harsday, One Performance at 7 D J ilOd.1,9, 2/3. Half Prices: 5d. M. , Oils, Battery rhargiog |fcurs., Feb. 16, 17 : SIFT A - IODIZED Gabby HayeJ Eldorado NOT IODIZED 2* 41, Galgate, P., Feb. 18, 19 : Tel. 334 Goddard Oianna Wynyarnl SOUTH DURHAM, NORTH YORK AND WESTMORLAND ADVERTISER. An Ideal Husband Established 1854. REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE AS A NEWSPAPER in Technicolor •ICS., Feb. 21, 22: No. 4,899 Barnard Castle, Wednesday, February 23rd, 1949. Price Three Halfpence Synt Dennis PricJ Easy Honey BIBLE SOCIETY SALE STIFF QUESTIONS IN ICE CREAM VENDOR ON USES OF PENICILLIN IN TEESDfiLE GUIDES DRAMATIC SOCIETY * or WORK Y.F.C. QUIZ D T U CINEMA I • For CAME CHARGES FARMING Qfl pj||M THIRD OLDEST IN NORTH A n 1 " stalndrop • * q ALL PLUMBING WORK Renewed Interest in Society's Barnard Castle Defeat Starlings, Wood Pigeon Awards to be presented at next Wednesday at 6-15 and 8-2 Work Welcomed Col. Cullick and The Need | Sanders Signe Ha& and Pheasant In Van Middleton Service and Party production q BATHROOM INSTALLATIONS Over £40 was raised for the Woodlands In Keen For More Veterinary A Scandal In Paris receives Message from Chief Guide. A most successful carnival dance, * British and Foreign Bible Society Contest Castrenzi Trapani (35), an ice Sat 2-15 and 6-15 CATTLE BOWL & WATER Research Guides in the Teesdale District held organised by the Barnard Castle * q by the Barnard Castle Auxiliary at cream vendor, of 9, Gibson Street, Amateur Dramatic and Operatic fO'Keefc Marie MacDonajJ Barnard Castle Y.F.C. met their Thinking Day Parade and Party • a sale of work held in the Woodlands Y.F.C. on Thursday Bishop Auckland, was at Greta More- than usual interest was Society, was held at the Morritt MAIN INSTALLATIONS attached to the talk given to the £ Middlet°" °" Saturday The Guide tting Gertie's Garter I * Y.M.C.A. on Thursday. evening at Barnard Castle in the Bridge Magistrates Court on Wed Anns, Greta Bridge, on Wednesday eton mpames present were the 1st fclso School for Danger q The room presented a pleasing County quiz competition. Mr. H.nesda y charged with these game M^L _ AjgriCuttBrat D^mJm KcLleton, It Middle- last, when upwards of 2ui people CENTRAL HEATING INSTALLATIONS Group on Thursday evening. It ^ ji Feb. 21, at 615 and 8-25 pteUue with a splendid array of gayer * was" cWrman, Mr. R. offences—kililng game without tlioroiishly enjoyed themselves to licence, killing game on Sunday i Meredith Kieron Moor.| • q MODERN COOKING RANGES attractive articles on the various Manners quiz-master and Mr.R . stalls. and trespass in pursuit of game. ,,le ine Own Executioner S. Gibson, scorer. Teams were, was by Col. L A Gullick, general CothersVoneTlneMiddletonBoV'&outs popular music played by Harry The Vicar of Barnard castle v AND TILED FIREPLACES Barnard Castle: Norman Mitchell, He pleaded "guilty" to all the The Companies marched to Church "" elties were introduced nto the (Hev. B. Selwyn Smith) presided Peter Wilkinson, Pat Norton and charges. with their colours for a service con- programme and caused much at- the opening and congratulated presidedCol. Gullic, k first dealt with the amusement. Rene Wilkinson. Woodlands: S. Herbert James Powell, head ducted b tnc R the ladies on the excellence of gamekeeper to Slf Frederick Mil- by the Rev. Lowson, Joan Robinson, N. Binks history of Penicillin lrom its dis- Rect0r ol Middleton. Mrs Shena-ood Preceding the dance nearly 60 Victoria Hall 1 their preparations and hoped that bank, stated that? at 4-25 p.m. on I* and Doreen Morton. covery by Sir Alexander Fleming. c ^ of thc Mickleton ^ ' members gathered together in the BARNARD CASTLE • the results of iihe sale would he Sunday, 9th January, he heard a P Barnard Castle won the toss and He described the method of surface played tne orgaD Hiw Gracc w lb£ UrUng room, where an >x.H«ent Twice Nightly commensurate with the labours gunshot and saw an ice cream van « III elected to answer the first culture anc deep culture and vhe and Miss joan Robson. Lieutenants of ""'a' was provided, and a welcome expended. He then introduced Mrs. in tne Greta Bridge road. HK question. Initials tested both uses of Penicillin on the human the Romaldkirk and Middleton Com- was extended by the President of | Fri. Sat., Feb. 17,18,19: T. G. Ariioti, who opened the sale. identified the van as that of y teams, Norman Mitchell got the 2, ', ,-. ... , , i i panies, read thc lessons. the Society, Mr. G. Leslie Cail, to Mrs. Arnoti said she was glad first pair right—U.N.O., V.N.M.K. Trapani. Edward G. Robinson Col. Gullick then went on to deal Miss M A. Smith District Com. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bourn, of Darling­ to be present tor three reasons. The but S. Lowson did not know the The van proceeded along: the with its present limited use in missioner for Teesdale led thc ton. In replying. Mr. Bourne, who incaster Mady Christian first was that from the time she initials of the Soviet Republics or road and stopped near a stubbl . veterinary medicine and the Renewal of Promises. Miss D Pease is the t.oum illur for the Northern was a very small child the British ALL MY SONS N.A.I.B. Surprisingly, P.A.Y.E. field and he- again heard a shot difficulties arising from the limited Divisional Commissioner, took the Peel ion of N.O.I). A . made the and Foreign Bible Society had stumped Peter Wilkinson. After | | yy r ! and saw a man leave the van, enter supply of full experimental work. sa utc at t le a Memorial as the interesting announcement that the been a very familiar name in her that the initials were more and ays Gaumont British News the field and pick something up. He gave some interesting statistics Guides marched back to the Wesleyan Bantard castle Society was the family. She had always been very more varied and the results The man then returned to the van showing its success in treating Hall for thc party. third oldest society in his section, impressed by the very fine men and drove off. certain forms of mastitis and toes. Wed., Feb. 21, 22, 23: equally so. The first round ended MESSAGE FROM CHIEF GUIDE. only Gateshead and West Hartle­ and women connected with the with Barnard Castle leading by remarked that its future in veterin­ Consult STARLINGS 'AND WOOD Miss Smith thanked all those who pool having longer unbroken mem- Douglas Fairbanks, Jnr. Society. 7-6. ary medicine laid with the PIGEONS had helped towards thc success of the beiship. having joined in 19T6 and The second reason was that she veterinary people themselves. At 19ns respectively against 1910 by I Monte/ Paule CroseJ DIFFICULT QUESTIONS P.C. Hall stated 1;hat as a result afternoon, especially Mrs Richardson, was convinced that the "work of present there was insufficient ex­ Itainard Castle. Mr. Bourne also of information he stopped the Captain of the Middleton Guides, for THE EXILE the Society was invaluable today. The second round dealt with perimental data to rely upon. stated how very much lie was look­ SPOORS LTD. The Bible . was printed in 778 veterinary matters, a highly defendant's van in Galgate, Barnard arranging the tea and Mr Richardson, BY-PRODUCT FEEDING STUFF Stouter, for helping with the seating in ing forward to paying a visit to the different languages and 10.000,001) technical question on what the vet. Castle, and on examination found thc church. She then read a Message So«ietv's production of "The Maid were produced every year. People did when testing an animal for two dead starlings and a wood Finally, Col. Gullick spoke of the - from thc Chief Guide to all members of of the Mountains* during the Bp. Auckland, Bd. Castle, Darlington were clamouring in foreign lands T.T. test gained Norman Mitchell pigeon. Defendant said he had possibilities of the penicillin by- the association for Thinking Day (Feb. fouith week in March, when he to get. the -Bible and very often nothing else. Witness said he was product.penicillin mycelium, which |cala Cinema 1J marks. A similar question was 22nd) Mickleton Guides then acted a will present Long Service Bars saved for long periods from their not satisfied and searched the he said, it was hoped would provide BAKNARD CASTLE PLUMBERS & HEATING ENGINEERS gallantly attempted by Doreen small sketch, called " Thc Friendly and Medals to a number of mem­ vehicle and found a cock pheasant valuable animal feeding stuffs, Twice Nightly 8-|j little earnings and travelled long Morton, but gained no points. In Candle." and then did two country bers who have a record of 35 and distances with difficulty to secure the opinion of the judge, the and a hare. Many questions were answered •rtfay Matinee at 1 p.m. ESTIMATES FREE dances. Middlcton Guides then acted ij years of unbroken active service. a much-prized Bible only to lind questions were far too severe for When asked to account for these and Col Gullick was thanked by a sketch on the Girl Guide Trefoil. It There were several novelty that the available stocks were ex­ Young Farmers. The last two defendant replied: "I bought the, Mr. J. Brown, bFri. Sat., Feb. 17, 18, 19 : was regretted that the RomaldkiTk dances and competitions. The Our Representative will be pleased to call and see you and give hausted. questions dealt with dairying and rabbit from a farmer for 6s. The — Guides could not put on their small M.C.s were Mr L. Hird, Mr. S. A. you expert advice Rene Wilkinson was sunable to pheasant I shot." Anna Neagle The Bible held the answer to all play owing to three of their Guides Elton, Mr. J. Henderson. Mrs. M. define " sleepy cream," bjt Lei Wilding our problems, if only we would Sgt, Walker stated that the being unable to attend the parade Hind and Mrs. M. Bailey. Tom Walk! Norman Mitchell came to the defendant had been fined £2 at use it. Middleton Mechanics' because of illness. The si>ot prize was won by Mr. rescue and said it was cream that Bishop Auckland for an offence of NG IN PARK LANE RENEWED INTEREST Next the Brownies acted a singing and Mrs. S.,Hodgson the elimina­ stuck to the churn. The round entering land in pursuit of game Institute Approve : Mrs. Arnott gave as her third game and Mrs Conning, Captain of the tion dance by Miss K.' Jackson and Br. . Gaiety . . . Laughter . ended with Barnard Castle still on the same day as the present reason lor her pleasure at being Subscription Increase Barnard Castle Guides, gave a short partner; the balloon competitions Ince .... The year's biggest! leading by 13J to 9. offences. present the fact that there was ob­ talk on the World Flag. All the by Mrs. Simon and Miss M. Blen- py hit "Spring in Park Lane | " Farming Figures " came next When asked by the Bench if he By a majority, a recommenda­ viously a renewal of interest in Guides and Scouts then joined in a kinsop and their partners. A cake with the promise that every figure had anything to say accused tion by the committee of the the Society in the district and this singing game and camp fire songs. made, and iced by Mi*. Hind, was BAY. Feb. 20, at 7-45 p.m. must be absolutely accurate. In replied: "In Italy if you have gun Middlett-n-iu T< esdale Mechanics was an inspiration to all. The afternoon ended with the singing won by Mi. John Sinclair. Prizes be Formby Peggy Byra«| this round the first three in each you can shoot anywhere." Institute was approved to increase A vote of thanks to the Chair­ of Brownie Bells and Guide Taps. were presented by Mrs. G. L Cail, team failed, but the two girls in He was fined £3 on each of the the rate of members' contributions man and Mrs. Arnott was proposed Thc collection taken at thc service wife of the president of the IRNEO OUT NICE AGAIN each lap gained 4 apiece — Rene first two charges and £2 on the by loo per cent, as from January by the Bev. S. Leon CooK, who re­ amounted to £\ 12s. 7d. and is being society, A very happv and jollv Iby's Sunniest, Funniest Fil™| Wilkinson giving the correct third charge—£8 in all. 1st, 1949. Included in the recom­ ferred to the keen interest taken in sent to thc Overseas Department of evening ended with Auld Lang number of bacon coupons to be Sgt. Walker informed Trapani mendation was a clause that mem­ the work of the Society by both the Girl Guide Headquarters, for use Syne, surrendered when the person was that he would require to obtain a bers of 65 years and over be |Tues. Wed., Feb. 21, 22,23 : Mr. and Mrs. Arnott. in the overseas companies. 4m lucky enough to have a pig to kill new gun licence Trapani replied: allowed to remain as members at In thanking the ladies for all and Doreen Morton telling the "No more." t'c old fee of 10s per year. The Victor Mature the work they had done, Mr. Cook audience how many pigs could be meeting of tile members, held on Railwayman Retires after said that while it would be in- Donlevy Coleen Grat killed for a household of eight. The Thursday evening, was sparsely \idious to single out individuals 40 years round finished — Barnard Castle attended. Mr, ,T. B. Watson pre­ THANKS FROM WYCLIFFE RECTOR. he felt that lie should refer to the COUNTY COUNCIL KISS OF DEATH 17|, Woodland 13. sided. The suggestions of the com­ splendid work of Mrs. Buff. mittee followed an annual meeting ling ! Gripping ! its tempo s ELECTION Well-known Circuit Steward ?nd There was no' crying need for WOODLAND IMPROVE di-c-.ussioii on the possible raising Donations towards Restoration of me 1 A manhunt never be eq­ Local Preacher Bibles in this country^ but people Woodland improved their posi­ of the caretaker's remuneration, WycUffe Church. ualled for ruthless vengeance were not reading them as they on completion oT his turn of tion in the ensuing round, which Staindrop Meeting To when thi' coiiiiiiittee were asked to The llev. J. Bi^lield. Rector of should, and it was up to them to dealt with Y.C.C. matters—chiefly consider the matter. duly on Sunday last. Mr. i;. \y. Select Council Candidate Hutton Magn. has sent the follow­ Komtfr completed over ill vt-ar-' put the Bible into the hands of the procedure. Barnard Castle failed After a prolonged discussion, in ing letter of thanks to those who service with British Railways -:. FARMERS! people to remember the Y.F.C. motto and A meeting of the Staindrop which younger members protested kindly sent donations following quietly left the signal box at which Thanks were also due, said Mr. only gained 4 marks against Wood­ Electoral Division of tne Durham against the increase, which they his recent appeal in the "Tfesdale he had faithfully discharged his Cook, to the Y.M.C.A. for the loan land's 8. This brought up the Municipal and County Federation felt W.iould 'be put on the table I. BENDELOW, Mercury" for assistance in com­ duties for many years. Here is a labour-saver! of the premises for the sale. scores to Barnard Castle 211 points is to be held at the- Raby Estate ihaiges, it was proposed that the pleting the renovations to the Mi.J'oister commenced with the and Woodland 21. Offices,''Staindrop, on Friday, 4th increase, excepting the older mem­ ancient WyclitTe Church. Decorator, * STALLHOLDERS old North Eastern, Itailwav Co. at The following were the stall­ Crops were not dealt with. March, to adopt a candidate for bers, be applied. An amendment COMMERCIAL YARD, THE above illustration shows the up-to-date "Robot" 3-row To the Editor ot the Teesdale Mercury. IMrnaid Ca>tle Goods Station, and holders: Provisions: Miss Bobson, Norman Mitchell described "potato the Division in the County Council l>v thc younger members was 1 Sir.—I should be glad if nm BARNARD CASTLE, potato planter behind the modern FORDSON 'Major' tractor sickness" correctly. There were elections. defeated. This asked for the inclu­ during his railway career served Mrs. Robinson, Miss Tain and Ill's. would publish the following and quite a lot of references to swedes The vacancy is caused by the sion of members u n d e r 18 years at Scoiton and Cooktield. Close- White Elephant: Mrs. fuither list of those who have He is perhap> better known for 17. AUCKLAND TERRACE, and " domestic " questions finished fact that Col. C. E. Vickey is not with the older members. This planter is easy of operation, and the amount of work that Brown, Mrs. Elders and Miss Old- helped the Itesfui ation Fund for his set-vices to the Church as the round. Rene Wilkinson said contesting the seat. Col Vickey, The decision of the meeting will SHILDON. can be carried out by the three feeders is amazing—two jobs held; Fancy: Mrs. Wightman, Mrs. WycUfte Church: circuit steward, and as a preacher she would store jam in a cool, dry who has represented the Staindrop perhaps prove somewhat unpopu­ at the same time planting and ridging. Ahock, Mrs. Hutchinson, Jun.; he ha- achieved great |>opularity place and Doreen Morton gave the Division on the County Council for lar with a section of the members. C s d O U H 1NTERIOK in many \nrth Eastern towns. DECORATION FOR AVwSanf Roo^llrr ScSi ^ reply ^bottled fruit, but the past eleven years has accepted It has. however, been a desire of Previously acknowledgrd i«* I The "Robot" planter will save you much time, money and slipped up as it had to be dark. Mr. Cainpoell-Fraser 1 0 Their man y friends in railwav ll'KING should be placed and Mrs. Bayles; Teas: Mrs. Ruff, an invitation to contest the Durham the officials to make the Institute Anon 0 labour. A 2-row planter is also available. Barnard Castle improved their and church circles will hope tha't Tith us now. Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Guyll, Mrs. Sweet- No. 2 Division in place of Lord more self-supporting and elimina- Anon 0 lead and finished leading by 31 Sir Frederick Milbank 0 Mr. ami Mrs. Foister will enjoy BrVe guarantee the best T. Baine. Lambton, who has resigned. ting the necessity for outside nam. Tea Tickets: Mr points to 24. Manager and Suirl of the Midland Batik 12 many happy years of retilenient torkmen una highest grade Get your order in early, so that you may be in time for planting. efforts. The employment of a Mr. Maurice Headlam and Family 0 laterials. Prominent persons and events whole-time caretaker has resulted Mr. Davison 0 in agriculture were not so well- in the improvement of the Mrs. Wopuit s WILLIAM SAUNDERS MEMORIAL Ik SUPPLY OF WALL* We will gladly give all information and particulars required. known to the young farmers and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kair.e 5 0 Footpath to be Closed and premises, which are now cleaner Mrs Usher 3 0 FUND. fAPER in Stock. even Sir F. Nicholson and Mr. J. and more comfortable. The Com­ Anon 10 W.l.'s 21st BIRTHDAY G. Harris were not known to another substituted. mittee feel that these added ameni­ Capt. Ashcroft 2 t The following arc the donations fwrile NOW lo :— Barnard Castle. Woodland gained Mr. Clarkwn Harker 5 received to the memorial fund organ­ The Town Improvement and High­ ties are due to the efforts of the Mrs. Ruberj 2 6 one point, scores reading 35-29. Mr. Hogg and Family ised for the widow and child of Mr. BENDELOW, ways Committee of Richmond Town caretaker and justify the increase 20 0 0 Manures and soils proved very Anon 10 0 William Saunders, of Barmngham. who | AUCKLAND TERRACE, Monster Birthday Cake At Council states that an Order entitled in charges. testing. Asked what type of soil died recently as a result of an accident. SHILDON. Staindrop Celebrations " The Stopping up of Highways Totn' 62 18 o H.YOUNG cabbage liked, Pat Norton re­ (North Riding of ) No. 1 L * < • < MOTORS ) LTD.! Staindrop Women's Institute marked, " I don't think they are Order 1949, had been made by the I am inosr. grateful to all whoOvmgt^n . Wyclifle. Hutt n Magna ... 37 2 I celebrated their 21st Birthday particular! " Ministry of Transport providing lor the MIDDLETON QUEEN TO BE have helped to raise this grand Caldwell. Stanwick _ 7 12 0 with a party at the Scarth Hall, on The raising agents for cakes Kppiebr 10 0 0 Agricultural Engineers permanent stopping up of that part of ELECTED. total. 1 am sure there are many Korcett 4 5 « inssa1111 taeiiiiistaii111 sa i111mm ill Tuesday, when a monster birthday were described by Rene Wilkinson who have not yet, contriouled. who Scargill ... I It I Feethams. DARLINGTON the footpath frem Green Howards Koad Middle! on -in-Teesdale will on cake was cut by Mrs. J. W. at length—far more than were on to Low Moor which extends in a would be glad to swell the fund to Talephon* . 4207 {* Saturday know who lias been Hanungham m s 0 Broumley, who has been president the schedule. She was given full northerly direction from its junction the total I asked—another t33. I News ham 16 0 0 elected as the lirst Village Queen Head Office : Chester-le-Street for eighteen out of the twenty-one marks as the quiz-master said she with Green Howards Road at a point shall be glad to acknowledge all Tot. I 132 It 6 Kenneth in post war years. The scheme is BSBSHBSSSSSSBIBSS'Telephone: 2276iBSSStStMBStMBSaBSSr years in the Institute's existance. probably knew more about it than approximately 80 yards east of Quarry- gifts, however small. Separate acknowledgments will be part oj the' Village Hall Com­ Introduced by the present he did. Road for a distance of approximately Yours faithfully, nude elsewhere. Robertson Main Distributors of Fordson Tractors and Implements for Durham County president, Mrs. G. Heslop, Mrs. Geographical questions were 205 yards and substituting therefore a mittee's Bring and Buy Sale, ex­ D. K. COOK. L Broumley recalled when the entertaining. Peter Wilkinson footpath extending in a general north­ hibition of handicrafts and competi­ J. BliSFIF.I.D (Rector), Rectory. Barningham. IPH0T0GRAPHER Institute was founded by Mrs. when asked to name four counties westerly direction from the northern tions for baking, knitting and Beadle, Middleton-in-Teesdale, beginning with " H" mentioned extremity of Quarry Road for a distance spring bulbs, to be held on Satur­ there were 36 members. To-day " Hants," although he did not of approximately 180 yards. day. Entries for the position of 42 Horsemarket they had 200. know what county it represented. Queen have already closed and the A Copy of the Order (with the map public will have the opportunty of "For all kinds of weather . . Mrs. Broumley was presented Scores 554-46J. or plan which was sent for exhibition Barnard Castle purchasing a ha lot form on which Ladies' 'Cravenette' Ladies' Double-1ex' with a bouquet by Mrs. Galilee. Livestock gave a "lucky strike " with the Draft Order) has been de­ they can record their selection. Proofed Gabardine tore Riditnt Mac* now open to attend The evening was spent in to Pat Norton who guessed "Wes- posited at the Corporation Offices and ^tj le result will be announced dancing and games. Winners were, sex Saddleback " as the name of is available to the public for inspection Raincoats styled in also in single breas­ WEDDINGS beetle drive: Mrs. Pam Bolton, 2, a described pig — admitting they and prints of the Order have been dis­ during the dance which is to fol­ single-breasted man­ ted style and belted- low the sale. Mrs. W. Hartford, of ner with belt. In Li ned shoulders- at Church or Reception Mrs. H. Horden, 3, Mrs. Irene had one at home, but she could played in prominent positions at each Heslop, 4, Mrs. M. Fletcher, lowest not remember what they called it. end of the section of the footpath to be Sunderland is to open the proceed­ fawn and fully lined Light putty shade. and Lambing Season was Mrs. Brown. The suggestion of " Susie" was stopped up. ings during the afternoon. Sizei 42-46 ins 44 and 46 ins. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Whist drive: ladies, Mrs. Kellett indignantly denied. Price £S 1/6 Price £4 3/8 With the approach ot Lambing Season 2, Mrs. Simpson, lowest, Mrs. Wat­ Then came "General Agricul­ ointments can now be booked I may we recommend the use of son. Gents: Mrs. N. Casants, 2, ture," the last of the series. RICHMOND BIRTHS AND DEATHS. AWARDS TO MISSIONARY for Portraits ; Mrs. Hodgson, lowest, Mrs. E. Barnard Castle won the contest COLLECTORS. • Suddick. by 694 points to 59J. Rene Wilkin­ The monthly report of the Medical • son was top of the individual Officer of Health for Richmond Borough The annual Juvenile Missionary [Please book appointment*early scores with 27 points and Norman showed there were nine births.equal to service was held at Newgate |E?ans Lamb Dysentery Serum Mitchell second with 18i. a birth rate of 17'52 a thousand. Four Methodist Church on Sunday after- deaths equalled a death rate of 7'80 noon Medals and ceitlicates were New iiinsaiiiiiBBiiiiisaiiiiiaaiiiiisW ROMALDKIRK W.l.'s 30th This preparation now contains a sufficient BIRTHDAY per 1,000. No cjtses of notifiable in­ presented to collectors by Bev. I.. fectious disease w,ere notified. T. 1). Chapman and an address quantity of PULPY KIDNEY ANTITOXIN The January meeting was the Staindrop Y.F.C. Win was given by Mr. E. Watson. The Spring to give a substantial measure of protec­ antih btrjhday of tihe Bomaldkirk Quiz soloist was Mrs. F. Barron and the W.I.. and took the form of a social organist Mrs. W. Russell. The tion against this disease as well as against Staindrop Y.F.C. continued their evening. Mrs. Wall, the President, THE "NEW LOOK" IN RELIGION secretary reported a total ol ill Styles victorious career in the County *LAMB DYSENTRY presided. collected dining the past year Quiz by defeating Spennymoo'r At yesterday's weekly gathering A crazy whist drive commenced of the Barnard Castle Rotary CJub, which was an excellent effort. now per container ROtarian J. 11. Brown, President, Mr. Bailes a? M.C. Then the P. Maclaren. in the chair, an address on " The 22/6 of 100 cc. birthday cake, made by the New Look in Religion " was given Teams were: Staindrop, D. Nes- MIDDLETON MECHANICS WHIST arriving President, was cut by the two by the Hev. A. Norman Sloan, bitt, J. Meynell, K. Mason and i OTHER PREPARATIONS oldest members Mrs. SmitlU and Speiiiiyinoor. a Methodist minister, Prizewinners at the weekly Barbara Blythe. Mrs. Lee, whobot h wished the who alter opening with a few racy whist drive held pu Wednesday Calcium Borogluconate, Homeopathic*, Spennymoor: C. Heslop, A. Wal­ Institute every success in the anecdotes, delved deeper into his evening in the Mechanics Institute, ker, A. Pearson and Mary Pearce. Syringes & Serum, Needles, Lambing Oils. future and many happy returns. subject and in the coarse of his Middleton-in-Teesdale were: Mi-. • Top of the individual scores was Refreshments were then served. remarks sought to justify his con­ Chiistison. Mrs. Watson. Mr>. W. Barbara Blyth with 28 points. J. Afterwards the evening was tention that the " new look " in the Mrs. Brunskill, Mr. w. Suther­ spent in games and dancing. manner of presenting the Church's land and Mr. Rowes. Why not open an account with Also by There was an excellent gathering; message was likely to be more NEW DELIVERY us for greater shopping of members and friends and a most Newbiggin and Middleton effective than some of the styles of convenience ? FITU ... enjoyable evening was spent. hitherto adopted. To illustrate 2 - m a v stretch In Quiz this he related some of his ex­ THE CUCKOO - IS IT A RECORD ? 'Fitu' Corsets RoU-ons. Small, periences with the troops during A meeting of Newbiggin Y.F.C Mr. George Maude, the well- medium and large the war, where the object was Wrap - round : ^mertiy\Vhitcs&Tayler s was held in the Newbiggin known Barnard Castle bus pro­ fitting. 3 cpns BARNARD CASTLE DEATH. to get down to the circumstances busk-iront . side- Institute on Wednesday evening. prietor, states that he 'iearly heard fastening and back 7/6 and 13/11 E Formerly G. Clarkson Harker The funeral took place DB The programme for the evening of those whom it was desired to the cuckoo near Bainingh?m on fastening. All sizes l'p-lift Brassieres 1 Piul Ltd., Leather Manufacturer, Thursday, following Requiem was a quiz—Newbiggin versus improve morally by mixing with Tuesday. DISPENSING CHEMISTS them socially, it being found thai 24-36 ins. 3 cpns. in peach satin. 36- omakeri of Veebex Shoe Upper Leathers Mass celebrated by Ihe Rev. Middleton, the result being From 10/6 to 22/11 Father C. Duffy, of Mrs. Catherine Middleton 36, Newbiggin 32 The there were many who " wanted to 42" IcpnPnc«711 be good," put wanted the "guts'' to 24, HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE Swales, of Dawson Road, Barnard quiz-master was Mr. Richardson HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. »nd Pubhshed bv the T«ewl»1'" Castle^ and the timekeeper Mr. Cosgins say so. The speaker was thanked Telephone 16 THE LAlUTN'iTON HARRIERS. i of the Company, 24. Market PlaC Mrs. Swales was very well A vote of thanks was proposed on behalf of the club bv Rotarian BARNARD CASTLE HCHES THROUGHOUT GREAT BRITAIN asri'CutJJ. ' " "«8"'e:-^ known in the town. by Mr. C. Hutchinson. G. Clarkson Harker. Saturday, Feb. 26th—Morritt Arms, 12