The Real Estate Record

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The Real Estate Record EAL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. XXYII. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1881. No. 670. Published Wee^cly by one of transcendent significance. It means | and investors the wisdom of paying some I^^e %ml Estate JRecortr l^ssotmibix. that one man in the United States, to-day, can attention to Southern securities, both rail­ malie any quotation he pleases, for any road and State. There have been some very TERMS. article bought and sold, throughout", the great advances in the price of certain ONE YEAR, in advance.. ..SIO.OO. whole nation. If the possessor of this tre­ Communications should be addressed to Southern railway securities, and the time C. W. SWEET, mendous power was an utterly unscrupTilous cannot be distant when something will be operator, he has a veritable Aladdin's lamp in done to rehabilitate • the credit of all the No. 137 BROADWAV his possession. For, one day's misquotation Southern States. It is safe to predict, that, of four or five of the leading staples of com­ before the close of this year, there will be an THE WORLD'S FAIR AN ASSURED merce, would put]him in possession of wealth active movement in Southern State securi­ SUCCESS. that Croesus or Rothschild could not equal. ties. We have the fullest faith row in the suc­ Fortunately, IMr. Jay Gould's high character On the whole, the outlook is very prom­ cess of the World's Fair to take place in this is an assurance that he will do nothing of ising. Judged by the above facts and by city in 1883. The Commissioners, after a the kind, and his eagerness to obtain this others in the possession of all intelhgent cit­ good deal of wrangling, have, at last, organiz­ control of the telegraphic system is probably izens, there is no cloud in the financial ed by placing at the hsad of the enterprise due to his desire to jprotect the i)ubhc from skies. General Grant, the very man whom we the machinations of conscienceless specula­ urged [for that position, long before tLe site tors. DOWN TOWN INVESTMENTS. was selected. THE RECCED, when first pro­ It was only a few months ago, that we posing the name of the ex-President for this FACTS TO BE REMEMBERED called attention to the probable revival of exalted position was blamed by many parties, values in tho lower part of the city. We among them several valued subscribers, who 1879. 1880. then pointed to the peimanency of certain took exception to our nomination. That, Emigration ..No. 177,826 457,275 Gold and silver import.. S 86,848,13J 75,548,731 lines of business concentrated, especially in however, was in the midst of a j)olitical Merchandise, export S 751.761,204 871,666,346 the first ward, by the termmi of the elevated campaign, when all citizens, among them " import S 485,516,166 7C9,029,302 roads, and our predictions have been more even some of our most esteemed friends did Exports over imports.. .S 266,245,038 163,638,044 than verified, not only by the improvements not reason calmly, nor looked at the question Railroads built miles 4,721 7,207 made in the lower i)art of Broadway and before them]_from a standpoint that ought Railroad earnings 11 mos. 150,000,000 210,000,000 adjacent streets, but also by transactions \n always to command support, namely '' busi­ Wheat crop bush. 448,755,000 480,850,000 real estate running into large amounts ness success," This now has been secured by Cotton product, Sept.l.bls 5.073,531 5,7.57,397 in the second, as well as in the first ward. the election of General Grant as President Ironproduced tons 2,741,853 3,300,000 In fact, owing to the causes heretofore de­ of an enterprize that will reflect credit not Coal, anthracite tons 26,142,689 2.'^,6CO,0CO tailed, and the additional permanency only upon our^own community, but upon the Gold & silver produced.. $ 71,163,732 73,537,546 established by the improvements and ex­ entire country. Wheneve" this is the case, Coin and currency $1,165,55'3,5031,400,000,000 tensions of the Produce and Stock Ex­ practical beneficial results must folIo%v, no We are particularly indebted to the changes, the entire region along Broadway, more to the owners of landcontiguous to the Financial Chronicle for the above table; south of the General Post Ofiice, has been site than to the general property holder in but we have corrected and added to it, so as the object of inquiry and investigation on and around New York. to bring it to date. If the tables for our the part of ciu- heaviest capitalists. We other productions.' and manufactures could We know that some legislation will be re­ merely need allude to the purchase of the be as concisely stated and presented, it would quired, which jway ultimately result in the northeast corner of Broadway and Wall only confirm the impression given by the shifting of the site, now fixed for Inwood, street by two of our leading banks, to the above striking figures. but whether there or elsewhere, on Manhat­ purchase of 64 and 66 Broadway by a Phila. We here see at a glance the reason for the tan Island, the prestige given to the enter- delphia capitalist, then, again, to 78 and 80 abounding prosperity. Our liroductions are IJrise by the election of the only man, we Broadway by a syndicate of foreign in­ greater, the ijrices are better, and, above all, know of, who has not the word " fail" in his vestors, and now to the purchase of 8 and 10 we have a currency, perfectly safe and con­ vocabulary assures an unj)recedented success Wall street by Mr. John Jacob Astor, to stantly growing in amount. Instead of for an exhibition, that will indeed astonish show what heavy blocks of money are going some $750,000,000 of paper, only half used, the civilized world. Organization, that great in that direction. These purchases, how­ we have nearly double that amount of gold, forerunner of success, has now been per­ ever, it should be remembered, arc not made silver and paper, in very active use. Tim­ fected, practical work will follow shortly for purposes of speculation, but for invest­ idity has given place to confidence, and en­ under such a leader. And, let us add in the ment on which a fair return must be had, if terprise follows inaction. language of Colonel IngersoU, " Don't you they are to continue. Should present owners Then, it must be borne in mind, that our forget it." of down town property, on the strength of population is increasing with great rapid­ these few investments, raise the prices of ity and in unexpected directions. To the their present holdings, they will simply JAY GOULD, MASTER. amazement of the country and the world, it once more drive capital away from that We have it from undoubted authority that now turns out that the South has been in­ section, and "kill_^the goose that lays the the object for which Jay Gould has been creasing in population a trifle more than the golden egg." working for ten years past, the absolute con­ North. With all the advantages apparently trol of the whole telegraph system of the on the side of the North, emigration, enter­ It must be borne in mind that unless a j)er- country, has at length been accomplished. prise, thrift, control of money, both blacks centage on these investments, can be had. All the telegraph lines and their appurten­ and whites at the South have been multiply­ larger than is obtainable by the purchase of ances are to-day as absolutely under the con­ ing their kind, so as to actually give them other securities, there will be an end to the trol of Jay Gould as is the Iron Mountain or the advantage over the North. Indeed, the ' purchase of down town real estate. The time Missouri, Kansas & Texas roads. It is a South wiU gain one member and the North may come, and sooner than is now anticipat­ notable circumstance that the daily press has loose one, in the next House of Representa­ ed, that the increased rentals of last year, in not cared to let this fact be known: for it is tives. And this also suggests to capitalists the lower part of Broadway, cannot be main 46 1'HE REAL ESTATE RECORD. January 15,18S1 tained, owing to the cloud which just now is had control in Great Britain, the number of the First Ward, given above, is altogether overhanging many of the mining companies messages were only 6,653,000. During last too low. With the completion of the new occupying prominent ofiices in buildings year the number of messages were nearly Stock Exchange, the building of the new near and below Wall street. Some of them, 27,000,000. Produce Exchange and the other improve­ we understand, were even last quarter day The question of the future in politics will ments in contemplation, we expect to see a compelled to offer shares, instead of cash, be the control of corporations by the great great enhancement in the value of property for the payment of their rents. Not that we corporation of the nation. The Vanderbilts, where the banking and wholesale business consider this interest so vast as at all to Goulds and their associates have the power of the country is transacted.
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