SITI SOFIAH REG. NO. 142202061




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Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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Plot is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end. The short story usually has one plot so it can e read in one sitting. There are five essential party of plot: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. This paper is entitled The Description of Plot Found in Ransom Riggs Novel Peculiar Children. In this novel narrated infidelity is about a young boy who seeks to know many things about the tragedy of his grandfather. Through the story of his grandfather's past, she finds of Miss Peregrine. A beautiful girl help him travel to learn more about him that is actually from Miss Peregrine. The story features a mysterious magic, ghosts, and monsters are not known, one of which was the cause of the death of his grandfather. In this study the author uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the plot of which is already presented in the novel.




Plot merupakan urutan kejadian atau peristiwa dalam sebuah cerita atau sandiwara. Plot biasanya sudah direncanakan, bagian yang logis dalam suatu kejadian yang memiliki awal, pertengahan, dan akhir. Cerita pendek biasanya memiliki satu plot yang bisa dibaca dalam satu kedudukan. Ada 5 bagian yang penting dalam plot: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, dan Resolution. Kertas karya ini berjudul The Description of Plot Faund in Ransom Riggs Novel Peculiar Children. Dalam novel ini di kisahkan tentang seorang anak muda yang berusaha untuk mengetahui banyak hal tentang tragedi kakeknya. Melalui kisah masa lalu kakeknya, dia menemukan rumah Miss Peregrine. Seorang gadis cantik membantu dia melakukan perjalanan untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang dirinya yang sebenarnya dari Miss Peregrine. Cerita fitur sihir misterius, hantu, dan monster yang tidak diketahui, salah satunya adalah penyebab kematian kakeknya. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggambarkan plot yang sudah tersaji dalam novel tersebut.




First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT, the almighty God for

His blessing and leading me during all my life. Praise is to the prophet

Muhammad SAW, the leader of messengers and guiding of faithful so that I could finish my study to fulfill one of requirements for the degree of Ahli

Madya from the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

Then, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, Ms. and all the staffs for their help during the period of study in this faculty.

I would like to thank to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum. As the head of English Department for giving all facilities and opportunities during my academic years and completing this paper. I would like to express my special gratitude to my suvervisor, Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama,

M.Pd for his support and beneficial suggestion, and their willingness to share time in correcting this paper throughout the preparation of this paper and the period of doing this paper. I also would like to thank to all lecturers who have given so much knowledge throughout my academic years especially to my academic supervisor. I would like to thank to kak Dede who always helps me in administration process.

My best deepest appreciation and love are dedicated to my beloved father Abdul Hasyim and my beloved mother Zainab, who always pray,



support, and advice me with their love. For my brother Ahmad Darwis, my sister Nur Halimah and my little sister Rahmadani, and the whole of my family, I would like to thank a lot of their love, support and time to share and lead me.

Thanks for being my best friends in class English Diploma Study,

Tri Gita Pratiwi, Agustina Sahara and Malinda Rosalin, for your support, care and other things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study, I’m going to miss you all. Then to my all friends in English Diploma III 2014 and also thank to all people who have helped me either directly or indirectly that I cannot mention. Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it very much.

Finally, I realize that this paper is far from being perfect. I have done my best to complete this paper. Finally, I hope this paper would be useful for the readers in future.

Medan, July 25 2017

The Writer

Siti Sofiah

Reg. No: 142202061




1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 The Problem of Study ...... 4 1.3 The Scope of Study ...... 4 1.4 The Purpose of Study ...... 4 1.5 The Method of Study ...... 4

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Novel ...... 6 2.2 Intrinsic Elements...... 7 2.2.1 Plot ...... 8 Exposition ...... 8 Rising action ...... 9 Climax ...... 9 Falling Action ...... 9 Resolution ...... 10

3. THE DESCRIPTION OF PLOT FAUND IN RANSOM RIGGS NOVEL PECULIAR CHILDREN 3.1 Exposition ...... 11 3.2 Rising Action ...... 11 3.3 Climax ...... 15 3.4 Falling Action ...... 17 3.5 Resolution ...... 18

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion ...... 20 4.2 Suggestion ...... 22



A. Biography of Ransom Riggs ...... 25 B. Summary of The Novel ...... 29




1.1 Background of Study

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995:51), that literature refers to composition that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotion and analyze and advocate ideas. It means the literature is a composition to tell a story, dramatic events, express emotion and analysis and support ideas that are created with various objectives made.

A litarary work is considered must meet the requirements of beauty or aesthetics. And because beauty is a perceived, talks about literature should be departed from feeling. The literary work is a statement about human beings, human and humanitarian issues are so complex. He is not a feeling but a reality rational discharge of man is so complex in accordance with the existing complexity in the nature of shape human. According to semi (1988: 8). Literature is a form of creative art and the work of the object is a human and his life using the language as a medium.

Literature has four categories of genres : 1) prose fiction, 2) poetry, 3) drama, 4) non fiction prose. Usually the first three are classed as imaginative literature. Prose

Fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, Rromances, novels, and shorts stories.

According to Rene (1985) that novel is a picture of real life and manners, and of the time which it is written. Based from the quotation above, a novel seems as the portrayal of human life and behaviour in reality. In other words, the novel tends to be



the representative of the activity of human real life, which concerns too many things and aspects such as: ambition, feeling, emotion, desire, abstacles in life, problem, etc.

Fananie (2001:93) says that plot is construction which is made to read on of a sequence of events that are logically and chronologically related, and caused or experienced by actors. It means an entire series of events contained in the story, caused or experienced by actors.

Literature elements can be classified into two categories. They are intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic element is plot.

They are five the important elements in the part of plot they are : 1) The

Exposition : known as the beginning of the story where characters and setting are established, and the conflict or main problem is introduced as well. 2) The Rising

Action : which accurs when a series of events build up to the conflict. The main characters are established by the time the rising action of a plot occurs and at the same time, events begin to get complicated. 3) Climax : is the turning point of the story and it meant to be the moment of highest interest and emotion. 4) Falling Action

: are event and complications begin to resolve and the result of action of the main characters is put forward. 5) Resolution : are the end of a story and with either a happy or a tragic ending. In this paper a novel is used as the material of the discussion, Which the novel itself belongs to the literary work.

The Novel which deals in this paper are written by Ransom Riggs entitle

Peculiar Children. Ransom Riggs was born February, 3, 1979, Maryland on a 200-



year-old farm, and grew up in Florida, where he spent his farmative years making silly movies with his friends in their various backyards, snorkelling, and complaining about the heat. He attended Pine View School for the Gifted. He studied English literature at Kenyon College, and studied film at the University of Southem

California. He lives in Los Angeles.

In this paper the writer will analyze the plot of the novel Peculiar Children written by Ransom Riggs in Los Angeles. This novel tells about the story of a grandfather and her grandchild, tells the story of a 16-year-old son, Jacob Portman.

He recently lost his beloved grandfather. First his grandfather liked to tell about the story of his grandfather in a House on a deserted island outside of Wales, his grandfather tells the story of a strange children who has a special power and in his show along with photos of her as well. The beginning thought his grandfather Jacob is lying to him or he does not believe the words of his grandfather. But after his grandfather died with very tragically, and entrusting the last message to him in order to go to a secluded island of the coast of Wales to find the House of Miss Peregrine's and strange children. Jacob followed his grandfather's last message to prove his grandfather's words, looking for a home with Miss Peregrine's and strange children.

Then when he's up in wales and found a House that is old. Jacob cannot believe there are still people living in the House, but after she entries and search into the rooms, he found children in the House. The weird thing is the kids were still alive until now, even though it seems . The reason why the sequester themselves in a secluded place that was so that spared from attack the disturbing creatures them.



In doing this paper the writer uses qualitative research methode by Bogdan and Taylor. Method of the description in this paper is a library research. The sources of primary data is by reading the novel Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, watching the movies and looking for some books, internet and the papers.

1.2 Problem of Study

Based on the background, the problem of the study is : How is the plot

potrayed in Ransom Riggs novel Peculiar Chidren?

1.3 The Scope of Study

The description of this paper is limited to plot in the novel. Therefore, the scope of this paper is Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and

Resolution is restricted to the plot found in this novel.

1.4 Purpose of Study

The purpose of writing this paper, is to describe the plot potrayed in Ransom

Riggs novel Peculiar Children.

1.5 Method of the Study

In doing this paper the writer uses qualitative description methode by Bogdan and Taylor (1992: 21-22) explains that qualitative research is a research procedure



that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and behavior of the people being observed. A qualitative approach is expected to produce in-depth description of the speech, writing, or observable behavior of an individual, group, community, or certain organizations in a particular context setting that were examined from the standpoint of complete, comprehensive, and holistic. The sources of primary data is by reading the novel Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

,watching the movies and looking for some books, Internet and the paper.




Fiction writing is any kind of writing that is not factual. Fictional writing most often takes the form of a story meant to covey an author’s point of view or simply to entertain. The result of this may be a short story, novel, novella, screenplay, or drama, which are all types (though not the only types) of fictional writing styles.

2.1 Novel

Novel is a length story which tells about life experience of human being. It can be made base on imagination. The imagination is not really life experience, it is impossible in real life. Rene (1985) says that novel is a picture of real life and manners, and of as the time in which it is written. Based from the quotqtion above, a novel seems as the portrayal of human life and behaviour in reality. On the other words, the novel tends to be the representative of the activity of human real life, which concerns too many things and aspects such as: feeling, emotion, desire, obstacles in life, problem, etc.

Watson (1979:3) says that novel is the name of a literary kind, and there is a story to tell about how, over the centuries, its substance has widened and its conventions changed. So it means novel is lierary work, narrate about the life in centuries ago. Of course, novel is a way to send message in social, such as in novel find character that plays role hero and felon. Hero in novel will be success but not felon will be loser. From this message the reader can get inspiration that hero is good but felon is bad.



Reading a novel can help reader think the conversation of character, it makes the imagination improved became more criticism. Because the reader thinks what thing is good to support. In the beginning of novel is not interesting in the ending, because it takes the attention the reader to read the whoe story. According to Watson

(1979:3-4) says that novel is a way of learning about how things were or are- cognitive instrument; and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider how often in conversation we use them to make points or answer questions.

Novel is usually written in the past tense because the authorr tells story that happens in the past, the author imagine the story firstly then interpret it in writing so the imagination first then writing in the past tense. In addition novel is written in past tense because it is a heritage of senior novelist, like saying according to Watson

(1979:6-9) says that why most novels are mainly composed in the past tense? And why is it that when readers or critics recount the plot of a novel, or any part of one, they commonly translate it into the present? The simplest answer to these questions is that we conventionally associate past tense with telling a story, and present tense with analysis. In oedinary conversation it is worth nothing, anecdotes are usually in the past tense, even when they are offered as fictitious.

2.2 Instrinsic Element

Literature elements can be classified into two categories. They are intrinsic

and extrinsic. The element is plot



2.2.1 Plot

Roberts and Jacobs (1993:88) says, “Stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequantial or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration−the plot, or the controls governing the development of actions.” Plot refers to the sequence of events inside a story which affect other events through the principle of cause and effect. Plot is usually limited to events causally connected. Causal event is an event that causes or could result from a variety of other events and can not be ignored because it will affect the overall work. The causal events of a plot can be thought of as a series of sentences linked by “and so”.

Talking about plot means we talk about the actions or events that are usually resolved at the end of a story. The fictional plot maybe a struggle between opposing forces, love and many others and it is usually resolved by the end if the story. There are five structure of the plot: Exposition

The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed.

The exposition is the introduction to the characters and setting of the story. The exposition hooks the reader, providing enough interest and information to the intended audience to encourage the reader to continue reading. Every story must have a beginning the start, or exposition, is where the characters and setting are established. During this part of novel, the conflict or main problem is also introduced.



This is where events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax). The rising action introduces the conflict or problem in the story. This part of the plot tells us wht it is that the main character or protagonist is facing. During the rising action, the main character struggles with this conflict or problem. Climax

The climax is the high point of the story, where a culmination of events creates the peak of the conflict. The climax usually features the most conflict and struggle, and usually reveals any secrets or missing points in the story. Alternatively, an anti- climax may occur, in which an expectedly difficult event is revealed to be incredibly easy or of paltry importance. Crisis may also label the falling actions as an anti- climax, or anti-climactic. The climax isn’t always the most important scene in a story.

In many stories, it ls the last sentence, with no successive falling action or resolution. Falling Action

The falling action is the series of events which take place after the climax; it is where the protagonist must react to the changes that ooccur during the climax of the story. The events and complications begin to resolve them. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and denouement). Following the climax, the story begins to slowly wind down. Falling action, one of the two final story elements, shows the result of the actions or



decisions the character has made. This eventually leads to the final part of the novel, the crisis resolution. Resolution

The part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of the conflict. The resolution, also often called denoument, which is

French for “to untie” or “unraveling”, is the conclusion of the story. Here, the conflicts are resolved, all lose ends are tied up, and the story concludes with either a happy or sad ending.

2.2.2 Method uses in doing this paper

In doing this paper the writer uses qualitative description method by Bogdan and Taylor (1992: 21-22) explains that qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and behavior of the people being observed.




3.1 Types of Plot

In this paper, the writer will describe the types of plot by Robert and Jacob, there is exposition, Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and


3.2 Exposition

The exposition of this novel is beginning in Florida it is the place of Jacob lived in 2011. Jacob is a child who is 16 years old. He and his father traveled to a small island off the coast of wales over a span of 3 weeks. Jacob and his father went to Wales to find the House of Miss Peregrine on the curved side opposite the grave of the old man. It was the last message of his grandfather to Jacob before his grandfather died when found in a State of critical. After his grandfather tells his last message, his grandfather directly sprawl back exhausted and lost consciousness. From there, Jacob felt really lost his grandfather.

“With that he sank back, spent and fading. I told him I loved him, and then he seemed to disappear into himself, his gaze drifting past me to the sky, bristling now with stars.” (Peculiar Children, p. 37).



Abraham Portman is the most attractive in the eyes of the Jacob. His grandfather had lived in orphanages, where Miss Peregrine lived with peculiar children foster care, he had joined the fight, crossed many oceans on horseback, used to be a circus performer, understand the intricacies of firearms, self-defense, and can survive in the wild and at least he can master the three languages with the lancer, which is not the language of the United Kingdom that it all looks amazing exotic, for the little boy who never left Florida, and each met with his grandfather, Jacob son was demanding that his grandfather want to tell the stories that his grandfather had been experienced in the past. Then his grandfather always willing to tell things that never experienced him, and his grandfather tells all the stories where it's as if all of it was so secret that only she could entrust on Jacob.

After that Jacob found Miss Peregrine with all the peculiar children who live on a secluded island that is very far from the community. Then Miss Peregrine explains why they live on a deserted island, due to avoid the attack of the enemy who is always chasing them, that is the weight.

“There are peculiars all over the world,” she said, “thought our numbers are much diminished from what they once were. Those who remain live in hiding, as we do.” She lapsed into a soft regretful voice. “There was a time when we could mix openly wit common folk. In some corners of the world we were regarded as shamans and mystics, consulted in times of trouble. A few cultures have retained this harmonious relationship with our people, thought only in places where both modernity and the major religions have failed to gain a foothold, such as the black-



magic island of Weight in the New Hebrides. But the larger world turned against us long ago. The Muslims drove us out. The Christians burned us as Witches.

3.3 Rising Action

Portman's grandfather Jacob call Jacob asks the giant key with the sounds of rush and panic. Then Jacob was curious with the voice of his grandfather the panic andhe met his grandfather in a House that is very dark. Suddenly he saw a flashlight that was covered in blood and she saw her grandfather in a Statelying in the back of the House with a very pitiful. Then he approached his grandfather, and listening to his grandfather's last talk. Then he saw his grandfather attack bizarre creatures to lifeless anymore.

After that, both parents Jacob brings Jacob to a specialist brain, his name is Dr.

Golan because of bad dreams that make Jacob woke up screaming, and the situation is getting worse because of the death of his grandfather that was very tragic, and

Jacob look weird creatures have the mouth of the bertentakel who killed his grandfather. After that Dr. Golan continue to convince and tell Jacob to illustrate, think back on what happened, and what is said to be the grandfather of Portman to himbefore he died which makes Jacob worse because with him back Jacob felt trauma and increasingly frightened over what to make of his grandfather were killed.



Dr. Golan told Jacob went looking for the orphanage place Miss Peregrine and strange kids on the coast of wales. Grandpa Porman give Jacob a letter as his final message before she died in which Dr. Golan sagai instructions. Jacob went with his father to meet Miss Peregrine and peculiar children that. After arriving on the coast of Wales, father Jacob told the Worm and two Dirty men to show directions to jacob, but they even deceived Jacob by telling jacob go past the shortcut after arriving in the middle of the road, but finally Jacob meet Miss place Peregrine and older son odd too.

“I had a feeling it was a trick but stepped up to the door and knocked anyway. It was unlatched and opened a little at my touch. It was too dark to see inside, so I took a step through-and, to my surprise, down-into what looked like a dirt floor but, I quickly realized, was in fact a shin-deep ocean of excrement. This tenantless hovel, so innocent looking from the outside, was really a makeshift sheep stable. Quite literally a shithole. “Oh my God!” I squealed in disgust. Peals of laughter exploded from outside. I stumbled backward through the door before the smell could knock me unconscious and found the boys doubled over, holding their stomachs. (Peculiar

Children, p. 81)

In small towns like Cairnholm, the event attracted the attention of a missing person. While it's also Martin his museum does not open or does not stop by the

Priest Hole for drinking as usual, then people began to wonder if he was sick or something happens to her. All of a sudden came the calls from the corpses of the radio that martin had been found by a fisherman on the beach place sheep has



ever gone before. Then father Jacob told Jacob that, afterthat Jacob remembers what t ell me Miss Peregrine earlier to him. After the event that Jacob would like to go again to tell Miss Peregrine about it, but his father would not let him go, but he continues to force and manages to escape from his father's presence that makes his father increasingly annoyed and worried him until his father chased him. But finally she managed to also get away from his father and went to report the incident to

Miss Peregrine.

3.4 Climax

Jacob must find out what happened to his grandfather that made his grandfather's strange nature and often tell strange creatures to him. After the death of his grandfather Jacob continues to find out who killed his grandfather, because he saw a strange creature while the death of his grandfather. But when he recounts seeing the weird creatures that to his parents, his parents thought he was crazy or mental illness to treatment and he was taken to Dr. Golan who even make the situation worse, because Dr. Golan told him to tell all what happened that make Jacob more and fear and trauma.

After that Jacob was the last letter that his grandfather before he died was given to Dr. Golan. But with the letter that Dr. Golan investigates the existence of that peculiar kids and Miss Peregrine.



“This is all I’m proposing, “Golan continued, trying to sound reasonable.

“Help us find more people like you. In return, you’ll have nothing to fear from

Malthus or his kind. You can live at home. In your free time you’ll come with me and see the world, and we’ll pay you handsomely. We’ll tell your parents you’re my research assistant. (Peculiar Children, p. 297)

It turns out that Dr. Golan is the brain from all evil, since only he knows what happened to his grandfather's death Jacob and Jacob. Then after Jacob consulting him about what happens when the death of his grandfather, he told Jacob to look for orphanages that exist in Wales to become a spy for the peculiar children who turned out to be wanted in his attack.

After Jacob went to the beach and found Miss Wales Peregrine and

Emma in the orphanage, she felt safer living with them rather than having to return to his homewith his family. He made that decision because he did not want to live his life in fear and always in a Chase-chase by monsters like his grandfather. But it made his father was furious at him when he told his father that he didn't want to come home with his father again.

“I’m not coming with you, I said. His eyes narrowed and he cocked his head, as if he hasn’t heard properly. I was about to repeat myself when there was a knock at the door.” Peculiar children, p. 344)

With his father's anger Jacob getting confused between choosing his family or stay at the peculiar children together, but if she chooses lived with peculiar children



that he cannot return again to meet with his family. Finally she chose to stay with older children and not peculiar parting with Emma, his continued hisdupnya for your convenience.

After that Jacob return to the parlor, but it turns out he was followed by

Dr. Golanwhich impersonate someone by the name of Mr. Barron who want to attack them. After arriving at the orphanage, Mr. Barron put knife in neck Jacob to threaten

Jacob so he'd like to bring Mr. Barron to the home of Miss Peregrine. Then Mr.

Barron told Miss Peregrine became a bird for her and brought her inside brackets in the Aviary in a room, so that he and other Holligast member can strike the peculiar children Jacob and others.

3.5 Falling Action

Jacob and peculiar children rescued from the giant Peregrine Miss holding her

hostage. Once saved, Jacob had to choose whether she should stay with Miss Peregrine and peculiar that children or lived with her family and living in fear. After she thought, she decided that she could not bear to lose Emma. He also knew that he could not live a normal life again, because he could see the weird things like seeinga monster like that cannot be seen by others. Jacob didn't want to live in fear as his grandfather once had. So, he decided that it's better to live with Miss Peregrineand peculiar children that.



“I went over to my father and knelt down beside his chair. His head bobbed slightly.

I’m going away, Dad. You might not see me for a while.

“Oh, Yeah? Where are you going?’

“Oh a trip.”

“A trip,” he repeated. When will you be back?”

“I don’t Really Know. (peculiar Children, p. 345)

Miss Peregrine and peculiar children also learn that they can no longer live in the time loop as before.

“Once the children had said Goodbye to their house, some taking chips of brick or flowers from the garden as forget-me-notes, we made one last trip across the islans: throught the smoking charred woods and the flat bog dug with bomb holes, over the ridge and down throught the little town hugh with peat smoke, where the townspeople lingered on porches and in doorsays, so tried and numb with shock that they hardly seemed to notice the small parade of peculiar-looking children passing them by. (Peculiar Children, p 351)

If they lived in a time loop, then they will be in great danger, because the monsterhas learned that they live there, and they also know how to insert new loops to life.Then, they should explore the world until they find a new secure loop to where they live.



3.5 Resolution

Jacob knows that he must find out what happened to his grandfather. She persuaded her father to take her to an island off the coast of wales, where his grandfatherspent his youth. When he's up there, he found the time loop that took him from 2011 to September

3 I940. Then there he met Miss Emma, Peregrine, and the peculiar children more. They tell many things about him, Portman's grandfather and that that his grandfather can see monsters that can not be seen by other ordinary people just like Jacob.

“Miss Peregrine stood quietly at the glass for a while, her shoulders trembling.

When she finally turned to face me again, she was composed and businesslike. “Well,

Mr. Portman,” she said briskly, “I think you’ve been adequately interrogated. You must have questions of your own. (Peculiar Children, p. 152)

Then Jacob knows that she must choose where he would spend the rest of his life.After he thought, she decided that she should choose lived with Miss Peregrine and peculiar kids children. Because he thought that he could not live in fear if she lived with his family as his grandfather's natural Abe Portman.

“I tried to explain everything. I wrote about the peculiar children and the hollows and how all of Grandpa Portman’s stories had turned out to be true. I told him what had happened to Miss Peregrine and Miss Avocet and tried to make him understand why I had to go. I begged him not to worry. (Peculiar Children, p. 343)



He wrote a letter to his father that he is going to go live with Miss

Peregrine. Thenhe tells Miss Peregrine and Emma that she will go with them to find the time loop.





The plot used in the novel of Ransom Riggs, Peculiar Children is chronological plot. Chronological plot simply contains the beginning, middle, and ending.

The exposition of the story is to introduce the character, setting or place where the events take place. The main character is Jacob, has a friends are good, good and care his grandfather or his friends. The setting is Florida, house, wales beach and the orphanage. Jacob and his his father traveled to a small island to find the House of

Miss Peregrine and peculiar children on the curved side opposite the grave of the old man. It was the last message of his grandfather to Jacob before his grandfather died when found in a State of critical. After his grandfather tells his last message, his grandfather directly sprawl back exhausted and lost consciousness. From there, Jacob felt really lost his grandfather.

He has a friends of the orphanage it is peculiar children. The special name is Emma.

She is a fall in love to Jacob on the orphanage because she look Jacob like as Jacob’s grandfather, because she ever to fall in love to Jacob’s Grandfather. And they peculiar children have the only one friends like a Jacob who have the power see the Monster, and have the only one Miss Peregrine can to use the time loop or who will be able to manipulate time for protected us.



The conflict happens when Jacob must find out what happened to his grandfather that made his grandfather's strange nature and often tell strange creatures to him. After the death of his grandfather Jacob continues to find out who killed his grandfather, because he saw a strange creature while the death of his grandfather. But when he recounts seeing the weird creatures that to his parents, his parents thought he was crazy or mental illness to treatment and he was taken to Dr. Golan who even make the situation worse, because Dr. Golan told him to tell all what happened that make Jacob more and fear and trauma.

After that Jacob went to the beach and found Miss Wales Peregrine and

Emma in the orphanage, she felt safer living with them rather than having to return to his homewith his family. He made that decision because he did not want to live his life in fear and always in a Chase-chase by monsters like his grandfather. But it made his father was furious at him when he told his father that he didn't want to come home with his father again.

The falling action in the story is when

Jacob and peculiar children rescued from the giant Peregrine Miss holding her hostag e. Once saved, Jacob had to choose whether she should stay with Miss Peregrine and peculiar that children or lived with her family and living in fear. After she thought, she decided that she could not bear to lose Emma. He also knew that he could not live a normal life again, because he could see the weird things like seeinga monster like that cannot be seen by others. Jacob didn't want to live in fear as his grandfather once



had. So, he decided that it's better to live with Miss Peregrineand peculiar children that.

Resolution of the plot in this novel is that then Jacob knows that she must choose where he would spend the rest of his life.After he thought, she decided that she should choose lived with Miss Peregrine and peculiar children. Because he thought that he could not live in fear if she lived with his family as his grandfather's natural Abe Portman. So he wrote a letter to his father that he is going to go live with

Miss Peregrine. Thenhe tells Miss Peregrine and Emma that she will go with them to find the time loop.


Plot is sequence of events which have cause and effect relationship. Plot is important to know because it frames the conflict as expressed in the story. There will not be a story of literary work if there is not plot. Fananie once said that plot is the contruction which is made to read on of a sequence of events that are logically and chronologically related, and caused or experienced by actors. It means an entire series of events contained in the story, caused or experienced by actors.

After analyzing Peculiar Children, I would hope that the reader can understand the entire story significance of the plot in a literary work. Reading a novel since that novel is one of a familiar literary works to anyone. So the writer hopes that



this paper will be helpful for the readers, who wanted to know about plot and its elements or parts.

Plot elements can be divided into five; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. In this case, Peculiar Children is a good novel and is suitable for teenager and adult. It tells you how to protect his love peoples from the monster and I want to the readers understand to take a good message from the story and they have to memorize that being a good person will always win.




Fananie, Zainuddin. 2000 . Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University.

Rene, Warren. 1985. Theory of Literature. New York: Penguin Books.

Riggs, Ransom. 2011. Peculiar children. United States of Amerika

Robert Edgar V and Jacobs Henry E. 1995. LITERATURE: An Introduction to reading

and writing. New Jersey. Prentice hall, Inc.

Sembiring, MCA. 2014. KompilasiBahanKuliah. Medan: USU Press. Sembiring, MCA. 2014. Buku Panduan Program D3 Bahasa Inggris. Medan:

Sumatera Utara University, Faculty of Culture Study.

Semi, Atar. 1988. Kritik sastra. Bandung : Angkasa

Stanton, Robert. 2007. Teori Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar (diterjemahkan oleh

Sugi Hastuti, Rossi Abi Al Irsyad).

Whitla, William. 2010. The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies.






Ransom Riggs was born on a farm on February 3, 1979 in Maryland. 1980.

He grew up in Englewood, Florida. After graduating from Pine View School for the

Gifted, he attended Kenyon College to study English literature and later enrolled at the University of Southern California to study film. He attended Pine View School



for the Gifted before receiving a degree in English literature from Kenyon College and one in film from the University of Southern California. He then worked as a blogger for Mental Floss, a publication targeted toward youth and millennials. Over the years, Riggs had developed a passion for photography, and the photos. He is best known for writing the young adult novel Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar

Children, which resulted from collecting old photographs. Riggs began writing stories, taking photographs, and making movies when he was young, and continued cultivating these interests into adulthood. After graduating from the University of

Southern California with a film degree, he attempted to enter the film festival circuit and get discovered. However, this dream did not pan out, and he instead spent much of his time writing scripts or blogging for Mental Floss. This blogging led to a job writing a book called The Sherlock Holmes Handbook that went along with the 2009

Sherlock Holmes film.

Miss Peregrine is a young-adult fantasy book that tells the story of Jacob

Portman, a teenager who discovers that he is a descendant of the “peculiar” people, who each have a distinct superhuman trait. The second and third installments of the series, Hollow City and Library of Souls, respectively, each deal with Jacob’s battle against the hollowgast, an ancient species that threatens the livelihood of the peculiars.

When Riggs debuted the first novel of the trilogy, he was met with great praise and acclaim. Thus, it was difficult to maintain that momentum for the remainder of Jacob’s story. Yet, he succeeded in this daunting task as every part of



the series received laudatory reviews. As Steve Nathans-Kelly of Paste Magazine writes, “The challenge Riggs faced in Library of Souls was to match the remarkably high standard set by the first two books in the series, either the mind-bending bafflements of the first book or the edge-of-your-seat action of the second. Riggs succeeds, delivering a thrilling conclusion.”

Since the release of Library of Souls in 2015, Ransom Riggs has published a spin-off to his wildly popular Miss Peregrine books entitled Tales of the Peculiar



His work on short films for the Internet and blogging for Mental Floss got him a job writing The Sherlock Holmes Handbook which was released as a tie-in to the

2009 Sherlock Holmes film.

Riggs had collected curious vernacular photographs and approached his publisher

Quirk Books, about using some of them in a picture book. On the suggestion of an editor, Riggs used the photographs as a guide from which to put together a narrative.

The resulting book was Miss Peregrine’s Home Peculiar Children, which made The

New York Times Best Seller list, and was adapted into the 2016 film of the same name.

Another book inspired by old photographs, Talking Picture was published by Harper

Collins in October 2012. The sequel Hollow City: The second Novel of Miss



Peregrine’s Children was released on January 14, 2014. The third installment in the

Miss Peregrine’s series, titled Library of Soul, was announced in early 2015. It was released on September 22, 2015.

Personal Life

Riggs currently lives in Los Angeles, California and in 2013 married author

Tahereh Mafi. They announced via Instagram that they were expecting their first child in March. Their daughter was born in late May.


The Sherlock Holmes Handbook : The Methods and Mysteries of the World’s

Greatest Detective. Quirk Books. 2009-09-30. ISBN 978-1-59474-428-7.

Miss Peregrine’s Hoe for Peculiar Children. Quirk Books. 2011-06-07.

ISBN 978-1-59474-513-3.

Talking Pictures: Images and Messages Rescued from the past. Harper Collins. 2012-

02-14. ISBN 978-0-06-209949-5.

Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine’s Children. Quirk Books 2014-01-

14. ISBN 978-1-59474-612-3.

Library of Souls (Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children #3). Quirk Books. 2015-09-22.

ISBN 978-1-59474-758-8.

Tales of the Peculiar. Dutton Children’s Books. 2016-09-03. ISBN 978-0-399-53853-




A. Summary of Peculiar Children Novel

Jacob and his father went to wales to find a home Miss Peregrine side opposite the grave of the old man. It was hisgrandfather's last message to his grandfather before Jacob died when his grandfather found in critical circumstances. After his grandfather tell his final message, hisgrandfather immediately lay back exhausted and lost consciousness. From there, Jacob felt really lost his grandfather, his grandfather a nd see already lifeless anymore.

Abraham his grandfather Jacob Portman is the most interesting person in the eyes of the Jacob. Jacob always ask so that his grandfather is willing to tell the stories that his grandfather had been a natural at first. Then his grandfather always willing to tell her things she'd ever experienced, and his grandfather tells all the stories where it's as if all of it was so secret that only can trust him on Jacob.

After that Jacob find Miss Peregrine with all the peculiar children who live on a secluded island that is very far from the community. Then Miss Peregrine explains why they live on a deserted island, due to avoid the attack of the enemy who is always chasing for consuming their bodies, namely the weight.

Miss Peregrine alsoexplains that formerly peculiar people scattered around the world. But now it is not spread out again and there have been many who murderedthe weight, because those who are alive will be hunted down his eyes to be eaten by the weight so that the eternal life, so they are now left to live in



hiding. Formerlypeculiar people can mingle openly with people. The harmonious relationship can be with humans. But now the majority group in the world is hostile to those peculiar.Christians regard the people as peculiar a scary Witch and they burn the peculiarpeople, Muslims also expelled those peculiar, Even the third century pagans of Wales and Ireland eventually decided that we were all faeries and malevolent shape-shifting ghosts. Then the parents those peculiar much doesn't love and accept her son as peculiar, because it is not the same as existed and their behavior as normalhuman beings. Peculiar people having children is bizarre in itself, both in terms of thought, character and shape her body in this novel.

After Jacob meet Miss Peregrine, in the orphanage he decided to stay with Emma, because he love Emma and Emma don't want Jacob departs again, Miss Peregrine and other peculiar children, because he wanted to live safely in spite of the fear and the monsters that had made him such a fear in his grandfather's natural.