Astronomy 100 Exploring the Universe Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Tom Burbine [email protected] Composition of the Planets Different bodies have different densities • Density = /Volume

• M = 4π2d3/GP2 V =4/3πR3 Life of a

• A star-forming cloud is called a molecular cloud because low temperatures allow Hydrogen to

form Hydrogen molecules (H2) • Temperatures like 10-50 K Region is approximately 50 light across Condensing

• Interstellar clouds tends to be lumpy • These lumps tend to condense into • That is why stars tend to be found in clusters Protostar

• The dense cloud fragment gets hotter as it contracts • The cloud becomes denser and radiation cannot escape • The thermal pressure and gas temperature start to rise and rise • The dense cloud fragment becomes a protostar

When does a protostar become a star

• When the core temperatures reaches 10 million K, hydrogen fusion can start occurring

Formation of Solar System

• Solar Theory (18th century) – Solar System originated from a rotating, disk-shaped cloud of gas and dust • Modern theory is that the Solar System was born from an interstellar cloud (an enormous rotating cloud of gas and dust) Composition

• ~71% is Hydrogen • ~27% is Helium • ~2% are other elements (Fe, Si, O) in the form of interstellar grains • Show animation • Dust grains collide and stick to form larger and larger bodies. • When the bodies reach sizes of approximately one kilometer, then they can attract each other directly through their mutual gravity, becoming protoplanets • Protoplanets collide to form planets – Asteroids such as Ceres and Pallas are thought to be leftover protoplanets

• Condensation – conversion of free gas atoms or molecules into a liquid or solid • Volatile – Elements or compounds that vaporize at low temperatures

Form atmosphere and oceans If you want to find life outside our solar system • You need to find planets Extrasolar Planets

• Today, there are over 400 known extrasolar planets • ~463 extrasolar planets known as of today Star Names • A few hundred have names from ancient times • Betelgeuse, Algol, etc.

• Another system: • A star gets name depending on what it is in • With a Greek letter at the beginning – Alpha Andromeda, Beta Andromeda, etc. • Only works for 24 brightest star Star Names now

• Stars are usually named after the catalog they were first listed in • HD209458 is listed in the Henry Draper (HD) Catalog and is number 209458 • HD209458a is the star • HD209458b is the first objects discovered orbiting the star Our Solar System has basically two types of planets • Small terrestrial planets – Made of Oxygen, Silicon, etc. • Large gaseous giants – Made primarily of hydrogen and a little helium – Jupiter - 90% Hydrogen, 10% Helium – Saturn – 96% Hydrogen, 3% Helium – Uranus – 83% Hydrogen, 15% Helium – Neptune – 80% Hydrogen, 20% Helium Things to Remember • The Milky Way has at least 200 billion other stars and maybe as many as 400 billion stars • Jupiter’s mass is 318 times than the mass of the Earth Question:

• How many of these stars have planets? What is the problem when looking for planets? What is the problem when looking for planets?

• The stars they orbit are much, much brighter than the planets • Infrared image of the star GQ Lupi (A) orbited by a planet (b) at a distance of approximately 20 times the distance between Jupiter and our . • GQ Lupi is 400 light years from our Solar System and the star itself has approximately 70% of our Sun's mass. • Planet is estimated to be between 1 and 42 times the mass of Jupiter. •

So what characteristics of the planets may allow you to “see” the planet So what characteristics of the planets may allow you to “see” the planet • Planets have mass • Planets have a diameter • Planets orbit the star • Jupiter – H, He – 5.2 AU from Sun – Cloud top temperatures of ~130 K – Density of 1.33 g/cm3 • Hot Jupiters – H, He – As close as 0.03 AU to a star – Cloud top temperatures of ~1,300 K – Radius up to 1.3 Jupiter radii – Mass from 0.2 to 2 Jupiter – Average density as low as 0.3 g/cm3 10 100 1,000 (lightyears)

Some Possible Ways to detect Planets

• Radial Velocity (Doppler Method) • Transit Method • Direct Observation Center of Mass

• Distance from center of first body = distance between the bodies*[m2/(m1+m2)] • Radial Velocity (Doppler Method) • Wavelength Bias

• Why will the Doppler method will preferentially discover large planets close to the Star? Bias

• Why will the Doppler method will preferentially discover large planets close to the Star? • The gravitational force will be higher • Larger Doppler Shift Transit Method

• When one celestial body appears to move across the face of another celestial body • When the planet crosses the star's disk, the visual brightness of the star drops a small amount • The amount the star dims depends on its size and the size of the planet. • For example, in the case of HD 209458, the star dims 1.7%. • One major problem

• Orbit has to be edge on

Direct Observation

• Infrared Image Visible Infrared

• • How did these Hot Jupiters get orbits so close to their stars? How did these Hot Jupiters get orbits so close to their stars? • Formed there – but most scientists feel that Jovian planets formed far from farther out • Migrated there - planet interacts with a disk of gas or planetesimals, gravitational forces cause the planet to spiral inward • Flung there – gravitational interactions between large planets Kepler Mission • Kepler Mission is a NASA space telescope designed to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. • Using a space photometer, it will observe the brightness of over 100,000 stars over 3.5 years to detect periodic transits of a star by its planets (the transit method of detecting planets) as it orbits our Sun. • Launched March 6, 2009 Kepler Mission Kepler Mission • The Kepler Mission has a much higher probability of detecting Earth-like planets than the Hubble Space Telescope, since it has a much larger field of view (approximately 10 degrees square), and will be dedicated for detecting planetary transits. • There will a slight reduction in the star's , on the order of 0.01% for an Earth- sized planet. • On June 15, 2010 the Kepler Mission released data on all but 400 of the ~156,000 planetary target stars to the public. • 706 targets from this first data set have viable candidates with sizes as small as that of the Earth to larger than that of Jupiter.

KEY D 22255311322343524233524343125151 35254313 • journeys-the-search-for-earth-like-planets Any Questions?