RONALD L. BREIGER Curriculum Vitae

Present Position

Professor, Department of , , Tucson, AZ 85721-0027 Member, Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Statistics, University of Arizona

Chronology of Education

A.B. 1970, , Sociology, Summa cum Laude. Thesis: ―Value Conceptions in Early American Sociology.‖ Ph.D. 1975, Harvard University, Sociology. Dissertation: Dual and Multiple Networks of Social Structure.

Chronology of Employment

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, 1975-79. Associate Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, 1979-81. Professor of Sociology, , 1981-2000. Chair, Department of Sociology, 1988-93 Director of Graduate Studies, 1982-85, 1987-88 Goldwin Smith Professor of Sociology, Cornell University, 1995-2000 Visiting Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona, 1999-2000 Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona, 2000-current

Major Honors and Awards

Sociological Research Association, elected to membership in 1981 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1985-86 Fulbright Senior Scholar, Australia, 1987-88 (declined due to the arrival of our son in February 1988) Endowed professorship, Cornell University, 1995 Researcher in Residence, Santa Fe Institute, January 2001 Visiting Professor of Sociology, University of Lille-1 (France), 2002 (May-June) Simmel Award, International Network for Analysis, 2005 Who‘s Who in America, vol. 58 (2004) onward Who‘s Who in American Education, vol. 7 (2006) onward

Major Professional Activities, 2000 onward

Editor (with Linton Freeman), Social Networks, 1998-2006 Member, Editorial Board, Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media R.L. Breiger — 2 —

and the Arts, 2000-current Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Forum (Eastern Sociological Society), 2006- current. Prior to 2000: Service on Editorial Boards of American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Sociological Methodology. Chair, James S. Coleman Distinguished Career in Award Selection Committee, American Sociological Association, 2006 Member of the external faculty, AILUN (the Free University of Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy) International Master‘s Program in Organizational Science, July 2006. Elected to Council, Section on Mathematical Sociology, American Sociological Association, 2004-06 Member, Carnegie Mellon University President‘s Advisory Board on Social and Decision Sciences (conducts external program reviews every five semesters), 2000. Chair, National Academy of Sciences Workshop on Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis, Washington, DC, November 7-9, 2002 Assisted government and private-sector agencies in assessing the capabilities of to provide sound models and applications for current problems of national importance, with a particular emphasis on national security. Membership Committee, Sociological Research Association, 2003 External Member of PhD Committee, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada (including presence at the PhD examination, June 2005) Invited non-European participant in the European Science Foundation Seminar on Social Network Analysis (Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Program), Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 7-8, 2005.

Publications, in chronological order

Books, Monographs, and Special Journal Issues

Ronald L. Breiger (editor), Social Mobility and Social Structure. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Ronald L. Breiger, Explorations in Structural Analysis. New York and London: Garland Publishing (Harvard Studies in Sociology series; A.B. Sørensen and L. Greenfeld, general editors), 1991.

Ronald Breiger, Kathleen Carley, and Philippa Pattison (editors), Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis: Workshop Summary and Papers. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences / NationalAcademies Press, 2003, pp. xi + 379. (Full text available online at

Ray-May Hsung, Nan Lin, and Ronald Breiger (eds.), Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Communities, Markets, and Organizations. New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2007.

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Ronald L. Breiger (editor), Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network Analysis, special journal issue. Social Networks 27 / 2, 2005.

Ronald L. Breiger (editor), Culture and Classification in Markets, special journal issue. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts 33 / 4, 2005.

Chapters in Scholarly Books and Monographs

R.L. Breiger (1981), ―Structures of Economic Interdependence Among Nations.‖ In: Peter M. Blau and Robert K. Merton (eds.), Continuities in Structural Inquiry. Sage Publications: London, England, and Beverly Hills, CA, 335-382.

R.L. Breiger (1982), ―A Structural Model of Occupational Mobility.‖ In: Peter V. Marsden and Nan Lin (eds.), Social Structure and Network Analysis. Sage, Beverly Hills, CA, Ch. 1, 17-32.

R.L. Breiger (1982), ―A Reply to Professor [Leo A.] Goodman.‖ Pp. 36–38 in Marsden and Lin, ibid.

Jerry A. Jacobs and R.L. Breiger (1988), ―Careers, Industries, and Occupations: Industrial Segmentation Reconsidered.‖ In: George Farkas and Paula England (eds.), Industries, Firms, and Jobs: Sociological and Economic Approaches. Plenum Press, New York and London: 43-63.

[expanded edition: Aldine de Gruyter, New York, 1994], pp. 43–63.

R.L. Breiger (1990), ―Social Control and Social Networks: A Model from Georg Simmel.‖ In: Craig Calhoun, Marshall W. Meyer, and W. Richard Scott (eds.), Structures of Power and Constraint: Papers in Honor of Peter M. Blau. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 453-476.

R.L. Breiger (1990), ―On the Structural Analysis of Social Mobility.‖ In Ronald L. Breiger (ed.), Social Mobility and Social Structure, Cambridge University Press, 1990, 1-23.

R.L. Breiger (1990), ―Intermediate Classes and the Structure of Mobility.‖ In: Breiger (ed.), Social Mobility and Social Structure, ibid., 225-244.

R.L. Breiger and John M. Roberts, Jr. (1998), ―Solidarity and Social Networks.‖ In: Patrick Doreian and Thomas J. Fararo (eds.), The Problem of Solidarity: Theories and Models. Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam, 239-262.

Shin-Kap Han and R.L. Breiger (1999), ―Dimensions of Corporate Social Capital: Toward Models and Measures.‖ In: Roger Th.A.J. Leenders and Shaul M. R.L. Breiger — 4 —

Gabbay (eds.), Corporate Social Capital and Liability. Kluwer Academic, Boston, 94-109.

R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Writing (and Quantifying) Sociology.‖ In: Jonathan Monroe (ed.), Writing and Revising the Disciplines. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY and London, 90-112.

R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Poststructuralism in Organizational Studies.‖ In: Michael Lounsbury and Marc J. Ventresca (eds.), Social Structure and Organizations Revisited. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (JAI Press / Elsevier Science), 19: 295–305.

R.L. Breiger (2003), ―Emergent Themes in Social Network Analysis: Results, Challenges, Opportunities.‖ In: R.L. Breiger, K. Carley, and P. Pattison (eds.), Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis, National Academies Press, Washington DC, 17-35.

R.L. Breiger, K. Carley, and P. Pattison (2003), ―Workshop Summary.‖ In: R.L. Breiger et al. (eds.), ibid., 1-14.

R.L. Breiger (2005), ―White, Harrison,‖ In: George Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 884-886.

R.L. Breiger (2005), ―Structure.‖ In: Jens Beckert and Milan Zafiroski (eds.), Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Routledge, New York and London, 660- 664.

Ray-May Hsung and R.L. Breiger (2007), ―Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals.‖ Chapter in R.M. Hsung, Nan Lin, and R.L. Breiger (eds.), Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Communities, Markets, and Organizations. New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2007.

Refereed Journal Articles

R.L. Breiger (1974), ―The Duality of Persons and Groups.‖ Social Forces 53: 181–90.

Harrison C. White and R.L. Breiger (1975), ―Pattern Across Networks.‖ Society 12 (July-August): 68–73.

R.L. Breiger, Scott A. Boorman, and Phipps Arabie (1975), ―An Algorithm for Clustering Relational Data with Applications to Social Network Analysis and Comparison with Multidimensional Scaling.‖ Journal of Mathematical Psychology 12: 328– 383.

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Harrison C. White, Scott A. Boorman, and R.L. Breiger (1976), ―Social Structure from Multiple Networks: I. Blockmodels of Roles and Positions.‖ American Journal of Sociology 81: 730–780.

R.L. Breiger (1976), ―Career Attributes and Network Structure: A Blockmodel Study of a Biomedical Research Specialty.‖ American Sociological Review 41: 117–135.

R.L. Breiger and Philippa E. Pattison (1978), ―The Joint Role Structure of Two Communities' Elites.‖ Sociological Methods and Research 7: 213–226.

R.L. Breiger (1978), ―Toward an Operational Theory of Community Elite Structures.‖ Quality and Quantity 13: 21–57.

R.L. Breiger and James G. Ennis (1979), ―Personae and Social Roles: The Network Structure of Personality Types in Small Groups.‖ Social Psychology Quarterly 42 (1979): 262–270.

R.L. Breiger (1981), ―The Social Class Structure of Occupational Mobility.‖ American Journal of Sociology 87: 578–611.

R.L. Breiger and Philippa E. Pattison (1986), ―Cumulated Social Roles: The Duality of Persons and Their Algebras.‖ Social Networks 8: 215–256.

R.L. Breiger and Jerry A. Jacobs (1987), ―On Occupational Mobility and Social Class (Comment on Snipp).‖ American Sociological Review 52: 413–416.

Peter Caputi, R.L. Breiger, and Philippa E. Pattison (1990), ―Analyzing Implications Grids Using Hierarchical Models.‖ International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology 3: 77–90.

R.L. Breiger (1995), ―Social Structure and the Phenomenology of Attainment.‖ Annual Review of Sociology 21: 115–36.

R.L. Breiger and James G. Ennis (1997), ―Generalized Exchange in Social Networks: Statistics and Structure.‖ L'Année sociologique 47 (1997): 73–88.

R.L. Breiger (2000), ―A Tool Kit for Practice Theory.‖ Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts 27 (2000): 91-115.

David Stark, Szabolcs Kemény, and R.L. Breiger (2000), ―Posztszocialista portfóliók. Hálózati stratégiák az állam árnyékában.‖ [Postsocialist Portfolios: Network Strategies in the Shadow of the State.] Közgazdasági Szemle, Part I (47: 393- 405), Part II (47: 430-445).

Philippa E. Pattison and R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Lattices and Dimensional Representations: Matrix Decompositions and Ordering Structures.‖ Social Networks 24: 423-444. R.L. Breiger — 6 —

R.L. Breiger (2004), ―The Analysis of Social Networks.‖ Refereed chapter in the Handbook of Data Analysis, edited by Melissa Hardy and Alan Bryman. Sage Publications, Ch. 22, 505-526.

R.L. Breiger and John W. Mohr (2004), ―Institutional Logics from the Aggregation of Organizational Networks: Operational Procedures for the Analysis of Counted Data.‖ Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 10: 17-43.

R.L. Breiger (2005), ―Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network Research: Introduction to Special Issue.‖ Social Networks 27: 89-93.

Yanji Bian, R.L. Breiger, Deborah Davis, and Joseph Galaskiewicz (2005), ―Occupation, Class, and Social Networks in Urban China.‖ Social Forces 85: 1443-1468.

R.L. Breiger (2005), ―Culture and Classification in Markets: An Introduction.‖ Poetics 33 (3–4): 157-162.


R L. Breiger (1981), ―Comment [on Paul Holland and Samuel Leinhardt, ‗An Exponential Family of Probability Distributions for Directed Graphs‘].‖ Journal of the American Statistical Association 76, 373: 51–53.

John Sonnett and R.L. Breiger (2004), ―How Relational Methods Matter.‖ Culture 19 (1): 1, 8-10.

R.L. Breiger (2007), ―Comment [on Mark S. Handcock and Adrian E. Raftery, ‗Model- Based Clustering for Social Networks‘].‖ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 170 (2007): 332-333.


R.L. Breiger (1997), "Law and the Social Order." In: Shannon Griffiths (ed.), Syllabi and Instructional Materials for the Sociology of Law. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association, 1-18.

R.L. Breiger (2000), ―Law and the Social Order.‖ In: Lloyd Klein (ed.), ibid., second ed., 123-30.

R.L. Breiger (2006), ―Social Statistics.‖ In: Rhoda Estep Macdonald (ed.), Social Statistics: Syllabi and Instructional Materials, second ed. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association, 137-38.

Translated and Reprinted Works

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R.L. Breiger and Philippa E. Pattison (1978), ―The Joint Role Structure of Two Communities‘ Elites.‖ In: Ronald S. Burt and Michael J. Minor, eds., Applied Network Analysis: A Methodological Introduction. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 326-336 [reprint of Breiger and Pattison 1978]

R.L. Breiger (1988), "The Duality of Persons and Groups" [revised version of Breiger1974]. In: Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz (eds.), Social Structures: A Network Approach. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 83–98.

Ibid., reprint edition, JAI Press, 1997.

R.L. Breiger (1991), "A foglalkozási mobilitás strukturális elemzése" ["A Structural Analysis of Occupational Mobility." Translation of Breiger 1982.] In: Angelusz Róbert and Tardos Róbert (ed.), Társadalmak rejtett hálózata [The Hidden Network of Societies], published by Magyar Közvéleménykutató Intézet [Hungarian Institute for Public Opinion Research], Budapest, Hungary, Chapter 2, 54-71.

Ronald L. Breiger (1991), "A nemzetek közötti gazdasági kapcsolatok struktúrái" ["Structures of Economic Interdependence Among Nations." Translation of Breiger 1981]. In: Angelusz Róbert and Tardos Róbert (ed.), ibid., Chapter 5, 111-135.

Ronald L. Breiger (2000), ―Control social y redes sociales: un modelo a partir de Georg Simmel,‖ Politica y Sociedad 33: 57-72. [Translation by Narciso Pizarro of Breiger 1990 (―Social Networks and Social Control….‖).] Journal published in Madrid.

Ronald L. Breiger (2002), ―Career Attributes and Network Structure: A Blockmodel Analysis of a Biomedical Research Specialty.‖ [Reprint of Breiger 1976.] In John Scott (ed.), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology. Routledge, London and New York.

Yanji Bian, R.L. Breiger, Deborah Davis, and Joseph Galaskiewicz (2005), "Zhongguo Chengshi de Zhiye, Jieceng, he Guanxiwang." [Translation of Bian et al., 2005] Gaifang Shidai (Opening Times) 178 (no. 4):98-118.

Electronic Publication—Invited

R.L. Breiger y John W. Mohr (traducción: Isidro Maya Jariego), ―La dualidad y la agregación de categorías sociales.‖ REDES – Revista Hispana para el Análysis de Redes Sociales, 5 (2004). – Invited contribution to introduce Spanish-speaking social network analysts to contemporary research on social networks. R.L. Breiger — 8 —

Book Reviews

R.L. Breiger (1977), review of A theory of Group Structures (two volumes), by Kenneth D. Mackenzie. Sociology and Social Research 61: 433-34.

R.L. Breiger (1983), review of Modelling Society: An Introduction to Loglinear Analysis for Social Researchers, by G. Nigel Gilbert. Contemporary Sociology 12: 433-34.

R.L. Breiger (1988), review of Images of Social Stratification: Occupational Structures and Class, by A.P.M. Coxon and P.M. Davies with C.L. Jones, Journal of Classification 5: 290-92.

R.L. Breiger (1999), review of Generating Social Stratification: Toward a New Research Agenda, edited by Alan C. Kerckhoff. Administrative Science Quarterly 44: 201- 04.

University Service, University of Arizona

Departmental Committees, University of Arizona

Executive Committee, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2003-04, 2004-05 Faculty Chair, 2001-02 Graduate Committee, 1999-00, 2003-04 Chair, Recruitment Committee, 2000-01, 2004-05, 2007-08 Member, Recruitment Committee, 2003-04, 2005-06, 2006-07 Member, department‘s Head Evaluation Committee (Spring 2004) Mentor to three assistant professors

College Committees (College of Social & Behavioral Sciences)

Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, SBS, 2000-01, 2001-02 Chair, Promotion & Tenure Committee, SBS, 2002-03 Member, Committee to Write Promotion & Tenure Guidelines, SBS College, 2005 Member, College committee to evaluate Sociology‘s department head, 2005-06

University Committees

Member, Academic Program Review (APR) Committee for the UA School of Public Administration & Policy, 2003 Member, Academic Program Review (APR) Committee, Department of Management and Policy, Eller College of Management, 2005 Member, Academic Program Review (APR) Committee, Department of Geography and Regional Development, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2007 R.L. Breiger — 9 —

Other: committees

Member, planning committee for a new graduate interdisciplinary program (GIDP) in Culture, Theory, and Society, 2003 onward.

Scholarly Presentations (2000-2007)

R.L. Breiger and Philippa E. Pattison (2000), ―Lattices and Dimensional Representations: Matrix Decompositions and Ordering Structures.‖ International Society for Social Network Analysis, Vancouver, April.

R.L. Breiger (2001), ―New Directions in Sociology: The Sociology of Culture and Mathematical Sociology,‖ American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 2001.

R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Loglinear Models for Social Network Analysis.‖ University of California at Santa Barbara, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Program, March.

R.L. Breiger (2002), « Interorganizational Relations, Social Networks, and Social Capital, » Séminaire du Réseaux et Régulation (CLERSÉ-IFRESI et LASMAS-IRESCO, Lille – Paris), Lille, France, May.

R.L. Breiger and John W. Mohr (2002), ―Duality and the Aggregation of Social Categories.‖ European Thematic Conference for Social Network Analysis: Mico-Macro Relations, Lille, France, May.

R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Social Capital: Coleman, Bourdieu, and the Rest of Us.‖ Department of Sociology, University of Lille, France, May.

R.L. Breiger (2002), ―Loglinear Models for Social Networks.‖ Department of Sociology, University of Lille, France, May.

R.L. Breiger and John W. Mohr (2002), ―Institutional Logics for Dual Aggregation.‖ Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Issues in Social Network Analysis, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine, August.

Yanjie Bian, R.L. Breiger, Deborah S. Davis, and Joseph Galaskiewicz (2003), ―Network Patterns of Social Class in Chinese Cities: Report of Work in Progress.‖ International Social Network Conference (Sunbelt XXIII), Cancún, México, February.

R.L. Breiger (2003), ―The Culture Wars in Methodology.‖ Thematic Session, American Sociological Association – Presentation invited by ASA President W.T. Bielby. Atlanta (August).

R.L. Breiger (2003), ―Aggregation Models for Institutional Logics.‖ American Sociological Association (Special Session on Formal Models and Cultural Interpretation), Atlanta (August).

Yanjie Bian, R.L. Breiger, Deborah S. Davis, and Joseph Galaskiewicz (2003), ―Network Patterns of Social Class.‖ American Sociological Association Section on Asia and Asian R.L. Breiger — 10 —

American Paper Session: Emerging Patterns of Class Inequality and Politics in Asia. Atlanta (August).

R.L. Breiger (2003), ―The Spinozan Problem of Order.‖ Roger Gould Memorial Conference, Yale University, Department of Sociology, October.

Ray-May Hsung and R.L. Breiger (2004), ―Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals.‖ International Conference on Social Capital: Communities, Classes, Organizations, and Social Networks. Dec. 13-14, 2004. Tunghai University, Taiwan. (Co-sponsors: Taiwan National Science Council and Ministry of Education.)

R.L. Breiger (2004), ―Correspondence Analysis and the Study of Position Generators.‖ Department of Sociology, Tunghai University, December 15.

R.L. Breiger (2004), ―Correspondence Analysis and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital.‖ Business School, Yuan Ze University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 17.

R.L. Breiger (2005), ―Keynote Address: Social Networks and the Spinozan Problem of Order.‖ International Network for Social Network Analysis annual conference, Redondo Beach, CA, February.

R.L. Breiger (2005). ―Class from Culture: A Study of New Year‘s Greeters in China.‖ European Science Foundation Conference on Social Network Analysis, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July.

R.L. Breiger (2005). ―The Future of Mathematical Sociology.‖ American Sociological Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, August.

Ray-May Hsung and R.L. Breiger (2006), ―Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals.‖ International Network for Social Network Analysis annual conference, Vancouver, Canada, April.

R.L. Breiger (2006). ―Networks and Fields: A Relational Pragmatics for Boundary Identification.‖ Invited Thematic Session presentation (Identifying Boundaries in Social Research), American Sociological Association annual meeting, Montréal, August.

Ray-May Hsung and R.L. Breiger (2007), ―The Creation of Differential Social Capital in Taiwan, China, and the United States.‖ International Network for Social Network Analysis annual conference, Corfu, Greece, May.

R.L. Breiger (2007). ―Cultural Holes: Networks, Meanings, and Formal Practices.‖ Invited presentation at the Culture Section Anniversary Session (Cultural Sociology and Disciplinary Change: A Twenty Year Assessment), American Sociological Association annual meeting, New York City, August (forthcoming).

Conference sessions organized/chaired/served as discussant

Organizer and Discussant, Session on Formal Models of Cultural Analysis, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2002.

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Organizer, Chair, and Discussant, Session on Culture and Social Networks, International Social Networks Conference, New Orleans, February 2002

Chair, session on The Relationship between Culture Theory and Meaning Measurement, American Sociological Association Section on Culture Conference on Meaning and Measurement, Atlanta, 2003

Discussant, ―Economic Sociology: Culture and Classification in Markets.‖ American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2004

Discussant, session on ―Advances in Content Analysis and the Sociology of Culture.‖ American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2004.

Chair, session on The Politics of AIDS, Third Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (US), Tucson, April 22, 2005.