Herbert and Gunn Ma- - or Mrs Bade Cowen Si etivipm tess atsi amietad by tar mo- without Mat gave an Mesdames Ram Shupe of Sedalia kick) Comer, Jewry Donner the hcer.e of M_•-• Ja:nos C ther, Mrs Wilke Brandon, inepireog talk and Mr. %nee $3t Her the benediction. 'Thits ma a sere Glenn Doran. and Mrs. Jan CAxeser. Sloan. Ran- Lan*, New Cancwd Hethway lit-es Corny Hamillion. die hon- Wealth Ralbuth- *rite: nee newer to be foinoteon, thins- Buford Hurt, Soion Daiwa Mary Ants sjOuss. and Deana bane wee complete) destroyed by orees sister, and Mtn learthen Murray. bora said. of Mornay. Max Mitt, Kay Oman, Jeniee and Anna Ike -AugUie 10 Kay Parks dinecued the games Oltenia Patricia Marine. Lowell Palmer, lakein (anner) Othesey, David, Cher- A PAIR opened bar pets and far- Atter imams die cemetery most ILL asec no 511 Ce- ces were Young, en of Katmey, lesam- leles, arid Kenney Camay. Clot sue- 6. I Tempe given eaoh guest al the group gathered at the Mit- Ites4ern Star sill meet tr. Weldon Wier, Benton Sturee and ôki4yaBk•bei. Mitchell) 8, and der -at the Refre-sranents ot the tartralay chell home piece at nose nen for 7 30 p.m. Roberson and children, Mark Rain- Young, all of Akin. dream at the Moor= Hal: at CALe .eed In green and Other re- donuts and cutfee. At one pm. Nor- 753-6130. • • • fresements weer armed -y and son, Jeffrey. Hardin, from the sursavee and reagens gintsertst A1F0 there were Mr. ern Mrs ellidwatar ILdineenakees tone ▪ man Outaney, Arlon P. Tyiler, Dan 1:88P. decorated the colors at Si the Conner Amin tor the rea- Tammy Machete Steve. Cynthia, A UCTIO hew a Mane at the green Wyatt, Akno, Bell Parker of Ak- 41112ele and peet. Itcyllimairmitchicedth mad Keith en of Harlin, Store Be Pact eie inweantin ron, On. Merritt Meeklee and Cthelmiller olommenunite Clukken ;seem* ewe Intl Saturday r children. Daryl and Omit al New Bobby argee. Deism. atict' 610 pen Ruis..i.ure. Patna& indoor, Kin A piningl prellthin ear the st- Ordean. La, Calvin lkagall Stymy Michell, Ota and June .in ere eaciateeth 4/. laugaidm. mu= semeati was oandurad by • James Curiningliam, Linde. M- caving it Mesa 33 , children, Lisa and Melanie, at TM/AM omen Behar, Dana Ship- B. Mica* Jr., with the guano eth and leachei Aug Airesa alf be, Dalmatia, Mu The Denote Dania& .Mn newel. seed reastivee bane mastered tet Mr. antl Mrs Billy Mitchell Gint- Co Jlri 'Mann s Itss.,rin7 bociotr• and she the brother Mery Min noes Lam ,00rsorri Clourmey. Games Other friends were W X. Clark, er and J11 Mucha, all of Mur- Wayne 17 Past HaistanCHLi we/ ass at the oiseee mand.. Out sem a were played and quartet gimping Meatus Darnell. Murray. Clint ray. and Mr and Mrs Darrel Mit- ref Pha the hone of Mrs. UMW gift Men at by Mr end Mrs. George Whenes. Illesegs, Dianne Rcos. Shelia chell of New Coaxal ithirley at 7.31 pen . I 1966 TR Presbyterian Group 753-3910 -lersiruits mem VIeets .111 Triangle / The Cultageksat Mr and Mrs Zane Ounzacethein Prestress& wuri.en at the North sral son. Pradap. of Boa-mg Piamora I Ctlarllb Atiatrar • Green spent Thursday to Burney •••••awler---'ealemeamilliethetteetheee. Why do some people aki .••• U one o'clock in Le albernoth Si anti thee pmenta, Mrs Ethel ---- • Mrs. James Frank Wilson Use Triaogke Miller anti Mr. and Mrs, Paul INNENORIP Mrs. Margaret Nen Bowl, pre- Ountuognien. her facner. istiLlgavely is liar Mom bara Due-cle, mei thes -11,iseitethinzle the Wale Alle•/ Jemmies* sident, presided and opened the traditionally choose August '• • length wedding gown of cendleatts Calhoun served *idle Cloven thereal_ Me the the guests ane se- meeting isein prayer_ Mr and Mrs JkzetZ Knight of peen de- age with the baba of meted Jr1 the SOWS* ue tba wedding. M. MI Ai, entertgening. "A Stew Loth In illesioas Oper- remota.- ses at et French re-endietethred Alen= Maas Kaye Widala Resdnos ODIUM dr the as and At Home • was tee sub- 1 a baby boy. Amon. 1.1f*In3 amen Mr and Mn Witham A. Rankin bee 'The back of the dn.% foa- groan, ansed the guess to alga She to buy their new Chevrolet? ject ef the program ghee, by essincis 13 ounces. Mao Amgen 7. glean flowing to a lara. af Daytona Damn Fla to name med unpremmed rimester at the anis mowed wan They hair one (Aber sun, Jeffery, train. Mb& Wealth. son uf Mr and Mrs long onspei Her shoulder • lovely gni docks hem Sweden • Canna, flab Irma The devotion inorn Matthew 9 - age Aro Mrs I B. Nana WW1 length ven cif silk Inman was at- and centered with an anangement. J. EL Wen. At. 111-17 and lietrews 5.6-13 was Diem Street. 11111:1111111. Is • graiist tached to a head pr.ece formIng of white gladioli and wbite dames Screen Murray given by Mrs., Meer= Lasegon. grandmother • cow scoanted to a spray of seed • net bag* of aqua nee were Delkathe renterunente were Rm. Lloyd Reeser performed the paarM dianbutert frac. them at i basket mayee to Mrs. Boyd, Min Law- lertheeine doubt, run osresneary the register taken MAX& L Lie k mastV 116 Mrs Dela Graham. Mrs. Tho- cm &man August 14. Si Fever. ; She aimed a beimelisd Wain ▪ mas Amin ant kiza. Paul Cam- teeth* Si the en rung The adlniy- illethethe of Eat* sweetheiset roma. The thano sus Monad vitas an man nun nealige or el the valley and try. laTanannant Of U. links themithis Lanham Mims mil •• 111 , Grqpory Man Othill'Illeyeset of a:Mari/le and wine diorites. Mims Jam Beath ems the Nth@ ar the honor, The OWN elleragnime backgraind mu- The altar was decorated aids ar- !Weft ILKAVDIG Jones, rangements or /rime white teleran bridamentis nem Mae Jen gin 9 lanninalk "WO amens and Una! Mier Bay Illethard. and Men An. Sleet 11186 An those lodes simiettrig at the dna now iti of Murray. and anupdoom an - must, of tad eeditudg and du reception wore Murray Marble • Mts. Iliehmed Fmrell. organist. Mims Ithele Reettlier at Ilealmlit. 14006 allitik - lamps being wain- negglesi, est elute CALI/ALMA wan Linda Tanner. goloist. The ateendante were liemilleal dravra wan ~Oa •Ail be um of Works arid lam reg. - presented a lovely program of atth- inoir length gowns Si Use mar it the coinage by Ctsrimmen asaairl nuilders of Fine elemertale Os at corm game not preens.* tau: mune. muds The dresses were faattional sources seild today renter While - Nranaget lath Snare maties_wgiiiod mookinoti wasdie4 -Mr. add Ate..1-1_ --11ther's Ogees 2:2* name Mom se soon as 111 Mob St S3-11113 in:w .....a.tiortb...t.iiivabotrokunpnmeedleatur- 7wand UMWafts. moreit W iellikeallicomma—;i end lationems signed a Tag brine amen .11 •t: err,,,er be Mr. Wilikillite Lonna mace pea km week wad- - Plectiseiven, In. pima. tag tam three-yaw unalethered war The OtitliOt left for a.n urian. They owned ameacie bouquets of Bailin resessweepers when were pounced wending trip alter the ree chrysanthemums sad i tatem cast of eautlibalie the oiebila fint Si * COME TO * amid will use at se liter • twy. knight of the contra:tails= between August Xi in Oak Ridge. Ttsin. , Km Slidennen of Villa Park, 1 lithothasi and the fetienstion ai Mra Westin was born us Na M., was the, be msta for Mr kerma Breath colognes wad be put York and moved to Flondes. in i Wham The usher' mese Deily Wao aBe 1052 and .a as a 196e graduate of 111.111k dr"Icick In on brother of the groom. Rionard Ikrig.PCInt KENLAKE Statireate High arinuoL She receiv- ' /kart. Dick* F'arrel/. nod Wald- ed bet B deg:ee elementary Malibu Sport Coop* and Malibu idenseit and ROW Drewry. FOR CORRECT education Si May hem Mew 4-Door Station Wagon Seth , Mn. Rankin alma lei wear fa /Kate uaitarramy son erin be Iiiesh. TIME aid h 8 standard safety features. her daughter's wedding a gold • school a. Oak Bilge aue fall. anevelees Means teeth mailining an- -KT wItion TEMPERATURE graduated from AMPHI- Mt-- OR :SI)ir'HT -ones and a Mao orchid COlf. DAY my Maze in May with B S. de- , aegis gree in math and Time greorres mather. Mre Pleats and will 753-6363 ANNAN • the Uoiverivey af Tegmemse DIAL a sags vise attired Si a ?eerier. nue en a U S. Atomic Energy (Masan lace two Lowe deem with um:chins THEATRE non Special Fellowship in Beath &communes kid bur coraige an. Physics. save money and, quite often, lots of it. Mute orchid BANK To Rehearsal Dinner 0‘ERIA)OKING BEAUTIFUL KENTUCKY LAKE Mi. Cana Maltz of Wand. The religersei dinner was held New Tat panninother of Use ikente,ke liatorlieg. Manzi 13, at wren othiet They know that prices will acver instrument pastel and win Teas for in Kralaite State Park. Hardin. Kentucky Wide. wore a green thews with a added safety. And all those Body by assets of white roses Mrs Yetta better at their Chevrolet dealer's than Osoisr, she at Long Wand -treat 1t cribbage asps they are in August. They know their Fisher nieetio; sit solidly over some of FRIDAY salmi SATURDAY omit of the bride, wore a pee-L- present cars will never be worth more the am-est handling features a car can amm them with a oorsege of rub- in trade than they are right now. have: Ball-Race steering. Full Coil j( e= thes "Speas goes value when suspension. Wide-stance wheel design August Rearming And they know a good steady leillowniz the socidirer trw to my head"! they see one, like a Chevelle Malibu for cornering. Central Kentucky Youth Orchestra (opts=a as nerd in the maul ball Sport Coupe—the most popular model So you see, "Chevrolet in August" al Use ohurtz.t. of America's most popular mid-size car. makes a lot of sense. Fine cars. SAUC II Mrs. Juhn Whithell greeted the CABBAGE Uses soung music lin, rilacd in the White INE.A R ocotillo It comes with thick foam-cushioned Exceptionally good buys and all those These ninety guests • at the that mud matiatiossal RED S If Slower SPCA Stri driving days left. Real House at the invitation of President and Mn. Ken- than to the brae mother, use WITH Visletee "din sit seats, deep-twist carpeting, vinyl up beautiful ,.Iteit WI, tpasp. clove% bay minuses. Malibu weather. Act, my friend. aedy. Jascph Pars! conducts. he and grocen.,and others in we spirals IA p3esley ter 5 ass door and down the other, padded 1 cop Sof A netsley onion. Pour repaving line • ihnessr team) prated Wain; add Serves PRICES. Reserved Seats e2 50 The bride's table war beautiti. 2 cabbage. gar>p ogu"n ott‘ )11 ow not ennerated lor the eramion with .. cooked 8. 5 turn 6 to AC= cl9yes cabbeili General Admission 2.60 • tertheas whste nth themes 2 red 'mums, write nrig seems. lux! yi bOI 46af Ch•VrOlet • Chevene • Chevy U • Corvair • Corvefte Children 12 & Under - 1;2 Price ,'Lein Si a cherub cannianee deed by white lapets in Mena PERFORMANCES START AT 8 P.M. (C.S.T.) sielaithes. se mildew bell !and nye bird. See the men who can save you the most-your Chevrolet dealer ••••• For Reserved &twits, call • ,,tir-d the rout teced wedding SPEAS f• Distilled and the silver purada bated al Apple Cider or Whi• 16 5851 Myrna niggle liktrelk4,1181.tki KENLAKE STAtE PARK the aged alai the cake and the Iversen bowl holding nibbling punch VINE AR Hardin. Kentucky Phone 474-2211 I were iprianned vieth teiretwhrl fern HOLCOMB CHEVROLET IIII•abotsIAN114••1.1••• litjs.'- ad Jones. Mrs. DWI FREE! 2O-pagebookria,'W•yOldn'ISomione• T• South 12th Street Murray, Piton% 753-2617 Ave.,Kansa• Or, Ma. Kentucky &ALM, Idilly Lester, Was Dar- tor Vinegar.' WrdellPiAl COMPANY,1401Mcholeas • •

• •

Or. -



EXPERIENCED Supermarket but- • I E • cher, good worinag condition% • 5-1bNI I • 5WAS-'• Hle-tt. • Ed. T • 4.•41,4 I • rivve•e- BUY • SELL. RE- 600d ir#140411F••••"- -V • Wisry. Oise nterences. Willi Am 3117 Paducah Ky. Also stook abet

CROSSWORD 1)1.172.1Z • 1211 RESULTS 31334 KEEP wateisins this Irmew ADS OH- ACROSS 3-Related on issis P.:19Mo •MO CLASSIFIED CILIS A new Job opportunity opening up father's side T 5ELL•RENT* SWAP• e -it RE:•• BUY • SELL* RENT' HIRE • BUY • SELL.• RENT • SWAP • WIRES GUY. in local area very near future. 1-Snake , 4-Poetic writing Excellont moans. and working c0:1 4-Tropical tree 5-Wings litiOra3- Average incomes are $176,If' 8 Dudes 6-Allow 12.Ety way of FOR BALE OR RENT, TI -bed- two pa furnaces, four gas ^or we-k 7-Centers of ileatei% 23-Genus it Wires Mayen sports _FOR SALE corn house with basement and right swinging electric lights, two FOR RPM"( HELP WANTED 14-Mixture &Wooded area !tirade Call 753-1893 or 753-4'707. Agslde lamp., four sets old hat 15 Supplication 9-Man's name SEWN ROOM HOUSE 1059 VOLKSWAGEN Good con- A 22-C aka, power It wit mower ince large with bath MERLE OIL. 17 Genus of frop 10-Evergrwo tree three miles from Arun-ay on Penn UGOAl. OFNICW pemumerrt pod- T A dition. OMR 762-1879. A-19-P oy truck. T. V In good Mace. near- Cotrqatry, Ameriest lesd?nr en‘ric; IS-Comfort 11-Float in air 1960 MODEL °arra:raft houseboat, Road $50 per month. 1-11. AITIv to Box 574, giving age. EN" ly new 30-30 Winchester rifle, din- Phone 753. Weere now bete:riming 19-Choose 16-Evaluste tetelfic the mar we're selling sleeps six, hag bath, stove and toe 5842. -18-C Apply to Box 574, giving age, 21 ,Social ner b..11, calf yolk, dehoinens. elec. A --asportIve MC'nen Cs co' 20 Peruse . Blue Lustre for Weaning rugs and boit. Call 753-3017. A-13-P education, experience, and marital gathering 3$-Lais4's pen ric heater, number one Limp com- for appointment concerning new 21 Support 28-Adventure NEWLY DECORATED two-bedroorn status give husbands occupation 23 Pedal dads name upholstery. Rent eimaric if 22 Suf....! 30•Paradise 1953 OHEVROLET, 1170.00: 195' file-e. nails, and trriny. other Items house Manager two mon be peel 24 Teutonic -Encounter AltSI:Manor House of Color. A-23-C with full baser:edit. 114 N Married 'PVC. emanation 33 Foreigners 39 Cat..irr-let, 4170.00. 103-3063 after too nunnresis to mention aiirtd- -.earring program, ace st- alphabetiC 40 Rema,n - - Si, faas heat $5500 per month birds 34 Manao and lax character 23-Gull like 43 Proud of ,t re WEIMA.RAINI1.31 PUP, fensle, ex- 6 p , A-30-P wiclui, drinks sold On wound. OW 763-.3802. A-18-P if needed, and other bc-refits assistAnt 25-Drop it rain -Golf mound oellent AKC bkod line, three mon- Open for enspeeLon anyteelle• Humble 0.1 and ftefinin; Company 25•Telling 36 Granular snOw 44 TWO USED 15 FOOT Runabouts, ,'noble TWO AND THREE 29-Anglo-Saxon 26-Enlarge (pit 45•Sodnon ths old, last of litter, good buy. time given for moving buil& -BEDROOM Box 1242, Paducah, Ky.. phone 443 ckbride Noch with 40 h. p. motor, special money 27 Seats 37 Dealt rani. Phone 753-7664. A-16-C tog frorn gromris ors-. (ruler-i. Couples only Phtme 763. WANTED! EMI. A-31-C prices Friday and Saturday only. 2720 day, 753-4391 nights Sept. 211-C 30 Having ears Fort SALE Olt WILL, Mundy Spert and Marine Center 31 Born ....., -8 9 `10 11 PURN/TURE-De, window fan. DISIISVASHIE SALESMAN FOR Contact Work 1 2 3 -: a 5 6 7 e .S.nclair Station), 317 North 4th trailer of equal value, 2 acres TH81EE-PEDWC04.1 FICRI6E on 7th 32 Legendary COOKS Me. sofa, end tables, lamps. stove. re- Highway 732 Call Olive Oatl 753-1503 A-10-C needed by oraLt firm to hic.p heroes ,....,.. Sheet. A-.20 C 4362334. HA-20-C '112 frigerator, dine.te set, 2 twin beds MRS HOPS Ilkih new 053-u-se. tr ,0 wseltl- 34-Performs TRAILER SPAM for rent. Water awl ruargotee our ro 16 . 17 3 nig. curtains 1633 Farmer Call WANTtD TO BUY to man meetkig 35 Part it camera 15 ,., 1953, CHRYSLER New Yorker full mid sewer 43-7234 after 4:30 p. rn. A-20-C •••••• furnished $15.00 Per WAITRESSES clukein-o'N e P. lt :fox 41.7- !weer rood condition, $250.00 Call USED.,23aor 33 Caliber E & W re- -1"rtfit Phone 43E2334 A X C 7.:eveland Ct.o. -A to.r, 37-Caue to 753-01630. A.30•C oiyer Nirter p Mlic - Apply in Person - remember 4-BEDROOM PERMABTONE frame n 121 1311ve 21 22. 1 23 40-Take one's part house with large den, $12 500 00 - - NOTta• STITEDAY 25 'Cti. '2 Y211' 1959 FRIGIDAIRE washer and 1959 cuswitTEti 41•Toroard shelter 24 1103 Mulberry St Cog 753-1362 Frig:date dryer Good condLion LOS? & FOUND IP JERRY'S 42-Fal's back f../ '..31 after 5.30 p in. A-20-C YOU SEE TERMITES swarming • ---- 29 .,,. came with _house end don't need. tall Kelley's Pest Control for fre. VADUZ, L.echteng-ein .173 - The - 46 Hold on property LOST Male Labrador Retrievar 33 1968 ZIO ZAG sewlag machlue Call 753-7477 A-20-P I inspection Lawn:Jed and bonded b) toy prirn'plitty of Liechtentstein 47 Algerian 32 ....•. vicinity of Park lAitle Drive061)In If RESTAURANT seaport ....:1 monograsw " makes button notes. stale of Kentucky. Poaches Sunday celebrated the 60th la:Mk :::::1-:::::!;::::".‘35 1•:...36 PIANOS, OROANS. Gutters. Tele- found notify Middy ,f..tottim or 48-Ocean '-'•:• sews on buttons, all fancy stiumes ,piders, 75:t F2'2.1 ants, also shrubbery Emery South 12th St. dry of ra: F PT1Z Josef ,4%.-'1 vimons, Stereo Record Players Am. Reward A-20-C 49-Consumes 39 77 without attachments. Whole Hal oohed In Murray since 1944 Phone "I and itt nx`irrial 1. ;Fry with 37111 l) Otters, Band Instruments "Your A 22-C 50Remunerates trice $36 10 or $6 00 per month 753 3914. August 27-C afflicts: ceremonies and U. uu,ng Ii 44 45 Oomplete Wale EH/me", aortae from At The Movies 51-Lamprey 41 42 43 *rite: Credit Manager, Box 32-E. he Are e post office. Torn Lonardo Piano • • 40 Murray, Ky August 25-c "POR CAPITOL AND DttIVIK-se• DOWN as 47 Company, Paris, Tennessee H-1TC JONES DRIVE-IN Restaurant will 'nformat ion call /53 3314 anytime." .- A PAIR OF CIIR113 shoe skates, be closed for vacation August 15 1.14.611 771,•.•':451 10 WEANING PIG. $12500 One HELP WANTED OPPORTUNIT tit% .'-‘,.... nze- 6. A 3-plece winter suit size thrtaigh August 22 Will reopen Au- 2-Transgress mile west of Anno Heights across United IeaLiflW. 8. and • seleotion of semi-formal gust 22. A 20-C Don. by from Flint Church A-20-C NOG NOW OPEN dresses atz,es 5, 7, and 8 Oall MARKET PALACE ELECTROLUX SALES & Service, 753-6130. A-111-C at AUCTION SALE: Bentley, Mar. Federal State Market New% Servtee Box 213, Murray, Ky., C. M. Sand- at 10•Oti m Win sell W.-- ri* Cra- Thwack,. August 18 Kent ocity Pur- AUCTION AT REYNOLDS Drug ers. Phone 382-3176 Lynnville Ky- pe-I Crucial building. 5% saw ab. chase Area Poe Report In- DRIVE-IN Store Seeend'and Fourth in Hazel. Sept. 13-C Murray on old Miirray.Plath Rood, chrdee 7 Buying Statione- d•IN Saturday at one o'clock Bring are 'BOONE'S Hanel. Large Receipts 460 Head, Barrows and I WILL NOT BE ruportaible loi clothing Will start re- 2's Mtle6 northeast of Waitress Needed egoelvi any debts made Car Or ruck church with four moms on the met •0 Is., Steed% . Ryles Steedy. by ac yone other Rent A ceiving items to sell Saturday morn- INS1DF: OR CURB HEI P LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Ade Pine and orrk material, seal- ' U 8 1-2 190-230 Ibis $25 90-36'70. than myself.. Muriel Marsh. A.20-C RENT A CAR OK TRUC't BY THE DAY, WEEK OR ing August 20th. Wilson Auction big and wails of three rear U. B. 1-3 190-240 lbs. $25 10-35_75: $1.00 PER HOUR,,, PLUS MONTH . . All 1966 Dodges, Plymouths, Co Jimmy Oooper Auctionee% Age 12-55 tenant Also piario and stool. pews. i U. t- 2-3 235-270* tbs. 323 75-91.50 YOUNG* TIPS- , Wayne Wilson, Apprentice Auction- 1101261114 mane to scissor Sinica.; and Dodge Trucks °hairs. and table. Fifteen SOWS: 16111-tryll a v31 oro. are lie A-WAYA. PO make eer Phone 753=3263 A-111-C folding ' villg expense Will Interview Boy.s 16 P- "'Oar. ii1-1,131 doers 6' 8" x '. tour stcem U. S 1-2 '2id-7A0 lbe $19 00-20 insurance, lie." sal 001- leitli• same Cali 753-7160. or Older • Coin Laundry thern'early. 11.,r rides include gas, tiil, 1966 TRIUMPH Mormycle. Oceil doors. _35%." _x 7': two screens, 30" U, 13 1.3 350 460 Ile $16 00-19007 Attendant mainlerOwx c•rterue. 1 x -3". 15 veneesun blinds'34" x a': U. Et 3-3 450-600 Ile $17 - ipply in perton at - 753-3910 afer 5.30. A-18-C 00-14400. FOR 'EASE Dist Shift The Driver .7:.ust L'e 25 Yasrs ON or Over 16th and and Valid Or,•Yirs :. ensw BERVIVE STATION FOR LEASE: Any Business His. Night Mitt MURRAY LEASING INC. Immediato4y available, 2 A-24-C GARLAtsio -Bay mod- A-20-C '.03 So. 4th ••orray, Ky. Pnone 7' -137? NOAkh great sea oovel ern service station with Major ; 09 Compaziy as good neighbor- hood locst.L.1.1t1. Excellent opport- unity for aggressive persori. FOC dermas phone 753-3671. After 5 BAY 01' Immo p.m. Phone 753-6667. A-20-C 'h4E EYCAFIN6 PILOT FLEES HE LEAPS ON "ME LIERE'sikElstriP OM& BROW, kkOSS cOUN rRYSIDEtIE 1,14C. I PVT RAL.1146 e;r,' v erl rirb•'2 ••••11m1M.1111.1 •-• 604)&5'9OT4 T14E AMALIiiTIGN EN6INEER!THE TVAIN kir6s NC OAS -TRY RA,I6,46 Stbr•ncos Offerod AAA HE AS SENT 10 PESTROY IS DERAILED! lAND11 REEF,* 60(.:066 CR OCTFITI641615 SEAT! 6CISnit:/ WHAT fa ItArrralleel corm the seas sharply and re- 'matador, he hid the expert sea- SILOS Foe, fh• tension temdrf WANRED PAINTING, carpenter- t:ny wict-ng Itself felt as the port anything out of the west, man behind a lazy expression - freighter Setander sena from the I'm more interested in what that provoked false estimates ing sock or general repair Free United Li t•t•ti west meet toward know Only imirnate, no tustraina eirlith Makers. Env!ser ohs you feel than what you see. Joe until one got to into odligatem. Phone 753- passenger perceptive enough to wolf- Understand?" then did one realize that Sterra 4684 , A-80-C der about the unnatural behaelor of sea. as Ote say- the crew Over cup. 4 nhoik The mate felt the compliment, was born to the Third Mare Joe tianwin r.ioArkPel a nO responded accordingly. ing goes. and rent ted at cord- WILL DO HOUSE PAINTING in- on the weather to Ma fellow officers On the bridge he was all side or (subside Mule 752-3405 'Red morning salines take warn- "Aye aye, air!" ingly ing.- Sparks looked a little non- for ship Off it. he let the bars Aati-C ptussed but said nothing am he down a little, enough to Jest and CHAPTER 2 entered the chartroom Then tell • taw tall tales of the days HE RADIO oper•tor. Ross arrived. htr glance leaping when he rah rth• schooner- under f rusnded "Sparks" Morgan. inetinetivety be the barometer. 'tie 14111101.31 Eagle to the Gull THAT YES--- BUT HE I'LL- TELL typed weather warning to L YOU NEED---NIT the be- OH, His shipboard It had fallen two hundredths of of California PHOTOGRAPHER CHARGED TOO THAT GYP Joe Hanson. who read with an Inch since he had recorded havior was exemplary 111 was TRY TO HIDE --- white eyebrows lifted Oct ore the reading in the logbook at when he went ashore that tie TOOK A GOOD MUCH ---HIS WHAT I THINK I SEECAN touching a forefinger to his none the end of his watch at four humored ins APR ktleSIV - women PICTURE OF BILL CAME OF HIM in • manner that said. told now saying o'clock And, •• prescribed in But Ellsberg was OUR PICNIC TODAY you so, didn't 1" the case of a junior officer, the "Where the hell is Mr Sier YOU At that moment Chief MAUI senior had initialed the log. So raT" Ellsberg's head appeared ahoy.) they knew what kind of weather At that moment. Antonio ladder PHOTOGR the starboard bridge was Moldier. He looked at tha ra WISP on deck wtth Miss Jotnuut Rennie and Morgai.lie inscrutable first mate. wonder- Rena Calvert r?-ei mid "What have We here" Containing Ms curiosity ing why the captain was miss- 0 C 41811 -"Weather ahead." Hanson re- ing listened to her account of 'one plied adding the "Mr" as he ex- Ellsberg raised his eyes, said, of those sleepiest§ nights" as tier tended th• typed sheet 'Morning Mr Ross," then con- glance scented to inventors turn Ellitherg fingered his beard as tinued to work with the patent and debate on the true worth of be scanned the report -A rules, marking off lines of posi- *the item But i.e was once more worthy observation Mr Ran- tion on the South Pacific Cbtlirt doing the same liking ell he son Captain Knapp in the Under the work lamp above the saw increasingly. enrying the wheelhouse" table his black benrd took on manner In which she turned the "No Mr. Shall I call Mtn!" bluish sheen giving him Rom almost impertinent intensity of Elieberg slowly lined his oileerVed in detachment, a devil- his glances. clone, to Ranson. "what for!" 111111 appearance "Now when do we reach ro- With no ropey forthcoming. Perhaps the junior officer mantic Apta'" she alike(' him Mat a curious, sharp recoil in thought Ellsberg'e almost mitt- "1 know, you tdsM me yesterday Ilanson's expression Elleberg ter-of -fact crisunlemis vereus the and the day belore" I'VE BEEN A TENANT ON sauntered Into the wheentreiree steely light in his eye* had -Same as I tom you I'd en- 7,415 BLESSED EARTH LONG With n glance at the clerk wimethino to do with it In any joy taking you hilt on the town eNouGH VBE ABLE screwed to a bulkhead he .can- ease, Ellsberg wriA hard to when we touch in I stay that T'RECOGNIZE A fled the Sea to the weed and- figure out. for lust its you again also " SPOILEb• ROTTEN if southwest, eyed the captain's thought you had him pegged he Her eyebrows lifted as to LITTLE BRAT WHEN padded, stool and polished arm would make sorre friendly gen- excuse her exploring look "Tan I ssi ONE NOW rests. all in unhurried manner tore and upset all previous cal- dark man self-poasessed, hand- YOU'LL MIND YOUR helmsmen. with more lit mind before allying to the rotations some. but 'TONGUE AND YOU'LL O'Brien on tho reveals And -" "Charlie. get • • • than he MIND PAS picked up front line" 42.PARKS left. for the radio "And" he The chief engineer replied there "A pretty provocative shack Ross waited curious promptly. and ousborg said' who reads a man's mind NA to the r1',ri^1,-ca einaehee As "How's the weather down there al right or wrong decodes innina Ross AAP trying to bal- Tom"- Hot as hell eh" Brass three a good comriany No threes ance ship seas and weather to and steel turrOng tine' Roo*, Rena Anti I know a rhinew hi" meaoer knowledge ot men, that Ott nothing's wrong platce where the curry Ile ointi aware of this and It Chief_ Just wanted to know if "Beg pardon, sir." the stew- irked hint sofnewhat He seem- you were alley down there" interrupted '"It's the bridge ed perpetually off comer when ard Next he raised the tiolnin again Yon're wanted in the it came to ready 41werrirnent, "Morning, Rose" He passed the chartroom at once " especially- where the old-a-hoot time a entrinte or at then sem littti eyed htrel eminently seamen were concerned And "By the way, how about those "Sounds urgent. Icebergs or I PlIsberg was a sea dog of the Mill plates on the port Quarter something" fleet w-ater Thal en' Well, woo better put "These Venters don't breed SPEAK FREE.L.'itr - D):5 N -NOT a patch on them Nothing'. A college graduate from dry icebergs." Sierra smiled, flash• Rose had STAR ANsiBODY wrong Billy but I want to Arizona Harrison mg iite %damsels eyes "Of any ANIN/B0{7•1 THINK MY cheek it oft my sheet No hurry. Majored in mathematics gone sort WO T OUTRATE H7ME, Right, Rose " into the Merchant Marine with • "I hope you're as alert on the As Ellaberg moved toward a blaming ambition ,to captain a bridge. Mr Sierra," MANSAT ? Mg liner one Flee day The de: the bridge, the hefthsrman asked. "TM try ko he Mow It. It Arta wire remained unshaken though "We ridln had plates down for lust the two of us?" there, sir" he wondered .it times if he'd "Ask me at lunch" "Rine Chrirlie Why, they'll ever Make it Here he was still likett spilt end well go down playing catch up with his own "I'll be On watch, and you 111.111 fit* • With •- chock* porittion as lowest-rank officer Know It" • and Charlie's grin, he stepped ebroirrt He supposed he was too tier eyes weighed him like out on the bridge serious Mr Sierra had told him premelon scales A quirk M "ktr Hanson have Mr Sierra ie Much, and often amusement played about her tole nie in the chartroom Mr Ems placed Sierra up tor mouth "Why not ?" she said, Rosa And, Mr Hanson %Flew As soave and hand,rime with a shrug. In' lotions', his voice, -you'll ae one's con, eptlem of a Spanish i To Re Coratinucrl T,nricircoic, tom the Vouborday a Lb. novel. Copyright c IWo by Uarland Ruetli Distributed by King restores Syndicate


.01 .. • •••





•ACHI SIX Tnr LEDGER L. TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY THURSDAY --- ALTOITST 18, 1966 K2/133 City - 53 68 438 26% K. CI, at N. Y.. 2 twt-n.ght I harbda)'s Probable Pitchers IA k New York -- 53 68 438 26% Minnestita swish at Miss Madrey to Know the Ainencan Private 44Mitc at Boston. _night. pi New Yark---Fry- Gives Liberty Super Market .4x2 timgeon - 54 71 71t• • aoterFare Sy.stem" MILLI 9-7 vs, Oeutner --3-7. 1-ff:1Z 11,...zton --- 53 .421 28's -Aft Semiriai This speech v.-as an 72 Cincinnati at Houston - Mato- informative ' Ro664in Milan National League part of the Farm B1.11 Homers Thani. rev 13-4 vs Bruce 2-9 or Merkel- piCMC Wednesday's Games program. 6-4 E'eltinwre 8 Boston 4 W. L. Pet. GB St. Lo.uis at Los Angeles - 5 Wash 3. night -70 48 .503 Gib- son 159 VA. Etys2Ale 8-13. MILAN, Tenn. - Authoritte. 3ther Players Detroit 4 New You 2, night San Freteriszo 71 50 587 Kath:een Madrey gave a report I .Crity pones rzneduledi at ENDS WITH A BANG said Tuesday they were looking for NL-en 5 Carfcru.1 3, night Los Angeles - 67 51 568 • s the Calloaay County Farm Bu- reau two men who fled a Liberty, super- Chi 4 'Kan GIty 2 1st, twilight Philadelphia - 65 55 542 plon.c, Saturday. August 13. BLETCY1LEY, FrMars Games on England ,uft miu-ket in a ahite 1964 model car By. CURT BLOCK 5. Kan Qty 1. rivlat Et.. Louis --- 01_ 58 .543 the Youth Seminar she attandocl 2n4. t,i-g1i -t-Chicago A -wendplanc-smothIng canted after stealing about $5,000 in coins Ctricaumti 60 59 .504 10% at Lexington during the Thursday's Probst*. Pitchers New Y.Ar. at Phila. night month of hf-re was truly a bang-up from UPI Spirts Writer June. Ths affair. the owner's coin collection. Californ a at Ihnne•cte - Lopes Atlar ta - 51 61 487 12% report consisted of hew Elcven G.r.7.L-m-mai at Hotisten, night tat. pernuas were injured in the American League 5,11 Grant_ t New York 52 61 431 18% 'amp was divided unto __Charles Hilliand. 1-- -- With. M& rmaine the Mehl- tx.„ Li et Laub at Lea_ A.114eleS, night- Boards laisploston--of a- bomb -rarget-to -the aid.hia-kmil-tin- W. L. Pet. GB Hetiie-on - - - 51 68 4 19% of Direatora either for a circulated !'.nded teiting home run cha.mprion Clie...sigo at Cieveipd - Peters at San Fran, to ght Oo-operat- piano keys by members cf t'rock'n coins In the off.ce safe Chltago - 40 78 339 :ye or investor owned 1/1 time: Sandy Koufax 13St a 104 ca. McDowell 8-5. 30 Corporation,i roll group. valued at more than $10,000 He -- 79 41 658 - Wednesday's !untie +Only games Games said it appeared half were stolen to become the first 20 fame Detroit -- 65 54 546 13% AcUng as director they were giv- Sin Fr in 4 St Lhes 3 A new axle plan: to be built at "It was a practical joke that went -.7"...TheS this mason; and the Pitts- Cleveland -64 57 5.10 124 Pritlpy', en Problems Perl'ewl'ris to Shciff R. P. Pybass • Gains , New Yak 8 Pitts 7. tieght Winchester woo cost 136 mill on the op- wrung,- mid Alan Lerxel, 20 -We said the ,d Prates come unglued and Illonescita - - 63 ligation of these business thlevm 58 321 16% Beirlimore at Dttrc.,.. night Chl 5 Phil& organize- ore desperately mooed gloves and were pro- a- a 74 t 10 innings night and employ 760 pe-sons, the &ate dons. sorry about the lead to the Iles. Chicago -8356 521 CS:7,2v Clevi'szsd. Kathleen. Marilyn Alexander fe at ritght • Atlanta 6 Hcustcn 1, nest Department of Cortunerce - miler:pierces We had no Idea Mays, who tied Janiny Pear sec- Colleens& et and Dowd Palmer of -- 60 60 501 19 Cab/omit at Waibmglon. night riennati received tits trip blowing ant Thesday. 5 Los Ang 1. neght mete. as Up the piano at all-just on the hane hat rap. a remits of the study -It 'They didn't leave a fingerprint,' Pays a bane to make a b't cf fun." Ids 30th of the season and he said. to 5.1! -Ah lifetime Wedeit.aday to help of Giants to a 4-3 win over St. Mu duc Koalas developed a sharp pain hor his tender left elbow and was Pee ...rani to tho leave the game In met fifth innng with CinUnnau lead - va duo 3-0, a gaine the Red. au.: on le take 5-1 30-yearo8d southpaw The reacte- In ; d a cortkone inection unmerkate- ly upon reaching the Dodger club da ()Vet use and then went through /us .jWillORE GOV'T GRADED, that 17 et game dtual of packing has TOP QUALITY MILKY WAY - 3 77 rm In e First reixrts indicated MUSKETEER - HERSHEY HERSHEY'S 16-1 Le tremble might not be too 5t SIZE see- and and he aught not miss a tura !Ina in the starting ridatke CHOCOLATE Lea. Reg bend CANDY SYRUP BARS 11 PlatibutTh =el he nun by 16-0z. 10-Bar Pkg. ('an of I Wall. Martell. Bill Magercala and - Whole wed reonn Ctendemon to build a 7-1 ad- RI % Nokenge by the 'third inning But t tie unpredletabte Stets fought beck 10 for 3W 2for 3W Cho . eh the first pinch lilt grand than Hen li-Mer in their history and a two MARTHA WIUTE Tun Moak by Ron Hunt to Send BUTTERMILK - 71-0z. PILL Lie Pirates to an 8.7 defeat and thew lead to a had pine Elswietiere. Chicago beat Phila. Biscuit elphis 5..3 in 10 kinings and At- Mix 2 19c lanta togged Houston YERS 6.1 In the Arporkian League. Haiti- I( ItitELL REALPRUNE mare beat Boston 1-4. Detroit de- rvar PORK -Bulk LEAN. FRESH GROOUND 1ta4ed New York. 4.2. slipped Weittimbin 5-3. Mionmota SNACK :rimmed Caillinds PRUNE JUICE cago swept Mie balm Kamm City 12-0z. Can Quart .1-2 seal 5-1 •-- Sausage Pit A relieved Mille 39 Magi slid be Hamburger 39b An hoped the name TVel talk mai"end 4W • am rt'7w thet he bad pained Pi. 29( druc Cancentarie On Peen...,. Lean, Meaty coral sure fee* great to :Aft First BUSH - No. 3041 Cuts Can tan CV! WEI- he mkt. -Dow tie Max ...els down and Mink abot17 Drees n dhe pennant Instead at it criall Mote my homers KIDNEY BEANS was - • Baia Prancseco•had plenty to wor- 3 39c bund e: dial* after Mays' fourth waxes lb ENGLISH MT. IVIA home run off Cardinal starter Ray KREY it Wanlaburri They traded 1-1 In the adrift 5 tune and Ued theplane on run GREEN 9000( st:ortng ~la by Itto Fuentes and AJIMOL R. ALL-MEAT - 12-01. Pkg. SLICED SMOKED 2-1 b. Pkg. BEANS VIENNA SAUSAGE velle laffEberay. Ninth unang ming. No. 303 Can funds os by TIM Rooptr. Jim Davenpor. 4-Ounce Can 1 and Jam Mott. WOW, for wen- axis c.o. palm Prue Lew 5-11. total- and ed Rehm Mks hie Ii lois in WIENERS Jowl 10( 5for Bacon sl prat:. 16 decimal& 39icb 89c Boulez kathi.salecueeens p•oril the fourth and walked _ Aar) three met the t.fore Leo Oartierms drove ther Fresh Cut-Up Chicken He :4 in with • double He ims Parts • prov, mond by meow Wan Aber-. - Sliced iiiii:arANT Its I Let Miring the len beater it. TEA BREAST - lb59' HACKS & NECKS 19° 69c maul LIPTON the Choy starter Ihresny Elba 10-14 !aid Las Angeles to four hits over BACON YELLOW SOLID LEGS - - lb 49r tabs innings but left the game in GIZZARDS _ lb 39e One Pound Par 'ear, ide Meath after Imam the bases TEA BAGS Cara C walk and taro singles Willie MARGARINE the 11116115 - lb 48 count pan) .-vi.' senrifice fly co renewer Bill 55' LIVERS_ lb 79' • Cool scored one run and that 79c It for the Dodgem. Ignite Zany 59( 2 lbs 35( l'imethinrune sines by Aeon PRODUCE FROZEN Ml Ken Buyer FOODS arel Jtn Hirt Yellow Freestcme (1 2 bushel $1.59) Mrs ran Frosty Acres - 6-ox, can 1-1.8 ( HEF-14 DELIGHT - 2-Lb Kos scored came tun and *rated 2 char rall7 for the Meta Ron (Lb. 111e) gam fireboat walked and Bab Taylor. PEACHES ___ bushel I". K It e.o-31 hating for Ed Kraineemol, ORANGE JUICE 19c thaw walciped the grand darn that clos- Fresh Tender Home Grown PTA e 1 the Frosty Acres, Blackeye gap to 74 Cheese Spread Toe • In 49c the math. ,Hickerien aingled off Pack 5th Teak. who was then replaced ,h. 15c 69c SQUASH prim .y Al licHean. the greallami loser PEAS 10-oz KRAFT KRAFT • box 9C tank • !ter fliwoboda forced 111101111110 and aide • cle second- TaYtor by a Tres•. Green Bets -Garden Delight - 2-1b. bag and Chuck Mir MO out MAYONNAISE MARSHMALLOWS en Medd Mt to Mil bans and llar IMO% bone knocic Quart 1 --es dm NMI PEPPER Pod 5° -Lb. Bag Ride aintot IR a 111nee-run fir) FRENCH FRIES_ 29` cr willh Imo out in the 10th No. 1 Red Pet Ritz - 14-oz. !lie fanner Pliddie Ours Simmons 49f 19f the ertory CRson Beckeri doubled ✓ nd Ron Santo was bated on M POTATOES 10-lb. bag 49c CREAM NO. I - 4-Lb. Bag PIES- _ _ 29° • ninewiliainrnerbefor%friZ,tZ, Sunkist Frosty Acres PLA rid* a former Ptdisidelphia's (8 tri Pig.) Cub I -Lb. lou "ebie Allen in.Emo C seri ttai game N perm Box , serum, in the eighth inns* ititn S -- - - dos. 99C ' kla 70th horne run. equalling his WAFFLES 10° Pinto Beans this major !moue Perlode.nt 49c high - giant size Monarch Dietetic - 8-oz. can they ROAM Pat Jarvis oral Clay Cae- SHOP AT ever ca eambined to stop Houton on Sunshine - 12-ow. box Skinner - 10-oz. hits Atlanta brake the gams POPS-RITE POPCORN TOOTHPASTE FRUIT COCKTAIL nw • wtth free runs In the sixth PARKERS CHILI usenet losing pitcher Dam Glue% VANILLA MACARONI fa WAFERS :qv Carty singled home rue two rum 69' 19' "h 2 F°Ft 2 nhal red Hank Ammo and Den& Menai and SAVE 29' 1 fee eachat Jaren pinked up ha 29"• 19' ficst major league elebor7


%GTO Japan le Tiro maillis FOOD w-saring metal badges an ther mos were electrocuted by a trilt of Nov- .rig during • bai-et. mane at wailer Hitaxhi Cry Sundry. a wee reported Monday Kirled were MARKET Shininchl Sato 17, datatatiop. god Itedeictu lukutiant. 17, the WM * OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 P.M. ham ugiplre. le WE RESER/VE RKER THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTM