THE GREAT I?AIDIO U IFIOFS JIM HARMON Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear... a nostalgic re-creation including actual scripts of your magic hours lived with Jack Armstrong, Tom Mix, I Love a Mystery, First Nighter, Inner Sanctum, Ua Perkins, and all the other radio immortals. T.G.R.H. $4.95 THE GUEAT L IDIG I-IEL?CES JIM 11-1,4RMCIS This is a true story of true love. If you were any kind of decent kid in the thirties, forties, and early fifties, it is your love story. And now in all its glory you will love it again. Return with us now to those thrill- ing days of yesteryear, when the most exciting people in the most exciting places, having the most exciting ad- ventures flew across the airways to Stromberg -Carlson consoles and homemade crystal sets right in our very own homes! Here they are - the righteous Lone Ranger, the fair-minded Jack Arm- strong, straight-shooting Tom Mix, the martyred Stella Dallas, the kindly old crack shot Mr. Keane, the mysterious Shadow, the buzzing Green Hornet, the frigid Sergeant Preston, the over- heated Fat Man, the meddling Ma Perkins, the analytic Sherlock Holmes, the high-flying Captain Midnight, the incredibly typical Vic and Sade, the (Continued on back flap) (Continued from front flap) fearless Gangbusters, irresistible Su- perman, the world's oldest 35 -year old Helen Trent, the cool Sam Spade, the indestructible Little Orphan Annie and all the others. They're all here, complete with real, genuine truth about their fantastic lives, their sometimes secret identi- ties, their authors, actors and sponsors - PLUS generous excerpts from many of their most thrilling scripts! In THE GREAT RADIO HEROES, Jim Harmon re-creates the atmosphere of those thrill charged days and static charged evenings ..
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