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Chemistry of Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture.

Fermentation by Apiculated Yeast : Influence of Aeration on Fermentation by Elliptical Yeast at a High Temperature. By M. RIETSCHand M. HEISELIN(Compt. rend., 1891, 121, 378-380). -When musts prepared from di*ygrapes, with or without the addi- Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. tion of saccharose, are fermented under similar conditions, the ratio of alcohol produced to sugar destroyed is higher with elliptical yeast than with apiculated yeast. Moderately dilute musts, fermenting with eIliptical yeast at about 36", are not appreciably affected by passing a current of air through them, but with stronger musts, the a6ration produces a distinct increase in the amount of alcohol, and the beneficial effect is greater the stronger the must. In all cases, however, the advant'age gained by cooling the liquid to about 30° is much greater than that resulting from aeration, although the latter is still beneficial. A combination of the two processes gives the best results, and is especially to be recommended in hot countries, in which the musts are usually some- what concentrated. Precautions must of course be taken against acetic fermentation. C. H. B. Effect of abundant Application of Nitrogen on the Assimila- tion and Respiration of Plants. By H. M~~LLER(Bied. Centr., 1895, 24, 454-456 ; from Jakyesber. deut.-schweiz. Versuchs-stat., Wiidenszceil, 3, 52).-The results of the experiments which were made with potatoes and sugar beet were as follows. The application View Article Online

54 ABSTRACTS OF OHEMIOAL PAPERS. of large amounts of nitrogen to the plants caused increased leaf- development with greater percentage of chlorophyll ; starch formation in the leaves was impeded, the starch was more quickly dissolved, and there was less storage of reserve substances ; the amount of glucose was increased, and there was increased decomposition of nitrogen compounds, resulting in increased respiration of all parts, and in increased growth. With both plants, excessive or exclusive nitrogenous manure should be avoided. Roots which have been too heavily manured with nitro- gen should be used first, as they are the most subject to loss through respiration. pu'. H. J. M. Consumption of Asparagine in the Nutrition of Plants. By Y. KINOSH~TA(Bull. Coll. Agn'c., Imp. Univ., , 1895, 2, 196- 199).-According to C. 0. Muller (Abstr., 1887, 70), regeneration of proteids froin asparagine can only take place in green leaves, light and the nascent state of carbohydrates being essential. In order to ascertain whether the process would go on in the dark, shoots of soja bean, which are rich in asparagine, were fed with organic solutions, 2nd examined from time to time for asparagine. The solutions selected were : (1) 1 per cent. methylic alcohol with one-tenth of its bulk of saturated gypsum solution; (2) 1 per cent. glycerol solntion with gypsum, and (3) glucose solution. When placed in these solutions, t.he plants were 20-27 cm. long, and the roots and stems were rich in asparagine ; the cotyledons had been removed. Tests for reserve albumin, made during the experiment, showed it to be absent in the control experiment, and present in considerable amount in the shoots grown in sugar and glycerol. After about four weeks, the shoots of the control experiments showed a higher percentage of asparagine in the dry matter (28.7) than at the commencement (21.5 per cent.), whilst the shoots in methylic alcohol and glycerol solutions showed a Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. respective reduction to 18.9 and 13.7 per cent. The production of dissolved proteids was thus coincident with decrease of asparagine. The increase in amount of asparagine in the control experiments was probably due to production from other Itmides. A less increase was observed in another control experiment (24.0) in which the cotyle- dons had not been removed, probably due to the protecting effect of the galactans and btlier carbohydrates gradually becoming soluble. Glycerol and methylic alcohol supplied to the roots can, therefore, riot only hinder the production of aspamgine in the shoots, but also diminish the amount already present. Glycerol is the more effective ; it also fornis sugar. Since the shoots grew better in these solutions than in water, and showed the presence of dissolved prote'ids, it may be assumed that both methylic alcohol and glycerol can regenerate protejids from asparagine. Moreover, light cannot hare any direct action in supporting the process, although it is indirectly of great importance in yielding the necessary Carbohydrates. N. H. J. M. Assimilation of Nitrogen from Nitrates and Ammonium Salts by Phaenogams. Br Y. KINOSH~TA(Bd. COZZ. Agyic., Imp. Univ.,Toki~o, 1595, 200--208).-Barley was sown in sand con- View Article Online

VEQETABLE PEYSIOLOQY AND AGRICULTURE. 55 tained in three pots, and kept dark. After 16 days, the plants of one pot were taken out and analysed, whilst those of the second and tbird pots were watered with a 1 per cent. solution of ammonium chloride and a solution containing an equivalent amount of sodium nitrate respectively ; 500 C.C. of each solution was used during the week the experiment lasted. In a second experiment, maize plants, nearly 40 cm. long, were placed in solutions of ammonium and sodium nitrates (containing 1 per cent. of nitrogen), control plants being p!aced in distilled water. The following total amounts (in grams) of nitrogen, and of nitrogen as asparagine, were found.

~~ At commencement. At conclusion.

Total. As Asparagine. Total. As Asparagine. ---

Barley in AmCl 2 * .. 3'512 027 ,, NdO3.. } 0 -656 { t:;;," 0 -977 Maize in AmN03.. 0 '73 ,, NSNO3 .. } 0.38 { t 2 0 -24 Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. View Article Online

56 ABSTRACTS OF OELEMICAL PAPERS. plasma remain in one species the same, and that the formation of prote'ids commences with relatively simple atomic groups. As regards carbon compounds, the nutritive qualitj of acids is incressed by the entrance of alcoholic hydroxyl, that of alcohols increases with the number of HO-groups ; aldehyde and ketone groups increase the nutritiveness, the lower members of the fatty acids being more assimilable than the higher. Unsaturated ring systems are gene- rally unfavourable, whilst some compounds (such as yiiinic acid) con- taining a saturated benzene ring are very nutritive. Pyridine, pinacone, ethylenediamine, amidoacetal, glyoxal, meconic and oxalic acids do not support bacterial growth ; acetoxime, diacetonamine, citraconic and malejic acids do, but only with difficulty ; at the same time, none of these compounds is so poisonous as to kill the bacteria, if well nourished. It is of interest that whilst with male'ic acid it takes weeks to develop bacteria, fumaric acid supports bacteria well ; in citraconic acid there was no development for six weeks. Comparing the different monhydric alcohols, it was found that whilst 1 percent. methylic alcohol readily develops bacterial growth, amylic alcohol has to be used diluted to 0.1 per cent. The fatty acids decrease in nutritive properties as their molecular weight increases ; formic acid, however, seems to be available only in the case of one kind of Lac- terium (Centr. f. Bacteriol., 12, No. 14) ; is poisonous, but its combinations with hydrogen sodium sulphite, and with am- monia can be utilised by a bacillus and by a kind of Dematium. As regards the manner in which acetic acid, for instance, is utilised, it is supposed that it is oxidised with formdon of form- aldehyde, carbonic anhydride, and water ; this would explain the favourable effect of the CH*OH-groups 01' the isomeric formaldehyde. In the case of the utilisation of formic acid (sodium salt), there would probably be first a transformation into glyoxylic acid, and then decornposit ion of this into formaldehyde and carbonic anhydride. Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. Oxalic and parabaric acids and urea, &c., cannot be used as sourceR of carbon, because they cannot furnish formaldehyde. There is at present no explanation for the difference in the value of the stereo- iaomeric, male'ic, and fumaric acids. As a rule, compounds contain- ing the groups CH3, CH2, CHaOH, and CH2*OHcan be used as sources of carbon, if not, poisonous, and if not too resistant to the attacks of bacteria. In the following lists (next page) the various corn- pounds are grouped thus : I, very good sources of carbon ; IT, moderately good ; 111, very poor ; and IV, useless, so far as observed :- The very remarkable observation of Huppe (Biol. Centr., 7, 702), that the nitrifying bacteria will develop in inorganic solutions may be explained by assuming part of the hydrogen of the ammonia to act on carbonic anhydride to form formaldehyde and water, and the subsequent condensation of the formaldehyde to sugar. Substances which support the life of azrobic bacteria are generally, but not always, suitable for mould-fungi. Compounds differ con- siderably in their power of developing fungi, for whilst isobutylic alcohol yields 9-10 per cent. of fungoid matter, asparagine yields nearly 22 per cent. Maleic, citraconic, mesacouic, dibenzylmalonic, and diethylsuccinic acids cannot be utilised by moulds, whilst View Article Online


m nlonic, succinic, and methjl- and ethyl-succinic acids are well utilieed. TTTith regard to nitrogen, potassium ferrocyanide is not a, very suitable compound, wliilst hydroxylamine and diamide are poisons ; azoiniide can only be used highly diluted. The nitrogen compounds have always to be transforwed into ammonia before protein formation can begin ; anaarobic microbes effect this br reduction, asrobic by oxidation. In the assimilation of elementary nitrogen by microbes, ammonium nitrite is probably first formed, and the nitrous acid rapidly reduced to ammonia.

T. 11. 111.

~~ Glycerol. Metbylic alcohol. Phen 01. Pinacone. Mannitol. Kthylenic glycol. Acetoxime. Sulphonal. Sugars. Acetone. Uiacetoneamine. Amiduacetal. Lactic acid. Acetic acid. Valeric acid. Oxalic acid. Succinic acid. Fumaric acid. Maieic acid. Meconic acid. Tartaric acid. Pyruvic acid. Citraconic acid. Picric acid. Citric acid. Levulinic acid. Benzoic acid. Antipyrine. Beta'ine. Glycocine. Lecithin. Dimethploxy-m- diazine. Alanine. Methy lamine. Trimethy lamine, E thy lenediamine. Leucine. C h oline. Strychnine. Yyridine. Asparagine. Allantoh. Hexamethyleneamiiic Urea. Gtlutamine. Caff e'ine. Aniidobenzoic acid. Parabanic acid. Creatine. Methylic cyanide. Glyoxylic acid. Guttnidine.

Sulphur seems to he present in the proteids of fungi, as in other proteids, as *SH. Sulphates have, therefore, to be reduced. Sul- phonal, CMe,:SO,E&, is a suitable source of sulphur in presence of easily assimilable carbon, but not otherwise. Chlo~ophyllPlants.-In the higher, as in the lower plants, it must Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. be assumed, whatever compounds are utilised for their growth, that the carhon compounds are so broken up as to produce formaldehyde, and that the nitrogen must lie liberated as ammonia. AS regards the different forms of nitrogen produced by the decomposition of protejids, asparapine, leucine, and tyrosine, phenylamidopropionic and amidovaleric acids, arginine and allantoin have been found ; urea bas not been detected, but guanidine occurs in the shoots of Yicia sativa. Schulze's observation that whilst amido-acids formed during the first period of germination decrease in quantity, asparagine increases, is of very great importance; when sugar takes part in the formation of prote'ids from asparagiiie, it furnishes the deficiency of carbon. Prote'ids might be formed in the following manner:- By reduction in presence of glucose, asparagine might yield aspartic aldehyde, and the ammonia liberated would immediately, in presence of glucose, form another molecule of aspartic aldehyde; 3 mols. of this aldebyde (CaH,N02) may be supposed to condense with elimi- nation of water (2 mols.), and yield an intermediate compound, (C12H17N304),6 mols. of which, with hydrogen (6 mols.) and hydrogen sulyhide (1 mol.), would yield albumin of the forrniila C72H112N1AS032, and water (2 mols.). Glucose would again be required for the rednu- View Article Online


tion. On the assumption that the aldehyde and amido-groups are prevented from acting on each other, and that in the reduction the 12 aldehyde groups are converted into secondary alcoholic groups, CH-OH, the final product (active albumin) would be of extra- ordinary lability, containing 12 aldehyde and 18 amido-groups in 1 mol. With the loss of its aldehyde character it would be changed to passive albumin. It is obvious that passive albumin iq not pro- duced by direct synthesis, but is the product of the transformation of the directly formed actire, unstable albumin. N. H. J. 31. Active Albumin as Reserve Material in Plants. By OSCAR LOEW(Bull. C'oll. Agri., Imp. Univ., Tokyo,1894,2,23--33).-The author and Bokorny have shown the presence in plants of a protein sub- stance, apparently in solution, which gives certain reactions, of which living protoplasm, owing to its great lability, is incapable, and which neither dead protoplasm nor the known soluble prote'ids show. The substance has the r6le of a reserve material, being used up during the growth and multiplication of cells. Many dgre and parts of higher plants show, under the influence of caffexne (0.1--0.5 per cent.) or oE antipyrine (0.5 per cent.), anumber of minute, transparent, colourless globules, which gradually unite to iorm larger globules or droplets, at the same time losing their original motions ; all the !!j'pi~*ogyi*ceare specially adapted for these observations. When the objects are placed in water, the globules disappear, as the caffe'ine leaves the cells by osmosis, and the cells continue to live as before the treatment ; if, however, the cella die during the treatment, or are killed by poisons, the droplets also change their properties, thus showing close chemical resemblance of t.he matter in the protoplasm and in the droplets, the latter becom- ing turbid, and losing their solubility. When spirogyra-th reads, con- taining freshly formed droplets, are exposed to ether vapour, the cells Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. are killed in a fern seconds, and, in about 20 minutes, the globules lose their brightness and their solubility. In the dissolved state, the substance is quickly changed by the death of the cells in which caffeine never produces globules. Spiro- yyra Weberi, treated for one minute with very dilute aqueous iodine, yields globules with caffeine, but not after 10 minutes' treatment with iodine. The substance is, therefore, a proteid differing from ordinary soluble proteids by being separated in globules by caffe'ine, &c., and by its very great lability. In the coagulated state, the globules show all the properties of ordinary coagulated prote'ids. When the proteo- somes, as these globules are termed, are treated with ammonia they are solidified, the amiiionia entering into intimate combination. This fixation of ammonia, which recalls the formation of pyrrolines from 1 : 4 ketones, is explained by the presence of aldehyde groups in the proteosomes, which are able to reduce silver nitrate, even after treat- ment with animonia; the reaction with silver nitrate mas also obtained with the proteosomes of Symphorocarpus racemoszis, which is free from tannin, and from which every trace of sugar was removed. View Article Online


The fact that proteosomes represent the active albumin was proved by cultivating Spirogyra in nutritive solutions without and with nitrogen (potassium nitrate). In the first case, the stored-up albumin was used up so thoroughly that, after two or three weeks, caffe‘ine failed to produce proteosomes ; whilst in the second case, there was an intense formation of proteosorues with caffe’ine after three weeks, more active albumin having been produced. than was required. Changes of temperature have great influence on the amount of active albumin present, and phosphates iuterfere with its accumula- tion (Loew, “ Physiol. Functions of Phosphoric acid,” BioE. Centr., 2, 280). Active albumin was found in a great variety of plants and in various parts of plants, but not in animals. The separation of globules by caffe’ine or smtipyrine is probably duc to a very loose combination in which the original chemical nature of the albumin is not otherwise altered, but it is also possible that the bases effect a loose kind of polymerisation ; at any rate t,he original state may be restored by washing out the bases with water. Strongel. ba’ses(guanidine, methylamine, &c.) produce grauules which do not form droplets, and which soon became insoluble in water ; inorgamic bases produce minute granules and rapid death of the cells (compare Loew and Bokorny, D. chm. Kyaf tquelle im lehenden Protoplasma, Miinchen, 1889; Bot. Centr., 1889 and 1893; FZora, 1892, 127 ; Bokorny, Prings. Jalwb., 19 and 20 ; P$iiger’s Archiz9, 45 and 50). pu’. H. J. M. Function of Diastase in Plants. By J. GRCSS (J. Pha~m., 1895, [6],2, 275-276 ; from Apoth. Zeit., 1895, 307).-Diastase may be readily detected in the cells of plants by digesting the tissue, for a sufficient length of time, with a solution of guaiacum in absolute alcohol, and then immersing sections of it in a dilute solution of Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. ; a fine blue colour is developed in those cells which contain the enzyme. The author finds that diastase is always present in those parts of the plant from which it is necessary that starch should be removed for purposes of nutrition. As the amylolytic power of diastase is inhibited by the presence of more than a certain limiting amount of glucose7 it would seem that in assimilation, the formation of glucose precedes that of starch, and continues as long as the sugar is removed by ciuxlation. When, however, the sugar commences to accumulate beyond the requirements of the organism, it undergoes polynierisation to maltose and eventually to starch, which, in the presence of glucose, is not hydrolysed by the diastase 7 as soon, however, as the glucose is reduced by circulation below the inhibitory proportion, the starch is hydro- lysed by the diastase, and the supply of soluble nutritive material thus maintained. The amylolytic power of diastase is increased in presence of salts of the alkalis and alkaline earths, aiid by asparagine, &c. Jx. W. View Article Online


Hydrogen Peroxide in Plants. By J. CHO(Bull. COU.of Agk, Imp. Unit.., Tokyo, 1895, 2, 225-227).--4 iaeply to Bach (Abstr., 1895,ii, 239). Twenty-one species of plants were treated as described by Bach. In nine cases, a coloration was observed, but not the colour produced in the control experiment; moreover, the extracts gave the same reaction after treatment with platinum black, which mould have destroyed any hydro en peroxide, it’ it had been present. The colora- tion observed is pro$ably only obtained when the leaves have been partly killed by the oxalic acid solution, so that certain readily oxidis- able compounds are enabled to leave the cells by osmosis, and yield coloured products by oxidation in presence of aniline oxalate. N. H. J. M. Occurrence of two kinds of Mannan in the Roots of Cono- phallus Konyaku. By Y. K~NOSHITA(Bull. Coll. Agric., Imp. Univ., Tokyo, 1895, 2,.205-206).-1t was shown by Tsuji (this ~ol.,ii, 44) that the root of Conophallus contains a large amount of an anhydride of mannose ; it is now shown that two kinds of mannan are preflent. The finely ground root was repeatedly extracted with boiling water untsil the extract was no longer slimy. The residue yielded mannose when boiled with dilute acid, and the slimy extract, on the addition of alcohol, yielded a copious, nearly white, flocculent precipit’ate ; the latter, when dried at looo, was no longer soluble in water, but yielded mannose when boiled for some hours with 4 per cent. sulphuric acid. This mannan differs from that obtained from yeast by Sadkowski (Abstr., 1894, i, 222) in losing its solubility on drying, but agrees in its behaviour with basic lead acetate (no precipitate), ferric chloride, and ammonia (gelatinous precipitate), copper snlphate and sodium hydroxide (thick, blue precipitate), and also with Febling’s soln- tion. The slimy mannan was not altered by the diastase of malt, by inver- tase, or emulsin, and Osaaa’s experiments on dogs showed that it is Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. digested with much more difficulty than starch. An enzyme capable of saccharifying the mannan must, however, exist in the konyaku root, and the author hopes to isolate it. N. H. J. M. Composition of some Mucilages. By K. YOSHIMURA(BUZZ. COZZ. Ag~ic.,Imp. Uniz.., Tokyo, 1895, 2, 207--208).-The slimy extracts of the various plants were concentrated, precipitated with alcohol, the washed precipitates boiled with sulphuric acid (6-4 per cent.), nen- tralised with barium chloride, filtered, and concentrated to syrups. Portions of these were evaporated with nitric acid and examined for rnucic acid, other portions were mixed with pheny lhydrazine acetate, whilst others again were examined with phloroglucinol and hydro- chloric acid for pentoses. Finally, the osazones were prepared. The mucilage of Xterculia plantanifolia (joung shoots) consists OE araban with some galactan ; that of Colocasia antiquowm (tuberom roots) probably consists only of a polyanhydride of diglacose. The mucilages of Vitis pentaphylla (stems and leaves), and Opuntia (fleshy stems), chiefly consist of galactan, those of (Enothcra Jaquinii (stems and leaves), and Kudzura japonica (young leaves and stems), contain galactan and araban. N. H. ,J. M. View Article Online

VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY AND AQRIDULTURE. Gt Laccase in Vegetables. By GABRIELBERTBAND (Con@. rend., 1895,121,166-168) .-An alcoholic solution of gum guaiacum becomes blue in presence of air and a very small quantity of lnccase ; if the proportion oE the latter is considerable, the blue coloration may change to green and eventually to yellow. This reaction is very convenient as a test for laccase, and by means of ik, combined in most cases with the actual isolation of the lnccase, the author has recognised the presence of this substance in the roots of the beet, carrot, and turnip, the tubers of the dahlia, pbtato, and Jerusalem artichoke, the rhizome of balkier, apples, pears, chestnuts, quinces, lucern, clover, rye-grass, asparagus, and the flowers of the gardenia. As a rule, only those organs of the plant which are in a state of active develop- ment contain any notable proportion of laccase. In dealing with roots, rhizomes, tubers, and parenchymatous fruits, the juice may be precipitated with alcohol immediately after its extraction, but, in the case of green organs, the juice should be satu- rated with chlorofoi~mand allowed to remain for 24 hours, when it will coagulate spontaneously, and only the filtered liquid is treated with alcohol. C. H. B. Asparagine in the Roots of Nelumbo Nucifera. By Y. KTNO- SHITA (Bztll. Coll. Agric., Imp. Univ., Tokyo, 1895, 2, 203--204).-The root of Nrlumbo nucifera is rich in starch, and is used in , in the boiled condition, as food. The following analytical results were obtained by Kellner :-water, 85.84 ; the dry suhstaiice gave : crude protein, 7-75 ; fat, 1.44 ; fibre, 7.19 ; non-nitrogenous extract, starch, &c., ’78.59 ; ash (free from carbon and carbonic anhydride), 3-03 per cent. Asparagine has been detected in comparatively few roots; the roots of Althwa contain 2, of Glycirrhizu (Plisson), 0.8, of Scorzoneya (Gorup), 0.6, and potatoes (Schulze), 3 per cent. The dry substance Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. of Nelumbo yielded nearly 2 per cent. of asparagine. N. H. J. M. Occurrence of Cytisine in various Papilionaceae. By PIEYER C. PLUGGE(Arch. Pharm., 1895, 233, 430--441).--Cytisine is con- tained in the followinq Papilionaceae :-(I) Cytisus Laburnunz, L., (Laburnum culgaris, Grisebach) ; (2) C. alpinus, Mill ; (3) C. supinus, Jacq. ; (4) C. elongatus, W. u. K. ; (5) C. Weldinii, Vis ; (6) C. sessi- folizcs, L. ; (7) C. himzitus, L. ; (8) C. bi$orus, L’her ; (9) G. Abchin- geri, Vis ; (10) C. nigricans, L. ; (11) C. pyoliferus, L., 31s ; (12) Cytisus Adami, Poit ; (13) C. ratisbonensis p-minor, Schaf ; (14) C. ratisbonensis, Schaf; (15) C. polytrichus, &I. B. ; (16) Genista race- mosus, Marnoch ; (17) G. ranzosissimu~,Ten ; (18) G. Spicatus; (19) Ulex euwpcezis, L. (Gerrard’s Ulexine) ; (20) Sophoya speciosa ; (21 j 8. tomentosn ; (22) S. secund@ora, Lagizsca ; (23) Baptisia tinctoria (v. Schroeder’s baptitosime) ; (24) B. Australis ; (25) Euchresta Hor$eldi, Benn. The following members are free from cytisine :- (1) Cytisus nigricans; (2) C. sessilifalius, L. ; (3) C. argenteus, L. ; (4) 0. capitatus, Jacq. ; (5) Genista tinctoria, L. ; (6) G. pilosa, L. ; (7) G. ariylica, L. ; (8) G. gemanica; (9) Siophora japonica, Dc. ; (LO) S. japoiAicc pendida; (11) Sophora afinis. The author has in- View Article Online


vestigated Nos. 20-25 in the first class, and Nos. 9-1 1 in the second. ~'%yhora,speciosa contains cytisine to the extent of 3-23 per cent., and as the infusion of the seeds is identical with cytisine in physiological action, the presence of a second alkaloid is improbable. These results confirm the author's previous statement that Wood's " sophorine " and cytisine are identical. 8.secundidoru, Lagasca ( Virgilin secundijoya, Cad.), also contains in its seeds 3.4'7 per cent. of cytisine. The alkstlo'id in the seed of Euchresta HorsJieldii, Benn, was identified hy means of its colour reactions and tho analysis of it3 auro- and platino- chlorides, as cytisine. Cytisine gives, in addition to the reactions already known, a violet -red coloration with concentrated sulphnric acid and potassium permanganate, the intensity of the violet tint gradually increasing. J. B. T.

Composition of Pure Fruit Juices. B.y H. KRENLA(Bied. Celztr., 2895, 24, 498 ; from Zeit. .f. Nahrun~smittelhygic~~ePA. TVarenkunds, 7,365--370).-The juices of the following fruits were annlysed : (1) cherry ; (2) currant ; (3j gooseberry ; (4) cranberry ; (5) cider Fpple; and (6) melon. The results are given in grams per litre of luice. The acid is calculated as malic acid, and the sugar (reducing) as invert sugar.

Balling's Acid. Sugar. Nitrogen. Ash. extract. 1 1 ------1 166 *0-266 08 3 '13- 7 '23 100 '6-172 '6 2 103 *0-167 '1 21.2 -23% 48 *5-86 *S 3 91 -1 13 -1 59 *7 4 110~0 22 -7 74 -5 5 169-5 11 *07 104 *1 6 99 -5 1 '73 41 -4 Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21.

i EZO. CaO. MgO. PZO5. ------2 *128-2.549 0 -206-1 '230 0 -106 0 -229-0 *501 0 -270 0 -126 0 *099

The sp. gr. were as follows: (1) 1*0639-1*1023; (2) 1*0400- 1.0644 ; (3) 1.0355 ; (4) 1.0462; (5) 1.0653 ; (6) 1.0387. Black cheri-ies gave much more sugar and extract than red ones. Benzoic acid was found in cranberry juice. N. H. J. M. Bark and Leaves of Drimys Granatensis, L. By OSWALU HEME(Annalen, 1895, 286,369-376).- The statement that the bark of Drimys Granatensis contains coto'in has led the author to submit it, to examination, the leaves having been iuclucied in the investigation, t.he result, of which shows that cotoh is not present in either bark 01. leaves. Three new substances have been isolated, drimin, diimjssic acid, arid drimol. View Article Online


Dyinzin, Cl3HI4O4,is obtained from fhe pulverised bark, which is extracted with ether, the etherea! solution evaporated, and the yesidne extracted with boiling petroleum ; the insoluble portion is then dissolved in ether, and light petroleum added, when an oil is thrown down. On evaporating the solution and dissolving the reeidue in alcohol, ether precipitates drimin, which separates from alcohol as a micro-crystalline powder of pale brown colour ; it melts at 256'. Drimyssia acid has not been characterised; it was obtained from the liquid filtered from drimin, and has the properties of an acid. Dvinzol, CzeHts02,is obtained from the leaves by extracting with ether, evaporating the solvent, and dissolving the residue in alcohol ; it crystallises from alcohol in small, white needles, and melts at 73-74'. The ucelyZ derivative, C2sH57Ac0,,crysiallises in small, white leaflets, arid melts at 4243'. The action of hydriodic acid (sp. gr. = 1.7) gives rise to the iodide, C29H5iI0,which crystallises from hot glacial acetic acid in small needles ; by the action of alco- holic potash, drimol is regenerated. M. 0. F. Amount of Fat, Sugar and Tannin in Coffee. By E. HERFELUT and ALBERTSTUTZER (Zeit. angut. Chem., 1895,469-471) .-The fat, or rather the ethereal extract, of coffee seems to be much increased by the roasting process ; a sample of Santos coffee gave on analysis 10.86 per cent. of water and 8.15 per cent. of fat, whilst after roasting it yielded 2.43 per cent. of water and 16.58 per cent. of fat, New Granada coffee showed 10.45 of water and 13.10 per cent. of fat ; after roasting, 2.18 per cent. of water and 15-44!per cent. of fat. Java coffee, however, showed a large decrease in fat, its moisture and Kqt being respectively 10.05 and 14-00 per cent. before, but 2.96 and 11.30 pel. cent. after roasting. The iodine and saponification figures of the fat before or after roasting do not admit of any definite conclusions. Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. Tbe authors have not been able to detect actually existing sugars, but a little may be formed by hydrolysis of the tannin under favour- able conditions. As regards the caffetannic acid, the authors have not been able to get anything like trustworthy results by estimatinc the sugar formed on hydrolysis with tartaric acid ; treatment wit11 aqueous soda also failed. Experiments to isolate the tannin as a bromo-derivative also proved unsatisfactory. L. DE K. Composition of Pachyma COCOSand Mylitia Lapidescens. By ERNSTWINTERSTEIN (An&. Pharm., 1895, 233, 398-409).- Two specimens OF Pachyma Coaos gave the following analytical re- sults :-Prote'in substances = 0.56-1*00 ; substances allied to chitiii = 0.60-1.00 ; ethereal extract = 0*35-0.42 ; ash = 0.06-0.25 ; water = 16*86-12*09 ; d-glucose = 1.40-1*13 ; fongus-cellulose = 2.85-3.24 ; pachymose = 76.21-79.84 per cent. The ethereal ex- tract probabIy consisted of cholesterol. Gnmmy matters are also present in small quantity. Pachymose is an anhydride of d-glucose similar to paradextran and paraisodextrm ; when hydrolysed it yields 97 per cent. of d-glucose. The low content of ash is note- worthy. My Zitta Zupidescens is composed as follows :-Protein sub- View Article Online


stances = 2.36 ; substances allied to chitin = 0.91 ; ethereal extract = 0.10 ; ash = 0.20 ; water =14*56 ; fungus-cellulose = 2.80 ; saccharo- collo'ides = 88-98per cent. No carbohydrate soluble in cold dilute alkali is present; after prolonged heating with alkali, a slimy sub- staxce was isolated, which is similar to Tollens's saccharo-colloydes. Full details of the analytical methods are given. J. B. T.

Kola Nut. By G. LE BON(Expe?.. Stat. Record, 1895, 7, 148 ; from U.8. Consular Rep., 1895, Apr., 537-.540).-The fresh kola nut possesses remarkable stimulating powers, whilst the dried tiu ts do not. lt contains caffe'ine (2.35 per cent.), theobromine (0.023 per cent.), and a red glucoside (1.3 per cent.), which after mastication is largely transformed into caffe'ine. Experiments with caffeine and theobromine showed that when mixed in the proportions in which they occur in the nuts, their sustaining power is equal to that of the nuts ; neither compound aloue has so great a stimulating effect as tho nuts. It is thought that the nuts are of extreme importance as a muscular stimulant. N. H. J. M.

Coco-nut Shells. By R. W. TROMPDE HAASand BERNHARDTOLLEKP (AnnaZen, 1895,286,303-306).-The hard, inner shells of coco-nuts mere finely powdered and extracted successively with cold, dilute hydro- chloric acid, cold dilute ammonia, boiling alcohol, and boiling ether. The dry powder was then heated for an hour on the water-bath with 10 parts of 4 per cent. sulphnric acid, and subsequently in a porcelain basin over the flame; the hot, filtered liquid was neutralised with calcium carbonate, and evaporated, yielding a syrup which was re- dissolved in alcohol. This solution deposited 8 grams of xylose, 110 grams of the powdered shells having been employed. The specific rotatory power of the sugar thus obtained was [aIn = + 64.8' seven minutes after solution, diminishing to [a], = + l8.3O on the Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. following day. The xylose obtained from coco-nut shells crystal- lises from alcohol in white needles, and is not associated with other sugars. The portion of shell-powder which remained undissolved by the hydrolytic agent, was treated with a mixture of 10 parts of con- caentrated sulphuric acid and two pa& of water. After 2&days, the liquid was diluted with 5 litres of water, and boiled for five hours in a reflux apparatus, filtered, and neutralised with calcium carbonate. The alcoholic solution of the syrup obtained on evaporation did not give the redction for pentoses, but yielded pure &glucose, which had a specific rotatory power [a]D = + 50*8O, after remaining in solu- tion for a day. Twenty grams of the powder undissolved in the first operation yielded 0.5 gram of d-glucose. M. 0. F. Composition of some French and other Oats harvested in 1893. By BALLAND (Compt. rend., 1895, 120, 502--5~)4).-Various samples of oats from known sources were examined in order to be able to identify the principal types offered in the French markets. The War Department excludes nearly all foreign oats from their stores. View Article Online


As regards chemical composition, the grey or black oats of Beauce contained over 10 per cent. of prote'ids, about 5 per cent. OE fat, and 7.5 to 9 per cent. of cellulose; the composition of samples from Champagne, Picardie, Vosges (except cellulose over 9 per cent.), Sweden, and of white Norwegian oats was similar. Russian oats (grey or black) contained: proteids 10, fat less than 4, and cellu- lose 11 per cent. oats: prote'ids 10, fat 5 per cent. Algerian oats: proteids less than 9.5, fat 5 per cent. White oats from St. Petersburg contained 14 per cent. of prote'ids ; other white Russian oats : prote'ids over 10, fat 3-4 per cent., and an excess of cellulose. The weight of the grains per thousand, which varies very considerably, is given in most cases, and also the percentages of kernel. N. H. J. M. Cuscuta Epithymum. By GASTOSBARHEY (J. Pharna., 1895. [6], 2, li)7--118).-The common dodder is a parasitic plant of the order C'o?zz-oZz;uZacea?,and is said to possess diuretic and laxative propertiw, and to be a specific for gout. The author has examined the extract from 2 kilos. of the plant. The aqueous extract is acid, and jields 8 precipitate with potassium hydrogen carbonate, from which a yellow, amorphous powder, cuscutin, is extracted by ether. It is also pre- cipitated by dilute sulphuric acid, and the residual solution then re- duces alkaline copper tartrate. The alcoholic extract of the residue from the aqueous extract, yields a further quantity of cuscatin. Hesinous and fatty products were also isolated, together wifh a tannin iLnd a small amount of a crystalliue substance, having a faint odour of coumarin. Cusciitzn is insoluble in cold water, and only sparingly solnble in lloiling water yielding a yellow solution, from which it is precipi- tated in the amorphous form on cooling ; with conceiitrated hulphu- ric acid, it gives a reddish-brown solution, having a green fluorescence ; Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. it is also soluble in acetic acid without change of colour. With ferric chloride, the aqueous solution gives a characteristic and very delicake violet-grey turbidity, red by transmitted light. C uscutin is very soluble in alkalis, givitig yellow solutions, which dye silk and paper, and stain the skin. Cuscutin is hydrolysec! by mineral acids yielding glucose, and a resinous subslance, cuscuretiu, and it is, therefore, a glucoside. No analytical data are furnished. Js. W. Preparation and Composition of Tofu. By M. INOUYF:(Bull. Coll. Agric., Imp. Univ., Tokyo, 2, 209--215).-1n order to make up the deficiency of prote'ids in rice, the inland inhabitants of' Japan utilise various leguminous seeds, especially the soja bean. Two products prepared from this bean, miso and natto, have already beeu described (Kellner, Tokyo Bull., 1, No. 6 ; and Yabe, Abstr., 1895, ii, 130). A third preparation of soja beans, tofu, is obtained by pulping the beans after soaking them for 12 hours in water, boiling with water (3 parts) for an hour and filtering through cloth ; the liquid which resembles milk in appearance, and fresh malt in taste, has a neutral or slightly acid reaction, but after several days becomes strongly acid (lactic acid), when the separat'ion of case'in takes place. In VOL. LXX, ii. ti View Article Online

66 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS. manufacturing tofu, the fresh filtrate is treated with about 2 per cent. of concentrahed sea-water, the flocculent precipitate slowly pressed, and cut into tablets ; the product has the taste of milk casei'n. In the beaus themselves, the casein is in a soluble form in con- bination with potasaiiim or sodium, and is not coagulated by boiling, but is precipitated by the calcium and magnesium salts in the brine ; when tofu is boiled with 1 per cent. aqueous disodium phosphate, the case'in redissolves, yielding an opalescent solution, calcium phos- phate being formed. Tofu is sometimes subjected to the action of frost, when it con- tracts and loses a large amount of water; the product is called koridofu. The following numbers show the percentage composition of (1) the fresh milky liquid, (2) tofu (Kellner), (3) koridofu, and (4) yuba (prepared by evaporating the soja bean extract) :- N-free Fat and Water. Prote'ids. extract. licithin. Cellulose. Ash. 1 .. .. 92-53 3.02 1-88 2.13 0.03 0.41 2 . . .. 89.29 4-87 4.35 - - 0.43 3 .. . . 15.32 41-43 15.05 23-65 1.48 3.08 4 . . . . 21.85 42.60 7.65 24.6 - 2.82 Tho milky extract left for two weeks contained 0.092 gram of lactic acid per 100 C.C. The dry tofu yielded 11.2 per cent. of lecithin. According to Osawa, tofu is as readily digested as beef. N. H. J. M. Action of Lime and Magnesia on the soluble Phosphoric Acid of the Soil. By C. SCI~REIBER(Exper. Xtat. Record, 1895, 7, 104, from Rev. Agr. Louvain, 1895, 4, 66-69).-Two mixed manures one containing dicnlcium phosphate, calcium sulphate and magnesium carbonate, the other sodium phosphate, and calcium and magnesium carbonates were applied to oats (to be followed by turnips) Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. OE sandy, liurnus arid loamy soils. In each case, the first named mixture gave much higher results, the difference being most marked in the case of turnips ; this seems to be due to the calcium and mag- nesiiim carbonates oE the second mixture Yendering the phosphoric acid of the sodium salt insoluble; the action would be more com- plete during the second crop. The results of experiments on humus soil contirmed the author's previous conclusions, that the phosphoric acid combined with the humus of peaty soils, which is readily soluble in alkaline ammonium citritte, is almost useless for Vegetation. In some cases, humus acts on assimilable phosphoric acid in a manner analogous to calcium carbonate. N. H. J. M. Assimilable Nitrogen and its Transformations in Arable Soil. By PAGNOUL(Cmpt. rend., 1895, 120, 812--815).-A number of experiments wem made in which large cases were filled with soil, (60 kilos.), variously m:tnured, some of which were exposed, others sheltered from rain; all the cases were kept free from vegetation. An examination of the soil showed that the organic nitrogen is first transformed into ammonia, next into nitrous acid and finally into nitric acid. View Article Online


The loss of nitrogen from bare soil may be considerable during heavy rains, but is entirely stopped by vegetation, such as grass. Tho application in August of carbon bisulphide (10 c.c.) to soil (2 kilo- grams) manured with cake, entirely checked nitrification until the end of September, but by the 16th October, 0.017 per cent. of nitric nitrogen was found ; in a sirnilax experiment without carbon bisul- phide there was considerable nitrification during September. The effect of carbon bisulphide was therefore not to destroy the nitrify- ing organism, but to paralyse it temporarily ; ammonia was produced during this time in considerable quantity amouuting to 0.027 per cent. by the 15th October. N. J. H. 31.

Behaviour of Hippuric Acid in Soils. By K. YOSHIMURA(BUZZ. Colt. Agric., Imp. UYL~V.,2, 221-223; Note by OSCARLOEW, 223 -224).-Of the total nitrogen of cow’s urine, about 10 per cent. is in the form of hippuric acid, of horse’s urine, about 2 per cent. Experiments were made to ascertain the absorptive power of soils for hippuric acid. The soils, one consisting of volcanic ashes and loam, the other a clayey soil, were found to have no power of retaining either the free acid or its sodium salt. Dilute solutions of sodium hippurnte containing potassium phos- phate and magnesium sulphate, are able to develop mould fungi and microbes. Solutions of sodium hippurste infected with surface and sub-soils were decomposed, ammonia being liberated ; the decomposition is more rapid under the influence of surface soil than of subsoil organisms ; only in one experiment was there an indication of nitrous acid with Griess’ reaction. Loew points out that the absence of nitrification in solutions of sodium hippurate is in accordance with other similar observations.

Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. Sterilised solutions of ammonium formate and oxalate respectively (0.05 per cent.), with potassium phosphate and magnesium sulpbats, were infected from a culture from garden soil ; the formate yielded no nitrate, and the oxalate only a small amount, about one-tenth the quantity yielded by ammonium carbonate. Nitrificaton is nearly twice as quick in the dark a3 in daylight. There exists a bacillus (B. methy7icus) able to astjimilate formates (Centr. f. Bact., 12, No. 14). N. H. J. M.

Effectof Carbon Bisulphide on exhausted or %ick,”(fatigu6s) Soils. Uy C. OBERLIN(Exper. Stat. Xecord, 1895, 7, 88-89; from Journ. Agr. Pract., 1895, 59, 459-464, 499-503, 535--540).-In applying carbon bisulphide for grape phylloxera, holes, 50-60 cm. deep, are made in the soil by means of iron rods, carbon bisulphide (50-100 c.c.) poured in and the holes carefully plugged. The vines are generally removed, and other crops grown for six years. As compared with crops growing on soils not treated with cnrhon bisul- phide, those grown on soil so treated, were in niany cases decidedly superior, for example, oats, lucerne, hairy vetch and beans ; lucerne was especially bemfited ; on soil not treated with bisulphide, the crop 6-2 View Article Online


still failed after six years, parallel plots to which there had been an application yielding vigorous growth. N. H. J. RI.

Saline Soil and Water from Persia. By KONRADNATTRRER (Monatsh., 1895, 16, 659--673).-The author giws an account of the composition and properties of the samples of soil and water brought from the steppes of south-west Persia by Ott,o Stapf. In most cases, the samples contained those salts which are present in sea-water and in somewliat the same proportion, and the author therefore con- cludes tlmt the salt wastes have been formed by the evaporation o€ salt water which has been separated from the main body of the ocean by the raising of the level of the land in earlier geological times. G. T.M. The Potash and Phosphoric Acid required by Cultivated Plants. By SMETSand C. XCHREIBEE (Bxper. Stat. Record, 1895, 7,107-108 ; from Rev. Agr. Loucain, 1895, 4, 78-79).--The rela- tive requirements of various plants for potash and phosphoric acid are as follows :-For potash : 0at.s (native) 18, oats (Flanders) 23, i)otatoes 37, spring wheat 43, flax 56, mastard 70, turnips 80. For phosphoric acid : lupins 27, potatoes 30, mustard 53, spring wheat 60, oa,ts (native) 64, flax 66, oats (Flanders), 75, turnips 85. The results were furnished by 267 pot experiments. N. H. J. M.

Value of Bone Phosphates. By ULBRXCIIT(Bied. Ceiztr., 1895, 24, 478-479 ; from D. agrik.-chem. Vers.-Stut., Dalme, 3-8) .-The effective value of a bone phosphate depends on the amount of avail- able phosphoric acid in the soil. The results of experiments in which four kinds of soil were manured, partly with bone phosphates and

Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. partly with superphosphate, showed the following increase in dry produce, due to superphosphate, as compared with the yield after the application cf bone phosphates. Increase on light soil 10, on soil poor in phosphates 25, on artificial sc;il made of quartz, sand, and kaolin, and free from phosphates, 294, and on soil exhausted by vegetation, 24 per cent. Bone meal may, under favourable conditions, have a considerable effect even when employed in the spring; but its action is much hindered by dry weather, especially if it is not sufficiently finely ground. N. €3. J. hf. Citrate Solubility of Basic Slag as Expressing its Manurial Value. By PAULWAGNER (Bied. Centr., 1895, 24, 480; from Deut. Zni~dw.Presse, 1894,983-984).-There is no regularity in the relation of the percentage of free lime in basic slag and its citrate solubility, as is stated by Hogermann (Bied. Centr., 24, 130). As regards Hoyer- mann’s explanation of the increased citrate solubility of slags rich in lime after fusioii with sand, the author is of opinion that the calcium silicate foxmed during the fusion forms a readily decomposable calcium silicate-phosphate with the calcium phosphate of the slag. N. H. J. &I. View Article Online


Chlorine in Rain Water. By N. PASSERIN(AWL. L4qg~~il., 1S95, 21, 3Y9-400 ; from Bol. Sciiolu. agron. Scandici, lf393,12--22).--The following average amounts of chlorine in parts per million were found. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. 1890 ...... Fj.1 7.0 6.5 8.3 1891...... 3.4 4.5 3% 3.2 The station is situated near Florence, all the wind coming from the sea except the north-west; the gauge is 75 kilom. from the west coast, and 107 Horn. from the Adriatic. At Antignano, near Leghorn, the average amount of chlorine in the rain is 116 parts per million. N. H. J. 31. Losses of Nitrogen in Waters of Infiltration. By J. J. Tri!:o- PHILE SCHLOSSING (Corrapt. Tend., 1895, 120, 526--530),-A number of samples of water were taken from French rivers at different points, and the nitric nitrogen determined. The samples were taken during the last prolonged frost, after the temperature had been considerably below zero for many weeks, during which the rivers could not have been fed by surface, but only by subterraneous, water; aquatic vegetation, which would otherwise take up nitrates from the river;;, was, it is thought, practically suspended for the time. The results are given in parts per million. Seine in Paris, Feb. 9th, 2.09 ; 13th, 2.31 ; 19th, 2-25 ; 23rd, 2.93. ,, in Monterean, 16th Feb., 1.99 ; 27th Feb., 2.08. ,, in Charenton, 15th Peb., 2*55; 28th Feb., 2.75. Mame, Charenton, 14th E’eb., 2.i-34; 2Sth E’eb., 2.03. Yonne, Monteneau, 16th Feb., 2.21 ; 27th Feb., 2.52. Oise, Pontoise, 19th Feb., 2.78 ; 1st March, 2.43. Vanne, 4th March, 2.61.

Published on 01 January 1896. Downloaded 29/10/2014 00:54:21. D huis, 8th March, 2.86. Avre, 7th March, 3.08. Eousingault determined nitrates in Seine water (Paris) in 185647, but obtained mnch lower results (Agronomie, 2, 65). The chief point of interest shown bg the above results is the uniformity in the amount of iiitrates at the different dates, notwitli- standing that the amount of water was reduced, at the later dates, to at least half. From the average amount of nitric nitrogen (2.42 per million) tlie total annual loss per hectare is calculated for the basin of the Seiiie from the supposed amount of drainage. If the draiuage is one-sixth of the total rainfall (700 mm.), the loss per hectare of nitric nitrogen would be 2.8 kilos.; if one-fourth, 4.29 kilos. ; and if one-third, 5.65 kilos. The loss mould, however, be mainly from arable land, and not from woods, and meadows, &c. When calculated on arable land and vineyards alone, the loss (in the basin of: the Seine) is found to be 4.2, 6.44, or 8.48 kilos. per hectare, according to tlie amount of drainage. The calculations, which are only provisionitl, indicate much less loss than was geiierally supposed to take place. N. H. J. M.