CONSERV a TION/PRESERV a TION .Advisory Council On

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CONSERV a TION/PRESERV a TION .Advisory Council On APPENDIX I. BIBLIOGRAPHY -CONSERV A TION/PRESERV A TION .Abelson, Peter ( 1979) Cost Benefit Analysis and Environmental Problems (Farnborough: Saxon House). .Abercrombie, Nigel ( 1982) Cultural Policy in the United Kingdom (Paris: UNESCO). .Ackoff, R. L. ( 1962) Scientific Method: Optimising applied research decisions (New York: John Wiley). .Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Assessing the Enemy Conservation Benefits of Preservation: Methods and Examples. GPO: Washington, D.C., 1979. .Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Where to Look: A Guide to Preservation Information. 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Beckerman, Wilfred ( 1974) In Defence of Economic Growth (LoIidon: Jonathan Cape). .Bedier P., Segovia J.F. & Venencie I., Le patrimoine artistique des hôpitaux : richesse valorisante ou contrainte superflue ? , Ecole Nationale de la Santé de Rennes, Rennes, 1983. .Beesley, M. E. and Foster, C. D. {1965) The Victoria Line: social benefits and finances, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 128. .Beinat, E. and P. Nijkamp (1998), Multicriteria Analysis and Land Use Planning, Kluwer, Dordrecht. .Beishon, John and Peters, Geoff (eds.) (1976) Systems Behaviour (London: Harper & Row). .Belk R. W ., Symbolic consumption of art & culture, dans D. v. SHA W ed., Artist & cultural consumers, The University of Akron, Akron, 1987, pp. 168-178. .Hennis, Warren, Herme, Kenneth D. and Chin, Robert 1970) (eds.) The Planning of Change (New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston). Biblio~raDhv /3 .Berry, R. J. (1983) Environmenta1 ethics and conservation action, in Earth's Survival: A Conservation and Development Programme for the UK: A response to wor1d conservation (London: Kegan Paul). .Binney M. & Hanna M., Preserve and prosper, the wider economic benefits of conserving historic buildings, Save Britain's Heritage, Londres, 1983. Binney, Marcus ( 1979) Gamb1ing with History: The Crisis in Listing (London SA VE) Binney, Marcus {1984) Our Vanishing Heritage {London: Arlington Books). .Binney, Marcus and Hanna, Max ( 1978) Preservation Pays: Tourism and the Economic Benefits of Conserving Historic Buildings (London: SA VE). .Black P .A., Injection leakages, trade repercussions and the regional income multiplier, The Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1981, vol. 87, no 3. .Bodo C., Rapport sur le patrimoine en Italie, Département des études et de la prospective, Ministère de la Culture, Paris, 1987, 182 p. .Booker, Christopher and Green, Candida Lycett (1977) Goodbye London: An il1ustrated guide to threatened buildings (London: Fontana/Collins ). .Bosselman, Fred P. ( 1978) ln the Wake of the Tourist: Managing Special Places in Eight Countries (Washington DC: The Conservation Foundation). .Bowsher, Alice Meriwether. A Design Review in Historic Districts. Printed in the U.S.A., 1978. .Bredemeir, Harry C. and Stephenson, Richard M. ( 1962) The Analysis of Social Systems (New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston). .Breheny, M. and Hooper, A. (1986) (eds.) Rationality in Planning: critical essays on the role of rationality in urban and regional planning (London: Pion Ltd). .Bridger, G. A. and Winpenny, J. T. (1983) Planning Development Projects (London: HMSO). .British Archaeologists and Developers Liaison Group ( 1986) Code of Practice (London: British Property Federation). British Rail Property Board (1986) Heritage and the Environment (London: The Board) .Britton, W ., Davies, K. and Johnson, T. ( 1980) Modem Methods of Valuation of Land, Houses and Buildings (London: Estates Gazette ). .Brolin, Brent C. Architecture in Context. Fit ting new buildings with old. Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1980. .Brookes A. & Hughes K., Housing redevelopment and rehabilitation, Town Planning Review, 1975, vol. 46, no 2. .Brookshire D. & Crocker T .D., The advantages of contingent va1uation methods for cost-benefit ana1ysis, Public Choice, 1981, vol. 36, no 2. Biblio\!raDhv /4 .Brookshire, David S., Eubanks, Larry S. and Sorg, Cindy F. (1986) Existence Values of Normative Economics, Water ResourcesResearch 22 (11). .Brown, G. Baldwin (1905) The Case of Ancient Monuments (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). .Brown, Lester R. (198 1) Building a Sustainable Society (New York and London: w. W. Norton & Co.). .Bruton, MichaeJ J. (ed.) (1974)
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