Nnational Radio Magazine
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TUNENATIONAL RADIO MAGAZINEN JUNE, 1943 "(eNdaz&e.,'s.A7.5..ee To coNtHAT fog and night and clouds... our navy re- \ hen the problem was presented to us, it so happened quires the finest and most powerful of lenses for range- that we had just recently helped in the development ofa finders, searchlights, blinkers and binoculars. !Senses that special diaper fabric with our extra -strong rayon staple, require some of the most exacting work in the world. "Avisco," combined with cotton. Repeated tests showed They must be ground and polished. Re -ground and re- that besides being unusually soft and absorbent, this fab- polished... time and again. The lightest scratch can ric was remarkably lint free...would prove ideal for lens mean ruin. polishing. today this "Avisco" spun rayon andcotton Thus a simple thing like the cloth that workers use for cloth, developed for babies' diapers, is being used 1w polishing becomes of vital importance. Leading- makers leading optical instrument makers and U.S. Navy plants of optical instruments have long searched for a cloth similarly engaged. which would be at once soft and absorbent, vet particu- This is a case where research done in peace time is help- larly free from lint. ing America in wartime. And after the war...when vic- Could American Viscose research laboratories devise a tory is won ..."Avisco" and other products of Amer- yarn and assist in developing a fabric that would meet ican Viscose research will resume their job of enriching such exacting specifications? America's N orld of textiles. AMERICAN VISCOF, CORPORATION CR011.11 EST [ Producers of CitowN Rayon Lulls and Staple Fibers AND APPROVED Sales Offices: 35o Fifth Avenue, New York City; Providence. R. I.; Charlotte. N. C.; Philadelphia, Pa. RAYON FABRIC * BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS * -lleg.U.S.Pat-Off. 1943-American Vim.. Corp. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR FROM THIS PACKAGE.. HE USED TO BE AN AKNOUNCER "TUNE IN" Gentlemen: I have lust finished reading your first hp issue, and it's really plenty O.K.I was an announcer before I came into Uncle Sam's service, and I love to read about , for what goes on back in the "game".I bread have been looking forward to seeing a magazine of this type for a long time. ... Oh yes, before I forget, put me down COMPLETE as a subscriber.Ican't send you my check right now, due to a little misfor- tune, otherwise called Black Jack. How- 41/tAfix 0411VI RADIO ever,I'll take care of you payday-the first of the month. roe I .V. Pfc. HENRY H. MAMET ENJOYMENT Fort Monroe, Va. THE ARMY AGAIN Gentlemen: Bought the second edition and it's a GINGERBREAD swell mag. Wish you would have an ar- ticle about Jerry Wald. Another thing I might add that in my opinion would he THAT BEATS MY PRIZE RECIPE C2 great is more about dance orchestras. Good luck. ... "Tune In" has been Pvt. PETER MALACERO and actually costs less! created for every member Indiantown Gap, Pa. of your family. There are (Note:It's on our list, Peter.) features for young and old WE BEAT YOU TO IT alike. Gentlemen: One of my favorite personalitiesis Filled with human in- Walter Winchell, and I would enjoy see- ing pictures of him and his announcer, terest, back -scene stories Ben Grauer. MRS. GENE FRANK and exclusive dramatic Royal Oak, Mich. pictures, "Tune In" adds hours of extra enjoyment SHE LIKES 'EM HANDSOME to your radio listening. Gentlemen: Thanks so much for that swell picture of Frank Sinatra. How about a picture of Gordon MacRae in a future issue? MISS JOAN McCARTHY only (Note: We've jotted it down.) x150 I"MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH ... tastier, teaderer than any gin- NEWS STAND HAUNTER gerhret.d I ever ate." even the Gentlemen: FOR TWELVE Congratulate you on a splendid maga- best cooks admit. Dromedary zine.When I have finished my copy I is made from Mary Ball Wash- shall send it to a friend who is a former THRILLING ISSUES announcer on WRVL in Boston. ington's private recipe. From Ihaveliterallyhauntedthenews- stands browsing through any magazines choicestingredients! Tryit on radio that I could find in my search today. So easy! Can't fail. Your for pictures of Those We Love, as I am Make "Tune In" one of the faithful of the five year clan. family will love every crumb! Ihappened on your magazine by the As Much a Habit merest accident andIcannot tell you how much Ienjoyed the splendid pic- As Your Radio tures. Ihave one suggestion.Couldn't you add a question and answer department DROMEDARY for those of us who would like to know more about our favorites? MISS ELLA M. STALP FILL IN AND Brooklyn, N. Y. GINGERBREAD MIX (Note: Glad you like the pix. We have Just add water and bake! MAIL THIS COUPON had many requests fora department such as you suggest, and shall add It NOW immediately.) LIKE RICH CHOCOLATEY SUPERB KICK -IN -THE -PANTS DEVIL'S FOOD? Gentlemen: JUST ADD WATER TO Heartiest congratulations for filling a TUNE IN long-standing gap in radio magazines.... 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA I think Fannie Hurst's article is a su- DROMEDARY DEVIL'S FOOD MIX perb kick -in -the -pants and look into the RADIO CITY, N. Y. future for many us who haven't fully realized radio's long-range possibilities. Simply ... All in all, you provide a welcome re- delicious! Please enter my subscription for one lief from the average gossip and cheese- year to "Tune In". My check for $1.50 cake sheets. JOSEPH R. HEI.IER is attached. Norristown, Pa. NAME WE DIDN'T SAY IT ADDRESS Gentlemen: Why do you rudely call Kate Smith a CITY fat girl? She is the best radio performer STATE_ on the air and don't forget It. MRS. GERTA COANSO -------------J Baltimore, Md. (continued? OKAY, SADIE ilentlemen: Give em I don't like no Fannie Hurst stories but wish youwould maybe pleaseprint Get photos of beautiful and good looking boys. MISS SADIE CLARING sir; e Springfield,Ill. kibblets... WE THOUGHT IT FUNNY, TOO Gentlemen: Isure had a hilarious time reading what Fred Allen thinks of Jack Benny. How about one by Jack Benny about what he thinks of Fred Allen? BORN 1820 GEORGE WATERSON still going strong Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: This Fred Allen feud with Jack Benny is beginning to get my goat. Personally. I don't think It's the real McCoy. They just find it's good business to razz each ...and Watch 'em GO for it! other like that. MYRON LUCKERMAN Minneapolis, Minn. (Note: If they enjoy it half as much as kibblets we do, why kick about it?) Gentlemen: THE Complete DOG DIET You ought to give Jack Benny a chance to get back at Fred Allen.It's a mat- Easy to prepare - simply add equal ter of fair play, if nothing else. Jack and amount warm water or liquid (warm Fred are going to murder each other one milk for puppies) to required quantity of these days. of Kibblets, let stand for few minutes, CYRIL MILTON serve Seattle, Wash. (Note: Hope not. We like them both Contains high grade de- too well.It's all in the spirit of good. hydrated beef plus 12 clean homicide SCOICI4 is other necessary ingredi- ents.includingVieamins You A; B1. 13.(G), D at. E. YOU DON'T KNOW THE HALF OF IT of3ohnnieVialltettells sip ftikvoix "IN A DOG FOOD-IT'S Gentlemen: THE small whisk)/ THE VITAMINS THAT That was a nice photo of Kate Smith. One best'. COUNT". Ididn't realize Kate was so beautiful. different. distiociive Also liked your department. "Tune In it isa oyellovv For Cash."It's convenient to have it smoo,inScotland. GGuataniedood nousekwping atand so handy. Scotch bottled MISS JOAN RELKIN S America! MMUS, 17 State St., Y. Cleveland, 0. Distilled over (Note: What's handy, the cash or the department?) Vstjoyed Dear Sirs: - I am a faithful listener of all daytime serials. Most all of them are good, but I do have two favorites, and I wonder if you would run pictures of "When a Girl Marries" and "Bright Horizon." I con- sider them two of the best things done on the air. ANNA M. MULLER Jackson Heights, N. Y. (Note: we will) Gentlemen: 'I have analyzed the steel Your magazine should take. Radio is the you use for Pal Blades. whole thing now. Your list of important Little wonder, with the shows in the back is very good. Your r00 added advantage of hollow - articles will change, I think. It may take grinding, your product is some timeforthepublicto become loth 86 8 so excellent'. TUNE IN conscious, but when it does- you're the tops. FRANCIS BURNS Bridgeport Banning, California Dear Sirs: PAL BLADES ARE I am what is known as a jitterbug fancier. I like zoot suits, and bands that HOLLOW GROUND are solid. But it's O.K. if you sneak in a for flexibility in the guy like Fred Waring on me once in a razor. No "bearing while. When none of the zoot anooters are lookin' or listening' I tune in on Fred my- down"- shave with self, but keep it quiet. just a "Feather TOW." "RED" SCHWARTZ Los Angeles, Calif. (P. S. We won't tell a soul) So many readers have written asking us to establish a question and answer department that we have decided to do so.If there is any question about radio and its "hollow -ground"' people that you want answered, andifit'spossibletogive, an answer, we'll do so up to the limit of the space available.