User Manual

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Model No,: PHILIP$ Serial No,: 3121 235 21791 Registering your model with PHfLfPSmakes you eligible for all of the valuable benefits listed below, so don't miss out. Complete and return your Product Registration Card at once to ensure:

Know these PHILIPS sa fetysy bofs

Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the "famifyl. "

Dear PHtLIPS product owner: _IL This _'bolt of li_hulin_" indicates Thank you for your cant dence in PHILiP&You've selected one of the uninsulated material "wi_Jlin your" unit best-built, best-backed products avalable today.We'll do everything in may cause an electrical shock, For" the safe- our power to keep you happy wth your purchase for many years to ty of everyone in your household, please not product cattle. do remove covering,

As a member of the PHILIPS"famty,"you're ent Ued to protect on by The _'exclamation point" calls atten- tion to features for which you one of the most comprehensive warranties and outstand ng service should read the ellclosed literature closely networks n the ndustry.What's more, your purchase guarantees to prevent operating a_d mainte_ance you'll receive all the informal on and special offers for whch you problems, qualify, plus easy access to accessor es from our conven ent home CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, shopping network. match wide blade of plug to wide slot. fully Most importantly, you can count on our uncompromising commit- i_ser't, ment to your total sat sfact on. ATTENTION: Pour _viter" les choc alec- triques, il_tr'oduire la lame la plus lar'ge de All of ths is our way of saying welcome - and thanks for nvesting in la fiche dens la bor'_e correspo_dante de la a PHELPSproduct. prise eL pousser" jusqu'au fond,

For Customer Use [_llter" below the Serial No, which is P.S. To get the most from your PHILIPS purchase, be located o_ the rear of the cabinet, Retain sure to complete and return your Product Registration this infor'l:qatioll for" future refer'elite, Card at once. Model No, Serial No,

2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read before operating equipment

B. Objects havc I'allen, or liquid has bcen .spilled inlo flae ag91i-

C. The a_Iianc_ _as b_ exposed to rain; or D. Tile a_Iian¢_ do_ n_tl appear l_t Opo_a]_ t_o_l_y or exh_i_ a ma_ed chmage in per folvna_ce; or E. The a_pIimace has be_ _pped, or _e enclos_rc dama_d. 17. TilffStabi_ _ All lel_visi_s c_mp_ wilh _eomrn_nd_d in_n_aI gIobaI sal'ety _and_ds I'or till a_d stability pro_erties ofi_ cabinet d_,_ign. • Do _ot compromis_ th_,_e d_,_i_ sla_dard_ by applying exce_ s_ve pull I_rce 1o fl_e fixmt, or top, of 1]_ cabh_et which co_dd _1_

• A]_o, do _ot e_dan_r y_eIt_ or chiklrc_, by pIaeing ele¢_un_ ic _q_iprn_tiloys o_ th_ top o1! _e cabi_et. Such items could ur_s_,_pectingly _hlI fi'om fl_e top ofth_ _el a_d caus_ producl _rn-

18. Wall or Ceilillg Mo_illg _ Thc applia_ce sh_ld be rn_n_ed 1_ a wa]| or ¢_iling onIy as _c_n_m_dcd _y ll_ man_P_¢h_re_ 19. Power Lilies _ An outdoor matenna should be ]oca_d aw_ l?om

20. O_t_or A_te_a Grou_fllng - If an o_side a_te_ma i_ c_n_cd m rcc_ _% be _e _he _te_ma _tem i.s_x_a_ded _ a_ _ _mvide _n_c prote_'ti_ agai_st _ ollage _ and _i]t up static ¢ha_ge,s. Seelion 810 oflhe Na_aI Elcc_c C_|e, ANSFNFPA No. 70_ 1984, pmvid_,_ inlbrma_ion _lh _z_ect m pro_er _'_ding oP flac rna_ a_ s_pporting slructm_z, grooa_ing oflh_ l_ad_in wi_ aa_at_lll& discharge ililit_ size of gro_ndiilg ¢on]_¢_o1"6_ location of matenna-_cha_e unit, co_cc_ _ gm_nding el_¢trud_,_, a_ req_irements Ibr _e gm_nding el_¢trud_. See Figm_z beIow. 21. Object and Li_l_ifl E_tr_ _ Care sh_ld be lakc_ ,_o fl_t o_eel_ not _h]] a_ ]iq_id,_ are not _illed in_ lhe enclosurc through o?,ening_. a) W'a_ing: To vcd_ce lhe n,_k of l]re or e]cclric shriek, lhis appa_ ram_ should _ot be exposed to rain or moi_tm_z mad o_eel_ filled _ Iiquid,_, ,_ueh a,_ v_ses, _ho_dd not be pIae_d o_ thi_ apparatu_s. 22. Battery Usage CAUTION - To prevcn_ battery leakage lhat m_ resell in bo_Iy i_j_vy, property damage, o_"damage to _e u_i_: • ]r_stall all ba_t_e_ corrc¢l]_ with _ and - ali_ed a.s ma_cd o_ flac _nit. • Do _ot rni_ ba_er_e_ (old a_d ncw o_"ea_on a_d alkaline, etc.). • Remove bakeries w_ lhe ul_it i_ not as_d I_r a long tim_.

INote to the CATV system installer: This reminder is provided to calI the CATV system instalter's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that providesguidelines for proper 9roundir_j and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shalI be connected to the groundir_J s_tem of the LbuiIdir_J as cio_ to the point of cable entry as practical.

Example of Antenna Grounding as per NEC - National Electric Code



Active Cont_fl TM continuously measures aarl corrects all incoraing signals m help provide the best picture quality. _IIlis feature renal- tars aarl corrects both the sharpness control aarl noise reduction con- trot. AudioNidea Jack Panel allows direct conneclinas with VCRs, DVDs, or adler devices, providing quativy TV picture mad sound playback, Audio _flume Leveler (AVL) Control keeps tbe TV sound at an even level. Peaks _nd valleys that occur during progrmn changes or commercial breaks are reduced, making for a more conalstent, cora- fortable sound.

AutoLaek TM allows you to block the viewing of certain channels or programs with certain ratings if you do not wmlt your children m view inappropriate m_erials,

AuloPieture TM allows you to chmlge the picttlre settings (edior, tint, con_st, etc,t for v_oas types of programming, such _s sports, movies, multimedia (Dunes), or weak signals with the push of one button,

AutoSoRnd TM allows you to select from fbt_ factory-set controls and a personal contrdi _hN you set according to your own prefer- ences _hrough the onscreen Smmd menu. The four factory-set con- trdis (Speech, Movie, Music, and Multimedia) enable you m tailor the TV sound so as ) enNmce the particular progrmnming you are watching. Channd Edit allows you m add or delete charmels from (he list stored in the TV's memory. Charmel Edit makes it easy to limit or exp_nd (he munber of channels _hat are available tu you when you press the Chmmal (+) or (-} buttons on your remote central. Clos_I Captioning allows _he viewer to read TV progrzan dialogue or vdice cnaversations as onsarcen text, hffrared Remote Contral works your TV and o(ber remote-con- trolled devices sach as VCtLs, DX,_Dplayers, cable comerters, and satellite recei_ ors. Onsereen Menu shows helpful messages aarl instructions for set- ting TV feature centrals (ca_ be viewed in English, French, or SpanishL Sleep Timer automatically turns the TV OFF after a set mnount of time that you choose. Timer allows you to set your TV to turn itself ON and OFF once or dally like ma Mann clock, _ As ma Energy Star,. Pretzel-, Ph_hps (onsumer / _._ Electronics has determined this product meets fl_e /_/_ Energy Star_ guidelines for energy efficiency. Energy Star@ is a U.S. registered mark. Using products with the Energy Stal*_ label can save eneNy. Saving energy reduces air pollution mad lowers utility bills. Active Control, AutoPicture, AutoSom_d, AutoChmn, and [ncrediMe SulTound are trademarks of Philips Consumer Electronics Company. Copyright 2001 Philips Consumer Electronics. *Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. "Dolby" and the double-D symt,_l are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Refer to the simple Quick Use andSetup Guide (supplied with your TV) for details on making Connections and Remote Control Operation. RII"IMIILI_,

Foer our 5)_anis'h a_td [+em:h-s'peaking ZT own- rs, an ons'cree_ LANGUA GI( ot_tion is' pres- _eur ent, l[!e LANGUAGE comrol ena_les'you to set "t the T_/ s' ollscFeell IlleHa to be sho]lll iH either E_tglis'h, 5_a_tis'h, or l;)_ench,

Press1-efllotethecontrolMENU/SELEC$to show file onscl-eenbutton onfllen_Lflae

Pressuntil Installthe CURSORis higlaliglated.DOWN button repeatedly Pressthe menuthe toCURSORfl_e let_ _dRIGtIIhigldiglatImttonLanguage,to shift °°'{. gh_ri_el_Edi_ Presslight flaethe LanguageCURSOR (ontrolRIGHI options,Imtton to high-

Pressbutton theto CURSORselect English,DOWNEspafiolor CURSOR(Spanisla), EPor Francois (French). Press the SIATUS/EXH I)utton to remove file fflenl_ li-om the screen.

0_ RememI_r, file LANGUAGE conlrol makes only the '|'V's onscreen MENU items a_em- in English, Spanish, or French text. [t does not change the other ¢mscreen text i_aatul-es, such ,_._Closed Capti¢ming (CC),with TV show&

_zi e 7i_zer Mode allows' you to cha_z,ge the 7_' 's' ,gnal bzpat to Cable, Amemta, or Auto Mode. It _ important/br the ZT to know what t)pe of s'ig- 53er "e_ Pietu_ [a_ _ ha! is' _:o_mecied, either Amemm or Cable.

Pressremote thecontrolMENU/SELECIto show the onscreenImtton onmenu.the

Pressly untiltheINSTALLCUlLS;ORis highlighted,DOWN button repeated- °"C

NN re_mn uN_ IN_ I Pressthe menuthe toCURSORtbe let% RIGItl Imtton to shift

Pressthe Tunerthe CURSORMode conh-ol.DOWN button to select t*n_u_ Presslight flaethetunerCURSORoptions,RIGltl Imtton to high- Press flae CUI_;OR UP or CURSOR DOWN to select Cable, Antenna, or Auto, If Tuner Mode is set to Auto, Auto Program will detect whether or not cable input is present.

Pressfflenu theli-omSIATUStEXHfl_e screen. butt< n to remove fl_e


When C,nMe is selected, chmnlels t-125 are available. When Antenna is selected, chmmels 2-69 are available.

5 LtL iBl ilur IOI!N][1B

IM E|il U NIl]iN _lll

_mr TV can automatically set i_se!/for local 21 area (or cable T_) channels. 77ffs makes it easy for you to select only the TV stations in your area l_v pressing the CtlANNEL (_) or ( ) button,

Pressremote thecontrolMENUiSEI,ECTto show tile onscreenbutton onmenu,file

untilPress Installthe CURSORis highlighted,DOWN I)utton repeatedly

PressInstall themenu.CURSORLanguageRIGHTwill } enter file

Pressuntil Autothe CURSORProgram isDOWNselected. button"Searchrepeatedly?" will appear.

PressAuto Programmingthe CURSOR process,RIGHT button to stalt rise Press the STATUS!_XIT button to remove the menu from the screen when tile Auto program- ruing process has finislsed.

Ariel- you've run Auto Program, check out the results. Press tbe CItANN_EL (+) or button and see which chanllels you can select. Remember, ma matemaa or cable TV signal must first be connected to your TV. see Quick-Use Guide for making conllections.

_mnnel Edit mak_<_ it easy for you to add or &dew k._ cham_ds fmm th_ list o/ channcls storcd in th_ T_ k memor3_ Press the MENU/SELECT I)utton oil the remote control to show the onscreen menu,

Press the CURSOR DOWN button repeatedly until Install is higlalighted, Press the CURSOR RIGHI button to enter file [nstall menu, Lmlguoge will },_ higlalighted, Press the CURSOR DOWN button repeatedly until Chmmel Edit is selected, Press the CURSOR RIGHI button to enter file Chmnlel E,_fit mode, Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN buttons to scroll though the list of available chan- nels, you can also press tile CH+ or CH- to scroll through the list ofchmmels. Or. press the numbered buttons to select a _eciflc numbered channel.

WithCUlLs;ORthe channelRIGHI y_ubuttonwmat toto editactivateselected,file "skip-pre_s the ping" of the channel. The skipped channel _,_illnot appem- when thronging chmmels,

Prcssonscreenthe menuSTATUStE_rfrom tile sereen.button to remove the Note: When yoit want to add a chmmel that has been skipped, repeat steps t-4. By pressing the CURSOR RIGHT button skipped is deactivated. umn mmmm I"I

77ze channel NAME feature allows you to li_'t I the "call" letferw ofyourfavorife _'tation_' ++u++j be_'ide their channel numbers when tho_ appear _,+++J+,Pi+mmm t on #w _'creen+ 77w T_ has in memoo_ a li,w of the +I+N++H 50 mo_¢ popular channel names ([br ¢<_;ample: ABC, CBS, /,*OX, NBQ era,), _bu can also enter a ct_'loIll halite (t_p fo five. chaFacfe_:s') S¢.¢.n¢<_g page for details.

lune to the specific channel you want to name, then follow the steps I)elo,_ Imtstl

PressrelTlote thecontrolMENU/SELECIto show file onscreenImtton onITlenu,floe tz_mtmqe [r_{ish

%_nn_Zdi_ untilPress Installthe CURSORis highlighted,DOWN button repeatedly

Press the CURSOR RIGHI Imtton to enter 3 the Install menu, Language will _,_ highliglated, Install Press the CURSOR DOWN button repeatedly Lanquam Pick[.[+t 4 until Name is selected, Tuner'Mo_e P+r_m'+_ Auto Program 12rmnnelNm+E;/it [@me Pressto enterthetheCURSORName menu,RIGHI Imtton to move

With Pick List highlighted, press the CURSOR RIGtlI button to enter the "Pick List" selec- tions. Name P+_khr,Listtstt e_=. _BC Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN Personal 7 buttons to scroll fllrough a list of options.

Alter you have selected a name for the channel, 8 press the CURSOR RIGHT button to save the name in the TV's memory, it will appear in the upper left hand comer of the screen. N_me Prcss the SIAIUSiEXIT Imtton to remo_e the PickInstallLim ABC ++ menu li-om the screen, Personal

The fi'_e characters that the channel NAME feature allows you to input can be letlers, a tkn._h(-), or the numbers 0 to 9. The Channel Label or Name will aI_ear when a channel change is made or when the STATUS/EXIT button is pressed, rl_ze channel NAME feature allows you to lis't I the "call" letterw ofyourl'avorite s'tations' bes'ide their channel numbers when thc(v appear" ++u+J +#m+Pi+mm t 0II the" S'CF_IL _'OH C(llt _llte!r a Ct_s'lo_t llem_e (t_p +I+++i++H to five characters)for each channel,

Tune to the specific channel you want to name, then follow the steps below.

PressreDlotethecontrolMENU/SELECTto show the onscreenImtton onDlenu,the

Imtstl untilPress Installthe CURSORis highlighted+DOWN button repeatedly LB_UB{le [r_!lish Press the CURSOR RIGHI Imtton to enter 3 the Install menu. Lmlguage will _,_ highlighted, %ann_ Edil Press the CURSOR DOWN button repeatedly 4 until Name is selected, l_+tsl+ to enter fl_eName menu, Press the CURSOR RIGH] Imtton to move Lan_uam Pi@[.ist: Tuner"_Ao_e r++_+_ Press the CURSOR DOWN button to select Auto ProgramNNne @annul DU_ Personah Name

Press the CURSOR RIGHT Imtton again; 7 then press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN buttons to scroll through a list of Name options for the first character (A through Z, 0 Pi+kList AB_ through 9)+ Press the CURSOR RIGItT but+ Personal ton, mad repeat for the second, third, fourth, mid fifth characters,

Press the SIATUS/EX[I button to remove file 8 fflenu from file screen, _NOBO_5

Name Pick List m Personal F + ®

Name Pickbst Personal FAV +

The fi'_e characters that the channel NAME feature allows you to input can be letlel-s, a d.x_h (-), or the numbers 0 to 9. The Channel Label or Name will al_em when a channel change is made or when the STATUS!EXIT button is pressed, Tjva_(fust ycmr TV pictum conttg[_, select a channel and l[ow these steps.

contrnl tu 5how the on_reen ITlellU. b__

Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN but- Irr_all Press the MENU/SELECT button on the remot_ P'_tur_ai_ ton to lfigh]ight PICI'URE.

Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to e_ter the 3 Pietare metal Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN 4 button to select the picture adjustment you w,mt to change: Brighmess, Color, Contrast, gharl_less, Color Temp., Tint, Dyn. Contrast, or CNOr Enh. NOTE: 'IIle menu will show only five items at a dine, so _xm will need to continue sernllJng with the CURSOR DOWN button to adjust ihe Tint, Dyn. Contrast, or Color Enh,

Pressbutton theto CURSORa@lst the selectedLEFF oreontrohCURSOROR_ ifRIGHTColor Temp. or Dwl. Conlr_t is chosen, press Ihe CUR, SOR UP or CURSOR DOWqN tu select the pre- ferred mode, If Color Enh, is _le¢ied press file CURSOR RIGIfF button repeatedly m toggle the various modes.

Press the STATUS/EXIT button when finished to remo_e the mei}u from the screell.

®&,N1 OOO_ j

NOTE: The Tint Controls will not be available for _NHLH_ adjuslments when tuned to the AVt iAV2!AV3 Inputs, Brightness adds or subtracts light from the darkest pmt of the picture, Color adds or eliminates color, Contrast improves the detail of the lightest parts of the picture, Sharpness improves the detuil in the picture. Color Iemp. ofi&-s NORMAL, COOL, or WARM picture preferences, (Normal will keep the whites, white; Cool will make the whites, bluish; mid Warn1 will make the whites, reddish,) Tint adjusts the picture to obtuin natural skin tones. Dyn(amic) Contrast helps m "sharpen, the picture quality by making the dark ix_rtions of the picture &arker mid the light i'4_rtions more noticeable. You can select from the various modes: OFF, Min, Med, mid Max. Color Enh(ancement) increases file intensity of file color when "On" is selected. 7_/ a_(h_sty(mr TV so*md cot*troLL select a chatmet and follow these steps.

conlrot to show the al}_reen ixiellu. [saktlr.% G_r Ir_, hI_ Press the CURSORMENU/SELECTUP or CURSORbution onDOWNthe remotebuy ton to highlight Sound.

Press the CURSOR RIGHT bution to enter fl_e 3 Pictare meun. Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN 4 button to select the sound adjusmaent you wailt to s_i akange: Trehie Bass, Bslance, AVL Dynmnic Bass, Incr. Sl_ound, Stereo, SAP, Audio Ou_, mad Speaker, NOTE: Tile melm will sllow allty five items at a time, so you will need m continue semlt- OR hlg with _he CURSOR DO_LN button m adjust the Incr. Surround, Stereo, SAE Audio Out, or Speaker. OR

Pressbutton theto CURSORalliust the selectedLEI:T oreontrohCURSOROr, if RIGHTlner, S_ound is chosen, press die CURSOR UP or OR CURSOR DOWN to select the preferred mode, If AVL, Stereo, SAE Audio Out, or Speaker is select- OR ed press the CURSOR RIGHT burion repeatedly 1o toggle the various modes. ®®® ©@® OR Press the STATUS/EXIT bufron when finished to remo_e the mei}u from the sereell. @®®

OR ®®N@ OOOO Trelfle enhal/ces the high frequency sounds. OR Bass - enhallces file low fi-equency sounds. Balance - adj _rs the level _ sound cxmlJng from the OR left and right speakers. t Alvq, (Aura Volume Leveler} - when On, AVL will level out the sound t,ming head when sudden clmnges OR in volume eccur during commercial breaks or channel changes. Dynamic Bass - enhances the low frequency sound.s. Incr. Surraund - adds greater depth and dimension to TV sound. Select from h/un Su_tourd, Dolby \;irlual or Stereo sound (if Stereo) or Dolby Virtual, Spatial or Mono (if M_Io). SAP (Secondary Audio l_'ogramming) sent as a third audio ehalmel, a SAP signal can be he_d apat from the current TV prog_mn sound. Note: If SAP is not available, *'Not Avvailable" will appeal- on the screen. Audio Out select from ValSable or Fixed. When Vaiable is selected, chal/ge the volume ,atthe TV using the TV's remote controh If fixed is selecte& change the volume at the external device's audio controls. Speaker -turn the TV s_eaker On or Off. When a Hi- Fi system is used, turn the TV s_eaker Off to hear the sound from the Hi-fi system instead of the TV's speak- el-s. When no external audio system is calmected, On mu_t be selected to hear sound coming from the TM

10 "_ur television comes with ate onsct_,et¢ clock. 777e I TVean aL_o be set to turn on or off]at a sFeeifie time and tt¢ne _ a ,_pe_?ifi_?ehamtel _¢4ten it powem itseljon.

Presstrol to thedisplayCLOCKthe Timerbuttononscreenon the remotemenu, con-

Pressbutton theto CURSORhighlight oneUP ofortheCUlLs;ORTimer controls,DOWN These controls are 'l'ime, Start Time, Stop Time, Program No,, Activate, Display, mad Auto( hron,

Press the CUlLs;OR RIGHT button to display 3 tile menu _br tile selected item,

Make adjustments to ttie selected items by fol- 4 lowing ttie steps below, Time: Enter the CUlxent time using the OR Numbered buttons, Use the CURSOR UP and CURSOR DOWN buttons to toggle the AM and PM setting, OR Start Time: Use ttie numbered buttons to enter the time you want the TV to tuna itself On, Use the CURSOR UP and CURSOR DOWN but- tons to toggle the AM and PM setting, OR Stop Time: Use the numbered buttons to enter the time you want the TV to tuna itself Off, Use the CURSOR UP and CURSOR DOWN but- OR tons to toggle the AM and PM setting, Program No.: Use the NUMBERED buttons or the CH + or CH- buttons to enter ttie desired start-up clmnnel, You can also press the CUR- SOR RIGHT or CURSOR LEFT buttons m enter the desired start-up channel, Activate: Set ttie timer to tuna itself On (Once OR or Daily) or O111 Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN buttons to select Once, Daily, or Off, Display: Press the CURSOR RIGHT or CUR- OR SOR LEFT m toggle between On or Off- If On 0000 is selected, the time will be displayed all the time when the TV is on, When Offis selected, the time will only appear when the STATUS/EXIT button is pressed, AutoChron: For use of the AutoChmn teatul-e, Refer to tile next page for le_er to the section on "How to Use ttie details about how to use AutoChron Contror' see next page, the AutoChron control,

Pressmenu fromthe STATUS/EXITfile screen, button to remove file

11 |ll [|Ill I N|]_

A 4tO('-_lt_h'l TM (?all aI4_ot_la_icaffy se_ the* T_'_ OHSCF(_eH clock. Since the time is received fivm_ a broadcast ])!1_ signal you must be sure that a cable TV or Antenna L_I[ life _ql lre signal is F_,sent b_jbre you use the AutoCht_mTM fl'a- Fralqm la. _t#'e.

toPressdisplaythe CLOCKthe Timer buttononscreenon menu,the remote conh-ol

PressAuto( thehronCURSORis selected,DOWN button until

Pressthe AutoChronthe CURSORmenu, RIGH]Mode willbuttonbe highlighted,to display

Nto_a-_n togglePress thebetweenCURSORManualRIGItlmad Auto,button to display _Je _m_ Na_uat

i;ha_n.'l Press'Firae Zone,the CURSOR DOWN button to select

Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to enter fl3e Time Zone menu, 5 TM

7 7im_ PressbuttonsthetoCURSORselect flae correctUP or CURSORTime Zone,DOWNTo 8 activate the Time Zone. l}l-eSsthe ( URSOR LEFT bulton, [LC

DSTPress(Daylightthe CURSORSavingsDOWNTime),button to select I_:e I

[f your time zone uses Daylight Savings Time, press the CUlLs;OR RIGH¥ or CUlLs;OR LEFT button to toggle between Offor On, and select On,

Press the CURSOR DOWN to select Channel. -[hen use the NUMBERED buttons to enter [Jrler i your local PBS channel or any local channel Ig Ol In that transmits ttie current time, You can also use the CURSOR R[GtfT or CURSOR LEFT but- tons to change ch_3nels one at a time. If TIME FOUND al_eals,ttie process is fnished. [f not, _bllow the onscrecn instructions, and try anottier channeh lm_rg I _h_ 2 Pt_c Nait 1 Pressremo_ethe_heSTATUS/EXITons_.rrecn mentt button_o1_ thewhenTV _ree_.finished to

NO-[E: If the AutoChmn TM control is unaMe to find the time being transmilted on any channels, you may _ut_ r_ have to enter the time manually, Refer to the previous li_e _¢ne page tbr details, /_ra I _h_an_ 2 11_NOf_ND IN

12 Tphe AutoLockTM jeature receives and roc(_ses data sent ?Lvbroadcasters or other program p_videm that contain pro- Autut_ck Auto[o_k gram _o!lt(¢nt advisories. When p_ogrammed MovieRatings R_tings by the viewe_: a TV with AutoLock TM _an _4 Off On B_ respond to the content advisories and block G 0_ 0. program COllt(¢lltthat m_O, be fimnd objectitm- 7_q3 able &uch as _ensive hmguage, viMence, s_vual situations, etc.). IT!is is a gmatjeatum _L14 to censor the O'pe c_ programming children may watch.

[n the AlttoLock TM section, you'll learn how to block channels and programming that is not rated, is unrated, or has no rating, You will also find out how to tam these blocking leatures ON or OFE Following are brief G: GeneralAudlence - A]] ages admJtred. Mo_! par!mrs wou]d find dfis pro_mming explanations of some temps mad ratings 1-elat- suitab]_ _r all a_s. This lype of program- ed to the AutoLock TM feature. mii_g contaJ_ little or n_,_violc2n_,_e_t_o strong lm]_age, and little or _ sexual dia-

AutoLock TM offers various Blocking logue (_ sex_a] sit_a_ons. Options from which to choose: PG: Parental Guidance Stt_ested- This programmJ_lg contains a_erial !I_t parenls BLOCKING: The BLOCKING control is a_y find oi_suilabk" for younger c1_ildrea I1 what can be thought of ,q._the "fflaster switch" _y conlaJ_l one or more o[!hv following: for AutoLock TM, This control ai'lects the set- l_oderato violence, so1_le sex tla] sll tlat_otts, tings you have chosen for blocking programs Jll[_8_./ll_n! CO_F£t_lallgn_ge, or some g_ggcs- according to movie ratings or TV ratings, or llve ditdog_e. for blocking programs flaat have no rating or PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautkmed- This are unrated. When fine BLOCKING control is progr_mmJ_lg contains _ritd _t parers OFF', the blocking or censoring of programs is a_y 6nd oi_mlab]e _r c_ldreal tmd_ 1_ disabled. When the BLOCKING control is a_ o[!13. It c(_ins one (_ m_re of 1_ _l- ON, blocking will occur according to the set- language, or _w_eslivc dialogue. tings you have chosen. R: Restricted -This programming is speci[i- NO 1L_TING: ALL programming with no cal_ _signed ¸]'or ad_hs. Awone trader tile content advisory data can be blocked if NO a_ o[! 17 _lm_dd view l_s programming RATING is set to ON. on]_ wJlh a_l accompanying parellt or ad_lh g_ar_all. _ contaill_ one or more o[! fll_ [_l- P_ogramming that has No Rating is not ]_wing: inte_l_e vJ_lenl,!e; J_ll.ense,serial 8J_l- atJons; _ rollg_ coarse, lallgtlt_ge; o; J_l_ense]y encoded with at O, rating i_ormaticm )rum the s_ge_ve di_logoe. MPAA or the Parenmf Guidefim_. Any p_- gramming c_mtd jidl into th_ categoo,. NC- 17: No one under the age _ l 7 will be admi_ed. - This !ype of probwamming sho_id he vie_,ed by' adult_ only II c(mtaias bwaphJc You also can block individual channels or _oI_ce; explicit se*; or crude, ind_x_entlan- block programming based on ratings of the MPAA and TV broadcasters, (See a descrip- X" Adults OMy - This lype of pmgranmfing tion of the ratings on this page,) COlll.aiI_ o11_ Or mo_ ol_file ]'o]_owiilg: yeast" graphic violence, yew graphic a_tl explicit or J_l_cent s_,_] a_, very coarse and J_l_ense- ]y s_ge_ve language.

13 A utoLod(i_ alh_ws Imrents to bt*,wkout or '2x, nsor ' atfl' channels th(9_ think children should not watch. A channel bh_cked lm._the AutoLvck TM (Y_IIDY_]camzot &, _*,ed until a col t_ct acee_ e:Me £_ _med m unhook the channel fi_r "4_¢,i,'tg. Fit:_t, let _ set ytmr Autol_c,wk at_:_s Tn_ei _?cKle, _R_ide[_m_m

P_stile remotethe MENU/SELECIc_mtrol to show filebutton_n_.sereenon ITlenu,

P_sDOWNthebuttonCURSORto highlightUP or CURSORFealures,

P_sdi._lay thefileCURSORFeat_-es menu,RIGHI button to

_ L_k xxxx P_shighlightthe fileCURSORAutoLockDOWNcontrol,button to

Rr_tg4ie_ P_senter tiletheAutoLockCURSOR mode,RIGttl"AccessbuttonCodeto .... "will at_ear,

Using the numberod buttons on the [eater,s remote control, enter file ac_ss code, If you do not know _ttr c_x/e, 0,7,1,1 is tim _ut_te_k xxxx defmdt code, After you have entered file _id,_Ssr@_ Oorl_ code c_lce, lmz_m_ct will appear on Rile screen, Enter Rilecode a second time, Correct will _rpe_, When "CoveRt" at_ea_s, the AutoLock menu is accessible and yo_ can _eed to chm_ge the access code, k_okRi_n_l 2 Chart_eM_

P_shighlightthe (CURSORhmlge (ode,DOWN button to =@©® @®® N _tin_ P_senter tilethe( CURSORhange CodeRlgtrrmenu, "Enterbutton to ©@® New Code ----" will a_em: Enter a ne_ fem_r_s _er four-digit code ushlg fl_e nung, mr but- L_ck_h_rmd N_ Oad_ tons, "Cemfim_ t ode----" will appeoa- em C_ar_O_a_ tile screen, Ma_*i__ating IR Rating Using the numbered buttons, re-enter your new four-digit code. "Confirm Code" gSll appt_u; After re-entering fem_r_s your new code,"Com_ct" win flash on the screen briefly and the highlight bar [eck _tmnnd _ _x_d_ Ci_ar_O_a__ x**x goes back to AutoLock, Ooar All , [_i_ Rating IV Rating 0 P_sremovethefl_eSTATU_EXIImenu frcm_ tile buttonscreen, to

NOIE TO PARENTS: It isn't possible for IceaI_r_s your child to unblock a channel without know- ing your access code or changing it to a new one, If your code has been changed without your knowledge, then you will become aware that blocked channels may have been viewed,

Remember that 07t 1 is the default

AutoLock TM code, [f your access code has been changed by someone other than you (a child, _br example) or you have forgotlen the code, you can always get in by inputling the default code,

14 After your pen_ona] aeeesscode has been , set (see the previous page) you are _ad) to select the channels o?' #¢Imts you want to bb)c]( o_t or ¢_(,nso_; Tin'_r

MB_ Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECTcontrol to show thebutton on

onsK,;reen iTlen 11, AmoLo_ d + .... ++&+ ++r@+T ,2[l+srdC++_i,',+n' %+m_+++ DOWNPress thebuttonCURSORto highlightUP or CURSORFeatures.

mmm Fm_r_s toPressdisplaythe CURSORthe Features RIGHTmenu. button 3 _t_oI_ xxxx toPresshighlightthe CURSORDOWNfile AutoLock TM control.button 5 againPress displaythe CURSORthe AutoLockRIGII¥menu,button 7

Enter your four-digit ACCESS Lock_aaae[ c_ 3 9 Ch+ mCod+ CODE. Cort_,ct will flash very briefly ,+ mad floe AutoLock TM will be accessible.

+ Press the CURSOR RIGHT to enter 7 floe Lock ( hannel menu. Using the numbered buttons or the Lock_aaae[ _ 3 ,+ 8 C|I+ or CIt+ buttons enter the chan- nel you wish to lock. You cm/also use floe CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN ©® buttons to scroll to floe chmmel you ®@@ wish to block. ©®@ Press the CURSOR RIGHT buttons ,+ to activate the locking ofa chmmel. A padlock image al_e_s to the fight

offhe chmmel number, i

Repeat steps 8 and 9 for any channels you want to lock.

Press the STATUS/EXIT button to remove floe menu from file screen, _hant_l3 BLOCKEDB_A_IOtO_K

NOIE TO PARENTS: It isn't possible for _x_ass your child to unblock a channel without know- Jag your access code or changing it to a new one. If your code has been changed without your knowledge, then you will become aware that blocked channels may have been viewed.

Remember that 07t l is the deihult

AutoLock TM code. If your access code has If your access code is entered oil a blocked daannel, file current claannel been changed by someone other than you (a along with all other blocked channels _sill become _ablocked until the TV child, tbr example) or you have forgotlen the is po_sered off. Blocked chmnaels will not apl_ar _shen the Channel + or code, you can always get in by inputling the buttons are pl-esse(+ default code. arious o!lscl_*_*n /ilessag_s wi]] appear t_helt Sot_leolte tries to view blocked pro- gramming. 7he message _ determined @ how the current programming is blocked. _bu m_ O, view the bhmked programming and turn OFF the AutoLoekTM fi'ature ?_v using the Clear All conD't_l or Dy elt_(_ring your a_x?(_s code, h_l;;ll

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECIcontrol to show theImtton on

o]]sclee]] Tllel]IL

DOVvq_IPress thebuttonCURSORto highlightUP or CUILgORFeatures,

to display the Features menu_

Press the CURSOR DOWN button to Press the CURSOR RIGltT Imtton select the AutoLock TM control,

againPress tothehighlightCURSORA((ESSRIGHI CODE.Imtton

Enter your four-digit Access Code, "Correct" will briefly appeal-on the screen and file AutoLock menu will be accessible,

Pressto enterthefl_eCURSORAutoLock RIGHTmenu, button

selectPress (learthe CUlLs;ORAll, (lear?DOWNwill al_emImtton onto the screen, ®®® Press the CURSOR RIGHT button ©®® to activate the clearing of all chmmels, ® oQ-®/ Pressremove thetheSTATUS/EXITmenu fiom the Imttonscreen. to


If you tune to a specific channel that has been blocked by BLOCK CHANNEL or any of the AumLock TM RAT[NG options, simply enter your _bur-digit access code to view the channel. NOTE: This will unblock ALL channels until the TV is shut OFF, When powered back ON, all previously blocked channels will _,_ blocked again,

16 Press the MENU/SELECT button oll the relnote control to show the S_ur_:l [ealur_s onSel-een l_len IL

DOWNPress thebuttonCURSORto IfiglalightUP or CURSORFeatures,

toPressdisplaythe CURSORtile FeaturesRIGltImenu, button

higlalightPress the theCURSORAutoLockDOWNTM control,button to Featares

3 Nt0 te_k xxxx againPress tothelaighlightCURSORAccessRIGHTCode,button 5 ! CorrectEnter yourwill fouflashr-digitvel3, Accessbriefly Code.and the 7 menu will move to the left with the AutoLock menu now accessible, 1! _e_tur_ Press the CURSOR RIGHI button 7 to display file AutoLock menu, Press the CURSOR DOWN repeated- N Pati_j t 8 ly until Movie Rating is highlighted, Press the CURSOR RIGH¥ button and tile Rating menu shifts to tile left _o Lozk wifla G highlighted, @©® I,:l_x()_lnr_I IX ©®® Featuresi 0 buttonsPress thetoCURSORhighlight eachUP orratingDOWNyou ©®® want,

toPressturn thetile CURSORrating ON RIGHIor OFF, buttonTurning the rating ON will block programs with that rating from being seen, G . Off % _' Pl _toP,',]Lock1_ I 2 removePress thetileSTATUS/EXITmemt fiom tile buttonscreen, to

/_o Lock _ttde _lin_

P(] P_]lii

When a rating is turned ON, all higher ratings also will be turned on automatically, For ex_nple, if the R l_fing is turned on, the NC- ] 7 and X ratings also will be turned on,

All Movie Ratings can be turned ON or OFF,

Refer to page t 3 for Movie Rating defini- tions,

17 ym can select specific TV ratings that you rant to censor @ jbffowing these steps.

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECIconh-ol to slsow thebutton on M_nu TF_er onscreen menu. }Tf+I_)reee

DOWNPress thebuttonCUILgORto higlllightUP or CURSORFeatures.

toPressdisplaythe CUIL_IORthe Features RIGHTmenu. bu tto n

highlightPress the theCUIL_ORAutoLockDOWNTM controhbutton to 3 againPress totheIligllliglltCUIL_ORAccessRIGHTCode.button 5 Enter your four-digit Access Code. Cort_,ct will flash very briefly and tile 7 menu will move to tile left with tile 9 AutoLock menu now accessible.

toPressdisplaythe CUIL_ORtile AutoLockRIGHTiTlenu,button 1;

Pressrepeatedlythe CUlLS;ORuntil TV RatingDOWNis Iliglllight-button ed.

Press the CUIL_OR RIGHT button to enter file TV RATING menu, ®®® selectPress athedesiredCUlLS;ORrating UP(TV-Y_or DOWNTV-Y7, to ::@®® TV-G TV-PG. TV-t 4 or TV-MA . ©®®

1 l_'ess the CURSOR RIGHT or LEFT to turn tile block on file rating ON or OFF,

NOTE: More specific submfings (lbr violence, sexual content, dialogue, or fantasy violence) are available lbr TV-Y7, TV-PG, TV-t 4, mid TV-MA. (Refer to page t 3 for deflnitiol_.l

mainTo accessratingflleseselected,subratings,press thewithCURfile SOR RIGHI, Then, repeat steps 8 and 9 to tuna the sitb-ratings ON or OFE 17_lJn_ 17+7 T_<7 Tt

When a rating is turned ON, all higher ratings also will be t_mled on automatically. For example, if the TV-Y7 rating is turned on, the TV-]4 and TI_Vlatings also will be turned on,

18 lte A_4tOLockTM Co!l_rof (_e_ tile _,iel¢_er ther blocking tq_tions as welD' With Block OFtions, the censoring can be turned On or Oj]. Tirrr_lr g_Jtl_[_k _eat_fe_ [n_all Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECTcontrol to show thebutton on on.screen ITlenu_

Press the CURSOR UP or CUI@OR 2 DOWN button to highlight Features. Press the CURSOR RIGHT button 3 to display theFeatures menu. Press the CURSOR DOWN Imtton to

highlight the AutoLock TM control. Tirmi" _ess_ 4 _t0 L_ xxxx Press the CURSOR RIGHT button °'I 5 again to highlight Access #ode, 5 Enter your four-digit Access Code, 7¸ Ct_rrect will flash very briefly and the menu will move to the left with the @®®® AutoLock menu now accessible.

Press the CURSOR RIGHT button NIo t_k 7 to display the AutoLock menu. gk_d _z_lion_nu I Press the CURSOR DOWN Imtton 8 repeatedly until Block Options is high- N lighted.

Datums Pressto enterthetheCURSORBlock OptionsRIGHTmenu.Imtton ©®® L_:tCharnel @®® Chan C0Oe Imttons to select the desired block 0 Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN ©®® N Ratin option, i_,ie Ratln_t Blocking: Might be called the ;'master switch, tbr AutoLock rx, When On, O@@@' ALL blocking/censoring will take place. @@@@ When Off. ALL blocking is disabled. 0000 Block Unrated: ALL unrated programs bm_ed on the Movie Ratings or gad_Llni-au_l Parental ffV) Guidelines can be DNBBB[?_ i_e_Rating blocked if this feature is set to On and the Blocking teature is set to OFE No Rating: ALL programming with NO content adviso D- &ato can be blocked if set to On mid the Blocking feature is set to OFF. N_k Oi_ti¢_ Re_kln 011 {)n _>


Pressremove thetheSTAIUS_XITmenu from the buttonscreen. to NIo t_ NxkON_n_t 8lllL_lll Off [_[<_kglW_t_T Otl I@ 7allrr Remember, when the BLOCKING control is OFF. the blocking or censoring of programs is disabled, When the BLOCK[NG control is ON, blocking will occur according m the set- tings you have chosen,

19 T_ remind you with rating you have locked nd whiefz Block Options ),ou hm,e selected, Movie Rating 17 Rating a _vview screen is available tz__vviewyour Y7 AutoLocU" settings. 7b acc_s 6ds screen jblhn¢, 17-G the steps betm< R [V-PG N{;-17 [7-14 Pressremote thecontrolSIATUS/EXY[TWICE, Yourbutton on the x IV4AA AutoLoek TM settings will al_ear on the Block Ilnrdted 0fl screen, NO Rating Off NOTE: If you have blocked specific subratings, such as V for violence in the TV-PG category, these blocked subratings will not al_ear in the review, The subratings however am still blocked according to your selections,

Afterleave afileIbwscreenseconds,automatically,the sellJngsor willyou can press the STAIUSiEXIT button a third time to remove them fi-om ttie screen,

The AutoLoek TM status screen will only appear if the Block option is set to On, See previous page for derails, AutoLock is set to Offby default,

This display- will appear after Step One This display- will appear after Step One (atmve) is completed if ttie AutoLoek TM (a[mve) is completed if ttie AutoLoek TM Block Option is set m On. Block Option is set m Off,

Movie Rating 17 Rating AutoLorkDISABLED TV-U TV-G R W-PC R{;-17 TV-14 x MA BlockIlnrat_ Off No Rating Off

2O y_n_ ca_ chat€g( _the sc_%_(_nfi_rl_at Size to arch the type oj p_gram you're watch- ing. Select ttte normal 4:3, Z_om 14:9, and Subtitle aspect ratios. There aL_o g_ 16:9, Superwide, and Wide Screen aspect ratios, which albm*_ movies to be viewed in theirjMf width (known as letter-box style).

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECTcontrol to show thebuttonon- on

screen lnenlL

DOWNPress thetwiceCURSORto IfighlightUP orFeatures,CUILgOR

Pressmenu willthe CURSORshift to file RIGH]let_, mad the

8"rer lyPressuntilthetheCURSORWide ScreenDOWNconh-olrepeated-is highlighted, Pea_Nu_r

Pressto enterthetheCURSORWide ScreenRIGH'fmenu,Imtton OR ©©@

Press the CURSOR UP or CUILgOR ©@® OR DOWN repeatedly to toggle among the (9@@ screen _bnalat sizes 4:3, Zoom t4:9, ®,£® OR Zoom t 6:9, Subtitle Zoom, Superwide, Wide Screen, or Auto, OR

OR Pressremove thetheSTAIUS_XITmenu from the buttonscreen, to l_l_ILlllg


repeatedlyYou can togglepressingthe screenthe PICtbmlatSIZEby Imtton on the remote conh-oh ® ® ]

The FORMAT control is not available for 4:3 Subtitle Zoom use wifll the AV 4 Inputs {AV4 (hmmel} if 1080i signal is detected,

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some DVD Discs are encoded with a.s much :e:l o._ 30% more video intbmlation to give the Zoom 14:9 Superwide viewer the Lmst possible picture quality. With the DVD Player in the 16:9 picture lbnnat, the playback of this type of disc {containing extra video infonnafionL c,'m produce a hum- Lmrof small white lines in floe upper portion of the black lelterbox aea, With some of the_ di_zs, this situation is unavoidable mid [...... it does not require a service call, Zoom 16:9 Wide Screen 2_ C_osed Captioning (C@ allows you to ad the voice content oj televisio_ p*o- grams o_ the TVscmen. Desigt_ed to hel F the _mJ hearing impaired, this )eatum uses onscme_

"'t_t boxes" to show dialogue and eon_ersa- Pi_i'e ; Tirier tio_¢s while the TV program is in program,s.

Pressthe remotethe MENUtSELECTcontrol to show theImttonon- on screen vnenu,

Wld_k_en DOWNPress thetwiceCURSORto higlalightUP orFeatures.CURSOR _ola_imi

Pressthe menuthe willCURSORshift toRIGH]the left. button,

_atu_ lyPressUllfilthetheCURSOR( losed CaptionDOWNcontrolrepeated-is highlighted, !, 13g_a7

PressThe menuthe CURSORwill shift toRIGHTfloe left again.mad (aption Mode will be highlighted.

lea ro._ ca Press the CURSOR RIGHT to high- light Caption Modes. _apt_a g_ _ C

Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN to 7 select a Caption Mode: CCt, CC2, CC3, CC4, TEXT1, TEX'I'2, TEXT3, OR or TEXT4. CC Display tunas text OFF or ON if the TV station bmadca._ting O_ on the channel is making Closed Captioning available. With CC Display highlighted, press the CURSOR RIGHT to toggle Closed Captioning ON, OFE or CC Mute.

NOIE: You also cma press file (C button on the remote control to tulal the CC Text option

Ol1 Or Off,

PressremovethetheSTATUS/EXITmenu fiom the buttonscreen, to

NOIE: When Closed Captioning is tulaled On, the screen will automatically change to the Wide screen lbrmat to allow text to fit on s¢:reen,

NOTE: Not all TV programs and product commercials ,ale bmadca_st wi[h Closed

Captioning (CC). Nor are all Closed oil Captioning MODEs (CAPTION 14 or TEXT 1_) necessarily truing used by broad- cast stations during the transmission of a pro- gram offering Closed Captioning. Refer m your area's TV progrmn listings for the sta- tions anti times of shows being broadcast with Closed Captioning. IIsc rare cas¢_ the video supplied to the TV creen might show slightly tilted one way or anothe_ _7€e Tilt Adjust contmf will allow you to correct the problem by acljusting the screen i_€a clockwise or counterclockwise direction,

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECTconlrcol to show thebuttonon- on

s(,:ree]] YI]el]U,

DOWNPress thetwiceCURSORto hJglalightUP orFeatures.CURSOR [sat_ Pressmenu thewill CURSORshit_ to the RIGHTleft, and the

lyPressuniJlthetheCURSORROTATIONDOWNcontrolrepeated-is higlalighted,

PressLEVr theto rotateCURSORthe pictureRIGH¥on ortiae screen clockwise or counter clockwise, _im_r Pleo._e note that tile amount of rotation will be very minimal, gl_d i];aptio_ RfJ_t)_ 4 Press the STA'FU S/EXI] button to remove the menu fiom the screen. ©®@ ®®@ ©®®

Picture tilted to the left

E m

After adjustment

m m

Picture tilted to the right

23 T_a Dynamic Noise Reduction feature can letF eliminate slightly "i_FecMed" l_ic- tures (an indication oj signaf noise i!l the pic- ture).

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECIcontrol to show fileImtton oll

o]lsereel) N] e]llL

DOWNPress thetwiceCURSORto hJglalightUP orFeatures.CUILg;OR Press the CURSOR RIGH¥ Imtton 3 to display the Features menu, Press the CURSOR DOWN Imtton 4 repeatedly until tile Dynamic NR con- trol is highlighted,

Pressto entertheflaeCURSORDynamic RIGHt[NR menu.Imtton

Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN Imtton repeatedly to select the desired Dylaamie NR mode (Ofl_ Min, Med, or Max),

PressremovethetileSIATUS/EX[[menu fi-om tile buttonscreen. to

_t( _ !:)et'llta!t(_!tt Osd CO!ItFO] will stoI2_ _]te I TVs channel number in the _4pFer left corner of the TV whife the TV is on. Ftdlow the steps to turn the featur! On or Off7

Pressthe remotethe MENU/SELECIcontrol to show fileImtton on

onsereen TI] enlL

DOWNPress theImttonCURSORrepeatedlyUP ortoCUlLs;ORhighlight Features,

Press the CURSOR RIGltI Imtton 3 to display tile Features menu, Press the CURSOR DOWN Imtton 4 repeatedly until tile Permmlent Osd eonh-ol is higlaliglated,

Pressto enterthetheCURSORPemmnent RIGHt[Osd menuImttonand toggle the On or Off selection,

Press the SIATUS/EX[[ button to l-elTlOye the iTlenl_ fl-on] the sereell.

24 A "list" or series oj pmviously viewed channels can be selected with the

QuadraSurf TM h:olomd) buttons on ),our remote conrail With this featum you can easi- ly switch between dijfemnt TV programs that currently interest you. ITte QuadraSurf TM ¢_olt- t_l afhm,s you set up fimr different personal Suff f&ts using tke cohn_,d buttons t_m the remote contrail), each holding up to ten ckan- neLy in its quick vie_*4ng"list. "

Presstons (orthetheCHANNELNUMBER ()buttons)or (-) tobut- select a channel to add to one of_he SURF fsts,

Press the SMII E_ button on the remote control to ADD,@ the chalmel to one of the SURF lists.

Press the corresponding COLORED 3 (Red, Green, Yella_ or Blue) button to add the channel to that button's Surf list. (Up to len ehalmels per button can be stored.)

Repeat steps 1 fllrough 3 to add additional channels [up to 10) to each of the the SURF 8 lists.

I0 remove a channel from one of the SURF lists; % @©@ Press the COLORED QuadraSurff _ 4 button until the desired channel ®®@ al_ears. The screen will display- the ©®® channel number wi[h a colored "Smiley" face to indicate the Colored butlon it relates to, 6®N@ 8 @R_ hv_l_List? Whileindicatorthe is"Smiley"displayed, facepresschannelthe 9oo FROWNIE _ face Imttom The screen will read, "Remove item? - L_[NDBDL_ Press @ ?'

Press the FROWNIE _ face button again to confirm your decision to remove the chmmel from the SUl_ list,

Repeat steps 4-6 to remove other chmmels from Sulf lists.

_&mr remote also has m_ A2CH 1 (Alternate Channel) buttom Pressing r_ .* this button will toggle between the oooo Cmxent anti one previously selected channel

25 _ze QuadraSurjf Mbuttons on your remote ontrof allow )ou to store up to 10 chan- neL_ per button (40 totaO. This is a gmatjea-

ture ijyou warn to store aff your fi_orite % Sports channels, Movie channeLL or News 14 \ ehamwts it* one sutj list. Family members can / ha_e them own ji¢_orite list oj chanm@. _m can even program the ¢_vternal A/V hqmt % jack, jut one oj the buttons making it a •'.yo_r_:e" bzgttolz fi_r your (_t(tr_a] a_:('e,_soly devices. I Assmn#_g channels hm,e now bee_ added to the jour QuadraSurff Ml£_ts (the fimr cohered buttons on the remote, see the pmvitms page), let _ m_iew how thejeature wt_r£_. \ /

Press one of the pre_pregrammed 1 COLO_D huttons on d_e remote (Red, Green, Yellow or Blue), The f screen will display a smile), face wN1 the first programmed channel fbr that surf list,

White the colored "smiley" face still 2 appears on the screen, press the same COLO_D hutton on the remora to t_le the second channel progr_m_med for ® that specific surf fist.

Repeatedly pressing the same COI_ 3 ORED huttan while the "smiley" face @®®® appearswill tune all file programaned channels fbr that specific sin-flist, Afmr

the last ch_mnel is tuned, pressing the t11. _©KI * COLO_D hutten aDfin will return you m the first chmmel in the list,

Repeat steps 1-3 fbr the other three COLORED buttons (Surf lists) if desired, .- ®®® willPressingallow theyou"fro_nie"to 1-emovefaceit fromhuttonthe © list ('see the previous page Ibr more details),

I@ Remove from list?.

26 Tl_e Program List Gmtrol will aflmv you to uicl¢@ overview all the p_grammed channels that hm,e been placed into the tele- visions memory (see the Aura Programming section oj this manuaf fl_r morn detui{_), pro- gram List _,4ll display the channel number, the name oj the channel if you ha_e given it oil(,, grad whel_, it will ha_e AutoLock turned On or 0#_

I theressremotethe PROGRAMcontrol to showLIS_the buttoncurrent on list of installed channels (the cttrrent chmmel wilt be highlighted).

PressbuttonsthetoCURSORscroll the UPlist ofor climlnels,DOWN highlighting the one you wmlt to acti- vate.

PressactivatethetheCURSORchmlnel. RIGHPThe TV buttonwill runeto to that chalmeh

PressremovethetheSIATUS/EX[Imenu from the buttonscreen. to

77w Active Control monitors and acljusts I incoming video signals to help p_r_vide the best picture quati@. When you choose to turn the Active Control ON, the picture shaqmess and noise mduc- Off ti_m are control[ed at¢t_matieally. Active Ctmt_l ae(/usts th<_e picture settings continu- ously and automatically. NOTE: Active €_mt_vd is not availabte fl_r ® signals connected m the A V4 i_!puts.

Press the ACTIVE CONTROL but- ton on the remote control to toggle the control options (Off, On, Display- Logo, or Display Off) and select the option that you want, +1 _ 1+1 %

Press[llefflenitthe fromSTATUS/EXITfile screen, to remove ®©© ®®® Q®® ®©® OOe_ If Display On is selected, a display screen _oo_ will appear when the channel is chm/ged showing the picture setting. If Display Logo is selected, the Active Control logo will _,_ displayed during chmmel changes.

27 Have you ever Kallen asleep in front of file TxL only to have it wake you up at two in the monfing _ ifh a test pattern sound screech- ing ill your ears? Well, your TV can enable you to avoid that diseomtbrt by automatically turning itself off. With the Slee _Timer teats)re, you can set a timer to automatically s_nitch tile TV OFF after a r

llaererl3elats up to 60 1Tlinutes, tlaen 30- Sl_El;Ptt_er_ttiag,_mo_screen period of time you choose (15-minute L')l_'i_gFlel_s ni_l_eo a minute JnerelTlents up to 90 minutes, then _otmtdo_nwillbe d spa_ed 60-minute increments up to 240 minutegL

Pressremote thecontrol.SLEEP ThebuttonSLEEPon timerthe onscreen display will apl_ar ill the ulcer part olthe screen.

WithinSLEEP fiveImttonseconds,repeatedlypress tothepick tile _J' *_ amount of time (t 5-minute increments up to 60 minutes, then 30-minute increments up to 90 minutes, then 60- Dur:ngP_elast I0 secondsof minute to 240 n up minutes) SLEPP tier _etting, _ lltlsc'_ze ;i before theincremeTV _xillts tuna itself off, a_av w, _d C,OC_Dre'E:

An onsereen countdown will a_pear during tile last minute [';_2fol-ethe TV sl/uts itself off,

_ro see how marly milllltes reIrlaill beIbre the TV shuts itself ofl; press tile S'IATUSiEXFF button. A Sleep Timer setting cml be cancelled by press- ing arly button d'aring file last mhmte of tile opel_ aIiOIfL

Lfiuve you ever wished you coufd fi_,eze the 1 1picture on the television broadcast to write down a special tehThone tmmber or to capture* a needed addr_s? }_mr television wtTt allow you to dvjust that with the press oj just one bt_tton on the remote contnd.

Withsimplya signalpress theon, theFREEZEtelevisionImttonscreen,on tile remote eontl-Ol to stop the picture at ally given moment,

Pressremote thecontrolFREEZEagain Imttonto resumeon tilenom_al viewing,

After f?eezing a pictm-e on _he screen, when the FREEZE control is n_rned OFF, the normal sig- _ud programming will be _own at it's present tittle. 'Ihe sig_zl that was beirlg shown while the picttu-e was fi-oz_n will not be viewable. 28 T/_/"Tletheryou 't_ watching a movie or a video V V game, your TVh_ automatic video con- trof settin_ that will match with your current pt_gram source or content. Au_oPi_._u?_*TM quickly resets your 7_'_ video controts jbr a mmlber (¢ diff_,t_,tct t_p_ oj ptvgrams and vie_¢ing conditions [hat you m_{ have in yot#' home. The Movie_. Sl4_rts. Weak S(qnaf, and Multimedia A utoPicture r_ cont_vls lucre t,_,en pr#!set at the fi¢cton, to automaticalh_ adjust the TVs brightn_s, cdto_; picture, sha_mess, tint, and color temFeratut_ levels. Ihe Pet;_onal A utoPicture r_ settin_ ate" the ones that you made through the PICTURE oFtiotcs within the ® OtISCr(_e!l I_le!lu

Pressremote thecontrohPICI'UREThe cunentbutton on the

AutoPicture TM setting will ,_:_l_ar in the mid,lie of the screen,

Pressto selecttheeifllerPICTUREPersonal.bultonMovies,repeatedlySpot_s, Weak Signal. or Multimedia picture set- tings, NOIE: The PERSONAL setting m_d tlse PIC- TURE option,s wiflfin the onscreen men_ art the s,nme, This is the only option in

AutoPicture TM fl_at can be changed, 'I_ adjust these settings_ use fl_e PICTURE opti(ms _ iflfin the onscreen menu. All other settings art set up at fl_e factory during pro,tuction and cannot be adjusted.

A utoSound r_ afbm_s you to sefectjbmljbur flmto_T-set controlsand a personal control that you set according to your own pr(_e_,m:es through the onsct_en Strand menu. The fimr fiw.toty-set controls (Multimedia, Speech. Mt_ic, and Movies) enable you m taibr the TV sot#td so as to (,tthcm_?e the partiodar program you are watching. ]_m can change the Pet;_onaf setting to your prCet_nce. Ftdfow th_e steps to selec.t ato_ oj the optitms.

Press1-emotethecontrohSOUNDThebuttoncurrenton the ® AutoSoun& _setting will appear in the mi,./,.[leof the screen. ® @®®@ Pressto togglethe amongSOUNDtlse buttontbttr settbags:repeatedly W_}_kJ Perscmal, Multimedia,Speech. Music. or Mo_ies. =[fl• I _)K I • IN Remember_ only the PERSONAL control (&q,1] be changed by the vieweL This changes the settings in the main c_ascreenmenu's SOUND controls,


AutoSound TM works only with flae programs ®@@ coming through flae ANTENNA/CABLE ©@® (ANT) input on the rear of the TV (RP audio), It will not control the sound levels for the external connections,

29 5,1mllii

Tie remote control that _ st_ppfied with your tele- SAT AMP ACC ision may also work with a variety oj i#_'rw_,d controlled accessoo, devices such as VCRs, Cable .... Boxes, DVD Pho,em, Satellite Receivers, etc. ITte jbfhm,ing instructi_ms _ptain how to change the remote mode fi_r the type oj accessoo, device you ar(¢ t4si#t_,

Press and release the SELECT button on the remote control. The last used mode before TV-MODE will lit up for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds, the LED for that MODE will begin to flash.

Pressthe remoteand releasecontrol thewithinSELECI2 secondsImttonto moveon to file next MODE. file new MODE's LED will lit for 2 seconds, fllen t._gin to flash.

Repeatthe MODEsthe stepsuntil abovethe desiredto continueMODE throughis selected.


When the remote MODE times out, the remote con- trol will revert to the TV MODE, Timeout length occurs from the last command or button press in any offlae MODEs. The length of time belbre a MODE timeout occurs can be changed. To change the length of file timeout duration, fol- low the steps below: m

Simultaneousl_ press the SELECT button 4 and the NUMBERED button from the list below to reset the desired amount of time€rot length, Digit 1 = 15 seconds before timeout Digit 2 = 30 seconds before timeout Digit 3 = 60 seconds before timeout Digit 4 = 120 second before timeout (Example: Yon want the _IODE timeout to be 60 second_, yon would need to press the SELECT button and the NUMBER 3 button at the same time.)

0000 [t is recommended that you use Philips brand external accessory devices with your Philips television to insure proper remote control fit|actions. If you are using Philips brand accessory devices, your remote con- tml should be ready to use with these devices.

3O L_o be programmed by entering a sFecific code fi_r your Olpe c_ acc_soo' device. Follow the instructions below to Frogram the remote t_sing 0_€_ VCR of the codes listed on pages 32-34.

Look up the codes fur your brand of acces_ sary device. 54 I I Satellile Rc_ceivec

pressOnce youthe SELECThave the codes,and OKsimultaneouslyImttans.

I Press the NUMBER button that corres_ondg 3 to the type of accessory device you are using. Digit 1 = Cable Cable (dn_ertcr Digit 2 = VCR 0057 Digit 3 = DVD Digit 4 = SAT Digit g = AMP

4Pressdigit thecodeNUMBEREDnumber fi:ombuttonpages to32-34.enter the

(seeBe surepreviousthe remotepage) isandin pressthe correctthe POWERMODE butt(re. If tile accessory device powers ON your finislaed, If it does not power ON, repeat tlae procedure with another code listed, If all codes _hil, the remote will not control your specific accessory device,

(E_onFh,: You have a €_lble Bo,x fi_m Archer and want to Frogram the remote. It ;_c_Me is 0049. Press the 5_'LI'TCT and ST_4:VDBY button simultaneously. Press the NUMBER l fi_r Cable, then enter the fist- ed flmr digit c_Me: i.e.; l, 0, 0, 4, 9.) @©® '®@®

@ 0000

It is recommended that you use Philips brand external accessory* devices with your Philips television to insure proper remote control functions, If you are using Philips brand accessory de, ices, your remote con- trol should be ready to use with these devices,

31 VCR CODES Dynatech ...... 200t Kodak ...... 20t5, 2017 Admiral ...... 2027, 2052 Elbe ...... 2018 Kol_el ...... 2034 Adventura ...... 2001 Elcatech ...... 2034 Layco ...... 2034 Aiko ...... 2059 Electrohome ...... 20t 7 Leneo ...... 2059 Aiwa ..... 200t, 2017, 2062, 2070_ 2072 Electrophonic ...... 20t 7 LG ...... 2079 Akai ..... 202t, 2029, 2038, 2060, 2063 Emerex ...... 20t2 Lloyd's ...... 200t, 2051 Akiba ...... 2034 Emerson .200t, 2002, 2017, 2023, 2040, Loewe ...... 2004, 2005, 20t7, 2035 Alba 201t, 2034, 2052, 2059, 2063, 2072 .... 2046, 2051, 2052, 2059, 2078, 2083 Logik ...... 2004, 2034, 2057 Ambassador ...... 2011 ESC ...... 2057, 2059 Luxor .... 2023, 2025, 2027, 2037, 2038 American Action ...... 2059 FeNuson ...... 202t, 2039, 2064, 2065 LX1 ...... 2017 American High ...... 2015 Fidelity ...... 200t M Electronic ...... 200t Amstrad ...... 2001, 2059, 2067, 2068 Finlandia ...... 2035, 2037 Magnasonic ...... 2059 Anam ...... 2017, 2042, Finlux ...... 200t, 2022, 2035, 2037 Magnavox ..... 2001, 20t 5, 20t9, 2035 ...... 2054, 2057, 2059, 2082, 2084 Firstline . .20t 7, 2023, 2024, 2034, 2052 MagnJn ...... 2057 Anam National ...... 2042, 2054, 2087 Fisher ...... 2025, 2026, 2030, 2037 Manesth ...... 2024, 2034 Anitech ...... 2034 Fmntech ...... 20t t Marantz ...... 2003, 2005, 20t5, 2035 Asa ...... 2017, 2035 Fuji ...... 20t5 Marm ...... 2017 Asha ...... 2057 Fmmi ...... 2001 Marsui •2004, 20t6, 2036, 2052, 2070, 2072 Asuka ...... 2017 GaiTed ...... 2001 Matsushita ...... 20t 5, 2042, 2055 Audiovox ...... 2017 GE ...... 20t5, 2027, 2032, 2057 Mei ...... 2015 Baird ...... 2001, 202t, 2037, 2039 GEC ...... 2035 Melectmnic ...... 2018 Basic Line ...... 20t t, 2034, 2059 General ...... 20t t Memorex ...... 2001, 20t5, 2017_ Beaumal-k ...... 2057 Go Video ...... 2077, 208t ...... 2019, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2037, Bell & Howell ...... 2037 Goldhand ...... 2034 .... 2052, 2057, 2062, 2085, 2087, 2088 Blaupunkt ..... 2003, 2005, 2010, 2014_ Goldstar ...... 20t7, 2018, 2053, 2079 Memphis ...... 2034 • . . 204t, 2042, 2048, 2054, 2055, 2075 Goodmans 2001, 20t7, 2034, 2059, 2075 Metz ...... 2003, 2005, 2017, Brm/dt ...... 2047, 2064, 2065 Gradiente ...... 2001, 2008 ...... 2042, 2048, 2055, 2069 Brm/dt Electronic ...... 2021 Graetz ...... 2005, 202t, 2037, 2057 MGA ...... 2023, 2057 Broksonic .2002, 2040, 2046, 2052, 2078 Grmmda ...... 2025, 2035, 2037 MGN Technology ...... 2057 Bush ...... 2034, 2052, 2059, 2072 Grm/din ...... 200t, 2017, 2034 Minerva ...... 2048 Calix ...... 2017 Gmndig . .2003, 2005_ 2007, 20t0, 2034, Minerva ...... 2005, 20t0, 2048 (?anon ...... 2015 .2035, 2048, 2050, 2054, 2069, 207t, 2075 Minolta ...... 2022 Capeh_l ...... 2011 Hanseatic ...... 20t 7 Mitsubishi .2023, 2027, 2033, 2035, 2045 Carver ...... 2035 Harley Davidson ...... 2001 Motorola ...... 20t5, 2027 (?atl-on ...... 2011 HannaniKardon ...... 2018,2035 MTC ...... 200t, 2057 CCE ...... 2034, 2059 Harwood ...... 2034 Multitech ...... 200t, 2034 CGE ...... 2001 IfCM ...... 2034 Mul_hy ...... 200t Cimline ...... 2034 I feadquarter ...... 2025 NAD ...... 203t (?inel-al ...... 2059 Hinari ...... 2004, 2034, 2057, 2072 National ...... 2054 Citizen ...... 2017, 2059 Hi-Q ...... 2026 NEC ..... 2018, 2020, 2021, 2033, 2037 (?latronic ...... 2011 Hitachi 200t, 2004, 202t, 2022, 2043, 2057 Neckemlann ...... 2035 Colt ...... 2034 Hughes Network Systems ...... 2022 Nesco ...... 2034 Combitech ...... 2072 Hypson ...... 2034 Nikko ...... 2017 Condor ...... 2011 Imperial ...... 2001 Nikon ...... 2014 Craig .... 2017, 2026, 2034, 2057, 2058 Ingelsol ...... 2004 Noblex ...... 2057 Crown ...... 20t t, 2034, 2059 Interfimk ...... 2035 Nokia ...... 2025, 2037, 2038, 2057 Curtis Mathes ...2015, 202t, 2032, 2042 ITT ...... 2005, 2021, 2025, Nokia .... 2021, 2025, 2037, 2038, 2057 Cy[_mex ...... 2057 ...... 2037, 2038, 2057, 2074 Northnende •2021, 206t, 2064, 2065, 2074 Cyms ...... 2035 rrv ...... 2017, 2059 Oce_fic ...... 200t, 2021 Daewoo . .201 t, 2024, 2025, 2059, 2083 Jensen ...... 202t Okano ...... 2063, 2070 Dmasai ...... 2034 JVC ...... 2008, 2021, 2033, Olympus ...... 2015, 2054 Daytron ...... 2011 ...... 2049, 2050, 2074, 2080 Optimus ...... 20t7, 2027, 2031, De Graaf ...... 2022, 2043 Kaisui ...... 2034 •.. 2037, 2042, 2077, 2086, 2087, 2088 Decca ...... 200t, 2035 KEC ...... 2017, 2059 Orion ...... 2002, 2004, 20t 6, Denon ...... 2022 Kendo ...... 2038, 2052 .... 2036, 2046, 2052, 2070, 2072, 2078 Dual ...... 2021 Kenwood ...... 2018, 2021, 2033 Osaki ...... 200t, 2017, 2034 Dumont ...... 200t, 2035, 2037 KLH ...... 2034 32 VCRCodesCont'd SE[ ...... 2004, 2035 Nmn ,h ...... 2034 OttoVersam/...... 2035 Seleco ...... 202t Yokan ...... 2034 Palladium ...... 2005, 20t7, 202t, 2034 Semp ...... 2024 Yoko ...... 201t, 2057 Pmlasonie ...... 2015,204Z gentra ...... 201t Zenitti ,,,2001,20t4, 20t9,2052,2078 ...... 2053, 2054, 2055, 2087 Shmp ...... 2027, 2073 Paflle Cinelna ...... 2016 ShilttOm ...... 2034, 2037 DVD Codes Paflle Marconi ...... 2021 Shoglm ...... 2057 Akai ...... 5316 Penny 20t 5, 2017, 20t 8, 2020, 2022, 2057 Shorai ...... 2004 HamlaniKal-don ...... 5314 Pentax ...... 2022 Siemens ...... 2003, 2005, JVC ...... 531t, 5318 Perdio ...... 2001 .... 20t 0, 20t7, 2030, 2035, 2037, 2048 Kenwood ...... 5307 Philco ...... 20t 5, 20t 8, 2052, 2078 Silva ...... 20t7 Magnavox ...... 5302 PhiliQs,, ,20t5, 2035 (DEFAULT VCRh Singer ...... 2024, 2034 Mitsnbishi ...... 5303 ...... 2074, 2075 ginltdyne ...... 2004, 2035 Onkyo ...... 5302, 5317, 5319 Phonola ...... 2035 Solavox ...... 201 t Pmlasoni ...... 530t, 5322 Pilot ...... 2017 Sonolor ...... 2025 Philips ...5302, 5308 (DEFAULT DVDI Pioneer ...... 203t, 2033, 2035 gontee ...... 20t 7 Pioneer ...... 5305, 5312, 5321 Portland ...... 2011 Sony ..... 200t, 2012, 2013, 20t4, 20t5 Proscm/ ...... 5304 Prolex ...... 2066 STg ...... 2022 RCA ...... 5304 Profitronie ...... 2057 Snnkai ...... 2070 gamsung ...... 5313 Proline ...... 2001 Snnstar ...... 2001 gharp ...... 5320

Proscm/ ...... 2032 Snntronic ...... 200t gony ...... 5306 Protec ...... 2034 Sylvmfia ...... 200t, 2015, 2023, 2035 Technics ...... 5301 Pulsar ...... 2019 SymhonJe ...... 2001 Theta Digibal ...... 5312 Pye ...... 2035 Tashiko ...... 200t Thomson ...... 5310 Quarter ...... 2025 Tatung ...... 2001, 202L 2035 "lbshJ ba ...... 5302 Quartz ...... 2025 Teac ...... 2001, 202t Y,'unaha ...... 530t, 5309 Quasar ...... 20t 5, 2042, 2087 TEC ...... 201t Quelle ...... 2035 Technics ...... 2015, 2042, 2054 Cable Box Codes Radio ghack ...... 200t, 2085 Teknika ...... 200t, 2015, 2007, 20t7 ABC ..... 3002, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3008 Radiola ...... 2035 Teleavia ...... 202t Andover ...... 3037 Radix ...... 2017 Telefunken 202t, 2047, 2058, 2064, 2074 Bell & Howell ...... 3006 RCA 2015, 2022, 2027, 2032, 2038, 2057 Tenosal ...... 2034 Bir_nin_tm Cable Commmiication .. 3020 Realistic ...... 2001, 20t 5, Tensai ...... 2001, 2066 British Telecom ...... 3002, 3012 ...... 2017, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2037 Thomas ...... 200t Cabletime ..... 30t 6, 30t9, 3025, 3029 REX ...... 202t, 2074 Thomson ...... 2021, 2064, 2074 Clyde ...... 3011 RFT ...... 2075 Thorn ...... 2016, 2021, 2037 Contec ...... 3009 Rieoh ...... 2014 TMK ...... 2051, 2057 Cryptovision ...... 3038 Roadstar ...... 20t 7, 2034, 2057, 2059 'lbshiba . .202t, 2023, 2024, 2035, 2074 Daehan ...... 3043 Runco ...... 2019 'lbtelevision ...... 20t 7, 2057 Daeryung ...... 3003 gaba ...... 202t, 2049, 2050, 'lbwa&a ...... 2066 Decsat ...... 3027 ...... 2061, 2064, 2065, 2074 Uher ...... 2057 Everquesst ...... 3007 gaisho ...... 2004, 20t6, 2036, 2052 Uniteeh ...... 2057 Filmnet ...... 3028 galore ...... 2023, 2025, 2038 Universum ...... 2001, 2006, 2010, France Telecom ...... 3030 gamsnng ...... 2024, 2057, 2076, 2077 .... 20t 7, 2035, 2038, 2048, 2057, 2067 GEC ...... 3011 gmlky ...... 2019, 2027 Vector ...... 2024 Gemini ...... 3007 gansni ...... 2001, 2021, Vector Research ...... 20t 8, 2020 Gener_d fnstrmnent . .3004, 3020, 3031, 3046 ...... 2033, 2052, 2058, 2078 Victor ...... 2008, 2021, 2033 Goldstar ...... 3014, 3047 ganyo ...... 2025, 2026, 2037, 2057 Video Concepts ...... 2020, 2024 Grnndig ...... 3035 gaville ...... 2072 Videosonic ...... 2057 Hitachi ...... 3004 gBR ...... 2035 Wards ...... 2001, 20t5, 2022, Jaseo ...... 3007 gchaub Lorenz , ,2001, 2005, 202t, 2037 .... 2026, 2027, 2032, 2034, 2035, 2057 Jerrold ...... 3002, 3004, 3005, gclmeider ...... 200t, 2034, 2035 White Westinghouse ...... 2052, 2059 ...... 3006, 3007, 3020, 303t, 3046 gcott ...... 2023, 2024, 2040, 2046 XR-1000 ...... 200t LG Alps ...... 3044 gears ...... 2001, 20t 5, XR-1001 ...... 20t5 Memorex ...... 3001 ...... 2017, 2022, 2025, 2026, 2037 XR- 1002 ...... 2034 Mnet ...... 3009, 3028 gEG ...... 2057, 2066 Yamaha ...... 20t 8 Now ...... 3041

33 Cable Box Codes Blaupunkt ...... 4008 Mediamar kt ...... 4015 Now ...... 3041 Boca ...... 40t 5, 4043 Mediasat ...... 4059 Oak ...... 3009 Brain Wave ...... 4022 Minerva ...... 4048 Pacific ...... 3039 British Broadcasting ...... 4058 Morgan)s ...... 4015, 4043 Panasonic ...... 300t, 3013 BT ...... 4053 Navex ...... 4022 Paragon ...... 3001 Bush ...... 4002 Neuhaus ...... 4039 Pioneer ...... 3014, 3036 Cambridge ...... 4024 Neusat ...... 4057 Pulsar ...... 3001 Canal Satellite ...... 4059 Newhaus ...... 4013 PVP Stereo Visual Matrix ...... 3002 Canal+ ...... 4059 Nokia A005, 4032, 4037, 4049, 4054, 4063 Quasar ...... 3001 Channel Master ...... 4029 Nordmende ...... 4029 Radio Shack ...... 3007 CNT ...... 4045 Orbitech ...... 4039 Rembrandt ...... 3004 Comlink ...... 40t 9 Oxtbrd ...... 4024 Runco ...... 3001 Connexions ...... 403 t Pace ...... 4002, 4009, 40t 4, Salora ...... 3026 Crown ...... 40t5 ...... 4023, 4037, 4055, 405g Samsung ...... 3014, 3040 Cyrus ...... 401t Palladium ...... 4048 SNbox ...... 3024 D-Box ...... 4054 Palsat ...... 4039 Scientific ...... 3003, 3032, 3049 DDC ...... 4029 Pmlda ...... 4037 Scientific Atlm/ta ..... 3003, 3008, 3021 DNT ...... 40t 1,403t Philips ...... 4007, 40t 1, Seawoo ...... 3045 Echostar ...... 4031,4036, 406t ...... 4020, 4037, 4048, 4059 Signal ...... 3007 Emmlon ...... 4034 Phonotrend ...... 4019, 4050 Signature ...... 3004 Ferguson ...... 4002, 4009, 40t 0, 4023 Pioneer ...... 402 t, 4059 Starcom ...... 3002, 3007 Fidelity ...... 40t 6 Planet ...... 4061 St_gate ...... 3007 Finlux ...... 4005, 4024, 4032, 4037 Promax ...... 4037 Starquest ...... 3007 Fl-acalTo ...... 406 t Prosat ...... 4019 STS ...... 3015 Freecom ...... 4034 Quadral ...... 4029, 4044 Taihan ...... 3043 FTE ttumax ...... 4060 Radiola ...... 4011 Tele+l ...... 3028 F'uI,_ ...... 4030, 4031, 4034 Radix ...... 403 t, 4064 Teleservice ...... 3022 Galaxis ...... 4019, 4057, 4060 RFT ...... 40tt, 4013, 4019 Tocom ...... 3005 General Instrument ...... 40t 2 Saba ...... 4023, 4045 Tongkook ...... 3042, 3048 Gold Box ...... 4059 Sabre ...... 4037 Toshiba ...... 3001 Gooding ...... 4048 Sagem ...... 4056 Tudi ...... 3023 Goodmans ...... 40t 0 Salora ...... 4005 Tusa ...... 3007 G17andig ...... 4008, 40t 0, 4048 SAT ...... 4027, 403g United Cable ...... 3002 G-sat ...... 4009 Satcom ...... 4026, 4051 Videoway ...... 3017 Itinari ...... 4009 Saree ...... 4009 Visitable+ ...... 3033 Hirscttimmm . .4008, 4032, 4039, 4040, 4049 Saml_ter ...... 4026 Weshninster ...... 3012 Hitachi ...... 4037 Salpartner ..... 4022, 4034, 4040, 4045 Wolsey Gene ...... 3037 Houston ...... 4053 Schwaiger , ...... 4009, 4041 Zenith ...... 300t, 3034 Huth ...... 4013, 4015, 40t 9, 4026 Seemmm ...... 403t, 4046 Intervision ...... 4050 SEG ...... 4030, 4034 Satellite Receiver Codes Invideo ...... 406t Siemens ...... 4008 Absat ...... 4006 ITT ...... 4005 Skymaster ...... 40t9, 4044, 4051 Alba ...... 4029, 4034, 4037, 4052 Johansson ...... 4022 Sony ...... 4017, 401g Aides ...... 4019 JVC ...... 4048 Strong ...... 4062 Amstrad ...... 4003, 40t 6, 'Katht_in .40IN, 4006, 4008, 40t t, 4035, 4041 Sunstar , ...... 4043 ...... 4025, 4038, 4039_ 4042 Kreiselmeyer ...... 4008 Tm/tec ...... 4023, 4037 Ankard ...... 40t 3, 40t9, 4030, 4044 Kyostar ...... 4034 Techniland ...... 4026 Anttron ...... 4009, 4034 La Sat ...... 4043, 4045 Technisat ...... 400t, 4039 Am1 strong ...... 4015 Lenco ...... 4034 Teletim ken ...... 4034 AST ...... 4027 Lennox ...... 4050 Teleka ...... 4015, 4052 Astra ...... 4005 Lupus ...... 4030 ...... 4008, 4039, 4045 Luxor ...... 4005, 4049 Avalon ...... 4031 Manhattan ...... 4037, 4045, 4050 Axis ...... 4030, 4046 Marantz ...... 401t Beko ...... 4010 Maspro ...... 4004, 4023 Best ...... 4030 Matsui ...... 4024, 4048

34 W;(,It _sing the T_" I_dt_lot(, co!ttro] with air ternaf accessory device, first make certain the Froper mode k_ selected and the

?_qllote ]'lffd,_ /)(_(_n p_gral_ll_(_d to condo[ tilt_ device (_ee pages 30-31 .

toPresshighlightthe SELECTthe propelbuttonaccessoryrepeatedlymode (VCR, DVD, SAT, AME or ACt,), Power Button Press to turn tire accessory device ON mad fi-oTltPointofthethetopaccessoryof the remotedevice'stowardremotethe OFF. sensor window when pressing butloTls, Pause Button II / Press to tenlpol-alily stop the videotape, DVD disc, etc., during a playback or External Accessory Mode Indicator ...... ,, wlren the Select buttoTl is repeatedly pressed, recording. Press again to release Pause. the indicator will ]figlllight what mode the Fasl Forward Button 0A_nd Forward) _• remote eonh-ol is ill Press to rapidly advance a videotape, DVD disc, etc. For some devices, you may need Seloet Button to press the STOP buttoTl fil-st, theTl the Press repeatedly to highlight mad select one of ] FAST FORWARD button. In playback the accessory modes within the Mode Indictor. / mode, hoH the button down to view the t Rescind Button (Fast Reverse)_cql L icture moving rapidly in the lbrwald Press to rewind tapes or thst rewind DVD direction. discs. For some aeeessoq devices, the STOP Play Button • Press to begin playback of a videotape or REWIND. [n playback mode, hold do_sTl the DVD disc, etc. buttoTl to view the picture iTioving rapidly ill buttonreverse. may have to be pressed ill-st, the_l / Channel _ and - Buttons Press to scan _tp or down through the chaTl- Stop Button • Tlel nun_bel-s using the external accessory Press to stop the playback of a tape or disc devices _uTler Isome accessory devices do in playback, rewind, _hst _brwald, and so on. ® not have chmnrel tuners),

Hold file RECiordigap) mid PLAY • buttons _--- Numlrer Buttons Record Button down to begin a VCR recording. Press bultons for the direct selection of external device chmnrels i f the unit is equipped with a tuTlel-.

-- TWVCR Button 0000 Press wtfile in the VCR mode (the VCR indi- cator on the fr_mt of the trait will tight} tu view the playback ofa _ape. Press again to place in the TV lx_si_ion (the VCR indicatur light will go off) _o view one program M_ite recording another program.

Remembar, the VCR buttons on the remote will not _,erate )xmr VCR if those features are not found _m your VCR rcnnute con_tt. NOTE: All VCR thnctkms (particularly Search, Rewind, F,_st Forward, etc.) wilt oper- ate the same as with the original VCR relnote c_mtrol provided with the VCR.

35 MI

No Power Remote Does Not Work Continued • Check the TV power cord. Unplug the TV, wait 10 seconds, • Clean the remote control and tile remote control sensor win- then reinsert the plug into the outlet and push the POWER dow on the TV. button again. • Check the TV power cord. Unplug the TxL wait t 0 seconds, • Check that the outlet is not on a wall switch_ then reinsert the plug into the outlet and push the POWER • Be sure the fuse is not blown on tile AC power strip, if one is button again. t_ing use& • Be sure the fuse is not blown on the AC power strip, if one is being used. No Picture • Check to be sure the TV outlet is not on a wall switch. • Check antenna connections. Are they properly secured to the TV's ANT 75r.2 plug? TV Displays Wrong Channel or No Channds Above 13 • Check tile TUNER MODE control for the correct tuner set- • Repeat charnel selection. ting. • Add the desired channel numbers (using the CHANNEL • Try running the Aura Program teatul-e m find all available EDIT control) into the TV's memory. channels. • Check m be sure the TUNER MODES are set m the CABLE • Press the AV butlon on the remote to make sure the correct option and run the Auto Progrmn teatul-e to find all available signal source is selected (ERONT, AV1, AV2, CulTent channels. Channel, etc.). TV Displays white lines in letterbox _hen viewing a DVD No Sound disc • Check tile VOLUME buttons. • Some DVD Discs are encoded with as much as 30% more • Check tile MUTE butlon on the remote control video intbnnation m gi-_e the best possible picture quail/y. • lfyou'reattemNingtuhookupauxilimyequipment, check Wi[h the DVD Player in tile t 6:9 picture tblnalat, the play- the audio jack connections located on the front of the TM back of this type of disc with extra video in formation, can produce a number of small white lines in tile upper portion Remote Does Not Work of the black letlerbox area. Wi[h some of these discs, this sit- • Check tile batteries. Ifnecessmy, replace them with AA uation is unavoi&able and it does not require a service call. Heav2f Duty (Zinc Chloridffl or Alkaline batteries.

WARNING Concerning Stationary Images on the -IV Placement of the TV S_reen: • "lb avoid cabinet warping, cabinet color changes, and Do not leave stationa_)- or letterbox images on screen for increased chance of set tb_ilure, do not place the TV where extended periods of time. Yhis can cause uneven picture_ temperatures can become excessi-_ely ; for example, in tu be aging. direct sunlight or near a heating appliance. Normal use of the TV should involve the showing of pictures • Be sure to allow a of air to and from the perforated that contain constuntly moving and changing images that fill tile back cover of the set. screen. Be caretid not to leave nonmoving images on screen tbr Cleaning extended periods of time, or to display the same images on screen too frequently, because subtle ghost images can be left • _I_ avoid possible shock hazard, be sure the TV is unplugged on the picture tubes. Sources of stationary images may be DVD from the electrical outlet before cleaning, disks, laser disks, video gmnes, CD-i disks, videotapes, digital • Regularly dust tile TV with a dry, nonscratching duster to television boxes, broadcast channels, cable channels, satellite keep tile TV clean, channels, and others, Here are some examples of stationary • When cleaning tile TV, take care not to scratch or damage the images (this is not an alMnclusive list; you may encounter screen surface, Avoid wearing jewelry or using anyihing others in your viewing): abrasive, Do not use household cleaners, Wipe the front • DVD menu,s---listings ofDVD disk content screen with a clean cloth &_tmpened with water, Use even, • Letterbox black bar_>--shown at the top and bottom of the easy. vertical strokes when cleaning. TV screen when a wide screen (t 6:9} movie is viewed Ol/a • Gently wipe tile cabinet surfaces wi[h a clean cloth or sponge TV with standard (4:3) aspect ratio. dampened in a solution of cool, clear water and a mikl soap • Video-game images and scoreboards or deteNent. Use a clean, dry cloth to dry tile wiped surfaces. • Ielevision station Iogo_---present a problem if they are • Occasionally vacuum tile ventilation holes or slots in the back cover of the set. bright and stationary; moving or low-contrast graphics ,ale less likely to cause uneven aging of the picture tube • Never use thinners, insecticide sprays, or other chemicals on • Stock-market ticker._presented at tlae t_tlom oftheTV or near tile cabinet, as they might cause permanent maning screen of the cabinet finish. • Shopping channel logos and pricing displays---bright and shown constuntly or repeatedly in tile same location on tile TV screen.

3_ AcflveControlTM ...... 27 Nmne Conrol ...... 7-8 Alternate Channel Control ...... 25 Pemlm/ent OSD ...... 24 Audio Out (ontrol ...... 10 Picture Control ...... 9

AutoChlon TM Controls ...... 12 Program List Control ...... 27

AutoLock TM Controls QuadraSurf TM Controls ...... 25-26 Access Code ...... 14 Registration ofTV In/blnalation ...... 2

AutoLock TM Review Screen ...... 20 Remote Control Use with Accessory Devices Blocking Programs based on Movie Ratings ...... 17 Code-Entry Method of Identification ...... 31 Blocking Programs based on TV Ratings ...... lg Mode Selection ...... 30 Locking Channels ...... 15 Direct-Entry Code List ...... 32-34

Clearing All Locked Channels ...... 16 Accessory Device Specific 9ut[ons ...... 35

Understm/ding flae AutoLock TM Features ...... 13 Rotation Control ...... 23

AutoPictul-e TM Control ...... 29 Safety In formation ...... 3 Auto progrmn (ontrols ...... 6 SAP (Secontkn_ry Audio Programsl Control ...... 10

AutoSound TM (ontrol ...... 29 Sharpness Control ...... 9 AVL (Automatic Volume Levelel-i Control ...... 10 Sleep Timer Control ...... 28 Balance Control ...... 10 StereoiMono Control ...... 10 Bass Control ...... 10 Timer Controls

Brightness ( ontrol ...... 9 Activate Control ...... 11 Care and Cleaning Intbmlaflon ...... 36 Clock, Time Control ...... 11 Chmmel Edit Cotnrols ...... 6 Display Control ...... 11 Closed Captioning ...... 22 Progam No, Control ...... 11 Color Control ...... 9 Stmi Time Control ...... 11

Color Temperature (Color Temp) Control ...... 9 Stop Time Control ...... 11 Dynamic Bass ...... 10 Tint Control ...... 9 Dyn(amic) Contrast Control ...... 9 Treble Control ...... 10 Dynamic NR (Nosie Reduction) ...... 24 Troubleshooting ...... 36 Factol3, Service Locations ...... 38-39 Tuner Mode Controls ...... 5 Feature Highlights ...... 4 TV Speaker Control ...... 10 Freeze Control ...... 28 Warranty (Limited) ...... 40 [ncr,(edible) Surround Control ...... 10 Wide Semen Fomlat Controls ...... 21 [ndex ...... 37

Language Control ...... 5

37 Indl_ In-Ho_ ServiceOnly _/--_ MliwauJe_:callChicago - _\ _ Houston CincinnatiandColumbus:callCleveland Nash_lleandChattanooga:callKnox_ll_ WashingtmVBardmore:callPhiladetphia Char/ofte:callA#anta All _ Iccagons;callTampa


NOTE: If you reside in one of our Philips Factory Service Branch areas (see directory o_ back), you can contact the _earest Service Bra_ch to obtain efficient and expedient repair for your product. If your product is In-Warranty, you should have proof-of-purchase to ensure No Charge Service. For Out-of*Warral}ty service, call the location nearest you.

NOTA:Si vous residez dane one des regions desservies par une succursele de service apres vente du fabricant Philips (voir liste ci-dessous), vous poorrez contacter la bra_}chede service spree ve_}tela plus pres de chez vous pour obtenir un service spree ve_}terapide et efficace Si le produit ect sous gara_tie, il suffira de presenter une preuve d achat pour beneficier d'un service sans frais. Pour les produits non cooverts par la gara_}tie,corn tactez le ce_tre le plus pres de chez vous.

NOTk: Si Ud reside en ona de _uestras zonas pars sucurseles Philips de servicio al de fabrics (vet directorio m_s abajo), Ud. puede comonicarse con la sucursel de servicio m,Jscercana para obtener una reparaci0n oportuna y eficazde su producto Si su prodocto est,Jtc_avla bajo garant[a, Ud. debe presentar co_;qproba_ltede compra pars no ocasionar _lingunos cargos pot servicio P,Jraservicio deepues del vencimiento de la gar,Jntia,name al lugar m_s cerca_}ode los abajo indicados.

How you ca_Tobtain efficient a_}dexpedie_}tcarry-in, mail-in, or imhome service for your product Pleasecontact Philips at 1-800-661-6162 (Fre_}chspeaking) 1-800-363-7278 (English or Spallish speaking)

Comment obtenir le service apres-vente poor lee produits apportes ou envoyes par ]a paste a notre centre de service ou le service _ domicile Veuinezco_;tacter philips _: 1-800-661-6162 (lra_;cophone) 1-800-363-7278 (Anglaisou Espagnol) E_ C0mo recibir servicio efficiente pars su producto, en persona, par correo o a domicillo Favor de co_;qu_;icarseco_ Philipe al: 1-800-661-6162 (franc0fono) 1-800-363-7278 (Ingles o Espanol))

MA02929 Rev DD. 1/1/2902 EL4482-3 Rev. DD 3135 015 07541


ATLANTA CLEVELAND CHICAGO Phi(ipsFactoryService PMlipsFactoryService Philips FactoryService 550 FrankiinRoad.,Suite F 950 KeynoteCircle 1279 W, Hami(tonPkwy. Marietta,GA30067 BrooklynHeights,OH44131 Itasea,IL 60143 8002731501 800331 7037 800531 _2922 TAMPA DETROIT KNOXVILLE Phi(ipsFacto(yService Philips FactoryService Philips FactoryService 1911 USHighway301 North 25173 Dequindre 6700 D Papermill Rd. Tampa,FL 33619 MadisonHeights,M148071 Kno_(vil(e,TN 37919 8004422027 8004381398 800821 4767 SANFRANCISCO DALLAS PHILADELPHIA F)hi(JpsFacto(yService PhilipsFactoryService Philips FactoryService 681 East8rokaw Rd. 415 N Main St{eat, #107 352 Dunks Ferry Rd, SanJose,CA95112 Euless,TX76040 Bensa(em,PA 19020 8003009013 8009523254 800847_9320 HOUSTON Phi(JpsFacto(yService 1110 N.Post OakRd., Suite 100 Houston,TX77055 8009523254

M&C2929 1/1/2002

39 II!I_ Iiidde,]kV_V/-41tIT-4_Itik"4

COLOR TELEVISION 90 Days Free Labor One Year Free Replacement of Parts (Two Years Free Replacement on CoIor Picture Tube) This product can be repaired in-home.

WHO IS COVERED? MAKE SURE YOU KEEP.,. You must have proof of purchase to receive warranty service. A sales Please keep your Sales receipt or other document showing proof of receipt or other document showing that you purchased the product is purchase, Attach it to this owner's manual and keep both nearby. considered proof of purchase. Also keep the original box and packing material in case you need to return your product, WHAT IS COVERED? Warrarlty coverage begins the day you buy your product, rot. 90 days BEFORE REQUESTING SERVICE... thereafter_ all parts wit{ be repaired or replaced free, and labor is free. Please check your OWner's manual before requesting service, From 90 days to one year from the day of purchase, atl parts wil{ be Adjustments of the controls di_u_Lsed there may save you a service repaired or replaced free, but you pay for all labor charges, Fror11 one call tO tWO years frotl/the day of purchase, you pay for the replacement or repair of all parts except the picture tube, and for ali labor charges. TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE IN U.S.A., After two years from the day of purchase, you pay for the replacemetlt PUERTO RICO OR U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... or repair of all parts, and for all labor charges. Coni3ct a Philips factory service center {see enclosed list) or author- At{ parts, including repaired and replaced parts, are covered only for ized service center to arrar_je repair. the original warranty period. When the warranty on the product (in U,S,A,, Puerto Rico and U,S. Virgin Islands, all implied warranties, expires, the warrarlty or1 all replaced and repaired parts a_so expires. inclodir_j implied warranties of merchani3bility and fitness for a partic- WHAT IS EXCLUDED? ular purpose, are limited in duration to the duration of this express warranty. But, because some states do not allow limitations on how Your warranty does not cover; long an implied warranty may last, this limii3tion may not apply to labor charges for installation or setup of the product, adiustment Of you,) customer controls on the product, arid installation or repair of antenna systems outside of the product. FOR WARRANTY COVERAGE IN CANADA... product repair arid/or part replacement because of misuse, acci- dent, unauthorized repair or other cause not within the control of Note: Product Warranty coverage may vary between countries where Philips ConsLIrtler Electronics Company. product is distributed by PhiIips Consumer Electronics Company. In reception problems caused by signal conditions or cable or antenna order to receive full and specific warranty details for products sold and systems Outside the unit, serviced in Canada, please contact Philips at: a product that requires modificatiorl or adaptation to enabte it to 1-800-661-6162 (from Canada - French Speaking) operate in any country other tharl the courltry for which it was 1-800-531-0035 (Er_jlish and Spanish Speaking) designed, manufactured, approved and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modifications. irlciderltal or consequential darl/age$ resuttirlg from the product, REMEMBER... (_ome states do rlot allow the exclusion of inciderlta{ or consequerl- Please record the modet and serial numbers found on the product tia{ damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This below, Also, please fill out and mail your warranty registration card klcludes, but is not lirl/ited to, prerecorded material, whether Copy* prompdy. It will be easier for us to notify you if necessary, righted or not copyrighted,) a product used for commercial or institutional purposes.

WHERE IS SERVICE AVAILABLE? MODEL# Warrallty service is available irl all countries where the product is offi- cially distributed by Philips Consumer Electronics Comparty. In coun- tries where Philips Consumer Electronics Company does not distribute SERIAL# the product, the local Philips service organization will attempt to pro* vide service (although there may be a detay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual(s) are not readity available),

ii;i!i;_iliil!ii__ii_ii_ii_ii_ii_ii_ii_ii_i_ii_i! _n_ ig_ !_:_!!_ _ i_il; _! !_ i_;_ii_ i¸_ii_ _ili i_ _!!_ _ii ¸_i_i__ __i_ _ _ i__!!_ _ _ _iil i!i¸Iili!i!;i¸!i_ii!;ilil!iil!;ii!liil!;iil!iil!;iil!iil!;i

Philip,, P.O. Box 520890, Miami, FL 33152, (402) 536-4171

_=inted in _S.A