Daughters Of Charity NGO


Your Excellency, 12 July 2011

We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations are writing to request that, at the upcoming deliberations of the Economic and Social Council 2011, your government endorses the draft resolution E/2010/L.37 for the establishment of an “Ad hoc panel of experts on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development”. We share the concern of countries of the global South about the impact on development of the world financial crisis and of the need for adequate responses so as to avoid its recurrence, restore global economic stability and promote underlying institutional reforms required to ensure sustained global economic development for the benefit of all. There is a general need to strengthen and broaden the participation of developing countries in global economic governance. Therefore, we strongly support this draft resolution on the establishment of an expert panel within the .

In line with the mandates of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, the expert panel could produce independent technical analysis and provide recommendations on global financial, economic and systemic issues. Such a panel of experts would foster constructive exchanges among UN member states and include dialogue among policymakers, academics, institutions and members of civil society. Recommendations would be made available to the Economic and Social Council and to the General Assembly.

We appreciate the role of the United Nations as the inclusive and legitimate global body and think it is time that the UN takes bold steps for reform to improve global economic governance. The representatives of the following NGOs thank you for your consideration of our concerns in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Kevin Dance, CEO, Passionists International, Representative; Chair of the NGO Committee on Financing for Development

Germaine Price, Main Representative, Company of The Daughters of Charity of St.Vincent De Paul, USA


Fatima Rodrigo, Main NGO Representative, International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation (PBVM)

Eva Hanfstaengl, Director, Social Justice in Global Development, international, based in Germany

Manuel Manonelles, Director, UBUNTU Forum, Spain


Soren Ambrose, International Policy Manager, ACTIONAID international, Kenya, UK, USA

David Ugolor, Executive Director, African Network for Environment and Economic Justice, (ANEEJ), Nigeria

Josephine Kamel Youssef, African Women's Economic Policy Network (AWEPON)

Mark Herkenrath, Policy Officer, ALLIANCE SUD – The Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations,

Ziad Abdel Samad, Executive Director, ARAB NGO NETWORK for Development, Lebanon

Lydia Alpizar, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

Andreas Missbach, Joint Managing Director, Private Finance Programme, BERNE DECLARATION, Switzerland

Nick Roseveare, Chief Executive, Bond, UK National Platform of Development NGOs, UK

Jesse Griffiths, Coordinator, BRETTON WOODS PROJECT, United Kingdom

Joanne Green, Head of Policy, CAFOD, UK

Renate Bloem, Main Representative, CIVICUS UN , World Alliance of Citizen Participation

Md Shamsuddoha, Chief Executive, Center for Participatory Research and Development – CPRD, Bangladesh

Pankaj Sharma, Chief Trustee, Centre for transforming India, India

Aldo Caliari; Director, Rethinking Bretton Woods Project, CENTER OF CONCERN (CoC), USA

Alex Cobham, Chief Policy Adviser, CHRISTIAN AID, United Kingdom

Bernd Nilles, Secretary General, CIDSE INTERNATIONAL, based in Brussels, Belgium

Mary Corbett, cnd, Representative to the NGO Forum of the UN Congregation of Notre Dame (CND) of Montreal, Canada

Amy Echeverria, Director, Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach, USA

Griselda Martinez Morales, CSJ, Main representative, Congregations of St Joseph, USA


Mary Ellen Gondeck, CSJ, Caroline Benken, CSJ, Marilyn Nickol, CSJ, Germaine Tackett, CSJA and Mary Ellen Loch, CSJ, Peace and Justice Team, The Congregation of St. Joseph, USA

Norayda Arabella Ponce Sosa, External Cooperation Executive, Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas (CONGCOOP), Guatemala, Central America

P.A. Surendran, General Secretary, Consumers Association, Palakkad, Kerala, India

Rudy De Meyer, Head of Policy Department, 11.11.11 Coordination of Flemish North South Movement, Belgium

Antonio Tricarico, Coordinator, CRBM, Italy

Gigi Francisco, General Coordinator, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)

Eika Rosario, Programme Officer, Philippines and Executive Committee, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)

Margaret Mayce - Main Representative for Dominican Leadership Conference, USA

Jeroen Kwakkenbos, Policy Officer, European Network on Debt and Development, EURODAD international, based in Brussels

Hélène Debbari, Policy Advisor, EUROSTEP Secretariat, international, based in Brussels

Jürgen Kaiser, Policy Coordinator, ERLASSJAHR, Germany

Markus Brun, Head of Policy, FASTENOPFER, Switzerland

Rosa Lizarde, Feminist Task Force of the Global Call to Action against Poverty

Mama Koité Doumbia, WWG/FDF, The African Women's Development and Communication Network FEMNET

Sergio Marelli, Secretary General, FOCSIV (Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario), Italy

Damiano Sabuzi Giuliani, Policy and Advocacy officer, FOCSIV (Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario), Italy

Juan Carlos Nuñez, Executive Director, Fundacion Jubileo, Bolivia

Kenneth Nana Amoateng, Project and Programs Director, Abibimman Foundation, GCAP - Ghana

Rajesh Latchman, Convenor, Global Call To Action Against Poverty/ GCAP - South Africa

Mareatile Polaki, Global Call To Action Against Poverty/ GCAP - Lesotho

Ali AlBarmaky, Deputy Manager of Civil Society Organizations Network-Yemen, Member of the GCAP - Yemen, Member in Yemeni coalition against corruption


Dennis Nyati, National Coordinator, Civil Society MDG Campaign - GCAP Zambia, Zambia

Francine Mestrum, Global Social Justice, Belgium

Hansha Sanjyal , Global South Initiative, Nepal

Helene Connor, Ph.D., President, HELIO INTERNATIONAL, France

Mary Turgi, CSC, Director, Holy Cross International Justice Office, Notre Dame, IN,

Matyas Benyik, President, Hungary Association of ATTAC, Hungary

Paul Quintos, Program Manager, IBON International, Philippines

Don K. Marut, Executive Director, International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), Indonesia

Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, President, INHURED International, Deputy-Chair, Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), National Election Observation Committee (NEOC), Nepal

Laura Berry, Executive Director, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), USA

Cristina Blanc Szanton, PhD, Main Representative at the U.N., International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), USA

Eva Friedlander, President, International Women's Anthropology Conference (IWAC), USA


Francois Gobbe, Coordinator, KAIROS EUROPE WB, Belgium

John Dillon, Global Economic Justice Coordinator, KAIROS: Canadian, Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Canada

Michael Gatt, Board Member and Treasurer, KOPIN, Malta

Ara Jo, Korea Civil Society Forum on International Development Cooperation (KoFID), Republic of Korea

Janice G. Foerde, KULU Chairperson, K.U.L.U.-Women and Development, Denmark

Oriana Suáre, LATINDADD, Latin American Network on Debt, Development and Rights, based in Peru

Mary Peter Bruce, SL, Loretto Community, USA

Sally Dunne, NGO UN Representative, Loretto Community, USA

Giosuè De Salvo, Head Of Advocacy, Mani Tese, Italy

Steven O'Neil, SM, Marianists International, USA


Kathleen McNeely , Program Coordinator – Faith Economy Ecology Project , Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, USA

Marie Dennis, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns representing two NGOs: Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominica and Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

Celine Paramunda, UN Representative, Medical Mission Sisters, AKA Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, USA

Daniel LeBlanc O.M.I., Main NGO representative to the UN and Secretary of NGO Committee on FfD, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GS-JPIC), Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, USA

Edwin M John, Director, Neighbourhood Community Network (NCN), India

Jo Marie Griesgraber, Executive Director, New Rules for Global Finance Coalition, USA

Curtis Doebbler, Representative, Nord-Sud XXI, Geneva, Switzerland

Lucianne Siers, Executive Director, Partnership for Global Justice, USA

Pamela Haines, Quaker Witness on Economy and Ecology, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Patricia Stella Jaramillo Gerra, REPEM COLOMBIA, IGTN Punto Focal Colombia

Joan P. Mencher, Chair of The Second Chance Fd, NYC, USA

Marta Benavides, SERR - El Salvador, Siglo XXIII - El Salvador

Jean Stoner, SNDdeN, NGO Representative at the UN, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, USA

Faith Colligan, DC, UN Representative, Sisters of Charity Federation, USA

Caroljan Willie, NGO Representative, Sisters of Charity Federation, USA

Ann Oestreich IHM, Congregation Justice Coordinator, Sisters of the Holy Cross Notre Dame, USA

David Hillman, Director, Stamp Out Poverty, UK

Herbert Sahlmann, Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken, Germany

John Christensen, Tax Justice Network international, based in UK

Kate Twohy, The Grail, USA

Bhumika Muchhala, Finance and Development Programme, THIRD WORLD NETWORK (TWN)

Marco Berlinguer, President, Transform! Italia, Italy

Patricia A. Daly, OP, Executive Director, Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, USA


James E. Winkler, General Secretary, General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church, USA

Catherine Fergusen, Coordinator, UNANIMA International, USA

Mark W. Harrison, Director, Peace with Justice Program, United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, USA

Zelia Cordeiro and Felix Jones, Executive Team, VIVAT International

John Hilary, Executive Director, War on Want, UK

Rogate R. Mshana Dr, WCC Program on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology, Switzerland

Peter Wahl, Senior Official on Financial Reforms, WEED - World Economy, Ecology & Development Association, Germany

Josep Xercavins, World Democratic Governance project association – WDGpa, Spain

Jakob von Uexkull, Chair, World Future Council, Germany/UK

Supporting individuals:

Gerald Epstein, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Barry Herman, Graduate Program in International Affairs, The New School, New York

Gabriele Koehler, Development Economist, Munich, Germany

John Langmore, Professor, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

Frances Stewart, Professor, United Kingdom

Oscar Ugarteche, Dr. Investigador titular, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, Mexiko

Matías Vernengo, Associate Professor, University of Utah, USA